#guess whos also having an exam tmrw :')
onionninjasstuff · 9 months
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zoropookie · 4 months
guess who has a maths exam tmrw 🌚
guess who should be studying for that? i hope you're understanding the material tho i couldn't stand math
i also didnt have ai back then to help me .......... use materials you've got to get you by
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
hey this may be an odd question to ask someone but how do u deal with stress and anxiety? i’ve always had anxiety but it hasn’t been this bad in a long long time. it’s prolly bc midterm exam season is starting for me and i have my first exam tmrw. but yeah my old techniques for managing this isn’t working as well and i was wondering if you had any advice?
(you don’t have to answer this if it’s too personal, so sorry if it’s weird)
absolutely not an odd question!
truthfully, it changes often, especially depending on what’s triggering the stress/anxiety. i know everyone always says things like “reach out to friends, reach out to family” etc and yes, that can absolutely work, but sometimes for me it just adds to that anxiety and stress. i suggest instead finding something that’s… essentially a safe place for you, if that makes sense?
for example: music and writing (most of the time) are my safe places. if i’m having a really bad go around with my anxiety, i turn to music a lot. always listening it, maybe trying to play it, attending concerts, etc. writing is also a really good outlet for me, which is why i have a pretty…. specific? bundle of one shots that deal with readers going through bad mental health days and such. plenty of silly ones as well.
maybe music and writing aren’t you safe places, which is fine! i guess my advice is to find something that can be those types of things for you! it’s also really important that i point out these things became so much more helpful to me when i stopped using them as distractions, and instead tools to work through my emotions. i find hiding from my anxiety leads to it just… getting so much worse haha.
and if that doesn’t work, treat yourself the way you’d treat a significant other or anyone important. i.e. eddie would probably tell me to eat a snack and take a day to rest in bed, or would give me a pep talk, so i should do that for myself. i’d want a lover who makes me a nice cup of tea the night before an exam because i’m freaking out, so i’m gonna make myself a nice cup of tea. does that make sense?
i hope this makes sense and isn’t useless rambling. i wish you the best of luck on your exam, love, and if you also need to just ramble or word vomit, my inbox is here <3
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appreciatingtokrev · 2 years
elys 🥲🥲🥲🥲 im 🥲🥲🥲🥲 going 🥲🥲🥲🥲 back 🥲🥲🥲🥲 to 🥲🥲🥲🥲 school 🥲🥲🥲🥲 today 🥲🥲🥲🥲
IM NOT READY FOR THIS there was so many people i was "talking" to and one of those people is my ex's current partner (polyamorous things 💪) so idk man i wanna be a homewreaker BUT like ykkkk im niceeeee
anyways its summer here so i made ice tea for me and my friends :PPPPP i'll be sure to update u on my day when i get back.
so anyways how are you doing dear??????
hi taku you poor thing 😭😭😭 I UNDERSTAND I AM NEVER READY FOR SCHOOL EITHER I HATE IT. okay but i wish you good luck with being whoever you choose to be today and the people and everything adgjgsghf
:00 i love ice tea!! i treated myself to some cold ass peach flavored soda today even tho it’s freezing here bc winter (i mean. around 0°C so not that cold but yk. in my hometown it hardly ever gets colder than -5°C during daytime, the coldest it was here during my whole life was -14°C lol) but it tasted good so 👍 i will go to sleep soon bc it’s 10pm sadly but yes yes do that!! i’ll probs only be able to reply tmrw morning but yk
good!! exams are over, i did great on them, this week we have two afternoons and one morning less of school bc the teachers are discussing grades blah blah and so they have to cancel class. love it fr. also guess who’s aquired a new hyperfixation? me! (dw tokrev still stays my one big hyperfixation lmao) i am now going insane about yet another german crime show 👍 bad news is there’s only one episode released each year and the 2023 one was released on january 29. so yeah i will most probably die from the lack of content but at least i have about 1k fics to read about it, and many more similar german crime shows to watch hehe
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1d1195 · 4 months
It's been a while, I love the way you explain stuff😭 Ding is so freaking amazing.
So, oh, before I forget, I do study English literature and translation ( Arabic - English) btw you're a teacher? I saw some anon I think (💜 anon?) Wishing you a happy teacher's day idk about it cause we don't celebrate that here but yeah I didn't know that sounds fun! Let me guess (English teacher?)
So you know, yesterday I had a relaxing shower and afterward I wanted to style my curly/wavy hair naturally, so I think k it's a mix of 2a and 2b and that's funny cause I really tried like I saw some pics on pinterest and some videos on tiktok that motivated me but I kinda failed? 😭😭 I just rubbed the cream into my hair and pulled it back into 2 low buns but that's funny cause just before going to bed (I'm struggling with insomnia I've been staring at the ceiling since 1am and now it's 4am😭)anyway so I just fixed my hair to bed and it looked good! Like I had put effort into it, but I didn't! I think the curls aren't gonna make it till the morning🙈
Ehhh I dont know why in the freaking freak did I just say this whole story to you but I think you'll tolerate me right?
So back to classes and huffs and puffs, my finals start on the 20th. I'm not nervous, tbh I'm excited, I wanna get over with these freaking exams to read my books in peace.
So.. Love and Other Words and The Rose Code, huh? They really sound so interesting. I'm gonna need to read them. I'm also planning on reading the Twisted and King series, and do you mind if I tell you that you need to check Interlude right the tuck now? It's so freaking good you need to read it. You'll shed many tears, istg never have I ever cried this much in my whole life in "that" specific chapter, but I just love angst! But I promise it's not like that, okay? It's just amazing amazing I'm currently reading insurgence (the sequel) it's still on going bur I just love this book so much. I hope Mikii considers publishing it someday!
And I've always wanted to ask! What is your favorite piece that you wrote? I read a couple of series that you wrote, but I just wanna know which one js your favorite 🎀
Thank you so much I think you're kinder and better thank you 🩷🩷🩷🩷
I'm gonna need to study 3 novels tmrw cause I promised myself to do so! (Pride and Prejudice, David Copperfield, and The Portrait of a Lady) we studied them for my finals, but i just want to start my revisions, so... to teach and please ig😭😭
Have a very wonderful day, Sam!!! (BTW, my childhood bff's nickname's Sam! We're still friends, and we still love each other the same but not bffs anymore)
Oh now I remembered that I wanted to rant about the future and how I'm afraid of it being a (soon to be 19) girl who is (soon to be a junior) trying to be independent but in reality she will cry if you dare give her a nasty look but I guess it'll have to wait for next time cause my eyes seem to be dropping finally😭😭 I'll tty lysm🩷🩷
😭 idk what I explained, but I'm glad it came out well and that you liked it! 💕
I am a teacher! A math teacher actually if you can believe it. Writing is just a hobby of mine and I love it, but it's only for me. Teaching math is much more enjoyable than teaching English (at least I imagine so). In the US we have teacher appreciation week to recognize teachers' hard work. I had one of my current students write me a letter and one of my students last year messaged me to wish me well. But it's not that exciting tbh--well, I do get a lot of coupons emailed to me hehehe
I know NOTHING about hair. (Literally had to google what 2b meant) I make my sister figure out what I need to do and then I just do what she says. I think we might have the same hair type though based on the pictures I googled! I have one curl cream thing that I put in my hair and scrunch each morning and then hope for the best (and that there will be low humidity). It's cool to experiment with your hair, even if it doesn't turn out the way you want it to in the morning! Then you know for the next trial. Of course I tolerate you--even though that's not what I would call it, I love to hear what you're doing!
I bet you're going to crush your exams! It sounds like you're ready for it! Books in peace is a MOOD. I'm excited for you!
My favorite piece I've written oh boy. Umm...I think it would be Protection. Or maybe Zipper. Idk I feel guilty picking one over the other and I love writing them all. I will tell you I think I like Protection more than Traditional which is probs sacrilege to write on my own blog because I think everyone under the sun would choose Traditional over Protection hahahaha but I liked planning Protection more than Traditional. Although Dolcezza really took hold of my heart VERY hard. Especially lately. Probably one of the three: Zipper, Dolcezza, or Protection.
I hope studying has gone/went well and you got some sleep after being up so late! You're going to have a wonderful future, I'm sure of it, and don't worry about forgetting something. I'm not going anywhere! 💕
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bo0zey · 3 years
my friend who doesn’t have adhd and just wants an adderall perscription: i definitely have adhd like i never pay attention and i’m such a procrastinator omg lol btw i’m at the library studying and doing homework that’s not due until 3 days ugh what are you doing have you started studying yet we have those worksheets due tomorrow remember and it’s already 6pm! omg what do u mean u haven’t started the paper yet it’s literally due in 3 hrs omg no it’s ok i’ll just send u mine bc i’ve been working on it all day haha and omg i’m trying to pay attention to the lecture can u stop talking to me why r u reading online manga in class the exam is in 2 days pay attention! also i need caffeine to stay awake i love monster energy drinks they work so well i won’t be able to sleep tonight oh no also i took adderall 3hrs ago and now i’m super anxious but it’s not the adderall lol ugh i won’t be able to sleep tonjght ughh
me, someone who actually has adhd, pre-diagnosis: studying is so hard and i don’t want to do it and i literally can’t until hours before the exam and by then i’m so exhausted bc it’s like 3am but if i drink coffee or monster or bang i just get sleepier also i procrastinate entire research papers including the research hours before the due date even tho i knew abt the paper for a month and i wrote it in my assignment notebook every day knowing i needed to do it and i drink coffee before bed bc it relaxes me n makes me sleepy im constantly moving and shifting in my seat in class and i got paid 4 hrs ago and bought $500 worth of amazon products and now i don’t have any money for groceries for the next 2 weeks my thoughts go so fast and they’re so loud i can’t follow a conversation let alone a class lecture paying attention to anything i don’t care abt but am supposed to is impossible if i don’t write everything i need to do down i will forget about it and if i put my keys or vape or anything somewhere besides it’s designated spot for 1 minute i will literally forget where it is and if something isn’t directly in my line of sight i will forget i have it so i have to place everything in my line of sight for me to remember to use it and ok i’m at work i have a 14hr shift and a set of tasks i need to complete omg i’m so overwhelmed and frazzled i write down the list of tasks every shift and check off boxes to remember to do things but even then i still fall behind and why am i overwhelmed i know what i have to do please don’t ask me to do that thing i’m already trying to remember to do one thing ahhh ok i’m so exhausted it’s 12am and everyone’s asleep i have 3hrs left of my shift omg i’m so bored and tired ok i will have coffee and an energy drink to wake up bc i don’t wanna fall asleep here and i have an hour drive back home and oh wow i am now driving on the way and dozing off i am so sleepy sleepy sleepy why can’t i stay i awake i had 300mg of caffeine like 2hrs ago i’m going to crash the car why isn’t this energy drink working and hmm ok it’s now monday night i have school tmrw it’s 11pm i guess i’ll try n sleep i have class at 9am oh wait what is this sudden wakefulness i feel i am very awake i think i will maybe try to do homework to get tired actually no i think i will go on the internet instead hmm look at those cool show i think i will watch it ugh ok that was the longest 30min of my life i will not be able to watch another episode for at least 2 days probably oh it’s 3am i need to sleep but i can’t shut my brain off ugh oh no this sucks i hate myself why can’t i just get my shit together i know what i have to do but i just can’t fucking do it it’s so frustrating i’m trying so hard but i keep self sabotaging why why why
me, after being diagnosed w adhd and starting medication: wow for the first time in 8 years i’m actually paying attention in class and actively following what my professor is saying. i think i will do some homework now so i am not overwhelmed later. uh oh my dishes are starting to stack up i think i will clean them instead of starting a new pile. hmm my room is getting a little messy i think i will put things away including the clean clothes on that chair i’d been avoiding putting away for a week. i am following our conversation and i will wait until you are finished until it is my turn to speak instead of blurting out or interrupting you. oh i just got paid! hmm do i really need all of that online shopping stuff..? i think i will wait for a little bit and come back to it if i rlly want it bc what if something happens during the week and i need money to pay for it? oh i have to go to work it’s a 14hr shift; i am able to complete the tasks i need to do with ease bc i know what to do and when to do them and am no longer overwhelmed. i don’t need to drink that energy drink bc i know it will just make me more sleepy and i’ll doze off at the wheel on the highway and i don’t want that! ok i’m home yawn i think i will try n go to sleep it’s 11pm and i am genuinely tired.
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bazpitch · 2 years
update to the list of embarrassing things dee bazpitch has done: i ran to one library to see if i could find a book. found where it was shelved but couldn't see it, so i ran to another. they were three minutes apart bc these r both libraries on my college campus but it's nearly dark and i'm also hungry and i have an exam tmrw i need to prep for more and my family is staying in town rn *_*. found where the book was shelved, stared blankly at it for three minutes straight because i thought it was a different book bc of the color of the cover! then, AND THIS IS THE KICKER, the kid who checked me out was one of my students from an earlier semester apparently, but i did not recognize him because everyone wears masks and i have face blindness. and i'm also like, dripping sweat bc i ran. so guess what i did:
A. admitted that i didn't recognize him
B. asked him what semester i taught him, and then, when he replied, was very puzzled at his response because i. forgot that i taed during the semester that i taed for him
C. started blabbering about how my brain was fuzzy and i was dehydrated and tried to save face by saying that i hoped that he was having a good summer. was speedwalking away as i did all of this so i didn't even give him a chance to reply.
D. all of the above
(it's d)
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wavesmp3 · 3 years
Sending a fake fic title your way: Rouge
rouge | haknyeon x reader | university au | a/n: this will probably make no sense, but the idea for this piece is like a story told through a collection of notes from a notes app... so yeah idk we’ll see 
FIRST DAY SCHEDULE   - phys 2211 w/ lab @ 8:15 (rip)  - psyc 1102 @ 11 (changmin’s in this class!)  - math 1554 (linear algebra) @ 2:45 (sucks that this a required class for my major :/ )
REMINDER: ice cream social fundraiser thing for kappa sigma rho @ 5 (why is changmin dragging me to thissss!)
UNTITLED NOTE ju haknyeon (from the social thingy and in the same linear section as me)  CHANGMIN GOT ME HIS NUMBER 123-456-7890 changmin also got me the number of that cute guy ;)  098-765-4321
REMINDER: studying with haknyeon tmrw for linear at student center @ 3
REASONS TO DROP LINEAR!  - sigurn is the WORST prof  - i hate the class  - i might fail   - i did fail the first quiz  - i hate the class  - it’s hard !! REASONS TO NOT DROP LINEAR  - i’ll have to take it eventually   - haknyeon
REMINDER: last day to drop classes is today 
REASONS TO NOT DROP LINEAR (CONT.)  - haknyeon said to stay  (well guess im stuck)
REMINDER: movie date with dude from kappa on friday !
UNTITLED NOTE trying not to get my hopes up for this date but... i’m really excited  lol
NOTE TO SELF never go on dates with stupid no-show frat boys again
REMINDER: stop wallowing from one bad date that didn’t even happen and go study with haknyeon for linear before you fail 
SHOPPING LIST  - bananas  - ice cream  - ramen   - ramen  - ramen  - bread  - flowers (for myself cause fuck it)  - milk  - cucumbers  - pasta  - chips  - present for haknyeon for being the sole reason i didn’t fail the last linear exam  - dip for the chips  - avocados 
THINGS TO DO MORE OFTEN  - taking time for myself  - calling mom  - saying no  - bubble baths  - hanging out with haknyeon outside of studying for linear
UNTITLED NOTE i hate school. i dont want to studyyy. i hate school. i hate This school. i hate my major. i should switch. i really really really dont know what i want to do with my life. like at all. i hate all my classes. i should drop out. no but actually. i should drop out. should i switch to an comp sci major or industrial design. i hate physics. i seriously hate--LMAO WAIT THE MEME HAKNYEON JUST SENT ME KSJFBKGSJ
REMINDER: midterms (rip)
DREAM (11/9) i was back at high school. but then there was a fire drill. and we were all outside. and i was running cause i was being chased. and then i was at the bleachers. and then the one frat dude who stood me up sat next to me. and then the frat dude tuned into haknyeon. and then haknyeon held my hand. i remember smiling. i remember feeling warm.
UNTITLED NOTE fuck.  i like him dont i
REMINDER: study date at library with haknyeon REMINDER: it’s not a date REMINDER: invite someone else to study with us  REMINDER: dont be awkward around haknyeon
I. AM DRUNK@ gosh hakmyoen is soooooo xutteeee he said he waa gonns drop linear too but didnt cause me hehe two peas in a pad oe whatever the pgrase is  POT TWO PEAS IN A POT LMAOOO
FINALZ TO DO LIST  - learn an entire semester of content for psych  - study for physics  - take psych exam  - sleep   - pack things for break   - confess to haknyeon before you go
UNTITLED NOTE my stomach feels sick. he’s not gonna like me back :(  what if he doesn’t want to be friends anymore :((
REMINDER: date with haknyeon <3
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rayofsunas · 4 years
my day went pretty well! i was pretty busy today bc i have a big exam tmrw but after that i’ll finally be able to relax for a bit. how was ur day? also i saw that you answered that anon who asked you how to get ur anons to talk to you and they claimed they didn’t have friends (although i’m sure they do🥺🥺) they probably won’t see this but if they do... i’d love to be their friend as well!! 🥺🥺 - 🌱 anon
that’s great news!! good luck on your exam tomorrow, you’ve got this, use your sexc galaxy brain 😼😼 also, my day went well, pretty chill, I’m sad break is ending soon, but tbh, it’s alright 😔😔 also right?!?! @itschubbybunny1 you have two new friends! ❤️❤️ we both KNOW you have friends, but guess what, now you have two more 😉 you’re not alone 🥰
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kpop-rambles · 5 years
ᙢᗩᖘ 0ℱ Tᕼᕮ ᔕ0ᕰᒪ: 7 ℱᕰᒪᒪ ᗩᒪᗷᕰᙢ ᖇᕮᐯᓮᕮᗯ
Im doing thing as i listen
: im convinced that bighit is obsessed with one shot mv styles and im here for it because it was amazing. 1st listen was me admiring the video 2nd listen was me admiring the lyrics. Also, is it just me or does Jungkook sound like one western artists voice that sings rlly high??? Like im not sure who but when he sang that whole part in english, like omg. The only complaint i have is that Jin had too little lines for my liking. I guess its cause hes the first one to go to the military so theyre giving him the least lines, bu besides that nitpick i loved everything.
ON feat Sia
: ok, bts has to stop having collabs if the person theyre collabinb with only has 3 lines. I want a whole verse! I was expecting way more from Sia, she has such a unique voice. Of course i feel like a verse from her in the middle of the song would feel off. But overall, i liked the parts where she did sing, her voice suited it.
Louder than Bombs
: honestly, this was a rlly sweet song for me. Like i loved it, it was unqiue amd it was different. Honestly the different Boy With Luv gave me wasnt it but Louder than bomb was so effin good man. I need to listen to it again rn to keep it fresh in my brain.
: i dont know what i expected but this was WAY better. This is probably my favourite song Jimin has sung alone.
We are bulletproof: the enternal
: i think this is the first song by them thats actually made me tear up. Jungkooks 'We are not 7 with you,' first sounded insulting but then i realized it meant that they're not 7 anymore because we are with them and BTS is way more than seven. Honestly all the lyrics were heart warming. Ive never been more touched by a song. Thank you BTS.
: this was just an adorable duet by V and Jimin anD I CANT DECIDE WHAT IS MY FAV ON THIS ALBUM BC I LOVE ALL OF THESE SONGS. omg, i knew that i would love this album after listening to SHADOW and EGO but here I am surprised that all of these songs are good.
: this is the song that I would listen to after a shitty day and watch the clock tick by until the next day. Its a great song because it makes you feel like the next day will be the best day of your life (even though its still morning for me and i have an exam tmrw it still works!). Again the lyrics are rlly sweet and heartwarming and this whole album is amazing. Vocal line slayed this.
: all these solos are hyping me up. I love this one, as much as I love epiphany, Jin was probably under a lot of stress hitting all those high notes. This song was a treat, it's not too hard to sing and it's a good song. I love this.
This was another bop. I don't have much to say other than RESPECT. (that ending where they talk is hilarious, it's translated by one comment in LEMORING's lyric video)
Inner Child:
This was a sweet and hype song too! I saw a comment talking about this song does really fit Tae cause you can see how much he's changed over the 7 years we've seen him on social media.
My Time
: I feel like this was for the fans because he wants to meet them all and communucate to them all but its hard because of everyones time zones so if he goes live at 5pm in korea a lot of ppl in foreign countries are asleep and he just wants time to stop so he can contact eveyone. I think it being to ARMY he cant always talk to is why there is so much english, bc its pretty much a global language. Also rapper jungkook is Baack.
Im gonna give a quick thought abt this and EGO so sry its short. I loved this. It made me realize i was going to love the album. It also gave me a reason to belive this album was going to be dark and more abt their struggles.
But ego countered that and said, " ONLY FUN VIBES HERE," and that also was true. This whole album was a mix of shadow and ego and I loved it.
Album review
: beautiful. I'm probably gonna give this my favourite album by BTS award. It was all AMAZING. Thank you for this great album BANGTAN. I loved it.
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deadangelo · 5 years
my acting class is scheduled to have our final at 8am tmrw but I’m 97% sure our final is just our final scenes and we did this last class also there’s no ‘final exam’ on the syllabus or grade breakdown and he basically told us goodbye last class so I don’t think we have our final but he hasn’t like confirmed it so guess who’s waking up at 7:30 in the morning to check if he sent an email before 8am!!
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bubby-thao · 5 years
Wow.. it has been quite some time now since I’ve last took a detour of my daily life to hop on here and express my feelings, whether it was something that put me in a cheery mood or something that basically made me emotional and want to cry. I’m still astonished that the last time I was here to type out my thoughts was about 7 months already, and I.. I feel happy :) The first thing that popped in my head was that it meant that 2019 has been treating me fairly well, despite some downs that made me sad. But, 2019 has been revolving around motivation and persistence in trying to get a 4.0 (which I almost did by one class with a b+ that still upsets me sometimes), being more aware and responsible for my second little whom I picked up and who crossed (EEEP!!!), family time especially after my family trip to Hawaii to see my cousins (which was both amazing and tear-jerking), and honestly, there were a lot of highlights that helped shine a bright light to 2019 for me. It still blows my mind that I finished my third year of college, and i’m now a fourth year/senior!! I’m currently also on summer break while taking two summer classes for my major because I want to graduate on time next year in Spring 2020! I’ve been trying my best to get all A’s in my major classes as well as shooting for a very high GPA or a flat 4.0 to help boost up my overall GPA. My pharmacy technician exam is also this Friday, and I pray and hope that I’ll be okay and pass on the first try. I am going to push myself and be responsible in constantly practicing the exams that have been released. After all of this tangent, that wasn’t my intention for having visited here.
I wanted to share my thoughts and feelings about what happened between Duy and me (DW, it’s something positive!). Duy initiated the conversation about how he basically have felt both sad and mad/upset whenever he’d think about the past guys who’ve hurt me emotionally because he views me as a very sweet girl, and he knows that i must’ve cried and been hurt a lot. That opened my eyes because I never really thought about that nor Duy ever having that thought, but simultaneously, that made my heart warm because just seeing how he’s very caring, thoughtful, and loving makes me love him even more. That also triggered me to talk about how truly amazing Duy is, and the fact that his ex cheated him made me question sometimes (when i think about the topic of cheating) as to why people cheat over being confrontational and break up? I understand that confrontation isn’t everyone’s forte/favorable action, but if you really think about it, cheating greatly makes that person change his or her perspective on that person cheating; you basically can’t see them the same way and all you can think is them cheating. After that, Duy and I transitioned to a different topic about us wanting the best for each other. He said to me that he’s scared that when I were to realize how beautiful and great I am of an individual overall, that he might lose me/that I’d think I deserve better and find someone else. And that made me cry. I thought the same exact thing with his internship, and I also mentioned that to him. He apologized that he failed as a boyfriend to make me feel secured, but i don’t blame him. I know that he isn’t that type of person to do so; I personally think that it narrowed down to me and my overthinking habit. I guess partially is that I stan the fact that anything can happen, and it literally is true. Overall, those topics made both of us emotional, but in a good way. I always enjoy our impromptu conversations about any topic that comes across our minds, and I believe that having these specific topics to converse with your significant other is amazing and important, because you open up another part of yourself to hopefully let your partner understand and know where you’re coming from. I can go on and on about this, but I should be sleeping since I have work tmrw morning at 8 am. For now, I shall leave it here.
Before I go, I just want to mention (per usual) that I am undyingly grateful to have Duy as my boyfriend. He’s such an incredible person who stood out to me when we met and pledged in the same co-ed service fraternity. We’re both glad that we joined because there’s a high chance that we’d never cross paths. It’s also going to be our 2-year anniversary this Saturday, and I hope that my plan works out. I can’t wait to celebrate another year with Duy, and cheers to more! <3
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kxteaa · 7 years
july 16, 2017
its currently 8:36pm and for some reason instead of studying for my math exam tmrw im getting pretty emotional lol. oh y’know, just typical teenage girl things, listening to sad love songs and wondering where it all went wrong lmfao. right now i’m just envisioning different drawings and paintings i’m going to create in the future. yesterday i bought a freaking easel and honestly assembling it together stressed me out. i feel the need to let all my emotions out thru paintings, recreating the thoughts and experiences i’ve just been thinking about these past years. i plan to get into realism oil/acrylic painting and if i like the results, i may just return to ig and post them there :-)  
aside from that, summer has been ok i guess. i have goals, and i have ambitions to achieve. i recently applied to teach kids english and reading at the library, but they said it might take 3 months to get an interview ugh. also, u wud not believe the pain, and struggle it is to find a job. i’ve applied to seven different sbucks branches, f21, indigo, and tacobell :((( but i really want to work at sbucks because i would be more busy and occupied i wouldn’t have to worry abt the boredom. and to be honest, who wouldn’t want to be a fucking barista at a coffee shop? that shits so cute in my opinion LOL. annnnnd probably in august i’m going back to swimming to strengthen my technique (but what technique?). oh and i was planning to join a youth therapy group for girls, y’know just to get my shit and mentality together.  but the problem is, everything costs money so that is why i need a JOB to pay it off. 
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