grimstonepoint · 4 years
Grimstone Point Training Groups
Black Group 
Sophia Middleton
John Acosta
Keegan Gilmore - CO-Team Leader
Sabina Mistry
Daniel Black
Crystal Cohen
Noah Thomspon
Charlotte Martin
Summer Jacobs
Ryan Nieves
Wentworth Frank
Theodore Capra -  CO-Team Leader
Jazmine Martinez
Lorelai Jennings
Naomi Patton
Ethan Parkinson
Red Group
Wren Rogers
Ivan Torres
Austin Foster
Danika Porter
Gabriel Rowland
Maxine Gonzales
Flynn Carver
Natalie Anderson
Rhea Soto
Blake Nieves
Jade Roberts
Logan Kingston
Brian Matthews  - CO-Team Leader
Olivia Haynes
Peyton Fitzgerald
Caroline Pace -  - CO-Team Leader
Blue Group 
Zerlina Levi
Lucie Braden
Aubrey Gallagher
Zachariah Wong
Lucas Greenman
Christopher Browning - CO-Team Leader
Jackson Norris
Ian Mako
Oliver West
Kaden Parrish
Victoria Martell
Bianca Ortiz
Isabella DiMaria  - CO-Team Leader
Andrew Connor
Anthony Rennell
Green Group 
Kennedy Pope
Natasha Foldare
Jonathan Lund
Antonia Wilds - CO-Team Leader
Joanna Hughes
Landon Miller
Ryder Greene
Skyler Nieves
Miles Hall
Clark Morrison - CO-Team Leader
Avery Carr
Jaime Martin
Roman Knox
Gabriela/Valentina Duarte
Jennifer Fords
Click here for more information on the training groups. 
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lakegrimstonerpg · 4 years
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“Empathy is about finding echoes of another person in yourself.”
NAME: Skyler Nieves  AGE: Eight/Twenty Two POWER: Empathy OCCUPATION: College Student / Computer Cafe TOWN: Grimstone Point
Skyler and her twin brother, Ryan, were born and raised in Lake Grimstone– their mother was taken there a few weeks before she gave birth to them–Skyler is the youngest of the twins, born twenty-three minutes after her brother, something her brother loves to remind her. Since birth Skyler was the perfect baby. She hardly cried and could sleep the entire night–often through her brother’s cries. Many nights her mother would wake her up just to make sure that nothing had happened to her in her sleep. As she got older, she didn’t change much; she was still the child that every parent dreams of having. Because both of her parents possess powers, Skyler grew up at a much faster pace but she doesn’t feel like she missed out on anything, other than having her father around of course.
The girl excelled in everything that she did, from her power to her school work,. She always tried her hardest to be the best in everything that she did. At times it came across as if she thought that she was better than everyone else, but it wasn’t that at all. Skyler simply wanted to be the best version of herself for her mother. She wanted to make Blake proud and to give her the happiness that she felt her mother was missing. Fitting in was never something that Skyler tried to do; she was her own person and was okay with not following the crowds. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to try and fit in, she just had other things that she felt were more important than people viewing her as one of the popular kids–another difference between her and her brother who has always been quite popular.
Growing up, Skyler always wondered about her father but she was afraid to ask her mother, afraid of triggering any bad memories or re-opening old wounds. Instead she simply took what her mother offered with regards to her father. It wasn’t until not long ago that she got more than just superficial things about the man who made up half of her DNA. Skyler went from knowing the simple little lie her mother told her about her mysterious father to being given a brief story–they dated, he left, then he came to Lake Grimstone–over the course of a few months. Of course, she isn’t entirely sure that this information is true, maybe these are all just rumors, but what if it is true? Part of her wants to know who this man is, but then she wonders if doing that would hurt her mother in any way. 
BLAKE NIEVES & RYAN NIEVES - Blake and Ryan are the only family that Skyler has ever known. She feels very protective over them, even though she knows they are more than capable of protecting themselves. 
JACOB NIEVES - Sky feels drawn to Jacob but she has no idea why. What she does know is that she wants to help him work through the storm of emotions she always senses around him. What she doesn’t know is that he’s her father.
ASHLEY DODD - Sky considers Ashley her best friend, while most confuse Ash and Zoey, Sky does not. Whenever Sky has needed a friend, Ashley has always been there for her and vice versa. 
Skyler Nieves is a OPEN character and is portrayed by Isabella Gomez, whose FC is SEMI-NEGOTIABLE.
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lakegrimstonerpg · 4 years
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“To freeze and to disintegrate, the power is all in my hands.”
NAME: Ryder Greene AGE: Thirty One POWER: Molecular Manipulation OCCUPATION: Guard TOWN: Grimstone Point
Ryder is an only child, growing up was somewhat lonely due to his father’s involvement with the forces, more specifically the CIA, which of course Ryder was not allowed to know a single thing about. That was until he turned 20, having worked so hard to follow in the footsteps of his father, despite spending his younger years growing up in England with his mother and her family. Ryder was finally accepted into field work, his power being of great use when things went wrong. He managed to use his power discretely for two years, only letting his team and those above him know. It was for the country’s well-being, and with his father being of a high position no one questioned anything.
Though, when things went wrong in the field one day all of that changed. Ryder was told that he would be sent to Lake Grimstone, there he would be assigned one of two towns to live in and that he would be working there as a guard.  At first, Ryder was completely against it, finding every way around it but as the government assured him it was for the best, he did as they asked and found himself in Lake Grimstone, guarding the people there, he feels as if the guards in Lake Grimstone don’t really care. And of course with some of them having no powers who can blame them? Their attitude rubbed off some on Ryder and he too began to slackened, there’s times when he lets people get away with things that the government is against them doing. The way he sees it is that if they have to be stuck there then they might as well have some fun.
Ryder is generally a friendly guy though can come off a serious at times due to his fairly serious home life growing up and general job until he arrived at Lake Grimstone. When he’s angry, everyone will know about it because he’s not afraid to put his feelings into actions, as many have learnt through time. That also happens to be one of his downfalls. He’s respectful to women, something his mother taught him to be before she died suddenly when he was only seventeen. Generally, Ryder is easy to get along with, provided you don’t give him a reason not to play nice.
HANA LEE & MIRA LEE SNYDER - Matt wasn’t just Ryder’s co-workers he was also his friend. That’s why after Matt was killed he took it upon himself to look after his family.
TALIA RIVAS - Ryder won’t deny his attraction for her, but after a few failed dates they have agreed to stay friends.
JOHN ACOSTA - The kid is like the little brother he never had. The two have definitely bonded during their time training together and Ryder is genuinely caring and protective over the younger male.
Ryder Greene is an OPEN character and is portrayed by Kit Harrington whose FC is NEGOTIABLE.
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lakegrimstonerpg · 4 years
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“Sometimes what you should do and what you have to do are not the same.”
NAME: Clark Morrison  AGE: Twenty-Seven OCCUPATION: Cyber Security  TOWN: Grimstone Point
Clark Morrison, before Lake Grimstone, was pretty much average. He Grew up in a suburb with a two-parent home. Mom worked part-time, Dad worked a 9 to 5 office job. He loved video games and computers, and soccer on the weekends. His sister and he fought a little, but not a lot. Just normal stuff. He went to college, majored in Comp Sci, and mostly minded his business. Yes, his life seemed boring from the outside, but he never had any complaints. Being normal was just fine with him. Clark had never aspired to anything else, honestly. His schedule left him with time to join a small sports club on the weekends. He had drinking buddies and people he chatted with at the water cooler. Things were just fine.
Then, he lost his job. He’d been working for a CyberSecurity firm that got hacked, and someone had to take the fall. That someone ended up being his whole team, which stunk. But for a guy with his skill set, another job would crop up. And, sure enough, it did. He’d been living in DC for a while, so he knew some government people. One of them approached him and asked if he wanted to do Computer Security on location for the government. Clark had never really thought about living anywhere else; it could be fun. Plus it was a job, so he took it, packed up, and moved out to Grimstone.
Clark has been doing Cybersecurity in Lake Grimstone for a few years now and while he enjoys the friendships that he has made with the residents, part of him feels guilty. He feels guilty that they are in a place that they can never leave. Sure, there is Grimstone Park, the town with somewhat more freedoms, but even with the possibility of leaving Project Lake Grimstone for a few hours a month he doesn’t believe it’s enough, and what about the residents of Grimstone Point? These are all thoughts that keep him up at night and he wished there was a way he could help the residents. He tries to be optimistic and remember that they are all there to train, but he has wondered just what would be so bad if they all could leave. Of course, that is all just crazy ideas that run through his head when work is slow and he would never bring that up to anyone. 
MELANIE PARKER - Clark and Melanie became close friends rather quickly. He sometimes thinks that Mel feels the way he does about the towns but he doesn’t feel like asking would be for the best. 
CRYSTAL COHEN - Clark considers Crystal a friend and she is one of the people that he is closest to in Lake Grimstone. 
JOHN ACOSTA - John and Clark dated for a bit but things just did not work out between them. They are now just friends and Clark is quite happy with that. 
Clark Morrison is a OPEN character and is portrayed by Elliot Fletcher,  whose FC is SEMI-NEGOTIABLE.
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lakegrimstonerpg · 4 years
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“Actions are not always louder than words.”
NAME: Natasha Foladare AGE: Twenty Six  POWER: Sonic Scream OCCUPATION: Zumba Instructor at Grimstone Leisure Center TOWN: Grimstone Point
Coming from a well off local political family meant that Natasha had a bright future ahead of her. A future that many people would envy, but her father’s position and her family’s money were not the only reasons behind Natasha’s bright future. No, there was much more to it than just that. Her intelligence was one of those other reasons and if you match that with her winning personality and her good looks, then you had yourself a triple threat which was exactly what Natasha was.  As a young girl, Natasha had the perfect life. She had two loving parents, real friends, the kind that would stick by you no matter what and a twin brother that she adored. Natasha’s twin was her everything, he wasn’t just her brother, he was her best friend. They shared everything with each other, which wasn’t hard to do seeing how he was already the only person that knew Natasha’s deepest and darkest secret.
When they were both fairly young, the Foladare twins discovered Natasha’s superpower, Sonic Scream, while they had been out playing. The discovery frightened the two kids especially because of damage that the power made, but a pact to keep the power from the world was made. After that incident things went back to normal for the twins. That was until Nat’s second year in college where once again her power appeared. She had been heading back to her dorm after a late night at the library, she knew that with the recent attacks around campus that she should have waited for someone, the girl walked quickly through the parking lot when a hooded man tried to wrangle her towards a car. Natalie let out a scream, one like never before, knocking her attacker down. It wasn’t until a day later that she found out that her attacker had died. No one seemed to know what had caused so much damage to the man’s brain but Nat’s twin did. He convinced Natasha of training with her power so that she could learn to control it. What Nat did not know was that he was filming the training sessions so that he could turn her in to the authorities.
Natasha has been at Lake Grimstone for a few years now and the last words that her twin spoke to her still play back in her head. Because you’re a monster now. He had said when she asked why he had turned on her.  She hears those words every day before getting out of bed and before falling asleep. He will never know just how much his words impacted her, whether for the best or worst still remains to be seen. Nat likes to think that it was for the best, she tries to live her life in a way that would make her parents proud; she’s always quick to offer a helping hand even though when she’s the one in need of one she won’t ask for it.
LARISSA COLBERT - Larissa and Natasha have trained on several occasions together. Nat isn’t sure if there’s a  friendship there but she likes talking to her, even if it’s about random things. 
DOMINIC FOLADARE - Natasha hasn’t spoken to her brother since he uttered those horrible words to her. She isn’t sure how to even approach him at this point.
FIONA DRAKE - Being that Fiona works alongside her brother, Natasha does wonder if he’s ever mentioned her to the woman. Although, the girl seems to not like people with powers just as much as her brother.
Natasha Foladare is a CLOSED character and is portrayed by Jodie Comer. 
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lakegrimstonerpg · 4 years
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“I am my own guardian angel.”
NAME: Lucie Braden  AGE: Eighteen POWER: Alternate Self Summoning OCCUPATION: College Student TOWN: Grimstone Point
Lucie Slater was born to her mother’s boyfriend. He was a bad man, and he wasn’t good with kids. In fact, he never wanted kids. She was young when her mother’s boyfriend, Killian, and her mother–a woman who was often oblivious at best–were married and they were who raised her. When they were away, her brother, Liam would help raise her as well. Even from a young age, Lucie knew there was something bad about her father. He gave her a bad feeling ever since she could remember. At that moment, though, she felt a presence with her that she knew would protect her. As she grew slightly older, her fears were confirmed. It was no secret what the man she was supposed to call a father was doing to her brother. She knew, though she did her best to act like she didn’t. She also knew Liam was afraid that it would happen to her, and watching her brother take that abuse so she wouldn’t have to broke her heart and scared her.
What Liam didn’t know was that she would never be in danger. There was something special about Lucie: that presence from before. It turned out, the presence was her. It was a different Lucie, from a different universe. Unlike the Lucie she was growing into, who was quiet and introspective and clumsy in the way all young girls are, this other version of herself was  warrior on her version of Earth. Lu (as Lucie called her) confided in Lucie that on her Earth, there were people with powers everywhere, and no one could stop them from doing anything they wanted. War broke out, and everyone had to learn to defend themselves. Lu wouldn’t tell Lucie whether there was another Liam or another Mom or even another Killian. All she would say was that her world was a bad place, and that Lucie’s was much nicer.
Lu appeared whenever Lucie needed her–when she had to climb the rope in gym class, and when she was scared of the noises she heard from Liam’s room at night. Then, when Liam started to get involved in bad things, Lu would appear to fight off bullies and help her practice for debate tournaments. Lu was Lucie’s best friend and protector, all wrapped up into one. When Liam was taken away, Lu comforted Lucie by telling her that where he was going was a good place, where he’d be safe. It was also a place that Lu didn’t have on her world; a place that would protect people. So when Lucie visited and realized she was likely to end up there as well, she was excited. After all, that place was the difference between her world, which was relatively safe, and the dangerous one Lu had to live in. Lu is very happy that Lucie was placed in the more structured, organized, and strict town. It’s where she thinks Lucie will thrive the most.
LIAM SLATER - Liam is Lucie’s older brother and she has always had a strong sibling connection with him. 
GABRIELA/VALENTINA DUARTE - Lucie is under the misguided assumption that Gabriela has the same power as her, but she could not be more wrong. 
SAPPHIRE ARNOLD - Sapphire and Lucie hit it off from the start. It also helps that Lucie knows some sign language and is able to communicate with her friend quite easily.
Lucie Braden is a OPEN character who is portrayed by Josephine Langford,  whose FC is SEMI-NEGOTIABLE.
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lakegrimstonerpg · 4 years
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“The divine can protect anyone of my choosing.”
NAME: Flynn Carver AGE: Thirty One POWER: Divine Protection OCCUPATION:  TOWN: Grimstone Point
Flynn found out about how power from a young age. He didn’t really understand it, or know how to use it, but he kept it well hidden from his parents for as long as he could. They found out about it when he turned nine. He used his power to prevent a dog from attacking him. Once his parents realized what he could do, they moved across the country and changed their names. They kept him in the house. Flynn was only allowed to leave to go to school. He was always an odd child, not getting along with anyone at school. He didn’t have many interests, he never played sports, and when he tried, he was uncoordinated. He was clumsy and aloof. The kids made fun of him because of his big ears, well into high school. He was bullied a lot but he never took it to heart. He just shrugged it off and made the best out of the situations.
When Flynn was seventeen, he was walking home from school and one of the bullies cornered him. Flynn tried to ignore him and walk away but it only angered the bully even more. He attacked Flynn and it caused a switch to turn in Flynn’s mind. He used his power, creating an aura around him, shielding him from the bully. In anger, Flynn pushed the aura towards the bully as hard as he could, making him fly backwards and hit his head on the ground, hard. Flynn watched hesitantly as blood seeped out of the boy’s ear.
When Flynn found out that the boy had actually died, he tried to ignore what had happened, to push it out of his mind, but what had happened began to consume him. He tried all of his live to be passive and a protector but it had turned against him. Against his parents wishes, he reported himself to the government. They took him away to Lake Grimstone and placed him in Grimstone Point. Once there, he began working on his power, honing it to do as he wanted, no matter what emotion showed itself. He is constantly nervous that something like that will happen again but he hides it well underneath his confidence.
PETER MULLIGAN: Against all odds and personality differences, the two became friends and continue to grow close. 
ANIKA LANE - No one seems to push Flynn’s buttons quite like Anika. She reminds him of his high school bullies. 
CLARK MORRISON - Flynn had a crush on Clark from the moment he saw him. It still shocks Flynn that they became a thing.
Flynn Carver is a CLOSED character and is portrayed by Colin Morgan.
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lakegrimstonerpg · 4 years
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“I do not cure sicknesses. I cause them.”
NAME: Naomi Patton AGE: Twenty Seven POWER: Radiation Manipulation OCCUPATION: Manager of Once Upon a Book TOWN: Grimstone Point
Naomi knew something was different about her from a young age. Everyone around her would get sick, whether they were around her for a few minutes, or a couple of days. She always waited to get sick, knowing that most sicknesses were contagious, but she never did. It led her to wonder why she was so different than everyone else, and why everyone was constantly getting sick? These questions swarmed her mind, especially once her mother was diagnosed with cancer when Naomi was only fourteen.
Being an only child, and without a father, Naomi was the one that always took care of her mother. When she was diagnosed, the doctors had said that they caught it in time, and with a small dose of radiation treatment, she’d recover. It gave Naomi hope and she stood by her mom’s side though it all. But within a couple of months, Naomi could see her mother going down hill rapidly. She questioned the doctors, angry now with the false information they kept giving her. They admitted that they couldn’t explain it, and that they didn’t know why her mother’s cancer was getting worse, and nothing they were doing was helping. It was only two months later that her mother would pass, and Naomi felt more alone than she ever had before. Instead of going with social services, Naomi grabbed what she could and she ran.
Naomi never stayed in one place for long, because of the constant sickness that seemed to follow her everywhere. She didn’t want to cause anyone any misery, or sadness, because of it. For a year, she lived on the streets, fending for herself, and it caused her to grow up quickly. She learned how to take care of herself, and how to stand up for herself when she needed to. She pushed all of the sadness out of her, and focused on surviving each day and even trying to figure out what exactly was wrong with her. But her life took another turn when authorities showed up at the abandoned house she was staying in. After they explained who they were, and where they were taking her, she went with them willingly. She wanted to figure out what was so different about her, and she wanted to get the help she needed to learn how to control it so that she couldn’t cause anyone else pain, like she had gone through.
FLYNN CARVER - Flynn has always been the first person to ask if she needs help with training her power. She feels bad for taking him up on the offer so much.
ZACHARIAH WONG - Zachariah is always insisting that she should use her power more often but he has yet to convince her to do so. 
OLIVIA HAYNES - Olivia and Naomi hit it off from the very beginning and are really close friends. Naomi always wonders how she managed to keep a friend like Olivia. 
Naomi Patton is a OPEN character and is portrayed by AISHA DEE,  whose FC is SEMI-NEGOTIABLE.
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lakegrimstonerpg · 4 years
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“Who can see beauty in the ugliest of beasts?”
NAME: Oliver West AGE: Twenty One POWER: Beast Morphing OCCUPATION: College Student / VR Bar TOWN: Grimstone Point
Oliver West has no memories of warm embraces, loving caresses, kind words or anything that a child would receive from their loving parents. Instead his memories are filled with unkind words, dirty looks and a lot more negative things that he would rather forget. Since birth, Oliver was placed in the foster care system. A system that is as broken as most of the spirits of the kids in it. One would think that a healthy baby boy would have been adopted in a heartbeat but that was not Oliver’s case. He grew up watching other children get adopted, or go in to foster homes and even though he was also placed in a few foster homes within weeks he was back. No matter how well he tried to behave, he just couldn’t stay in one place for too long and soon he began to believe that maybe he was the one with the problem.
When Oliver turned ten, he was put in a group home where he met Drew, a boy two years older than him who became like his older brother. Drew was the closest thing to family that Oliver had and he was thankful that he had him in his life. The two boys were inseparable, often getting in to trouble and each taking the blame so that the other wouldn’t get punished. Then what Oliver feared the most happened, Drew had to leave the group home leaving Oliver to fend for himself. As expected Oliver did not take it well, after all, Drew was his family – his brother. That’s when his power came out. He morphed in to something that scared him to his core. He was a sixteen year old guy that had just transformed in to a monster.
Two government agents showed up at the group home the next morning and without so much as an explanation they took Oliver away. He was frightened and with good reason, after all, they hadn’t told him where he was going or why they were taking him away. He figured it was because of what he had turned in to. Finally, they arrived at Lake Grimstone and everything was explained to him. They put him in Grimstone Point and honestly, he was relieved. Even though he’s still trying to find his place in a town filled with people like him, he likes that he’s able to feel normal when he’s at his own home due to the negation technology. He still had a hard time trying to figure out how to fit in but he finds himself becoming more comfortable as the time goes on. The only thing about that is that he’s fearful his comfortability will end and he’ll be ripped from the town and have to start all over again. It’s a thought that he tries not to let get in the way of his daily life but sometimes it does.
SAPPHIRE ARNOLD - The two of them arrived in Lake Grimstone together but were sent to different towns. That didn’t stop them from getting to know one another and becoming close.
CALEB VELA - While Oliver doesn’t make friends easily, the two hit it off over a talk about different powers. They haven’t known each other for long but they can definitely confide in one another.
ISAAC KADEN PARRISH - Oliver made a deal with Kaden involving the negation bracelets. He just hates that he can’t have one all the time.
Oliver West is a OPEN character and is portrayed by DYLAN SPRAYBERRY,  whose FC is NEGOTIABLE.
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lakegrimstonerpg · 4 years
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“I may look like a girl but if you stare for too long, like a flame, I will burn you”
NAME: Jade Roberts AGE: Twenty Five POWER: Pyrokinesis  OCCUPATION: Up to Player TOWN: Grimstone Point
People consider Jade a bitch and she is quite okay with that. She says what is on her mind and doesn’t care if people get offended or if anyone dislikes it. However, there are a few people (very few) who she isn’t downright harsh to and those are her closest friends. If you were to think that the power you posses should match your personality, with Jade it does and she loves it. The fire manipulator embraces her bitchy side and in fact, she enjoys how people seem to get out of her way when she makes her way down the hall. Jade is very well aware of what people say about her and at times she uses that to her advantage, to her, instilling fear in people is like a complete other power that she possess.
She found out about her power at the age of 6, when she accidentally caused a fire that killed her father. Her mother has never been able to forgive her for that, despite the fact Jade was only a little girl and that the fire was a complete accident. Ever since that day Jade tried and failed to gain her mothers approval. The only person in her life that truly loved her was her grandma. Someone that Jade could confide in completely and not worry about a thing she thought. Jade confided in the older women about her power and to her surprise, she was quite understanding and even helped Jade in keeping the power hidden. However, no matter how well they tried to keep her power under-wraps, the government found her and pulled her away from the only person that loved her.
Being in Lake Grimstone has been a roller coaster ride for the blonde. On one hand she has made a few really good friends, but on the other she has gotten her heart broken one too many times. It was that heartbreak that she experienced at the hands of Lake Grimstone’s playboy what caused Jade to not want a relationship, she doesn’t see the point to them when you can’t trust the other person.There has only been one person that Jade has trusted completely and thanks to the government she no longer has her in her life, to say that Jade is bitter about that would be an understatement. To top off her resentment against the government, she was placed in the town with the strictest rules and the mandatory training schedule. Sure, the government claims that the town assignment is random, but Jade doesn’t believe that for one bit. 
LUCAS GREENMAN - Lucas reminds Jade of her ex boyfriend, the one that cheated and broke her heart, and that is not good at all.
DANIELLE CATTON - Danielle is Jade’s complete opposite but perhaps that is why Jade enjoys having the girl around.
JACKSON NORRIS - Jackson is always there ready to help her with her power and he doesn’t make it feel like it’s training, it feels more like a friend helping another one out. 
Jade Roberts is a OPEN character and is portrayed by Elizabeth Gilles,  whose FC is NEGOTIABLE.
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lakegrimstonerpg · 4 years
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“Everyone needs order and structure in their life”
NAME: Antonia Wilds AGE: Thirty Eight OCCUPATION: Director of Grimstone Point TOWN: Grimstone Point
Antonia Wilds is a strong dedicated woman who put her personal life on the back burner for her career. Since she was little Antonia was always driven by the desire to accomplish something with her life. Being so driven and determined on achieving it left no margin for anything else in her life. When she was young it was all about school and her grades as she grew older work was what took over her life. It wasn’t that Antonia was antisocial because she did have an odd friend here and there and even a guy that had proposed to her at least twice but Antonia always asked him to wait until she got that next promotion and then when that promotion came she asked for the next one. Her supervisors noticed her dedication to her job as an FBI field agent and they realized that she was perfect for the job of helping oversee the program that they call the Lake Grimstone Project.
To Antonia, overseeing Grimstone Point was just a stepping stone towards bigger and better things; she didn’t plan on staying there her whole life the way the residents are forced to do, or at least that’s the way she always saw it at first. As time wore on, she began to see her work as invaluable--residents needed someone to guide them and to ensure their lives were orderly and pleasant, and the rest of the world was safer when those with gifts had their needs met without the use of their powers. It was, in her eyes, mutually beneficial for her to run the town under the guidelines she was using.
Admittedly, she recognizes that trapping people in a town that they cannot leave and preventing access to their families and loved ones is not ideal; however, she does not see Grimstone Park’s plan as viable either, and even if she did, it is best for her ambitions if she can prove her town is best. Antonia is competitive at heart, and needs to believe that she is doing a better job than anyone else if she wants to be able to advance her career. She tries to balance being vulnerable and friendly to residents with that ambition, but when push comes to shove, she knows which one will win out.
THOMAS PATTERSON -  Thomas is both Antonia’s colleague and competitor. She respects him as a person, but very much wants him to fail.
LEVI WILLIAMS - As one of the people who knows the truth about Levi’s parentage and history, Antonia feels some pity for the boy, but also wants to protect him from people who might hurt him--especially his father.
ALICE REESE - Alice is one of the residents Antonia has formed a sort of friendship with. She even occasionally lets her guard down around the woman.
Antonia Wilds is a CLOSED character and is portrayed by Kerry Washington.
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lakegrimstonerpg · 4 years
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“Technology may be interesting but it’s a great danger too.”
NAME: Aubrey Gallagher  AGE: Twenty Six POWER: Technokinesis  OCCUPATION: Up to Player TOWN: Grimstone Point
Aubrey grew up in a world where technology was forever changing, but rather than frightening her, it excited her. Computer class, coding, and other technology lessons were always her favorites. She was a curious little girl that was always up for problem-solving and was sure smart enough to do so. Her parents were very old-school, however, and they wanted her to go into a more traditionally scientific field, like chemistry or physics. Her refusal to do so, and obsession with technology, have always confused and angered them. It was only begrudgingly that she was ever allowed access to any screens of any kind, let alone the kind of tech that interested her.
The blonde has never had the simplest relationship with her parents. Their disagreement on her refusal to pursue a “normal” career became the start of a series of fights. What they didn’t know was that her passion stemmed from her ability to manipulate the technology she came into contact with. Ever since discovering her powers around fifteen, her love and control of abilities grew together. At that point she just couldn’t be without any type of machine work, whether it is with computers or other, more complex technology.  Aubrey’s parents were always begging her for reasons as to why she was so set on pursuing technology as a career and this followed her well into her University days, and having given no indication of possessing a special ability the only reasons she could seem to give were things that her parents refused to understand, despite them having the same if not worse reasons as to why they sought out to pursue science.
Finally Aubrey couldn’t take it anymore. When the week before her final exams for her second year was coming around, she decided she would show the two of them just why she loved technology and what exactly she could do with this. However, Aubrey had never experienced her powers in front of anyone else. She began using her power just as she usually would when suddenly she must have gone too far and the machine exploded. It was then she truly realized the power she held, but also the destruction it could cause. Her father ended up in hospital for weeks on end because of exposure to the electric within the machine and she was finally on the radar for Lake Grimstone. Mostly she resents her parents for the situation and believes they are the reason for her being unable to pursue her dream of getting the degree and working for a tech company, climbing the employee ladder. But she also does feel guilty about everything. Her feelings about Lake Grimstone were mixed–on the one hand, she was grateful that the government has been helping her grow her powers, but on the other hand, she wished she could be free to work with others without the government restricting everything, including access to the latest tech. 
MICHAEL LOWE - Michael is one of the people that she is closest to in Lake Grimstone. She enjoys spending time with him and helping him with her power. 
TRISTAN MILLER - Because the internet at Park isn’t great, Aubrey often helps Tristan get a better connection. She wouldn’t necessarily call him a friend because she doesn’t know if he would even talk to her if not for her power.
OLIVIA HAYNES - Olivia is like the sister she never had, they can talk for hours about important issues or just random things. She has shared more with Olivia then anyone else in Lake Grismtone. 
Aubrey Gallagher is a CLOSED character and is portrayed by Maddie Hasson. 
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lakegrimstonerpg · 4 years
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“Disease certainly forces the hand of many.”
NAME: Zachariah Wong  AGE: Thirty Five  POWER: Disease Manipulation  OCCUPATION: Up to Player  TOWN: Grimstone Point
Growing up in quite a normal household, Zachariah never thought anything of himself. He was a young boy who liked his own company, and that of his family more than the idea of making friends. His parents thought nothing of this – there was nothing wrong with a child who liked to read and play alone, they thought – and he did occasionally involve himself in games with his sisters. However, there was nothing normal about Zachariah, and that was something he and his family learned when he was just ten years old. While chicken pox spread across his school, he remained immune to the virus and when his sister got the virus, all it took was a simple touch from Zach to rid her of the contagious disease. That was only the first of many seemingly miraculous moments that happened throughout his years growing up.
It was after an incident in university that the government was alerted to the presence of Zach. Disease is something that could never be explained, both before and after the discovery of Zach’s gift, so it was always unlikely that anyone would catch on to the fact that Zach could heal and infect others. However, the sudden outbreak of Alzheimer’s in the lecture hall during a brief neurology discussion could not go unnoticed by the government. All of the good things Zach was doing would have to stop because of this one negative scenario. No longer could he visit patients in the hospital with the hope of curing them of their diseases. Zach could do nothing to help the world, not the way he wanted. The government, instead of listening to his arguments, insisted on taking him to Lake Grimstone. To which he refused. He managed to avoid it for a whole week, infecting anyone he thought to be an agent looking for him. Everything was clear: the government didn’t want to help, with his power they wanted to control him, they would have killed to find a way to utilize his gift and sell it to the world, as long as he wasn’t connected to it. At least, that’s how Zach saw it. It was the government that drove him to his current state of mind. Eventually they tracked him down and he found himself at Lake Grimstone.
Zachariah noticed that in Lake Grimstone, it would pay to have the upper hand. In an environment where individuals possessed powers that were arguably more useful or effective than his own, he needed to build a reputation and more than that, he needed people to know that he was not the kind of person that should be crossed. Soon after his arrival, he made a name for himself and though his reputation wasn’t necessarily good, it was not the worst. Zach found that finding what he wanted or needed, and people to do what he wanted and needed was easy when individuals had the right motivation. His power came in very handy for that. One wrong move, swaying from his requests or demands, and the individual in question might find themselves awfully ill – with the threat of fatal illness. People learn not to challenge someone who can torture them without even laying a finger on them – no one likes an illness. Zach never over does his demands; he is fair. He will ask for specific things or favors and he will expect one to comply. That’s the basis of the deal. Never has he intended on inflicting fatal diseases on those who do not comply; the ruthless demeanor is meant to tell others a different story, of course.
XAVIER DAILY - Zach is quite aware that Xavier does not like him and he is quite okay with that. When their paths cross they always end up in heated arguments mostly over Zach’s use of his power. 
REBECCA DANIELS - She intrigues him and he does enjoy talking to her even if he would never fully admit it. Just like he won’t admit that he considers her a friend. 
GABRIEL ROWLAND - Gabe is someone that Zach doesn’t necessarily consider a friend, but he also doesn’t dislike them. If ever he sees Gabe around he will strike up a conversation with them. 
Zachariah Wong is a OPEN character and is portrayed by Ludi Lin,  whose FC is SEMI-NEGOTIABLE.
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lakegrimstonerpg · 4 years
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“Think fast? That’s all I’ve ever done.”
NAME: Theodore Capra AGE: Twenty Six POWER: Accelerated Thought Process OCCUPATION: Research Assistant TOWN: Grimstone Point
As far as Theodore had ever known, there was nothing he didn’t understand. Like his siblings, he’d always been fairly bright. In fact, there was nothing notable about it. Theo was the third kid in his family, and it just seemed as though the Capra children got better as you went down the line. His parents separated when he was young, but his dad and his mom and his step-parents had all agreed that their differences were not as important as supporting their children, so he and his siblings had never really wanted for much of anything, at least when it came for love and resources for learning.
Theo took to schooling like a fish takes to water. He excelled in all subjects. One might have thought a nerdy kid like him would have struggled to make friends, but the way he saw it, most people found him at times off-putting, and he couldn’t blame them. In actuality, his peers found him to be a fascination at worst, and charming at best. He never really struggled to make friends. Of course, if he’d known the truth about himself, he might have. Yes, Theodore was gifted, but more than he even realized. He had a superpower and that was why he understood things and saw things the way he did. He didn’t just process quickly; he actually processed things faster than any normal human ever could. But because there was no way of finding that out about himself, he remained oblivious, thinking he was a mere genius. At the perfectly normal age of 16, though, he received an athlete-scholarship, and began to attend college.
In college, he stumbled upon an internship working for a government agency on a remote island. The opportunity seemed rare and interesting, and Theo liked rare and interesting, so he elected to go. Several years later, he remained, though the town is split in two and no longer on an island, working as a research assistant and slowly making his way through his own dissertation.. What he doesn’t know is that the science team is studying right back. No one else in town has a power they use without their knowledge, making Theodore Capra a fascinating test subject. 
CHRISTOPHER BROWNING - Being the unknowing subject of their studies, Theodore finds that the entire science department want his attention constantly, but no one more than Dr. Browning. He believes it’s because of his excellent work output.
BETHAN WALSH - Due to the nature of her power, Theodore is at once fascinated by and slightly afraid of Bethan, but when he met her, he was almost disappointed by how normal she was.
SAMMY COOPER - Theodore is not often one for jealousy, but Sammy Cooper’s power is especially interesting to him. If there’s a resident he’s jealous of, it’s them.
Theodore Capra is a CLOSED character and is portrayed by Seo Kang Joon.
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lakegrimstonerpg · 4 years
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“Studying others gives me the power I never had.”
NAME: Brian Matthews  AGE: Thirty Eight OCCUPATION: Science Officer/Scientist  TOWN: Grimstone Point 
The idea of superpowers is something that Brian has always been fascinated with, mostly the way that they work and why it is that only a chosen few get to possess them. He has dedicated his life to the research of the evolution of human beings and discovering what it is that makes some special while others remain the same. Because of his research matched with his high IQ Brian was offered his dream job at one of the nation’s leading laboratories. He was only twenty-two when he was given the offer to help mankind understand and possibly use the powers that some possessed to their advantage. For years he worked harder than ever before to reach his goal of spearheading a project so revolutionary that in his mind it would change the way humans viewed superpowers and those that possessed them.
Brian’s ambition was unmatched by anyone else in that lab, he was the first one to come in and the last one to leave. His experiments were also very ambitious, Brian wanted to find a way to not only give someone powers but also take them away. In his mind not everyone that had powers deserved them and so having something that could control them seemed like a good idea. While he had meant no harm with his research and experiments he did cause harm. Two innocents died at his hand when the antidote he had developed to “cure” them had a negative reaction in their system. The lab wanted nothing to do with Brian after that and his contract was terminated.  Embarrassed and angry, Brian continued his research on his own but without the funding and equipment from a state of the art lab he had lost hope that he would one day be able to accomplish his dream of completely understanding powers and being able to control who possessed them and what power they possessed. It was when he had lost all hope that the government sought him out to offer him an opportunity of a lifetime.  
When Brian arrived at Lake Grimstone he felt like he was in superpowers heaven. Everywhere he looked people had powers–some were able to control them and others not so much. The government gave him free reigns when it came to his research just as long as he had learned from his past mistakes and didn’t accidentally kill off their potential weapons. At first, Brian started out with simple research like trying to determine if the people in Lake Grimstone had some sort of gene that triggered the evolution and the manifestation of powers. Slowly, Brian has moved on to bigger and more dangerous research and experiments. His ultimate goal remains the same and he will stop at nothing to achieve it. While the residents believe that he is just there to better understand their power his true motive might be more complexed. 
THOMAS PATTERSON - The two hardly see eye to eye on things but they have learned to work together for the good of the residents and the government. They both serve the same government after all.
OLIVER WEST - Oliver’s power is probably one of the most unstable ones in Lake Grimstone, and that is why Brian is so fixated on learning more about the power and the boy that possess it. 
ALEXA GARCIA-FRANK - Even though he is not in charge of the studies done on her, he is still fascinated by her lack of power. If given the chance he wants to be able to run his own test on her to see if maybe the evolution theory that they were going with is wrong.
Brian Matthews is a CLOSED character and is portrayed by Boyd Holbrook.
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lakegrimstonerpg · 4 years
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“No ability can penetrate my shield.”
NAME: Logan Kingston AGE: Thirty Four POWER: Psychic Shield OCCUPATION: Guard TOWN: Grimstone Point
The first few years of Logan’s life were what most would consider normal. He was the younger child and lived in the shadow of his brother. Though, he couldn’t really blame them, since he too thought the very best of James, and he loved him more than he could ever express in words. Logan had just turned seventeen when his older brother entered the police academy. Never had Logan felt prouder of his brother than the day he graduated. While Logan knew of the risks that being a cop entailed, he knew that what his brother was doing was what everyone else should too: putting others before themselves. Within no time, his brother was climbing the ranks in the police force and, though Logan saw him less and less, he knew that what he was doing was important and so he never complained. Instead he took what he could get and made the most of it. Two years came and went with life being pretty normal for the Kingstons. Then, one day, everything changed. Logan’s family had just finished dinner when there was a phone call that shattered their worlds in to a thousand pieces. “Mr. Kingston, we regret to inform you that your son, James Kingston, died in the line of duty. We’re very sorry for your loss.” The phone dropped and Logan lost all color in his face. Not only did he lose his older brother, but his best friend as well. While most would be quick to say that it was way too soon for him to think that he would never recover from the horrible loss, Logan knew it wasn’t. James was everything that Logan aspired to be, and in the blink of an eye he was taken from him. The young man vowed to always remember his brother and to always honor his memory. The question was how? Logan tried following his brother’s footsteps, but being a cop was not for him. He always tried to put others first. He just couldn’t bring himself to do all the other things that being a cop entailed. So instead Logan enlisted in the army. During testing to see if he was capable of the things that were required of him, the government uncovered something that frightened Logan to the core. He wasn’t like any other human; he was special. Never had Logan seen any hints of being special and now here they were telling him that he possessed a superpower? Instead of deploying him, the Army handed him off to two government agents that took him to the place that he now had to call home: Lake Grimstone. It was explained to him how there he would learn more about his power and how to control it. Of course Logan  was hesitant. At first, the thought of taking a different path than the one he had planned out for himself was not something he was looking forward too. But eventually he realized he had no choice all that was left to do was to accept his new life. When Logan turned twenty one, they offered him the opportunity of becoming a guard and so he took it. He believes that the government is doing the right thing, and is happy to help them protect the people on the island.Thirteen years have passed since he first arrived on the island and not much has changed for him other than his job. And, of course, the ability that he is starting to master.
JOHN ACOSTA��- John was one of the residents that Logan was told to watch while he was on duty. He’s heard John screaming during the night and is worried about him. 
BROOKLYN DANE - Brooklyn is Logan’s new assignment. He’s been told to keep an eye on her and not leave her side no matter what. He’s keeping it professional, not wanting to get too close to her.
MAXINE GONZALEZ - Logan has never had a sister, but if he did, he’d imagine he’d act like with her the way he does with Maxine. He’s protective of her and is always there for her when she needs him.
Logan Kingston is a CLOSED character and is portrayed by Tyler Blackburn.
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