#grusha x male reader
pokemenlovingmen · 1 year
Oh neato new blog!! I enjoy reading peoples different interpretations of characters through x reader imagines, and it’s nice to see another one pop up. If you’re comfortable with it, would it alright if I request a scenario using any Pokémen of your choice developing a crush on a male reader who’s a big, intimidating buff guy..but in personality is actually a softie and an attentive single father to his young child. (Who is tinyyyy. Just a lil thing to contrast dad) I like romance and found family..what can I say.
oooooh that sounds so fun and cute!! Since it seems like you meant one guy, I’ll do one dude, but a longer post! Usually that’s my form, one person gets a longer post whereas multiple get shorter segments… however long it takes me to adhere to that. Because I have no self control. Anyway, my man of choice for this ended up being Grusha, because some nice and warm fluff should melt that frosty exterior.
And on the romance and found family thing, you are speaking my language fluently, you’re talking to a guy who worships those things in fan content. You can’t!! Go wrong with it!!
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Soft as Snow
Grusha x Intimidating Male Reader (who has a kid!)
So. In your relationship Grusha might be a bit uh.
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❄️ — Grusha is not a kids guy. Not at all. He’s the literal opposite of sunshine and rainbows. But hosting arguably the most intense and therefore exciting out of Paldea’s gym matches and spending so much time in a snow-covered mountain that is, realistically, so much fun for a kid to go to, he sees a lot of kids. Usually glued to their parents, which he’s grateful for, because rounding up some kid who runs off is about the last thing you can expect him to do successfully. So all in all, he limits his interactions with kids as much as humanly possible, but understands his job puts him around them a lot.
❄️ — A frequent culprit of drawing in rugrats he’d really rather not interact with would be the Cetoddles he looks after. He supposes he can’t blame the kids, they’re pretty cute and definitely not something you see anywhere but the mountain. And that’s exactly what gets him awkwardly interacting with some unknown little girl when he’d rather be doing anything else.
❄️ — A little girl had come to look at one Cetoddle, and with no parents in sight, he had to stay near. So, sighing, he stuffs his hands in his pockets and walks over, making the Cetoddle chirp excitedly when it sees him. He clears his throat and makes some horribly awkward attempts at small talk at this random child, no older than seven, who is just staring at him so intently now.
❄️ — “You, uh… like Cetoddle? Yeah… um. I think he likes you,” he tries, but he’s no… well, any other gym leader, even Larry, would be better at entertaining some random child while phoning the league staff on site that some unsupervised kid is running around.
❄️ — But he never actually has to make that call, because you run up shortly after he hesitantly approaches, frantically calling your daughter’s name. Like good lord, she is so fast. You blink once and she’s gone. You’re pretty fit, but even now you’re sweating profusely from all the times she’s bolted off on you.
❄️ — Grusha just stares at you as you approach, bug-eyed and wondering how the earth didn’t literally rumble as you ran up. Because holy shit, you’re massive. Legitimately built like an Ursaring and for a second he fears for his life and regrets ever approaching this kid thinking she was lost, because he could swear at the speed a guy who looks like you is approaching, you’re about to bite his head off for getting near her. Once again, interacting with kids proves more trouble than it’s worth, considering he’s so sure this is going to genuinely cost him his life. People get rash when it comes to their kids, understandably.
❄️ — But instead, you look at him, then at your daughter and immediately fall into bowing your head muttering thanks and apologies. “Oh, hey, I’m so sorry, she can be so fast when she wants to, I hope she wasn’t pestering you and your Pokemon for too long!”
❄️ — While you’re gently chiding your daughter for running off and imposing on a stranger, he looks from her to you. Then to her. Then to you. She’s not even, like, a quarter of your size. Being a former athlete, he’s seen some built dudes, but you’re giant and he’s still taken aback by how different your attitude was compared to your appearance and how doting you clearly are over your daughter. (A big heart AND nice body? Grusha isn’t even aware of how many of his boxes you tick because he’s just never thought about those things since his accident.)
❄️ — He clears his throat, scratching at the back of his neck awkwardly. “Uh. No problem. She wasn’t causing any trouble.”
❄️ — Both of you awkwardly mumble out some small talk (Grusha really isn’t one for talking and you’re kind of struggling to hold up the conversation), but when he mentions he’s got to get back to the Gym, you’re shocked. Oh! He’s the gym leader?! THE retired snowboarding prodigy?
❄️ — Turns out you and your daughter had just moved to Paldea, and to warm up to your new home, you’re taking her to see a few of the Ten Sights of Paldea. She ran off when she saw the Cetoddle on their hike, though, and you’re pretty surprised you just kind of bumbled into a pretty famous trainer who you’ve seen in a lot of informative pamphlets and ads for the region. It also makes you increasingly apologetic for your daughter imposing on him because he definitely has a job to do, and shouldn’t be pulled away from it.
❄️ — The conversation doesn’t last much longer, and you part ways shortly after. Grusha doesn’t even realize how attractive you are to him, you’ve got his heart thumping but he doesn’t even consider feelings for someone being a reason why. He’s just sort of resigned himself to be alone. But deep down, seeing a man so attractive (like phew. you are FIT.) be so caring and soft is actually really resonating with him. Basically, you’re a type he doesn’t even know he has.
❄️ — He’s a bit surprised when he sees you and your daughter again after a week or two, back on Glaseado. You wave and give him just the sweetest, happiest greeting when you meet again and sheepishly explain that your daughter became fascinated with the local Ice-type Pokemon and had been begging to go out and see them again. (He’s not sure if he can imagine that child emoting. His interactions with her, including now, all she’s done is hug your side and stare blankly at him.)
❄️ — But you’ve done something rare, and like most of his feelings, Grusha doesn’t realize it—you’ve struck a chord with him somehow and he’s too much of a die hard, stubborn loner to understand why. So when you meet for the second time he awkwardly offers to let you and your daughter meet the local Cetoddle pod that he watches over a lot.
❄️ — It’s cute. Seeing someone of your towering stature playing with the Cetoddles, who somehow don’t fear you at all despite how intimidating you are. They’re crazy about you, probably because they see how your daughter interacts with you and just flock to your parental nature. That and your daughter herself just having a good time while you laugh with her, sometimes throwing halfhearted snowballs because you know if you actually tried to could hurt someone with one, and she mostly just wants to pelt you with them than get hit herself. (Kids)
❄️ — The whole time, Grusha’s watching, not even aware of how smitten he is. But someone else is, because after a bit he’s startled by something shaking violently on his poke ball belt, and then with a crack! and no other warning out comes his Altaria, which grabs his scarf in its talons and drags him the hell over to you. When it shoves the flustered Grusha your way, it lands and begins preening itself, instantly capturing your daughter’s attention. (Because what kid wouldn’t want to pet the fluffy cloud bird? Altaria’s cute, and it knows it.)
❄️ — While Grusha’s giving his dirty traitor of a Pokemon the stink eye, you just give this warm and hearty laugh that has his heart doing flips all over again, and pat Altaria on the head. “Aw, this is a friendly one! Isn’t it pretty?” (To which your daughter vigorously nods.)
❄️ — “Uh, yeah, sorry…” he glares at it, and out of the corner of its eye Altaria glares back. “She’s usually not like this. I don’t know what her issue is.”
❄️ — “Haha, it’s no problem!”
❄️ — Then silence. And silence. …And silence. Grusha’s out of things to say, which didn’t take long at all. You cough. He clears his throat. The both of you watch your daughter and his Pokemon play in the snow. He’s only just now realizing how strangely desperately he wants to find something to say to you. And then, while playing with your daughter, Altaria gives him another Look.
❄️ — Oh. Oh, Altaria knew, too. Altaria was trying to bide him time. Well, he couldn’t let his Pokemon companion’s efforts go to waste, as embarrassing as it was…
❄️ — “So, uh…” he clears his throat. “Wanna… come back to the gym with me? Got a coffee machine there. Get something to warm you up.”
❄️ — Your eyes light up and it feels like his heart just got body-slammed. “Hey, that sounds great!”
❄️ — You call your daughter, and he calls his Pokemon, both running at the promise of some hot chocolate from the coffee machine. As you and him are both turning to head back in the direction of the gym, you completely miss a certain interaction nearby.
❄️ — Your daughter tugs on Grusha’s scarf, and when he looks down at her, she gives an unsettlingly blank stare as she studies his face. Finally, as if it’s a complex equation she just solved, she happily announces: “You’re nice.”
❄️ — Oh, uh… thanks? Those are the words Grusha wants to say, at least, but your daughter keeps going with a genuine verbal gut-punch.
❄️ — “I think you and my daddy should get married.”
❄️ — Kids say the darndest things, huh? (You exchange numbers by the end of the day, and who knows… maybe one of you will follow your daughter’s advice some day. But definitely not today. Grusha has to go crawl into the void and die of embarrassment first.)
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bluemoondust · 1 month
There was a request you did with a famous darling and the pokevillains.
Could you write the famous darling scenario with maybe Brassius, Grusha, Piers, and Petrel?
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Referring to this post!
Characters: Brassius, Grusha, Piers, Petrel
Warning(s): Hints of Possessive Behavior, Hints of Violence, Stalking
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✧Gym Leader Brassius✧
Oh, you bet he's one of your biggest supporters. Despite his yandere tendencies, he isn't one to restrict his darling from expressing themselves creatively. However, one thing he worries deeply about is the impact that comes with fame. He's concerned that you won't be doing this for yourself anymore; that you'll be bending over backwards to please the masses. It depresses him to think how you'll be once you come to see your passion as nothing more than a chore. He doesn't want that for you, so he makes sure it doesn't happen. Some of your fans, who don't treat or see you as a real person, make him sick to his stomach, honestly. He'll gladly ensure they won't bother you anymore and learn how to be respectful. He will gladly weed out the bad seeds from the garden. Harshly, if he has to since some weeds can be stubborn.
✧Gym Leader Grusha✧
Annoyed. That's all he feels. Grusha knows the deal when it comes to being well-known and famous. He was just like that before the accident. However, seeing your fans swarm around you while the two of you are out makes him remember that oh, yeah, that was certainly a thing. Don't people have some amount of decency? Can't they leave someone alone for a few minutes? He hates how it looks like they're treating you like some...object. He doesn't know how much he can take it. There are some genuine fans out there, but oh, he's not annoyed by them. It's the weirdos his concern and bitterness is centered towards. They make him absolutely sick. He doesn't voice any of this out, but you can sure feel his irritation at a certain distance. Just, you know...make sure he's okay since we wouldn't want an accident on the news, don't we?
✧Gym Leader Piers✧
Just like Grusha, he's also annoyed by these fans. Like yeah, there's Team Yell with Marnie but that's her hype team more than anything. These people, though, are so bothersome and he can't help but bring that up sometimes in conversation. If you're actually bothered by them, then great! He'll gladly tell them to bug off when necessary. Hell, you can even come to Spikemuth to hide for a while. Not many people come around anyways, so it's a good place for some alone time. Besides that, Piers is supportive of your career if it's something you're passionate about. Especially if you're a singer/songwriter. As someone who is one himself, he's alright with giving advice and offering a hand. Team Yell can act as bodyguards if you want. Their demeanor would drive excessive fans away and that's something he wants. A benefit to handing advice to you is that he had the opportunity to give small bouts of misinformation to scare you a little. It just helps to keep you leaning onto him for support. I mean, who else could relate? I know what you're thinking: this sounds rather okay. Because it's the way Piers wants it to be. Even as a yandere, he doesn't want unnecessary conflict or trouble. It's rather annoying. Oh, but make no mistake; he's willing to drag any creep into a dark alley to ensure they are never able to hold a paper and pen ever again.
✧Team Rocket Executive Petrel✧
Petrel is rather chill about this. Hell, he even disguises as various people who are 'fans' of yours. Example: you're at a convention with fans and it's going well. Everyone is so sweet and endearing. What you don't notice is that Petrel had approached you multiple times as different people just to see how you react with various individuals. He can never get tired of this. It's entertaining to see that adorable face of yours greet him as if you're meeting for the first time over and over. Little did you know... This man does buy some of your merch, he does but...he wants something personal. These items are more centered around your career, and that's fine and all, but he wants stuff that are closer to you as a person. Rummaging through your stuff was easy. You really need more competent bodyguards, darling. That's fine, he'll just play the part as one of them for you. He wants to chuckle at the way you don't notice anything off with him. An expert in his craft after all. Plus, why would you question anyone who's your bodyguard?
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r0-boat · 1 year
Hot Cold
Cw: dubcon, branding(with cig), facefucking, rough sex, smoking, aggressiveness, bondage, sadism, no aftercare, maybe one little forehead kiss.
Grusha x Male! Reader Commission for @spideroni ~ thank you so much for your support I hope you enjoy
Wc: 1.7k
The air was cold, and not because of a blizzard raging outside. No, it was your pissy boyfriend who recently has been acting strange.
Coming home after work, he had been really short with you. Giving you attitude, whether it was passive or aggressive, or sometimes ignoring you outright. Grusha would rather storm outside and have a cigarette than have a damn conversation with you, and it was getting on your nerves as well. You weren't aware that you were dating a damn child.
You thought just giving him some time to himself would help him cool off, but nothing has changed, and you're growing tired of his attitude toward you.
Grusha idly sat on the couch with his phone. His phone rings, he grumbled even though the weather was deemed too dangerous to go to work. It seemed that he'll never catch a break. Seeing the chairwoman's name, he clenched his teeth but took the call, switching in his native tongue. Whether it was the water running in front of you, or the fact that he was speaking Spanish, you couldn't hear the entire thing when you started the water for the dishes. You hadn't really started tuning in until the phone call was pretty much over. He growled, casting his phone to the side as soon as he ended the call, putting a hand over his face.
He leaned forward on the couch agitated and bounced his leg, his eyes glancing over at the door and the window cursing under his breath as the violent snow storm still raged outside.
You're washing the dishes, and from your peripheral vision, you saw your boyfriend took out a cigarette and lit it.
This was your breaking point.
"Could you not smoke in the house?"
Grusha completely ignores you, rolling his eyes.
"Hey!" You say a little louder.
Grusha clicked his tongue, muttering something under his breath, cigarette still in his mouth.
"Can I please get an explanation on why you've been acting more like an asshole than usual?"
Grusha pinches the bridges of his nose. He could already feel the migraine coming, having just got off the phone with the chairwoman.
"Could you atleast try not to be annoying today of all days?" Your boyfriend hissed. Usually, Grusha was used to handling anything by himself. However, the chairwoman constantly got on his back about his Pokemon battling career and the status of his gym. This slowly ate away his patience.
And that pretty face of yours being so bratty did not help. His patience was a thinning thread, and he was this close to turn your body and all its holes into a stress toy.
Without a word, he gets up from the couch, the cigarettes still between his fingers, making his way to the shared bedroom.
You watched him leave when he finally left the living room. Now deciding to follow him, he made an exasperated sigh, turning off the water and leaving the dishes half done, choosing to follow your boyfriend to the bedroom.
He puts the half-lit cigarette on the ashtray and watches as you practically barge through the door.
"Hey, I wasn't done–" You could have been nicer but in all honesty you weren't really having the best week either.
"If you keep nagging at me like that, I'm going to put your mouth to good use," Grusha growls, his icy blue eyes frozen over with bitterness.
You were taken back by his comment; anger at his witty retort bubbled within you while butterflies fluttered in your stomach. "Doll.. I am not in the mood to talk. I'm giving you one chance - just one - to leave me alone before I fold you over this bed and take out months of bottled-up anger and stress onto your body."
After a couple minutes of silence ignoring the warmth spreading across your face. You sealed your fate. "That doesn't mean you can smoke in the house–"
He grabs you by the collar, pushing you down onto the bed, grabbing a scarf as he climbs on top of you. You grab ahold of his arm, trying to shove his body off you, yet he doesn't budge. You twist and turn, trying to wiggle away from underneath him, all useless. The ex-pro athlete made sure to work hard to keep his form. You were not going to gain the upper hand and you lost the moment you picked a fight.
He secures your hands behind your back with a scarf, flipping you over on your stomach. Your eyes widen hearing the fabric of your clothing being ripped off of you, the man above you chuckled darkly, almost mocking you.
"Oh my, what happened to all that fire before?"
You pulled at the scarf with your arms, trying to unravel the knot with what you could work with. He watches you struggle with a sadistic smile on his face before flipping you on your back.
"It seems that you have forgotten your place," Grusha purrs, placing the cigarette back between his lips, inhaling and blowing smoke into your face. "You don't own me. I own you."
The cigarette bud hovered above your chest, your eyes widened at the burning. Your chest heaved as his hand wrapped around your throat, putting down pressure. You grit your teeth, growling in pain, feeling the sting of the hot cigarette right against your chest. His knee parts your legs, pressing right down on your crotch.
He goes for another puff from his cigarette, his leg rubbing harder against your covered cock. Your breath shakes from the friction. It starts to become addictive, the heat pooling into your loins.
Finally he hears you sing your moans of pain and pleasure. When he presses the hot cigarette onto another spot of your body, this time on your collarbone. It was just barely high enough for you to cover it tomorrow. Your toes curl at the hot pain, your back arching when you put more pressure onto your swelling bulge as soon as he makes contact.
He pulls your pants down, your breath shook, feeling his hand squeeze your balls before immediately colliding it with your soft ass. Taking you by surprise, you bite back a squeal and stifle back further sounds as he begins striking it over and over you. However, leaving your ass red wasn't enough. 
He bit his lip, his cock stirring in his pants when a delicious, devilish thought popped into his mind. He takes another puff of the cigarette, you cry out his name, feeling the hot burning sensation on your ass cheek, this time; he traces the letters of his name right on the flesh, branding you as his property. 
Grusha was satisfied for now, idly leaving the cigarette between two of his fingers, occasionally taking another breath in. Chuckling when his eyes met your pleading ones.
"You were so talkative before. What happened?" He smirked, his hands gliding upon your body as he maneuvers you to face him. Your eyes fell upon his crotch and his fingers diligently worked to take off his belt and pants.
"No matter, I did say I was going to put that mouth to good use, and I am a man of my word." He takes his already-hardening cock out of his pants.
"Mouth. Open," Grusha demanded. You hesitated for a moment, glaring at him at those ice blue eyes flashing with red anger. Putting his thumb on your bottom lip, forcing your mouth open, his fingernails split your lip and forced your jaw open for him.
"I said open slut!"
His cock immediately gets jammed down your throat. His finger is jumbled in your grip, tightening as your mouth engulfs his thick cock. Your senses are overrun by his taste and smell, making your head spin. You tried to take all of him without gagging from the burn in your throat,
You feel every vein roll across your tongue as he makes you swallow all of him, your nose nestling against his drapes. Your cock was straining in your pants, your body pressed deliciously against the mattress. You can't help but slightly rut your hips in rhythm as your boyfriend begins to move, his grip tightening around your locks. He showed no mercy in his pace.
You could swear his eyes lit up when he felt your throat tighten, gagging on his dick.
The mix of pain you felt twisting with pleasure was addictive. You wanted more of the salty taste of his pre-cum on your tongue; the strong scent of your boyfriend's natural scent mixed with his crisp cologne made your brain melt.
"Don't tell me you're actually getting off to me like this?" he smirked. Sliding his cock out of your mouth only to flip you over, he lets out a drawn out groan when your throat bulges from his cock when he slides right back in. You lay there obediently; eyes glazed over with lust. You don't even remember why you were mad at him in the first place. All you can think about is how his balls slap against your face when Grusha face fucked you.
He placed a hand around your neck, wanting to feel his thick cock slide right in there. He wants to feel your throat tightening as you suck every last drop of cum from his tightening balls. He switches to deeper, harder thrusts when he leans forward, wrapping another hand around your cock, rhythmically moving up and down your toes curl, moaning around his shaft. 
Your lover grinds against your face. You want your hands free to touch and caress his body to grab his hips and make him move fuck himself with your throat through his orgasm.
Grusha's, the pleasure becoming too much, eyes flutter. "Your s-so good, with your mouth around me like that I- FUCK!"
He cries out, filling your throat with his seed, watching you eagerly drink every last drop of him. Stilling his hips making sure he gives you every last drop of him. He slides his semi hard cock out of you giving you a moment to breathe. He moves you from the edge of the bed to the pillows. Giving you a kiss on the forehead.
"Sorry about before," he whispers his fingers running through your hair. "You look a little tired so I'll give you a moment to rest but I'm not done with you. I still feel really pent up"
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nxrdamp · 2 years
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Masterlist
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Started: 11/24/22
Updated: 12/1/22
Icons: ❤️- Fluff, ☹️-angst
Special: 👑- Most Popular
Request something if you’d like for a character of your choice to be added as a fic!
Arven x Gn! Reader -Puppy Love ❤️👑
Giacomo x Fem! Reader -Rock My World ❤️
Arven x Gn! Reader -Comfort at Last ☹️❤️
Rika x Fem! Reader -Fluffy Headcannons ❤️
Upcoming Fics/Requests
Arven x Fem! Reader ❤️☹️
Tsundere! Arven x Fem! Reader❤️
Nemona x Gn! Reader ❤️☹️
Grusha x Fem! Reader ❤️
Arven x Gn! Reader x Nemona ❤️
Rika x Fem! Reader ❤️
Grusha x Male! Reader ☹️❤️
Rika x Gn! Reader ❤️
Arven x Plus sized! Fem! Reader ❤️
Arven x Sick! Fem! Reader ☹️❤️
Arven x Fem! Reader ❤️
Rika x Fem! Reader ❤️
Clavell x Fem! Reader ❤️
Giacomo x Gn! Reader ❤️
Arven x Male! Reader ❤️
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sea-of-dust · 1 year
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Tokyo Revengers
Mikey, Banji, Chifuyu, Draken, Takemichi acting like collab counterparts
Rizz Lord reader x Mikey, Kazutora, Baji
Genshin Impact
You think i'm possessed- Scaramouche
Halloween Event 2023-Lyney,Venti,Hu tao
5wirl x Reader
Tamaki s/o x Wanderer, Xiao, Wriothesley
Flirting with lyney
Making chocolate for Lyney!
Honkai Star Rail
Relationship headcannons- Himeko, Juan Yuan, Seelie, Yang Jing
Unexpected Affection- Kafka, Blade, Stelle
Unexpected Affection evil twin-Aventurine,Acheron,Boothill
Soulmates can hear you from across the universe-Jing Yuan
Bandori/BanG Dream
When RAS acts like the TR cast
You think im possessed?-LAYER
HHW Relationship Headcanons
Wakana Rei oneshot-Birthday
Hagumi and Hina-Cute things!
Clingy Reader x Hina and Kaoru
Wakana Rei Birthday 2024
Skye/Blue Angel x GN!Reader-meeting up for valintines day
Guilty Gear Strive
So your not gonna give me any?-HC, Bridget, Gio, and Sin
Elphelt x GN! Reader
Bedman, Baiken, Asuka x injured gn! Reader
Twisted Wonderland
You think I'm possessed?-Azul
Identity V
Rock vocalist Reader x Alva, Frederick, Edgar, Demi
Persona 3/5
When you're on your period- Akira/Joker and Ryuji x Fem! Reader
Phantom Theif girls x Reader
Male Phantom Theives x Reader
Ann and Haru x Reader whos not as well known
Makoto Yuki x GN! Reader
Yukari giving chocolates to GN! Reader
Doll of ur soul!!-Joker,Akechi,Haru,Futaba
Dont usually write for/ only select few
Grusha and Rika x Vocalist! Reader
Male Reader x Ranpo, Atsushi, and Chuuya
Birthday hcs Sasuke x reader
You think im possessed- Teru
Tamaki like reader x Yuta, Maki and Inumaki
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xi-writes · 2 years
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—Welcome to a sleep deprived authors territory, it gets wild from here.
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What's your deal?
—Names Xi, They/It. Hilariously I also go by Rika. I'm an adult lingering in the fandom from years of nostalgia. I just happen to be good at writing, so why not serve up for the rest of the simps hm?
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Who will you write for?
—Rika & Grusha. No one else right now.
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What do you write?
—Yes = AU, SFW, NSFW, Solo HC, X Reader HC, Rika x Grusha, Yandere.
—No = Hateful, Phobic or otherwise Disgraceful Topics.
—Reader Type = They/Them, Gender Neutral. No exceptions, Try me.
—Rika Details = I portray Rika as Omnisexual, Non-Binary, She/They, F! Reproduction.
—Grusha Details = I portray Grusha as Bisexual, Male, He/They, M! Reproduction.
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Can I request?
—Yeah, send in whatever you like. If you send in this format though I'm more likely to get something out faster.
Format =
1. Character?
2. X Reader or Solo HC?
3. SFW or we getting spicy NSFW?
4. Prompt or Idea?
Example = Rika x Reader, SFW, Reacting to getting a crush on Reader.
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Content Tags?
—General Posts = XiPosts
—SFW = SafeforXi
—NSFW = XiSpicyTime
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My Nons <3
—Smol Spooki 👻
—Smol Fluff 🦇
—Froggie 🐸
—Birdie 🦩
—Peep Peep 👁
—Lil Bow 🎀
—Duckie 🦆
—Lil Dragon 🐉
—Smol Foxy 🦊
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My questions not here?
—I have anon on, just send it in. I got you covered.
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Hi hi, request drop in three, two, one:
Please a male!former-professional-snowboarder!Reader x Grusha.
Grusha was a professional snowboarder, one of the best, until he sustained an injury and had to retire. Reader was the only one who was head-to-head with him.
But just a few months after Grusha's injury Reader also vanished, not only from the high ranks of the snowboarders but completely.
One day Reader reappears again, he faces Grusha as a gym challenger. Despite the usually freezing cold of the battlefield, Reader felt an unexpected heat. It was the same heat Reader felt back when he was snowboarding against Grusha.
After Grusha's accident, snowboarding became boring for Reader because nobody could match him.
He was looking for a new challenge (other sports, contests and now battles) for a long time. He was looking for this wonderful heat that filled him.
But only now did Reader realize that he wasn't looking for something new, but that he was missing someone.
Howdy howdy, this one has now been posted!! I was super excited to get a request for Grusha, I love him so much as a character. I hope I've done him justice, even if it was hard to make myself focus today ; -; I hope you enjoy the chapter!!
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dark-star-exe · 21 days
0 notes
bluemoondust · 1 year
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✧General Yandere Headcanons✧ — Gym Leader Grusha
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Ao3 Request: I'd love to see Grusha headcannons. He already lost his career to his injury, he wouldn't want to lose his darling too.
Warning(s): Possessive Behavior, Overprotective Behavior, Gaslighting/Manipulation, Talk of Near Death Experience (Not with Darling), Attempted Murder
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Grusha never really thought he'd feel this way after his perception of the world changed that one fateful day. Life really seemed to enjoy taking a turn on him, huh? He initially thought it was a simple crush that he may grow out of sooner or later. He kinda hoped it did. Don't take it offensively, he absolutely adores you as of now, but Grusha wasn't fully on board when he realized that these feelings weren't so innocent. It's just that he truly believed life wanted to screw with him again when he pinpointed his yandere traits. Are you for real? We can't have nice things apparently...
So he tries to suppress the feelings and even avoid you. He's got gym work to do, maybe he can hang out another time. Grusha puts the excuse that his position as a Gym Leader is crucial since it's what he has left. Sigh, don't look at him like that. This will only last until things pass on and he moves forward from this. Surprise, surprise. It didn't. This makes Grusha frustrated and now he has to deal with what he's feeling, giving him some time to actually put thought into it. A horrible decision that'll get you in the end, honestly.
The whole reason why Grusha couldn't allow himself to gain further feelings for you is because of fear. He is afraid of having something/someone that would truly make him happy again (like back then...) only for the world to take that away. Now that he's thought this through, Grusha has come to the conclusion that he's had enough. You've become someone he wants to desperately hold dearly. So, he is going to do whatever it takes to prevent losing you. He can't allow for anything to happen like last time.
So Grusha is an overprotective and possessive yandere to put it simply. He's automatically on you whenever you're visiting Glaseado Mountain, since, duh, it gets dangerous out there in the cold and you could get injured. Or worse. You don't immediately see anything wrong with his concern/warnings since he is right, there's no arguing with him on that subject. It would only get concerning if he suddenly prevented you from going anywhere else in the mountains unless he's supervising you. He's careful with his actions, but there are times where he kind of treats you like you don't know any better. Force of habit, really. I mean, you can't get too ahead of yourself in life, darling, or else the fall will only just hurt even more.
As for his more possessive traits, Grusha gets...passive aggressive with certain people. Rivals annoy him to no end but the possibility of you choosing someone else over him scares him. So, he's just projecting onto those people with his comments. You at first believe it's just sarcasm or that Grusha is in a bad mood, but if you decide to read into it, you'll be able to tell. Catching him mid comment is frustrating to deal with as he comes up with an excuse. For some reason, you always end up being the one falsely accusing him of being too judgmental. However it's fine, he always forgives you.
In all honesty, yeah, this makes him a little more selfish but he could care less. Life has this funny thing of just taking and taking, which Grusha is fed up with. So now it's his turn to take. Back then, he was too weak willed to push himself back up again. Not anymore. Forgive him, but Grusha is just bitter and taking that out on others. Which explains why he throws passive aggressive comments towards rivals and spouts how you don't know better sometimes. One of the things he doesn't want to appear is clingy around you because of this need to keep you around. It'd be so uncool...seeing him all needy for your presence and attention.
Is he a danger? To others, if given the chance, yeah. Grusha would be a-okay if any rival would be put off by his sarcasm and cynical/pessimistic attitude, but if they're persistent...it gets annoying really fast. The worse thing the person can do is confront him, shout at him even, and that determines what Grusha must do. Sigh, it seems like this person needs a reminder of how cruel the world can be.
You don't hear from them again as you're only informed that they had gotten themselves into an accident, leading to hypothermia and asphyxiation...they can't seem to remember how it even happened (apparently hypothermia has chances of memory loss/amnesia, depending on how severe it is). Grusha mentions that they must of been hit by an avalanche or something. He gives his regards, pointing out how these things happen due to how dangerous the mountains are. This honestly gives more weight to what he has been telling you since the beginning. You really can't be too careful, darling.
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r0-boat · 1 year
Hot Night Chilling Touch 
Grusha x Male! Reader
Commission request for @spideroni
Thank you so much for the Commission!!!!
Cw: Dubcon, public sex(bathroom fucking), jealous sex
WC: 2K
The faint beat of the music from the nightclub reaches your ears as you and your date step out of the car into the parking lot of the building. Levincia, being hot, humid, and much more lively than the small humble town of top Glaseado Mountain, Grusha wasn't used to crowds since he hadn't really left the mountain since he was a pro athlete but never had he ever gone to a club before.
And you, who had been starving to get out of the house for a while and saw glowing reviews for 'The Static' about its alcoholic beverages and overall ambiance, were immediately sold!
The rain only added to the atmosphere. The pink glow of the sign in the outline of its mascot, a Flaaffy, and the yellow of the club's name just underneath it, caught your attention as you both made your way to the building, your arm linked with your date.
"The music is loud," Grusha stated, just low enough for you to hear.  
"That is normal, yes," you replied with a smile.
He sneaks a glance at you. The both of you had dressed up before you left. He was wearing a simple light blue fading dress shirt, but it seemed you dressed up. He had never seen you in a suit before; you looked pretty good.
Luckily being a weekday night, the club wasn't too crowded, but that will be sure to change later. The night is still young; after all, your boyfriend took his chance to dance with you. That's what people at clubs do, right?? He just wanted to spend time with you, which he's always happy to do no matter where—practically guiding you to a part of the dance floor with fewer people.
Grusha pulled you closer to him, an arm around your waist, that small charming smile he reserves only for you, his icy blue eyes soft and warm, still sparkling in the colored light, his baby blue hair down in a loose ponytail, and his lean body in a simple dress shirt had your heart racing. 
Unsure of what to do, Grusha's body starts to move, swaying slowly; you chuckle at his awkward movements, and he laughs with you.
"I'm not much of a dancer…"
"Do you want me to teach you?" You reply a little more smug than you intended, his face Flushing, eyebrows furrowing as he playfully Taps you on the back, that smile turning into more of a smirk.
" Shuddup, I'm trying my best…."
You take the lead anyway. Grusha hoped that the lights hid the red on his face.
Later in the night, the crowd was becoming a little much for your beloved date, so he watched you dance from the bar. Not wanting his decision to recharge his social battery a little bit stops you from having your fun. However, he'd be stupid to leave you out without supervision. And his hunch was correct. A man who had been eyeing you for a while now suddenly got up from his chair, walked up to you, and caught Grusha's eye as he brought the glass of alcohol to his lips. His brows twitch as the well-dressed-looking young man stroked up a conversation with you by the way he looked at you, how his eyes looked up and down, complimenting the suit you were wearing. And you, the cute oblivious idiot you were, smiled and thanked him. 
He wasn't the first idiot Grusha saw staring at you all night. He could practically feel people's eyes on you. In all honesty, he doesn't blame them at all. Just look at you in that outfit showing off your form yet leaving some room for imagination. Halfway through the night, you even started to unbutton it slightly; perhaps the atmosphere was getting to you. His first mistake was letting you leave the house with that outfit. In his defense, he did not know how many uncivil animals they'll be practically eye fucking you.
But he was just as guilty. Maybe it was the outfit, maybe it was the alcohol, or perhaps it was your outfit, but you looked incredibly irresistible. He had been staring at you all night as well, feeling his cock beginning to stir. That outfit was getting ripped apart as soon as he got his hands on you.
Grusha growled as He downed the rest of his glass before approaching when the sleaze bag stepped closer.
To you, you were just having a lovely conversation with somebody until feeling an arm wrap around your waist.
"Can I help you?" Grusha says, not hiding his irritation, glaring daggers at the absolute idiot who decided to test his patience today; everything about him shouted 'go away'.
The guy took the hint and looked slightly irritated that you were taken, leaving without a word.
You gave Grusha a confused look 
"Grusha… Wh-ah!"
Before you could question, he grabbed your arm, dragging you to an empty bathroom.
As soon as that door closed, he guided you to the sink, his hand slamming down on the marble, trapping you with Nowhere to Run His breath was hot and smelled of the alcohol they served at the bar.
The bittersweet taste on his tongue made you melt. His hands roamed your body, fingers playing with the buttons of your fancy little suit. He grabs the waistline of your pants, pulling you closer, wrapping an arm around you for support. His hot breath tickles your ear as he growls.
" Fucking Tease… tell me did you wear something nice to show yourself off to all these people even though you're mine?"
 You gasp against his lips when you feel his hips grind against your pant leg. 
His hand smacks your clothed thigh.
 Your mind was racing! Was he going to- Here?! With the party on the other side of the door, "I just thought the suit was ni-!"
" excuses will only make things worse, dear; now, on your knees."
 Heat is rushing to your cheeks; your eyes dart to the bathroom door.
"duh… wasn't the reason why you brought me here to make me get out more, experience new things…? Right now, I want your hot mouth on my heavy cock, in this bathroom at this club."
Grusha snarled, his hands fumbling with his belt undoing the buckle. Pulling his pants down just enough for his half-hard cock to Spring free.
He wraps his hand around it, giving it a few Strokes. Watching your boyfriend's big cock swell in his hand made you drool.
"Knees." He demands, putting his hand on your shoulder as he forces you on your knee, his thumb pressing against your lip, making your mouth open, and you cling to his pants. You couldn't help but squirm in your place, feeling your cock begin to swell
"Mmh… Good boy~ come on, tongue out as well~" you stick your tongue out. Grusha smirks, his blue eyes clouded with lust at the sight before him, ready and wanting. 
He slaps his cock against your tongue. His fingers tangled within your locks, forcing his cock down your throat. You choke and gag on his thick cock. Nails digging into his ass, trying to get used to how he was treating your throat, harsh and deep thrusts. Every moan, every whine, every gag made him throb.
" Taking me so well tonight, darling… do you like the idea that anyone could just walk and see us fucking, see that you are mine?" 
His pace picks up, favoring a faster pace than his previous slow and deeper one. Your eyes flutter with the taste of his precum, and each vein you feel slides against your tongue, going straight to your loins. You slip your hand underneath your pants, his thick shaft muffling your moans as you feel how hard you've become. You continue to touch yourself, getting off to his taste, bobbing your head up and down, eager for him to fill your throat with his seed.
Although Grusha had other plans, fist in your hair, he removes his cock from your hot dripping mouth.
" Fuck… Fuck… I can't wait; I need you; I need to be inside of you right now! Get up."
He demanded in a dark tone which you obeyed immediately. He pressed you against the bathroom wall; his tongue slid into your mouth once again. He practically ripped off your pants, his hard cock wet with your saliva, rubbing deliciously against your own. The friction was heavenly, but this wasn't what he wanted; giving his wet cock a few more strokes, he moved it toward your entrance.
You break his kiss, practically begging him to use you—your silent begging music to his ears.
" Now be good and take all of me…." Grusha murmured, pushing in and then out with shallow thrusts, slowly working his cock deeper and deeper.
"G-Grusha!! Ah-mph!"
Generally, on any other day, he would adore the way you scream his name, but here, at this moment, he rather not have anyone barge in. Slapping a hand over your mouth 
"Quiet! U-unless you want everyone to see how much of a f-fucking slut you are…." 
He continues to move slowly but surely; he fills you up completely. He grows in frustration pulling your tie off and wrapping it around your mouth, using it as a gag so he can free his hand 
His body presses you harder against the wall supporting you with his own body as he lifts your other leg; you instinctively wrap your legs around him as he holds you suspended. He could feel your tight hole clench hard around him as he slowly slid out. 
Your squeals were silenced by the gag when he slammed inside of you, his head resting on your shoulder; his pace was fast and brutal, practically drilling you into the bathroom wall of the club. The music from the dance floor was still blaring. However, the only thing the two of you could focus on was each other. You could already feel your cock throbbing from touching yourself earlier, making precum and smearing it all over your boyfriend's dress shirt as he fucked you with no remorse. Those sparkling blue eyes darkened with lust, watching as your face twisted in pure pleasure, an image he'll surely burn into his mind forever. The sting of your fingernails digging into his back increases his pleasure. Your orgasm hits you like a train shooting your cum all over yourself and Grusha. 
Grusha, however, is far from done, fucking you through your orgasm; your whole body squirms, your legs shaking as he pushes you beyond overstimulation.
You beg for him to come for you, but with the gag in your mouth, it is useless. You're desperate begging, only arousing him more.
Chasing his orgasm at this point, he fucks you with reckless abandon, his steady pays decimating, completely losing himself in your tight hole.
"Close! Close! So close! you make me feel so good-!" He buries his face against your shoulder, sinking his teeth into the flesh. Marking you as his. he explodes, rutting against your ass, making sure you take all of them load after load of his hot seed.
He leans against you, catching his breath and basking in the afterglow of his orgasm.
Grusha slides his now softened cock out of you, peppering your face with kisses, removing the tie from your mouth before kissing your lips, humming in delight when your fingers come through his messy blue locks.
Your legs were practically jelly; as soon as your feet planted on the ground, they shook and gave out "Careful!" Grusha panicked, catching you before you could hit the ground. His chest swelled with pride. He lets you lean on him while he gathers any clothes the two of you may have scattered off the bathroom floor.
Your boyfriend sighs. "Let's get you cleaned up and go home. I'm exhausted…."
The both of you left the bathroom together despite no one seeming to know what happened there; everyone was too invested in their alcohol and loud music to care. Your face was red with embarrassment. Grusha, however, had a smug look on his face.
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pokemenlovingmen · 1 year
MLM PokeImagines blog, go!
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Hi! I’m the author of this blog. You can call me Writechu!
As a trans man who is very, very gay and has a very, very shameful addiction to x reader content, I haven’t seen very much specifically male x reader stuff for Pokemon guys, so I’m gonna be the change that (probably only) I want to see in the world.
I’m here to write x reader headcanons for pokeguys of all kinds--no major NSFW, though. I’m a legal adult, yes, just a legal adult who’s asexual and largely uncomfortable with it.
If you’re someone looking for masc x reader content for Pokemon dudes and content that will generally have a lot of queer themes, drop in a request and I’ll happily get to writing! Like, seriously, you have no idea how happy I’ll be for an excuse to be gay on main. Below I’ve got links to some important pages that can also be found in my blog navigation I recommend reading before requesting. Unfortunately the general interaction rules page (not the requesting one, that’s fine and listed below!) is a bit broken for people on desktop so isn’t listed, dark mode isn’t agreeing with some text, but I’m working to get that fixed!! Working on a lot of things on this blog, tbh, everything I have right now is very much a work in progress, so please be patient with me. ^^”
A promo would be really appreciated if you could spare one! Until then, I’ll be shuffling around waiting for and working on requests! I’m excited to meet you all and I hope I can provide some content yall might have been craving. Oh, and:
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