#guest muse: Naoto Kamiizumi
bravelywego · 3 years
Oh im interested now. What are/is Naoto's go to flavour of macaron ?
Naoto: Lavender. Also, rose. But I'm also fond of lemon, too...
Me: Oh dear. He's going to be listing flavors all day. XD
In short, Naoto enjoys most flavors but your safest bet is giving him the first three he just listed XD
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exorcistofgrace · 6 years
@ribbedxgloves //delia EMBARRASSED me but she gets a lil shy when her hand’s kissed because no one did that to her before.
Me: Eidolon CHILL
Eidolon: *rants a whole dramatic, thirty-minute monologue as of why Delia should have more hand kisses*
Jerome, Janne and Geist: O_O 
Naoto: Even I’m terrified and I thought I was the overdramatic, passionate one here....
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countarganan · 6 years
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“Why...are you wearing a dress?”
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“Because I want to, and I’ll wear what I want. Any objections~?”
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“Nope, none at all.”
Aw shit. He actually looks more than decent in that gown. 
Shit, he’s hot.
SHIT, he’s a hot ghost. What am I doing!?
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bravelywego · 5 years
A Planned Disaster!?
@ribbedxgloves​ from here!
Sadira looked towards little Atsuma, then Sean, as his explanation sunk in, nodding a bit.
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“Ah, cool.” She gave him two thumbs-up, before waving at the toddler. “Take your time with your kid. Hi, Atsuma. Auntie Sadira says hi! Sean, I’ll wait outside the house ‘til you’re done.”
And with that, Sadira vanished, reappearing literally outside his house. On the doorstep. Yup. Just there. She could wait. Pacing around outside, she buried her hands in her coat pockets,
Naoto appeared by Sean’s side, having overheard him and Sadira talking, and he looked towards Sean with a soft smile, his adoring gaze flickering towards Atsuma and then to Sean again.
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“I can watch Atsuma tonight while you talk to Sadira, dear.” He offered. Naoto was overjoyed that Atsuma was in his and Sean’s lives (or in Naoto’s case, afterlife). Nobutsuna grew fond of having a little sibling in Atsuma, too, and came to visit when he could. During nights when Naoto wasn’t spending time by Sean’s side, he sometimes just stayed up all night to take care of Atsuma, should the child wake at one a.m. or some ungodly hour. Besides, Naoto technically couldn’t sleep despite the dreamwalking, given that he was a ghost, so it worked out.
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bravelywego · 5 years
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“I hope you don’t mind me asking, but may I...dance with you?”
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bravelywego · 5 years
@ribbedxgloves from here
Naoto knew that Sean was probably busy, and so they hadn’t exactly spent a lot of time with each other lately. He understood that Sean had his work, and sometimes that could get really busy at times (which seemed to be often enough), and that Sean totally had other things and people in his life and all. Even with the whole previous thing with Max attempting to murder Sean and Fiore all that while ago (as well as the news that Fiore murdered Max in revenge/self-defense later on), Naoto knew that there were always things going on with everyone and stuff.
But as his beloved asked him what was wrong, Naoto took a deep breath. He wasn’t wearing any pretty dress like usual; he’d opted for one of his more regular kimonos like what he wore prior to death (though he did not appear openly sickly). 
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“I’m just...it’s not you. Well, I guess it does concern you, in terms of our...relationship. I’m just—scared? Yes. That. Scared of not being good enough for you. Especially given how I’m very dead and you’re very alive.” 
They were very, well, not alike in a way. Not that birds of a feather always had to be together (opposites could attract too).
“You’ve...been so supportive of me that I sometimes worry that I don’t do enough to support you. I think...that’s what I’m worried about most.” 
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bravelywego · 5 years
Battle of the Ballroom!
@ribbedxgloves is getting this starter ‘cause why not? XD
All was tense in the ballroom, what with Arganan and Ulysses’ coming out dance throwing Azami into a rage, Tahirah vehemently defending her friend while calling Azami out for her ambition to eventually murder Sean post-wedding him, and Nobutsuna wasn’t sure if this could get any worse. Or if he should do something to stop the fight from escalating.
That was when the windows from the side came crashing down, several figures swooping in. They wore armor and cloaks that were dark, but much different than what the guards of Azami’s palace would wear. If one looked carefully...they did not appear to be fully human, given their more scaly-looking skin.
“The Gurak.” Arganan breathed. Damn it, why now!?
One in particular, glowing a red aura around his body, turned and saw Ulysses. He hissed, taking out a spear and pointing it at him. “Traitor! So you linger among these damned humans and fae...?”
There was another with a blue aura that placed his hand on the red-auraed one’s shoulder. “Calm yourself, brother. We will deal with him shortly after we slaughter everyone else.”
“Very well.” The red-auraed one looked to the rest of the troops with them, calling, “Kill them all!”
Naoto let out a yell towards some of the castle guards to join in fighting the Gurak, just as Tahirah yelled something that sounded like “Paso Doble formation!” to Arlyn and Nuriel, whose arms lit up with ice and fire magic respectively. Sukumara roared, protectively standing in front of Tahirah and ready to fight.
Nobutsuna, however? He knew he wasn’t the strongest, nor the best at magic or anything. But he took out his katana, staying close by Brent’s side. He refused to let his lover get hurt, but he also knew he had to make sure Tahirah and Ariel were okay, too.
“Those are the Gurak my mother was planning to war with! Be careful!”
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bravelywego · 5 years
Naoto, if you had the opportunity to kill Queen Azami, would you do it?
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“She’s piled up a lot of shit in the past several years, so I would be happy to give the kingdom some mercy and end her life if I could. However, she does rule effectively, even if she is a monster. Killing her would have some consequence to the kingdom, and so I can’t just kill her whenever. I need to wait for the right time.” The merc looked down at the sword he had with him, before speaking again.
“No matter how it goes, whether or not I am the one to personally end her, I know that Prince Nobutsuna would make a better ruler than her. And my loyalty lies more with him than her, anyway.”
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bravelywego · 6 years
@ribbedxgloves gets a visit to the tavern!
“WAITTTT!!!! Stop, stop the ship! We can rest over at that port’s tavern! I’ve been there before, I know it’s good!”
And so Nuriel led everyone to the tavern after they docked the ship. They were on the way back to Azami’s palace so they would be there in time for the engagement ball celebrating Azami and Sean’s engagement, but it was getting pretty dark and needed a place to land for now. They would finish the journey and get back tomorrow.
Nuriel was the one that opened the doors, before his voice boomed throughout the tavern. And that was saying something, given that the tavern was pretty busy with patrons drinking and chatting with each other.
“Loreley!? Hope you don’t mind me and my companions coming through!”
A woman looked to them, dressed in a long, green skirt, long-sleeved white blouse with a brown bodice. Her blonde hair was tied back, though there were a few bangs tucked behind her ear, out of the way of her face.
“Nuriel? It’s been so long!” She came forwards to greet them, smiling. “I hope you’ve been well?”
“Yeah, I’m good. I see you’re doing well, too—Do you have any rooms? We need a place to stay for the night.”
“You’re in luck. We have four rooms left this evening.”
“Perfect. We’ll take all four, split the rooms amongst ourselves. Oh, and we’ll need meals for tonight and for tomorrow morning.”
“I’ll have my ladies prepare the rooms for you. In the meantime, do feel free to sit, order some drinks and your evening’s meals. Enjoy yourselves, all of you!”
As she went to go inform her workers, Nuriel looked to the others, grinning. “I know her—she owns the place. Came through here and stayed for a bit, once, while she was also working here at the time, and now she’s the tavernkeeper!”
“Really?” Nobutsuna blinked. He’d never really been to a tavern before, so this was new. “That’s interesting. How long ago was this when you knew her?”
“We go pretty far back. Over..twelve years, now? Please, excuse me.” Nuriel quickly went towards the back of the main floor, and Nobutsuna noticed that the ladies (and men) back there were more scantily dressed. Probably the prostitutes, he guessed.
“I knew he was gonna buy them drinks.” Tahirah managed, chuckling. “Nuriel does that every time we stop at a tavern for the night. He buys them all one round of whatever drink they want…”
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bravelywego · 6 years
"Do you think you can still be friends with Apollymi after she broke Geist's heart? Do you and Geist hate her?"
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“No, no, no! I don’t hate her, let’s get that cleared up.” Kamiizumi quickly burst, shaking his head. “Geist is...well, okay, he probably currently hates her for breaking his heart, but I imagine anyone would be probably pissed off if their heart got broken. I still consider myself friends with Apollymi and Geist. ”
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“And I am a prime example of that.” Naoto murmured, thinking back to how much he hated Azami. “I know how horribly messy that can go, so I hope Geist doesn’t open that emotional can of worms even further into despair.”
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“I-I think he already did, Father. I doubt he’d go so far as to kill her, though. He’s more a self-loathing sort of person.”
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bravelywego · 6 years
Double Date Nightmare...?
As planned, two ghosts, one Red Mage and one mostly-normal human went on their double date with each other to the steakhouse.
Good news? No one was killing each other yet.
Bad news? The wait for food was taking a while and they were starting to run out of small talk. Naoto feared that if they got bored, Azami and DeRosa might actually start killing each other, but he also wished to NOT breach any topics that would lead to them fighting aloud.
Which led to Naoto egging on DeRosa explaining somnial energy. DeRosa was happy to chat about it and what his project was supposed to be and what he hoped to do with it, but...
“Excuse me.” DeRosa stood, silencing a vibrating phone. “I’ll be back shortly...” 
He moved towards where the restrooms were, and Azami sighed, looking to Sean and Naoto.
“Do you still think he and I could be something romantic?”
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bravelywego · 6 years
The Returning Nobility!
@ribbedxgloves has arrived at Azami’s Castle—BUT IT’S THE DAY BEFORE THE ENGAGEMENT BALL!
“We have returned~!”
Queen Azami stared as Tahirah came near-skipping in, followed by Sean and literally everyone else, including Nobutsuna.
“Mother!” Nobutsuna came forwards, before bowing respectfully. “I...I apologize for not having sent a message. I am alive and well—”
“I see.” Azami looked him gently in the eyes. “Please, do be more considerate next time, I taught you better than that.”
“I...yes. Of course.” Nobutsuna nodded, before Advisor Max and Count Arganan both came walking into the main hall.
“Countess?” The Count had a notable metal left arm, as well as a metal left leg that gleamed in the light a little bit. The large eyepatch covered the left side of his face. “You’re here.”
“Count Arganan!” Tahirah beamed at the older man, waving excitedly. “Oh, it’s so good to see you!” She then whirled around to Azami, curtseying. “And I’m so glad to see you, too, Queen Azami! We had such a good time meeting both Prince Nobutsuna and Prince Brent!”
Nobutsuna almost blanched. Uh oh.
“In fact,” Tahirah continued, “I am astounded by the deep LOVE they have for each other!”
Sukumara almost broke into laughter but muffled himself, just as Arlyn and Nuriel exchanged looks. Maria’s jaw dropped, and even poor Count Arganan looked flustered. “Wh-what...!?”
“Oh, wait, no!” Tahirah’s face went red. “BROTHERLY LOVE! I meant to put in the brotherly, I’m so sorry!”
Nobutsuna felt his face flush a little bit. “I...uh...you’re forgiven...” He half-squeaked out. “Just...please try to not do it again?”
Tahirah nodded. “Y-yeah. Okay. Sorry.”
Of course she has to say something like that. Help me now. 
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bravelywego · 6 years
Naughty or Nice ?
Check your muse’s holiday status here! Repost! Don’t Reblog please!
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“What!? I thought I was good...”
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“And now I’m confused. I thought I was on the Naughty List...? I’ll take it, though.”
((I accidentally did it for Kamii twice so I figured I might as well post both results XD))
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“Why am I not surprised?”
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“...I’m not necessarily sure if I know why...”
Tagged by: @guardiansofeternia
Tagging: @ribbedxgloves, @of-witches-n-tricksters, @thevestalofwind, @diviinitas and anyone who wants to do this XD
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bravelywego · 6 years
Naoto, why do you think King Sean is too good for Queen Azami?
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“He’s just…”
The mercenary and tutor of Prince Nobutsuna paused, unsure of how to word it. He knew better than to just blatantly bad-mouth the Queen, but it wasn’t like he could bring himself to genuinely admire her. He feared her, at best. 
“King Sean is such a foil to Queen Azami, and I know that they say ‘opposites attract,’ but I just have the hunch it won’t work out too well….that’s all…”
Azami was poison to him. Sean was nothing but goodness, in Naoto’s opinion.
And as far as he knew, he should be trying to protect the King from the worst that the Queen could pull on him. Someone like King Sean didn’t deserve horrible treatment from her.
And Naoto was damn sure, in the back of his mind, that even Naoto himself could treat Sean better.
He took a deep breath. He knew he couldn’t interfere. Not without a tongue-lashing from Max and further punishment from Azami. 
Besides, he’d already broken some rules by leaving the castle with Sean without Azami’s permission (because yes, he completely lied about her sending him in her stead).
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bravelywego · 6 years
Naoto, what do you feel about King Sean?
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“King Sean is too good for Queen Azami, in my personal opinion.” He was glad he wasn’t in Azami’s castle right now, and just simply visiting Brent’s castle along with the others. 
“I don’t know how to feel about those two together...I am happy if it turns out Azami loves him back, but...I worry more for Sean’s safety than Azami’s at this point.”
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bravelywego · 6 years
An Unexpected Romance!?
@ribbedxgloves from here
“Oh, for crying out loud, he’s just some casanova adjunct professor from Al-Khampis!” Azami glared a bit at Sean, her cheeks a little red, but she kept talking. “I don’t understand why he should matter to you—are you so bored with kidnappings and murders that my supposed ‘love life’ must come next?”
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“Darling!” Naoto, right on cue, appeared before Sean and Azami. “You would NOT believe what I saw today! I—” He paused, realizing Azami was there, raising an eyebrow and fidgeting on the spot. “Why...do I have the feeling that I’m in trouble?”
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“Fiore DeRosa is not my boyfriend. I KNEW you were going to bring him up!”
“And you felt so inclined to tell my beloved Sean about it? Why?”
“Because otherwise YOU would beat me to it and claim I have a boyfriend when I don’t! You, who sees everything like a romance novel or rom-com or romance anything!”
“Excuse me, but romance is a beautiful thing! You and him literally sang a duet together—”
“He goaded me on!”
“AND you won!”
“And then I punched him in the face! And on top of THAT, he’s a sexist pig who previously liquified innocent women in Florem when he used to lead Eternia’s Bloodrose Legion over three years ago! Why the hell do you think that I’d want to be with a stupid man like him!?”
“Because he’s significantly changed and reformed since then, just like how you’re trying to change? Two birds of a feather flock together?”
“...That reasoning doesn’t warrant romance, Naoto. The dummy is not my boyfriend, and won’t be. Period.”
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