rottingsoftly · 2 years
re-reading htn and? how is john so objectively funny and also completely terrible and annoying
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dorcas5720 · 1 year
I will fix google merchant center suspension issues, fix misrepresentation and reapprove
GTIN #Googlemerchantcenter #disapproveproduct #fixamazonerrors #MPN
shoppingads #fixsuspension #gtinexemption #fixgooglemerchant
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upccheap · 2 years
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robinacode · 2 years
پرسش‌های متداول در مورد GTIN
پرسش‌های متداول در مورد GTIN
در این مقاله ما به پرسش ها و سوالات متداول در مورد GTIN پاسخ می دهیم .
کد GTIN چیست؟
GTIN یک سرواژه متشکل از حروف ابتدایی عبارت (Global Trade Item Number) است؛ به معنی شناسه جهانی قلم کالای تجاری. یک GTIN از سوی یک کمپانی به منظور شناسایی یا شناساندن یک قلم کالای خاص به کار گرفته می‌شود. مقصود از اقلام تجاری، محصولات(کالاها) یا خدماتی است که قیمت‌گذاری شده، سفارش داده می‌شوند یا در هر نقطه از زنجیره تأمین فاکتور می‌شوند.
پیش از سال 2005، کشورهای مختلف از شناسه‌های مشابه اما با استانداردهای متفاوت برای این مقصود استفاده می‌کردند. در ایالات متحده، شناسه‌هایی 12 رقمی که UPC نامیده می‌شدند، رایج و مورد استفاده بودند. در اروپا و ژاپن از شناسه‌هایی 13 رقمی با عنوان (EAN) و (JAN) استفاده می‌شود. این دو، از ساختار یکسانی مشتمل بر شناسه کمپانی، شماره محصول و یک عدد اصالت‌سنجی پیروی می‌کردند. اما GTIN به عنوان یک چتر گسترده تمام این پروتکل‌های UPC، (EAN) و (JAN) را تحت پوشش قرار داده و متحدالشکل ساخته است.
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machineryusa · 8 months
TYPHON 2 Ton Rated Capacity Electric Forklift Lifter Lift Truck Jitney H...
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machineryasia · 10 months
 #heavymachinery #machinery #construction #equipment  #heavyequipment  #heavyequipmentmachinery #earthmovingequipment #typhonmachinery #usa #landscaping #forklift #forklifts
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redskull199987 · 2 years
I need more max verstappen x male reader from you pls love your work 👍👍
Champion & Captain
Max Verstappen x male!reader Request
Word count:0.7k
Warnings:none, it's fluff
Summary: Max had been away for three weeks. As he finally returns from his trip for Red Bull, you're more than exited
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To say that I was exited was an Understatement. Max had been away for three weeks now, flying around the world, doing stuff and Promo for Red Bull, while the Winter break.
I was no question, that I was exited to see him again.
I was walking up and down in the hallway of our apartment. I had been waiting for his arrival for the whole day, but half an hour ago, Max had texted me, that he arrived on the airport and was now in a cab on his way home.
My thoughts were racing, as I heard how the dorr to our apartment opened. Keys were thrown away and Shoes were discarded and only seconds later, I saw Max standing in the doorway. He looked rushed and his breathing was going heavy. But the moment our eyes met, a grin appeard on his face.
"I missed you.", He mumbled.
I couldn't help but laugh. I was so happy to see him again, as I finally walked over to him. 
"I missed you too, my Champion", I said as I wrapped my arms around his middle.
Max giggled at my nickname for him and I felt how he softly kissed my neck. We parted a little , so that he could plant a kiss on my cheek, before pecking my lips.
I just looked at him for a second. HIs blue eyes that observed me so intently, his strong arms that were wrapped around me, the disshelved hair and his light stuble.
He was perfect in my eyes. There is nothing more that I would want in a Partner. He was all, I would ever need.
"Let's put your stuff away", I finally muttered and we were actually able to part, so that we could grab Max'suitcases. 
"How was your trip by the way?", I asked, as we sorted through his clothes in the bedroom.
"I mean", Max eexplained,"It was fun i guess, but it would've been much better if you were with me."
I smiled at his words:"Next time, I promise."
"yeah sure, Captain.", Max laughed.
"Oh come on!", I complained and threw a T-Shirt at him. He had invented that nickname, since I started coaching a little athletics group here in Monaco. Which was exactly the reason, why I didn't join him on his trip. The kids took part in a tournament and what kind of Coach would I be if I left them behind?
"Did your Team at least win?", Max asked as he helped me stand up again.
"No", I mumbled and let myself fall down on the king sized bed,"But we got second place."
"You'll win next year.", Max encouraged me, as he let himslef fall down next to me.
"Oh I'm not upset", I smiled, as I turned around to face him,"the Kids had fun adn that's all that matters."
"You're right", Max agreed, as he inched closer. He raised his hand to softly caress my face.
"I truly missed you, Captain."He mumbled.
"I missed you too, Champion", I gtinned and leaned down to kiss him. For a second, I really felt at home, but then my eyes widened,as I felt how Max pulled me on top of him.
"What are you doing?!", I yelped, but before he could answer, my heaad hit his chest and I was fully lying on top of Max. I saw how he pulled a blanket over us.
"Let's just rest for a while", He explained with a smile on his lips.
"It's the middle of the day,.", I chuckled.
But Max was already closing his eyes, as he pulled me closer to him:"I don't care. I want to spend time with you"
"Yeah, you're probably right.",I agreed and laid my head down on his chest. I felt how Max breath grew calmer by the second.
"Max?", I mumbled before I closed my eyes too.
"Mmh?", he hummed.
"I love you.", I said softly and wrapped my arms around him a little tighter.
"I love you too, Captain.", Max mumbled before the two of us finally drifted of to sleep. 
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Violent rays, Party Poison, and Toxic Sunshine walk into the diner wearing black cloaks, Tickled Pink lpoks up from the potato chips shes eating Tickled Pink: Umm…whaa? Why are you dresssed like that? ( ͡ಠ ʖ̯ ͡ಠ) Violent Rays: Because Axe Destructo is…..GONE Bomb Baby: What?? What do you mean hes gone??? ⊙﹏⊙∥ Party Poison: It's true. He's another casualty of…..TAYLOR SWIFT Tickled Pink: Whaaaaa? What does THAT mean? Is she a Drac??? Bomb Baby: NOOOOOO not my queen Taylor!!!! (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ) Violent Rays: Shut the fuck up bomb, Im sck of hearin you call that rat your 'queen,' no shes not a drac but she mght as well be, in gfact maybe she IS ans we just dont know it, oh my fuckin god im gtin pissed off *grabs a cigretee and starts smoking, pacing aroud the diner floor* No shes not a drac that we knw of, but.....im s o fuckin pisdfed off.... Toxic Sunshine: Take your time, baby! (;′⌒) Violent Rays: So Axe destructo was listneing to some shitty taylor swift mixtape, god that name makes me want to shit out a lung, and anywya……a drac heard him and thought he was ONE OF THEM, so he kidnapped Destruct and now hes gone foreve,r im so fuckin pissed wy am i alicve, fuck me fuck evergignhbhn Tickled Pink: Whaaaa? Axe Destructo is….GONE?? (ʘ ʖ̯ ʘ) Bomb Baby: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! NOT AXEY!!!!!!!!!!! ヽ(*。>Д<)o゜ Vioelnt rays: yeah bomb thats what hapepns when you listn to fuckin tyalor swift, dracs lisften to her all the time and they think your one of them, theu tink ur w/ bli, your a friend of korse, yor part of Bat Shitty,t hats what happens when ou let er sick music GODDAMN IM GON FUCKONI BUST A CINDERBLOCK WIH MY NUTS Toxic Sunshine: Nooo nooo baby dobn't do tht!! Remember what happend with the cactus??? Tickled Pink: Yeah Rays, your balls didn't heal for WEEKS! (#`O′) Vioelnt Rasys: yeah well let this be a lesson to yall, god im so fuckin pissed oim gon stick my dick in an anthill, i migt be late for dinenr tonigtt, dont wait up Toxic Sunshine: Ok well babey…..we'll save a plate for you!
Are you drunk? The typos, babes. 😂
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tuhinhasan · 1 year
Fix Google Merchant Center Suspension
Google Merchant Center Suspension and Misrepresentation
Looking to fix your Google Merchant Center suspension issues, issues like misrepresentation, product feed disapproval, policy violations, etc. Then I can assist you with fixing any Google Merchant Center suspension issues.
Fixing All Types Of Merchant Accounts
Suspended google merchant center reactive
Fixed Misrepresentation Issues
All Errors from the feed
Create Manual and Automatic Feed
Missing or incorrect required attribute [price]
Invalid or missing GTIN value
Insufficient product identifiers: Missing two out of three
attributes [GTIN, Brand, MPN]
Item disapproved due to policy violation
Tax & Shipping Errors
Fix 404 Error
Note: If you're interested then Order now. I will be able to give you professional service, please Connect me without any Hesitation Before placing the order.
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knobmarketing · 1 year
Lista de los más vendidos en Google Merchant Center
¿Se anuncia en Google Shopping? Google acaba de publicar algo emocionante que querrá conocer: su Informe de los más vendidos. Actualmente disponible en solo cuatro países (incluidos los EE. UU.), este informe comparte datos exclusivos sobre qué productos son los más populares en Google Shopping en este momento. Estos conocimientos pueden revolucionar su publicidad y su estrategia de comercialización. Siga leyendo para obtener más información sobre el informe y lo que puede hacer con él. Secciones ¿Qué es el Informe de los más vendidos de Google? El Informe de los más vendidos es un nuevo informe que, como lo adivinó, le informa sobre los productos y las marcas más vendidos en Google Shopping. Los datos se actualizan a diario, y puede unirlos y trocearlos para perfeccionar la información más relevante para usted, como las marcas deportivas más vendidas para mujeres. El informe solo incluye información de productos nuevos, nada usado. Para generar el informe, elija una categoría de producto y un país. Luego, puede filtrar más según las subcategorías o productos específicos o nombres de marcas. Cada producto del informe contendrá datos de identificación básicos, como imagen, marca, título, categoría de producto de Google y GTIN. Sin embargo, las siguientes métricas son donde los datos se vuelven interesantes: Tres beneficios clave del informe de los más vendidos de Google Desde el desarrollo de productos hasta la estrategia de ofertas, el Informe de los más vendidos de Google ofrece varios beneficios prácticos para los anunciantes. El informe de los más vendidos de Google le muestra qué productos están de moda en este momento. Con esta información a mano, puede aumentar su inventario de productos para que nunca se quede sin existencias cuando las personas buscan estos productos. Dado que el informe también le indica el rango de precios de un producto, puede ver si sus competidores lo están superando y ajustar su estrategia en consecuencia. Ahora que tiene acceso al informe de los más vendidos de Google, no hay excusa para no presentar más productos más vendidos en su propio sitio web. Por fin, puede ver qué marcas son las más populares e identificar nuevos productos, o categorías de productos, para expandirse en función de lo que está de moda en el mercado. Además, puede ver qué marcas y productos están ganando popularidad y agregarlos a su tienda antes que la competencia. En lugar de intentar predecir qué productos tendrán éxito, sabrá y podrá utilizar datos en tiempo real para informar el desarrollo de su propio producto. También puede usar el Informe de los más vendidos de Google para ver los productos y las marcas más vendidos y comenzar a ofertar por esas marcas en la búsqueda. Si actualmente no está publicando anuncios en ninguno de estos éxitos de ventas, ahora sabe que necesita hacerlo. Para las marcas y los productos por los que está pujando, puede utilizar este informe para optimizar su presupuesto. Por ejemplo, puede aumentar su inversión en productos con una demanda relativa alta y retirarla de los que tienen una demanda relativa baja. Cómo acceder al Informe de los más vendidos de Google El Informe de productos más vendidos de Google está disponible para los usuarios y anunciantes de Google Merchant Center con sede en EE. UU., Reino Unido, Alemania y Francia. Se espera que se lance a más países en el futuro. Para acceder al informe, siga estos pasos: Venda de forma más inteligente con el informe de los más vendidos de Google Desde información del mercado hasta desarrollo de productos, el Informe de los más vendidos de Google merece un lugar en la caja de herramientas de cualquier profesional del marketing. Para recomendaciones personalizadas sobre tu estrategia publicitaria, contacta ahora con nuestros expertos. Centro de Espectro Dr, Tel: (222) 8879251 [email protected] Somos una agencia de marketing digital de embudo completo en Puebla que ofrece marketing entrante, SEO, búsqueda pagada/pago por clic, contenido creativo y video marketing. Orgullosamente ubicados en Cholula, Pue, servimos a medianas empresas en todo México. © Agencia de Marketing Digital en Puebla | Perilla de Marketing.
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Make selling easy on Kaufland
Kaufland.de is the frontrunner in German ecommerce with a whopping monthly traffic of 36.3 users. Millions of active shoppers find Kaufland perfect to discover new brands and products.
Now, that sounds like a lucrative opportunity for merchants eyeing to expand business in Germany.
Eager to list products on and kick start selling on Kaufland.de? Here are a few more solid reasons to sell on Kaufland that you would regret ignoring afterwards
#1- Its Simple Fast And Hassle Free -
By just having EAN or GTIN you are eligible to sell on Kaufland.de as well as being allowed to list all your products. The hassle to sell on Kaufland.de is comparatively very little.
#2- Cost Is Bearable
A commission fee of 6.5% (maximum it can be 12.5% depending on your product category) is .Hence, makes it an expensive affair. As a result even newbie sellers or those on tight budget can avail the opportunity to list products on most popular and profitable marketplace in Germany.
#3- Selling Cross Border Enable Bigger Opportunities
Integrating your Shopify store on Kaufland enables your products to reach millions of potential customers. Therefore, doubling down your chances towards increased conversion rate.
#4- Kaufland.de Integration Streamlines Selling Operations
Kaufland.de Integration app is one such fully featured solution for Shopify store owners to onboard Kuafland like a pro without hassle. It simplifies the selling journey simply and speeds up complex operations without compromising on accuracy.
Moreover, a dedicated account manager ensures no tech glitch bothers you and is fixed at the earliest without hampering selling on Kaufland.
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program-magazynowy · 2 hours
Czym są etykiety logistyczne GS1 i jakie mają znaczenie w logistyce?
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Definicja etykiet GS1
Etykiety logistyczne GS1 to standardowe oznaczenia używane w procesach logistycznych. Zawierają one kluczowe informacje dotyczące jednostek ładunkowych, takich jak palety. Każda etykieta GS1 posiada unikalny kod SSCC, który umożliwia identyfikację przesyłek. Dzięki temu, informacje mogą być przesyłane między dostawcami a odbiorcami w sposób zautomatyzowany. W rezultacie, procesy logistyczne stają się bardziej efektywne i zorganizowane.
Struktura etykiety GS1
Etykieta logistyczna GS1 składa się z różnych elementów, które zawierają istotne dane. Wśród nich znajdują się numery artykułów, daty ważności oraz numery partii. Każdy z tych elementów jest oznaczony odpowiednim identyfikatorem aplikacji, co ułatwia ich interpretację. Na przykład, identyfikator "01" wskazuje na numer GTIN, a "11" oznacza datę ważności. Taka struktura pozwala na zakodowanie wielu informacji w jednym kodzie kreskowym.
Korzyści z użycia etykiet GS1
Wykorzystanie etykiet GS1 przynosi wiele korzyści dla firm logistycznych. Przede wszystkim umożliwia szybsze i dokładniejsze śledzenie przesyłek. Dzięki automatyzacji procesów, czas potrzebny na wprowadzenie danych znacząco się skraca. Co więcej, etykiety te poprawiają komunikację między różnymi uczestnikami łańcucha dostaw. W ten sposób firmy mogą zwiększyć swoją efektywność operacyjną.
Implementacja etykiet GS1
Wdrożenie etykiet GS1 w firmie wymaga odpowiedniego przygotowania. Przede wszystkim należy zapoznać się z wytycznymi dotyczącymi projektowania i umieszczania etykiet. Firmy powinny również zainwestować w odpowiedni sprzęt do drukowania i skanowania kodów kreskowych. Dodatkowo szkolenia dla pracowników mogą pomóc w skutecznej implementacji systemu. W ten sposób organizacje mogą w pełni wykorzystać potencjał etykiet logistycznych GS1.
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robinacode · 2 years
تعریف و بررسی GTIN: اطلاعات
تعریف و بررسی GTIN: اطلاعات
GTIN در اصل بیانگر دسته‌ای از ساختارهای جهانی اطلاعات تحت عنوان GS1 است که با به کار گرفتن 14 عدد و ایجاد ترکیب‌های گوناگونی از آن، اطلاعاتی را منتقل می‌کنند. در حال حاضر، GTIN که مخفف Global Trade Item Number است، در بارکدها به کار گرفته می‌شود. اما در عین حال ممکن است در سایر ساختارهای انتقال داده، از جمله شناسایی فرکانس رادیویی(RFID)، به کار گرفته شود. کد GTIN صرفاً چتر وسیعی است که انواع مختلفی از ریسمان‌ها و دنباله‌های عددی (GS1) را شامل می‌شود. به عنوان مثال برای شرکت‌های فعال در آمریکای شمالی، این  UPC است که یک فرم از GTIN محسوب می‌شود.
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blgtm · 4 days
Cotton Cordell C7711 Big O 1/3 Oz Smokey Joe Bass Fishing Hard Bait   About this product Brand Cotton Cordell MPN C7711 GTIN 0020495006097 UPC 0020495006097
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productiveandfree · 1 month
8 Tips for New Sellers Starting an Online Business on Amazon: Essential Strategies for Success
Starting an online business on Amazon can be both exciting and overwhelming. To succeed on this platform, it's important to have a clear strategy and understand the essentials. One of the key initial steps is to conduct market research. Identify a niche with high demand but low competition, which can set the foundation for your business. Equally important is choosing the right fulfillment services for brands on Amazon. 
Creating a detailed plan for storing, shipping, and managing returns is essential. Many sellers start by using a garage or a spare room in their home. However, efficiently managing logistics can become challenging as your business grows. Professional fulfillment solutions can save you time and stress, allowing you to focus on other necessary areas like product development and customer engagement. Implementing a loyalty program and using influencer marketing can also help attract and retain customers, boosting your sales over time.
Don't underestimate the power of optimizing your online presence. A Shopify store that's mobile-friendly ensures potential buyers have a seamless experience, no matter how they shop. Additionally, regularly updating your inventory and refining your product listings can make your store more appealing. As you refine your business strategies and leverage fulfillment services effectively, you set the stage for a sustainable and profitable Amazon business.
Choosing the Right Selling Plan
First, decide between the Individual selling plan and the Professional selling plan. The Individual plan costs $0.99 per sale and suits sellers with low volumes. The Professional plan costs $39.99 per month, regardless of sales volume, making it ideal for high-volume sellers.
Consider your sales projections to choose the most cost-effective plan. For example, selling more than 40 items monthly makes the Professional plan more economical. Besides cost, the Professional plan offers additional tools, including bulk listing and detailed sales reports, which can aid in business planning and decision-making. Choose the option that aligns with your business needs.
Understanding Amazon's Policies and Requirements
Amazon requires sellers to meet specific criteria and follow strict guidelines. You'll need a bank account for receiving payments, a credit card for expenses, and tax information. Different regions may have additional requirements.
Familiarize yourself with Amazon's prohibited and restricted products list to ensure your items comply. Additionally, understand the platform's policies on trademarks and intellectual property to avoid potential disputes. Adherence to these policies ensures your seller account remains in good standing and minimizes the risk of suspension.
Creating Appealing Product Listings
Crafting an attractive product listing is necessary for driving sales. Start with a clear, concise product title. Include relevant keywords to improve search visibility. Use high-quality images that showcase your product from multiple angles.
Write detailed product descriptions and bullet points to highlight features and benefits. Improve your listings with A+ content if available, as it includes rich multimedia elements. Ensure you use the correct EAN, UPC, or GTIN codes for product identification. Effective listings can significantly impact your sales and customer reviews.
Managing Inventory and Fulfillment Options
Proper inventory management and choosing the right fulfillment option are required. Amazon offers Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) and Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM). FBA involves Amazon handling storage, shipping, and customer service, which saves time but incurs storage and shipping costs.
FBM requires you to manage these aspects, giving you more control but also more responsibility. Regularly update your inventory levels to avoid stockouts or overstocking. Use Seller Central to track and manage your inventory efficiently. Consider shipping costs and storage fees when selecting a fulfillment method to ensure it aligns with your business model.
Effective Pricing and Competing on the Marketplace
Setting the right price for your products is important for staying competitive. Consider using market research to understand the pricing strategies of similar products. Aim to strike a balance between a competitive price and a healthy profit margin.
Use Amazon's dynamic pricing tools to adjust your prices in real time based on demand and competition. Implement discounts and limited-time offers to boost sales and attract new customers. Don't forget to evaluate shipping costs and account for them in your pricing strategy.
Leveraging Amazon Advertising and Promotions
Amazon offers a variety of advertising options to help you reach a wider audience. Utilize Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands to make your items more visible in search results. Investing in display ads can also increase your product's exposure across Amazon's extensive online marketplace.
Promotions like lightning deals and coupons can attract more customers and encourage them to make impulse purchases. Regularly analyze your ad performance to fine-tune your campaigns and improve results. Always consider your advertising budget and aim for a favorable return on investment.
Expanding Your Reach and Scaling Your Business
If you're looking to grow your business, consider expanding your product line or entering new markets. Utilize Amazon's Brand Registry to protect your brand and improve its presence. Explore options such as wholesale and private label strategies to diversify your offerings.
Selling globally can also broaden your customer base. Investigate the different regulations and logistics involved in selling to a global audience. Make sure your product listings and marketing materials are optimized for each region, including accurate translations and local SEO techniques.
Gathering Insights and Analyzing Performance
Understanding your performance metrics is key to making informed decisions. Use Amazon's analytics tools to track your sales, customer reviews, and overall performance. Pay attention to metrics like conversion rates, click-through rates, and profit margins.
Regular analysis will help you identify strengths and areas for improvement. Collect and respond to customer feedback to improve your product quality and service. Keeping an eye on your competitors' performance can also offer valuable insights for adjusting your strategy. Always be ready to adapt and refine your tactics based on the data you gather.
Starting an online business on Amazon requires careful planning and strategy. Focus on market research to find the right niche. Use good inventory management practices to keep track of your products.
Optimize your listings for better visibility. Stay updated with Amazon's policies and tools. By following these tips, you set a solid foundation for your Amazon business.
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