#guess who cant sleep again teehee
cnidarianrui · 9 months
tiny cgo group!!!! they go on playdates at the arcade or at nene's house cause she has a lot of games and they all play games together!!! they could play mario party or mario kart or puyo puyo tetris or minecraft!! and when they get sleepy from playing games they all have a little cuddle pile, including some of the plushies toya wins at the arcade!!!!
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dulharpa · 4 years
this is for hayley! @whistlingwillows a dear friend <3333
it’s meant to be a birthday present haha. i just want to shower you in love;;; so thought maybe i could go through as many of your fics and comment on them :^)))
(TO EVERYONE ELSE: please go to @whistlingwillows blog and read her fics!!! they are SO FCKIN GOOD AND AMAZING AND UGH HER MIND (it’s a lot of mcu and her bucky and steve fics are a*. i DEFINITELY RECOMMEND))
i wish you a VERY happy birthday and i hope we stay friends for many more years <3333333333 
i’m going through your masterlist heehee ;)))
ah first off, nice theme! i never could rlly see it before because i’m always on mobile heehee. also sorry for not reviewing them before??? i don’t usually read fics on tumblr as you’ve probably guessed;;
far from home -  bucky x stark sister!reader
firstly, i like how youre introducing the reader from buckys pov, like you can sort of already gather what shes like from them
‘Bucky can hear Tony’s soft inhale, feel the intensity of the man’s glare directed at Steve. He shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but a twitch of muscle would be enough to alert both men that he’s here. With the amount of tension crackling in the air, a brush against the wall would be equivalent to a thousand cymbals crashing in cacophony.’
IM CRYING ALREADY. the imagery in here is GLORIOUS. your tone here is so fitting! oo and the alliteration here is perfecto
ooooooo!! the backstory coming in  👀👀
‘despite what some people think that Steve and Captain America are two different personas, there will always be parts of Steve in the Avenger, and parts of the Avenger in Steve. They both want to believe in something good. They are, after all, one in the same.// Just as how Bucky and the Winter Soldier are the same man despite everything. HYDRA simply amplified the hate, fertilized the seeds of rage, curated the quiet thunder within his soul, within James Buchanan Barnes so that the Winter Soldier could thrive.’
yIKES! lol this is very character study like! nICE. it hurts tho, my poor children, i love you both 
oo ‘starlight eyes’ that is a very nice way of describing them
‘“Then what was London?” The protesters. “São Paulo?” The earthquake. “Vancouver?” Freezing cold water.//“Look, I care if Stark’s gonna run us over trying to find her. I care enough because she’s part of our team. Come off it, Steve. I know she can take care of herself. I’m gonna take a nap. Dr. Cho said no partying post-Singapore and what do you know, we throw the biggest party ever.’
ooo singapore uwu and london? (coincidence? haha jkjk) and the hints abt reader and buckys background are so good?? but so annoying??? like i just wanna KNOW yknow?? 
‘The water runs copper and the sting bites at his palm as he tries not to think. Tries to focus on the numbing cold that runs over his skin.’ 
your imagery is so vivid?? im actually in awe??? i am so regretful i havent kept reading your fics. like i know they are amazing, i just keep putting them off??? idk man. hopefully this makes up for it (gd tho, im still not done with commenting on one fic. this is what im doing with my motivation teehee ;)
‘ He feels weak. Tired. He wants to go back to bed but he also wants to stay out in the sun for a few hours more. The sun kisses his skin through the windows and he squints against the blue sky, wondering ‘
mood during this quarantine lol
‘“Oh, right.” Your voice is flat, uninterested, cold, as you stare at him. “You killed my parents.”Shit.‘
ooo robin as a nickname noice. very much gives me batman vibes lol
oh! and the way of doing the ‘flashback’ is neat! very original. it both tells us what happened AND buckys reaction to it again. he can re-analyse himself and reader. very cool
‘If you walk away now, don’t bother coming back!” Silence. Bucky can hear his own strained breathing, your soft sigh as you soaked in his ultimatum.’
👀👀 yikes that ultimatum. :// not good bucky. tbf theyre both trying to hurt each other but Yikes
eyy!!! readers pov!! finally! and the switch after we find out the outsiders pov? brilliant
oh no :(( more angst
‘When’s the last time you saw your therapist?”“Don’t have one. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”’ they BOTH need therapists;;;;
very good fic!!! :DD they rlly do hate each other! i definitely like how you went back and forth with the timeline! it gave me a v strong idea on what yn was like even before we rlly got introduced. i am now very curious on where reader is? i love your characterisations! 
i will read the 10k+ fics but heck the last one took me ages lolol (i will comment in the future tho!! i promise <3 ) (that took me over an hour jjhghgdjh)
slipping away- amnesiac modern bucky x reader
‘ Put your fucking seatbelt on’
oh no, istg theyre going to have a car crash arent they (’ doesn’t put the seatbelt on to spite you.’ NO PLEASE PUT IT ON U DUMBASS)
ok,,,,, at LEAST he put it on before he got hit, thank heck. but still. youre so cruel to your poor characters lmaoo
oh gosh
‘You fall apart slowly, like pieces of you peeling away until you’re nothing more than your broken heart. The sobs that wrack your body are relentless and you shove your forearm into your mouth to muffle your cries. You want to bite into your skin. You want to distract yourself from the agony tearing you to shreds. You want to feel anything but the pain.///Tears sweep into your hair, cloud your vision and your whole face floods with heat as you try to breathe through the pain. You’re cleaved into pieces on that bed, eyes squeezed shut as the tears keep flowing, and your throat burns’
this hurts damn, it is so vivid?? i can really feel it 
i am so glad you got into writing yk?? so glad
NO PLS, TELL HIM. TELL HIM :((( ‘shes nice once you get to know her?? shes known nat for years now!! years!!
oh god ‘he looks younger without the burden of your time together’ this is so angsty omg
‘Well, he was stumbling through his apology and I just let him finish.” Your body fills with warmth as you remember his embarrassed smile, the way he shoved his baseball cap farther down his head, chin tucked to his chest, trying to hide that face. “When he was done, I opened my mouth to say something polite but what came out was ‘You look like someone I’d very much like to kiss’.”
this is so soft i stg im crying in the club
OH SHITTTTTTTTTTT , you left it off like that!!! thats so cruel!!!! i can’t!!! how dare you!!!! :””””””((( im typing this with tears in my eyes ill have u know!!
anyway!!! very good fic!! you could honestly make that into a longfic very easily lol. i felt too many emotions :(( 
i was just about to say where is the fluff!! where is it!! when i saw the next one and yay :))) pls i cant have more angsty stuff rn
cookies and rings and things bucky and reader
‘how much do you love me?’ ‘count the snowflakes, multiply by a million’
did you have to start the fic off with such a SOFT line? its so soft! so TENDER 
‘He wonders what kinda insane person wears socks without any clothes on, but then decides that it’s the kind of person who’s fallen in love with him.’  jesus, the soft moments filled with love are the greatest <3
you can write fluff so well, whyd you have to pain me with all that angst ;””””) (1/10 hurt, 9/10 comfort is the way to go lolol) (jkjk ill read the angsty ones too when i have the spoons) (gonna reread that hydra steve one and ik thatll fuck me UP)
‘ Then, he can feel the cold metal of the ring she slid onto her own finger less than twenty-four hours ago and realizes that he had thought a lot of things shouldn’t be possible, and yet they still are. ‘
you literally brought me to tears reading this softness, you have truly found my weakness
‘ She’s so damn gorgeous with flour on her face and eye bags beneath her eyes that he’s sure she will inevitably make his heart burst ‘
he already likes her so much! i can’t believe this is affecting me so much :’)
‘Bucky is quite sure Sam is in love with his girlfriend in the fact that he’s in love with the fact that his girlfriend is possibly in love with Bucky’
this is so soft??? sam loves reader bc reader loves bucky sm. pls my hear <3333
you do fluff SO WELL DAMN 
‘F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s voice echoes in his small little perch and he still thinks it’s weird without having the side effect of Stark in his suit chasing after him to hear the A.I. but he shoves that uncomfortable feeling of the dead man out of his head. That is too much regret to unpack right now on a mission. ‘
yike bringing back that reminder oof
but thats so soft??? (i am def overusing soft but,,,,, i love it and the vibe) she sent him cookies! god i can feel the love  
‘She expresses her feelings through cooking, which Bucky has learnt the hard way. One time, they got into an argument over something stupid—he can’t even remember what started it—and came to the kitchen at 2AM to see her sitting at the kitchen island crying her eyes out and surrounded by baskets of muffins.’
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 my hEART
you show how much they love each other in so many ways??? i am dying
“Alright, I like it.” Rolling his eyes, he pecks her forehead and she smiles victoriously. It’s so adorable that Bucky, with less than three hours of sleep, adds, “God, I want to marry you.//”“What?”//Oh.Shit.
oh my god! i am literally tearing up!!! AGAIN!!!!!!!!
oh shit o am literally crying
your fluff got me crying harder than your angst i hope youre happy
I really hope you enjoy reading this?? i keep forgetting to like text you but i wanted to do something for your birthday. especially in quarantine when everythings gone crazy. one year i swear ill do something REALLY good for you. not making promises bc i hate if i dont. but ill like, learn how to podfic because you D E S E R V E  I T 
ive spent like three hours doing this lolol 
thank you so much for everything hayley!
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Ava: of course!! We'll start writing it after we finish the one we're doing now:)
Okay so it's the next summer and the first day on camp
Nerris: *runs off the bus* HI DAVID!
David: why hello Nerris! Glad to see you here again! Everyone is in the mess all!
Nerris: alrighty thanks! *runs into the mess hall*
Harrison: *is straight up vibin*
Harrison: Hello Nerris!!
Nerris: *runs up to him and hugs him* HIIIII
Harrison: Hey!! *hug yummy* How was your year?
Nerris: oh it was great! I went to Harry Potter world with my parents and got so many wands and capes!
Harrison: That’s awesome!! I didn’t, uh do much with my parents.
Nerris: well um- I missed you!!
Harrison: i missed you too!!
Nerris: *sits next to him* so, did ya do anything for Christmas? *v happy*
Harrison: uhh not really-
Nerris: well you're always welcome to come over my house whenever ya want! *swinging her legs*
David: wow Gwen, harrison and nerris are getting along this year! Isnt that great?
Gwen: yeah, sure. they’re into eachother, though
David: I know you're into trash tv but dont go around shipping our campers!
Gwen: David how stupid are you? Can you not s e e
David: what? They're having a friendly conversation!
Gwen: David come ON- look at them!
David: they arent holding hands or kissing!
Gwen: Okay, well, here’s a shock, you don’t always have to do that to be in love
David: l-love? They're just kids!
Gwen: Oh come ON did you not have crushes as a kid?
David: well- we dont talk about that Gwen! They're probably just really good friends- I guess friends stare at the other person like they're in love- oh my gosh they are! Or at least Harrison is
Gwen: What do you me we don’t talk about that- see you agree with me now!
David: I think Harrison has a thing for her but nerris doesbt have a thing for him- she always ends up fighting with him
Gwen: David you have never been with a girl, have you? That’s how girls hide their FEELINGS
David: no I havent but that's not important! So she hides her feelings by telling him he sucks?
Gwen: ugh you make it sound like you like guys- yes david that is what i am trying to ge through your head
David: oooo I'm gonna make this be their best summer yet *walks up to them* hello guys! So I'm giving out rent information and you and Harrison will be sharing a tent this year! *walks back to Gwen* bam!
Gwen: oh sweet jesus- okay, i’m out this is out of my control now. peace *goes to councilorlrorleoldleldosrs cabin casually*
Nerris: oh yay! Let's go set up our beds! *runs outside to the tents*
Harrison: *S p e e d s to nerris*
Nerris: okay which side do you want buddy!
Harrison: Uh, the left?
Nerris: okay! *throws all her D&D blankets on the bed* ah home sweet home
Harrison: *vibes onto his bed*
Nerris: this may seem like a stupid question, but are ya still doing magic camp this year?
Harrison: Yeah, I haven’t been able to bring my brother back yet *a wkward laugh :”)*
Nerris: *hugs him* I know I'll probably end up yelling at you about something later but you can always talk about it whenever you want if you need to. I'm here
Harrison: Awww!! Thank you Nerris!!
Nerris: oh uh- you're welcome!
Harrison: *h u g*
Nerris: oh- *hugs him back bc shes nerris*
Harrison: *:))))*
Nerris: so, show me your newest trick! Unless you're addicted to hugs *giggles*
Harrison: Oh!! Ok!! *boop capowie flowers magic pew pew* Flowers for you, my lady
Nerris: *red* that was amazing! *claps*
Harrison: I know, right!
Nerris: Imma go get a vase from Gwen for the flowers! *runs to the cabin with the flowers* hey gwen, do have a vase by any chance?
Gwen: uhhh, there might be some in the kitchen. why?
Nerris: *shows her the flowers* Harrison did a new magic trick and gave me flowers!
Gwen: oh wow! that’s nice.
Nerris: yeah! *gets a vase from the kitchen and runs back to their tent* bam, vase
Harrison: Wow okay!! Do you have any new things to show me?
Nerris: yesyesyes!! I got new D&D dice!! *takes out the bag and puts them in her hands* it's even better because me and my dad made them!
Harrison: Oh wow!!! That’s super cool!!
Nerris: I also got a new wand but it was "too big" according to my mom so I couldn't being it *:(*
Harrison: Oh no, you can have one of mine if you want!
Nerris: oh my god really?! Thankyouthankyouthankyou- *hug*
Harrison: *hug :D*
Nerris: it's getting late...do we sleep or be rebels!
Harrison: let’s be rebels!
Nerris: ooooo Harrison the bad boy! *pats a spot next to her on her bed* I brought my tablet teehee
Harrison: *l e a p s onto Nerris’s bed* how rebellious!!
Nerris: you've never stayed up, have you?
Harrison: uhhh, no not really
-after they'd been watching videos for awhile-
Nerris: *rests her head on Harrisons shoulder*
Harrison: *has his arm around Nerris 😳😳*
Nerris: *yawns* I'm tired Harrison...
Harrison: go to sleep!
Nerris: but arent you gonna sleep in your bed? I dont wanna fall asleep on you *sleepy giggles??*
Harrison: you can fall asleep on me if you want *teehee giggle*
Nerris: *sleep*
Harrison: *😳😳* goodnight then- *kisses nerris’s head and goes to sleep ahahahaha*
-3 am-
Nerris: *wakes up* huh... oh- *v red*
Harrison: *sleeps shyly*
Nerris: *cuddles Harrison bc crush*
Harrison: *AWAKENS* huh- oh god-
Nerris: *pretends to be sleeping*
Harrison: uh, *speeds over to his bed and sleeps there bc 😳*
Nerris: *sleep*
Time: it is day kachow
Harrison: *sleep tiem*
Nerris: ugh Harrison wake up I'm boredddddd
Harrison: *SLEEPING*
Nerris: *jumps on him* WAKE UPPPP
Nerris: oh goodmorning!
Harrison: Hi nerris-
Nerris: hi Harrison! *smiles at him*
Harrison: *:D*
Nerris: *pulls him up but now shes like sitting in his lap😳* so what do ya wanna do today?
Harrison: Uhh, we could see what the rest of the camp is doing? *😳😳*
Nerris: alrighty! *runs out of the tent* meet ya there!
Harrison: *😳😳😳* *speeds out*
-at lunch-
Nerris: *chilling with her food*
Harrison: *w a l k s over to nerris* Hi Nerris!
Nerris: oh hey Harrison!
Harrison: Could I uh, sit next to you?
Nerris: uh yeah I guess
Harrison: Thanks, *s i t* so, how are you?
Nerris: I'm good?
Harrison: cool cool cool *😳😳😳😳*
Nerris: why the hell are you so red? And sweaty? Sick people shouldnt be at camp and you look pretty sick to me *grossed out expression*
Harrison: Hey I’m not sick! You’re the sick one! *😳😳😡😡*
Nerris: Mhm, I dont think my face could even get as red as yours magic boy
Harrison: Oh really? I’ll make it go red with magic
Nerris: still wont be real. Your magic cant do anything against me, it's all silly old tricks *crosses her arms*
Harrison: Your “magic” is just rolling stupid dice and then yelling about it!
Nerris: *holding back tears and walks out of the hall*
Harrison: oh shoot- *regrets all his life choices*
Nerris: *sitting in the tent talking to herself while holding the dice* hes right, you're just stupid dice! You dont do anything! You're worthless! You dont make anything better! You suck nerris! I hate you!- *breaks down*
Harrison: *sp e eds to the tent* Nerris- nerris i’m so so so sorry i honestly didn’t mean it i was just confused and i feel bad and i’m so sorry-
Nerris: no it's fine. You're right. My "magic" isnt even magic, its stupid! They're just a game board a dice! *takes off her hat and cape* it's stupid.
Harrison: nerris- come on, please- it isn’t stupid! it’s really really cool!!
Nerris: that's not what you said a couple minutes ago, is it Harrison?! You called it stupid! If it's really really cool, why didnt you say that? And you werent confused, we've been fighting since the day we met, and you know that.
Harrison: Nerris come on, i really didn’t mean it. If we’re using that logic, then my magic is stupid too. *throws his h a t on the FLOOR* now we both feel stupid, how about that?
Nerris: i-..*hugs him sobbing*
Harrison: hey, uh, it’s okay, don’t cry- *hugs nerris sadly and shyly 👉👈*
Nerris: i- I'm s-sorry * still crying😳*
Harrison: I’m the one who should be sorry, I took it too far. It’s okay, don’t worry about it *pat pat*
Nerris: thank you Harrison *smiles at him and kisses him on the cheek*
Harrison: *😳😳😳😳😳* uhhh, yeah, no p-problem
Nerris: damn you blush easily *giggles*
Harrison: you make it easy to *😳😳*
Nerris: *😳* shut up
Harrison: ha, whos blushing easily now? *picks up nerris’s c a p and c a p e* i believe these belong to you, my lady?
Nerris: *picks up his hat and puts it on his head* there you go my good sir
Harrison: I’m sorry about what i said earlier, that was too much
Nerris: *holds his hands* it's okay Harrison
Harrison: *blushes shyly and cutely* yeah, i guess
Nerris: I'm serious. It's okay. And I'm sorry too, I swear I didnt mean anything. I have to make it up to you- I'll do anything *smiles at him*
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write streddie being soft uwu
Stan: *is doing a puzzle like a quirky kid*
Richie: *is trying to help at said puzzle but failing*
Eddie: Richie you just took my piece!!
Richie: Well it was in the wrong spot!!
Stan: *doesnt pay attention bc P U Z Z L E Y U M Y U M*
Eddie: what do you mean?! It fit into the other ones!!!
Richie: No it didn’t!!
Stan: *almost finishes puzzle yum yum*
Eddie: DEAR LORD- IM SORRY STANLEY BUT THIS IDIOT DOESNT KNOW HOW PUZZLES WORK....but it looks very nice to *smiley boye and kisses his forehead*
Richie: *>:(* Edward bullies me
Stan: *finished puzzle :D* Look it’s done!!!
Eddie: awe that looks very nice Stanley!! And Richie you know I love you to death *kiss*
Richie: I feel unloved- let’s watch a movie, boyfriends
Stan: Can we watch a scary one?
Eddie: I swear you two hate me sometimes- *sits on the couch*
Stan: Nooooo *also sits on the couch* *cuddle part 1*
Richie: Eddie is literally a bully *sits next to edward* *leeches to boyfriends part 1 and 2*
Eddie: you guys know I hate scary movies! Last time I peed myself!!
Stan: It wasn’t even a scary movie-
Richie: It was scooby doo
Eddie: *crosses his arms* and?
Stan: You could just not watch the movie with us?
Richie: *puts on the hip movie uhh poltergeist yeah lmao that’s scary*
Eddie: okay peace out! *runs to his room*
Time: kachow
Richie: EDWARD
Stan: Eddieeeeeee
Eddie: *is sleeping in the other room*
Stan: *finds the b0y* *:0* *sits next to eduardo* *Q U I E T*
Richie: *:0 part 2* *plays with edward’s hair oop* *Q U I E T*
Eddie: *wakes up but is v v v tired* oh hi guys *yawn*
Richie: aloha *continues to play with edwards hair*
Stan: *stan* hi
Eddie: *is like half asleep* you know I love you guys
Stan: *uwu* *leeches to the eduardo* yeah we know
Richie: we love you too, dork
Eddie: *hugs the Stan and falls back asleep*
Stan: *sleep oclock*
Richie: *sleep oclock part 2*
Time: kachow
Rain: kapow
Eddie: *wakes up and it's dark out* Stanny?
Stan: *sl33p*
Eddie: hhhhhhh *sits up but cannot bc thy Roach*
Thunder: KACHOW
Eddie: *screams bc of thy thunder*
Richie: *literally falls* FUCK
Stan: *awakens* What-??
Eddie: sorry guys- I'm not the best with thunder storms-
Thunder & Lightning: A
Richie: *roach* *hugs edward*
Stan: *hugs edward part 2*
Eddie: you guys are gonna suffocate me *giggly boye*
Richie: good *teehee giggly boye part 2*
Stan: noooo!! *giggly boye part 3*
Eddie: wow thanks Richie *kiss uwu*
Richie: yeahhh i’m tired- *sleep lmao* *also leech tho*
Stan: *pat* it’s really late
Thunder: ahaha H
Eddie: I know...I'll try to sleep
Stan: good! *kiss úwù* i’m going to sleep *sleep oclock*
Eddie: *falls asleep cuddling the Stan*
Morning: peenids
Stan: *sleep sleep sleep*
Richie: *sleep sleep sleep*
Eddie: *is in the kitchen making breakfast* richie! Stanley!! Breakfast!!
Richie: *aWAKENS* F00D *falls into the kitchen ouchies* ouch
Stan: *awakens* *walks like a NORMAL PERSON* i’m tired *stan*
Eddie: *runs over to Richie* are you okay?
Richie: probably *ouchie there’s a bruise on his arm lmao* *s t an d*
Stan: you’re such an idiot
Eddie: yeah but he's our idiot *hugs the Richie from the side*
Richie: *kisses the edward uwu* thank you both for calling me an idiot
Stan: *hugs the b0yfriends* no problem idiot
Eddie: I love you guys so much but GOD DAMMIT THE EGGS ARE BURNT
Richie: you look like a burnt egg
Eddie: sit down on the couch or something- I'll have to remake breakfast
Stan: Alright *sits on the couch*
Richie: okay my guy *sits on the stan*
Eddie: Richie- you're going to crush Stan
Richie: too BAD
Stan: iM FINE-!
Eddie: I'm still confused about how you two like each other
Richie: *DRAMATIC GASP* Excuse you Stan loves me!
Stan: I do that’s a fact right there
Eddie: I'm so offended
Stan: Dont burn the house down, Eddie
Richie: *l33ch*
Eddie: I won't burn the house down, breakfast is done! Come eat before it gets cold
Richie: *l e a p s off stan and goes to the kitchen 😔👊*
Stan: *stans into the kitchen*
Eddie: *gets his own breakfast and sits on the couch*
Richie: *gets f00d and sits on the coffee table*
Stan: *gets f00d and sits next to edward* Rich, what the hell are you doing
Eddie: richie what the actual hell- *picks him up and puts him on the couch*
Richie: nooooo *goes back on the coffee table*
Stan: right, okay- can we go to the zoo today?? i want to see the bIRDS
Eddie: sure Stan- we can go see the birds
Stan: cool!!
Richie: can we get food there teehee
Eddie: sure Richie! And Stan I cant wait to Christmas so like *gives him a pet bird*
Richie: thats a sexy bird- where the fuck did you get money, Eds?
Eddie: I've been saving it up!
Richie: nice job, my guy
Stan: *birdbirdbirdbird* *:D*
Eddie: *kisses the Stan*
Stan: *kisses the edward*
Richie: ewww get a room
Eddie: you guys have literally made out on front of me before
Stan: you WATCHED??
Richie: ewwww eddie watches porn
Eddie: what!? No! I was watching tv
Stan: how did you know then?? we were like- in the other room??
Richie: no we weren’t dumbass
Eddie: it seems like every time I kiss one of you and other one makes fun of me!
Richie: calm yourself my guy *kisses the edward owo*
Stan: what he said minus the my guy part *kisses the edward after roach*
Eddie: hhhhhhhhhh *hugs the roach from the side*
Richie: *leeches to the edward* your hair is soft
Stan: include me you dorks *also leeches*
Eddie: watch me fall asleep again-
Stan: you better not because then I’ll fall asleep
Richie: and I’d get time alone and who wants that ew
Eddie: *yawns*
Richie: *kisses the edward’s forehead* wow what a cutie
Stan: I know right?
Eddie: stop it *hides under a blanket*
Stan: noooo come back *s natches edward*
Richie: *:(*
Eddie: *is in the Stans lap now*
Richie: *kisses the stanley and the edward*
Stan: *hugs the b0ys*
Eddie: *kisses the Stan for like 2 minutes*
Stan: *O W O* *y e e h a w*
Richie: gET A ROOOOM
Stan: *red intensifies* i don’t know-
Richie: HAHA GAY
Eddie: *v v v v v red boye* i-
Richie: you two are cowards, if i was in stan’s position right now you’d have to go to the doctor from all the bruises
Eddie: R-ICHIE)!!-
Richie: I’m just telling the truth
Stan: *red x28338383*
Eddie: *yeehaw to the Stan* I'm sorry-
Stan: *AHHH* *R E D*
Richie: god get a room this is classified as porn
Eddie: oh shush Rich *kiss uwu*
Richie: *Y E E H A W BR O* rekt amirite
Stan: *dYing*
Eddie: Richieeeeeee *hides and hugs him*
Richie: *hugs the stanley and the edward* you two are nerds
Stan: *red flavor*
Eddie: *cuddles up to the Richie* cold
Richie: *plays with eduardo’s hair heehaw*
Stan: *sleeps bc this is too much red is bad*
Eddie: *falls asleep with the Stan*
Richie: *also sleep heehee*
Phone: kachow my guy
Stan: ughhh *awakens to answer the phone*
Eddie: Stanny what's wrong?
Stan: shhhh phone call *answer phone* oh hi *phone talk*
Eddie: okay...*goes back to sleep*
Stan: *phone talk for an hour wtf* ok bye *phone hang up* *lays back down with the b0yfriends*
Eddie: Stanleyyyyyyy *lays on top of him*
Stan: oh- hi- *holds the edward and the roach’s hands bc owo*
Richie: *probably fuckimg— hibernating*
Eddie: *gives him a kiss but he's like v tired*
Stan: I’m tired bbbye *sleep oclock*
Eddie: *falls asleep on the Stan*
Later o’clock: hola
Richie: *awakens to make a grilled chhhheese*
Stan: *sleep?*
Eddie: *still sleep on stan*
Richie: *sits next to the b0ys and eat a good and cool sandwich* *uwu energy*
Stan: *aWAKENS*
Eddipe: *nuzzles the stan in his sleepp*
Stan: *pat pat* what time is it?
Richie: how should i know? we slept all day though, it’s dark again
Eddie: *wakes up but is very sleepy* huh
Richie: *s andwich* look who finally woke up
Stan: *quiet clapping*
Eddie: oh shush *nuzzle uwu*
Richie: *cough cough* gAy *cough cough*
Stan: you’re literally our boyfriend shut up
Eddie: I'll attack you with affection young man *jump on the rouch*
Richie: OH SHIT *falls over ouch* *giggly boye teehee*
Stan: *witnesses*
Eddie: *is on top of the roach behind the couch*
Richie: wow this is pretty gay
Eddie: oh so you don't like me being on top of you?
Richie: no, i’d rather be on top of you *teehee kiss owo*
Eddie: *big blush man*
Richie: *yeehaw x22*
Eddie: Stan helppppppppppp
Bev: *walks in* OH JEEZ
Stan: Hi bev- theyre fucking don’t mind them
Richie: nO WE ARENT
Eddie: *runs and jumps on Bev* HI BEV
Richie: shit dude don’t do that *stAnds*
Stan: nooooo
Bev: oh- I came over here to ask you guys if you wanted to come to the mall with me! I got my driver's license very early for some reason but yeah!
Stan: Oh sure!!
Richie: bro the fuckimg mALL?
Bev: yes the mall idiot!! Okay who wants to carry this thing *points to eddie*
Richie: I don’t know I think he should walk beside the car, honestly
Stan: hmmm maybe
Eddie: wow yall are so nice
Stan: oh shut up we love you
Richie: accurate
Eddie: *puts on his purse (bev got him it) and runs out the door* GET IN LOSERS WE'RE GOING SHOPPING!!
Richie: what the hell why
Stan: uHHHH
Stan: oh god- *car*
Richie: fucking christ *car*
-at the mall-
Bev: i dont know- Hooters?
Richie: I’m gay
Stan: I’m also gay
Bev: Yeah okay but they have good wings-
Eddie: oh I have a friend that works here! We can get free wings
Richie: is it your mom? i want to see her working at hooters
Stan: no what the fuck rich
Eddie: Richie-!!
Richie: what i’m just telling the truth
Stan: oh my god
Eddie: *holds Stans hand*
Stan: *:D*
Richie: *insect*
Eddie: *kisses the Stans cheek*
Homophobic couple: we. That's just not right! You boys are way too young
Stan: *>:”0*
Richie: eXCUSE YOU don’t INSULT my BOYFRIENDS *>:(*
Homophobic couple: there's 3 of you?? A couple is only 2 people, a boy and a girl! And that short one already looks like a girl so I guess it's fine
Richie: I will fuckign fight you *>:(*
Stan: no richie calm down *holds back the roach lmao*
Stan: Richard calm yourself good lord
Homophobic couple: ugh whatever *pushes the Eddie and walks away*
Eddie: oh well *flips his imaginary long hair*
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softhaos · 6 years
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fellas, as of today – jan 14th 2019 – softhaos has turned one year old!! honestly, i never expected to last this long?? over the past year, i’ve gone through many ups and downs, made close mutuals, received so much emotional support from all kinds of people on this site and overall, i’m so thankful that i pulled my shit together and joined the community on tumblr! 
i still remember clearly when i first started out with this blog and posted the neighbor aus and got SO much support for it?? like?? i never thought it’d come this far where i could touch readers’ hearts with my word vomits?? that’s just insane. and even if you don’t read my works yet still follow me: wow, i’m so grateful that you managed to cope with my bullshit – be it from my undying hatred towards pcy and kmg, me abusing the uwuwuwu or my personal thoughts.
in other words, this is my message directed to everyone: thank you for keeping up with my bullshit uwu
now on to the part where i thank specific people for making my existence on this site more bearable,, i’ve left a message for everyone i tagged (i would’ve tagged literally everyone but i’m a stressed student i am so sorry if i forgot you kjldl and i would feel bad if i didn’t leave a note to everyone i tagged) and the list is in alphabetical order! @ anons i also left notes from you at the very bottom.
@baekberrie 💌 even though we just talked once literally two days ago thanks to my clumsy ass sending you an accidental ask, i’m so glad i actually did. pola (okay i got this from your about page im sorry kljsdl) you’re an amazing, kind and talented soul with whom i could’ve talked hours about soft bbh if it weren’t for my tiredness. i’ve only read your junmyeon oneshot so far but trust me, i’ll get to that cuddling fic with baek real soon once i’ve got more time uwu you’re honestly a talented writer and i hope we get to talk more in the future!
@baekbuns 💌 i’ve known you for how many days already you anon thot and i really can’t believe that i was vv intimidated by you at first (not gonna lie, you still scream bde but that’s another story-) hope, despite you trying to steal pretty much everyone from anyone, it’s still very fun to fight talk with you and you’re also an excellent writer uwuwuwu i am still very attacked by the thought of bartender yixing one day I WILL SUE YOU ALONG WITH PCY
@baekwell--tart 💌 bella!!!! ngl i’m still very pissed at myself for not realizing you from your old url but i’m glad i found you again!! (did i find you again? idk anymore i suffer from short term memory but i hope i got my point across sdjlkj) you’re such a warmhearted person and i’m really grateful that i got to know you. however, you’re also a funny person and that also shows in your writing - istg one day i will probably have “perpetual boredom” tattooed on my forehead don’t ask why that description of sehun will NEVER fail to make me chuckle!! you deserve all the love and happiness in the world and so much more uwu
@boosoonhao 💌 i know i keep repeating myself when it comes to you aj, but i really have no idea what else to say. i wrote it in the letter, i expressed myself way too often in the tags whenever i reblog your works, yet here i am doing it again (and maybe even more exaggerated than usual, we’ll see): aj, you are one of the most talented writers i’ve ever known and one of the greatest blessings in the community. there, i said it and i mean it! you are one of the very few i know that doesn’t shy away from fantasy-ish aus and executes them brilliantly. the way you have with your words is just fascinating and i find myself sometimes jotting down what you wrote for future references? but writing skills aside, you are a beautiful and kind person and up to this day the key chain you sent me is still intact. aj, thank you for blessing me, blessing everyone with your talent and general existence. 
@byuncaa 💌 bianca you smol soft bean you have my heart right there and though we don’t know each other for so long, i hope we get to talk more in the future uwu you’re such a cute soul gaaah it really makes me wanna send you all the soft memes i possibly own anywaY i hope you just stay as bubbly and bright and adorable as you are uwu
@cafechenle 💌 hani, kaito kid, i don’t know whether you’re still alive on tumblr or not but idc i’m still writing this to you anyway. you’re one of the first people i’ve met on this site and gOD i remember it as clear as day where i was so close to blocking you within the first few minutes of knowing you. yes, i’m talking about the entire mansae chan era discourse. anyway, we don’t talk as much but i hope you’re doing fine my wee lil silver boys supremacist!!
@changbeanbag 💌 landon, we literally just met yesterday but as you can see, i don’t care and i’m writing you a wee lil note anyway. you, my dude, radiate uwu energy and ngl i may have squealed when i saw your tags in the ask i sent you teehee - i hope we get to talk more in the future (that is, if school hasn’t killed me until then-)
@changbiinn 💌 kirra, you beautiful, blue haired visual goddess who has everyone else (including jisung yES I WENT THAT FAR) looking like a mere smurf and found dead in a ditch! i didn’t think i’d get an instant dm from that one inkigayo shitpost but you went ahead and proved me wrong sjljlks timezones fuck me up all the time but nonetheless i hope we get to interact a lil more and gET ENOUGH SLEEP OR ELSE
@cheolsjigyu 💌 MISS VAN NO I DID NOT FORGET YOU HEAR ME OUT. first of all, how could i forget you when you provided me all the great twt aus and the wild chats we had back in?? sometime early last year i guess. it’s been a very long time since we talked and i’m sorry i couldn’t reach out to you any time sooner due to school and the usual stuff (also, uh, i’m not the biggest friend of tumblr dms and barely check any messages there so there’s that too) believe it or not i still wheeze whenever i think of your fic swing baby because goddamnit that jyp song was one repeat for a good week. anyway, i hope you’ve been doing well and are not at the brink of near death like me uwu
@cherryxiu 💌 gran, frank, satan incarnate, whatever else i call you. you may fuck me up with the pcy i’ve never asked for but i hope you know you have a soft spot in my heart (i’ll never say that out loud again tho so see it as a one of a time thing). you’re my fav minseok stan and while i wouldn't necessarily jump off a cliff for you, i’d jump with you uwu anyway, aggressively refrain from sending me more pcy content i’m just trying to live an easy life here. but knowing you, you’ll definitely pretend as if that last part was never written so why do i even bother-
@chillihansol 💌 hanni my child!!! i hope you’re doing fine, aren’t as stressed anymore and have received the love you deserve and more!!! i still remember when i was highkey intimidated by you so i went on anon but then somehow you were startled by my lil threat and then i became your mom anon? funny that has changed over the time skldj hanni, i don’t regret ever going on anon for you and you’re an amazingly talented writer. i already said it once but i’ll say it again: guns n roses was the first svt fic i read on tumblr and just thank you for creating that piece uwu
@choco-seventeen 💌 miss choco, i almost tumbled down the nonexistent stairs in my apartment when i saw you ??? sliding into my dms ??? and then reading my word vomits ??? and then you followed me ??? and everything that followed after ??? i don’t know what in the world i did to have you notice me and up to today it remains a mystery to me ngl. we love a talented, kindhearted, fantastic, stunning, visual writing queen who is ofc the right person to love thanks to the avatar discourse she started!!! choco, keep on enlightening everyone’s life with your mere existence, the tags you put in your reblogs that make me smile and of course, wonderful stories <33
@custardheart 💌 taylor, i don’t think we have ever talked (unless you approached me on anon maybe then maybe yes??) but i just wanted to thank you for blessing my notifications. you’ve been supporting me / on my notifs for quite a long time - may i say you’re like one of the first followers i had when i first started out? THAT’S how long you’ve been here already and i can’t thank you enough <333 (please don’t ask me why i know that but goddamn every time i see that jeonghan profile picture i already know it’s you djklj)
@dinoshaur 💌 sha! lee! i know we barely talk to each other but i just wanted to use this opportunity to thank you for making some of my days with your astounding fics!! one of my favorite works from you will always be “flower crown prince” because you have NO idea how much i struggle with finding seungkwan fics dkkjljlk i’m sorry i didn’t submit anything for the lfw challenge i really tried to make it but you know, life problems happened whoops. i wish you all the happiness and inspiration and love from chan himself you gifted angel uwu
@forevershua 💌 dear fossil mother ryan, i can’t believe i internally pronounced your name wrongly for pretty much half a year knowing you. please forgive me. okay, but all seriousness aside, you’re one of the closest people from this site!! i really love you so so much though i can’t guarantee that i love you as much as you love jeonghan more than shua; i still shed tears whenever i pull out your two postcards - especially the minghao one; i think i suffered from mild heart palpitations when i got it in the mail (and still do). i hope we get to meet this year and possibly clown rat together and just stay the somewhat sane person left in the gc <33 p.s HOW DO YOU FUNCTION WITHOUT A FRIDGE I STILL CANT BELIEVE THAT
@gamerwoo 💌 rocket, you’re always active when it’s the ungodly hour where i live and it has happened more often that i stay awake because of you. not only do i have loads of stuff i can queue from you (teehee) you recently started posting stories again and the ones you hammered out lately just??? do things to me??? for real though do you have sadistic tendencies or somethin because you posted TWO (2) nsfw stories that I indulged at 2 AM IN THE MORNING. aside from that minghao and junmyeon stuff, uuuh, i finally got around to finish your ghoul au which i completely adore!! i’m looking forward to your upcoming works uwu and hope you get all the positivity and good vibes only uwu (p.s i have to confess: my dumb ass seriously thought the “woo” in your url referred to jungwoo and for some good weeks i thought you ult jungwoo rIP ME)
@hearttoshu 💌 jess, i don’t know what in the world i did to have you notice me because i’m gonna be honest here, i was scared of you skaljdlkjslkj please i don’t even know why, you seemed very intimidating but i was proven wrong in an instant!! you are one super soft bean with hq gifs and a love for jun and shua that reaches up to infinity and beyond!! your tags always get the best out of me and i’m really grateful for having you in my life uwuwuwuwu 
 @jejublr 💌 ew rat, you’re finally adulting. jokes aside, you were the first victim to fall under my disastrous typo errors and may i say that i’m just simply ICONIC for forever slapping that legendary nickname on you uwu nat who?? we only know RAT. you’re the one person i can always run to when more serious issues are bugging me since i guess you can relate the most to my personal dilemmas and i just wanted to thank you for being there for me <33 that, and for keeping gran somewhat at bay. i hope we get to meet up this summer where i’ll feed you with lots of chocolate while teasing ryan about her biasing jeonghan LMAO and just like most people from the gc, you’re one of the first close mutuals i’ve made. in a way, you could say you’ve been with me here since day 1 (almost) xx
@jin-hua 💌 mayo / mango / mayo that tastes like mangoes / idk i bet i have misspelled your names approximately 993828 times in 937987 different variations but guess what? i still love u to death uwu i love me a fitness queen, a visual goddess not even god himself could ever and i’m so so glad that you exist in my life <333 i know i promised you a crackhead message but when i think about it there’s not really a lot to say that’s out of place when it comes to you?? you’re an angel uwuwu the light of my life frank could NEVER
@justsomekpopstuff 💌 jj it is i, your #1 supporter!! since you’re also part of the nug club gc from the beginning on, you have an extra special place in my heart <3 jj, i love how supportive you are and i don’t think you realize that i cherish you to the moon and back and that times 903809. i love how you get so fired up about your hockey team and like to gush and suffer from the wrath of Joshua hong and i hope you’ll stay eternally happy uwu that, and dRINK LESS COFFEE ISTG
@lxveille 💌 veille we’ve never interacted a lot but i just wanted to let you know that i admire you a LOT. i haven’t got around to read more of your works lately, but i do have a favorite fic that i still clearly remember. okay, that’s a lie, i have several that left a strong memory. but let’s say, if i had to reduce it to one fic, it’d be the 100wtsily dystopian au with jihoon and 66 & 70! you’re one of the very few writers who hit the dystopian genre spot on and you truly are an inspiration. seriously, thank you a lot veile xx
@middle-of-a-wonshua-sandwich 💌 LOOK, i didn’t even know you changed blogs or something and i’m so eternally sorry that it took me ages to figure that out! (RIP me) you’re one of the first followers i had if i recall correctly (i’m pretty positive of that) and i just wanted to thank you for sticking with me so long uwuwuuwwu i wish you all the happiness bb <3
@multi-yeol 💌 haaaa we’ve only known each other since a day or something but i’m really glad we did!!!! honestly, that Loona song sorter is harder than any of the german exams i had and though we don’t know each other for so long, i hope we’ll talk more in the future bub!!!
@oatmealupdates 💌 lynna, you too are one of the first followers on my blog i’m wheEZING you’ve been here for so long sdlkjlkj thank you for your support and your comments under the fics always make my day i swear!! i’ve also noticed that you haven’t been that active as you used to be (maybe it’s just me idk sometimes my dash is kinda wacky) but all in all i hope you’re doing good!! if you ever need to talk to someone, you can always hmu <33
@queerjunhui 💌 vane, ngl, you really scared me at first. i was really intimidated by your for reasons i can’t even explain and i always thought you were out of my league sdkljlk i think we started talking since the cyzj thing and you’re one of the funniest and nicest people i’ve met so far on tumblr, seriously! your content - be it from your shitposts to mindless thoughts like the entire indirects to j*** * yES I STILL RECALL THEM - you always manage to make my day brighter whenever i see you on my dash. i wish you all the happiness and hope you’re doing good uwu
@seungcheolsbodyharness 💌 katey, sis i still think about that criminal seokmin and the entire au we made up - from FBI agent cheol to incompetent intern vernon and all that jazz. besides the fact that your url is a pure 10/10 as well as your other URLs, you’re such a nice person and i really enjoy your presence - be it in the form of reblogs of any kind of thing to the comments you occasionally leave and don’t get me started on the aSKS; katey, i’m so glad to have met you on this site!!! uwu
@softwonwoo 💌 jian darling!! honestly, i have no idea how you even know of my existence. just like pretty much everyone else i’ve tagged here you kinda had that intimidating aura?? but then the more i talked to you somehow, the more i was proven wrong and you’re such a sweet pea i can’t- also, i’m glad that i found someone who can agree with me when it comes to chungha dsakjlskj pls stay healthy, stay happy jian!!
@swyllh 💌 sara, i don’t think we have ever had a proper conversation, but i just wanted to give you my appreciation. you are one of the most underrated writers within the community yet you always give your best when it comes to your writing and honestly, i really admire you. i haven’t found the time to read your interactive fic yet (i keep pushing that back i am so sorry but i’ll get to that one day) and one of the fics that i absolutely adore is that one end of the world fic with chan, as well as the vernon collab with sha!! i really hope you’ll get the recognition and love you deserve you gifted writer !!
@tonicandjins 💌 faye my snowflake, i haven’t seen you around lately but if you read this, i hope everything’s alright from your side! i’m quite sure i’ve already mentioned this to you but i’ll say it again. i will NEVER shut up about one and two small petals and will NEVER recover from it. another banger is that wonwoo fic with the printer- ugh, you’re such a talented, beautiful person and i truly wish you all the best. remember, don’t stress yourself and relax once in a while uwu
@yeolsmiling 💌 angie hi!! i legit only sent you one (1) ask so i really don’t have much to say so far unless i wanna repeat myself lMAO one day, i aspire to purely emit soft energy for yeol but i doubt that day will ever come. i hope we get to talk more in the future you soft bear <33
honeybunch anon 💌 honeybunch, i hope you’re doing well! i still remember that i called you that when you slipped into my asks and gushed about that one mingyu fic up to this day i’m still flattered and eternally grateful that you’re still here uwu thank you for your support and making my day <33
fromis anon 💌 idk if you’ll ever read this but i miss you uwu i hope you’re doing fine and just a quick update from my side: i still haven’t found a bias yet uGH 
sugarpie / tulip anon 💌 you seem like such a cool person i’m really glad you stopped by in my inbox thank you for hitting me up uwu since i have no clue who you are and since i’m a dumbass, i’m can only rely on you messaging me jslkdj
none of the letters are proofread i am so sorry
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alright mothers an fuckers lets get down to some PL vs AA
alright so the last person who owned this game has 2 save files, one in the first and one in the third slot, both named chucky. one’s just past the tutorial, the other’s hanging around at some place called ‘knights garrison”
i feel like I'm running into a creepy pasta
a work of fiction eh
oh fuck
accent guy no
wee woo wee woo, here come the doll people of Layton Land
oh shit
it’s fully voice acted. i wasn’t expecting this...
aw. i guess i cant do my voices... that stinks.
“fuck you let me sleep forever”
i love him he's so grouchy
true wet blankie
voice wise i like Nick’s but I’m not as much a fan of Maya’s
oh its not fully voiced! great. this is actually kinda nice– i get to do voices, and the dramatic moments have their own dialogue track
ok now that I'm done laughing about the Puzzle memes being very accurate, it’s time to see if i can solve a fucking puzzle
ok. im. already totally mystified. welp.
once again my inability to parse things renders logic puzzles a bitch
it isn't helpful that they didnt detail the way the witches interact with the paths before submission but
(sigh) i knew the Layton sections would suck
not objectively, just for me because i’m ass at logic puzzles
my expertise lie in point and click adventures
his name is CAR ACCIDENT
carmine: I'm probably fucking dead pls help
layton: well i never!!
layton: it is my belief that you are in quite considerable danger :)
do towns have districts? i thought that was more of a city thing
now, once again, i do know some details about how this game concludes, and i must say I'm really curious about how the fuck this all works if its not actually magic
ok so this stained-glass window place is kind of like the logic interface? it stores all the things we’re wondering about at present..?
very howls moving castle-y
also i appreciate the fuck out of these cutscenes
Layton: ,,,yes, that was careless of us
boy this guy has cucumber coolness out the wazoo
the Trunk eh
hint coins are so satisfying to find
aww moving is so cute
holy fuck
that was one helluvan accident
...i really hope they dont count how many tries you do the puzzles
boy people sure like hiding money in lamps
luke!! dont fall into diagon alley!
Luke: this is bad professor!! theyre getting closer and closer!!
Layton: ...hmm................
thats a magic cloak right there
“Isn't this us, Professor?”
“Surely not– my ass is not that flat!”
oh here we go
prologue to the AA part
ooh haven't heard that theme in a while
camera: [pans up violently enough to physically ruffle espella’s very short skirt]
oh thems drugged eyes
its in all the animes
hmmm. so is this like a dual world thing where we exist both in our world and the world of Laborynthia at the same time or
ooh english court is pretty
dghfgsh i love nick’s voice so much
much better than Reigel
he’s just got the general feel of Phoenix down better, i think
a cargo of badgers huh
calling it now the badgers are full of jewels
this is straight up The Chipmunk Adventure territory
also i dont blame her for wanting something to cuddle after the shit she’s been through
eee he’s doing his pick-up-quirks-from-other-people thing
oh hey the save sound is the exact same sound as the original.
also thats interesting– there’s a hint system in place in the court sections as well
whoa i wasnt expecting that epic an objection for the first contradiction
also im not sure if i like this remix of nick’s theme. it’s orchestrated but its not quite as crisp as i’d like...
your chocolate bar sounds like a mouthful of chips mr smiley
johnny just has a pile of bars behind him with one bite taken out of them
i love this game but the decision to make the text roll off in this weird, halting way is making it really annoying to read out loud
“I kind of like living, thanks”
its ok baby nothing can kill you
“in my long, six month career
im crying so many good jokes in this game
whoa phoenix’s shock animation is a lot more violent this game XD
“This is my work outfit. It gets very hot in the kitchen, you know”
it’ll be hotter when you spill soup all over your exposed midriff and arms, babe.
...also is it really ok for you to be toting a meat cleaver around in court
“I may be short, but I’m well-proportioned! And that’s what matters!”
oh maya
“What does it matter which way she held it?” well for starters it would be impossible for her to hit you with it if she held it the way she did
“So the defendant attacked the witness holding the pipe backhanded...”
no, that just doesn’t work out, especially with her being so short. she’d have to be above Aldente to strike her that way, and even so it’s still an extremely cumbersome way to do that. You can only really hold a knife backhandedly
wait a minute
they’re pointing it out 
they’re saying it IS bullshit, they’re-–
s-something that makes no fucking sense, ACTUALLY makes no fucking sense!
its not a plothole! they’re calling it out!
i... i think I'm in love 
that poor eel
also phoenix is a sea urchin again teehee
fuckin’ knew it 
chipmunk adventure. 
ok so wow. this is really amazing. maybe im being extra-complementary cause i just finished SOJ but... wow. everything from the soft colours and gorgeous lighting to the excellent cinematography to the fluid, interesting character sprites, to the pretty orchestral remixes to the fun and engaging writing, to the spectacular cutscenes... its all just so excellent it feels like a friggin gale of fresh air compared to SOJ
and this game came out in 2012. thats four years before SOJ, and just one before DD, and yet the difference is staggering. i don’t know if its a budget thing, or if its the director’s fault, but theres just something about the animation and camera angles thats so much better. everything is so smooth– no character ever jumps from animation to animation– they slide into it naturally 
and the slow pan-up on Aldente as she got cornered was pretty good at conveying a real sense of anxiety 
plus, the fact that we don’t find out who tried to kill her is genuinely unsettling. PLvAA doesn’t need to be bloody or gorey to convey a sense of uneasiness or fear– just that lingering mystery of a fourth person– and where they disappeared to– is enough to give me the shivers. ...although it is 1 am and I'm prone to being nervey
i have only 2 tiny nitpicks, these being the sequencing of the music (cuts off very abruptly rather than fading away) and the odd way the dialogue halts all over the place for no reason
otherwise, sublime first case
ps- still love nick’s new voice. dreamy, if a little stiff 
pps- espella you cant just leave evil books lying around. 
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carbonjen · 8 years
office!AU where jaydick is new to a relationship and literally cant get their hands off of each other. bonus point if everyone walks in on them whenever theyre trying to relieve some tension off teehee
Office Romance
Dick and Jason didn’t remember the night their relationship had started. All Dick remembered was waking up with a headache, a turning stomach, and a sore ass in a bed that wasn’t his own with an arm draped over his waist. He’d opened his eyes to see who he’d slept with and his first thought was a relieved oh thank god he’s actually hot. The next one was that he was one of Dick’s employees. Well. He didn’t work directly under Dick in the Wayne Enterprises Tech Department but he did technically work below Dick, who could fire him if he really wanted to. 
That was one of the things Dick had promised himself he wouldn’t do when he’d started working at Wayne Enterprises: don’t sleep with employees. It had seemed easy at first, but Dick had realized that a lot of the employees at Wayne Enterprises were incredibly attractive. 
Jason Todd, one of the top guys in sales and marketing, groaned and his arm tightened around Dick before he tensed and rolled over, looking at Dick with bleary eyes. 
“Fuck,” Jason said. 
“Yeah,” Dick rolled over, wincing at how it hurt his head and made his stomach clench. 
“Am I fired?” Jason asked as he draped an arm over his eyes. 
“No,” Dick replied. “Do you...do you know what we did last night? Other than sex. I can feel the sex.” 
“And hickeys,” Jason said. “I uh...it looks like I gave you a necklace.”
“Great,” Dick replied. “I have a meeting with the board tomorrow.”
“Are you presenting anything important?” Jason asked. 
“I’m working with your department on the ad campaign for the new Wayne Tech phones and we’re presenting the proposal for that.”
“You might be able to use coverup,” Jason said and Dick gave him a look. Jason turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow and laughing. “It works better than a scarf or a high necked shirt.” Dick kept the gaze focused on Jason. “It’s not my fault you kept asking me to suck on your neck,” Jason said. “I was thinking you had a vampire fetish or something.”
“It feels nice,” Dick protested. 
“Which is why you shouldn’t be complaining,” Jason said as he rolled to face Dick. 
Dick turned to face him, a playful smirk on his face. Normally waking up in the morning in someone else’s bed was awkward, but with Jason it felt natural. 
“You know,” Jason said. “We can keep doing this.”
And they did.
It may have driven everyone in the office a little bit crazy with how much they did. It wasn’t Dick’s fault Jason was so good with his hands and it wasn’t Jason’s fault Dick was such a great kisser. It was hard for them to stay away from each other, especially when they were releasing the new Wayne Tech phones soon and Dick was in the marketing department every day to see how things went, always stopping by Jason’s desk. 
It wouldn’t have been so much of a problem if people in the office knew how to keep to themselves. Dick and Jason would be making out and getting steamy in Jason’s office or the employee lounge when someone would walk on. Really, people needed to learn how to hold onto their mugs. 
It didn’t become a problem until one day when Jason and Dick were acting out one of Dick’s office fantasies and Bruce took that moment to step into the office a file in his hand and Dick’s name on his lips before he froze.
Jason stopped from where he was standing behind Dick, balls deep inside him. 
“Jason why’d you?” Dick caught sight of Bruce out of the corner of his eye and his eyes widened. “Stop.” The last word was barely a whisper but they all heard it. 
Bruce’s face and neck (really every visible part of his skin) went red and he swallowed. “My office. As soon as this is done.”
The door shut and Jason cursed as he pulled out of Dick. He didn’t think he could try to get hard again after this. Dick pulled his pants up and put his head in his hands. 
“Fuck,” Dick said. Dick never cursed so Jason knew this was a severe situation.
“I can’t believe I’m about to get fired because you couldn’t lock your damn office door,” Jason said as he threw out the condom he was wearing and tucked himself back into his pants. 
“How was I supposed to know Bruce was going to pay me a surprise visit?” Dick asked. “He never does that.”
Jason and Dick went up to Bruce’s office and the elevator ride felt like it lasted forever. 
They sat down in front of Bruce in silence. Bruce pulled out a large file and dropped it on the desk in front of him. 
“These are all the complaints we received from HR in the three months you two have been in a relationship.”
Jason would have been a lot more proud of the large folder if it hadn’t been presented to them by the big boss of Wayne Enterprises.
“I understand you two are very...taken with each other,” Bruce said. “But for my sake and for both of yours, stop having sex at work. This is your one and only warning or I’m making you both take a class with HR. The next step is termination for both of you. Now get out of my office.”
Jason and Dick filed out together, Dick’s shoulders sinking as soon as they were out. 
“So, I guess we need to have more sex at home or I need to start using the lock on my office door more.”
Jason shoved at Dick’s shoulder and Dick laughed. 
“I swear to god, Dick, I was a perfect employee before we got together. You’re a terrible influence.”
“Yeah but I’m worth it though.”
“Yeah, yeah, prove it to me tonight and we’ll talk.”
“I can prove it to you now,” Dick said as he pulled Jason into his office, remembering to lock the door behind him this time. 
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jorstar · 7 years
accepting that im not going to sleep tonight after another night of thinking about things and bawling which is happening ALL TOO OFTEN RECENTLY all stemming from the fact that my mom told me today shes going to neb next week for spring break to see my grandparents and seeing if i wanted to go which i initially declined but i just had the thought that being in the car for such a long time with her.. maybe i could come out to her....
i haven't talked about this at all on here and have just been kinda hinting at stuff so here we go i guess. i wanna say late may of last year one night it all just kinda dawned on me everything fell into place that i was nonbinary and i really should of known sooner considering HOW OFTEN i thought about it but i would always just write myself off. and a major indicator in me figuring this out as nerdy it may be was my ocs. why was this oc being a transman sooo important to me? why was i so obsessed and in love w my afab nonbinary dragon age character (who even at the time completely agreed w myself that they were 100% supposed to be me). why did i put so much of myself into these afab characters? theres stuff hinting alll the way back to highschool of me just “what if i was a boyy?? teehee” but again that was a thought i entertained A LOT. 
at the time of all this i think i could only accept that i was nb and it was to it early for me to know if i was trans or not but im pretty sure i knew which was why i was taking it the way i was and it was just all to overwhelming for me to confront it. the fact that ive cried so much over this shit the past year cant mean its unjustified and i cant ignore it any longer and im trans. any instance of me saying something like“ idk my gender :P” is just a big ol cover up
its uncertain if i wanna try this on the way there or the way home. unloading all this onto my mom before seeing her parents who are having a rough time lately might be a little overwhelming but i also at the same time want her to stew in this for a week before we get home and maybe talk about it throughout the week. knowing my mom for 24 yrs i know shes the type of person to hear me out and shes going to love me no matter what, its just going to be hell explaining to her what it all means and theres that doubt in the back of my mind that she might think im confused but also if im bawling WHICH I KNOW IM GOING TO BE then i think she’ll take me seriously. 
and i am NOT ready for my dad to know and i dont know if ill ever be and i HAVE to make sure this gets across to my mom. i dont entirely know my dads stances on gay stuff i think his lack of willingness to talk or even acknowledge it kind of speaks for itself. ive been a bit of a daddys girl and im afraid of it stopping and him treating me different. ive mentioned it before but i avoid my dad so much despite living the same house bc seeing him reminds me how much of a disappointment i am w how little little effort i put into finding a job. my lifes a fucking mess right now and this just adds to it all.
i have no idea how my sisters would react i really dont. theres 3 of us one of us had to be gay right? and i was lucky enough to get the unisex name aayyy
really right now i just want my mom to know i mean she could probably tell my grandparents when were there their pretty open minded like theyre not gonna tell anyone idc
soooo i just laid my whole life out like that and I never NEVER make posts like this. i always just rather no one know anything. theres no one im close to on here to talk about this stuff anyway it kinda makes sense. i like to think im painting myself in this mysterious light but really im just a messy bitch.
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