#gym problems
wickedwonderlandd · 2 months
This guy on the row machine next to me is moaning SO loud. It's driving me insane 😩😩 how am I supposed to concentrate and workout with this MANS triggering my fuck ( consensual) or flight response. I am so gay sir please!
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Since I’ve been hitting the gym regularly, I’m realizing how much anxiety I have about being watched. Like I could be just lifting dumbbells & I’m thinking somebody else is watching me thinking “this girl looks so dumb” 😭😭
It’s not crippling anxiety luckily, but I think about so many people who have that & it stops them from going ANYWHERE.
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baby-alien11 · 7 months
I don't recomend doing leg day on your first day of period, is horrible
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eduurun · 1 year
Could someone explain to me how the hell people do it to be in the gym exercising and not sweat or make their face look like a tomato? Just by warming up and I end up sweating, I don't tell you when I'm doing exercises and I'm close to failure and my heart rate is through the roof. F*ck off!
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neuromessy · 5 months
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ma-du · 9 months
So, there's this machine here at the gym where I sit and lean over this strap (?) with a cushion to do sit-ups. And so far so good. The problem is that this fucking thing is super uncomfortable because my fucking tits are in the damn way and I'm 😐
New goal unlocked for the thousandth time: to have money for a breast reduction or a damn top surgery.
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I'm not a gym or exercise expert so I'm hoping for some input or a second opinion idk.
My aunt and uncle run a gym. Good for them whatever. We've never gotten particularly along since they're not particularly nice to my mom (understatement) and know nothing about me but want to pretend to be cool.
They had us come in for workouts for a while but they actually only wanted my dad there, which they got because my mom got sick and they were working us harder than everyone else and if my mom doesn't go I won't because that would mean I'm outnumbered and surrounded and I don't trust them not to try and push me into something I wouldn't want to do or whatever.
Another reason my mom doesn't go is because areas of her stomach where there's scars from surgeries can't really be worked without hurting a lot and they keep giving her exercises that work especially that area despite what is said.
They've bragged before about working someone so hard they puked. And yeah, I could feel that, I was sick that day sure but if I did their planned thing 100% I definitely would have puked too. I feel sorry for the guy, part of me thinks it might have been a high-schooler considering the location of the gym. Though this was a while ago.
My problem comes in recently: my dad has been going to the gym alone for a while now but my mom went with him the most recent time because they wanted to go grocery shopping afterwards.
My dad's health has been a bit weird for a while now, especially after he fainted sometime last year. He gets this grey coloring and feels dizzy, he's been getting panic attacks of sorts too.
I don't know if this has been happening every time he's been going without us but my mom saw they were pushing him until he becomes this grey color and kept pushing him. They claim his health problems will be "fixed with exercise".
This all seems wrong to me. If they kill my dad... it won't end well let's just say that....
Am I overreacting? Is this normal or correct or whatever?
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kadythethief · 2 years
there's someone standing in front of the pull up machine i want to use later
all. they. do. is take selfies.
i hate them ^~^
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timethehobo · 1 month
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What-if pair…? Just had the thought of both of them silently enjoying their hobbies in each other’s company. (Emmy is helping, ok.)
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wickedwonderlandd · 7 months
I HATE when I'm trying to workout and ALL the machines I need are taken 😭😭😭
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saccharinescorpion · 9 months
Tulip with Iono: noooo sweetie no self-deprecating :( self-love <3 good vibes only <3 hydrate <3
Tulip with every other woman she interacts with: i am going to create the most toxic yuri polycule the Pokemon series has ever seen and i will create it with my bare hands if i have to
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britcision · 3 months
Regular reminder that sudden and severe weight loss is a pretty serious sign that something is very, very wrong
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pearlparty · 5 months
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Note to self: never ask for a spot ever again.  Just die like a woman when you drop the bar. 
Pairing: Austin x Reader (no use of y/n)
Summary: Austin teases you at the gym and you get distracted from your workout.
Warnings: Language, innuendo, flirting, established relationship
Word Count: 2075 ish
Note: Breaking another impromptu indefinite hiatus to post lol. Based on this post/reblog to cure writer’s block. Lol I wrote this in like a day and a half and in an airport so take that for what you will. I just really like men sweating and grunting I’m sorry. Feedback is a writer’s life blood, so please tell me what sucks about this so I can improve!!
Austin had always gone to the gym with you. You’d go together, but usually stayed in your own lanes doing your own workouts, and then leave together.  The routine allowed some space to breathe and work individually—do things separately together. It happened organically for one reason: different desired routines. And that’s how it stayed for weeks, leaving each of you satisfied at the end of the hour and a half.
Today provided another reason for why separate workout routines proved more effective than working together. 
You’d walked in with the intention of setting a personal record on the squat rack.  You’d been working your way up for weeks.  Maybe you truly felt prepared to lift it, or perhaps it was the extra zing that the pre-workout put in your step, but either way you stepped up to the rack prepared to put your legs to the test.  The cute dark blue crop and legging combo probably gave you an extra boost, too. It did make your ass look good, after all, and that little “I’m sexy and I know it” boost worked like magic for motivation. 
Unfortunately, you didn’t see the way Austin’s eyes lingered a little too long when you put your jacket and bag into the locker. Maybe if you’d seen his eyes darken, you’d have caught onto his little game instead of being taken by surprise. 
Still, before you parted ways at the locker, you couldn’t help but admire the curves of his bare shoulders beneath his muscle tee. Such fond memories of those shoulders and the weights they occasionally carried: your niece when you went to the park weeks ago, the heavy cement bag for your parents’ backyard, your thighs—
You shook the thought from your head, and moved to the track to warm up. You’d moved closer to the weight section to do some warm up Bulgarian Split Squats when Austin called you over to his spot at one of the benches. 
“Babe,” he called out, “can I get a spot real quick?” The question fazed you a moment; he rarely asked for a spot, but you supposed that the empty gym deprived him of many other options. 
“Yeah,” you chirped as you rose from the mat. “Yeah, sure.” 
Austin positioned himself on the bench and prepped for his heavy set. You couldn't help but admire the way his muscles rippled beneath his skin, the determination etched on his face as he focused on the task at hand. The veins in his hands and forearms seemed to pulse as he gripped the bar, and a small part of you wished they were wrapped around your neck—
"Ready, babe?" His voice snapped you out of your reverie, and you quickly positioned herself at the end of the bench, ready to spot him. You cleared your throat. 
"Ready," you replied as you braced yourself for the weight that was about to come crashing down. He grinned but didn’t say anything. 
As Austin began his set, your eyes were drawn to the flex of his muscles, the strain evident in every movement. You couldn't tear your gaze away, mesmerized by the raw power and intensity he exuded with each repetition.
With each huff and grunt that escaped Austin’s lips, you felt a flush of heat rise to your cheeks. You tried to focus on the task at hand, on keeping him safe as he pushed himself to his limits, but you couldn't shake the feeling of arousal that pulsed through your veins.
As Austin finished his set and racked the bar, he flashed you a grin, his chest heaving with exertion. He rose from the bench breathing heavy, sweat dotting his brow. 
“Thank you, baby,” he murmured with a breath, voice low and husky as he gently pinched your chin between his thumb and knuckle. 
Your heart fluttered at the sight of him, mind filled with images of his sweaty body entwined in passion with yours. You swallowed hard, trying to push aside the thoughts that threatened to consume your mind you helped Austin re-rack the weights.
"Anytime," you replied, voice barely convincing nonchalance as you tried to quell the desire that burned within your chest—a desire slowly spreading throughout your extremities and to your lower belly. "Anytime." 
Walking back to your mat, your mind swirled with overwhelming amounts of filthy thoughts, and the reps got increasingly hard to count (which ended up being fine because working to failure is good for growth, but still). Those damn grunts? Every huff and breath of exertion? The small whimper that escaped his lips when he struggled momentarily to get the bar up on the last rep? All played on a continuous, horny loop in your head as you spent the next few minutes finishing the exercises before your squats. 
His damn blue muscle tee, his damn cap that couldn’t cover his pretty curls at the back of his head, his damn gray joggers, his damn water dripping down his chin as he chugged from his water bottle after a couple of sets on the lat pulldown machine that made his damn muscles flex and sweat collect on his damn collarbones. Damn him damn him damn him.  
A trip the the gym had supposed to clear your mind, not fill it with insufferable horny thoughts. How were you supposed to focus on the movements properly when he walked around looking like that?
And now you needed him to spot you during your squats. Lovely.
His gaze wandered to you in the mirror as he took another gulp of water. You waved him over.
He adjusted his earbuds and wiped his chin with the collar of his shirt as he approached you. “Hey, gorgeous. Need a spot?” Was his voice always so deep? I must be ovulating because this is not normal.  
“If you’re not busy? I wanna beat my record from a couple weeks ago,” you answered. 
“New PR, baby!” he whooped, clapping his hands together once to try to hype you up.  He likely mistook your distraction for nerves. Hell, you wished it was, not an aching need that pulled your attention away from your workout.
A nervous laugh left your chest, suddenly rather timid at the prospect of him being so close while you were trying to lift something seriously heavy.  You turned to face the mirror behind the rack—turn away from him directly but still see him behind you in the reflection.  Had you seriously never appreciated how he dwarfed you before?
Okay, enough, focus on the damn lift you horny simpleton, the sane part of your mind berated.  You pushed the thoughts aside and stepped under the bar.
“Ready?”  you tossed over your shoulder to him as he stood a few feet back.  
“You got this,” he affirmed.  You took a breath and lifted the bar off the rack and stepped back.  Austin put a close but reasonable distance between the two of you and looped his arms under yours, prepared to pull you back if you were to fall forward.  
Another breath, and then you went down.  Austin followed your movements and you let out a puff of air as you tried to push yourself back to the top.  
“C’mon, you got it,” he gently coaxed from behind you.  It wasn’t the typical motivating voice he used in the gym.  No, it was much softer, teetering on the edge of something—well, you weren’t sure you wanted to find out or you’d surely drop the bar and hurt both you and him.  If you hadn’t been balancing over 200lbs on your shoulders, you might have shot him a wide eyed look.  You came to the top of the position.  “Alright, that’s one.  Just seven more.”  His voice seemed to have some extra smoke in it today.  
A flush of warmth spread through your torso, tingling in your extremities that had no connection to the exertion of the second rep. His words lit a fire, spurring you on as you sank into the third. 
“Doin’ so good,” Austin murmured, his hot breath fanning down your neck. “Just like that.” 
Fuck off fuck off fuck off you hot bastard. He was doing it on purpose. Whether it was to get a rise out of you or provide some extra motivation, you didn’t know.
Down.  Up. Four. Focus. Five.
“You’re killing it. Just focus on that form.” You could have sworn his hand brushed the side of your waist. 
Six. A breath. Seven. The burn in your quads nearly made you question whether you could do another rep. You hissed out a sharp breath and braced yourself, legs wavering at the top of the rep for only a second. 
“Nearly there,” Austin continued, the same salacious insinuation lining his words. “Can ya gimme one more, baby?” 
A thrill shot down your spine, and your breath caught in your throat.  Damn him.
You finished the set, legs trembling slightly as you stepped back to re-rack the bar with a huff. You set your hands on your hips to suck in a well deserved breath. A stupid smile graced your lips as you realized that you’d accomplished your goal despite Austin’s distracting encouragement.  The burn in your legs slowly turned to a sweet jelly-like sensation. 
Austin approached the rack, going around to meet you toward the front, a smirk lining his perfect lips. “Feeling good?”
You nearly rolled your eyes at his double-entendre. “Yeah,” you snorted, as you stepped around to meet him. “Feelin’ grea—“ You stumbled, the jelly in your legs making your knees fold momentarily. 
Right into his strong arms. 
“Woah, now,” he chuckled, pulling you back up with his hands firmly on your back and ribs. “Careful there, Bambi.” That time, you did roll your eyes with a laugh as you steadied yourself once more, but not pulling away from him yet. “Don't hurt yourself.” 
“Oh please,” you flicked the brim of his hat, “I’m canceling my membership; you are too damn distracting.” You giggled as you pushed him away to walk to the equipment spray, throwing a little extra sway in your hips as you strutted away. The jig was up; no sense in trying to focus on something when it would all be for naught. You wanted to play this out. 
“Is that right?” He cocked an eyebrow, that permanent smirk etched onto his face. “So you didn’t like my extra motivation, hm?” He gripped the brim of his cap and flipped it around, giving you a more than adequate view of his triceps and biceps as he pressed it down in the back. You sucked in a breath. He knew how much you liked it when he put his hat on backwards.
“I blame the endorphins. I’m taking my business elsewhere so I can actually focus,” you quipped. You stepped to the rack, deliberately putting it between you and him as you sprayed down the bar.
“Hm. That’s fair, I guess.” He moved in closer, placing his hands on either side of the rack and leaning over the bar, his voice low and suggestive, “Guess we’ll just have to find other ways to work out together then.”
You cocked an eyebrow, allowing yourself a moment to shamelessly look him up and down as the tip of your tongue wet your bottom lip before you pulled it between your teeth. Your delicate fingers curled around the bar as you rested your chin on it. The smell of his sweat mixed with his cologne and nearly made your knees weak again. You tapped your right toe behind your left heel, enjoying his proximity and the innuendo in the air.
You hummed as the tension crackled between the two of you. “Whatayasay we cut this strength session short and go home for some cardio?”
His eyebrows raised and he chewed the inside of his cheek, glancing dangerously down to your lips. A low hum resonated in his chest. “I like the sound of that.” 
He shortened the distance between you, tantalizing movements to tempt you closer to his lips. And then, “Meet ya by the treadmills, baby,” he teased with a wink and then pulled away. 
And that’s how you figured out that if you worked out with Austin, you’d end up horny and skip the workout for another sweaty activity.
tag: @mrsniallhoran505
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sewatari · 1 year
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Price tag in art supply store dealing psychic damage to unsuspecting victim
(Castelia City 2023 colorized)
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hunxi-after-hours · 3 days
oh mother of god that means it's been almost four years since I wrote time war wangxian huh
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badbillybob · 8 months
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Fantasy high junior year started!!!! Loving everyone’s development but especially looking forward to Kristen’s gym rat + self motivation + failing as a cleric arc.
And also low key scared that this mediocrity + adult stress + everything matters + all you’ve earned is WORKING THIS HARD FOREVER. I’m afraid this is gonna swerve and hit me thru the screen. Did not expect it from my fun, lighthearted comfort show but. It’s gonna emotionally devastate me in a hopefully comforting way.
It finally got me to finish my old colouring book design for a Fig and Ayda pirate AU tho! Absolutely no thought behind it. Just magicky pirates. (I couldn’t figure out how to draw Ayda as a phoenix - just didn’t try)
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