#gunpowder promises cod au
callsign-bunnie · 1 year
You got anything for a Western AU?
Yeah, but I'm doing ABO. I'm also obligated to remind you guys that a lot of cowboys and outlaws and whatnot were POC and Queer. I'm still doing ABO and I'm also doing Alerudy, but I have headcanons for a full western AU if you guys want them. (Please, I've put too much thought into this)
Rodolfo looked up from where he was peacefully trying to read a book in his carriage to an alpha just jumping in. “Excuse me-”
His breath caught in his chest as the alpha looked at him. Then, he was giving him a sort of half grin. “Mis disculpas, Mi Señora, but I am in desperate need of assistance.” His accent was thick, clearly from Rodolfo’s home country of Mexico.
The alpha was… gorgeous, Rodolfo would admit. If Rodolfo didn’t have as many manners as he did, he may find himself fanning himself to relieve some heat. Instead, he frowned, appearing concerned. “What do you mean, señor?” He let his accent thicken, not suppressing it like he normally did, and looked around.
“You see that alpha over there? On the street corner?” The alpha murmured, pointing behind Rodolfo. 
Rodolfo turned around and looked back at the street corner, which was some distance from them, and frowned even more as he saw a very large alpha was standing there. He had a cloth tied around the bottom half of his face and he was leant up against the pillar of the saloon that was on that corner, watching them with a rather intense look on his face. 
Rodolfo shivered. “He’s frightening.” He admitted, reaching up and holding onto his hat as a breeze swept by them. He found himself shrinking back as the alpha seemed to almost glare at him. “How am I to assist you with him?”
“Well, I owe him a decent amount of money.” The alpha beside Rodolfo, who was of considerably darker complexion than the other, admitted. He had black hair and tanned skin, whereas the alpha who was watching them had paler skin with blonde hair. “Now, we might be able to hold him off if we ride to a different side of town.”
Rodolfo raised an eyebrow and glanced at the alpha beside him, amusement suddenly streaking through him. He loved games. “Oh? Well, then, let’s not waste any time.” Rodolfo laughed and turned, sitting fully in the seat. He pulled his dress up so it would rest more comfortably in the carriage and then he urged the horses to start moving, laughing softly when the alpha fell into his seat.
“You’re a quick one.” The alpha grumbled and Rodolfo only laughed more. “Well, I suppose I should be grateful all the same.”
“You should be.” Rodolfo agreed. “I’m doing you a favor, after all!” He smiled and drove the carriage closer to the library, stopping in front of it. “Well, señor, do you think this was far enough?”
“I might say it is,” the alpha nodded and then started to dismount the carriage. “I thank you very much for your assistance, Señora. May I ask the name of whom I received help from?”
Rodolfo smiled and leaned forward, about to answer, before he noticed the alpha glance to the side and frown. “Let me pause you, Señora,” the alpha shook his head and climbed back into the carriage. “He has appeared to follow us.”
Rodolfo glanced back, seeing the blonde alpha was now standing in front of the Sheriff’s office, again leaning against a post. And, again, he was staring at them. “Well, we can’t have him catching you, can we!” Rodolfo again started to drive the cart, taking them right to the edge of town, this time, and parking them by the General Store. 
“Do you think this will be far enough?” Rodolfo asked once they were stopped, though he didn’t drop the reins. “You know, you should go right inside that General Store and ask Mrs Brandy for some peach lemonade. She grows the peaches on her and her husband’s farm!”
“Oh?” The alpha laughed and started to dismount the carriage again. “Well, Señora, I think I might just have to.” He reached out a hand and Rodolfo accepted it, blushing slightly as the alpha pulled his knuckles to his lips. “May I again ask for the name of who assisted me?”
Rodolfo smiled and again he went to answer before watching in amusement as the alpha hopped right back into his carriage. “Oh? Has he returned?” He looked around, spotting the alpha right next to where they’d just been in front of the Library. “Oh no…” 
The alpha sighed. “He really is tenacious. You see, Señora.. I don’t have the money to pay him back. I worry what will happen if he gets his hands on me…” He appeared to tug at his neckline. “His name is Ghost, have you heard of him?”
Rodolfo had. Ghost was known to strike fear into the hearts of Alphas and… heat between the legs of omegas. Okay, maybe he didn’t have nearly as many manners as he pretended to. But, he also knew of Ghost’s partner, Ale. “I have… I’ve heard many tales..”
“Si, Señora. Most are true. And I’m not ready to find out which ones.” The alpha turned to Rodolfo. “So, if there is any way you can help me, Señora…”
Rodolfo looked around and then smiled. “Hmm… Well, I believe just yonder, past those trees, there’s a bit of a valley where one is hard to spot. We could drive out there and maybe he’ll get bored and give up? You don’t think he’d do anything in front of a Lady, do you?”
“Oh, no, certainly not!” The alpha laughed. “Ghost is a real gentleman. He wouldn’t do anything if you were around.”
“Well, then, I guess you best not leave my side!” Rodolfo smiled and then he started to drive the cart down the trail out of town, going beyond the trees and then down to a small valley where you could only see the tops of the buildings from town and nothing else. 
“Señora, I do not know how I could thank you enough!” The alpha took his hand and kissed it, again.
Rodolfo shook his head. “No thanks are necessary. I hate to see a kind gentleman such as yourself be injured on account of bad banking!” He teased and watched the alpha duck his head, clearly embarrassed. 
“Well, since we shouldn’t be interrupted, again,” the alpha turned to him, “what is your name, Señora?”
“Rodolfo.” Rodolfo answered, bowing his head slightly and reaching up to hold his hat at another gust of wind. 
“Well, Rodolfo, I am very interested in getting to know you better.” The alpha moved closer, leaning into Rodolfo. Then, a sweet smooth smell, like honey, with a slight hint of something spicy like cinnamon, was washing over Rodolfo, causing him to have to fight the urge to just swoon. Not yet. “Can I see you again, tomorrow?”
“Oh, no, Señor…” Rodolfo shook his head, looking up at the alpha. “I get on the road back home, tomorrow…”
“Well, what about tonight?” The alpha frowned, looking almost disappointed. “Surely you have tonight?”
“I must pack, tonight.” Rodolfo shook his head, feigning disappointment as well. “I am sorry, Señor…” He ducked his head, slightly, before allowing himself to blush as the alpha caught his chin and turned his head to look at him, again.
“Don’t look away, Señora… You have such beautiful eyes…” The alpha purred and then smiled. “Well, then, I suppose all we have is right now.” He murmured. “Tendré que conocerte tanto como pueda, ahora… Causa una buena impresión duradera…”
“You will, won’t you?” Rodolfo looked up at the alpha. “You’ll make sure to make quite the impression?” He dropped his lashes so he was looking up through them at Alejandro. “I mean… since you and your partner went through so much trouble to get me to come out here, right?”
The alpha paused and looked at him before half grinning. “Oh, I will make sure to make the best impression…” He leaned closer, his breath fanning across Rodolfo’s face. 
Rodolfo shivered and closed his eyes, reaching to put his hands on the alpha’s arms and pull him closer. “I’ll hold you to that…”
“You’re making me almost concerned. You could at least pretend to be frightened… hesitant.” The alpha joked. “You know I’m an outlaw and yet your body seems so willing to have my touch on it…”
The alphas fingers trailed down Rodolfo’s face and to his neck, trailing down and tracing over where Rodolfo’s bodice lay flush against his skin, the lace making the skin slightly sensitive. He let out a breath as the alpha touched him and then he tried to make his features appear frightened. “Oh, please, Señor… Do not hurt me… I am a lady, I am so delicate…”
“Much better…” The alpha murmured before his lips were pressing against Rodolfo’s and his body moved flush against his. His hands moved to Rodolfo’s waist and pulled him as close as possible before his mouth was moving down to Rodolfo’s neck, kissing and biting right under his jaw. 
“Oh, Alejandro… It’s been so long since you last saw me…” Rodolfo grasped tighter to Alejandro’s arms as his grip tightened against his waist. “I was frightened you would never come!”
“I am here, now,” Alejandro assured as he bit Rodolfo’s neck, though he was careful not to leave a mark. Rodolfo almost was desperate, almost told Alejandro to throw care to the wind and cover him in marks, so the world may know who he belonged to. But, it was dangerous. He couldn’t until Alejandro cleared his name. “You are as beautiful as I remember… and no less sweet…”
Rodolfo closed his eyes and bore his neck for Alejandro, closing his eyes as he felt Alejandro reach behind his body and untie his bodice, before he was sliding it down Rodolfo’s arms, his fingers trailing along the skin with it. “Moments feel like an eternity when apart from you…”
“Eons, mis estrellas…” Alejandro spoke into his skin, sending slight vibrations through it and gasping Rodolfo to shiver, slightly. “I feel as if I have spent two eternities from you…”
“I long for the day when we no longer have to part…” Rodolfo leaned back against the cart as Alejandro moved to bite over his collarbone and then he was being lifted and turned around, his dress falling further down his body. He braced himself against the cart, able to feel his own slick dripping down his thighs. 
Alejandro’s fingers were soon pressing inside his body as he started to mouth over Rodolfo’s back, tracing down his spine. “Soon, mi amor… Soon…” 
Rodolfo moaned and pushed back against Alejandro’s fingers, desperate for his touch, for his body… “Soon is not enough!” He shook his head, laying his head on his arm and closing his eyes. He whimpered as Alejandro shoved his fingers deeper inside, digging his nails into the wood of the carriage. 
Alejandro shook his head and didn’t answer, instead Rodolfo heard the rustle of fabric before Alejandro was removing his fingers and then his body was covering Rodolfo’s as he pushed into him. The pleasure shot warmth through Rodolfo’s body and he moaned loudly, not afraid of anyone hearing them out there.
“I am here, for now, mis Estrellas… Can’t that be enough?” Alejandro pleaded, panting into the skin on the back of Rodolfo’s neck. 
Rodolfo supposed it had to be and he nodded, closing his eyes. Alejandro relaxed onto him and the weight was pleasant, keeping the permanent ache of loneliness at bay for the moment. Finally, Alejandro lifted and started to move, rocking into Rodolfo.
Rodolfo moaned and closed his eyes, nuzzling into his own arm as heat covered his skin. It settled deep under it and Rodolfo panted, pushing back against Alejandro and earning a growl in response. “Your body is always so eager for mine…” Alejandro leaned down and bit his shoulder again, his pace harshening. “No matter how long we are apart…”
“It always will be.” Rodolfo promised. “For as long as we live…”
“I believe that.” Alejandro leaned back down and then he continued to make love to Rodolfo, not stopping until both of them were thoroughly exhausted. 
And then, he pulled away and cleaned Rodolfo with some sort of cloth before lacing his dress, gingerly. “This pale blue is beautiful against your tanned skin…” he complimented, sitting back down in the carriage and pulling Rodolfo close.
Rodolfo smiled and his eyes closed, sleepiness dragging at his body. “Thank you… The woman I stayed with let me have it. It was from her days as a maiden, she said. She even tailored it to fit my body better.” 
“When I have cleared my name, I must have more made for you…” Alejandro nodded. “It suits you so well.”
“Do you think I could have some rose colored dresses?” Rodolfo looked up at Alejandro, melting when his nose was delicately kissed.
“Mi amor, you can have any dress you please. You will have the finest I can buy.” Alejandro promised. “And many more.”
Rodolfo relaxed and then his smile started to fade as he realized Alejandro would likely leave, soon… Tears filled his eyes and sorrow filled his heart. “No, no, Mis Estrellas… Do not cry…” Alejandro touched his face, wiping away his tears. 
“I wish you did not have to leave…” He whispered. “My heart aches for you when you are gone… You are the only thought in my mind… What am I to do??”
Alejandro softened. “Oh, Rudy…” he leaned down and brushed their noses together before kissing Rodolfo, softly. “It will not be much longer, I promise. Ghost and I have almost found my brother and then we will force him to confess and clear my name, I promise. We are so close. It will not be much longer than a year, if I can help it.”
“A year is so long…” Rodolfo closed his eyes, unable to help as more tears welled up in his eyes. “I wish you could stay, now… I understand why you cannot but my heart cannot take much more of this distance…”
“I promise that it will not have to…” Alejandro pulled him closer. “Rest. I will not leave your side until tonight, I promise.”
Rodolfo hesitated and sniffled before nodding, curling up into Alejandro’s side and touching Alejandro’s chest. “When this is over, you still promise to marry me?”
Alejandro was silent and then he was reaching into his pocket. “It’s not much of a ring, but it was all I could get my hands on. I have a chain for it, so you can wear it on your neck.” He got out a necklace with a simple gold band on it.
Rodolfo sat up, immediately, and took the necklace before just melting. “Oh, Alejandro… It’s more than enough…” It was a promise. A physical promise. It was more than the world!
Alejandro gently took the necklace and then he put it around Rodolfo’s neck. “When this is over, we will have a grand wedding. With a grand cake and you’ll have a grand dress. I promise.” He touched Rodolfo’s chin and made him look at him. “Soon, my omega… Soon…”
Rodolfo melted and closed his eyes. “Soon…” He relaxed and laid back on Alejandro, letting himself drift off to sleep.
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@sinclairbrosbathmat @The_pluto_828
Please ask me more about this au, i'm begging you. Please.
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Part 2 of western au?
Btw I love your ABO additions to stories
Thank you, they are mostly for convenience. (I also just like ABO, it's interesting.)
Rodolfo smiled as he stopped in front of the farmhouse. The farm itself was rather gorgeous and he was going to be staying there for a few weeks with the owner of it. John Price was his name and he supposedly had two omega children, Kyle and Garaidh Price. 
Rodolfo carefully stood, about to get himself out of the carriage, before smiling as the door opened and an older alpha came out, opened the door, and offered a hand. “Miss Rodolfo, I’m glad you’re finally here.” He bowed a little and Rodolfo smiled, accepting his hand so he could step down.
He saw two omegas step out of the house and they both curtsied a little. One was rather tall for an omega, though the other seemed to be short. One was dark of skin, the other was light. One black haired, one blonde. They seemed to be quite opposite of each other.
In fact, as they stood, the shorter one looked to be grinning under a cloth over his mouth, while the taller one was simply politely smiling. He allowed John Price to lead him up to the house, where he offered a hand to shake, first to the taller, who introduced himself as Kyle and then to the other, who Kyle introduced as Garaidh. 
“I understand Garaidh can’t speak?” Rodolfo glanced at Price, who nodded. “How unfortunate.” Rodolfo acknowledged and smiled at Garaidh, who looked away. 
“We’ve been anticipating your arrival.” Price spoke as he led him in. “The guest bedroom is already set up for you, just needs your things. Kyle’s room is right next door if you need anything.”
Rodolfo nodded, thanking him. “Oh, I suppose I should get my things.” He turned to go back outside, but Price was waving him off, going outside and coming back with his bags. “I’ll have one of the farm hands bring in your trunk.”
Rodolfo thanked him. “You’re very sweet. And kind.” He followed Price to the guest bedroom and then started to put his things away once his bags were set on the bed.
As he put them away, he became aware of a presence in his doorway, turning and seeing Kyle was standing there, looking rather sheepish. “Hello.” Kyle mumbled when Rodolfo looked at him.
“You don’t have to be shy. You can come in.” Rodolfo gestured him over. He continued to fold his clothes and put them into drawers, humming as he did so. “You’re rather tall.”
“Yeah,” Kyle nodded, looking down at himself for a moment. “I guess I am.”
“But quite pretty.” Rodolfo smiled. He watched Kyle’s eye catch on one of Rodolfo’s more expensive dresses and he looked down at it, touching over the lace. “Do you like it?”
“It’s beautiful.” Kyle nodded. 
Rodolfo smiled. The fabric was woven in a way to look like flowers were all over it and it had a lace trim around the bottom of the skirt, which was quite poofy when it had hoops under it. He hung the dress up on a hook, looking over it. “I’m glad you like it. A frenchman gave it to me.” A lie. He’d stolen it.
Kyle still looked surprised and intrigued all the same. “He did??”
“He did.” Rodolfo nodded and came over, sitting beside him on the bed. “He said he liked the way the material looked against my skin.” He noted that Kyle, himself, was wearing a light colored dress. Though, it was clearly made for work, not entertainment. He touched one of Kyle’s braids, which hung over his shoulders, fingering it. “Do you do them?”
“I do.” Kyle nodded, looking down at where Rodolfo was touching his braid. “They’re a little messy…”
“No, they’re rather neat, actually.” Rodolfo nodded. “Beautiful.” He smiled and let go of the braid, pulling his hand back. “How old are you?”
“I’m 21…” Kyle blushed. “I’m getting a bit old to be a maiden, I know.”
“Well, I’m 23, so we’re together.” Rodolfo laughed, linking arms with him.
Kyle blushed even darker. “I’m sorry- I didn’t mean any offense.”
“I didn’t take any.” Rodolfo promised. He pulled the ring out of his neckline. “I’m engaged, so I understand your sentiment.”
“Engaged??” Kyle looked surprised and then he leaned forward. “To who?”
“A childhood sweetheart.” Rodolfo didn’t want to have to make up too much detail and he couldn’t give him the truth. He perked up, hearing Price call for Kyle. “You should go. It was nice to meet you.”
“It was nice to meet you, too!” Kyle smiled wide before standing and leaving, calling to his father that he was coming. 
Rodolfo sat at the table with the other three, smiling politely. “Dinner smells good.” 
Garaidh made gestures at Kyle and Rodolfo had to take a moment to recognize sign language. ‘Tell him I said thank you.’
‘I didn’t know you’d cooked.’ Rodolfo responded, smiling when Garaidh turned bright red. ‘It smells wonderful.’
Garaidh thanked him and then he looked down at his plate. Rodolfo wondered if he was just shy or there was something else, frowning softly. However, neither Price or Kyle seemed fazed, so he didn’t question them. 
Price eventually spoke up. “I had your trunk brought in and your carriage sent back to Laswell’s farm.”
“Thank you, you really are too kind. Especially to let me stay here without the littlest of payment.” Rodolfo smiled. “Surely there must be something I can do to repay you.”
“No, nothing.” Price waved his hand. “It’s the least I can do after what you did for Kate and Jen.” 
Rodolfo had helped them out of a bind. They didn’t know, but he’d gotten Alejandro and Ghost to kill the bandits that kept ransacking their ranch and stealing their horses. Instead, he’d just said he’d gotten the marshalls to take care of them. So, they’d told Price about him and Price had let him stay there.
Alejandro and Ghost should be nearby, Rodolfo was hoping they would be. He hoped it wouldn’t be like a year ago when Alejandro only managed to find him for one night… It’d been a whole year since they’d last seen each other face to face, communicating only by vague letters dropped in letter boxes and slipped under doors. 
He really hoped Alejandro would be able to come and see Rodolfo, at least once… But, hopefully more… 
“It was no trouble.” Rodolfo promised, smiling. “They were in need and I was happy to help them. Jen was lovely, anyway, and I’m sure those bandits needed to be taken care of.”
“Very much.” Kyle spoke up. “They were a horrible thing to deal with! Alex-” He paused and then flushed dark red, and Rodolfo noted Price giving him a look. “He was shot by them.”
“Alex?” Rodolfo couldn’t help but asking, tilting his head. “I don’t believe I recognize the name.”
“Alex is a close friend of Jen and Kate’s. They practically raised the boy, he’s an alpha and his mother was… absent.” Price sighed. “But, during a visit, on his way to their ranch, he got caught up in the bandits and shot. Ended up in our barn, almost fatally wounded.”
“Still almost is.” Kyle mumbled and then started to quietly eat.
Rodolfo tilted his head. In the beginning of the whole ordeal with Alejandro, Rodolfo had had to fix up his fair share of wounds, so he’d picked up a decent amount of medical knowledge. “Maybe I could take a look at him? Make sure he’s not getting an infection?”
Price snorted. “That would be nice. Might get his eyes off my son.”
“Dad!” Kyle exclaimed and Rodolfo couldn’t help laughing softly as Price chuckled. Even Roach seemed amused. “His eyes are not on me. You’ve made sure of that.”
Price shrugged. “I know Kate and Jen trust and adore him but…”
“Kyle is your son, I get it.” Rodolfo nodded, though he gave Kyle a sympathetic smile. “My father was protective over me. I, however, got lucky and she and my childhood sweetheart’s fathers got along well enough to decide we must be married when old enough. If you trust Kate’s judgment, however, why worry about him?”
Price seemed to wince and then sighed. “I don’t know him.”
Rodolfo decided that was fair enough and turned back to his food. “When I’m done eating, I will go and see him.” He noticed that Kyle was glaring at the table and then he watched the younger omega suddenly stand and storm away from the table.
Garaidh was quick to stand but Price shook his head. “Let him go, Roach. He’s upset at me. It’s… my fault.” Price sighed and Garaidh seemed to reluctantly sit back down. 
Rodolfo frowned. “This sounds like a long running issue.” He offered an assuring smile, but Price just looked tired. “Perhaps I can help? I know a thing or two about young omegas.” He joked, softly.
Price snorted. “I wish you could. He’s… Kyle has decided he’s ready to get married. Well, he’s been decided for a while. He’s tired of being a maiden but… I don’t trust any of the alphas in this town and I want him to end up happy, not just settled…”
Poor Kyle… Rodolfo could understand the frustration, but Kyle was not old for a maiden by any means. “There’s a lot of expectations on us.” Rodolfo smiled. “We’re expected to end up married and with children and a happy little home. Failing to live up to those expectations can be hard to handle. Let me talk to Kyle, I’ll see if maybe I can help him see reason.”
“Could you?” Price seemed relieved. “That would be fantastic. I know he’s just growing anxious but I want to make sure that whoever he’s with is good for him.”
Rodolfo noticed Garaidh seemed to be poking at his food. ‘I don’t get it. I don’t get why he wants to be married so bad.’
“He’s probably lonely.” Rodolfo murmured. “Most of us want to be loved. We want to make a home, and settle somewhere. I know that’s not the want for all of us, but a fair amount of us want that.”
Garaidh made a face. ‘I don’t.’ He got up and also left the table.
Rodolfo couldn’t help chuckling softly as Price put his forehead on his hands. “My apologies, señor… I did my best to help.”
“It’s alright. My children, so similar but so different. I have one desperate to be married and the other utterly opposed to the idea. I can’t seem to find a middle ground between them, though I’d desperately love to.” He sighed and shook his head. “Come, let me show you to the barn. There’s a path, so you don’t have to worry about your dress.”
“No, that’s alright, let me change first.” Rodolfo stood and went up to his room, changing into some pants he had. They were a pale brown and he went with a blue blouse, not trying to be too distracting but enough that it might get the alpha’s eyes off Kyle. If they were even there to begin with, Rodolfo knew how alphas could be.
Then, he met Price outside, seeing it was almost fully nighttime. There were some lights in the barn and… honestly, the farm looked beautiful at any time of day. The light of the sky cast just enough on the land that definition could be made out and Rodolfo could still see the wildflowers in the distance. “How many acres do you have?”
“Oh, close to a half a thousand. Used to have more, but… sold some to Kate when I got tired of keeping up with it. Got more expensive to maintain than it was making me, so I just sold it. She has an adopted daughter, an alpha named Farah, and she’s getting married soon, so I think she’s planning to build them a little house on it. I know she already mentioned gifting the land to her on their wedding day.” Price shrugged, guiding him to the barn. “Hope she plans to hire people to build that house…”
Rodolfo laughed, softly, picking up the implication that it may end up being Price and Kate who build it. “Maybe you could get this young alpha to help you?”
“If he recovers. He’s been in there for close to a month now. I’ve… seen the wound, it’s not pretty.” Price shook his head. “Might need more than we can give but he refuses a doctor.”
Rodolfo frowned, now worried it might be out of even his skill. “Well… I’ll see what I can do.” He went into the barn when the door was opened, seeing that the lights were coming from a room in the back.
“Keller!” Price called. “We’re coming back!”
Rodolfo raised an eyebrow, but Price just said something about being polite and then they were heading to the back of the barn. Well, Keller was laying in a bed. His shirt was off, and bandages around his stomach could be seen and there was a fair amount of blood staining the bandages. He looked… well, not well but he didn’t look awful.
Rodolfo smiled. “Hello, I’m here to look at your wound. I have a bit of medical knowledge, I might be able to help a bit more.”
Keller sat up a bit, frowning. “Alright.” He set his book to the side and Price said he was going to go in and clear the table, so Rodolfo nodded and went over to the alpha, starting to peel off his bandages.
“I know you.” Keller murmured, furrowing his brows. “I can’t figure out where from. I’m Alex, by the way.”
Rodolfo frowned. “I don’t think you do.” He was careful not to get too known. Not unless he’d need to call in favors, later. If something went wrong and he needed to disappear, he didn’t want to be too easy to find. 
“Ale keeps a portrait of you in his things.” Alex relaxed and Rodolfo looked up, startled. “Keeps you close to his heart.”
Rodolfo couldn’t help softening and smiling to himself. Of course Alejandro did… “You know him?”
“You could say that. I know Ghost. He helped me get out of trouble.” Alex closed his eyes and Rodolfo finally managed to get a good look at the wound, wincing as he saw how dark it was. It looked fresh, though some of the blood looked black.
“No infection, yet, I think. But it’s not healing well.” Rodolfo got out a little sewing kit he’d put in his pocket and noticed a bottle of gin nearby. “This is probably going to hurt.”
“I don’t think it can hurt worse than being shot.” Alex chuckled and Rodolfo wasn’t sure he disagreed. “Just go ahead. Kyle did his best but… he doesn’t know much. He was trying.”
“Price seems to think you’re sweet on the omega.” Rodolfo commented, dumping the bandages in a bucket before going to a waterspout and dumping water in it. He used some nearby cloths, likely kept there for Kyle, and cleaned up Alex’s wound, ignoring the way he winced.
Alex notably did not answer his question, instead his eyes focused on Rodolfo’s hands. Finally, he spoke again, “I’m not trying to be.”
Rodolfo nodded a bit. “Didn’t work out, though?”
“Not quite.” Alex leaned his head back and closed his eyes. “Doesn’t matter. Once I can, I plan to leave and never come back.”
“Oh?” Rodolfo frowned and finally he soaked the thread in the gin before starting to carefully sew the wound shut, remembering the stitches he’d used on Alejandro. “Why?”
“I have a bad past. I know the old man won’t want me anywhere near his son when he finds out and… I won’t be able to keep it quiet.” Alex shrugged before wincing. Rodolfo scolded him gently to not move and he just nodded. “It’s fair, I wouldn’t want me near him, either.”
Rodolfo could only imagine if it had had him tangled up with Ghost. He didn’t ask about it, though, and instead just continued to sew him up before putting some clean bandaging on the wound. “That should help it. I’ll start to check on you, regularly, just in case.”
“Thanks.” Alex nodded and relaxed. He sighed. “He talks about you, a lot. Ghost has told him to shut the hell up quite a few times.”
Rodolfo laughed softly at that. He’d never met Ghost, personally, there was never enough time. “I’m glad to hear. I keep him close to my heart, too.” He pulled his ring out from under his blouse, showing it. “Goodnight, Alex.”
“Goodnight.” Alex nodded and then he shimmied to lay down, so Rodolfo turned and left the barn.
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