#guess who watched those fake disorder cringe youtube videos again?
starseers · 2 years
I'll be honest, I hate the attention DID gets.
This whole acceptance culture thing doesn't help anything, it just makes things more appealing to those who don't deal with it and don't understand it. I prefer when the worst you'd get was "oh, so like split?" Or "I wish I had friends in my head". You were more so an outcast back then, not some fucking idol or superhuman.
I don't know about you, but I'd rather not have my disorder be put on a pedestal for millions to see, to be cooed at for being so "cute", because it's not cute at all. Or be picked apart because you aren't a carbon copy of someone else with this disorder, because who would have know that a disorder developed from specific situations would look different between other individuals, individuals whose experiences vary widely? Even better, be picked on because you aren't a textbook example.
I don't think it should be widespread knowledge, just that it should be approached with basic human decency (unless you're a doctor who's trying to help a patient). Having resources for loved ones of those with DID or spaces for systems to freely talk should be more important than scrambling to "educate" or make the entire population "accept" it. We aren't being discriminated against like the rainbow umbrella's (not that we aren't at all, but it's extremely different and can't be handled the same way), we don't need some rip off pride month for (how many times do I say this before I become desensitized too?) a trauma disorder. Yes, it's life long, yes, we shouldn't be ashamed or forced to hide, but we shouldn't be romanticized.
It honestly should be common sense, but please, don't talk about something you don't understand or don't live with. That isn't your place to talk, and I mean that for everything, because this is a huge issue all over the internet. Raise others voices up.
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eisforeidolon · 5 years
Episode: Don’t Go Into the Woods
Can all supernatural things potentially make the lights flicker?  I know demons and ghosts do, but has this been a thing for more straight up physical monster-monsters before?  I honestly can't remember.
I hate to be complaining about the Winchesters actually working a case just by themselves?  Especially with as rare of a thing as that’s become?  But let's be honest, I wouldn’t trust Jack with a mission as perilous as shopping.  He might kill somebody or destroy the world. Dabb & Co. have pointedly made him incapable of learning or understanding anything, so he's less a realistic character and more a dangerously idiotic plot bomb perpetually set to go off at random intervals. 
Who the Winchesters are now going to leave entirely unsupervised while Cas also just happens to be elsewhere.  Well, isn't that suspiciously convenient?  
Right now when he's just got his canon-breaking powers back and may not have a soul?  NOW is the time to leave him alone?  
O-kay, crippling brain damage for everybody is again necessary for this episode's events to happen, I see.
The only thing more frustrating than Jack being a perpetual shifting blob of whatever the plot calls for?  Is further manifestation of Dabb's desperation to write for a teen audience via the dumbass teenybopper trio returning.  Knew it was coming, still did not brace me for hating having to sit through it this much.  
I'm a little puzzled about they guy one being able to watch Ghostfacer videos.  I kind of doubt any teenager would notice the videos if they weren't being currently produced, and the Ghostfacers broke up last we saw them.  Did they somehow get back together after that episode with the lulzy anvilicious supposed parallels?  If they didn't and this kid is just trawling the Internet for videos that are at least five years old at this point, wouldn't whichever Ghostfacer it was who had gone off to run a business or whatever have had this shit scrubbed off the internet to avoid being made fun of by his colleagues?  Seriously, I am way way more interested in this probable continuity fail potential mystery than in anything about the teens themselves.
I don't have a lot to say about the case Sam and Dean were working. Again, it was fine.  New monster, okay.  I mean, it does seem like maybe a questionable choice to go for something that's similar to a monster the show has already highlighted (wendigo)?  But really, a lot of folklore monsters are variations across slightly different legends, so it's probably stranger we haven't had more similar monsters over the years.  It did at least look quite different and I thought it was cool how it melted. 
Local townie sheriff in denial and really obtusely insistent about coyotes snatching people out of bathrooms? Eh, I can go with that, I guess.  Though, what, was he planning on spending the next who knows how long of his life futilely trying to keep people out of the local woods for reasons he was going to just refuse to specify to anyone?  And he even kept going on about coyotes while his son was so blatantly campaigning to win the Most Likely to Wander Into the Woods for Revenge Award?  Kind of dumb, but I don't think it was too far over the threshold of unbelievably dumb. Yeah, it was all more than a little on the nose obvious about the sheriff knowing something such that the Winchesters were going to ultimately need his help.  Still, there was at least some Winchesters working together and Dean got a cool moment disarming the sheriff in the woods.  Though I'm not any less sick of yet again the rando of the week killing the monster while the Winchesters get knocked about, I'm kind of resigned to it at this point.  Dabb clearly finds believably competent characters actually getting to be competent unspeakably boring. 
So yeah, that part of the episode was mostly just there for me.  I was inordinately bugged by how during one of those conversations between sheriff guy and his son the show chose to toss in an egregious flashback to the dead girlfriend.  Like, do they think we as the audience have so little attention span we can't remember the kid is upset his girlfriend just died a few minutes ago in this same episode?  Or do they trust their actors so little to convey emotion they felt it was necessary to go DEAD GIRL IN YOUR FACE AGAIN, BOOM! at the audience?  There was that and the sheriff lecturing Sam & Dean about how they should just tell people monsters or real or put it on youtube – because that doesn't sound crazy and people can't make fake videos?  I feel like that was less a genuine moment and more like the something the writers stuck in because it's one of the complaints that's been circling the fandom for years.  Maybe I'm just cynical or the scene didn't come off too well, but I was less sympathizing with something that's actually a pretty reasonable response for someone blindsided by monsters being real and more rolling my eyes at his whining.  
Here's a poll, which is more stupid?  The cringe-y cluelessness of shoehorning in a dead horse of a fanfic cliché like, “We have movie nights on Tuesdays!”  Or that the writers continue to think annoying teenybopper canon fodder calling Dean old is cool/funny.  I can't decide!
Also, what are the writers wanting us to think about whether or not Jack has a soul?  Because I am having some trouble here believing that he doesn't have any soul left when this episode turns into him angsting about accidentally almost killing Whatsherface #2 and getting rejected by the teen trio even after “fixing” his “mistake”. I mean, if the writers are intending us to know but not for Cas and the Winchesters to, that's fine, but if this is meant to be a mystery I feel like it's a fail in terms of how they're writing potential soullessness because while I don't care all that much, I don't feel any doubt that he does.  Even if I am annoyed at the groundhog day feeling of this incident after we already sang this song over the security guard incident. 
I'm also not terribly impressed about the Winchesters arguing in the car over Dean's lying to Jack about needing someone to stay in the bunker.  If Sam really felt that strongly about it, why did he just agree?  Even if it was some bullshit don’t argue in front of the “kid” thing, he could have tacked on an addendum about being worried about Jack’s powers without contradicting what Dean said.  Oh, right, for the dramaz.  In the same way that the show careens wildly back and forth between treating Jack as a competent adult and a toddler with some kind of memory retention disorder, the way the Winchesters handle him makes just as much sense.  Speaking of lying, is it really that much better to tell a white lie about being worried about Jack being “comfortable” with his powers instead of finding a polite but honest way to say they suspect he'll accidentally kill people because he has no brains consistent control and an issue with overconfidence? 
I think there were some Dean fans that thought the thrust of that end conversation was to blame Jack almost killing some fools on Dean - but whether or not there were any intentional shades of that, it's too stupid for words.  Jack being badly written is Jack's problem, not any other character's prevarications.  If Jack didn’t learn back with the security guard, the idea any talkity-talking over reckless use of his powers at the beginning of this episode would have prevented what happened is ludicrous.  That’s only confirmed by spoilers I know about the rest of this season making it clear that even accidentally almost killing somebody outright here doesn’t teach him anything.  Because again, he’s written as largely incapable of learning.  Which, I guess there’s a weird pacifier-toting squad of infantilization-loving fans who are into that shit, but for my part?  Ew, no thanks.  I prefer characters with more personality than “helpless ball of woobified stupidity”.  I liked Jack well enough to begin with, but the more central they make him to the story, the more obviously deficient he is as a consistent and three dimensional character.
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mcs4ssyp4nts · 7 years
Okay so I watch a lot of Youtube. I used to watch a lot of Onision. But I honestly can’t watch a video of his without cringing now. And because I feel like it I’m going to explain why.
Billie - He tried to act like he was some kind of badass because he was with his wife and with Billie. No one thought he was a badass for that. Everyone was waiting for it to explode. Which it did and we all knew it was coming because he said repeatedly his wife was unhappy. After the whole Billie thing just how he handled the break up was childish. And then later when she got a new boyfriend he decided to say she didn’t shower and shit. Like grow the fuck up. You thought she was so amazing when you’re together and now she’s gross and a bitch? K. 
Social Repose - Dude literally makes a jab at Social Repose all the fucking time. He always has to throw a comment in. Even if no one was talking about Social Repose. He then makes videos completely about Social Repose then says Richie makes videos about him because “Onision” is a top search or some shit. Nah bro he’s just making a video back because you opened the door and he likes mocking you. He also made a comment about him not showering.. Common theme here.
Jaclyn Glenn - Has been rude as fuck to this girl because of who she is dating. Made a whole video talking shit on her because she got a boob job and then wondered why she didn’t feel like talking to him anymore. Also in that video he talked about how he can’t jerk off to fake boobs. Who the fuck says that? Are you implying you were jerking off to her pictures before? Because when you make a video all about someone and you mention jerking off in it I’m guessing you’re saying you were in fact jerking off to that person. 
Eugenia Cooney - Dude made videos mocking her and kept saying it was because “he cared.” You don’t mock someone with an eating disorder because you care. You do it for views and because you’re a prick. 
Joy Sparkles BS - He continues to call her a stalker because she makes videos about him. (Which he literally does about everyone else) He cries repeatedly about it. If you can talk shit about everyone else you would think you could handle it when someone talks shit on you. He then throws a fit like a baby saying he wants to humiliate her and make her cry. And he won’t sue her because she doesn’t have money. As if saying that shames her in some way. While he has to sell his car, his second house, and say Patreon ten billion times to try and get people to pay to watch him now. 
Andy Biersack - Dude literally makes creepy ass videos about him. Then gets upset that Andy doesn’t want to hangout with him. He’s made a couple videos with Andy in the past. But he made a video crying because Andy doesn’t tell him when he’s in town. (Because some how Andy owes that to Onision for some reason.) He hasn’t asked him to be on his Podcast because again Andy owes that to Onision for some reason. He also said he couldn’t hangout with Onision when Warped Tour started because he was going to be busy. Which Onision thinks Andy should some how take time out of his busy schedule just to make a video with him. Yes a successful musician who has done a favor for a 30 something year old dude who acts like most middle school boys now owes that dude everything. 
Dude just sucks now. He talks shit on everyone including his fans and then cries about anything and everything that doesn’t go the way he wants. “I called my fans retarded so they left. Guess they just wanted me to suck their dicks.” Or you know your fans maybe just didn’t want to be called retarded? “All these people say I’ve helped them accept their bodies, and made them not want to kill themselves. I know this is true because I get more and more comments saying it after I retweet them or give them shout outs. No way could these CHILDREN be saying those things just for a retweet or a shout out.” “I’m going to go on YouNow and just say words like retard, cunt, and fuck you, like a big boy.” And he literally can not stop talking about Shane Dawson. It’s been YEARS move the fuck on. Shane doesn’t give a fuck. 
I can’t handle it. I just can’t. 
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