#grrrrr brain bad rn
bucketofbrainworms · 8 months
Grrr brain thoughts bad
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ryukyuin · 4 months
Naur Jun you're not aita 😭, to me at least. Hopefully anon learned that that was the incorrect way to share things they like (is pinning/tagging someone hard? Smh)
I agree that they could have been friendlier tho 😑
On a side note, I hope this hasn't impacted your health too much and that it soon just becomes a bad memory of sorts. Take care of yourself Jun! Don't let this bring you down 💪😤 This too shall pass
SNIFFS AT YOU ALL.... random tangent but did i misspell my own name somewhere . i thought i put juni/crux whenever i was talking abt myself but i could be tweaking!
AND NO IT HASN'T!! to be honest i was at my cousin's house for the past five days (came home yesterday!!!) so...... thinking i accidentally caught their cooties, siiighs. could also be my GARBAGE SLEEPING SCHEDULE THOUGH, GRRR GRRR GRRRRR !!! (it is 1AM rn, i often stay up until 3-5AM).
anyways spins you spins you spins you! thank you lovely nonnie, i'll try my best!! i should probably go to bed early tonight but. heh. no . (some of my mooties are only online later BECAUSE i became friends w/ ppl from different timezones so umm ermmm...... let me be parasocial /lhj)
anyways complaints under cut once more
ITS NOT EVEN THE PINGING BRO IT JUST FELT SO RUBBING IN MY FACE-Y....... again i think that might be moreso how i percieve tone/lack of ability TO properly percieve tone sometimes but. grrr stomps foot I DONT KNOW WHY THAT SPECIFCALLY IS MAKING ME SUCH A HATER!!!!! i think its the parasites in my brain and the sickness, SIGHS. i expect you all to bonk me if i get too uppity, sometimes i get a little too hater-y /lh
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xiaoteeng · 2 years
I miss my baby </3
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cutesyangelmoved · 3 years
fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK
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0ghostwriter0 · 4 years
Pairings: Henry Cavill x reader
Word count: 1,473
Warnings: emotional fluff, sensitive topics
Summary: Henry brought up a big conversation which causes emotional pain
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Fighting the urge to fall asleep, you drag yourself down the hallway away from the broken bedroom. The once heart home drooped in the tense atmosphere. The sun mocked your cold body. Shallow and sheer, rays of light etched out the small path to the main bathroom. Once you passed the threshold of the stony bathroom, your legs buckled underneath you. You resembled a bundle against the tiled floor- no purpose to get up. The high ceilings intimidated your fragile form. You wished for the ground to open and swallow you whole. Finally escape the fear and guilt.
Eventually, the deceptive sunlight left shivers down your exposed back. The light silk robe, which had slipped on to your body after your accent from the cold sheets, was now falling off of your broken body. Small clinks on the floorboards caught your sensitive ears. Henry. A wet sniffing nose connected with your neck as soft paws gently nudged your back. The furry bear continued his relentless nudges as your heart sank back into the depths of your stomach.
Grrrrr. A small growl realised from the loveable four-legged animal. Reluctantly dragging yourself to sit up, Kal found a spot to lay with you once again. Carefully, the American akita’s head found a comfortable patch on your stomach to cosy up as you gently stroked the hair behind his ears. Time escaped you as Kal relieved your anxieties.
After what could have been hours, you made your decent with the bear following closely behind. The journey to the kitchen felt harder as you passed each and every big moment in your relationship. Hanging directly in front of the base of the stairs, the happiest day of your life stared back at you.
Inside a small glass frame, you sat comfortably in Henry’s arms as he carried you through the threshold of your first home.
“Ahhh oh seriouSLY, Henry don’t drop mmmmmemeee!” You exclaimed as Henry attempted to open the door while still clutching on to your body. A deep chuckle rose from his chest as the door was pulled open. Your small frame fit perfectly in the arms of your handsome lover. This day was a promise not to leave when it gets hard. No matter what happens, you’d both come home.
“I’ll never let you fall” he whispered before placing a delicate kiss against your flushed forehead. Flash. A white light blinded you both as Henry’s mother captured the innocent exchange between the lovers. Embarrassed, you snuggled deeper into Henry’s arms.
“Welcome home, my love” Henry’s words faded into the happy image which lied encapsulated in the glass frame. Tears fell softly down the side of your face. Grrrr. Looking down slowly, your eyes were met with a hungry dog awaiting his breakfast. Trailing towards the heart of the home, Kal rushed off knowing exactly where his food was kept. As you slipped into the rustic kitchen, your saddened eyes were captured by a lone phone. He left without it. You heart raced at the idea that he’d have to come back for his phone. You’d see him again. Right? The silver bodied phone sat to torment your mind.
After feeding the hungry bear, you sat silently at the kitchen table contemplating how you’d tell Henry that you had already lost his baby. Before you got too lost in though, you rose to make a coffee. Coffee. Another thing you didn’t think about. When you were on set did you drink too much coffee? You’re always told that high caffeine intake can harm a baby. Did that do it? The coffee jar shook rapidly and your hand trembled. Crash.
The glass container slipped from your grasp with a nightly crash against the solid floor boards. Broken glass coated the ground beneath your feet. Without a thought, you dropped down to clear up the mixture of coffee granules and glass shards. You didn’t notice the stabbing pain of glass imbedding into your shins. Red. The glass started to turn red as cuts began to bleed. Your mind was pulled back to the tear staining journey in the back of the ambulance. The young paramedic next to you was star struck but hid it well as you clutched her hand while the pain flooded through your legs. The sirens echoed through your mind like a broken record.
Nudging under your arm, Kal reminded you that the quicker you cleared away the mess, the quicker you could clean away the red substance. Sweeping away the remains, your hand bled more but you were just relieved that the floor was clean and clear. Were you a walking hazard? Carefully, you washed away the blood that coated the palms of your hands as well as the cuts on your legs. After a while, all the glass had been removed and cuts had been lightly covered with antiseptic cream.
Hours had past since your problematic experience with a jar of coffee, you now laid with the furry bear on a cosy sofa. The soft snoring of the four-legged animal made you feel safe as he radiated the same heat as Henry. The thin silk robe hidden lasted after cleaning up the kitchen which meant that you were sat in Henry’s hoodie and a pair of worn leggings. The strong husky radiated off of the hoodie and blessed your senses. Suddenly, the American Akita jumped from his slumber to race to the front door. growling at the door, your heart started racing as you knew, all too well, who had just come home.
Curling into a ball, you didn’t hear the click of the door or the heavy footsteps that echoed through the house to find you. All you could heart was the faint sirens hiding in the creases of your heart. Comfortingly warm, a large hand rested on your shoulder. The predator had found its prey. You jumped at the sudden pressure and tried to scurry away before two warm arms snaked around you. Easing slowly, your heart started to fall out of rhythm.
“I’m sorry” the words wobbled from your mouth as tears threatened to spill from your eyes. Henry tightens his grip on your trembling body, providing the stability you need.
“Love, you have nothing to be sorry for, I lov-“ Henry coos before you cut him off. Henry’s eyes widen but he doesn’t let you go.
“Don’t because after what I have to say, you won’t mean it anymore.” You sniffled. Henry’s grasp around you stiffens as he feels like he’s lost you again. Turning out of his arms, you try your hardest to look at his face but the pain in his posture causes you to look back down to your lap.
“I want - wanted a baby. Your baby. I couldn’t think of anything better but it was too late…” Henry’s face falls into concern as your words are laced with guilt.
“W-we had sperated and I was urmmm bback on set, set for umm” you tried but the conversation was harder than your mind had even fathomed. Noticing that you were struggling, Henry captured your shaking hands in his and begun to draw circles with his thumbs.
“I was busy and that’s no excuse but if I wasn’t busy maybe I would have picked up the signs bbbbbut urm it was too late” Henry caught on to the meaning behind your words and looked up to your tear filled eyes.
“Love, we were going to be parents?” Henry’s eyes watered as realisation hit. He was going to be a dad already. the words escaped your brain which left you with a nod as tears continued to stream.
“Y/N, I still love you. You didn’t have to keep this to yourself. You are enough for me I don’t need anything more. I just need you. I need you to be healthy and happy.” Henrys words touched your heart in a way that only he could.
“Hen-nnry I didn’t want you to think that you had to come back to me after. I wanted you t—to be free. I couldn’t stand it if you came back to me because it was my fault… my fault we ended and my fault that —-we lost our… baby” you stuttered as waves of emotion hit from the inside out.
Tears blurred your vision but you felt the warm arms of your lover wrap around you like a blanket.
“Me and you from now on, we don’t keep anything from each other, we share everything no matter how bad.” Henry whispered into your hair while you trembled.
“I want to give you a baby” you stuttered as you held Henry close.
“Then we try. I will make sure we have a baby. Our baby” Henry spoke softly as you both laid in each others arms for the rest of the evening.
TAGLIST: @325575 @jessiecavill @pamela-stark98 @singhallady @i-should-probably-be-asleep-rn @evrthefanatic @esmmyy @madbaddic7ed @melisssaa @sofiebstar @mali1mugan2 @abb-lan-5sos @bidfv @liajiah
Thank you for requesting for a part two or commenting : @collegesleezy @melisssaa @willkatfanfromasia @mayafatimakhan @seriouslygoodlookinggents @moonfaery @being-worthy @madbaddic7ed @thecavillstache
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assim-eu-sou · 4 years
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Bia 1:14-15
- <3 Supportive Manuel
- Carmín really has a sixth sense
- Thiago is trying his best to not reveal to Ana that he’s jealousssss
- Chiara and Celeste 2 seconds after Manuel walks away: DETALLES!!!!
- Aw her drawing her and her friends singing :’)
- Ok so they definitely think she’s dead
- NO how could Alex even think to do something so invasive to Bia grrrrr
- Yikes Alex REALLY went below the belt with that one… Victor didn’t deserve the Lucas comparison
- So the TOAD was a Chekov’s gun
- Pleaseeee Mara/Guillermo scorned employees couple
- Pietro is as loyal as they come, hopefully he will receive the appreciation he deserves
- Manuel didn’t even TRY to hide his disapproval. He looks dead inside :/
- This cobra voice is EERIE
- Carmín sure is excited to be right about the park stalker
- I know for SURE the Cobra isn’t Manuel. If it is, I’ll eat my hat
- Thiago, why are you stalking Victor
- Ah, mi tierno Manuel
- I KNEW IT Alex is getting the Bia video. HATE HOURS.
- Alex isn’t as bad as Benicio, but he’s certainly the character I like the least.
- Thiago has really planned out how to not seem (as much) like a creepy stalker of Victor
- Los Gutiérrez should really let their ADULT son make his own decisions
- The Urquiza vs Gutiérrez dynamic reminds me a bit of the Valente vs Sharon and Company dynamic
- I am once again saying that apartment is so cool
- Even Alex doesn’t really think the Cobra could be Manuel
- Ah….. they must be doing it as a part of the humor channel
- Pietro is so professional!!! His masterclass setup is soooo fancy
- Bia is gonna come to this thing, isn’t she
- Carmilex is a pretty rad ship name
- Alex needs to match Carmín’s energy in the Carmín sing I do think
- Awwww they brought Chiara on the iPad
- HAHAHA Celeste the wingwoman dragging Daisy out of there so Manuel and Bia can be alone
- Ana really has no idea what to do rn with Bia right in front of her
- Bia thinks the idea of Manuel being the primo is absolutely hilarious, as does anyone with brain cells
- Aw they’re hyping Pietro up
- Bia and Manuel be like *heart eyes*
- Noooo why would they post that during the masterclass :((((((((
- THat’s gonna be a BIG yikes from me
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