#gw2 catalyst
ohpollenpowder · 1 year
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Images not resized or recolored in any way. Just sharpened a bit and brightened. Didn't wanna distort the New Krytan (or maybe they're throwing us for a loop and dong Old Krytan) in case anyone wanted to translate!! I'd think it'd be hilarious if they just chose to lorem ipsum us with it...
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elememetalist · 6 months
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become the villain
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lilacfulgur · 1 year
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I've finally decided to get to the 'cosmic aesthetic' character idea I had in my head and created her in preparation for upcoming expansion; presenting Memory of Starlight
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uselessidiotsquad · 1 year
Character introduction: Eunfionn
Haven't had time to share one of my newest kids yet!
Known among the Inquest as B14199, he's my Secondborn kiddo who (got done really dirty by Asura ) is properly known as Eunfionn or Eun. Originally kept as an experiment for Inquest to see if they could utilize Sylvari's natural regenerative properties in the medical field. After finding it couldn't be transferred to other races or extracted, Eun basically became the lab rat of 'how much can we take and still have it grow back?'
The answer is a whole lot more than they thought. Constantly removing and waiting for things to grow back before removing them again has led Eun to be far shorter than the average Sylvari though otherwise proportional. It's not clear if he has escaped his captors or was simply set loose in another experiment to see how he would react with his environment.
However, what is clear is that he does not share the link to the Dream as many Sylvari do but neither seems influenced by Nightmare. It is suspected that he has a form of Soundlessness that is induced rather than chosen but given that he does not wish to speak with others, the results are inconclusive.
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achromant · 2 years
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small personal work for myself, since it's GW2's 10th birthday, and thus my 8th anniversary playing this beautiful game.
Ghlis [Mono]
Fractal God
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charrior-of-ash · 2 years
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Kat Warfire, Catalyst, self-called Flame Legion Overlord, leader of the Ancient Flame Albinus Iceheart, Dragonhunter, fka Albinus Iceshield, soldier in the Heart Warband Tredar Shatterheart, Renegade, fka Tredar Shatterblade, another member of Yahuk’s Heart Warband Aladra Truefury, Scourge, Ash Legion born, Olmakhan raised daughter of the Commander Got myself a new computer over a month ago - here, grab some brand new screenshots of my cats!
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gristlegrinder · 2 years
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khismat, my commander from a bad timeline. instead of stealing joko’s army from him, she bargains with kralkatorrik in order for them to stop balthazar together — becoming his champion in the process. and, like, it works, but...
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aidan-khontus · 1 year
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Scoll has decided the solution is to make his life's problems all nails.
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berrisweetsiren · 1 year
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And all through the night-
Where the lighting did strike!
And the thunder rolled, rain it poured on went their fight!
Taking down the right hand-
Downing every last man,
Till the god himself was taken by none other than--
The one that they thought got away...
Now stood face to face swords to chests a debt to pay
The Mistwalker cried, “You’ll never be rid of me.”
His final command as he fell into his grave!
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girlbob-boypants · 1 year
Zojja talking about how the Wizards found a magic in her that's deeper/different/greater (i think? she says?) than elementalism will never not be a little funny to me as an ele main.
Woman who got a new job finds out her old classmate learned how to turn into a fire tornado, combine the elements, and bludgeon people to death with a hammer
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galacticxangel · 1 year
Which one of you critters had that GIF tutorial, help a gal out! I wanna make gifs but I don’t know how!
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ohpollenpowder · 11 months
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This choice of mine is so labor intensive omg... Anyway, we got our eleven year gift! I chose Cherry Vanilla for my dye, still kinda salty there was no new title.
1,667 hours and 8 minutes over these past 4,015 days.
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elememetalist · 7 days
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it's all fire now. all hammer 3 skills turn into flying fire hammers. amazing
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what-the-flux · 6 months
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I came to the realization the other night that my beloved main man Oort the Truncheon turns 10 years old today! I can scarcely believe he's been with me that long, and yet it feels like I've had him even longer. As silly as it sounds, he's been through a lot with me. I'm not just talking the incredible amounts of development and IC story he's had, but how he's grown alongside me. He's been an outlet of self-discovery for me in a lot of respects, even playing a part in me accepting my own gender identity years ago, an aspect of myself I had boxed away. He gave me the courage to challenge inner doubts, prejudices and fears of self-actualization. I can't understate how important he is to me these days. Oort was also the catalyst to get me to share more of my ideas in the fandom and became my default "face" here on the GW2 side of Tumblr and through him I met so many great people over the years!
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Decided to change his colors back to his OG look with classic yellow hair magilev crystals to celebrate the occasion. Thank you all for those that have followed or supported me since the beginning and all the people that came afterwards in more recent years. I may not be the most talkative here sometimes, but the fact that this curmudgeonly Warmaster and myself are still here over 10 years later speaks volumes on how much of an impact my GW2 characters and the fandom has had on me.
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No screenshots remain of him from the earliest years, so have one of the first arts I ever did of him, all the way back from 2015!
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the-six-official · 4 months
leveling a new character and i cant decide which to do first... help me gw2 nation
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achromant · 2 years
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another big project started!
[yes] --- [maybeee...] --- [no]
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