#guess who's now working officially with hypnos!!
curious-chaosmagiic · 5 months
Me: Tithonus would you be ok if i also started working with Hypnos?
Tithonus: you won't.. forgot me will you?
Tithonus: really? :D then absolutely i think you should work with him :D !
Me: Hypnos what do you think?
Hypnos: yeah sure let's make it official
Me: yippee!! i'll do a more in depth spread when i get back from my night routine
Me, later trying to opening his candle, it's literally locked shut: sigh, yeah i should be in bed sorry
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divinelycrazy · 9 months
I'm sure many of my fellow PJO fans can agree that all of us at some point started wondering who our respective godly parent is, as a result we usually took the first quiz we found online (usually a buzzfeed quiz) and went with whatever the result was. I instead took the official quiz a phew years ago on the Riordan reads website and got Apollo as the result. And now I sit here years later, and I am seriously doubting that result.
I like art and making art, that is true. Heck, most of my time is spend endlessly working on my own little fantasy world and the stories and characters within it. But then there is the other 80% of my day, which I use to sleep, sleep again, sleep once more and only sleep.
Note that this is during the day, at night I have the energy of a rabbit that's high on caffeine.
To simply put it, I have no f***ing clue as to who my godly parent actually could be based on this. Also, no, I don't have any musical talent, and my singing sounds like a dying cat being thrown in a meat grinder. My closest guess is Hypnos, but I really have no f***ing idea.
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clovis-enthusiast · 4 years
Lotsa Clovis headcanons that you can pry from my cold dead hands
Keep in mind that these are just MY HEADCANONS! None of this is canon unless specifically stated! Feel free to agree or disagree. I juts rlly love my boy and his cabin and will gush about them for hours if given the chance.
Since there is a lot, I’ll put them under the cut so as not to clutter ur feed with my rambling! So uh click ‘keep reading’ to see me babble about my all time favorite character! Hope u enjoy if u read em and always feel free to send me a message about ur own headcanons! (I’m always thinking of more, so this post might be updated every once in awhile!)
He is very French. He was born in France and lived there for a short while before he and his mother (the reason I say mother instead of parent is because it was hinted at in canon that he has a mother. my go to name for her is Camille) moved to the US due to monster related problems. (He has a French last name. Something like Valois is my go to.)
French is his first language but because he moved to the US when he was quite young, he is very fluent in English. He often switches between the two languages when he’s EXTRA sleepy without noticing leading to a lot of confusion (and you can bet that he DEFINITELY swears in French because not many people at camp can understand him when he does. Those who do have a newfound respect and fear for him.)
He was initially a longtime member of the Hermes cabin even though pretty much everyone could guess who his godly parent was.
Was DEFINITELY a part of Luke’s army at one point due to the fact that he looked up to Luke as the older demigod had always treated him like a little brother, AND his godly brother Morpheus was also on Kronos’s side of the war. However, Clovis did not stay with them for long once things began to get bad and returned to Camp Half Blood with time. (Morpheus and Clovis now have a strained relationship.)
Best friends with Lou Ellen Blackstone of the Hecate cabin. They were both temporarily on Luke’s side of the war and were held with suspicion and distrust when they returned to camp, so they tended to stick by each other while the other campers warmed back up to them. Because of this, they are now very close and are always goofing around (much to the annoyance of the other head counselors aside from the Stolls, of course.)
Definitely had a thing for Nico di Angelo in the past. As the two boys are both the sons of underworld gods, Clovis had already felt a certain tug towards him. When he heard Nico’s story from the camp’s rumor mill (thank Lacy and Mitchell for that one) he became utterly infatuated. Over time, his curiosity turned more into a little crush which then became a BIG crush, but as neither Clovis nor Nico are really all that great with normal human interaction, the son of Hypnos’s flirting techniques sort of went unnoticed. That’s why Nico seems to be the only one being pulled into Clovis’s dreams at any given time despite Clovis being a ‘very strong dreamer.’ The truth is that Clovis has full control over who enters HIS dreamscapes. He tries desperately to impress Nico and help him out wherever he can, but when Nico eventually chooses Will to be his boyfriend, Clovis, though a bit sad that his first crush in a long time didn’t share the feelings, is VERY supportive. He loves to tease Nico about how hopelessly head-over-heels the broody teenager is over his sunshiney boyfriend. And if the two were ever to break up for whatever reason in the future? Well, Clovis is definitely still up for a shot.
Clovis and Nico are still VERY close. Clovis is one of the only people that Nico feels comfortable enough to be himself around and often confides in him whenever his negative thinking gets the best of him. Clovis also plays a big part in Nico regaining the memories of his past when he’s ready which he will forever be thankful for. The two obviously spend a lot of time together in dreams and greet one another in a warm fashion whenever they come across each other by chance at camp. This confuses literally everyone because literally no one has ever seen them interact before?? How are they friends?? 
Has HISTORY with Drew. No one is really sure what kind of history (it seems as if there was a little bit of memory erasure throughout the camp on the situation... hm...) but most people speculate that the two shared a romantic relation at one point in time. Turns out, they were NOT compatible, and the whole thing went up in flames. Drew still holds a huge grudge against Clovis who acts as though he could honestly care less. He still treats her politely though there have definitely been some not-so-subtle nasty looks cast across the campfire towards her direction before.
Also very close with Lacy and Mitchell from the Aphrodite cabin. Lacy feels terrible about Drew’s trash-talking and rumor-spreading and eventually works up the courage to say hi. They became fast friends, and Lacy definitely has a bit of a puppy-dog crush on him, but she is much too young for Clovis. He sees her as a little sister and allows her to put makeup on him, do his hair, and even tries on dresses and such just to make her smile. Mitchell, on the other hand, became friends with Clovis out of spite in all honesty and ended up liking the sleepy blond a lot more than he thought he would. He might have a teeeeeny tiiiiiny crush on him. Don’t tell Lacy.
Close with Pollux of the Dionysus cabin. Pollux sees a lot of Castor when he looks at Clovis which is a huge comfort to him. The two counselors have a lot of deep talks late at night, and Clovis always makes sure that Pollux is sleeping well without being haunted by nightmares. Dionysus would never admit it, but he is very thankful that someone cares that much about his only son.
Good friends with Rachel Elizabeth Dare surprisingly! He helps her out often, and the two like to sit and chat about mythology, artwork, and prophecies in the big house and at the campfire.
Has allies and friends in high places. Due to his powerful dreaming, he’s been to quite a few strange places and met quite a few strange people... or you could call them the gods, I guess. He knows a lot of the gods and goddesses from all kinds of mythologies (though obviously more of the Greek ones than anything) and they seem to like him well enough for some reason. (Probably because he’s one of the only demigods who doesn’t want to strangle them and doesn’t mind listening to them complain about petty godly things.) He often has little chats with them where he keeps them updated with the going ons of Camp Half Blood and they keep him updated about... godly drama. He kinda lives for it tbh. It’s part of the reason why he’s so informed about the gods.(Annabeth is maybe just the tiniest bit jealous.)
He’s a year round camper because it would be much too dangerous for him to go back to living with his mother. He stays in contact with her via dreams, letters, and Iris messages though!
MUCH more powerful than he lets on. He just doesn’t like conflict. 
One of his most frightening abilities is the ability to summon terrible creatures from people’s nightmares and use them to fight. He doesn’t like to do this as it can be very traumatizing for the people he uses it against, AND it’s not always a guarantee that the nightmare creatures will obey him.
His other more battle-ready powers are the ability to put an entire battle field into a deep slumber and memory alteration/erasure. He can use his memory alteration/erasure on monsters of weaker defenses AND demigods (though he feels much more comfortable using it on monsters.) He uses these powers to alter how monsters/enemies perceive demigods. Because of this, there are quite a few friendly hellhounds and scythian dracanae wandering about the camp. All of his powers are VERY draining and take a lot of concentration in order to work as intended. He will often sleep for days after a battle because of this.
He is also capable of fighting whilst asleep. In fact, his senses are heightened, and he tends to perform better this way. He also heals much faster while he is asleep. 
It is speculated that he will either grow wings from his head or his back, but it will not happen until he grows older. It’s a rare trait that few Hypnos kids (and Thanatos kids) develop, but due to Clovis’s power level, everyone is pretty much waiting for it to happen.
He can change his appearance at will in his dreams, but his aura is still the same, so he can still be identified pretty easily by people who know him personally. (As a side note, his eyes pretty much change color on their own to reflect the mood of the dreamscape he’s currently in. Gold, emerald, and violet are the most common colors. His true eye color is blue.)
Doesn’t really care about gender all that much. He has absolutely no problem with people referring to him using any pronouns (she/he/they) and is quite comfortable with himself in general. Many demigods who are questioning their gender comes to talk to him about it, and he’s always open to hearing them out and giving them advice.
VERY bisexual. Likes girls, guys, literally anyone who can keep him awake and interested for more than five seconds.
The unofficial official camp therapist.The role used to belong to Will Solace, but the truth is that the son of Apollo is much more comfortable dealing with physical ailments and problems he can fix medically than he is with dealing with feelings and mental ailments. Clovis is a very good listener despite the popular belief that he’s too busy nodding off to actually hold a conversation with properly and has a very calming aura that helps people feel safe enough to be vulnerable with him.
The go to babysitter of camp. Due to his Hypnos kid vibes, he is able to keep even the most rambunctious demigod and satyr children under control. His nap times are legendary. 
VERY big on respecting people’s privacy and boundaries. He tries his best not to enter any dreams uninvited, and he never talks about what goes on in people’s dreams ever. He also NEVER looks into people’s memories without their permission. He makes sure his siblings follow these guidelines strictly.
He literally lets anyone come into the Hypnos cabin at any time to get a good rest. The cabin has an open door policy.
New campers are often allowed to stay with the Hypnos cabin if they’d rather not face the chaos of the Hermes cabin.
Contrary to popular belief, his cabin is actually NOT the messiest cabin. The Hermes cabin wins that one though they’re followed closely by the Ares and Hephaestus cabins.
He and his siblings are some of the closest in the camp. They meet up and hang out in each other’s dreamscapes and have family nights. Clovis is the oldest AND is a head counselor, so he is very protective and responsible when it comes to his siblings.
Gives AMAZING massages. Leo and the entirety of the Hephaestus and Ares cabins are regular customers. Fight me. 
Actually a very good strategist when it comes to battles and such given that he’s awake enough to actually communicate his ideas. If you get them on your Capture the Team game, you’re already doing good. Annabeth and the Athena cabin love the competition, and they’re nearly unstoppable when they work together with him.
Clovis suffers from TERRIBLE narcolepsy, even for a son of Hypnos. It’s gotten him into a lot of bad and dangerous situations such as falling asleep mid battle, mid conversation, and even in the bath once when he was little. He has developed a fear of heights and water due to his condition.
Holds a lot of frustrations towards himself. Frustrated that he ever turned against the camp that offered him a home, frustrated that he couldn’t help Jason restore his memories, frustrated that couldn’t help more in the war against Gaea, just... frustrated. He tries to sleep off these negative moods because he doesn’t like to bring people down.
Absolutely not opposed to cuddling with people who are okay with it (he always asks first!) It’s a surefire way to get a good night’s rest since you’re so close to him, plus he’s very soft and warm!
Has a good singing voice, but just isn’t confident enough with it. He pushes through his insecurities to sing lullabies to those who really need them though. His lullabies are unmatched. 
Adores cats with all of his heart due to their lazy and relaxed nature, but he knows that he could never be able to care for one well enough. 
ALWAYS wears pajamas. Like all the time. Chiron has given up on enforcing the dress code. He also made sure to have custom made camp bracelets instead of necklaces to be sure that none of the Hypnos kids are choked/strangled by them if they happen to fall asleep in a bad place or position.
Lives in the past. Old movies, old music, old slang, you name it. I mean, he practically sleeps for the majority of his life, so it’s not all that surprising that he’s a bit behind the times. He thinks the modern age moves much too fast for him to keep up with.
The demigods of camp take turns making sure Clovis and his siblings are taking care of themselves. Walking them to the showers and dining pavilion, making sure they get a little sunlight each day, and the bare minimum of training.
He is the best boy.That is the only FACT that I do not accept criticism on. Thank you.
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Maou-jou 9 - 12 (FINAL) | Idolish7 s2 10 - 15 (FINAL) | SLS 2
I’ve been holding off new seasonals because of other things, but after I post this I’ll have enough time to get around to them. That’s why I can’t guarantee winter 2021 seasonal tags on this post...maybe the next one will have them...
Maou-jou 9
…it seems shopping channels even are the same in the demon world.
Now even the demons have quests! (The frame is different to the princess’s, though.)
Oh! The quest failed.
Neo Alraune: in flower language, “the 2nd coming of happiness”. The worry from a little while ago was, “I’m worried about my brother.” The worry from recently: “I didn’t think about being happy that the princess didn’t kill my brother.”
The penguin demons are pretty cute!
Don’t you know how parents forbid children from sleeping until they finish all their homework? Must be something like that.
Yoku ganbarimashita! – Syalis worked hard!
LOL, mental age: 3. Poseidon likes cute things…I can’t read a lot of this…the hardsubs cover the JPN text.
They…both succeeded! (…LOL?)
Maou-jou 10
Owarinocity = Endopolis. It’s a good equivalent, if I do say so myself.
…oh yeah. What happened to Alraune? Update: There she is!
Also, that blonde guy in the infomercials doesn’t look too bad…*makes chef’s kiss gesture with one hand* Nice.
I wonder, was Twilight once human…?
LOL, there’s a goat symbol on the cleric’s pyjamas. Also “first time”, LOL.
I think they were playing shiritori at one point.
Hanamaru saikou yoku dekimashita!
Maou-jou 11
…How does one “sleep cheerfully”, anyway?
I think I saw Twilight drop something…some kind of paper…
Aw, Twilight blushing is kinda cute!
LOL, 70s shoujo style. Also, “It cannot be!”
Whoa, she cancelled it?!
I read up on this series on TV Tropes…and apparently the Demon King captured the Princess in her sleep.
Kagemusha? Like a ninja or something?
Apparently the Demon Cleric is much older than he looks.
Ooh! Hypnos is back!
A-whatsit really is abysmal levels of stupid!!! (LOL)
Maou-jou 12 (FINAL)
Who’s that one tiny guy occupying one of the Ten Kings’ seats?
*watching after Christmas, about a week after the anime finished* This is not seasonally appropriate!
…*thinks for a second, then spits* That’s the 2nd Nemu in the fall 2020 season!!!
Ooh, the head paladin doesn’t look that bad, either.
“…is it good to be…”
“…has seized the princess!”
“…that demon king is rather cute.” – See? Someone agrees with me.
Anyways, that was a fun series. See you soon!
Idolish7 s2 10
…Back at it after so long…(I can’t help it though – Crunchyroll, per month, is about double the local Funimation sublicensor’s fees, and for much less content that’s worth my money to boot!)
I’ve always thought Momo was like Sasara (HypMic), so seeing him anguished hurts me in the kokoro too…
I know Banri was involved with Re:vale somehow…this must be it.
…Male idols are also popular among men? Is this why there are 8 (!!!) idol anime in winter 2021 alone…? (Also, that’s why HypMic became popular? Multidemographic appeal crossed over with obvious merchandising opportunities?)
It’s kind of scary how Momo stepped the formality towards Yuki like that (to -san).
I guess in his heart Momo still reveres Yuki, some way or another.
The rakugo curtain really sold the moment that they (current Re:vale) were acting like an old married couple.
Yay! Silver Sky is such a cool song! Of course I recognised the intro when it came on.
…I see. The elder Kujo is entrusting his dream to Tenn, so that’s why he banned Aya from seeing Tamaki. However, it’s hard to know what to feel when Aya speaks in the vaguest terms possible.
I think that was a special ending for only this episode. I don’t know what its name is, but I guess I might recognise it on Spotify one day.
Idolish7 s2 11
LOL, Nagi’s reaction.
Considering the ‘rona is getting worse outside our very windows as we speak (type?), I think it’s correct to be concerned about your future right now.
Looking at these narrow streets reminds me of going to eat hotpot at the end of my Japan trip…only Japanese streets look like that, I think. Hong Kong’s streets are more crowded than that and America likes their suburbia.
Of course, when you say hajimemashite (nice to meet you), someone’s gotta say it back, hence the reply.
Considering there are people all over the world watching the Idolish7 anime, I would say you are telling the world about I7, Riku.
Oh! Restart Pointer! There was an MV for that one…I think it was around the time Idolish7’s MVs started getting better.
So this is the context around the new outfits! Cool!
There have been way too many puns about “idol” being…y’know, “ai (love) doll” and stuff like that…
I have one Twitter person who I follow (DejiNyucu, part of the creative team for Autumn’s Journey) because I don’t get much I7 content and they keep mentioning this “Haruki” person…and suddenly a “Haruki the Betrayer” showed up in the graffiti…they might be the same person, I think. Not Deji, but Haruki. Update: Sakura Haruki, perhaps…?
Sougo’s such a bad liar…
Sometimes, the best way to deal with things is to be direct…(I’m not very good at that, I naturally talk in a very roundabout sort of way.)
Sougo with long hair like Yuki would be really pretty… (<- has an obvious thing for guys with long hair)
Idolish7 s2 12
Nagi’s stupid accent is generally what he’s best remembered for (for me), so seeing him speak normally, and do a press conference on top of that, is…impressive.
A kabedon on top of all this! Whoa!
Shibuya 109 parody…? (I’ve seen that once or twice – parodying that means people know their stuff about Shibuya.)
I think the “it’s overflowing!” is referring to the hype in the “room”.
…this dejected Momo is worrying…(well, he is worrying and I am worrying about him.)
Oh, I see. The person responsible typed the letter so that they couldn’t be traced back. Kind of like those old movies where the culprit would cut letters out of newspapers to make threat mail, but…with even less traces than that, because cutting letters out leaves evidence.
…wow, it took a while for this ep. to have an intro…
…LOL, I just spotted Kenjiro Tsuda cited as the “fake Zero”, meaning the real one might never show up this season.
There’s something really stupid and infectious about these managers’ enthusiasm for drinking energy drinks. It puts a goofy smile on my face.
Is Musubi Tsumugi’s mother…? Update: Yes, she is.
…Wait, so the Chiba Shizuo guy is actually important?!
Idolish7 s2 13
Whenever someone says “by the way”, it means they’re changing the subject. I hate to state to obvious, but Sougo is clearly deflecting the topic of conversation from being about him.
I wonder if this guy (Haw9) is the actual Zero graffiti vandal…?
Hmph, I didn’t realise Tenn doesn’t refer to Kujo-san as his father, but…like that (“Kujo-san”) instead.
Oh hey! These are shots from Vibrato!
Most dramas can be solved with the power of Good Communication. That includes this one.
I feel like “he has a dark side” describes both Tenn and Kujo-san.
“Everyone, remember to wash your hands and gargle thoroughly.” – This is always a good thing to remember in the time of ‘rona. Reminds me of Jakurai’s line in ARB (<- this game started just after the ‘rona came down).
What did Sougo go to uni for (what specialisation)?
Idolish7 s2 14
I just realised Banri calls Momo -kun. Hmm…
Denki = electricity, LOL.
I feel like Tenn is basically Ramuda, give or take actual pink hair…guys in musical groups with pre-existing angst that they become the “centre” of. The fact Fling Posse have Saito Soma and so do Trigger strengthens the connection.
I would watch the heck out of a musical like that! Make it come true, Idolish7! (Also, today is I7 day! I’m not much of an I7 fan outside the anime, but…that’s cool!)
That shot of them jumping! I remember seeing it on the official site before!
Idolish7 s2 15 (FINAL)
There you go! I was wondering where Banri’s injury was – that was the only bit that didn’t add up for him to be Yuki’s old partner.
Hmm…Momo is 4 years younger than Yuki but 2 years younger than Banri…
This episode has a real concert vibe to it, to the point where I got startled by how loud the yell was at one point. (Even if it is mostly stills.)
LOL, lookit Okazaki!
Apparently, if you’re a hako oshi, you like all the members of a group. Someone with a green light and a pink light likes both members of Re:vale.
LOL, Usagi for Asahi beer.
…I forgot Nagi is 19.
…Ooh, I think that’s the kid from ZOOL. No wonder they needed a season 3!
That’s all. See you next time!
“fine and upstanding person” – That’s…hard to believe, Hayato.
I wonder how many bois Toboso designed for SLS…?
…The episode title is actually “Blank”. Not “Break”.
One of the guys’ shirts says moteki on it. That’s a period in one’s life where one enjoys more romantic attention than usual, literally “popularity season”.
The subs missed an I, so initially I knew Kiriyama’s name as “Kiryama”.
There are meant to be 2 wings, right…?
“He who controls information controls everything, right?” – For once, I’m surprised Hayato is right (and not just in that smug way of his).
“…I’m being treated like a manager.” – But Hayato is a manager! (In a sense.)
The plait guy jumps to nicknames really fast…also, why do I get the feeling Maeshima will lose the key?
I hate to say this Maeshima, but I side with your childhood friend (Kiriyama) here. As much as the anime wants me to back you, I’m watching for everyone else at this point.
That blocky building looks pretty cool. I think Zel (Archi-Anime) would like it.
Sasugai’s setup looks pretty cool, including his chair.
…hmm, Maeshima’s like me in a sense. I learn best by copying others, but memory is my best asset. If I don’t regularly train the fundamentals, I suck at everything. That said, I don’t have an eidetic memory. Also, I didn’t quite figure out Ken = Ken(sei Maeshima) until I watched long enough to connect the dots.
LOL, Derry’s. (<- reminded of a word for “butt” <- derriere)
Well, the guy’s (Souta…?) shirt does say moteki…
Kiriyama kinda looks like Jyuto (HypMic), come to think of it…Right down to his angry streak (although Jyuto has a reputation to keep as a “cool dude”, while Kiriyama is more of a Manza (Boueibu HK) and he’s more angry than he looks).
…This ED is nothing special.
…Hmm? Is that a small Terauchi and Maeshima…?
I think I’m sold for now, but I’m rooting for the other team, not Maeshima’s…not yet, anyways.
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chaniters · 6 years
Awan finds Lord Ember’s warehouse and starts looking for his revenge, only to come upon a Villain who forces him to make a critical decision.  
Enjoy! (And thanks @kruk-art for letting me write about your OC). 
Warning heavy spoilers!
You get off the bus and lower your shields as you start walking towards the storehouse.
Hopefully, your scan will be wide enough to reveal any guards before they spot you.
There are no lights on these dark streets, yet you stick to the corners. Anyone could have night vision and catch you in the dark.
It's subtle, but you can definitely feel their presence ahead. They haven't spotted you yet, but it would be impossible to go ahead without getting detected.
Impossible for some maybe. Not for you.
You kneel and focus your mind. One... two... three... six... you project illusions into their mind. A large group of people walking by... tourists lost and looking at their phones. You just hope they don't use binoculars... You're not good enough to add enough details with two guards looking at once. They are just colored blobs with hats, they should hopefully resemble people in the distance.
The guards focus on the empty spot while you slip inside through a service door. You make the tourists walk away out of sight before making them disappear. It would be a mess if they just poofed into thin air, that'd be a rookie mistake. You would be one to know.
Your hand goes instinctively into your bag... The grenades are there. Not enough money to buy proper equipment, but you can steal spare parts and build what you need. And you needed a way to deal with Lord Ember. If your science is correct, this will be enough... Void and Medea are an unexpected problem. You'll have to work on that on the go. Hopefully, you can catch Lord Ember unaware and then escape...?
First things first... You spy into the guard's minds once more...  
It takes a while, but you make a point to memorize the layout of the warehouse.  
The plan is quite straight forward... Find the drug lab... set it on fire... kill Lord Ember with your grenade... and run away.
You want revenge for Nathaniel's death, but you are a practical individual. You'd rather not be seen by someone who can shoot streams of fire powerful enough to turn people to ash in seconds. Killing him should be enough, no matter if he knows why.
The lab is right behind the door in front of you. You take your hand to the handle... but you fall flat instead, narrowly avoiding an energy blast directed at your head.
You roll to the side and see the masked individual approaching you. You were lucky your mind picked his attack in time, or you'd probably be dead right now.
The Void.
He seems to be powering up his weapon again. No time for second thoughts. You take the lid of a metal trash bin in front of you and swing it at him.
The impact makes him drop the energy rifle, and you follow by charging at him with a fist aimed at his face.
He blocks and ...
And then you both stop.
"412?" he asks.
"Nathaniel?" you ask petrified. It's his mind under that mask. You can't be mistaken.
"You... you're here? How? I looked everywhere for you that night! Where did you go? I thought the Directive took you in again!" he puts the gun down.
"I..." you are speechless. But he asked you a question "I thought Ember killed you? How did you...survive?" even as you speak, the realization comes to you. "Wait... were you... were you Ember's accomplice all along?" It starts making sense. That's how they found you... that's how they caught the guards and you unaware... Nath told you to bring him some ammo from the van... and it all happened while you were gone.
"Well... Yes. I was going to tell you but I couldn't with those guards in front of us. I figured I could have some time alone but those fuckers really had it in for you... Well, they did get what they had coming for harming my doll" he chuckles.
"So...you helped Ember steal the drugs?"
"I told you, once the mission was over,  it'd be all be alright for us! And you're here now! This is just perfect! We're free of those idiots... no more farm... just life ahead for us!" he says patting your shoulder. He does that... unlike other handlers who wouldn't touch you with a stick.
"What's with the... " you ask gesturing at his costume
"It's my new identity," he says posing tall. "I'm The Void now. We'll get you a new identity too... with the two of us... we won't need to work for Ember much longer... We'll get our own thing going in no time. This is just what we need to get started" you can sense the plans already forming in his mind. "Mentor? The Mind? Hypnos? So many options for your name" he laughs "God i missed you so much 412!"
"I'm not sure I like those identities," you say stepping back.
"Oh, right... you're growing up! Asserting your own personality... I love that, few dolls live long enough to get there. You're going to be among the select few. Well, tell you what, you can choose your name yourself if you want... I'm so fucking relieved you're here. It'll all be so much easier now."
"No, I mean... I don't think I want to be a supervillain?" you cringe as you speak the words
"Nonsense! We'll make millions like this! With my mods and your telepathy, we'll make a hell of a team... like we always did!"
"But you are killing people! Those drugs... there are dozens of deaths already! And Ember is killing his own men too!"
"We did that all the time back at the farm, or did you forget about that?" he says giving you a condescending look.
"But those... were criminals!"
"Heh. Yeah... depending on your point of view I guess? They can make anyone a criminal these days..."
You almost choke as you hear him say that.
"I don't... I don't want to kill anyone! I never wanted to kill anyone..! Except for Ember... for killing you... but now you're fucking alive?!"  You just want to scream right now.
"Woah... slow down Don't you see how this is meant to be? I lost you in Alaska and now you've found your own way back to me. You and I are a team, remember?"
"Yes... I ... remember"
"So stop whining already. You are going to join me. I'll introduce you to Ember. He'll be over the moon!... We're going to be great"
"Maybe we can get Medea to help with your costu... what?"
"I said No" You repeat yourself. You are starting to get a bad migraine from this. You even sense a faint buzzing static in the background.
"Whatever do you mean with "no" ?"
"I'm not going to join you! I don't want to be a fucking villain! Or a Hitman! And I thought you were better than this! I thought WE were better than this..." 
"Better than... What the fuck is wrong with you?" he says taking your arm. "Is this another one of your tantrums? Stop this nonsense. We are DOING this"
"I'm leaving," you say freeing yourself 
"I'm ORDERING you to do it!" he says using his authority as your handler.
Only he's no longer your handler. He's a criminal.
"I...hate you!" You don't even have words for this. His mind just thinks you're being incredibly childish and stupid and that he knows what’s best... And you can't stand it  "I'm leaving... fuck you, Nathaniel," you say walking away.
You clean some tears from your eyes as you walk. The murdering idiot is actually making you cry. Fuck this. Fuck it all. You're not staying.
"You don't fucking own me!" you say without stopping while giving him the finger "I'm never coming back to you."  
"STOP, RIGHT NOW!" he yells furious.
And then you sense it without turning back. ... he's drawing his gun. He's got you in his sights.
"You're not going to shoot me, Nath. We were a team. I saved you so many times. You can't do it. I'm going to leave right now. Do whatever you want but leave me alone"
You know he can't do it. You've seen your mind trough and trough... You've known him for so long, there is simply no way he could...
And then your brain warns you he's started pulling the trigger. You try to dodge... But the mods in his left eye make him a perfect Marskman. He corrects his sights... and the energy beam sends you to the ground in pain.
You crawl forwards in the floor, trying not to scream. It hurts so much...
You see his boot near your face.
"I warned you. You belong to me. I'm the only one you've got! I was there when no one else wanted you!"  he speaks while checking the contents of your bag.
"We are together in this, and it's not up for debate." He takes your arms and starts dragging you through the warehouse. You try to struggle, but it only makes the pain worse.
Finally, he lets you down in a small empty room.
"We'll have a chat as soon as I take care of some pending business... So you better learn some manners fast," he says crouching near you.
You try to look away but he forces you to look at him, with a hand on your chin.
"You are MINE. Remember it!"
"You don't... own me" you repeat weakly.
He answers by getting really close, within inches of your face.
"A doll without a handler? Don't be ridiculous. You know you couldn't function, least of all survive out here without me. Maybe I'll leave you here to enjoy your nightmares for a few days, see how you change your tune soon enough... None of the other handlers wanted you, and perhaps I was too patient with you... That's going to change."  
He lets go and slaps you down as you open your mouth again. And then...he justs stands up and leaves the room and taking your grenades with him.
You hear a key turning inside the lock.
Shit. You have to get out of here.
But first, you need to stop the fucking tears...
My Fanfiction: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero    
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Riden. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero wold. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for her wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 3 years
Winner’s Curse Ch. 23
“You have got to be kidding me? No, no no way! Jay, get over here!” Jade yelled, unusually excited by a flutter of paper.
Jay tore his gaze away from the sight of the rising sun. A sight that when he was little, he’d pretend he was in the Agrabah Jafar had told him about. How the rising sun burned like the fires of the Jewel of Destiny. The sand gleamed like the golden minarets that were worth two ships of gold. The oasises as colorful and bright as emeralds and rubies.
It all led back to gold. Beauty in riches.
He knew better now than to believe his dad’s golden rule, but at sights like this, he couldn’t help but remember that feeling. Of wonderment, of desperate longing to see it for himself but feeling, knowing that he never would.
But he did know better. He did know better. He wasn’t going to fall for his dad’s sneaky, snaky words. Or for his hypnosis.
Damn it, he was Jayal iban Jafar, prince of thieves, king of lies, captain of tourney and R.O.A.R. He was powerful, fast, strong. He shouldn’t have broken out of the mind control himself!
“Jaaaay,” Jade called again.
“Right, coming.” Jay crouched to where Jade was regally reclining on her pile of cushions, holding the slip of paper aloft like a royal scroll. “One of Celia’s shadows sent this. She and Yzla tried to scry and get a message to King Ben. But they got something so so much better!” Jade explained reading the front side of the paper, “Apparently, the Coven already has some contacts inside Auradon that are helping them with the invasion. And they’re kids of the heroes. Ah!”
“You are way too happy about this.” Jay smirked at his cousin’s delighted squawk.
“Come on! A hero’s kid is helping their parents’ villain?! Oh and those Aks acted like they were so much better than us. It’s so perfect! Anyway, do the names Kyro, Victoria Porter, Morgaine Le Fey or Alexandria ring a bell to you?”
Jay shook his head, “Not really. I guess Morgaine Le Fey is Morgana’s daughter, but I don’t know about the others. I didn’t really hang out outside of my friends.”
“Good choice, who’d want to be friends with those whiny, pampered bitches.” Jade smiled knowingly.
Jay smiled back, “Took the words out of my mouth.” Okay maybe he wouldn’t have used the word, “bitches,” but once upon a time he would have. Now… he hated to admit but some of FG’s lessons had snuck in. He was more hesitant about using vulgar language. It unnerved him to realize that cursing was yet another thing that Auradon had changed in him.
Though he still did it sometimes to shock the princes like Chad who acted like he had murdered a puppy or something when he uttered the word, “Shit.”
But it still wasn’t the same.
Isle Jay hadn’t been so soft, so considerate of others.
Isle Jay wouldn’t have allowed himself to have looked at his fathers staff. He would have made some sort of distraction, talked his dad into letting him go, anything other than stupidly looking into the staff that he knew would make him a pawn.
What’s more Isle Jay wouldn’t have gotten tricked and captured in the first place, allowing his dad a chance to hypnotize him.
No Isle Jay disappeared the moment that he chose goodness over the wand. But what did that leave him with?
He was loyal now, he was the big brother. A big brother that hadn’t protected his friends from anything.
He was no help to Carlos and his nightmares.
He was no help to Mal when she was stressed and shunned by the public media as Ben’s consort.
He couldn’t help Evie against the invisible insecurities that haunted her head from sixteen years of grooming by her mother.
He hadn’t saved Ben from getting captured by pirates last time he was here. He had forgotten how bad the Isle was and forgot about the kids still left here….
He protected no one. He helped no one.
Maybe he was still the son of Jafar, through and through. He had helped no one but himself.
And he hadn’t done a good job of that either as this mission had shown.
He was Auradon Jay in being soft, easily tricked and hypnotized.
He was the worst of both worlds.
“Jaay, seriously are you sure you're not suffering from post hypnosis syndrome or something official like that?” Jade thwacked him on the head.
“I’m fine!” Jay punched her back in the arm.
“You better go tell Uma about this. It sounds important.” Jay pushed her away before she could pounce on him for a headlock. “Come with,” Jade gestured, but Jay shook his head.
“No. Remember, I’m supposed to be a hypnotized slave. Why would you take me around for a “girl’s convo,” he put air quotes around the excuse Jade used to her mother whenever she went to Uma’s room.
“You’re my slave, I can do what I want. Like how Cruella drives Jace and Harry around with her for everything.”
“Fine,” Jay cracked his neck and tensed up into the rigid state of hypno-him. He forced himself to walk robotically, letting his mind wander off into various thoughts, the most troubling recurring one of his father, so it looked like the blankness of a hypnotized pawn.
He hated trying to assume the position even though he knew it was necessary. It gave him the painful cramping, pins and needles feeling even though it was a short walk across the hall.
Jade fluttered the paper gleefully under Uma’s nose before the blue-haired sea witch snatched it out of her hands.
The rest of the group, Calix, Gil, Harry, Aziz, and Jordan crowded around to read the tiny writing until Uma read it aloud for them all. Jordan and Aziz, the only two who actually knew of the people looked shocked. Identical expressions of disbelief and surprise covering their faces, and causing Jade to burst into a not so discreet cackle.
“But- but Victoria Porter is a.. She’s a lady. She’s British for Allah sake! She wants to be a royal guard, why would she join the Coven! She doesn’t even have powers!” Jordan cried.
“And Alexandria cares way too much about her royal reputation to do this. Calix you dated her, isn’t Morgaine a sorceresss? Is she hypnotizing them or something?” Aziz pestered Calix who only opened and closed his mouth wordlessly.
“It doesn’t matter why they’re with the Coven or if they’re under duress. What’s important is that we know they’re working with them. We have to find a way to send a message to King Ben.” “We could use Celia’s shadow creatures,” Jade suggested, “That’s how she sent the message to me in the first place.”
“We’ll try that. And I’ll send a message in a bottle with a genie girl as a backup.” Uma confirmed, “Next, we’ll see if we can get Celia to scry for more information like what entry points this mini Coven is creating for the Coven to enter through.”
“I can help with that,” Calix added, “But what do the-how do I put this delicately, what do the rest of the non powered people do?”
“Harry, Gil, you go back to the crew and see how the fight training is going. Aziz, Jade, Jay, you… go keep your cover.” Uma directed the last one dismissively, leaving no question what she thought of their usefulness.
And it sparked a memory inside Jay. Memories since it happened more than once. Jafar was utterly disinterested in Jay unless he had something to steal. A day he came home with empty hands and a black eye.
“Just go.” “Go find something valuable.” “Get out of my sight!”
Commands he had obeyed without a question. No better than a spineless henchman. Or a brainless pawn.
Well Jay had his own mind. Ever since he left the Isle, he’d been standing up to what he wanted out of his life, not his dad. Just because he was back on the Isle, didn’t mean he was going to go back to obeying others without a question.
“What’s wrong, Shrimpy? Afraid I’m going to upstage you if you let me help?” Jay mocked, striding to Uma.
Like muscle memory, his body tensed for a fight. Clenching an dunclenching his fists, purposely stooping to Uma’s eye level, forcing everyone to acknowledge that he was taller and stronger than her. He flexed his muscles, and separated his legs for better balance. And he smirked. The smirk that made many a thug want to punch his lights out before ending up on the ground on their backs.
Anticipation rushed up his spine and he could taste the memory of blood on his tongue. He missed this adreneline….
Uma glared, not taking a step back as most opponents usually did. That would make a punch more difficult since he wouldn’t be able to get enough leverage, but then again he could always sweep her legs from under her.
“I’m not scared of you upstaging me. I’m not scared of you, period. I’m ordering you back to your post so this mission can continue successfully.” Uma gritted through her teeth, her eyes flashing a stormy teal much like the ocean outside the broken barrier.
That only made Jay’s fury mount. The deliberate calmness in her tone, like she was placating Jay by listening but knew that Jay would obey her anyway.
“You’re not the boss of me.” Jay growled.
“Well your pretty purple dragon “boss” is all the way over in Auradon so she can’t make your decisions anymore. You-”
“I can make my own decisions,” Jay yelled but Uma still didn’t back down, “I’m the only one here who could best all of you in a fight so I think you should be very careful how you speak to me or I’’ll-”
“You’ll be bleeding on the floor with your throat slit, that’s what you’ll be.” Harry finished, caressing the back of Jay’s head with his hook. The cold metal point just barely touching the nape of his neck.
Jay cursed himself for forgetting that others were watching and allowing Harry to get the advantage over him. He was better than this. He used to be better at this. Rule number 3 and 4 on the Isle was to always be aware of your surroundings and always on guard.
Jay snorted, clenched his fist and backed away from Uma. Harry only leaving his back until Jay was reasonable distance away. Jay saw the rest of them staring. Not the usual faces of awe, bloodlust and excitement that would be expressed by the onlookers of Isle tassels. No, these were the looks of tension, fear and concern.
Great, if the rest of the group hadn’t thought he was entirely useless and manipulatable from the hypnotized by Jafar incident, now they would all think was too hot headed to be trusted.
The looks from Jordan and Aziz were not as concerned or shocked as the others They were more neutral as if they expected this behavior.
Yet another example confirming for them that he was just a junior Jafar.
Frustrated with the uneasy feeling of a burnt ego, Jay stalked out, mumbling, “I’ll go back to my post.”
He shouldn’t have left Auradon. He shouldn’t have. He was the worst of both worlds. Too soft for the Isle now, but still a capital V, VK in Auradon.
He missed his friends, and he missed the feeling of a team more than ever.
In tourney, Coach Jenkins emphasized that to make a mission succeed, everyone had to respect each other.
Though there were some exceptions, mainly Chad, Jay believed that wholeheartedly. He trusted Herkie to always have everyone else’s back as backup support and respected how the demigod tried to be mindful of his strength. He trusted Carlos to always come up with the best strategies and be a sneaky wild card, and he respected Carlos as one of his best friends.
Trust and respect, those were the main ingredients for missions and games to work because no matter how the plan went off the rails, at least he could count on the others to pick up slack without feeling like they resented him.
Here, it was all resentment and distrust. Jay had thought he didn’t care about their opinions, and he still didn’t think he did. But it was exhausting to deal with the eye rolls when he suggested an idea or knowing that his every move, his every mistake was scrutinized as confirming their opinions of him.
They were Auradonians, weren’t they supposed to at least pretend to trust him, and believe in him and second chances?
Jay almost slammed the door behind him in Jade’s room but remembered that wouldn’t have fit with his cover as “mindless hypnotized fool” so he settled for closing it gently.
He needed an outlet for his anger that slamming the doors and punching Harry would have given him but the only choice was to punch pillows.
So he did it. It frustrated him at first. The pillows were too soft and could never match the satisfaction of crunching bones and skin but he kept at it. He let his ranger take over as he imagined the faces of Uma, Harry, Jafar, Jordan, Aziz and all the other assholes that had been ordering him around and keeping him in his place as a nothing. Unemployed thief. Jafar junior. Mindless pawn.
Sweat dripped down and plastered his hair to his neck but he kept going. Fluff began to spill from the pillows and his nails dug into his palms but he kept going. He kept going until he reached the bottom of the pillow pile, finding relief in the feel of splintered gravel against his knuckles.
He huffed, sanking to his knees and swiped his sweaty hair off his back, waiting for his pulse and breath to get back to normal. Once his blood stopped rushing in his ears, he heard the sound of slow clap. He whipped around to his feet to see Jade in her ornate sari, her emerald rings gleaming from the gilt edges decorating the room.
“What do you want?” Jay blew out a breath.
“Want to talk about your feelings?”
Jay choked on a laugh. He didn’t know what he expected Jade to say but that definitely wasn’t it. In fact, she sound so unsure and hesitant while asking, it sounded like she was questioning him what feelings were.
“Why-why would you want to know that?”
Jade and he never talked.
Actually no one talked on the Isle. Feelings were a weakness after all. But Jade and he never had a reason to talk. It wasn’t that kind of relationship. They were thieves in arms and…
If Jay was being honest, he hadn’t thought Jade really had feelings.
Sure she got happy and pissed, But the emotional wringers Carlos and Evie went through… the pressure that Mal tried so hard to pretend it didn’t get to her, Jay hadn’t thought Jade ever felt that. Or would want to hear someone else’s sob story.
But Jade, while nervous, was clear eyed and looking at him expectantly.
If there was anyone who’d get what living under the shadow of Jafar was like, Jade would get it.
Still he started with a joke, feeling a shred of embarrassment at his emotion-fueled rage, “Guess I do have post hypnosis syndrome. Heh, it kinda.. I don’t want to be ordered around, you know.” “If it makes you feel better, she treats me like I’m an easily hypnotized idiot too, and I haven’t even met her till now.” Jade settled down on the ottoman, gracefully smoothing her dress around her.
“Yeah, that’s Shrimpy. Bossy sea witch and pain in the ass trying to assert her authority. She still hasn’t gotten over, Mal beating her.” Jay semi-explained. Jade nodded and paused, clearly waiting.
Jay tensed, he never thought talking about his feelings would be this hard. He knew Jade wouldn’t judge him too much but still…
Through clenched teeth Jay said, “It’s just… before I got hypnotized I had realized, I never- I never thought what I’d do if I saw Dad again. I’m not like Mal or the others. I don’t care about his opinion. He doesn’t care about mine. He doesn’t care about me. But I-”
“But you do care.” Jade finished softly.
Jay thought of the first glimpse he had of his dad, returned back to his former glory. The way his pointed robe loomed over him, the snakey slit of his eyes as he grinned with perverse delight of a fate awaiting Jay that he didn’t know about.
The feeling sent a dip in his stomach and shudder in his chest. A feeling that Jay never gave words for until now.
“I was scared.” Jade didn’t say anything and that compelled Jay to continue talking, something to fill the silence that he was afraid was going to be replaced by tears if he didn’t stop himself.
“I was scared because I know I betrayed him and I didn’t know what he’d do with me. But yeah, I also cared about him too. I was scared and.. and guilty. I disappointed him.I hate it. I hate that! I know he’ll never care about me so why can’t I just stop caring about him? Nothing will ever make him care for me.” “That- that also makes it worse. I spent sixteen years of my life doing nothing. I stole and lied and became a master thief for nothing. I let him insult me, and hit him, and ignore me for nothing. I was never going to get the big score, I was never going to be anything but a burden or something he cared about.”
“I still cared for him, and… until he hypnotized me, some stupid part of me thought he cared too. Not a lot but. You know, Dad. He only hypnotizes people he sees as pawns or just idiots.” “And he hypnotized you.” Jade said matter of factly.
“Yeah, he hypnotized me. He could have used me or blackmailed, all conscious and self aware, to do something for him. He knows I’m a good thief, but-”
“He hypnotized you because he’d rather have a controlled pawn than a brilliant master thief of a son.” Jade put in words.
Jay nodded wordlessly, rubbing his face from the tears he felt burn in the back of his eyes but weren’t visible. “I thought I was better than the others, you know.” Jay said, not needing to clarify, “I thought I didn’t care about my dad so I didn’t have nightmares like they did. I was like their big brother.”
He snorted, thinking back to the kids scrounging through the trash cans, “I suck as a big brother but they still think that of me.” “Why do you suck?” Jade asked with genuine curiosity.
“I tell them that if we ever met our parents again, I’d fight for them. I’d pound anyone who hurt them. Villain or royal. But when I faced my dad. An illusion of my dad actually, I froze. Sure, I can say I’ll protect them, but what if when something actually happens, I freeze again? I haven’t done anything to actually help them.”
Jade looked thoughtful, “Well according to Yzla, Yen Sid said that part of helping is just listening and comforting people. And that’s what you do with Mal, Evie and Carlos. You’re a great big brother. As for freezing up. I think you’d fight to defend them. You froze with Jafar because… well it’s harder to fight your family.”
Jay listened, already feeling a weight lift from Jade’s words. Reminding himself that he fought Uma and her crew for his friend’s sake, and he fought Maleficent too back at Coronation. Maybe he wasn’t such an imposter of a big brother as he thought…
“You know, for someone who is getting to Anti Villain Club lessons by letter, you’re pretty good.” Jay nudged her shoulder.
Jade flick a bang back and smiled smugly, “I’m a quick study.”
The settled into comfortable silence, a feeling that was strange to him since he like dbeing as active as possible, but it was also nice. Calm, actually it made him want to fall asleep.
“So what about you? Anything you want to talk about?” Jay asked.
Jade looked like a deer caught in the headlights as the tables flipped to her. She pursed her lips, looked away and then looked back at him, “Nothing much. Just glad we had the chance to talk.” She sounded nonchalant as she answered but Jay could see the little Jade ticks that clued she was lying.
She sounded too carefree which Jay knew Jade never was. She was always looking for an angle.
“What’s in it for you? Why are you so into us talking?” Jay questioned.
“You know, you get it. Living with someone like our parents.” Jade mumbled, playing with the ring on her finger, “Being disappointments. Though I’d rather be hypnotized as punishment than what Mom usually does.”
Jay closed his eyes, the guilty weight came crashing back. He heard the rumors, of course. Nasira’s temper was legendary, and Jade was the best at makeup covering bruises but he hadn’t tied it together. Or at least he did, but shrugged it off since so many of them dealt with the blows given by their parents. There was no need to check on her.
Jade was Jade. She was tough, she was fine.
But the abuse did bother her. Just like everyone else. She lied that she was fine.
And Jay fell for that lie just like everyone else. Hook, line and sinker.
Some prince of lies he was.
“Jade I’m so-”
“Don’t feel guilty about not being a good brother. I never needed you as a brother.” Jade shoved him a bit as if physical distance would separate the emotional boundaries they were crossing.
Jay wanted to ask more, to argue that wasn’t true. That if he could have been there for Mal, Carlos and Evie, he could have been there for her too. But he also knew there was no point. It already happened in the past.
“You’re right. But we’ll talk from now on.”
Jade looked at him, straight in the eye, which would have meant something if they both weren’t skilled at lying with direct eye contact.
Jay slipped a gold seashell he pickpocketed from Uma into her hand. Jade smiled and handed him her emerald ring. It was a deal.
“I know you prefer your friends, but if you ever need to, I can be like your fourth option. When you feel like you can’t be a big brother.” Jade murmured.
“Hmm mm,” Jay hummed, admiring the green glint of the ring. No scratches on it. This was genuine jewelary instead of the costume junk that was usually found on the Isle.
“Though I guess I’m your sixth option if you go to Aladdin’s royal brats before me,” Jade laughed and Jay snorted derisively at such an unlikely scenario.
Though he had grown to be patient with royals, those two were still incredibly annoying. Worse so, since their families were interconnected as enemies. Other classmates always asked if he got along with them or if he was going to visit Agrabah, and he’d mutter something noncommittal and leave. He didn’t want to pick a fight with them and bring back all the anti-VK mobs again. He’d rather leave them alone and they do the same.
Though he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to visit Agrabah. He wanted to see the storied bazaar of spices and treasures and millions of other items under the blazing sun. Or the golden dome of the palace. Or parkour on the roofs himself.
But then he’d have to accept the invitation to live in the Sultan’s palace and he wasn’t sure he would survive a week with them without majorly offending someone. Or punching someone.
Aziz was okay. He never brought up the Jafar connection, he didn’t make obvious ploys of aggression like Chad. Aziz even invited Jay to Agrabah himself at Aladdin’s behest. But Jay could see it in his eyes that Aziz wanted Jay to say no. The slight sneer when Jay got the penalty box for aggressiveness or see the tell-tale twinkle of a stolen bracelet slip out of Jay’s pockets that said Aziz fully believed Jay to be his father’s son.
Passive aggressive really which annoyed Jay more since that was such a girl thing to do. If Aziz was an actual man he’d screw the nicieties and fight.
Jordan was more upfront, announcing it to the room when he stole something. Eyes cutting to him expectedly when there was news of a brawl. Outright threatening him if he got near her, her lamp or Aziz.
Yeah, they were not his favorite Auradonians.
So unlike the happily ever after stories of his friends of Evie dating Dough or Carlos romping with the 101 dalmations, he was not on the road to reconciliation with his father’s enemies.
So no Agrabah for him.
He didn’t care. Unlike his dad, he truly didn’t care about their opinions. Except for the missed vacation destination.
Besides, even though he wasn’t befriending Aladdin like others expected. He still had Coach Jenkins as a mentor.
Though it wasn’t quite the same. Coach Jenkins made a conscious effort not to favor one of his athletes over the other. And Jay didn’t feel like inviting himself over to Coach’s family dinners. It would be too awkward. And too pathetic.
Well at least he had Jade. Though it would get some getting used to in thinking of her as someone as family even though they literally were. They had both been so used to the “No Team in I” family philosophy. And then Jay had been consumed by his role as big brother, that he hadn’t felt it right to burden his friends. After all, he was fine compared to them.
But that was going to change, and now, he had a new ally on his side to feel less alone.
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gatesofember · 7 years
PJO Arranged Marriage AU Guide
Below the cut is a guide for my PJO Arranged Marriage/Royalty AU.  I’ll continue to update this post as I write the AU and I’ll reblog it every time I update to keep it easy to find on my blog.
Have a question about the AU or can’t remember a tiny detail that was said 3 fics ago?  Shoot me an ask or leave a comment in the fic and then I’ll either answer you or add it here.  I know what’s going on, but sometimes I might forget that you guys don’t know everything I do about this universe!
Location names are, for the most part, the Roman name of the ruler.  Character names are Greek and locations are Roman.  (I will break this rule a few times, e.g, when there isn’t a Greek/Roman counterpart or the person in charge is a demigod.  I equate Enyo and Bellona in this au, even though HoO states they are not the same).  
The three major countries (or the Romanus Terris):
Pluto -- Ruled by King Hades.
Location -- far in the north.
Demonym -- Adj: Plutonian; N: Pluton, Plutons
Economy -- Mining, tends to lead innovation and invention, jewelry, economy collapsed after illness called Scarlet Delirium
Major landmarks -- 5 major rivers: Acheron, Styx, Cocytus, Lethe, and Phlegethon (which leads to some very nice natural hot springs)
Major Cities/Duchies --
The HQ of the Sorority, Venadica, is in Pluto’s borders (but is not technically part of Pluto).
The Royal City is Divitia (which comes from the word for “riches” the ancient Pluton language -- aka, Latin).  It is sometimes called “the city of riches,” making Hades the “father of riches.”  (Just to tie in Dis Pater).  Divitia is in the Duchy Angelus (yup, you guessed it, Nico’s going to be the duke of Angelus when he’s old enough).  (The palace is called the Palatium de Divitae, or Palace of Riches, and one of the royal family’s other estates is called the Privilla).
Also duchies of Trivia, Somnus, and Vulcan, with the duchess/dukes Hecate, Hypnos, and Hephaestus.
Misc. notes -- 
In many senses, the most conservative of the three.  
Old Pluton (which is really just Latin) is the language used in many official affairs/old names.
The coldest of the three countries in the au
Jupiter -- Ruled by Emperor Zeus.  
Location -- South of Pluto.  There is a range of mountains along the western border.  On the east, it borders the sea.
Demonym -- Juvian or Jovian. I can’t decide on a spelling, and neither can they.
Economy -- Farming, trade, art and entertainment
Major landmarks -- Mount Olympus, upon which the imperial city was built.  The mountain range, Monti Ouri, is on the western border.
Major Cities/Duchies --
The imperial city, Olympus, resides in the Duchy of Juno, which is near the coast.  
Apollo is the Duke of Diana.  Mars, Ares’ duchy, is along the western border, where the mountains are.  Demeter is the Duchess of Ceres, which is located far in the south.  Other duchies: Ventus (Duke Aeolus), Mercury (Duke Hermes).
Misc. notes --
Largest of the three.
Most diverse population (aside from Venadica) which can be seen in major cities like Olympus.  
The Jovian language is spoken mostly everywhere, as the trade language and technical language.
Neptune -- Ruled by King Poseidon.  
Location -- A large island and its surrounding keys, located east of Jupiter.
Demonym -- Neptonian, Neptonians
Economy -- Fish, fine fabrics, dye, pearls
Major landmarks -- Prata Pontia (Latin: Prata = Medows, Pontia = of Pontus.  Named this because Romans sometimes called the sea Prata Neptunia), the sea separating Neptune from the mainland, bordering Neptune and Jupiter.
Major Cities/Duchies --
The Royal city is Salacia, located in the duchy Jafilius (Ja = shortened “Jack,” filius = son in Latin).
Duchies Venus, Bacchus, and Aeaea for Aphrodite, Dionysus, and Circe.
Misc. notes --
Most fashion-forward nation, sometimes considered a bit risque.  If Pluto is the most conservative, the Neptonians are the opposite.  
Other groups:
The three main countries are collectively called the Romanus Terris (Roman Lands) because they share a religion and the Sorority binds them together, making them culturally similar and politically allied (mostly).  It helps that they’re all right next to each other.  But there are other countries, as well.
Within the Romanus Terris, there are several ethnic groups, like the satyrs and the nereids.  I’ll write a more detailed section about them when I’m not as exhausted as I am right now.
Southwest of the the Monti Ouri and across a desert is Aegyptia, which, obviously, is Egypt (this is the word that the populus romanus - Roman people - know for it; the Aegyptios have their own language).
Across the Prata Pontia and far to the north is the cold, mountainous Skatinavia, where the Norse live.  It is actually comprised of three main islands, the Scandiai islands.  Annabeth was originally from Skatinavia before Athena took her in as a ward.  (I chose this spelling because it was the one used by Pliny the Elder, so I think it’s the first known Latinization of the Protogermanic name. Credit also goes to Pliny for the idea of making it three islands, the idiot didn’t know they’re peninsulas.  HA! I kid, I kid.)
So is Scatinavia spelled with a “c” or a “k”? Lol, idk. I keep changing my mind, but probably “c.”
Noble Hierarchy
The hierarchical setups of the monarchies are modeled after the British monarchy, with some influence from the Holy Roman Empire.
Basically: King/Queen/Emperor/Empress are the highest positions, followed by Duke/Duchess, and then Earl/Countess.
A Marquis/Marquise is basically equivalent (or perhaps slightly superior) to a Earl/Countess, but the county (or more accurately, the march) is located on the border.
There is little social mobility in these societies; in other words, you stay in the class you’re born into.  Marriage can bring about small changes in status, but not large ones (e.g., a commoner cannot marry a king).
Notable exceptions: as a consor, knight, or soror, you have an achieved rather than ascribed status, but this is not transferable. In other words, if you are knighted or study to become a consor, you gain more respect/power, but you do not pass this status onto your children. Your title dies with you.
Even as a consor, knight, or soror, the class you were born into still matters. For example: it is questionable whether Reyna would have been picked out to be Nico’s adviser if she hadn’t been born into a noble family (of course, she’s perfectly qualified, regardless of status.)
As of right now, I’m still working this out, but the Romanus Terris all use the same coinage, which is based on ancient Roman currency
The Sorority is structurally somewhat modeled after the Papacy and the Catholic hierarchy.  
Sorority terminology:
Consor -- A normal person (i.e., not a Soror) who volunteers services or studies with the Sorority, usually refers to a student/philosopher/scientist kind of person.  There isn’t a direct translation because it is a very culturally specific position.  Consors are often men, married women, and others who cannot or do not wish to join the Sorority.  Affiliated with the Sorority, but not technically recognized. Comes from a Latin word for “fellow.”
Matestra -- Leader of the Sorority (basically the Pope), currently Artemis, comes from the Latin words for “mother” and “mistress.”
Puella -- Priestess in training, one who has not yet taken the oath.  Comes from the Latin word for “girl.”
Soror -- Priestess, comes from the Latin word for “sister”
Soror Princepa -- High priestess
Sororal -- Relating to the sisters or sisterhood, like the word papal relates to the papacy.  Again, coming from the Latin word for “sister”
Sorority -- Priesthood/sisterhood.  You can probably guess what this means in Latin.
Venadi -- Another term for priestesses, referring to their search for knowledge.  Comes from the Latin word for “hunter.”
Venadica -- (Ember’s pronunciation: /vɛn’ædɪcə/) The HQ of the Sorority, similar to the Vatican.  Like “venadi,” this comes from the Latin word for “hunter.”  It is also called “The City of Enlightenment” because the Sorority leads a constant search for knowledge, which is often informally referred  to as “the hunt.”
Besides the Catholic influences there are also Greco-Roman influences, more with regard to worship.
The deities in this AU are mostly Greek primordial deities (or protogenoi). Basically everything is the same as Greek mythology until the Titans come in. I will take a few creative liberties, though, and sources are inconsistent with each other. I use Riordanverse as my main source, but not all the time. So if something is inconsistent with Riordan canon or with Hesiod or some other scholar, don’t worry, I know. I chose to do it that way because it’s my au and I can do whatever I want.
Like Greek and Roman Mythologies, religions don’t necessarily “conflict” with each other. In ancient times, when new deities from other cultures were discovered, they were added to the pantheon. The populus romanus used to be several different tribes who worshiped several different deities and over time they added to each other’s pantheons, eventually becoming one big society with an organized mythology.
For the most part, if a name isn’t listed here they either a) don’t exist in this au, b) don’t exist in this au yet, or c) exist but as a mortal.
The protogenoi:
Aeon -- Protogenos of eternity.
Aether -- Protogenos of light.  Consort of Hemera.
Anake -- Protogenos of inevitability. Consort of Chronos.
Chaos -- Protogenos of the void (genderless).  Parent of Gaea, Nyx, Akhlys, Ouranos, Pontos, Tartarus, Erebos, and Eros.
Chronos -- not to be confused with Kronos (who is referred to as Saturn in this au to differentiate).  Protogenos of time.  Consort of Anake.
Elpis -- Protogenos of hope.
Erebos -- Protogenos of darkness.  Consort of Nyx.  Father of Hemera, Aether, Moros, Ker, and Thanatos.
Eros -- Protogenos of love and sex.
Gaea -- Protogenos of the earth.  Consort of Ouranos.  Viewed as a protective mother figure by mortals.
Hemera -- Protogenos of day.  Consort of Aether.
Ker -- Protogenos of painful and violent death.
Moros -- Protogenos of doom.
Nyx -- Protogenos of night.  Consort of Erebos.  Mother of Hemera, Aether, Moros, Ker, Thanatos and Akhlys.
Ouranos -- Protogenos of the sky.  Consort of Gaea.  
Pontos -- Protogenos of the sea.
Tartarus -- Protogenos of the Tartarus pit.  Not the devil; just the guy you don’t want to meet.  Sometimes also called the protector of the pit, like a jail keeper.
Thanatos -- Protogenos of peaceful death.
Saturn and the Titans -- a team of 12 mortal sons and daughters of Ouranos and Geae, who, in an attempt to overthrow the protogenoi and seize control for themselves, threw their brothers and sisters (the cyclopses and the hundred-handed-ones, etc.), into Tartarus, leaving the protogenoi defenseless.  The war was said to have lasted decades.  In the end, one of the titans, Rhea, returned to her mother, Gaea, and helped her trick and defeat Saturn.  Rhea was killed in the process and died in her mother’s arms.
A reminder that the titan Kronos is called Saturn in this au to avoid confusion with Kronos (titan) and Chronos (protogenos).
Rhea and Gaea, particularly the Gaea clining to Rhea’s dying body, are often the subjects of pieces of art.  They have this cool mother/daughter-protectors-of-the-world theme.
This story is also the origin of the phrase “a hundred hands dealt a hundred poor cards,” because the hundred-handed-ones got a really crappy ending.
Yes, Ouranos lost his balls.  “Ouranos’ ballsack” (or variations thereof) is a vulgar, but common, exclamation.  So is “Gaea’s rocky mountains,” btw.
Remember when Nico and Will went to the opera to see Mutilationem Ouranos? 
Feasts, festivals, and other celebrations:
Chronalia -- A harvest festival, dedicated to Chronos (not Kronos) to honor the passage of time and the end of waiting. Held in Ceres (Jupiter).
Erotia -- A fertility/love holiday, held in honor of Eros.  Takes place in Venus (Neptune) during spring.
Rhegalia -- Celebration of Rhea and Gaea’s defeat of Saturn.  Held in winter in Angelus (Pluto).
Gaealia -- A festival held in Ceres (Jupiter) to celebrate the beginning of the harvest in Spring.  Sacrifices are offered to Gaea to pray for a fruitful season.
Pontonia -- A festival held in Jafilius (Neptune) in honor of Pontus.  Occurs in summer.
Games, Sports, and other activities:
Stones-and-Stems -- A children’s game.  The children attempt to throw a stone into a “target” made up of twigs or stems.  If a child makes the target, they continue to move farther away from the target until they miss.  The child who gets farthest wins.
Wolf-in-the-Pasture -- A children’s game.  One child is the “wolf” and the others are “cattle.”  The “wolf” chases the “cattle,” and when the “wolf” catches a “cow,” that “cow” also becomes a “wolf.”  The game continues until all “cattle” are “wolves.”  The last “cow” standing becomes the “wolf” in the next round.
Bluff -- A card game similar to poker.  Generally more popular in lower class.
Quadratis -- An aristocratic 4-player card game.
Belli -- An aristocratic 2-player card game.
Acies -- A two-player war/strategy board game meant to simulate a battle.  The board is rectangular and the players sit at either end.  The board is filled with eight large square-shaped tiles, each representing a section of the battlefield.  Each large tile contains 16 squares to signify spaces.  Figurines with differing attributes are used, similar to chess, and each type of figurine has a limit on how many spaces it can move per turn and has specific battle abilities.  The players take turns moving their characters or using an ability.  The goal is to seize control of all tiles on the board, which is done in one of several ways, including a particular combination of figurines on a space, defeating an opponent on the tile before either claim it, or taking control of the tile from an occupying opponent.  Once the tile has been claimed, the player who seized it places a token on the space to signify it is theirs.  The token can be removed and the tile seized by the opponent if the area is left unguarded.  The first player to control all eight tiles wins.  This game can take many hours, even days to complete between a well-matched pair of skilled players.
Bull Leaping -- a traditional sport/performance in Jupiter, based on ancient Greek (mostly Cretan) ritual bull leaping and the more contemporary French course landaise.
Misc. Culture, Customs, and Social Norms
Introduction — The reason I started this au was because of my fascination with arranged marriages, social stratification, cultural norms, etc., so I wanted to add this section on miscellaneous customs not otherwise specified elsewhere in the guide.  This section is going to be much more descriptive rather than simply definitional, so I apologize for my verbosity.
I know some of you feel that the formalities in the au are a bit much, but I’ve actually toned down the formalities because I knew I was probably the only person who would like them.  I’m not trying to write a romance in a historical setting.  I don’t want to write the trope about love being more important than social class.  I’m writing a historical drama with romance in it.  So if things seem formal or proper...yes.  That’s the point.  I’m writing an arranged marriage/royalty au.  It’s all about social class and etiquette.
Just as a note, originally the arranged marriage was much more...arranged, I guess?  The whole thing was far more of a slow burn, too.  In my early plans, Nico and Will had been betrothed for years before they even met in person for the first time.  Their families were discussing the details and they were kept fully informed about the situation, and even wrote to each other some.  Will, of course, was smitten from the moment the negotiations started.  I had this little joke that when they exchanged portraits before the engagement was finalized, Nico’s portrait was the original Nico di Angelo official art, and Will picked it up in complete awe and said, “He’s beautiful!” And then when they actually met in person for the first time, Nico had grown up into Viria official art!Nico and Will basically had the same reaction.
Anyway. I still love this original idea, but I changed it for simplicity’s sake. I’m happy with Privilla, so it all turned out fine, but if I were to do this all over again, I think I would go back to the original plan.
Disclaimer: I’m not an expert on history (I haven’t even taken a history class since high school).  I’m not an expert on sociology and anthropology either, but I have taken classes and I absolutely loved them, and I have done a lot of research for writing this fic.  I drew a lot of inspiration from my cultural anthropology class (I fucking loved that class, have I mentioned that?).  Still, I’m not an expert, nor do I pretend to...ok yes I do pretend to be an expert.
However when it comes to economics and government, I’m making all this shit up.  Mostly.
By mostly I mean like 99.9% of it.
Arranged Marriage
Here I’m going to explain the positive things about arranged marriages, but I’d like to say that my no means do I think we should all be having arranged marriages, and I certainly don’t believe we should arrange the marriages of children. I am expressing things from an in-world point of view and this world has many flaws.
The point of an arranged marriage is not love. That does not mean that there will not be love. That does not mean that people are forced into marriages. That does not mean that it is an entirely impersonal transaction. I only said that the point isn’t love.
Marriage is a rite of passage. You become much more respected when you are married. People generally are excited for their marriage to be arranged because it means that they are growing up and serving their family, and they are enthusiastic about the next chapter of their life with their spouse.
Marriages take a long time to arrange. There is a lot of communication between families. Sometimes, the couple in question may not meet for many years, but in this case they usually will exchange letters and get to know each other in preparation for their life together. Again, none of this is done against their will (except that it absolutely is done against their will considering that very often parents begin preparations when their children are still minors). Their feelings are taken into consideration; if they absolutely cannot get along, their families will decide that a marriage would be unsuccessful. Usually, however, they are encouraged to try their best to get along. Again, people are generally excited to meet their suitors and they want to have a successful marriage, so they will be kind to one another and become friendly. Clashes so severe that they lead to breaking off the arrangement after the official betrothal begins are rare.
Sometimes we say things about finding “the one,” like the person you are destined to be with. The concept of fate in this society is a bit different in this respect. In the au, everything that happens was meant to happen because that was how the fates dictated it. If you marry someone, then that is the person you were fated to marry. That person is “the one,” no question about it. Does that mean you’re fated to fall passionately in love? Perhaps, perhaps not. Love isn’t the point of a marriage. All it means is that person is the one you are fated to spend your life with.
Try to consider how people in the au view our “love marriages.” To them, our marriages are weird. They are also quite unwise. Passion, the kind of love that generally leads to marriage today, is a fleeting emotion, one that only lasts the first few years of a relationship. It is not a good foundation. Not only that, but the person you are marrying, most likely, isn’t from a family that’s close to your family, and the two families haven’t communicated to plan and sort everything out. This is a huge decision and you are making it largely on your own. That is seen as very foolish. You are marrying someone who is a complete stranger to your family, which is incredibly risky. So, if you think it is cruel to arrange a marriage, try to consider exactly how terrifying, risky, and impulsive a love marriage would seem to them.
We say, “first comes love, then comes marriage.” They say, “first comes marriage, then comes love.” Just because love didn’t trigger your relationship doesn’t mean there won’t be love.
Think of it this way: most of us, I sincerely hope, love and are loved by our families. You did not choose them. Often, you probably wouldn’t be friends with them or even like them if you aren’t related. But you love them anyway. This is what marriage is like in the au. Your spouse is your family. Under other circumstances, you may not have even picked them out as a friend. Still, you care for them. They’re your family and your partner. You are going to be together for life and you will support each other unconditionally.
Love, although not the foundation of marriage, is expected to happen.  But the kind of love that defines marriage is not passion; it is companionship.  Passion, of course, can and does also happen, but when passion inevitably starts to ebb, it does not seem like the marriage is falling apart because that wasn’t why they married in the first place
I steal a lot of my love terminology and conceptualization from Sternberg’s triarchic theory.
As for courting: yes, suitors will try to woo a potential fiancé.  There are a few reasons for this: 1) you want to get along with your spouse and it is presumed that you will love them eventually; 2) if you are one of several suitors, the wooing is sort of like bribing someone into favoring you, which will make them more likely to choose to marry you; and 3) in courting someone, you demonstrate your ability to provide for your potential spouse through personal attributes such as dependability and patience, as well as wealth in the form of gifts.
All in all, no: love is not the foundation of marriage. However, it’s there.
Unless you’re Zeus and Hera. Failed marriages can happen.
While I’m on the topic: Daphne and Apollo. Their marriage was based on passion and it failed. This is to show the culture’s perspective on love marriages. However, I will say this: we fight with family. We don’t get along with family. Sometimes, we don’t even personally like our family. Yet, we love them. Apollo and Daphne may not get along, they may not be able to stand being in the same room, and they may have other lovers, but they are partners. They are family. In some way, deep down, they do care for each other and they will support each other — and they’ll definitely work together to protect and preserve the well-being of the family they created.
There is no divorce--another flaw of the culture.  
Annulments are possible in cases when the marriage was unconsummated.
Same sex vs Opposite sex marriage
Same sex marriage 
I already went on my long rant about marriage not being founded on love. We have same sex marriages today because marriage is about love now. In Ye Olde Days, it made sense to have a same sex lover, if that was the team you played for, but it wouldn’t have made sense to have a same sex spouse. So, I had to come up with a reason for a same-sex marriage to make sense, if it didn’t have to do with love or procreation.
A same sex marriage is about money and power and prestige. Yes, those things are also involved in an opposite sex marriage, but the degree is different. The traits that make someone a good suitor in a same sex relationship may not be the same as the traits that make a good suitor in an opposite sex marriage. For one thing, the orientation of a same sex marriage is immediate. The benefits of an opposite sex marriage, on the other hand, may take a while to show up. A lot of the functions tie into gender roles as well, which I’ll go over later. I’ve discussed this within the series already, so I don’t think I have to go over it more: just know that in a same sex marriage, the goal is “GIVE ME MY MONEY AND POWER AND PRESTIGE AND GIVE IT TO ME NOW VIA AN ARRANGEMENT THAT DOES NOT RESULT IN OVERPOPULATION.”
Opposite sex marriage
History of marriage
This is a bit complicated, but sort of ties into the same sex and opposite sex marriages.  A long time ago, before monogamy became widespread in the Romanus Terris, it was not uncommon in the upper class to have two spouses, one of each gender, if you were going to inherit a title or land because husbands and wives brought different but equally valuable benefits in a marriage. Eventually, because of foreign influence, monogamy became more popular, but what kept same sex marriages alive was the idea that the sex of your partner was relevant to what they had to offer. I’m not sure if the I’ve explained that well, but it makes sense in my head.
Anyway, this factoid probably won’t come up in the story, so don’t worry about it. It’s just an extra tidbit from world building. 
Inspired by Ancient Greek weddings.  In Ancient Greece, weddings lasted three days and progressed similarly to what I outline in the series.  The first day is for sacrifices and honoring ancestors and stuff like that.  The second day is for the ritual bathing ceremony and the procession.  That night is the wedding night.  The third day is when gifts are exchanged, some dowry/bride price stuff is taken care of, that kind of thing.  So all that, but in an 18th century Europe inspired setting.
Nonbinary, Transgender, and Otherwise Not Cis
This culture is extremely cis-centric and dyadic.  It lacks the language and conceptualization to think about and discuss gender the way that we do today, but nonbinary and transgender characters do exist.  More details to come later in the story.
Gender Roles
Gender roles are fairly similar to those in cultures we’re familiar with. More physical duties are masculine, whereas things dealing with childrearing are feminine. Childrearing includes education, which is why education is seen as such a feminine thing.
And yes, this means that Will is actually seen as a rather feminine character.
There’s a theory about gender roles and sexism that I particularly like; basically, this idea states that the problem with feminine gender roles is not that women are forced into roles (i.e., teaching, child-rearing, cooking) that are inherently demeaning. Instead, the problem is that women are treated as inferior, and therefore the things that we associate with women are also deemed to be inferior.
One notable piece of supporting evidence for this is nursing. In Ye Olde Days, nursing was considered a masculine career, but at some point, that switched. At the same time that nursing was becoming viewed as more feminine, it became a considerably less respected profession. This isn’t proof, of course, but it’s definitely worth considering.
There are lots of academic articles about this kind of thing out there, and I definitely buy into it. I find it very empowering and I think women in traditional feminine roles deserve a lot more respect. Reading about theories like this has really helped me learn to appreciate women, I think. I used to believe that a woman was weak or subservient if she subscribed to gender roles too much, but I’ve since figured out that there is absolutely nothing inherently demeaning about child-rearing or other feminine roles, and it was rather sexist of me to fall victim to the groupthink of the patriarchy. So I’ve had a lot of fun experimenting with writing a culture that has clear gender roles, but equal respect between the sexes.
Breaking Gender Roles/GNC
In this universe, because both sexes are very respected, whenever somebody comes across someone breaking a gender role, they might just stop and think, “huh. That’s interesting.” And that’s the end of it. That being said, there are consequences, both good and bad, for breaking these roles.
Let’s take Chiron, for example.  Chiron is a tutor--an extremely good one.  As an educator, he’s in a rather feminine role.  Because Chiron is male, people tend to be especially impressed by his skill, because it’s so unusual to see a male in that position.
However, it was challenging for Chiron to get to where he is now.  Early in his career, people didn’t take him as seriously as they took the women.  He had to work a bit harder than everyone else to succeed.
Female guards
Physical careers (i.e., soldiers, guards, farmers) are definitely more masculine for physiological reasons. That being said, upper class ladies usually have at least one or two female guards, for several reasons.
The first reason is a being-in-the-room-while-you-change/we-all-have-the-same-parts-here kind of thing.  It’s not a sexuality thing (pretty much all the characters are bi anyway).  If you’re a female guard and you happen to see a boob or two, then it’s not a big deal. Nothing you haven’t seen before. Although it wouldn’t be polite to stare.
Is this transphobic?  Yes.  One of this world’s flaws is the dyadic and cis-centric nature of the culture.
But by no means is this a set-in-stone rule.
Could a cis male guard be in the room while a cis noble lady is changing?  Sure.  Besides, she’ll probably be behind a screen regardless of what her security has in their pants (or skirts).
A female guard could also be in the room while the male noble she’s protecting is changing.
Because yes, a male can also have a female guard.  There are no rules against that.
And if you’ll recall, Reyna has been in the room while Nico was changing before.
Another reason for female guards is to be a body double.  A female guard may pretend to be a noble lady to protect her if they think she’s in danger of being attacked.
A third reason for a female guard is that girls can do whateverthefuck they want.
But what I really mean to say is I don’t want people to walk away with the idea that this world is feminist because women can be guards.  This world is feminist because it respects women.  Being in a “man’s role” isn’t what makes a woman powerful.
Gender and Leadership
Men and women are seen as having different but equally important specialties when it comes to leadership. Women bring wisdom and empathy, whereas men are, for lack of a better term, “enforcers” (that isn’t quite right, but I can’t think of a more accurate description at the moment). Both of these qualities are necessary for good leadership. For that reason, there is pretty much always a somewhat equal gender balance in leadership roles. Often, this means a husband and wife.
Let’s take the example of Pluto. Hades is the King and Persephone is the Queen. (Well, technically speaking, Persephone is not the Queen, she’s the Queen Consort, but you get the idea). The Pluton inner court is made up of a fairly equal number of men and women. Nico, unlike Hades, will not take a wife. This is why he has Reyna. Because Reyna is eternally single and not going to mingle, she will reliably remain by Nico’s side when he becomes King and through the duration of his reign. Politically speaking, her position in the Pluton court will be comparable to a Queen Consort. The bond between Nico and Reyna is like a marriage in that sense; it’s a very formal partnership and they will share Nico’s authority (albeit not completely equally). This sort of relationship is a remnant of the polygamy in the history of the Romanus Terris.
So where does this leave Will? The purpose of Will’s marriage to Nico is money and trade relations.  Also to get a sunshiney poster boy for the Royal Family because Pluto, in general, doesn’t like Nico.
However, neither Will nor Reyna will have the same amount of power that Persephone has because Persephone is the King’s wife and adviser.  More about the details of Nico’s marriage will be revealed later in the series.
Food and Meals
I’ve probably been inconsistent about this in the actual series, but these are the official facts.
Meal times
Breakfast: Served in the morning; generally a small meal, traditionally cheese and cold cuts.
Lunch (or Luncheon): Midday meal of the upper class.  The working class has an earlier dinner.  The size of luncheon varies by culture.  Juvians have the largest lunch.
Dinner: In the upper class, takes place later in the afternoon, maybe around 4 pm or later.  In the working class, it takes place earlier, perhaps at 1 or 2 pm.  Largest meal of the day.
Supper: For the upper class, takes place in the evening.  For the working class, takes place in late afternoon.  Is a smaller meal, often just snacks.
I try to give Aegyptia and Skatinavia somewhat culturally and historically accurate foods.
Neptune: Much of Neptune’s culture, including cuisine, is inspired by New Orleans and the Caribbean. Loud flavors. Spicy. A lot of seafood.
Jupiter:  Southern Jupiter’s cuisine is influenced by food in Southern USA. Cornbread. Chicken pot pie. Butter.
Pluto: Tends to be meat-heavy. Kind of bland and dry.
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