#gwylim lee!brian may imagine
mirkwoodshewolf · 6 years
Soulmates through music; Brian May x reader
Okay everyone, now from the last Rock Angel part I know I had a lot of hearts broken and spirits crushed so along with the recent Freddie fic I just posted which I hope you all read and comment, I present to you my 2nd Brian May x reader fic. This time it has ALL THE FLUFFY FEELS that should hopefully mend the heartache that was “A family torn apart”.
Now one thing I should add is the fact I’ve put the reader as Tim’s sister, you know the first lead singer of Smile before he went to join Humpy Bong. The idea of putting the reader as Tim’s sister has crossed my mind more than once and I’ve yet to come across a fic with that description so I thought, what the hell I’ll give it a shot. And I may include a part 2&3 but that’s all I’ve had in mind for it, but first I’ll see how I am with time.
So warnings are FLUFF, FLUFF & yes MORE FLUFF, makeout sessions, Paul Prenter (yes he’s a warning as usual), bit of swearing but overall it’s as FLUFFY as you can imagine. OH ONE LAST THING AND THIS IS IMPORTANT SO LISTEN UP!!!!
I have linked a video towards the end for Brian May singing “Love of my Life.” Please please please please please PLEASE listen to that song cause it will help the story move along. I promise you. Okay hope you enjoy loveies :)
*PS AN 3-23-19*
For those who don’t know, I’ve made a little oneshot sequel to this story. Pt.3 is already done and complete, idk when I’ll do pt.2 so that way this short little mini-series can be marked as complete but for those interested until I get the time to do pt.2 have a read of this and I hope you all enjoy this next little continuation :)
Part 1.5      Part 2      Part 3       Part 4
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Taglist Queen fics
It was like any other Smile performance. Brian, Roger, Tim and I were playing at the pub, oh I’m getting a head of myself, the name is (y/n) Staffell, the keyboardist/pianist and sometimes tambourine player of Smile, but by day I do my mammalogy studies specifically in regard to carnivora species of the Eutheria subclass. In English that means I focus more on the studies of big cats, canines and bears.  
And yes as you can tell by my last name, Tim is unfortunately my older brother.  The relationship between us is…..well it’s strained at best but it’s not violent or toxic or anything like that but, we don’t get along half the time.
But he knew my potential of the piano ever since I was 3 years old I’ve been playing and I knew how to make a good rhythm or match harmony to melodies to some of the songs that Smile does.  When Brian and Roger came on board in the band, the three of us became rather close, best friends you could say, hell maybe family.
Once Brian’s guitar solo came up and he had the chance to shine, Roger and I joined behind him and the three of us made a sound so magnificent and full of rock and roll, I felt like it would be deserving of the heavens.  That is of course until Tim came back in singing and playing the bass guitar.
By the end of the show, our classmates and other young college kids applauded and my brother said into the mic.
“Thank you all. We are Smile. Goodnight everybody!” After the show I shook out my hands and flexed my fingers in and out and that’s when Roger asked me.
“You alright (y/n)?”
“Yeah just overdid it on that solo, always makes my wrists cramp up as well as my fingers. Thank god I didn’t miss a key though.”
“I thought you did amazing.” Said Brian.  I turned to him and smiled softly and thanked him.
However as the night went on, things only got worse as my idiot brother told us of this opportunity with a new band.
“Humpy Bong?” Brian said.
“Humpy Bong. There’s going places, there’s gonna be big.”
“Humpy Bong. Are you joking?” snapped Roger.
“Don’t do it Tim.” Brian begged.
“I’m sorry guys but we’re not going anywhere with this. What college gigs? Pubs? I’ve gotta give it a go. Come on (y/n) let’s go.”
“I’m not going.” I stated firmly.  Tim turned toward me holding his bass and he said.
“Don’t be an idiot (y/n). I already told them I knew of a great pianist who could put Beethoven and Mozart to shame. Don’t waste your talent by staying where you’re at.” I stared Tim down and said.
“Then find someone else with my skill set. If that’s at all possible of course. You may be a coward for ducking out but I’m not. I’m staying with Rog and Brian.” Tim rolled his eyes and muttered.
“Whatever, it’s your loss.” Then he walked away leaving Brian, Roger and myself along without a lead singer.
I just got back from the bar getting our drinks and I handed Roger his beer and I handed Brian his glass of water while I had me a beer as well.  I sat between Roger and Brian in Rog’s van.
“You didn’t have to do that you know.” I heard Brian say.
“Do what?”
“Stay with us while your brother’s off to go big.”
“Brian, if my brother and I had to be stuck in one more band together, I’d soon rather gouge my eyes out and chop off every last one of my fingers and toes just so that I couldn’t play anymore. You guys may not know this but he’s also very critical when it comes to my playing. Claiming I’m not playing the right tempo or key. I’ll make it big with my boys at my side.”
“Aww you do care for us.” Roger teased as he ruffled my hair messing it up while I let out a whine before playfully shoving him away.
As the minutes ticked by, Roger piped in again.
“Besides I think he’s right. That show really was a load of bullocks.”
“Well there—there was room for improvement yeah.” Brian tried to reason with Roger. “Right (y/n)?”
“See even she agrees with me. I’ve got better things to do with my Saturday nights. I could give you their names.” Roger grinned smugly at the last statement as he put his cigarette to his lips and as Brian and I rolled our eyes, Roger exhaled the smoke grinning at us.  It was then a boy walked right by us before stopping in front of us.
He had dark black hair, about the same length as Brian’s was, he wore a jean jacket, a stripped polo shirt and dark jeans. But what made him stand out was the fact that I could see that he had an overbite and the fact that he didn’t look British at all, it looked like he was either from the Middle East or India, I don’t know I’m always getting those places mixed up.
“En—enjoyed the show.” He said.  He was kinda awkward and shy but at least he’s not like all the other boys who come up to us and then spot me and try to get a shag from me.
“Thanks man.” Said Brian.
“Thank you.” Both Roger and I said.
“I’ve been following you for a while actually. Smile. Makes sense for a dental student.” He said shyly gesturing to Roger before turning to Brian and continuing, “And you’re astrophysics, aren’t you?”
“Yeah” Brian answered wearily.
“Makes you the clever one.” The man answered. Seeming to boost Brian’s already big ego he turned to Roger and I and said.
“Yeah I suppose it does.”
“And you dear, you’re a biologist aren’t you. Specifically for mammals. Right?” he said pointing to me.
“Yeah though I really love the big cats and canines.”
“Thought so. Fierce, clever girls such as yourself always love those kinds of animals.” I then turned to Brian and said in the same tone he had spoken to Roger and me.
“Yeah I suppose we do.”
“I study design here.” He said.
“Wow, I can tell. I love your jacket, it really goes well with your shirt.” I said to him.
“Thank you darling. Also I—” he then pulled out some sheets of paper and said, “I write songs. Might be of interest to you. It’s just a bit of fun really.” He said putting his notes away embarrassingly since we didn’t immediately take them.
“I’m sorry but I’m afraid your five minutes too late.” I said solemnly.
“Our lead singer just quit.” Brian answered. The man’s eyes widened for a brief moment and he seemed to gain some confidence as he said proudly.
“Well then you’ll need someone new.”
“Any ideas?” asked Brian with a shrug.  The man adjusted himself almost like he was about to strike a pose but chose against it as he said.
“What about me?”
“Uhhh…..not with those teeth mate.” Roger joked out. I slammed Roger over the head and I sneered at him.
“Don’t be a wanker Roger!” I faced the man to see him slightly heartbroken and as he turned away I was about to apologize on Roger’s behalf when something incredible happened.  The man turned around and sung one of the verses for “Doin Alright”.
I know what I’m doin….
I’ve got a feeling
I should be doin alright!
Oh my…..My jaw dropped at hearing this guy’s voice.  It was like hearing an angel sing from the heavens.  The boys and I looked at each other before the 4 of us sung in unison.
Doin alright.
Our voices blending together in perfect harmony. By the end of the song Brian was laughing happily and I held my hand over my mouth trying to contain my squeals but I couldn’t help it, while Roger had the biggest smile across his face.
“I was born with 4 additional incisors. More space in my mouth means more range. I’ll consider your offer.” He told us before smugly walking away with his hands on his hips.  I looked at both Brian and Roger and we silently agreed and it was then Brian called out to him.
“Uhh…Do you play bass?” He turned back toward us and stated proudly.
About six months later after getting to know Freddie Bulsara, we started looking for a bass player as well as rehearsing before our next gig at the same pub.  Finally after trying out a few bass players there came a bass player by the name of John Deacon and I could already tell that he was exactly what we needed.
Finally our next gig had arrived.  As we all walked up on stage to our positions. Roger went up to his drum set, John grabbed his bass guitar, Brian had his red special that he and his dad had made together and as Freddie and I walked up Brian introduced the new faces of our band.
Of course one bastard just had to call out just after Freddie greeted the crowd asking where my brother was and who this Pakkie was that we got.  I went up to Freddie holding my tambourine for the first bit and said to him.
“You ready Freddie?” He turned to me and said.
“Let’s do it.” It was then Brian played the first note for mine and Brian’s song that we both wrote together “Keep Yourself alive”. I slammed my tambourine at my hip, Roger kept the tempo with his drums while Freddie was struggling to get the microphone stan out of its place.  Which made that god awful feedback screech and I was looking at him oddly as well as the rest of the boys wondering just what the hell he was doing.  It wasn’t until he managed to break the microphone stand off nearly almost decapitating John’s head off and he then began to sing.
And when he performed, it was like he had no boundaries of what it was that he was doing.  He owned the stage like it was his and made every audience member feel important.  
The only downside was that he was singing the wrong lyrics and improvising what Brian and I had.  Every now and then Brian and I would pipe in telling Freddie he was singing the wrong lyric but of course when Freddie sets his mind to something, there’s no stopping.
As time passed, our band changed from Smile to Queen all because of Freddie and because of him we got the chance to record our first ever album and we soon got discovered by John Reid from EMI records and he wanted to meet with us and possible manage us.
We got on Top the Pops, did an American tour and were now going to record our next rising album.
*Rockfield farm, 1975*
After getting the approval from Ray Foster, we were sent off to a recording studio known as Rockfield farm, and I’ll definitely say it definitely suited the name.  This recording studio was all the way out of civilization’s reach and it all looked more like a farm than a recording studio with the wooden built houses.
We were lead inside by Paul Prenter who was basically our “watcher” keeping an eye on us from day to day.  Let’s just say I already do not like this guy, he gives me such eerie vibes it’s not even funny. Plus he seems to always want to be around Freddie like a little lost puppy.
“Right I know it’s not the Ritz. Not even close. Roger, you’re in here.” He said as we all followed him up the stairs of the house we would be staying in for the next several weeks if not months.
“Right.” Roger said as he went into his room.
“Freddie this is you. Biggest room.” Kiss ass. “Brian, that’s you.” As John and I trailed up behind Paul stopped us and said, “John you’re in the living room. And (y/n) you’re downstairs.”
“No! Absolutely not! She can stay in my room. I’ll take downstairs.” Roger said.  I looked at Roger in shock.  Never have I heard him wanting to pass off a good room for what could be a cold, small basement.
“Roger don’t get all…..”
“My bedroom is big enough for two. I wouldn’t mind sharing.” Brian’s voice rang up.  He turned towards me and said, “Of course if that’s alright with you (y/n). I don’t mean to speak up for you but I just thought……”
“It’s fine Brian. So long as you’re sure. I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“It’s nothing (y/n), come on in.”
“Right then, that means John you take (y/n)’s room.” Paul walked down the stairs and I looked at Deacy apologetically.
“I’m sorry Deacy.”
“It’s fine (y/n). I wouldn’t feel right if you had been booted to the basement. It makes sleeping on a couch sound like heaven. I’ll be fine love.” I smiled at him and he took his suitcase and walked back down the stairs.
“Here let me help you carry that.” Brian said as he grabbed my suitcase leaving me with my overnight bag.  I walked into his room and it was quite a big sized room, the bed however I can’t really speak for it.
“And you’re sure we both can fit on this bed?” I asked skeptically.
“I think so, we just have to make the adjustments and then….” But as Brian got on the bed, it turned out to be so springy and rickety, it bounded him back up in his seat.  He tested the bed out before tilting his head to the side raising his eyebrows.
“Seems the adjusting is going to be bigger than we thought.” I soon got on the bed sitting behind Brian to his left side and it reminded me of a bed back at my nan’s house.  As a kid I always loved jumping up and down on that bed, of course nan never allowed it and I was always caught and punished for bouncing on it.
As the day went on and after getting settled in, we all immediately went to work.  Using the barn and the scenery as a perfect place of inspiration and the quietness of all distraction minus the chickens going around and the cows mooing in the distance.
Of course Roger couldn’t help himself as he would try to bother the roosters which in turn made one of them chase him which had all of us dying of laughter.  We got some recording done just to test out how the sound system sounded and what instruments each of us would play based on the specific song of the songwriter.
Finally it was about 2am when we finally decided to call it a day and get some rest.  We all retreated to our room and got changed for the night.  Since there was a small jointed bathroom in mine and Brian’s room, he changed in there while I had the bedroom to myself to get changed.  Once we were changed, Brian and I began to think of the bed situation.
As we both got into it, it turns out that there was still some space left for the two of us in the middle but only about a full hand length space.  I slept on the right side of the bed closest to the door while Brian slept on the left near the window.
“Great work today by the way (y/n).” Brian said.
“Thanks, you too Bri. Goodnight.” I said to him with a soft smile. As I got tucked into the sheets I heard him mutter goodnight back and soon I fell into a deep sleep.
I awoke to the rooster’s crow at the butt crack of dawn and as the sun was starting to lightly come in through the curtains of the window, I let a groan and yawned softly.  I almost didn’t want to get up so I nuzzled myself further into my pillow.
Boy my pillow’s a bit sturdier than I remember it being last night, wait hold on a second.  Why is my pillow moving up and down? And what is wrapped around my waist? My eyes shot opened and my face turned bleet red as I finally realized what was going on.
I had somehow ended up intertwined with Brian. His arms wrapped securely around my waist, my head buried in his button up white night shirt that had the first three buttons unbuttoned which revealed his chest and somehow one of my hands had tucked itself underneath it and I could feel his chest hair along my palm, I could also feel our legs entangled with each other.
I guess—no I would be lying if I didn’t say that ever since forming Smile that I’ve had a slight crush on Brian Harold May.  Okay I’m lying again.
I’m crazy in love with the man.
From the first day my brother Tim introduced us together, I thought he was the cutest boy I have ever seen.  His short hair at the time, his blue eyes, and his stupid but beautiful face that looked like he had come out of a Michelangelo sculpture.
I must’ve suddenly panicked or something because next thing I knew I was down on the floor hitting my head onto the hard floor.
“(Y/n) are you okay!?” I heard Brian say above me.
“Yeah, yeah I guess I had a nightmare and fell out of bed.” I tried to cover up my embarrassing fall with the famed ‘fall out of bed because of a nightmare’ trick.  It worked all the time with Tim, why shouldn’t it work now?
Brian soon was kneeling down in front of me cupping my face checking me for any injuries.
“You sure? What was your dream about?” Ahh bullocks. What do I say to him? Come on (y/n) say something! Anything!
“I was falling off a chocolate volcano.” Really that’s the best you can come up with? Bri looked at me skeptically before laughing softly and shaking his head.
“I’ve told you many times before (y/n), too much sugar will give you nightmares.”
“And I’ve told you Bri, that I never listen to reason, especially from astrophysics majors.” I teased him.  He playfully glared at me and I grinned back at him as he went back to checking over me.
I flinched as he touched the back of my head and he apologized and said.
“Well good news you don’t have a concussion.”
“Joyous occasion.” I said sarcastically.
“Let me go down and get you some ice to bring down the swelling.”
“Brian there’s no need……”
“Please (y/n), just so that I feel better.” He cupped my gingerly in his hand.  I felt my face got slightly hot as the tingles shot up my spine from his gentle touch.
“Okay.” I breathed out.  He smiled softly and got up from the floor and left the room and I let out a deep, heavy sigh that I had no idea I was holding in.  “God why must love be so damn confusing and hard?!” I groaned.  He soon came back with a small bag of ice as well as a kitchen towel, he had the bag of ice wrapped in the towel and he gently placed it right over the bump on my head.
“How’s that feel?”
“Good. Really, really good. Thanks Bri.”
“Anytime.” He said with a soft smile.
Later on that day I was walking outside along the barn humming to myself hoping to find some rhythm to get down on the piano so that I could make a song.  That’s when I heard the sound of Brian’s red special guitar playing in the recording studio.
I followed the sound of the hypnotic guitar and I finally realized that the song that Brian was playing was Elvis Presley’s “Heartbreak hotel”.  I quietly entered the studio and there I saw on the other side of the glass window, Brian with a set of headphones and I could hear him singing the song.
Well since my baby left me
I found a new place to dwell
It’s down at the end of lonely street
At Heartbreak Hotel, and I said
I’ve always loved hearing Brian’s voice.  He just had this harmonious, angelic soft voice that he barely gave himself credit for.  While I did appreciate Freddie’s vocal range and thought he was a great front man for Queen, I just wish there would be a chance for Brian to stand out, hopefully in this album A Night at the Opera he would let Brian have a song to sing.
I’m feelin so lonely baby
I’m feelin so lonely
I’m feeling so—
I then hit the button that would allow Brian to hear me as I sung to him.
Lonely, I could die
It startled him as he looked up and stared at me.
“I thought you were supposed to be working on your own music?” He asked me.
“I could ask the same for you Mr. May.” I teased as I pressed the button again speaking into the microphone. “But you know me, I’ve always been an Elvis fan so the second I heard that opening note of my favorite song of the King, I just had to come and see what was going on.” He smiled at me and I smiled back.  “So besides trying to be like the King of Rock himself, what have you come up with for the new album?”
“Come on in and have a listen, I need your opinion on this. And you’re the only one who speaks the truth without any sarcastic response.” He said as he set down his red special.  I stood up and opened the door and soon entered the recording room.
Brian now held a 12-stringed acoustic guitar as well as a sack of papers and was sitting by the piano.
“Now I haven’t quite figured out most of the lyrics, this is just the chorus but I think it could be a hit. Or not.”
“Well let’s hear it.” He then began humming the tune as he started to play the acoustic.  I’ve always admired the way his fingers would just wrap around the neck of the guitar with such elegance and poise as he would play.  He’s always had guitar playing hands, as well as piano hands when need be.
Don't you hear my call though you're many years away
Don't you hear me calling you
Write your letters in the sand
For the day I take your hand
In the land that our grandchildren knew
I was in awe at the song already and I knew already that it would be a great song, but also it would tug at the heartstrings.
“Still a work in progress, but then again it could be rubbish.” He said.
“No, no! I love it. It’s just missing something….hold on.” I stood up from the piano bench and looked through the instruments hoping to find what I needed.  Finally after doing some literal digging I managed to find a Marx tambourine. “Okay start the chorus up again but don’t start singing just yet, let me get the beat of it.”
Brian then began to play around with the chorus part and I tried to come up with a good rhythm beat and soon I just did a basic clap, hitting my lower palm to the head of the tambourine letting the cymbals jingle.  As Brian and I kept the tempo he then began to sing the chorus again but this time I joined alongside him.  
Even after hearing the song only once, I found myself knowing the words.
And our voices blending together in a beautiful harmony, his angelic tenor voice and my mezzo soprano voice made shivers run up my spine and goosebumps pop up along my arms.
When we finished the chorus, our eyes were locked onto each other’s and that’s when Roger’s voice piped in.
“How long are you two gonna deny it? Grow a pair and kiss each other will yah! God the sexual tension between you both is disgusting!” We looked up and there standing at the door were Roger, Deacy and Freddie.  Brian and I turned away from each other blushing.
But I kept thinking to myself, did he feel the same way about me like Roger was suggesting? Or is he just pulling my leg like he usually does.
“That was beautiful Brian dear, what do you call that song?” asked Freddie.
“I—haven’t really gotten a name for it yet. It’s still a work in progress.”
“Well I love it, especially when you two sing it together. But if you don’t mind I need to steal (y/n) away and teach her the piano for the song I have in mind for the album that will change the way music can be created.” I turned to Brian and he gestured for me to go on.
I set the tambourine down and walked towards Freddie and he wrapped an arm around me and led me out of the recording studio and back up towards one of the other houses where they would have some of the pianos.
I was sitting next to Freddie observing his piano skills as he played his song which he’s decided to call “Bohemian Rhapsody.” He would cross his hands over one another for a 2 quick note playing before uncrossing them and returning to playing.
I’ll admit he’s quite the pianist. Sometimes I even wonder why I’m still even hear, if he can play even better than me.  Hell back when we were first meeting with John Reid, Paul tried to convince Mr. Reid that the band could possible be better with just the four of them but the boys had my back and told Mr. Reid that either I stay with the band or there’s no deal.
He agreed to keep me in the band and ignore Paul’s ‘opinion’ especially after I had written the hit melody for Killer Queen while Freddie wrote the lyrics.
“Okay (y/n) now let me see you try it.”
“You sure I can do this Fred?” I asked him.
“I have complete confidence in you. I’ll watch every second and show you what to play in case you miss any notes.” I then began playing the piano now and I seemed to get it, except for when it came to the hand cross over. I would either miss the keys on the cross over or mess up the rhythm when it came back to uncrossing my hands.  I was starting to get frustrated and I said.
“This isn’t working. How in the bloody hell do you do the hand cross over?”
“It just takes practice darling, here let me show you how it’s done.” He took my hands and placed them on the keys and said, “Okay start playing.” I then began playing the song and just before it came to the key change, he ordered me to stop.
It was then he took hold of my left wrist, crossed it over and said to me.
“Now with just your index and tallest finger, play the two keynotes.” I did as he asked and he immediately went back to position one. “The best way to remember where to come back to position one is to measure your shoulder length. Make sure both arms are at shoulder length and go back to playing. Now try it on your own. You’ve got this dear. Again.”
I sighed deeply and played from the top and miraculously I nailed it right then and there as Freddie sang the first few verses of his song.  At the last verse he had before a guitar solo that Brian would do, he sang with such raw passion and I followed with the piano with just as much passion before gracefully banging on the keys as he soon held out the last note and I was soon out of breath just from playing and I knew right then and there.
This would bring Queen to the top.
Freddie turned to me and he said with a grin.
“That was beautiful darling, just like you. And once Brian hears you play, he’ll fall in love with you for sure.”
“Thank you for the first note Fred, the second note I’ll have to disagree with you on that. We’re just friends.”
“Come on darling you’ve told me once before about your little crush, why are you denying it now?”
“Because—because what if he doesn’t feel the same? Or even worse what if we did work out but then hard such a fight that I would put the band at risk? I—I can’t do that to the rest of you guys.”
“Oh (y/n)~” Freddie hugged me from behind and he said. “As a mammal biologist I thought you would’ve known that when Emperor penguins find a mate, they do it through song. You and Brian….you’re voices are made for each other. Your love songs intertwine with each other so well, you wouldn’t be risking anything. The only thing you are risking is the chance at happiness you and him can have together.”  I pondered on the thought and I asked him.
“You really think that’s what I’m doing?”
“I know so. Denial doesn’t suit you dearie. Promise me you’ll tell him your feelings, for all our sakes.” I sighed deeply and said to him.
“I’ll think about it.”
“Good. Do it before the end of our recording or else I’ll tell him myself.” He pecked my temple platonically before racing out of the room.
“What? FREDDIE!!” I raced after him yelling his name, knowing that he would go about doing that and I had to do whatever it took to stop him.
As the weeks went on, A Night at the Opera was slowly coming along.  Most of the songs had been recorded, even Brian’s song that I had helped him with which he had decided to call ’39.  Now our main focus was Freddie’s piece “Bohemian Rhapsody”.
And let me tell you already, that was the song that was taking the longest to record due to Freddie’s perfectionist vision for this song.  He had us do multiple takes of each part from either voice recording, guitar playing, piano, bass, drums anything until it was up to par for his vision of the song.
Right now Brian was doing his guitar solo that he himself had actually written for the song.  He ran it by Freddie and he allowed Brian to show what he had in mind. Brian was now behind the booth playing his solo right after my piano playing and Freddie’s second verse.
Seeing Brian in his element, playing his red special and playing what he wrote, it made me just fall deeper in love with him. I bobbed my head along to the solo with my eyes closed and just let his beautiful guitar take me away to paradise.
By the end of the solo, Deacy stopped the track and Brian asked.
“What next?”
“That was pretty damn good. Brilliant. I love that.” Freddie said but he forgot to hit the button on the microphone so Brian couldn’t hear him.
“Press the button Freddie” Brian said into his guitar mic. Our music supervisor Roy who actually helped us record our first album told Freddie what to press while Freddie bragged on saying that he knew where it was before pressing the button and teased out.
“Knock, knock.”
“Good” Brian said.
“It’s good umm…you know play it like you wrote it.” Freddie said.
“Well I did I wrote that part.” Brian said.
“Taking the piss.” Brian mocked out a laugh and said.
“Okay, are you happy?”
“I think it’s beautiful, just like our lovely (y/n). It’s almost perfect.”
“Almost?” questioned Brian.
“Yes give it more rock n roll.”
“Well I’m always up for that Fred.”
“Put your body into it.”
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“Yeah okay, put my body into it. I’ve got it.” Brian said as he did a cute little wiggle of his hips as he raised a quick cup of water to drink.
“Not like that!”
“No I’ve got it, I’ve got it. Bit more soul, bit more soul.”
“Alright. Bit more heart.” Freddie answered at the same time Brian was talking.
“I’ll do that, are we good to go Roy?” Roy raised a hand up for the all clear and that’s when Freddie said.
“Oh then there’s the operatic section.” There was silence as he clapped his hands once and continued, “You’re gonna love it.”
“The operatic section?” questioned Brian.
“I know. It sounds crazy. I don’t know it could be a flop, it could work.”
“I love it Fred. I love it.” Brian said over Freddie’s word as he spoke into his guitar mic for the emphasize on him voting for the operatic section.  Freddie softly chuckled and said.
“What have we got to lose?”
“Nothing.” Laughed Brian.
“If you say so.”
“Okay let’s go.”
“Deacy.” Freddie said as he turned towards Deacy who played the tape back before the guitar solo and Brian gave the solo more soul and this time I felt shivers go up my spine.
Days passed as we kept the recording up, and just like Fred said we were now doing the operatic section of the song.  It was tedious and strainful especially for me since I couldn’t do as high as a normal soprano so that’s why for all the higher notes we left that to Roger.
Currently he was recording the Galileo parts.  At the Figaro line, the recording stopped and Roger asked us.
“How was that?” I turned to Freddie and asked.
“Fred?” He turned towards me and said.
“Higher.” Roy rewind the tape and I said into the microphone.
“Can you go a bit higher?”
“If I go any higher only dogs will hear me.”
“Try.” Freddie answered.
“Freddie’s note sorry.” Said Deacy as he pressed down onto the mic.
“Go on roll the tape.” Roger sighed.
“Overdub 24 of Fred’s….thing.” Roy said as Roger’s Galileo verse came in.  He did go higher than what he did previous doing overdramatic arm waves.  At the end he asked.
“How was that? Better?”
“Higher.” Freddie answered bluntly.  Brian poked his pen in the air signaling to Roger to go higher.
“Jesus how many more Galileo’s do you want?” Roger demanded as he removed the headphone off his head and placed them around his neck.
“Freddie wants to do a few more overdubs.” I answered him.
“Do we even have any more tape left?”
“I do have to say the tape is wearing out. It can’t take much more.” Deacy said.
“Yeah we can’t afford much more what are we? Three weeks overscheduled?” Brian answered.  In the end it took about another hour maybe even 2 of Roger repeating the same four words till it fit Freddie’s vision until he finally said.
“My nuts feel like they’re in my chest right now. Are we done?”
“That’s it honey. He loves you.” I answered him with a grin.
The recording continued and this time we were making better progress as Freddie thought that the first shot at recording the next few lines were what he imagined.
Now all five of us were surrounding one microphone, I was standing between Roger and Brian as we all took each of our operatic sections for the Bismillah and the let me/him go lines.  Finally at the last note we all had to hold out, at the rock n roll solo, we all couldn’t help ourselves as we bounced up and down knocking over the flats behind us.
Freddie and Deacy ended up falling to the ground, Roger nearly tripped over as did I but Brian quickly caught me before I fell over. And the way he was holding me, it was like he was dipping me.  Our noses almost touching each other’s as we once again were staring deeply into each other’s eyes.
Both Brian and I stood back to normal as we both chuckled nervously rubbing the back of our heads.
“Sorry bout that.” I said.
“What—what have you to be sorry for?”
“For always having to save me from nearly getting myself killed. That is after all the second time I’ve fallen near you.”
“I don’t mind saving you though.” He muttered shyly.  I turned to him and shyly smiled and that’s when Freddie said.
“Oh (y/n) darling, isn’t it about time you told something to Brian?” I glared at him and Brian looked to me and I said to him.
“It’s nothing Fred’s just pulling your leg. Much like Roger was several weeks ago. Now then, whose hungry cause I’m cooking tonight.”
Later that night after a successful recording and dinner, I was in mine and Brian’s room reading one of my favorite books when Brian knocked at the door and I looked up and said.
“Oh hey Bri, what’s going on?”
“Nothing much umm….do you have something warm to wear?”
“I—think so let me check.” I asked him why as I went over to the wardrobe and tried to find a jumper or something to wear.
“I want to show you something before we leave back for London.” He answered.  I soon managed to find me my favorite shawl and I took it out and placed it over my shoulders and Brian escorted me out of the home and out into the field.
As we walked up a hill, I soon took notice of a few lanterns that had been laid out lit up so that we could find our way as well as a blanket with a couple of thermoses probably filled with tea or coffee.
“Brian…..did you do all this?”
“Yeah, hope I didn’t go too big I just thought we’d be a little more comfortable on the blanket rather than the grass. And I thought you’d might want some coffee to help keep warm.”
“No it’s lovely. Thank you.” We then sat down on top of the blanket and I took one of the thermoses and opened it up and took a sip of the coffee inside.  It was nice and warm, just what this cool night needed. “So what is it that you needed me out here for?”
“For this.” He answered as he turned the lights from the lanterns off and he scooted over close to me.
At this point my heart was racing and I thought I was going to be ravished by Brian right here right now. “Lay back and close your eyes.” Oh my god he is going to ravish me.
“Do you trust me?” he asked.  Even through the darkness of the night, with the only light being from the full moon I could still see Brian’s eyes showing no ill intentions whatsoever. I nodded and so I did as he asked and closed my eyes and slowly lay back.
I felt Brian take hold of my biceps as he helped me lie back, I soon felt the blanket against me as I felt Brian wrap my own shawl around my tighter.  I then felt him lie next to me as he said.
“Okay, open your eyes.” And when I did, I was greeted by millions and millions of stars.  I let out a gasp.
In all my life, I have never seen these many stars up close.  Ever since I was little, my family and I used to always go up to my nan’s country home in South London but when she passed away the home had to be sold and we couldn’t go there anymore. So the last time I had ever seen this many stars’ was when I was around 10 years old.
Now I have told this story to Brian, even with our playful arguments about whether space or animal studies were more interesting to study.
“Oh Brian it—”
“Shh. Just observe. There you can see Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, and of course Orion one of my personal favorite constellations.” He began to give me a little lecture on the constellations.  Hearing him talk with such passion when it came to anything regarding of space made my heart flutter.
I kept my eyes on him as he continued talking about the stars and the cosmos but then he turned towards me.  Our eyes locked with each other and I felt this spark go up my arm as I said to him.
“Did you know that—when emperor penguins find a mate, they sing to each other?”
“Really?” He breathed out.
“Yeah, they—find each other’s love song and if the song matches with the other’s then they’re…..mated for—” As I spoke Brian’s face moved closer towards me before finally his lips were pressed against mine.
It was shy at first but soon it became deeper and more passionate as Brian cupped the side of my face and I gripped onto his shirt with both my hands.  When we separated, our breaths mixed together and I said to him.
“I love you Brian. I always have but I—I was just too shy to admit it and I didn’t want to risk our friendship or ruin the success of the band and—” I was stopped by another kiss from Brian, this time softer and more gentler but it still made my toes curl and shivers run up my spine.
“You ramble too much.” I couldn’t help the laugh that came out of me and he chuckled as well. “(Y/n) darling you don’t need to be afraid anymore. Because I’ve loved you from the day I first met you. When I first saw you I—I thought I was looking at a star straight from the cosmos.” I smiled at him and said to him.
“You are so cheesy.”
“That’s why I wrote that line in ‘Sweet Lady’ for you my bright star.”
“Well if I’m your bright star, then you are my emperor penguin.” He smiled lovingly and leaned forward and we spent the rest of the night making out and lying underneath the stars.
The next morning the guys were starting to pack up and Deacy came up the stairs as he grumbled out.
“Well I’m ready to get the hell out of here and back into my own bed. I swear that bed in the basement would be better fit for a child.” It was then he took notice of Brian and I on the couch.  His arm wrapped around me and my head resting on his shoulder. “Wait are you—you two are….”
“Yes.” I giggled while nodding frantically.
“Oh that’s great! I’m happy for you both, and about bloody time too. That means I win the bet.”
“Bet? What bet?” asked Brian.
“The lads and I have been polling on whether or not you two would get together. I said you’d be together before the end of this recording. Freddie betted by the end of it, while Roger said not in this lifetime.” Brian and I were flabbergasted by the news.
“Roger Meddows Taylor! Get your arse down here right now!!!” I cried out.  Roger soon came walking down the stairs and he said.
“Jesus woman what’s got your knickers in a twist?” I smiled snidely and walked up to him before gripping his ear tightly like how I sometimes do when he gets a little too flirty with the girls back during our smile days and I said to him.
“Did you and the rest of the boys have a bet in regard to Brian and I?”
“Jesus Christ (y/n) you know I hate it when you pull on the ear. Ow! Okay yes so what of it!” He yelped as I tugged on his ear. Hard.
“You’re unbelievable.”
“Well what else were we supposed to do. As I’ve said you two have been pining over each other since I joined Smile.”
“Well jokes on you Rog.” Stated Brian.  I released his ear and he muttered in pain as he rubbed his ear while I walked towards Brian and he stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist.
“You now owe Deacy…..how much did you guys bet?”
“100 quid.” Answered Deacy.
“Are you joking?!” snapped Roger.
“Nope.” the three of us answered.  Roger grumbled and paid Deacy the 100 quid then he finally turned to us and he said.
“But I am happy that you both are together. Truly. Just don’t let me catch you snogging or shagging each other.”
“Why? This means it’ll be payback for all the times you’ve been with your girls, don’t you think so my big penguin?” I said as I looked up to Brian.
“Yes I suppose it does, my little penguin.” He cooed as he kissed my forehead which immediately grossed both Deacy and Roger as the two of them headed out with their bags.  We both couldn’t contain our snickers and quiet laughter then I said.
“Come on, we’ve got to go pack now otherwise they’ll leave without us.”
“Why not let them? Then we’d finally have this quiet little house all to ourselves. Making beautiful music together, if you catch my drift?” he winked cheekily at me and I smacked his arm and said.
“You dirty rotter!”
“You know you love me.” He whispered seductively in my ear as he tried to seduce me with soft kisses around my upper neck and words of love.
“I’m not sure if I do after that.” I turned around and cupped his face in my hands and seductively kissed his lips.  He moaned into the kiss as his arms left my waist as his hands were now cupping my face.  Once I had him right where I wanted him, I raced up the stairs toward our room, and it only took a split second for Brian to call out.
“You cheeky little minx!” He chased after me up the stairs and into our room.  My laughter echoing through the entire hallway of the house.
*1976. Sydney, Australia*
It was now the start of our next world tour. Ever since the explosion of Bohemian Rhapsody with the public, everyone around the world knew the name Queen. After getting out of Foster’s grip when he had rejected our song and I bet right now he’s kicking himself in the balls for letting go of the biggest rock group ever rising.
As for me and Brian, well……
I was sleeping on the bed when I felt a mess of curls nuzzle into my neck and I felt soft kisses trail up and down my neck. I stirred and turned around to see him holding me close around my waist as I felt him continue his trail of kisses.
“Good morning my love.” he said as he looked up at me.
“Morning.” I moaned out tiredly as I stretched myself out. I then turned to look at Brian and I said to him, “Why did we wait so long for this to happen? We could’ve been doing this for years by now.”
“Because for scientists we are both completely incompetent. But it doesn’t matter, we’re together now though. And that’s all that matters to me.” He said as he lightly pecked my temple before taking my right hand and slowly clasping my hand with his.  He lifted our entwined hands to his lips and kissed each of my knuckles delicately. My heart was all a flutter and the butterflies (no moths would be a better term), the moths in my stomach were fluttering like hell.
Once he was done delicately kissing my knuckles, he soon came on top of me and I now lay on my back staring up at the man I’ve loved for so long.  I lifted my right hand to stroke and playfully swat with my index finger his luscious curls.
“I can’t believe I get to wake up to you every morning.” I said.
“Believe me love if anyone’s lucky here, it’s me. I get to wake up to the most beautiful girl in the galaxy.” I scoffed at his cheesy astrophysics pickup lines but I kept a loving gaze up at him.  He leaned down and softly captured my lips with his and just as he was about to deepen the kiss, a knock was suddenly heard at the door and Roger’s voice said.
“Oi you two get up! We’ve got to get to the concert hall and rehearse! You both can shag after the show!” we both glared at each other and I said.
“How much would it take to replace Roger?”
“Not a whole lot I’d wager.” Brian stated.
That night another concert began and everyone from Australia sang along to all our new songs.  Now came that time of the show for Freddie and Brian to do “Love of my Love” with Brian at the 12-stringed acoustic guitar.
As usual Brian warmed up with some chords of the song and just before Freddie was about to sing he suddenly made an announcement.
“You know this time around, we’re gonna mix things up a little bit. Can we have the lovely (Y/n) Staffell at center stage please?” My eyes widened and I turned to Deacy and Rog who only gestured me to go down.
I walked off the drum risers and a spotlight followed me as the crowd cheered.
“Ahh there you are my dear, now can we please get a seat for her?” Soon a stage handler came out with a four-legged stool much like Brian’s just a bit smaller.  “Thank you dear,” Freddie said to the handler, “Alright (y/n) you sit here,” Freddie helped me into the seat and I asked him.
“Fred what’s going on? We didn’t rehearse this.”
“Ladies and Gentlemen this time around I’d like to introduce Brian May for the lead vocals of Love of my life, and he’d like to dedicate this song to our lovely keyboardist and pianist (Y/n) Staffell.” The audience applauded loudly and I turned to Brian who only smiled at me lovingly before beginning to play the song.
After the introduction was done, Brian’s soulful voice went into the microphone as he began to sing while staring right at me, the crowd sung along.  As usual when this song was played, we had the audience sing to us loud and proud and I actually turned towards the audience hearing them sing.
Play video
Love of my life, you've hurt me You've broken my heart
And now you leave me *Crowd*
Love of my life, can't you see? Bring it back, bring it back Don't take it away from me,
Because you don't know What it means to me
         Tears filled my eyes as I turned back towards Brian.  The crowd applauded at the end which gave Brian the time to lean towards me and whisper in my ear.
        “I love you.” He then kissed my cheek which elected into more cheers from the audience before he started up the next verse of the song.  This time he and the audience shared the song in a perfect blend.
Love of my life, don't leave me You've stolen my love, you now desert me *Brian & crowd*
Love of my life, (can't you see?) Bring it back, bring it back
Don't take it away from me Because you don't know What it means to me
*Brian and crowd*
You will remember When this is blown over Everything's all by the way When I grow older I will be there at your side to remind you How I still love you
I still love you
         As he held the note along with the crowd, they cheered but Brian suddenly stopped playing.  I looked at him confused, that was until he took the guitar off his shoulder and Freddie suddenly came in and took it as Brian now got down on one knee.
        I could hear shocked screaming from some of the audience members, but of course I was just dead frozen right there in my seat.  My heart stopped and I swore I thought I was going to pass out. Freddie handed Brian a microphone and Brian said.
        “(Y/n). I have known you all my life. You’ve been there with me since the beginning and you never once left my side. No matter how crazy things got whether our fights were about music, or whether biology or astrophysics was the better science field of study.” I choked out a laugh as the crowd merrily laughed. “You’ve been my best friend, my harmony to my melody, the love of my life. You once told me back on Rockfield farm over a year ago that emperor penguins found their soulmates through song. And now, I want to ask you through this song,”
        He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a velvet black box.  The crowd went absolutely nuts as I held my hands over my mouth as I was physically sobbing hysterically.
        He opened it and inside it revealed a beautiful diamond engagement ring.  It was a nice size rock, not too bit but not to small.  He always knew I never liked big flashy diamonds.  It was on a golden band with two smaller diamond embedded right underneath the main rock.
        “Will you, (Y/n) Staffell become Mrs. (Y/n) May?” The crowd screamed at me to say yes and all I could do was sob.  Too emotional to even say it, I nodded frantically and soon the audience was in an uproar.
        Brian smiled at me before taking the ring out and placing it on my wedding finger. Once it was on, I fell off the stool and embraced Brian as I buried myself into his neck and wept.  When we separated, he cupped my face and kissed my forehead, the tip of my nose before finally capturing my lips with his.
I wrapped my arms around his neck as we kissed each other passionately and the audience just kept cheering and awing at us.  Once air became a dire need, we were forced to separate and I took notice of the mic. I took hold of Brian’s wrist and held it up and as best I could Brian and I sung the last couple lines together.
Our foreheads touching each other’s as we stared deeply into each other’s eyes.
*Me and Brian*
Love of my life Love of my life Ooh, eh
I wept once more and Brian brought me close to him kissing my head as the audience cheered loudly.
“Ladies and Gentlemen of Sydney please give it up one more time for Mr. and Mrs. May!” Freddie’s voice said into his microphone. The crowd cheered once more but my focus never left Brian’s as he kept my face cupped in his hands and we kissed one more time.
After the concert, Brian and I were in our shared hotel room once again having a private celebration of our engagement.  I lay there in my bed, the sheets covering my body while Brian stood by the table in just his boxers pouring the champagne into two glasses for us.
“I still can’t believe one day I’m going to call myself Mrs. (Y/n) May.” I said.
“Well it’s best you believe it darling. I’m hoping we can have the wedding immediately once the tour’s done. That is if it’s not too soon for you.” He said the last part concerned.
Well we’ve got about 2 months left of the tour and after that god knows where Queen’s gonna go after that.  Might as well get it over with in case we have to keep postponing it.
“I don’t mind. I’m not looking at a big wedding anyways. Just a few friends, family and as long as I’m wearing a white dress and you’re all dapper up in a tux. That’s all that matters to me.”
“Then we’ll tell the guys in the morning. For now,” he was now lying in front of me facing me on his side as he handed me my champagne glass. “To us Future Mrs. May.”
“To us, Dr. May.” I said as we both clanged our glasses together not once breaking eye contact as we doused down our champagne like a shot of whiskey.  We set out glasses aside and Brian leaned forward and captured my lips with his.
Soon the rest of the night was spent making love to each other, feeling each other’s body and praising one another with words of love.  Of course that morning we got some complaints from Roger since he was technically our next door neighbor but both Brian and I knew that he was happy for us.
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if you haven't already, family headcanons for the borhap boys? 💞
You bet!!!! I need some indulgent, distracting fluff right now! 
Also, I will assume that by “family’ you mean “starting a family with the BohRap boys” ie them as dads. Please let me know if it’s not what it is!
So if your life involved starting a family with...
He would spoil that child rotten
It’s not even funny- every shopping trip even to fetch groceries (or from someone getting him groceries bc of the press) he will insist on getting your baby some kind of little snack or toy or new shoes or socks.
When you say no, he widens and then droops his eyes like a puppy and says “pleeeeease!”
His family loves to come over and play and even babysit when you both are busy. His mom knows several lullabies and they plan on teaching the baby everything about coming to America when its old enough.
Though introducing the baby to his twin brother, Sami, was a different deal.
Sami decided to be as clean-shaven as his brother when he first stopped by for dinner, and the reaction on your baby's face was priceless.
It kept looking between Sami and Rami with a slack jaw as if thinking “you’re dad...but you’re also dad....who is dad????”
When the baby is about two years old they always insist on running and hugging Rami every time they see him and it’s adorable.
First off, you bet he would get a baby carrier the day after the baby arrived and wear it with the child all the time!
Even walking around NYC with sunglasses (and matching sunglasses for the kid) and a fanny pack full of bottles, supplies, diapers, etc.
Though, when he has to look after the little one, he likes to make funny faces to make the baby laugh.
After a few years pass, he has conversations even though the child can only speak in little words or baby talk.
“Uh-oh!” “That was just half a sippy cup of orange juice but that is an uh-oh indeed!”
When the kid is four years old, he shows them Jurassic Park (covering their ears during the swear words!). But they don’t realize Tim is dad!!! And when he says so they don’t believe him!
Plus he would love playing with the kid- from letting them climb all over to “broccoli punching” them to dressing up in a tutu and pretending to be fairy princesses with the child!
He also plays bass for them, like singing a little lullaby when they can’t sleep.
Gwil would definitely cry tears- actual, large, salty tears- when the baby arrives. He would hold it in silence, almost awe.
Then he would just say “hi there...I’m your dad. I’ve waited for you for a long time and now...I just...” and then kiss its forehead.
He would document every “first” the kid does. And keep it in a special notebook.
Though he would love to swing the baby and hum little songs to it all the time. In fact, when the baby first says “dada” he calls his parents in excitement.
That polite little kid would always say “tank you dada,” in the cutest voice.
When it's old enough, you all go hiking and camping together! Often roasting marshmallows by a fire!
He would always read to the child even though your child has a tendency to always ask “why” to everything.
The child would also hang out with him while watching soccer or rugby games- albeit sometimes with a coloring book if they don’t get into it. But as long as their dad gets them a hot chocolate and explains it a little bit they don’t mind!
I think Ben would be the protective type of dad. Almost helicopter levels at the beginning!
“Oh no you don’t! If you’re going down the slide! Daddy has to go with you!”
But he would love to play with the baby- tossing it lightly up and down but catching it.
When they are older, he loves swinging your child under his arms. He moves around and they wriggle and kick and giggle and he can’t help but smile.
When the kid is old enough- they learn they can Facetime with daddy when he’s filming and show him their drawings or what they’re reading or playing with.
But the kid is also fascinated by playing drums from banging spoons on pots in the kitchen and Ben insists they take a few lessons- soon.
Sometimes he also plays “make-believe” like Joe, though Ben is always the dragon or monster the kids has to fight, and then he has to “play dead.” and it’s hysterical!
And when he arrives home from filming- they always make a big sign on the house saying “welcome home daddy!” with a crayon and marker used drawing of your child and Ben!
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Taglist: @queenlover05 @stardust-killer-queen
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rmsmoni · 6 years
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We Fucking Got Him
Edit: Thank you @s-k-y-w-a-l-k-e-r and the others Gif's makers. Sorry for not making a shoutout. Go check their work!
3K notes · View notes
sevenseasofrog · 6 years
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he’s being so active !!!!!!! i love him !!!!!!!!!
670 notes · View notes
lunaofthevalley · 6 years
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Soft Boi Roger ft. Soft boi Freddie
948 notes · View notes
On Set (Platonic!Queen x Reader)
Summary: After a rough morning you show up to the set of ‘I Want To Break Free’ disgruntled and bitter, but the boys make you forget about your worries by their ridiculous costume choice.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 956
A/N: My first Queen fanfic! So sorry it’s awful, I’m still getting used to writing after being out of it for so long. But practicing is a start! Feedback is always appreciated ♡
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You didn’t mean to be late. Truly you didn’t. Nor did you mean to be in such a shitty mood. But a broken alarm clock, spilt cup of coffee and a flat tyre didn’t exactly make for the smoothest morning; especially on an important day. The boys were filming another music video for their eleventh upcoming album ‘The Works’, you weren’t exactly sure which song it was for nor what they had planned, but you knew if it earned Freddie’s seal of approval it’d have to be nothing less then outrageous.
You enjoyed working for the boys; well, really it was more their way of making sure you stuck around with them. ‘Working’ simply involved being their assistant, helping out where you were needed. But it was an excuse to spend time with your four best friends, so you really couldn't care less.
As you approached the building, exhausted and bitter, you could only pray that Roger gave you the right address.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Are you sure that this is right?” You asked, nervously fiddling with the phone cable
“A hundred percent” He replied
“I’m not going to get there tomorrow at the wrong place?”
“What, you don’t trust me?”
“It’s not that! I’ve known you forever but what if I wander around the building like an idiot looking for-“
“(Y/N), Love,” He says, cutting you off. “I promise I’ve given you the right address. We’ll all be there, I’d never do something like that to you.”
Too tired to argue, you gave in. “Alright, thank you Roger, goodnight”
He laughs “Goodnight (Y/N), see you tomorrow”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It took a large amount of wandering around the building to figure out where exactly they were, even after your attempts to ask the front desk for directions. The female receptionist thought you were some crazed fan on your way to confess your undying love for any of the four boys and refused to give you any help at all. In the end you chose to scan each floor and listen out for any of their songs. As you were climbing the stairs you could only imagine the kind of teasing you’d get for both being late and your frazzled appearance. After hearing the chorus for ‘I Want To Break Free’ you took a breath and opened the door, immediately turning away from them in the hopes they wouldn’t notice your current state.
“Darling! You finally decided to show up!” A voice exclaimed behind you.
“Oh shut it Freddie, I’ve had a shit morning and just can’t deal with any kind of patronising right now. My alarm didn’t go off, I ruined my favourite shirt and busted a tyre on my car, leading me to walk 12 blocks to this place, which- I’ll have you know- isn’t as easy to navigate as you may think!” As you finished unpacking your things, and your mid-morning rant, you turned to face them. However the sight of your best friends dressed head to toe as women changed your demeanour instantly. If it weren’t for Roger pulling such a shockingly flamboyant pose, it’s likely you would’ve remained standing there with your mouth agape. Instead, you cracked a smile before falling into a fit of giggles.
“Before you say anything, it was Rog’s idea” Freddie says with a pointed look but a playful tone
“Oh my god you all look gorgeous!,” You ran up to each of them, taking in and admiring their appearances: Freddie and Brian as housewives, John as a grandmother and Roger as a schoolgirl.
“And by gorgeous I mean absolutely ridiculous, but then again I’d never expect any less from the lot of you.” You beamed, your smile matching those of the four men around you. They drag you into a hug and you peck each of them on the cheek, before you sent them off to continue filming.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Shortly after shooting finished, you moved to the nearest sofa, picking up the day’s paper on the way. Mindlessly you flicked though the pages while you waited for the boys to change out of their costumes.
“I’m sorry for being so awful when I arrived this morning.” You shouted from the other size of the door. “I just had a rough start to the day and I shouldn’t have-“
“Nonsense,” Brian cuts in, wandering out of the dress room, “You had every right to feel the way you did, next time you have troubles getting anywhere; let us know and one of us will come pick you up, we don’t want you getting lost.”
“Hey! I find my way....most of the time.”
He shook his head and smiled, “Doesn’t mean I don’t worry.”
After the others had returned and joined you on the sofa you finally asked a question that had been bugging you all day: “Of all things, why did you choose to parody ‘Coronation Street’?”
“Why not?” Freddie asked like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Because its shit telly!” You fired back.
“You watch it.” John quipped, smug smile tracing his features.
“Only when there’s nothing else on! Plus Brian will always come over and join me if I give him a call.”
The glare Brian shoots you made you shift uncomfortably in your seat knowing full well that you were in immense trouble for what you’d just let slip. As Roger and Freddie’s teasing became more audible, in attempt to catch your attention, John threw a stray hair roller at your direction and pointed toward the door; and through his giggles, simply mouthed the words “Run”. Deciding to follow his advice, you slip out the door and get a head start running down the corridors, knowing that Brain wouldn’t be too far behind.
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sarcastic-space-gal · 6 years
Eyes On You
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Word Count: 1787  Pairing: Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor x reader/ Roger Taylor x reader Warnings: None. You’ll fluff to death. A/N: Aaaaaand another Roger Taylor fic, oops. Fluff with Fluff and a bit of Jealous Roger *wink wink*. Hope you enjoy, feedback is always appreciated!
Unbroken and penetrating. That’s how you’d have described the way he was looking at you.
You felt his eyes hovering over you all day long.
Roger and you were all flirty around each other since the first time you met, almost three months ago now. For Roger was love at first sight. He’d always remember that moment: he was bickering loudly with Brian. Again. For a different opinion? For a song? He didn’t even remember anymore, because then, you entered the room alongside Freddie. Your soft laugh resonated in the studio, and all the world faded away for a moment; Roger looked away from Brian and got lost in your eyes. Radiant and full of life.
“Are you even listening to me?! Hello?” Brian snapped his fingers in Roger’s face as he shook his head briefly, regaining his composure.  
“Hey, you two stop arguing like hysterical divas. John come over here! I want to introduce you to Y/n! My friend since school. She’s worked in a recording studio before and I thought she could be a nice addition to our crew” Freddie explained as you smiled widely looking at the band’s members.
“Sorry for that noise before, I’m Brian” he left out a chuckle while shaking your hand firmly.
“Don’t mention it, it’s really nice to finally meet you” you replied.
“Brian is our guitarist, and he is the bassist” Freddie pointed his finger to the guy next to Brian.
“Nice to meet you, I’m John” he said with a small smile.
“And he is our drummer boy”
You met his gaze and you couldn’t describe it: he almost looked lost, yet he was scanning every inch of your skin, every feature of your face, his lips lightly parted.   If his eyes were flames you surely would have been already on fire.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you!” you said happily.
Silence filled the studio. You looked at Freddie with a quizzical look on your face and Brian gave him a light pat on his back.
“Introduce yourself mate”
Roger snapped out of his daydream and scratched his head while offering you his free hand.
“I-I’m Roger” he smiled softly as you shook his hand.
“I’m Y/n” that was your turn to get lost in his eyes. He was handsome you couldn’t deny it.
That was the beginning of everything. From that moment you two fell madly in love with each other.
Working at the studio with him was wonderful: you’d spend most of the time sitting next to him, and Roger would find every kind of excuse to stand as nearly as possible to you.
You often found yourself looking at him with dreamy eyes, and as soon as he met your gaze, you’d quickly look away blushing with every shade of red. The same way, most of the time you were together, you found Roger staring at you with a deep glare and a smirk on his lips. Sometimes you would randomly, but purposely, enhance your hips’ movements. That, drove him mad.
Unsurprising, Freddie, John and Brian, noticed that.
Roger was loudly playing the drum, when the other members entered the studio.
“So when is the wedding?” Freddie inquired with a smirk on his face, while sitting nonchalantly on a chair. Brian and John took a seat next to Roger, smirking widely as well.
Roger stopped abruptly and looked up from the drums with a confused glare, finding his friends staring down at him.
“What? What are you talking about?”
“Oh don’t be naïve” Brian laughed.
“I honestly don’t understand.” Roger was going to restart playing when Freddie interrupted him.
“We’re talking about her, Y/n.”
The drummer turned his head towards his friend and left out a sigh.
“I knew that this time would come”
“We all noticed the way you look at her mate” Brian said.
“It’s cute watching you hovering over her almost every day” it was John’s turn to tease him.
“I know but… I can’t help it. She’s beautiful, stunning! Intelligent, funny, every time she talks or laugh it’s like music to my ears. I love the way she moves or even walks, I love her smile and her eyes my God…”
Freddie John and Brian were listening closely with a soft smile on their faces. They never saw Roger talking about a girl like that. It was the sweetest thing indeed.
“I never thought to be able to feel something so deep for someone, she’s…perfection.”
There was a brief pause, broken by Freddie.
“You’re absolutely mad in love with her Rog” he stated lifting one brow along with one side of his mouth.
“Why don’t you just tell her!” Roger looked Brian in the eyes and then sadly looked down, twirling his drumsticks in his fingers nervously.
“I-I don’t know… I never found the occasion…”
“She wouldn’t refuse you, you know” Roger snapped his head at Freddie with wide eyes.
“What do you mean?” just the idea that you could have been in love with him, made his heart skip few beats.
“Just saying” He said winking at him. Before Roger could have the chance to reply, his friend stood up.
Roger knew you two were close friends, so maybe you had told him something about this? What if you felt the same way as he did?
“Okay boys, we have a concert tomorrow, we need some practice, come on!” he shouted taking the microphone in his hand.
Brian and John scooted from their seats to take their instruments.
Roger was left there, mumbling under his breath some curses, as he shook briefly his head and then started playing the drum powerfully trying to soothe his mind from going wild.
The Queen were playing loudly ‘Somebody to Love’ while you were in the backstage with headphones on, tapping with your foot, following the song’s rhythm.  By now you were a permanent member of the crew so you’d follow them in every concert, making sure the sound was always in check and everything went smoothly.
No matter what, but you’d always end up staring at Roger. The way he played, roughly, passionately, the way he moved, made your heart falter, it was hypnotizing.
You had fallen in love with him months ago by now, but confessing your feelings wasn’t on your ‘to do list’. How could he even think about loving someone like you? He was famous, handsome, he could have any girl out there. Nevertheless, in the back of your mind there was always an hint of hope, that maybe, someday, you’d have been his girl.
Freddie, Roger, Brian and John were thanking the audience as the concert eventually came to an end. You took off your headphones and applauded along with all the people outside.
“Wow guys it was amazing!” you almost left out a squeal, making all the band chuckle.
“Thank you love” said Freddie hugging you tightly.
Just then, shouts could be heard outside the building. “Queen! Queen! Queen!”
“Someone is calling for you” you said winking at them.
“Let’s go!” Freddie scooted out to meet some fans, followed by John and Brian.
“Did you enjoy?” Roger moved closer to you smiling.
“I did, it was perfect!” excitement was clear in your voice. That just made Roger smile even more.
“Thank you Y/n. But that wasn’t the only thing that was perfect tonight” he was looking down, in your eyes now. You could swear your heart stopped beating for a good amount of time as Roger slowly closed the gap between you two. Your noses almost touching, your lips a few inches away.
“Roger come here!” Brian shouted from outside.
“I swear, I’m gonna punch him.” Roger hand turned into a fist, scowling in Brian’s direction.
“Go don’t worry” you smiled nervously trying to regain a normal heartbeat. You failed.
“I’ll be right back” he went out with heavy steps. “Brian?! What do you want?”
You could help but left out a small laugh. Those two.
Feeling your breathing steady, you decided to gather your things while waiting for Roger and the others as the backstage was already teeming with people. You were deeply concentrated in what you were doing that you didn’t noticed a guy staring at you.
“Hey, you’re Y/n right?”
You turned your head and saw this guy smirking down at you.
“Yes it’s me, how do you know my name?”
“Well I met you this afternoon, I’m the lighting technician, don’t you remember?” he kept looking up and down, scanning your body.
“Oh I’m sorry, it’s just I met so many people and-” you laughed nervously.
“Don’t worry we have plenty of time to talk if you want”
Did he, did he just flirted with you?
“Ehm, I-I don’t think I-”
You didn’t notice the death glare Roger was sending in his direction. His handsome features turned in the most terrifying glare a human being could manage to form. His blood was boiling, his knuckles turned white.
“Just a drink or-”
“She’s my girl” Roger appeared next to you, with an arm tightly around your waist.
Your heartbeat? Gone.
“Oh I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“Go. Away.” His voice was deadly low.
Fortunately the guy just went ahead and disappeared. Roger followed him with his eyes until he was totally gone.
“Are you ok? He touched you? I swear if he did” as soon as he met your face, his features softened and transformed into concern.
“No I’m ok, more than ok” you responded looking down at his arm which was still safely around you. “I’m glad you came to help m-”
You didn’t get the chance to finish the sentences because you were cut off by Roger’s lips.
Heaven on Earth.
He kissed you passionately, passing his soft hand on your cheek as you felt his scent surrounding you.
When you parted, you both started smiling widely.
“I wanted to do this for a long time” it was like his heart had been replaced with his drum set.
“I waited for this moment for a long time” Your laughs filled the backstage, a red shade appeared on your cheeks. Roger’s hands now rested on your waist.
“Thank you for helping me before, If I didn’t know you, I‘d say you were jealous”
“You’re mine” he whispered looking at your lips.
It was your turn closing the gap between your lips. “I love you” your voice was shaking.
“I love you too Y/n, hearing those words from you, makes me the happiest man alive” Roger leaned his forehead on yours, enjoying your moment together.
“Looks like someone found somebody to love” a familiar voice said.
You both turned your heads towards the exit door, finding Freddie, Brian and John smirking at you two.
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bohemian-war · 6 years
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Hellooooo :D!!!
This is my second Ben Hardy’s imagine following @lion-wasczyk  ‘s request. I went to Windsor for the first time on a day trip yesterday and I absolutely fell in love with the city so I thought I could do this based on that trip. Something fluffy with Ben :’). 
Like/reblog/feedback’s always welcome and truly appreciated.  P.S. This might turn out to be longer than expected.                                                           ------------ “Are you sure you want to do this? You must be exhausted after your trip.” 
Ben finishes preparing his backpack by putting the water bottle in one of the compartments. He turns around with a smile and approaches you. He wraps you in his arms and you rest your head in his chest closing your eyes and feeling his heart beating calmly. Ben sighs and gives you tender kisses on your forehead. ”Y/N, love, I am fine, honestly. I promised you we’d do this. In fact, a day outside London is exactly what I need.” It had been a couple of days since his trip to the US to attend the Golden Globes. Rami and Bohemian Rhapsody had won two awards for best actor and best film and you could not be happier and prouder of the whole crew. You had agreed with Ben that you two would go on a day trip to Windsor & Eton together after he returned but now that you thought about it more closely, the jet lag might not be doing him any good and you could not imagine how a whole day's excursion could benefit Ben. “Are you sure that this is all about me? Because if you are the one craving for a movie, dinner, and perhaps other things... we could call it all off and stay in.” Ben pulled away from you a bit to see your expression. You were blushing so badly that went back to hide your face in his chest.  “No, no. I am fine. I swear.”
“Let’s go then.” You smile at Ben and grab your stuff. You were really excited about visiting Windsor. You had never been there but since you had seen the Royal wedding on television, you were looking forward to exploring the city on your own with the love of your life by your side.  Once on the train, Ben helps you to leave the backpacks on the floor next to the seats and you both sit down and admire the landscape. The whole trip lasts barely an hour from central London. “I haven’t been to Windsor since I was in primary school.” Ben laughs and his smile awakens your curiosity. “How’s that so?” “We used to do lots of day trips back then. You know that England stands out for playing an important part in History so when it came to studying certain topics, they’d take us to the place in question and we could understand the whole thing better.” It fascinated you the way he usually talked about his early days and how his eyes would shine by the mere mention of it. It could also be that you were too in love with him to see any difference.  “That’s incredible. The most I used to do was going to see a shabby play or to the circus. Poor animals. I couldn’t stand it.” Ben sighs and brings you closer while kissing your temple.  “I am sure you’ll love Windsor. It feels cozy and close to home.”
“I cannot wait to see it. I might find my Prince Harry and marry him there after all, as Meghan did.”
He snorts and denies with a funny head.
“I will never understand why you girls are all obsessed with Prince Harry. He is no one special. He just happens to have money.”
You open your mouth to complain.
“He happens to be a dashing Prince. You are just jealous, Ben!”
“Jealous of what? Of him having to deal with lots of responsibilities on a daily basis and not enjoying life as someone should? I am not jealous. I am grateful for not having to go through that the rest of my life. Thank you very much.”
You sigh and look at him with sad eyes
“You are a famous actor now. It does not make any difference.”
“It does. It is not the same thing at all.”
You rest your back in your seat and cross your arms in front of you with a frown and pouting like a child. 
“In my defense though...” Ben starts and leans over to whisper in your ear. “I can say that I can make you feel better than Prince Harry. I can make you wet your pants in less than five minutes. I literally can have you panting my name just with my look and attractive accent, darling. 
A deep heat wave takes over you and suddenly you find yourself putting your arms between your legs to stop the feeling of pleasure that you have begun to feel there. A tiny squeal comes out of your mouth and an old lady with shopping bags looks angry at you. You just want to disappear. All you do is feeling how you shrink in your seat. Ben sees you and laughs. You start punching him gently.
“You are evil!”
“Oh, love, you cannot even imagine.”
Once you both arrive in Windsor you are surprised to see that the place is quiet and pretty much empty. Everyone has returned to London to work after Christmas and you can walk with all kinds of tranquility without anyone interrupting you. When leaving the small station you realize that there is a small path that goes to the city center and allows you to appreciate the castle even more.
“Unfortunately, the castle is closed today as they are doing some works inside. But we can always come to see it again in the future.” Ben explains to you while looking up to admire the view and holding your hand at the same time. 
“I’d love that.”
“Maybe for our wedding day.”
You immediately snap and look at him with your mouth open. 
“Is that a proposal?”
Ben smiles looking at you and rubbing the back of his neck shyly. He ends up avoiding your gaze and takes your hand back in his. You can tell he is quite overwhelmed by the previous question. You got excited there for a second and really wanted to apologize but it’d make everything extra awkward so you decide to let go and not continue putting so much pressure on him. 
“Where are you taking me now?”
“It’s probably one of my favorite places in England.” Ben excitedly smiles.
“It must be good then.”
After going pass the museum, the Royal station and the shopping area you both end up going to The Long Walk (check it here. I did yesterday and the experience is gonna stay with me forever. It was beautiful!). When your eyes stop on the path that starts at your feet and the great amount of nature that surrounds it, your eyes become watery and the first tears begin to emerge streaming down your face. You did not know for a second if it was your excitement and natural reaction to it or everything was caused by the cold wind.
“Ben, this is... beautiful.” 
”The Long Walk runs south from Windsor Castle to the Copper Horse statue of King George III atop Snow Hill where there are impressive views of the castle. It is a total of 2.65 miles.”
Ben smiles proudly of his historic speech as he passes his view of you to the landscape in front of you. When you see that you do not react, he approaches you and surrounds you with his arms.
“Shall we?”
You smile and nod.
It takes you an hour to cross all the way but it's worth it. You both end up under the statue and watch Windsor from the hill while the deer run freely through the forest.
“I have no words to describe this right now.” You were astonished and overwhelmed by the situation. “I cannot believe that we all live locked away in our own world and get to miss places like this one every single day.” 
Bed nods at your words. 
“That’s why sometimes we all need a break to remind us of things like this exist for a reason.”
You sigh and look at him. Ben passes you back the water bottle and you drink while he observes you. The cold water runs down your sore through after the tiring walk and it really hurts, however, it makes you feel so alive that you wouldn’t change it for anything else. You both stay there for a while without saying a word when Ben stands up and approaches you. He kneels in front of you.
“I’d like to apologize.”
“What for?” You frown.
“For not answering your question earlier regarding the proposal.”
“Please, Ben, forget about it. It was stupid. You don’t need to beat yourself up.”
You sigh. You had completely forgotten about it and now that he was bringing it back again you started to feel sick. Ben looks at you with his shiny eyes. 
“The truth is that I have something for you...” He reaches for his bag and spends a few seconds looking for something. He takes out a small black box covered with a velvet bow. You put a hand in your mouth not believing that he would have been able to do it.
“Y/N forgive me, honestly. That conversation came out wrong and I was looking for the right moment.”
Tears are now streaming down your face. You wipe them away because they are starting to blind your vision of Ben and you also need to keep everything professional. 
“Y/N, listen, I might not be Prince Harry...” You laugh and shake your head while wiping your tears again.”I don’t own a castle. I am just an actor who happens to make films; sometimes even good ones, you know?”
You immediately reach out for him. You absolutely hate when he doesn’t give him some credit for his career. Ben lets you guide him towards you but proceeds with his speech. You can tell he is nervous but he is also under control as it’s the two of you in the hill. 
“But I am willing to sacrifice everything I’ve got to make you happy and if that involves talking about the Royal family and bringing you here, away from civilization, then I will.”
You feel dumb now. Your soul has abandoned your body, which is anchored to the ground, and your eyes are full of tears that never fall. You watch Ben open the box and you come across with the most beautiful engagement ring covered in diamonds and sapphires. 
“Y/N, you’d make me the happiest man in the world if you decided to give me a chance as your future husband. Will you marry me?”
They always say that it takes at least three seconds until you answer even when you have been rehearsing the entire situation for a while. You knew your answer but you couldn’t speak. You also had to think of what your life might be like now; married to a famous star. Lots of doubts start haunting you, however, you shake them away. You knew you had to fight against your anxiety. You had been very unhappy before meeting Ben. You never knew if you could make it as well as you did not know if this decision was being selfish but what you did know is that you deserved to be happy for at least five minutes of your life. So you start nodding.
Ben smiles in relieved and helps you stand up. He puts the ring in your finger and that is when you cannot stop staring at it. 
“Ben, I have no words...”
“Y/N, don’t even mention it. Are you happy?”
You nod and start pouting at the same time. You were probably a massive mess at that very moment but you couldn’t care less. 
“Then that’s the most important thing in the world to me.” Ben stares at you and gives you a gentle pat on the chest. You surround his neck with your arms while he pulls you closer by the waist. 
“Joe’s gonna be jealous...” You laugh.
“Well, he’s got cardboard Ben to please him instead.”
You cringe and frown at the same time. 
“I keep thinking that’s a weird thing to do.”
Ben laughs and takes his phone out. 
“Should we immortalize the moment and send it to him?”
You both decide to take a selfie on top of the hill with the statue behind you both covered in sweat but happy at last. You open your hand in front of you to show your ring to the camera. Ben ends up uploading the photo to Instagram with the caption, "she said yes." #happiestmanintheworld.
It did not take Joe more than five minutes to answer with a "... I did it first" and a picture of him in a suit with cardboard Ben in a white dress. The rest of the cast complimented you sometime later. You indeed had to highlight Gwylim’s joy and the number of champagne emoticons and exclamations used by Lucy.
Before returning to London, you both stop at The Madame Posh for an afternoon tea and to start discussing the design of the menus for the ceremony. Because everything that promised to be a simple day trip ended up being the happiest day of your life.
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youngsweetdisaster · 6 years
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“I don't wanna be your friend I wanna kiss your neck”
inspired by @bohemian-rhapsody-slash and gwil/joe headcanons <з
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har-rison-s · 6 years
turn around
A/N: This is a thing that took me a week to put together how I liked it to be. It's short, wouldn't consider it a whole imagine, only a drabble. I've been horny and lonely and creative, whatever. You can imagine this with Brian or Gwilym!Brian (like I did). Happy reading!
main masterlist
borhap masterlist
brian may masterlist
warnings: smut! ;)
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“I can't wait, baby, I need you now.” Brian whispers in her ear, his hands roaming and rubbing all over Emma's chest and stomach. She closes her eyes and moans, leaning into Brian with her back. The guitarist's hand travels down to between her thighs, and presses his skilled fingers against her clit. Emma squeezes her thighs together, trapping his hand in between them. They both moan, craving each other badly. Brian takes his hand back and Emma whimpers at the loss of the already limited contact.
He moves them both and she is pushed against the wall, her back colliding with it. Brian's lips are on her in an instant, feeling her skin, starved after her and the taste of her. He quickly takes Emma's shirt off over her head, making her fall hard against the wall again once it's off. Emma takes his hips between her hands and pulls them against her own, making Brian grunt loudly. 
“Fuck, Emma.” He says, his head falling between her soon-to-be exposed breasts. They're now only covered by her dark red bralette, and if Brian wasn't in such a hurry to get inside her, he would've worshiped her breasts for hours on end. 
She does a good job on taking off Brian's pants and he kicks them off his legs. He zips open her skirt and it falls right off her thighs. Brian whimpers at the sight of her—the wetness between her legs is visible through her pink lace panties. Fuck, he loves that colour on her. 
Brian can't wait anymore, he forgets about his shirt until Emma's hands start going under it. Brian moans at her touches, his eyes fluttering shut, but takes her hands away. He looks down at her, eyes completely blurred by the thick layer of lust. Emma figures it's time for her to confess some sins.
“I was close to coming when you played on stage.” She says, her hands tying behind Brian's neck. He barely raises his eyebrows at her. “Watching your fingers play those strings... God, you turned me on so much.”
“Is that why you're practically dripping, baby?” Brian asks in a husky tone, touching her between her legs again. A high-pitched moan slips past Emma's lips and she nods. “You're teasing me, love.”
“Well, you're teasing me.” She fires back in response to his comment. Brian smirks and dips his middle finger further into her through her underwear, which makes Emma's back arch off the wall, gripping tight onto Brian's neck. 
He suddenly draws away and Emma cries out. Brian grips her hips and looks at Emma again. “Turn around for me, love.” He requests and Emma is completely lost at his words. 
She obliges and turns her back to Brian and he falls against her after taking off his underwear. “Brian, please—” she starts to beg, but stops when Brian moves her knickers to the side. He teases her entrance for a second, and finally pushes inside of her. The feeling is too over-whelming for the both of them, and Emma grips onto the side of the wall for support. 
The pair haven't seen each other for three weeks, and they both have been touch-starved the whole time. Brian more than Emma, really. An image of their last night together before he went on tour replayed in his mind every day and every night, and he was very turned on. He was eager to do anything just to be with her and touch her again. And fucking her now from behind was simply mind-blowing.
It was something they had never done before, and because Emma is far too turned on, she complied immediately to his command. Brian's pushing in and out of her quicker than he usually does, and he pushes her thighs apart to gain better access. It makes Emma shout out loud as she already feels close to her orgasm.
“Oh, baby,” Brian drags out his words, his eyes switching between open and closed at the ecstatic feeling. He's so deep inside her that he's sure he's seeing actual stars, “you're taking me so well. Oh, fuck.” He growls.
“Ugh, Brian...” Emma cries out. She feels Brian moving between her cheeks and she almost collapses against the damned wall.  
“God, I waited for this so long.” Brian admits and grunts, his thrusts growing in speed. 
“D-Did you think about having me like this when we were apart?” Emma asks and Brian nods eagerly, accompanied by a needy whine. 
“Fuck yes.” He answers and Emma grins. She pushes her back against Brian's chest, her head falling below his neck. She wants to feel his lips on her, she needs to. 
Her hand snakes around the back of Brian's neck while she moves up and down his length. Brian watches her with partly closed eyes, her breasts moving beneath the fabric of her bralette in rhythm of his thrusts into her. His eyes close at the bliss of being inside her again, and watching her fall apart before him.
Emma is panting and moaning and whimpering in Brian's arms, close to her release. Brian feels her legs trembling against his and he smirks. Emma finally turns Brian's head towards her and pulls his lips down on hers. They both moan, and Brian's sounds like a groan of gladness, like he's finally where he's supposed to be. 
The feeling of his voice vibrating through out her is what takes for Emma to come. “Brian, Brian, I'm coming...” she tries to announce against his lips, and Brian nods, silencing her with a kiss once more. 
“Come on, love, come for me.” He encourages her and slides his hands up and down her sides. Her wetness completely soaks her panties and she spills all over Brian's cock. “Fuck, yes.” He moans, and chants 'yes' and Emma's name as he feels himself coming inside of her.
“Bri, fill me up,” Emma says and Brian whimpers at her words, “come inside of me, baby, God, I've missed you so much.” She admits and right at the end of her sentence, she feels Brian spilling his warmth inside her. They're both convulsing from the incredible orgasms they've just had, and Brian slows down his sloppy thrusts until he pulls out of his girl.
Emma exhales deeply and rests her palms against the wall, leaning on them. She's just trying to regain her breathing, when Brian comes in contact with her again, hugging her from behind and kissing her neck. She's almost forced to lean up again, relaxing against Brian's chest for the umptieth time tonight.
“God, you were incredible.” He says and Emma closes her eyes, enjoying his comforting kisses on her skin. Much contrasting to how rough he was with her seconds ago. 
“You really thought about fucking me from behind while you were here, on tour?” She asks, grinning and Brian hums.
“Popped into my mind one lonely night.” He replies and Emma chuckles, her fingers threading through Brian's hair. He starts to move them both backwards into the room, so they'd sit on the hotel bed, and they land with a soft tud and legs tangled together. 
“Am I right to assume that lonely night was filled with some inappropriate activities?” Emma asks and glances at Brian over her shoulder. She's laying in his arms, and they're practically cuddling, Brian embracing her from behind. Has this been some oppressed turn-on for him? 
They tangle their hands together and Emma raises them above them both, watching as their fingers are playing. “You may assume that.” Brian says with a smile. Emma giggles, and then turns around to face Brian. He's completely naked, while she's in her wrecked knickers and bralette. Almost unfair, if Brian may interject. (A/N: Little word play for you all hehehehehe)
“Is this the part of the evening when we dress again and go out, doing 'couple stuff' together?” Emma asks with a playful smile on her features. Brian chuckles.
“When has sex been removed from the list of 'couple stuff'?” He asks with a raised eyebrow and Emma laughs, collapsing against him from her laughter. 
“No, wait, let me re-phrase that.” She says once she's done laughing. She clears her throat. “Is this the part of the evening when I tell you how much I've missed you and you do the same? When we become insufferable romantics?”
“Already did that in a slightly different way, but yeah.” He says and Emma smiles. “Would you like to have dinner with me?” Brian asks queitly, searching her eyes. 
“Dinner? With you? Outrageous! I could never.” Emma jokes, and Brian tries hard to keep a straight face, but fails. “What do I wear?” She asks eventually.
“Nothing.” Brian replies, shaking his head and tracing Emma's side with his finger. It takes her breath away, and Brian can see it in the way that her lips part and her eyes grow a little wider. 
“You know, I kinda liked you taking me from the back like that.” She admits with a sly grin. Brian hums.
“Well then, we should try that more often.” He responds. “Maybe there's anything that you'd like to try?” He suggests with both eyebrows raised. Emma shrugs.
“If anything comes to mind, I'll definitely tell you.” She says, but it's not like she hasn't thought about trying anything new in bed with Brian. She's just to ashamed to admit what turns her on.
“I see right through your white little lie.” Brian tells her and Emma brings her head into her hands, blushing with embarrassment. “Put on any of your pretty dresses, and let's go.” He says and stands up from the bed, groaning a little. 
“Don't think I'm really capable of going anywhere after you having your way with me.” Emma responds, watching Brian walk across the room to the bathroom. He shoots her a wink before closing the door behind him, and Emma smiles with the same blush as before on her cheeks. 
“Have to put on a dress and look like I wasn't just fucked hard by the sexiest guitarist currently out there.” Emma says to herself quietly, but with a proud smile before also standing up from the bed and walking over to her suitcase. She'll find a dress to wear.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 6 years
Who wants to live forever; Brian May x reader
Hello all of you tumblr people you. I hope you all had a good Valentines day yesterday if not then I hope you had a blast of reading fics like I did (while also suffering through a cold yeah this girl’s been sick this week since the day after my bday) But I’m not here to talk about colds or any of that stuff, no I am here because I wanted you all to read a special Brian May fic that I have been thinking about doing.
Now I have seen a lot of fics revolving around Brian’s song “39” which is a good concept, but what I wanted to try out was the song that was made for the movie Highlander “who wants to live forever?” Which is such a powerful and sad song in itself (as is the movie). So while you all patiently wait for the next update of my Rock Angel series, every now and then you’ll see oneshots whether platonic or romantic revolving around our 4 boys of Queen.
Warnings: Swearing, INTENSE FLUFF *mostly from the Poodle boy down below*, angst, some smut *not very descriptive but minor smut none the less so >18yr olds READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. I DO NOT WANT TO GET SENT TO JAIL FOR THIS.* and spoilers for those who haven’t seen Highlander (which you all SHOULD. Queen Music EVERYWHERE!!)
Now that that’s out of the way, enjoy my darlings :)
Song Link
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Taglist *Queen fics*
Most people always think about what it would be like to live forever.  Never dying, never growing old, always remaining the same. Like a living, breathing photograph walking around as time changes. My cousins and I were having that usual conversation as usual since they were always fearing what would happen in the future or fearing death itself.  As we sat around our usual favorite pub having a girls day out, I was away in my thoughts unaware that my cousin Lucy was trying to talk to me.
“(Y/n). (y/n)? Earth to (Y/n)!” I snapped out of my dazed state and said.
“Hmm wha? What did you say?”
“Jesus (n/n), you were so deep in your head you were almost drooling.” Lucy teased.
“Probably dreaming and thinking about that husband of hers.” My other cousin Hanna said.
“Fuck you both.” I said as I downed down my whiskey shot.
“Wow what a mouth. You kiss Brian with that?” asked Hanna in mock shock.
“In all honesty, how are things going between the two of you?”
“Things are great, the kids are good. Queen has been doing good, right now they’ve just got accepted into recording for a movie. But I’m not allowed to talk about it.”
“Aww come on (n/n) we promise not to tell.”
“Yeah right Luce. For all the years I’ve known you, you’ve got the biggest niche for gossip. If I told you then half of London will know what’s going on.” I sassed her.
“Wow harsh. You wound me so much (n/n).” she said as she placed her hand over her heart while I stuck my tongue at her chuckling at her.
“Back to our conversation before, you never gave us an answer. In fact you barely give us an answer at all when we talk about this. What do you think about living forever?” Hanna said.  I looked at her and said.
“I don’t know guys I mean…..”
“Oh come on (y/n). Haven’t you ever thought about it? Not even once? Never getting any older, remaining as beautiful as you are today. Seeing how the world changes each generation. You and Brian staying together forever.” Hanna stated the last phrase slyly.
At that statement my ears perked up.
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that you and Brian could remain together forever. Never once having to see the other die and remain alone suffering until it’s your time to kick the bucket. You and Brian would remain eternal forever.”
Okay well that may have persuaded me to side on the wishing to live forever.  The rest of the day my cousins and I continued to chat, eat and drink until it was time to call it a day and get back before the husbands did.
I was in the kitchen making dinner while Jimmy and Louisa were watching TV.  As I was cutting up the vegetables for the salsa and as I put them into the pot, I felt two arms wrap around me which startled me before I relaxed and knew who it was.
“Jesus, you know how I feel about you sneaking up like a tom cat while I’m cooking. Don’t you remember the last time when I nearly chopped off my finger because of you?”
“Which I why I timed it better. I thought you’d be happy to see me?” I turned towards my husband of 10 years and boyfriend of 18 years.  Brian and I had met each other during University back when he and Roger were still with Tim as Smile.  He and I were both the same majors so we both had the same physics professor, he was so shy so I actually approached him and asked him out on a date.
One coffee date turned to another and soon we shared our first kiss with each other. And at that moment the two of us kissed, I knew he was the one.  Because it felt like I was kissing myself, meaning that I had found my soulmate.  I was there supporting Brian all throughout the Smile career and then when Freddie came along and changed Smile to Queen and their careers as rock stars skyrocketed, I remained loyal to Brian’s side.
But of course like every relationship there’s arguments especially when I had fallen pregnant with our son Jimmy a few years ago.  There have been some fights so bad that I felt like we’d ended up divorced but like a family, we tried to make it work and we just fit so well together that we ended up staying together.  Because that’s what we are.
Two stars forming the same constellation.
I turned back around towards Brian and said.
“You know I always am.” He leaned downward and captured my lips with his in a genuine kiss.  I let out a soft moan as I wrapped my arm around his neck burying my hand into his mess of curls.  I turned around so that his arms wrapped around my waist bringing me closer, deepening our kiss when we heard.
“EWWWW!!!” Brian and I separated from each other to see Jimmy at the kitchen entrance and I buried my face embarrassed into Brian’s chest and that’s when Jimmy said again.  “Why must you two kiss? That’s gross”
“Because your mother is beautiful and you always kiss a beautiful girl. One day you will understand Jimmy.”
“Girls are nasty!” he groaned out.
“Oh so does that make me disgusting? Huh?” I chased after my son who raced off before finally catching him and tickling me and pretending to gobble him up.
After having supper and putting the kids to bed, I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed myself after having a long day at the lab while Brian was on the bed and I could hear him humming and mumbling to himself.
Whenever he’s inspired or trying out new guitar riffs, he’s always mumbling to himself just so he could test it out.  Sometimes he uses a tape recorder just so he could go back to it, sometimes he doesn’t it just really depends.  But I know that when he’s mumbling to himself to not disturb him so that he wouldn’t lose it.
So I just listened to his humming and babbling.  It sounded more like a ballad than the usual rock and roll that he would do. And I thought it was only just one song that the boys agreed to do with the movie they’re working on.  Once I was done getting around, I got into bed and just listened to Brian as he kept writing down on pieces of paper lyrics and guitar notes.  When he finally took a break, I finally spoke up.
“That’s beautiful. Is it for the movie?”
“Yeah, we actually got to see the first footage of it. And after seeing it, we had to write more. This is my song for it.”
“So you and the boys got to see the movie? Remind me what’s it called again?”
“Ahh. So what happens in it?” Brian turned to me and he said.
“Ohh no love, we were sworn to not give away any plot points. You’ll find out when we go see it at the premiere.”
“Come on Brian you know I can keep a secret.” I said as I crawled up towards him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders and burying my face into his neck.
“Why must you always seduce me to get something out of me?” he asked. I kissed his jawline and whispered in his ear.
“Because I know it works.” He turned towards me and his eyes turned to pure lust as he said.
“You Dr. May are a siren of the seas.”
“And just what are you going to do about that Dr. May? You gonna show me the stars?” He crawled over me so that I was now lying on the bed, his face barely inches away from mine as he whispered.
“I’ll show you more than just the stars my love.” He captured my lips in a passionate and heated kiss and our tongues dancing together in a heated dance.
It’s unbelievable that after all this time together, Brian can still make sparks fly off my sky with either a single graze of his long, calloused but delicate guitar fingers, a kiss onto my skin, or whispers in my ear.  Our bodies intertwined with each other in a sensual yet love making dance.  All the while staring deeply into each other’s eyes not once breaking contact with each other as every now and then our lips would graze against each other’s before joining together in a passionate meld once again.
By the end of it all, Brian and I were cuddled together my head resting on his chest hearing his heartbeat his right arm was wrapped securely around my waist tracing patterns and shapes along my back while his left hand was stroking down my hair.  I stroked through his chest hair softly while feeling a kiss being placed at the crown of my head.
“Do you ever wonder what it would be like to live forever?” I asked out of the blue. I felt Brian’s head move away from mine and I looked up at him and he asked.
“What brought this up?”
“Just a common topic my cousins like to talk about. This time they really wanted my opinion on it. Tried to make me side with the idea.”
“And do you?”
“If it meant you and I would be together forever…..maybe. Is that bad?” I asked genuinely wondering if I had answered the question right.  Even for a female astrophysicist like myself who knows pretty much everything about the cosmos and the galaxy, this was one answer I had doubts about.  Brian leaned his forehead against mine, our noses gently grazing one another’s and he said.
“I think there might be a trial to that question that will make you rethink it. But it will have to wait a few more months.” He gingerly brushed away some strands of my hair away before cupping my cheek lovingly.  “Sleep now my darling, you look exhausted.”
“You have no idea. Discovering new planets and stars really drains you. You’re lucky you don’t have to deal with that.”
“One day I will though. That way I can be around you more.” He brought me closer to him before kissing my nose delicately making me scrunch it up which made him chuckle softly. “You always make the cutest face when you scrunch your nose love.”
“Yeah right.”
“No, no I mean it. But then you’re cute all the time.” I shook my head at his cheesiness and said to him.
“Goodnight my bright moon.”
“Sleep well, my shining star.” He whispered lovingly as he pressed his forehead against mine.  We kissed each other one last time before cuddling with each other and falling asleep in each other’s arms.
Then on March 7th, 1986 we went to America for the premiere of “Highlander”. Queen was invited to walk the red carpet since they were in charge of the music so they had immediate invites. After walking the red carpet and the press getting the pictures they wanted from the actors, film crew and even of Queen, we all piled in the Chinese theater and soon the film began.
Highlander told the story of a man named Connor Macleod who had been chosen to become an immortal and each immortal is chosen to battle each other until one can remain and claim the ultimate prize.  If used for good the prize would bring about goodness, but in the hands of evil it would be nothing but chaos.
Along with the action, there was a tragedy to it.  Connor had to outlive everyone he ever came in contact with.  His first wife sided with his village and drove him out because they thought he had made a pact with the devil to remain alive after being slain in battle.  It wasn’t until he met his true love Heather.
After a tragic scene that happened I heard the sound of an organ starting up and soon my husband’s soft angelic voice began to sing as the scene went to a flashback of Heather and Connor together after Juan was killed by the Kurgan.  As the scene went on, I felt this ache in my heart as Freddie’s voice soon came up and as Connor rode back to their house calling out for Heather that’s when the tears really spilled out.
Because Heather was now an old woman greying and wrinkled while Connor remained unphased and young.  But he still held the same love as he had when she was younger.
As Heather and Connor had their last moments together as the song now played its instrumental track, tears were spilling down my face as Heather made Connor promise to light a candle for her on her birthday.  As she now lay in Connor’s lap and Connor was describing the Highlands to her, I felt Brian take my hand and as I turned to him, he leaned his forehead against mine and kissed away my tears as we turned back to the screen as Heather now died and Connor burned his home and had to move on.
Heartbroken and alone.
By the end of the movie, people clapped and I wiped away my tears and clapped along with them.  Now seeing the movie began to change my perspective on eternal life, and now I know exactly what to tell my cousins next time the three of us are together.
Getting back to the hotel room, I immediately grabbed Brian by the collar of his suit and kissed him passionately.  His arms wrapped around me and when air became a burden, I separated from him and he said.
“I take it you loved the song?”
“Brian Harold May, you are a musical angel. Why must you always write the most beautiful yet sad songs for Queen?” He smiled down at me and kissed me softly before holding me close.
That night we were both cuddled into the bed, our limbs entangled with one another’s as I had my face buried into the crook of my husband’s neck.
“I couldn’t bear to outlive any of the boys, our kids. Grandkids. People always look at eternal life as this positive thing. But they don’t understand that it’s not all that happy. It must be so lonely. I hope folks get that out of this movie.”
“I hope so too. I also know this,” he gently hooked his index finger underneath my chin and had me look up at him as he continued, “If I were offered whether to live forever or dying at your side. I would choose the latter. Because I would rather share one lifetime on this earth with you, than face all the ages to come alone. And I know that in the end, we will meet each other again. For we are two parts of the same atom, two stars of the same constellation stream,” he spoke softly as our hands slowly came together and we both either turned them either clockwise or counterclockwise until finally our hands were palm to palm, fingertip to fingertip.
“Two souls intertwined throughout the cosmos. Destined to be together forever, even after death do us part.” I finished our wedding vows.  Brian leaned closer and captured my lips with his in a gentle kiss. As we separated from the kiss but kept nose to nose Brian stared deeply into my eyes as he softly smiled at me lovingly.
“Sleep now, my bonny (y/n).” I smiled tiredly at him as his index and tall finger lightly came over my brows and softly slid down to close my eyelids as I felt him very lightly peck my forehead, the tip of my nose, cheeks and finally my lips. I nuzzled into his chest, burying my hand underneath his nightshirt and the two of us fell into a blissful sleep.
*Extended ending*
A few months later after getting the chance to go see my cousins again after a busy day at the office these past few months, I told my cousins about the movie Highlander since it was now out in the UK and I gave them my real answer when it comes to immortality.
“Never would I wish to be immortal.”
“And why’s that? I thought you and Brian would want to be together forever?” Lucy said.
“But in the end we’d have to suffer as we watch everyone we love die. Freddie, Deacy, Roger, our kids, our future grandkids, you ladies. I wouldn’t know how to continue on without all my friends and family in my life. Plus as a mother I never want to bury my child before me. That’s not how life is supposed to work.” At that statement, my two cousins were crying and they too began to rethink their perspective of eternal life.
Immortality.  Some people long for it because they fear of death, or just don’t want to grow old and wish to remain young forever.  But immortality isn’t just a blessing, it’s also a curse in disguise.  For those we love have to die before us while the immortal continues on in life, lost, heartbroken and alone.
So answer me this, who wants to live forever?
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okay... how about ben with a capri reader?
Yaaayyy!!!! My sun sign with Ben! Ofc!!! Thanks for asking!
You both have more of a traditional with courtship. There are no mind games or playing hard to get or whatever! Ben likes you and you like Ben so you naturally go out!
You begin with having light, short meetings- coffee at your favorite place! Ben enjoyed the atmosphere of the place. He sips it softly and asks questions about you and your life, polite and sweet as he can be. He seems a little formal (and so do you) until you are both relaxed!
He loves your brain and humor! When you mention your studies, whatever you have studied or you are currently looking at, you reveal your in-depth knowledge of the subject and he looks at you with pure heart eyes.
He winds up being passionate and romantic once he opens up!! He gives you affectionate nicknames in private and rubs your back when you’re stressed.
Sometimes you both share a bawdy sense of humor (he says himself he likes to be cheeky!). One night you began drinking wine and talked about other cultures. He then recalled the stories of Coyote Dick and General Eisenhower’s trip to Rwanda (look up the stories yourselves if you wanna read them) and you both howled with slightly intoxicated laughter at them.
Physical intimacy is natural! Though Ben prefers to be touchy-feely with you in private and you agree.
You both stick together! Even when Ben’s gone filming, you both call and message each other as much as is healthy.
Dates are far more about quality over quantity! You find you both enjoy picnic on a summer day, a walk in the park in the morning when the air feels clean, or cooking dinner at your place. “I mean, y’know how much this would’ve cost at a restaurant, darling?” he asks, clearing his plate with a smile. “It still wouldn’t be worth a penny compared to yours!”
You make him feel a part of your life: he will run up to you cheering “I’ve landed the role, Y/N!” and you squeal and go hug him- always supporting each others dreams and projects.
You take care of him and let him take care of you! One time when you had a very long, sad day he just told you to relax, not do anything in the least bit productive, and play some video games or read with him. Though you protested at first, you relaxed and lost yourself
Quiet days at the beach are the best. You both saved and planned the trip and here you both were- taking in the ocean as the sun just rose. The saltiness of the wind, but the best part was the feeling of Ben’s warmth and his scent. He feels like with you by his side, anything is possible.
Taglist: @queenlover05
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rmsmoni · 6 years
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sevenseasofrog · 6 years
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this ,,,, this is the content i needed :^,)
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lunaofthevalley · 6 years
Sadness, an overfelt emotion
Ben!Roger Taylor x Reader
Plot: Part 2 to Love, an overused word. Freddie checks up on Y/N and a confrontation occurs. The rest of the band find out what's happened.
Warnings: just more angst for you lovely readers.
Note: so I have decided to make this a series, part three is already written as well (yay), and well I'll be prepared for your anger towards me. Also if you guys want to request something, my requests are open.
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She didn't know how long it had been. A few hours, a couple of days, a week maybe? She really couldn't process anything. Y/N had holed herself up in her apartment, she hadn't left since she had gotten there.
She barely ate, only left her bed to eat or take a shower, and she would just spend the hours crying and crying, letting out heartbreaking sobs at the thought of what had happened.
Her phone hadn't stopped ringing since she arrived, but she was too drained of energy to go pick it up, opting to just try and ignore the world. She didn't want to deal with anybody, not right now. God knows anything could send her over the edge at any given moment.
It was when she decided to go get something to eat that the door of her apartment opened, letting in sunlight and fresh air and also an over dramatic uprising singer.
"Darling, where have you been for the past 2 days? The boys and I were sure you would come visit us."
Freddie, of course. She had forgotten that he had a key, something she had given him years ago after he asked to borrow something and she hadn't been at home. It had been a sort of gift, you could say, a very intimate and personal way of saying 'I trust you'. Something she no longer did.
Y/N turned to look at Freddie, who was dressed as extravagantly as he always was, a pair of sunglasses over his eyes, his long hair falling to his shoulders in his natural waves. "Oh, sweet girl, we have so much to tell you. The tour was amazing...as always is. We have some great stories, like the time Deacy almost fell of stage, or the time Brian's hair got caught in a net, ooh there's also the time-"
"The time Roger cheated on me, repeatedly might I add."
Freddie didn't expect that reply, and nothing had prepared him for it. It was then that he finally got a good look at her.
Her usually shiny hair was now dull and fell limp, her eyes which used to hold happiness in them were puffy and red, her cheeks held the trails of evident tears that had fallen a while earlier, and she also seemed thinner.
She looked like a ghost, Freddie thought, and the thought made his heart drop to his stomach.
" Y/N dear..."
"No Freddie," she spoke softly, "please, please don't try to excuse yourself. Please don't tell me that you didn't know, or that John and Brian didn't either. I know what tour life is like, I've been on tour with you before, so I know for a fact that you knew what he was doing."
Freddie sighed, he knew there was no way out of this one, "Yes, Y/N, we knew..." he replied, head bowed in shame, guilt consuming him.
"Then why didn't you tell me?" She waited for an answer, but received none. "I considered you family you know. I trusted you boys with my life. You three, just like Roger, promised to be there for me, to protect me from harm...yet funnily enough it was all of you that brought me the most ."
Freddie stood up from where he sat and walked over to her, "Listen...darling, I won't try to excuse myself, or any of the other boys for that matter. What Roger did was wrong, really wrong. We were also in the wrong for never attempting to stop him from doing it, and to make it even worse we never thought of telling you."
"Do you know how much it hurt to see him coming home with another woman. Touching her how he used to touch me. And do you know how much more it hurt when I realized you knew but didn't do anything about it. I felt... feel...so betrayed Freddie. I can't trust you, any of you, anymore."
That was the moment when Freddie Mercury's heart broke for the first time.
" I really don't want to sound rude, Freddie, but I really don't want to see you right now." Y/N sniffled.
Freddie nodded, deciding not to say anything. He only kissed her cheek softly before making his way to her door, but before he left, he put his key, the key she had gifted him so long ago, in the little trinket bowl by the entrance.
As he walked down the long hall leading to the studio where the rest of the boys were, the closer he got the louder the sounds got. It sounded like things we're flying all over the place, and the answer to his question came when he was met with the sight of Roger, inside the booth, throwing whatever he found at the walls.
"Oh thank God you're back," Freddie turned to see it was Brian who had addressed him. Said tall man had now stood up from the couch and walked over to Freddie. "He's is a mood. Please tell me you brought Y/N with you, she always manages to calm him down."
Freddie bit his inner cheek, "I'm afraid Brian that Y/N did not come with me, and I doubt she will in the future."
Brian looked confused, "What do you mean Fred?"
"What I mean Brian is that she knows." He stated in a monotonous voice, "She knows Roger cheated on her with that awful groupie...and she also knows we knew yet didn't tell her."
At this, John who had been messing around on his bass while sitting on the couch stopped and turned to the other two, "What?"
"She found out Deacy, that we kept it from her, that we aloud him to keep doing it. Christ you should have seen her....she's heartbroken."
Roger just kept throwing things at the wall, oblivious to what his band mates where talking about.
"We should have stopped it..." John murmured quietly.
Brian let out a long sigh, "Rog is an adult Deacy, we shouldn't have to baby sit him, or control his decisions."
"I agree with the fact that he is an adult Brian, but so are we, and us being sensible people should have said something about it!" Exasperated Fred.
Suddenly a new voice joined in, "Said something about what?"
The three turned to look at the blonde, who was sweaty and breathing heavily.
"Said something to Y/N about you cheating on her....or at least say something to you to prevent it." It had surprisingly been Deacy who had said that to Roger, a slight venom in his voice.
Roger looked at the ceiling, "So she's told you..."
"Well I went to her flat to see what had been going on, she wasn't picking up her phone so I got worried. Should've seen her, a downright mess. She looked like a ghost. Told me what had happened, how she felt. Although she didn't give me the full details. Didn't really want to see me."
"I don't think she would want to see any of us..." Brian added.
"I screwed up I know," Roger stuttered, "god, don't I know. You know she had come back from visiting her parents and the first thing she did was go to my flat. She cooked my favorite dish, just how my mum prepared it. Fixed up the whole place, added candles and even sprayed that perfume of hers....and what do I do? I come home drunk making out with another bird,
"Worst part is...she never shouted at me, she never got angry. Just spoke calmly and softly like she always does with that angelic voice of hers. But it was evident how hurt she was, her voice shook and she was sobbing....I can't get that image out of my head and it feels awful to replay that in my mind...because I'm the one that did that to her."
"I don't know what to tell you Roger..."
"You don't have to tell me anything Brian."
"We all took part in hurting her...you for obvious reasons and us for not doing anything about it. I honestly don't know how you could do it, but you need to fix this, things might not be what they were before, but you should at least talk to her about it." Freddie suggested.
Deacy nodded, "I agree with Fred, Rog. Y/N's the sweetest girl ever, and yes you did something wrong. You should own up to it, and at least explain to her why you did what you did."
"How am I supposed to do it if she doesn't even want to see me." He started making his way to door before he stopped and looked back at the boys. He then took something out of his back jean pocket, showing it to the boys, who just widened their eye in shock,
"That night I was supposed to end things with Tabatha, and technically I did, at the pub, she was fine with it so we kept on drinking and we both got drunk and well one thing led to another. Forgot she was coming home that day.... I was gonna propose you know, when I next saw her. I know we're both still young but I love her, I truly do. But I've messed that up. Just like I do with everything."
And with that Roger Taylor had made his exit.
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BoRhap List: @your-idiotic-excellency // @itsamethaphorbriansblog // @minihemo // @magicwithaknife // @sabbrriiinnaa
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amidst-wonderland · 6 years
The Parent Trap // Teaser.
The young couple watched as their small group of friends bumble around the small garden getting increasingly more intoxicated as the day grew too a close. They couldn’t be happier, the fact they’d gotten away with it was a miracle on its own.
Maggie glanced down at the inexpensive gold band around her finger, twisting and turning it. Though in the corner of her eye the burden of the bump began settling in. She’d tell him soon.
“Your dad’s, like totally famous then?”
“I’m not really sure, but he went on the telly a few times!” She explained biting into the mediocre pastry that looked like it had been left in the oven a little longer than it should have, there was little taste but still, it was distracting enough from the bundle of other girls asking if she’d ever met Paul McCartney or John Lennon; she hadn’t.
Ellie-Rose Taylor, or Trouble as one of her uncles had coined after he’d found a handful of scented markers entwined with his mountain of hair just before going out on stage. Unlike her father she had bright-red hair that stuck out like a sore thumb at times therefore Brian thought it was rather fitting.
“I even got to meet Kenny Everett a few years ago!”
Her enthusiasm was met with a hushed group of mumbles of confusion and disappointed sighs from her fellow campers, most of whom were American so the chances of them knowing the flamboyant man off the radio in England were few and far between. A rather snootier voice was heard, from a brunette girl whom she’d played volleyball with the previous day, “Edie says she got to meet a real princess and they had tea together.”
The eleven-year-old furrowed her brows at the mere mention of the other Brit. The pair had been at each-others throats in recent days, having not interacted the initial few weeks of the camp experience. Their fellow campers foolishly expected them to become friends, but they’d definitely proved otherwise. Edie was rather feisty despite her timid demeanour, she was also a redhead, though god forbid you call it red in front of her.
“So,” She paused, “my dad’s in a band called Queen.”
The girls all gave her a look of disgust, turning back to gossip amongst themselves.
After a handful of more bites out the now soggy pastry the group had managed to disperse around the cafeteria, likely discussing what activities where lined up for the rest of the day. If only dad wasn’t on tour…
“Rog, what are you doing?”
The Scottish girl questioned as the blond walked them out of the smaller pub, Smile had just finished wrapping up their kit for the night, so Tim and Brian had been left to their own devices. Most likely both with the usual pint of tenants and a pretty bird. She’d come without a jacket and whilst her tipsy state was helping it wasn’t enough to ignore the relatively strong wind nipping against her bare sikin.
“Seriously! it’s bloody baltic oot here and ‘ve left my drink wae Mary.”
He looked back at her with a smirk that could only be described as sheer mischief, “I swear tae god, if am only here just ‘cause you want a smoke, then…”
She trailed off noticing him digging for the van keys from the back of trousers, then swiftly unlocking the back doors.
“Right short-arse, getting in or what?”
She scoffed, crossing her arms as he held the one of the doors open for her, “Am no shagging in the van, not a chance.”
Letting the door fall from his grip he saunters over to the brunette slipping his annoying warmer hands around her waist, gently pulling her into his chest. Gently, he rests his forehead on hers steadily swaying them. “Mags, you really wanna play that game? When you show up at gig in that.”
He had a point, the black mini-skirt and his The Who top were quite a risqué choice for the middle of November.
The two stay like that for a moment as Roger lets his hands fall on his fiancé’s back to her bum giving a gentle squeeze bringing her back down to earth.
She cups his soft cheeks, “On one condition,”
He raises an eyebrow, “You do dishes and bins next week.”
The blond smiles then quickly yanks her into the back of the van before either Brian or Tim can pull them back in.
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