#group transportation dallas
avalonbus · 1 year
If you're considering a business trip to Dallas, keep in mind that the journey is just as important as the destination. Allow Dallas' business transportation services to transport you away from the everyday and into a world of luxury, convenience, and personalised experiences.
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
solitude - e.b
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summary: the only people who hear hen and chimney out about jonah are y/n and buck, but little do they know the hell it’ll rain down on them.
evan buckley x reader
a/n: ok but like imagine all four of them working tgt bc this storyline was actually rly good… this is literally just buck, y/n, hen and chim acting like the mystery gang for a day!! 3.4k wc 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
“claudette and perry both had no other symptoms before full cardiac arrest,” hen starts, scanning over the patient charts left by the new paramedic. “he’s administered nebulized albuteral during transport.”
“hen, look,” chimney points to the computer screen. “he’s been at four different locations, chicago, miami, dallas, and denver. now he’s hitting up LA.”
the station sirens buzz in their ears, alerting that they could be discovered any second. hen shoves the files into her jacket as chimney logs out, and they shuffle out quickly attempting to go unnoticed. hen looked for any details in the files that she could, trying to confide in karen.
clearly, there was a pattern of extreme suspicious in jonah’s patient files. these patients had no reason to be going into arrest when they were not showing previous symptoms. hen was the best paramedic there, in medical school. she just hoped that everyone would see the obvious wrongdoings. it was painfully evident that he was a dangerous person to be placed in the system.
hen and chimney banged repeatedly on buck and y/n’s apartment, knowing that they’d be the ones to believe them. y/n’s taken note of jonah’s behaviors, but she tried not to think anything of them, just as magical saves.
“hi?” buck says, answering the door. “are you two ok?”
“we need to talk to you and y/n,” hen tells him, inviting chimney and herself in. both y/n and buck hadn’t expected visitors, so they were clearly not dressed in presentable clothing.
“hey, hen, chim,” y/n comes down the stairs. “what’s going on?”
“you two need to look at these,” hen slaps the folders down onto their kitchen counter. buck takes one as y/n reads the other.
“what’s wrong with them? aren’t these just patient files?”
“and why are they all jonahs?”
“buck, you saw claudette before she died.”
“y-yeah, i did. she was fine, though. there was probably something underlying the inhalation,” buck grows more confused at the paperwork and the accusations from his friends.
“look,” chim points. “he’s administering drugs that have nothing to do with patient conditions.”
“meaning… he had no reason to push any meds at all,” buck speaks slowly, starting to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
“protocol dictates that the only treatment used in that situation is respiratory, and we looked at claudette’s autopsy report. there were incredibly high amounts of potassium in her system that would’ve been present in the tests we did on scene,” hen informs the group in front of her.
“so is he some murderer paramedic?” y/n asks, looking up from the file. “i believe you, but how do we even get this to question? do we bring it to bobby?”
“i don’t know where we go from here,” hen starts. “but he needs to be out of the LAFD before he purposely kills someone else.”
buck, y/n, henrietta, and chimney had all piled over to athena’s house. they presented the activity of greenway to bobby, explaining that he has documented his cynical moves.
“i’m not approving any of your suspicions, but we have to be careful with these accusations against him getting out,” bobby tells his workers.
“listen, cap,” chim says. “he’s got a history of this. we can’t confirm what was in that syringe, but it sent claudette collins into cardiac arrest.”
“he’s been bouncing around to different cities the last few years, way too many to be looked passed.”
“so he’s just killing people for mercy?” athena asks, holding bobby’s hand and intently reading over the patient files.
“it’s way more complicated than that. when jonah was a kid, he played the hero. he’s reliving that by trying to play god and bring them back,” y/n adds, standing beside her boyfriend. buck doesn’t want to overthink this, but he’s so conflicted about the whole situation. he knows bringing up something like this is incredibly risky when dealing with a person like jonah. if things were to go awry, then he’d feel like it was his fault for not believing it.
“we tried getting news footage, but it’d be more suspicious that way,” buck tells bobby.
the group was sent away to leave bobby and athena to their own investigation, letting them work this out on their own. in the driveway, they stood by the two cars they used to come here.
“come back to my house,” hen suggests. “we can look some stuff up there on jonah and pick out any details we can get.”
“i can grab my laptop that has the proper software on it. it’s back at my place, though, i’d have to grab it,” chim states.
“ok, guys,” buck begins. “don’t you think we might just have to leave this alone? there’s only so much we can do with this.”
“who else can deal with this, though? we have the resources and the upper hand with this, buck,” hen replies back at his worries.
“look, buck,” y/n places a reassuring hand on his arm. “i’ll go with chim to get his computer, and then we’ll be over. just try and hear her out some more because this is something way deeper than what we might think.”
buck agrees, allowing himself to listen to hens convincing. she rants on about more details, slowly but surely opening up his mind to the possibility. as she portrays her concerns to him passionately, her sentence is brought to a halt when her phone rings through her car’s speaker. the unknown number is thoughtless to henrietta as she presses the green button. “hello?”
“i heard you’ve been asking people about me,” the cold, dark voice echos through the car, causing buck and her to tense up.
“jonah?” buck whispers, to not let him hear.
“got the weirdest call, something about an investigation about that dispatcher. did you four file a complaint against me?”
“jonah, i don’t know what you think is going on, but-“
“i think that you never gave me a chance. to show you what i’m capable of,” he speaks eerily into the phone, making bucks eyes widen. “so i’m gonna do that now. i’m going to show you, henrietta and evan.”
the phone beeps, signaling the hang up from the other end. “what was that?” buck panics. “hen, what is he showing us?”
“he said us four, right? he’s gonna show us four?”
“so are we next?”
“next? who’s first?”
buck heart drops to the floor, frantically reaching for his phone and dialing y/n’s number. his shaky hands slowed it down, but the prolonged ringing was painful to hear. if jonah was going to show them what he can do, he’s going to go for that group first. as evil of a man as he is, he’s amazingly smart. he’s not going to begin with buck and hen, he’s starting with y/n and chimney before going down the line. the sweet sound of y/n’s voicemail goes into bucks ears, his heart thumping against his chest. “hen, go to chimneys apartment. now!” he yells, and she presses on the gas, redirecting the two of them in his direction.
buck called y/n repeatedly, completely petrified of losing the one person he’s loved more than anything. he would be so defeated if she was hurt because of his disbelief. he called chimney, maddie, karen, and anyone who might be able to reach them. unfortunately, no one had good answers for them.
he sprinted up the stairs of the building, hen rushing behind him. the door was unlocked, and the room had an unfamiliar feel to it. the orange lighting and silence was strange to the two, searching for her best friend and his girlfriend. “chim?” hen shouts out. she gives buck an unsure look, one containing an expression of fear and confusing all mixed into one.
before buck can even turn, the thick footsteps behind him rush up. he looks at hen, ready to pounce and run out, but the man is too quick on his feet. buck is injected with a needle right where his shoulder and neck meet, twinning with hens own needle in her skin. the syringes are pushed down, forcing an unnecessary liquid into their bodies.
they recognize the feeling all too well. the fading of their hearing turning into ringing. the scene in front of them disintegrating into black dots. their bodies became heavier and heavier, before turning light again as they thumped to the ground below.
the two awoke at the same time, feeling like they were suffering with sleep paralysis. their arms were restrained behind their back and their eyes were dry and tired. their ankles were connected to the legs of the chairs, but the sight in front of them was worse than any demon that could haunt them.
jonah towered over chimney on the table, pushing more probable toxic fluids into his veins. hens heart was beating obnoxiously fast, but she couldn’t tell if it was from the drugs or from the scene that was unfolding. chimney lay shirtless and almost lifeless on the table with alarmingly slow beeping coming from the portable machine.
y/n was laying across from him in the opposite direction, the two being smushed together. she had matching IV’s in her arm and patches on her chest, the only remaining article was her bra. buck could swear he was screaming, but nothing was coming out. his face was still, but his eyes were full of tears and panic at seeing y/n unconscious. everything was completely out of his control. he glanced over at hen, complete terror in her eyes while trying to calm jonah.
the room they were placed in was unfamiliar, almost completely darkened beside the light above his two victims. or in jonah’s mind, his patients. jonah craved validation from people around him, but also from himself. he remains hungry for the feeling he had the day he saved his bus driver. he was a hero, and he had to make sure everyone knew it.
as soon as the flatline ricocheted in the room, jonah scooped up the paddles and shocked the two until the beeping commenced again. “look who decided to join us,” jonah teases. “i was too generous with the propofol, you two were out longer than i expected!”
“why are you doing this, jonah?” hen begs to know the answer. bucks dying just to give him a piece of his mind, but hen has regained more of her strength.
“you know, you can get anything on the internet these days, like medical equipment, drugs. the real answer is that you gave me no choice, henrietta. snooping around and checking up on me when we are supposed to be on the same team.”
“we are not, on the same team,” hen mumbles. “we don’t put our patients in danger.”
jonah moves over to y/n. “one sec,” he says while pushing another dose of adenosine.
“no,” buck manages to push out.
“jonah, please, you’re stopping her heart,” hen cries out.
“don’t worry, nothing a little epinephrine can’t fix, right?” he nodes with a ring of excitement in his voice. an maniacal, twisted voice. as soon as his hands move to the paddles next to him, buck frantically shuffles in his chair. he places them to her chest, her body flailing up before restoring a normal heart rhythm. “woo!” jonah screams. “nothing like it, huh? the rush of watching someone walk right up the deaths door and snatching them right back. it’s like being god.”
“we are not god,” buck replies to him, regaining some of his fight. “i swear to god, let them go right now-“
“alright, alright,” jonah says. he grabs the needles and bottles while pouring the drug into it. he injects it into both y/n and chimneys skin.
“jonah, please don’t do this, jonah!” hen yells.
“oh, my bad, i thought you wanted me to let them go…” he tells them, slyly.
“you son of a bitch, you lay another hand on her an-“
“and you’ll what? you can’t do anything, buckley,” jonah steps closer to the restrained people. “you both need a partner like me. someone more your speed.”
hens eyes land on the movement on one of the tables. chimney twitches and his eyes are squinting from weakness in his brain. he’s playing around with the machine while getting a good grip on one of the electric shock paddles. “you are not my speed. you’re sloppy, and even if i wanted to commit these heinous crimes, you think i’d let myself get caught?” hen starts to mock the man in front of her while trying to distract him to give chimney time. bucks eyes have never separated from y/n, his soft gaze was planted on her aching body, lacking life in all forms.
“you might’ve been a hero once, jonah,” buck begins to play along with the distraction act, knowing they can’t take anymore of the brunt of it than y/n and chimney have. “but now, well you’re nothing but a fucking murderer,” buck hisses out at him. as jonah begins to move over, hen gives chimney a convincing look as he presses a button on the vital machine.
“no, i’m not,” jonah laughs sarcastically.
“then why is chimney not breathing?” buck spits at him as jonah whips around, looking at the flatlining man on the table. he runs around, and chimney silently hypes himself up to act. it’s now or never, it’s live or die, and it’s jonah’s turn to taste his own medicine.
chimney shoves the paddle into jonah, causing him to shiver and collapse on the floor in front of him. “chim!” hen gasps. “oh, my god. are you ok?” chimney grunts his way over and off the table, stumbling to the ground while he crawls over to hen. he starts pulling at the ropes around her feet, letting them go as she is able to maneuver her hands out of the ropes. she wobbles over to buck, who is then released and limps over to his girlfriend.
“y/n? hey, baby, c’mon wake up,” he shakes her in a desperate attempt to bring her senses back and wake her from this nightmare. when he eyes finally begin to slowly open, he releases a heavy breath.
“buck, please tell me she’s ok!” hen says, comforting chimneys panting self.
“she’ll be ok,” he leans down, pressing his lips to her forehead.
“hey, hey, it’s ok, we’re all ok.”
the red and blue lights are hard to miss behind them, reflecting in the windows and onto the walls. they hear the ruckus of the officers clattering their way into the room, placing chimney and y/n on a stretcher as buck and hen follow out. jonah is summoned away to the new reality of the back of a police car. buck finally sees another familiar face, running over to bobby as he pulls him into a strong hug. bobby’s anger is fueling in his system, not being able to control himself before his fist is connected with jonah’s face.
“hey, cap,” chimney says, clearly on some new type of drug that will actually help him. “nice punch.”
“i am so sorry, you guys. im just so happy you’re ok,” bobby rants out in pure relief at his team. hen climbed into chimneys ambulance, as buck stood in complete denial about the situation. “hey, buck.”
“she died, bobby,” buck says, glaring into the distance. “her heart stopped and now she’s pumped up with all this stuff and i couldn’t save her and he almost murdered her-“
“listen, kid,” bobby grabs bucks shoulders, trying to ground him. “she’s ok, what she needs now is you next to her. we got him, he’s going away for the rest of his life. now go get checked out, please.”
buck releases yet another exhale as a matching teardrop falls down his cheek. buck walks off, grabbing onto y/n’s hand as she’s lifted into her own ambulance. he still looks at his girlfriend in complete disbelief that she’s alive, and that he is too.
the hospital air was dry and they knew it like a best friend. the smell, the feeling, the white lights that make you think you’ve died when you wake up. they’ve walked in and out of so many hospitals, almost having no fear that they’ll never come out. until buck sees y/n in the bed is the first time he’s completely shaking in the one next to her.
“c’mon, doc,” chimney complains. “i’m fine, i don’t need to stay here.”
“it’s good that you feel good, but it’s just overnight. we want to keep an eye on you and y/n to make sure nothing changes in your blood levels,” the doctor explains.
“it’s ok, chim. just listen to her because she’s right,” hen reassures him before starting her own complaint session.
“i’m glad you feel that way, because we’re keeping you too for further tests. you as well, evan. it’s to make sure he didn’t put anything else into you guys,” hen groans and looks at her three friends.
“we’re in for a hell of a night, y’all.”
chimney and y/n were placed in one room together, needing the same type of observation as hen and buck were having a slumber party in the other. they were watching whatever crappy reality shows they could find until their boredom got the best of them. hen and buck snuck out in their twinning gowns and IV lines and made their way to the room holding their favorite people inside. when they walked in, they said, “guys, we’re breaking out of this joint.”
“and how exactly do you plan to execute that?” chimney asks, slurping on an almost empty juice box. buck moves over to sit on y/n’s bed, caressing her hand as she smiles at him.
“you two almost did die,” hen says. “you know, i never really liked him.”
“not much of a fan myself,” chimney replies in his always lighthearted spirit.
“well some people thought i was crazy, but you guys were ready to go to battle with me. with no proof, you listened and were on board from the start.”
“um, i definitely was not on board from the start,” buck interjects.
“well look at us now buck! we’re stuck together for life,” hen smiles.
“hens always right, that’s the thing between us. she’s the genius and we were the comic relief,” chimney adds.
“you guys are way more than that. chim, you’re the best friend i’ve ever had. y/n and buck, i can’t imagine my life without you two. you’re like denny’s siblings at this point and i’m one hundred percent bringing this up at your wedding.”
“well, you know what they say about parents at weddings,” y/n hints. “they always pay for it.”
“ooh! got her there,” buck laughs and looks at hen. “you know i love you guys, you’re my family.” he lifts y/n’s hand up, landing a kiss on her knuckles.
“if we weren’t in a hospital room right now, i’d say that was quite romantic, buck. i’m proud of you,” chimney pokes fun at the couple on the other side of him before looking back at hen. “we did a great job raising them, don’t you think?”
“i’m just really happy you’re ok. i cant do this without you, y/n. you’re my whole life,” buck speaks softly to his girl, looking deep into her loving eyes.
“you’ll never have to do anything without me,” y/n says. “you’re stuck with me, love.”
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she-is-ovarit · 1 year
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Ashli Streeter said Stevens Transport did not hire her because it had no women to train her. Credit...Montinique Monroe for The New York Times
The trucking industry has complained for years that there is a dire shortage of workers willing to drive big rigs. But some women say many trucking companies have made it effectively impossible for them to get those jobs. Trucking companies often refuse to hire women if the businesses do not have women available to train them. And because fewer than 5 percent of truck drivers in the United States are women, there are few female trainers to go around. The same-sex training policies are common across the industry, truckers and legal experts say, even though a federal judge ruled in 2014 that it was unlawful for a trucking company to require that female job candidates be paired only with female trainers. Ashli Streeter of Killeen, Texas, said she had borrowed $7,000 to attend a truck driving school and earn her commercial driving license in hopes of landing a job that would pay more than the warehouse work she had done. But she said Stevens Transport, a Dallas-based company, had told her that she couldn’t be hired because the business had no women to train her. Other trucking companies turned her down for the same reason. “I got licensed, and I clearly could drive,” Ms. Streeter said. “It was disheartening.” Ms. Streeter and two other women filed a complaint against Stevens Transport with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on Thursday, contending that the company’s same-sex training policy unfairly denied them driving jobs. The commission investigates allegations made against employers, and, if it determines a violation has occurred, it may bring its own lawsuit. The commission had brought the lawsuit that resulted in the 2014 federal court decision against similar policies at another trucking company, Prime. Critics of the industry said the persistence of same-sex training nearly a decade after that ruling, which did not set national legal precedent, was evidence that trucking companies had not done enough to hire women who could help solve their labor woes. “It’s frustrating to see that we have not evolved at all,” said Desiree Wood, a trucker who is the president and founder of Real Women in Trucking, a nonprofit. Ms. Wood’s group is joining the three women in their E.E.O.C. complaint against Stevens, which was filed by Peter Romer-Friedman, a labor lawyer in Washington, and the National Women’s Law Center. Companies that insist on using women to train female applicants generally do so because they want to avoid claims of sexual harassment. Trainers typically spend weeks alone with trainees on the road, where the two often have to sleep in the same cab. Critics of same-sex training acknowledge that sexual harassment is a problem, but they say trucking companies should address it with better vetting and anti-harassment programs. Employers could reduce the risk of harassment by paying for trainees to sleep in a hotel room, which some companies already do. Women made up 4.8 percent of the 1.37 million truck drivers in the United States in 2021, according to the most recent government statistics, up from 4 percent a decade earlier. Long-haul truck driving can be a demanding job. Drivers are away from home for days. Yet some women say they are attracted to it because it can pay around $50,000 a year, with experienced drivers making a lot more. Truck driving generally pays more than many other jobs that don’t require a college degree, including those in retail stores, warehouses or child care centers.
The infrastructure act of 2021 required the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to set up an advisory board to support women pursuing trucking careers and identify practices that keep women out of the profession. Robin Hutcheson, the administrator of the agency, said requiring same-sex training would appear to be a barrier to entry. “If that is happening, that would be something that we would want to take a look at,” she said in an interview. Ms. Streeter, a mother of three, said she had applied to Stevens because it hired people straight out of trucking school. She told Stevens representatives that she was willing to be trained by a man, but to no avail. Bruce Dean, general counsel at Stevens, denied the allegations in the suit. “The fundamental premise in the charge — that Stevens Transport Inc. only allows women trainers to train women trainees — is false,” he said in a statement, adding that the company “has had a cross-gender training program, where both men and women trainers train female trainees, for decades.” Some legal experts said that, although same-sex training was ruled unlawful in only one federal court, trucking companies would struggle to defend such policies before other judges. Under federal employment discrimination law, employers can seek special legal exemptions to treat women differently from men, but courts have granted them very rarely. “Basically, what the law says is that a company needs to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time,” said Deborah Brake, a professor at the University of Pittsburgh who specializes in employment and gender law. “They need to be able to give women equal employment opportunities and prevent and remedy sexual harassment.” Ms. Streeter said she had made meager earnings from infrequent truck driving gigs while hoping to get a position at Stevens. Later this month, she will become a driver in the trucking fleet of a large retailer. Kim Howard, one of the other women who filed the E.E.O.C. complaint against Stevens, said she was attracted to truck driving by the prospect of a steady wage after working for decades as an actor in New York. “It was very much a blow,” she said of being rejected because of the training policy. “I honestly don’t know how I financially made it through.” Ms. Howard, who is now employed at another trucking company, said she had worked briefly at a company where she was trained by two men who treated her well. “It’s quite possible for a woman to be trained by a man, and a man to be a professional about what the job is,” she said. Other female drivers said they had been mistreated by male trainers who could be relentlessly dismissive and sometimes refused to teach them important skills, like reversing a truck with a large trailer attached. Rowan Kannard, a truck driver from Wisconsin who is not involved in the complaint against Stevens, said a male trainer had spent little time training her on a run to California in 2019. At a truck stop where she felt unsafe, Ms. Kannard said, the trainer demanded that she leave the cab — and then locked her out. She asked to stop the training and was flown back to Wisconsin. Yet she said she did not believe that same-sex training for women was necessary. “Some of these men that are training, they should probably go through a course.” Click the article to read more. The author is Peter Eavis.
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seeminglyranch87 · 9 months
Taylor & Travis Timeline
December 2023 - part 2
December 10 - Chiefs v Buffalo Bills, Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City.
Travis Kelce arriving ahead of game
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Taylor flies into Kansas City to attend the Chiefs game with her cousins, Travis' cousins & friends at Arrowhead Stadium
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Travis made a brilliant play contributing to a touch down but was denied due to a team mates penalty.
During the game, NFL announcer and former Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo referred to her as "Travis' wife" while on the air with announcing partner Jim Nantz.
"As you see, Kelce's wife, Taylor Swift, in the audience," Romo pointed out, quickly correcting himself and saying, "I'm sorry -- girlfriend."
"Not yet," Nantz said in response.
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Chiefs were defeated 17 - 20.
Taylor and Travis leave the stadium together
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Taylor and Travis together with team mates, coaches friends and family gather at Miracle Pop Up Bar
Travis' barber shares a photo of Taylor and Travis (x)
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Lots of photos emerge from the party with Taylor and travis taking photos with friends - these have been cropped...
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December 11 - Taylor is nominated for a Golden Globe for The Eras tour movie.
USA Today reports that Taylor has donated $1 million to a Tennessee tornado relief Fund (x) after a Tornado ravaged the state on Saturday 9 Dec.
ET article (x)
According to Cheterah Jackson, a Columbus, Ohio-based real estate agent and friend of Travis', the couple rented a luxury bus to transport their group and reserved the Christmas bar in downtown Kansas City for friends and family. 
Jackson tells ET, "My boyfriend Calvin Locke... is Travis' friend and has known him since the 7th grade. We were in the suite at the game, which was filled with family and friends."
"Taylor is an absolute sweetheart. She is very down-to-earth and kind." 
"Taylor and Travis are so in love. It was so cute seeing them together and I can see them getting married"  
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December 12 - Taylor returns to NYC. Pictured with Miles & Keleigh Teller
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December 13 - New Heights Ep. 68 airs (x 5:05)
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Jason and Travis limit talking about Taylor although when the brothers chat about the No.1 & No.2 sales of NFL jerseys in the UK, they give credit to Swifties for helping with the success of topping the sales and Travis gives a "shout out to Kylie and Taylor." Travis suggests that perhaps they could "find our way over there this off season and say hello to everyone in person" and record a live show in the UK. Jason replies "we also got an opportunity to do one in Australia - we could make it a world tour"
Any one know of an international pop star who may be touring in the UK and Australia in 2024 that coincides with the NFL off season? Are the Kelce brothers hinting that Travis and perhaps Jason will join Taylor on tour next year? It should be noted that Patrick Mahomes has also raised the idea of possibly catching the Era's Tour in Europe in the off season too...
The boys answer "No Dumb Questions" from handle "metal-as-hell", a reference to Taylor's TIME article calling Travis "metal as hell" when he publicly declared his interest in dating Taylor.
Taylor Swift's 34th Birthday - Taylor heads to Banzarbar, NYC with friends to celebrate her birthday into the early hours of the morning - Happy Birthday Taylor! The paps even broke out into song to sing Taylor "Happy Birthday". Note Travis remained in KC with commitments to the Chiefs. This was expected.
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December 14 - Taylor and friends share photos from the birthday celebration the evening before (x)
December 15 - Taylor is named Billboard's No.1 Greatest Pop Star (x)
It didn’t seem possible that anyone could have a year this dominant: not this deep into the streaming era, not this long after the oft-proclaimed death of the monoculture, not when the entire industry seems to be in crisis over how to capture and hold onto listener attention. It was a year not to be judged against Swift’s 2023 peers, but against the entirety of modern pop history. 
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There is no wasted potential with Taylor Swift, no what ifs – the chance was there for her to have one of the greatest years any pop star has ever had, and you know that she grabbed it. Taylor was here. No one who was around for her 2023 will ever forget it.
With reference to Taylor's relationship with Travis, Billboard's Andrew Unterberger says:
... rumors were beginning to swirl about her and Kelce. The Chiefs star had become increasingly coy in his comments about the pop icon, saying he’d invited her to come see him play a home game (after he’d seen her Eras show in Kansas City that July). She did indeed do just that on the September 24th, with her presence at Arrowhead sending both the worlds of sports and pop culture into a frenzy, and leading to numerous posts and videos of non-football-conversant Swifties sharing the sport’s rules with one another, so they could better understand what was happening in between the shots of their hero in a private box with Kelce’s mom Donna.  From then on, every Sunday (and a couple Mondays and Thursdays) of 2023 was overtaken with Taylor talk: Would she be showing up at the Chiefs’ next game? What other celebrities would she be attending with? What kind of Kelce swag would she be wearing, and what would that mean about their relationship? What do you mean Kansas City is on a bye week?While Swift’s short relationship with Healy was extremely controversial to Swifties and her long relationship with Alwyn was largely uninteresting to everyone else, her love story with Kelce – a well-liked, unproblematic figure, a Super Bowl-winning superstar as an athlete with enough of a Q rating as a celebrity to host SNL – was universally accessible, and found near-100% public approval. You didn’t need deep grounding in Swift Lore to understand the relationship, because it just felt right: the All-American athlete dating the All-American pop star. 
Go to part 1 of December 2023
Go to part 3 of December 2023
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Liner notes to the “Asteroid City” soundtrack (ABKCO, 2024):
Cowboys have been singing in movies as long as sound has been in movies. In our case, it was an unusually international group: Jarvis Cocker from Sheffield, South Yorkshire; Seu Jorge from Rio de Janeiro; the French banjo player Jean-Yves Lozac’h; Spanish Pere Mallén on the double bass; young Preston George Mota out of Dallas, Texas; and Rupert Friend from Oxford, England as “Montana” himself. We are pleased to add “Dear Alien” to the sturdy list of cowboy songs performed on the big screen. (Many thanks to Richard Hawley who guided Montana and the Ranch Hands each step of the path.) Other cowboy voices yodel over the radio in the story too: Roy Rogers; Tex Ritter; Slim Whitman; Burl Ives; Spade Cooley; Tennessee Ernie Ford; and the King of Western swing, Bob Wills with his Texas Playboys. Plus: we have our longtime collaborator Alexandre Desplat who composed a unique and wonderful original score which somehow puts us in the territory of extraterrestrial mystery while simultaneously evoking the smell of the greasepaint. We hope you enjoy these four sides of vinyl which might transport you back in time and space to 1955, a small town on the California/Arizona/Nevada desert, a play in three acts called ASTEROID CITY.
Wes Anderson
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sprinterbuzz · 5 days
Van Rental at DFW Airport: Sprinter Buzz
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Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) is one of the busiest airports in the world, serving millions of travelers each year. For many of those visitors, reliable transportation is essential, whether it’s for a family vacation, a business trip, or group travel. Renting a van from DFW Airport can be a smart, cost-effective solution for those who need more space, comfort, and flexibility than a standard rental car can offer. In this guide, we’ll explore the benefits of van rentals, the types of vans available, tips for choosing the right van, and the top rental companies at DFW Airport.
Why Rent a Van at DFW Airport?
Spaciousness: Vans offer significantly more room than sedans or SUVs, making them ideal for families, groups of friends, or business teams. Whether you’re traveling with a lot of luggage or just want extra legroom, vans provide ample space for both passengers and belongings.
Group Travel: If you're traveling with a group, renting a van allows everyone to stay together, rather than splitting up into multiple vehicles. This not only simplifies coordination but also makes it easier to enjoy the journey together.
Comfort: Modern vans are equipped with comfortable seating, entertainment systems, climate control, and other amenities that make long trips more pleasant. Whether you’re headed on a road trip or navigating Dallas traffic, the comfort of a van enhances the overall experience.
Cost-Effective: Renting a van can be more economical than renting multiple smaller vehicles, especially when traveling with a large group. You’ll save on rental fees, fuel, and parking by consolidating your transportation needs into one vehicle.
Flexibility: With a van rental, you have the flexibility to go where you need, when you need. Whether it’s a hotel, a business meeting, or a tourist attraction, you can set your own schedule without relying on public transportation or ride-sharing services.
Types of Vans Available for Rent at DFW Airport
There are various types of vans available for rent at DFW Airport, depending on your specific needs. Here’s an overview of the most common options:
Passenger Vans: These are ideal for transporting larger groups of people, typically seating between 7 and 15 passengers. Passenger vans are commonly used for family vacations, group trips, or shuttle services. They offer comfortable seating and sufficient storage for luggage.
Minivans: A minivan is perfect for families or smaller groups of up to 7 passengers. They offer a balance of space, comfort, and fuel efficiency, making them a popular choice for road trips and airport transfers. Minivans also feature foldable seats for extra cargo space.
Cargo Vans: If you're traveling for business and need to transport equipment or goods, cargo vans provide ample storage space. These vans are also useful for moving furniture, catering supplies, or other large items. Cargo vans are spacious but still easy to drive.
Luxury Vans: For those looking for a more upscale experience, luxury vans come with premium features such as leather seats, advanced entertainment systems, and enhanced climate control. These are often rented for corporate events, VIP transport, or special occasions.
12-15 Passenger Vans: For large groups, a 12- or 15-passenger van is the best option. These vans are perfect for sports teams, large families, or company outings. They offer maximum seating capacity while maintaining comfort and legroom for passengers.
Top Van Rental Companies at DFW Airport
DFW Airport has several major car rental companies, many of which offer a wide selection of vans. Here’s a look at some of the top van rental providers you’ll find at DFW Airport:
Enterprise Rent-A-Car: Enterprise is known for its extensive fleet and excellent customer service. At DFW Airport, Enterprise offers a variety of van options, including minivans, passenger vans, and luxury vans. They also have flexible rental terms and a well-organized pickup process.
Hertz: One of the most recognized names in car rentals, Hertz offers a variety of van rentals at DFW Airport, including both passenger and cargo vans. Hertz is a great option for travelers looking for reliable, well-maintained vehicles and competitive pricing.
Avis: Avis is another popular choice for van rentals at DFW. They offer minivans and passenger vans with a focus on comfort and safety. Avis frequently provides discounts and promotions, making it a great option for budget-conscious travelers.
Budget Rent-A-Car: True to its name, Budget provides affordable van rental options for those looking to save money without sacrificing quality. They offer 7- and 12-passenger vans, ideal for family trips and group travel.
Alamo Rent-A-Car: Alamo is a great choice for international travelers, with a wide range of van rental options. They offer quick check-in services and have a reputation for providing clean, comfortable vehicles.
National Car Rental: National caters to business travelers and those who prefer a premium rental experience. Their selection of luxury vans and passenger vans is perfect for those needing extra comfort or high-end features.
Things to Consider When Renting a Van at DFW Airport
Size of the Van: Determine how many passengers you’ll have and how much luggage or cargo you’ll be bringing. Choose a van that accommodates your group comfortably, with enough storage space for your belongings.
Duration of Rental: Rental companies at DFW offer flexible rental periods, from a few hours to several weeks. Be sure to consider your travel itinerary and whether you’ll need the van for just the airport transfer or for the entirety of your stay in Dallas.
Rental Price: Prices for van rentals at DFW vary depending on the type of van, rental duration, and demand. Booking in advance can help you secure better rates, especially during peak travel seasons. Be sure to compare prices across different companies to find the best deal.
Insurance: Rental companies offer various insurance options, including collision damage waivers and liability coverage. Make sure to review your existing auto insurance policy or credit card benefits to determine if additional coverage is necessary.
Airport Pickup: DFW Airport has a dedicated Rental Car Center, accessible via shuttle from all terminals. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the pickup and return process, as well as shuttle schedules, to avoid delays in your travel plans.
Extras and Add-ons: If you're traveling with children, you may need a van with child safety seats. Some rental companies offer add-ons such as GPS navigation systems, Wi-Fi hotspots, or additional driver options, so be sure to inquire about available extras.
Benefits of Renting a Van at DFW Airport
Convenience: Having a van ready for you as soon as you land at DFW saves time and simplifies logistics. You can hit the road immediately and travel without any delays.
Wide Selection: With several major car rental companies operating at DFW, you have a wide variety of vans to choose from, ensuring that you find the perfect vehicle for your trip.
On-site Support: Most rental companies have customer service representatives and support staff at DFW, ensuring that any issues or questions can be resolved quickly.
Renting a van from DFW Airport is a practical and convenient solution for families, groups, or business travelers needing extra space and flexibility. With a range of van options available—from minivans to luxury passenger vans—travelers can easily find a vehicle that suits their specific needs. Whether you're visiting Dallas for business or pleasure, a van rental will enhance your travel experience, providing comfort, convenience, and cost savings throughout your trip. By considering the type of van, rental terms, and the best rental companies, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey from the moment you arrive at DFW.
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galtx · 1 month
GALTx eNews: Welcome, West Coast Greyhounds!
When “greyt” minds think alike, wonderful things can happen. Six greyhound adoption groups collaborated to arrange two transports for eight greyhounds from the West Coast to Texas. GreySave, Fast Friends Greyhound Adoption, GALT Arizona, GALT, and GALT Central Texas collaborated on the logistics and Southeastern Greyhound Adoption (SEGA) provided a grant to assist with the transport expenses. We thank everyone involved for their hard work and team spirit! 
Six of the eight hounds came from the closure of the Canódromo Caliente in Tijuana, Mexico. Two of the hounds came from the closure of Hemopet near Los Angeles, California (Juniper and Azalea). On August 1, they all boarded their transport vehicle together just north of Los Angeles and traveled their first leg to Tucson where they rested a night with GALT Arizona. The next day, they drove the rest of the way to Dallas, Texas. 
Azalea, Dream, Gretel, and Raider left for Austin on Saturday, the next morning. They will stay with GALT Central Texas to find their forever homes. Juniper, Tracy, Reba, and Randy will remain in Dallas. Juniper is a black gal that is only two years old. She is not tattooed. Tracy is a black girl with 59 races to her credit. She turned three years old in June. Reba is a white and brindle girl who will celebrate her fifth birthday later this month. Randy is a fawn five year old boy who raced 271 races in Florida and Mexico. 
Watch for them to be adoptable after we get to know them better in foster homes and address any medical needs they have. At a minimum, they will each require spay/neuter, vaccinations, and a dental. It all adds up! You can help them on their journey with a gift to our Nitsche Medical Fund! Thank you!
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dankusner · 2 months
Feast of the Gods, Jan van Bijlert, 1635
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The Apollonian and Dionysian, two great western principles, govern sexual personae in life and art.
My theory is this:
Dionysus is identification,
Apollo objectification.
Dionysus is the empathic, the sympathetic, emotion transporting us into other people, other palaces, other times.
Apollo is the hard, cold separation of western personality and categorical thought.
Dionysus is energy, ecstasy, hysteria, promiscuity, emotionalism — heedless indiscriminateness of idea or practice.
Apollo is obsessiveness, voyeurism, idolatry, fascism — frigidity and aggression of the eye, petrification of objects. …
The quarrel between Apollo and Dionysus is the quarrel between the higher cortex and the older limbic and reptilian brains.
C. Paglia
In a healthy culture, Apollonian order beats back Dionysian wild, and learns something from it in the bargain. 
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Christians express outrage over Last Supper drag performance during opening ceremonies of Olympics
An “artistic” performance involving drag during the Olympics’ opening ceremonies has spurred intense backlash.
After a parody of Leonardo Da Vinci’s famous painting ‘The Last Supper’ was featured during the Olympics opening ceremony on Friday night, the Paris 2024 organizers issued an apology to Catholics and other Christian groups.
The reenactment included drag queens, a transgender model, a naked singer portraying the Greek god of wine, Dionysus, and a child.
Paris 2024 president Tony Estanguet said, “The idea was to really trigger a reflection.”
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Well, you succeeded in triggering something… worldwide outrage.
Anne Descamps, spokesperson for Paris 2024, mentioned during a press conference that the opening ceremony’s focus was to “celebrate community tolerance.”
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I think it is safe to say people are getting tired of being told that we must celebrate debauchery in the name of “tolerance.”
Fitness guru Jillian Michaels posted on X: “Dear fellow gays… We demand tolerance and respect but then make a mockery of something sacred for over 2 billion Christians. This type of hypocrisy and lack of understanding is a bad look. We get outraged when the extreme right bashes us, but then we do this shit. What kind of reaction do you think they will have towards the LGBTQ+ community after this. This is NOT how we break down barriers it’s how you build them.”
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Italy’s deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini criticized the scene, calling it insulting and “sleazy.”
He said, “Opening the Olympics by insulting billions of Christians across the world was a really bad start.”
Here’s what House Speaker Mike Johnson had to say about it:
“Last night’s mockery of the Last Supper was shocking and insulting to Christian people around the world who watched the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. The war on our faith and traditional values knows no bounds today. But we know that truth and virtue will always prevail. ‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.’ (John 1:5),” he posted.
As extensively covered by The Dallas Express, drag has come under fire in Texas for allegedly being “derisive, divisive and demoralizing misogyny,” at least according to one university president who canceled a drag show that was supposed to be held on his campus.
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Anyway, here’s some of what Fox News reported on the controversy:Prominent Catholic leader and evangelist Bishop Robert Barron rebuked the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics in Paris this week for “mocking this very central moment in Christianity.”
Barron, the head of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester in Minnesota and viral Catholic influencer, posted a video to X Friday lamenting the startling display of drag queens posing as Christ and his apostles at the Last Supper that was part of the opening ceremony of the summer games in the French capital.
“What do I see but this gross mockery of the Last Supper,” Barron told his more than 285 thousand X followers on Friday.
Barron told Fox News Digital that the spectacle of the drag queen “Last Supper” performance was a sign Christians in the West were becoming too passive and “weak.”
The controversial display featured numerous performers, including drag queens and a large woman in a halo crown, parodying “The Last Supper,” a universally recognizable painting by renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci of Christ and his apostles on the night of Passover before Christ’s passion and death.
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Controversy Erupts Over Paris Olympics Take on Leonardo’s ‘Last Supper’
Organizers of the Paris Olympic Games have apologized for what appeared to be reenactment of Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper at the opening ceremonies featuring a colorful cast of drag queens.
But they insist the scene was actually meant to be an ancient Greek bacchanal—not a mockery of a key moment from the Christian religion.
“The idea was to create a big pagan party in link with the God of Mount Olympus,” opening ceremony director Thomas Jolly, told France’s BFMTV. “[The Last Supper is] not my inspiration and that should be pretty obvious.”
“My wish isn’t to be subversive, nor to mock or to shock. Most of all, I wanted to send a message of love, a message of inclusion and not at all to divide,” he added in an interview with the AP, noting that he had been bullied as a child for being gay.
The four-hour event saw athletes float along the River Seine in a unique take on the parade of nations, with performances along the route to the Eiffel Tower.
On the Passerelle Debilly bridge, a drag fashion show kicked off with the figures posing dramatically along one side of the raised catwalk, as if sitting at a long table.
The central figure, DJ and producer Barbara Butch, was behind a turntable wearing an elaborate, rayed silver head piece that some viewers interpreted as a reference to Jesus with a halo.
“In this scene from the Olympic opening ceremony, the famous painting of The Last Supper is recreated, Jesus is replaced with an obese woman, while queer and trans figures (including a child!) depict her apostles,” Jenna Ellis, Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign attorney to, wrote on X, formerly Twitter.
“The idea of the central figure with a halo and a group of followers on either side—it’s so typical of The Last Supper iconography that to read it in any other way might be a little foolhardy,” art historian Sasha Grishin, of Australian National University, told the New York Times.
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But social media users suggested that Butch wasn’t meant to be Jesus, but the French Lady Liberty, also known as Marianne, a symbol of the nation.
There were also at least 17 Olympic performers, compared to the 12 apostles in The Last Supper, with poses that recalled voguing more than the clustered groupings of three men in the Leonardo fresco.
And The Last Supper doesn’t have obvious ties to French culture, which was heavily referenced during the opening ceremonies.
Leonardo’s other most famous work, the Mona Lisa, is of course housed at the Louvre.
The painting had a fun cameo in the festivities, when it was stolen by Despicable Me henchmen the Minions.
There is, however, a notable Old Master work that does call France home that seems a closer match to the controversial Olympic tableaux.
That’s Jan Harmensz van Biljert’s The Feast of the Gods, a 1635 Dutch painting from the collection of the Magnin Museum, in Dijon, eastern France.
In that work, the gods are sitting at a long table, with Apollo, the sun god, at the center.
There is also a child at the meal, matching the child in the Olympic performance that angered some viewers.
“Does this painting remind you of something?” the museum wrote on X after the ceremony’s conclusion.
(The similarities were also pointed out by a handful of social media users with deep art historical knowledge.)
The bacchanalian nature of the opening ceremonies scene became more explicit when the drag queens were joined by French actor Philippe Katerine.
He was playing the role of the Greek deity Dionysus, god of wine—for which France is well known—and festivity, and father of Sequana, the goddess of the Seine river.
Skin painted bright blue and nearly nude, he was revealed beneath a giant silver cloche surrounded by fruit like the main course of the feast.
In all, it was a tribute to French joie de vivre, as well as the nation’s reputation for gastronomic excellence.
The official Olympics social media account shared a photo of the scene, noting that the “interpretation of the Greek God Dionysus makes us aware of the absurdity of violence between human beings.”
“We wanted to include everyone, as simple as that,” Jolly said at a press conference following the event.
“In France, we have freedom of creation, artistic freedom. We are lucky in France to live in a free country. I didn’t have any specific messages that I wanted to deliver. In France, we are republic, we have the right to love whom we want, we have the right not to be worshippers, we have a lot of rights in France, and this is what I wanted to convey.”
Nevertheless, the outrage from conservative voices on social media was immediate, calling the performance blasphemous and even satanic.
Official statements from various religious groups followed. The French Catholic Church’s conference of bishops “deplored a ceremony that included scenes of derision and mockery of Christianity.”
And politicians also chimed in, with Mike Johnson, speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, calling the performance “shocking and insulting to Christian people around the world,” on X.
“Opening the Olympics by insulting billions of Christians around the world was a really bad start, dear French,” Matteo Salvini, the leader of Italy’s far-right League party and the nation’s deputy prime minister, added.
Models walk along a catwalk on the Passerelle Debilly bridge, illuminated at night, during the Olympic opening ceremonies in Paris.
The scene's resemblance to the Last Supper sparked controversy among conservative Christians.
In response, the Olympic organizers did issue an apology.
“Clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group. On the contrary, I think (with) Thomas Jolly, we really did try to celebrate community tolerance,” Paris 2024 spokesperson Anne Descamps said during an International Olympic Committee news conference.
“If people have taken any offense we are, of course, really, really sorry.”
However, event producers also issued a statement to the Wrap contradicting Jolly’s denials.
“For the ‘Festivities’ segment, Thomas Jolly took inspiration from Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting to create the setting,” producers told the.
“Clearly, there was never an intention to show disrespect towards any religious group or belief… [Jolly] is not the first artist to make a reference to what is a world-famous work of art. From Andy Warhol to The Simpsons, many have done it before him.”
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Taking Private City Tours with Dallas Limo and Black Car Service to See Dallas in Style
Discover Dallas in elegance and luxury with one of Dallas Limo and Black Car Service's private city tours. These trips are customized to your preferences and led by professional drivers, making your trip through the city's center an unforgettable experience.
Explore the fascinating city of Dallas, Texas, which is teeming with energy, culture, and history. In this vibrant city, there's always something new to find, from its well-known landmarks to its hidden treasures. Furthermore, there's no better way to take in Dallas's sights and noises than by booking a private city tour with Dallas Limo and Black Car Service.
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Travelers from all over the world are drawn to Dallas, Texas, a city known for its elegance, culture, and history, to experience its vibrant streets and well-known sites. There is a universe waiting to be discovered amidst the lively energy of this city, and there is no better way to start your journey than with a private city tour in the classy comfort of Dallas Limo and Black Car Service.
Revealing the Secret Treasures of Dallas
An personal exploration of Dallas's most well-known landmarks and best-kept secrets may be had with a private city tour from Dallas Limo and Black Car Service. Travelers are transported in unmatched luxury, enabling them to completely immerse themselves in the allure of the city, thanks to a fleet of immaculately maintained vehicles that includes stylish black cars and sleek limousines.
Customized Events, Carefully Selected
The customized experience that a private city tour provides is what makes it unique. Every tour is carefully chosen to satisfy the tastes and interests of the discriminating tourist. Skilled drivers who are familiar with Dallas's past and present act as personal tour guides, offering unique insights and insider information at every step
Set Out on a Cultural and Historical Adventure
Travelers are rewarded with a thorough study of Dallas's rich legacy and scenic beauty, from the historic sites of Dealey Plaza and the West End District to the expansive grounds of the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden. However, the adventure is far from over. Visitors can explore more of the city's varied districts, from the Bishop Arts District to the eclectic charm of Deep Ellum, with the help of Dallas Limo and Black Car Service.
Savor Culinary Delights
A trip through Dallas's culinary scene would be incomplete without one. Travelers may enjoy Dallas's best restaurants and undiscovered culinary jewels with suggestions from your chauffeur, making the entire experience a sensory extravaganza.
Recreate Dallas, One Building at a Time
A private city tour with Dallas Limo and Black Car Service is more than just a sightseeing excursion; it's an invitation to rediscover Dallas, one landmark at a time. Whether you're a first-time visitor eager to see the highlights or a seasoned traveler looking to uncover hidden treasures, a private tour promises an unforgettable journey through the heart and soul of this dynamic city.
Plan Your Adventure Now!
Why then wait? With Dallas Limo & Black Car Service, have an exclusive tour of the city's colorful streets and well-known sites. A private city tour delivers the ideal fusion of luxury, comfort, and individualized care, making your trip to Dallas nothing short of extraordinary—whether you're traveling alone, with family, or in a group. Plan your trip now, and get ready to explore Dallas's magic in style.
Dallas Limo and Black Car Service offers private city tours that are the ideal means of seeing everything Dallas has to offer in comfort and style. A private tour delivers a customized and immersive experience that will leave you with lifelong memories, whether you're a first-time visitor or an experienced tourist looking to revisit the city. Why then wait? Get ready to go on the ultimate Dallas trip by scheduling your personalized city tour right now
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ftwd-the-real-deal · 4 months
The Quad Squad
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It was formed by Josh Laurence, it was a group of travelers who used their carven to transport from one place to another in order to survive, the group was originally consisted of ten people, then the numbers begun to increase day by day, they had a system that worked, however, nothing good lasts in an apocalypse, the group was attacked by another group, afterwards they were ran down by walkers and only four out of thirty survived.
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Joshua Laurence is the one who leads the group, he used to be a marine, very intelligent in combat, he had a fiance who was pregnant with his child, but she died at the beginning of the apocalypse.
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Tyler Dallas, he's good in combat but doesn't compare to Josh, he idolizes Josh though, he's a bit of a wild card, used to be a gym instructor, he couldn't reach his family during the apocalypse, he found Josh and stuck with his group, too afraid to go search for them.
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Dory Finnick is a doctor, he had a wife, four children and a happy life, when the apocalypse began, his family died of various things, his wife died because she threw herself in the face of a walker to protect her family, the oldest child died out of sickness, the other three out of starvation and dehydration, he's the sole survivor, Josh and Tyler found him barely alive but they helped him.
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Fin Hudson worked in IT before the apocalypse, he was a very clever man, he provided for his younger siblings and parents who died mid-apocalypse, he's a force of nature, never backs down and sticks to his opinions, he learned how to fight throughout the apocalypse.
The four men are currently moving from one location to another, desperately trying to survive and meet day's end.
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avalonbus · 1 year
When renting a charter bus, it is important to identify the number of passengers in your group so that the rental company can provide you with a properly sized bus that can comfortably accommodate everyone.
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casbooks · 1 year
Books of 2023
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Book 39 of 2023
Title: First In, Last Out: An American Paratrooper in Vietnam With the 101st and Vietnamese Airborne Authors: John Howard ISBN: 9780811766067 Tags: AC-130 Spectre, AUS ADF AA 1st Royal Australian Regiment (1RAR), AUS ADF AA Australian Army, AUS ADF Australian Defence Force, AUS Australia, B-52 Stratofortress, C-130 Hercules, CHE Geneva Conference of 1954 (French Indochina War), Cold War (1946-1991), CUB Cuba, CUB Cuban Missile Crisis, FAC, FRA ADT French Ground Army (Armée de terre), FRA ADT Groupement Mobile 100 (French Indochina War), FRA France, GER Berlin, GER Berlin - Checkpoint Charlie, GER Berlin Wall, GER Germany, GER Munich, KHM Cambodia, KHM Cambodian Incursion (1970) (Vietnam War), KOR Blue House Raid (1968), KOR Camp Greaves, KOR Freedom Bridge, KOR Imjin River, KOR Korea, KOR Korean War (1950-1953), KOR Munsan, KOR President Park Chung Hee, KOR ROK Capital Tiger Division, KOR ROK KATUSA Korean Augmentation to the US Army, KOR ROK Republic of Korea Army, KOR ROKMC Republic Of Korea Marine Corps, KOR UN UNC United Nations Command, KOR US USFK US Forces Korea, LAO FSB 31 (Lam Son 719) (Vietnam War), LAO Lam Son 719 (1971) (Vietnam War), LAO Laos, M113 APC, O-2 Skymaster, PHL Philippines, PHL US USAF Clark Air Force Base, PRK Kim Il Sung, PRK KPA 124th Army Unit, PRK KPA North Korean People's Army, PRK North Korea, SA-2 Guideline SAM, SA-7 Strela SAM, SAM, THA Bangkok, THA Bangkok - Nick's #1 Hungarian Inn, THA RTAFB Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Base, THA Thailand, U-2, UN United Nations, US Ambassador Maxwell Taylor, US Martin Luther King Jr (Civil Rights Leader), US MOH Medal of Honor, US MSTS Military Sea Transportation Service, US MSTS USNS General Leroy Eltinge (T-AP-154), US OH Kent State University, US OH Kent State University Shootings (1970) (Vietnam War), US OH Ohio, US President John F. Kennedy, US President John F. Kennedy Assassination - Dallas TX (1963), US President Lyndon B. Johnson, US President Richard M. Nixon, US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, US USA 101st Airborne Division - 1st Brigade, US USA 101st Airborne Division - 3rd Brigade, US USA 101st Airborne Division - Screaming Eagles, US USA 173rd Airborne Brigade - Sky Soldiers, US USA 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team, US USA 1st Cavalry Division, US USA 1st ID - 3rd Brigade, US USA 1st ID - Big Red One, US USA 23rd Infantry Regiment, US USA 23rd Infantry Regiment - 3/23, US USA 2nd ID, US USA 2nd Infantry Regiment, US USA 2nd Infantry Regiment - 2/2, US USA 327th Infantry Regiment, US USA 327th Infantry Regiment - 1/327, US USA 327th Infantry Regiment - 1/327 - A (ABU) Co, US USA 327th Infantry Regiment - 1/327 - B Co, US USA 327th Infantry Regiment - 1/327 - Tiger Force Recon, US USA 38th Infantry Regiment, US USA 38th Infantry Regiment - 2/38, US USA 502nd Aviation Bn, US USA 502nd Aviation Bn - A Co, US USA 502nd Infantry Regiment, US USA 502nd Infantry Regiment - 2/502, US USA 502nd Infantry Regiment - 2/502 - C Co, US USA 503rd Infantry Regiment, US USA 503rd Infantry Regiment - 1/503, US USA 503rd Infantry Regiment - 2/503, US USA 70th Engineer Bn, US USA 7th ID, US USA 8th Army, US USA 937th Engineer Group, US USA 9th Cavalry Regiment, US USA 9th Cavalry Regiment - 1/9 - F Troop, US USA 9th Cavalry Regiment - 1/9 - Headhunters, US USA Col David Hackworth, US USA Col Jack Jacobs (MOH), US USA Fort Benning GA, US USA Fort Benning GA - Airborne School, US USA Fort Benning GA - IOAC Infantry Officers Advanced Course, US USA Fort Benning GA - NCOCC NCO Candidate Course, US USA Fort Benning GA - Ranger School, US USA Fort Benning GA - US Army Infantry School, US USA Fort Campbell KY, US USA Fort Ord CA, US USA Fort Ord CA - USATC US Army Training Center, US USA General Barry McCaffrey, US USA General Charles H Bonesteel III, US USA General Creighton Abrams, US USA General Fred C. Weyand, US USA General Frederick Koresen, US USA General James A. Hollingsworth, US USA General John Guthrie, US USA General John Heintges, US USA General John McGiffert, US USA General John R. McGiffert, US USA General Normal Schwarzkopf, US USA General Ray Lynch, US USA General Thomas Kennan, US USA General Willard Pearson, US USA General William Coleman, US USA General William Enemark, US USA General William Westmoreland, US USA LRRP Team (Vietnam War), US USA United States Army, US USA USSF Green Berets, US USA USSF Special Forces, US USA USSF Team ODA-221, US USA USSF Team ODA-222, US USA Walter Reed Hospital, US USAF 21st TASS - Rash FAC, US USAF 21st TASS - Sundog FAC, US USAF United States Air Force, US USMC 3rd Marines - 3/3, US USMC United States Marine Corps, US USN NPS Naval Postgraduate School CA, US USN United States Navy, US USN USS Newport News (CA-148), US USN USS Pueblo (AGER 2), USMA West Point, USMA West Point - Camp Buckner, USSR, USSR 1st Secretary Nikita Khrushchev, USSR General Secretary of the Communist Party Leonid Brezhnev, VNM 1968 Tet Offensive (1968) (Vietnam War), VNM 1972 Easter Offensive / Nguyen Hue (1972) (Vietnam War), VNM An Khe, VNM An Loc, VNM An Ninh, VNM Assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem (1963) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of An Loc (1972) (1972 Easter Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Camp Holloway (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Dak To (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Dien Bien Phu (1954) (French Indochina War), VNM Battle of Hue City (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Ia Drang Valley (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Saigon (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Tan Son Nhut (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Bien Hoa, VNM Binh Dinh Province, VNM Binh Long Province, VNM Buddhist Crisis (1963) (Vietnam War), VNM Cam Ranh Bay, VNM Camp Carroll (Vietnam War), VNM Camp Evans (Vietnam War), VNM Camp Holloway (Vietnam War), VNM Central Highlands, VNM Cham People, VNM Cholon, VNM Cholon - Binh Xuyen (Cholon Mafia), VNM Chon Thanh District, VNM Chu Lai, VNM Cua Viet River, VNM Cung Son Special Forces Camp (Vietnam War), VNM Da Nang, VNM Dak To, VNM Di An, VNM DMZ Demilitarized Zone - 17th Parallel (Vietnam War), VNM Dong Ba Thin, VNM Dong Ba Thin Special Forces Camp (Vietnam War), VNM Dong Tre, VNM Dong Tre Special Forces Camp (Vietnam War), VNM DRV Ho Chi Minh, VNM DRV NVA 320B Division, VNM DRV NVA 7th Division, VNM DRV NVA 95th Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 95th Regiment - 5th Bn, VNM DRV NVA Communist B2 Front, VNM DRV NVA General Tran Van Tra, VNM DRV NVA General Vo Nguyen Giap, VNM DRV NVA North Vietnamese Army, VNM DRV Party Secretary Le Duan, VNM DRV Politburo Central Military Committee, VNM DRV VC 5th Division, VNM DRV VC 9th Division, VNM DRV VC Viet Cong, VNM DRV VM Viet Minh, VNM Emperor Minh Manh, VNM FRA 1st Vietnamese Paratroop Bn (French Indochina War), VNM FRA French Expeditionary Corps (French Indochina War), VNM French Indochina War (1946-1954), VNM FSB Mai Loc (Vietnam War), VNM FSB Sarge (Vietnam War), VNM FSB Than Khai (Vietnam War), VNM Gulf of Tonkin Incident (1964) (Vietnam War), VNM Heiu Xuong District, VNM Highway 1, VNM Highway 13 - Thunder Road, VNM Highway 19, VNM Highway 9, VNM Hill 169, VNM Hill 65, VNM Hill 875, VNM Hue, VNM Hue - Le Huan St, VNM Hue - The Citadel, VNM I Corps (Vietnam War), VNM Ia Drang Valley, VNM II Corps (Vietnam War), VNM III Corps (Vietnam War), VNM IV Corps (Vietnam War), VNM Kontum, VNM Kontum Province, VNM Lai Khe, VNM Loc Ninh, VNM LZ Albany (Vietnam War), VNM LZ Sally (Vietnam War), VNM LZ X-Ray (Vietnam War), VNM Mekong Delta, VNM Montagnard, VNM My Canh, VNM My Chanh River, VNM My Lai, VNM My Lai Massacre (1968) (Vietnam War), VNM My Phu, VNM Nha Trang, VNM Nhon Co, VNM Ninh Thuan Province, VNM Operation Arc Light (1965-1973) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Checkerboard (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Dong Tien (1970) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Flaming Dart (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Hump (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Lam Son 72 (1972) (1972 Easter Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Linebacker I (1972) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Linebacker II (1972) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation MacArthur (1967-1969) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Sayonara (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Silver Bayonet I (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Van Buren (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Phan Rang, VNM Phan Thiet, VNM Phu Bai, VNM Phu Sen, VNM Phu Yen Province, VNM Phung Ha, VNM Pleiku, VNM Quang Tri, VNM Quang Tri - Citadel, VNM Quang Tri Province, VNM Qui Nhon, VNM RVN ARVN 11th Airborne Bn, VNM RVN ARVN 15th Regiment, VNM RVN ARVN 18th ID, VNM RVN ARVN 1st ID, VNM RVN ARVN 20th Tank Regiment, VNM RVN ARVN 21st ID, VNM RVN ARVN 31st Regiment, VNM RVN ARVN 3rd ID, VNM RVN ARVN 56th Regiment, VNM RVN ARVN 5th Airborne Bn, VNM RVN ARVN 5th ID, VNM RVN ARVN 6th Airborne Bn, VNM RVN ARVN 8th Airborne Bn, VNM RVN ARVN 9th Airborne Bn, VNM RVN ARVN 9th ID, VNM RVN ARVN Airborne Division - Su-Doan Nhay Du, VNM RVN ARVN Army of the Republic of Vietnam, VNM RVN ARVN CIDG Civilian Irregular Defense Group, VNM RVN ARVN General Cao Van Vien, VNM RVN ARVN General Du Quoc Dong, VNM RVN ARVN General Hoang Xuan Lam, VNM RVN ARVN General Le Van Hung, VNM RVN ARVN General Ngo Quang Truong, VNM RVN ARVN General Nguyen Van Minh, VNM RVN ARVN General Vu Van Giai, VNM RVN Madame Nhu (Tran Le Xuan), VNM RVN Marines, VNM RVN Ngo Dinh Diem, VNM RVN Ngo Dinh Nhu, VNM RVN Nguyen Van Thieu, VNM RVN SVNAF Da Nang Airbase, VNM RVN SVNAF South Vietnamese Air Force, VNM Saigon, VNM Saigon - Missouri BOQ (Vietnam War), VNM Saigon - Pham Van Hai St, VNM Saigon - US Embassy (Vietnam War), VNM Srok Ton Cui, VNM Tan Khai, VNM Tan Son Nhut Air Base, VNM Tan Son Nhut Air Base - Camp Alpha (Vietnam War), VNM Thach Han River, VNM Thanh Binh, VNM Thanh Hoi, VNM Tuy Hoa, VNM US MAAG Military Assistance Advisory Group Vietnam (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV AAG Army Advisory Group (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV ADAT Advisory Team 162 (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV ADAT Airborne Division Assistance Team (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV Advisory Teams (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV BCAT Battalion Combat Assistance Teams (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV DCAT Division Combat Asisstant Team (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV FRAC First Regional Assistance Command (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV Military Assistance Command Vietnam (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV TRAC Third Regional Assistance Command (Vietnam War), VNM US Project 100000 (Vietnam War), VNM US USA 3rd Field Hospital - Saigon (Vietnam War), VNM US USA 85th Evacuation Hospital - Phu Bai (Vietnam War), VNM US USA 8th Field Hospital - Nha Trang (Vietnam War), VNM USA TF Hackworth (Vietnam War), VNM Vietnam, VNM Vietnam War (1955-1975), VNM Vung Tau, VNM War Zone D (Vietnam War), VNM Windy Hill Rating: ★★★★ (4 Stars) Subject: Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.ARVN.Airborne Division, Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.Specops.LRRPs, Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.US Army.Advisor, Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.US Army.Infantry
Description: Fresh out of West Point, John Howard arrived for his first tour in Vietnam in 1965, the first full year of escalation when U.S. troop levels increased to 184,000 from 23,000 the year before. When he returned for a second tour in 1972, troop strength stood at 24,000 and would dwindle to a mere 50 the following year. He thus participated in the very early and very late stages of American military involvement in the Vietnam War. His two tours—one as a platoon commander and member of an elite counterguerrilla force, the second as a senior advisor to the South Vietnamese—provide a fascinating lens through which to view not only one soldier’s experience in Vietnam, but also the country’s. **
Review:   Let me first say that I did enjoy this book - to a degree. That's why it gets 4 stars. But it's important to know that this is not a great book, which with the authors experiences, it really could have been. One of the biggest deficiencies is that he spends more time telling than showing. Good books of this genre give you a first hand view of what happened and what someone experienced. This book is very light on that, especially during his 1965 tour. It gets better with his Korean and Advisor experiences later on, but only just. Instead you get a lot of history of Vietnam, a lot of history of what happened, who went where, what they did. It's all very strategic and 1000 foot level when what this book is supposed to be is very in the weeds at the 1 foot personal experience level. This is a man who participated in a lot of intense operations, worked with incredible people like Foley and Hackworth, and was both a part of ABU and Tiger Recon with the 101st. But you never really get a feel for what it was like to be a member of either. You never get to experience a recon mission, though he was a part of many. You just know that x unit moved to y place, and then this is what happened / this was the outcome. 
You get a good overview of the battles, the war, and even a few of the people, but very little else from his time with the 101st. 
His time in Korea is a bit better and gives you a good understanding of what happened and some incidents and the people. Also his time as an Advisor is also more personal as well. So maybe it's just a memory thing and things from 72 are easily recalled vs 65. 
One thing you'll notice is a lot of ring knocking and naming of generals... so many generals. So just... be prepared for that.  
Overall though, a decent book... he needs to work on the tell vs show more than anything. Up next, going to read Foley's Special Men. I always loved Foley's fictional writing, so I have high hopes for his book about his time with Tiger Recon and other units. I have a feeling it's going to be a good compliment to this book. 
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Five suspects have been charged in connection with an assault on 7-Eleven employees in Texas after the workers refused to sell a cigar to a minor, authorities said.
Investigators arrested two adults and three juveniles who were allegedly seen on video during the June 3 incident at the 7-Eleven store on Faithon P. Lucas Boulevard, the Mesquite Police Department said Friday.
The two adults were identified as 19-year-old Ahliyah Turner, of Garland, and Kiara Beale, a 21-year-old woman from Dallas. Turner was charged with warrants from another agency while Beale was charged with assault causing bodily injury.
The three juveniles were charges with two counts of assault, criminal mischief and theft.
The attack was recorded on video after the clerk refused to sell tobacco products to an underage girl, who later returned with several other juveniles, police said.
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Video shows some of the suspects jumping over the counter, assaulting the clerk and throwing items at the employee. 
When another worker tried to intervene, police said they were assaulted by the group.
Both employees suffered facial injuries after being hit by some of the suspects, but they did not require medical transport to a hospital for treatment.
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directory-98 · 11 months
Leeloo "Dallas"| The Fifth Element( 1997) | Sci-Fi
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Leeloominaï Lekatariba-Lamina-Tchaï Ekbat de Sebat (aka "Leeloo") is one of the Supreme Beings of the Universe. She was sent to Earth in corporeal form to become the Fifth Element, the final piece of a powerful weapon needed to destroy Evil.
In 1914, a race of aliens in heavily armored spacesuits arrive at an ancient Egyptian temple to collect the four elemental stones and a bronze sarcophagus containing the body of the fifth element in human form. Knowing that the weapon was designed to defeat a dark entity known as Evil every 5,000 years, the aliens — the Mondoshawan — promise the temple's current human priest that they would return the weapon's components to Earth before Evil arrived three centuries later. They leave the priest with a single bronzed key, which is to be used to open the secret room in the temple for arrangement of the weapon. The priest promises to keep it safe, passing his knowledge on to his successors until they return.
Three centuries later, the current priest, Father Vito Cornelius, preserves the key in his apartment. Along with his apprentice, David, he patiently awaits the arrival of the Stones and the Fifth Element. The Mondoshawans, as promised, are en route to Earth to return the stones and sarcophagus, when their ship is attacked by a brace of Mangalores. The Mondoshawans and their ship are destroyed, leaving nothing but a mangled right forearm from the sleeping Supreme Being in the wreckage. Discovered by Earth scientists, the severed forearm is transported to a laboratory in New York and analyzed, and its DNA isolated and studied. The DNA, far superior to human DNA which contains 40 "memo groups", contains over 200,000 "memo groups." The scientist describes the DNA of the being as being "tightly packed, with infinite genetic knowledge. Almost as if this being was … engineered." He continues to describe the cells as being "perfect."
Being that a few cells were still viable in the arm, the lead scientist begins reconstructing the being using the isolated DNA and a complex machine that puts the being together part by part, beginning with the skeleton, followed by the muscles and organs, and finally exposing the body to slightly greasy solar atoms (ultraviolet radiation), forcing the body to take measures to protect itself from UV damage by growing skin and hair. The entire process is explained by the lead scientist to a skeptical General Munro, who is less than enthusiastic about the being's revival. He informs the scientist that he hopes the the being is "friendly", stating his intent to destroy the being with a card-activated destruction system inside the machine if he is not.
When the shield covering the being during its immersion in UV light is removed, General Munro appears to be awestruck when he sees a perfectly-formed human woman. The lead scientist orders the woman clothed in 'thermal bandages', and she is awakened by the flash of a remote-control camera on an overhead fixture. She starts gasping and panics when she can't find an exit from her confinement in the reactor chamber. Taking note of the humans watching her, she attempts to communicate with them, speaking rapidly in an unknown language. As General Munro approaches her, she speaks again, this time clearly a warning in the unknown tongue. Tapping on the window, Munro tells her that if she wishes to leave the chamber, she would need to improve her communication skills. Angered, the woman stares at him menacingly, growling deep in her throat, before finally putting her fist through the supposedly unbreakable glass chamber wall. Knocking Munro down, she grabs the general's multipass and quickly accesses the controls outside the chamber, escaping the laboratory through the ventilation system. The dumbfounded scientist simply stares ahead, uttering only one word: "Perfect."
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It is unknown what Leeloo looked like before the accident with the Mondoshawans. She is blunt and straightforward in words and actions. Leeloo is also shown to be quite emotional; she is horrified by the violence she sees while viewing clips and pictures of human wars and sheds tears of shock and sadness. Also, during the diva's operatic performance, she has flashbacks of the night she and the Mondoshawans were attacked, shedding tears but then quickly becoming angry and swiftly defeating the Mangalores she encountered. Furthermore, she becomes depressed and unwilling to complete her mission, plaintively asking, "What's the use of saving life when you see what you do to it?" referring to the death and violence humans seemed so willing to inflict on others. However, she seemed happy and overwhelmed with emotion when Korben confessed his love for her. Overall, she is shown to be kind to her companions.
“Everything you create, you use to destroy.”
Skills & abilities
Superhuman strength:
Enhanced Durability: 
Enhanced Learning: 
Enhanced Agility: 
Enhanced reflexes: 
Regenerative healing factor: 
Elemental Channeling: 
Hand to Hand combat
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jaatanilsolanki · 1 year
Eight Killed in Shooting at Texas Outlet Mall, Gunman Dead
On Saturday, a shooting at an outlet mall in Allen, Texas left eight people dead and seven others injured. Officials confirmed that the gunman acted alone and was also killed. According to Allen, Texas Fire Chief Jonathan Boyd, nine people were transported to hospitals, and two have since died. Three others are in critical surgery, while four are stable. A medical group in the Dallas area…
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Luxury Transportation Options for Corporate Clients in Dallas: A Guide for Business Owners
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When it comes to corporate travel, first impressions are everything. Your clients and business partners expect a high level of professionalism and comfort from the moment they step off the plane. That's why choosing the right luxury transportation option is so important. In this article, we'll explore the various luxury transportation options available for corporate clients in Dallas and offer tips on how to choose the best limo service company in Dallas for your business needs.
Limousines are a classic luxury transportation option for corporate clients in Dallas. With spacious interiors, plush leather seats, and amenities such as Wi-Fi and refreshments, limousines offer a comfortable and professional mode of transportation for business meetings, airport transfers, and corporate events.
Luxury Sedans
For a more low-key option, luxury sedans are a great choice for corporate clients in Dallas. These vehicles offer the same level of comfort and amenities as limousines, but in a more understated package. Luxury sedans are perfect for airport transfers, executive transportation, and business meetings where you want to make a good impression without drawing too much attention.
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If you're traveling with a larger group of corporate clients, an SUV might be the best option. With ample seating and luggage space, SUVs can comfortably transport up to six passengers and their luggage. Many SUVs come equipped with features like Wi-Fi, entertainment systems, and refreshments to keep your clients comfortable during their journey.
Sprinter Vans
For larger groups of corporate clients, a Sprinter van is an excellent choice. These vehicles can transport up to 14 passengers and offer plenty of space for luggage and equipment. Many Sprinter vans come equipped with amenities such as Wi-Fi, entertainment systems, and comfortable seating, making them a great option for airport transfers and corporate events.
Tips for Choosing the Right Luxury Transportation Service
Now that you know your options, how do you choose the right ground transportation service for your business needs? Here are a few tips:
Look for a company with a reputation for professionalism and reliability. You want a transportation service that will be on time, safe, and provide excellent customer service.
Consider the size of your group and the amount of luggage or equipment you'll be traveling with. Make sure the ground transportation service you choose can accommodate your needs.
Check for amenities such as Wi-Fi, entertainment systems, and refreshments. These can make a big difference in the comfort of your clients during their journey.
Ask about the experience and training of the drivers. You want a driver who is knowledgeable about the area and can provide a safe and comfortable ride.
Get quotes from multiple transportation services and compare prices. While cost shouldn't be the only factor in your decision, you want to make sure you're getting a fair price for the services you're receiving.
Luxury transportation options for corporate clients in Dallas are plentiful, from classic limousines to spacious SUVs and Sprinter vans. By considering your group's size and needs, checking for amenities, and choosing AH Limousine Services, you can provide your clients with a comfortable and professional travel experience that will leave a lasting impression.
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