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eacbooks · 4 years
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Gu Wen Guan Zhi (Gems from Chinese Culture) (Six Volumes/Chinese Edition)
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heymeowmao · 3 years
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The Kingdom of Women | 镜花缘之决战女儿国 (2021), dir. Mai Guanzhi
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chrisjake-cp · 3 years
History 3 Trapped Filming Diary (full English translation) - Days 1-10
Just before you start reading, a little note of explanation: the author of this diary will frequently use the character’s name when they mean the actor. I have added the names of the actors between square brackets sometimes to avoid confusion. Also between square brackets you will find some words that are implied, so I added them in the translation to make the translation a bit smoother, but they aren’t included in the Chinese text. 
The book’s author will also talk in the first person POV sometimes, refering to themselves as either “I”, “we” or “this little editor 小编”.  So each time you see me write “I”, it is not my own opinion I’m inserting in the text, but the author/editor’s. If I have anything else to add or explain myself, I’ll add it in a note at the end of the text.  
I’ll repeat: I don’t own the book so I can’t post my scans of the pictures that came with every day. So I posted some other pictures of the scenes that were being filmed with each day. These pics belong to LINE TV or Choco Media, or I’ve taken screenshots. 
Day 1-10 under the cut. 
Day 1
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The first day of shooting happened to coincide with ‘Li Dong’⁕ but the temperatures of that day soared to 29 degrees. The crew was going sleeveless, but the actors were all wearing sweaters or dress shirts. Tang Yi, who had on the most, was wearing a turtleneck sweater and a suit jacket on top at one point, but he didn’t sweat very much.⁕ Meanwhile A De [Stanley], wearing a shirt and a suit jacket, was [clad] the ‘thinnest’ at the scene. When he got off work and took off his sweaty shirt, the wardrobe department exclaimed: “This shirt is so wet!”
Officer Meng’s scenes for that day consisted of eating from 10 am in the morning until 6pm in the evening. He basically ate from when he got to work until he got off work. All in all he had two large bags of rice and poured 4 liters of coca cola. Junhao [Jake] will start sweating profusely and start flushing when he eats spicy food, so as soon as the director yelled ‘cut’, the crew would immediately pass him a plastic bag so he could spit out the spicy Kung Pao Chicken he was eating.
⁕ Li Dong 立冬 literally means ‘establishing the winter’, so it is some kind of winter solstice in Asian culture. In the Gregorian calendar, it falls on 7 or 8 November. According to the IG stories of some of the cast of Trapped, it was indeed 7 November 2018 when shooting started. 
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⁕ Chris apparently doesn’t sweat much, no matter how hot he gets. He says as much in his vlog as well. I envy him, because I’d just be sweating buckets like Stanley. 
Day 2
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The first meeting between Tang Yi and Wenhao is also the second time that Chengyang [Chris] and teacher Jiakui [Chen Jiakui, the actor who plays Chen Wenhao] worked together. They cooperated for the first time on a movie. At that time teacher Jiakui served as the movie’s drama teacher. When Chris had gone through make-up in the early morning, he sat alone in a corner with the script. You could easily see that he was conflicted and upset. [For the other movie] teacher Jiakui was Chris’ mentor, but here Wenhao was the target of Tang Yi’s revenge.
In the process of their scenes where they faced each other, the director hoped that Tang Yi could hate Wenhao even more, but Tang Yi’s personality is subdued and calm. So how could he fly into a raging fit and still keep his calm? In a part that was not captured on camera, teacher Jiakui aggravated some lines to make Chris more infuriated. Afterwards teacher Jiakui also said that the role of Tang Yi is not easy to perform. [Tang Yi] is a young mob boss, The hate in his eyes must therefore also carry a bit of youthfullness, which is difficult to experience for normal people in the course of their lives.
Day 3
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Today was the first time that Zhaozi arrived on set, and while he was bored waiting for his scenes, Zhaozi started to act as the shop’s clerk to sell suits. Apart from suits, bowties and regular ties, he even managed to sell shoehorns. By oneself, the words just kept on flying out of his mouth which left Shaofei beside him looking dumbfounded (if you want to see Shaofei’s dumbfounded meme-like look, you have to absolutely watch the behind-the-scenes on the DVDs)⁕. [Shaofei] continued to shout “If you buy a shoehorn you get Zhaozi for free with it, please someone take Zhaozi away, Unit 3 can’t stand it anymore.”
Boss Tang was tired, and took a nap in his own shop. ‘Just a little while will do. Shaofei and A De, you two be on the lookout for me, and if the director is coming, remember to wake me.’
⁕ Excellent advice. Please do watch the behind-the-scenes after finishing this book, because a lot of what is written here is visualized in the bts. The bts are arranged per episode though, and not per filming day, but it’s still amazing to be able to see what went on. 
Day 4
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The set for the offices of Investigation Unit 3 is actually the office of LINE TV’s Choco Media branch. The contemporary industrial style caused the atmosphere among Unit 3 to be even more lively. 
For Unit 3’s first scene together, the director used a one-shot to have everyone appear on the scene, which meant that the first time all the actors were present, they had to have a ‘chemistry’ test. But apart from the actors, chemistry also had to be there for the whole staff, as the directing crew, the camera crew and the sound crew, really everyone, also had to follow [the actors] along⁕. I still remember that by the 20th take, everyone’s lines ran very smoothly, the shot was satisfactory and everyone was where they were supposed to be. The director and the crew were holding their breath in concentration, and just when they thought they’d succeed, A Zhi [character Zhou Guanzhi, played by Kass Tsai] forgot a line in the very last sentence hahahaha. In the end, this round took 27 takes.
⁕ The author uses a metaphor/reference here. They write 乾坤大挪移 which means something like ‘The Great Shift of the Cosmos’ and is apparently a kind of martial art from a martial arts novel. It consists of 7 increasingly difficult skill levels, whereby the 7th level is almost unattainable. In other words, shooting this one-shot scene required the whole cast and crew pulling off this great cosmos shift, and thus was a big, big challenge. 
Day 5
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After we shot the scene where the two idiots from Unit 3 [Shaofei and Zhaozi] got into trouble and received an explosive scolding by Dapao [Shi Dapao, the name of Unit 3’s Captain]⁕, the director told Shaofei that she wanted to add a scene where he sat next to the window thinking about Sister Lizhen, continuing in the same mood [as the previous scene]...Everyone in Unit 3 felt that Shaofei was continuing to set his teeth into a meaningless old case. If there had only been some progress in the investigation...but [Shaofei] not only didn’t find any new leads, but he also got into trouble everywhere. If Sister Lizhen would still be alive, he wouldn’t be like this now...Shaofei really, really missed sister Lizhen. Rather than say that the director added this scene at the last moment, it’s more like she deliberately didn’t tell Junhao [Jake] that she would add this part. 
When they were shooting, the director played the music from the music box through the megaphone and from time to time talked as well, to provoke moody feelings in Jake. In the end Jake grabbed his phone and scrolled through his mother’s Facebook, and to all our surprise Jake started bawling, so much so that even after the ‘cut’ he couldn’t stop, until the director walked over and lightly patted him on the back. To be able to cry like that in a short amount of time, even he himself hadn’t expected that.
⁕ How much fun is it that the name of the Captain of Unit 3 literally means big cannon, when he explodes in anger all the damn time? 😂 I am quite convinced that in the hospital scene where Shaofei tells Tang Yi of his fortune-telling and that only a cannon can strike him down - he uses the exact same wording ‘dapao’ - it’s actually an inside joke and he may not have meant ‘cannon’ literally. 
Day 6
Today’s weather couldn’t be called very fine, and when we were shooting until 3 or 4 P.M., the daylight was almost gone, just when the filming location had large windows in every corner that reached the ground. Our funny director said “Why did the production team run out of light after 3 P.M.? Did they forget to send notice⁕ to the sun?” This caused the crew that was present to not know whether to laugh or cry. But in the end, before the sun got off work, everyone else smoothly finished their job as well.
⁕ the term “to send notice” is quite literal, but the word is indeed an entertainment industry term as well, that means to hire someone for a short amount of time or for a specific show, without there having to be a longer-term contractual agreement. So it could also be translated as “did they forget to hire the sun [to star in today’s scenes]?”
Day 7
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It was a day with complicated feelings for Shaofei and little Tang Yi, as Shaofei discovered Tang Yi’s past history. 
Before going to meet the adoptive father of his lover, of course Shaofei had to straighten himself out first and shave his beard to leave a good impression. In the evening, today’s final scene was shot. Before starting filming, the director hoped that [Tang Yi’s] adoptive father could guide little Tang Yi’s mood, because the intensity of this scene needed to bring out the reason why Tang Yi’s feelings for Tang Guodong ran so deep and make everyone feel the warmth that Tang Guodong brought to Tang Yi even more. 
Under the constant conflict of raising [little Tang Yi] through much difficulties, a loud and clear slap came down heavily on little Tang Yi’s face. The silence at the [shooting] site caused the loud sound to be infinitely amplified, and the director and the crew were all shocked. When the ‘cut’ sounded, little Tang Yi instantly started crying, and the director rushed to the room immediately. On every crew member’s face was reluctance and shock. Meanwhile the adoptive father sat with his head down on the sofa, full of remorse. 
An extra tidbit from the same scene: the crew’s love for little gadgets
There are always a few conspicuous toys in front of the director’s monitor. She explained that these were toys that members of the crew who are close to her gave her to alleviate stress. I don’t know which toy is the director’s favourite?
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 Day 8
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For the setting of the toilets of Unit 3 we actually used the toilets in a department store. Zhaozi, who arrived at the store very early in the morning, was hit on by an older lady who was just coming into work. The lady said: “Aren’t you Zhao Youting [Mark Chao]? You definitely are Zhao Youting!!” Even though Zhaozi went on to deny it, the lady didn’t listen and believed that this handsome guy in front of her was Zhao Youting himself. 
Actually, Zhaozi passed on the above story [to us], and no one actually saw this older lady. Zhaozi often tells bluff stories with a straight face, but I [this little editor] have my reservations about its credibility. But be as it may, after he was told that he looked like Zhao Youting, Zhaozi’s acting skills immediately leveled up. So okay, whether or not the story was real, we thank this lady ‘from the legends’.
Day 9
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Can I call you dad after this hug? 
I still remember the story of a friend coming out to his mother. He said to his mom: “I’m sorry if this thing disappoints you. I don’t dare to ask for your blessing. I just hope that you can show some understanding.” Through a chat message, his mother could only briefly reply: “If your other half is a good kid, I will give you my blessing.”
Many people in a same-sex relationship don’t dare to confess to the older generation and they don’t dare to ask for their blessings. Their only hope is not to be hated. It’s like that facing this society, and it’s the case when facing your beloved family. When Wenhao and Shaofei met each other, Wenhao gave Shaofei a hug. This hug must have carried [Wenhao’s] unspoken blessing. 
No worries, dear father-in-law. I, Officer Meng, will take care of everything (pats on the back). 
Wenhao and Guodong together brings its own hint of romance.⁕ The fighting was very intense that day, so much so that the police dispatched a Quick Fight Force team in concern [for the situation]. 
⁕ The term that the author uses is 腐味 (fuwei, the taste of fu). The first character, ‘fu’ is the same ‘fu’ that is used in terms like fujoshi 腐女子 and fudanshi  腐男子 (which are Japanese) but it’s the same pronunciation for that first character. So the author implies that there might have been something more than friendship going on between Chen Wenhao and Tang Guodong. They imply the same thing later in the book as well (day 60, where the two are called a CP). 
Day 10
A Mei [Stanley] who portrays A De, said that he was the expert in getting beaten [in this drama]. I say that Stanley definitely dedicated himself to taking on that role. Many times his head bumped into the wall and the crew told him to take a break, but Stanley couldn’t stop yelling “no no, hurry up, I’m familiar with it now!”
All the way through the end Officer Meng and Vixen⁕ no.1, A De, cheered each other on before ‘Action!’ [was called]. 
⁕ The word for vixen is ‘fox spirit’  狐狸精 in Chinese. I love that and I could probably write essays on this subject. In classical Chinese literature, foxes were most of the time portrayed as (mainly female) temptresses who seduced males for sex and then didn’t shy away from sucking the soul out of them, kind of like a succubus. If anyone is ever in the mood for some academic literature about foxes in late imperial China, I've got you covered  https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/3237790-alien-kind
So A De and Andy are constantly referred to as these foxes who want to seduce Tang Yi and snatch him away in front of Shaofei’s eyes. 
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wqnxs · 4 years
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LOVE AND REDEMPTION 琉璃 (2020) | dir. Yin Tao, Mai Guanzhi
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shijiujun · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: HIStory3 - 圈套 | HIStory3: Trapped Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Meng Shao Fei/Tang Yi, Jack | Fang Liang Dian/Zhao Li An | Zhao Zi Characters: Meng Shao Fei, Tang Yi, Jack | Fang Liang Dian, Zhao Li An | Zhao Zi, Yu Qi, Jun Wei, Zhou Guanzhi | Ah Zhi Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Romance, just Tang Yi being a good soon-to-be boyfriend, some made up characters - Freeform, Crying, Shao Fei crying, Jack being a supportive bro as always, And just staying for the drama, Zhao Zi trying to be helpful but also spilling all of Shao Fei's secrets, Fluff and Humor, tried for some plot in this, I Tried Summary:
Shao Fei’s eyes are red, and fat drops of tears are falling down his cheeks.
“What- Why didn’t you knock before coming in?!”
All Tang Yi can see is that Shao Fei is upset, and he’s crying.
“This is my house,” he ends up saying, like a fucking idiot, because Shao Fei is crying.
For headcanon anon (I don’t even know if you’re still active on Tumblr or following me at this point omg because it’s been soooo long I’m so sorry!) who asked for what Tang Yi would do if he caught Shao Fei crying, and my brain kind of just ran away again.
And also for @noooooooooooes (i still don’t know how many ‘o’s there are in this new url my friend) who kept asking me “hey where the hell is that shao fei crying fic huh?!!” whenever we met in the past few months. XD
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pumpkinpaix · 5 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: HIStory3 - 圈套 | HIStory3: Trap, HIStory3-圈套 | HIStory3: Trapped (Web Series) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jack/Zhao Zi, Jack/Zhao Li An | Zhao Zi, Tang Yi/Meng Shaofei, Yu Qi/OFC, Jun Wei/OFC, Gu Daoyi/Zuo Hongye Characters: Jack, Zhao Zi, Zhao Li An | Zhao Zi, Meng Shaofei, Yu Qi, Jun Wei, Tang Yi, Dr. Jiang, Gu Daoyi, Zuo Hongye, Captain Shi, Zhou Guanzhi
hello yes i’ve posted chapter 2 please validate me (you get to meet yu qi’s girlfriend in this one)
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shopping-now · 3 years
GUANZHI True Wireless Earbuds in-Ear Bluetooth 5.0 IPX5 Waterproof Earphones 20H Long Playtime Compact Charging Case with Mic Headphones Suitable for Workout Running Gym (Black)
GUANZHI True Wireless Earbuds in-Ear Bluetooth 5.0 IPX5 Waterproof Earphones 20H Long Playtime Compact Charging Case with Mic Headphones Suitable for Workout Running Gym (Black)
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chinagzlaser-blog · 5 years
Shanghai Guanzhi Industry Co. Ltd is an ideal laser machine supplier you can trust. With over 11 years of experience, we have managed to become leading laser welding machine manufacturers in China. Our quality laser welding services and products have helped us to reach out to overseas buyers as well.
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whatjanesaw · 8 years
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Wang Guanzhi
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sakrumverum · 2 years
Seit Januar: Mindestens 10 Untergrund-Priester in chinesischer Provinz Hebei verschleppt
Seit Jahresbeginn sind mindestens 10 katholische Priester in der chinesischen Provinz Hebei verschleppt worden. Laut AsiaNews sind Anfragen an die Polizei in der Millionenstadt Baoding über den Verbleib der Priester, die zur verfolgten und romtreuen Untergrund-Kirche gehören, bislang erfolglos geblieben. Der chinesische Staat schränkt unter dem Begriff "guanzhi" di https://de.catholicnewsagency.com/story/seit-januar-mindestens-10-untergrund-priester-in-chinesischer-provinz-hebei-verschleppt-10731
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cinemty · 4 years
مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45
مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45
مشاهدة وتحميل المسلسل الصيني مصمم الحب Mu Bai Shou S01E45 2020 الحلقة 45 الخامسة و الاربعون الموسم الاول مترجمة مشاهدة اون لاين تحميل مباشر Love a Lifetime Season 1 Episode 45 online , قصة Mu Bai Shou هو مسلسل تلفزيوني من بطولة Haojun Guo Guanzhi Li و Yitong Li يتبع Nalan Yue رجل له هويتين. إنه يقع في حب Rong Hua الجريء ، الفتاة الشابة ذات القلب الطيب ، لكن علاقاتهما أعمق وأكثر تعقيدًا
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#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 egydead#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 اتفرج#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 الدار داركم#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 السينما للجميع#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 ايجي بست#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 ايجي ديد#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 توكتوك سينما#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 دالى موشن#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 سيما فور اب#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 سيما فور يو#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 سينما ليك#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 شاهد فور يو#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 شوف#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 عرب سيد#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 عرب سينما#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 عرب ليونز#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 فيس بوك#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 ماي ايجي#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 ماي سيما#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 مزيكا توداي#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 موفز لاند#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 موقع اكوام#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 موقع الحل#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 موقع بانت#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 موقع فشار#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 موقع قصه عشق#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 موقع لودى نت#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 نت فلكس#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 هلال تيوب#مسلسل Love a Lifetime الحلقة 45 واتش ات
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chrisjake-cp · 3 years
History 3 Trapped Filming Diary (full English translation) - Days 41-50
Masterpost here. 
I don’t own the book so I can’t post my scans of the pictures that came with it. So I included some other pictures of the scenes that were being filmed. These pics belong to LINE TV or Choco Media, or I’ve taken screenshots from the episodes or the behind-the-scenes.
Read days 41-50 under the cut. 
Day 41
On this day of shooting it happened to be Christmas, and the crew, waiting for the evening shooting process, enjoyed a Christmas gift exchange. Shaofei gave out a book; according to him it was a very inspirational book. A crew member who does hair and make-overs nearby opened it and laughed jokingly: “What kind of ‘inspiration’ do you mean?”, causing Shaofei’s thoughts to immediately go into another direction to the point of him not even being able to say it out loud (I can tell you: he was very bashful!). The whole crew also acknowledged that the most creative gift was a big bunch of green onions⁕ from Sanxing. When this present was opened the whole crew burst out in crazy laughter, but it need also be said that this was a most memorable gift. 
⁕ Sanxing is famous for its spring onions! They even have a little museum dedicated to green onions there. 
Also, what kind of book did Jake gift someone? 👀
Day 42
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The day after Christmas, Boss Tang arrived at work, and the first thing he did was accept his gift from the Christmas gift exchange from the day before. So what did Boss Tang receive? 
*ding ding* The answer is 20 Christmas trees and a bottle of “Indian Spiritual Oil”⁕ At the appearance of this gift, everyone nearby immediately laughed loudly, and I also silently expressed my heartfelt wishes for Tang Yi’s and Meng Shaofei’s happiness. 
For today’s scenes, basically the whole ‘world’ had to be there: Unit 3, Tang Yi, A De, Hong Ye, Daoyi and Jingtang were all present, so the set was really lively. What was shot that day were the scenes after Hongye and Shaofei were injured in the parking lot. In order to increase the conflictual character of these scenes, the director assigned each actor their own, individual combination. What was interesting is that during rehearsals, the cameramen all quickly approached the actors like a large quantity of reporters. A De said smiling that the group of people was so large that it looked like an oncoming tank and he could only silently take the ‘card position’⁕ each time. 
⁕ This oil is basically like viagra...but topical instead of taking a pill....It’s a natural plant oil but it contains some anaesthetics which will irritate the skin a bit (making your you-know-what more erect as it grows hot) and the anaesthetics will also cause you to last longer. Ahem. Let’s all imagine Chris receiving this gift. 😂
⁕ The card position comes from a basketball or football game. It means that during the game, when the ball is in the air, the player accurately judges the effective landing point of the ball, takes the lead in the opponent's position, and blocks the opponent out of the best position to gain control. Here it means that Stanley just chose the best position to gain control/the upper hand in the scene. 
Day 43
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Today we continued to shoot the hospital scenes. Shaofei said smiling that today was another aptly-named day of “earning money while lying down,” as he was lying down from the first scene in the morning to the last scene in the evening. After several consecutive days of intensive shooting, the hospital scenes were back in Taoyuan. Shaofei said he had been getting out of bed at 4am in the morning for several days in a row, and that day was no exception. So during the moments when he wasn’t in the shots, he could openly but stealthily catch up on some sleep in the bed, which made everyone present pretty envious. 
Zhaozi just gets better the more he acts. Just look at his slightly wrinkled brows.
Day 44
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In the last episode, Zhaozi took Tang Yi to see Shaofei [in the hospital] for the last time. Tang Yi, who had carelessly pulled the trigger and accidentally shot Shaofei was already handcuffed. He told Shaofei he would hand He Hang as well as Zhou Guanzhi over to the police. Zhou Guanzhi was the enemy who killed his father. In these past four years, Tang Yi’s biggest goal was to single-handedly murder his father’s killer. For Tang Yi to now agree to let Zhou Guanzhi live and to hand him over to the police, meant Tang Yi had made the ultimate concession.
Because he had persisted in his revenge, he had caused his lover to be hospitalized with a gunshot. Since meeting Tang Yi, Shaofei had been assaulted in big and small ways,  and suffered injuries because of him. Tang Yi discovered that his stubbornly insisting on having his own way was a big factor in Shaofei getting hurt. If this continued, Shaofei would one day be ‘killed’ by Tang Yi. Kept apart by handcuffs, kissing your lover like that; what kind of plot could be more cruel than that?
Tang Yi, even while being handcuffed, was very witty/playful. He didn’t forget to stick his tongue out to the camera. 
Day 45
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Long time no see! I believe that people who have watched <Right Or Wrong< should not be too unfamiliar with Dr. Jintang’s “uncle-in-law” Jiang Zhaopeng. He is Qiu Zhiyu whom we haven’t seen for a while. Before filming, these two cultivated their understanding of their lines by videochatting [i.e. they practiced their lines] (and also cultivated the signals between both of their phones). One of the most frightening things in filming is the screen of a cellphone. Apart from this scene, the drama shows many different mobile phone screens; every time a call had to be made, or when a LINE conversation happened, etc. Only, whether or not the signal would be good, is an element that no one can control. If the signal is not good, phone calls won’t go through, or the moment when the phone rings doesn’t match the plot. Sometimes it can take a good number of takes, not to mention that this scene needed a video call. If the signal would not be good, the video and the sound might have been chopped. But we had a close call and the signal in the hospital was very stable, allowing us to be able to smoothly complete the take.  
Zijian, who portrays Jiang Jintang, has a lively and witty personality. He would often say crazy things that amused the crew. In the evening, we filmed that Shaofei followed Tang Yi to the hospital to see Jintang [the massage scene]. Jintang wanted to angrily quarrel with Meng Shaofei, because he didn’t expect them to arrive together. His red face, his hard breathing and his stammering made all the staff on the scene instantly almost collapse from laughter. Even Shaofei, who was doing the scene with him, and Tang Yi, who was lying down behind them, couldn’t keep in their laughter. 
At another rehearsal, Jintang was planning to jump on Tang Yi’s back, but because he hadn’t well coordinated his position, Boss Tang’s knees hit Jintang straight in his ‘important parts’. The staff who were on the scene jokingly told him to jump on the spot, and he actually did it. This was also a ‘pain in the balls.’⁕
⁕ Same expression was used in day 37. It’s more literal here. You can see this happening in the behind-the-scenes. 
Day 46
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Today we filmed father and son Chen Wenhao and Tang Yi meeting in front of Lizhen’s grave. The weather at the cemetery site was very unstable. Sometimes an uninterrupted drizzle floated by, and at other times wind and rain became quite strong. Occasionally, the sun would stealthily sneak out from the clouds to join in on the fun, adding many changes to the shooting. But the two actors were not in the slightest affected by these elements. As if their surroundings were all congealed together, the two looked at each other and cried really heart-wrenchingly. Afterwards, Chengyang [Chris] also frankly admitted that for this scene his mood was very complex, and it was very hard on him. Tang Yi stood in front of his biological mother’s tomb, and his biological father, whom he once thought to be her killer, walked up to him. At that moment, that kind of “crying” already wasn't just tears simply shed from sadness anymore. 
When he heard the gunshot as he exited the graveyard without even looking back, Chris said that his heart was really hurting so much that he almost couldn’t go on.
A big thank you to teacher Jiakui, who plays Wenhao, to give [Chris] ample ability, and to push him beyond the limits of what he could do. What is even more special, is that today was, coincidentally, also Chris’ birthday. To shoot such a meaningful scene on his birthday and falling apart crying like that, really must have left a deep impression on him.
Day 47
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The day when the entire Unit 3 team got together, happened to be the very last day of 2018. Today’s MVP was Junwei [played by Ethan Liu]. Everyone most likely knows about the meeting between Unit 3 and the international criminal police division where Junwei was tasked with reporting duties. 
That day Junwei was constantly drilling and rehearsing, because all his lines needed to be correctly and fluently spoken for that role to be acted out well. One of the biggest causes for stress is that when you start failing takes, the whole crew and all the actors are just waiting. One can imagine that that is a very big pressure. 
Originally everyone joked and said that before noon they would surely be able to go home to celebrate the New Year, but in the end, it took until in the afternoon for the first scene to finish smoothly and everyone on Unit 3 could begin to plan how they would spend New Year’s Eve. But our poor Captain and Shaofei had to stay behind to continue the next scene. Shaofei felt wronged and said to Zhaozi: “Where is the morality in him [the captain] being so happy?” 
Day 48
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Outside it was drizzling, but inside, the room was brimming with nervous energy as Tang Yi took Jack to negotiate with Old Ke, while Shaofei from his side and Unit 3 rushed inside as an important step and wiped out the place.⁕
While waiting for their scenes, each of the Unit 3 were doing their own activities. First Shaofei looked for a quiet place in the room and silently sat reading the script for the future scenes. With his usual style, he would use differently coloured pens to write down dialogue that belongs to Jake and Shaofei.⁕ Zhaozi, in turn, would be lying on the very big bed inside the room, and would both be talking to Junwei, having a pillow fight with Jack and taking selfies with his cellphone. 
And how did Tang Yi spend the time waiting for his next scene? The answer is that he had rolled himself up in a quilt and fell into a deep sleep. No matter if Shaofei would loudly yell, “Where is Tang Yi?” outside the room, Tang Yi slept through it all.
⁕ The very first scenes of the whole show, when Shaofei and his team barges through the door! Some of the very first words we ever hear coming out of Shaofei’s mouth are “Where is Tang Yi?” MY HEART. This show is so well-made. 
⁕ There’s an example of what Jake’s script looked like in the “HIStory 3: Trapped The Making of...” book. ankdlgdndkgn it’s the hospital balcony scene. The thing that he writes in black, between the two red exclamation marks... “This is the show’s first kiss!!! (Vixen Andy doesn’t count).” WHY IS HE SO CUTE? 
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Day 49
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For shooting the scenes at the exterior of the police station, we borrowed the Xizhi branch police building. That Xizhi branch building which only opened in 2017, is very new and very beautiful. The interior was also very spacious, so we had plenty of room to use.
On that day there happened to be a major traffic incident in that jurisdiction area, and both clerical and field police officers were busy bustling about. Even news reporting vehicles were driving in and out. We were able to witness the police officers' work that we usually don’t have opportunity to see. Thanks to all the protectors of the people for their hard work. 
Today’s Xizhi police station was bustling and lively. Thanks as well to the fans of Director Qingrong who, during the afternoon tea time, came to visit the set and brought snacks like donuts and coffee. In the afternoon the weather turned cold and it started to drizzle. But the fans braved the wind and the rain and came anyway, and even gave handwritten cards to the actors and the director, which was really sweet.
Day 50
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Day 2 at the police station. Today’s weather was nothing like yesterday’s “sunny and cloudy with an occasional shower”. Today the sun was shining very brightly, and the temperatures soared straight to 30 degrees. It was the perfect weather to play a song called “I love summer.” 
We shot the scene where three members of Unit 3 talked with Jack at the door. They had to walk outside from inside the police station and each time they had to redo the take, everyone went back into the building with a look of total unwillingness. They opened their eyes widely and took a very deep breath, and with a blank look in their eyes they wiped their sweat and used a small fan to keep cool. Phew, foreheads were filled with beads of sweat, and everyone’s clothes were also soaked with sweat.
In the afternoon we filmed the scene from the last episode when Boss Tang goes to the police station to wait for Shaofei to get off work, when Jack also happened to ride his motorbike to pick up Zhaozi from work.  At that time, the weather was still very sunny. Boss Tang, who wanted to sit on his car’s hood to wait for Shaofei, suddenly yelled out. Apparently the vicious sun had rendered the hood burning hot, which made boss Tang jump up in sudden fright.
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wqnxs · 4 years
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LOVE AND REDEMPTION 琉璃 (2020) | dir. Yin Tao, Mai Guanzhi
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fabulessdeal · 4 years
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topcellulardeals · 5 years
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Camera Phone Lens Kit GUANZHI 0.6X Super Wide Angle Lens & Macro Lens Clip on 2 in 1 Cell Phone Lens for iPhone Samsung Sony and Other Smart Phones No Distortion No Dark Circle iPhone X, 8, 8 Plus, 7
📷【High Quality Cell Phone Lens】- Creative design from made of Germany Schott Optical Glass for durability and clarity. Multi-element coated glass reduces glass flare & ghosting caused by reflections. 0.6X Super Wide Angle Lens + 10X Macro Lens, Perfect for hobbyists and photography pros alike. Turn your mobile into DSLR Camera, enjoy your stunning photographing trip. 📷【0.6X Super Wide Angle Lens】- It can help largely expand the field of view and enable you capture the entire family or a whole team member into one picture. Also you can clip it on front cameras of cell phone for Multiplayer selfie and video calls to see all people in screen. The lens is Clarity, Distortionless and NO DARK CORNERS (Must aim the lens 📷【10X HD Macro Lens】- Enables you to shoot photos at a distance of 1-1.8in from your object. More convenient and powerful to take clear and gorgeous pictures. Capture amazing close-ups in crisp detail. Like like flowers, jewelry, coins, insects, textures, arts and crafts. (For best results, position macro lens approximately 1 inch from object.) (NOTE: not a magnifying lens)
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