curious-chaosmagiic · 5 months
messy sigil/symbol i made to represent Tithonus
this one holds a personal connection to me and him and i encourage other to make their own sigils for deities you work with but i wanted to share mine because there isn't a lot of stuff for him!! 🪲💕
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curious-chaosmagiic · 6 months
I'm a Tithonus devotee, of course i've read practically everything on him
I'm a Tithonus devotee, of course i love music and storytelling
I'm a Tithonus devotee, of course i'm a helpless romantic with bad relationship history
I'm a Tithonus devotee, of course i lay in bed all day
I'm a Tithonus devotee, of course i love bugs even if i'm scared of them
I'm a Tithonus devotee, of course i'm working on my bounderies
I'm a Tithonus devotee, of course i have an old soul
I'm a Tithonus devotee, of course my favorite colours are gold and green
I'm a Tithonus devotee, of course i love spoiling my friends without thinking about myself
I'm a Tithonus devotee, of course i'm loud and proud of how much i've changed!!!
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curious-chaosmagiic · 5 months
Me, coming to a realization: Tithonus reminds me of Discord from mlp, Tithonus why must i make these connections
Tithonus: isn't it obvious?
Me: because it involves my special interest??
Tithonus, amused: you see yourself in me the same way you see yourself in him, you long to be accepted for who you are and nothing less, i assure you you'll find it just like i did, just like he did
Me, stupidly emotional: does that mean Eos is fluttershy?
Tithonus: yes
Me, sniffling:
Tithonus: it also is because your special interest
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curious-chaosmagiic · 6 months
i've decided that vocal stims can also be a sign that a deity is present
i just broke out into song and thought to myself, Lord Tithonus :> 🪲💕
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curious-chaosmagiic · 5 months
thinking about when i was speaking with Tithonus yestersay and I asked Tithonus what i should get while im out and he said "sharks" and i was like?? sharks?? and he said "for Hypnos :)" and i've been sobbing since
like wtf you can't just be sweet like that without warning?? my heart??
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curious-chaosmagiic · 5 months
To my Lord Tithonus, hear my prayer
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My lord, of chitin and saffron, thank you for all you've done. your voice calling to me, pushing me to keep going. the warmth you bring to me when i'm cold and alone. thank you for reminding me to take care of myself. you are my song, my muse, my friend, my patron 🪲💕
I offer you this digital offering, a collage of images that remind me of you. thank you forever and always.
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the art in the center is mine! :3 i really really like making these, it's so!!! /pos i hope this pleases anyone else's eye who sees it like it does mine!!!
i also made this with the intention of boosting my energy/social battery for tomorrow, you don't have to interact with this or anything but i hope that even if you look at this itll help you have the energy to love yourself more than you already do, and to have the energy to do things 💕
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curious-chaosmagiic · 4 months
not to brag or anything, but my deity is a bug
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curious-chaosmagiic · 3 months
devotional act of taking care of a tamagotchi for Tithonus
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curious-chaosmagiic · 3 months
i bought a necklace for a costume i'm going to wear to a ren faire im going to (it's my first one) and i bought it specifically because it had cicada as its charm!! it also was green which just makes my heart flutter 💕
even if i can't find a lot of stuff dedicated to Lord Tithonus, i have found so many things that remind me of him and it feels me with joy! i plan to wear it often, and possible even have him guide me to enchant it!!
i can't wait till it comes it
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curious-chaosmagiic · 4 months
Devotional Artwork of Tithonus 🪲💕
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i felt inspired to draw him based on already existing depictions of him (which also depict Eos / Aurora as well! )
hes been teaching me to to appreciate who you were, it's a beautiful feeling
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this artwork is devotional / an offering to a deity! please don't repost
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curious-chaosmagiic · 5 months
i still am not over how Tithonus had been harassing (/aff) me with bugs since OCTOBER (usually they only would show up for a month every time i'd have issues) and then i finally realize he was reaching out to me and they just vanished?? like i just noticed today i haven't seen a ladybug or stink bug or ant or millipede in weeks (maybe months honestly i haven't payed attention!!)
but then the other night i saw a cricket in my house!!!! it freaked me out cause it was one of those big ones and i didn't have my glasses on and also it was night but- i just now realized that was probably Tithonus and crickets symbolize good luck (and a bunch of other things) and the way i can feel like i was gifted that luck so i could bare witness to my cats baby's first steps outside of their box (they have never climbed before) is making me emotional in bed
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curious-chaosmagiic · 6 months
To my Lord Tithonus, hear my prayer
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winged loving being Tithonus, thank you for guiding me when i was amiss. for staying by my side and watching me grow. for giving me the strength when i felt like a shell of myself. for your comfort when i felt alone. i am forever greatful for your presence in my life. may i give you this digital offering, a collage of images that remind me of you 🪲💕
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Lord Hypnos, hear my prayer
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feathered flowers at his feet, thank you for the restful sleep. for lulling me to sleep and soothing my body. for the company and protection i have in the sleeping world. may i build a strong bond with you. may my love be shared and your presence be treasured. my i close my eyes and feel the stillness of peace. may i give you this digital offering, a collage of images that remind me of you 💤💕
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curious-chaosmagiic · 6 months
i don't know if my blog will be found by anyone who also worships Lord Tithonus
i feel as tho i'm the only one sometimes
i hope that even if they don't find me, others have found him, and if that means they find him through me that's incredible 💕🪲
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curious-chaosmagiic · 6 months
💤 the dream i had last night!! 🪲
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i remember it was on a balcony, and the sun was raising and it was blinding but Lord Tithonus was their, and i have assumed do to my instincts that i was honored with Lord Hypnos as well !!!
it was so relaxing, all we did was sit together, i sat near Tithonus and Hypnos sat in front of us both,, it felt like being with old friends and reconnecting?
i think it was a sign to keep him in my thoughts 💤💕
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curious-chaosmagiic · 5 months
Me: Tithonus would you be ok if i also started working with Hypnos?
Tithonus: you won't.. forgot me will you?
Tithonus: really? :D then absolutely i think you should work with him :D !
Me: Hypnos what do you think?
Hypnos: yeah sure let's make it official
Me: yippee!! i'll do a more in depth spread when i get back from my night routine
Me, later trying to opening his candle, it's literally locked shut: sigh, yeah i should be in bed sorry
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curious-chaosmagiic · 5 months
having one of those moments where you learn something new that changes your world view, which has been happening a lot lately honestly-
anyway i've been doing more research into conpantheons / popculture pantheons and generally speaking a lot of it is really drawing me in!
idk maybe it's just because everything about my craft is very very personal to me? as much as i want Tithonus to be well known as all the other gods there's something so special and personal to me about our bond, that he picked me of all humans, that i was lucky enough to see his signs
idk i think i should go out into the forest and meditate, maybe see if anything calls to me or something? honestly if i hadn't have learned about Tithonus before learning about conpantheons / popculture pantheons i would have probably assumed i had found a deity that was unrecorded!
i guess what i'm trying to say is that my world view has gotten bigger and more welcoming with time and learning and i've loved every second of it
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