#gtfo trailer
trashmouth-richie · 1 year
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master list
Eddie x fem! reader
Absolutely no minors, gtfo. Hopefully everyone has read the warning post from earlier this week regarding this chapter. it is extremely dark themed.
Heavy violence
References to past rape/ assault
Blood, gore
Domestic violence
Character death etc
A/N: please know your limits. I love you and let’s get into this chapter so we can move on.
The brown popcorn bag spun lazily in the microwave like an oily inflating balloon. The steady hum of the appliance kept you company as the countdown to the sad supper ticked to an end. The cheerful ding springing you from the staring contest you were having with the counter top. 
  The small radio you had purchased was sitting on the counter, the soft belt of Linger by The Cranberries was playing for what seemed like the tenth time today and you couldn’t help but feel the lyrics in your blood. 
  Unaware of anything out of the ordinary. A typical night after working at the bar. Showering and throwing on a pair of pajama shorts, tucked next to the pair of Eddie’s boxer briefs you had found last week. 
  After investigating why the washer banged all to hell when even the smallest of loads were in it, wedged tight under the plastic agitator were his underwear. 
  And you’d be a fool to say you hadn’t broken down and sobbed in the basement on the discovery. 
  You dried them and folded them neatly next to your delicates. The same drawer that held the worn and tarnished pig ring he gave you as a Christmas gift, and the envelope full of cash. 
  The water works started again. 
  Hot tears flooding your eyes, the simple act made you feel like he was home with you. But the nightmare always continued.
  You missed him so much. 
  “But you always really knew
I just want to be with you
  If you were a tiny bit more awake you might have caught that the door to the garage was locked even though you had no memory of locking it yourself. 
  ..And I'm in so deep
You know I'm such a fool for you
You got me wrapped around your finger
  Rustling the steaming bag from the microwave with burnt finger tips, you toss it on the counter hastily. Sucking your fingers into your mouth to dull the stinging redness away.
  Do you have to let it linger?
  And maybe it was then that if you weren’t busy nursing the premature burns, you would have noticed the odd set of keys on the counter next to the mail, pushed to the side by the buttery bag of popcorn. 
  Do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger?
  Bending at the waist to the lower cabinet you reach around for the smooth plastic of the yellow popcorn bowl. Upon standing you feel dizzy. You hear it before you feel it, the loud thwap of something heavy against the back of your head. The pain is searing and turns your vision to black. You’re passed out before your head even hits the floor. 
  The November air whipped into reddened skin, striking out any heat you had left in the confinements of the peach sweater you borrowed from Nancy on your frozen walk to Forest Hills Trailer Park. 
  It happened again. 
  And this time it wasn’t an accident, no matter how much he begged, no matter how many times he said he was sorry. 
  He hit you with a closed fist. 
  You weren’t flirting with Dustin. He was your friend. Way before Chad had taken any interest in you. Most of your friends were guys, besides El and Max, and even though Nancy Wheeler was older and more popular— you considered her a friend too. 
  When she left for college this past fall, she insisted on making her room more stylish to your liking. And she never once minded the twin beds you both slept in, a night stand between them. 
  But when Mike sat next to you at lunch and was going over notes from Kensington’s class, Chad’s mind twisted it into Mike hitting on you. Which led to Chad hitting on you, but instead of compliments and doting behavior— he drug you out to his car, a bony grip on the back of your neck.
  He screamed at you with every vein protruding from his tan skin. Voice hoarse and throat stretched tight. 
  Apparently you were fucking people behind his back. Even though you were a virgin. The town whore! He had yelled loud for even some of the teachers to hear, all turning a blind eye to the obvious domestic abuse happening on school grounds. 
  Explaining yourself only made it worse. 
  He slapped your face hard when you opened your mouth to interrupt him. And when you stood your ground and raised your chin to him, calm and steadily telling him to go fuck himself, he swung a fist into your eye. 
  And that’s when you left. 
  His apologies trailing behind you and caught in the gut of wind to travel far away from your ears. He wouldn’t follow you, he had appearances at school to keep up. 
  Much easier to tell Aaron and Sean that you got your period and were being crazy then explain why he had left school.
  The gravel crunched beneath your feet, frozen from the last winter storm and holding pockets of ice amongst the rocks. 
  Pale blue and still holding the old television lawn ornament, you sighed audible when Eddie’s van was parked outside of the aluminum sided trailer. 
  You hadn’t seen him since graduation last May. The night Chrissy’s extra curricular activities with Rick finally came out when they were caught fucking in the shower upstairs, at Steve’s house. Both sporting pricked arms with needle marks. 
  A broken hearted Eddie drank all night long and puked into the hot tub.
  Your quickened steps up to the concrete stairs and a shaky broken knock on the screen door have you stepping back waiting for the door to open, awaiting Eddie’s stupid grin waiting on the other side. 
  Living with Eddie you had no reason to be afraid. Many nights the front door was left unlocked. And maybe it was out of habit. Maybe you had left it unlatched tonight too. 
  It would explain how he was there now. 
  Hovering over you, his blond hair coined perfectly slicked to the side, slightly feathered back with thick styling gel. A Ralph Lauren polo with the logo on the left chest. His cologne reeked of some designer brand, making your stomach queasy.
  The only difference between those years ago and now was that he had a small dusting of a flesh colored mustache wiggled on his sweaty lip. Same maniacal inky blacks to his blown pupils, laced with the piercing blue. 
  The realization ices your veins and stings your eyes with angry tears. 
  Chad Cunningham was in your home, his body over yours as you're pinned beneath him, the smell of iron invading your nose. Looking around with wild eyes you see the crimson streaks from the linoleum in the kitchen to the carpet where you are laying. Your head thumping with the rhythm of bloody drops against the fibers of the worm carpet.
  “Been a long time hasn’t it, honey bun?” 
  An eternity wouldn’t have been enough. 
  Pressing his body into yours, you can feel the stiffness of his starched shirt as you try to will your arms to fight him away. He chuckles at your feeble attempts to push him off.
  His weight presses deeper into you as he lowers his mouth to your lips, squeezing your face he almost sings,  “Told you I’d see you soon.” 
  His lips are harshly planted into yours, feeling like jagged rocks against your soft waters.
  “Fuck,” he groans, hard against your thigh. “just like I remember. I’ve missed you.” 
  The clink of his belt unthreading from the loops of his khakis finally renders your senses. But you wait with calculated timing. 
  Leaning back, he stares into your face with a quizzical expression burrowed deep on his brow. “What’s the frown for? Don’t you miss me? Aren’t you happy to see me?” 
  Evident that his delusions still ran deep, it’s showtime. You would survive this. One good hit, that's all it would take. 
  Pushing yourself up gently, your head is swimming with nausea and the steady dripping tick of blood down the back of your neck. 
  Placing a shaky hand to his cheek he moves into your hand, the same way Eddie had that night, your stomach somersaults at the memory. 
  When his eyes shut, you turn your fingers into a clawed position, and scrape the flesh from the corner of his eye down to his lip. 
  It happens quickly and with your blurred vision and pounding head it feels like it’s all in slow motion. He wasn’t expecting it. 
  A kick to his ribs hurt your bare feet probably more than it injured him but you needed the extra time to escape into your room. 
  The phone feels cool against your cheek, and weighs heavy on your shoulder when you realize it’s dead. The plan of you running in here, dialing 9-1-1 and holding him off until they came was foiled. 
  “BITCH! You can’t hide from me!” 
  Knowing you only have seconds before he finds you, you 
frantically look around for something to defend yourself with. Searching eyes land on the window. 
  Just need to get out and run to Mr. Griffin’s house. 
  Fingers on the frame you yank upwards, palms digging into the wired screen, pushing it out.
  Throwing your leg out into the darkness of the night, you’re one step closer to being safe. One step closer to ending this night of horrors before it could begin. 
  The noise of splintering wood and the crack of a door being snapped from its hinges join your erratic breath and piercing screams— a monstrous reel of symphonic sound. 
  Chad twists a thick fist into your scalp, freeing the hair from its follicles in a sickening pop as you scratch your nails into the window sill, trying to hold on.
  He’s stronger than you, no different than years before. And when your body crumbles onto the floor with a squelching thud, splinters of lacquered wood and nails that once held the door in place, pierce into your exposed skin. 
  But that is minor league compared to the shattering pain delivered from his fist into your face as he straddles you.
  “Think you can hide away with that freak from me?!” He rocks his closed hand into your other cheek, this time clipping your eye with a gold wedding band.  
  Your cries fall on deaf ears. Tears stinging and trying to drip from your swelling eyelids. 
  “Honey bun,” he purrs into your ear, “don’t tell me you’re that fucking stupid to think I wouldn’t find you.”
  His fingers move to brush your hair from your face, and he holds your head in place when you try to bite at his fingers. 
  His wicked smile could make the devil’s scaly skin crawl. 
  “Such a dumb whore, forgetting I have eyes and ears all over this town.” Placing his grabby fingers on his breasts, he continues, “Aaron and Sean may not be the brightest candles on the cake but they are loyal.” 
  You rack your brain for any recollection of those names.  and it finally clicks. Chad’s friends in high school, following him around like he was the King. A snap of his fingers and they’d move like henchmen. Fighting anyone who got in his way, putting themselves at risk just to say they had a friend from a rich family. 
  The realization swims in your eyes and scares your tears dry. 
  “Pieced it together huh?” Chad laughs wildly. “They work..” he grunts, hips rutting against you, pinching your perked nipples in his tight grasp, his fingernails digging through your shirt around the delicate skin, making you squeal, “..with the freak!” 
  His deranged cackle doubles when you yell out in pain. 
  “Small town bosses don’t lock their offices, and it was too easy for Aaron to find your address, even easier to find out that Eddie had left your ass here, unguarded, alone, waiting for someone to save you, and honey bun here I am!” 
  His sick twisted smile oozes fear further into your gut, brooding and feeding on any small amount of joy you had left. 
  “You need a fucking psychiatrist.”
  “Such harsh words for that sweet mouth, but don’t worry!” he reassures, eyes wide with delight and a psychotic expression on his face as he brings his voice low and secret-like, “I won’t kill you yet, the boys are looking for Munson and when they find him…” he lowers himself to kiss your lips, sliding his tongue against the split flesh. 
  “Fuck!” He bellows, licking his lips savoring your taste on his tongue, “when they find him they’re gonna bring him here, and it’ll be arranged to look like the freak killed you and then himself.. a lover’s quarrel gone bad.” 
  He rubs his face and grunts again at the warbled wails you let out, squeezing your breasts and bucking into your clothed crotch. “Goddamn,” he groans, his eyes rolling into his head at the sound of your cries, getting off on your distorted face, “I just couldn’t help myself, had to come here and do this first. One last goodbye.”
  You’d rather be dead at this point. You wish he’d kill you now and get it over with. But the thought of Eddie seeing your lifeless body haunted you. And you stop crying when his hands close around the hollow of your throat. 
  “Gonna be mine, one last time honeybun?”
  “Fuck you,” you croak beneath his hands on your throat.
  You’re weak and running out of time. Rolling your tongue against your teeth and cheeks, harboring a mixture of saliva and blood you wait until Chad is leaning over you, and when he’s close enough you spit the concoction into his face.
  Chad bellers out, letting go of your throat and standing abruptly to wipe his face. The split second he’s distracted you try to crawl away, but he kicks you down. 
  Delivering several soccer styled strikes into your stomach, his voice spewing insults with every jab of his white Nikes into your body.
  A raging shock of fury paints his face.
  “What did I tell you hmm? If I can’t have you— no one can!” You scream loud when his shoe propels into your crotch, shocking your pelvis with burning heat. 
  All noise is void when he rolls you over and crashes down on your beaten body, clobbering your tear and blood streaked face, blow after blow.  Your eyes are swelling shut and you’re surprised when you see Eddie’s face, before your eyes shut. 
  It feels like home. 
  The warm smile you missed so much was not there to greet you. A cold calloused “what?” finds you instead. 
  “Eddie?” you ask with a scratchy throat, clearing it once, twice, to answer him against the wind. 
  Grumbling and stomping in the trailer is heard. Along with two separate giggles. 
  The door is yanked hard inward revealing a version of Eddie Munson you’d never seen before. His skin was sunken in on his cheeks, dark circles rimmed his eyes. His once soft features were sharp and lackluster, brooding with ashy shadows and skin that looked like it hadn’t seen sunlight in months. 
  He looked gaunt and hallowed out, his ribs poking against the cindery color of his skin. The warm whiskey eyes that once danced when he laughed were now gaping blacked marbled, polar and dull. 
  He speaks but you are too busy holding your breath from the stench of rotting clothes and unwashed bodies. 
  Stumbling over an apology for not hearing him, you are startled when he barks back,  “I said, what the fuck are you doing here, Tooty?” 
  You look to the floor and notice he’s wearing a heavily stained sock with a hole in the toe, the other foot bare, next to a pair of work boots are three pairs of women’s shoes:, heels, keds, and pink reeboks. Your toes wiggle in your worn converse. 
  “I’m.. I uh..” 
  Eddie rolls his eyes, “oh for fucks sake spit it out! You selling raffle tickets or something for school? Pep team need new Pom-poms? Or maybe the chess club is looking for a new board?” 
  Shock stealing your speech you stand on frigid feet digging your fingers into the yarn on the Nancy’s sweater. Tears bite your lashes and fall on cold cheeks. 
  Eddie! Where’s your lighter? A sultry voice coos, padding feet getting closer to the threshold. 
  “Listen kid, I’m fucking busy, I don’t have time to haul you around because twiddle dick and dum forgot you at the gas station again.” 
  He has barely looked at you since you got there. The guy who held more merit to you than your own brother was gone. 
  When you wipe your eyes on the sleeve of your sweater  he lets out an exaggerated groan. 
  He thrusts dirty fingers into his sweatpants pockets. Pulling out a perfectly rolled twenty dollar bill, he flattens it smooth. He smears his finger along the length of the bill, collecting remnants of a fine white powder, which is quickly shoved into his greedy mouth and rubbed on his gums like he’s brushing his teeth. 
  “Here,” he grunts, shoving the drugged money into your pocket, avoiding your eyes at all cost, “now get lost.” 
  The blinds on the door are still swinging as you stand there dumbstruck and watery eyed. Low voices are murmured through the thin walls as a lighter flicks and sizzles.
  Who was that baby? 
  And that’s exactly who you were to everyone you knew, nobody. 
  And ironically enough— that’s exactly who you could rely on. 
  One thing was for certain: Eddie Munson was a stranger to you. 
  The tears fell harder on the shameful walk back to Chad. But you weren’t sure if you were crying harder because of the sudden loss you felt from an old friend or because of the pain in your eye.  
  Heart hammering in his chest, Eddie jiggles the door handle, it’s locked and he panics and realizes he still has his key. Fumbling with the key ring, Eddie finds the short brass one and unlocks the door. 
  The sight of the mostly empty house is jarring, causing his stomach to drop , a small recliner rests in the living room where his couch once sat. Wine is spilled from the kitchen to the living room, smeared like it was swept poorly with a mop. 
  You never drank wine.
  Maybe you started drinking heavily after he left. He did. It only made sense. 
But a second glance at the claret colored stain embedded into the carpet and his worst fear was realized. 
  The sound of something wet and thwacking settles into his bones and shakes his spine. Someone was hurting you.
  Heavy docs lead him to the corner of the house, your room and his old room. Where his door was intact, yours was shattered. Like Jack Torrance took his ax to it in The Shining. Stepping on cracked wood, Eddie sees the most horrific thing he’s ever been a witness too. 
  And suddenly he’s six years old again, helpless. Watching a woman he loved lose a battle she didn’t even know she was in. But instead of his mother’s lifeless body crumbled by his father’s feet, instead of her dark curly hair matted with pooling blood and a gaping bullet hole— It’s you underneath a guy he doesn’t recognize.
  Your face is battered and covered in blood, the once plush lips he held so warmly between his own were split and slack. Your eyes were swollen, lacking any shine to them they normally held. 
  His eyes connect with yours for a brief second, and when they close he doesn’t know if they will open again. 
  Fury radiates through his entire body, masking the pain of heartache at the sight of you slipping from him. 
  Before he can acknowledge the thought of you being gone, he lunges at the catalog Dad dressed asshole. Knocking him off your body and landing on top of him, colliding into your dresser. The tangle of body parts wrestling for purchase tumble into the hall. Ringed fists land home on every surface of this guy's face, and when he stops to take a breath— he realizes the face he is hitting is Chad Cunningham’s.
  How did he find you? Had he been stalking you both since that day at the grocery store?
  Didn’t matter all that he cared about was throwing this mother fucker the biggest ass kicking of his life, and he wouldn’t stop until either Chad or himself was dead.
  “I’ve waited years for this day,” Chad spit, after getting a punch in when Eddie was in his own head, knocking Eddie’s jaw to bite down on his tongue, filling his mouth with blood immediately. “Trailer trash Munson finally came to play.”
  Taken by surprise, Chad shoves Eddie from him and stands up, looking through the doorway at your limp body. 
  Eddie stands slow, using the bathroom doorknob to help, he reaches for the knife kept in his back pocket. 
  Chad spins to face Eddie, his hair sweaty and face ballooning out from Eddie’s rings. “You should have left my girl alone Munson, would have saved your uncle the heartache.”
  Eddie flicks the blade open on the knife, grip tight around it, he breathes through his nose his throat tight and stretching around his words, his leather jacket creaking when he moves his neck around in a stretch, confident in his delivery, “she’s not yours.” 
  The hysterical laugh that leaves Chad’s lungs could resemble bats screeching in the night, he’d make a great clown in a haunted house. 
  “Dead or alive whether I’m married or not— she’ll always be mine.”
  Like alley cats, they stare each other down, waiting for the opportunity to pounce.
  Chad licks his lips and looks your way again, “listen, I get it, she’s hot. And that tight little pussy..” he licks his lips and grabs himself over his denim jeans, stained with your blood.
  Eddie’s blood is boiling, he’s seconds away from snapping but trying to hold it together long enough to make a perfect attack.
  Chad leans forward, gesturing a mockery secret with his hand held around his mouth, “It’s even better when she’s fighting you,” he inhales deep, like he’s wishing he was in a past memory, “screaming really tightens her right up.”
  Knife out, Eddie charges forward. And is struck dumb when the knife is kicked from his hand. Another kick this time to the chest that he wasn’t expecting sends him stumbling into the living room, air gone from his lungs. Chad follows and swings into his diaphragm making Eddie choke out on nothing, gasping for air. 
  “Oh come on, Munson,” Chad taunted, leaning down to kiss Eddie’s cheek, “Thought you would have some trailer park moves to throw at me.”
  Raising a heavy boot, Eddie stomps on Chad’s toes, and mule kicks his kneecaps. A ringed fist meets his cheek, adding another forming bruise to his winter tan skin. Shoving him backwards into the counter in the kitchen, the cabinet doors bust on the impact. 
  The punches Eddie is landing have his knuckles bloody and swelling but he doesn’t care. Each punch is a testament for the years you held yourself together, acted like nothing bad was going on, when in reality you were experiencing hell on Earth and he never knew. 
  This was his payback. His way of righting a wrong. A wrong that should have never even began.
  He doesn’t know what he was hit with just that he was stumbling backwards again. Temple throbbing and without reaching up he knows he’s bleeding. His back hitting the corner of the fridge he slides down onto the linoleum.
  His head is heavy and his vision blinded with hazy clouds of black and white. He hears Chad but doesn’t see him, just feels his head being slammed in the fridge and a grip in his hair. 
  “Could have saved your uncle funeral costs you stupid bastard… clearly you don’t care about him, or Tooty for that matter, leaving her all alone like that,” Chad sucks through his teeth, splitting blood onto Eddie’s shirt, “thought the raccoons usually stuck together.”
  He chuckles low and slams Eddie’s head one more time with such force it leaves a dent in the fridge. “Now if you’ll excuse me,” he says, straightening his shirt, walking towards your room , “my girl is waiting.”
  “Don’t touch her!” Eddie roars, pushing himself up to stand with all his might. Pounding head and nausea thick in his mouth. Raising his head he looks at Chad with blurry sight, trying to see clearly. His voice is low, catching his breath and taking all of his strength to utter out the words. Balancing around the mark of deranged, “I’ll fucking kill you.”  
  Chad swivels on his heels, head cocked at Eddie, he grabs under his chin holding it firmly in place. His breath fanning over Eddie’s cheeks and he smiles maniacally, blood painting his teeth. 
  “Don’t flatter yourself.” A heavy fist to the gut has Eddie doubled over. Gripping the counter with white knuckles and wet blood smeared fingertips. 
  He had failed again. He wasn’t able to stop his own father from killing his mother. And now Chad was on his way to desecrate your lifeless body. He’s a fuck up and a failure. 
  A low guttural choking sound breeches Eddie’s ears. And he turns to see you covered in your own blood, barely standing and wielding a bat with nails protruding from every which way. 
  The nails are claret colored and dripping thick drops onto the carpet, fibers of Chad’s jeans hang in shreds from the sharp edges. A scant look towards Eddie and your eyes swim with relief and mourning. 
  He’s here. Blood is smeared down his lips and his hands look tight and swollen. 
  But he’s alive. And so are you.
  Eddie’s vision is doubled and he blinks rapidly unaware if he is seeing you or not. He swallows hard and almost chokes on tears.
  But that is short lived.
  And it happens fast. 
  The yelling rage from Chad’s lungs over power your screams. His hands are tight around your throat before you can blink, your spine snapping into the nearest wall, feet dangling off the ground. 
  Haziness bleeds into your eyes and your breath is expelled from screaming— now gone when your windpipe is crushing like a pixie stick under Chad’s grip. 
  Desperate to fight back you jam your thumbs into his eyes. Victor Creel style like the Urban Legends passed down that you were told as kids. 
  If you were going to die, at least he would be blind, a forever reminder of this day etched, literally, into his face. 
  You prayed Eddie would know how much you loved him.  
  Should have’s taking over the last puffs of oxygen in your brain, popping like bubbles. 
  Should have told him sooner. 
  Should have said it every day. 
  Should have kissed him more. 
  Should have let him love you. 
  The guilt wraps around your mind as the cold hands of death welcome you. But you’re not afraid. Knowing Chad always kept good on his word, Eddie would join you in the afterlife.
  Hand in hand. 
  Strolling along the pinked cotton candy clouds and the pearly gates. 
  You are his and he is yours. 
  Lovers together finally at last. 
  The last breath on your lips is a silent devotion to him. 
  I love you, Eddie.
a/n: my asks are always open ♥️
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lovelyo · 5 months
Penelope is a Wallflower…BY CHOICE
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Aight, I’m tired of this “Even a wallflower can bloom” propaganda that Netflix keeps trying to force feed. Penelope is a self imposed wallflower. Through season 1 and 2, Penelope has not tried once to befriend debutantes or talk to anyone in the ton that’s her age, at least from what we’ve seen. It’s not like she tried and people were like, “gtfo my face” and that no one wanted to talk to her. Hell, Edwina tried to strike a convo with her and she ended it quickly to go sniff out Colin’s ass.
I understand how hard it can be to put yourself out there. A full blown introvert is writing this shit right now, but you can’t complain that no one notices you tied with your constant “pretty bridgerton” asshole comment when you put zero effort in talking or courting. That’s the kicker for me, she complains about being a wallflower when she made herself one. But we all know why she didn’t try to socialize; how else was LW supposed to get her content.
Penelope isn’t a victim. Penelope chose to not interact and be unseen cause she wanted to be a fly on the wall for LW for exploit, profit and disdain, more son in S2. She didn’t care about courting cause she only wanted Colin. One of the reasons why she’s doing what she’s doing now is because of Colin saying he didn’t want to date her(should’ve stuck to your guns Colin).
The upcoming season is proof that if she just tried, she would’ve been seen.
It’s not cause she’s shy, it’s not cause she has anxiety, it’s not cause she’s reserved. She is awkward, I give her that, but when it comes to men. She’s completely fine engaging in talk with women(and completely fine in tearing them down).
You know who really embodies a true wallflower: Francesca. From what we’ve seen and known from spoilers, trailer and even her promo, Francesca is reserved and rather stay to herself. She won’t deny anyone a conversation, unless the people are obviously creepy or the topic gets uncomfortable, but she’s nervous cause it’s her first time out on the marriage mart and sticking to the walls is what comforts her at the moment; it’s how she copes.
Francesca doesn’t want to be seen cause she feels she ain’t ready for the marriage mart and is nervous.
Penelope doesn’t want to be seen cause she’s a borderline sociopathic gossipmonger.
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courtingchaos · 2 years
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Rent The Space Inside My Mind
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female!Reader
Summary: You and Eddie are BFF's. Wonder what's going on between you two?
A/N: This is just a fraction of what I've been chipping away at but I wanted to post this because I was proud of it!!! (NSFW 18+ minors gtfo)
December is fucking cold and that cold loves to seep into the trailer from every leaking door and window. It’s the same at your place, though your mom had remembered to take out the AC units a few weeks ago. Eddie and Wayne have obviously let that slide.
“Hey man do you want me to help you with those?” You gesture to the unit in the window from your spot on the sofa where you’re bundled under a blanket. Eddie is curled up in his uncle’s recliner, with at least three sweatshirts on with his knees pulled up into them.
“It’s 8pm."
“Okay? And then you can shut the windows before it snows tonight and, Wayne won’t freeze out here.” You continue to stare at him until he sighs and untangles himself.
“Fine fine fucking fine.”
You knew bringing Wayne into would get him up so you go outside to help, because you’re sure if Eddie does he’s going to turn into a god-honest icicle. He unlatches everything from inside and you pull both units from outside, leaving them on the front porch to molder until at least April. You only end up with a little gross water in your shoe when you pull the unit out of his bedroom; Eddie ever the sweetheart, has a dry pair of socks for you when you get back inside to ditch your shoes.
“Look I know that was a good idea, and the space heater is working better but now my toes are freezing.” Eddie is whining at you from the spot he’s stolen on the couch. He’s looking at you with big, hopeful eyes while wiggling his toes and you catch his drift.
“Okay fine, you can shove your ice cubes under my leg.” You sigh at him, crowding up next him while he props himself against the arm of the couch, immediately shoving his socked feet under your thigh. You get the blanket re-situated around yourself and over his ankles, laughing at the feeling of his toes wiggling under you.
Now the thing that you haven’t seemed to have caught on to yet is that Eddie has been using the recent freeze to get closer to you. Not only do you run hot like a brand new kerosene heater (and he is absolutely using that to his advantage), he’s also able to use this as an excuse to be as impossibly close to you at any given time. He can’t seem to get enough of you lately and though he’s been aware of his growing feelings for you for quite a while, this new turn has felt…almost fanatical. 
Anytime you breeze past him and he can catch a whiff of your perfume? Absolute goner. 
When you lean over him at lunch and you prop your hand on his knee for balance? It’s all he’s focused on for hours. 
When you lean back on his van in the morning, legs crossed at the ankle, trying to finish your cigarette before first bell? He’s never wanted to be a cigarette more in his life. (He’s not even sure what that means but he means it).
The other day in History, you’d been seated towards the front with Eddie fully planted in his normal back row corner. The room was darkened while your teacher moved through slides on their projector and you…oh you had been running your fingers through your hair, trying to put it up. Fingers combing through your dark locks, pulling everything up high on the crown of your head. You’d been doing it absentmindedly with lazy fingers trawling through loose curls, pulling at a handful of knots. 
It was all he could do to keep his mouth shut, keep his noises to himself. That it should be his hands running through your hair, his hands gently pulling out tangles, his hands collecting your hair together in his fist, pulling it all back away from your face, letting him see your smirk before you open your mouth for him, small metal ball that sat so perfect on your tongue glinting in the low light of his bedroom.
He had to reel his imagination in so fast it felt like it physically snapped him. He would rather die than pop a boner in fucking History class like a freshman.
So! Toes under a thigh. A thigh he’d spent many a night thinking about. It wasn’t like he hadn’t ever felt this thigh before, in fact he’d grabbed it many times either giving you a piggyback ride or in some pit at some show or one of the million times you two roughhoused. It’s just that now that thigh, and its twin, had brought new meaning in his life. It was warm, so god damn warm and he loved the feel of it under his hand. It was soft and powerful and if he could lay his head in your lap again he swears he’d never leave it this time. He’s tempted to do it right now, just roll over and nuzzle up to you. He knows you’d giggle and probably lay your hand on his hair and muss it up and throw the blanket over him because he’s just always so cold. Maybe he could sneak his finger tips under your thigh, wiggle them around like his toes. 
Basically feeling her up at that point way to go idiot. 
He gives himself a shake to try to get his thoughts back on the TV and firmly away from your thighs and how warm they’d feel on his ears probably. 
Get it together you fuck.
You’re unknowingly also drifting on your side of the couch, thinking about reaching over and grabbing his face and kissing him stupid but the idea of him firmly pushing you back with that sad look he gets sometimes would actually kill you. At least you think he might do that but then you remember the phone call from a few weeks ago, him drunkenly whispering into the phone about you hating him if he told you…something. He wouldn’t say what but he did keep saying your name over and over like it was keeping him grounded. 
Or from throwing up, same difference. 
Honestly, you think he might even be fine with a kiss, a make out marathon let’s be real. He’d been extra close lately, more so than normal, and so much more gentle with you than he’d ever been. 
You know for a fact that he’d struck out with Gwen, his current cheerleader-looking-for-weed. She’d been nice enough about it but you could tell he’d actually tried with this one, not just using one of his normal quick-cute one liners. He’d told you about actually turning on his charm, being sweet and all it got him was a giggle and soft ‘Oh, Eddie no I’m sorry.’
Would you be okay with a pity fuck? Absolutely! You lie to yourself. 
The remote has fallen out of your hand while you’re staring through the TV screen, really mulling over your choices here. You start thinking about your most recent mornings at school, with the cold biting through everyone, especially Eddie wearing his fucking ripped jeans when it’s 20 outside. How it’s not out of the ordinary for you to hold his hands together to warm them up, or give him your already worn gloves. Sometimes he’ll shove his hands in the pockets of your second hand peacoat without preamble. You’ll never tell him (hell you barely admit to yourself) but it makes you blush deep down, all the way to your chest when he does that. The feel of his fingers wiggling around deep in the pockets near your hips while he talks over your shoulder to Gareth. The front of him close to you but just barely not touching and it takes everything in you to not reach out and grab the lapels of his vest, dig your fingers into the denim and leather under that and pull him in close.
He’ll laugh at something Jeff said and his breath, hot in the cold morning frost, ghosts over the shell of your ear and it should be considered an Act of God that you don’t lean forward and bury your face in his long neck. His hair would tickle your too cold nose but like, it’d be so god damn soft you know it. You’ve touched his hair before so many times but not like that. Not nuzzled into his throat where you could kiss up to the back of his ear, could run the bar in your tongue against his skin. You wonder what kind of noises he’d make, out in the cold, in front of god and everybody.
Eddie pinches the underside of your thigh with his toes and it snaps you back to the present.
“Earth to Major Tom.” He’s grinning at you with a playful gleam in his eyes. He’s obviously been trying to get your attention for a hot minute.
“What?” Why do you sound so annoyed?
“Got something on your mind?”
"I’m thinking.” You lie (only a little) pulling your legs up to tuck under his bent knees, keeping his toes under your leg still.
“Something more important than this?” He gestures at the TV, some PBS thing on. 
Oh my god Munson believe me it is. 
You both chuckle and you start flicking through channels again, now looking for a Christmas thing. If you both start drifting again, neither of you mention it, unaware of the absolute bonfire starting between you two.
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princesssszzzz · 4 months
I liked your video and your right. I’m so disappointed!
So many annoying people in the fandom are claiming they want Rhaena to do more and having a dragon is a good change to the story. I’m going to be so pissed if they ruin Nettles.
They’re only saying that in defense of Rhaenyra. They don’t actually like or care about Rhaena or really any other character, I mean it’s pretty obvious how this fandom behaves. It’s very bizarre and I don’t understand why considering GRRM’s universe should be known for ensemble characters who will have their own moments and motivations. Like how does anyone watch GOT or read AGOT and then comes to the DOD expecting simple and juvenile type writing of literally everyone on team black just doing absolutely nothing expect supporting one person. It makes no sense. They definitely don’t care about anything close to a good show adaptation and don’t want characters to seem like people. Even the dragons are doing their own thing 😭 It’s basically impossible to end House of the Dragon without Nettles being exactly the way she is in Fire&Blood. Not only does that effect HOTD, but also dragon lore just throughout the universe because I do believe Nettles was supposed to be like the legitimate PROOF someone can ride a dragon without having Valyrian blood. It’s just very obvious, it’s almost impossible to misinterpret but they found a way to do it anyways.
Also the people saying they want Rhaena to “do more” *side eye* My definition of Rhaena doing more is not the same as them and I know why they claim that. Their definition is creating a team black robot. Rhaena is actually related to these people and kinda stuck no matter how horrible they act. Nettles is not related to these people and doesn’t HAVE to help them, and legit is able to walk away when they aren’t. This is clearly a threat to Rhaenyra extremist who want every other character to just be a cheerleader with nothing else going on and no other motivations. That really can’t be forced onto Nettles. So Nettles and Daemon having a relationship that’s NOT by blood is very impactful vs Daemon just not wanting his failing wife to execute his daughter which is like an obvious no shit situation. It’s not very impactful emotionally. Daemon defending a girl who everyone is claiming he shouldn’t give af about has way bigger implications. Nettles is one of the few dance characters that don’t have to be expanded on because we already have enough. There’s no reason to alter anything about her. Any bad writing Nettles gets is an intentional fuck up because F&B laid it out perfectly, someone would really have to go out of their way to ruin it. I’m now seeing these same weirdos d x r extremist shipper weirdos claiming Nettles shouldn’t be cut like stop the cap we all saw who was creating anti-nettles agendas. They were actually the ones who created the Rhaena claiming dragons “rumors” because it was them trying to manifest it. They wanted her to claim Sheepstealer and then started saying vermithor so rhaenyra won’t have to deal with people being traitors. They need to accept their favorite characters and their storylines for what it is. This is why people need to stop pretending like they can portray a character like rhaenyra as better than she is because now it effects other characters…..
GTFO, sorry but that trailer was such obvious fan service
If they want Daemon to work on his relationship with Rhaena then the way I would do it is getting it out the way before she even goes to the Vale in ep7. There’s too much going on after that for that to be an ongoing issue atp. Then his relationship with Nettles really has nothing to do with his daughters, or really anyone outside of Rhaenyra getting pissed.
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ambrosia-ghostie · 5 months
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Welcome to Garden Essence Trailer Park
Eden Solana is stepping out on the first day of her senior year with one goal in mind: to make it into the select company at Clara's School of Dance. It's her ticket out of Willow Creek and away from the weight of home, where her mom, divorcee Heather, is more interested in her next drink than Eden's dreams, and SimCare benefits don't stretch as far as they should.
Eden's twin, Vaughn, has his own escape plan: turn his programming passion into a career and code a way out for both of them. They share more than a room—they share a resolve to gtfo.
Stay tuned. The dance has just begun. 🩰
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alicent-apologist · 6 months
Have you seen the new trailers for both sides? What do you think?
I have and I have many thoughts 😂
First I'm going to be a bit if a #hater and say that I hate the lack of Helaena in the green trailer. Why did we see more of her in the black trailer?? And why did we also see like nothing of her? In the books this is when she was most active! Also, I feel about the trailer the same way I feel about her speech and happy dance with Jace at the dinner - why is Helaena not part of the green team? Why does it feel like Alicent, Aegon, Aemond, Otto and Criston have their side but Helaena is just kind of there? She argued for fair treaty terms for Rhaenyra but she still argued for a treaty where Aegon is King and she is Queen. She is a member of the Green side, her children are in danger! Let her have some agency for the love of God!
On a aimilar note, is it Rhaenyra at the end of the black trailer saying 'I fear what I have begun'? I am not a Rhaenyra fan and this is exactly why! Your house words are 'Fire and Blood'! She is supposed to be selfish and entitled and what was the point of pretending to kill her own husband so 'they will fear what we will do', if you don't want to do anything??
Just please, let the women be complicated and move forward their own stories without constant backtracking and hemming and hawing.
And now to the positive!
Aegon as King?? Looking gleeful at fighting the war?? I love it, oh his character arc is going to be so awful to watch and TGC is going to Eat It Up and I am ready.
Love the little Aemond bits, 'I am ready for my uncle if he dares face me', God I can see his cockiness and single mindedness and how it's going to be his complete undoing.
Alicent! My sweet girl, the love of my life. Everytime I see Olivia's big brown eyes my brain kind of cooks itself a little so I have no notes so far but I will rewatch and probably have many things to say. Probably along the same vein as Helaena and Rhaenyra ...
Sunfyre! Sunfyre! Best boy Sunfyre!
Brackens! 😍😍🥰🥰
Gwayne Hightower!
We got to see some Baela and Rhaena! Would love to see more, give them some characterisation please.
Jace in Winterfell, I love it! I do hope we see some of his visit to Jeyne Arryn though, I would love to meet the woman who told Daemon to GTFO of her Kingdom.
Daemon was there, I guess
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parcai · 10 months
ngl the trailer was fun but the lmm casting always jumpscares me like LMFAOOO gtfo
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crimsonxe · 9 months
FF7/FF7R spoilers/potential spoilers below the cut (though this is like 26 year old spoiler):
I want to shatter some bullshit aimed at "Aerith lives" fans and yes fans cause fuck anyone that wants to act like by doing that you don't understand/grasp the game. a) it has nothing to do with shipping for ones like me and everything to do with love of the damn character (inb4 anyone thinks its her over Tifa, its not I love both), which also leads into b) it can easily damn well fit into this multiverse version of the story. In other words as much "fanservice" as her dying for the "Aerith must die" crowd. Oh and Nomura's quote in Game Informer is not confirmation of anything, he's not an idiot that's going to spoil a major story point ahead of time like that.
I've already seen the bad end route of Advent Children & Dirge (and fuck you if you think it isn't exactly that), which still exists for those that want that. I want either the good (Aerith of one universe dies, while the other lives or even Cloud being the one to fall instead) or golden (no one dies) end instead to go alongside the OG not in replacement of it. Because that timeline/branch already exists separately, which also pretty much erases the need for the events that require Aerith's death. Sephiroth would already know about Holy, which didn't even work fully the first time around anyway. As shown in Advent Children where not only did Jenova/Sephiroth get into the Lifestream; but the latter managed to physically manifest even if temporarily. Not to mention now having seemingly found a way to project or actually go back to an earlier point in time, thus mooting Holy at all. Hell even having Cloud go down fits into his going away for a portion of the story, before returning later.
I will always root for SE to go for the golden, but will accept the good; which seems to have been setup with the two Aeriths shown in the Game Awards trailer. One dies, one lives and SE get to have their cake and eat it too; though I'm sure the purists will bitch about it. That doesn't make me or anyone else less of a fan or less knowing about the damn story. I've played Crisis Core, FF7, Dirge of Cerberus, watched Advent Children AND AC Complete, FF7R, and Intermission; so more than earned the right to metaphorically wear a FF7 fan emblem on my person. So damn tired of purist edgelord jackasses acting like they have sole jurisdiction of "fan", while thumbing their nose at anyone not wishing for a repeat event in a game that is clearly trying new things. I'm not an edgelord, sue me.
Also really telling that some of the same people bitch about Cid not being a sexist asshole; like gtfo it. He's so much better off without that element to his character.
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imabasicbishh · 1 year
I gotta say I love that RE gets new fans with the remakes, but with some of these newer RE fans have also brought in the concept of “stans”, which I am now completely categorizing in a different group from fans. I am a huge Ada fan, but these Ada stans on Twitter are making it hard to enjoy Resident Evil content on there.
In Stan world if I want say I don’t like Ada’s new voice, or prefer OGRE4 Ada over the remake, or don’t love her new outfit then apparently “I have no right to call myself a fan” if I vocalized these opinions. I am Asian American myself and I did not enjoy Lily Gao’s performance as Ada. In my opinion, she had a few passable lines, flat and awkward delivery majority of the time, no chemistry with Leon, and most importantly NO charisma. Doesn’t matter how much much time Ada had in any form of RE media, she has always had presence and impact. In RE4’s main game, Ada didn’t have that many scenes either (although technically more than the remake), but even to people who didn’t bother to play Separate Ways, she always left an impression.
When the first RE4R trailer of her speaking dropped A LOT of people didn’t like her voice acting from the beginning. Then Ada stans would say “you can’t judge based on one line, wait until the game comes out” (as if that would somehow make her delivery better?), then the game comes out and a lot of people still didn’t like her performance, now it’s “she barely had any screen time, wait for Separate Ways”, moving the goal post again. Or it’s “she’s suppose to sound flat because she’s now a serious mercenary” Like was Ada not already cold and serious in RE2R?? I don’t remember her “sounding flirty” in that game at all, that was literally one of the reason people didn’t like RE2R’s Ada, for not being as nice as she was in OG2. Now there’s this belief that most people only didn’t like it because of some RE influencer and blamed her to take accountability for the harassment and bullying Lily Gao got, then the next day the Ada Stans go on to harass, bully, and passive aggressively hate on accounts that ship Cleon to the point they end up closing their account. I super ship Aeon too but jeeze. It’s just so hard to take seriously, but I guess that’s the current state of fandom culture now: “can’t take the toxic behavior of me defending my fave, then gtfo”.
Lily Gao 100% did not deserve to be harassed, I put all blame on Capcom. If they wanted to cast a new Asian VA for Ada they should have put in more effort to finding THE BEST fit person for the job, not the most convenient. I wish there was more noise on Patricia Ja Lee being Jill Valentine’s previous VA and mocap, because there’s a VA who did a great job, maybe they should have just gotten her to be Ada, but doubt Capcom considered any Union VA. Capcom in general after the VA Union strike have been cheap, and Capcom USA especially have been lazy. They have no respect for VAs, you expect me to believe they didn’t cast Lily Gao for convenience sake after not even bothering to bring back David Vaughn for RE8’s Chris Redfield and reused Jeff Schine instead?
Look, you can like Ada’s new voice, but to not understand why others genuinely don’t like it makes no sense to me.
Capcom nerfed Ada so hard in this remake but every Ada stan can make so many justifications for Capcoms shit decisions, writing for her, and having one of the weakest VA performances despite being a main character and one of the most iconic female characters in video games? The only time “Ada Nation” can band together for anything is when Ada is left out of stuff so long as she girl-bosses and serves cunt right? Who cares she has less screen time, who cares there was no Assignment Ada and she’s not in Mercenaries at Launch even though all that was included in the Game Cube release, who cares they gave Luis Ada’s moment of saving Leon from Krauser, who cares she was left out of all the promotion of RE4R, who cares that she keeps telling Leon to leave Ashley for whatever reason when she never interferes with how Leon does his job in the OG. Leon literally throwing real knife stabs that could actually kill her, he hasn’t seen her in 6 years, he has no idea if she could block them or not, but I guess all that is suppose to be visually appealing than him being able to disarm her. Oh Ada can’t black flip kick the gun out of Leon’s hand bc it’s not realistic but Leon can jump around like he’s Cloud Strife in the saddler boss battle? And Ada offered a ride to Leon at the end and not Ashley, I don’t know how Ada stans can see where it implies that Ada offered a ride to both of them? And why do we have to read in between the lines when they could have had her ask if they were both coming in the script? They had no problem putting that badly written scene of exposition with Wesker at the end to show players how much of a “good and reformed” person she is. I wouldn’t give Capcom that much credit. Why does them improving Separate Ways, which should already be expected of a remake, justify cutting/downgrading everything else?
You can say you like her new outfit more than her OG, but then to go and say it’s more practical now, when really it’s still unpractical as hell too. Say you like RE4R Ada but then to say she’s less sexualized than OG4? Lily Gao implying she characterized Ada to be less sexualized, when her Ada basically offers Leon sex if he drops his mission and leaves Ashley. Past Adas has never propositioned anything like that before EVER. Like ok RE4R Ada doesn’t wear a cocktail dress now, but instead now has hella ass shots for days, they made her boobs larger, and gave her character model boob physics, all of which wasn’t in OG4.
Had to get this off my chest, if you made it this far congrats lol. This is just all my opinion, you don’t have to agree with me, I’m sure a lot of you don’t.
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trashmouth-richie · 2 years
UNNIEEEEE I'M SO PROUD OF YOU FOR 200 FOLLOWERSSS, I LOVE YA NANCY! So for my two words, I gotta stick with the memes
Eddie, Roof and Sexy
Eddie x best friend! female! Reader
w.c: 1.6k
Warnings: NO MINORS gtfo you little shits, go on GIT! smut, outdoor sex
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The heat of the hail damaged tin roof stung at your bare shoulder as you rolled over from the blanket. Eddie’s body heavy against yours as his large hands wrapped around the small of your back, coaxing the sweat stuck tank top up your body, exposing your chest.
The late summer winds, muggy and dense, clung through the air as the lightening bugs flitted past your heads. The cicadas already long finished with their mating song for the night—mosquitos out for midnight snacking hours.
You were certain the neighbors could see, thirty pack of Miller High Life or not, and nascar highlights blaring on their outdoor tv, they could still see your silhouettes colliding together on the roof of the Munson trailer.
It started out innocent, as all things with Eddie did. “Do you trust me?” The charming little bastard had a smile that could kill, demon grin on a cherub face, the perfect combination. Everytime Eddie had started with those words it never ended well. His idea last summer of skinny dipping in Lover’s Lake on the 4th of July ended with you both having the embarrassing ride home in Hopper’s police vehicle as he hounded you on indecent exposure charges. Or when you were pre teens and Eddie promised he could drive but ended up backing Wayne’s truck into the line of the trailer park mailboxes, watching them tumble over like dominos. Wayne was pissed and you forfeited your piggy bank over to help Eddie pay for the damages. Or a few months ago when you had graduated and after getting his diploma, Eddie decided to show the crowd full of tearful parents and anxious grads to be, the white of his ass after flipping Principal Higgins the bird.
He was reckless and insubordinate. A royal grade A pain in the ass. But he was your best friend and no matter how ridiculous his shenanigans were you never said no. So tonight when he asked you to scale the teetering ladder he stole from the Pickley’s shed to climb atop the roof to eat spaghetti-o’s and listen to Metallica, you had no idea it would spark the sexual tension fireworks that had been building for years.
The weed didn’t help, you always felt a little more relaxed and a tiny bit horny when you smoked. And Eddie? He was always horny, always handsy but not in a perverted way, just a mouthy fucker. So it came as no surprise when you were leaned back into arms, joint snug against your lips, Eddie plucking it out and tilting your chin up to him, lips ghosting over yours, as he whispered, “do you trust me?”
A smirk dances across your face as you snuggle into the crook of his arm reaching a hand up to his face and pulling him down gently to you. His lips brush yours as the sweetest kiss falls between you both. He smelled like weed and the musk of his shitty knock off cologne. He tasted like the cheap tomato sauce in spaghetti o’s and the slight hint of spearmint gum. Your body is suddenly hungry for him, needing him deep inside you. He lays you down, shoulders skidding against the heat of the roof. The denim of your cutoff shorts rubbing against his jeans, creating a friction that made your core throb. Eddie licked into your mouth, soft moans slipping out as his hands shakily worked your tank top further and further up your chest.
Your hands tangled in his hair as he kissed along the slant of your neck, hands gripped tight on your tits as he finger rolled your nipples. You arch your back into him, shoving his mouth against your body, starving for the wet pool of his tongue to lap against your skin. Thank God the trailer park lights went out years ago. And thank God the City of Hawkins never found the time or money to replace it.
Eddie kisses his way down your body, tongue flicking against the sweat of your skin, tugging slightly at the button on your shorts as he slides them off your hips, throwing them, like a jackass, off the roof and into the tall grass behind the trailer. “Oops,” his face looks sheepish as he realizes what he did. You roll your eyes and push his head into your panties, relishing in the jut of his nose against your sensitive bud. Moaning against the heel of Eddie’s hand as he finger hooks your panties and yanks them down slowly, he lets out a gasp as your soaked panties cling to your pussy. “You’re so sexy… should have done this sooner.” He murmurs, eyes locked on yours as he dives into your folds; lapping, sucking, and spitting on your drenched cunt. His thick fingers are tugging at the plush of your hips, gripping your thighs out wider and wider as his tongue strokes around your clit. Your high comes embarrassingly quick, your fingernails scratching at his skull pulling his hair like an old lady pulling weeds in a garden. The guttural moans you are eliciting are louder than life, Eddie purrs into your cunt sopping up your juices as he sucks on your clit.
When you can’t handle it anymore you nudge him off of you, squeezing your thighs together to let the pressure build up. Eddie sits on his heels, coaxing you up and on his lap, your soaked pussy drenching his jeans as his hard cock jumps against the zipper. You kiss him deeply, lips sticky with your arousal as you nip at his earlobes. The neck of his shirt in your grip as you yank it over his head. His curls falling against his fading sunburnt shoulders. He holds you close against him, bodies slick with sweat as he paints the inside of your mouth with his tongue.
Many things go unnoticed when you’re just friends. Like the way his muscles in his broad shoulders move as his hands caress your back. The plumpness of his pillowy lips, delicately kissing your neck as you pull away for a quick breath. The softness of his hair as you twirl it into your fingers, the honeyed muddy silk bouncing back into place as you release it.
He shimmies his jeans past his knees as your pussy slots against his cock, rocking your hips against him. “I need you,” you moan into his ear. He lifts his hips and lays you down again, this time making sure to get you on the blanket. He places an arm on your side as he slips his boxers off. Your right leg curls around his hip, his hand running down the length of your leg grabbing onto the flesh of your hip. His eyes are colossal and full of lust, as he stares into you. Before he can ask, you answer for him, “I trust you.”
Eddie’s ruddy tip rubs between the slick of your folds, both of you moaning into each other's mouths at the ecstasy inducing sensation. He slides his thick cock into you, slowly at first kissing you sweetly as your pussy engulfs him inch by inch. He’s bigger than anyone you’d been with. Thicker than you could even imagine. Your eyes roll into the back of your head, the stretch is almost too much, your fingers digging into Eddie’s taut back as he pushes into you, his eyes searching for face for the okay to keep going. You nod an approval as he slips deeper into your velvet folds. You pant out for him as he sinks to the hilt. Moaning his name as he pumps slowly into you, Eddie whispers into your ear, “you’re so perfect baby, fuck tight little pussy t-mmm taking me so good.”
You're a whimpering mess beneath him as he hikes your thigh higher up his waist. He reached between you and rubs around your clit. The lewd noises of him slamming against your wet pussy echo across the trailer park. The moon shines against the sheen of sweat trickling down his body as he brings your leg up against his shoulder, the new angle makes his dick thrust into your spongey g spot. Explicits leave your tongue as your orgasm creeps across your body, you’re almost there. “Eddie, I’m gonna cum, fuck.”
He slams into you harder, his sack slapping heavy against your ass. His fingers dig into your plushy thighs as ropes of his hot cum fill you up, you’re not far behind him as your high peaks. Sending a rippling of pleasure from your hair follicles to the tips of your toes. Eddie continues to fuck into you slowly as he softens, hissing as your combined cum leaks from your throbbing pussy. Eddie lays his full weight on you, too high and too weak to move as your ragged breaths teeter down to normal. Not even in your wildest dreams did you imagine sex with Eddie could be so passionate. “Stay with me,” he whispers into your ear, kissing it lightly as he roles off of you and onto his back. His hair cascading wildly around him.
“‘course,” you answer. You and Eddie spend the night on the roof, talking and giggling as you smoke more weed and fuck into the earlier morning hours, orgasm timed perfectly with the sunrise. Waking to the familiar hacking cough of Wayne Munson as he steps outside for his morning cigarette. “Eddie,” you hiss.
“Hmm?” He groans as he wipes drool from his chin, “what’s wrong?”
“Wayne was home the whole time!?” you whisper yell, throwing your hand over your face in embarrassment.
“Fuck, I didn’t tell you that?”
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missr3n3 · 9 months
ok now that my cookies r done i too have finished cooking n now here are my under the christmas tree 2 theories:
ok so that radio show manny was listening to was obviously foreshadowing, right? n it's about a guy being framed for killing someone's wife? kinda sounds similar to the whole thing w/ kenny don't it?
also, i noticed kenny's VA (as well as a lawyer and my beloved cabin man <3) is credited even though we never heard him in part 1. thus, he's obviously going to play some kind of role in part 2
ALSO also, we never found out where the hell william went after he dropped vanessa on manny's doorstep like a diseased shelter dog. tho obviously he saw some intense shit happening at the Evil Christmas Party
So here is where i put on the tinfoil hat: i think whatever william saw at the Evil Christmas Party caused him to realize that kenny was either Actually Innocent or not as guilty as he thought (or at least not guilty enough for whatever happened at the Evil Christmas Party to be justified) n went back to go find him n get answers
i think william and kenny (if he'd not already dead; possibly vanessa too) go back to the Evil Christmas Party n find that what i'm gonna call the Peace Cult have killed manny
then i think they r gonna storm the basement (despite the Peace Cult's warnings) and one of 2 things happen:
1) they find a pile of bodies, realize the Peace Cult has been killing perceived "trash" for years (maybe even decades or centuries), and then go apeshit and kill everyone in the Peace Cult, or:
2) find a Thing. demon Thing alien Thing eldritch Thing idk but a Thing. then it gets mad about being disturbed and attacks everyone indiscriminately (to the Peace Cult's horror). either of these could explain the screaming that was in the trailer but not part 1. i'm kinda leaning towards the latter
then cabin man is going to come in at the very end n is like "wasn't that a heartwarming christmas story <3 now gtfo of my cabin how did u even get in here"
cabin man is actually the Thing in the basement and he gets mad that william (and maybe kenny and/or vanessa) interrupted his goddamn storytime >:(
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courtingchaos · 2 years
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Rent the Space Inside My Mind
1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female!Reader
Summary: Man, remember that picture you found? I wonder how you two decide to deal with that little hiccup...
A/N: I've finally come to the realization that this little fic is a labor of love for me. It's my baby so it isn't ever really going to have a real updating schedule. All of that to say, thank you for sticking around and reading you guys! Not a spoiler but just so you know, the end kind of reads like An End, but I have a lot more planned for theses two. This is just like, and end to the pining.
Also, I know others are reading this, but I'm giving a whole shoutout to @fracturedarkness who has been the best cheerleader for me with this story from essentially day one. Literally a ray of sunshine 😘😘😘
(If y'all want a soundtrack at all, just listen to Hozier's Wasteland! Baby. Seriously it's basically all I listened to.)
Warnings: SMUT! There's smut! Halleluiah! 18+ NSFW Minors GTFO
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In sixth grade Eddie had caught mono. It was the first serious illness that Wayne had to deal with since taking guardianship four years earlier. Eddie had moaned around the trailer for two weeks, unable to stay awake for more than a few hours at a time. He’d been exhausted and couldn’t swallow right. The fever he’d get at night made him nauseous those first few days and that’s the only thing he can compare this sick twist in his gut to. 
Between the picture clutched in your fingers and the intense look on your face, Eddie thinks he might just turn inside out. 
It sounds like an accusation in his ears. You’ve found him out, evidence catching the light where it waves around between the two of you. Forget trying to tell you his feelings, he’s got a date with  buckshot later. 
He takes it back actually, this feels the same as the day you accidentally met his dad. The sudden visit on a rare stint between prison stays. The lead weight of fear and sadness and pure fucking rage making him go cold and numb.
Eddie is so tired of shit going wrong in his life. 
“Eddie?” How do you sound so soft when he has clearly screwed up so bad?
Also, he went for one shower after making a stupid mess and you decided to what, go through his shit?
Don’t start 
There’s a black mood he gets in sometimes. It creeps up his insides, stains him dark. It makes him mean and he doesn’t want to be mean, not to you. Not to anyone really. 
He knows on a deeper level this is his fault, it was only a matter of time before you found the picture. Tucked in books and forgotten in his sheets he’s honestly surprised it’s taken this long.  
“Eddie!” The sharpness of his name jerks his head out of the haze he’s in. Sees your eyes clearly and you’re not mad, in fact he thinks that might be a smile hidden under all the confusion. 
“Where did you get this?” Even and calm. Could you lend him some of that? His throat clicks when he tries to swallow. 
“I think uh, I think I took it. On ha-Halloween. Last year.” He doesn’t recognize his own voice, the deep scratch of it. “We were drunk at Hagan’s. I don’t know wh-“
“You took this?” Another wiggle of the polaroid. Your grip on the box of weed is still white knuckled. Okay, maybe that wasn’t a smile. He can’t really tell anymore, the panic settling in firing off all his alarm bells. 
“You weren’t supposed to find it.” He’s so quiet, hasn’t been quiet like this in a long time. Wasn’t even this quiet sneaking into bedrooms. 
You take a step forward and he launches back. Head hits the door frame and if god is real he would let the paneling swallow him whole right now. 
“Why do you have this? Why all the-” you gesture behind you, “why all my shit? You told me you hadn’t seen my Theo figure anywhere and she’s in the drawer with all my shit!” Your voice gets tight, face scrunching up in complete confusion. “I thought I was loosing my stuff but you’re just stealing all of it! My zippo! Eddie what the fuck?!” No, right, there’s the anger. He’s pressed so firmly against the door jam it’s guaranteed to leave marks for a week. You take another step forward and he has nowhere to go, pinned under your scrutiny and words and the waving hand holding his shame. But where your voice was rising in anger, it drops suddenly, slides into something softer. “Why do you have this?”
Yeah Eddie, why do you have it?
It’s a total accumulation of, let’s be real, two years of unrepentant pining. Two years of being a dick and going after easy girls because you were off limits in his own doctrine. Too good a friend to ruin the relationship, and too good a person to ruin with himself. It’s nights spent at the bookstore waiting for you to get off, watching with a burning in his gut as the dipshit college guy you work with tries to edge his way into a date. Blunts and cigarettes shared like kisses between lips he isn’t allowed to taste otherwise. It’s the grappling like two idiots fighting, breathless giggles and rough shoves that end in headlock hugs and usually him tapping out first, unable to stand being in your embrace if it isn’t for keeps. 
“I…” the space in his room is somehow bigger than it’s ever been, leaving him adrift in the chaos of his things and your things and the too thin air that you’re somehow breathing in just fine. There’s a stutter in his chest where he’s not catching his breath, the familiar heat behind his eyes where the tears are trying to rush forward. “It’s just-fuck! It’s such a creep…move I know and I just didn’t want to l-let it go because it was a good night and-and a good picture and your hand…” he’d dropped his eyes to stare at your feet, unable to say his half-assed explanation to your face. “Your hand. On my leg.” Just a whisper. Swings his hand limply toward you. “I just, it was a nice thought.”  His throat is tight and he’s afraid if you keep looking at him he might cry. 
He’s watched you take enough steps forward so you’re practically toe to toe with him. In his peripheral he watches you toss the box behind you onto the bed, your other clutching the evidence lightly taps against his chest and rests there. 
He looks up through his lashes and his hair, keeping his sight obscured like it’ll protect him from whatever you’re about to say. 
“I can’t believe-“ you cut off with a laugh and a shake of your head, that small smile he thought he saw turning back up. “I feel so fucking stupid.”
Eddie’s stomach has disappeared along with the rest of his insides. There’s never been a real foundation of proof for him, just stolen glances he’s caught you in. That lingering look you’d give him, the way you’d hang onto him longer during a hug sometimes. Mostly just blind hope and his own low simmering ego to egg him on. 
“Do you want to know what I did this morning?” He nods, he really does want to know. There’s the smallest drip of warmth trickling down his back with your words. 
“I woke up and I thought about you. First thought of the day.” A deep breath and he can see the pink blooming up out of the collar of his shirt you’re wearing. “I thought about you and I felt so stupid after, for sitting in the dark and pretending that you’d ever-“ You stop yourself again and drop your eyes to stare at your hand on his chest. 
“You thought about me?” He asks and you nod slowly. He’s got an idea about what that might mean. “Do you maybe also have a secret polaroid?”
A break in the tension and you take a step back, laughing. A real one he knows, warm and happy. The photo hits him in the chest where your hand just was, where you’ve just flicked it at him. “How long Eddie?” 
“What?” He grabs for the photo but it flutters to the ground. 
“How long have you liked me?” Your wide eyes and breathless question challenge him. When he doesn’t respond fast enough for you, you reach out and push his bangs away from his face, smoothing them back. His wispy armor is gone and with it, surprisingly, some of his fear. Your eyes are clear and waiting, smile still pulling at your lips. 
“I don’t, I don’t have like, a date. Like, a-awhile.” Eddie stutters like he’s never spoken these words before. Nerves replacing fear when it starts to finally dawn on him: this isn’t going to end in flames.
The hand at his forehead slides down and rests on his cheek. He hasn’t taken a full breath in since you pushed his hair back, never mind now that your cradling his face, but the fear has been slowly melting off his shoulders while you’ve been staring at him and when your eyes trail down his face, it and the sudden nerves all just disappear. 
He feels your fingers flex along his jaw and he finally takes that breath. 
“I’m not reading this wrong am I?” Barely a whisper but he hears you. Shakes his head and opens his mouth to talk but you cut him off, just as quiet, “I don’t want us to make a mistake.” 
“You think this’d be mistake?” The hurt leaks through without his meaning to. 
“God no, Eddie I-“
There’s a bloom of confidence he hasn’t felt before, something that twist up through his ribs and around his spine. “Good.” 
Reaching out for you feels natural. He’s reached out to you a hundred times before but he’s never slid his hands into your hair. Tucked them up behind your ears and pulled you in close, felt you gasp when he brushes his lips against yours. Your hands pull at his shirt where they’re both fisted in the thin material, keeping him close. When you push into him he feels your mouth open, tongue grazing along his bottom lip; white static across his thoughts. 
It’s 10pm on a Thursday night and your kissing him in his room. Wearing his t-shirt and pushing him against the wall while your kissing him. He feels one of your hands flatten against his chest and his heart rockets off and your still kissing him. There’s your tongue again begging entrance and he yields, feels that barbell slide across his own tongue and he’s done for. It’s better than he could ever fantasize. He wants more of it but you just aren’t close enough. He grips at your hair to pull you in, to try and deepen the kiss but there’s no where else to go. You mumble something against his lips but he just swallows the sound and slides a hand down your back till he can get his fingers up under the hem of the shirt, palm laid flat against the small of your back. 
“Eddie.” You sigh his name and he makes it a personal goal right then to get you to do it again. Your hands wander down his chest and he starts his own wandering down your neck, lips finding any open skin he can kiss. “Hold on, Eddie-“
“I’m not holding on for shit.” He says in between kisses. “I’ve been thinking about doing this for months.” Your laugh vibrates under his mouth and it makes his eyes roll. “Do you want me to stop?” He pauses under your ear, panting against you. 
“No.” You sigh and shake your head, leaning into his hand still in your hair. “No I don’t.” 
He spends a few more minutes pulling little sounds out of you that he’s filing away for later. Nipping at your skin when you run your hands under his shirt and push it up. 
“Can I?” The question isn’t even finished before he pulls the shirt over his head and throws it behind you on the dresser. “Oh!” A giggle when he lays his hands back on you, hands rucking up your own shirt where he can run his palms over your midriff. There’s no finesse to his kisses anymore, just laying them wherever he can, anything to make you giggle again. He moves his hands higher, pushing your shirt up so he can finally see your tits again. It’s been a whole ass year since your wore your dress and he’s dreamt about this every day since. He kisses the tops of them and is mesmerized by the way they bounce back under his touch. 
“Hello old friends.”
“Old friends?!” When you laugh they move with you and he has to force himself to look back up at you. 
“Yeah, you saw the picture. We’re well acquainted.” He buries his face down in your cleavage and you hear him take a deep breath. “How do you always smell so good?” He’s layering kisses again and you’re trying to move around until you can pull your own shirt off. “Hey don’t rush this, I have this perfectly planned.” 
“Oh, so you left the drawer open on purpose?”
“Absolutely, it’s been my months long plan.” He takes a step forward to force you back one. Eyebrows scrunched together he scoffs, “I almost let you catch me for a while and then it happens by mistakeand I act like it’s the biggest fuck up ever and now I’ve got you shirtless. Listen, I plan campaigns babe. You know I can write ten steps ahead.” He’s walking you backwards till your legs hit his bed, fingers holding onto your belt loops to keep you close. 
“Eddie?” You hook your fingers into the waistband of his flannel pants, pulling down till they shift off his hips. 
“What?” He’s distracted by your fingers sliding around his hips. 
“You’re so full of shit.” He laughs when steps out of his pants and sees you look down, an immediate tilt to your head. Your fingers still against his skin, skimming the elastic of his boxers but he knows you’re staring at the growing bulge. The clever remark he had ready dies in the back of his throat when he hears the quiet ‘hmm’, watches your tongue poke out to swipe across your lips.
“If you keep staring I’m gonna get self conscious.” One hand covers his mouth to muffle the end of his sentence while the other lightly rubs up against his dick through the thin cotton. Somehow he stays upright, mouth falling open under your hand to pant against your palm. 
“You got any other surprises for me Munson?”
Are you talking to him? He can’t get a braincell to function with the heat of your hand pressed against him, barely moving at all. The button on your jeans is about all he can fathom, getting them opened and remembering how a zipper works is next. Your breath bouncing off of his chest makes him shiver and kind of brings some of his brain back up and running. 
“I uh, I got a few tricks up my sleeve.” He tips you back till you sit and he follows close, making you lay down. You laugh when your back hits the bed and you keep laughing, body shaking as he works your jeans down your legs. 
“What’s so funny, giggles?”
“I’m just…this is the first time I’ve had sex in a bed.”
Eddie stops moving and looks up at you from your feet. “I’m sorry, what?” He hopes he’s just hearing wrong, on account of his brain short circuiting a moment ago.  
“Yeah, it’s just always been in the back of cars.” You say it so flippantly, like it’s just a thing that happened to you. “I mean, It’s whatever. I just realized no one’s ever pushed me back on a bed before.” Your grin is hazy when you look down your body at him but he’s stone sober now. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to any of those assholes and he knows it. You’re the best thing to happen to him, and somehow you’ve gone this long with shitty car hookups. 
“No.” He shakes his head and pulls your jeans off fully. Slides your socks off and tosses them in the pile of your clothes. “You’re lying, please tell me your lying.” 
“I’m not! There’s so much more room!” You wave your arms next to you like you’re making a snow angle in his sheets. You sit up quick, bracing yourself on one hand to reach behind yourself to undo your bra when he stops you. 
“You don’t have to do that, I can help.” He’s crowded up against your legs where you’ve dropped them both sideways. 
“I know that, I was just making it easier.” His face must drop because you huff at him. “Look, I’m not stupid Eddie. I just, haven’t had the best track record I guess. I just assumed-“
“That I was gonna be like the other guys.”
You shrug. “Yeah, Hawkin’s finest. You know.” 
That’s a little bit of a blow, he won’t lie, but watching you slam up your walls when they’ve been nonexistent all night makes him switch tactics. 
“You deserve better than that.” He swings his legs to the side so he can lean over you, one arm braced against your hip, the other tilting your chin to look at him. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen you pout before, your bottom lip sticking out pink and wet and he wants to bite it. “I’m serious.” He leans in close, lips brushing yours. “Can I be nice to you?” He whispers against you and your face flushes immediately, eyes darting down to stare at the bed. He can’t stop the grin spreading across his face, delighted with how flustered you get. 
“I-you’re always nice.” You mumble, chin fighting to get away from his hand holding you still. 
“I can be nicer.” He closes the small gap and kisses you again, still holding your chin. He can feel your breathing speed up when it ghosts over his cheek where you’re nose is pressed. When he’s certain you won’t pull away he moves his hand to your back, unhooking the clasps one by one. Eddie pulls back to look at you properly, fingers lightly pulling the straps down your arms. “Can I?”
“You don’t have to ask.” You say, still nodding your head at him anyways. 
“It’s good manners.” He says simply, wiggling your bra off of you, tossing it to join the growing pile. You’ve shifted back to your elbows, further away from him but giving him a better view. None of his fantasies are measuring up to real life. Just watching the way your tits lay when you shift has him practically drooling. He runs a fingertip from between them and down to your navel, marveling at the softness of your skin. Runs that same fingertip over to a hip and you jump just a little. “Ticklish?”
“Maybe.” Your voice is wobbly, chest rising and falling faster. He lays his palm flat against your stomach and runs it up your side, thumb brushing the underside of your breast and you sigh, letting your head fall back between your shoulders. 
“You are so fucking pretty.” Eddie means it. Even before all the crushing and jealously he could see it. With your head back he can watch the blush creep down your chest and he marvels at that too. 
“Eddie you can’t just say shit like that.” You sound strained from the angle your at. He runs his thumb under the swell of your breast again just to watch you shudder. 
“What, that your pretty?” He leans down to place a kiss on your chest, can feel your heartbeat tick up faster. He’s only got so much restraint before he grabs you up into his lap but he’s trying hard to be a gentleman about it. You deserve that much for your first time. Well, not overall but with him? Eddie’s determined to make you forget about every other guy who’s even looked at you. 
“Look at me.” He’s dropping kisses along your collarbone trying to get you to lift your head up. His hands have been itching to grab your tits but he wants you to stop being shy for a minute. “Please.” He’s trying to kiss up your neck when you finally lift your head. “Can you scoot up for me?” He asks and you oblige. As soon as your head hits his pillow he’s leaned back, pulling your knees back up so he wedge himself between them. He grabs your hand and pulls it up to kiss your open palm and you close your fingers around his cheeks, making him laugh. 
“Will you stop being cute and just touch me?” 
“How?” He kisses down your wrist, watching you get more flustered. 
“I don’t know, whatever you normally do?”
“No, that was with them, they don’t matter anymore.” He makes it to the crook of your elbow before he lets go and crawls over the top of you, getting in your face to stare you down. “What’d you think about this morning, hm?” He’s keeping track of all the little whimpers your making, the way you bite your lip when he makes you nervous. You won’t meet his eye so he follows your line of sight and you huff at him. 
“Stuff, Eddie. Oh my god.” You cover your face with your hands and he thinks he can feel the heat radiating off of you. It’s driving him crazy in the best way, he doesn’t think he’s ever had this effect on anyone before. 
“Aw c’mon. Tell me.” He kisses each finger before moving down to your knuckles and honestly, he just can’t help himself anymore when he brings a hand up to knead at your tits, a quick pinch of a hardened nipple and you gasp into your hands. “Was it this?” He pinches again and you wiggle under him, hips jumping up against him and he drops his head. You’re hot everywhere, and the core of you pressed up against him through his boxers is going to do him in if he’s not careful. “If you don’t tell me I’m gonna have to guess and this could be a long night.” He rolls his hips into you to try to get his point across and to try to get some relief. 
“Is that such a bad thing?” You ask, pulling your hands down to just cover your mouth. Your eyes are wide and glassy, pupils big and dark. 
“No, but I want to know what I do in these dreams of yours.” He moves back to your neck to make a path to your chest where he laps at your nipple. “Something like this?” He asks before wrapping his lips around and sucking, tongue flicking over sensitive skin. You arch your chest up and there’s a laugh caught in your moan. He moves over to your other side, nipping at you before mouthing at your other nipple, hand teasing at your hip. He snaps your underwear against you and you let out a quiet ‘ow’ and try to swat at his hand. “Or was I somewhere else?” His fingertips graze under the band and inch down. Your knees pull up tight around him and he’s so close to saying fuck it to his own game. 
“You were-fuck Eddie, you were going down on me.” You get so quiet, the one hand still on your mouth muffling your voice. 
“Oh?” He lets your nipple go with a wet sound, big grin already set in place. 
“If your gonna make fun of me…”
“Absolutely not.” 
You watch him over your hand place a scattering of kisses down till he hits your underwear, giving you one last questioning look before he hooks his fingers in and pulls them down. You’re also starting to feel a little self conscious when you realize he hasn’t taken his eyes off you. 
“Ed.” He just runs his hands up your legs, big palms warm against your thighs. He pulls your knees out a little further before leaning down and re-situating himself between your thighs, leaving open mouthed kisses along the inside. You’re torn between wanting to watch him and wanting to cover your face in embarrassment when he makes the decision for you, pulling at your elbow to drag your hand down to his head. He’s got that lazy smirk on his face and you can feel his breath skipping across too sensitive skin. 
“Give you something to hold on to.” You want to laugh but he’s too quick, fingers moving in to hold you open for him. Your head drops into the pillow when he licks a broad tongue from your center right up to your clit, your back arching up and Eddie’s laugh vibrates through you. 
“Oh fuck.”
“I haven’t even started yet.” You can hear the proud smirk in his voice and if you’d like to say something smart back you won’t, too focused on his mouth working you over. His tongue is soft, even when he points it, uses it to prod at your opening and you forget any remarks you might have had for him. 
“Eddie.” You pull at his hair when he wraps his lips around your clit and he groans. You’re stuck concentrating on his mouth until he slides one finger in and you choke on a gasp. He pulls his mouth away and lays his head against your leg, watching you from under his wet hair. 
“Is this what you thought about?” He can see you nod into the pillow, hand twisted next to your head in the fabric while he pumps his hand slowly. 
“It’s what I thought about.” He hooks his finger up, trying to find that soft spot to make you melt. “I think about it all the time.” The grip on your thigh is tight, keeping it close against his cheek. “Ever since you told me about those shitty dates.” 
“Seriously?” You lift your head, eyes half lidded and face scrunched up. 
“I should have nutted up and said something. They didn’t deserve you.” He pulls his finger out and you watch him suck it into his mouth, watch his eyes roll in his head. You groan and he adds his middle finger before he pulls his hand out, spit slick fingers running up over your clit, teasing you before he slides both back in. He leans in to run his tongue through your folds, watching you from under his lashes while you wriggle around and clutch at the pillow. The hand in his hair grips tighter and your legs squeeze up around his ears and he’s surrounded by you, the low chanting of his name keeping him planted in place. He finally finds that spot, feels you shudder under him before you moan, tilting your hips up to chase his touch. 
“Eddie Eddie Eddie fuck!” You keep rolling your hips against his face and he can’t help himself. He’s been pathetically rutting into the mattress listening to you whine and he can’t take it anymore. He taps under your thigh to get your attention, really gets it when he fully pulls away and you look down at him all concerned. “Why are you stopping?” 
“Good reason.” He stands up and pulls off his boxers, rooting around his nightstand for the condoms he knows are in there. He’s oblivious to you on the bed, sitting all the way up now and staring. Of course they’re not where he left them, instead tucked behind his lamp but he grabs one and climbs back on the bed before he realizes what he’s done. “Oh.” Eddie feels his face heat up when he looks down at himself. “I probably should have done that better.” He’s expecting you to laugh or sigh or say something witty but you just snatch the foil out of his hand and tear it open. You only pause for second before wrapping your hand around him and he’s positive this isn’t going to last as long as he’d hopped. When you roll the condom down he hisses and drops, head falling into your shoulder. 
“You okay champ?” 
He just nods and whines when you give him a few easy strokes, watching your hand move up and down his cock. You’re so much more gentle with him than he is with himself. Eyes half open and mouth hanging he’s sure he looks fucking stupid but he doesn’t care, doesn’t want you to stop touching him. When you scoot closer and pull his face up it takes him a moment to realize you’re kissing him, for him to react and do something. 
“C’mere.” He shakes out of his haze enough to move back between your knees, pulling your hips so your ass is flush against his thighs. He pulls your leg up to hook over his hip, placing a quick kiss on your knee before lining himself up.  He rubs the tip of cock against you, catching on your clit twice and making you whimper. 
“Please Ed.” He doesn’t need to be begged twice, grabs the base of his dick and sinks in slow. Sees your breath catch and your eyes roll, “Oh fuck it.” He bottoms out, can feel you clenching around him tight and hot and gasping and laughing and he looses all composure. Fingers dug into your leg wrapped around him he snaps his hips back and into you, punching out a sharp peal of laughter. He does it again, loves the way he can hear the choked off gasp in your throat. When he picks up his pace you grab at the sheets, twisting them up off his bed. 
“Fucking th-thank you-u!” It’s stuttered out between thrust, your face flushed and twisted up in a smile. 
“You know how many times I thought about this?” He has to talk, if he doesn’t talk he’s going to blow his load and he refuses to let your first time together end before a full minute passes. “Every time I looked at that picture I thought about it. I should have fucked you in that bathroom.” Your nails scratch at his thigh where they try to find purchase. “All the rides out to the lake oh fuck- I should have done this sooner, yeah?” He licks his thumb before bringing it down on your clit, running tight circles around it. Your back arches off the bed and he feels you clench around him. “Is that it? Right there-ohmygod.” It almost sounds like you’re crying his name just before you come, nails digging into his thigh when it crashes into you. He watches you tense up and then collapse against the bed, pliant under him where he starts to loose his rhythm. The heat that reached up fast burns up his spine while he watches you revel in your aftershocks, already trying to grab him down to you. The hazy look in your eyes and that grin you’re flashing him send him over the edge, burying himself with a deep groan, your name scattered between curses. He’s whited out until he can catch his breath, gripping your thigh until he can see straight. In the distant ringing in his ears he can hear your giggle under him, soft like the hands trying to pull him closer. 
“Hey.” Your eyes find his in his own haze, slowly coming back down to earth. “Come here.” Gentle tugs to get him to lay down but he shakes his head, asks for minute. He pulls out to get rid of the condom and disappears into the bathroom for minute, leaving you to roll around his bed. When he comes back he turns off his light. Sees that you’ve pulled the blankets up under your chin, one finger poking out to beckon him back in. “I’m cold.” 
Eddie would like to pinch himself just to make sure this is real. In all of his imaginings he never let himself have this part. The sex was easy to think about but this hurt too much to ever linger on. He finds his pants first before crawling back into bed, snaking a hand around your middle and pulling you into him. He wedges his nose up under your jaw and hums, leaving a few soft kisses in his wake. 
“Are you always this cuddly?” 
“I don’t normally get to cuddle.” You’re both quiet in the dark, hushed tones under the blankets. 
“Huh.” Your fingers tangle up in his hair, nails lightly scratching over his scalp. It sends a deep shiver down his spine and he has a split second where he feels like crying. “Their loss.” He feels the kiss you leave on his forehead and just buries his head further into your neck. You smell like you always do, sweet and deep and now a little like him. He drifts off without meaning to. 
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It’s not daylight yet, but his room is lighter. There’s no alarm clock going off next to his head so he looks around, trying to find whatever it is that pulled him out of his warm cocoon. 
Bleary vision in the dark, he can barely make out your form jumping quietly into your jeans. He’s peering at you from under the covers, watching you get dressed. You stop mid jump to pick something up, staring at it before padding over to his dresser and tucking it into his mirror. He’s basically awake when you turn to open his door and he quietly asks you where you’re going. 
“Jesus fucking Christ you’re gonna give me a heart attack.” You clutch you chest and try to search through the dark for his eyes, finally see him when he pulls the sheets back a bit. 
“Seriously, where are you goin’?”
“It’s almost 5. I figured Wayne was gonna be home soon so I cleaned up the living room and like, I didn’t know if I should hang around?”
“You sleep over here all the time.” He slides a hand out from under the covers to make a grabby hand at you. “He won’t care.”
“Well I mean, I’m not usually naked in your bed dude.”
“Then leave your shirt on.” Eddie doesn’t understand what you’re not understanding. “I mean it, Wayne isn’t gonna care. If anything he’ll be happy I stopped bitching about you.”
“You bitch about me?”
“No, I bitched about not having you. There’s a difference. Now come here, I’m cold.” He lifts the blankets up quick, making a sweeping motion for you to get back in. “Plus, he won’t say anything unless you do. He likes you too much to embarrass you.” You’re out of your jeans again and crawling over him, trying to avoid kneeing him. 
“Aww, he likes me?”
“Well I like you too.” You’re barely settled before he’s wrapped around you, leg hitched over your thighs and pinning you down. “What’s that get me?” He’s nosing along your jaw again. 
“Depends what you’re looking for.” 
“Mm. Concert tickets to see Ozzy in Indy.”
“Oh that’s a big ask.”
“I see. How about a kiss?” He pulls back to smile lazily up at you. 
“I can do that.”
❣Tag List❣
@edsforehead @fracturedarkness @munsonsguitarpick @bebe07011 @ali-r3n @cantreadbutcute @eddiethesexy @emma77645
219 notes · View notes
brotherconstant · 1 year
movie trailers should be 30-40 seconds long max gtfo with those over 2 minutes long monstrosities. i don't need all that scrambled information just give me a vibe. the main theme. the leitmotif.
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skz317cb97 · 1 year
Omg, Chan in the 5 star trailer!! That outfit is making him bias wreck me. But also Minho and Felix's are too. I need someone to scream about it with me, so I'm choosing you Cal, lol
Every. Single. One of them. Looked SO FUCKING GOOD! Of course my husband ending the video bending over showing that cake but fuck man IN with that mfing tounge?! Seungmin with his hair back! Just Lee Know fuck me he looked so good. Oh Jesus Hyunjin!!!!!! Felix in that crop top Jisung and that wavy hair and Changbin?! Gtfo! 🥰😭🤯💀 I'm done for!
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andvys · 2 years
Chapter 15?!! I loved it the flirty banter over sex pls that was cute 😂 the talk with Wayne omg he’ll be like a second dad after her uncle dean 🥹 jealous reader?!! She’s adorable! Eddie is so fucking head over heels for her there’s no way he would ever look someone else’s way! The “ I love you …I love you so much” that made me feel so warm and Eddie about to say it back❤️🥺 Steve and Eddie’s mini argument lmao Steve and Eddie needa kiss already 🤪🤪 nah but I can’t wait for them to be buddies. Chrissy can gtfo. Eddie and reader were gonna fuck that night smh they were talking about it in the van and now it probably won’t happen cause of Chrissy🙄 (I’m not a Chrissy hater at all but in this specific story she really cock blocked didn’t she or actually it was Vecna 🙃) NO BUT WAIT what if Vecna’s in love with reader too (but like obviously at an adjusted age cause eww creep)😭😭 also question is Eddie gonna get blamed like in canon or are you going to take a slightly different route?? we should blame Seth lmao that reminds me can’t wait for Eddie to beat the shit out of Seth.
I'm glad you liked it 🥰 Yes! Wayne and her are gonna get along so well🥺
You're right! She has no reason to feel jealous or even insecure. Eddie loves her so much, even when he struggles to say it out loud! Like you said, he'd never look at anyone else the same way, he only wants her.
You want the Steddie kiss so bad huh 😏
Ugh Chrissy and Vecna teamed up and cockblocked them together.. No but you're right though, if she didn't go to his trailer than none of that would've happened and Eddie wouldn't have been dragged in into all of this... I mean, she couldn't have known that that would happen but I said what I said 🤭
LMAO VECNA BEING IN LOVE WITH READER? I MEAN.... the way he showed his human form in chapter eleven.... maybe he tried to make her fall for him....
To answer your question, I'm still playing with some ideas but so far I'm thinking, yes, he will be blamed but things are gonna go a bit differently than in the show!
Seth should get the blame lmao and he deserves his ass kicked 😭
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lawtiee · 1 month
ur literally whining about people not pirating… a trailer ? the second season of the show isn’t even out and ur already mad people aren’t pirating it? or you just want to pretend like you’re doing activism for Palestine? have you donated to any causes or shown up in person for any or are you just looking for clout?
first of all, never did i say to pirate the trailer as it has already been reposted like.. everywhere. if you had a lick of common sense then you’d conceptualize that i mean to pirate the show. upon the release of the second season yes, people should pirate it. people looking to watch the first season should pirate it aswell. not really too sure where you got confused about what i said. and yes i have donated to causes because i do actually fucking care? who are you to question my activism? have you shown up? 🤨 or did you just need an excuse to be a complete dumbass? gtfo like fr. 💀
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