#guardian angel verse
heartonanoose · 2 years
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What if we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine Nothing could keep us apart You'd be the one I was meant to find
Alu and Gabriel @gabrielthegoober​
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"How about you get lost" from Dom @ {The bean for the angel au}
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Poor thing was just trying to help him out a tiny bit with his place before hiding. Even if she was his guardian angel, he did scare her to a insane degree. She stiffened when she heard his voice and mentally yelling at herself for stopping and hiding earlier. Even if she wanted to go, she couldn't. She was assigned Dom even if he liked it or not.
She was folding a blanket up and was about to put it in its usual spot she noticed it was at but got spotted by the man.
"I..i'm assigned to you. I-i can't leave"
She forced herself to speak quickly before getting yelled at or threatened again.
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steinwayandhissons · 1 year
Miles Kane - One Man Band Lyrics:
There’s nothing left to say
I’ve thrown it all away
Write lyrics in my sleep
Cause it keeps me together
I gotta earn my keep (edit: ty!)
Because I’m your one man band
Let me sing about the brighter days
A song for you I’ve learnt to play
And I will take the stage
And I’ll beat the drum until the dawn
To keep the darkness from your door
Cause I’m your one man band
There’s some things I can say
But when the music starts to play
I stare up to the moon
And my lonely heart goes boom boom boom
Once again
Because I’m your one man band
Let me sing about the brighter days
A song for you I’ve learnt to play
And I will take the stage
And I’ll bang the drum until the dawn
To keep the darkness from your door
Cause I’m your one man band
Yes I’m your one man band
Hey hey
Hey hey
Hey hey
Hey hey
Tell me you can hear my voice
Screaming out into the void
I’m not just another boy making noise
Cause I’m your one man band
Let me sing about the brighter days
A song for you I’ve learnt to play
And I will take the stage
And I’ll beat the drum until the dawn
To keep the darkness from your door
Cause I’m your one man band
Yes I’m your one man band
Yes I’m your one man band
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truearchangel · 2 days
𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀 𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 @shiningxfates 2,317 words / 5 pages / drabble.
   Sometimes, Michael overestimates himself. This wasn’t a thought that ever occurred to him, especially not when this started, but later it will be something he knows for sure. That he is overconfident, self-assured, and even a bit narcissistic in the worst ways. 
   Taking on the role of a Guardian Angel is not something that he does often. In fact, before the most recent charge that he had taken on, he hadn’t had one in several hundred years. Michael is often too busy, has too many responsibilities and is drowned in paperwork to the point he can’t breathe to even consider accepting one. However, there are times where things are quiet and light, where he hears the Department of the Guardian Angels complaining, and he just wants to extend a hand out to help.
   If he has the time, it’s not difficult. 
   That was what he had thought. 
   He takes on what has been labeled as a difficult case. A soul whose fate was supposed to be complicated, who would struggle and fall repeatedly, who would need stronger guidance according to Azrael, according to the Angel of Fate. This soul would drive any Guardian Angel insane and therefore they wanted someone strong to take on the burden of guiding him. Michael, assuming it couldn’t be that hard, agreed. 
   Alexandar was a beautiful little baby boy. 
   The first time he met his charge he was tucked in one of those baby prisons, swaddled up in a red blanket and fast asleep. He was so small, a newborn, and content to just sleep his days away. He had the chubbiest of cheeks, the tiniest of noses and the most content smile on his face that he has ever seen. Michael loved everything about him and he just wanted to scoop him up in his arms and hold him tightly. There was a few days where he gave into that instinct too and held his charge but quickly put him back down when he heard one of Alexandar’s parents heading toward the room. 
   He wasn't trouble for those first few months, when he was far too small to really do anything but lay there. He wasn't difficult to watch over when all he wanted to do was sleep and sometimes stare up at Michael, watch him like he was seeing some otherworldly being which, for all intents and purposes, he actually was. The way that he was enraptured by Michael’s wings and halo was incredibly endearing, he was adorable and his wide eyes were something to really just fall right into. 
   He loved his little charge. The little baby with all the stars in his eyes. The world hanging over him. He had no idea why Azrael thought he would be a difficult soul, there didn’t seem to be anything wrong with him as far as Michael could tell. He was so small, such tiny feet, and large eyes that wanted to take in the entire world. 
   He was perfect. 
   Then he started growing. 
   Human children grow very quickly, Michael realizes. What would take ages decades to mature, they seem to in a single year. It seemed like no time at all before his little charge was capable of walking and being naturally chaotic. He likes to be naked too, constantly taking his pants off and wandering around in just the diaper. They’re very unsteady on their legs, which look like fat little chicken legs. Babies are squishy, he notes, and apparently having imaginary friends isn’t unusual. 
   That is what Michael is, according to Alexandar’s mother. 
   He earns the title Imaginary Friend just one random day. It was funny, actually. They’d been at the table, Alexandar in his highchair and his mother across from him. She had been feeding him something, whatever those ugly jars of yucky baby food were. He kept looking over at Michael, like he wanted him to feed him, and his mother seemed concerned. Only later after talking with a friend she invited over to see her son, labeling him as an imaginary friend. How silly. Though fitting too, he had thought. 
   A friend who couldn’t be seen, or wasn’t supposed to be seen. That was, technically, what a Guardian Angel was. Eventually Michael would fade from Alexandar’s eyes and he’ll seem like nothing more than a passing memory. A feeling of protection, of security, of home. He was fine with that too, because he had to be, the thought his little Charge would no longer be able to see him or marvel at how incredible he looks. 
   Like a morning star. 
   Things get complicated when Alexandar is five. At this point, Michael is reaching the understanding that he needed to start to ease himself out of Alexandar’s life. He needed to let the boy start taking care of things on his own, growing and developing without him. Letting his parents raise him. However… there was the problem. 
   Alexandar’s father was not a good person. He wasn’t bad, necessarily, but he was mean and cruel. Verbally, he never once laid a hand on Alexandar, not yet. If he had, Michael isn’t sure what he would have done but it would have been something. The man might have been eviscerated even if that was wrong for the angel to do, but he might have. Just to protect the little boy that was with him, that was his to safeguard. 
   Every single time Alexandar’s father yells at him and makes the little boy cry, he just feels like he can’t leave him alone. So he continues to put it off, the disappearing and the silent guardian act, so that the child has someone to lean on. So that he can see that face turn to look at him, remember someone is there with him, that he isn't alone and watch some of the fear leave him. He lets the boy crawl into his lap, cling to him, burrow into his arms and neck to hide because he doesn’t want him to feel unloved. He lets him call him Mik-Mik and grab at his wings and halo because it makes that distraught and heartbroken expression go away. 
   Because Alexandar remembers someone is there for him and he can see them. Can feel the reassurance that he’s alright. 
   Then the years drag on and he doesn’t know how to remove himself anymore. 
   Alexandar was seven when he broke his own personal rule for the boy. When he cracked and used his creation magic for the first time. 
   The fight he had heard himself. The raised voices, the cruel words, the panic. He had felt the uptick in Alexandar’s heart in his own body, the petrifying horror at the anger his father was throwing at him, the bone trembling fear that his own flesh and blood might actually hit him. The person who is supposed to love him unconditionally and wholly. 
   Trust and care. 
   The raised voices and the mentally abusive words were ripping his charge apart and when the little boy finally came bursting into his bedroom, Michael caught him around the waist before he could do something reckless. Either climb out the bedroom window or hurt himself, he never knows what the child is actually capable of. He holds him close, gently rubbing his back but this time even the comfort of his Guardian Angel wasn’t doing much to soothe the distraught child. He kicked, screamed, cried in Michae’s hold and he realized he needed a different plan. Even the radio wouldn’t be enough this time. 
   So he turned in the room and paced the length of it before finally making a choice. Adjusting Alexandar in his arms he snapped his fingers and in the space against the wall where a toy box that’s been untouched since he was three was, a brilliant black and red studio piano popped up in its place. For the first time since Lucifer’s fall, he created something. The show of magic froze the child in his hold, Alexandar’s curiosity getting the best of him, and he gazed at it like it was the most fascinating thing in the room. Like he used to look at Michael like, as if there was nothing else in the world that mattered. 
   Adjusting the little boy in his arms he stepped over to it, tugged the bench out and then eased himself down onto it. Placing Alexandar in his lap he reached his hands out and placed them on the keys. Slowly a song started to form, one he had written himself, and the room was enraptured by the radiant song of the music, delicate and light like the early morning rain on flowers. 
   He played and played until Alexandar finally started to relax, until he finally fell asleep in his arms, until the late hours of the evening when he was finally whisked away by his parents for dinner. 
   And that, he realized, was the day he learned he could never fade from his Chargen’s life. He had fallen too far in, he had let his heart get captured, he had let himself get stolen away and there was no undoing that. 
   He had been caught by the little boy who looked at him with the stars in his eyes.
   And Alexandar was far too clever. 
   He had at least started to live in the town, to put some distance between himself and his Charge. It wouldn’t do him any good to constantly grow up with Michael by his side, hovering and he needed some sort of stability of his own too. So he bought an apartment, he took a couple jobs and he tried to be a person. A human. 
   It was a few years at least before Alexandar connected the dots. It was funny, actually, where the boiling point was. When he realized the angel who would hold him on his bed when he was overwhelmed, crying and upset. Who would surround him with his wings and his loving presence was the same person as the local Priest he saw on sundays. 
   He was maybe fifteen when the breaking point happened. Michael had stayed late that Sunday to help the other Priest clean the Church and organize a few things. Father Henry was in the back organizing the storage room and looking for things while Michael was attempting to collect and repair the bibles in the pews. He had most of them and stacking them into different piles, those that needed his attention and those that didn’t. He had known that Alexandar was still in the Church but sometimes people stayed late to pray. 
   He should have realized given the kind of person his Charge was that hadn’t been the case. 
   When it was just the two of them he heard the sound of those dress shoes on the floor, saw the flash of the red coat and he turned his head to the side to look down at the boy who carried a few bibles over toward him. He held them out and Michael took them, holding them in his hands with a gentle smile. He was a good boy, Michael was proud of him. He got into fights, he had some problems at school, he struggled with finding himself but he was good. He loved the piano, he loved the radio and he was so intelligent and bright. Michael did adore him. 
   And then he opened his mouth. “Are you an angel?”” 
   For a long moment he contemplated lying, thought about telling him no. His heart had tightened in his chest, accelerated at the question and then eventually he took a long breath. “I am.” He replied steadily, easily, and the smile on his face softened even more. “I’m your Guardian Angel, Alex. Do you want proof? Why don’t I tell you about the deer you tried to raise once.” 
   Ten years later. 
   “You kidnapped that fucking deer, stashed it in your closet and expected me to be the look out.” Michael waved his arms as he stared at Alexandar across from him, the radio host calmly sitting at his desk and humoring Michael with the occasional small smile. He looked as if he was entirely enraptured by what he was saying even though this was a story that he already knew. The deer he carried home from the forest and stashed in his closet, that he wanted to keep as a pet was a common one that Michael liked to tell. 
   “A deer, Al. A deer. Wild deers are not pets. And this chaotic fawn started eating your shoes in your closet and your mother thought you were intentionally cutting them up because they were ugly. Which they were, I am not denying that but–” 
   The pen Alexandar was using was dropped and the man reached across the table, grabbing Michael by the back of his head and yanking him across his desk. He had to catch himself on the surface of it, nearly ramming the microphone into his chest as he knocked a few papers over in the process. Snapping his golden gaze to the other’s he watched him lean closer and then felt the soft brush of Alexandar’s lips against his own. Gentle at first, questioning if this was fine and then pressure increased when the angel didn’t try to get away. 
   It was nice, soft, and when the other pulled away he swallowed down the golden blush that was threatening to attempt to set him on fire. Taking a deep breath, Michael slowly eased it out and reached his own hand up, fingers slipping beneath the left suspender on his shoulder. He gives it a little tug and bites the inside of his cheek before blinking up at his Charge. “Are you done yet? Let’s go to the hunting lodge. Just you and I. No third party for the gators.” He wants to spend time with him, continue to have this moment that’s just theirs.
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lifesver · 9 days
im like 'what would leland be like in scream' but the answer is he'd just be chad
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dick-meister · 4 months
@lachrymosestorm Continued
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“Oh come on, she’ll be fine. Food in heaven doesn’t have any effect on the body, blah blah blah.” Adam chuckled at the woman, of course everyone knew that. In heaven, you were the best looking of yourself, the image of you that you’ve dreamed of. A stark difference from Hell where sinners were marred with their death mark or transformed into strangely mixed beasts and humanoids.
He would take a seat in the kitchen with the woman, fingers tapping on the table, he was happy Lucy talked so highly of him. “I’m her best friend, huh? She’s a silly girl. I’m very blessed to have her in my life.”
That million dollar smile of his would soon fall a little, eyes looking to the table. He needed guidance, one that only came from a mother. “Elizabeth…“ It was time, she needed to know. “I was the guardian Angel of your daughter and… I failed you. I’m… I’m sorry.” There was hardly any apology that could make up for his mistakes. Her daughter’s soul was forever damned in Hell… He braced himself for a yelling of a lifetime.
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mystalwartheart · 3 months
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Time sure does blow by. An offhand glance at her calendar shows that half a month has happened already, eliciting a disgusted groan.
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The City of Los Angeles moves. That's probably its defining trait: Always moving, always changing, always learning and evolving. It's different from the nonstop hustle and bustle of a town like New York or Tokyo but it's fluid all the same: LA is always trying on different outfits, or trying out something new that's never been done before.
And of course there's her neighborhood of Venice with its constant ebb and flow of tourists, even somewhat in spite of itself. Vacationers check in one day, and check out the next. It's such a commonplace sight it's become background noise to her, and as a local it doesn't typically concern her unless the Boardwalk is totally congested and she needs to get somewhere.
It's different when it's people she knows though: The fleeting nature of time is much easier to discern and the city's beat is much louder then.
She would've liked to spend more time with them...And wishes so many of her vacations didn't turn into Busman's Holidays.
With that thought she puts down her highlighter and spins her chair to look out her window at the beach: The tide comes in as always, and the waves crash and roll back.
Jill admires the view for a time. It really is beautifully picturesque far more often than not, and once again she silently expresses her extreme gratitude at being able to live and work where she does. She hopes her visitors got the chance to experience even just a hint of that life during their stay, and that they're on their way back to their own homes to happier things.
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With that, she spins back around and returns to the case file on her desk.
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ruinedbycatastrophe · 11 months
@writtenxbeginnings liked for a sam starter!
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"So-- Bobby called. Nothing on anything to get you back to your own timeline. I think Dean's finally starting to deal with it but it's just. It's a lot." Sam talks, a small bit of laughter slips from his mouth. Nervous laughter. He swallows, fidgeting with a shirt he was attempting to fold. "Something bad happens to us, doesn't it?"
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myremnantarmy · 1 year
Bless the LORD, all you angels,
you ministers, who do his will.
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tewwor-aaa · 2 years
✧・゚ open | mutuals & non-mutuals ・゚✧
Ideally, Oryn could go about the day without making his presence known. All of the miracles his charge experienced from time to time should be seen as just that – a simple miracle. Not as the doings of some otherworldly force. So the key, he had quickly concluded, was to not be seen. To be heard or felt was something he could work with, but to be seen was basically game fucking over for him.
That was always easier said than done, though.
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No one could have predicted the sudden shift of weather or the explainable onslaught of bone deep dread. One moment things were fine, normal, and the next it was the exact opposite. Dark clouds quickly swept the skies; big, ugly things that crackled and rumbled with malice. Then came the hungry bay of hounds. Except there were no dogs within a ten mile radius.
Urgency seeped into every pore, every nerve, as he thought in haste. There, off in the distance, laid a half dilapidated shack. It looked sturdy enough to withstand a storm, but whether or not it can last the efforts of unseen hounds remained a mystery.
Still, it’s a chance he had to take.
Fingers crammed past his lips, Oryn gave a shrill whistle. The sound of it sliced through the muggy air just for a split second; loud enough to have everyone, and everything, turn their attention towards the ramshackle shelter.
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midnightpsychos · 1 year
🏠 Nate x Jules or Bobby and Vincent
Both, I’m doing both @predatorymaniac
Nate x Jules:
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Jules never thought she’d go to college even after living in the real life version of hell during high school, the room was nice and tidy as Jules eyes wandered over to the other side of the room. It looked like she was sharing a room with a boy, hopefully it would be peaceful instead of nosy because Jules had a rough estimation that every college boy who were freshman loved to party.
Jules had a set career and a set focus on what she wanted to be after college and no one or anything was stopping her from achieving the best grades she could get, she started setting a routine of which she followed but first she wanted to see who her roommate was and let curiosity kill the cat. 
It had not been long until she heard the keys in the room’s door start to move to unlock the door as she could hear a familiar voice through the door but couldn’t quite put a name to the voice type of situation. Jules had cut off contact with almost everyone in high school except for Nate but after the whole incident with Lexi’s play - she wasn’t quite sure where Nate was going.
The dorm door finally opened and Jules felt like fainting - holy shit - it was Nate and he looked different she thought, Jules had had a change in her appearance as well to get away from all the high school drama but seeing Nate made her think that her college life was already ruined.
She was speechless, not a single word could come to her mind except for surprising things to which she didn’t want to admit to him but ended up forcing herself to patch up broken glass for once so she made conversation with the lad. “Nate, hi, been a long time - how have you been?” What the fuck was she saying? Jules already knew the answer to the question and she still asked him, that was stupid of her
Bobby x Vincent:
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Both Bobby and Vincent got into the college that they applied for and it made both brothers’ day. There was a slight chance of them not being roommates but it wasn’t the end of the world - maybe Bobby could make new friends outside of the hospital - Vincent thought due to Bobby’s condition getting worse and worse which meant more hospital trips and majority of the time being spent in the hospital waiting room waiting to see if Bobby would get discharged and he didn’t. 
Luckily the hospital let Bobby go to college and for Vincent to tell the teachers privately why it would take Bobby twice a long to learn stuff as other kids their age and how the teachers need to monitor Bobby’s health as well as telling Vincent or his parents how Bobby has been doing, sadly, that’s what life was like for the boys after receiving the news that they wouldn’t be able to fully move on with their lives until they stopped killing. 
“Right, room 317, get ready to meet your new roommate Vince” He sighed before entering the room to a pitch black room, Vincent didn’t know if anyone was in there or sleeping so he kept his voice down as well as closing the door slowly. He chose the bed closet to the window because he got hot during the night, unpacking some of his belongings - he drew the curtains and heard someone groan.
Maybe that was his roommate getting up, Vincent shrugged and went back to unpacking, he placed a photo of him, Bobby and Alexa on a windowsill since Alexa had to go back home to Australia to deal with some family issues but she’d be back before the semester ends. Vincent turned around to find out that his roommate was actually his brother - Bobby, “why did I have a feeling that you were going to be my roommate? Yes, the odds of us actually being roommates were slim but I feel like the headmaster felt sympathetic towards us” Vincent chuckled before hugging Bobby.
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naivesilver · 2 years
ALSO. Mignon. (didn't see that one coming, did you?) for 45 please :)
No I did NOT see that coming but I appreciate it endlessly 💕💕💕 if this were an actual piece of media Mignon would be a big secondary blorbo and I love her
Spotify wrapped game: send me a number from 1-100, optionally with a ship or character, for a moodboard based on the song it corresponds to!
45. Heart Of My Own - Basia Bulat
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deliveringcandypizza · 2 months
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Meet Margarita Garnish!! A 47 year old angel (seriously) who is a helping hand in Peppinos pizzeria and ex worker of pizzahead!
Hes often seen cleaning the place or helping take people orders for his boss peppino spaghetti!! Hes very...silly- hes very upbeat and excited to do new things or learn new things! Hes very friendly to new people and often sorta seen as a push over because of his kindness
He used to work for pizzahead but kindaaaa..quit since he didn't like pizzahead at all and work was messing with his head. He lived on the streets for a little bit before finding a flyer for peppinos pizzeria and quickly went over to try to get a job since he didn't want to be out on the streets! Margarita got the job and sorta sleeps in the restaurant since he doesnt really have a home anymore- But its better than being out on the streets!!
When peppino went off into the tower to protect his restaurant he told margarits to stay at at the restaurant till he got back!! He sorta..didnt listen since he went into the tower after a few hours past since he was worried about his boss!!
One of the boss fights he does got attacked right in the eye and is partially blind due to it- (probably noise- or doise- idk yet lmao) but he made it to the top and help beat pizzahead and now just chills at the pizzeria and helps with whatever!!
anyways some facts before i talk about antonblast margarita
gender: Bigender!
age: 47!
sexuality/shipping: Open to ships and is panromantic-asexual!
underreadmore is antonblast margarita verse!
Margarita in the antonblast verse is a angel who really has a grudge with satan. He dealt with him multiple times and sorta hates the dudes guts!! He works with brulo at the casino and sortaaaa irritated at everything except brulo so don't be surprised if he easily snaps at you!! He heard that satan was causing problems and went on his way to find anton or annie and help beat satan!! even if the two irritates the heck outta him! Carries a staff with him- He doesnt need no fancy hammer or any big heavy weapon! A whack with the staff is around the same as a whack of antons hammer!
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rcjoice · 16 days
@nearestend liked for a kissy starter!! (part two)
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they haven't been doing this long, the sneaking around. maybe a few weeks. maybe less. maybe more. but a few weeks of secret kisses and private moments had led to this, ashton sitting in the back of her car with her arms around his neck. they're tangled in each other in the back of some parking lot, ashton peppering her jaw and neck with soft kisses. "is this okay?" he always asks, even if she's said yes a hundred times.
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truearchangel · 5 days
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Perhaps it was a little unorthodox but it was a something that was floating around the studio. For that, it stayed on his mind, thinking about how he'd like to spend this evening. The term Sin wasn't anything new to him. His soul was already damned. But the other term for Sin brought color to his cheeks. For that, he waited. The radio host knew the other quite well. The college released him from his duties a little after the radio broadcast was done. Something he was sure Michael set up so they could easily meet up with each other.
He waited outside this time. Normally, he'd be inside finishing up a few details for the next time by the time Michael arrived. That wasn't the case this evening. Eyes lighting up once the person he had been waiting for came into view. The idle chit chat of how their days went and how he got done early.
Once they were a little further away from the commotion, he reached out, taking one of the being's arms and gently pulling him towards him. Eyes staring at him as he smiled softly. "I've been thinking about this all day." His voice was soft, not enough of a whisper, but enough that no one else if around would hear it. "You, all day." He corrected. How does one admit that his coworkers made him think about having someone close to him and just get lost in him? You don't just confess that…
As if Michael was the only thing that mattered to him in this moment, he cupped the left side of Michael's face, tilting it up towards him. Words were hard. He had hoped the actions would say something louder than scaring him away. Please don't scare him away. Leaning down, he gently captured the other's lips with his.
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   Michael is not the Virtue of Patience, nor was he known for having a great deal of it. He has been trying to escape this student for the better part of four hours. That was half of his shift and she was persistent. He had no idea why this girl was taking his class if she had so many issues with the things she was learning. Theology was the study of religion and she was allowed to have questions, she just wasn’t supposed to badger him about them. 
   “But Father,” she starts again and he cuts her off. 
   “Professor, in school.” His hand twisted around the strap of his messenger bag and contemplated dropping her through a portal. He can’t, it’s not right, she’s only human. He might be picking up on some of Alexandar’s tendencies, that wasn’t good. 
   “Professor.” She corrected, spitefully actually, he could hear it in her tone. “There is so much in the bible that doesn’t make sense or is right. Timothy, two-twelve, I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. How can a being who is meant to have unconditional love and view all his creatures as equal believe something like that?” 
   Which… one of his siblings wrote that damn book? Was it Gabriel? No. Azrael? No. Ah, it was Ramiel, wasn’t it? The Angel of Visions. He wasn’t in Heaven anymore, he fell and as far as Michael knew, he wasn’t in Hell either. He was probably dead. Well, that makes sense now. He had fallen in love with a mortal woman, created one of the first Nephilims, but had a rather rotten view of women. 
   This is what happens when God doesn’t actually dictate the things his own children do and instead makes Michael handle it. He hadn’t cared what the bible said, he was a bit stuck mourning his brother at that point.
   There was an odd tugging on his soul, a feeling he was actually familiar with, that had Michael’s head turning away from his student in the direction of the Radio Tower. Oh thank Heaven or just his Charge in general for finishing his own work. Looking for him actually based on the feeling he got. Returning his gaze to the student he offered her a smile. “Excuse me, Liliana, I have a meeting I need to get to. If you have such pressing questions on the bible, why don’t you attend Church? You might learn something.” He does not miss the irritated look and the muttered insult she throws him when he turns away but it hardly mattered when Alexandar was waiting for him. 
   The Radio Tower was a bit further away from the College than the Church and it took him longer than he liked to actually get there. Still, usually at this time he had to head inside to pick up Alexandar still, it was rare he finished in time to wait outside for Michael. From his understanding, after his broadcast, he usually took the time to make notes for the next one or speak to his colleagues. 
   Today was different, off. He hoped it wasn’t because Alexandar was itching for something horrible. 
   When he reached his side he fell in step beside him and started heading away from the Radio Tower. Given how much closer they were to Alexandar’s apartment than his own, he headed in that direction. “You saved me from a rather revolting student. Foul mouth. She called me a, and I quote, Al, a low-down snake in the grass.” He had never heard such an insult. “What does that even mean?” 
   He gets a very short educational lesson on slang terms which was not something he ever thought he would need to learn in the human realm. Apparently her insult implied he was deceitful and of low moral character. Which, frankly, he found incredible rude considering the context of it. If anything, it should have been thrown the other way around. To distract himself from the burn of irritation at that, he inquired on Alexandar’s own day and learned that the secretary had again attempted flirtatious advances on him. 
   Exactly how he worded that too, flirtatious advances, what a ridiculous man. 
   They started to pass an alley he felt his left bicep grasped and turned a confused look up toward his Charge. Feeling himself pulled he easily allowed himself to be guided, led a bit down into the dark and damp alley with only a mild look of worry. Alleys weren’t usually his typical murder spot, he has found Alexandar choking someone out in them before and attempting to kidnap them. It has not happened in broad daylight though and if that is what happened he will get a lecture. 
   Thankfully, his fears proved unneeded as instead of being led to a corpse he was tugged to a stop in front of the radio host. "I've been thinking about this all day." 
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   “What? An alley?” Not his motif if he’s honest. Usually the hunting lodge was that. The murder basement. He actually likes being there, to be honest, when it wasn’t in the context of murdering someone. The place was beautiful, isolated, and the bed in there was so comfortable. 
   And then as if reading the confusion on his face, Alexandar corrected himself. "You, all day."
   He almost wanted to ask in what context but that answer was given physically. 
   In his very long life, Michael has kissed a handful of people. One person more than once, and that relationship had burned when Michael killed them in Heaven. His track record with relationships was short and filled with pain. People tend to not get along with him, he is hard to deal with. 
   Here his own charge was gently touching the side of his face and pressing his lips against Michael’s own. Holding him as if, in that moment, he was truly the only thing that mattered. He’s never felt that from anyone. 
   His heart stuttered in his chest, accelerated as it realized what was happening, and the feeling of want that crashed through him was heavier than anything else. It wasn’t supposed to be like that, nothing about what he had done as Alexandar’s charge was correct. He should have kept his distance, he should have been invisible, he should have silently guided him. He certainly wasn’t supposed to help him drive the stake in his own soul harder toward damnation. But he has. Heavenly Father he has. He’s cleaned up after him, murdered people with him, pushed him closer and closer toward that ridge. 
   He stopped trying to save him and simply accepted him. 
   He’s not supposed to do that. 
   Was the person Alexandar was his fault? Nothing about him repulsed Michael though, not even watching him gouge someone’s eyes out or rip their still beating heart from their chest. He remembers all the little things, the child he watched grow up, the piano that Michael played for him, music he composed for Alexandar, the smile his Charge get’s when he talks about useless things that no one else would care about and his heart beats for him. 
   That’s it. That’s as simple as it was, wasn’t it? At some point his heart just started beating only for him and it didn’t stop. 
   A step forward is taken, Michael backing Alexandar up against the wall behind him and his hands reach up for the other’s face. His fingers slipped into Alexandar’s hair, holding the back of his head and he started to push back into the kiss. He wants him, he wants all of him and whatever he’ll give him. For as long as his mortal life will last, for as long as Heaven will permit him to have this. He knows he’ll lose it eventually, he knows he can’t save this person anymore, and he knows it’s selfish–but just for a little while he wants to grasp onto the one thing that finally makes his heart sing. 
   “I love you.” The words just fall out, whispered back against Alexandar’s lips and that was what caused the panic to actually grip at his chest. He doesn’t pull back, he doesn’t run, but his body certainly froze. 
   He can’t take them back. They are true regardless. 
   So as his fingers tighten in Alexandar's hair, he adds something else. His voice trembling as he forces it out. “I’m sorry.”
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hellsgreatestshow · 2 months
Verse info;
This is an updated post covering all the verses I have. This will be updated as needed for new ships and aus I may add. Under cut for length.
V; rewrite the stars (main) - Generally this will be the main verse and default verse for more of my muses. This verse contains shared lore with @hellsgreatestgame. In this verse Lucifer has expanded hell to contain 9 Rings of hell with the addition of Purgatory which is a dedicated place to souls that can not cross into heaven. It is basically Hell's version of heaven. Hell born with good souls will end up here following death and when angels fall this is a place they can seek refuge that does not have the same struggles as the other rings. The other ring added is called Anguish, this ring is for those deemed irredeemable by the council Lucifer has set in place. Once there they are under domain of the sin of Anguish. This ring is ran by, Alastor. In this verse some muses are in a relationship and are happy which is Lucifer & Rose, Rachael & Alastor, Fizzarolli & Asmodeus and others to come later.
V; dreaming with your eyes wide open (alt. verse) - This verse is the alt. of my main. It is my default with duplicates and other versions that aren't my main verse. This verse all my muses are single.
V; friends on the other sides (human) - This is a complete alternate timeline in which all muses and characters are human. It involves magic, demons and more. It is set in New Orleans in the 1920s following the protagonists Maia & Alastor. A character index can be found here. This is a group verse and many characters are open for those who are interested.
V; tell the people mama told you so (human alt.) - This is a human alternate to the above verse where the Alastor can be a represented by various other versions and duplicates.
V; far beyond the halos and the castles in the sky (deadly sins alt.) - This verse will be for versions of the deadly sins were rings can be ran by other sins, be flipped or include major divergents for the main sins where the sins are not fallen angels.
V; everything's clear now that I'm here with you (ship exclusive) - RadioApple verse where Lucifer is deeply committed to Alastor. The two are working together at the hotel to raise their daughter.
V; dancing in the shadows (ship exclusive) - The reverse of the ship above where the muns write the opposite characters as above. Lucifer & Alastor are in a committed relationship and finding balance the best they can.
V; if you feel so angry just get up and start a RIOT (I.M.P.) - This is my main verse for I.M.P and shares lore with Moxxie & Blitzø. This tag will be mostly for Helluvaboss rps or whenever Millie is included.
V; what hell needs is the VEES to keep it all spinning around (the Vees) - This verse will most be used for Vox or Val when interacting with other members of the Vees. My canon does not have either of my boys romantically involved with Velvette unless we discuss first. They are all equals and need one another. This will also be the main verse for villain Vox.
V; I tell myself this is my custom hell (alt. Vees) - This is the main alt. for when the Vees recruit and add more members of the Vees. This verse tends to include the ship of Velvette & Verosika. This will also be the tag used for when Valentino is killed and/or replaced.
V; Imagination is the limit to the devil's clientele (House of Asmodeus) - This is a verse that follows Angel Dust in the wake of his newfound freedom from Valentino. He has been granted special permission to work for the Sin of Lust as a cabaret performer along side Fizzy. This verse can be used for other performers who work for Ozzie.
V; they wanted heaven from me i gave them hell (guardian angel) - A verse for any of my angels muses taking up the role as a guardian angel for a human. This does no imply romance between the angel and their human. However it does imply a deep relationship that transcends the various planes of existence. There are rules the angels are meant to follow.
V; push your hand upon my neck and feel the pulse (succubus ray) - A special au for my own oc where she was born in hell as a succubus and works for Ozzie. She is a tiny little thing that does not usually do her job well. Every time she returns from earth she brings home a new earthly pet for her collection.
V; drink the poison lightly cause there are deeper and darker things than you (ship exclusive) - Static Dust ship with Angel Dust.
V; I was told that the sex is better than drugs (ship exclusive) - SINphony ship of Ozzie & Ray.
V; God knows your built for sin (ship exclusive) - Radio Blossom ship where Alastor is devoted to Rose.
V; with a record selection and a mirror's reflection (twin verse) - This is for an mirror or duplicate writing between my Alastor and other versions of himself.
V; the stars are shining brightly in the velvet sky (eden) - This verse is for anything before the fall of Lucifer when angels and humans still could co-exist. Many angels roam the earth and can develop connections with Adam & Lilith. this will always be my tag for angel!Lucifer
V; did you fall for a shooting star? one without a permanent scar (ship exclusive) - Apple Lust ship for Lucifer & Ozzie.
V; I'll fix these broken things repair your broken wings (ship exclusive) - Apple Jester ship Lucifer and Fizzarolli.
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