#gumshoe imagine
coolerhope · 3 months
If they make a third Investigations game, they should tie it back to AA3 and have Edgeworth get hospitalized in the last case and then Phoenix shows up and takes over the investigation for a bit while Edgeworth recovers.
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theredcuyo · 9 months
I headcanon that the reason why Miles' "that man" instances get worse in the second game is because he's spent more time apart from Phoenix, like, working in a case with him specifically, since he also seems to not realize when he's near anyway
This also leads me to think that during all the time he spent overseas he was also like that, and, like, even more, explaining what he was talking about with Gumshoe at the end of the third case in jfa
Also, i like to think that when it got too unbearable, Gumshoe will convince him to call Phoenix for help in a case during the 7 years of hobo
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climbs out of the woods shaking and sweating. aa won't give us detective gumshoe back because they're afraid of how hot he'd be after the 7 year gap. they're scared of his dilf (detective i'd like to fuck) powers. phoenix and edgeworth wouldn't stand a chance in the popularity polls
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perplexedflower · 8 months
In The Lap Of Luxury
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Fandom: Ace Attorney.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Dick Gumshoe x Female Reader.
Type: One shot.
Words: 10,055.
Summary: On most days, [Y/N] knows she can count on her best friend Maya to come through for her, whatever it is she needs help with, through whatever means necessary… and it would seem that includes pushing her to confess her awkward feelings to Dick.
Chronology: Any game.
With a deep, heavy nose exhale, I grabbed the knob and turned it, opening the door to the office wide; I was tired, both emotionally and physically, and all I wanted at that instant, all I needed was the comfort of Phoenix's sofa. But as I silently made my way through the room, I noticed Maya was there, sitting in the very center of the couch, a hamburger in her hands.
"Oh, hey Maya." I said with a weakened smile as I turned to her.
"Hi, [Y/N]!" She exclaimed in return. "Hey, you look kinda sad... You want some of my burger? I bet that'll cheer you right up!"
"Heh, that's nice of you to offer, but no, thank you." I replied with a slow head shake, still smiling. "A few burger bites honestly aren't enough to bring my mood back up right now... I'd rather let you savor it all."
I looked down at her for a second before I gestured with my head slightly, pointing to her body with my chin.
"But, do you think I could join you on the sofa? I'm dying to rest up."
"Sure." She answered with a nod and a smile.
She proceeded to scoot over to the side a little, to make more room for me.
"Now, sit down! You can't expect me to leave my best friend standing all alone like that!"
"You're so sweet, cutie." I told her with a genuinely affectionate smile, her sheer and simple presence enough to already make me feel slightly better. "But, actually, you didn't have to move. I was thinking I'd lie down over you, if you don't mind that. That lap of yours looks real comfy and I was hoping I could rest my head there."
I took the time to ask her, but I already knew what her answer would be: Maya and I were very close friends who never feared sharing things with one another, including physical proximity, as we were both fond of hugs and never bothered by PDA.
"Ohoho... Is someone getting touchy?" She said teasingly with a sly grin. "But seriously, yeah, come on in, get comfy. I was actually expecting you to say that, considering how down you seem to be. I'll even cuddle with you if you want, since you're so cute."
Maya started to shift a bit, turning herself to the side to leave me more space to lie down on her lap comfortably.
"Thanks, you really are the best best friend anyone could have." I told her as I walked closer to the couch.
I lay down across the seats, my legs dangling over one of the armrests a little as the back of my head found Maya's lap: upon feeling it slowly sink into her warm legs, I closed my eyes and sighed out of relaxation.
"This feels good... Your lap always feels so relaxing..." I said softly. "I didn't expect to see you here at the office when I decided to head in, but I'm actually so glad you are. I kinda need comfort right about now, and I know for a fact your comfort is the best I could have hoped for."
Maya smirked as she bit into her hamburger, before she smiled warmly.
"You're welcome, cutie pie." She said in a soft, comforting tone. "I'm always glad to provide, it's the least I can do for my favorite girl in the world. But... why the sad face, though? You can tell me if something's happened."
I opened my eyes upon hearing her question, then gently sighed once more.
"Well... Can I tell you a secret?" I asked her as I looked up at her face above me.
She paused briefly, her mouth full of hamburger and her eyebrows raised; there was an expression of curiosity on her face as she looked right down at me.
"Of course, what's on your mind?" She asked me in return, an adorable smile on her face.
I kept quiet for a moment, lying still on my back as my eyes turned to the white ceiling high above my head, my gaze lost in nothingness.
"... I have feelings for Detective Gumshoe." I bluntly confessed in one breath, finally breaking the silence in the room.
Maya's head jolted back in genuine surprise as I revealed my secret.
"Gumshoe!?" She exclaimed with her mouth wide open in disbelief, almost dropping her hamburger in the process. "Why, you never said a thing!"
The young girl tried her best to calm down, though she could barely manage to control herself.
"Wait, does Gumshoe know?" She suddenly asked.
"No, no, of course he doesn't, no, that's precisely what the problem is, Maya..." I muttered as I covered my face with both of my hands. "That man is so dense, there's no way on Earth he could ever know simply from the way I behave around him, he doesn't pick up on anything... But at the same time, I'm not brave enough to be straightforward and tell him how I feel..."
I moved my fingers away from my mouth but kept them on my cheeks, which were now pink with blush.
"... So no, he doesn't know." I said with a sigh. "He probably doesn't have a single clue about how both my mind and my body get all tense when he's around me..."
Maya's mouth dropped open even more as I described my love story, and then she started to giggle.
"Oh, [Y/N]... This is priceless, really..." She said with a smile, her body shaking a little. "And I don't mean to laugh, but Gumshoe, of all people? Why him? Isn't he really dull-witted and clumsy?"
"Maya, please..." I said in an ashamed tone, my palms still covering my blushing cheeks. "I know it's true, but you don't have to state things like that..."
I finally removed my hands from my face, allowing me to open my eyes and look back up at Maya, a teasing grin on her face mixed with an expression of genuine confusion.
"Yes, Gumshoe is a little goofy... A little stupid at times, even... and he can be a bit of a mess, sometimes... but I love him, for who he is." I said sincerely. "I love him for his kindness, for his honesty, for his optimism, for his cheerfulness, for his generosity, for his silly humor, for his cute laugh, for his precious smile, and for—... well, for his physique, too..."
Maya chuckled and looked away as she tried not to laugh even harder.
"What do you mean, 'for his physique, too'?" She asked, her curiosity clearly getting the better of her. "Do you mean that you think he's hot and sexy?"
Her voice was progressively getting higher- and higher-pitched the longer she talked.
"Ohoho! [Y/N], is my best friend a pervert!?" She exclaimed teasingly.
"N-No I'm not— Shut up, Maya—" I stuttered slightly out of embarrassment.
I moved on her lap and turned my body to the side, my face now close to her stomach as I closed my eyes shut; for a few seconds, I did not say a word, the only sound in the room that of Maya giggling while she finished her hamburger.
"... He is hot and sexy... I don't just think it." I eventually said in a whisper as I pouted. "He's strong and muscular, with broad shoulders, a wide chest, toned legs, big hands, a square jaw, arms that must feel so warm to be into..."
"And I bet you're already picturing those hands on your body, aren't ya, you sneaky girl?" Maya teased me as she kept laughing. "And what about those big muscles of his? Do you already imagine him carrying you in his arms like a prince carrying a princess in those old Disney movies? And that broad chest, can you imagine your head resting right on top of those big pecs, [Y/N]? What a wonderful place to be, isn't it?"
I felt my entire body overheat as I curled up into a ball on her lap, my face growing entirely red from embarrassment and shame.
"M-Maya!" I awkwardly exclaimed while I turned around, restless.
But no matter how much I would protest, the truth was that she was right: my mind was filled with images of Dick, images I had already envisioned countless times before, images that were practically stored inside my brain.
"Hahaha! I bet you imagine all these things every time you see him!" Maya exclaimed as she kept on teasing me with a mischievous grin.
With her hamburger now finished and her hands free, she raised her arm and used her right index finger to poke my cheek, making me blush more in the process.
"And I bet you can imagine feeling those big, strong muscles of his hugging your body from the rear, and feeling his powerful, manly hands groping you in just the right places, as he whispers all kinds of steamy, naughty words right in your ear..."
I listened to her words without uttering a single one of my own, my embarrassment and racing thoughts preventing me from forming sentences; and as the pictures she painted in my mind became more and more suggestive, I simply could not help but feel a tingling sensation all over my body, my imagination running wild with lewd images.
"Ahaa, what's this?" Maya asked after noticing my reaction. "Could it be you like the way that sounds? That's not so bad, [Y/N], I won't judge... After all, what kind of girl wouldn't feel giddy at the thought of being caressed like that? What a naughty girl you are..."
She let out a giggle and raised her hand, poking me once again.
"Well, you should probably try to forget all this naughty stuff, or else you'll get too excited..." She said as she started to calm down a little. "How about we go back to talking about normal things, hm?"
"... Yes, please..." I replied in a quiet voice still filled with embarrassment. "Normal things..."
I progressively removed my hands from my face completely, revealing to Maya how much I was blushing and how awkward the look in my eyes was. I stared up at her smiling face, her expression playful and her eyes sparkling.
"I'm sorry for being all... like that." I started as I slightly motioned with my hands. "It's just... I can't help it, y'know? Gumshoe does that to me, and it's kind of a hard feeling to fight..."
"Don't feel bad, [Y/N]!" Maya exclaimed, her tone swaying between sincerity and amusement. "I mean, I can't blame you. Gumshoe is hot in his own way... I guess...? He may not have any brains, but he's totally a hunky, sexy man, especially as a detective, with that stylish trenchcoat of his."
"Hey, what have I told you about making comments about his intellect?" I said with a pout as my eyebrows furrowed. "Don't talk about him like he's a complete moron with no brain cells whatsoever, that's just mean and such an exaggeration... Besides, I've told you, I'm not just attracted to his body— I mean, yes, I do find him handsome, but there's so much more than just that, I love him as a human being, for everything that he is... y'know?"
"Alright, alright, I get it, he's your true love, your knight in shining armor, you'll always love him, you'll die for him, yadda yadda yadda..." She said sarcastically. "But then, why haven't you told him how you really feel yet? You said it yourself, he's totally incapable of recognizing the signs you give him... So why not simply say the big words out loud?"
"You say 'simply', but it's really far from simple, Maya..." I told her while I lowered my eyes.
I watched my hands gently fidget with my fingers as I took a deep breath, feelings of uncertainty and sorrow invading my mind from within.
"... I'm too scared to tell him I love him... too scared of rejection." I admitted with a sigh. "If I confess to him and he doesn't reciprocate my feelings— Which I'm sure is what would happen, our friendship would be completely ruined... and it'd make working with him a real pain in the ass, since we would both be really awkward around each other from that point on..."
"C'mon, [Y/N], you two are already really good friends, so even if he does reject you, I'm sure nothing would change in your relationship." She said with a smile, trying to be reassuring. "But seriously... I refuse to believe he doesn't like you back, even if just a little. Are you really telling me there isn't even a single sign that he's into you? I mean, I see the way he looks at you, the way he talks to you... I see the way you two act around each other. So I'd say there's definitely some chemistry there!"
"He has chemistry with everyone, Maya... in one way or another." I started in a quiet voice, my cheeks slightly rosy. "I've never really noticed any difference in the way he looks at me compared to how he looks at everyone else... He's kind to everyone, it's just in his genes."
I continued to stare at my hands, at my fingers twisting around each other as I felt the blush on my cheeks intensify.
"... Though, I'll admit, when it comes to working criminal cases, he tends to agree to share information with me more easily than with you or Phoenix, even though I'm also part of the defense..." I said in a shy tone. "But I'm sure he has his own reasons..."
"Maybe he only shares information with you because he's more comfortable around you... or maybe because he knows you'll keep it all to yourself, while if he told Nick, he'd probably blab that to everyone in five seconds." She said jokingly. "But seriously, [Y/N]... He's always hanging around you, even outside of work, and he always acts very gentlemanly towards you, you can even see in his eyes that he cares about you. Do you truly not think there's something there?"
For a moment, silence came to settle in the office, neither of us saying a word, until I breathed a heavy sigh and brought my hands back to my face.
"Ughhh... I just don't know..." I let out in a desperate tone.
As I lay with my head still resting on Maya's lap, I closed my eyes and sought refuge in my mind, going back to being silent for a few more seconds.
"... You know, Maya, you're my best friend, and I adore you." I spoke up suddenly. "But right about now, I just wish I—"
I cut my sentence short upon feeling shyness and embarrassment take over me, my eyes widening while my skin reddened.
"... I just wish I could be lying on his lap..." I admitted with shame.
For a moment, Maya did not say anything in return, leaving the room quiet, and leaving me to wonder whether I had maybe said too much; or, worse, offended my best friend in some way.
"... Well, who says we can't make that happen?" She suddenly said in a surprisingly enthusiastic tone.
Her rhetorical question made me remove my hands from my face, and when I looked up at hers, I could see somewhat of a mischievous smile shaping her lips, her fists on her hips: I knew her well enough to know she had something in mind.
"What do you mean?" I inquired with a hint of suspicion.
"I mean, what if..."
She let the end of her question hang in the air for suspense while she reached for something inside her kimono, which turned out to be her phone.
"... I was to give Gumshoe a little call and get him to come here to the office right now?" She finished with a smirk, not even waiting for my response to start pressing buttons on her phone.
"M-Maya, no, wait—" I mumbled as I tried reaching for her hands.
But I was too slow for her: by the time I had already risen on the sofa from my lying position, Maya had already finished dialing Dick's number and brought the phone up to her right ear, a wide smile displayed on her face as she stared at me.
"... Detective Gumshoe? Yes, it's Maya Fey!" She exclaimed. "Hey, listen, I know it's kinda outta nowhere, but I was wondering if you'd be interested in swinging by Phoenix's office at the agency to... discuss the current case we're all working on! I mean, why not, right?"
It was clear as day, by the look on her face that she was enjoying herself, enjoying playing with my emotions as I watched, powerless.
"... Oh, it's going to be your lunch break right now? Well... you're in luck! 'Cause there's food here, plenty enough for you... food you wouldn't have to pay for... free food..."
After a second or two, she slightly pushed the phone away from her ear and leaned closer to me.
"He's thinking about it..." She whispered with a nod.
But before she could give him any time to actually consider the offer, she placed the phone back against her ear and cleared her throat.
"Oh, and... [Y/N]'s here with me, too." She said as she sent me a teasing wink. "... You'll come? Awesome! See you in a bit then! Bye!"
And with that, she hung up and stuffed her phone back inside her kimono, her lips pursed into a proud grin.
"... Maya, what have you done?" I said as I covered my face with my palms, my entire face red with embarrassment.
"I've done wonders." She replied, still grinning widely. "I've gotten you some nice quality time with your favorite detective."
An awkward silence permeated the room for a few seconds, until she turned to me and sighed with exaggerated exasperation.
"Oh, c'mon! What's wrong? You wanted him, didn't you?" She asked playfully, though with an ounce of seriousness.
"But after everything you and I said... After all the teasing you've made me sit through... I'm not gonna be able to look at him without... without blushing like a mess and stumbling on my words!" I exclaimed with shame. "I'm not gonna be able to talk to him without thinking of... and picturing all the dirty things you told me..."
"Is that such a bad thing?" She asked with a mischievous smile. "You're cute when you blush, and I'm sure you could use all that sweet awkwardness to your advantage..."
"Besides, you lied to him!" I continued without acknowledging her comments. "You told him we have food for lunch here, but we don't! We've got nothing to eat at the office!"
The two of us looked into each other's eyes as we both remained silent, Maya blinking a few times.
"... Shoot, you're right." She said in a slightly panicked tone.
She had barely finished speaking when she got up from the sofa and sprung on her feet, making her way to the door and out of the office.
"Well, I'm off to buy all three of us lunch, then!" She declared enthusiastically.
"You? Buy? With what money?"
"Yours." She answered with a wink as she pulled a wallet out of her kimono.
A wallet that looked suspiciously like mine.
"Hey, wait a minute!" I exclaimed as I frantically searched my pockets. "How did you—"
But before I could even finish my sentence, Maya had already walked out of the room and closed the door behind her, leaving me alone in the office.
"Maya, c'mon!" I called out to her, though I knew she was already too far gone to hear me. "Don't just leave me here on my own!"
And yet, there I was.
After a solid minute of solitude, my phone buzzed and on the screen appeared a text from my supposed best friend.
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I closed my eyes and sighed heavily as I finished reading her series of texts.
"Goddamn it Maya..." I whispered to myself.
There was nothing I could do but wait; wait for her to come back, wait for Dick to arrive, wait for the stress to build up inside me. So, that was what I did. Reluctantly, I set my phone down beside me on the sofa and adjusted my body so that my side was against the right armrest. And I waited. In silence. My patience growing thinner and thinner with each minute passing. More and more thoughts flooding my mind as what felt like an eternity went by.
Until a knock on the door broke the silence oppressing me, a singular knock that both ended my misery and made it ten times worse.
There's no way this is Maya... I thought to myself. I haven't really kept track of time since she left, but it definitely hasn't been 30 minutes...
Before I had time to even turn around, the knock was quickly followed by the sound of the door opening wide, and my heart rate picked up at light speed.
"Heya, pals!" Dick's voice echoed behind me, his tone as enthusiastic as always.
"Good afternoon, Detective." I said with much less eagerness than him, my smile forced and my cheeks pink.
As he made his way to the center of the room, his eyes looked down at me and his brow furrowed.
"Maya's not here?" He asked with his head slightly tilted.
"Well— She's the one who called you earlier, and as you can probably see, there's also no food here..." I started in an awkward tone. "She promised you food for lunch but the truth is, she's on her way to go buy us food right now... So we just have to wait for her to come back..."
A short moment of silence settled between the two of us, and I was utterly too embarrassed to bring myself to look into his eyes.
"Oh... Alright then." He simply said.
"Sorry..." I let out in a soft whisper.
"Hey now, there's no need for ya to apologize, pal." He told me in an attempt to comfort me. "I can wait for her to come back, I don't mind. We'll be keeping each other company in the meantime, hm?"
I watched his lips shape into a warm smile as he buried his hands in the pockets of his trenchcoat, my gaze shy and as discreet as could be.
"And we can always start discussing the case without her, y'know? If anything that'd prolly be better, there are some things too confidential for her to know..."
He reached for the back of his head with his right hand as he chuckled, a low, affectionate chuckle that almost made me hold my breath.
"So anyway, don't sweat it out, alright, pal?" He said reassuringly.
"... Yeah..." I replied timidly with a slight nod. "... Thanks."
While still smiling, Dick approached the sofa opposite the one I was sitting on; the sofa whose existence I had quite frankly completely forgotten about since I had entered the office. And, somehow, seeing him not sit beside me, body against body, thigh against thigh, so close to each other on a single couch filled me to the brim with both relief and frustration.
"Now then, the case..." He started as he rested his back against the sofa. "Who's that second witness you and Wright paid a visit to yesterday, again?"
He asked me his question nonchalantly, as if completely unbothered by my reaction he seemingly did not pick up on, by my thoughts he thankfully did not have access to.
"Oh, right, you weren't there yesterday when we met up with him because it was so late in the evening." I said almost as to remind myself. "Well, Phoenix told me he'd let you know a few things about him and how our interrogation went, but knowing him and his dedication to the whole defense versus prosecution quarrel, I bet he hasn't actually told you much."
"He most certainly hasn't." He responded with a chuckle. "He did drop by the precinct this morning, but he didn't mention it to me at all, actually."
With his legs slightly spread apart, each of his hands rested atop his knees, his palms hugging the fabric of his pants and his fingers relaxed.
"Not even a single mention?" I asked with a hint of surprise. "Maybe he simply forgot altogether, most things tend to slip his mind these days... Well, in any case, the witness had—"
I suddenly cut myself short, words no longer capable of slipping through my lips, as my eyes inexplicably went back to looking at his hands, as if on their own, as if out of instinct. And now that they had seen his hands, they were all I could see, all I could think of: his big, strong, manly hands, as Maya had described them to me. And the things she had said to tease me came back to haunt me.
I shifted on the sofa as I tried to look away, feeling my cheeks redden from the thought of Dick's hands on my body, feeling me up and down sensually, a thought that now clouded all others.
"Hum, s-so, Phoenix and I went to the, uh, crime scene yesterday... evening... a-and we saw the witness on the way, since he works there... but, um, you already k-know that..." I started as I awkwardly tumbled and stumbled on all of my words. "He's, hum, the victim's brother... y-younger brother..."
I had more to say, but all I could do at that moment was continue to stare at his hands on his lap as I prayed to God he would not notice what my eyes were looking at.
"Hm... Interesting." He said while nodding, showing no signs whatsoever of having picked up on my behavior, which was for the better, considering the situation. "So what about him?"
I took a short moment to clear my throat in an attempt to put a stop to my stammering, though the task seemed arduous, given the thoughts that were floating through my head.
"As you already know, he, hum, first showed up out of the blue during the first day of the trial, and his appearance and testimony are... actually what led to it being extended to another day. So, as you can probably imagine, Phoenix and I had some questions to ask him regarding what he possibly knows about the case as a whole. But, well... he wasn't actually all that, uh, cooperative, and he was very vague with his answers... We both think it's... kind of suspicious."
"So lemme get this straight..." He started as he tilted his head to the side, a focused expression in his eyes. "He was suspicious during his first testimony, right? As in, he was hiding stuff? And now you're tellin' me he still acted shifty during your encounter yesterday, like he still couldn't tell you everything? Yeah, if you ask me, that's not just suspicious, that sounds really damn suspicious."
"And that's not all." I started as I got up from the sofa. "Yesterday, after we were done interrogating him, he gave us something before leaving, a piece of evidence that should supposedly help us in our investigation... according to him."
As I said those words, I made my way to Phoenix's desk in one corner of the room, going around it to access the drawers; pulling open the top one, I extracted from it a thin security bag containing said evidence.
"But if you ask me, I think it's actually a red herring." I added as I stared down at the object in my hands. "I don't know why, and I can't explain why, but I just have a feeling he's trying to throw us off by giving us this..."
"And just what exactly is this 'piece of evidence' he gave ya?" He asked me while tilting his head, remaining seated on the couch but turning around to look at me. "And what's your reason exactly to be so skeptical about it?"
"See for yourself." I answered as I walked back to him, back to the two sofas, the bag in hand.
Once standing in front of him, I opened my palm and revealed to his eyes the evidence that was a locket necklace. But as he reached for it, as his fingers touched the plastic, both my body and my mind suddenly froze.
Oh no. Not again.
Just as I had finally managed to rid my brain of any thoughts involving Dick's hands, my eyes were now looking down at every other part of him: his right arm, raised towards me, his muscles concealed by his clothes yet still somewhat discernible, his large torso, slowly rising and falling with each breath he took, his legs, slightly spread open, not enough to be inappropriate but still enough for my thoughts to run wild, and that look on his face, that stare in his eyes.
And there I stood. In front of him. Motionless. Flushed. Silent. Still holding onto one end of the evidence bag, despite his fingers holding onto the other.
"... Hum, ya alright pal?" He asked me with a slight chuckle, one that expressed both amusement and confusion.
While his gaze never left mine for even a second, he seemed to not be perceiving what was happening between the two of us, and that, frankly, was for the better; but when he eventually took notice of how much I was blushing, his smile turned into a frown.
"Wait, you're not sick or somethin', are you?" He now asked me with audible concern. "You're lookin' a lil too beet red for it to just be room temperature..."
With that remark, I finally snapped back to reality and gulped before clearing my throat.
"N-No— I'm... I'm fine... don't worry." I struggled to say as I shook my head.
Without looking into his eyes, my head turned to the side, I let go of the evidence bag, leaving it in Dick's hand.
"I-It's probably just the hunger getting to me..." I said in an attempt to save myself.
This is so embarrassing. I thought to myself as I closed my eyes. Our interactions sometimes happen to be awkward, most of the time due to how flustered I can get around him, but this... this is just plain pathetic, I'm making such a fool of myself...
"Ha, I know the feeling, pal!"
While my eyes were still closed, I suddenly felt both of his hands land on my shoulders, which prompted me to quickly turn my gaze back to him.
"I know you're impatiently waiting for Maya to return with our food, but you gotta hang in there, [Y/N]." He told me with a beaming smile, a sparkle in his eyes. "I'd hate to see you starve on my watch."
I felt my body temperature rise exponentially as his hands gripped my shoulders without too much pressure, though enough to hold me in place; as I looked back into his eyes, my heart beating so furiously in my chest it hurt.
"I mean, can you imagine the amount of paperwork I'd have to fill to report a dead pal on duty?" He jokingly said while laughing.
"Haha... ha... yeah..." I let out as I awkwardly forced myself to laugh with him. "B-But seriously, Gumshoe, I'm alright... thanks for worrying about me, t-though..."
It was still incredibly hard for me to look him in the eyes when all I could think about were his hands on my shoulders: so hard, in fact, I had to divert my eyes slightly, and my gaze fell upon the evidence bag he had set down to his left on the sofa. Without a word, he stared at me for a moment, his eyes partially squinted and his head ever so slightly tilted, as if analyzing my behavior, as if he did not fully believe me.
"Hmm... You say that, but it don't change the fact you're still lookin' a little red..." He said with lingering concern.
Another moment of silence ensued, during which he was visibly deep in thought, the turning gears of his mind almost visible to the naked eye; until a gentle smile then appeared on his face after a minute or so, his eyes still locked into mine.
"... Y'know what, pal? I think you should probably sit down." He told me with a soft nod while he patted the seat on the couch to his right. "Even if ya say you're fine and all that, I'd say you still need to take a seat. You really look like you could use it, honestly."
My eyes opened wide right then and there; something Dick must have surely interpreted as yet another sign of my "sicken" state. In fact, I could feel that redness on my face he had mentioned intensify as I quickly raked my brain for something to say in response, a slight sense of panic growing inside me.
I can't sit next to him— I just can't do it— But it's not like I've never done it before- I mean, c'mon it's literally just sitting down beside him— I've sat next to him before, a shit ton of times— How is that hard? How is now any different? Except it is different— All I can think about right now is my discussion with Maya and my feelings for him—
But before I could utter even a single word in protest, I felt his remaining hand on my right shoulder strengthen its grasp, as if trying to move my body.
"C'mon, come here!"
Upon hearing these enthusiastically spoken words, I suddenly felt my upper body be pulled down and towards him: somehow, with the strength of only one hand, he was able to bring me close to him, guiding me to his right on the sofa. Flushed and speechless, I let him sit me down without a glance or a word.
"There ya go, [Y/N]." He said with a warm smile I caught in the corner of my eye while his left hand finally let go of my shoulder now that we were side by side.
His body was now right beside mine, his presence overwhelming on the couch that seemed oddly small all of a sudden, as if it had not been made for a man of his physique, his broad stature taking up all the space around me.
And still, I remained silent, unable to find anything to say. I was no longer hesitating between these mixed feelings of frustration and relief from earlier: now that it had been done, now that I was sitting next to him, I knew relief was what I should have felt. Because there now was nothing I could do, nothing I could feel but my heart pounding in my chest louder than a hundred drums combined.
"... So!" He suddenly spoke up amidst the quietness as he turned to his left and picked the security bag back up. "I don't believe you actually told me what this new piece of evidence is about, pal."
The sound of his voice reached my ears and finally snapped me back to reality, back to the topic at hand, back to the investigation I had completely forgotten about for a moment.
"Oh, hum, right—" I started embarrassingly as I cleared my throat gently. "Sorry about all that..."
I shifted in my seat a little as I finally found the courage to turn my head to him, although my eyes stopped at his hand before they could reach his face.
"So, as I told you, the witness gave this to Phoenix and me yesterday, supposedly because it's linked to the case... The thing is, all he was willing to tell us was that it belonged to his sister. Other than that, we have no idea what its connection to the case is exactly or where he got it. Did he pick it up off her corpse? Or did he find it in her personal belongings? Who knows?"
"I see..." He simply said to both me and himself as he opened the bag and pulled the locket out of it. "If he just gave it to you without any context or explanation, it's fair you think it's suspicious."
"And that's not all." I added as I pointed at the necklace with my right index finger. "The weirdest part is that the locket, while clearly meant to hold a picture, is actually empty... As if whatever was once contained in it had been taken out... for whatever reason."
"Well, it's obvious he's purposefully omitting some pretty crucial details, here..."
"Yeah, that's for certain." I said in agreement as I sighed. "But what exactly... That I do not know. And neither does Phoenix."
With yet another sigh, I closed my eyes and let my head fall backward, leaving it on the headrest of the sofa, my neck outstretched.
"... God, I'm stumped." I let out in a defeated voice, my eyes still closed. "I hate this feeling of hitting a dead end... especially with a case like this one. I hate to say it because we've only been investigating it for a short while, but I can't wait for it to end already..."
"Mhm... It's only been a few days, pal... Give us some time and we'll solve this case in a jiffy." I heard him say in a soft and confident tone. "I wouldn't worry about a dead end, we got our minds and our hearts set on figuring this one out, and I just know we'll get there eventually. And we'll do it together... Trust me on this one, pal."
I listened to him, to the sound of his calming voice, of his reassuring and comforting words erasing my doubts and uncertainty, while his kindness made my heart beat just a little faster.
Despite starting to grow physically tired, I opened my eyes and turned my head to my left, my neck still resting against the sofa, and looked up at Dick's face: as if telepathically, he mirrored my movements and his eyes stared into mine.
"... Thank you, Dick." I said with sincerity and affection, and only a tinge of shyness. "Really."
"No problem, pal." The detective responded with a chuckle as he shifted his body ever so slightly closer to mine on the couch, his voice carrying a hint of tenderness that matched the look in his eyes. "But you don't gotta thank me, I'm only doin' my duty as your friend... That's what I'm here for."
I lost myself in his smile, warm and soothing, and I knew right then and there it was the moment.
Now's the time. I have to make a move. The conversation is slowly developing away from the topic of the case... I have the perfect opening.
With a quiet gulp, my gaze still intertwined with his, my heart picking up the pace, I scooted closer to him myself.
I'm sick of being shy: I know he's often blind to most of my advances, but there comes a point when I simply have to make him see things clearly... and it would seem I've just reached it.
With that thought in mind and no spoken words, I closed my eyes and let my head gently fall on his right shoulder, the fabric of his trench coat coming in soft contact with my hair.
Even though I had no way of seeing his expression on his face, I could still perceive his reaction to my gesture; I felt his body jolt lightly and his limbs stiffen upon placing my head against his shoulder, at the same time as a gentle, almost inaudible gasp slipped through his lips and reached my ears.
Although I may have seemed nonchalant and collected on the outside, my heart kept skipping beats inside my chest, the heat emanating from his body making me lightheaded. And I could also hear his, both of our hearts thumping in synchronization, both of our breathing steadily increasing in intensity.
"... Um... [Y/N]?" He suddenly spoke up in a slightly trembling and quiet voice, as if he did not want to ruin that moment of intimacy.
"Do... Do you mind?" I asked him just as quietly, trying as best as I could to sound confident in my actions despite my transpiring apprehension.
"U-Um... No... not at all..." He answered nervously, not making any effort to try and hide the stress in his voice. "I j-just... I didn't expect it..."
"Sorry..." I said with a gentle, awkward chuckle. "I didn't mean to startle you... I'm just... really tired."
Slowly, I opened my eyes and stared down at Dick's lower body, at his legs on the sofa, his hands resting on his lap.
"As you know, it was pretty late in the evening yesterday when I accompanied Phoenix to the crime scene... and even later when I got back home. I couldn't fall asleep until late, and this morning I had to get up early... so I haven't had much sleep, to be honest with you. So... I'm feeling a little exhausted... and I suppose I kind of wanted a pillow for my head."
"Oh... R-Right." He said in return, slightly stuttering. "And I s'pose you thought I'd make a comfortable pillow... right?"
"W-Well, you're the only other person here..." I replied with a hint of embarrassment. "... And... you really are comfortable, Dick... your shoulder feels really warm and soft, actually..."
"R-Really?" He asked with an awkward chuckle of his own. "I'm flattered... pal."
I smiled to myself; a smile he could not see, but which I was sure would have been a pleasing sight for his eyes.
For a brief moment, silence reigned between us, neither of us saying a word nor making a sound. I closed my eyes again, savoring that moment with every fiber of my being, until I opened them back and cleared my throat gently.
"Dick, is it... is it okay if I..."
Without bothering to even finish my question, I subtly snuggled closer to him and grabbed his right arm with both of mine, wrapping them around his limb while my head remained on his shoulder.
Once again, I could feel his entire body stiffen as I moved closer to him and wrapped my hands around his arm, along with his breathing audibly quickening.
"Y-Yeah... You can, [Y/N]..." He said in a soft and quiet voice, not even trying to mask the nervousness he was feeling.
"Are you sure?" I anxiously asked him as I began to loosen my grip on his arm, sensing the hesitation in his tone. "I can let go if you're uncomfortable... if you don't want me... this close to you."
"N-No!" He promptly exclaimed. "Um, I mean— It's... It's fine, I don't really mind..."
I heard him take a deep breath above my head before I saw his left hand fidget on his lap.
"I don't really know how I'm supposed to say this, [Y/N], or even if I should say it, but... I kinda like it, actually..."
I held my breath for a moment, feeling my chest stop rising as the realization hit me that maybe, just maybe, his feelings were not so far from mine after all.
"... You do?" I softly asked him while I strengthened my grasp around his arm.
"Y-Yeah... I do, [Y/N]..." He confessed. "You feel nice on my shoulder, and... I dunno, I just feel like... There's something nice and comforting between us, something that just feels right, y'know? And... I just like it... I like feeling this comfort with you."
"Dick..." I whispered to myself under my breath.
I needed to take a moment to process his words, to let my mind quiet down and my body cool off after having heard him say such wholesome and beautiful things, things I had never thought I would have ever heard him say.
And once I had gotten a bit calmer, I pressed my cheek against his shoulder and gulped quietly.
"... Why haven't you ever said anything before, then?" I asked, my tone bittersweet.
"What... What do you mean?"
Letting go of his right arm just ever so slightly, I raised my head from his shoulder and turned to him: this time, without an ounce of hesitation, I stared up into his hazel eyes and did not back down.
"This isn't the first time... something like this has happened, Dick. I mean, sure, yes, we've never... really been this close to one another before... but I've sat close to you, I've... touched your arms, your hands, I've spoken softly to you. I've complimented you, too, tons of times... whether mentally or physically. And yet..."
Feeling my cheeks redden the longer I spoke, I paused to take a breath, though without looking away from his face.
"... Yet today is the first and only day you're actually expressing yourself in return..."
"Because I'm an idiot, okay?" He almost immediately responded, his voice no longer as light and soft, now carrying a heavy sense of resentment and frustration towards himself. "I've been too... dense, blind, and stupid to really pick up on any of these things."
"Don't say that." I promptly told him as I tugged at his arm tighter, a frown covering my lips while my eyebrows furrowed. "Please, Dick, don't say such things... You're not an idiot, you're not stupid..."
I slowly shook my head as I spoke, desperately hoping for him to look back into my eyes, his gaze now avoiding mine.
"I don't blame you, for not having said anything before, I'm not angry."
While my left hand still held his arm in place, the other slowly went up his sleeve, making its way to his shoulder.
"And that's because I know you. I know the man you are, a man who... doesn't always feel comfortable sharing his emotions and expressing his feelings. You're not the type to say things, you do them. You don't voice your affection... you tend to show it instead."
For a moment, he did not answer; but while his gaze was still avoiding mine, I finally saw his expression soften, the frustration and self-resentment now long gone from his face.
"... Are ya tryin' to make me cry?" He asked softly, a hint of humor to his tone.
"No— No, please don't cry." I answered in a pleading voice with an affectionate smile. "That'd be the last thing I'd want to see right now..."
I stopped my right hand just below his shoulder, my palm against the sleeve of his trench coat, sensing my heartbeat quicken as I felt his muscles underneath.
"... All I'm trying to do is understand why today is different. Why... why you've never shown much before and even less so said anything before... while you're being more open with me today than you've ever been before..."
And along with the pounding in my chest came the red hue on my face.
"Oh— Don't get me wrong, I'm not... I'm not complaining... not in the slightest." I continued, more shyly. "But... hearing you say there's something nice between us and that you like feeling this comfort with me... I never thought I'd ever get to hear you say such things."
"Well... To be honest, I'm kinda surprised myself I've even had the guts to say all this stuff out loud just then..." He confessed with a tender chuckle and a brief shrug. "Especially since... there's always so much going through my mind when I'm around you and especially right now, like, a ton more things I'm thinking about..."
"Things like what?" I softly asked him as I stared at his face, admiring his features.
"Things like how cute your face looks right now with that blush on your cheeks... How soft your hair feels... How comfortable it feels to rest my arm alongside yours... How badly I wanna get even closer to you and wrap my arms 'round you and hold you real tight... How much I wanna kiss you... Things I really should just shut up about, actually—" He blurted out, the words coming out of his mouth quicker than he intended them to.
I fell utterly silent, my eyes wide open, my lips slightly parted, my face flushed, my chest no longer moving as I had started holding my breath altogether; I could think of nothing to say, my mind a complete blur as Dick's words sent my brain into overdrive, leaving me too stunned and shy to even move.
Eventually, seeing I was not reacting at all, he finally turned his head to me and stared back at me. And as my eyes met his, I could read in them a sweetness, a profound sincerity: just what I needed to clear the fog over my thoughts.
Not without apprehension and one deep gulp, I inched my right hand up to his shoulder at last and leaned ever so closer to him, our faces only a few inches away from one another.
"... Why don't you?" I asked him in a murmur, in a tone that came out much more sensual than I would have liked. "Do all these things you want to do so bad, I mean..."
He looked back at me for a moment, silent, seemingly debating mentally on what the best course of action was; once his decision made, his eyes slowly drifted downward to my hand on his shoulder, his gaze intense.
"... Well..." He started confidently, though nervousness could be heard.
Instead of continuing his sentence, he slowly turned on the sofa to face me and reached for my lower body with his arms, wrapping them around my waist and sides, just as he had fantasized.
My pulse skyrocketed and my breath hitched as I felt myself being pulled into his embrace, bringing me ever so closer to him. With the way the two of us were sitting beside each other, I had no choice but to throw my legs up and over his own, leaving them to lie over his lap while both of my hands found their way to his shoulders: the sensation of finding myself in his arms was indescribable, feelings of warmth, comfort, and safety quickly overwhelming me in the best of ways.
And in my eyes, a glimmer of love I could see appear in his.
I saw the spark of affection in his gaze and, although it was somewhat sudden, the smile it brought to my face was genuine and not one I could restrain.
Slowly, the detective squeezed me slightly tighter from around my waist then gently placed his right hand on the back of my head, his thumb starting to tenderly caress my hair; and as he did so, I watched him lean forward with determination, bringing his face right in front of mine, so close I could feel his hot breath on my cheeks.
"[Y/N]..." He murmured as his eyes moved from mine to my mouth.
I felt my breath catch in my throat and closed my eyes shut as I finally found myself entirely enclosed by him. Though I could not see it, I could feel Dick slowly moving his left hand up to my neck, cupping my face with his palm and slightly tilting it; just as much as I could feel him press his lips onto mine, creating a sudden and intense rush of passion within my body, a feeling I never wanted to relinquish.
While still in the dark, I brought one of my hands up to his face, my palm rubbing against the rough skin of his cheek and skin; the other left his shoulder, falling to his chest, my fingers gently scraping his shirt, almost as if they wanted to slither their way through the fabric.
I willingly pulled away from him, but only for a very brief instant, only to let my breath mix with his as our mouths remained an inch apart.
"I love you." I promptly murmured in a heavy pant, my eyes still closed.
And with those three words, I brought my lips back against his.
It seemed as though my sweet words had triggered a reaction in him that pushed him to pull me even tighter into his embrace, the sensations of yearning and desire reaching an all-time high inside both of us. The moment my lips returned to his, I heard a slight groan escape his throat, a sound that excited me to no end, as both of our breathing became a rhythm that seemed to match the beating of our chests.
"I love you, too." He whispered into my lips, his words barely audible.
And I now understood exactly what my confession had triggered in him, as his made me go through the same reaction
The longer it all lasted, the more I wanted of it; his large mouth against mine, his strong hands holding my body, his heavy breath in my ears, his burning touch all over my skin. But we inevitably had to pull away from each other after a short while, giving me the time to catch my breath as I kept my eyes closed, my face still close to his, my body still partly sitting over his on the sofa.
For a moment, we remained that way, the two of us in close proximity while both of our breathing slowed down, until Dick only then released his grasp on me, though he kept one arm loosely around my waist.
"... [Y/N], w-was I... did I act too fast?" He stuttered slightly, awkwardness and nervousness clearly present in his voice. "I-I'm sorry, I couldn't... help myself..."
At last, I opened my eyes upon hearing his apology and was faced with the sight of his other hand holding the nape of his neck, his head slightly down as an expression of guilt and uncertainty invaded his facial features, his thick eyebrows furrowed and his lips frowning.
With a warm smile, my hands returned to his chest and I pressed my palms against his shirt once more as I leaned forward, trying to catch his gaze.
"Hey, hey, why are you sorry?" I asked in an attempt to comfort him. "Dick, that was perfect. The kissing, the embrace, everything. It was all wonderful."
He stared back at me and let out a silent chuckle, his face now displaying relief and tenderness.
"A-Are ya sure?" He asked me softly. "I've, uh, never really done this before, so... so I've no idea if I did things right or not..."
"Yes, I'm sure." I answered him sincerely with a gentle chuckle of my own. "You did things very right, don't worry."
I tilted my head just a little as I brought one of my hands up to his jawline while I stared into his eyes, still smiling.
"Don't you think the same? Did it not feel perfect for you?"
"It did— It felt great... and perfect." He promptly replied, still slightly embarrassed, while his gaze met mine. "But... ya gotta understand, [Y/N]. Being around you all the time, an' being so close to you constantly... i-it makes me feel things, and then my brain gets all stupid around you, and..."
His voice trailed off as his gaze turned downward.
"Hehe, that's alright, I don't mind a little stupid." I teasingly said as I giggled lightly. "I'm flattered to hear I make you 'feel things', Dick... but there's truly no reason for you to be so nervous and awkward around me... especially now. Now that we both know how we feel, there's no need for us to have doubts and hesitate. And I know it's easier said than done, but I'm sure you'll get used to it, and so will your brain."
I could easily tell from his body language that he had needed to hear my affectionate and reassuring words.
"Yeah, you're probably right... I mean, I already know how I feel 'bout you, and now I know how ya feel about me too... There shouldn't really be anything for me to worry about, now should there? I guess I just need to get more confident around you, is all."
"Exactly!" I exclaimed enthusiastically. "Now that's the Dick Gumshoe I know and love."
As I laughed softly, I moved my second hand from his chest, joining the other on his face, both of my palms now lovingly holding both of his cheeks.
"Y'know [Y/N]... I may have to kiss you again right now, just to prove how exactly confident I'm startin' to feel." He joked with his tone now filled with playfulness.
"Hmm... Well, I'm right here." I said with a seductive smile as I leaned even closer to him, my body almost fully on his lap. "Why don't you just go ahead and show me?"
He chuckled warmly as he watched me move closer to him, his gaze wandering down to my lips for a moment before looking right into my eyes once more; he brought his head down again and covered my lips with his, this time not breaking apart until we would both be breathless.
Or, at least, until the door of the office suddenly opened wide, the unexpected sound startling both of us.
"Hey guys, I'm back with our lunch! Sorry it took me so long, hopefully you're not starving, hehe!"
Finding ourselves caught red-handed, the loud bang of the door drove us both to pull away from one another, jolting back from our passionate kiss as we let out a collective gasp.
I promptly turned around on the sofa, my eyes wide open and my cheeks red, only to see a grinning Maya standing in the doorway, her expression both amused and shocked.
"W-Well, this is awkward..." Dick muttered under his breath while he stared at the young girl, his voice filled with embarrassment.
"M-Maya, I—"
"You don't have to say anything, [Y/N]." She cut me off with a smirk. "I see you two have made good use of that nice quality time together..."
With a devilish giggle, she began making her way to us, a plastic bag full of food in her right hand.
"... Although I can't say I'm seeing your head on his lap." She added with a slight pout, as if disappointed. "Oh, but it's alright, you're practically sitting on it, that's good enough."
Upon hearing her teasing remark, I looked down at myself and realized I had indeed not yet moved from my position over Dick's legs: I immediately stopped holding him and slid back into my seat on the couch next to him, my eyes still shy and my face still flushed.
Watching her approach us and take a seat on the sofa opposite the one we were sitting on, I cleared my throat and turned my attention to the bag in her hand.
"Anyway, tell us what you bought us and let's just eat already." I said in an attempt to alleviate the awkwardness reigning in the air of the room.
Maya chuckled as she set the bag down on the table between the two sofas, her eyes shifting from me to Dick and back to me again, that teasing smile still etched on her lips.
"Nice change of subject there." She answered playfully, obviously still amused by the situation. "... Anyway, don't you worry, I bought plenty of good stuff."
As she said those words, she took various meals, drinks, and snacks from the bag, which she then presented in front of us, allowing us to pick which ones we wished to eat.
"Thanks, Maya." I said sincerely, a gentle smile on my lips. "This all looks really delicious... and, to be honest, I was getting pretty hungry."
Grabbing one of the meals and bringing it closer to me, I then paused: I turned my head to my left and stared into Dick's eyes, before I lovingly smiled at him in silence. And he stared right back.
Despite his expression quickly growing shy, his gaze did not falter from mine as his eyes took in my face, my smile, my red cheeks; all things that now seemed to have so much more meaning to him.
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imgaine-it-all · 8 months
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Y/N: You know Dick, I'm a little surprised you're here Gumshoe: Oh I was in the area an- Y/N: No I mean as a detective Gumshoe: -surprised you even said that- What you mean!? Y/N: Well if I remember correctly, you're the same person as the kid that wanted to be a wizard growing up Gumshoe: All children have wild dreams of what they want growing up! Y/N: And you're the same person as the kid that cried when he lost a wrestling contest crying all the way home, and cried until i got him ice cream. Gumshoe: Hey Thats Different, And You Promised To Never Speak Of That Again! -is right in your face as he angry pouts- ヾ( ・`⌓´・)ノ゙ Y/N: I promised never to tell others, I never said i wont bring it back up with you -pokes Gumshoe in the forehead and pushes him back some-
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prism-empurress · 10 months
do you think Gumshoe would like Sailor Moon?
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mileslovesdick · 2 years
Edgeworth and Gumshoe trying to go on their first date but it keeps getting postponed due to work emergencies.
Finally, on a night they're both free they manage to get to a nice restaurant, sit down and glance at the menu but before they can even order appetizers there's a murder in the men's room.
The worst part of it though? Gumshoe's the main suspect!
Apparently, witnesses said they saw Gumshoe giving the victim a pretty bad stink eye, and yeah, maybe he did puff out his chest a little and glare at the guy when he caught him sneaking peeks at Edgeworth's behind but he certainly didn't kill him over it! What's worse though is he was seen leaving the men's room only minutes before the body was discovered in a stall.
Gumshoe is taken in for questioning almost immediately and with his supposed motive and his lack of an alibi, things aren't looking too good.
Yet another date postponed 😮‍💨
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mekatrio · 5 months
ace attorney... is so bad.... except when its good.... otherwise its really really bad.... ohh
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alynnl · 1 year
Sometimes I take one good look at my purest most cinnamon roll favorite character and feel the urge to give them angst
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pennamepersona · 1 year
i'm actually super compelled by the concept that phoenix is the only one who thought miles actually died and that everyone else knew he went abroad but the second phoenix read the note he just refused to talk to anyone about it ever again
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beauzos · 8 months
i think part of my issue with the new Ace Attorney trilogy (having not yet played Spirit of Justice) is that it feels like none of the characters give a fuck about each other. i could not get into the dynamic of Apollo and Klavier in AJ because it feels incredibly obvious that they don't care about each other at all. they seem to have 0 interest in knowing each other, even if they hang out in 4-3. there is no growing friendship or respect, they both just exist together and then the game ends. and when they reunite in 5-3, there's still nothing to their interaction. they see each other once, are whatever about it, and then leave it at that.
Apollo doesn't even like Phoenix. Trucy and him have a good dynamic, though, but Trucy is very likable and caring in general
this was fixed more in Dual Destinies, but it still feels like there's missing dynamics that should have been there. Phoenix feels so emotionally distant from everyone, including his own daughter, and even when the game's most caring character, Athena, exists and loves the people around her, she still doesn't care about what happened to Bobby Fulbright even though she logically would have. nobody cares about him, not even Blackquill, really, when it seemed to me early on that Blackquill genuinely did like Bobby deep down in his own way.
the Athena-Blackquill dynamic is endearing, i actually think it works, but that's the strongest bond in the game and we only know it exists in the last fuckin case. her friendship with Apollo feels relatively genuine, but Apollo is such... like... a wall of a character, if you know what i mean. it feels like he doesn't really connect to any of the characters. shit, i genuinely think 5-4 and 5-5 would have been the exact same whether he was friends with that one guy or not, that's how static his relationship to Clay is.
i dunno, it really disappoints me. it really really feels like the new trilogy is missing the heart that the original trilogy had. the way the narrative treats Bobby is the biggest example of that for me right now.
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transgaysex · 9 months
god remember jake marshall. from rfta
#wind howls#in the ace attorney playthru my friends and i are doing we are now onto rise from the ashes#i think we stopped still on the first day of the trial. the worst is yet to come and im very excited about it.#genuinely one of the few cases in ace attorney that actually made me feel some sort of dread and fear by the end of it when i played it#im voicing jake and also angel starr bc its funny. im trying to make jake sound american to the best of my non american abilities#and angel starr i gave her an uninterested cafeteria lady voice. maybe not original but im having fun#that on top of already voicing thr judge i love voicing the judge so much. i gave him my best goofy impression hes a blast to voice#who else did i voice. i voiced yani yogi. gave him a throaty voice. occasionally i do larry when nobody else wants him (i dont either)#who else is there in the game. OH OH will powers i voiced him. also wendy oldbag her voice fucked me up BAD#before my friend darin joined us i also voiced gumshoe but since then darin took the role and his impression is a lot more fun hehe#voicing characters in a visual novel is so much fun you guys. if you can gather up pals and have someone play the game for the first time-#definitely recommend giving out silly voices. especially if they have rare voiced lines in the game#you cannot imagine the absolute glee i felt when darin gave manfred von karma his youtuber Fred impression. only to hear is objection later#and realizing his voice is actually the deepest in the fucking game. it was so fucking funny i lost my whole mind it was awesome#anyway. game is fun#ghost trick is also a fun game ive seen get voiced by groups of friends. definitely recommend playing that one in a group as well
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askaceattorney · 1 year
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Dear Anonymous,
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Yeah, I don’t know this Hotti dude either.
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I’d ask Edgey to help me track down pretty women, since he’s a chick magnet, Nick as a friend during introductions and to keep me from being sued since he’s a lawyer and all.
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I don’t know what I’d use that Detective guy for.
- Larry Butz
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thesewersofparis · 10 months
i know its all in good fun but that aa smash/pass is just rly confusing like ya why wouldnt i want to fuck an evil mastermind if theyre sexy??? can u imagine than insane girl pussy?????
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perplexedflower · 24 days
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Fandom: Ace Attorney.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Dick Gumshoe x Female Reader.
Type: One shot.
Words: 7,352.
Summary: [Y/N] offers to spend an evening out with Dick in the bar right down her street. But while it starts as a means for the two to unwind and relax, it becomes clear - through liquor, chatter, and cheers - that real feelings are at play.
Chronology: Any game.
She hurried down the street, her heels echoing on the sidewalk; she hated that she was late, even by only five minutes. But she could not help it.
She had spent longer than expected getting ready, but she could not afford to show up scruffy. It was just a night out at the bar, she knew it, but she simply could not help it.
Soon enough, in the nearing distance, she spotted Detective Gumshoe standing at the bar's entrance, visibly waiting for her.
"Detective Gumshoe!" She called out to him.
A smile came over his face as he watched her approaching, seemingly happy to see her.
"[Y/N]! How was your day?"
"Good, thank you." She answered in a slightly panting voice with a smile of her own. "I'm really sorry I'm late, I hope you haven't been waiting for me here for too long... I had trouble deciding what to wear..."
She looked down at her own body, at her clothes, and felt her cheeks redden slightly.
"... I hope I'm not overdoing it." She added in a shy whisper.
"I only got here a minute or two ago, don't worry." He reassured her with a chuckle before he looked her up and down. "But ya don't look bad at all. I think ya look quite lovely, actually."
His warm grin soon vanished as he realized his compliments were making both of them embarrassed; more than they already were, to begin with.
"I-I mean, that is, uh... y'know what? I'll just shut up before I put my foot in it." He mumbled while he cleared his throat. "... In any case, the wait was worth it."
She felt the tips of her ears burn as a shy, embarrassed smile shaped her lips.
"Thank you..." She whispered while her hands fiddled with the end of her sleek black skirt.
Before she could let silence take over, she decided to continue talking in an attempt to break the tension between them.
"You look good yourself, Gumshoe." She told him with a nod.
But it only made things worse: the man was dressed exactly as usual, tie and coat on, even down to that red pencil he would keep behind his left ear.
"I mean—" She promptly added, her eyes lowering to the ground. "Nothing's different in your outfit compared to usually... But, you know, you always look good."
And somehow, she had taken it even beyond "worse".
"I-I mean— It's just— Your, hum... Never mind, pretend I didn't say anything..." She stammered in embarrassment, her entire face red.
"No, no, please, keep going." He said with a wide grin as he gestured for her to continue. "You were saying?"
His grin was contagious, and [Y/N] had to try her best not to smile back in return: she could not help but let out a little giggle as she looked at him, hearing her heart beat in her ears. And no matter how hard she was trying not to let her emotions get the better of her, it was evident to both of them that they shared a mutual attraction.
"I wasn't saying anything... You big, dumb idiot." She murmured shyly under her breath, her eyes still averting his.
She gently cleared her throat then gestured to the doorway, in front of which they were both standing.
"Anyway, let's just... go in already, shall we?" She asked him as she motioned with her hands. "We didn't come here to spend the entire evening out on the doorstep, after all."
"Right you are." He responded with a nod.
Still smiling, Gumshoe stood straight and beckoned her into the bar with an extended arm; as they stepped inside, [Y/N] felt her heart start to race, noticing how closely he was walking beside her. Her eyes darted everywhere around them in an attempt to try and take in her surroundings, but all she could truly focus on in the end was the detective's handsome face.
Eventually, however, she managed to snap out of it and dedicated some time to scanning the inside of the bar: the establishment was not overcrowded, but not deserted either. She looked around her and her eyes landed on the bar counter, behind which stood the bartender.
I don't know what's best for us... should we sit at the counter or a table? Hmm... I wonder what he'd prefer...
"... We could sit at this table, if that's all right with you?" She asked him after a moment of silence as she pointed to an available table nearby, only slightly isolated from the others.
Although a part of me wishes to merge with the decor by sitting at the counter, I also crave intimacy right now...
"That sounds wonderful." He answered with a gentle chuckle. "A table it is."
A light smile passed over his face and he began to walk over to the spot the young woman had pointed to; once they had both reached the table, he held her chair out for her to sit on.
"Allow me to provide service, m'lady." He said, grinning.
She could not help but giggle at his behavior, so charming and endearing, as she sat down.
"Well, in that case, allow me to repay that service, my good sir." She said in return with a grin of her own. "Tell me what drink you'd like to get and I'll go order it at the counter along with mine."
For a woman to take a man's order in his place could sometimes be seen as inappropriate, that she was well aware of, and she was not sure whether Gumshoe would accept her offer, but she wanted him to know she cared about him.
He laughed and shook his head as he looked up at the ceiling, before looking back down at her, right into her eyes.
"Your good manners, I love 'em, [Y/N]."
With that comment, her eyes darted away and a thin layer of blush appeared over her cheeks.
"Y'know, you don't have to do this... but I'll accept it." He told her with a sly grin while he leaned on the table with his arms. "I'll have a beer, please."
"One beer, duly noted." She said with a warm smile as she got up from the table. "Then, I'll be right back with our drinks, Gumshoe."
As she spoke these words, she gently tapped on the table with her hand, her eyes looking directly into his, before she made her way to the counter, her smile still present, though it was now accompanied by a hue of pink on her cheeks.
He watched her walk away and could not help but admire that adorable walk of hers, his gaze still locked onto her figure.
... She's a real sweetheart, ain't she? He asked himself in thought. She's definitely actin' cute, and her words only make it ten times better... Darn, I have to keep my composure, I can feel my face turn red just thinking 'bout it all.
Once having reached the bar, [Y/N] called out to the bartender and ordered their two drinks; as she waited for them to be made and served to her, she started to get lost in thought, the longer she stood straight.
Things are going well with Gumshoe so far. If only I could be less nervous around him... But I just can't help it, he's so... him.
Soon enough, both of their drinks were set in front of her by the bartender, whom she thanked before she walked back to the table, one drink in each hand. She returned with a smile and placed his drink before him, then sat back down.
"One beer for you, and one whiskey on the rocks for me." She said with her glass in hand.
"Thank you, [Y/N]." He responded with a smile as he took the bottle from her hand.
But as he looked down at his drink and then down at hers, he let out a low chuckle.
"Wouldn't ya rather have somethin' light like a beer?" He asked her before he took a sip. "I mean, I can't even imagine what you're like when you're drunk... but I feel like I'd like to see it, actually."
"Oh, because you really think one glass of whiskey will get me drunk?" She rhetorically asked with a scoff. "Please, it takes more than that for me to be tipsy. I can hold my alcohol pretty well, you know."
She drank from her glass, the pleasant taste of liquor flowing down her throat, then looked back into his eyes with a playful smile.
"Besides, even if that does end up happening, it's Friday night." She added. "One Saturday morning hangover wouldn't be a problem."
Weirdly, her words made him feel somewhat more comfortable, taking another sip to ease his nerves further.
"Well, guess I have to see it for myself, then. But I just know you're adorable when drunk. You can already be a bit of a handful normally, so I can't imagine what kinda shenanigans you'd come up with once you've drank..."
Upon hearing his choices of adjectives, her playful smile vanished in an instant to be replaced with somewhat of a pout, her confidence having suddenly left her, shyness taking over in its place.
"Y-Yeah, well... we'll see." She muttered as she looked away.
With both of her hands wrapped around her glass, she raised it slightly towards him in an attempt to make it meet with his beer bottle; and, despite her slight awkwardness, she forced herself to look into his brown eyes as she did so.
"In any case, cheers." She said affectionately.
He held his bottle up towards her glass and they both clinked their drinks together.
"Cheers, [Y/N]."
Gumshoe took a swig of his drink, his expression mostly filled with joy, though a slight hint of embarrassment was readable as well. He felt his heart beating in his ears, feeling so close to her at that one moment: he wanted to reach out and hold her hand in his own, but he fought against the urge. It was not long before he felt his cheeks beginning to flush again and he cleared his throat while he put on a grin, trying to hide his timidity.
After their toast, [Y/N] swallowed another sip of her whiskey before she put the glass back down in front of her on the table. As if being fully rid of her shyness once more, she smiled in a relaxed manner while she closed her eyes, a sigh escaping her lips.
"Man, this really feels good." She said with genuine appreciation.
She opened her eyes and her gaze immediately found his in a moment of tenderness.
"I'm really glad you agreed to spend this evening with me, Gumshoe." She told him sincerely. "Finally having reached the weekend, not having to think about work, being able to relax and unwind... I really needed it. And I know you did too... and I'm happy we get to take this much-deserved break together."
"Well said, [Y/N]! I'm more than happy to spend this evening with ya, and I'm glad you proposed it. I can't stress enough how much I agree... My work's been real challengin' lately, so it's always wonderful to feel the peace of not having to think 'bout it."
He could not help but smile while his cheeks continued to redden and his heart continued to quickly beat inside his chest; he truly had been looking forward to that meeting at the bar, and now that it was finally happening, all he felt was sheer happiness and an odd sense of safety in her company.
"My thoughts exactly." She said with a light chuckle. "Don't get me wrong, I love helping Phoenix out with his cases and investigations, but boy, is it exhausting. And I'm not even an actual attorney myself, I'm only an... attorney helper, all I do is fieldwork, yet it's already so tiring... I don't know how he does it."
The young woman looked down into her glass, into the honey-colored liquid swirling gently, then looked up into Gumshoe's eyes with a more tender expression.
"... And the same goes for you." She added. "I'm always so happy to lend you a hand in your detective work whenever I can, but I won't lie, sometimes it's a lot for me. You work so hard all the time, it's honestly quite impressive."
"Well, you're right about that." He told her, still smiling, as he took a sip of his beer. "I'll admit, I sometimes don't even realize just how much time I end up spending on work. Truth is, I don't think it's 'cause I love my job that I dedicate so much time to it... Frankly, I don't really know what else to do with my life, and I'm not even sure if I wanna do anything else with it... But that's just somethin' I need to figure out on my own at some point."
The emotion in her gaze turned sad as she stared at him, a feeling of compassion weighing on her heart. Her eyes instinctively landed on his hands, holding his beer bottle in their palms, and then her heartbeat began to pick up speed: after a short moment of hesitation, she outstretched her right arm over the table and reached for one of his hands, delicately placing hers over his. The two of them stared into one another's eyes as a smile formed on her face.
"... Hey, for what it's worth, I think you make an amazing detective." She told him with honesty. "I personally wouldn't see you doing any other job... though, I do understand the doubts and worries. And no matter the choices you might make throughout your career, I'll be here to support you through them."
Gumshoe looked surprised yet overjoyed that she chose to hold his hand, leading his cheeks to turn red for the umpteenth time that night, his pulse racing.
He cleared his throat - somewhat awkwardly - before he looked back down at their hands: in earnest, he was not quite used to showing so much affection to someone in such a way. And at the same time, it simply felt too good to be true, the pleasant sensation of her smooth, warm hand against his own overwhelming him and making him forget all of his concerns and doubts.
[Y/N] smiled further and closed her eyes as she slightly tilted her head to the side, before she removed her hand from his and placed it back around her glass, a hint of blush on her cheeks.
"Anyway, I'm sorry I brought all this up in the first place. I said we didn't have to think about work, and yet here I am, rambling on about it." She said with a chuckle. "Let's cast it all aside for tonight and enjoy ourselves, hm?"
The detective could not help but feel sad that she had decided to withdraw her hand, but he forced himself to play it cool; after all, it was her right to do so, even though the thought of being able to hold her hand longer excited him.
"Yeah, that sounds good."
His lips formed a smile as he said those words and he felt himself relax, actually managing to take his mind off his worries for once.
"But don't worry 'bout all that, I think it's nice to discuss these things, and I really do mean that." He added with a nod as he took another swig of his beer.
And so the evening went on.
As time passed, the two of them exchanged smiles and jokes, their voices echoing around them, bouncing off the glasses and bottles in their hands. They were fully rid of worries, their conversation leading them to chat about anything and everything, but always light-heartedly. Over the course of the evening, [Y/N] ordered a second drink, then a third, which motivated Gumshoe to do the same; but while the alcohol in his veins seemed to barely affect him, it was undeniable she was becoming a little tipsy. And with it, all her inhibitions seemed to have vanished from her body.
She leaned forward and rested her chin on the palm of her hand, her elbow set on the table.
"Say, Gummy, while we're on the topic of food, are you getting a little hungry?" She asked him with a tipsy smile. "I sure am..."
He looked at her with a big grin, taking in her change in demeanor, noticing a hint of flirtatiousness in her voice.
"Actually... yeah, me too, now that ya mention it." He answered with a warm chuckle. "Should we order somethin'?"
"I just... don't want to have to buy something, though..." She let out with a sigh, her eyes slowly closing. "I've already spent enough money on our drinks as it is, I don't really feel like spending more on food."
She opened her eyes back and stared down at her almost empty glass.
"But I do feel like eating something..." She whispered to herself.
She had a point about not wanting to spend more money, Gumshoe knew it; but in his current state, he did not care anymore and only wanted more of that good feeling, more time with her, more time together with no worries.
"Oh, I know all 'bout that feeling." He said with a grin. "I can pay, [Y/N]."
The young woman could not help but laugh aloud at his words, her saddened expression disappearing completely from her face.
"You? Paying? With what money?" She rhetorically asked between two laughs.
As she heard herself speak, she realized just then the inappropriate tone and rudeness of her words, both of which had been completely unintentional. Her wide grin diminished as a feeling of shame invaded her from within.
"Uh, I mean... Sorry, Gummy, I... I didn't mean it like that, my words came out much worse than I wanted them to..." She apologized with embarrassment. "It's just... we both know Edgeworth really underpays you, and I know your salary doesn't... really allow you to afford as much as mine can..."
She avoided his eyes completely, too ashamed of herself to confront his gaze.
"That's why I decided to be the one to pay for all the drinks tonight... and I'd feel terrible having to ask you to pay for food."
The silence did not last long, as it was soon broken by a hearty laugh, accompanied by a sign of the hand.
"It's okay, [Y/N]." He told her in a reassuring tone. "I promise I didn't take it as badly as ya think. It ain't like you said anything bad anyway. I mean, you're right, I don't earn enough to make that kinda decision with my money. But don't sweat it, I don't mind paying, 'specially if it means I can spend more time with you."
Her eyes immediately rose to meet his as her heart ached ever so slightly in her chest.
"Gummy..." She let out softly, her eyebrows a little furrowed.
As she looked back down at her hands on the table, she felt as though she could have cried, most likely a cause of the alcohol in her veins that accentuated her emotions.
God, I feel so goddamn stupid... She thought to herself as she squeezed her eyes shut. What the hell was I thinking, saying this out loud? He must think I'm so mean, now...
However, after a few seconds of sulking in silence, a sudden idea crossed her mind out of the blue.
"Hey..." She hesitantly started, catching Gumshoe's attention. "... Maybe, instead of either one of us buying something, we could... head back to my place together, and eat dinner there?"
"Huh? Head back to your place?" He repeated as he tilted his head. "You want us to go to your apartment to eat and not order somethin'?"
His curiosity was now piqued, his thoughts racing until he could not suppress a smirk, his imagination suddenly starting to run wild.
"I mean, let's be honest here for a second..." She started as she gestured her hands around. "You're going to take me back home anyway, right? It's—"
She put her sentence on hold for a brief moment, the time for her to reach for her phone and check the time.
"... 10:14 PM, right now, so it's dark out, I'm wearing heels, and I'm tipsy. Knowing you and your gentlemanly ways, you'd never in a million years let me walk back home on my own. My apartment's not far from here, it's only a solid 10 minutes on foot, so you'd walk me there."
She stopped talking, but only to rest both of her elbows on the table and place her chin on the palms of her hands, as she looked at him with a hint of playfulness inside her eyes.
"... In that case, what's the harm in me inviting you in?" She asked him. "You'd be there already, you know?"
He could not help but chuckle as he gave it some thought: she was right, he never would have let her walk by herself, especially this late at night, especially in the state she was in.
"Huh, I guess you're right..." He said as he raised a playful eyebrow. "That makes a whole lotta sense, actually."
"Great, it's decided!" [Y/N] exclaimed enthusiastically. "Well, let's go, then!"
Not wanting to waste a single second, she grabbed her purse and got up from her chair, though not without swaying just slightly to the side. With a grin, she stood in front of him and reached for one of his arms.
"C'mon, just gulp down what's left of your beer and we'll be good to go." She told him in a motivational tone of voice, both of her hands wrapped around his forearm.
"Okay, okay! I'm drinkin' up, okay?" He said with a chuckle before finishing his drink. "Sheesh, the pressure's on, I wasn't ready for this amount of stress."
He stood up from the table and held her arm, his cheeks turning a dark pink: with her standing so close to him, he simply could not control his physical reactions. With the thought of having to head off to her place and dine with her, his heart began to pick up the pace, beating even faster than it had earlier.
The two of them made their way across the bar until they reached the front doors: but as they pushed them open and stepped outside, [Y/N] was greeted with the cold evening air, spreading chills over her bare arms and shoulders.
Her smile quickly left her face to be replaced with an expression of discomfort, all while her hands rubbed her arms vigorously.
"God, it's a little cold tonight..." She sighed. "The temperature must've gone down super quickly, it wasn't this cold when we walked in just a few hours ago..."
Gumshoe's expression immediately changed the instant he saw the uncomfortable look on her face. And as soon as he saw her rub her arms in an attempt to keep herself warm, something snapped within him; in a sense, it was instinctual, as if his body was telling him what to do.
Without hesitation, he removed his coat and promptly draped it over her shoulders.
"Here, have my coat."
Upon seeing his warm smile and feeling the weight of his large coat on her shoulders, her eyes opened wide and her face turned a crimson red.
"G-Gummy..." She muttered shyly while looking down at herself.
His trench coat was twice her size, her arms now completely hidden underneath the sleeves, and a strong smell began to surround her: the aroma of cologne, along with hints of coffee, mixed in with a very familiar scent, warm and reassuring. She was like draped in a sensation of comfort, no longer feeling the cold reaching her.
Now once again overcome with emotions, she looked up at him and met with his affectionate eyes.
"... Thank you." She simply told him, too shy to say any more.
He stared down at her with a gentle grin.
God, she looks really adorable in my coat.
In fact, she looked incredibly small, almost fragile wearing it, the fabric most likely too heavy and stiff for her stature. But he was glad to see wearing it made her feel better; it was the least he could do.
"You don't have to thank me."
"In any case, we should get going now." She stated, trying her hardest to sound nonchalant. "I'll lead the way."
For roughly ten minutes, the two of them walked side by side, supporting each other physically when needed, as they chit-chatted casually, until they finally arrived at [Y/N]'s apartment building; once there, they stopped in front of her door and she dived her hand inside her purse in search of the key.
"Here we are." She declared as she inserted the key into the lock.
She pushed the door open and stepped in, after which she made room for Gumshoe to enter the hallway.
"It's not the most luxurious or spacious place out there, but it's where I live. Please, don't hesitate to make yourself at home."
He followed her around with a smile while analyzing his surroundings: it really was not all that extraordinary, as she had stated, but it was not a terrible place either. It was nice, cozy, and provided enough space for the both of them to move around freely.
"It's nice enough, pal. Nothin' you should be embarrassed about." He reassured her. "And don't you worry, I am most definitely plannin' on making myself at home, ya don't gotta tell me twice."
With a chuckle, she went to close and lock the front door behind them, after which she set her purse down on the small table in the hallway. But, just as she entered the living room, just as she was about to take her heels off, she looked down at herself and her eyes fell to his green trench coat, still resting over her shoulders.
"... Now that we're inside and all warm, I guess I don't need your coat anymore..." She slowly said, looking up at him mid-sentence.
Her cheeks turned a soft shade of pink, and that she knew was caused by neither the temperature nor the alcohol: with a shy smile, she stared back down at the coat and clung tightly onto it.
"... I know I should hand it back to you, now... But I won't lie, I really like wearing it. It's all big... and warm... like you..."
She spoke without thinking, a silly smile plastered on her face, the alcohol in her veins taking over her speech. The words caught Gumshoe off guard and made his cheeks turn a strong pink hue, but a gentle smile started forming on his lips the more he thought about her comment: he found it more than a little endearing to hear her call him "big" and "warm". He began to wonder if her straightforward attitude was due to the alcohol coursing through her, or if it was something else. Either way, he did not mind it one bit.
"... Y'know, ya can keep it if you want." He smiled. "... Ya look pretty cute in it anyway."
"No, no." She promptly followed stubbornly, shaking her head. "I have to give it back to you, it's yours. It's your trench coat, and I'm no thief. I wouldn't want you to arrest and handcuff me for stealing it from you."
She could tell her words did not make much sense, her brain capacities suddenly reduced by at least half, it seemed, but it mattered little to her: she felt safe, around him, in the comfort of her own home, enough to let herself go.
She took a step towards him, their bodies now only an inch from one another, and removed the green trench coat from her shoulders. Then, clumsily, she leaned forward and did her best to put it over his own.
"Here." She said softly.
Surprise struck him when he watched her get so close to him, and when he watched her clumsy movements: as she attempted to place the coat over his shoulders, he ended up having to help her do it. Just as it fell over his figure, he felt her fingers slightly brush against his arm, and she did not even move back. She stared up into his brown eyes, and the close proximity between them made her heart beat at a million miles; neither of them dared move, both of their faces ranging from pink to red as they stared into each other's gazes.
He was so close to her. His face was only inches away from her own. He could hear her breathing. He could feel her warmth. The scene was overwhelming. He could not help but lean in closer to her, his skin feeling incredibly hot.
There was a sense of anxious affection in his eyes, and a sense of longing passion in hers. And she decided it was about time she would finally put this longing to rest.
Without a second thought, she grabbed Gumshoe's orange tie and pulled on it, the knot loose enough not to strangle him, but her grip strong enough to bring his face down: enough for her to lean in and kiss him.
The moment their lips met, she let out a soft, instinctive sigh against his mouth, while her other hand came to rest on his chest. It all felt so good, so passionate, so heavenly.
Her actions took him by surprise, but his body reacted immediately: as soon as her lips touched his, his arms wrapped around her, holding her tight. His body was on fire, and his heart was beating at twice the usual pace; he felt incredible, as if his entire life had been completely fulfilled in that one, single action. He held her tight, pulling her closer and closer against him. He never wanted to let the moment go.
The feeling of his strong, warm hands on her waist and sides triggered something within her, a sensation of sheer craving. Slowly, her body began to back up, her movements somewhat clumsy and wavering due to her tipsy state, her legs moving on their own, until her back hit the nearest wall: there, trapped between the wall and him, his body pinning hers against it, she felt small and weak under his silhouette, but in the best way possible. Blindly, as her lips were still kissing his, she took off her heels in haste, her height reduced by a few inches, before she raised her right leg against his body, her bare skin sliding against the fabric of his pants until it reached and stopped at his waist.
He was almost light-headed, his blood pumping through his veins as he slowly pushed her leg forward before gently grabbing the back of her knees, raising both of her feet above the ground so that she was completely against the wall. The heat inside of him was intense.
He knew he should not stop. Not now.
Upon feeling him effortlessly lift her body off the ground, she sighed against his lips once more. She tightly wrapped both of her legs around his waist in hopes of finding balance and support as his hands held her thighs; whether unconsciously or deliberately, his fingers began to progressively roll her skirt up her legs while his palms pressed against her skin. Whichever it was, it was enough to make her pull away from his lips.
"Dick—" She breathed out instinctively, her eyes still closed as she rested the back of her head against the wall, her neck almost fully outstretched.
His grip on her legs tightened, his hands continuing to roll her skirt, up, and up, and up. His fingers were on her bare legs, and his lips touched her neck; with every second that passed, he wanted to kiss and touch more and more of her. There was nothing holding him back. His lips found their way to her neck at the same time as her arms circled his, her palms holding onto the back of his head with a passion, her fingers caressing his hair: the sensation of his stubble against her delicate skin was intoxicating, the friction rough and prickly as his mouth kissed and nibbled.
"Dick..." She repeated in a whisper. "... Let's take this to the bedroom."
His head was spinning with passion as his fingers continued to caress her skin, now running through the ends of her hair. With her arms around him, he could feel every little movement she made, every little breath she took, and it all sent chills down his spine. His heart wanted her, and so did his body.
"Let's." He nodded in agreement.
His hands traveled from her thighs to her behind, a gesture that caught her off-guard until she understood it was for him to cling onto her as he pulled her off the wall; with very little effort, he secured the young woman into his embrace as he began to walk, his strength impressive though not surprising.
As the two approached [Y/N]'s room, her legs still tightly wrapped around his body, she tugged at his tie once more, in an attempt to make him stop walking, just as his feet reached the doorway.
"Hey, hey! No shoes inside the bedroom, mister." She told him with a teasing smile as she pointed down at his feet.
The way she had stopped him in his tracks, in such a flirty manner made Gumshoe chuckle; he had to admit he enjoyed seeing her take charge.
"Alright, alright. Hold on—"
He stopped walking, still carrying her in his arms, and promptly took off his shoes.
"There." He told her with a smile. "Happy now?"
"Yes, thank you." She replied before leaning in and gently kissing his cheek as a token of her gratitude.
As he stepped into the bedroom, her eyes fell on her own hands, both of which were still holding his tie, and she flushed upon letting go of it.
"Hey, by the way... Hum, sorry for pulling on your tie like that, for the second time..." She started, slightly embarrassed. "I hope it's not hurting you or anything. And I hope it doesn't bother you, like, turn you off... I don't know if you're maybe... into it or if it's actually not your type of thing..."
He chuckled wholeheartedly.
"If I was turned off by a cute 'n' hot girl constantly pulling on my tie, there'd be somethin' wrong with me. I kinda liked it, actually. You don't really gotta ask about any of those things, anyway. If you enjoy it and I'm not uncomfortable with it, feel free to do whatever ya want. Do me a favor and don't hold back."
Her eyes opened slightly wider as she stared at him, at the spark of desire in his gaze.
"... Fuck, it's really sexy when you say stuff like this."
The second the words left her mouth, she realized a little too late she had blurted out her thoughts instead of having kept them inside her head. She stared at him, her entire face feeling as though it had been set on fire.
"... I meant to think that and not say it out loud, but you know what? You deserve to hear it. You're incredibly sexy and the way you look into my eyes while you flirt with me is very hot, and I really want you right now." She blurted out in one single breath.
"[Y/N]... I really want you too..." He said after a few seconds of silence, his voice husky.
The warmth of his breath as he said those words bounced off her skin, their faces so close to one another, and she did not hesitate a single second before closing what little distance remained as she made her lips meet his once more. She closed her eyes while her hands moved to his chest, while his legs began to walk again, in the direction of her bed, only a foot or two away from them.
Her eyes were still closed when she felt him lean forward and put her down on the mattress, her back coming in contact with the soft sheets; as he did so, they had no choice but to break their kiss and pull away. There, he stood before her, positioned between her open legs, his figure towering over her in a way that matched the look in his eyes: in a way that made her hold her breath and rendered her speechless. He stared down at her, at her body lying over the bed, at her messy hair surrounding her head, until his eyes met hers, and silence filled the entire room: he felt his breath catching in his throat, completely lost in her gaze. For a few seconds, as their stares locked, she remained quiet, and so did he; then, without saying a word, while still lying down on her back, she reached for the hem of her top and pulled it up with both of her hands. In a swift second, it went over her head and was tossed on the pillows.
With her upper body now only covered with her bra, shielding her breasts from his view, she breathed heavily while staring at his lower body, her gaze falling on his belt. His blood boiled in his veins, his thoughts became a lot less tame, his desire slowly grew stronger: understanding well the meaning behind her eyes, he slowly undid his belt, pulling it out of the loops. As he let it fall to the ground, a burning sensation quickly spread throughout his body. She watched him remove his belt in silence, his eyes devouring hers as his hands went to work around his waist. That simple sight was enough to arouse her, a certain warmth taking over her and making her close her legs on instinct.
She could not hold herself back any longer: she rose on the bed, just slightly, enough to reach his tie and grab it yet once more, her hand dragging his entire body closer to hers. With her free hand, she held his right shoulder and sensually slid his black suit off, which prompted him to remove it altogether. Then, still as sensually, she slowly loosened his tie and removed it from around his neck, letting it drop on the floor beside the bed. Her touch was electrifying, sending waves of pleasure all through his body, and he, too could no longer hold back: with a loud grunt, he pushed her legs apart and crawled on top of her, his breath catching in his throat. A quiet noise escaped her lips upon feeling his hands on her thighs, his fingers holding them in place as he opened her legs; she closed her eyes and let him take the lead, take full control of the situation and her body. Slowly, his palms went up her skin until they reached her sides, just above her waist, and just below her bra.
Just as she opened her eyes back, she saw him lean forward and soon felt his lips on her neck again, which made her sigh multiple times as her back arched slightly. His hands traveled further upwards and slid behind her back, his touch possessive. Her body was simply too sweet for him, too soft to the touch, and with her limbs snaked around him at every single moment, his need continued to expand: a part of him wanted to take things slow, but the other had already been deprived of her touch for far too long.
As he bit the lower half of her neck, his right hand coming to rest beside her body on the mattress, she moved her hands down to his neck, her palms grabbing the collar of his dress shirt; her fingers began unbuttoning it, the sheer thought of his bare chest against her driving her crazy. Eventually, his shirt dropped from his body with the help of her hands, exposing his torso and stomach. It did not take long before [Y/N]'s hands roamed his chest: now that it was bare, her fingertips could explore every curve, touch every line, feel every muscle. And it was paradise. Nothing could have made that moment better.
Gumshoe left a trail of shivers behind him as he traveled across her skin; the feeling of his palms slowly caressing her hips through the fabric of her skirt, the sensation of his fingers firmly holding her thighs as he pushed them open, the burning warmth and overwhelming strength of his hand muscles on her skin. It all felt amazing. Her mouth exhaled heavy breaths as her hands moved to his back, her arms circling his wide upper body as best as she could. And she opened her eyes halfway, just enough to stare inside his.
As he lay there, on top of her, he reached for the hem of her skirt, gently grabbing it: for a few seconds, he looked at it, at her legs underneath, before slowly pulling the skirt off her body. She watched his fingers fumble with the zipper of her skirt as he opened it, she watched his palms grab the fabric as he slid it down her legs, she watched the desire appear in his gaze as her underwear got exposed for his eyes to see. She lay on her back, only partially covered, and her heart rate accelerated greatly while her face grew red. She had done that before, and yet, she could not help but feel vulnerable, feel slightly insecure about her own body: because no other man before had ever meant so much to her as he did.
He looked down into her eyes, then down at her body.
"... You're so gorgeous, I don't even know what to say..."
His voice was slightly wavering, but not due to the alcohol or the exhaustion. It was his heart that spoke up.
"Your body under mine, your skin so soft, your form so pretty... This feels like a dream, right now... I might have to pinch myself to make sure this is really happening."
Her body twitched by reflex when she felt his murmurs on her skin, goosebumps spreading over the surface of her body as a result. Yet, they felt so incredibly good: hearing him compliment her, compliment her body in such a passionate and heartfelt way made her feel desired and desirable. It showed her how much he truly loved her.
"This is real, Dick... As real as my feelings for you." She softly said with a sigh, resting one of her hands on the back of his head, her fingertips gently brushing his hair.
Leaning toward her face, just as covered in blush as his, his lips drew a faint, though loving smile.
"I know you know by now, but I think I still need to say that I love you."
His voice was hoarse and shaken, and with good reason.
"And I love you so damn much... Every single part of you." He whispered against her lips. "And I can't believe I finally get to do this with you tonight..."
His words left her holding her breath, his voice dripping with sensuality and desire. He no longer seemed like the clumsy and confused detective she had been used to knowing: now, in that bed with her, his flesh against hers, he was a confident and assertive man, and that only further fueled her craving for him.
Unable to articulate words in response, she simply stared into his eyes. And when she did, she read his emotions clearly. No more doubts. No more second thoughts.
"... [Y/N], I want to feel you." He spoke, his voice quiet, but strong.
Holding his face with both hands, she left a delicate kiss on his lips.
"I'm all yours, Dick."
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stoat-party · 2 years
Ace Attorney AU where nothing changes, except the first time Franziska hits Gumshoe with her whip Miles teleports into the courtroom and punches her.
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