#gs drabbles 2023
“Just let me go. Please, I want to leave.” unless it's too close to your Dirty Tissues ideas!!
I'm sure I can come up with a new variation just for you anon lfdkjdg angst abound!!!
Pick an angst prompt, any angst prompt!!!
"Just let me go. Please, I want to leave."
Chloe twisted as she pursed her lips, eyes full of tears as she looked up at the camera pointed at her, wrists bruising as she pulled against the metal cuffs keeping them pinned above her head.
“Just let me go.” Chloe whimpered, knowing that she was being watched by the person on the other side of that camera, “Please, I want to leave.”
She pulled at the metal again, hot tears starting to run down her cheeks, desperation and fear coursing through her, “Please, please, I’ll do whatever you want, just let me go.”
Chloe’s head turned as she looked around her, biting her lip as she tried to figure out where she was and how to get out of here. It was a small room, tiny really, only just enough room to stretch out her legs, the metal walls around her plain and non-descript, unable to figure out how she’d gotten in here in the first place, there was no door. It wasn’t a particularly well lit room, a camping lamp near her feet not enough to illuminate more than a few inches over her head so she couldn’t see the ceiling, but she had a feeling it wasn’t that high. The floor under where she had been forced to sit was cold, her ankles had been tied together too, and her head hurt, probably from being hit.
She’d been getting ready to go and see Beca perform solo, her big break with DJ Khaled so she could go off and be the most amazing producer and artist that the world had ever seen. Chloe had been so excited for her, even after being held hostage by Amy’s dad and almost blown up on a boat, Chloe had been so excited that she had hugged Beca perhaps a little too tightly before rushing to change. 
And then... then she’d woken up here, feeling groggy and confused, and then frightened and panicked as she found herself tied up with a camera pointing at her. 
What the hell was going on?!
“Beca!” Beca’s head turned to find Amy rushing towards her, grumbling softly albeit good naturedly as she was pulled into a bone-crushing hug, “You aca-rocked it!”
“Thanks Ames.” Beca hugged her back, trying to ignore the pit in her stomach.
Tonight had been good. Amazing even. She’d been signed by DJ Khaled, still gotten to perform with her family, given the best performance of her life, it had been objectively amazing... so why was she feeling so sad?
“We’re so proud of you.” Aubrey pulled Beca into a hug as Amy released her, “You were amazing Beca, really.”
“Thanks.” Beca mumbled against her shoulder, “Um... did you check on Chloe?”
“I did...” Aubrey frowned a little as she pulled back, swallowing thickly as she pulled a piece of paper out of her back pocket, “This was on her bed. Her stuff is gone.”
Beca’s hands were shaking a little as she took it from Aubrey, hating the way her stomach knotted as she did. She opened the note, feeling tears well in her eyes as she read it.
“Right...” She mumbled, clearing her throat a little as she crumpled it, shoving it into her pocket, “Chloe... she went back to New York. So, who wants to take me out and get me absolutely wasted to celebrate my big break?”
“Come on.” Aubrey wound her arm around Beca’s shoulders, “Let’s get some tequila in you.”
Beca nodded, throat feeling thick as she swallowed the lump in it, head down to keep the tears burning in her eyes hidden from her friends. Chloe had just... left? It was okay, if Chloe didn’t love her back, if she regretted that kiss, then it would’ve been okay. They were still friends, they could still be best friends even if Chloe didn’t love her like that. They could’ve talked about it, but Chloe had just left instead?
“It’s okay.” Aubrey whispered, the other Bellas having ran ahead, laughing and joking as they went in search of a bar, “I’ll talk to her, get her to come find you. But it’s okay for you to be sad about it.”
“I don’t want to be.” Beca’s voice was tight as she lent in Aubrey a little, hastily wiping at her cheeks, “Not tonight. I don’t want to be feeling any kind of way about this tonight, it- it was my big break Bree, why couldn’t she have just been there for that?”
“I don’t know.” Aubrey sighed, shaking her head. She was the only one who knew what had transpired between Chloe and Beca before the show, “It’s not like her to just run away. I’ll get the bottom of it Becs, you just try and enjoy tonight, okay?”
Chloe pulled her knees close to her chest, shivering at the cold temperature in the tiny room she was in, throat raw from crying and pleading with the camera pointed at her to let her go. She’d probably missed Beca’s performance, she’d be so mad at her... Chloe wanted to be there for it, wanted to tell Beca how proud she was of her, how amazing she was, how much she loved her. Because one brief, interrupted kiss wasn’t enough, Chloe had to tell Beca that it wasn’t enough that she wanted so much more, that she’d been so stupid to keep it to herself for so long...
How had she had ended up being kidnapped twice in one day? The first time, she’d had her family, it had been scary but also comforting to have the people that loved her, that she knew would protect her and vice versa around her. Now though, now she was alone and cold and scared... who had done this to her?
“Please...” Chloe croaked, head resting on the wall behind her, bottom lip trembling, “What do you want from me?! I just want to go home...”
Chloe started to sob as she pulled herself into the smallest ball she could manage, head resting on her knees as her shoulders ached from the uncomfortable position she was in. The Bellas would know she was missing right? Beca would. Beca would know she would never miss her debut performance, not for anything in the whole world. But would they even know where to look for her? God, she didn’t even know where they’d look for her, the longer she was trapped here, the more she was convinced that this wasn’t a room. It was small and cramped and made of metal, what if it was a box? Someone had put her in a box, she could be anywhere, she could be on another boat in the middle of the ocean for all she knew, how were they going to find her?
“Beca...” Chloe mumbled through her tears, “Please, just let me go back to Beca, or tell her I’m sorry for missing her performance, something, anything, please just let me talk to her...”
Beca sighed heavily as she leant against the bar, rubbing at her forehead as she ordered another beer. She’d tried to enjoy her night, her big break, but there was something missing without Chloe here. How could she enjoy this without having her here, without Chloe drunkly clinging to her and telling her she was so proud, and so happy, getting all up in her personal space and hugging her so tight that Beca lost circulation in half her body.
“Hey, you look more than a little glum Beca, what’s the matter?” 
Beca turned her head to find the turtle guy that had been following her around since the start of the USO tour leant on the bar next to her, frowning softly as she tried to remember what he was called. She probably should remember his name, he did technically work for her now...
“Nothing.” Beca shrugged, sipping the beer that had been set in front of her, “It’s a great night, I’m so happy this happened, it’s my big break.”
“I know sarcasm when I hear it.” Theo laughed softly, “C’mon, what’s eating at you?”
“Chloe left before my performance...” Beca mumbled, looking down at the bar, vulnerable thanks to the amount of alcohol she had, “She... she would never have missed it, at least I didn’t think she would’ve but... she’s gone.”
“I’m sorry.” Theo frowned a little, “That sucks Beca, she can’t be much of a friend if she left before the biggest night of your life.”
“I guess not...” Beca huffed, “Gee you think you know a girl after five years, countless acapella tournaments and sharing a sofa bed.”
“You’ll forget all about her once we get on tour.” Theo smiled softly at her, “Trust me, we’ll be so busy you won’t have time to think about anything else.”
“Great.” Beca nodded, “I can do avoiding the issue, I’m practically an expert at it.”
Theo chuckled as he signaled the bartender, ordering a shot for the two of them, sliding one over to Beca, “A toast, to your brand new, highly successful career.”
“And to apparently weeding out toxic friends.” Beca forced a smile as she clinked her shot glass with his.
“And to apparently weeding out toxic friends.”
Chloe’s heart was breaking as she tugged furiously at the restraints holding her, weeping as she tried to free herself. There was a speaker somewhere in this tiny box she had been left in, and Chloe could hear Beca talking to that creep that had been following her throughout the tour, the one that gave her a bad feeling... Theo. It was Theo. Was he the one who had done this to her?
She’d heard the whole conversation, heard that Beca thought she’d left, why would she think that? Beca thought she was gone, someone had made it look like she’d chosen to leave and now... now she’d never come looking for her, none of them would, not until it was way too late and she was...
“I didn’t leave.” Chloe sobbed, shaking her head furiously, “I didn’t leave Beca, I wouldn’t... I wanted to be there so bad...”
“You look like you’ve had a few too many of those... how about I get you out of here, let’s get you back to your hotel room.”
Chloe bit her lip, hating the idea that Beca was going to be alone with Theo. After all, it had to have been him that had done this to her, he had to have been the one that stopped her going tonight. Why else would she be able to hear him talking to Beca?
“I swear to god, if you touch her, I will kill you.” Chloe spat, writhing against the cuffs holding her, “They’ll find me Theo, you’ll be so dead when they do, they’re going to find me!”
Chloe could hear him chuckling, knowing that he was, in part at least, laughing at her.
“Whoa, steady there Beca. Are you okay?”
“M’fine. Just... a little tired. Can you take me back to the hotel?”
“Of course I can, c’mon.”
“Wait... I need to tell my friends...”
Chloe could hear the slur in Beca’s voice, her heart pounding in fear as she tugged furiously at her restraints, determined to get the hell out of here so that she could get Beca away from him. Theo was going to do something to her, Chloe could feel it in her bones. Beca was drunk, and vulnerable, and it was her fault for not being there tonight... 
No. This wasn’t her fault, it was Theo’s fault. He was the one that had hit her, and kidnapped her, and was now making her listen as he took advantage of Beca when she couldn’t do a damn thing to stop him.
“I’ll come back and tell them once I’ve gotten you back safely, I promise.”
Like hell he would. Theo was isolating her, dammit Chloe had to get out of here, wherever here was she had to get out and go and help Beca. It didn��t matter if her wrists were throbbing, or that she could be god knows where, Beca was in danger and she had to help her.
“Leave her alone!” Chloe screamed, fighting harder than she ever had in her life, tears pouring down her face again, “Leave her alone Theo!”
“It’s okay Beca... you just sleep if you need to. I’ll get you back to your hotel room, and then we can have all the fun we couldn’t have because of that ginger pitbull.”
Chloe’s heart was threatening to leap out of her chest as she realised that Beca must be barely conscious if Theo was practically confessing to her. Beca was in so much trouble, she had to stop this.
Her heart broke as Beca slurred her name, breathing erratic and panicked as she felt something in her right wrist snap, but still she kept struggling.
“Did... did you do something to her?”
“I did it for us Beca. Don’t worry, I put her somewhere that she could never bother us again. She’ll be in the Middle East before anyone realises she’s missing, and by then she’ll be the play thing of some oligarch.”
Chloe could feel panic taking hold of her, the Middle East? Just where the hell was she?
Chloe gasped softly as she heard Beca’s voice again, all hints of a slur gone. Wait... what was happening?
“Did you really think I wouldn’t notice you putting something in my drink asshole?”
There was a grunt of pain and the sound of someone being dragged as Chloe bit down on her lip so hard she drew blood. Was that Beca? Or was it Theo, had he hurt her?!
“Chicago, did you get that?”
Chloe’s head thunked softly back against the metal behind her, whimpering in relief. Beca was okay, more than that, she had been playing him the whole time. She was so smart, Beca knew exactly what she was doing, she knew that something was wrong when Chloe hadn’t shown up. All she had to do now was find her.
“Yeah... yeah I have his phone, he’s got some kind of camera on her I... I don’t know if she can hear me, but I see her.”
Chloe’s eyes snapped open again from where they had fluttered open, looking right into the camera as she nodded furiously.
“I can hear you Becs. I can hear you, are you okay?!”
“Wait... I think she can. Hang on, let me... let me turn the volume up on this thing.”
Beca’s voice was thick with tears, Chloe forcing a soft smile onto her face as she tried to adjust the pressure of her throbbing right wrist.
“Chloe... oh my god, are you okay?”
Chloe’s eyes closed slowly as she nodded a little, “I’m okay. I’m okay, did he hurt you? I could hear everything, he-”
“No, I’m fine, I promise. Fuck Chlo, I... I’m sorry, I had no idea he’d do something like this... just hold on okay? Me, the Bellas, and the army, we’re on our way, we... we’re going to find you Chloe, I swear.”
“I know.” Chloe whispered, sniffing softly, “I know you will... will you keep talking to me? I- I’m kind of claustrophobic, I don’t want to be alone in here anymore.”
“Of course I will. You are about the only person I know that could get herself kidnapped twice in the space of twenty four hours, you know that Beale?”
Chloe giggled softly, nodding, “Yeah... just my luck huh?”
Beca was watching tearfully as Chloe shifted in the metal box she was in, jaw clenched as the Humvee she was in rumbled quickly for the docks. Given all the information that Theo had blabbed when he was feeling cocky, plus the little they could see from the camera he’d set up (seriously what kind of sick freak was he?), they’d figured out that Chloe was most likely somewhere at the shipping docks. No boats had left since Beca had last seen Chloe, but there were several large shipping boats scheduled to leave in the next hour, so they had to get there quickly.
She had been talking to her the whole way there, feeling so much guilt that Chloe was in this position. It was her fault, she was the reason that Theo had put her in a metal box and chained her up, that she was so scared even though she was trying so hard to hide it, that she was in danger of being shipped off to god only knew where. Beca had to find her.
“Dammit...” She mumbled as Theo’s phone beeped in her hands, “No, no...”
“Becs? What’s wrong? Can you not find me?”
Beca bit her lip, “No it’s not that, Theo’s phone is dying... Chloe I’m going to end up cutting in a minute, but I’m still coming, okay? We’re so close, I swear, I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
“I don’t want you to go...”
“I know.” Beca swallowed thickly as Chloe whimpered, “I don’t either, but it won’t be for long Chlo, we’re pulling up now.”
“Becs, I-”
The phone died in her hands, Beca swearing under her breath as it did. Dammit...
“Beca we’re here.” Chicago turned to look at her, “Did it die?”
“Yeah.” Beca nodded, “C’mon, let’s go find her.”
“Beca, you can’t-”
“If you think you’re going to stop me coming and looking for her, you’re out of your damn mind.” Beca snarled, Chicago holding up his hands.
“Alright. But you stick with me.” He conceded, climbing out of the car.
“I will if you can keep up with me.” Beca mumbled darkly, running forward into the shipping yard with Chicago on her tail.
“We narrowed it down to these containers on the left.” He easily kept pace with her, “But there’s thirty five of them and we only have forty minutes to search them all.”
“Fuck.” Beca shook her head, “Chloe! CHLOE!”
She knew it was a long shot, but if Chloe could just hear then maybe...
Beca shot a grateful look over her shoulder as Chicago seemed to cotton on to her idea, the group of soldiers with them and the Bellas spreading out and doing the same thing.
She had to find her.
Chloe sniffed softly as the light at her feet started to flicker and fail. Beca was gone now, she’d tried to talk to her a couple of times but had gotten no response. She’d said they were close, they were going to find her right? 
Chloe lifted her head as she heard the loud honk of a boat horn, letting out a soft sob. Oh no... were they too late? She was going to be shipped out of here wasn’t she? Beca wasn’t going to find her, she was going to end up lost forever and-
She gasped softly, head whipping around her. That was Beca... she was close, she was here.
“Beca?” She whimpered softly. Dammit, there was no way she’d hear that, c’mon Chloe...
“Sh, shut up, did you hear that?”
Beca was so close... Chloe just had to shout a little louder.
“This way. C’mon soldier boy, move your ass!”
Chloe giggled softly, tearfully as she heard the sound of scuffing, as if Beca was moving something heavy. God, she had to be careful, she’d hurt herself if she wasn’t...
“Chloe? Chloe are you in here?”
“Becs...” Chloe wept softly, “Beca I’m over here.”
“There, that metal box, jesus... Chlo I’m right here okay? There’s a padlock, Chicago’s gone to get some bolt cutters, but I’m here.”
Beca’s voice was right next to her head, Chloe whimpering as she pulled a little at her handcuffs again.
“I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere, if they want to ship you off before he gets back then I’m coming with you, okay?”
Chloe giggled a little, sniffing as she leant back into where Beca’s voice was coming from, “Okay Becs. I’m glad you’re here. I don’t think you’ll like the Middle East though, you know how easily you burn.”
Chloe could hear Beca laughing, “Yeah that’s a good point... they’ll sell sunscreen there though right? That or I’ll just go outside at night, I’ll become nocturnal.”
There was more noise outside of the box, Chloe unable to help the scared sob that left her mouth, hearing Beca shush her softly.
“Chlo it’s okay, it’s Chicago with the bolt cutters. We’re getting you out now, just a few more seconds.”
There was a thud against the box, Chloe wincing as light assaulted her eyes, feeling someone leap into the box with her, cupping her face in her hands.
“Chloe, it’s me, you’re okay, I got you.”
Chloe’s eyes fluttered open again, sobbing again as her eyes met Beca’s, pulling at the cuffs around her wrists and letting out a soft yelp as it made her right throb even sharper.
“Sh...” Beca shook her head a little, brushing away the tears on Chloe’s cheeks while barely holding back her own, “Chicago’s just about to get them off for you, just hold still Chlo.”
“I knew you’d know I didn’t mean to miss it.” Chloe pressed her face into Beca’s hands, “I’m sorry I didn’t make it...”
“It’s okay.” Beca grinned a little as she shook her head again, watching as Chicago quickly cut through the metal around her wrists, “They’ll be plenty more for you to see Chloe. Let’s get you out of here huh?”
Now her wrists were free, Chloe threw her arms around Beca’s neck, sobbing heavily as she buried her face in her neck, Beca hugging her back tightly as Chicago cut the zip tie around Chloe’s ankles.
“I’ve got you.” Beca mumbled into her hair, letting a few of her own tears slip down her cheeks, “I’ve got you Chlo, you’re okay now. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you ever again, I promise.”
Chloe didn’t say anything, just sobbed as Beca gently rocked her in her arms, stroking her hair. It was okay. Beca had found her like she knew she would. It was all going to be okay now.
“Chlo...” Beca sniffed softly, “Let’s get you out of here so the paramedics can check you out, can you stand?”
“Um...” Chloe lifted her head a little, “Maybe? I think so?”
Beca gently helped Chloe get to her feet, letting her lean against her as they climbed out of the box, gently brushing her hair from her face and frowning at the cut on her head.
“Did he do that?” 
“Yeah.” Chloe nodded a little as they walked slowly out of the shipping container, one of Beca’s arms tight around her waist as she rested her head in the crook of her neck, “But it’s okay. It doesn’t hurt that much anymore.”
“I’m sorry.” Beca sighed, shaking her head a little, “This is my fault, I didn’t know-”
“Hey.” Chloe stopped in her tracks, frowning as she turned to Beca, “No it’s not. This is Theo’s fault, not yours.”
“I should’ve known.” Beca’s jaw was tight as another tear slid down her cheek, “His face when he caught us kissing, I should’ve...”
“It’s not your fault.” Chloe shook her head, her left hand cupping Beca’s cheek, “It’s really not your fault Becs.”
Chloe gently pressed her lips into Beca’s, not caring that it made her bottom one throb from where she’d bitten it too hard. She just wanted to kiss her, to make sure that Beca knew that it was okay, that it wasn’t her fault, that she didn’t blame her, that...
“I love you.” Chloe whispered as she pulled away, “I meant to say that earlier, before we got interrupted, I love you Beca.”
“I love you too.” Beca nodded a little, forehead pressed against Chloe’s, “Let’s get you checked out Chlo, I want to know you’re okay.”
Chloe smiled softly as she lent into Beca again, walking with her in the direction of the waiting ambulance, able to see the Bellas waiting eagerly to see her nearby. 
“How did you know it was Theo?”
“That was all Posen.” Beca smirked a little, “She got a bad vibe off him, and she pointed out that the timing of it was weird from the time that he caught us to you vanishing. Plus, the note that you ‘wrote’? Please. I’ve been trying to decode your hastily written notes for me for years, I knew it wasn’t your handwriting.”
“He left a note?” Chloe frowned, “What did it say?”
“I’m sorry. I don’t like you like that. Gone home to NYC.” Beca shrugged, feeling a swell of anger inside her again, “Once I’d gotten over myself enough, I realised it didn’t sound anything like you.”
Chloe just shook her head a little, a sick feeling in her stomach as she realised just how lucky she was that her friends had figured everything out. If they hadn’t...
“We were never going to let anything happen to you Chlo.” Beca seemed to read her mind as she kissed the top of her head, “No way. I’d have never stopped looking for you.”
“I know.” Chloe nodded, her sore wrist held against her chest as she sniffed, “And that’s why I love you.”
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steamberrystudio · 9 months
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31/12/2023 Devlog
Hey everyone! Time for the bi-weekly tumblr update for Steamberry stuff! Except I skipped one because I can't remember why.
I half-wrote it but I think I just wasn't feeling up to finishing and posting.
I haven't been doing extremely well health-wise lately but still powering through.
Finished writing Chapter 5.5 (the new chapter in WSC)
Finished editing Chapters 6, 7, and 8 of Asher's path
Finished all the profiles for the GS lore book
Have started wrapping up the "side stories" and additional content for the GS lore book
Okay so in my last update I was in the middle of editing chapter 5 and was nearly to the start of chapter six in editing Asher's route. I finished up chapter 5...
At that point when I was looking ahead, I started feeling like I wanted to add in a transition scene to move between Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.
As I started plotting out this scene, one of my ideas took on a life of its own and I realised that it might be better to interject a new, fleshed out story incident that would allow me to slow the pacing as well as flesh out the setting and universe a little more. This incident would also let me tie into some earlier events and connect them to something that occurs in chapter 6, also foreshadowing the chapter 6 incident.
Ultimately, this became too much to call a "scene" and I decided to branch it off into a supplementary chapter (IE a chapter a bit shorter than the others and meant to be released along with another chapter.)
Then that chapter ended up being 30,000 words.
So that happened.
After finishing that I went on to finish editing chapters 6, 7, and 8. I am currently on chapter 9. I only have a few more chapters before I'm finished editing Asher's path. As always, during my edits, one of the main things I do is flesh things out.
So obviously the word count has grown from that (and, you know, the 30k extra chapter I invented).
Currently the word count is 468,000 words.
Other Stuff:
I have received several new BGs and a new BG sketch. BGs are continuing to come in at a fairly steady pace.
I now have all the BGs for The Ophelia and the artists are working on other locations finally. OwO
I've also been, here and there, doing small tweaks to the sprites, small additions and fixes.
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Gilded Shadows:
As I mentioned, I finally got through all the character profiles. There are so many more characters than I remembered in this game.
Then I got halfway through and realised that I forgot five. And had to insert them, which...meant rearranging pages, which is a pain in the butt. However, that is now complete.
What I'm working on now is finishing up some of the short stories and drabbles I have planned or partially written out and getting them into the lore book. 
As well as gathering any other content. The lore book is currently about 350 pages. And I am really hoping to wrap it up soon.
Upcoming Weeks:
Next couple of weeks I will be trying to wrap up the lore book and wrap up editing Asher's Path.
When I finish editing Asher's path I'll be moving on to finish drafting the end sequences for the four remaining characters. I'm starting to have an idea of where the word count is going to end up but will have a better idea for sure when Asher's edit is complete.
I have written over 100,000 words since mid-August, just plugging away and trying to hit at least 1000 words a day.
I hit my year end word count goal of 466,000 words for When Stars Collide but unfortunately did not finish the draft because the draft has grown in size.
But I am really hoping to finish it early next year so we can fully move into phase 2 of When Stars Collide.
I am also hoping to get the final KS stuff resolved for Gilded Shadows early next year as well (the lore book, art book, and some residual art and stuff).
For now, I shall just keep plucking away at it until it's all done.
And that is all for now. I will see you all next year.
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o5-the-daughter · 3 years
Tag list
Disclaimer: these tags might change or be added onto as the blog progresses. Important/common ones are highlighted.
-> personal posts
#a questioning mind
-> asks
#through choice and chance
-> dash commentary
#loved and lost
-> romance posts involving Mary
#the first snowdrops in spring
-> relationship with Four
#faded pictures
-> art
#a story told
-> drabbles
-> dog talk
People mentioned
#gods reborn
-> full council
#the overseen
-> support staff
-> Administrator Agnes Peterson
#a vintage heart
-> O5-1 "Eve"
#the first rule of tinkering
-> O5-2 "The Archivist"
#an error in the system
-> O5-3 "The All-seeing Eye"
#one of many
-> Pink
#the black swan
-> Alexei
#change of seasons
-> O5-4 "The Ambassador"
#quills and ravens
-> O5-5 "Blackbird"
#an involuntary witness
-> O5-6 "The Puppet"
#a high hand
-> O5-8 "Magnolia"
#the melody of a heartbeat
-> O5-9 "Lyra"
#the old-school way to do it
-> O5-10 "Millennium"
#memories of an old friend
-> O5-11 "The Liar"
#distant lights
-> O5-11-B "Cassiopeia"
#a penny saved
-> O5-12 "The Financier"
#in aeternum
-> O5-13 "Tamlin"
#through the looking glass
-> Reality 550 "Kaleidoscope Delta"
No longer available characters
#comfort in the chaos
-> O5-8 "Dogwood"/"Green"
#under the willow tree
-> O5-9 "The Lovers"/Willow and Valentine
#swords and spears
-> O5-10 "The Veteran"
#murphy's law
-> O5-12 "Cyrus"
#Vivamus; Moriendum Est.
-> dream drabbles, visible only to Experimenter [GS011] (2022)
#Astra Inclinant; Sed Non Obligant.
-> Thousand Mirrors event (July 2022)
#Between Forever and Nothing
-> ghost event (September 2022)
#A Different Ending
-> ghost event (January 2023)
#To Count the Seconds
-> blast of the past event - Lee (October 2022)
#Smoke and Mirrors
-> mirror dimension event (November 2022)
#The Sixth of Nine; One of Three
-> Iva Ruben event (May 2023)
#Blood sweet as Cherry Wine
-> Human Three event (September 2023)
#A Temporary Death • [ event: ghost Seven]
-> ghost Seven, Koshek and GS!Green (May 2024)
#Who made you what you are? • [ event: Thousand Mirrors ]
-> Thousand Mirrors featuring Seven, Three and Eleven (July 2024)
-> mod speaking
#window to the soul
-> reblogs
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steamberrystudio · 10 months
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Hey everyone! Time for the bi-weekly tumblr update for Steamberry stuffs!
Finished editing Chapter 5 (WSC)
Decided an additional chapter was needed to fix pacing/plot stuff.
Received some new BG art (WSC)
Worked on the GS lore book including adding profiles and short stories
Okay so in my last update I was in the middle of editing chapter 5 and was nearly to the start of chapter six in editing Asher's route. I finished up chapter 5...
At that point when I was looking ahead, I started feeling like I wanted to add in a transition scene to move between Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.
As I started plotting out this scene, one of my ideas took on a life of its own and I realised that it might be better to interject a new, fleshed out story incident that would allow me to slow the pacing as well as flesh out the setting and universe a little more. This incident would also let me tie into some earlier events and connect them to something that occurs in chapter 6, also foreshadowing the chapter 6 incident.
 Ultimately, this became too much to call a "scene" and I decided to branch it off into a supplementary chapter (IE a chapter a bit shorter than the others and meant to be released along with another chapter.
That is what I've been working on since the last update.
This chapter has now served to set up multiple important things.
And is currently 17000 words long (it's going to end up closer to 25k by the end I think. There is a pretty significant story branch that happens at this point based on a specific player choice (That is or is not available based on other factors). If the choice is available and if the player makes that choice, it leads to an entirely different flow of events for a substantial portion of the chapter. That's what I'm currently working on writing.
I have it plotted out in a very detailed way and just have to write it.
Chapters with heavy branching are always a bit of a doozy to write and the WSC chapters are pretty long in general (the longest chapter is 62,000 words right now). So yeah.
Adding new content is still a part of editing I suppose. At least sometimes. I was so excited to cut 4000 words of content in chapter 5. 
Then I added 17000+ more. So.....
That sounds accurate for me. 😱
I've been having a lot of health struggles the last couple of weeks mostly related to chronic fatigue and pain. That, in addition to some really irritating "real life" stuff. But things are still moving forward.
Current word count is 440,000 words.
Regarding the GS lore book - I've been adding character profiles to a "people" section and have also been working on some of the short stories/drabbles. It's close to 300 pages at this point. 💪
Other Stuff:
As usual, I have received a completed BG and sketch, acquiring the game environments at a steady pace.
Upcoming Weeks:
This is getting into a busy time of year so I have a lot of real life distractions even apart from HEALTH. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 Progress always slows a little for me during this period since we have a lot going on.
But here is the plan.
Try to finish adding the profiles to the lore book. (Noooot sure I will. There are still a lot to go and the formatting for them is tricky. And I'm alternating between adding profiles and finishing writing a few side stories I've had ideas for for a while)
Try to finish chapter 5.5 for WSC
That's all for this week. There should be on more update here before the end of the year. See you then! 💪💪
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