#gundum z
ineffectualdemon · 2 years
"My Hero Academia sucks! Why is it the most popular anime rn!?"
Shut the fuck up. We pretended Dragonball Z was good. We have no room to fucking talk
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cemeteryofwisdom · 3 years
Open the Pandor's 📦
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I may have some specific writing advice questions later, but to start with, will you share more about your own writing journey? Which fandoms have you written for, and what was your experience transitioning between fanfic and original fiction? Plus any other details that you feel comfortable sharing!
Hi Jackabelle73! I look forward to chatting with you about writing.
Oh jeez, my writing journey is all over the internet. I guess I'll just do a number list and answer your questions in order:
Will I share more about my writing journey? Always. I struggle having non-writing conversations with people, and almost always end up gravitating toward people who either tolerate story-teller types or also want to talk about writing.
I have written for: Card Captor Sakura, Dragon Ball Z, Weiss Kruez, Dukes of Hazzard (the original, awful 70s show), Star Trek, Supernatural, Marvel (but barely), Assassin's Creed, Wynonna Earp, and probably other ones that I've forgotten. I'm absolutely 100% not shy about sharing any writing samples. I've got all my DBZ writing saved to show you what I wrote like as a youngin. My AO3 name is cards_slash, so was my LJ.
I actually transitioned the opposite way. I started writing with a friend in middle school, we wrote books of all the tragic things 11 and 12 year olds usually do. Vampires, all powerful gods, tragic but beautiful OCs. They weren't good but we were really goddamn determined anyway. That BFF is the one that introduced me to anime (Gundum Wing with Heeeeeeeeeeeeero) and by extension fanfiction. I had a pretty large group of writing buddies in high school for writing original fiction and I wrote a ton of it, but the potential audience on FF.net was thousands of times larger. I started writing (porn) fanfiction to get reactions.
I've been writing the same book (over and over and over) for about 20 years, I adore it with every molecule in my body but it will probably never be finished. That's okay, it's the epitome of 'writing for yourself' for me.
I don't know what else would be interesting to folks. But if anyone has any other questions about me or my opinions/experiences with writing feel free to send them to me. I think it's very important to be comfortable with the person giving out writing advice. It's less about an impressive resume and more about a mutual understanding of the type of story-telling you want to accomplish. I've discarded plenty of writing advice because it doesn't appeal to me or my goals. Every writer should do the same.
Thanks again!
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theoriginalsuki · 4 years
Media I like
Homestar Runner
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-along Blog
Killing Eve
Gentleman Jack
Gravity Falls
Over the Garden Wall
Steven Universe
Dragon Ball Z
Labyrinth, The Last Unicorn, The Hobbit animation
Gundum Wing
Star Wars (films and Clone Wars)
Dirk Gentley’s Holistic Detective Agency
Gaia Online
Harry Potter
The Phantom of the Opera
Guillermo del Toro films (Crimson Peak, Pan’s Labyrinth)
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Sailor Moon
Miyazaki films (Spirited Away and Howl’s Moving Castle in particular)
Parks and Recreation
Song of the Sea and The Secret of Kells and The Breadwinner (all by Cartoon Saloon)
30 Rock
Breaking Bad
Altered Carbon
Doctor Who (new)
The Lord of the Rings (books and films)
Bob’s Burgers
Megatokyo (gosh that takes me back!)
Final Fantasy (early games)
The Mabinogion
Marvel films
Jupiter Ascending
The Great Gatsby
Brideshead Revisited
Gothic literature (Dracula, Frankenstein, Brontes, etc.)
Hocus Pocus
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (TOWELS)
Le Morte D’Arthur, Sir Gawain and the Greene Knight, and other Arthuriana
The Last Kingdom
Media I don’t like
Gilmore Girls
most Disney (go ahead and ask!)
the awful and boring Good Omens BBC thing that should have been better they had no excuse
Media I’m interested in but have not yet seen
Downton Abbey
The Handmaid’s Tale
Star Trek
Once Upon a Time
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kokinu09 · 5 years
1, 12 and 13 for the fanfiction ask meme~?
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction?
Ok, so if I answer this in terms of how old was I when I started posting fanfics, it’d be like 19 or 20 with my Inuyasha fanfics.
But if I’m completely honest, I’ve been writing fics since I was like 12 or 13 on big bulky computers and saving them to floppy disks. 😂 Like when computers used dial up to access the Internet. I didn’t even know I was technically writing FanFiction back then! I was just writing! Everything from Gundum Wing to Dragon Ball Z to Sailor Moon, man. I was an anime kid for reals. Toonami was my childhood.
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why?
I think this answer is pretty obvious that I LOVE writing Zeddison. But more specifically Zed. Idk I’m just so fascinated with the whole zombieism and trying to write something unique with his character. And with how much of a softy he is on the inside. 🥰
13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why?
Hmmmmm, this is a toughy. I don’t feel like I have a least favorite in any of the characters. So I’ll say my hardest character to write for. And I’d say Bonzo. I love him, so don’t get me wrong, he’s just a tough character to write in my opinion. Trying to get his personality just right and also figuring out the best way to write in Zombie Tongue. I just try too hard to make it sound good and also sound like him. Lol
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katydoodles · 6 years
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👏🏼OKAY Marinette in a maid outfit is the first thing I need to get off my chest cuz it is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I love all the new outfits we will get this season. She puts her hair up in a top bun and I nearly died!! LIKE HOW CAN YOU NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH HER SHE IS SO AMAZING!!! I know everyone in the show basically is in love with marinette in some way but I might have a crush on her!
👏🏼 Thomas Astruc is in an episode and this guy is my hero. He has real power. And all the anime references has me dead, there was a gundum bot, a large lizard ruining a city, dragon ball z reference, a captain marvel reference, and a magical girl transformation!! This guy is a genius, and he got to hug his own creation, marinette.
👏🏼 The PV is canon as a movie... and Adrien voices Chat Noir in the PV
My gosh I love Kagami, she put Chloé in her place and I commend her for it. She is a strong woman and will be respected, I love her confidence. And there was pink bubble scene between her and Adrien when he was putting on her sandal!!! LIKE ADRIEN AND KAGAMI BLUSHED IT WAS SOOO CUTE!!!
And kagami getting jealous when marinette have him the macaron!! There is tension that’s for sure.
👏🏼marinette bakes a passion fruit macaron ever Sunday
👏🏼Marinette and Chloe working together.
Further adds to me shipping them together💛💙
That’s all I can remember off the top of my head
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anthony-sparkz · 5 years
Buisness collaboration & inquiry form PLEASE DO NOT SKIP
***** PLEASE read throughout the entire form DO NOT hesitate to contact my inbox with any other questions or valuable information pertaining the topic *****
Alright , so think of my self generated survey as a job application ... I would appreciate if those in favor of well needed participation answer in complete Sentences that would help me alot THANKS ...
1b. I do understand everyone has a unique level of talent tho these writers can they revise , edit , can they easily identify grammar and punctuation mistakes , have they had experience with the plot pyramid scheme , famously mentioned in Sherlock Holmes stories can they write the following (which will be put in the tagline of this post)
1. Are you or do you know any other experienced artists/writers other than yourself and do you only draw/write ? can you bring me awareness or shine light on your other talents artistically speaking with some "reviewable" artwork or writing or tangible proof of this talent ?
@ WeekesCorp. Enterprises ,(the nonfiction real life company) is a company dedicated to its teams evergrowing collective mindstate ,overall health, and creative development . we also pay close attention to fan growth and receptiveness and reaction to what there seeing as they will be able to relate to the weakest extraterrestrial to The ultimate human lifeform alike we are a FAMILY COMPANY and so we must encourage oneness to provide ancient or esoteric knowledge of puticular cultures while still juggling entertainment , meaninful relationships with a balenced ideals of shock and awe whilst times of struggle as well as triumph and strength of individuals who are realistic fictional representatives of real world people places or things with that being said among different races all on earth categorized as what the world fears The most A national crisis .
Depicting what life means through the eyes of brand new heros who started off misfits , troubled teens with some type of trama , hostages to there own world , immigrants to the society they all just previously lived in and or gained some level of refuge in . we practice relatable diologe and weird/funny innovative humerous content about various things some of which are listed here but not limited to: Extraterrestrial or historical conspiracies , conciousness and spiritual teachings from both righteous and malevolent origins, astronomy, astrology , and quantum physics and through the many visual artistic mediums apon things the average person would easily let fly over there heads YET !! still compelling enough to not catch the readers garbage bin
2. Do you know mugen sprite animaters that will be happy to employ OCS into that game dont worry you will be properly compensated
(For details of characters armor , weapons , or skills one must answer all questions present with total honesty)
2b. If you dont know anyone who does mugen, do you know A video game animater looking for there next big breakthrough (feedback comes after this question)
3. How important is work to you once being payed for your work and time
( this is a extra credit question)
3b. When you get paid apon the peice being worked on ... Is it nessasary that you need time to yourself or would you like to communicate apon creative control and perspectives maybe even meet up and talk in person about future instructions (for drawing ) and instances ( for writing ) maybe goals and point of views just for intelligence sake
( Think about your answer carefully)
4. Mindset wise (when speaking about working with cohesiveness) are you dark detective batman or are you more of a batman incorporated type of person ? (Feedback comes after this question)(batman is only an example being if you elaborate more clearer apon understanding the question)
5. Watching the OG cartoons that came before mine ( my hero academia, dragon ball z , gundum , bleach , inyuasha, justice league unlimited/Teen Titans/ young justice series , static shock , samurai jack , TMNT, Thundercats, fantastic four , etc. What about these show elements do you know and love that you'd expect to see from my development/comic series/video game franchise ,AND WHY. Alternately as well , what about these cartoons and there plot guidelines, Story arc problems, character to character diologe, should be avoided in my writing AND WHY ???
- please take my survey seriously 🤔BUT still have fun😃 as it could amount to brand new opportunities👍, friendships💖, something to put on your resume 😂, all in all bridges are being built to our future together as a team all we can do is go ☝from here , may the force be with you always and i look forward and am emphatically excited to return to multiple messages about our future encounters based on my hail please and thank you-
9:32 pm Thursday September 26
Words of wisdom with Dr. Weekes
A wiseman once said to change the world we all must learn to change ourselves from that right there i gained the understanding of the 4 sides to the bigger picture and that is to love ourselves cuz if your not lucky enough to find the one you want if your not able to do what you love because of unfortunate circumstances, then change your perspective and mindset material. manifest your destiny by building your emotional intelligence , compassion and self worth with yourSELF 1rst you cannot teach something you have not yet learned and as human beings weve all been there one way or another and with that being said you cant do something that you have no knowledge of doing so before. So when you go out in the world today be like thoughts my friends (intangible until spoken off or spoken to)
Peace ✌🏾... untill we speak again "community"
Please do not refrain from having a fresh , drama free day and a euphoric dopamine filled positive weekend
C.E.O. And President of WeekesCorp Enterprises.
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kasemlee · 4 years
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GUNDUM - 第4回 ももいろ歌合戦 - ももいろクローバーZ (FUJI TV 31-12-2020) # 45
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vrheadsets · 7 years
The Virtual Arena: From Silver Screen to Silicon Dreams! (Pt 2)
In the second part of his feature, (click here for part one) looking at the impact that the movie business and prominent Intellectual Properties (IP) have in steering new commercial entertainment VR business. Digital Out-of-Home entertainment (DOE) industry specialist Kevin Williams charts the major develops shaping this emerging new sector. One of the technologies gaining a strong interest from the deep pockets of this sector is the untethered backpack VR experience (Arena-Scale VR). The technology seen as the perfect medium to immersive the guest in the selected movie IP like-never-before, even some investors seeing this as a natural successor for the representation of the movie experience.
One of the most promoted developers of this approach has been The VOID, championing their ‘Hyper Reality’ concept. After many twists and turns the company opted to enter the race by presenting their technology within the Ghostbusters: Dimension attraction. Sony Pictures in partnership with operator Madame Tussauds investing in a walk-through waxwork attraction with a backpack virtual reality (VR) experience in support, commissioned from The VOID. The whole experience created as part of the marketing effort for the reboot of the famous Ghostbusters franchise, with the 2016 film.
The opening of the New York venue, though critically acclaimed and reported as seeing crowds, has yet to see the proposed roll-out at other Tussauds venues; but The VOID has opened a standalone Ghostbusters: Dimension attraction at JBR’s The Beach in Dubai. With a third installation charted for their new flagship entertainment facility in Utah, Nevada, scheduled to open to the public in July.
The growth in interest in movie properties having their own backpack VR experience was evident during CinemaCon 2017. New start-up Nomadic is an immersive entertainment company creating tactile VR adventures, and promoted at the conference their backpack VR experience (Arena-Scale), aiming to occupy a 20-foot-by-30-foot space. Not only seen as “Lobby Entertainment”, but targeting the existing screening rooms (auditorium), to be appropriated as standalone entertainment offerings with their own recurring revenue stream.
Major movie IP’s that have embraced Arena-Scale VR technology have started to reveal their plans thick-and-fast over the last few months – major movie studios such as 20th Century Fox, through their theme park arm (FoxNext Destinations) revealed that they are in the process of developing a 2,000 sq.,ft., multi-player VR experience based around the Alien movie franchise. FoxNext working to develop a ‘free-roaming’ VR experience undergoing secret testing. This new development building on the work creating a free cinema pop-up 360-degree VR journey called Alien: Covenant in Utero; the promotional lobby entertainment developed by FoxNext VR Studio in partnership with AMD Radeon and DELL.
Another major movie franchise receiving VR attraction investment was revealed to be in develop in partnership between Hasbro and DMG Entertainment, (through the recently established DMG VR division). The planned Transformers Experience Center is based on the popular Transformers IP that over the last 30-years has expanded to include comic books, animated series, films, video games and consumer products, the recent film properties generating $850 million internationally. The first interactive Transformers digital simulation experience center, scheduled to open in China this summer.
The application of arena-scale VR has been charted beyond the cinema landscape, with already Zero Latency establishing a growing number of locations for their multi-player backpack VR platform. The game system complimenting family entertainment centers and karting locations. A constant iterative process the operation launching their last multi-player backpack experience called Singularity with a play duration of 30-minutes in this space station exploration narrative. While at the same time announced that they were working on eight-player simultaneous experiences – while also planning to open the largest free-roaming virtual arena in America in the Boston-area later this year, and Philadelphia in 2018.
As previously reported the Asian amusement scene has jumped into out-of-home VR applications with both feet, in Japan investment in this approach has increased and Zero Latency, saw the first commercial installation of their system through a deal with SEGA at their JOYPOLIS site. Building on this, and a new location for Arena-Scale VR experiences opened within the brand new ‘SEGA VR Area’ location – taking over the top (6th) floor of the famous Club SEGA Akihabara amusement venue in Tokyo. The venerable Japanese amusement factory the latest to dip their toe into the waters of dedicated VR based out-of-home entertainment.
The first VR installation in this new space sees SEGA partner with Korean based Skonec Entertainment installing their new Mortal Blitz For Walking Attraction – a three player, backpack VR shooting experience, (using the Pimax 4K headset), opened to the public at the end of May. This destination facility approach following the work that the other amusement powerhouse BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment achieved with their first VR Zone: Project i Can temporary installation; BANDAI announcing that they will be opening a second version of their temporary VR Park in a matter of months in the Tokyo area. (Editor’s Note: For more about this check out two recent VRFocus stories about the experiences on offer including ones based on Mario Kart, Neon Genesis Evangelion, the Gundum franchise and Dragon Ball Z.)
Underlining the interest in using VR as an audience experience akin to a movie theatre or planetarium approach, and Japan has seen the launch of the VirtuaLink. A pop-up paid entertainment experience that has multiple guests sharing a virtual space, with a specially created 360-degree 3D video. Several locations around the Tokyo area will be turned into viewing theaters accommodating some 26 special seats (Wonder Pods) – the VR experience presented on Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) Playstation VR head-mounted displays (HMDs). The concept the closest seen to being a ‘virtual-planetarium’ experience, constructed by Konica Minolta Planetarium Corporation.
From those commentators entrenched outside of the out-of-home entertainment business, we have seen some wild and contradictory statements regarding the perceived impact of this business on the application of their hopes for VR – statements ranging from if VR is confined to public spaces there is a risk of stunting the growth of the medium, too comments that state to love to see these types of themed [VR] centers popping up around the world. A level of ignorance of the DOE market revealed in superficial research of the scene.
This confused speculation, illustrates the disquiet by some as their promised consumer sector slows, in the shadow of the growth (and revenue generating) out-of-home adoption; best illustrated by the growing numbers of consumer platforms pivoting to destination application. Along with HTC, we see OSVR (The VOID, Zero Latency) and StarVR (IMAX VR) deployment in VR arcade settings; it was recently announced in Japan of the new Virtual Gate platform developed by Techno Blood; allowing VR content to be enjoyed at the countries host of Internet Cafes, the platform partnered with the once consumer facing FOVE eye-tracked HMD – already operational at 33 net cafes in the country.
The commercial entertainment industry has proven an uncomfortable enigma to many that had previously invested in a promised consumer approach to VR. To educate and promote, the Digital Out-of-Home Entertainment (DOE) sector has invested in a unique conference in September, partly supported by my consultancy (KWP) and a major exhibition organizer. Based in Las Vegas, the Future of Immersive Leisure convention will bring together operators of the latest immersive entertainment technology, as well as developers of the hardware, and investors shaping the latest developers.
This new event will be the launch-pad where several new projects will reveal their thinking behind entering the commercial entertainment against previous interest in consumer investment. It is the ability to have direct access to the revenue stream, and a believable business model that has drawn both established operations and new start-ups to the DOE business for VR. Expect reports on the build-up to this event and industry developments in following columns.
from VRFocus http://ift.tt/2rnHPqx
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cemeteryofwisdom · 3 years
SD Gundam samurai saga.
Boss's of the Boss's "闇皇帝" Yamikoutei.
#Darkness Emperor.
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kasemlee · 4 years
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GUNDUM - 第4回 ももいろ歌合戦 - ももいろクローバーZ (FUJI TV 31-12-2020) # 44
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kasemlee · 4 years
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GUNDUM - 第4回 ももいろ歌合戦 - ももいろクローバーZ (FUJI TV 31-12-2020) # 43
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kasemlee · 4 years
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GUNDUM - 第4回 ももいろ歌合戦 - ももいろクローバーZ (FUJI TV 31-12-2020) # 42
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kasemlee · 4 years
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GUNDUM - 第4回 ももいろ歌合戦 - ももいろクローバーZ (FUJI TV 31-12-2020) # 41
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kasemlee · 4 years
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GUNDUM - 第4回 ももいろ歌合戦 - ももいろクローバーZ (FUJI TV 31-12-2020) # 40
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kasemlee · 4 years
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GUNDUM - 第4回 ももいろ歌合戦 - ももいろクローバーZ (FUJI TV 31-12-2020) # 39
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