#gwyneth berdara canon
bookishwithathought · 3 months
From ACOSF, pre-bonus chapter:
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Friends to lovers, she falls first he falls harder WHEN SJM
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Azriel’s shadows ship Gwynriel.
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gwynrielcentral · 1 month
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A wonderful depiction of this iconic Gwynriel scene in ACOSF by @: foxydraws__!
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lainalit · 2 months
Gwynriel as Ariel & Eric
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Artwork by @kayrakhan
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azrielsbxtch · 1 year
𝙍𝙝𝙮𝙨 : Why do you have a picture of Gwyn in your pocket?
𝘾𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙖𝙣 : Whenever I’m in a heated argument with Az I show it to him and he calms down
𝙍𝙝𝙮𝙨 :
𝘾𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙖𝙣 :
𝙍𝙝𝙮𝙨 : Can I have one?
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highladyofterrasen7 · 11 months
Cassian: nes, have you noticed anything weird between az and gwyn?
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redheadsdefender · 7 months
Had to share 🤣🤣🤣
Like, I hate fanon Elain so much that I need to go to canon text and calm myself bc it's not her fault that her delulu stans are deluluing
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Elain literally used it as a simple knife, stick them with the pointy end as Jon Snow would say, as Azriel used it all those years to kill and torture. She didn't use it as a Made object that's Bryce.
No, Gwyn doesn't kick a beast. She does one better, and she leads and unleashes one on Illyrians to save Nesta and Emerie. Because she's thrown in a situation despite her will, as opposed to Elain, who put herself in that position by following a Greysen vision. TY next
"Cosplay as valkyrie and being a backpack" = Gwyn is the one that introduces Nesta to the valkyrie story and concept, teaches all of them mind stilling, CUTS THE RIBBON FIRST, is ready to die side by side with her sister Nesta as the last valkyries did at the War, when they died all together instead of leaving anyone behind, so Nesta has to neutralize her bc she knew Gwyn would NEVER ABANDON HER.
For the people who cry "misogyny!" anytime anyone says something about Elain that doesn't fit their ship and agenda, they sure act the most misogynistic towards a SA victim who sacrificed herlsef to save children, who would sacrifice herself to not abandon her found family.
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shadowsxgwynriel · 1 year
Gwyn: *breathes*
The Shadows:
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bookishwithathought · 3 months
5 DAYS AFTER the bonus chapter:
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Attention FIXED
Admiration and quiet encouragement SHINING from his face
This is a male who's literally described as aloof and having an expressionless mask, so Az being this obvious should tell you something. He is wearing his emotions on his face for all to see. No, it's not love (duh) but it's the beginnings of SOMETHING. Pay attention lovelies and antis.
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azrielsfavoriteshadow · 2 months
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bearbluebooks · 8 months
No Man is An Island
“Do you want children?”
“It doesn’t matter what I want.”
- Azriel Chapter 22 ACOSF
“Patience,” he urged as he ran a reassuring hand through her obsidian hair. With an exasperated sigh Catrin said, “Okaayyyyy daddy.”
The next day, her patience paid off. Before she could even ask the question, he said, “We’re going to the beach.” When it came to his daughters happiness, he didn’t know patience either. The smile on his daughter’s face was so bright, it warmed his heart to a degree he didn’t think was possible.
Gwyn and Azriel spend a day at the beach with their children, and Azriel reflects on his answer to the question ‘what do I want?'
Read under the cut or on AO3
Word count: 2371 words
Rating: Teen and Up
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A bittersweet feeling washed through his body when he thought back to the moment in the dining room when Rhys told them about Feyre’s pregnancy. How Cassian had asked if he ever wanted children and that his answer was, “It doesn’t matter what I want.”
In truth, he didn’t think he would ever get close enough to someone to want to explore that aspect of life. To face every emotion that came with that decision- the fear, the shame, the lingering trauma.
More importantly, he didn’t think someone would ever choose him. Not once they knew about his troubled past. Or when they found out that the scars on his hand paled in comparison to the scars on his heart and mind. On his soul.
That’s what life had shown him, one failed relationship after the other. Five hundred years of pining after Mor became five hundred years of proving to himself that he wasn’t good enough.
Then there was Elain, who proved his two brothers were good enough to be mates to two sisters, unlike him. That didn’t stop him from chasing her in a desperate bout to show himself and the world that he was good enough. That he deserved to feel love. But all that gave him was more proof that love wasn’t meant for him- not in childhood, and not in adulthood.
Then Gwyn came into his life. Like a whirlwind on a calm day. Like that rare ray of sunshine in his cell. She was everything and she became his everything. Most days he still couldn’t believe his luck.
Today was one of those days, when luck couldn’t begin to describe what he was feeling. Standing on the soft sand which tickled his feet. With the sun high in the sky, casting its warm rays of light onto Azriel, Gwyn, and their two children.
Light brown sand separated the sea from the land beyond. Palm trees softly swayed in the rare cold wind. Offering a welcome reprieve from the hot summer day. A saltiness hung in the air, adding to the freshness of the air.
Summer court had the best seas, as proven by the enormous blue expanse in front of them. Light reflected off the surface in little dancing diamonds. The water was clear enough to hint at the mysteries that lay beneath.
The small paradise was empty save for them and a few others scattered across the huge sandy expanse.
Ever since he spotted the secluded spot on one of his reconnaissance missions, he knew he would bring his family.
Today was the day.
All the conditions were right, Azriel and Gwyn didn’t have a mission, their children had the day off, and the weather was agreeable. More than little Catrin who begged and begged to go to the sea. Ever since one of her classmates told her about the magical blue waves that hid nymphs, Catrin’s sole mission in life was to visit the sea. Gwyn used it as an opportunity to explain that she was part nymph, which made Catrin part nymph too. Catrin’s excitement only grew. So much so that it could barely be contained in her little body. “Daddy daddy daddy, please can we goooooo?” Catrin would ask with wide pleading teal eyes every morning. Every morning he had to answer, “Not today, my little shadow.” It hurt his heart to deny his daughter anything, but he wanted her first time to be memorable. He wanted the weather to be sunny and the waves to be patient. “We’ll go soon, I promise,” he assured her, hoping it didn’t break her heart too much.
Unbeknownst to her, every morning without fail, before he set foot in his daughter's room, he sent his shadows to check if the conditions were right.
One day, just as he opened the door, a small yet determined voice said “I will go by myself.”
“My shadows can take me too,” she said with an adorable pout and crossed arms. Azriel had to force himself not to chuckle.
He had heard about ‘childhood puberty’. He’d seen it. Nyx was a menace at that age. He vividly remembered the incident with the chandelier, when he just learned how to fly and got one of his wings stuck in the golden contraption.
Somehow he knew, with his Catrin, it had less to do with her age, and more with her personality. There was another teal-eyed female in their family whose will was so strong, that nothing could break it. And he loved them both dearly for it.
“Patience,” he urged as he ran a reassuring hand over her obsidian hair. With an exasperated sigh, Catrin said, “Okaayyyyy daddy.”
The next day, her patience paid off. Before she could even ask the question, he said, “We’re going to the beach!” When it came to his daughter's happiness, he didn’t know patience either. The smile on his daughter's face was so bright, it warmed his heart to a degree he didn’t hold possible.
“Let’s go, mom and your little brother are waiting downstairs.”
Her bouncing body and outstretched hands held the same urgency as his words, “I want to go. I want to go. I want to go.” At record speed, she got dressed and ready. Within minutes they stepped into his shadows which took them to the land of magical waves and hidden nymphs.
There was still despair. Beron still schemed to take over more territory in Prythian. And Koschei still formed a threat even though he was still trapped in the lake.
But on a day like today, all he could feel was hope- when he looked into his son’s hazel eyes, heard his little girls laugh, and felt his mate’s touch.
Gwyn looked amazing in her burgundy bikini. The color complimented her hair as much as it contrasted the teal in her eyes. Today, she wore her hair high in a bun, showing off all her freckles scattered across her body. Her long legs moved through the shifting sand with ease. Her hips swayed in a motion that resembled a song he couldn’t stop listening to. His eyes were transfixed on her full ass, her scattered freckles, and her confident strides. Azriel was so engrossed by her beauty, that he didn’t catch the male staring at her from across the beach until one of his shadows informed him, someone is looking at our mate, Shadowsinger.
Anger slowly made him see a different kind of red, as he balled his hands into fists and scanned the beach for the horrible male who dared to look at his Gwyn. On the opposite side of the beach, there was a male who slowly undressed Gwyn with his eyes.
There wasn’t much his hands could do, not when he was carrying their son. Luckily, five hundred years of existence taught him a thing or two about non-verbal warfare.
The rational part of him knew she was his and he was hers. The irrational part screamed mate, mate, mate, and demanded action. Demanded for that male to be punished for even so much as looking at his Gwyn. There was no rational part left when he expanded his wings to their full length and stared the man down with a promise of a slow death. His shadows gathered around him, like snakes ready to strike. He would take him to Hewn City and take his time. Ripping off- the thought was interrupted by a reassuring caress on his arm, reminding him where he was, who he was with. When he looked up, he saw such stillness reflected in her eyes, it rivaled the calmest seas.
A rush of stillness went through him, like a tidal wave of rest, taking away the rising anger with it. “I think you’ve scared him enough,” she said with a reassuring smile.
Most people would balk at the show of aggression. Would be scared of him. Would run in the other direction. Just like the male currently did. Not Gwyn. Never Gwyn. “Let’s go for a swim,” she said instead as she held his scarred hand in hers.
When Orrin touched the cold water of the sea, it became clear he wasn’t as enamored by it as his big sister. Cries of woe spread echoes across the water. Rippling its calm waves. The sound traveled through his bones, urging him to act immediately. “I’ll take him back,” Azriel said to Gwyn who was playing with Catrin in the sea, “Have fun,” he added before he gave Gwyn a quick kiss. Gwyn gave him a small smile in return.
Azriel held his little boy tight in his arms, rocking him gently as he walked them both back towards the safety of land. “It’ll be alright,” he reassured him as he bounced him up and down. “Daddy is here.”
The words temporarily brought him back to his own youth. Back to the little room and the horrors that occurred in the darkness that replaced his childhood. All the times when he wished his dad, anybody, would be there. Instead, his shadows kept him company. Replacing that warmth he craved deeply, with the cold touches of shadow, and whispers of all that occurred outside.
When Gwyn told him she was pregnant, terror filled his body before joy could. He was convinced he would fuck up just like his dad did. When Gwyn saw the fear in his eyes, she held his face in her hands as if he was the most precious thing to exist in the world, and said “You will be a great dad Az,” her thumb caressed his cheek, “I will kick the ass of everybody who says otherwise.” When he smiled she added, “Including you.”
When he looked back at the love of his life, he saw his shadows follow Gwyn like cats. Twisting and vying for a spot closest to her.
She always looked freer in the water, where she moved with such fluidity it was as if she’d been made from it. Where she could take in the freshness of the sea breeze, and feel the rays of sun on her pale skin. After every beach visit new freckles would appear out of thin air- kissing her nose, framing her long legs, gracing her breasts. That same night, he would make it his personal mission to find each new one and worship it like every other part of her body.
Her hair formed a stark contrast with the blueness of the waves, which allowed him to find her wherever she moved. Her eyes, on the other hand, were so bright blue, that he could easily mistake them for the sea. She looked so at home, that part of him was afraid the sea would claim her as one of its own.
When he averted his gaze to his daughter, he saw only excitement. Initially, Catrin grimaced when the coldness of the sea hit her wings. When Gwyn taught her how to swim, excitement quickly replaced the wariness.
Azriel watched the scene contentedly with his baby boy calm in his arms.
Catrin and Gwyn stayed in the sea for so long that their fingers were all wrinkly. “Look daddy, my hands are like grandma!” Catrin said excitedly. “Let’s not tell grandma that,” Azriel joked.
“Did you see a nymph?” Azriel asked. “I am a nymph,” Catrin replied with such confidence he couldn’t help but laugh. “And part Illyrian, Shadowsinger, and high fae,” Gwyn added.
“I am amazing,” she said.
“You are,” Gwyn confirmed as she placed a soft kiss on her head.
“Come here,” Azriel urged when he saw Gwyn slightly shiver. When she neared where he sat on a towel, the smell of Jasmin and vanilla enveloped him, beckoning him home. Gwyn gratefully snuggled into his side and Catrin quickly took up a seat in her mother’s lap. Azriel stretched out his wings to offer shelter against the coldness of the wind which made light flitter through the membranes of his wings, casting soft patterns onto the sand.
“Daddy I’m hungry,” Catrin murmured from next to him.
“Didn’t you catch some fish?” He asked in his most serious voice. “I’m just seven daddy.” She answered with crossed arms. “Fishies are my friends. I eat sandwiches and candy.”
Steel resolve that one, just like her mom.
“Open the bag,” he urged her.
“Sandwiches and candy!” She yelled excitedly as she jumped out of her mom’s arms.
“Sandwiches and candy,” Gwyn said just as excitedly. “Well done daddy,” she added with a smile so bright it rivaled the sun.
“Let me first, give your baby brother some food, and then your daddy and I will join,” Gwyn explained. With outstretched hands, she took Orrin from his hands. He made sure to cover them from sight by enveloping them in his wings. As soon as Gwyn finished, Catrin stood in front of them with the promised sandwiches and candy, “Eat, eat, eat.”
And ‘eat, eat, eat,’ they did.
Azriel ate his sandwich looking at the sea, when the answer to the question resounded in his mind. If it was up to him, he wanted to have a love that resembled the sea, infinite and unconditional. A depth unknown even to them.
But he never dared voice it in that living room five years ago. It seemed more likely to count every star in the sky than find the kind of love he dreamt of. To feel that he deserved that kind of love seemed even more impossible.
Then he looked at Catrin, who almost inhaled her sandwich, at Orrin, who still looked a little bit drunk from his mother’s milk, and Gwyn, who had such a bright smile on her lips, that he thought his heart might explode. And he knew he had everything his heart never dared to hope for.
“Are you okay, Az?” Gwyn asked slightly worried. Undoubtedly feeling the mix of emotions through the mating bond. “Never been better love,” he said as he ran reassuring caresses up her back. “I love you,” he added, hoping she knew the single word could never express the full depth of his love. She placed a searing kiss on his mouth and communicated everything words couldn’t, me too.
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stargirlie25 · 7 months
JUST WHY are elriels saying that the line ´´a thing of secret lovely beauty ´´ is about Elain?
Its not.
The first time it is mentioned is when Azriel is describing the necklace.
The second time?
He can see the image of Gwyns eyes lighting up upon seeing the necklace. He tucks it away down deep where it glows and the feeling of it is ´´a thing of secret, lovely beauty´´
make all the paragraphs you want in order to try to make it about Elain but CANON is Azriel saying the feeling of the image of Gwyn is A THING OF SECRET LOVELY BEAUTY.
Lets bfr Az got the necklace for Elain because she likes flowers. Thats the only connection. The rose and elain. Although elains favorite flower is tulips considering she wanted to travel all around to specifically see tulips.
This is Az tucking away the image (it remains) and then later coming back to his previous point as in ´´yup. that is a thing of secret lovely beauty´´
Not to mention, Gwyn is not even wearing the actual necklace in the image he can see proper. It's just her eyes lighting up. Whereas you can see the necklace and see its beauty when held to the light.
Luciens gift connect to Elain herself way more.
A) gloves. She wears gloves in acotar while gardening and looks most happy like that. Both grayson and az caused her to get hurt and the gloves (from her mate) are supposed to protect her from hurt. Without them she ironically got pricked all over her hand.
B) pearls. Just a few chapters before lucien gifted her that she wore pearls in her hair. Very much like the earings.
I like theories. I do. but do not ignore canon.
Some people say its because Elain is underestimated and thats why Azriel got it for her but Az himself canonically underestimate her.
Also don´t even try. Az underestimating Elain is the only proof SJM provided on to what Azriel was feeling while saying ´´There is a innate darkness in the dread trove that Elain should not be exposed to´´
Also Elain being underestimated and showing how she can do more than what people think of her does not naturally fall into the ´´secret beauty´´ category more so the secret strength category.
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Can gwynriel people explain to me why Az didn’t care in the slightest about gwyn being taken for the blood rite??? You know that it takes place AFTER their apparent solstice “moment” right?? You know, where hes supposed to have started having these feelings for her…. He seems rather uninterested to me….
Also why do people want gwyn to be a second choice anyways? if Az had his choice he’d have been cuddling in bed with Elain whether you like it or not. I mean hes a little caught up in his feelings for elain atm don’t think he looking for another female immediately after…if he was that would drop my opinion of him to the damn bottom of the list right next to tamlin 😂 😬
Right now i am loving the lightsinger gwyn theory. Nesta and az seemed to be affected by something in relation to her. Interested in where her story goes but i feel like we won’t see that for another book or 2 potentially. Maybe the novella?
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Man I haven’t posted here in a while but this really irritates me LOL
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sunshinebingo · 1 year
Gwyn: Hi Shadowsinger!
The shadows: Tell her that her eyes are as bright as the sky...tell her she smells like water lilies...tell her...
Azriel: You...uuh...smell like the sky
The shadows:
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goddessofwisdom18 · 28 days
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🗻 The Valkyries and their Dreamers ✨
The Spies 💙 The Generals ❤️ The Overseers 💛
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jmoonjones · 1 year
OK, so this story really ballooned in my mind and it started to become clear that drawing it all out would be a pretty big undertaking, especially since much of it is exposition.
I made the pivot to writing most of it out because as a dyslexic person, it does me good to practice writing (I tried for the style of a history book? Maybe?). Prior warning on any typos, just roll with it. 
In post-war Illyria, the land finds itself ensnared in a web of adversity. A dwindling population hampers agricultural endeavors, while power struggles over vacant leadership positions sow discontent among the people. Whispers circulate, advocating for Illyria's right to select its own leader from someone who lives within their own borders. 
This chosen person would safeguard the interests of Illyria and its inhabitants from being used as a military power but ignored in times of peace. Progression is overdue, trade is being stunted, and the now-largely female population (due to the losses during the war) is eager for equality. 
And thus enters Emerie, a Carynthian and a Valkyrie, as well as a small-business proprietor. Practical and resolute, Emerie begins to garner support from the predominantly female populace, with her Carynthian status creating male allies as well. She envisions a future of thriving trade, using her own experience running her shop, and dreams of Illyria never being lacking in spices and salt. 
She envisions cultivating an economy based on tourism, enticing other courts to partake in Illyria's small shops and enterprises, and this will help build new businesses like hotels and guided tours.
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As the movement gains traction, the final piece of the puzzle falls into place: Devlon. Possessing the wisdom of age and name recognition she lacks, Devlon bridges the divide between the disparate camp factions and gives her 'legitimacy' to the wary males by standing as Emerie's second-in-command. 
Devlon wants independence for Illyria and is smart enough to see that getting on board with Emerie and her group would give the movement more traction and more likelihood of success. 
(It helps that Nesta, ever vigilant, casts an ominous witchy glance at Devlon whenever he looks to be up to no good. He will eventually establish himself as a trusted confidant to Emerie and her government. )
In a collaborative effort with their loyal companions, Emerie and Devlon meticulously pen a declaration of independence so thorough and thoughtful that even Rhys, the High Lord of the Night Court, accedes to its terms. Acknowledging that the most advantageous course of action for Illyria is to empower it, Rhys pledges financial aid as seed capital while the newly independent nation gets on its feet. A special bond endures between Illyria and the Night Court, now operating as sovereign entities with far less strain than before.
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Emerie becomes the Prime, with Devlon as her Second-in-Command. There's an initial forum with citizens to share their worries, followed by a celebratory party DJ-ed by Nesta's ipod-egg and featuring singing by Gwyn. 
Rhysand employs this secession as a catalyst to deepen his involvement in the Hewn City, but this time with benevolent intentions. Bereft of the Illyrian army, he endeavors to gain control over the Darkbringers and seeks to enhance the quality of life therein, offering the possibility of migration to Velaris for those who desire it.
With Nesta and Cassian at the helm of two formidable armies—the Valkyries and the Illyrians, respectively—Illyria solidifies its status as a force to be reckoned with in Prythian. This commands immediate respect from the other courts, who are intrigued at this new country for them to trade and visit (but not dare to take on in battle). 
Oh, and did I mention that our trailblazer Emerie secures a seat at the High Lord table being the first female and elected leader to sit there? Because she does. 
Gwyn, bravely venturing forth from the confines of the library, champions the cause of non-High Fae rights. As a part-nymph, she has personally encountered bigotry, which resonates with the plight of other marginalized fae and Illyrians. (Remember all that 'lesser fae' bs from ACOTAR?)
Gwyn assumes the mantle of their advocate, bolstered by Nesta, who desires a future where her part-Illyrian child will never experience such animosity. Several priestesses get involved and their 'safe haven library' mission expands to other courts (becoming a quasi-embassy) run by a priestess-ambassador. Helion and Meallan are invaluable as transportation while they get set up. 
In this shared mission, Nesta stands as Gwyn's steadfast second, while Gwyn reciprocates as Nesta's second within the Valkyrie army. Together, they dedicate their efforts to train any woman who aspires to be empowered and thrive.
Emerie bestows a position of authority upon one of her close friends in Windhaven; a fellow small-business owner, who becomes the Chief of Trade. She begins by establishing a robust import framework, laying the groundwork for future exports and imports. Initially targeting the Night Court as a trade partner, their aspirations eventually extend to encompass all of Prythian.
Azriel becomes both emissary for the Night Court and shared spymaster. This mutually beneficial alliance allows Illyria and the Night Court to share confidential intelligence. By being more involved in Illyria, Azriel begins to reconcile his own long-held prejudices to his people and heritage. He splits his time evenly between the two courts (when he's not spying). 
Nesta and Cassian live in Illyria full-time, training their armies and raising their family. Nesta also dedicates time to creating a night life by helping establish several clubs/bars with dancing and music for all to enjoy. Eventually talented Illyrians will form schools dedicated to the arts. Speaking of school...
Devlon's cause is education. Too proud to ever admit he's wrong, he realizes he needs to be right more often than not to make that work. He sets up schools in each camp, many of which also serve as boarding schools for the orphans. He claims it because it's because he doesn't want to deal with wild children running about, but he becomes very invested in education and it gets really dusty in here whenever a child hugs his leg. 
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This emancipation advances Illyria and the relationship with the Night Court is forever made more solid now that there's mutual respect and admiration between the two. 
Are you still reading? Oh my goodness, thank you. As you can see, this idea would have been tricky to draw out since most of it is exposition. 
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