#guys I really miss Yuka
heraldofcrow · 11 months
Yuka Kitamura
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KITAMURA MY GIRL!!!! She is leaving Fromsoftware ;-;
This is so sad for me, but also…I’m so happy that she is able to be a freelance composer now! Optimistically, this may mean that she is confidently able to support herself and able to choose the more independent route. So, while I am going to miss seeing her name under their games so much, I am totally rooting for her! It really is the end of an era for FromSoft, but then again…Elden Ring does seem to be the crown jewel of their Soulsborne streak, and they’ll likely move onto different styles now. (I just hope that Kitamura was able to write a few songs for the Elden Ring DLC as her final FromSoft works!!)
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So, guys let’s support her now and follow her SoundCloud and whatever else she does, because this lady has been such an iconic Soulsborne composer for so long now. 12 years of her incredible music! I am so proud and I really hope to start seeing her name in more places now!
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inkblackorchid · 1 month
I know the 4kids dub is terrible, but what do you think of each main cast English voices in general do you think they fit for who they are?
Just for you, I went back and got a quick refresher on the English voices, because it has actually been so long since I saw any significant portion of the dub that I genuinely forgot how some of them sounded. For reasons of the dub episode listing being a mess due to cut episodes, meaning that I have no idea where to reliably hear which character talk and thus had to pick a couple episodes at random, I'll just go over the signers if that's okay.
So, first off, Yusei. Honestly, purely from a voice acting standpoint, I think Greg Abbey is perfectly fine. The fact that his dub Yusei voice is one of the voices that stuck with me is a testament to that fact, I think. I'm not too hot on how they changed Yusei's personality in the dub, but that's on the writing, not on Greg's performance. And for what it's worth, I think he does a decent, more sarcastic Yusei. That said, in emotional scenes, I do think he lacks some of the oomph that I adore Yuya Miyashita for in the sub. That guy has a pair of lungs on him, whew. But Greg gets a solid 8/10 from me.
Then, we have Jack. Jack, to me, has arguably the best dub voice. Not only does the over-the-top accent Ted Lewis does make him sound suitably arrogant and haughty, there's also a really cool headcanon I've seen floating around again recently that I think goes perfectly with it—namely, that Jack has a Cockney accent (commonly regarded as a lower-class British accent) which he picked up because he wanted to sound posh, whilst not realising that what he's speaking still outs him as a former lower-class citizen. (If somebody could point me to the op of that headcanon again I'd be grateful, tumblr search is being as useless as ever.) The only criticism I could offer is that I do think Takanori Hoshino's even deeper voice in the sub fits Jack just a smidgen better than Ted's. But for these two, honestly both work for me. 10/10 for the posh accent, cheers.
Next up, Aki. I don't necessarily think Erica Schroeder does a terrible Aki voice, but tbh, between her and Ayumi Kinoshita, I prefer the latter by far. It's mostly because of the vocal range, though, which in fact recently came up with a tumblr mutual of mine. Ayumi simply manages to reach deeper registers, which works especially well towards the first half of the show, when Aki's still occasionally making threats as the Black Rose Witch. Erica's performance by comparison isn't terrible, but it's on the whole a little more higher-pitched and soft, almost, whereas I feel like Ayumi gives Aki more depth with her performance, because especially during the Fortune Cup and Dark Signers arc, Aki isn't just the girly female lead, so it fits that she wouldn't sound like it, either. Also, I feel like it was a bit of a missed opportunity that they didn't give her a slightly more posh accent in the dub, too, given that she comes from a very well-off family. So 4/10 for Erica.
As for Crow. With him, I have the opposite problem. The performances Clay Adams and Tom Wayland give are fine character-wise, but their voices honestly sound a little too deep to fit the character well for me. Shintaro Asanuma, by comparison, sometimes breaks out into these higher-pitched squawks in moments of outrage, which I think fit Crow perfectly. It also contrasts his voice better with those of Yusei and Jack. That said, I find it funny how all three of them seemed to share the idea that Crow would have a slightly scratchy voice, as befits his namesake. Also somewhere around 4, maybe 5/10.
Then we've got Ruka/Luna. She's probably the one I have the weakest opinion about. Cassandra Morris and Eileen Stevens both do a decent job with her, though I have to admit I have a bit of a weakness for the specific softness Yuka Terasaki gives her in the sub. But both (or rather, all three) work decently here, I think. 7/10, not bad, not stand-out.
And finally, Rua/Leo. I'll admit, I don't like the performances Morris and Stevens give here (again) nearly as much as Ai Horanai's Rua. I think it's because Horanai's Rua sounds like a much more believable, excited young boy to me. She captures his exuberance and occasional embarrassment in a way that feels less performative than the two English VAs do to me. That said, Leo's personality still tracks perfectly, so 6/10 for the English VAs.
(Let me tell you one thing, though: It was weird hearing the dub voices again after I've stuck to sub watching for so long now. Both in a good way (they're so funny) and a bad way (Crow, are you hoarse?).)
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rockintapper · 2 months
i say stuff about rh characters part 2two
becuase. teehee
the fir1st one
rhds tiem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!readmore jumpscare
yuka: wair i already d
that frog doll from the tutorial: I give!
note: the jumperrrr
widget: oh its you. yknow your older brother /gn akai mono likes to piss people off sometimes /silly
conductor: jj rpcker questions why you dont move and im glad i can answer her with "he does in megamix"
chorus kids: hi elleon the screaming screamers. theyre ltierally so sikly. but Watch Out
robots (fillbots): the snall one reminds me of coxmo. yall know cozmo? the lil guy and he had cubs that he plays with. and you cn like. and he. cost 200 dolar. the snall rovoNow i feel nostalgic
pop singer (erina): shhehehjdubdmyedrjguexrguderjugdexkvguuggxrwguvvjgkzhdvjgwxd
monkey (fan club): boy stop staring at me your judgemental ass lyour fuckin We're the best fanclSHUT yo stupid ass up fuckin banana lookin headasss i suppose you should jump off a cli
paddler: scare the shit out of me /half sily
blastronaut and shoot-'em-up radio lady: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
inturders: l + ratio + get blasted
captain blue bird: when i heard this lil shit go "STRETCH OUT YOUR NECK" the firsttime i was like WA IT THAT REMINDS ME OF SOMETHIGNG,,, WHHWHAHAYTFAFYA
the blue birds: ok actually. the enitre minigame takes me all the way back to the we are number one rh remix imm so df. s SADDACGFHEVVHG /POS
moai kids: doo-womp womp
moai bird: wait i though you were called seagullx
love lizards: Wonderful cnaracters, HHHHHHORIBBLE minigame. that is all. unles you uh. i mean. listen. leans c,oser to you. what if you flicked for each shake.
oh god the vegetables again: ok!
moles: pats your head. i know. hes very mean to you guys. i mean. like. i misse dlike One of oyu and stomp farmer gave me A GOD FORSAKEN ok. i know its not his fault its the games. judgement system. but the way he
tj snapper: me and the bad bitch i pulled by being autistic
tj snapper's girlfriend: me and the goofy guy i pulled by being autistic
the dazzles: stop staring at me im trting my best,,
munchy monk: i call him munchy in my head. he smiles SOOO WIDE in the battle of the bands audience hes so goofy i lov
dj yellow: SCRATCHO
dj blue: i. the lips. the lips. what have the done to you. its gonna be okay. i sure as hell am not drawing you with those big ass lips. hily s
taiko rally squad: DON DOKODOKODON DOKODOKODON kinda unfair how in the try again and ok screens this guy Loses. but in the superb screen BOTH SIDES WIN. PARTICIPATION TROPHY-ASS SHIT
research scientists of love lab: bi4bi. and if youre willing, bi4bi4bi.
the three synchrettes: alley-oop!
dolphins: oh cool dolphins :)
ecto: omg hiiiii helloo litle guyyy i wuv youuu ^_^ kises your snall tiny forehead
booboo: FUCK you FUCK you FUCK you FU
spooky: honestly? i fw him
dog ninja: i wanna cook soup wjf youbyoure soawesome and cool and i lpve you hii doggyyy hi dogy. dohyynkkgunnbuyrctib
mister eagle: thanks for telling me to cut the fruits. i was gonna do that anyway but like. shoutout to you man. props
the frogettes: jj rocker really likes you huh. cant get enough young love rock and roll even
stepswitcher: love these thangs. i have several of my own thangs. the one i (mc) adore most is the purple thang. his name is mo
JJ ROCLEKEKRKMJ &*;*;&;&$-$×<;^<^<^$ UBGDEBGSCXUGBUSDXGBBHG my eif ei lvoe her so so sp sososososoos muuch foreverrr aheehee giggle. kicks my feet twirls my hair. i think i hauve covid
airboarder: yeeeeaaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHHH LETS GO
seals: wait. whatd you do with the dolphins. where are they. say somethign . Where are thr DOLPH
smiling coin: do i know you
thr cnaract3rs from tunnel the endless game: ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i gues. but like. do you really ned a cowbell to keep driving? i mean. just record yourself playing a cowbell and like play it on the radio. just do that. why am i holding a cowbell anc playing the cowbel for YOU. do it yourselfIs she even listening to. m
glass tappers: ths Glass Tappers J SWEWR EVERY TIME I READ THR WORD "TAPPERS"
the thing from rhythmove dungeon: youre. okay. i guess. i only played your endless game once. uh it 's fine. i mean.
clodhopper pickens: youre so full of glee,, id be happy too if my business card made music,,
slot monster: tjen scdrunkly. scdunkyl. scrunkly. sc
beat machine: i barely messed around with this one. it's fine . wish the crowd wasnt so judgemental thogu
beatbag I dont know this one
kappa dj: ive seen you on davidmismol thumbnails and thats basically it lel
okaye wow owwowow owowowo WOWWOWWOW
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pyropsychiccollector · 5 months
Natsu Harem: Fairy GET! 1/14
... So what do I hope to gain from this...? Hmm. (人◕ω◕) I'm not really sure.
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I've done analyses of ships. I think that's what I'd like this series to be... But here's the thing: Most of these Natsu ships are not rooted deep in canon lore. There's only a few women that canon could pertain to, when it comes to the Fire Dragon Slayer... And that is boring. The Big 4 ships of canon particularly bore me. I will never yield to them. This has been the case now and forever. (人◕ω◕)
Therefore, this series must be... a prospective analyses. Something that is not necessarily there right this moment... But can be. I don't think I shall get long-winded, though. There are 14 lovely ladies to get to, and I would be quite dead by the end if I went "all-out". But I shall do my best to give you all something for each member I list out over the coming days. Whether you've considered these ships before or not. Let us enjoy this journey together. (人◕ω◕)
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14 lovelies... I think I will begin with... someone on the younger side. Not the youngest, though. Yes, Miss Chelia Blendy will do nicely for a warmup. (人◕ω◕)
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When did they meet?
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Strictly speaking, the first time Natsu met Chelia was during the Grand Magic Games. Not very riveting, however. They were competitors, and had only minor exposure to one another. The closest they came to interacting was through mutual friendship with Wendy-chan. (❋•‿•❋)
But if I were to take a whack at a proper first meeting, well... It might be during the waterpark episode. I'm sure you remember the one. (❋•‿•❋)
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Bear in mind, we're already in "fanfic territory" here, so I'll proceed with that mindset with these headcanons. (❋•‿•❋)
After Erza has that... accident... with Jellal in the pool - which Natsu did help create - Natsu's in a bit of a sour mood because... It's Jellal. And Erza's being weird again with that guy. (❋•‿•❋) To distract himself, Natsu sees what Wendy's up to, and gets more directly acquainted with Chelia-chan. She seems cute and cool, and he hopes Chelia can get along with Wendy. ... Which embarrasses Wendy, cuz that's something more that a "dad" does, and Natsu's more of a brother! Really! ... At least Wendy thinks he is...? Hmm. Something to puzzle over later. *wink wink* (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
Plus, they both have pink hair! Natsu can't say he's met too many people with his hair color. (❋•‿•❋)
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When did they grow closer?
Being a part of separate guilds, Natsu wouldn't have much interaction with her, except when Wendy wants to go visit her. And it's not like he tags along for every trip to Lamia Scale or whatever. He doesn't treat Wendy like glass or nothin'.
But... of course Chelia would grow a little curious of this "niisan" that Wendy keeps speaking fondly of. Has so many stories to share. While Lyon, Yuka, and Tobey can be fired up at times, they're generally more calm and collected... and besides, Chelia herself is fixated on Lyon. Through her cousin, she came to learn there was a lot to love about that hunk of man. (❋•‿•❋)
... There's just one problem. Lyon only has eyes for Juvia, and sooner or later Chelia gets tired of waiting around for him. Not that Lyon doesn't value their friendship and bond, Chelia just wants... more. More love. Love that Lyon isn't up for sharing with her.
It makes Chelia a little... territorial of the bonds that she does have. Wendy-chan's like her li'l sis, so when the Sky Dragon Slayer comes to Lamia Scale after Fairy Tail disbands... It's like a dream come true. They become the Sky Sisters of Lamia Scale, and Chelia couldn't be happier.
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... And then Natsu, Lucy, and Happy come back only a year later, with ideas of wanting to bring Fairy Tail back. Meaning, of course, Wendy-chan goes with them. That was the deal, and Chelia-chan knows it. (❋•‿•❋) That said, Chelia-chan doesn't wanna lose Wendy, too. Obtaining love from Lyon, escaping the friendzone... That's like trying to get blood from a stone. And now she's losing Wendy, too...? Chelia can't take that.
So when enemies attack the town... Chelia-chan steals Happy to go with Wendy and Charle to deal with the threat. She does so in order too prove to Wendy that she's strong, too, and she doesn't have to go back to Fairy Tail if she doesn't want to. It doesn't quite go the way Chelia-chan wanted it to, however...
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Bluenote Stinger comes out and overwhelms them all. But right after he shows up, Natsu catches up to them and takes Bluenote almost effortlessly. ... Though he does burn Chelia's clothes to a crisp. (❋•‿•❋) He talks her ear off about being a thief, and he holds her up like a newborn kitten... Honestly, Chelia didn't see what was to admire about this guy, he was crazy~!
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... But, reflecting back on it... He was still important to Wendy, and Chelia-chan didn't want to be selfish and keep her away from the friends that found Wendy first. Whatever her own thoughts and feelings, Chelia had to support her sister. Fairy Tail was never gonna stay dead, and deep down Chelia didn't want it to. (❋•‿•❋)
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When does friendship turn to something more?
Naturally, we should consider the future. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) Obviously, Chelia-chan helps Wendy and Fairy Tail fight off the Alvarez Empire... In one world, she gives up her powers to use Third Origin. In another world... perhaps her God Slayer powers were super effective against Dimaria, who was fused with Chronos. Perhaps she didn't need to debilitate herself to help defeat the enemy.
It's still not an easy battle, but... Chelia manages to pull through. In such a world... Chelia isn't focused on regaining her Magic, it isn't such a pyrrhic victory. She can stand tall and proud... But that doesn't change Chelia's plight with regards to "love". She still wants more... And with Ishgar on the road to recovery, back to more peaceful times, perhaps Chelia can make headway on that goal.
After a few collab jobs with Wendy (and Natsu tagging along out of boredom), Chelia learns more about Natsu. Sure, he's a reckless meathead that likes to punch first, ask questions later... Always so eager to pick fights... He's brusque, talks with his mouth full (oh yeah, he eats for ten men, easily - maybe even twenty!)... But... He has heart. He cares about his friends, even her who he barely even knows... When he helps her stand up after getting knocked down, Chelia gets some butterflies in her stomach. Those carefree grins he gives out, the way he tries finding a bright side to even the most dismal situations... The way he's so warm... Chelia sees why he's important to Wendy. One has to look past the scrappy, dense exterior, but Natsu is definitely something special. Some days, Chelia finds herself a bit dazed as she begins getting lost in daydreams and remembrances of Natsu's warmth, no matter how brief she was in contact with it. Takes people snapping her out of it to go about her day, but Chelia ultimately doesn't mind getting lost in those dreams~... They're becoming more frequent. Chelia-chan yearns.
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And one day, Chelia-chan just... asks Natsu out. She's not really sure when or how or why... But she really, really wants the Pyro. And she's done hesitating. His guildmates and friends be damned, Chelia-chan goes for her prize, just walks up too him and asks him out. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) Naturally, there were... reactions to such a blunt, straightforward request. But more on those later.
For now we must consider Natsu's feelings on Chelia. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) Honestly, he wasn't expecting her to walk up out of the blue and ask him out. Natsu's never been one to think long and hard about that stuff, he just goes with the flow... If a girl asks him out, he goes for it. Not cuz he's like Loke or Gildarts, but because the ones asking are his friends. And he never lets them down if he can help it.
So despite any heated rejections from the crowd, Natsu nods his head and takes Chelia's hand to go on a date. Much to the Sky God Slayer's delight~... She's from another guild, and she's on the younger side... But how can he say no to someone who's so nervous and shy while asking him out in front of the guild like that...? Chelia takes such good care of Wendy, and she's become a valuable friend to him, too~... They've even pulled off some combination attacks - sometimes just them, sometimes including Wendy.... Wind helps fires get stronger, and Natsu wants to repay the favor. (๑╹ω╹๑ )
... Plus, she's rather cute and timid when you pluck her up like a kitten. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) Of course certain parties will have words to say about this~... But Natsu doesn't regret reciprocating Chelia's feelings~... He's gotta respect the burning passion, yeah? Chelia's got a fire (of love!) in her belly~! (๑╹ω╹๑ )
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bumblingbunny · 2 years
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Cheli: Hey guys! Do you mind if I borrow my fiancée for a bit?
Siobahn: Please. Take her away.
30 Seconds Later
Yuka: What’s up?
Cheli: Nothing really. I just missed you today and was hoping we could... 😏.
Yuka: Oh! Well... I wouldn’t be opposed to that. 😏
Cheli: But what about your guests?
Yuka: Pfff! I don’t care if you don’t...
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zaruba-needslove · 3 months
Finally watched Paradise Regained.... and gotta say that I was right about not getting my hopes up too much. I mean like I know that some things are no longer possible (as in the fact that Izumi Masayuki-san had long left us) but yeah...
Interesting how I end up enjoying Core of Resurrection more than Paradise Regained.
While I can't say whether or not the movie could've been better if it had been a continuation of Paradise Lost, (it'll still boils down to writing) I still feel that they could've tried that route.
I actually already watched one half of the Murder Case SP before, so I was a bit meh at the forced addition of 913. I mean... why are YOU there? Why anyone tolerate that guy there? Tho ngl after finishing the movie I was glad that Keitaro wasn't really there (regardless of the reason why the actor can't be in it).
I kinda confused abt Rena/Muze like is she really an Orphnoch or what? Is Muze somewhat like Kaixa in that non-Orph can use it? Why she's like acting like ppl are going to stare at her stripping her clothes when she was just transforming--as if the gear works like the Takeshi oni transformation? Like I get the whole naked soul thing.... but it's not like normal people could see that!
Kinda disappointed that there wasn't any mention of the Orphenoch King as an explanation on how Smart Brain was able to maintain Takkun's body/stabilize his body's deterioration.
And considering how the cast had been sharing old 555 photos on their insta during the anniversary earlier... I thought they at least made more passing mention about Kiba, aside from that one old frame showing Izumi-san at the beginning. Like there's PLENTY of chances where they could've done that. Like the whole thing about hoping for a world where humans and Orphnochs can live together/co-exist was something Kiba used to strive for. Mari could have said that she was carrying on Kiba's wish for a better future. They can even bring back the clip where Kiba sacrificed himself so that Takumi can kill the Orphnoch King for all I care and reopen our wounds 😃 Like if not Mari... let Naoya say it, being the last surviving from the trio.
Ngl I find it a missed opportunity to have another Kiba tribute (even it's just a mention) when Mari tried to jump off a building to kill herself after learning that she's become an Orphnoch. Like what she did was exactly what Kiba used to do after finding out that he's no longer human (as well as becoming the monster that killed his ex-gf, cousin and uncle). Considering how Mari (and Takumi) used to have so many heart-to-heart talks with Kiba, either of them could've made that throwback and have another talk about what 'humanity' should mean to them now. Like now that she also had become an Orphnoch, perhaps she could better understand some of the complicated Kiba feelings in the past (but i get it... it's been 20 years, sometimes it's hard to dig back all the past issues...)
Also seriously I dun get what they tryna do with RenaTakumi being partners (since when?) and being close.
Also there's NO explanation as to how and why Kusaka was with the gang, considering that guy's always a big Orphnoch-hater and suddenly now he's so friendly with the Orph-kids (don't ANYONE find that sus?). Oh wait... I get the why, it's to infiltrate the gang etc.
There wasn't any explanation about why Keitaro was absent (but I don't mind) cos that means I can hc the reason being Keitaro not being able to tolerate seeing Kusaka every day, since Kusaka used to try to kill Yuka before and all the past history.
Gotta say that making both Kusaka and Kitazaki androids was a good explanation to why they're smh back with Kitazaki being much more mentally stable and Kusaka being ooc.
I wouldn't say that i totally hate the movie cos i like the part about Naoya taking care of the kids and Takumi going back to old school suit, but some of the stuff there was kinda.... is there a need for MariTaku pseudo porn? Takkun going 'pls fix me' and they went on a romp felt a bit... off. Like unless Mari's Orphnoch factor was tweaked with Orphnoch King's dna... I don't get why Takkun bonding with her could somehow... 'fix' him.
But don't take my word for it... since I'm still a MariKiba shipper. Also i miss the old Smart Lady..
Also yth 913 took over Smart Brain? Like rude?
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urfavstonr1 · 1 year
Burning Bright
Chapter 11
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Series- My Hero Academia
Pairings- Katsuki Bakugo/Original Female Charater. Eijiro Kirishima/Original Female Charater.
Current word count- 6561
Content Warnings- Graphic Depictions of Violence
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Denki walks back into the room with a confident unbeknown stride, everyone glaring at him and all in unison. “What the FUCK Denki!” 
“Whaaaat!? What did I do?” Denki whines really not knowing what massive blunder he made.
“I don’t know shit for brains, take a look for yourself and you tell me!” Katsuki chucking his phone at him with the Bakusquad group chat open. 
Denki fumbles a little just barely catching his phone and what appears on the screen dawns pure horror on his face. What was on the screen was his dick on full show for the whole group with a text asking, ‘Jiro do you think this is mid?’ “WAIT GUYS I MUST’VE MISSED SENT THAT!! IT WAS MEANT FOR JIRO ONLY!!” Denki screaming in pure panic and is as pale as a ghost.
Mina looks at him with a blank stare, “You are so losing your group chat privileges again..”
“No more group chat for Denki, you are on suspension till further notice.” Kaida says matter of factly, glaring at Denki.
“IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!” Denki pleads on his knees to everyone.
“Accident or not we did not need to see this..” Katsuki visually cringing at him.
“My eyes are burning! I am traumatized!!!” Kirishima cries out
“Does this mean you’re no longer traumatized over the movie today?” Kaida snickers up at Kirishima
“This trauma is much worse.” He nods, “Much, much worse.”
“And my vibe check was confirmed.” Kaida sighs, “It is in fact mid.”
“This is an image I didn’t need burned in my mind..” Yuka dramatically sobs.
Denki sulks back to his spot on the floor, “My dick isn't that bad…”
“It has nothing to do with that it's yours.. If it was Kirishima’s dick still would rather not see that ever either!” Yuka explains, still grossed out.
Kaida after hitting the bong again lets out a snort, “As someone who sees Kirishima’s dick quite often, I can say that it looks so much better than Denki’s.” She says with a proud smirk before hitting the bong again and shotgunning the smoke with a stunned Kirishima.
“I mean you are dating him so it's a choice.. Unfortunately for all of us Denki’s wasn’t a choice” Katsuki glares at him, Denki slinking back to his spot at the table mopping.
Yuka takes her turn with the bong wanting to forget the nightmare of an image she had to look at and gets an idea as she french inhales, turning towards Katsuki and locking a kiss with him and blowing the smoke into his mouth. His eyes widen in shock as smoke slowly pours from his nose, slowly pulling her lips away and he slowly blows the smoke from his mouth. “Sorry.. couldn’t resist..”
Katsuki’s eyes relax from the high settling in quickly, “You're fine.. but you making some bad temptations here earlier, especially what we couldn’t finish earlier.” Katsuki burying his face into the nape of her neck.
Kaida readjusts in Kirishima’s lap to straddle him and takes the bong from Mina after she takes a deep hit. Kaida takes in the smoke and shotguns it to Kirishima, pulling him into a deep kiss as she does; his hands quickly move to hold her hips, gripping them tightly as they continue to kiss.
“Do I really deserve you?” Katsuki raises his head and looks at Yuka, looking into her eyes and softly booping her nose with his finger. 
“I say you do.. I see things the other way around though.” Yuka bringing their lips back together with his, her fingers traveling up into his hair. 
Denki audibly groans at them as Mina hits his arm, “Don’t make everyone else miserable with you cause you fucked up.”
Kaida and Kirishima hadn’t pulled away yet, their bodies pressed together tightly; Kirishima could feel the heat from her pussy on his dick as she continued to try to inch closer, grinding against him teasingly.
“Do you two ever fucking stop?” Denki sneers at them as Kaida pulls away from Kirishima’s lips, awkwardly laughing but not answering Denki.
“I’m kinda hungry.” Kaida says out loud, not particularly aimed at anyone.
Kirishima gasps in excitement as he looks down at Kaida, “I have the surprise! Oh that's perfect. Come on.” He quickly stands and pulls Kaida up to her feet with him before grabbing her hand and running out the door.
“5 bucks they are leaving to have sex right now..” Denki rolls his eyes not feeling surprised in the slightest watching them run off.
Mina looks over at him and laughs, “Do you even have 5 bucks to bet?”
“That’s not the point..” Denki instantly trying to backpedal from Mina’s comment.
Kirishima quickly opens his door and lets go of her hand to run inside and grab a small box, handing it to Kaida, who takes it excitedly to see the heart shaped sugar cookies inside. She gasps and puts one in her mouth, making excited noises as she eats it. As she swallows it she wraps her arms around Kirishima’s waist.
“Thank you! These cookies are amazing!” Kaida looks up at him and as their eyes meet they are on each other again, Kirishima closes the door and pushes Kaida against it as they kiss vigorously. The box of cookies is long forgotten about, having been quickly pushed onto the floor by Kirishima. Kaida lets out a moan against his lips as he gropes one of her breasts, his other hand tightly gripping her waist. In one swift moment Kirishima rips Kaida’s fishnets as he pushes her skirt up her waist. 
Kirishima pulls away with a smirk and lowers himself down, taking Kaida’s panties between his teeth and tearing them away from her body, tearing the fabric as he does. Throwing them behind him before coming back up to continue kissing Kaida. Moans pour from Kaida’s lips as Kirishima’s fingers work expertly against her clit.
His kisses stop momentarily to pull her hoodie off, Kaida quickly moving to take off her bra as well. Her chest now exposed to him causes him to lick his lips hungrily. His lips find their way onto her neck, leaving dark hickeys and bite marks. Satisfied with his marking on her he returns to her lips, grabbing her hips and pulling her up to wrap her legs around his waist, pressing her against the door as his nails dig into her plush skin. 
Before Kaida could think, Kirishima's cock was released from his jeans and roughly pounded inside of her. A cry attempted to leave Kaida only for Kirishima’s hand to cover her mouth. He pounded into her relentlessly, grunting and moaning into her ear.
“You’re so good for me. Fuck~ I love you, Kaida.” He mutters into her ear as he continues to thrust, only moans can leave her as tears stream down her cheeks. Her eyes are squeezed shut struggling to stay open at the amount of pleasure pulsing through her body.
His thrusts started to become sloppy as he reached closer and closer to cumming. With another moan from Kaida her walls gripped around him, squeezing his cock tightly. A deep moan erupted from his chest as his orgasm hit, sending load after load of cum deep inside of Kaida. 
Kirishima lowered them both to the floor, Kaida resting on his lap, his cock still inside her. As they came down from the high of sex their breathing slowed and Kaida carefully removes herself from his lap.
“You tore my underwear, I can't wear my skirt around them with no underwear.” Kaida looks at Kirishima with a pout.
“You can borrow my sweats. It's ok.” Kirishima stands, readjusting his clothes as Kaida searches for her own.
Kirishima and Kaida finally return to Mina’s dorm, Kaida now wearing a pair of Kirishima’s sweatpants and her cropped hoodie while carrying her box of cookies, a content smile on her face as they sit back on the floor. Her makeup smeared as if she had been crying, but her face showed no sign of such.
 “Welcome back~” Mina purrs out as she sets down the bong, just having taken another hit from it.
“You guys were gone quite a while there~” Yuka says with a smirk on her face, still playing Katsuki’s hair as his head is laying on her shoulder groaning quietly to her touch.
“Yeah, I cried over how good the cookies were.” Kaida nods at her excuse, sitting in Kirishima’s lap, happily munching on her cookies.
“So then why are you wearing different pants?” Mina asks with a smirk.
Kaida purses her lips and squints at Mina as she thinks, “I wanted to change into something more comfortable.” She turns her head away as she takes another cookie into her mouth, but as she moves a dark hickey reveals itself on her neck.
Yuka chuckles as she points towards the hickey on her neck, “uuuh huuh something comfortable~”
“I’m sure Kirishima slipped into something real comfortable huh?” Mina smirks at her, noticing the red rush to Kaida’s cheeks.
Kirishima looks at Mina confused, “I’m still wearing my jeans.”
Katsuki groans as he glances over at Kirishima, “You seriously can’t be that oblivious are you..”
Mina gasps as she continues looking over Kaida, “And you aren't wearing a bra anymore! You’re wearing a crop top, make the wrong move and the only virgin in the room might see some titty.”
“I’m not a fucking virgin!” Denki yells at her, glaring daggers into the side of her head.
“I mean we can always ask Jiro to verify this~” Mina suggests while laughing and pulling out her phone.
“Wait! She may be asleep.. You will only upset her if you wake her up!” Denki pleads her to put her phone away.
“Fine, I’ll just ask her tomorrow~” Mina says with a massive grin on her face, Denki face palming himself knowing this will not be let go.
“I’m surprised she doesn’t join these ‘study sessions’ with you.” Kaida brings up, looking to Denki confused.
“She has many times.. She just said tonight she was tired and was going to bed early tonight.” He shrugs in response, “I’m sure she will be at the next one..” 
“You sure you didn’t just piss her off..?” Katsuki asks as he chuckles, nuzzling his face into Yuka’s neck more. 
“Katsuki! That tickles.. stop~” Yuka giggles from his face brushing up on her neck. 
“Sorry I don’t think I can..” Katsuki softly digging his teeth into the nape of her neck, luckily with the angle they were sitting, no one could clearly see what he was up to. Whispering in Yuka’s ear so only she could hear, “I want you so much.. how you have been putting your fingers through my hair and feeling you so close to me.. I just can’t resist you much longer..” lightly dragging his teeth on her skin and peppering kisses along her neck, while he quietly groans her name into her ear.
Yuka leans her head on his and pulls on his shirt and bites her lip discreetly as she tries to hold her voice back. “Katsuki-kun..” 
Mina slaps the table excitedly, “We could always take a bet on it! If you pissed off Jiro or not and what you did to piss her off!” 
“I don’t know if that's a good idea..” Denki looks around nervously.
“I bet! That Denki was being so oblivious to her dropping alone time hints that it pissed her off and she went to bed.” Kaida snickers and eats another cookie.
“Or he put her in the spotlight again and embarrassed her.” Kirishima suggests, “That’s where I’m gonna place my bet.”
“Oooh or were you dumb enough to be checking out another girl in front of her! Another bet on the table.” Mina getting overly excited about this. 
“Do you guys have that little faith in me..” Denki pouting at everyone.
“I never had faith in you in the first place, Denki.” Kaida says plainly but leans out of Kirishima’s lap to offer him a cookie that she had already taken a bite of, “A cookie for your troubles.”
“You already took a bite out of this one!” Denki whines at her.
“What makes you think you get a whole cookie? You’re lucky you're even getting offered one. If you don’t want it I know Mina will.” Kaida moves to offer the cookie to Mina before Denki snatches it and shoves it in his mouth.
“Awwww I was gonna gladly take that cookie~” Mina jokes, “And I mean I have faith in you buuuut we also know you and you are prone to being a big dummy at times”
“I’ve gotten better over the years..” He mumbles in a grumpy tone, “At least I thought I did..” 
“Why do I not believe you.” Kaida looks at Denki with a snicker, “We all know you love boobs too much not to gawk at them.”
“At least he’s not as bad as Mineta.” Kirishima tries to defend him.
“And you can tell he does think of Jiro a lot and seems genuine..” Mina does add, “We may pick on you alot but we do love you and Jiro def seems to love you for who you are which is good! Just don’t mess it up~” Mina elbows Denki, as he lets out an exhausted sigh.
Katsuki nibbles on her ear as he continues to whisper in her ear, “Think we can slip out unnoticed.. it’s becoming unbearable how badly I want you right now..” taking her hand in his as he presses her hand on the front of his pants. Yuka’s eyes widen from feeling how hard he is and if it wasn’t for her sitting on his lap the whole room may have noticed. They try to discreetly get up and make their way to the door hand in hand, hoping they can slip out unnoticed. 
Kaida turns to them with a brow raised, “Where are you two going?” She smirks, knowing exactly where they’re going.
“Umm Katsuki seems to um.. not be feeling well.. this was his first time trying this so maybe it hit too hard..” Yuka frantically and nervously speaks, hoping the excuse is believable. Katsuki, unable to turn around, remaining quiet with his back still turned away and hopes that no one will make this more embarrassing than how he already feels and could feel all eyes drawing towards him. 
“Mhmm, sure. Feel better Kacchan~” Kaida giggles and reaches for the bong to take another hit. 
He lets out a quiet tch noise as they walk out and head over to Yuka’s room in a hurry and feeling impatient. As soon as the door shuts behind them, Katsuki pulls her in tight against his body and presses his lips to hers. He pushes his tongue into her mouth with a low growl and Yuka softly moans in response. Her hands on his chest slowly drop down to his pants, dropping them down to the floor and he feels this relief as his cock isn’t painfully confined in his clothes anymore. Yuka and Katsuki move over to the bed and he sits on the edge, Yuka kneeling in front of him as she begins to teasingly lick up and down his shaft. When her tongue reaches the tip and wraps her tongue around it then slowly taking his cock into her mouth, Katsuki lets out a groan and his head falling back. “Fuck.. the way your mouth feels around my cock is unbelievable..”  His moans get slightly louder as she starts to go faster and deeper, her muffled moans practically showing how her body is aching for him. 
Katsuki could already feel his body hitting a limit. His cock begins to throb inside her mouth, placing a hand on her head as he groans loudly. “If you.. keep this pace up.. I’m not gonna last..” his breathing becomes very labored. “Fuck..” Slowly thrusting into her mouth while she keeps her pace with him, sucking his cock almost hungrily. He bites his lip with a sharp breath in between his teeth, trying to hold out as long as he can. Yuka feels herself fidgeting her legs impatiently begging for any type of friction down there as she takes him as deep as she can all the way to the back of her throat. The tension inside of him hitting its limits as he accidentally tugs on her hair as he feels himself cumming into her mouth with a loud moan. Yuka slowly takes his cock out of his mouth, looking up at him wantingly. Katsuki picks her up and tosses her onto the bed, “It’s my turn now dumbass..” helping take her pants and panties off, opening her legs. Yuka blushes as she looks down at him embarrassed. “Can’t believe you’re so wet from just sucking my cock~ are you a natural pervert~?” he lets out a low chuckle. 
“I-I’m sorry” Yuka hiding her face feeling now self conscious.
Katsuki softly pulls her arm down and bites, leaving a mark on her inner thigh, “ Don’t dare apologize.. it’s fucking hot dammit.” Pressing his mouth onto her pussy and licking carefully, paying close attention to her reactions to find her most sensitive spots. 
Yuka gripping the sheets as she feels this sensation building up in her core, He lets out a low growl as he feels himself getting hard again and the vibrations of his voice making her sensitivity jump through the roof. While softly licking her clit, he carefully slides two fingers inside. “Holy shit.. you taste.. so fucking good..” talking inbetween licks, raising his other hand onto one of her breasts and softly teasing her nipple. 
Her pants for air grow quicker, “Katsuki.. it’s embarrassing.. sto-“ 
He cuts her off as a jolt of sensitivity shoots through her body as he roughly sucks on her clit, “I only.. speak the truth..” His groans and words almost resonated through her entire body, his fingers at a teasingly slow and rough pace. He could feel her tightening around his fingers and her hips moving desperately against his mouth, begging for that release. “That’s right baby.. you want to cum.. don’t you..” 
“Yes, please..” Yuka begs and she instantly feels his fingers go faster while his mouth goes for her sweet spot. Then quickly she felt her body hit peak and her whole body quivering while her back snaps into a full arch and gasping for air while moaning out his name, feeling her pussy twitching uncontrollably. 
Katsuki returns back to her eye level, “I don’t know exactly what that shit was that you gave me, but I’m already fucking hard again..” pressing his lips to hers aggressively and biting at her bottom lip. “Turn around..” 
Yuka nods still panting, turning so her chest is flat on the bed with her hips in the air. She shouts his name as she feels him slowly put his cock into her pussy moaning his name rather loudly forgetting they are next to Mina’s room where they were hanging out. 
Katsuki leans down against her back as he is all the way inside of her then bites at the back and nape of her neck groaning loudly while he begins to thrust roughly into her. Yuka’s moans getting even harder to hold back, still so sensitive and feeling herself squeezing around his cock tighter and tighter. That tension building quickly again and all that can leave each other's lips at this moment is their names. With a hard thrust into her he could feel her constrict around him so tight as she cums and her hips press into his and cumming with her, but he couldn’t stop himself continuing to thrust at a fast pace. “Katsuki! So sensitive!” 
Katsuki lifting her up with her back against her chest, “Fuck.. you have me still so fucking hard.. It’s like you turned me into a fucking beast.. it’s like I can’t control myself you have me so fucking turned on” turning her face towards him, lips locked into a deep kiss. Quickly they reach their limit from the over sensitivity and they cum again, both his cock and her pussy throbbing together and Yuka feeling so full as it drips down her legs from the multiple orgasms. The sensation of pure euphoria and her mind having a hard time coming down from the high, Katsuki’s head drops onto her shoulder trying to catch his breath the same as Yuka. 
The feeling of his head dropping onto her helped somewhat ground her back to reality as she put her hand through his hair, “Katsuki.. you ok?”
“Yea.. more than ok..” slowly pulling out, then collapsing onto the bed and pulling down Yuka with him and brings her in close and holds her tight in his arms
Yuka nuzzles into his chest while he rested his chin on top of her head, the physical exhaustion hitting them like a wall passing out into a deep sleep.
Mina smiles at them as Katsuki and Yuka leave, “You know it still surprises me that he really did finally find someone after all this time.. a miracle even..” letting out a small laugh, “I do hope they work out.. cause I don’t know about his chances to find something like this again, he isn’t always the easiest to understand for most.”
“I don’t know but it’s almost like they are one in the same!” Denki scoffs, “they are only different in small details but yet almost the exact same.” 
 “Don’t worry, they last. I’ve seen it, and their kids. They are so cute.” Kaida giggles and sighs.
“Have you seen our kids too!?” Kirishima looks down at her with excitement in his eyes.
“I have! Oh Eiji, our kids are so cute, I can't wait to meet them.” Kaida leans up and kisses him softly, “you’re going to be an amazing father, especially with our daddy’s girl.” “Can we have kids now?” Kirishima gives her puppy dog eyes, causing Kaida to giggle.
“Dude, we're still in school. At Least wait till we graduate.” Denki sighs before taking another hit from the bong. 
“Yeah you can't have a baby in highschool, that shits hard.” Mina mentions.
“Wouldn’t having a kid in general just be hard?” Denki sarcastically jokes, “I can’t even imagine our angy boy being a very patient dad!” He laughs at the thought of him screaming at his kids constantly. 
“You’d be surprised! He’s great with kids.” Kaida giggles 
“If making them cry is being good with kids then he has made it!” He laughs louder.
“No, I'm serious! Just because you make kids cry doesn't mean he does.” Kaida glares at Denki.
“Wait!? How do I make kids cry!?” Glaring daggers right back at her.
“Just by looking at your fucking face!” Kaida exclaims, throwing her arms in the air as if the answer was obvious.
“Hey I’m not that bad looking! That goes to Mineta more than anything..” Pouting at her insult. Interrupting their conversation, forgetting their surroundings, Yuka’s and Katsuki’s moans and growls leak through their shared wall. Denki groans, annoyed at the noises he has to hear the wall over, “You would think they would be smarter and go to his room and not the one next door..” 
“You say that though, but maybe you should be taking notes with what you hear..” She smirks and giggles at him.
“Why would I do that!? He sounds like a feral or rabid animal!” Denki looks blankly at her.  
Kaida gets a wide smirk on her face, “You should hear Kirishima when I’m on top.” She chuckles.
Mina elbows Denki, “Imagine making Jiro lose her mind like that~ and you would be surprised.. I would think Kaida would agree, but it’s satisfying to hear the guy unravel like that so I don’t know why it bothers you so much Denki.” Mina shrugs.
“The sound of Eiji moaning is like heaven~” Kaida sighs wispily and snuggles against Kirishima.
“I have a feeling Jiro would smack me though if I sounded like that..” As he points towards Yuka’s room, having a hard time picturing himself sounding like that.
“Aaaand this is why we see you as mid..” Mina scoffs.
“You know what, I could just withhold my bong then from you guys!” Taking the bong back, holding it hostage, “You guys haven’t been very nice tonight.. So no bong for you..”
“Denkiii noooo” Kaida whines dramatically.
“That's fine! Cause I have papers bitch!” Mina laughs victoriously as she grabs the rolling papers from her stash, “Mina to the rescue!” 
Denki letting out a heavy sigh, “I just want you guys to be a lil nicer is all.” 
Yuka wakes up after several minutes of heavy rest, seeing Katsuki’s sleeping face and as he mumbles in his sleep. “Yuka.. all mine..” a smile grows on her face hearing him say that as his arm wraps around her tighter. 
She carefully gets out of the bed, trying not to wake him and cleans herself up in her bathroom and then remembers and feels bad that she ditched on Kaida, “guess it won’t hurt to pop back for a lil bit..” getting herself dressed, Katsuki still out cold. She happily looks at his sleeping expression and gives a kiss on his forehead while whispering, “I’ll be right back..” Yuka walks up and leans into the doorway of Mina’s room, “What happened here? Why is Denki pouting more?” With a soft chuckle. 
“Cause he’s mid.” Kaida answers with a giggle, “And it sure sounded like Katsuki really wasn't feeling good.”
Yuka laughs nervously as she scratches the back of her neck, “yeaaaa umm uh huh, but I mean he feels better now..” 
“I’m sure he does.” Kaida winks at her while sticking out her tongue.
Yuka’s face goes bright red while hiding part of her face with her hand, “y-yea.. a-anyway hopefully you didn’t hear all that.”
“We did” Denki grumbles, still hugging the bong to his chest while Mina rolls up a joint.
Yuka groans as she falls to her knees, “ugh I hate myself now..” 
“It’s fine! The only reason you didn’t hear us is cause Eiji had his hand over my mouth.” Kaida says casually before her eyes widen and she face palms.
Yuka blinks quickly at her from her bold statement, “and you were smart enough to go to his room to give some distance unlike our impatient dumbasses..”
“Well If we went to Kaida’s room We’d have to go to the other dorm and that’s a lot of work.” Kirishima sighs and leans back against the wall behind him as Kaida takes the joint from Mina and takes a hit off of it happily.
“That’s valid!” Yuka laughs, “I’d be too lazy for that also and also too impatient of a person.”
A loud booming voice startles Yuka from behind, “OI! Who said you could sneak off!” Katsuki looms over her, his face looking super tired and cranky.
“Oh shit the beast lives.” Kaida stares at Katsuki with wide eyes.
Both Yuka and Katsuki look over at Kaida awe struck and jaws dropped, “Wha- What did you just call me!?”
“The beast? I’m confused.” Kaida tries to think of what they were curious about.
Yuka lets out a relieved sigh, “Ooooh it’s nothing then don’t worry about it” While nervously laughing. 
“But there is no way that was a coincidence..” Katsuki still looking with an expression of what the hell.
Kaida looks back at him, a disgruntled, awkward expression on her face, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” she whispers.
Yuka stands up waving her hands in front of Katsuki, to get his oblivious ass to not embarrass them further, “Katsuki let it go, it really is just a coincidence.. Just random happenstance..” she tries to mumble under her breath to where only he could here, “Seriously just drop it..” 
Katsuki squinting between the two girls then at Kirishima, “They hiding something?”
“What would we be hiding, Bakubro?” Kirishima looks up at Katsuki confused.
“I feel like you all know more than letting on..” Scanning everyone’s faces, “Did you tell them something?” Looking at Yuka last.
“Definitely not!” her eyes filled with horror at the thought.
“Why don’t you explain and maybe then we can tell you it was something we talked about or not..” His eyes scheming to see if he can get him to spill the beans on his own. 
Yuka glares at Denki, knowing just what he is plotting. Katsuki opens his mouth to respond, but before a word could leave his mouth, Yuka covered his mouth with her hand. “Oh would you look at the time! Who would've realized it got sooo late! Looks like it's time for bed!” Trying to shove Katsuki out the door, but it’s like pushing against a wall.
Katsuki walks around Yuka and walks up to Denki getting face to face with him, Yuka being dragged by his shirt trying to stop him before he makes a bold mistake. “You really want to know!? Pretty sure you will only have regrets asking..” 
“What is life without a little bit of risks ya know?” He shrugs smugly not realizing what he is getting himself into.
“Do you ever learn your lesson?” Mina stares at Denki dumbfounded.
Katsuki grows a massive grin on his face, “I’m pretty sure you already heard some of what we were doing in the other room, cause I know I wasn’t quiet and neither was Yuka..” Denki nods in agreement. 
“Please Katsuki don-” before she could stop him he already started blabbing to Denki unfazed.
“During all that you heard I happen to tell her ‘you have me still so fucking hard.. It’s like you turned me into a fucking beast.. it’s like I can’t control myself you have me so fucking turned on’” He locked on Denki’s jaw dropped expression and Yuka shuffled her red embarrassed face against a random wall out of pure embarrassment.
“Jesus…” Kaida mutters.
Katsuki turns to Kaida, “What? It’s not that bad..” as Denki burst out laughing, Yuka still standing and facing the wall her head pressed against it in defeat and shame.
 “Dude, where do you get this bottomless confidence from?” Mina stares up at Katsuki, a surprised look on her face.
Denki jumps over to Yuka still laughing his lungs out and poking her in the back, “Man, I can’t believe you had a choice of soooo many men in this world and you chose that..” 
“I mean she was with Shinso.” Kirishima covers his mouth quickly, not meaning to blurt that out.
“Wait.. let me get this straight she had the choice to have Shinso or this feral animal and she chose the feral animal..” Denki trying to catch his breath from laughing as he tries to put his thoughts together.
“Denki, don’t push those buttons..” Kaida tries to warn him before Katsuki pulls Denki up by the collar of his shirt, but before he could yell in a jealous anger Yuka puts a hand on his fist as she looks down at the floor.
 “Denki I’m sorry, but you just don’t understand.. you just can’t see what I do..” She explains, her eyes never leaving the floor.
Katsuki reluctantly lets go of his shirt, “Can I ask what you do see? I’d be worried if it were me.. him lashing out at any given time..” Denki calming down and asks out of curiosity.
Yuka takes a deep breath as she closes her eyes remembering how they first met when they were little like it was yesterday, “The best way I think I can put it.. I’m not very good at showing my vulnerable side to others. It’s hard for me to show that weakness when my quirks have always had me judged my whole life.. When I was little I was being bullied and out of nowhere Katsuki came to my rescue. The hero I never expected and it was if my heart wanted to open up for once and let him in and take on the world.” Yuka looks up from the floor at Katsuki, “I know he probably forgot what he told me that day, but I still hold onto those words close to my heart to this very moment. it’s probably why now that we found each other again and how I’m still shocked to this day he accepted my feelings, but even when I try to put up these walls to not burden others and fight my struggles alone.. somehow he always sees right through them and just knows when I need him there, bringing words of comfort and a safe place in his arms to let out anything pent up inside that could be hurting.” Yuka clutching her chest with a warm yet sad smile on her face, “don’t get me wrong Shinso was and still is an amazing friend… but I just couldn’t get myself to show that part of myself cause I was always so worried about what was on his plate and not wanting to bring him down with me. S-so can we stop comparing the two..” Yuka fidgets her fingers. 
Mina stares at Denki with a definite look that he needs to apologize, “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to take it so far, despite all my button pushing I do hope you guys work out.” Denki says with an awkward smile while scratching the back of his neck and sweating bullets as he can still feel Katsuki’s glare even though he is avoiding eye contact knowing what is waiting for him. 
“What did Bakugo say by chance? You don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to of course.” Mina gave a cute grin, “We don’t hear too often about lil Bakugo!” She chuckles.
“Umm h-he put his hand on my head and s-said that I was c-cool and that I was strong for trying to stand up to my bullies and he liked me and hopes we can meet each other again..” poking her fingers together, “I know it’s not amazing or anything special but his compliment meant a lot..” Katsuki’s face grows red, really not remembering saying that to her.
“That’s so cute.” Kaida gushes quietly, smiling up at Yuka and Katsuki, “It makes me so happy that you guys are together.”
“Shut up! It's not that cute!” Katsuki nervously yells, trying to hide the fact he is super embarrassed.
“I think you just need to own that one, that was definitely cute!” Mina coos at them.
“It was not..” he grumbles frustrated with himself.
“You guys were kids, you're allowed to be cute as a kid.” Kaida giggles, rolling her eyes at Katsuki’s grumbling.
Katsuki lets out a tch noise as he feels Yuka lean against him hiding her face against the side of his arm, “Tired?” He feels her head nod against his arm and he softly places a hand on her head while glaring at Denki. 
“What!? I apologized?” Denki slightly whines. 
“It’s one thing to pick on me constantly.. I don’t care about what happens when it’s me.. but if you don’t back off of Yuka..” Katsuki pushes him slightly causing Denki to stumble back and hit his back against the wall, “I will not let it slide next time.” 
Kaida and Kirishima stare with wide eyes before shrugging it off and shotgunning from the joint again, when Kaida pulls away and blows out the smoke she smiles at Katsuki, “Yeah, you protect your girl like the beast you are!” Kaida tries to cheer him on.
“Alright, alright!” Denki pleads, “You don’t have to worry about me! I can be good!” Scooching against the wall back to his seat on the floor at the table. 
“Do you want a treat for being a good boy?” Kaida snickers, smirking at Denki.
Denki squints at Kaida, “Really?” 
Kaida shrugs, “I mean if you don't want it.” 
Denki sighs, “You know what fuck it.. I’ll just take the freaking treat..”
Katsuki starts heading towards the door, “Gonna take her to bed then guys, see you all in the morning..” 
 “G’night!” Kaida says after them as they leave the room. Kaida smiles at Denki, moving out of Kirishima’s lap, and offers him a cookie and pats his head, “Good boy.” Kirishima whines at her, causing her to turn towards him. With a smile she presses a kiss to his lips with her hand on his cheek, as she pulls away she gently pats his cheek, “You are the bestest boy.” 
“Thank you” He mumbles against her lips, pulling her into another kiss, this one much more heated as she straddles his lap again. He gently bites her bottom lip, Kaida opening her mouth in return. Kirishima slowly slips his tongue into her mouth, causing a quiet moan to erupt from her throat.
“Can you guys not fucking do that again?” Denki grumbles, glaring at them as they slowly pull away from each other.
Mina gasps in excitement as she looks at her phone, seeing the time is nearly 1 am, “Holy shit, It’s Halloween.”
“Shit time flew.. How is it Halloween already!?” Denki trying to process time in his head.
“Eiji and I have had our costumes planned for months.” Kaida smiles, her eyes never leaving Kirishima’s even as she talks.
“I’m sure Jiro has a plan so I won’t stress about it~” Denki sitting back relaxed and feeling confident. 
“I’m sure I have something I can pull together for the party.” Mina says while scrolling through her phone.
“I completely forgot there was a party.” Kirishima groans.
“It’s fine, I have our costumes finished already.” Kaida smiles and pecks his lips.
Mina laughs, “I bet Katsuki isn’t gonna do anything again like always! And possibly use Yuka to slip away and hide” 
“Is this year's party gonna get as extreme as last year?” Kaida turns to look at Mina.
“Please don’t lock me in a closet again.” Denki begs.
“It’s not my fault!” Mina puts her hands up in defense.
“You’re the one who spun the bottle and it landed on no one, so you went in the closet alone. And we may have forgotten you were in there.” Kaida mumbles the last part.
“Can’t you guys be nice to me for once! Pick on Mineta more for a change!” Denki pouting. 
“We pick on him more than you, you just happen to be the one here.” Mina shrugs at him.
“Gods, If Mineta was here I think I’d fucking die of irritation.” Kaida rolls her eyes at the thought, wanting to gag at the idea of Mineta hanging out with them.
A knock on the still open door alerts the group, “I woke up and smelled weed, and I’m sad you didn’t invite me.” Sero is standing in the doorway with a smile on his face.
“We thought you were sleeping!” Mina exclaims to him, throwing her arms in the air.
“Have you ever known me to have a normal bed time!” Sero chuckles, “I ain’t no Bakugo!” He steps further into the room and notices Kirishima and Kaida sitting on the floor, hidden away from the sight of the door and sitting in front of the closet, “Oh shit, I didn’t know you guys were into this too.”
“Their first time.” Mina chuckles, “With Kaida’s personality I assumed she already smoked but I guess not! But here we are.” She motions to her room, a smile on her face.
“Believe it or not Kacchan was here too!” Denki laughs at the thought that all actually happened.
“Pfft no way! Katsuki here? I don’t believe that for a second!” Sero scoffing at the thought. 
“Yeah! And Yuka! They were both here, but Katsuki didn’t really smoke? Yuka shotgunned him.” Kaida snickers at the thought, taking the blunt from Mina and taking another hit from it. She offers it to Kirishima who only pouts, causing her to roll her eyes and shotgun him the smoke she had been holding in.
“Yeeeaaaa this sounds kinda like a fairytale if you ask me..” Sero shrugs, taking the joint from Kaida taking a heavy hit. He shuts the door behind him and takes a seat on the floor next to Mina, handing her the joint as he blows out his smoke, “Why aren’t we using the bong like usual?”
“Cause Denki is hoarding it to himself.” Kaida playfully glares at Denki as he protects his bong.
“They were bullying me.” he retorts with a pout.
“I don’t even remember what it was about at this point.” Kirishima tries to think, looking down at Kaida who also shrugs.
“Seriously!? All those insults and you don’t remember!?” Denki pointing over dramatically at Kaida.
“Wait.. is it related to that question and the awful picture in the group chat?” Sero’s eyes widen as he starts to put two and two together.
“T-that was because they wouldn’t stop calling me mid and tried to text Jiro but I f-fucked up and sent it to the group chat..” slamming his head on the table. 
Kaida bursts out laughing, “I totally fucking forgot about that!” 
Denki groans with his head against the table and then gets up and starts dragging his feet towards the door, “I think I’m just gonna go to bed.. I failed too much today as it is..” 
“We should probably get to bed too.” Kirishima says, causing Kaida to groan.
“But whyyyy.” Kaida whines.
“Cause It’s late.” Kirishima picks her up as he stands up, casually throwing her over his shoulder while she pouts.
“Awwww and I just got here..” Sero pouts as he gets and follows behind Kirishima and Mina enthusiastically waves everyone good night. 
“I don’t want to go to bed.” Kaida mumbles.
“We have class in the morning, we have to go to bed.” Kirishima’s voice is stern when he speaks.
“I know I have a uniform here but you tore my panties.” Kaida cries out.
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trustpt · 2 years
Legend of mana egg locations
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It's needed for a future quest, though, and this stuff's a pain to get otherwise, so what the hell. Otherwise, this is a pleasant little tale of friendship.Īlso, we get the most random reward. I really find the next quest with these two interesting despite it being so odd, but I'll get into that once I get there. The two are very good friends though and make a great team. Capella absolutely loves being a traveling performer, while Diddle's miserable with it. They're both very close, yet they're completely different people. These guys will have more quests, so I'll talk more about them in the future, but I like this duo. Besides, this guy is more of a mini-boss than an actual boss. Just as well, as it's rather dull and lengthy anyway. My recording for this fight was screwed up, and I didn't want to redo everything, so there's no video of this fight. So honesty saves you a bit of tedious backtracking. Telling Diddle that Capella read the letter causes Diddle to immediately go into the cave, as opposed to Capella telling him at the entrance of the highway. As is, she's pretty much only in one more future quest, and a rather minor one at that. She's actually rather helpful, and I wouldn't have minded if she actually had more involvement in other quests. I kind of like Miss Yuka here, as she's sympathetic to Capella's dilemma despite being insulted so thoroughly. It took me awhile to realize that you have to actually talk to the Sproutling first before triggering this scene. This one was quite coincidental all the same. From what I've seen, Meimei simply gives you random fortunes that aren't related to the current quest.
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kurisus · 2 years
Noragami 98-2 thoughts
We're so close to the 100th chapter, and there's tons of exciting developments! Spoilers under the cut.
The backgrounds went OFF. I say this a lot but starting with a two-page Yomi spread, and later the page of the vents opening? Chef's kiss. I hope Adachitoka's wrist is okay.
I still want to know what is up with the old man on the island describing the mask maker as blind and deaf. He seems to mean it in a literal sense ("he could neither see nor hear you"), but so far none of the flashbacks of Father we've seen have depicted him as such. Is this a myth getting twisted over time? Or is there another missing piece?
Father kept calling Izanami Kaya. I feel like there's a link here between these two things, but I'm not sure what. Was seeing her appearance as Izanami the first time he got to see her face? aaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
Izanami was a lot nicer to him than she was to Yato. I suppose because he came there as a dead person and didn't immediately reveal his intent to steal from her and then escape, which is what he and Ebisu did.
Anyway, on the other end of the Worrying Spectrum is it seems like Amaterasu can only remove names in the order they're given, so Chiki has had all of her names revoked except the most important one. Father is free to keep wreaking havoc on shinki until Amaterasu or someone else (read: Yato) stops him.
Does this mean she can't revoke Yukine's name of Sekki, because the name Father gave is blocking it? On the one hand, thank god. On the other hand, this means the only way to remove "Yuuki" is for Father to revoke it willingly, which he won't do. We know names don't disappear when a god dies either (see: Kunimi chapter), so unless for some reason this also works differently, I think Yukine is stuck with that name for good.
As much as that fact kinda sucks, it was an inevitability. See, I don't think the status of "nora" necessarily gets lost with the spare name being removed. There's still the fact that this shinki chose to take on another name at all, and this will be true whether or not Yukine loses "Yuuki." It's also assumed gods won't name shinki without their consent (even though it does happen), so the fault of something like this happening falls entirely on the shinki's shoulders.
The reason Yukine and Nora aren't affected by GGS after being named by the koto no ha is, according to Father and Izanami, because they became ayakashi who no longer have true names. So gaining this knowledge doesn't break them like other shinki.
This is an answer I've been waiting on ever since Father named Yukine, but it still confuses me in Nora's case, since she never had a true name to begin with. Maybe it was because she was named with the koto no ha in the first place that she gained a humanlike form (rather than the infant/embryo she died as) and other gods were able to name her. I'm not sure.
Father's rant was pretty funny to me. "YOU caused these problems." Yeah, because they were trying to stop YOU? You, who is killing indiscriminately, damning every god and their shinki as guilty and exercising judgment as YOU see fit. Not to mention all the child abuse on your track record. Have a little self-awareness, my guy.
He really said "fuck the sun"
In other news, Yato's back! And he's also going to join the fight. Yato vs Father round...4? Yato vs Yukine round 3? He's already taken a lot of damage this arc. I hope he ends up okay.
Yato meeting Amaterasu without her other shinki necessarily present will be interesting. Will she side with him, only for them to forcibly cut her off (in a "stop talking" way or a "murder" way)? Will she return Yukine to him somehow and deal with Father herself? Will she and Yato team up to kill him while Take and Ebisu destroy the grave?
Essentially, all this (+ Hiyori, + Yuka, + the ongoing mystery of Yukine's father) is stacking up to happen around the 100th chapter. We might even get more Bishamon moments. I'm really excited and scared to see what will happen. As long as all my kids are okay <3 (not you, trash dad)
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nanatsumu · 3 years
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04. spotted in the ice cream aisle
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at the call of his name, you and akaashi both turned your heads toward the direction of where the voice came from and were shocked by the sight of a male with ginger hair.
“hinata?” the boy besides you answers back.
“oh! it really is you!” hinata grins before directing his attention over to you. “you must be y/n right?”
“in the flesh,” you reach out for a handshake, to which hinata complies and you’re surprised by how firm the male’s grip is. “so you’ve heard of me?”
“well sorta...” he sheepishly scratches his nape. “bokuto has actually mentioned you once or twice at our practices.”
“oh! i see then.” your lips formed a thin line.
you already knew that bokuto was friends with atsumu since they were on the same volleyball team, but in the past few years you hadn’t made an effort to reconcile with the blonde. it wasn’t like you hated atsumu or anything, you just felt awkward talking to him after all these years and you didn’t know how you would be able to face him.
“so hinata right?” you mask the discontent on your face with a small smile, not wanting the ginger to think that he was the cause of it. “bokuto doesn’t talk much about his team to me, but i heard there was someone on the team who recently came back from brazil?”
“yup! that was me!” he replied enthusiastically. “i went there immediately after i graduated high school so that i could train in beach volleyball.”
“wouldn’t that make it harder for you though?” you ask. “i mean, i’m not a volleyball player or anything! but it seems like the transition from indoor to beach volleyball and then back to indoor seems hard.”
“that’s what i thought at first, but it really wasn’t too bad! if anything, it was pretty easy to get back into my groove.”
“and if you love volleyball as much as this guy, anything is possible.” akaashi joked, causing the three of you to start chuckling.
“i wish i could stay as passionate about one thing like you are hinata,” you sigh. “i switched from being a human physiology major over to an english major, and i also minored in art history.”
“but are you happy where you are now though?” he asks which startles you for a moment.
you look at akaashi who looks back at you with an adorning smile on his face.
“yeah,” you say absentmindedly. “i am happy where i am now.”
“are you two dating?” he asks which catches you and akaashi off guard. “oh sorry! that’s probably a rude question to ask.”
“oh no it’s fine!” you think for a moment before opening your mouth to give hinata an answer. “we’re just... really good friends, right akaashi?”
“yeah... friends.” he smiles, only this time it’s halfhearted but you miss this change in his demeanor because you’re busy continuing the conversation with your newfound friend.
“anyways it was really nice meeting you y/n!” hinata grabs one of the water bottles in the fridge before heading over to the register to pay. “nice seeing you too akaashi!”
“bye hinata!” you wave goodbye as you watch him exit the convenience store, akaashi doing the same as well.
“so...” you look back in your cart and your eyes wander to the tub of ice cream you picked out of the freezer earlier. “should we get a new tub?”
“unless you want melted ice cream then i don’t see why not.” akaashi chuckles.
while you’re occupied with your task, akaashi thinks back to your comment from earlier. you guys have known each other for a while now and it was inevitable that akaashi would gain some feelings for you. it was a game of push and pull, and it felt like the more that he pulled you in, the more you’d push him away. he wasn’t sure how much longer he could go on being ‘just friends’ but at the same time, could he be anymore greedy and ask you for more than what you two had now?
“keiji? hellooo? ‘kei!” you kept waving your hand in his face before he finally snapped back to reality.
“oh sorry, what were you saying?”
“i was asking whether you wanted mint chocolate chip or green tea.” you held the two flavors in each of your hands, mimicking a balance scale.
“green tea for sure,” he grabs the green tea container from your hand and puts it into the cart. “mint chocolate chip is just glorified toothpaste.”
“how dare you keiji!” you gasp dramatically. “we accept all ice cream flavors in this household.”
he rolls his eyes, feigning annoyance. “and don’t get me started on cotton candy ice cream.”
“keiji you are despicable, how are we even friends.” you click your tongue and shake your head in disappointment
“i guess opposites attract right?”
“ooo you must really like me huh, keiji?” you tease, poking his side, but instead of teasing you back like he usually does, he leans in closer and says something that makes your heart do a flip.
“who knows? maybe i do.”
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༄ directory
༄ next: cut the cameras... deadass.
++ A/N:
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sound familiar? 🤔
if your name is in bold i cannot tag you
@nerdynstoned • @bokutoichigo • @lady-tokugawa-of-mikawa • @kac-chowsballs • @yukae-rin • @starryhyun • @4kaashl • @bnha-meme-sanctuary • @mirotic-ness • @underkomori • @twistedvalkyrie • @tchalameme • @setsukobb • @marissaraeblr • @swagzombiefart • @notendoplasm • @sunas-bby • @kozuken-ma • @heyatsumu • @zeyyackerman • @simping-4-fictional-men • @ermahgerd-larry-and-ziam • @cremepuffingwaldio • @athenarosaline • @aizumii • @kiyokisses • @tsukkiswifeey • @kashidons • @doctorspencereid • @bonlee +please let me know if i forgot to tag you!
(msg me or send an ask to be apart of the taglist!)
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sophiashortcake · 3 years
CHAPTER FIVE | the maid of honor
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FUN FACT: osamu shoved atsumu off the chair he was sitting on because he was sweating so profusely. he claimed he would “stain his seats.” atsumu blacked out upon impact.
TAGLIST (BOLDED CANNOT BE TAGGED): @lovekags @poppi144 @kyomihann @wild-strawberry-fields @luvmegumi @kissungjae @tanakasimpcorner @moonlightaangel @loubells @katsulovee @dani-sophia @kellesvt @bokutoichigo @kac-chowsballs @crapimahuman @amourdite @unstaaableaf @anejuuuuoy @tanakaslastbraincell @tsukkisberry @a-little-pebbl @1sillylittlething @theminorconstelations @misora-msby @achoomoos @anxious2dsimp @lady-tokugawa-of-mikawa @syaziahvg @its-the-aerieljeane @yukae-rin @atsukuns @mystic-helena @aritsumu @persyhange @channiechanchan @merakiyoomi @nekogirladenosine @iwaroses @mirakeul @admiringlove @doodletingz @kageyamatobibro @m-alekssa @saltylettuce @abuliawrites @greasywall @akirawhore @callmekda @lilith412426 @nerdynstoned @kawaii-angelanne @miyadarling @bakugouswh0r3
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everythingsinred · 3 years
Let's Talk About NatsuMikan: Natsume (pt. 26)
Gosh, I'm just so excited for this part.
After months of separation, Natsume has finally found Mikan, thanks to Shiki being a hopeless romantic and not knowing how normal people act.
Speaking of not acting like normal people, these twelve year olds will devote themselves to each other on Christmas, promising eternity and really meaning it.
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Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Four
Shiki lets Natsume find Mikan, who wanted to see him as well, and is standing on the balcony to find him.
The first thing Natsume does is call out for her, maybe because it doesn’t seem real. After so many months of searching and coming up empty, he’s finally found her, probably in a place he’s checked thousands of times. When she calls back down to him, he knows for sure that it’s real. He climbs up to the balcony and in no time he’s reached her. They’re both excited to see and feel each other for the first time in so long. They’re able to hold hands, but they can only reach so far. Shiki can’t allow Natsume to actually break her out of her labyrinth.
The existence of the barrier is kind of a downer for Natsume, who had been looking forward to finding her and saving her all at once. She starts asking lots of questions, but he’s preoccupied, thinking about the thickness of the barrier and how much room he actually has to work with.
Mikan doesn’t stop talking, so he puts his hand on her mouth to shush her. If she’s too loud, they might get caught and then their clandestine reunion would be over and he might not see her again for who knows how long. And then a watchman passes down below, so Natsume is temporarily distracted, intent on not being found out.
When he looks back at her, her eyes are welled up with tears and she’s holding the hand he placed over her mouth with both of hers. He’s surprised, because he never fully processed that she confessed her love to him too. That could’ve been a dream or a fantasy or a projection or wishful thinking or maybe it didn’t mean the same thing to her as it does to him. But she’s so happy to see him that she’s in tears, holding his hand like it’s precious and she doesn’t want him to disappear again.
It’s a confirmation again that his feelings really are requited, that she’s been wanting to see him too. For so long, he’d thought of himself as the last person she’d ever fall in love with. He’d been Team Ruka, because he’d taken himself out of the running. He just wants her to be happy and it really had never occurred to him in all that time that he could be the one to make her happy.
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So he comes to close the distance too, leaning his head against hers. They haven’t seen each other in so long, and no doubt there’s a lot left unsaid, but just a moment of quiet affection, to show each other how much they’ve missed the other, is necessary. She says she’s missed him, and it would be redundant for him to say it back. He’s been searching for her tirelessly night and day for months. To say he missed her would be an understatement.
Now that she has his attention, she can ask her earlier question properly: how did he find her, anyway? He answers that she was calling him. The power of her missing him caused this to happen. There’s no other explanation. He’s only half teasing. He’d never imagined she would care for him romantically, so he wants to milk the situation for all it’s worth. It makes him happy to imagine that she can say over and over and in many different ways how much she misses and loves him.
When Mikan protests, he pouts, because he really thought her calling out to him and the power of their feelings for each other had brought them together. When she concedes that there might be some truth to his theory, he smiles. This is a real smile. He’d never imagined this kind of situation, and it’s all somewhat surreal and dreamlike, and it makes him happy that after all this time he actually can get almost everything he wants. The only thing that could make this better is if he could actually break her out of her prison.
He expresses dismay that he’s helpless to get her out of there. She assures him that it’s enough just seeing him, and then panics because she didn’t prepare a present for him even though he got her a storybook. So she asks if there’s anything he wants for a present that she can give right then and there and Natsume asks for a kiss.
Natsume has up to this point always stolen little moments from Mikan, thinking she’d never value them the way he does. Their last kiss, snuggling on New Year’s, his half hug to her in the RPG… It was all affection he had to steal. But if Mikan really does love him, then maybe he doesn’t need to steal anything anymore. He can ask for her to give it of her own volition, and she would do it because maybe she wants to kiss him too. He’s way more honest than he’s ever been, because he doesn’t have anything holding him back anymore. Not only is he no longer the school’s pawn, but he also doesn’t have to hold back with her either, because his feelings are requited. He can be honest about almost everything.
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He's just being honest for once, Mikan.
What he wants is a kiss, and since she asked, he’ll tell her.
He pretends to fall a little, in the midst of her freaking out. He makes up a bogus story that he’s not secure on the ledge and will fall soon, so if she’s gonna do it she has to do it quickly. This is another instance of Natsume being selfish. This is one of the few things he wants for himself that has nothing to do with protecting other people. He must think she wants to kiss him too, even if she won’t admit it, because he probably wouldn’t ask if he thought she hated the idea.
He must be onto something, because Mikan does lean in to slowly kiss him, even though her face is red and she’s deeply embarrassed. They kiss for a while, not knowing that Shiki can see them. When they finally part, he asks her to do it again. She protests that it would make her heart explode to do it again, so he surrenders.
Fine. They don’t have to kiss again. But then she should tell him that she loves him. Properly. From her own mouth.
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Jeez, he's so needy tonight.
Natsume has confessed two times to her of his own accord and one time on accident when she felt his feelings through telepathy. The only time she did the same was also through telepathy. She should be fully aware of his feelings for her, but he needs to hear it properly. The one time she’d confessed, they were about to be separated forever and it was a heart-wrenching moment for them both. On top of that, he’d never imagined such a thing and needs further confirmation that she really meant it.
When Mikan protests again that she already gave him what he wanted and that he hadn’t really said it properly either, he promises to say it after she does.
Natsume needs confirmation before he can say it right. Almost the entire time that he’s been in love with her, he’s been perpetually giving up. She should give her stone to Ruka, dance with Ruka, be with Ruka, because she obviously prefers him anyway. Natsume’s been particularly selfless about this, and it was easy because he thought she would never love him back. He wasn’t about to genuinely pursue her or obviously pine after her (though it ended up being kind of obvious anyway) because he could never win her over anyway. All the other reasons not to be with her--putting her in danger, not being able to offer her a future--are harder to focus on when she’s actually saying she does love him too. But they still matter, and he won’t confess and give in and finally put all his chips in for the idea of being a couple until she says it properly. Until he knows for sure she feels the same, it’s not worth it to risk everything else.
And she does say it.
Out loud. Properly. With her own mouth.
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Natsume's smile can cure illnesses... Just... Not his own, of course.
So Natsume smiles another real genuine smile. Those were words he’d never imagined he’d actually hear from her. Despite all his efforts to distance himself, to make himself into the bad guy to protect her, to be cold and cruel, she still ended up seeing past all of it and loving him anyway.
He’s so excited and happy that he leans in again and wastes no time before confessing right back. This is a promise he can keep: he loves her too.
From now until forever, more than anyone else.
He’s twelve years old but he means it.
The adults at the academy didn’t take his feelings seriously enough. They thought that threats and violence were more powerful than his foolish puppy love. But nothing really is. He gave everything up for her, and will give up even more. He can’t promise forever but he will love her for that long anyway. For the rest of his life and for every second after his death.
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Five
They’re kissing again. When they break apart, they’re both happy.
This whole rendezvous seems dream-like and surreal. She has her hair down and they’re both wearing outfits they don’t usually wear. It’s snowing and they’re both standing on the balcony. It would be easy to claim that it all is just a dream, like it’s happening only in the depths of Natsume’s most self-indulgent fantasies. It shouldn’t be possible, is only happening because of Shiki’s whims. It stands out to the reader too, because of all of these elements, and doesn’t blend into the reality of every other chapter or arc. That’s actually effective in making it dream-like for us too. Is this all really happening? Is this just a strong wish that took shape? Is it a dream?
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I really don't have anything to say except that this is a really vulnerable question and it's amazing that Natsume has the courage to ask it now.
In any case, Natsume swears he will save Mikan from the tower she’s trapped in, like the prince he’s supposed to be. “Can you wait for me?” he asks, and it’s the reverse of all of Mikan’s earlier questions. “You’re not going anywhere, are you?” she had asked, because she wanted him around. And then later, when it seemed she’d disappear forever with Yuka, there was the unspoken question if he could wait it out, survive long enough to see her again. Now he’s asking her if she can wait for him too, if she can have faith that he won’t abandon her.
This is again almost literally a dream come true. Mikan is saying she loves him back. His feelings are requited. What he wants is to hold onto this with all his might. He will save her and they will be together. She just has to wait long enough for him to get her out. He wants her feelings to last that long, even if he’s not around.
And she smiles and agrees, promising that she will wait as long as it takes, until they can be together properly forever. But she has a caveat: she doesn’t want him to push himself to get her out. She wants him to live, but if he does “whatever it takes” he might die. In fact, there’s a certainty in his demise, and every coming chapter makes that more and more clear. They’re still star-crossed, more than ever actually. They’re not just paralleling Rapunzel here: they are also Romeo and Juliet, confessing their love on a balcony under the light of the moon and promising a forever that is not to be.
He hugs her, but there’s something about his expression and lack of proper response that is off-putting. He doesn’t promise not to push himself. He can’t. He’s made lots of promises that he will break, but he made them because he wanted them to be true. He cannot make this one. Mikan’s safety is more important to him than even their joined happiness. He will do anything for her, and he won’t promise that he won’t.
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Just don't die. Why is that so hard for you, Natsume?
Changing the subject, there is now a flicker from under Mikan’s coat, coming from what she reveals to be yet another alice stone on her necklace. She reveals that she made it. He’s impressed with the size, because the one she gave him less than a year ago was a mere pebble.
Natsume is disappointed to only be one of the many inspirations for Mikan’s stone, and it might be more evidence to him that she may love him but he loves her more. He doesn’t voice this insecurity, but we can see it, and it might be even more a reason why he can’t promise not to push himself. She could probably get over him. She could survive without him. He can’t live without her. Thus, his existence can be traded in for her freedom, her happiness, her safety, and it would scar but heal. He loves her more, he thinks. She’s more important. He can and will die for her.
She calls the stone her heart, a result of all the love and care she has for everyone in her life, and entrusts said heart with Natsume. She wants him to have it, a more fitting version of the stone she gave him before. She then rejoices that the alice stone exchange is complete, so they’ll be happy together forever.
Natsume looks shocked again, and I’ll repeat myself by saying that he’s still not used to the idea that she feels so romantically about him as well. She is in love with him and wants to be with him forever, so much so that she wants to do over the alice stone exchange properly with a stone she’s proud of.
He calls her out for proposing to him, which embarrasses her but she admits she did have that intention. But he tells her that he applied the romantic intent first when he gave her his alice stone. Here he’s confessing that his romantic feelings are nothing new. He’s loved her since then, at least, and she’s been a dream of his all along.
If she’s handing over her stone--her heart--to him, then she’s fully reciprocating. She’s not just into him. If she wants her future to be entwined with his, for them to get married and live together forever, than this is no passing fancy for her. Thus, she is now his. He asserts that because he has to hear it. She only wants to be with him, right? Then she is his girl, nobody else’s. He doesn’t tell her that he’s hers because he considers it redundant. He’s hers. He’s been hers since she tackled him in that warehouse so long ago. He will be hers forever. This is the first time he’s considered that she would be his too.
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I thought I should pay attention to the word "hate", but I should've focused on "remember". Yikes!
He presses the stone to his lips, ultimately showing her how precious her heart is to him, and tells her that he won’t ever give the stone back, even if she comes to hate him. There’s a lot to unpack in just this one declaration, but let’s get into it.
When I first read this, I thought it was foreshadowing of another kind. I was distraught, actually, because I thought maybe Mikan would come to hate him! That’s silly though. Mikan cannot hate Natsume. Not ever again. It’s not possible. Mikan saw the very worst of Natsume and still fell in love with him. That is true, unconditional love. She sees the beauty in him, sees a future with him, even when he wanted to only show her the darkness. But Natsume doesn’t get that her love is unconditional. He says, “even if you come to hate me”, like it’s even a possibility, but says “I will never give this stone back,” because hating her is not a possibility. Yet again, he’s underestimating her love for him. He loves her more.
In his mind, it’s possible that she could stop loving him. She could turn that affection into disdain. She could completely hate him. But he won’t. Not ever. Even if she hated him, he would love her. Even if she wanted her stone back, he wouldn’t give it to her. Even if she gets over him, he will never give up on her. He will be with her and hold onto that stone forever.
But perhaps he’s saying, “even if you come to hate me” like it is an impossibility. Maybe he realizes that she will never despise him again. Maybe he gets that. In that case, then he’s promising that nothing in the realm of plausible or implausible will cause him to let go of her heart. Because it’s not just a stone! She’s told him herself that it’s her heart, so this isn’t just a declaration of endless loyalty, love, and fidelity, it’s also a promise that he will protect her heart, because it is precious to him.
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They're twelve years old. I'd giggle if I didn't take them so seriously. I have no right to laugh... This is part 26 of a very long essay about them. I suck.
Whatever he means exactly, Mikan is touched. She starts stammering, trying to say something but obviously too embarrassed to say it properly. When she finally finds the words, asking if this is all a proposal, he answers. Yes.
The moon is their witness.
Nobody else is there to see this (as they have no idea that Shiki is the one who arranged this and has been observing them all along), and after this ends there will be little evidence that this moment between them passed at all. It’s all so surreal, so unrealistic. But the moon bore witness, and they can rely on that for the rest of their lives.
Because, especially for Natsume, this night is something out of a fantasy, and he’ll need all the evidence he can get to hold onto it as reality.
But the moment doesn’t last forever, because Shiki has to end it at some point. The barrier is reinstated and Natsume falls.
He calls out to her but it’s to no avail. She can’t do anything to hold onto him, and he can’t hold on to her. The only way to make this happen again is to save her.
Shiki and the MSP discuss what he just did, and how Natsume and Mikan probably won’t ever meet again. And for all that fate is concerned, it’s true. They’re not meant to be.
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I kinda want to cry now.
Natsume lies in the snow afterward, looking at the moon and gripping Mikan’s heart, holding onto the only proof he has that the moment truly occurred. Otherwise, he could easily be convinced it was just another daydream. It came and went so quickly, he needs the evidence, the witness. Natsume is newly engaged to be married, though when exactly that marriage was supposed to happen is anyone’s guess.
It’s not the world’s shortest engagement for sure, but it sadly won’t last.
They are fated for sure, to meet and fall in love. But he’s fated to die and their love was doomed from the start.
He won’t make it another week.
They're engaged now, their feelings intense. My feelings on their fate has evolved over the past couple parts. I now fully believe that they are soulmates, fated to love each other. I also believe that they were supposed to end in tragedy, that fate didn't want them to last. I'll probably talk way more about that in Mikan's part, but it's made me an even bigger fan of NatsuMikan, if that was even possible.
I have written the entire Natsume POV essay. It's all done. The end is a bit lacking, but that's not my fault. Still, I'm excited to wrap this up. I'll post updates four days a week as usual. I reckon there'll be less than two weeks worth of essay left before I've finished posting. I've talked about this a bit before, but I'm going to take a pretty lengthy break between this essay and Mikan's, because it was a huge project and it really exhausted me. I loved doing it, don't get me wrong, but I do need a break before I can do Mikan's, especially because I think hers will be much longer (I might be wrong about that, but it's the feeling I get). I probably won't touch Mikan's essays 'til January or February. In the meantime, I'll be working on fics again, so if you're interested in that, you're in luck!
Thank you for reading, folks. I hope you have a great day!
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ultranos · 3 years
ive been rereading the first chapter of the sun don't shine underground and although i get the gist of whats happening (azulas venting frustration and lashing out in hurt/anger), is it okay for you to give the full explanation of the scenes situation? when ursa thinks shes caught azula yelling at her servants, and she sees wen leaving while lu ten goes to azula.
theres also the part in irohs narration later in chapter two, when he recalls hearing soldiers talking about how "there's something off with the princess." i think iroh thought this was a soldiers code for warning each other, but in actuality the soldiers meant something else, cause they seem worried for azulas situation? im not entirely sure though. theres the third soldier saying "we are so screwed" that confused me.
(also again, thank you for answering all of these questions so far! im admittedly really deeply invested in your series so i think every detail and effort thats been put into this is amazing)
What Ursa nearly stumbles upon is in fact Azula lashing out in frustration and pain. She just got released from another training session and one of the newer hires really hasn’t gotten used to things. The new guy really was trying to help but the help that was given was kind of the type that would have ended badly for Azula had Ozai caught wind of it. Wen intercepted and took care of things; Azula was really just venting at her because she trusts Wen implicitly. (This is what Wen means later about needing people whose compassion doesn’t override their caution or common sense.)
Ursa is unaware that her daughter and her servant have this kind of closeness, so doesn’t hear childish complaining but actual malice. It also doesn’t really help that Wen has perfected the “blank, professional mask” around Ursa. (Wen has Opinions. They are not kind.)
Ursa then hears Lu Ten show up. When Azula runs to hug him, he notices her most recent training injury. Azula tries to tell him it’s nothing and she’s fine. This is not the first time this has happened, so Lu Ten has learned how to pick his battles and instead offers to show her the treatment method for that kind of injury he learned on the field. The really effective one because you don’t have the luxury of waiting for injuries to heal slowly when you’re out there.
As for the chapter two bit: there are, in fact, multiple levels of conversation going on here. Iroh mentions that the common soldiers have a code they use (more like a shibboleth, really) to warn each other of problematic commanders: “I hear there’s something wrong with [name]”. What Iroh doesn’t realize is where that phrase originates.
In the s&a ‘verse, severe child abuse is a huge cultural taboo. Light burns and slaps aren’t counted in this, but what Ozai canonically did to Zuko? That would have been seen as abhorrent. The Fire Nation takes child welfare extremely seriously; orphans are cared for by the state and their physical and intellectual needs are met. (They might end up indoctrinated to hell, but that’s more of a feature than a bug.) (This is why Yuka is in the situation she is. As soon as her father acknowledged her as his child, she entered his care and the state checks regularly once a child has been in the system.) The simple reason for this is because children are the future, and if the Fire Nation wants to have a glorious future and show how the rest of the world to be better, then they need to invest in those children. Children are a resource, and a precious one at that. The state essentially views severe child abuse as damaging this resource and thus as akin to sabotage.
That isn’t to say it doesn’t happen at all. The lower classes have a shibboleth that indicates that not only are they lower classed, but also that they suspect someone of abuse or is being abused. “I hear there’s something wrong with [name]”. Soldiers borrowed it from here.
The soldiers are using the phrase in the original context. Iroh, because he’s a royal, completely misses this and thinks that the soldiers already think Azula’s going to be a terror of a commanding officer. Instead, what’s happening is that the soldiers can get hearsay of the abuse from a former palace servant who saw some of it. That prompts the third soldier to just laugh in disbelief at their own chances for survival, because if the palace is willing to break cultural taboos and damage their own child, then what hope do they have?
(I admit that bit was supposed to be slightly intentionally confusing, if only because to the reader it should be clear that Iroh is totally missing some kind of context. The cultural taboo and class division are things that will come up again later, but it’s not a plot point)
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ssamie · 3 years
three. how strange
oikawa tooru x fem langa!reader
(hq x sk8 the infinity)
warnings: spelling mistakes, swearing, 2k+ words, u have langa’s blue hair sorry 
gen masterlist.            “snow” masterlist.
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"so, you should tell me about yourself, y/n-chan" rika hummed "all i know is you're from canada and nothing else" she said
y/n hummed and took a small bite from her sandwich, munching lazily as she stares at rika from across her. "there's not much to say" she said. "oh cmon, there must be something" rika exclaimed
"favourite food?" rika asked "burgers." y/n responded with a look of glee "or fries. or poutines. or japanese bentos" she added
"see? im getting to know so much already!" rika said with a grin. "hm, how about your hobbies?"
"hobbies?" y/n repeated. "i like to skate.." she muttered. "what about you?"
"oh me?" rika hummed excitedly "well i play volleyball! im the girls team captain!" she exclaimed. "volleyball.." y/n mumbled as she recalled the brief conversation she had with cherry. "how do you play that?" she asked
"hm, well you just hit the ball and try to keep it in the air for as long as you can!" rika explained
"oh.. that's a bit boring" y/n said with a huff
rika spluttered and silently sulked "what do you mean?!" she exclaimed "volleyball is so fun! you get to play with your team and win! and go to competitions and-"
"rika-chan?" a girl's voice called out "who're you with?" another asked
y/n looked over her shoulder to see two girls walking towards them, holding what she assumed was a volleyball and their lunch. "oh, this is y/n-chan, she's our new classmate" rika explained. "oh, you're the transferee?" one of the girls asked
y/n nodded and quietly picked at her food, not wanting to look up and interact with the girls.
"not much of a talker huh?" the other girl mused. "well that's fine" she shrugged "mind if we eat with you guys?"
"not at all!" rika exclaimed with a grin. y/n grumbled in slight discomfort as she awkwardly sat along with the three girls.
"oh, sorry. im yuka" the girl beside her said with a wave. "i'm yuri!" the other said
"hasegawa y/n. nice to meet you." y/n replied with a straight face as she waved back at them
"hey, y/n-chan, yuka and yuri are twins and  both third years too! they're my teammates in volleyball" rika exclaimed. "is that so.." she replied "that's cool" she smiled
"man, you are really bland" yuka said with a chuckle as she slung her arm around her shoulders
"what?" y/n mumbled back as she stared up at the girl with a raised brow "a-ah! yuka meant that you're not really that expressive!" rika explained with a nervous grin "yuka-chan is bad at wording things so she comes off as mean"
"oh.." y/n muttered. yuka laughed and patted y/n on the back. "that's right, don't take it too seriously!" she said
"you should be nicer to her" yuki said with a frown as she watched y/n rub her back right at the spot where it got hit. "what do you mean?" yuka playfully scoffed "im nice! i mean why wouldn't i be?"
she then tucked some of her blue locks behind her ears and smirked. "how can i be mean to a cutie like this?" yuka cooed 
rika and yuki face palmed while y/n simply stared back at the girl with a blank smile, blinking cluelessly as the flirty remark seemed to fly over her head. "you're cute too." y/n said with a small smile as she continued munching on her sandwich
rika and yuki averted their eyes to y/n and deadpanned. "is she really that dense?" yuki sweat dropped. "it seems so" rika chuckled 
"i like you, you're cool!" yuka exclaimed as she slung her arm around the girl once more. "you should join the team" 
"team?" y/n mumbled in confusion. "I AGREE!" rika exclaimed as she slammed her hand on the table. "can you even play volleyball, y/n-chan?" yuki, who seemed to be the only sensible one, asked 
"no" y/n replied 
"i'll teach you!" yuka said with a grin "im the ace, this'll be easy!" 
"well, it's all y/n-chan's desicion if she wants to join or not" yuki said with a smile. 
"NOPE IT'S MINE!" rika interjected "im the captain so im scouting you to join!" 
y/n sweat dropped and shook her head. "can i decline?" she asked. "absolutely not." rika replied
"this is.. strange." y/n said as she inspected the ball in her hands. she dribbled it back and forth as she eyed the net. "what's with that net?" she asked them. "are we supposed to jump over it?" she asked
rika paled and immediately shook her head "ofcourse not! no one can jump that high anyways" she said. "were supposed to keep the ball from touching it. it also divides the court, as you can see."
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y/n hummed and nodded in fascination. "oh. so we throw it over?" she asked
rika sighed and shook her head. "nope we hit the ball so it could fly through the air. kinda like this..." she took the ball from y/n's hands and fixed her stance to perform an overhand serve.
y/n's eyes followed her hands, watching as her palm made contact with the ball, and making it real through the air with immense speed and power.
"heh. hows that!" rika grinned. y/n looked at her with sparkling eyes, her expression laced with awe and admiration. "that's so cool!" she exclaimed "can you teach me?"
rika nodded excitedly and grabbed a different ball for her to practice with. "okay, so pretty much just throw the ball with your hand and hit it with the other" she said
"go as hard as you can. we're only practicing anyways” y/n nodded in determination and did as she was told. except, when she did her attempt, it was quite unsuccessful to say the least.
she threw the ball in the air, her aura changing into a more concentrated one, as she readied her other hand to hit.
"ouch!" she yelped as her hand missed the ball, which led to it falling ontop of her head. 
"ah, don't mind" rika chuckled "it's your first try, you'll get it right soon!" 
"right!" y/n replied
wrong. they were wrong. 
y/n couldn't perfect or let alone perform one successful serve or receive. it always ended with her tripping, missing the ball, or accidentally making it bounce onto her face
"i can't do it" she heaved out as she laid on the gym floors . "yes you can, you're just.. different.." rika sweat dropped "learning new things comes differently to others, so maybe with more practice you'll do well" rika said 
"i can't anymore" y/n huffed out as she sat up from the ground "it hurts." she gestured to her arms and face which was covered in bandaids. her arms were as red as they could be from all the impact it had been receiving. and her face was honestly close to being battered. she felt as if it was worse than the injuries she got while learning how to skate with reki. 
"but volleyball seems awesome and fun.." she muttered out in distress "i wanna play it. but i don't think i can" she said, making rika frown. 
"well.. we could always try again?" rika suggested with a smile. "im afraid if i get more bruises i won't be able to skate or move properly anymore" y/n replied with a grunt 
rika hummed in agreement. "well youre not wrong" she said 
"i wanna play volleyball.. but i also don't.." y/n said with a soft laugh "i wanna learn about it.. and be involved" she said  "maybe reki would be proud." she muttered with a smile. "..is that weird?" she asked 
rika looked over at her and shook her head with a smile "not at all!" she said "actually, it might know just what you want" 
"and that is..?" 
"please accept her as manager!" rika exclaimed to the coach as she bowed down in respect. "please!" y/n repeated as she went to stand back up, only for rika to push her head back down. 
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rika sweat dropped and cupped her mouth, whispering to him with a frown "well, she's kinda bad at it so.." coach nobuteru sweat dropped and nodded. "i see." he said. 
coach nobuteru chuckled at the two and urged them to stand. "i don't understand, rika" he said "if she wants to play volleyball, why not let her join your team?" he asked 
"hasegawa y/n, correct?" he mused. y/n nodded in response, way too distracted by the boys' gym that seems to look relatively different from the girls'. "well, our manager spot is indeed open for offers" he said "we still haven't found one that's reliable and fairly compatible with the team." 
"yeah, most of the volunteers just wanna flirt with oikawa" rika explained, causing nobuteru to laugh but agree nonetheless. 
"..." y/n stared at them in confusion and tilted her head to the side, looking absolutely clueless. "who's oikawa?" she asked 
a few murmurs and snickers could be heard from outside the gym entrance, followed by some whines from a boy saying things like 'don't laugh!' or 'she's just playing hard to get!' 
"he's our team captain." nobuteru explained with a smile. "he's arguably one of the best players in the business, im sure he won't disappoint." 
"oh.." y/n muttered. "who are the other players?" she asked, not really wanting to discuss a boy she don't really know 
laughs and murmurs once again echoed through the gym walls, followed by some teasing remarks like 'oh the pretty girl's not interested in you' and the likes 
"well, we have our vice captain iwaizumi" nobuteru said. y/n then perked up at the familiar name and gasped in awe "iwaizumi-san's from our class" she said to rika who only nodded in response
"i see he's got a fan?" coach nobuteru mused. "iwaizumi is a wing spiker and our 'ace' as we may say" he said. "so cool!" y/n exclaimed with sparkling eyes as she invisioned iwaizumi spiking a ball through their opponent's blocks 
"enough!" a loud whine echoed throughout the gym walls, followed by various laughter from boys 
the three of them looked back to see oikawa crossing his arms and huffing in annoyance while some of the boys teased him 
"oh, you finally decided to show yourselves, huh?" coach nobuteru chuckled 
"coach!" the boys greeted with sheepish smiles as they put away their bags 
"well anyways, i'm guessing you've already heard our conversation" nobuteru said. "y/n seems like a nice girl.." he trailed off "she also seems interested in the sport.. and a specific player" nobuteru chuckled as he watched her discreetly look at iwaizumi with sparkling eyes and amazement 
"i'm thinking of giving her a chance." 
y/n's eyes averted towards him and blinked in surprise. "really?" she asked with a smile 
"yep. but it's only like a trial type of thing. we'll see how well you'll do, then we can all decide if you're cut out for it" nobuteru explained. "okay! i'll do it!" she agreed with a determined look in her eyes. 
beside her, rika yelped and bright her down to her height to whisper. "these boys are very rowdy so if you can't handle it, i'll totally kick off our shabby boy manager and take you in instead!" she said 
y/n looked at her in confusion and simply nodded. "okay.. but they can't possibly be that bad.." she whispered back. y/n then turned to inspect the boys, looking them up an down and studying their white and teal uniforms down to their shoes. 
"reki would look good in that" she mumbled to herself ".. the color's kinda like my hair.." she felt her cheeks heat up, causing her to jump and quickly cover them with her hands
"um.. when do i start?" she asked coach nobuteru
"right now." oikawa answered with a smirk. "nice to meet ya, manager-chan~" he winked. she raised a brow and looked him up and down. with a look of dread, she muttered; "you're the boy from class..the noisy one.." 
oikawa's face paled as he watched her bow at him then swiftly move along to greet the others. 
"eh?" he muttered in confusion. the brunette looked at her with furrowed brows and watched as she bombarded iwaizumi with questions. 
"are you really the 'ace'?" she asked him. "ah yeah.. i guess coach told you" iwaizumi replied with a sheepish smile. "are you good at spiking like rika?" she asked with sparkling eyes. "i guess so.." iwaizumi chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck 
"so cool.." she mumbled in amazement "can you teach me?" 
"ah, that's not a good idea" rika quickly interjected "at least let your bruises heal first" she sweat dropped 
"bruises?" matsukawa hummed in confusion "why'd you have bruises, hasegawa-san?" he asked
oikawa simply watched as her expression morphed into one of slight embarrassment and dread. "i.. i tried to play volleyball.. but i suck" she sulked 
the boys sweat dropped and nodded in understanding "i see." matsukawa chuckled 
"well no worries, we'll teach ya if we ever have the time" he said. y/n was seemingly cheered up by that statement alone, seeing as her lips curved into a small smile. "thank you" she said 
"hey, quit staring you pervert" iwaizumi said as he nudged oikawa with his elbow 
oikawa looked over to him and chuckled. "im not staring" he said. iwaizumi rolled his eyes and lightly hit oikawa's head with his fist. "don't even think about flirting with her" he said 
"she seems to hate you enough." iwaizumi snickered "that's what you get for annoying her in class" 
"im not gonna flirt with her—" 
oikawa abruptly paused as his eyes caught hers. she kept eye contact for a while longer  and sent him a faint smile before looking away. 
the brunette blushed as he watched her walk off along with rika and coach nobuteru 
"iwa-chan.. i think im gonna have a problem with that request of yours" oikawa  muttered out as he watched her blue locks sway in the air 
iwaizumi huffed and slapped him on the back. "geez. you got love at first sight or something?" he teased
"yeah.. i think so.." oikawa responded with a hazy smile, watching her figure disappear with a blush sprawled across his cheeks 
"wait what? seriously?" iwaizumi asked in surprise "you can't be serious.. don't mess with me or her like that" he warned him. "im not!" oikawa huffed "im telling the truth, okay!" 
"whatever" iwaizumi rolled his eyes "let's get practice going" 
on the other side of the gym, y/n shuddered, which gained rika's attention. "something wrong?" rika asked her. "oikawa-san was staring at me..." she said with a small whimper ".. creepy.." 
rika sweat dropped and patted her back comfortingly "maybe he likes you" she jokingly said with a laugh. "i mean, it's not a bad thing. he's cute and nice. he's actually pretty fun to be around" 
"reki's like that too.." y/n muttered with a smile, completely disregarding the topic about oikawa. 
"who's reki?" rika asked with a curious hum. "he's my best friend." y/n replied "he's in okinawa right now."
"i wonder what he's up to.." 
"oi, redhead where's SNOW?!"  "SNOW's been gone for a few days, the beefs are getting boring!"  "i miss betting on her"  "we wanna see SNOW!" 
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reki gulped as he watched almost the entirety of S rampage about the absence of their favourite rookie "ah, she's just taking a break for now!" reki exclaimed with a nervous smile 
reki sighed and simply walked back to his friends, groaning in exasperation as he sat on the ground next to miya "its no use, they won't buy it" he said. "well yeah." miya huffed "they love betting on her cus she always wins" 
"yeah right, she didn't even get injured last time"  "he's totally lying!"  "just tell SNOW to come!" 
"why don't we just tell em" shadow shrugged "not like she's coming back any time soon" 
reki frowned and shook his head. "that would stir a lot of commotion" he said "but i guess you're right. y/n can't really come to S anymore if she's not here." reki sighed in distress "AGH, WHY DID SHE HAVE TO LEAVE ANYWAYS?!" 
"SHE COULD'VE STAYED HERE INSTEAD OF MOVING TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COUNTRY!" reki whined "now i don't have my best friend!" 
"no, it can't be.." 
everyone froze as the oh-so-familiar voice rang across the air. they looked back to see ADAM with his jaw slightly agape, and his hands shaking from either anger or disbelief. maybe both. 
"no way, it's ADAM" reki clenched his fists "what the hell is he doing here?" 
cherry frowned and nodded along. "yeah. there are no major beefs of events tonight.." he said 
"my.. my little y/n.." adam whimpered "she left me.." 
reki grimaced at the nickname and glared at the man, looking at him in utter distaste as he stood up warily. 
"NO! I WILL NOT LET THIS HAPPEN!" adam exclaimed in anger. he was seething, basically shaking from anger in distress. 
"you." he pointed at reki. "where is SNOW." he asked through gritted teeth 
"im not telling you ADAM." reki said with a glare. "leave her alone." 
adam scoffed and turned on his heels, picking up his board and walking off with tadashi following suit. "tch. i do not care." he said. "i don't need an interposing nuisance like you." adam scoffed 
"it doesn't matter if i have to search the whole country or let alone the world.." adam trailed off 
he placed his hand on top of his pounding chest and grinned. in a menacing tone, he muttered;
can you tell im a fucking wattpad author with how fast the oikawa suddenly liked her 
"i will find you, my eve." 
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tsuki-sennin · 3 years
Revice Ep. 4 let's goooooo
-I actually appreciate Ikki's character flaw of dragging his feet on actually being a hero. Usually Riders dive headfirst into good guy stuff, even on the occasion they aren't happy having this kind of responsibility (at first) like Shinnosuke or Takumi. Ikki, meanwhile seems to treat the Deadmans as just another chore around the bathhouse (albeit one he has to drop everything to deal with) and Daiji calling him out on it feels pretty justified. Makes me think that Vice doesn't fully represent his sinful side.
-Speaking of things I appreciate, goddamn I missed you, background extras. The world feels... populated again! The stakes feel a lot more consistent now.
-So, is Gifu-sama... the effigy? Is he just inside it, or is Aguilera's "stuffy" line about whatever extradimensional place he's sleeping in?
-Karizaki has his own gym, huh? Looks very sterile and clinical, he doesn't even have a spotter or work-out music. I thought he'd be blasting Just Live More or Kuuga's theme, but I guess not.
-Oh c'mon Sakura, two people can just be good friends. Just sayin'. ...though in your defense, that does seem like what Toei will go for.
-...oh I get it now. That's the Deadmans' angle. The more negative emotion or turbulence swelling up in a person, the stronger the demon they make with a Vistamp. "What a shitty mom you have, Ayaka. But Aguilera-sama and Gifu-sama can be your new parents if you make a contract~!" ...didn't know it was that important... man, fuck you.
-If that's the case though, what're Olteca and Julio's deals? I assumed they had strong ties to the cult's founding and indoctrinated Aguilera somehow, but now I'm not so sure.
-...I wish IzuSubs didn't phrase Mammoth Genomes's transformation phrase as "Climaxing from the trunk", that sounds very sexual. Especially with all of Vice's love talk.
-Aguilera's casual outfit this episode looks really comfy. I'd love to wear it. I love how she goes out of her way to step on Ikki, that's funny as fuck.
-Mama Igarashi coming in with the great advice once again. It's easy to forget how even the most well-intentioned actions can affect other people.
-That background when Ayaka and her mother are making up... it looks almost exactly like the empty wasteland Azu and Aruto were in during the hallucinations near the end of Zero-One.
-...it could be unintentional, but since the Pteranodon Vistamp represents Faiz, does this mean Ayaka's family problems were meant to be seen as a lighter and softer version of Yuka's? That'd be very interesting if that was the case.
-So... the CGI is super obvious, but considering all the badass live fights we've gotten so far, I wouldn't worry too much.
-Oh god, he's on mobile now.
-...Where did he go.
-Oh boy, livestreamers. My favorite~~~! I actually can wait a week for this!
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serowotonin · 3 years
You should try a ship your moots thing- (you dont have to if you dont want to :))
been waiting for this one.. thanks anon,,,,,, aight *cracks knuckles*
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@animebsposts + me = nothing else needs to be said bout this 😌💖✨
@ellectric-blue + kaminari = okok i know ur faves are deku, shishou, and todo bUT skdnskd idk i feel like ur energy would go well with kaminari ❓ you guys would be that cute memey couple whos also hella hot idk 😭
@iridescentscarecrow + fruit = nix, sweetie, ever since YOU made the server, i’ve seen evidence of how much u love fruit👁👄👁 see, i know u claim to be “doing this for me” but really,, u seem to genuinely enjoy it 😳 don’t be shy, embrace the fruit<3
@namaweeb + me = we’d be too powerful, but cuz it’s us we wouldn’t bother doing anything🤧 oh also we distract each other too much</3 and end up never doing work... still think we make a good ship tho😼✨✨
@itskoushi + sugawara = PLS YOU GUYS WOULD BE SO CUTE TOGETHER😭,,, dont get me wrong i also ship you with oikawa but bruh idk theres smth abt your dynamic with suga that i rlly like🥺🥺 yee i feel like you two would actually be pretty good together
@kureyama + kageyama = this isn’t just cuz of ur url ok😭🤧 i ship u with kags cuz jdfksdf i feel like ur personality would actually get along with his pretty well ?? not exactly in the opposites attract kind of way but somewhere along the lines of that...
@scorpio-in-luv + sakusa = oK IDK IF THIS IS UNEXPECTED OR SMN BUT ??? look when i think abt it,,, i feel like you guys would actually do well together. he’ll like you cuz you understand him and ur chill so yeah (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
@lilikags + shirabu = do i even need to talk abt this ship? ur shirabu brainrot is never off and ykw im willing to bet hes got 24/7/365 lili brainrot too 👀💖✨
@samthegirlnextdoor + kita = another ship i dont have to talk much about🤧 u and kita are amazing together in that ur both supportive and understanding of each other and i think thats real cute *w*
@laceymorganwrites + aizawa = so this ship doesnt even have to be romantic,,,, bcuz ace ur always looking out for us🥺 and i feel that someone like aizawa would appreciate it yk. he also cares a great deal for his students and wants what best for them,,, so in that way i feel like you two fit each other🥰🥰
@itrytowriteunderthemoonlight + kuroo = you and him would have those “smart/nerd” relationship dynamics except hes towards the science side and ur towards the literature and skdjsd I FIND THAT RLLY CUTE OKAY😭😭💕
@trenchcoatmimic + reblog button = honestly, im pretty sure u two are in a long-term serious relationship already😶😶
@yukae-rin + akashi = we haven’t talked or interacted much but i can already see you and akashi being in a rlly cute relationship,,, um idrk what else to say 🤧🤡💀
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if i missed anyone IM SORRYYY,,,, or if anyone else wants a ship too (we dont have to be moots or close) just send me an ask<3
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