#guest muse: Maria Himura
adeadlysong · 5 years
Perfect Together~
@ribbedxgloves gets a Tahirah adopts a child!AU (for DEVLIN XD)
In the castle gardens, there was Countess Tahriah Zakiyaa sitting one of the benches, her young (adopted) son sitting beside her as they played the lute, accompanying his mother’s singing.
“If you were the popcorn, I would be the movie If you were strawberries then I would be the smoothie If you were October, I'd be apple cider And if you were the waffles fries then I would be the slider!”
”Daww.” Maria, Lord Sukumara’s advisor, was a couple feet off, watching Tahirah and her child with Nuriel by her side. “You know, I’m really glad Tahirah adopted a kid. Good for her and him—what’s his name, again?”
“Leolio Talea Zakiyaa. Leo for short.” Nuriel chuckled. “I almost convinced Tahirah to name him Tango, though!”
“Tango is a weird name. He wouldn’t know if they’re talking about the dance, or him.”
“Fair. But hey, at least he’s great at a lute so far!” 
“He likes singing, but he’s super shy about his voice. Pretty quiet, but he’s a good kid. Tahirah loves him to pieces. Me and Arlyn love him to pieces.”
“Cause you and me, we make each other better We may not be perfect, but we're perfect together! You and me, we'll make it through whatever, We may not be perfect, but we're perfect together! Da-da-da, da-da-da-da Da-da-da, da-da-da-da Da-da-da, da-da-da-da Da-da-da...”
Leo giggled, and Tahirah couldn’t help but giggle back. That was when Tahirah heard footsteps, and she blinked, gently holding up a hand to signal her son to stop the song before turning to see who it was approaching...
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bravelywego · 6 years
@ribbedxgloves gets a visit to the tavern!
“WAITTTT!!!! Stop, stop the ship! We can rest over at that port’s tavern! I’ve been there before, I know it’s good!”
And so Nuriel led everyone to the tavern after they docked the ship. They were on the way back to Azami’s palace so they would be there in time for the engagement ball celebrating Azami and Sean’s engagement, but it was getting pretty dark and needed a place to land for now. They would finish the journey and get back tomorrow.
Nuriel was the one that opened the doors, before his voice boomed throughout the tavern. And that was saying something, given that the tavern was pretty busy with patrons drinking and chatting with each other.
“Loreley!? Hope you don’t mind me and my companions coming through!”
A woman looked to them, dressed in a long, green skirt, long-sleeved white blouse with a brown bodice. Her blonde hair was tied back, though there were a few bangs tucked behind her ear, out of the way of her face.
“Nuriel? It’s been so long!” She came forwards to greet them, smiling. “I hope you’ve been well?”
“Yeah, I’m good. I see you’re doing well, too—Do you have any rooms? We need a place to stay for the night.”
“You’re in luck. We have four rooms left this evening.”
“Perfect. We’ll take all four, split the rooms amongst ourselves. Oh, and we’ll need meals for tonight and for tomorrow morning.”
“I’ll have my ladies prepare the rooms for you. In the meantime, do feel free to sit, order some drinks and your evening’s meals. Enjoy yourselves, all of you!”
As she went to go inform her workers, Nuriel looked to the others, grinning. “I know her—she owns the place. Came through here and stayed for a bit, once, while she was also working here at the time, and now she’s the tavernkeeper!”
“Really?” Nobutsuna blinked. He’d never really been to a tavern before, so this was new. “That’s interesting. How long ago was this when you knew her?”
“We go pretty far back. Over..twelve years, now? Please, excuse me.” Nuriel quickly went towards the back of the main floor, and Nobutsuna noticed that the ladies (and men) back there were more scantily dressed. Probably the prostitutes, he guessed.
“I knew he was gonna buy them drinks.” Tahirah managed, chuckling. “Nuriel does that every time we stop at a tavern for the night. He buys them all one round of whatever drink they want…”
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adeadlysong · 5 years
Dance of Defiance!
@ribbedxgloves from here
Sukumara gently shook Brent’s hand in return, offering Brent a reassuring grin.
“Of course I wouldn’t just seduce someone and steal them away, let alone Prince Nobutsuna.” He managed. “I don’t think I’m that strong in seduction compared to others I know of…”
He took a deep breath as he thought through it all. His proposal to Tahirah, their eventual arrangement and agreement to marry Brent and Nobutsuna so those two step-brothers-to-be could still be in love with each other and together...and it was all coming together, now. He chuckled softly. “I think I’m ready for that. And I can tell you’re ready, too.”
“Uhhhhh, about that marriage?” Sukumara turned to see Maria rush over. “Queen Azami might’ve found out about the arrangement before we had a chance to tell her. She wants to speak to you, Countess Tahirah, Prince Nobutsuna and Prince Brent just outside the ballroom right now.”
“But what about Arganan’s coming-out dance!? He’s performing it in a minute from now!”
“Oh—he’s basically stalling her.” Maria looked back towards the rest of the ballroom, and then looked to Brent and Sukumara, “I think he’s calling her out on her shit right now before he has his performance. The prelude to chaos, I call it. Wanna watch?”
Meanwhile in the main part of the ballroom, a lot of people gasped and stared as one Count Lucius Arganan of Lazulis Island stared down Queen Azami Yukimura. Never before did he look so simultaneously pissed off and passionate at the same time. He had good reason to, however. 
“I find it rude that you’re leaving your own party so randomly. Also, I haven’t had a chance to perform my coming out dance,” Arganan snapped at Azami, “And I want you to watch.”
“Your what now?” Azami looked confused, but Arlyn stepped in.
“Allow me to explain.” The icy advisor flipped his hair. “’Tis a Melodian tradition for people to come out by dancing with a partner or partners of the same sex during balls such as these. I don’t see a problem with something as harmless as this.”
“Well, I certainly have a problem,” Azami started, glaring at Arlyn. “You—”
Max put a hand on Azami’s shoulder, whispering to her. “If we interfere, this is going to make you look bad and give them a chance to accuse you of homophobia. We need the Melodians on our side right now, and Count Arganan is a close friend of Countess Tahirah.”
“This is my fucking engagement ball, Max. How dare he—”
“We. Have. No. Choice. You have to back off.” 
Azami hissed, but glared at Arganan, who simply smirked. Once afraid of Azami, but now he was confident. He knew which partner he wanted, and he knew that no one could stop him in what he was about to do. Looks like this dance might work out, after all.
“Now that we’ve settled it,” Arganan turned, before extending a hand to Ulysses. “Mein Liebe, will you dance with me?”
Watching a couple feet away, Tahirah simply smiled. 
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bravelywego · 6 years
The Returning Nobility!
@ribbedxgloves has arrived at Azami’s Castle—BUT IT’S THE DAY BEFORE THE ENGAGEMENT BALL!
“We have returned~!”
Queen Azami stared as Tahirah came near-skipping in, followed by Sean and literally everyone else, including Nobutsuna.
“Mother!” Nobutsuna came forwards, before bowing respectfully. “I...I apologize for not having sent a message. I am alive and well—”
“I see.” Azami looked him gently in the eyes. “Please, do be more considerate next time, I taught you better than that.”
“I...yes. Of course.” Nobutsuna nodded, before Advisor Max and Count Arganan both came walking into the main hall.
“Countess?” The Count had a notable metal left arm, as well as a metal left leg that gleamed in the light a little bit. The large eyepatch covered the left side of his face. “You’re here.”
“Count Arganan!” Tahirah beamed at the older man, waving excitedly. “Oh, it’s so good to see you!” She then whirled around to Azami, curtseying. “And I’m so glad to see you, too, Queen Azami! We had such a good time meeting both Prince Nobutsuna and Prince Brent!”
Nobutsuna almost blanched. Uh oh.
“In fact,” Tahirah continued, “I am astounded by the deep LOVE they have for each other!”
Sukumara almost broke into laughter but muffled himself, just as Arlyn and Nuriel exchanged looks. Maria’s jaw dropped, and even poor Count Arganan looked flustered. “Wh-what...!?”
“Oh, wait, no!” Tahirah’s face went red. “BROTHERLY LOVE! I meant to put in the brotherly, I’m so sorry!”
Nobutsuna felt his face flush a little bit. “I...uh...you’re forgiven...” He half-squeaked out. “Just...please try to not do it again?”
Tahirah nodded. “Y-yeah. Okay. Sorry.”
Of course she has to say something like that. Help me now. 
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adeadlysong · 7 years
Fated (Or Unfated) Ties.
@stxrrbright plotted a starter! :D
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“Lord Sukumara! Lord Sukumara!” Maria rushed into Lord Ariel Sukumara’s office. “Someone’s here to see you, and they say it’s important!”
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“Oh, Maria..who is it?”
“They said that they know Lena. Remember her?”
“Lena...” Sukumara felt himself smile at the sound of her name. He remembered dancing with her, just being with her in general...part of him felt these butterflies within himself that he hadn’t felt in so long, and...wow. “You said this person knew her?”
“Yes. They’re just outside the office.”
“I see. Let them in, and...do get a servant to fetch some tea after you do so.”
“Of course!”
Maria opened the door to let the person in, then left the office, leaving Sukumara alone with the visitor.
“Do take a seat.” Sukumara inhaled deeply, facing who it was as he gestured to a nearby chair, Sukumara moving to sit opposite them. “You said you knew Miss Lena? You and her...smell alike. Are you both related?”
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adeadlysong · 7 years
*sees  🍃 - Have my muse pose tastefully for your muse’s art project*
Maria, Araceli and Arlyn: *shrugs* We could probably do that one
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adeadlysong · 5 years
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“So, Ingrid, how did you and Nuriel meet again?”
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“He met me at the tavern. I already worked there, and he was new, so I had to show him the ropes.”
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“And we’ve been best friends forever since. This is so cool—I’m best friends with an ice mage, and I’m in love with another ice mage...”
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“Heyyyyy, don’t forget me!”
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“I never would, Maria—we’ve been friends since childhood! We should be a fire-and-ice quartet that beats everyone in battle!”
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“A quartet? Why...?”
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“Oh Nuriel...let’s not get too into this...”
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adeadlysong · 6 years
Arlyn Icia, Nuriel Flame, Ariel Sukumara and Maria Himura remain Active.
However until further notice, Candace Orzora, Usama Annamaria, Araceli Nemesis and Shula Erhart will be on hiatus and/or semi-hiatus and no new threads will be involving these four. 
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adeadlysong · 7 years
Are all the muses non-straight?
Tahirah, Sukumara, Candace, Usama, Araceli, Nuriel, Arlyn, Maria and Shula all shrugged.
“Honestly,” Tahirah managed, “We can technically say yes to this question? I mean, absolutely no one who has figured out their sexualities so far is straight...”
“Yeah, but,” Candace butted in, “We can’t just entirely assume that. I mean, I’m still trying to figure out if I swing any way at all. Same with Usama.” She then looked to the ghost of Shula Erhart,  “Do you know?”
Shula shrugged, and shook her head. “Never bothered.”
“Well, we’ll find out in time. Or maybe we’ll never know.” Nuriel shrugged. “Does it matter?”
“Sexuality is only one part of a person. I mean,” Sukumara felt his face flush, “It’s...definitely something to be explored, but uh...it’s not the whole person. It’s a small piece in the grand scheme of things.”
“And that is what one should call profound and deep.” Araceli chuckled. “So what does it matter about sexuality? If you wanna flaunt it like me, go ahead! If not, I don’t care. Not too much, anyway.”
“Wait,” Arlyn managed, “Did we...ever find out Maria’s sexuality?”
Everyone immediately looked to Maria, who stared back at them.
“Guys, I’m still trying to figure it out, okay!?”
“It’s fine.” Usama reassured her. 
Tahirah offered a sheepish grin. “So, uh...yeah! I guess we can technically say none of us are straight! At least, until we figure out if Maria, Shula, Usama and/or Candace are straight, but no need to rush!”
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adeadlysong · 6 years
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“Okay, cast your votes! Which one of us is the sexiest of ‘em all?”
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“It’s obviously me. Let’s get that straight—and that’s the straightest thing you’ll get out of me.”
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“Mm, Lady Araceli—I beg to differ...”
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“Arlyn’s right! It’s totally me!”
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“No! You know that’s not what I meant!”
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“On second thought, this voting might be a bad idea...”
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adeadlysong · 6 years
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“Goodness, I’m bored...”
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