the-hydra-sys · 2 months
Do you think you would ever have mods for your sideblogs? By that I mean, like, tales from syscord/sysblr/ect ect
Yes, we're thinking of it! Especially with the new groupblog feature.
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dazzlerazz · 2 years
More From Me Post
I keep getting these occasional follower spikes so I’ve decided to make an entire post on its own and will reblog it occasionally! Please note that this isn’t calling anybody out directly, both at time of post and future reblogs
This blog is the main blog! The majority of the reblogs go here and I’m very active on this one! Sometimes I talk about life, random stuff, occasionally one serious thing and a lot of fandom stuff because I am fandom trash
Tumblr is my only social media. If you don’t see any mention of other social media accounts on my blog, assume I don’t have them
Side note: I am a queer person, if you’re queerphobic I suggest you just unfollow, thank you
Want more from me? (I doubt it)
@artoutofwords -> Art blog with my previous url!
@razzlesnakes -> Lots of reblogs about animals, especially snakes!
@alcryst-fee -> Fanblog for the character Alcryst from Fire Emblem Engage! Really made it just to see if the name was free
@razz-fe-refs -> Looking for art references for the more recent Fire Emblem games? Look no further! Only screenshots from the games themselves, no art book screencaps :C sorry
@worldoffodlan -> Project Groupblog for a fan website! (Currently on hold)
I also write fanfiction!
My ao3 is Among_The_Living! As of right now it’s just fire emblem but I hope to post more in the future! Link to the fe fanfic masterpost!
Post is subject to be edited!
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pallweople · 1 year
How does this account even work?
its a groupblog with a lot of people on it, so we can all post from it (there is a list of who in the pinned post), and we each have a tag so you can tell who is posting what. So a lot of the time it looks like one account talking to itself because theres lots of us responding to each others posts on here.
does that answer your question or did you mean something else?
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flimsy-spine · 6 months
i didn't realize that being given ownership of the groupblogs meant that i could now read the asks sent there, and was like ?? who sent me an ask?? ... it was two years old and not sent to me.
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hellsgayngels · 11 months
the dash is fucking COOKING i missed yhis groupblogging.....hi guys <3333
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fiveholesinthefence · 2 years
i feel like someone should tell the tiktok swifties about swiftmas, choose the right one, groupblogs, the spread sheet, and tayvin
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deerinasweater · 3 years
Making my friends get tumblr so we can blog together
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wehavethoughts · 5 years
By now you know that WeHaveThoughts! So, allow us to introduce who we are! 
Hello, TideMod here! I’m a recent PhD grad who is just a huge nerd about SciFi/Fantasy (SFF) media of all kinds. Most of my reviews will fall under the very broad SFF umbrella, with a focus on movies and TV shows. I will occasionally branch out and review media set in the real world, but don’t hold your breath. The media I review will be rated out of 5 waves:
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with one wave meaning that the media offended me greatly and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, and five waves indicating that, as far as I can judge, it was perfect in every way. 
I love media that prioritizes diversity and creative world-building. Dragons, pirates, and complex magic systems will automatically add at least half a wave because I just love them so much. I am always a sucker for happy endings, so I will very rarely rate ‘grimdark’ or hopeless media highly. 
And before you ask: No! My PhD is not in anything remotely related to Media Studies! I’m a scientist with way too many thoughts!
Hi! I'm PodMod! After being lovingly appointed 'Podcast Queen' by my loved ones, I'm excited to share podcast reviews with WHT! My rating system will be 'hot mics' on a scale of 1-5, with 5 hot mics being terrific, and 1 hot mic being poor. My reviews will focus on content, host, information, and delivery. Please note: Sound quality is important, but if a podcast rates highly in other areas, poor sound quality will not factor in as weightily in their review. 
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So what can you expect to be reviewed? If you were hoping for a more centrist approach, you will be disappointed to know that there will be no reviews of podcasts such as 'Mike Rowe's Dirty Jobs' or 'The Rush Limbaugh Morning Update'. If the podcast is at all conservative or too centrist, it is automatically disqualified from review.
What you CAN expect are reviews of podcasts that promote empathy, education, humor, and intersectionality, and of course, true crime podcasts (with the stipulation that the podcast host(s) speak respectfully about the victims and survivors). ;) I'm excited to share reviews to podcasts that make us better and more thoughtful individuals and inhabitants of our little planet.
Hi! I enjoy exploring the world through food and working with new spices. For the past two years, I have attempted at least one new recipe a month.  
My reviews will mainly feature recipes that I have tried, and will include notes on any alterations I may make. Some dishes are meant to be an all-day affair, while others are a weeknight dinner. I love making both! The time it takes to complete the recipe will generally not factor into the overall rating. 
My rating system will be out of five cinnamon rolls. Five cinnamon rolls indicate that the end result is well worth the effort, the recipe was easy to follow, and I’ll make it again. One cinnamon roll means that the end result was unsalvageable and/or the recipe was difficult to follow.
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Hi there, I'm DogMod, an eclectic lover of content, including cartoons, documentaries, fiction novels, and comics. Only the tastiest of media will do for me and I cannot wait to share with you the best tastes and worst wastes of the web, written word, and streaming services. My reviews will be rated in tastiness, as in, "in short, this book was delectable, a mega'tasty treat of literary delight. A super fine 5 out of 5 Tasty." Or, "this book would have been better off if it would have just stayed a tree. At least then you might get something tasty like maple syrup, or a hickory nut out of it. 0 out of 5 Tasty, and God help anyone who ever has to read this.” Let's get lapping up the best and forgetting the rest- together!
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I have retired after nearly 40 years in public service. I come from a large extended family and have been a hospice volunteer for approximately 10 years. I have always enjoyed reading and was raised in a home with loads of books (Thanks, Mom) and a stern attitude for "wasting my time by sitting around" (Come on, Dad).  My life journey is movement toward happiness for myself and those around me.
My reviews will be on a variety of books relating to: Encouragement; Answering life's little and big questions; Self-help; and an occasional straight-forward Murder Mystery.
I will have only 3 rating categories: 
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A sprout is the lowest rating and it will indicate that the author did not capture my interest and I will not be looking for more work by that author. A single flower means that I enjoyed the book and will probably look for other works by this author. A full bouquet indicates that I loved the book, will definitely look for more works by this author, and highly recommend that you read it. Highest reviews will go to books that teach me something, are humorous, and/or hold my interest. I dislike violence against innocents, topics I can’t relate to, and when I can’t figure out what the heck the author is trying to say.
Welcome to my digital space centered on interior design! I’m DesignMod, your humble host on a journey thinking through the material aesthetics of our living spaces. On this page, we’ll discuss books found in the interior design or home organizing sections of your library. My goal is to identify which books encourage personal creativity and expression, and offer insightful guidance that is accessible to all people. 
I also hope to curate a collection that strays away from the typical audience of this genre: rich, white, Christian women. These types of books are --for many reasons-- marketed to people who have time and money, who are culturally shaped to express themselves within the domestic space, yet in a way that also insists upon pleasing visitors and guests. I hope to open the discussion of interior design to all audiences, because I think that being mindful of our living spaces will make us all happier and more peaceful when we interact in the world and with people around us.
I will rate these literatures on a scale of one to six geese. One goose could mean that the book: isn’t worth your while in terms of style, is incredibly illegible or hard to understand, is classist or inconsiderate of lower socio-economic classes, or simply isn’t what it says it is. The prize of six geese will be awarded only the most stellar books, those that inspire genuine creativity, offer insightful advice and knowledge, are written for the proletariat, and actually are fun to read.
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I, DesignMod, have a Masters degree in cultural studies --she’s verbose. My goal is to write a blog with accessible yet articulate information on how we learn how to take care of our living spaces. I enjoy tending to my plants, drawing kawaii illustrations, learning languages, and thinking critically about the world. My favorite animal is a seal (aka water doggo), and I also very much love pelicans, hippos, elephants, and puppy angels (especially pit bulls and other thicc bois and girls.)
Icon Credits from the Noun Project:
Wave by Nawicon
Podcast by Jejen Juliansyah Nur Agung 
Cinnamon Roll by Kaylen Yul Lee
Teeth Biting Tongue by Vectors Point
Sprout by Jae Deasigner 
Flower by Hat-Tech
Bouquet by Vectors Point
Goose by Tatyana
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xuanelle · 2 years
tumblr should let you change which blog you reply with or send asks with
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burnt-toast-life · 2 years
*falling on the floor* ugghhhhHh
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yesakademia · 5 years
Thaïs, Salomé & Mbaye; Soussane, Sénégal: la vie en famille 1er Blog 29 juillet 2019
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Où habites-tu ?
Thaïs : « J’habite à Bidjad, à deux pas de l’école, dans la famille Dione. J’ai été renommée Angèle Teou Dione. »
Salomé : « J’habite à Mbata, à une dizaine de minutes de l’école. Ma famille se nomme Thiao. ll y a 6 enfants. On m’a renommée Makane Sene. »
Mbaye : « J’habite à Bissane. Le premier jour était très difficile mais le reste s’est très bien passé, je suis très content. Je n’ai aucun problème, ma partenaire est bonne. Je peux agir comme je veux. Ma mère est très gentille. Tout va bien. Je mange bien. »
Comment ça s’est passée avec l’intégration ?
Thaïs : « L’arrivée en pleine nuit était impressionnante. Le lendemain, j’ai découvert ma famille, facilement j’ai réussi à créer des liens, surtout avec les adolescents. Toutefois, au fil des jours, j’ai maitrisé quelque mot de serère et pu me rapprocher de ma mère, Hélène Dione. Maintenant, je me sens super bien avec eux. »
Salomé : «Le premier jour, j’ai eu peur de ne pas pouvoir communiquer avec ma famille car ils ne parlaient pas le français. Heureusement, ils m’ont rassuré par leur accueil chaleureux et ils m’ont enseigné les mots principaux pour que je subvienne à mes besoins. Désormais j’apprends tous les jours de nouveaux mots. Je suis très bien Bin Thiao (maison de Thaio). »
Mbaye : « Je n’ai pas de problème, c’est extraordinaire. Nice. »
Quel est votre meilleur souvenir ?
Thaïs : « Je me souviens d’une veillée avec toute la famille autour d’un thé (wagra) et de la musique sénégalaise en bruit de fond. Un beau moment de partage : on a ri, discuté et Hélène, ma mère, m’a demandée de revenir chaque année. »
Salomé : « Ils m’ont demandé si j’allais repartir. J’ai dit le 31 août et ils m’ont répondu qu’ils allaient pleurer quand je m’en irais. Aussi, ils ont chanté une chanson en remplaçant des mots par mon prénom. »
Mbaye : « C’est bien d’être dans la maison de Justine, on a mangé ensemble, on a mangé des spaghettis bolognaise, c’était bon. Oui ! »
Qu’est-ce qui t’a le plus surpris ?
Thaïs : « La première fois que je suis allée aux toilettes, il n’y avait pas de portes, et il n’y en a toujours pas ! Mais, heureusement, ma famille a su préserver mon intimité. »
Salomé : « Les enfants de ma famille ne sont pas les enfants du couple. Ils ne peuvent pas avoir d’avoir enfants alors ils ont adopté des enfants du village. »
Mbaye : « Au début c’était un peu difficile au niveau de l’hébergement  mais maintenant je suis content. »
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faerociousbeast · 3 years
what happens if you hit post limit on here
tumblr tells you to shut up until 12am EST
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futurist · 5 years
taking a break!
just am not in a good head space right now, still gonna be here from time to time but i’m just not gonna update my main blog, i’ll be back!!
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badassdanddpics · 8 years
The Creative Coalition.
A while ago I approached my friend and Co-author of this blog Creativerogues with an idea for a side blog. A group blog where people could actively create homebrew content of all different types by helping one another brainstorm and come up with things viewed through a bunch of different perspectives. so far its been working out well since we’ve added a few members and admins letting followers of the blog reply to posts with their ideas, let members post their own content, and allow admins to keep, view and edit drafts of future projects. For those of you who want to help out visit TheCreativeCoalition yourselves and leave a few replies.
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showupatmyparty · 5 years
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forever5hines · 8 years
I am planning to make a shinee group blog so people can share their posts on there and get better exposure and love shinee and like make new friends and stuff so I need to set up a form so I can accept people and like make a proper post because I can't imagine this makes much sense but I need to finish part of my paper but once that's done I am going to work this out properly I am hyped about it so I wanted to share already like if you'd consider joining and I'll send you more info directly!
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