paulpingminho · 1 month
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deathsweetblossoms · 2 years
Thoughts on Gwoon, & How it Relates to Elriel
A tiny way into my re-read of ACOSF, I’ve been focusing on Gwoon and her backstory, and some things stood out to me:
Upon her introduction we learn a few things. The first that stands out to me is how her eyes “sparkle” when Nesta helps with the book. G tells Nesta, “Thank you. I am in your debt.” Nesta also comments on “the emotion shining in (Gwoon’s) eyes”.
(edit to add: she says “I’m in your debt” twice. When she meets up with nesta again after they encounter the cat-like presence in the library [Aidas? Is that you??], she AGAIN says “I’m in your debt”. Not a coincidence.)
Maybe this is just a fae thing, harkening back to the interaction with Feyre and the water nymph (the idea of bargains and exchanges), but Gwoon seems OVERCOME with someone having helped her in this way, with saving her from the reprimand from Merrill. She says “I am in your debt”, as though now she truly owes Nesta. For saving her from that.
Now I’m sat here thinking about whether all the looks she has given Azriel stem from this same quality of character. He saved her at Sangravah. Showed up and killed the Hybern soldiers. Now she is in his debt.
The second thing is the mention that she “doesn’t like to fail”, again some emotion stirring as she says this. Because her fellow librarians provided “healing and family”, and took her in, she now has some inner drive to not fail those who have helped and sheltered her.
Parallel this to the ribbon scene. Perhaps “you’re the ribbon” is moreso a comment on how G wants to be perceived as someone who was worth saving, and doesn’t want to “let down” Azriel by being unable to accept this challenge. Not anything to do with romance at all
Hmm..I’ll keep adding to this as I work through the rest of the book. This one will take me longer because I can’t take this book to the gym with me 🥵 I literally cannot read ACOSF in public LMFAO.
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mudpuddlenl · 1 year
Voor de mensen met een pinda allergie: de kruidnoten van gwoon zijn veilig!
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felixcloud6288 · 11 months
Fullmetal Alchemist Chapter 90
Now that I think about it, during the timeskip, Ed might have gotten in contact with Roy to plan everything out and coordinate a few things with him. But if so, Roy failed to mention that Selim is a Homunculus.
And Hohenheim mentions having a counter in place if Father activates the National Transmutation Circle. By Chekhov rules, that means Father is going to activate the circle.
That slice Olivier Mira Armstrong did to that guy. It went straight through the bone. That is the one graphic image in this series that I can't stomach no matter how many times I see it.
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Major General Armstrong went on the offensive the moment these armchair generals started talking about people being sacrifices for their own advancement. She similarly lost her temper at Raven when he said the same stuff at Briggs.
She's a frontline general who actually spends time with and cares for the wellbeing of her team. It's understandable that this callousness to those who actually are responsible for your success is such a berserk button for her.
Is this guy an informant from Major General Armstrong or is he just some random soldier who thought Alex should know abut what happened?
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Is the "gwoon" sound from Father drawing his Philosopher's Stone back twoard himself? Is he concentrating his power for what's about to happen?
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The chimera alleyway is a bust. So we're not going to see if Jelso, Zanpano, and Darius could just casually walk amongst the Chimera guardians like Bido did.
I kinda forgot that Scar is still a wanted criminal.
And this is one of the best single images of Ed in the whole manga.
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It's a good thing the guards were more concerned about the appearance of a terrorist and didn't ask questions about a missing State Alchemist appearing in front of them.
This looks like your typical JPRG final party.
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Those artificial bodies had souls injected into them through nodes like the ones the Homunculi have. So that adds more credence to the idea that those nodes act as major concentration points to circulate the Philosopher's Stone through the body.
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Entry # 190 of the Evil Overlord List: "If my mad scientist/wizard tells me he has almost perfected my Superweapon but it still needs more testing, I will wait for him to complete the tests. No one ever conquered the world using a beta version."
Dude should have listened.
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Pretty solid consistency with where Barry's parts and original body had been left after the fight with Lust. The part with Barry's seal is even oriented the way it should be given the posture of the corpse. Only real issue is the pieces of Barry's armor were way closer together originally.
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I couldn't make out anything about Pride's SOS signal. It all came out to a bunch of random letters no matter how I tried to define and cluster the sounds he was making.
If Al had a mean bone in his body (figuratively speaking since he doesn't have any bones), he would have taken the opportunity to just beat up Pride while he was defenseless and all this trouble could be avoided.
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closetedfreak98 · 2 years
my theory: SJM killed off Ianthe so gywneth berdara lightsinger (another fake af evil white bitch) could take her place.
face it gwoon doesn’t even wear the priestess gemstone on her head if she can avoid it. she’s superrrr shady about the darker lower levels of the library, nesta was totally unimpressed with her the first few times they met. her goody two shoes innocent persona is a front. she’s a lightsinger planted in the NC by beron vanserra.
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liefst · 2 years
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stilleven met gwoon© ijsthee in de metro
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likeplants2024 · 1 month
Hung Sing Gwoon Salamanca ofrece un entrenamiento tradicional de kung fu, basado en siglos de conocimientos técnicos y pedagógicos perfeccionados por grandes maestros.
Nuestro programa guía al practicante desde los movimientos básicos hasta técnicas avanzadas, fortaleciendo tanto el cuerpo como la mente.
Originado en la dinastía Ming, nuestro enfoque destaca por su preferencia hacia los estilos de artes marciales de Shaolin, ofreciendo una formación integral en defensa personal.
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gwoonmemes · 5 years
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G'woon zo weer nuchter 😳 . . Tag die fakeagents wiens alcoholpercentage drastisch naar beneden zakt wanneer hun ouders/voogd contact opneemt. . . Ode aan iedereen die ook dit weekend weer te hard ging, of dit nu echt was of voor de nep. Jullie zijn allemaal toppertjes, stuk voor stuk. . . #liegen #fopje #prank #mams #ouder #voogd #feessie #fissa #lit #huts #shotjes #drankjesendansjes #gwoon #memes #janlinders #coop #boni #spar #attent #dirkvandenbroek (bij Panja Resort) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8jj5A9pRjV/?igshid=rz91yse8mnej
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mythischemiems · 6 years
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kroketjee · 6 years
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Gwoon nu al
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atevegter · 3 years
2302 Bijna ongwoon
Het is bijna zover. Ik hou erg van situaties waarin iets bijna het geval is. Dat is vaak beter dan de zaak zelf. Het is bijna Sinterklaas, het is bijna kerst, het is bijna Nieuwjaar. Hoe vaak vallen die dagen zelf niet tegen door te weinig kadootjes of familieruzies. Juist op grote feestelijke aangelegenheden gaat het mis tussen vrienden en broers en zussen. Daar heb je bij de voorpret allemaal…
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deathsweetblossoms · 2 years
The Fall & Rise of Each Relationship in ACOTAR
Three mountains. Three sisters. Three brothers. Let’s talk about it. Briefly. 
This thought struck me as I was pondering many things last night instead of doing my full moon ritual (lol). Both Rhys/Feyre and Cassian/Nesta followed a similar path to union, being that their relationships started off tenuously, not very solid footing. Until they reluctantly warmed to each other, only to have to start from the ground up to rebuild. 
We end ACOTAR with a reluctant understanding between the two (from Feyre’s POV). If the series had ended there, I would have assumed they had established a tenuous friendship, at the most. By the time we start ACOMAF, however, I was surprised by Feyre. It seemed like she’d taken a major step back with Rhys - scowling at the tattoo, cursing at the tattoo, thinking all sorts of awful things about him. (It made sense because of the bargain, and she wanted to be free of it, but he hadn’t even contacted her...)  So when they finally reunite, she is pissed, raging pushing him away, wants nothing to do with him. They have to work to build that understanding, trust, and intimacy that leads to their final union. They have to climb the mountain together.
If the series had ended with ACOWAR, I would have just head canon-ed that Nesta and Cassian ended up together and he helped her process the trauma of war. But when we start Frost & Starlight, she has taken major steps back from even considering Cassian as a partner. Not just that, she pushes EVERYONE away. Throughout the book, they too have to build that understanding, trust, intimacy, to lead to their final union when Nesta completely opens to him. They had to work for it, otherwise we wouldn’t have a story. They climbed the mountain together.
If I hadn’t read the deleted chapter, I would have just assumed we would be going into the next book with Az/Elain already having this sweet, but romantically charged, friendship and the bond would be the main obstacle. I wouldn’t have even thought about Gwoon, or any of that. So, narratively, we will have taken a major step back from whatever was growing between Elain and Azriel because of the threat from Rhys. They have to start from almost nothing in order for there to be something to build upon. Why? Because, like Cassian and Nesta, we need to be part of them rebuilding their connection in order for us to root for them to come together. From a storytelling perspective, this is how we get those delicious slow burn stories. 
So, we have a few obstacles working against us: the threat from Rhys, the mating bond itself, the lack of communication between Elain and Az, the conversation that needs to happen with Mor, and whatever is happening with Gwoon. (I’m not going to lie. I want to be optimistic, but the deleted chapter and the way it ended, to me, does read like implied potential of something. But whether it leads to anything remains to be seen. We didn’t really have the threat of a love triangle in either Rhys/Feyre or Cassian/Nesta, unless you can count Tamlin and Eris. In one novel, there isn’t a lot of time for a crazy love triangle...but we have two coming out right?) All of these things narratively work as something to overcome in order for them to be together.  
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phanniephobic · 5 years
hoi schatje (nu klink ik als een vieze oude vent maar ik ben een 15 jarige dw maar je bent gwoon zo iemand waartegen ke schatje zegt)
hi babe :’)
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When my parents bought the houseboat someone involved in the transaction gave them a giftcard to a restaurant nearby.
But we’ve been there before a couple of years ago, and the experience was kinda sub-par (we were sat so that the doors to the kitchen kept waving cold air our way, and my dad’s steak was burnt on one side, and they just turned it upside down. As if the burn goes away when you can’t see it. Hm.), so now my parents are almost hilariously stalling their visit there.
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longlivetheluckyone · 6 years
I knew UWU were trouble
wunce upwon a twime
A fuwu mwstwkes agowo
I wwas in UWU swites
UWU got mii.. awone
UWU fwond mii..
UWU fwond mii..
(o´ω`o) fwond mii..
I gwess UWU dwdn cawe
An I gwess I wikd taht
Awn wen I fwew hawd
UWU towok a stwep bacc
Wffowt mii.., Wfifowt mii.., Wffowtt miiiiiii..
An hes wong gwoon
Wen hwes nwxt to mii..
An I reawiwze teh bwamwe is own mii..
Cuwuse I nwew UWU wewe twoubwe wen UWU wawkd in
So sbhwamwe own mii noow
Fwew mii to pwacews Iwd nebwew bewen
So UWU put mii dwown (´O ω O`)
I knwew UWU wewe twoubwe wen UWU wawkwd in
Swo sbwamwe own mii noow
Fwew mii to pwacews Iwd nebwew bween
Nowo Iwm wyin own teh cowed hawwed gwoaund
Oh, oh, twoubwe, twoubwe, ttwoubwe
Oh, oh, twoubwe, twoubwe, twoubwee
No apowogbwes
Heww nebwew see UWU kwie
Pwetwend he dwoesnwt nouw
Tat hes teh weasown wieyyy
UWUr dwownwing, UWUr ddwownwing, UWUr dwownwing
Awn I heawed UWU mobwed on
Fwom wspews own tvhe stweet
A new nwotch in UWUr bewt
Is awl Iwl ebwew be
An nouw I see, nuow I see, meow I sweee
He was wong gwon
Wen he mwet mii..
An I reawize the jowwk is own mii..
I new UWU wewe twoubwe wen UWU wawkewd in
So sbhamwe on mii now
Fwew mii to pwacbes I'd nebwew been
So UWU put mii down oh
I new UWU wewe twoubwe wen UWU wawkewd in
So sbhamwe on mii now
Fwew me to pwacews Iwd nebwer bween
Nowo Iwm wyin own teh colwed hawwed gwoaund
Oh, oh, twoubwe, twoubwe, ttwoubwe
Oh, oh, twoubwe, twoubwe, twoubwee
When UWUr swadest feawe couwms kweeping in
Tha UWU nebwew wobvd mi ow hew ow anywon or anyethwing
I new UWU wewe twoubwe wen UWU wawkewd in
So sbhamwe on mii now
Fwew mii to pwacwes Iwd nebwew been
So UWU put mii down oh
I new UWU wewe twoubwe wen UWU wawkewd in
So shbwamwe own mii now
Fwew mii to pwacwes Iwd nebwew been
Nowo Iwm wyin own teh cowed hawwed gwoaund
Oh, oh, twoubwe, twoubwe, ttwoubwe
Oh, oh, twoubwe, twoubwe, twoubwee
I neuw UWU wewe twoubwe wen UWU wawkwd in
twoubwe, twoubwe, ttwoubwe
I knew UWU wewe twoubwe wen UWU wawkwd in
Twoubwew, twoubwew, twoubwew…..
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likeplants2024 · 1 month
Hung Sing Gwoon Salamanca ofrece un entrenamiento tradicional de kung fu, basado en siglos de conocimientos técnicos y pedagógicos perfeccionados por grandes maestros.
Nuestro programa guía al practicante desde los movimientos básicos hasta técnicas avanzadas, fortaleciendo tanto el cuerpo como la mente.
Originado en la dinastía Ming, nuestro enfoque destaca por su preferencia hacia los estilos de artes marciales de Shaolin, ofreciendo una formación integral en defensa personal.
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