werewolfsister · 8 months
Zora’s Domain Sidequests
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Fronk & Mei are ADOOOORABLE
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muffintonic · 1 year
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I did not expect to see a scene from Super Mario Sunshine when I headed over to the tower by Zora’s Domain (nor Sidon t-posing in the distance). They moved Mipha’s statue, which I find weird since they have basically the same reasons for putting her statue in the main area before anyway.
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ladyphoenixnine · 2 years
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rocklover719 · 4 months
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avionvadion · 1 year
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thezoraprince · 2 years
maybe a hot take but i fully believe that Gruve (the diving zora) and Branli (the guy that does the bird research study) belong together
that's the content i want in totk
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pigeon-wizard · 2 years
I love when I get obsessed with a npc in a game that straight up does not matter in any capacity
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motionpicturelover · 2 years
"Fanny och Alexander" (1984) - Ingmar Bergman
(the long/complete version)
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"February Film Favourites" Day 6/28
Ingmar Bergman's undisputed masterpiece. The final theatrical film he ever made, it won four Academy Awards, for a.o. "Best cinematography (Sven Nykvist) and "Best foreign language film".
I love everything about this film and cannot recommend it highly enough.
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gabelew · 9 months
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I updated my Zora lineup from 2021 with the new TotK characters (and added the AoC guys too while I was at it).
To my knowledge these are all the named NPCs across the three games who use the generic adult male Zora model. I liked the idea of giving them more personality and trying to figure out unique features, all while staying faithful to the model (so no accessories, body modification etc).
female NPCs | elders and kids | unique characters
More details on each character (all 14) under the cut:
Ahrt Secro and Ettu are the merchants that exist only as character portraits, but I decided to count them as individual NPCs regardless. I made an exception in "no accessories" rule for Ahrt Secro here, because of his... unconventional name (and him living in Goponga instead of the Domain); he's justified in not following their fashion standards. Ettu's only character trait iirc is that he dislikes plants. Which make up most of his stock. Rip.
Kayden is the oldest non-elder Zora guy (140ish?), calm, responsible, etc. He's an another accessory exception, with the little belt attachment. He's married and it's the "zora armor" he got from Kodah. I like to imagine that non-royal Zora women also propose with "armor", just bit more budget friendly - a single accessory or a piece of jewelry.
Capelo has basically no personality, his only few lines point to him being older and somewhat responsible. So I put him here and made him... idk, look big and serious.
Bazz! He's perfectly average when it comes to height and looks, but visibly more buff than most Zora guys. Also on the older side.
Rivan's whole thing is being Very Tall and Very Pretty. In my canon he's basically the most handsome guy in the Domain, with his long fins, smooth features and warm brown colored scales.
Ledo is like, the most average guy you've ever seen. He looks younger than he is but has no special features otherwise. Surprisingly level headed. Not very fit (for Zora standards).
Tie is another one of the new undercharacterized TotK guards, his only thing being that he complains about being out of shape. I think I like his design the least, but come on, I had nothing to work with here.
Numien, the only new guy who actually had more than two lines, all of them making him the most annoying prick in my eyes. He's just... too enthusiastic and eager to praise his superiors. I like to imagine Bazz despises him for being such a kissass (Bazz is canonically pretty judgemental) but can't do much about it. The guy is competent enough to be put in charge of the Lookout Landing squad after all. Anyway, I did my best to make him look at least a bit unhinged.
Fronk, the only man in the domain whose eyebags could compete with Bazz's, courtesy of his airhead wife Mei. He's also wearing the "zora armor" she gave him.
Resco wins the prize for least characterization. His only single trait is that he admires Gaddison. That's it. So I made him try to emulate her energy in his lineup pose.
Cleff, the shopkeeper with crab obsession. One of the prettier younger guys, although the crab thing is not working in his favor. The last one of fully adult guys in the lineup (around 90ish).
Gruve is, amusingly, the one sole unemployed Zora guy. His occupation is therefore officially, A Problem. He's very much the tall lanky teenager type.
And Tottika, another tall lanky teenager (70ish), but this time with a job. It's not canon, but he's commonly considered a twin brother of Torfeau and I quite like this idea. He's not the smartest but tries his best.
That's it, thanks for reading if you did! Next up are the ladies, which I have sketched out but not colored yet. Also I'm still pondering if I want to do elders and kids, just for the sake of having all the Zora properly catalogued...
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rainfrazier · 1 year
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two-thirds of our weaverdice villain team: the dynamic duo Pitch and Tempo, played by me and @stealthypeacock (powers under the cut!)
Cape name: Pitch
Civilian name: Vanta Black
PRT classification: Breaker/mover
When exposed to shadow, activation of her breaker state melts her body down into a viscous fluid that sinks into the surrounding darkness. She can then reconstitute her body in any patch of shadow in her line of sight, so long as the shadow is of great enough area to cover her human form. Smearing the pitch onto people and objects allows her to teleport them between shadow at will. With repeated use of her breaker state, she becomes increasingly sluggish to reconstitute and is temporarily weakened after transformation.
Cape name: Tempo
Civilian name: Phil D. Gruve
PRT Classification: Thinker
Short term combat precognition tied to ambient music. By taking a moment to find the right song Tempo’s shard will cue him to the actions of friend and foe alike allowing him to capitalize on key moments in the fight.
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werewolfsister · 10 months
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
So uh.. thoughts on Prince Sidon?
Interesting enough. Smash.
Though I like him best when people write him a little bit out of character, be it as a yandere or someone a little blood-thirsty. If Yona was my type, I would humor a triangle dynamic.
There's more zora I like, such as Ledo and Gruve. I have no real reason as to why I latched onto Ledo, but Gruve had me when he got stuck on a tower in BotW.
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ladyphoenixnine · 2 years
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lemillionade · 1 year
List of every single fucking zora in totk bc we see the new guards once and it's pissing. me. off.
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avionvadion · 1 year
Ledo and Gruve are Zora from Zora’s Domain right? I ran into both of them while doing Sidon’s quest line, so they’re okay, if that’s who you’re looking for.
Yeah. Ledo was sweeping the domain of sludge alongside Fronk during the quest, while Gruve was… somewhere- I don’t necessarily remember. I think he was standing somewhere safe within the domain. Probably in the water pools.
But after the quest, I discovered Gruve beneath the whirlpool in the Ancient Zora Waterworks trying to find a new diving spot. Trello, at Mipha’s Court, later said that Ledo got quite excited about being able to repair the domain and went to the Resevoir to look for materials.
I have circled the Reservoir. So. Many. Times. I could not find Ledo.
Eventually, I was like- “Oh. Oh no. There were luminous stones in the waterworks last I checked. He went into the whirlpool, didn’t he? I’m gonna go down there, and Gruve is gonna be all, I just saw Ledo run past! And I’m gonna have to save him from that scary Talos, aren’t I?”
So I went into the whirlpool.
Gruve was no longer there.
The Talos, which knocks me down to a quarter heart in one hit? I killed through sheer determination.
Ledo and Gruve did not appear. They were not in the area. My bois are missing. They are no longer safe. I am concerned. 😭
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graffitiporn-org · 1 year
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