#hopefully this makes sense tho
murdrdocs · 6 months
i saw that it says requests are closed, does that mean no thoughts or js sending anything? js wanna know whether to keep sending you things or not!
i'll accept throwaway thoughts for now ! but no full fledge ideas if that makes sense ?
my inbox is open but my requests r closed
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butchfalin · 7 months
the funniest meltdown ive ever had was in college when i got so overstimulated that i could Not speak, including over text. one of my friends was trying to talk me through it but i was solely using emojis because they were easier than trying to come up with words so he started using primarily emojis as well just to make things feel balanced. this was not the Most effective strategy... until. he tried to ask me "you okay?" but the way he chose to do that was by sending "👉🏼👌🏼❓" and i was so shocked by suddenly being asked if i was dtf that i was like WHAT???? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?????????? and thus was verbal again
#yeehaw#1k#5k#10k#posts that got cursed. blasted. im making these tag updates after... 19 hours?#also i have been told it should say speech loss bc nonverbal specifically refers to the permanent state. did not know that!#unfortunately i fear it is so far past containment that even if i edited it now it would do very little. but noted for future reference#edit 2: nvm enough ppl have come to rb it from me directly that i changed the wording a bit. hopefully this makes sense#also. in case anyone is curious. though i doubt anyone who is commenting these things will check the original tags#1) my friend did not do this on purpose in any way. it was not intended to distract me or to hit on me. im a lesbian hes a gay man. cmon now#he felt very bad about it afterwards. i thought it was hilarious but it was very embarrassed and apologetic#2) “why didn't he use 🫵🏼?” didn't exist yet. “why didn't he use 🆗?” dunno! we'd been using a lot of hand emojis. 👌🏼 is an ok sign#like it makes sense. it was just a silly mixup. also No i did not invent 👉🏼👌🏼 as a gesture meaning sex. do you live under a rock#3) nonspeaking episodes are a recurring thing in my life and have been since i was born. this is not a quirky one-time thing#it is a pervasive issue that is very frustrating to both myself and the people i am trying to communicate with. in which trying to speak is#extremely distressing and causes very genuine anguish. this post is not me making light of it it's just a funny thing that happened once#it's no different than if i post about a funny thing that happened in conjunction w a physical disability. it's just me talking abt my life#i don't mind character tags tho. those can be entertaining. i don't know what any of you are talking about#Except the ppl who have said this is pego/ryu or wang/xian. those people i understand and respect#if you use it as a writing prompt that's fine but send it to me. i want to see it#aaaand i think that's it. everyday im tempted to turn off rbs on it. it hasn't even been a week
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caluupin · 1 year
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a date in the heart pond :)
bonus: they got interrupted
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pepperpixel · 1 year
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Some inside job art! Mostly just trying to figure out how to draw these two
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dorkfruit · 5 months
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i was wondering what would have happened if ianthe had successfully cut her own arm off and regrown a flesh magic one on her own, so i did some doodles to play around with different concepts for it.
my thoughts on the matter below....if u even care
my initial idea was like, to do a very noodley string of flesh. something very rubbery, sticky, and stretchy. because anything she created wouldn't have the support of bones, i thought maybe it could be very flexible to compensate. she doesn't have a regular hand, and so the "string" wraps around the base of objects to give her a grip on it. for heavier objects, she fuses the veins on the string to the handle of the object, as well as adds more veins on the "shoulder" and "elbow" sections for more support. also i thought it'd be funny to watch her try and slap someone, so she winds her shoulder back and smacks them like an arcade sticky hand which is hilarious to visualize for me LOL
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^ arcade sticky hand
anyways, i figure she made the noodle arm as a Oh My God I Just Cut My Arm Off I Need To Replace It Quick type of solution. it's temporary, but sort of works. then it's like. okay we need more muscle on this because this is kinda impractical, so she adds onto the base (near the shoulder), and it eventually forms into a weird tentacle thing, throbbing and veiny and gross, that tapers into a thin strand near the end, to keep the whole Wrapping Around Objects To Grab Them (although this sacrifices some of the stretchiness in favor of strength) but it is kinda interesting to have her switch between the two (and perhaps other shapes i didn't think of yet) based on which is more appropriate for the situation, sort of like a swiss arm knife but made of meat.............. and so yea that was just my idea on how she would have done a flesh arm as opposed to having harrow's bone arm (: lots of fun concepts and much more to explore but this is just my first attempt .. for now maybe
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nosleep83 · 10 months
Ik a lot of people find it weird that MM!Donnie wasn’t super tech smart in the movie and was more just nerdy (which is fair, it did seem kinda weird) but I have two arguments for that.
One, they were trying to make the turtles act more like actual teens and I know a lot more teenagers that like anime and kpop than ones that like to build super high tech inventions.
Two, I feel like it might be similar to Rise in a way with how the characters sort of have to grow into their roles a bit (like Leo becoming leader) so I think eventually he’ll start being a lot more tech savvy and stuff.
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He’ll figure it out and join all the other Donnies as sleep deprived evil geniuses eventually /hj
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
Bakugou doesn’t understand your infatuation with sensory deprivation. To him, it sounds like torture, like he’s letting down too big of a guard, sounds like vulnerability he’s not too sure he wants to give up yet. And you don’t pressure him, don’t bring it up whenever you can, simply let him mull it over until he’s ready.
The night he tells you that he is, he doesn’t expect to be taken on such a boring ride. Sit up against the pillows, you tell him, straddling his naked thigh as he crosses his arms and pouts at you. Relax your body, you whisper as the blindfold goes over his eyes, his sight suddenly blackened, only the tiniest bit of color seeping in at the edges from the low lit lamp you’ve turned on. Listen to your senses, you mutter against his ear, chuckling when the feeling of your soft lips against his skin makes him jump.
It’s boring at first, until you give him the go to—touch yourself. He’s hesitant at first; he can’t see you, he can’t see himself, what if he misses his own dick when he goes to grab for it somehow? But as he settles, really settles, into the sheets beneath him—it all clicks.
The only sound in the room is your breathing and the soft thump of music you’ve been playing in the corner, a playlist you’ve both contributed to with sensual songs. He feels the silk pillows caressing the rippling muscles of his back, feel the soft and cool sheets heating beneath his calves. He smells the candle you’ve lit, something sweet with a hint of mint to it, wafting throughout the room, making his head fuzzy. He smacks his lips against each other, tastes your lip balm from half an hour earlier, wonders if he’s always been addicted to cherry.
And then—he gets it. He understands it all, and it’s both over and underwhelming. One hand fondles the weight of his balls, the other slowly stroking at his shaft all the while. He sucks in a heady breath when his cock is suddenly doused in cool lube, the slide smooth and wet as he groans at the instant gratification. His ears perk up when he hears your breathy chuckle before breaking off into a sultry little moan at the sight in front of you.
“Explore your whole body, baby.” You guide him, a voice, distant, but he follows the sound of you like a dog with a bone. Bakugou turns his head in your direction, mouth parting in a groan when he releases his balls to instead rub his hands over his chest. He plucks and pulls one of his nipples, back arching off the bed at the sensation, at the sound of you. He inches his hand up, tracing the veins in his neck before he reaches his mouth.
He sucks two fingers into his pouty mouth, doesn’t hesitate to slide his hand down until the spit from his digits leaves a cool track against his skin. He goes and goes until his fingers have reached just below his balls, massaging at his taint and released a groan so sinful, you think it’s a crime to have never have heard it before.
He’s a sight to see—all broad and strong and delicate and pretty. His cock and inner thighs glossy and wet, his chest reddened and his nipples perky, his face half covered while the lower half pants with every shaky breath, his legs and feet twitching with every twist of his hand around his tip.
“I’m, shit, I’m—holy fuckin’—“ Bakugou can’t even gather the words correctly when he cums. It’s an explosion of everything all at once, heightened, vulnerable and safe. It’s the most intense orgasm he thinks he’s ever experienced, and when he comes to, with the blindfold off and your pretty smiling face in view, he wonders why he ever took this long to try it.
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ventresses · 3 months
After this week's episodes I'm pretty confident placing my bet on who Clone X is...
I really didn't want to believe this theory, but I think it's VERY likely to be
Firstly, this is the first time this season that we've been reunited with Rex, AND our first time reunited with Wolffe since TCW, AND Rex and Wolffe being reunited.
Since this is also the grand debut of Clone X, it would be fitting thematically for him to be Cody (another prominent clone from the Clone Wars, and another friend of Rex's).
Secondly, in these episodes there were subtle callbacks to S2E3: The Solitary Clone, in which Crosshair and Cody teamed up on a mission for the Empire:
Crosshair and Clone X were shooting at each other down the staircase of a tower. In S2E3, the two of them are fighting their way up a staircase of a tower.
Knife-fighting. Who else besides Hunter have we seen fighting with a knife on this show? Cody, when he was fighting droids with Crosshair in S2E3. Not to mention that Cody used his knife to save Crosshair's life in that episode.
What Clone X says to Crosshair: "You had your chance to be one of us. You chose the wrong side." What are the last words Cody said onscreen, and to Crosshair? "We make our own decisions, our own choices. And we have to live with them, too."
There hasn't been any follow-up yet on what happened to Cody after S2E3, and I really don't think that's a coincidence. They were setting his character up for something to come, and I doubt it's for a happy ending.
Why I Don't Think Clone X is Tech:
Crosshair explained that he was resistant to the reconditioning, likely because he's too defective. Surely Tech would be, too? (Remember also that Tech was extremely resistant to the inhibitor chip's effects. Crosshair was the most susceptible to it. It would be logical for Tech would be just as, if not more resistant to other forms of mental conditioning for clones, too.)
If Tech also was taken to Tantiss to and trained to become a clone assassin, it's likely Crosshair would've seen him there. (Consider that both Clone X and the other captured assassin seemed to recognize Crosshair by face, so it's a reasonable assumption that Crosshair was there for a while, and these recruits all had face-to-face contact with each other.) If Crosshair knows that Tech is alive and also an imperial assassin, it wouldn't make sense for him to withhold that vital information, considering that he is trying to prove his loyalty and trustworthiness.
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shima-draws · 10 months
My doctor: Hey yeah that's not normal I don't think it's an issue with your hip
Me: Oh?
My doctor: It's an issue with your spine
Me: OH
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mitamicah · 9 months
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11/13 Käärijä stickers 🦩🌴⛱️
Did I plan that I'd take this long between drawing the sketch and rendering the finished piece so that Jere is now on vacation again making this relevant? Nope, but it would've been fun if I had x'D
I couldn't leave Frank out tho :'3
⬅️Previous entry ➡️Concept sketches
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akkivee · 2 months
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Intensely Spicy Curry Training: Hypmic Curry Drama Track TL
Kuukou: Y’all sure took your sweet time getting here! I’ve already got everything prepared!
Jyushi: But didn’t you tell us to meet you at the temple?
Hitoya: If we’re making curry, why the hell are we way out in the mountains to do it?
Kuukou: Because I just had a great idea. Check this out!
Jyushi: Ooooh, look at all this meat! So, we’re going to be using all of this in our curry?
Hitoya: Beef and chicken, huh? I guess it would make sense not cook these while inside your temple.
Kuukou: You’re half right, and half wrong.
Jyushi: What do you mean?
Kuukou: I don’t plan to make just any ol’ curry. Now it’s time for the both of y’all to mince the hell out of this meat!!
Hitoya: I didn’t know whether to expect if a corrupt little monk such as yourself knew how to cook, but I’m surprised. Instead of using something pre-made, if we pound and mince the meat ourselves, we’d get a far more superior product. Is that what you were thinking?
Jyushi: Oh, I see! That’s amazing, Kuukou-san!
Hitoya: So, where’d you put the food processor?
Kuukou: Ah?? The hell are you on? You’re grinding this meat with your bare hands.
Jyushi: …Eh?
Kuukou: Jyushi, you’re on beef! Hitoya, you’re taking the chicken! Punch it with everything you’ve got and make minced meat out of it!! This is a new training session I thought up!
Hitoya: What the hell is this fool saying??
Jyushi: B-But there’s so much meat!! Grinding it by hand is impossible!!
Kuukou: I don’t want to hear any complaints!! You don’t know that unless you try!
Jyushi & Hitoya: *reluctantly pounds the meat by hand*
Jyushi: *tearfully* …My body’s going to become minced meat before the actual beef!
Hitoya: Damn it, I can’t believe I let my guard down like this…! I shouldn’t have expected we’d simply make curry…!
Kuukou: You can’t expect to get anywhere with a weak spirit behind weak fists like that!! Lemme show you how it’s done!
Kuukou: *starts punching*
Hitoya: You bastard, those are vegetables!!
Jyushi: E-Even I could mince a tomato by hand!
Kuukou: It doesn’t matter either way!! Whether it’s vegetables or meat, all that matters is the heart you’re putting behind it!!
Jyushi: T-That doesn’t make any sense…!!
Kuukou: “Enlightenment can be attained through one thousand fists!” Don’t just keep yapping and put some energy into your hips and legs too!
Hitoya: Tch, I don’t see any way out of this… Then, I might as well get it over with…!! UWOOOOOOOOOAAAARRRRGHHHH!!!!!!!! *maximum effort punching*
Jyushi: H-Hitoya-san??
Kuukou: Hyahaha! There’s the effort I wanna see!
Jyushi: Guh… Because My God has unshackled the chains binding his true power, I, too, must unlock mine to continue alongside him…! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!! *maximum effort punching*
Jyushi: I-I can’t move another inch…
Hitoya: Ugh… I can’t even take the cap off my water bottle…
Kuukou: *sighs* It’s pretty pathetic to be that exhausted just from cooking.
Hitoya: You…!!!
Jyushi: But, I think it would be really nice if our training efforts could be felt by those eating our curry…!
Hitoya: …Well, I don’t think I’d say it like that, but I agree with the sentiment.
*the trees rustle and the birds chirp and there is peace*
Kuukou: The fuck are y’all talking about? There’s no point to this if the people who eating aren’t going through training too.
Jyushi: Eh?
Kuukou: Training can only be felt when you grow from the trials you’ve experienced yourself. Hopping off from other people’s efforts won’t mean shit.
Jyushi: B-but I mean, we’ll still be serving the curry to others once it’s finished cooking, right?
Kuukou: Yup. Which is why I’ve got…!
Jyushi: That powder…!!
Hitoya: It’s red chili pepper!! Jyushi, run!! Move upwind so it doesn’t blow and stick to your mucous membrane!!
Jyushi: Eeek!!! *runs away sobbing*
Hitoya: Kuukou, you bastard, what are you doing? Are you trying to ruin everything we worked on??
Kuukou: I’m not ruining a damn thing! This curry will be spicy so I can provide a remote kind of training!
Hitoya: Stop fucking around!! There’s gotta be a limit!!
Jyushi: *runs back over* I think there’s more chili pepper powder than ingredients now…!!
Kuukou: Then it’s just right! Now try it.
Jyushi: NO!! I will not be eating!! I absolutely refuse!! Don’t even try me!!
Kuukou: Hey stupid, watch it, that’s dangerous!! Stop fighting me and just—Ahh??
Jyushi: T-The inside of the pot is pitch black……!!
Hitoya: Obviously. Chili peppers burn easily. Haah… Let’s just remake the curry.
Jyushi: But doesn’t that mean we’ll have to mince more meat??
Kuukou: Whatever, I was thinking our “Intensely Spicy Curry Training” was made too halfheartedly anyway!! Time to give it all I got and win this championship!!
#kuko harai#jyushi aimono#hitoya amaguni#bad ass temple#hypmic#hypnosis mic#til that you can make a meat paste at the very least by using a mortar and pestle LOL#the curry pissed me tf off lmao it was so spicy but underneath all that spice was a ridiculously flavourful curry#it's spicy enough that i can tell it's comfortably spicy for people used to eating spice tho!!#habenero is the worst experience with spice i ever had and it wasn't that bad lol but i got the sense it could have been#so i assume jyushi and hitoya talked kuukou down lmao or we didn't want a repeat burnt product lol#i decided to tone down how i usually write bat to try and not show my very obvious bias lol hopefully it worked#i remember slug mentioning sometimes a tl will come off vague in order to not get in the way of future developments#and i actually felt that tling this lmao like when hitoya was telling kuukou there's a limit for everything#i had to choose whether to make this about kuukou and training or kuukou and the chili peppers#the statement itself was a vague warning so my own interpretations of bat were getting in the way probably lol#statements without a clear subject usually default to the person speaking so kuukou saying give it everything and win the championship#is me assuming he's talking about himself and again i'm a little worried my own interpretations of bat are getting in the way#since kuukou's self reliance is blatant but also not if you're casually looking at bat SO IDK LOL I THINK TLING IS HARD#curry tl
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rosie-the-posie · 4 months
how i view shifting!! 🎀
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so after years of learning and cultivating my own idea of what shifting is and how it works, here’s my take on what it is and how i understand it:
as many people mention when they talk about their shifting beliefs, i also take into account how creation is finished.
meaning, everything that has, is, and will happen already did across all realities (the however many infinities of them that exist)
because this is true, time no longer has any meaning because all moments in all realities exist at the same exact moment. now.
starting out, i always associated shifting with movement, going from one reality to another.
but really, there is no movement because you’re already in both/all realities that exist right now. you’re just more focused on this one rn.
here are some affirmations that i say when im shifting (bc ik for a fact that ive exhausted the others where i feel like it’s more habit to say them and i don’t really focus on what i say anymore)
i am fully aware and conscious in my dr/wr
i am happy that i have shifted, just like every other time i try
i know i have shifted, because i know that have before and i will again
i am fully grounded in my dr/wr
i am disconnected from my other reality (not original reality, because there really isn’t an original one)
it’s honestly crazy how every time i try to shift, i’m successful
(after saying like, one affirmation) i don’t have to affirm anything anymore because im already completely grounded in my dr/wr, but i’ll keep going bc i want to
i don’t like to say “i am in my dr/wr”, because why should i have to affirm that part? i’ve always existed there and have been there, i shouldn’t have to affirm that yk yk?
one of the most important things i've learned on the journey is how insignificant and not special shifting actually is.
yes, when we think of shifting we usually think of going from being in a reality without anything 'special' to being in one where you study magic or you are a superhero with powers or you're literally a deity.
but what shifting boils down to is focusing on one reality to another based on what we want to happen. by going to a reality where specific actions and moments take place.
therefore, we shift with every single action we take in life.
some of you reading this may have just changed the position they were reading in or fiddled with your hair a bit.
newsflash: you just shifted, babe.
you shifted from a reality where you were completely fine in your position or you didn't touch your hair to one where you did. because you wanted to. because you could.
to clarify, here's an example: I shift to my drs to experience the scripted moments that I know will happen. In my cr, there are dirty dishes I know are in the sink to be washed. I know I will wash them later. In this reality, the moments from my dr haven't taken place but will once I set the intention to shift. My dishes will remain dirty unless I set the intention to clean them. once i get up and do the dishes, I've shifted to the reality where I've done the dishes in that moment. Once I shift to my dr, I've shifted to the reality where those moments happen as I've scripted they will.
as shifters, we often get caught up in the amazing worlds we get to experience that we ignore the fact that shifting is all the little things you do on a daily basis.
Instead of thinking of shifting in your current reality as you just scripting moments from your drs in your head while absentmindedly doing the dishes, shifting is present just as much in the action of you doing the dishes. bc there is 100% a reality where those dishes were left undone.
this post is long enough, oopsies. 🤭
you are the universe and more, babes 🎀
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fyrewalks · 10 days
reintroducing mx adriana diaz or a study in the danger of expectations and stereotypes
adri is the youngest diaz sibling by about 6 years (going with eddie as the middle child) - now 26
as the youngest daughter, adri was likely always going to be spoiled, but the larger age gap certainly added to it. she was and always has been treated as the baby of the family (until christopher at least)
the spoiled youngest is a stereotype adri learns to play into; she knows to play clueless and to blink her doe eyes at her parents when in trouble, but it’s not all great - they expect her to be emotional and not as smart as sophia or eddie, so adri lives to those expectations. 
but discomfort grows as she gets older - once careless parents turn more strict. if eddie’s teenage pregnancy was awful to them, then the idea of another one with adri is abhorrent. she doesn’t cope well with the change. (she blames eddie and their relationship isn’t great by the time shannon and chris are around bc, again, adri isn’t great with change)
she grows up dancing folklorico and traditional ballet. at 14/15, she’s invited to a summer intensive in nyc (a big deal in the prof dance world) but her parents won’t let her go and her big city dreams die with the disappointment. 
so adri decides if she can’t do what she wants, she’ll do what eddie couldn’t (bc lowkey adri is petty as hell). she refocuses on volleyball and one of the few perks of an all girl’s catholic school is all the extracurriculars and sports they encourage look great on college apps. she falls into the ‘perfect daughter’ routine that no one ever expected of her.
by the end of high school, she’s captain of the volleyball team and has a few scholarships lined up at upenn if she plays there. but they don’t cover everything and private out of state uni’s are expensive. since adri wants to go into nursing anyway, she decides to join the nrotc nursing corps program, but her parents forbid it and adri just gives in. they’re fighting her on the move to philly as it is and it starts to dawn on her that they see college as ‘mrs degree’ - a way for her meet a husband and settle down. 
upenn is great for adri - she’s captain of a volleyball team again, a sorority girl, and has an on-and-off relationship that turns serious during their last two years of college. as much as adri didn’t want to meet the ‘mrs degree’ expectation, she and rafael get engaged shortly after graduating. he is actually navy, gearing up for flight school, so they do a small courthouse wedding to make everything easier. 
(adri also comes out as nonbinary between her second and third year of college to very little fanfare. she doesn’t advertise it too much given the sports world at the time. and even now, she’s still untangling if her parents' subdued rxn is actual support, indifference, or disbelief/humoring her.)
like eddie, adri rushes into a marriage. one she has no idea how to navigate between her own new career and raf’s. the moves make her feel unsettled and while fitting in among the navy so’s should bring her comfort, it ultimately doesn’t. it’s just more stereotypes for her to be pigeonholed into. 
in fact, as adri, who started a more content creator style presence on insta as a college athlete, starts sharing more of her experience being a new military spouse, she realizes just how much she hates the little corner of the world she’s fallen into. 
a bad argument leads to adri initiating the divorce - while they were originally on the same page about wanting kids, raf’s insistence on adri doing the whole stay at home thing leads to adri sharing that she’s unsure if she wants kids at all. (something she was maybe in the wrong for keeping it to herself for as long as she did, even if raf isn't necessarily great either.) 
(for more context - they had a pregnancy scare in college. they were on the same page then about the roles they’d take, but while raf’s thoughts stayed the same, adri’s changed as both her nursing and sm careers took off)
so, where does a freshly divorced, semi-influencer end up? la of course. it’s the best of both worlds - content potential and family (rather than moving back to philly with only friends that all knew raf). at least, adri’s smart enough to keep working as a nurse in la too. 
some personality notes: adri tends to be very charming and sweet. she is very easy to get along with but the majority of her relationships are surface deep. in her real life, adri isn’t great at putting herself in others’ shoes. for whatever reason, compassion and sympathy comes easier to her when she’s in scrubs.
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glittergoats · 1 year
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Part 2 of my AINI doodles since starting the game!
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crimeronan · 10 months
chronically ill people will see the rapid3 questionnaire ask "do you have problems with dressing yourself each day, including doing up buttons and tying shoelaces" and be like "ah, this does not describe me, for you see i have a System" and folks. that is what the question is getting at,
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Hey I haven’t seen Frank around very recently. He’s not really in his house or at the maze, and he’s my favorite so I want to see him!
Huh sorry to hear that visitor! I don't know exactly where he is, but if he's feeling a bit reclusive there's a good chance he's inside his house. He can sometimes be found with Julie to so you can try that.
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