#guard dogo
mask-of-prime · 2 months
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TLG: Battle for the Pridelands Sketches
To celebrate the 5th Anniversary of one of my favorite episodes of TLG, I decided to do some sketches of some takeaways I had during a rewatch of the episode:
1. Wema, Tunu, Dogo, and Kijana aged up to how old I think they'd be around the time of the episode. Why were they not aged up?? Kiara, Tiifu, Zuri, and Mtoto were given some specific age models only used in this episode, why not the Outlander kids? I feel the jackals would be the equivalent to 12 years old by this time, while Wema and Tunu would be like 8-year-old kids.
2. I've heard people ask where the zebras and baboons were during the final battle, and for a while I was like "Yeah aren't they significant recurring characters? Where even were they in the Pridelands Army arc of Season 2?", but THEN it dawned on me: Baboon. Zebra. Cavalry. When watching the scene where everyone charges to the Outlands, I saw the galagos riding the sable antelope and went "haha like horses, that'd be funny if it was with zebras because equines", then I was like "baboons would probably be like humans while riding zebras" and I was just "WAIT IS THAT WHY PEOPLE WANTED THOSE ANIMALS IN THIS EPISODE". So here we are, Big Baboon and Thurston team up to surprise the Outlanders (and even the Pridelanders) by doing what they do best -- throwing fruit and panicking and running, respectively.
3. A sketch of this sudden visual I got during Ushari and Scar's conversation where Scar promised that Ushari and the rest of the reptiles would have whatever's left of the ravaged Pridelands. I instantly imagined the Pridelands becoming this unrecognizable wasteland ideal only for heat-seeking reptiles after the disastrous volcanic eruption Scar had in mind. The environment would be a tad like something out of the Mesozoic era.
4. One of my favorite aspects of this episode: The famous important-as-hell-but-vaguely-presented lore drop of the Strange Lion's (actually pretty ambiguous) existence as well as his actions accelerating Scar's entitlement and envy of Mufasa (which would kickstart the very premise of the first movie and the franchise as we know it). I love this guy's design for the same reason I love Zira's -- it's just so consistent in shapes and colors that all match with each other.
5. I find it funny that in order to not interfere with the events of TLK 2, TLG just decided to have it so the Outsiders would be completely out of the loop of the fact that Scar's spirit returned. It could easily be explained that Scar kept Zira out of it on purpose, or that he didn't know (and possibly didn't care) that she was still around. I have to think that the Outsiders don't live too far from the Outlands Volcano, so they've had to have heard some commotion and wonder what on earth could be going on. Looks like Zira's fanatic spiritual connection with her beloved Scar can apparently be heard by her peers.
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devilsrecreation · 5 months
TLG Human AU shenanigans
Tamka: Kiburi!
Nduli: Kiburi!
Both: KiburiKiburiKiburiKiburiKiburiKiburiKiburiKiburiKibu-
Kiburi: What?!
Nduli: Sorry Kiburi, we just wanna let you know something!
Kiburi: Yeah? And what’s that?
Nduli: We love you, Kiburi :)
Kiburi: ….And?
Tamka: And we want a Nokia N-Gage
Kiburi: No you don’t! It went defunct it 2006!
Nduli: Actually, it was in 2007
Kiburi: You know the year it went defunct! Why do you want it?!
Tamka: Cuz it looks cool!
Kiburi: You said that about the OUYA Ya bought last week
Tamka: The OUYA doesn’t have any games
Kiburi: I told you that before we bought it, neither will this!
Nduli: But Kiburi, it’s so cooooooool!
Kiburi: I don’t even think you can play games on that thing! It was a phone service!
Tamka: But Ucheshi said this stuff was awesome!
Kiburi: ……….Boys, stay here
Nduli: Okay, Kiburi.
*Lake Matope or whatever the human equivalent is*
Kiburi: Have you been telling them to buy outdated electronics?
Ucheshi: Yes.
Kiburi: WHY?!
Ucheshi: Because you hurt my boyfriend, fuck you, dude.
Kiburi: Ucheshi, I swear to God-
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spinnysocks · 7 months
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finally made one of these again! :)
this was so funny to make, i missed doing these. i had so many thoughts so i'll put them in the tags as usual hehe
bonus :3
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darkmoonravewolf · 9 months
I had this weird dream about the lion guard (I think it's cause I watched this video right before I fell asleep, other than that idk why the lion guard appeared. I was dreaming about a shitty fnaf game before the scene suddenly shifted)
Most of the lion guard weren't there???? for some reason??? so Kion had to make a temporary guard to stop Scar's newest plan. (Fuli was still there but she wasn't considered part of the guard for some reason???)
Jasiri was the bravest, Kiara was the strongest, Chuluun???? (Why the fuck was she even there??? This was before Kion got his scar)was the fastest and Dogo?? was the keenest of sight. Also Kion never even considers using his roar at any point. I think my brain forgot that he had that.
Scar's plan was... Weird but kinda smart. He wasn't using any of the regular outlander animals instead, he was trying to pretend that he was "apologizing".
His plan was to first have birds collect a bunch of this certain herb. Then have the baboons deliver it as as a gift to pride rock, saying it was from a secret admirer. Then he was going to send bats in at night to set the herbs on fire, filling pride rock with the Herb's smoke.
Just smelling the herb slowly makes lions more aggressive (this was shown with their eyes slowly turning dull and red and walking around with thier claws unsheathed) so planning to fill pride rock, where the main fucking group of lions live, with the smoke, which gets into thier system faster, was smart.
They find out about the plan and while everyone is out hunting, This pseudo lion guard plus Kiara's friends were trying to get rid of the herb.
Slowly over time though all the lion cubs were getting more aggressive and rude. Purposely, knocking into one another, nipping at the others, and saying rude things telling the others to hurry up or they'll eat them.
At one point, Dogo mentions out of all the lions, only Tiifu isn't being rude or aggressive only to realize that she was still affected. While she wasn't rude or anything, she didn't care about herself. She was working quietly but also so much, up to the point that her fur was thinning and her paws were red and starting to bleed. So not only does this herb makes lions aggressive it gives them no self-preservation.
Jasiri suggests that the lions leave the rest to the other animals, and Kion growls a bit only to agree. Which makes Kiara mad and she pins and is about to bite his neck, Chuluun, Fuli, and Jasiri manage to get her off.
It takes a bit but the others convince the lions to go outside of pride rock for a while to breathe. Only for them to see that Scar sent the bats early. There wasn't a lot of the herb left but still, it started to fill with a light smoke that blew down wind where the lion cubs went to take thier break and even further, the rest of the lions were hunting.
I then woke up so who knows maybe, next night I'll get the rest of this two-parter
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imadisneyfan · 2 months
lion guard more dogo
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(Most) QSMP Characters As Dog Breeds
Etoiles – Great Pyrenees
Literally the reason I made this whole goddamn monster of a post. Sometimes a man is just So dogboy. Specifically, livestock guardian dogboy. Pyrs are massive, immensely strong dogs that are bred to protect flocks of sheep from wolves and bears and they are very, very good at it. They are fiercely loyal, but also independent and comfortable spending time off on their own and making their own decisions as they wander the borders of their flock's territory. While they're phenomenal at guarding the sheep, they don't have any business herding the sheep or trying to get the sheep to go anywhere in particular.
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Philza – Border Collie
Herding the flock is the job of a dog like the collie. The whole point of them is to keep a whole massive flock all in one place and all moving the same direction. Keeping them together, keeping stragglers in line, making sure everyone is accounted for. Border collies in particular are considered the smartest breed of dog on the planet, making them highly adaptable to a wide range of new situations. On the other hand, a collie that doesn't have the space to roam freely and keep itself occupied can easily turn bored, anxious, and destructive.
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Roier – Calupoh
Also known as the Mexican wolfdog as it was made by hybridizing with wolves, the calupoh is used for both herding and guarding livestock. While it's not hyperspecialized for either role like the pyrenees or collie are, it can more than hold its own in both. They tend to get along well with both children and other dogs, making them excellent family dogs.
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Quackity – Chihuahua
He's short, he's loud, and he likes to start fights he can't possibly win. What more do you want from me? Chihuahuas also happen to be one of the oldest native Mexican breeds alongside the Xoloitzcuintli.
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Tubbo – Cairn Terrier
Stubborn, clever, and prone to excessive barking, Cairn terriers are nonetheless loyal and protective of their family. They're playful with family and get along great with children. Bred to chase down vermin, they love digging holes and chasing after whatever catches their eye. They are also known to enjoy chasing things and digging holes. Some of their hobbies include digging holes and chasing after things. They are much less fond of being told to stop chasing or digging.
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Tina – Lhasa Apso
The lhasa apso is decidedly not a working dog. Their job is to sit around looking pretty and being brushed and doted on until they hear any suspicious noise that might disturb their peace, at which point they start barking to alert the actual muscle to get to work. That being said, they're more than willing to do the biting themselves if they decide the muscle is too slow to react.
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BadBoyHalo – Pit Bull
The pit bull is a breed surrounded by rumors, misinformation, and flat out lies. For one thing, it's not even a breed. It's at least eight breeds that people lump together because they assume they're scarier or more aggressive or dangerous than average, including weird made up lies about locking jaws and nonsense like that. On the other hand, other people will argue that every pit bull is completely 100% harmless and neither would nor could hurt a fly. The truth of the matter is that a dog can be sweet and loving and playful and affectionate and also muscular and toothy and capable of lashing out when hurt or scared or simply because it has a prey drive that it hasn't been properly trained and socialized to restrain.
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Jaiden – Beagle
Everyone loves a beagle! They're chill, sweet, eager to please, and down for anything. This makes them a preferred breed for animal testing.
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Missa – Siberian Husky
Incredibly dramatic creature. Everything that is going on in the husky's life is the most important and portentous thing that has ever occurred and it will tell all you about it. Loudly.
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Carre – Dogo Argentino
Although they sometimes get folded into the "pit bull" label, the dogo is a mastiff bred to hunt pumas and wild boars. They have strong prey drives and love to chase, but are very affectionate with their families. They can also have problem with dog aggression if not properly socialized, but do well with human strangers.
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Bagi – Bloodhound
If there's one thing bloodhounds are good at – better than any other dog at, in fact – it's following a scent. They have the best sense of smell of any dog and can follow trails long after they would have gone cold for anyone else. The problem is this leads to an obsessive tendency. They find an interesting smell to follow and they follow it no matter where it's going or who is trying to get them to stop.
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Pierre – Pyrenean Shepherd
Another sheepdog, this time bred specifically to work with the Great Pyrenees. Highly intelligent, highly motivated, if they cannot find any problems to solve, they will create them.
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Fit – German Shepherd
A trustworthy, versatile breed, German shepherds have the power and strength for aggressive guard and attack dog roles as well as the intelligence to work as service or search and rescue and dogs. In fact, these are some of the most likely dogs to get themselves a job.
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Mariana – English Greyhound
Large, long, lean. Little loony.
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Wilbur – Borzoi
Large, long, lean. Little loony. (Floppy hair version)
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Spreen – Ovcharka
Type of dog to make you go "holy shit is that a bear!" and type of dog to make a bear wish you saw right.
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Niki – Hovawart
Native German breed known as a guard for the home and the farm. They are very protective of children and loyal to their families, but take a while to warm up to strangers.
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Mouse – Papillon
The smallest of the spaniels, the papillon is not a lapdog. They are highly intelligent and highly energetic and require plenty of daily exercise to meet their activity needs. They're friendly and outgoing and great fun to be around.
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Rivers – Boxer
You know, because she boxes...
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Pol – Basset Hound
These days, the basset is a companion dog that's perfectly content to lounge around the house all day and not get into too much trouble. And it's these days that we're worried about, right?
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Felps – Brazilian Terrier
He's just a little guy who loves to dig.
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Antoine – Dogue de Bordeux
An ancient French breed with a weird looking face. The dogue is calm and friendly with children, but aloof with strangers and serves well as a guard dog.
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Baghera – Poodle
Look at that silly dog with that funny haircut! Surely that can't be a highly intelligent and effective hunting dog. Nope, none of that here. Just the funny haircut dog. Hey, did you hear the joke about the goldfish?
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Cellbit – Fila Brasileiro
Bred from mastiffs and bloodhounds, filas are massive dogs with incredibly powerful tracking instincts and prey drives. They are loyal and protective of their family and especially children but can be aggressive with strangers if not properly trained.
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Maxo – Portuguese Water Dog
Please stop trying to keep him on land. Please. He just wants to get off the island. You know, to swim.
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Vegetta – Burgos Pointer
Native Spanish breed of gundog. About as close to purple as a dog can get. Generally mild mannered and even tempered, but a hunting dog to the core, they need space to run and roam and make some trouble for small animals.
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Foolish – Golden Retriever
A gorgeous specimen of classical doghood. Bred for a similar role to pointers. Known as goofy, charming housepets, but also extremely intelligent, diligent, and hardworking. And gorgeous.
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Pac - Irish Wolfhound
Introverted, intelligent, and easygoing, but prone to becoming destructive and morose if left alone for too long. Unreliable watchdogs due to their friendliness towards strangers.
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Mike – Campeiro Bulldog
Powerful, strong, and active, with a real fighting spirit and a temper that's slow to activate but powerful when it's there.
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Slime – Pug
I'm out of pictures. You know what these look like. Specifically with the most smushed face possible. Why would you breed this dog? Try again.
Cucurucho – Rat
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Literally canon.
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anavi-vrg · 5 months
Undead Unluck Cinderella!AU: The Masterpost
Hi :3 it's been a while, but i had been non-stop drawing to bring you all the Cinderella!AU cast with UU characters, i will write the basics of the story later bc i'm incapable of writing long paragraphs.
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The drawing that made me start this AU
Let's start with our protagonist, Fuuko as Cinderella:
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But our dear protagonist needs her mice friends:
We got our mains first: Haruka, Top, Gina, Sean and Chikara, taking the places of Jaq and Gus
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I remember that there were mice kids/children, the younglings!
Phil, Bunny, Tatiana, Lucy and Betty (almost forgot her)
Mice! Veronica and Tella are here to take care of them/protect them from the evil cats
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With how many chores have to be done everyday around the house, there have to be some specialised mice:
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In the kitchen, Billy works with the sweets, Enjin helps with the almost everything (he's too passionate for this job) and Rip cuts the veggies. Yusai can´t be let near the drinks alone, but she always knows the best one for the occasion.
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There's so many clothes that need mending and cleaning, the Sewing Team: Latla, Kurusu and Leila, are the right mice to do the job.
(ps. i bet Kurusu and Gina smugled that book to make cute dresses for Fuuko)
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Sooo many books to keep clean and organised in this house, good thing Mice Anno Un and Akira are doing their damn best to keep the house library in peak condition, they even have the time to dramatise Fuuko's favorite romance books for everyone
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Mouse Feng does everything around the house, why? because he wants to be better than Fuuko in everything
Miscellaneous Mice bcs i don't know in what role do they fit: Grandpa Isshin, Creed, Mei, Shen, Mui, Mui's little brother (do we even know his name?), Ms. Hawkins and Void.
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And we can't forget our dear doggo Burn, taking dog Bruno's place
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This Au is not complete without some villains
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Human! Luna as Lady Tremaine, BUT she's not Fuuko's stepmother, Lady Luna is a distant relative, grandfather's niece and further kinda deal
Lady Luna has three kids:
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Big Brother Soul, the kind of person to say "BuT wE aRe FaMiLy" when he does something bad to Fuuko but would absolutely not tolerate any of Fuuko's mistakes
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Middle Brother Apocalypse, evil? no, no, no, he's a tsundere, the kind to say "i'm not washing the clothes because i want to help you or anything! it's just that you are too clumsy". Fuuko sees right through his bullshit and thanks him eveytime she can to Apocchy's embarrassment
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And Little Bother/Sister Ruin (i'm more inclined to fem!Ruin), she's considerably more aggressive to Fuuko than the rest, her aggressiveness spurred on by her mom Luna and big brother Soul. Apocalypse has tried to help her to no avail.
THE CAT! Why should we limit ourselves to one evil cat, when we can have FOUR?
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Shadow hides in the dark corners and stairs, waiting for an unsuspecting victim, putting themselves in the middle of the path to make them trip
Blood wakes up and craves violence, he scratches the furniture, the curtains and people... Fuuko stays the fuck away from this evil cat
Spoil can't be let alone with the food, he steals it but he doesn't eat it, no, he enjoys watching it spoil and the faces of disgust from the people that find his masterpiece, fortunately dogo Burn is always guarding the kitchen.
Seal enjoys watching the desperation in peoples' faces as he slowly pushes the fine glassware from the top drawer to the cold hard floor, unfortunately for Seal, Mouse Feng is always watching
Do you remember the Gran Duke? the poor man was so close to die, but for this AU, we have the Grand Duke and Duchess, Nico and Ichico (Which one is who is up to you)
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We got our King! King Juiz, KING JUIZ, KING JUIZ!!!
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If you saw the third animated Cinderella movie, you would remember the Queen's paintings, and i decided that we need a Queen (an alive one), salute our dear Queen: Queen Victor!! (do you forgive me for putting him on a dress? 🥺)
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At last, we need our prince for this AU, but why have only one?!
Crown Prince Andy and Second Prince(ss) Julia
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We need our Fairy Godmother to bring some miracles to life! And i couldn't pick anyone else for this role than my beloved, Spring 🌸
Let him have some fun!!
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This is the real last one, but although it wasn't a sentient character, it would be unforgivable not casting Clothy as Fuuko's dress
(Can you imagine what Andy would do to Clothy once he discovers that he's Fuuko's dress? 💀)
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That's all the character designs for this AU, and now i can start drawing some scenes for this AU.
Enjoy this AU compiled timelapse for all the designs in the meantime!
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envihellbender · 1 month
Dbd killers… as dogs
The Trapper:
Dogo Argentino / Argentinian Mastiff
They are large and muscular (weighing 90-100lbs) pack hunting dogs (often taking down wild boar and puma). They’re strong, loyal, athletic dogs. This connects to The Trapper’s build, his connection to bear traps, as well as how his father used him to kill the miners in the same way these dogs are used to kill animals.
The Trapper would belong to a very rich family who illegal shipped him in, and he’d be an extremely loyal dog to a terrifying point. He’d never hurt his owners, but with everyone else he had a fierce nature.
The Wraith:
Greyhounds primarily hunt through sight and speed (rather than physical strength which equates to the Wraith’s cloaking ability and watching from the shadows kill style), they are tall, thin dogs (matching the Wraith’s build), and are quiet due to not being territorial (equating to the Wraith’s cloaking ability.)
The Wraith is a rescue dog who was raised as a fighting and racing dog. He would be taken in by an old couple after being left in the shelter unwanted for so long. He is extremely loyal and protective of his owners, or saviours as he sees them.
The Hillbilly:
The boxer breed is generally medium to large (suiting Hillbilly’s stature of being heavy set but on the skinnier side.) Despite their appearance they are loving, family dogs (The Hillbilly was treated horrifically, and only turned to murder because of his abuse as strongly suggested by his tome.)
The Hillbilly was the runt of the litter and the only survivor, he was left out in the barn to die by the owners, expecting him to be eaten by the pigs. They were surprised when he lived and even more surprised when he killed and ate their chickens. They tried to catch him but he fled as soon as he saw the farmer leave his house with a gun. He was small for his breed and lack of nutrition meant he had developed a little funnily. He got picked up off the side of the road by a young couple, two men who ran a dog sanctuary. They expected him to be fierce or nervous but despite being treated so terribly he jumped into their car happily, happy to have friends at last.
The Nurse:
They vary greatly in size but a standard poodle tends to be tall and slim, similar to the Nurse’s build. Poodles are a hypoallergenic dog breed, perfect for the Nurse. Poodles are considered highly intelligent dogs - which fits the backstory as well as her abilities and difficulty of her gameplay.
The Nurse was originally bought as an emotional support dog for a psychiatric ward. She was at first fairly good at her job, and was greatly sought after. However, after an accident involving a local lumberjack in the gardens she was left shy and vicious. Often snapping at and biting any patients who tried to harm her. As such, she ended up retiring, and the doctor taking her in… occasionally bringing her to the more difficult patients.
The Huntress:
Caucasian Shepard dog
Caucasian Shepard dogs are large dogs - weighing between 45kg - 70kg, similar to the Huntress’s physique. They were originally used to defend livestock from wolves, and are used now as guard dogs and to hunt bears. The original connects to what the Huntress thinks she is doing, and the present is what she’s actually doing.
The Huntress is the guard dog to an old woman who lives in a cabin she built with her own hands in the forest. The Huntress is loyal to her, and will defend her from man or beast. The Huntress’s mother, her mother, her mother, and her mother had all belonged to this same seemingly ageless woman. Always ripping to pieces any mortal being or otherwise any one who meant their mistress harm.
The Hag:
Wire Fox terrier
The wire fox terrier is a short, sturdy breed with a rough coat, not dissimilar to the Hag’s appearance. This terrier has a low threshold for boredom, and requires a lot of enrichment, this matches the Hag’s play style. They are very alert which is needed for the traps the Hag’s lay. They are also capable of tactical manoeuvring which also matches the Hag’s play style
The Hag was a family dog who kept the rats and other vermin away from the home. She was very attached to the children especially the oldest teenage girl. When she was kidnapped, the Hag pined for her and ran away to find her. When the Hag was found she burying frantically into the ground, when they tried to take her home she simply returned and continue to bury. After a few days someone thought to see what she was trying to get, and it was quickly found that there was a bunker underground. Thanks to the Hag, they found the teenage girl, she was hungry, tortured, and beaten, but alive.
The Doctor
German Shepard
The German Shepard / Alsatian is a large (30 to 40 kilos) working dog - matching the Doctor’s huge stature and his dedication to his work. German shepards often work in disability assistance, search and rescue, police work, and warfare. Given the doctor’s history as a medical doctor who abused his position it’s fitting that he be connected to these lines of work.
The Doctor is a proud, particularly huge dog that belongs to the head of the hospital, whenever patients or medical staff entered the room he stared, bared his teeth and wagged his tail almost manically. The head of the hospital found this quirk amusing, the Doctor almost look like he was smiling. He slowly got bigger and bigger, his teeth sharper, and it wasn’t until his collar was changed to a metal one that had sparks coming out of it and his fur lessened being g replaced for muscle that it became public knowledge that the Doctor was being tested on by the head of the hospital.
The Clown
Basset hound
Basset hounds are extremely prone to obesity and produce copious amounts of drool. This matches the Clown’s size, and his dribbling saliva feels like a similarity to his bottles of poisonous liquids and gases. Its hanging skin especially on its face is similar to the Clown’s sagging cheeks. The markings on the basset hounds face are called its “mask”, similar to the Clown’s eye make-up.
When Kenneth Chase was caught, a mass of bodies were found in his garden. What was odd was that all the fingers were missing, and every single person who investigated the case got strange feelings from Chase’s dog - the Clown. A particularly fat basset hound, who sat in the corner of the living room, watching and farting making the house smell horrific. One thing people never could figure out is what happened to Chase’s victims’ fingers. That was until the person who The Clown was rehomed to woke up with the Clown pulling and tugging at his fingers as if he was trying to rip them off. He eventually succeeded and wolfed it down like a prime piece of beef.
The Spirit
An ancient Japanese breed, the kishu are known for being quiet, preferring to stalk their prey rather than bark. This matches the Spirit’s ability spirit walk. The breed is tough, agile, and friendly. This matches how the Spirit was originally friendly, and through her angry death she became a killer. They are also devoted and loyal to their family, a tragic comparison to The Spirit being betrayed by her father.
There is a legend about a pure white dog with light blue shine who stalks the grounds of an abandoned house. No one dares go near the old estate - the mass murder committed by the patriarch who used to live there sank into the ground poisoning it and the building. The legend says that the dog, named the Spirit appears to those who get to close, a guardian warning them. Some have reported that if they continue the Spirit screams and materialises in front of them, growing bigger and louder with every second.
The Legion
A mongrel of: a parson Russell terrier (Susie), Bull terrier (Frank), border terrier (Julie), Boston terrier (Joey)
The Legion is four different people - sometimes merged into one body - so it makes sense that they would be four different breeds. They are each terriers due to their stubborn nature and how they have a loud bravado next to their small stature.
Legion was abandoned by the side of the road when their mother had become unexpectedly pregnant from a mongrel down the street. Their mother a purebred border terrier’s litter would not sell for a dime. It was winter, but despite that, Legion survived, living off rodents and pests found in the warm of a ski lodge where it found its home. When the spring came and it ventured from the lodge into the forest, they became friends with a pack of street dogs, finally finding their home.
The Plague
Saluki’s were one of the original dog breeds from ancient Mesopotamia, which is fitting for the Babylonian priestess. Saluki’s are also related to the Pariah dog, which is a free-roaming, half wild, dog that lives near human settlements in Asia. They are deep chested and long legged, giving them a similar build to the Plague.
No one in the neighbouring village is entirely sure where The Plague came from, he appeared in the monastery that was abandoned save from an ancient monk who everyone also has little idea as to where he came from. Every gives the place a wide birth, as it’s said that even touching the stone or hearing the Plague’s bark is enough for the sickness to enter your body.
The Ghost Face
Dandie dinmont terrier
The Dandie Dinmont terrier is the only dog to be named after a fictional character, fitting for the Ghost Face who took the title from killers and urban legends of the past. The breed is long but short, matching the Ghost Face ace’s lanky body. Like most terriers they were used for hunting, which fits the Ghost Face’s killing style. It’s tough but friendly temperament matches the fact that whilst he’s a brutal killer, many of the players can be quite mischievous and silly with this character.
All great writers have dogs or cats, Jed Olsen said. Most animals disliked him on sight, except for crows and his one particular dog who he named the Ghost Face. He showed up on Jed’s doorstep one day, barking until he answered. He ran inside, ignore Jed’s calls and sat in the kitchen waggling his tail. Jed had some left over chicken for him which he wolfed down, and the Ghost Face curled up by the radiator to get warm. Jed didn’t try and check to see if the dog had a microchip, he didn’t care. He was his now. And he was such a good boy to have around, he’d run up to Jed and tilt his head whenever he sensed intruders. He’d run to different areas of the scene and bark to distract victims so Jed could sneak up on them. The Ghost Face - he was such a good loyal boy.
The Oni
The Akita is a large dog that hails from the mountains in Japan. It has a double coat and was bred to hunt down bears. They are territorial and vicious to strangers. This all fits with the Oni, a large, strong and brutal killer who hunts down survivors using their blood, and his background of hunting false Samurai.
There are many different types of Oni that stalk Japan, one is a gigantic canine that runs over mountains and glides over trees looking for its prey. It is a vicious, intelligent beast, and the stories go that this yokai is the result of an arrogant samurai filled with hubris that he could purify Japan. He was punished by the gods, putting him in the body of a dog, showing that he is nothing but a wild beast.
The Deathslinger
Irish wolfhound
The Irish Wolfhound is a sighthound (perfect for a speargun wielder), and the breed are used as a mascot for the Irish Guards, similar to how the Deathslinger was used by the prison guards to make tortured devices. The Irish wolfhound has wiry fur, hair, and beard - the latter two matching the Deathslinger’s appearance.
The Deathslinger was a guard dog for a prison, specifically for the head torturer. He was loyal to him specifically not the guards or residents. When the head torturer had his victims the Deathslinger would watch intently, occasionally the head torturer would deliberately let the prisoners think they can run away, and that was when the Deathslinger’s hunt and enrichment began.
The Blight
A particularly old, inbred British bulldog
The British Bulldog - through no fault of its own - is seen as a symbol of Britain in the U.K. this fits with the Blight’s background of being a British colonialist (he may be Scottish, but clearly a unionist.) The inbred nature of the said bulldog means it looks ill and finds it difficult to breath - this matches the Blight’s appearance.
Talbot Grimes had no qualms about experimenting on humans or animals, he didn’t even bat an eyelid at running tests and feeding different chemicals to his treasured dog who he nicknamed the Blight. It was a sickly beast, it drooled constantly and snorted as it walked, but its drool was … Different. A thick substance that was a glowing yellow, like fire was pouring out of the thing.
The Twins
A crossbreed of a chihuahua (Victor) and a ca de bou (Charlotte)
Due to the nature of the twins it makes sense for them to merge into being a mongrel of the smallest dog breed (Victor - chihuahua) and a tough
The runt of an accidental litter, the Twins absolutely should have absolutely not survived and were thrown to be drowned as a “mercy”. However, somehow, the dog was washed down the river and landed down on the coast. It was picked up by a pair of conjoined twins who kept a lighthouse, and given mercy it was raised to keep watch of the building and given plenty of scraps, meat, and fish to feast on.
The Trickster
Korean Jindo
The Korean Jindo is considered one of Korea’s national treasures, which I’m sure is what the Trickster considers himself. He is of the hudu body type, taller and thinner to match the Trickster’s stature. He has the “brindle” colouring which bares similarity to a tiger, matching his bold and bright sense of style.
The Trickster is very well known all over the internet. The owner’s instagram had millions of followers that show their beautiful dog’s antics. Many are devoted to him, citing his haunting eyes with such a piercing and knowing energy they can’t look away from him. His fur looks as if it would feel just like the most expensive silks, and his owner shows how they feed him on the most expensive meats and he is given the bed in their home whilst they sleep on the floor. However, in the latest posts it seems that’s the owner is getting weaker, their voice shaking whenever they speak. The Trickster doesn’t mind, plenty are commenting and wanting to take over this beautiful canine’s care.
The Artist
Peruvian Inca Orchid
Peruvian Inca Orchid’s are hairless dogs associated with the ancient Inca empire in Peru. Their long muzzles and dark skin with short hair bares resemblance to the Artists face and head shape which are deliberately birdlike. The colours can be different but they are usually the colour of corvids. They are also often used as test subjects to research dermatological conditions, similar to how the Artist was experimented on by the Entity.
It’s strange, but there have been an influx of crows in Columbia - they don’t live there, but they have attached themselves to a dog of a family. Not even the daughter Carmina, simply their dog. A Peruvian Inca orchid they dubbed the Artist due to how much he loved to sit and watch the children draw and even stamp paint onto canvas with his paws. He was a quiet, loyal dog who gave them no trouble until the birds came. They followed him, sat by him, and even brought him animal carcasses to feast on. They grew in number, more crows appearing every day, local scientists theorised they must have migrated from European and North American countries. Soon their entire village was swarmed by crows, and it didn’t take long for the changes they gave to the Artist to begin.
The Dredge
Crossbreed miscellaneous
A mongrel made of so many different types of dogs no one is entirely sure what type it is and he looks a little strange because of it. It almost seems like he is every single dog that has existed merged into one, or as if he picks up breeds and adds them to his collection every time he sees one. For his appearance seems to change regularly.
The Dredge is a local dog that everyone in its town has seen. It hangs around the park and wanders the streets at night. It’s tall - some adults find he reaches their shoulders or past their heads completely. His suspense similar to a greyhound, but he has thick fur like an Alsatian. His colouring and muzzle are similar to a husky, but then some say his fur is short and similar to a boxers. It seems everyone sees a little something different in him, more breeds than they can imagine. The only thing that remains is his height and elongated limbs. He enjoys hiding and watching, some say he’s a guardian, others say he’s dangerous - maybe a hunter and any missing person cases are often blamed on the Dredge.
The Knight
The Doberman is an intelligent, alert, fiercely loyal dog which are all perfect attributes for the Knight. It reflects his ability to maintain guard over survivors, attacking at the slightest movement. They are also large dogs, matching the Knight’s physique. They also hail from Central Europe.
To this day, important government buildings in Hungary have a portrait to this ancient Doberman nicknamed simply as the Knight. The stories say that this dog was kept by a Tarhos Kovács who used his favoured Knight for advice and to fight alongside him in battle. Everyone knew that the Knight in question was a Doberman, a proud noble one who had a sharp mind and such strength that many doubt he was simply a dog.
The Skull Merchant
Chilean Terrier
Chilean terrier’s are restless and bark regularly, they are tireless companions and fantastic watch dogs, similar to the Skull merchant’s drones which keep watch and are loud if triggered. Their main colour is white with black and brown markings, they have pointed faces and are short in stature, mimicking the appearance of the Skull Merchant.
The Skull Merchant began life as a pampered lap dog for a manga artist, but as she grew older she quickly became bored. She attempted to be his watch and guard dog but he didn’t appreciate her barking and growling at strangers who entered their territory. It didn’t take long for her to become vicious, biting her owner if he tried to interfere. He abandoned her, tying her up on the side of the road. As luck would have it whilst she looked particularly cold and hungry, an assistant for a CEO passed. He took her in as a kindness, but after he watched what a dutiful and fantastic watch dog she was… well, he brought his idea to the boss and a few years later the drone system not only inspired by The Skull Merchant but using an OS that mimicked how her brain worked was all the rage. It quickly made all over security systems obsolete.
The Unknown:
You feel sorry for it. The wet, shaggy dog curled up on the side of the road. Maybe you get out, intending to see if it had a collar and take it to the shelter. When you get close, it raises its black furred head. The fur around its muzzle is missing and its eyes are too big, the whites are scarlet and its teeth are poking through. As it stands it ends up on two legs. It’s growing, its furry limbs twisting and bending as it does. That is… Not a real dog.
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tlg-confessions · 2 months
In my post-canon headcanon, Dogo gets a redemption arc, realizing that his parents were a negative influence on him, and Mtoto eventually joins the Lion Guard as the strongest member, succeeding Beshte, (A.K.A. the endings both characters should've gotten in the series).
They eventually go through a rivals to lovers arc in their teen years, and well into adulthood, they get married (in short Reirei has an elephant for a son in law and it's fucking hilarious).
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v-anrouge · 8 months
You’ve opened the flood gates of me and my love of dogs, so I’m giving EVERYONE a dog breed!
Riddle: bichon frisé, à very cutie small white puffball of a dog, but are high maintenance with their coats and mental stimulation. One of the smarter dog breeds, but also with a need to please. One of the healthiest dog breeds I know of (they never die! Like ever!), but with a need for schedules. Because of the need for mental stimulation, they are a breed that needs strict rules, and strict schedules or they get confused and frustrated.
Trey: some sort of Rottweiler. Laid back, family loving, happy to sit in the presence of others. Not overly large, but still needing exercise, but also happy to just sit on the couch. Also, I feel their stockier build best fits Trey
Cater: shih tzu or Pekingese, both are one of the most ancient breeds, once only allowed to only be owned by the royal Chinese family, some where even given standings in courts! They adore attention, and affection, but tend to only listen to a select few, if any. Cater is a difficult character to get to trust, much like a shih tzu, but I feel once he does trust you he’s attached at the hip much like a Pekingese
Deuce: pit bull. There is no other dog breed I can think of for Deuce that fits as well as a pittie! Tough and aggressive? Yes. Also a loving big baby? Yes. When trained properly, pits are great dogs, but because they can have short tempers, it’s best to not leave them unaccompanied around children. They’re STRONG, so people who can’t wrestle one to the ground if needed shouldnt own one.
Ace: Affenpincher, sassy brats of dogs who would die for their people but refuse to listen to them. One of the more “human like” dogs as they will hold a grudge, and they’ve got an attitude to rival a sassy toddler!
Leona: basset hound, stubborn, can be lazy, but when they put their minds (or noses) to something nothing gets them off track! While bassets aren’t the smartest breeds, I think they fit enough for Leona to be an outlier (nearly said Rhodesian ridgeback because they were breed to hunt lions! Lol)
Ruggie: (hyenas are closer related to cats than they are dogs! But they actually have their own class so whatever) I struggled! But I think lab fits best. They’re basically walking stomachs, and will do anything for food! They are easy to train when given treats, but also have a tendency to just start doing tricks if you’re eating something they want. Intelligent, and friendly reminds me of Ruggie.
Jack: dogo Argentino. A dog if more popular would give pits a run for their money with the villianization! STRONG dogs, we’re originally bread to hunt wild boars, they’re tough dogs! And while extremely loyal, they have a tendency to refuse to attack who they deem as friends. Super courageous (that word took me four tries to spell) they’re high energy with a need to please their people!
Azul: Japanese Akita, loyal but reserved around strangers, these are smart dogs! They tend to be more socially difficult when around other dogs, tending to snap and resource guard, but with their people they are ready to share, sometimes… they’re more reserved with affection, but if you get down they won’t refuse some love and kisses
Jade: Basenji, also known as Africa’s “backless dog” is a silent but intelligent hunting breed! They tend to hide in the shadows before striking, but also love their few people they allow in their circle. NOT family dogs as they don’t like many people, but great for a small household.
Floyd: Central Asian Shepard, NOT FOR MOST DOG OWNERS! I’ve got my gripes! CSA are dogs that NEED jobs, they’re breed to protect livestock in Mangolia and Northern China. These dogs are powerful, and known to hunt down wolves nearby! But they’re babies with their owners, even if they prefer staying outdoors, they won’t turn down a snack or cuddle. But also indépendant where they’ll find their own food
Kalim: golden retriever, loving, friendly, though not the smartest, just a ball of sunshine.
Jamil: Chinese crested (one of my favorite breeds!) are smart, sassy dogs who LIVE for praise. They tend to be picky eaters, and don’t always do well with other dogs as they can be attention hogs, but they are also breed to hunt rats on Chinese trading shops, so they need a lot of exercise
Vil: standard poodle, OR a doberman (partly cause dobies are one of my favorite breed!) both are extremely intelligent, but also can be aggressive when around new dogs as they like being incharge.
Rook: borzoi coonhound mix. Originally I said fox hound, but coonhounds have a sleeker look, and a friendlier personality. Borzois are gorgeous and would die for their people, but are dumb as a box of rocks. Coonhounds are not as pretty, but not ugly either, and known to live for praise. Both are hunting breeds and need their exercise, or they will find some way to exercise (coonhounds are also escape artists)
Epel: i can only see Epel as a yorkie. Big personality, underestimated, super pretty, need of mental and physical stimulation. It just fits him perfectly!
Idia: Carolina, shy and suspicious little buggers who prefer quiet homes, with little activity’s around. But they need their mental stimulation as well. Not the smartest breed, but not the dumbest, they’re independence can get them into trouble though.
Ortho: English Cocker Spaniel (Lady from Lady and the Tramp) are friendly, sweet and loving dogs. They will bend over backwards for their people, and are just some of the sweetest dogs I have ever met!
Malleus: Komodor, the dog that looks like a mop. They’re strong sheepdogs who are willing to die to protect their flock. Soft and docile around their people, but reserved around strangers, they can even come off as agressive when you’re just starting to know them.
Lilia: Icelandic Sheepdog, the only breed from Iceland! Friendly, faithful and charming, their such sweeties! They do their job then come trotting back for a pat.
Silver: German Shepard, strong, sturdy, and protective. One of the best guard dog breeds I can think of, and amazing to train! Ready to please, and ready to play!
Sebek: bull terrier, head strong, loyal, and can be downright aggressive in their love! Their the dog to bowl you over when you get home! They’re hard working dogs who need exercise!
I really love dogs man!
How does it feel to be 100% correct and right 🎤
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banamine-bananime · 9 months
the blues dogified according to me
tldr: caboose = komodor (or great pyr), tucker = mini bull terrier (or westie or fox terrier), tex = cane corso/dogo argentino, church = australian cattle dog, kai (and grif) = english bulldog, wash = malinois. bangs gavel.
caboose: i see great dane i do. i get it. it makes sense. however caboose refuses to make sense so i think it's way funnier if he's an LGD breed with the most baffling temperament for an LGD. why is he so cuddly and human-attached and goofy and Making Poor Decisions?? he's got the guarding drive but it's like AUGH SO SMALL I MUST. PROTECT IT. WITH MY MOUTH. WHY IS IT NOT MOVING ANYMORE. UHHH IT WASN'T ME. great pyr would be good but consider: komodor
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photo: Laszlo Balogh
tucker: absolutely a horrible little terrier. annoying, cocky, mischievous, extremely yappy thing with no trainability that seems totally useless for anything but humping pillows, until, suddenly, he locks onto some goal with terrifying singleminded determination, persistence, scrappiness, and competence that you would never fucking expect. and then it's done and he's an idiot again. mini bull terrier or westie or fox terrier
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photo: Otsphoto
Tex: powerful, large, extremely active, and will play rough and assert dominance and test boundaries. got a healthy dose of "chill, total doofus" in her, too. the kinda dog some moron (i'm not talking about the director nooooo /s) gets as a guard dog, not realizing she's less made to be singlemindedly, territorially dedicated to one person and one place and more to - despite being very loyal and affectionate to her people - not be tied down to them, needing the thrill of running and chasing and catching prey. the kinda dog some asshole gets for bite sports and his ego, not realizing one day she'll get fed up with his chains and shock-collars and cesar milan-ass "training" and play bite-sports with his organs (<- me being extremely Normal about tex getting bloody revenge). i was caught between cane corso for the looks and dogo argentino for the historical purpose of hunting and catching large game, so let's say a mix of them.
vvv tex's silly side and scary side battling for dominance vvv
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photo: cannot find source :(
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photo: Dogo Argentino Kennel Club
church: i thought about husky for the aloof pissiness, needing a job but assigning it to himself and being fucking crazy about it, and unrelenting loud and weird complaining, but i think husky assignments should be reserved for characters with a very particular and truly insane kinda energy. australian cattle dog works quite well imo: WILL NOT SHUT UP (lol "Potential for excessive barking, often in a high-pitched voice"), velcro dog to His Person, super smart yet also somehow extremely dumb and gets dumber the longer he's left without stimulation to spiral, STUBBORN, suspicious of strangers and Very Not Friendly
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photo: Sandra Caldwell (lmao this dog looks so done with it all.)
kai: i considered her and grif together and have decided: Old English Bulldogs. for grif, the sleepy laziness and messiness. for kai, the happy, outgoing friendliness. for both of them, the lack of any trainability or motivation to do what someone says to do Just Because and thus seeming to be dumb as hell to humans who base that on how well they Do What Human Wants, until suddenly there's a way to get out of doing something they don't want to do or of getting something they actually care about and suddenly they're the smartest dogs on earth.
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photo: IrynaKabuliuk
wash: he is SO cop-dog coded. i don't mean that like oh he's like a cop so as a dog he's a cop-dog. that would be boring and also incorrect. i mean cop-dog coded like having someone look at your suspicious, reactive nature, resulting anxiety and difficulty living In A Society because everything is a potential threat or insult and you have to defend yourself and deal with the Anger through violence, and say, "Oh yeah we can enhance and exploit the fuck out of this". *points* MALINOIS. if malinois had opposable thumbs they would throw a lot more knives and if wash didn't have a helmet he would bite a lot more people. anyways, i can't put it better than "Sometimes playing the mischievous clown, yet more often serious, the Belgian Shepherd is highly observant with strangers, typically reserved and aloof, and has strong protective instincts. As such, Belgian Shepherds need more extensive socialization than most breeds so that their watchfulness doesn't become suspiciousness or sharpness." also the athleticism.
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carolina: don't have an individual breed assignment for her bc church and tex are the same breeds as the director and allison. she's got the ACD/general herding breed athleticism (it skipped a generation) and FASSSSSST and bidability and eagerness to Achieve and Win. she's got the cane corso/dogo argentino aggression and power and loyalty and guarding instinct. supermutt as in like superwoman.
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bas-rouge · 6 months
I see a lot of people who remind me of me when I was a kid, who get their hearts set on a breed that obviously don't suit their needs. Learning more about the breeds I love has really shown me what my limits are. I could not offer a CAO a fulfilling life, I could not offer an Anatolian a fulfilling life, a Tibetan Mastiff, etc.... I cannot presently offer a Dogo a fulfilling life, nor any other working hound.
It's not a matter of "I will never be able to" but a matter of "I am unable to now and in the foreseeable future." I do not have property, I do not have stock to guard, I do not hunt. Reconciling that has been hard. Maybe one day I will be able to give a Dogo or a CAO a fulfilling life, but today is not that day, nor is tomorrow or the next day.
On the other hand, I had given up on Beaucerons a few years ago as a pipe dream, because I had been told time and time again that they were Too Much dog... like a 100-lb WL Malinois. And then I met them and realised oh, no, this IS the perfect breed for me. This is a breed that checks almost all of my boxes (except some aesthetic ones which aren't as important to me). This is a breed I can offer a fulfilling life to.
(Someone told me they were a "step up" from a Lab... I would agree. Maybe not a "step up" but certainly a little to the left... probably because of the difference between sporting and herding breeds.)
I don't know. The list of breeds I want in the future is insanely long, but I do my best to have no illusions about these breeds and about myself. I love herding and I love conformation. I don't enjoy hunting, and I probably never will. I like ringsport and rally/obedience. I don't like agility, and I probably never will.
Thinking a lot of thoughts this morning I see.
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devilsrecreation · 1 month
Outlanders at the Pool headcanons
AKA sneaking into the Pridelands and chilling in Lake Matope/Urembo River until they get caught jfhhfhfgf
It was Janja’s idea after hearing Chungu and Cheezi complain that there wasn’t anywhere they could swim, with Tamka and Nduli doing the same. Janja says “f it” and invites all the hyenas, jackals, and crocodiles to go to a lake or river and take a day off while Jasiri’s away (probably making peace treaty with other kingdoms)
Shupavu and Njano come along, but only to sunbathe. They convince Kenge to join them
Mzingo acts as a lookout for the Lion Guard or any other notable Pridelanders (like the Royal family or key leaders like Makuu and Ma Tembo). If he sees any of them nearby, he’ll tell the Outlanders to hide
Cheezi started spinning in the water for no reason, then Chungu started copying him, then Goigoi. Tamka and Nduli think they’ve gone a little coo-coo crazy. Can’t blame them cuz all they see is three mammals going “Wheeeeeeeeeeeee! :D”
Kiburi’s float offers everyone rides. Yes, even Kiburi himself lets Janja ride on him. JUST THIS ONCE. FOR A LITTLE BIT. THEN HE CAN NEVER SPEAK OF THIS AGAIN
Janja rides on Kiburi, Chungu on Tamka, and Cheezi on Nduli. Nne and Tano take turns riding on Neema
Reirei likes swimming on her back…until Janja pushes down on her belly, dunking her underwater. The hyenas think it’s hilarious, Reirei does not
It’s okay though, cuz Dogo does the same thing to Janja
Kenge CAN swim, he’s just prefers not to cuz he’s not very good at it. He eventually joins the rest after Janja assumes he can’t
“Nice try, but lizards can’t swim.” *Kenge swims up to him, growling* “AHHH! LIZARDS CAN SWIM!”
Kenge also has Shupavu and Njano on his back while doing so. They’re acting all smug cuz they get to tease Janja and he can’t do anything about it hfhfgf
Goigoi: Should I bother Kenge?
Janja: Do you wanna die?
(Probably happens at some point hfhfgry)
I feel like either Janja or Shupavu would quote the “you’re all going to hell! Goodbye!” vine while gliding by on Kiburi or Kenge bfhfgfgf
The kids have their own version of chicken fights. Wema and Tunu playfully wrestle on Tamka and Nduli’s backs respectively. It started with Tamka telling Wema how crocs roughhouse in the water, then going “watch this!” and splashing Nduli and Tunu. Nduli retaliates by splashing Tamka back and before they knew it, Wema and Tunu started pawing at each other. It’s even more fun when Dogo and Kijana decide to join in on Neema
Everyone gets into a splashing war where nobody, not even Mzingo is safe. Janja and Kiburi started it
Overall, it’s a very fun and relaxing day with absolutely no interrupt—oh shit is that Vitani’s Lion Guard??? SHIT THEY CAN’T KNOW THEY’RE HERE! EVERYONE GET OUT OF THE WATER! GO GO GO!!!!!
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spinnysocks · 7 months
i have this side au where kiburi becomes a parental figure for dogo after his parents & some of the outlanders go missing and its soooo sadddd. he takes care of him after dogo basically clung to him when he couldn't find his mom or dad. kiburi lets him stick around in respect for reirei and its like a redemption arc and hdghdg THE ANGST its indescribable
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dreadmom · 6 months
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Inspired by the constant videos and weebcomic about reincarnating in other worlds or going back in time The life of D'Artagnan the human ended tragically when he was considered a traitor (he was used as a scapegoat) and was abandoned by those he trusted and loved. Emotionally broken, the Gascon abandoned everything and headed to the lands of La Ferre. where he ended his life. Just as his eyes closed he opened them again as a young mouse named Alexander, illegitimate son of a French nobleman who has suffered mistreatment all his life from family and servants, the memories of his past life returned just after receiving another great beating by his half-brothers, after seeing his surroundings again he realizes that not only is he in a world where instead of humans there are anthropomorphic animals, but the date, he finds himself a year before he began his journey to become a musketeer, but also something else, this entire family is about to be arrested and executed by order of the crown when it is discovered that they were helping enemies of France ... I'm leaving... that's all he thought, so even though he was wounded, he forced himself to stand up and left the place without anyone knowing. A year later, when the young and impulsive Dogtanian arrives in France, he is disconcerted to see the tension between the Muskehounds and the hostility they show towards his name. When he spoke with Treville, he told him that his three best muskehounds, Pontos, Dogos and Amis, were seriously wounded by a single Cardinal's Guard who called himself D'Artagnan
This Cardinal's Guard was none other than Alexander, who is now under the orders of Cardinal Richelieu, using the name of his past life and the knowledge of it, he has every intention of taking revenge on those who hurt them while avoiding that they discover that he is the fugitive son of the family of traitors that was executed Notes: ° The appearance of this D'Artagnan is from Geronimo Stilton's version of the Three Musketeers, that includes part of the suit he wears ° His name Alexander is after the novel's author, Alexander Dumas.
----------------------------------- Inspirado en  los constantes videos y weebcomic sobre reencarnar en otros mundos o regresos en el tiempo
La vida de D'Artagnan el humano, termino de forma trágica al ser considerado un traidor (fue usado de chivo expiatorio) y ser abandonado por quienes confió y amo, emocionalmente roto, el gascon abandona todo, se dirigio a las tierras de La Ferre donde acabo con su vida.
Justo cuando sus ojos se cerraron volvió a abrirlos como un joven ratón llamado Alexander, hijo ilegitimo de un noble de Francia quien ha sufrido maltratos toda su vida por parte de la familia y los sirvientes, los recuerdos de su vida pasada volvieron justo después de recibir otra gran paliza por parte de sus medios hermanos, tras ver de nuevo sus alrededores se da cuenta que no solo esta en un mundo donde en vez de humanos hay animales antropomórficos si no la fecha, se encuentra un año antes de que empezara su viaje para convertirse en mosquetero, pero también algo mas, toda esta familia esta a punto ser arrestada y ejecutada por orden de la corona al descubrirse que ayudaban a enemigos de Francia
…Yo me largo…es todo lo que pensó por lo que aun herido se obliga a ponerse de pie y abandona el lugar sin que nadie lo sepa
Un año después cuando el joven e impulsivo  D'Artacán llega Francia, se desconcierta al ver la tensión entre los mosqueperros y la hostilidad que muestran hacia su nombre, cuando hablo con Treville este le conto que sus tres mejores mosqueperro Pontos, Dogos y Amis fueron gravemente heridos por un único Guardia de Cardenal que se hacia llamar D'Artagnan
Este Guardia del Cardenal no era otro que Alexander, quien ahora esta bajo las ordenes del Cardenal Richelieu , usando el nombre de su vida pasada y el conocimiento de la misma tiene toda la intención de vengarse de aquellos quienes los hirieron a la vez que debe evitar que descubran que es el hijo fugitivo de la familia de traidores que fue ejecutada
° La apariencia de este D'Artagnan es del la versión de los Tres Mosqueteros de Geronimo Stilton, eso incluye parte del traje que lleva ° Su nombre Alexander es por el autor de la novela, Alexander Dumas
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imadisneyfan · 5 months
Updated my fav disney characters that start with the letter d
Dorles Encanto
Dewey duck ducktales 2017 series
Drakken kim possible
Darkwing duck Darkwing duck
Danielle lady and the tramp
David lilo and stitch
Dodger oliver and company
Dejony proud family
Dixie fox and the hound 2
Dogo lion guard
doof Phineas and ferb
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