greenhouse-seven · 4 months
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Summertime is full of long, hot, sultry days, and at Greenhouse Seven we plan to take full advantage by celebrating with our first ever fest!
Behind the Greenhouse: A Sexy Summer Fest
How it Works @starlingflight and @merlinsbudgiesmugglers have chosen thirty of their favourite spicy tropes to inspire you. Perhaps your favourite canon couple enjoys a bit of roleplay, or find themselves with only one bed available. Whichever prompt you choose, make it as spicy as you like. 
To Participate Select your favourite tropes and submit this form. 
Important Dates ☀️Claiming opens: Today!
☀️Claiming Closes: July 15th
☀️Submission Deadline: July 22nd
☀️Fest Begins: July 31st
Rules 1. Submissions must focus on Canon Couples (See FAQs for what counts as Canon Compliant) but can be in both Canon and AU settings
2. Tropes can be claimed by more than one person
3. Fics and Fanart are both encouraged!
4. Fic submissions should be at least 200 Words - there is no maximum on word count
5. This sexy fest is strictly adults only - no content featuring minors
6. Beta’s are highly encouraged! If you don’t have anyone to beta for you, feel free to come join Greenhouse Seven on Discord! There are plenty of people who can help out.
🌶️What is a Canon Compliant Couple? For the purposes of this fest, any couple that does not break-up couples featured as together at the end of the 7 Harry Potter books counts as canon. So ships such as Deamus & Hannah x Neville are more than welcome!
🌶️How should I submit? The AO3 Collection is OPEN and fics can be submitted here.
🌶️How long will the fest run for? That depends on how many fics we get! Once all fics have been submitted, we will create a plan for posting and let authors know what their post date will be.
🌶️I have another question! Not a problem! Feel free to ask us on Tumblr or you can come and join us over on Discord!
And for the most important part...The Tropes 👀
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theclockworkmonk · 3 years
The most "background" Harry Potter ships
Ever wanted to mix fanfiction with statistical analysis? Of course not, but I did it anyway.
I recently found out that if you put "otp: true" into the "search within results" box on AO3, it returns only fics with one ship tagged.
I thought this could be fun to see which ships are included in fics, but usually aren't given the sole focus, and are likely just background material.
Here's every canon pairing from the Harry Potter franchise (fanon opens up a whole new can of worms) ranked from the ship with the highest percentage of tagged fics being "otp: true" fics, to the ship with the lowest.
#1 Grindlelore (Dumbledore/Grindlewald): 2138 "otp: true" fics out of 3248 total fics — 66.13% - the LEAST "background" canon ship. Fics with this ship tend to not be tagged with any others.
#2 Hagrid/Madame Maxime: 27 "otp: true"/53 total — 50.94%
#3 Bellamort (Bellatrix/Voldemort): 297/756 — 39.29%
#4 Remadora (Lupin/Tonks): 1032/3158 — 32.68%
#5 Krumione (Hermione/Krum): 288/887 — 32.47%
#6 Tedoire (Teddy/Victoire): 280/887 — 31.57%
#7 Jily (James/Lily): 3976/15528 — 25.61%
#8 Perdrey (Percy/Audrey): 91/361 — 25.21%
#9 Tedromeda (Ted/Andromeda): 214/904 — 23.67%
#10 Lovander (Luna/Rolf): 91/386 — 23.58%
#11 Percy/Penelope: 56/238 — 23.53%
#12 Hinny (Harry/Ginny): 2876/12336 — 23.31%
#13 Cho/Michael: 3/13 — 23.08%
#14 Dransy (Draco/Pansy): 182/863 — 21.09%
#15 Nevannah (Neville/Hannah): 167/795 — 21.01%
#16 Drastoria (Draco/Astoria): 481/2439 — 19.72%
#17 Bellatrix/Rodolphus: 157/831 — 18.89%
#18 Marthur (Molly/Arthur): 335/1800 — 18.61%
#19 Chedric (Cho/Cedric): 72/291 — 18.41%
#20 Lucissa (Lucius/Narcissa): 711/3917 — 18.15%
#21 Bleur (Bill/Fleur): 268/1577 — 16.99%
#22 Charry (Cho/Harry): 62/383 — 16.19%
#23 Romione (Ron/Hermione): 2366/15349 — 15.41%
#24 Georgelina (George/Angelina): 134/978 — 13.70%
#25 Fralice (Frank/Alice): 111/957 — 11.60%
#26 Ginny/Michael: 5/57 — 8.77%
#27 Ravender (Ron/Lavender): 80/965 — 8.29%
#28 Ginny/Dean: 15/372 — 4.03%, the MOST "background" canon ship.
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death-kat-19 · 4 years
Anxious Antics
Fandom: Sanders sides.
AU: high school Au.
Warnings: cussing.
Summary: Virgil Vice is both Awkward and Anxious at all times, this and his bad choice of friends is leading to him getting into some pretty odd situations.
This was inspired by @lefaystrent ‘s Welcome to the Neighborhood! Go read that!!
Virgil Vice,his name makes him sounds like some kinda superhero alter ego, and he would be if being socially incompetent was a super power. 
Virgil was your stereotypical High school Emo, got caught up in the wrong crowd and they kind of stuck. Though he wasn’t usually one for making friends... 
he would actually rather die then try and find new friends.
And it seems like he would as here he was, dangling from his foot off a giant crane at an abandoned construction site. His idiotic counter parts were with him as well though they were safely on the ground. 
“GET ME DOWN!!!” Virgil screamed as he swayed back and forth from a wire wrapped around his black converse. He knew those things were durable, and mom said they were a waste of his money. He should invest in another pair, oh wait, he cant cause he’s gonna die! 
 The leader of there little bad boy wannabe group nicknamed deceit ,wow so edgy, finally responded “Uhhhh, you heard the man Remus go get him down!” he said shoving the worst possible man for the job forward.
“.....Okay!” Remus was quick to agree and began his climb up the rusty machinery
“no no nO NO NO!! anyone but Remus ple- Ugh!” Virgil attempted to reason though was cut off by the urge to puke as he was swung in circles from the swaying as the broken bars moved with each step Remus took. He mentally cursed his mother for making him eat dinner before he headed out as he dreaded his future career as slim shady, moms spaghetti. THIS WAS NOT THE TIME!!
Virgil’s thoughts were solely pessimistic ‘Oh god I’m gonna die I’m gonna die I’m gonna die dangling off some stupid crane cause of some stupid dare and Remus is my only possible savior! FUCKING REMUS! that boy literally got kicked out of lush for eating 4 bath bombs and as much soap as he could fit in his pants. I’m doomed!’
His thoughts soon spiraled a bit darker.
‘No one would miss me anyway. i’m a nobody. my only friends were the ones that got me into this situation. my mom just got a new boyfriend i’m sure they could get a better son who doesn’t grow up to do stupid dares from some asshole teens who were never actually nice to him!! and-’
“hey short stack give me your hand!” 
Virgil’s thoughts were cut short and he looked up. Never in his life has he been so happy to see Remus’ disgustingly painted fingernails. with some slow moving and a good reach Remus had grabbed Virgil’s hand and had pulled him toward him with a good tug Virgil’s shoe fell the fifty or so foot drop to the bottom where deceit was waiting. Though Virgil hardly noticed as he clung to Remus the entire way down the rusty machinery until he was safely on the floor. 
“Good job you did great!” deceit praised Virgil’s shoe in his hand. 
“Fuck. You.” was the only thing out of Virgil’s mouth as he grabbed his shoe slipping it on and promptly storming out of the construction site.
“Virge wait!” Remus called chasing after the traumatized boy. 
“WHAT!? what could you possibly want from me!?” Virgil asked tears dripping down his face as he trembled. 
“let me drive you home.” Remus said holding up his car keys. Deceit soon walked up behind. “Because walking home after that is of course the best idea” he mocked crossing his arms. 
“.....Your a dick Dee” virgil said wiping his eyes. “but yeah. a ride sounds nice Rem..” 
“Oh Dee has a huge cock i can assure you!” Remus exclaimed.  “EWW Remus! what the hell i didn’t need to know that!” he shouted but couldn’t help but laugh as the teens walked to the trashy spray painted green pick up truck that Remus owned.
Deceit got dropped off first as he was the closest. 
The ride was pretty quiet. Remus drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as he drove. “.........sooo..You okay?” Remus asked glancing at Virgil. 
“huh? oh yeah. i guess so...thanks for like..getting me down or whatever” Virgil said hugging himself.
“oh. no problem. i mean if you would have fallen you would have been dead and flat as a pancake. like one of those nine eleven jumpers but like not as high up ya know!?” 
“Thanks Remus. that’s very helpful..” Virgil said just as Remus pulled up to Virgil’s home. the small house wasn’t much but Virgil couldn’t have been happier to see it. “thanks for the ride” was all he said as he left the car and walking inside. 
“OK BYE!! see you tom-” Remus exclaimed but it was cut off when Virgil slammed the door. 
“god...i need new friends...” Virgil said glancing out the window as Remus drove away. he put his house keys in the little bowl on the counter. his house was silent. ‘mom must still be out with her boyfriend.’ Virgil thought as he picked up the mail from next to the bowl of keys. “bill, bill, ad, ad, bill huh?” there was a letter with his name on it. it was sealed with wax. “What is this fucking Hogwarts?” he walked into the kitchen and opened it with a butter knife. he pulled out the letter. it was written in the nicest handwriting he had seen in his life. ‘what was this wrote by a god damn android? no one has this handwriting!’
Dear, Virgil Vice
    Salutations my name is Logan Berry and I am a Junior Valedictorian at Hollenbrook High. A group of students at our school including me have been assigned to offer potential students a full time scholarship to Hollenbrook’s out of state trip. Our Student president Patton Hart has decided that a variety of students from other schools should be able to experience the same this us more privileged students do. I have chose you from Grindlelor Highschool because of your great Grade Point average and lack of other school activities leading to you most likely being free for the trip. Please get back to me as soon as you can. 
                                                             Sincerely, Logan Berry. 
‘Wait what? The Hollenbrook out of state trip!? that’s like a thousand dollars a student! out of state is putting it lightly those freaks end there trip by going to Europe! there’s no way this can be real. this is a total prank....doesn’t Remus’ brother go to that school?’ 
“ill have to just ask tomorrow i guess.” he said as he pocketed the letter and went to bed. it had been an eventful night he just wanted to watch shitty YouTube videos and sleep. 
Thanks for reading! i’m 100% open for constructive criticism as this is the first thing i’ve written for awhile and i’m looking to improve. I hope you like it!
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greenhouse-seven · 5 months
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Welcome to Greenhouse Seven!
(The Room of Requirement and the broom cupboard were already occupied)
This is a space to discuss and celebrate HP canon-compliant couples in both canon and AU situations.
We will run events and fests to celebrate and highlight these couples and will have an announcement soon about our first fest!
In the meantime, come join us over on discord for discussions and fun (and to see if we can find where Professor Sprout hides her private stash).
Greenhouse Seven Discord
Your mods,
@starlingflight, @merlinsbudgiesmugglers
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