#h one stly
coughybean · 3 years
sorry about all the spam about autism-related stuff
but also? no im not sorry
i will keep posting about this because it’s autism acceptance month and i need something to do to cope with the fact my mom is an Autism Mom Tee-Ehm and supports autism $peaks /lh
heres a suggestion for #redinstead day despite the fact that for me its 11 PM and its basically over by now-
splash the blood of your enemies on a pure white shirt to show support! /j
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Imagine Adult Makoto babysitting the other Phantom Thieves as kids.
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rescuebot · 3 years
transformers will trend and ill scroll the tag like Yes This Is All The People I Have Blocked
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sukirichi · 3 years
Suki my dear friend.. usually I’m not the type for angsty things because life sucks and I need love and smut to counterbalance. But tonight I broke the rule and I dedicated myself to “someone that loves you”. Now enjoy my opinion about it:
Am I crying? Obviously.
Would I read it again? Absolutely.
Am I an hoe for pain? YES.
GAMER ANON HAIIII!! OKAY ngl I often mix you and headphones anon agsjwlqlq I should wear my glasses more when I answer. ANYWAYS. OMG SAME THO? I’m actually a lil weak when it comes to angst like sometimes even just ONE LINE hurts me so much! AAAAH OMG YOU READ STLY thank you so much omg 😭😭😭 you guys have NOOO idea how much I love STLY. I wouldn’t say it’s my BEST work but like...I just resonate with it, yknow? AND AAAA YOU’RE SCREAMING AT ME SO IMMA SCREAM BACK!!! (wait this is so cute it reminds me of this one time my friend saw me in a mall and we were too excited to properly greet each other so we were just screaming 😭) WAIT NO OMG WHY’D YOU CRY (same tho...) URGGHHH BABY I’M SO GLAD TO HEAR ABOUT THIS (not the part where you cried cuz I wouldn’t wanna hurt my anons uwu) but the fact you would read it again gets me so soft (ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣﹏ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣) ANYWAYS TYSM I HOPE YOU HAD/ARE HAVING A LOVELY DAY AND I WUB WUB YOU SO MUCH 💕
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salenakingston · 3 years
Decided to forgo the prompt thing this time around and write a little something that came to my head on my way home from work. Been writing a lot more backstory related stuff to the main trio, and I don’t intend to stop. It’s so fun to play around with.
Prompt: None
Warnings: Medical Procedures (minor), Blood
Timeline of Events: Whitegale Estate (Backstory)
Total Word Count: 3,117 words
The halls of this estate seemed to just go on and on. Guess that was to be expected when being invited to a place like this. The Whitegale name was one that stretched far beyond the reaches of Sweden, for a number of reasons. Alexander’s wealth and power was nothing to scoff at, but more than that, it was what he had chosen to do with it. He could very well be running his own country with the number of contacts he had, and the people that flocked to him on the promise of a good paycheck. The Whitegales never seemed to be short of work.
And that’s why he was here.
News articles continued to pile up on top of one another, the gap between his own kills becoming shorter and shorter. It seemed that since discovering his project had been a failure, he was not allowed much room to breathe. The demon had put up with him before then, no doubt already knowing the outcome before even his host had learned the price of dealing with those that were already dead.
Magic was real, but even in this new world, there were laws that had to be obeyed. No one could come back from the dead without being broken. Pleas and cries haunted the mind, be it in the waking world or when asleep.
He couldn’t stay at his office anymore, not without risking getting caught. His brain argued with him that he deserved to be taken in. He had lost count of how many lives he had stolen away, be it from those that deserved death or not. He did not care so long as he could get a laugh out of it. He would take.. And take.. And take until there was nothing left of who he once was. Life was slipping away from his fingers.
Sometimes he even wondered what the point of fighting was anymore.
Malceum had found himself on the steps of the estate, mostly by chance. Forced to flee his home country. It was quite the jump to make, Germany to Sweden. Anywhere else might have been a better idea, a place where he might be able to isolate himself so that he couldn’t thrive off the thrill of others… but there was one thing that drew him in to the promise the Whitegales proposed.
A roof over his head.
A job.
He could be left wandering country to country without the promise of being able to see anyone. No one owed him anything, and he couldn’t very well work and move at the same time. He needed a new place to call his own. While the estate itself didn’t belong to him, since Alexander had taken him in, he was granted his own space along with the other medical personnel in the building. He had work, or at the very least, something to keep him occupied. On the plus side, with so many people around, he couldn’t just do as he pleased. Someone would notice if one of the staff went missing, or if he had slipped out of the building.
It was a bit of a win win actually.
Unfortunately, it didn’t keep the hollow’s witty commentary silenced.
Alexander had called upon him specifically for a task. Guess the man himself had been impressed by the surgeon’s work. At least that’s what he assumed before stepping inside the office. It was for a stranger reason that he had been chosen. Alexander’s wife had seen him in a vision. Said woman was quite the enigma. Seeing her was rare outside of briefings and events. He had gazed into her unseeing eyes, and could swear that she was somehow still staring back at him. It was enough to unsettle anyone.
He didn’t believe her vision, at least when it seemed like it was something so minor. It was just another surgical job. What did it matter if he was the one who did it, or someone else. Alexander had explained that he never questioned anything his wife had seen, nor was surprised at Malceum’s skeptic tone.
Well… whatever. He had a job to do.
Returning him back to his path through the halls. He had finally managed to figure out where he was going, though it probably helped that he dropped the files he had been flipping through from his eyesight. Anything already on a person’s medical record could help him to understand his patient’s body. Their strengths and weaknesses, at least on a physical level, and what kind of treatments one had already undergone. Which worked, and which ones did not.
But this file just left him dumbfounded.
It was for someone by the name ‘Salena Kingston.’ The first thing that struck him as odd was the inclusion of a ‘species’ tag on her records. Species? It labeled her a wolf, but this had to be some kind of mistake. True, magic was a possibility, but this just seemed too much of a stretch as to what could be considered real now. Humans seeing the future? Believable at the very least. Humans channeling enough energy to bring the souls of others back from the dead? He had seen it first hand. Humanized animals? Unheard of.
Brushing past this mistake, he got into the meat of her records. It baffled him that the list of problems with her physical attributes grew longer and longer with each person that had seen her, yet they had all cleared her to return to duty. Were all of them so negligent with their jobs, doing this on purpose so they could make another sum of money from their wealthy employer? Or was this Alexander’s own doing? It was clear he had contact with everyone on his medical team. Surely he wouldn’t be worse than the doctors.
Well, he wasn’t going to be like them.
Malceum stopped as he came to the medical wing. He knew the path here, but not to this specific room. It seemed strange to be directed to one room, as many others he had taken care of were spread through to whichever space was available. This was ‘her room.’ Just how often was this person here to have a room all of her own?
The surgeon steeled himself, and then opened the door. Strange that this door requires a pin number to open, sliding rather than opening like any normal door.
A pair of blue eyes peered over at him.
The door shut behind him, effectively locking him in the room with a literal beast. So that species part of her documents hadn’t been a typo after all. There, sitting in the bed, was a wolf with a humanized figure. He couldn’t find one thing to focus on, his eyes moving all around her. Her red face markings, visible scars across the top of her muzzle and neck, the curved notches in her ears, the traces of bags under her eyes, but mostly that piercing gaze that fell on him.
A gaze that seemed to be narrowing the longer he stood still. He even found his hands shaking slightly. No, it wasn’t fear that was causing this. He seemed delighted by this turn of events.
What? Oh that was her voice.
“Are you going to stand there gawking at me, or are you actually going to do your job?”
Malceum was taken aback. Never in all his career could he recall a patient speaking to him in such a way. Annoyance replaced his surprised expression. Oh, he could tell he wasn’t going to enjoy taking care of this one. He set her file down on the small table next to her bed. As he drew closer, he noticed the tubes sticking out of her nose, a tank on the opposite side from where he was standing. Oxygen? Was she having trouble breathing? There were so many problems on the list, it was likely his brain skipped over it, much like the fact of her ‘species.’
“Y-Yes, st-top.”
His hands were shaking again. She’ll be fun to play with.
Y-You ca-an’t-t.
Oh I’ll find a way.
He gave an audible sigh, an eyebrow raised on the woman? Wolf? In bed. Right, he must look like a crazy person. She was glaring at him at this point, so he might as well match her attitude, “W-well M-Ms. Kin-ngs-ston, I can h-hones-stly s-say in all m-my l-lif-fe I’ve n-nev-ver se-e-een s-som-meo-one as b-brok-ken as y-you are a-and-d s-stil-ll w-wil-llin-ng to m-mout-th off t-the p-per-rson w-who’s-s b-been a-assig-gned to h-help you.”
“Sorry to burst your bubble Sorrowgrave. You’re hardly the first person to be assigned to me as you put it.”
She knew who he was? He hadn’t even been here that long, and he’d never seen her before. Did Alexander tell her about him before summoning him? He mentally shook off that train of thought, scoffing at her, “S-So I’ve s-see-en, a-and it s-seem-ms n-non-ne of t-them-m h-have b-bee-en t-treat-tin-ng you p-pr-rop-perly.”
“And you think you can do better?”
“I k-know-w I c-can.”
Now he was getting more than just annoyed. Were it not for the mask covering his mouth, he was sure his sharpened teeth would be flashing to accompany his growl, “Y-You d-doub-bt my s-sk-kills-s?”
Her tone didn’t change. From the moment she first started talking to him, it seemed she was intent on holding onto her level of sass, but content. Was it acceptance? It was too soon to tell. She didn’t shut up, “Oh no, I’m sure you’re great at what you do. I’m just saying I doubt there’s anything you can do that the other doctors haven’t already tried, or improve upon. My body’s fucked.”
“T-Then-n c-care to ex-xp-plain to m-me w-why y-you’v-ve b-bee-en cl-lear-red e-ev-ver-ry s-sin-ngle t-tim-me y-you’ve b-bee-en h-her-re wh-hen ev-ven you are a-awa-are th-hat s-somet-th-hing is w-wron-ng w-with you?”
“Have you been paying attention? I told you there’s nothing that you can do to improve my condition. You’ll either clear me like the rest of them or I spend the rest of my life sitting in bed. Sounds far too dull.”
“Wh-hy are y-you h-her-re t-then?”
The bitch seemed to roll her eyes at that question, “Did Alexander not even bother to tell his new surgeon why he was being sent here? Just send him off with a file and expect him to wing it?”
Obviously she wasn’t pleased, but was that directed at him, or at her employer? She had to be working for the man if she was in her own private room, but also referred to the Whitegale man by his first name. How was it that she seemed more annoyed than he was having to put up with this? He glared over at the file, as if it had committed a crime by simply being in the room, “H-he s-said his w-wif-fe s-saw me h-her-re in a v-vis-sion.”
That was the thing that seemed to shut her up. Her attitude melted away, head moving up slightly from its slouched over position, “Cassandra saw you? I see.”
So she knew something about the man’s wife too. Just what was so special about this woman and what she could see? Why was it a driving force for so many decisions made around here? It was largely irrelevant for the present moment. He still had a job to do. He found his face easing slightly, “N-Now t-th-hen. W-What-t are y-you in f-for t-tod-day?”
“I need stitches. The staff have been able to do what they could for the wounds, but they won’t heal properly without that work, and Alexander won’t let me do the ones I can reach myself. I’ve been instructed not to move as much until someone got here to take care of the problem.”
She’s capable of doing her own stitch work? Perhaps their employer didn’t want her to do it, feeling more confident with a professional surgeon on staff. Guess his reputation from his home country had something to do with that.
There was a spot for Malceum to prepare for this small task, doing his best to get his hands to stop shaking before he got to work. When he turned back around, he noticed that she had placed her wrists above leather straps on each side of her bed. Restraints, yet she was so casual about their use. She was looking so expectantly at him, “I d-don’t-t s-see a n-nee-ed to hav-ve to u-use t-thos-se.”
“Look Sorrowgrave, I know you’re new here, but trust me on this one. Unless you want to risk my claws finding your skin or impaled on accident, you will strap me down.”
“Y-You c-can’t-t do wor-rse t-than-n wh-hat has al-lre-eady b-bee-en d-done to me.”
She didn’t seem to buy that, trying again, “Trust me on this one Sorrowgrave. You’re going to want me restrained. I wouldn’t ask you otherwise if I didn’t think there was any danger to this.” It baffled him in a way that she was willing to be tied down, for his own sake. She was aware of her own power, able to assume she had some from the way she phrased her words, and took her own measures to ensure the staff’s safety. Seeing no need to fight her further, he stepped over to her bed, tightening the straps as tight as he could around each wrist. Her eyes turned forward, waiting now.
He only stepped away to gather his materials before coming to her side, “I’ll n-nee-ed to re-em-move y-your g-gow-wn.”
“Go ahead.”
He had done this so many times before, so there was no need to be so hesitant. The gown was laid across the railing closest to him, his eyes focusing to the new bundle of white and red along her shoulder. So one wound there. He could see the same along her upper chest, another spot along her side, and one last one near her thigh. Whatever mission she must have been on didn’t include an instruction on being careful.
His hands moved around the bandages, removing them. Sure enough, the cuts were deep, jagged in some places. He couldn’t help but notice the ones along her upper chest were different. They were straighter, each one with more than one line next to them. They looked very similar to scars that already littered her upper body. Eyes narrowed, staring on them, and she must have caught onto him again, “As much as I would love for you to keep gawking over my body, do you mind getting on with it? I hate sitting still.”
A low growl passed through his lips, sitting back up so he was at a better angle to do his job. No point in entertaining her rebuke. The sooner he could get these stitches done, the sooner he could leave. A syringe moved towards her wrist, sticking her in a safe place. It shouldn’t take too long for her body to grow numb. While he waited, his eyes moved over the wounds. Whichever medical personnel came to see her before him did a good job cleaning them out. All of them were clear of any signs of infection. Good. He would have hated to do more work than necessary.
He was always careful with his work, testing to make sure the anesthesia was in effect before the needle even touched her skin. Salena barely moved during the entire procedure, making this far easier. Guess he was right that she actually didn’t need to worry about the restraints. He couldn’t help but manage a smug look behind his mask. Good thing she couldn’t see that.
Clean bandages were wrapped back where the dirty ones used to be, leaving the surgeon with nothing else to do aside from clean up. He took care of himself before returning to his patient’s side, freeing her wrists and offering the discarded gown back to her. She snatched it from him, draping it back over her form. Guess his work here was done, so he could leave.
Before he could input the pin to the door panel, he heard her voice again, “Wait.”
Wait? Why? He thought she would be thrilled to have him leave her space. She was rubbing one of her wrists when he turned his eyes back onto her. Her gaze moved to the side, “Thanks. Let me compensate you for your work. I know something you may appreciate more than whatever Alexander will pay you.”
Weird. What could she possibly offer someone like him. Eyes widened when a pocket of magic She stuck her arm inside of it, pulling out a vial. What had he just witnessed? Truthfully, he wasn’t sure, but it fascinated him. Just what was this woman capable of?
Eyes trailed down to the vial, the magic having disappeared, and this what was offered out to him. He took it in his hands, fingers rolling it back and forth as it rested along his palm. The vial contained some kind of green liquid. He was about to question her when she noticed his confusion, “It’s a dreamless sleep potion. I can see the dark bags under your eyes. If they’re anything like mine, I can guess partly why you’re not getting sleep at night. Figured it might help.”
“I-It’s a w-what-t?”
It’s a what?!
One was thrilled, and the other panicking. He couldn’t lose the only outlet he still had for the time being to break down his host. Malceum’s hand began to tremble, grip moving around the vial. Audible cracks from the glass rang in the small room. He tried to save this small act of mercy she had offered him, but he was stronger. The vial shattered, potion spilling between his fingers. Tiny tears pricked at his eyes, red mixing with green along his hand.
He turned around, punching in the code to allow himself to leave, racing down the hall once the door opened.
She didn’t miss the orange flickering in his gaze.
He could tell she was a danger. She had something that could help him, and he made them flee. He wanted to go back to her, beg her for another one, but it was useless. He was going to make him pay for this new found hope.
Salena’s eyes didn’t leave the man, even as he sprinted past the window looking into her room. There was something very wrong with him. Cassandra saw him being sent to her. There was some reason they were meant to meet. Her gaze shifted down to the puddle on the floor, green mixing with red. He wanted that.
Something else made him break it.
And she would find out what.
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thosemeddlingsims · 5 years
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honestly Fred?…same.
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ask-the-jester-buds · 4 years
🤞Lutkaa. Truth - Tell us about some of your exes. Dare: Sell one of your rings online to see how much people are willing to bid.
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°♡... ♡h? there is little t♡ kn♡w ab♡ut them..♡°
°♡... All my partners have been m♡stly highbl♡♡ds. Purplebl♡♡ds, or vi♡letbl♡♡ds... s♡metimes bluebl♡♡ds if they can af♡rd me...♡°
°♡... Rich, well mannered, g♡♡d taste and devilishly hands♡me...♡°
°♡...They all dev♡ted themselves t♡ me, as it sh♡uld be...♡°
°♡... But sadly, l♡ve is n♡t f♡rever and I had t♡ let them g♡ ♡nce I realized the feeling was ♡ver...♡°
°♡... And I have n♡ idea ♡f where they are n♡w...♡°
°♡... I rather n♡t waste my time with such unwanted th♡ughts... ♡
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unheimlig-blog · 6 years
Hey in light of that previous anon, would you be okay with sharing some of the things you like about your ships with Ramona? :)
This is cute!!! Yes, of course! I'll go by some of our main ships! ' V ' 
All of them are special to me tbh. I’d talk about all of them too, but I think just keeping it down to three would be an idea. 
I do believe I should start by talking about Ramona herself though. I will say it time and time again-- She’s a kind, generous person who absolutely means the best. Listen, someone who has a million different Pusheens cannot be a bad person. That’s the Pusheen guarantee. Her writing is likewise excellent, and I love each muse she creates. She’s also talented and creative, to the point where it puts everyone I know to shame. 
 As someone who’s gone through a tonne of shit over the years, I have struggled with certain things in my life. She has, in her own way, been able to push me towards a better direction. The rest is now in my hands and I fully plan on taking advantage and turning my situation around whilst I can. She’s done for me what my parents couldn’t.
 I appreciate her both as a person and as a friend and am genuinely saddened that some people seem so keen on being cruel to her or attempting to attack her through me-- Believe me when I say I won’t listen. I don’t care if she has a million different ships with me. She can keep asking for them and I will keep allowing it because I enjoy it. I have fun. That’s all that matters in the end. No anon can change this. If you’re going to be rude, then don’t bother saying it to my face because I won’t acknowledge it. 
I’m also very excited and nervous to visit her in December. I hope we can get along in real life as well as we do online and that she can cope with my pointless chattiness once I start. 8|c
Anyway! The ships! 
 The obvious one to start with is the ship we’ve plotted for around a year and a half, which is between @white-reaper and my Take Hirako. This one will always, always hold a special place in my heart. They were both, in their own way, a little bit stunted emotionally at the start. Kishou because he was forced to kill from a young age, Take because he was forced to grow up too quickly. They were also both extremely touch deprived. But they get through that. They open up to each other and quickly learn to trust the other without question. I think the saddest part about the ship is the fact Take knowingly goes into it, knowing Kishou is eventually going to die. To see the world Kishou desires, to give his partner what he wants-- He’s going to have to let the person he loves the most go. It’s sad. Very sad. Ofc, we do find a way around it like we always do, but. Those years alone whilst he’s gone are terrible for Take. It gets to the point where he adopts a kitten and names it after Kishou in one of our verses, even if he’d previously disliked them.
This is the ship with over 20 AUs in it, each one extremely different and interesting. Honestly, they’re like a video game or a book you really, really love and don’t want to ever put down/to end. I absolutely adore them. I adore their silliness, I adore their sweet moments. I adore how they never give up and always come back to find each other. That’s not something you can often find.
The second one I’d like to talk about is the one on this blog! There’s two of them, but the one with @immerwahrend is the one I wish to talk about here. We’ve only just started plotting them out, but I’m already enjoying them immensely. They have a similar loyalty thing going on like Kishou and Take, only I’d say it runs a little deeper than that in regards to Frankenstein. This is a man who has devoted his life to him, spending 820 waiting and searching for him. He sets up a school for Raizel so he can experience life as he wanted. It’s incredibly touching. 
They’re also, might I add, extremely dorky and ridiculous together. Between Frankenstein clapping when Rai managed to open the door and Rai clapping when Frankenstein made the perfect pancake [ okay, the latter is rp related bUT SHHHH ], it’s hard to overlook. That said, they also have their serious moments. I think once we develop them past the whole ‘Master’ thing Frankenstein has going on, they’re going to be an incredibly sweet couple. I’m excited to see where they’ll go over the next few months!!!
The last one I want to talk about is the one with @inter-se-solus and my Renji! They’re another ship who are still gradually going through development, but h o ne stly. Look, they’ve adopted a kitten and Renji named it ‘Poof’ because of his excellent naming skills, how can you not like that? They’ve gone through a lot like the others have too [ we like that kinda ship it seems ]. It took them until they were in their later 30′s to confess to each other because they’re both so emotionally stunted-- Even more so than Kishou and Take. LIKE. UTA MISTOOK HIS LOVE FOR WANTING TO EAT RENJI. And Renji just never spoke about his affections for Uta until the very last moment. lIKE?? GUYS, PLEASE. WHAT R U DOING.
They’re hard not to love, even with their mASSIVE flaws because they’re both BLIND. I want to kick them, honestly. Gently. Okay, maybe not gently, but you get the idea. May those two live in the happiness they deserve bcs it’s about damned time. 
Thank you for sending this in, anon! And sorry if I got a little annoyed when replying to that other anon last night. I hope I didn’t come off as too aggressive. ; v  ;  Much love to you! ♡♡♡
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chimericarchitect · 7 years
aestheticVirtuoso 7
-- aestheticVirtuoso [AV] began trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 21:56 --
[09:56] AV: Hi.
[09:56] AV: S+rry, my internet died.
[09:57] TS: Oh hey! I was a little worried. ;^_^
[09:58] TS: It's not like you to leave without saying goodbye, after all
[09:59] TS: Is it okay for me to send your contact information to a friend of mine?
[09:59] TS: They don't talk to very many people
[10:00] AV: Y+u me4n, like my h4ndel?
[10:00] AV: Ye4h, sure.
[10:00] AV: Wh4t kind +f pers+n 4re they?
[10:00] TS: She's a bit...
[10:00] TS: Nervous?
[10:01] TS: Abrasive, maybe, but not as bad a s Teivel
[10:01] AV: +k4y. Wh4t's their h4ndel?
[10:02] TS: Her handle is kurvakiousSexekutionoir
[10:03] TS: She's very dramatic
[10:03] AV: W+w. Th4t's quite the h4ndel.
[10:03] AV: Sh+ul I mess4ge her first, +r w4it f+r her t+ c+nt4ct me first?
[10:03] TS: I'm not sure. She's having a meltdown at the moment
[10:04] AV: +h, I'm s+rry.
[10:05] TS: Don't be; I'm the one who stressed her out.
[10:06] TS: Lemme know if she messages you though, please?
[10:06] AV: Re4lly? H+w did y+u d+ th4t? 4nd ye4h, sure.
[10:06] TS: She's actually really isolated, so yeah. She's nervous about talking to someone who isn't me.
[10:07] TS: Don't tell her I said that.
[10:07] AV: +h, hey. She just c+nt4cted me.
[10:07] AV: 4re y+u trying t+ get her t+ be m+re s+ci4l +r s+mething?
[10:08] TS: Yeah, I am. :/
[10:08] TS: Thanks for talking to her.
[10:09] AV: Well, I h+pe I c4n help. 4nd n+ pr+blem, br+.
[10:09] TS: You're a cool dude. ^_^
[10:10] TS: Even if it doesn't end well, I'm sure it's gonna help make progress
[10:10] TS: Hey... You're like, what, 8 sweeps?
[10:12] AV: Ye4h, I'm 8 sweeps.
[10:12] TS: Okay. I wasn't quite sure.
[10:13] AV: Wh4t 4b+ut y+u/
[10:13] AV: *?
[10:14] TS: Can you keep a secret? :<
[10:14] AV: Ye4h, +f c+urse, my br+.
[10:14] TS: I'm actually already 9...
[10:14] AV: But if y+u're n+t c+mf+rt4ble s4ying, th4t's fine.
[10:15] TS: It's chill. I trust you.
[10:16] AV: Re4lly? Th4t's when we le4<e pl4net, right? Did they miss y+u +r s+mething?
[10:16] TS: Uh, you could say that.
[10:16] AV: Well, I'm still gl4d th4t we c4n t4lk.
[10:16] AV: Y+u're 4 c++l pers+n.
[10:17] TS: ^w^
[10:17] TS: I mean, can't you talk to off-world trolls too?
[10:17] TS: Not that I wanna go or anything.
[10:18] TS: Do you wanna get off of Homeworld?
[10:18] AV: I'm n+t sure, 4ctu4lly. M4ybe. 4nd I kind +f like it here.
[10:19] TS: What do you wanna do when you've grown up? :/
[10:21] AV: I d+n't kn+w. I kind +f just w4nt t+ st4y here. I like my lusus 4nd my hi<e. It's pretty 4nd rel4xing.
[10:21] TS: Yeah, I feel yah. Is that all you want out of life though?
[10:22] AV: Well, I 4lre4dy h4<e c++l friends like y+u. I d+n't re4lly need 4nything m+re.
[10:23] TS: I'm flattered. Truly. But... Don't you have IRL friends you'd rather hang out with?
[10:24] AV: N+t re4lly. I d+n't see 4 l+t +f tr+lls w4ndering 4r+und the f+rrest.
[10:25] TS: Hm. :/ Is that how you'd prefer it?
[10:27] AV: Well, I guess it w+uld be nice t+ be 4ble t+ see pe+ple m+re +ften.
[10:29] TS: I understand the feeling, my dude.
[10:31] AV: Ye4h.
[10:31] TS: Would it... uh.
[10:31] TS: Will you send me your coordinates?
[10:31] TS: Maybe I can visit sometime.
[10:33] AV: {coordinates SENT}
[10:33] TS: {coordinates RECEIVED}
[10:34] TS: Hey, cool. ^_^ Now I'm excited~
[10:35] AV: Heheh. I h+pe t+ see y+u.
[10:36] TS: I'll let you know if I'm ever in the area
[10:37] AV: +k4y. Th4nks, br+.
[10:37] TS: So how's bird dad? :3
[10:40] AV: Pretty g++d. He's +ut in the f+rrest right n+w.
[10:41] AV: Pr+b4bly l++king f+r 4 bite t+ e4t.
[10:43] TS: What do you eat if your lusus is basically self-sufficient?
[10:44] AV: Well, I find things +ut in the f+rrest. 4nd he n+rm4lly brings s+mething b4ck f+r me when he g+es +ut.
[10:45] TS: Like bugs?
[10:46] AV: S+metimes. Le4<es 4nd stuff t++, th+ugh.
[10:49] TS: You eat leaves? :3 That's... interesting. Not fruits or nuts?
[10:53] AV: I s4id "4nd stuff".
[10:54] TS: Sorry. Was that rude?
[10:54] AV: Wh4t? N4h, dude, y+u're c++l.
[10:55] TS: But seriously. Leaves? ^_^ That's kinda funny~nDo they taste bad?
[10:58] AV: N+t 4ll +f them. I m+stly like t+ m4ke te4 with them.
[10:58] TS: Oh. I almost forgot that you were a NERD. ;D
[11:00] AV: W+w, h+w rude. Like y+u're n+t? Heheh.
[11:00] TS: Heheh. You got me.
[11:01] TS: So how does your lusus carry back food for you?
[11:01] TS: Don't tell me he regurgitates it for you.
[11:04] AV: N+ w4y! T4lk 4b+ut gr+ss. He n+rm4lly t4kes 4 b4g with him 4nd just puts stuff int+ it.
[11:06] TS: Okay. That's actually a surprisingly big relief
[11:07] AV: Ye4h, t4lk 4b+ut it. I d+n't w4nt n+ <+mit in my hi<e.
[11:09] TS: Or in your face.
[11:10] AV: Blech. I'm s+ gl4d he d+esn't d+ th4t shit.
[11:10] TS: Me too, Kro. Me too.
[11:12] AV: +h hey, He's b4ck.
[11:14] TS: Your lusus?
[11:14] TS: Yeesh, it's almost morning
[11:14] TS: I've gotta go pack and get ready for the move.
[11:15] AV: Ye4h. Well, I'll t4lk t+ y+u l4ter, br+. g++d luck with y+ur m+<e.
[11:15] TS: Thanks! I'll catch you later, Krolio. Sleep well!
[11:17] AV: Y+u t++, br+!
-- aestheticVirtuoso [AV] gave up trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 23:17 --
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Something that makes each of the girls feel hap
nO OZim she LOV ES the CRON Ch she CHRON KS some KLONDIKE B ARS but mo stly cudd ling her gf makes her h ap as a sap
eliCHIAK she se cretly L OV ES cute y ru i anime s she E MBARRS about it but cute  yu ri s always AL Wysy makes her h AP hapa
nico NIC o hse lOV Es her idol me rch each and e ver y one of them brings her J O yand hOPEF Ulness
HONKERS she TON kers she L OVES good foo d it is her PA SSion sh eL OVes food she LOVE s experim enting with making ne w foods and flavours
kOOts s he boot s she PATCh u p old cl ot hes it make sher  PROUDto r euse old clo thes that are wo rn thorugh
UM she u mi  sh e A SMR  she lov es it calm s her it re axl es her it helps her s elEP at nig ht
HAN yo s he R IC E but also s he FU RI KAK E she SHOP  for FU RIKAK Ef ro FU N it’ s RECRE ATION la it H OB BY
REEN she RUN S up and down s tairs on ALL FOURS she N Y A she nYEEDS the eEXERCISE
mak i sh eTO MATOES she E ATS  tom ato es she PLA NS TS tomato es in her SE CRET GA RDEN  of TOMAT OES
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lesbitchka · 7 years
ok but what if we ask the same question 32 times but rephrase the grammar slightly each time so we can pretend it's 32 questions instead of one, THEN can men be wlw or women be mlm????? /s
h o ne stly
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brinytrolls · 7 years
how'd you get that @florem? ((does she have any? o: ))
Tumblr media
“I mean-I d✿n’t have anything maj✿r. M✿stly just small ✿nes ✿n my hands and arms. Th✿rns and taxidermy needles are pretty sharp and I’m n✿t careful en✿ugh. Y✿u get used t✿ it th✿ugh!~
✿h, I’ve dr✿pped things ✿n my feet a l✿t t✿✿. I guess I sh✿uld be m✿re careful.~
[Send “How did you get that?” and my muse will explain how they got one of there scars ]
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raiinonme-a · 7 years
squadmcm replied to your post: squadmcm replied to your post: ...
i miss him sm /:
h one stly me tho ???? like can he just.... come back for an ep i know danny’s got a new show but just one ep....
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xeraeus · 7 years
h o ne stly one day im just gonna quit this fandom y’all don’t deserve a n y th ing I  m a k e
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ladytrollfishes · 7 years
Daginy: Get Possessed
A continuation from this RP WAY BACK WHEN
[03:36] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] perks up a bit when you see where they are pointing. They could sense it..? --
[03:37] SP: {yeah! g**d guess!}
[03:39] -- intrepidIllusion [II] You shrink back a little ducking back in your collar like a little turtle. --
[03:39] SP: {s***... are y*u ready?}
[03:39] II: greaaaat*
[03:39] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] :3c --
[03:39] II: yeah sure whatever let's g˚*
[03:40] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you nod, soon taking the lead down the streat towards the cursed building... --
[03:42] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you stick your hands in your pocket and follow checking behind and around, to try and feel alittle safer. --
[03:49] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] The street is... Rather gloomy. A lot of the hives seem to be part abandoned, or at least those who has moved in since are of the poorer alternian population... This despite the architecture clearly pointing towards this street being of mainly upper midblood class. --
[03:50] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] As if things have just fallen apart these past sweeps. --
[03:50] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] There are a few trolls out and about minding their own business though like nothing --
[03:52] -- intrepidIllusion [II] You adjust your glasses a little nervously, glancing at the other trolls on the street, trying to figure out if they felt the same clamminess that made your palms cold sweat. --
[03:52] II: y˚u've.. ṉever beeṉ ar˚uṉd here bef˚re?*
[03:53] SP: {huh..? *h! yes i have been ar*und here a c*uple *f times... *ne *f my fav*rite f**d places is ar*und here :>}
[03:54] SP: {that's h*w i learned ab*ut the haunted hive}
[03:54] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] waves a bit to some of the trolls they seem to recognize who wave back as they walk by --
[03:55] SP: {i've just n*t g*tten ar*und t* expl*ring the building yet.....}
[03:56] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you take a deep breath and head on forward. You said you'd do this, and you're not about to turn around now. You square your shoulders and take a deep breath. --
[03:56] II: well ˚kay let's g˚ fiṉd s˚me gh˚sts. maybe.*
[03:57] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] excited claps --
[03:57] SP: {yeah!!}
[03:58] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] i can't believe this tallass intimidating looking troll is actually such a huge excited nerd @ Hester --
[04:00] -- intrepidIllusion [II] hahaha good lord. you look around, pointing at the hive that gives you the worst shivers. --
[04:00] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] don't mind me as I go to check some details of what we made up omg --
[04:00] II: is that it?*
[04:00] -- intrepidIllusion [II] haha no worries! its been awhile --
[04:03] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] It's not long before they reach the building... The windows are either barricated or broken in most places. It looks like it used to be a smaller hivesteem. Those who once lived there had long ago been scared away (or killed).. --
[04:03] SP: {yeah}
[04:03] SP: {that w*uld be the *ne.. :v}
[04:05] SP: {if we enter and walk right thr*ugh we'll find a small c*mm*n backyard t** where they did s*me *f the rituals... I've been there l**king ar*und a bit, but I've n*t been *n the upper fl**rs!}
[04:05] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] heads up to the door and opens it --
[04:05] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] just.. literally just walks up and opens it yup. like nbd. --
[04:06] -- intrepidIllusion [II] it doesn't look so different from some of the places you've spent your nights, but the creepy crawlies have only gotten worse as you grow closer. What the actual fuck. Hester just walks through it like it's nothing, and you grit your teeth and follow. --
[04:06] II: caṉ y˚u.. caṉ y˚u feel that?*
[04:18] SP: {feel what..? *h..! y*u're sensing things here? i'm n*t surprised but uh... i d*n't pick up *n much n*.}
[04:18] SP: {it feels a bit like s*me*ne's watching huh?}
[04:19] SP: {a bit c*ld and.. the air is heavier i guess! i feel like i get m*re tensed up and ready f*r s*mething t* happen, but i figured that's m*stly me being excited? aheh}
[04:19] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] stands there holding the door up --
[04:19] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you didn't actually want to tell them that you were feeling something, but if they were plunging into hauntsville mcdeathpit, then you should probably put some effort into a better information flow. --
[04:19] II: it's ṉ˚t like.. a specific thiṉg i'm pickiṉg up, just like.*
[04:19] II: a persisteṉt seṉse ˚f dread*
[04:20] II: kiṉd ˚f like walkiṉg right at the edge ˚f a cliff, but iṉstead ˚f it beiṉg t˚˚ high here, it's... s˚methiṉg else. *
[04:28] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] nods a bit looking at them with interest and curiousity --
[04:28] SP: {i see...}
[04:28] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] avoids saying "that's cool" because they have a feeling it doesn't feel all that cool.. the whole dread thing --
[04:29] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you feel a little like a bug under a microscope, but you manage a nervous smile. --
[04:30] II: at the very least we kṉ˚w we're pr˚bably g˚ṉṉa fiṉd s˚methiṉg ṉ˚w huh*
[04:32] SP: {yeah! and the place is pretty interesting t* l**k at either way.. just l**king ar*und, with all the things that are left behind...}
[04:33] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] turns to look inside at the entrence, there's already some runes and circles and things drawn just inside the door --
[04:33] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] on the floor* --
[04:34] SP: {like this here is a spell *r seal *f s*rts?}
[04:44] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you force one foot in front of the other, stepping up behind Hester and peering into the house. The symbols pique your interest, and you bend down to take a look at them. They've been carved into the floor, deeply with a knife. You flip open your note book and place a blank page on the runes. Taking a pencil, you make a rubbing. --
[04:47] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you watch them curiously --
[04:48] SP: {i've seen seals like this in s*me *f the b**ks i've read}
[04:48] SP: {i think it is t* keep s*mething in}
[04:48] SP: {*r well.. t* keep everything in i'd say!}
[04:48] SP: {that *r it c*uld be s*mething t* st*p intruders.. the *pp*site}
[04:48] SP: {there is an*ther by the *ther d**r facing the yard...}
[04:50] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you examine the runes for a minute, trying to memorize it, before you flip your book closed and stick it back into your jacket. --
[04:51] II: i'd guess it's here t˚ keep s˚methiṉg iṉ. We came iṉ, didṉ't we? the spell w˚uld have preveṉted us fr˚m gettiṉg iṉ. *
[04:51] SP: {that *r it w*uld cause s*me s*rt *f trap *r give *ff a warning~}
[04:51] SP: {but i think s* t**}
[04:52] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] walks in a bit further in the hallway and to the door on the opposite side --
[04:52] SP: {here's the *ther}
[04:55] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you creep closer, and point to the line of runes across the other threshold. --
[04:56] II: yeah l˚˚k, its there t˚˚. *
[04:56] II: makes y˚u w˚ṉder what they tried t˚ keep iṉside here*
[05:18] SP: {maybe the things they summ*ned?}
[05:19] SP: {i w*nder wh* made it... the tr*lls hanging here didn't seem like they cared much f*r the *utsiders fr*m what i heard!}
[05:19] SP: {c*uld have cursed the entire neighb*rh**d f*r fun... maybe an *utsider?}
[05:20] -- intrepidIllusion [II] look around, settling somewhat, despite the dread. You were in here already, after all. Youd be prepared for what you'd find. Probably. --
[05:20] II: what exactly did they summ˚ṉ th˚ugh? *
[05:20] II: let's g˚ upstairs. *
[05:36] SP: {s*me h*rr*r terr*r *r dem*n perhaps?}
[05:36] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] starts moving up the stairs --
[05:47] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you start up the stairs first, carefully testing the floorboards to make sure they won't give way underneath you. As you go upstairs, that sense of drawing near an edge gets stronger, though you're --
[05:47] II: not sure how. Some part of you that's actually common sense tells you you should maybe not do this. You head up anyway. The floors above are seemingly empty of furniture- well at least furniture that's whole. tables and chairs, cabinets and bookshelves have all been pushed to the edges of the room in a disorderly heap, as though something had shoved them all out at once with great force. you whist
[05:47] II: le, low.
[05:47] II: well s˚methiṉg happeṉed here. *
[05:51] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] nods and carefully moves around, looking closer, very silently weighting your steps wherever you step down. For being as tall as you are, the way you move around is with the grace of a cat, and silence of a thief. Maybe because you are one. --
[05:52] SP: {There used t* live.. I think 8 *r s* tr*lls here.}
[05:53] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you notice how quietly they move, and match it. You know how you're so quiet. You've practiced with thieves and spies. You think maybe Hester has done the same. You start to creep across the borders of the room, looking for any significant wreckage. --
[05:54] II: kṉ˚w aṉythiṉg ab˚ut wh˚ they were?*
[05:54] II: as y˚u kṉ˚w. iṉdividuals.*
{as individuals, hm..? n*t much. the tr*lls ar*und here isn't t** c*mf*rtable speaking *f it, bad mem*ries}
[04:58] SP: {i kn*w they were midbl**ds m*stly... i kn*w tw* died here and *ne was f*und dead *utside. the *ther five aband*ned the place *ne after the *ther.}
[04:58] SP: {with*ut a w*rd in s*me cases, s* wether they are really alive *r n*t seem t* be up t* discussi*n...}
[04:58] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] makes a face at this --
[04:59] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] as exciting as spooky things may be, the misfortune of these trolls were not --
[05:02] -- intrepidIllusion [II] makes a grimace to match. Well that was unfortunate. The facts of this case seemed a little farfetched, a lot of them were sourced from neighborhood rumors and Hester's readings. The mystery of what really happened here had yet to be really resolved. You really hope it wasn't demons. --
[05:02] II: s˚ the the˚ry we have s˚ far is just that the cult here did a ritual, summ˚ṉed s˚methiṉg aṉd it killed every˚ṉe?*
[05:06] SP: {well.. the cult first g*t rid *f every*ne wh* lived here, then used this as their place f*r s*me time, headquarter.. Aaand then the cult themselves g*t fucked *ver by whatever they did, yep}
[05:06] SP: {s*unds ab*ut right}
[05:07] II: ˚˚˚kay. *
[05:08] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] pauses and picks up something shiny from the ground, blowing the dust off. It's a thin silver chain necklace with a charm of silver tenacles clutching to a multicolored gem --
[05:08] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] lets out a lil whistle, n i c e --
[05:09] -- intrepidIllusion [II] youre honestly not sure how much of it you want to believe. You remains skeptical of the supernatural even when you can feel it more than Hester can. Despite the feeling of dread, you start inching towards the center of the room, which you're guessing was the center of whatever shoved everything against the wall when Hester whistles. You turn back and raise an eyebrow. --
[05:09] II: what did y˚u fiṉd?*
[05:09] SP: {a necklace}
[05:09] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] holds it up into the light, the lil gem throwing spots of light around it --
[05:16] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you squint as one of the spots of light flashes across your glasses. It's uncomfortable for a moment- and then you're falling. You can't remember where the walls went- where Hester went- all there is is a screaming void whooshing past your ears as something hard rushes up at you- and when you blink again, you've collapsed onto the floor. --
[05:18] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] You watch as Daginy suddenly seem to loose their footing, and quickly you hurry to their side, slipping the necklace into your sleeve. --
[05:19] SP: {hey?? are y*u *k, y*u fainted?}
[05:19] SP: {y*u didn't hit y*ur head right?}
[05:23] -- intrepidIllusion [II] You have a little trouble sitting up- you're shaking and you're doing it pretty hard. Your cheek feels like it's going to bruise but you don't think you're going to get a concussion- but what was that? --
[05:24] II: ˚kay i'm ṉ˚t aṉ expert iṉ the superṉatural ˚r aṉythiṉg, but that ṉecklace is bad ṉews. *
[05:24] SP: {.. the necklace?}
[05:24] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] puts a hand on their shoulder to keep them steady --
[05:25] II: yeah. what did y˚u d˚ with it?*
[05:26] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you look around, scanning the floor, trying to figure out where it is. Something happened with it. You know it did. --
[05:29] SP: {.......}
[05:29] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you're not going to get to keep this are you --
[05:30] SP: {i g*t it still}
[05:30] SP: {it's in my jacket}
[05:32] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you flinch away from them when they say they still have it but you don't really feel anything else. You hesitate. What was that you even felt? --
[05:32] II: it felt like.. i was falilṉg thr˚ugh s˚me eṉdless h˚le- wheṉ i passed ˚ut. *
[05:33] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you feel more or less fine right now- just achey (which wasn't from the fall) and shaken. You hesitate a moment, then ask --
[05:33] II: caṉ i see it?"*
[05:48] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you fish it up from your sleeve again upon their request --
[05:49] -- intrepidIllusion [II] is now an idle chum! --
[05:49] SP: {here y*u g*... that s*unds kinda creepy th*ugh, w*w}
[06:08] -- intrepidIllusion [II] nothing happens when you look at it and you can see that is is quite pretty now, the tentacles curling around a many colored stone, twisted up into an elegant pendant. Reaching out to touch it doesn' --
[06:08] II: t do anything either- for all purposes, it seems pretty normal. You know though- something happened. You have to hold onto that belief because if there really is something here, that something is fucking with you.
[06:09] II: we sh˚uld.. put that away ˚r s˚methiṉg. hide it. it might be ṉ˚thiṉg but if we're ˚peratiṉg ˚ṉ the assumti˚ṉ that the superṉatural exists theṉ we.. we sh˚uld f˚ll˚w thr˚ugh. theṉ me passiṉg ˚ut wasṉ't just a freak accideṉt aṉd that there's s˚methiṉg here that caṉ aṉd will screw with us. *
[06:22] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] looks closely at it once again and back at them, pondering over what they said. You suppose they are right, probably... But you don't want to part with the pretty necklace either. It makes you a bit anxious, and you have to fight the urge to simply slip it into a pocket. --
[06:22] SP: {.... hide it? if s*mething is here, is there really anyway we c*uld hide it fr*m them?}
[06:23] SP: {they m*st likely kn*w this place better than us}
[06:27] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you put a thumb on your chin and think about it. --
[06:28] II: i d˚ṉ't kṉ˚w t˚ be h˚ṉest. maybe s˚methiṉg is iṉside the peṉdaṉt? maybe its just s˚methiṉg pr˚tectiṉg it?*
[06:28] II: maybe it is better t˚ keep it s˚mewhere we caṉ keep aṉ eye ˚ṉ it*
[06:28] SP: {*r maybe what y*u felt was the s*mething leaving it...}
[06:28] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you shudder --
[06:28] II: ˚h g˚d i h˚pe ṉ˚t. *
[06:29] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you put it into a pocket, you feel like it counts as keeping an eye on it (+ you get to keep it for a bit longer) --
[06:30] SP: {lets see... i think the remains *f *ne *f them sh*uld be in that r**m *ver there.}
[06:31] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you point over to what looks to be a smaller room, a walk in wardrobe of sorts --
[06:33] SP: {*r s* I was t*ld.. s*mething ab*ut a third d**r, t* a small st*rage r**m..? but it's m*stly rum*rs}
[06:33] SP: {maybe they've emptied it since.}
[06:33] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you shrug, you kind of doubt it --
[06:34] II: ˚kay. see if y˚u caṉ fiṉd aṉythiṉg iṉ this wreckage that they used maybe? I feel like we might.. ṉeed it...*
[06:34] SP: {.. like the b**k the leader carried ar*und... that'd be s*mething if we c*uld find it~}
[06:35] SP: {pr*bably g*t a l*t *f n*tes}
[06:36] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you move silently over the floor, looking around among the broken furniture, carefully looking through some drawers - that mostly seem to keep dust, really --
[06:39] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you stand up, testing your legs and following them to where they lead. --
[06:40] II: ˚kay. i feel like we're ṉ˚t prepared f˚r this*
[06:40] II: f˚r.. whatever we might fiṉd*
[06:41] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you sideye the door you spoke of earlier as you glance through the books in one of the book shelves... There's definitely some... Strange cultish books in there, but nothing that sticks out enough for you to think it'd be the thome you're looking for --
[06:41] SP: {y*u think?}
[06:42] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you still sound quite positive and calm about all of this really, although you would prefer to avoid your new friend having more blackouts --
[06:45] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you start flipping books open anyway, checking their contents, seeing if there were particular volumes that had more use than the others. its possible there would be something in codes, but judging f --
[06:45] II: rom how unsecretive this cult was you don't think they would have coded everything. Still you find a volume, plain, and leatherbound, that seems to be more worn than the rest. Flipping it open, though, shows a lot of blank pages. All of them perhaps
[06:45] II: there's s˚methiṉg straṉge ab˚ut this b˚˚k. *
[06:50] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] while they flip through books, you wander on for a bit, soon picking up a dusty old mirror with a gold colored frame, although a lot of the color had fallen. Much like the neckless it was decorated with what looked like tentacles, and was that eyes..? cool. --
[06:50] SP: {.. huh?}
[06:51] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you turn around as they speak up --
[06:51] SP: {can i see?}
[06:52] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you hold the book out to them, showing them the blank pages --
[06:52] II: l˚˚k at h˚w w˚rṉ this spiṉe is th˚ugh. *
[06:53] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you stare at it silently, pondering a bit --
[06:53] SP: {... try h*lding it up t* the mirr*r?}
[06:53] II: a mirr˚r?*
[06:53] SP: {yeah, i f*und this}
[06:53] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] holds it up --
[06:54] SP: {it s*rt *f matches the necklace, d*esn't it? :0}
[06:54] II: huh ˚kay. i guess it caṉ't hurt. *
[06:55] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you hold up the book to the mirror and open it to its reflection. --
[06:57] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] while nothing seem to show in the book itself, the temperature drops, and it's like the air around them freeze for a moment... Not even Hester could miss this, although they looked more interested than they looked alarmed --
[06:59] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] at least so they did until they felt a burning sensation in their hands, and letting out a pained yelp dropped the mirror --
[07:02] -- intrepidIllusion [II] an oppressive sense of dread falls on like a wrecking ball onto your shoulders, and you also drop the book. It feels as though invisible hands press down on your shoulders to get to you knees. Stubbornly, you keep standing up. --
[07:03] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you can sense something- barely see, a mirage of a smoke, trailing up from the book and disappear. --
[07:06] II: Did y˚u see that*
[07:07] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] You backed a step as the mirror fell to the ground, as expected, cracking although merely two cracks running over the surface, making the reflection slightly distorted... Your hands are still burning. --
[07:08] SP: {Y*u l**k *ver t* Daginy, shaking y*ur head a bit}
[07:08] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] shit --
[07:08] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] stop narrating yourself --
[07:08] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] ** you look over to Daginy, shaking your head a bit --
[07:08] SP: {n* but i definitely felt that c*ld and then my hands g*t burnt by the mirr*r}
[07:10] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you bend your knees a bit and reach over for the book they dropped --
[07:10] SP: {what did y*u see..?}
[07:10] II: i thiṉk.. i saw s˚me s˚rt ˚f mirage, a shad˚w c˚me fr˚m the b˚˚k?*
[07:11] SP: {... did y*u see s*mething fr*m the necklace t** earlier?}
[07:11] II: ..*
[07:11] II: just the falliṉg.*
[07:12] II: it felt like i was falliṉg thr˚ugh s˚me kiṉd ˚f v˚id. *
[07:12] SP: {hmm... i see.}
[07:13] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you pick the book up, tapping a bit at the pages, fishing a lighter out of your pocket, because hey.. what if hidden ink? --
[07:15] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you notice them flip a lighter out. --
[07:15] II: iṉvisible iṉk?*
[07:15] SP: {n*t sure, d*esn't hurt t* check?}
[07:16] II: pr˚bably ṉ˚t. if it w˚rks it's pr˚bably ṉ˚t ṉ˚tes th˚ugh. just careful ṉ˚t t˚ burṉ aṉythiṉg. *
[07:16] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you nod, putting the lighter on and- the flame is blown out. --
[07:17] SP: {...}
[07:17] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] tries a few more times --
[07:17] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] it kinda looks like someone just up and blew at it --
[07:17] SP: {s* i guess they d*n't trust me with fire cl*se t* their stuff then}
[07:18] SP: {which all things c*nsidered.. is fair i supp*se}
[07:18] SP: {:T}
[07:20] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you laugh, all of a sudden, and blow Hester's hair out of their face before going back and looking concerned. --
[07:21] II: that d˚es meaṉ s˚me˚ṉe is watchiṉg us th˚ugh.*
[07:22] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you smile a bit and pocket the lighter again --
[07:22] SP: {yeah, it sure seem that way.}
[07:23] SP: {s*me*ne *r... s*me*nes.}
[07:25] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you fiddle with the book again, squinting.. If not hidden ink then... What. --
[07:26] SP: {why w*uld y*u use an empty b**k.. unless it actually isn't empty at all...}
[07:27] SP: {and if it isn't then h*w is it hiding the text...}
[07:29] II: ˚h there's defiṉitely s˚methiṉg iṉside ˚f it. *
[07:29] II: well. was.*
[07:33] SP: {... d* y*u have a pen?}
[07:33] -- intrepidIllusion [II] do you have a pen? you always have a pen. You fish one out of your jacket pocket and hand it to Hester. --
[07:35] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you take the pen, and you put it to the book, simply scribbling "hello :)" in it --
[07:35] -- intrepidIllusion [II] nothing happens. --
[07:35] -- intrepidIllusion [II] but daginy does wave. --
[07:35] II: hi!*
[07:36] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] looks at them --
[07:36] SP: {i guess n*thing?}
[07:36] SP: {i th*ught maybe they used it t* c*mmunicate and s*mething weird w*uld happen t* the text}
[07:36] -- intrepidIllusion [II] gives hester a smile and shrugs. --
[07:36] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] shrugs --
[07:37] II: wh˚ kṉ˚ws!*
[07:37] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] studies them a bit --
[07:40] II: well y˚u kṉ˚w i thiṉk i'm ab˚ut d˚ṉe with this place. *
[07:41] -- intrepidIllusion [II] daginy stands and stretches, shaking themselves out. --
[07:41] II: it's pretty creepy iṉ here aṉd all. *
[07:41] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you don't know why you're speaking like this. it's kind of weird, but you really feel like you want to get out of here. --
[07:44] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you look back into the book, once again writing, but this time the question "who's here?", sideeyeing Daginy because they are... acting odd. You've not known them for long, sure... But even then. --
[07:45] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you start walking back out to the door when a question registers in the back of your mind. --
[07:45] II: well it's just y˚u aṉd me here isṉ't it?*
[07:46] SP: {daginy i d*n't think we sh*uld leave}
[07:46] II: aṉd why ṉ˚t?*
[07:47] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you spin frowning. You've only just met hester, they can't tell you what to do. --
[07:47] SP: {because y*u just read what i wr*te in the b**k fr*m *ver there, with y*ur back turned}
[07:48] SP: {s***... unless y*u g*t mind reading p*wers i d*n't think that was all y*u..?}
[07:49] -- intrepidIllusion [II] You blink surprised for a minute, replaying the events in your head. Is.. that where the question came from? Next time you open your mouth to speak, you're not sure where the words even come from. --
[07:49] II: well well well it t˚˚k y˚u l˚ṉg eṉ˚ugh.*
[07:49] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you tap yourself on the head. --
[07:49] SP: {... *h...}
[07:50] II: this m˚rtal ˚ṉly just figured it ˚ut t˚˚, but t˚ be fair this miṉd is _very_ dis˚rgaṉized. pleṉty ˚f places t˚ hide. *
[07:50] -- intrepidIllusion [II] oh no oh no oh no. --
[07:50] SP: {s*... are y*u the dem*n they wanted t* summ*n *r *ne *f them?}
[07:51] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you kind of, walk out of the way to stand in the way of daginy to stop them from trying to leave... Well... You took them here. Something is telling you they'd not quite forgive you if you let them leave while carrying around that kind of bagage, without trying to get it off first. --
[07:54] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you saunter forth, one hand on your hip, a strangely and offputtingly out of character. A disorganized mind? you start trying to figure out where this other person is hiding in your brain. --
[07:55] II: ˚h dem˚ṉ is such a ṉarr˚w way ˚f l˚˚kiṉg at it. they're just pe˚ple y˚u kṉ˚w. *
[07:55] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] u can't believe ur talking to a real life sort of demon --
[07:55] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] this is not the time Hester --
[07:56] II: I really don't see why I should explain myself to you.
[07:56] SP: {why n*t th*ugh?}
[07:57] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you remember when you first met hester, offering you a hand, the moment of hesitation when you recognized them because you had been following alnica. --
[07:57] II: oh?
[07:57] II: hester right?
[07:58] II: you work at the second chance lusus shelter with that one other volunteer, Alnica.
[07:58] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you blink a bit, a slight confusion over your face... --
[07:59] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you immediately punch yourself in the face. --
[07:59] SP: {I v*lunteer there s*metimes yeah- hEY SHIT}
[07:59] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] grab them before they hurt themselves too much holy shit --
[08:00] II: ow!! wow!!
[08:00] II: self preservation much!
[08:00] II: what a stubborn little brain!
[08:00] SP: {hang in there daginy}
[08:01] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you don't fight against hester, but you promise yourself that if one more word comes out of your mouth you don't plan on you're throwing yourself out the window. --
[08:01] II: well there's more will where that came from!
[08:02] -- intrepidIllusion [II] your face stings. On top of the pain in your ribs, you're pretty sure you're going to have a black eye too. --
[08:03] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you seriously consider wether you need to tie them up just so a) the demon won't try to leave, or b) daginy hurt themself even more --
[08:03] II: well i suppose that puts us at a passe. you won't let me leave, and this body is going to fight me about every interesting thing i could possibly do.
[08:04] SP: {uh-huh?}
[08:05] II: look i'm not a fan of pain.
[08:05] II: and your little friend here seems to have an appetite for it.
[08:05] SP: {s***, maybe y*u c*uld return t* y*ur b**k?}
[08:06] II: and why in the world would i do that?
[08:06] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] goes through various sealing spells in the back of their head --
[08:06] SP: {because y*u're n*t getting anywhere hmm...}
[08:06] II: it's so utterly _dull_ in that thing. the only time anyone would talk to me is if they wanted magical advice.
[08:07] SP: {:/}
[08:07] SP: {like the *nes wh* died here?}
[08:09] II: oh they're dead now?
[08:09] II: That explains soooo much. I kind of figured though, I'm not gonna lie.
[08:10] SP: {.... h*w much did y*u have t* d* with it?}
[08:10] II: oh. very little, i'm sure.
[08:11] SP: {really... i heard it all happened when they tried t* summ*n s*mething..?}
[08:11] SP: {s* that wasn't y*u then?}
[08:12] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you find that very funny. --
[08:12] II: /me and you laugh, lightly, and secretively.
[08:12] II: oh no.
[08:12] II: that was not me.
[08:13] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you remember being bored, so bored, in the nothingness that was the book. someone had asked you a question about summoning and you had given a wrong answer. --
[08:15] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] had this demon not been in possession of someone elses body maybe you'd be more willing to have a real conversation with this bored.. demon? whatever it is. --
[08:17] SP: {... what was it then?}
[08:17] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you fish up the necklace out of your pocket again --
[08:21] II: i'm not obligated to answer _you're_ questions.
[08:22] II: I'm not even sure it's still around.
[08:23] SP: {with the seals by the d**rs it c*uldn't have left... thinking ab*ut it, neither can y*u, pr*bably...}
[08:24] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you stretch and breathe as you roll your shoulders. --
[08:24] II: Hmm, i don't know, i could give it a shot with my ah- brand new body~
[08:25] SP: {it's n*t y*ur b*dy.}
[08:25] -- intrepidIllusion [II] You raise a fist, ready to punch yourself again, even as you flinch. --
[08:25] II: what is wrong with you?!
[04:08] -- intrepidIllusion [II] began pestering scintillansPicafelis [SP] at 16:08 --
[04:09] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] changed their mood to OFFLINE --
[04:10] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] changed their mood to ECSTATIC --
[04:10] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] began pestering intrepidIllusion [II] at 16:10 --
[04:43] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you look at them silently as they talk to themselves, do you need to restraint them so they'd stop... Hurting themselves? --
[04:44] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] You feel how you're internally seeking through your memory, several versions of how to ban demons and spirits and get rid of them just in general... --
[04:45] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] it's too bad they had to decide to possess your new friend, or you'd probably like to have a conversation --
[04:49] -- intrepidIllusion [II] puts their hands on their hips and pouts --
[04:49] II: well it l˚˚ks like we have a bit ˚f a staṉd ˚ff here ṉ˚w isṉ't it*
[04:50] II: y˚ur frieṉd here is g˚iṉg t˚ puṉch themself iṉt˚ ˚blivi˚ṉ if i d˚ aṉythiṉg they d˚ṉ't like aṉd yet*
[04:50] -- intrepidIllusion [II] smoothes their hands down their body --
[04:50] II: i'm here aṉd i d˚ṉ't waṉt t˚ leave*
[04:55] II: s˚ tell me- uh, what's y˚ur ṉame agaiṉ? why did y˚u c˚me here iṉ the first place?*
[04:58] SP: {hester... we came here t* investigate}
[04:58] SP: {what happened, heard the place was haunted - which it clearly is, curi*us}
[04:59] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] shrugs a bit and walks a step closer, studying them --
[04:59] SP: {s* y*u're n*t the dem*n, and n*t a gh*st *f the tr*lls wh* died in this hive... s* what are y*u?}
[05:03] -- intrepidIllusion [II] they let hester come closer, scrutinizing them back with a careful smile --
[05:03] II: well alright theṉ hester, here's the deal*
[05:04] II: i kṉ˚w ˚f a little ritual that will get me ˚ut ˚f this little ˚ṉe's head but i will ṉeed aṉ˚ther vessel*
[05:04] II: if i give y˚u the iṉf˚rmati˚ṉ y˚u're l˚˚kiṉg f˚r, why d˚ṉ't y˚u give me y˚ur b˚dy?*
[05:04] II: well as a fav˚r*
[05:05] II: aṉd y˚u kṉ˚w. ṉ˚t sexually ˚r aṉythiṉg like that*
[05:05] -- intrepidIllusion [II] makes a little ahem coughing sound --
[05:05] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] raises their eyebrows at them --
[05:06] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] im so ace my guy i didn't even catch onto the possibility of it being sexual til u said so --
[05:06] -- intrepidIllusion [II] hahahaah --
[05:07] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] doesn't seem too worried or scared by the idea however --
[05:07] SP: {i kn*w a c*uple *f rituals myself}
[05:07] SP: {s*me thatd pr*bably put y*u back in the b**k, *r...}
[05:07] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] holds up the necklace --
[05:07] SP: {in here}
[05:08] II: s˚ why haveṉ't y˚u d˚ṉe them yet?*
[05:08] SP: {because id need preparing}
[05:08] SP: {:T}
[05:09] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] geeesh helen you think im carrying it all around in my back pocket --
[05:11] -- intrepidIllusion [II] raises an eyebrow --
[05:11] II: s˚ h˚w are y˚u g˚iṉg t˚ get started if y˚u have t˚ babysit me?*
[05:12] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] tilts their head --
[05:13] SP: {what w*uld y*u d* with my b*dy either way, if I agreed t* switch place?}
[05:13] II: live life ˚f c˚urse*
[05:14] SP: {what d*es that mean t* y*u?}
[05:14] II: y˚u d˚ṉ't kṉ˚w h˚w lucky y˚u t˚ have a b˚dy uṉtil y˚u l˚se it*
[05:14] SP: {what happened t* y*urs?}
[05:16] II: ˚h it's a l˚ṉg st˚ry*
[05:16] II: aṉd life meaṉs a l˚t ˚f thiṉgs, it meaṉs p˚ssibility y˚u kṉ˚w*
[05:16] II: i haveṉ't th˚ught ab˚ut it t˚˚ much t˚ be perfectly h˚ṉest but with a b˚dy y˚u caṉ d˚ pretty much aṉythiṉg*
[05:17] SP: {tell me}
[05:17] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] just, casually sits down on an old chair like, I got time --
[05:19] II: y˚u meaṉ with a b˚dy?*
[05:19] II: i'm sure y˚u kṉ˚w just as well as i d˚*
[05:20] SP: {i meant what happened t* y*u.}
[05:21] II: well i'll give y˚u a freebie*
[05:22] II: what happeṉed t˚ my b˚dy was that it g˚t cut iṉt˚ a huṉdred pieces aṉd thr˚wṉ t˚ the fishes*
[05:23] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] makes a bit of a face at that, yikes --
[05:23] II: pleasaṉt, yes, i kṉ˚w*
[05:23] SP: {s* h*w did y*u end up here?}
[05:23] II: ṉu uh huh, y˚u areṉ't gettiṉg aṉy m˚re freebies fr˚m me*
[05:23] II: if y˚u waṉt t˚ kṉ˚w m˚re y˚u're g˚iṉg t˚ have t˚ start makiṉg deals, l˚ve*
[05:24] SP: {hey, y*u said that was ab*ut what happened here, n*t ab*ut y*u}
[05:24] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] gestures at their general surrounding --
[05:24] II: ˚h did i really? *
[05:25] II: well they're c˚ṉṉected at aṉy rate*
[05:25] II: we sh˚uld really write these deals d˚wṉ*
[05:25] -- intrepidIllusion [II] holds out a hand and gestures for the book --
[05:25] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] chin hands, ah yes, you've read about this stuff, making contracts with demons and spirits --
[05:26] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] bad news generally --
[05:29] II: are y˚u haviṉg sec˚ṉd th˚ughts hmm?*
[05:32] SP: {y*u kn*w, i kind *f need my b*dy t**. w*uldnt it be easier t* find *ne that isnt *ccupied?}
[05:33] II: ˚h y˚u meaṉ like a dead b˚dy? ṉ˚, ṉ˚, that w˚uldṉ't w˚rk. f˚r a pr˚per traṉsfer t˚ ˚ccur there's g˚t t˚ be a spark ˚f life f˚r it t˚ w˚rk*
[05:33] II: why d˚ṉ't we split it, fifty fifty?*
[05:33] II: i get y˚ur b˚dy half the time, y˚u get it the ˚ther*
[05:33] II: i'll eveṉ give y˚u vet˚ p˚wer ˚ṉ what i d˚*
[05:34] SP: {thats a high price f*r living half time}
[05:35] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] *low --
[05:35] II: well yes, but iṉ returṉ y˚ur frieṉd here gets their b˚dy back full time*
[05:36] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you glance over at the necklace again, rolling it in the palm of your hand --
[05:42] II: iṉ all h˚ṉesty, i'd be takiṉg a step d˚wṉ*
[05:42] II: this little ˚ṉe is all s˚rts ˚f baṉged up but iṉjuries heal*
[05:42] II: i'm sure y˚ur b˚dy is much ṉicer*
[05:48] SP: {uh-huh...}
[05:56] II: ṉ˚ c˚uṉter ˚ffer?*
[05:56] II: ṉ˚ bargaiṉiṉg?*
[08:52] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] ceased pestering intrepidIllusion [II] at 20:52 --
[08:52] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] changed their mood to OFFLINE --
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[07:13] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] began pestering intrepidIllusion [II] at 19:13 --
[07:25] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] looks at them silently... You dragged Daginy here, and they got possessed. You owe it to them to fix this somehow... Now if only you could remember.. --
[07:25] SP: {let me think}
[07:27] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] puts the necklace on carefully... Yeah that could work. A trap. If they could make it seem like they let them take over their body... But sealed them to the necklace in a way so it only must be removed for the two to separate. They really wish they could discuss this with Daginy somehow without the ghost hearing but... --
[07:37] -- intrepidIllusion [II] they lean in, putting their chin on their hand. --
[07:38] II: y˚u kṉ˚w i kṉ˚w y˚u d˚ṉ't kṉ˚w this little ˚ṉe very well at all*
[07:38] II: why d˚ṉ't y˚u just. let thiṉgs lie as they are?*
[07:38] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] blinks looking at them --
[07:38] SP: {why w*uld i?}
[07:39] II: because _i_ caṉ aṉswer all y˚ur questi˚ṉs*
[07:40] II: i kṉ˚w s˚ much ab˚ut the superṉatural*
[07:40] II: i c˚uld be y˚ur ˚wṉ pers˚ṉal dicti˚ṉary*
[07:40] SP: {...........}
[07:40] II: tell me that isṉ't temptiṉg*
[07:41] II: y˚u d˚ṉ't eveṉ kṉ˚w ab˚ut all the tr˚uble this little ˚ṉe gets up t˚*
[07:41] SP: {well... y*u c*uld d* that using my b*dy t**, c*uldn't y*u...}
[07:43] II: well yes, but i have t˚ c˚ṉviṉce _y˚u_ ṉ˚t this ˚ṉe*
[07:43] -- intrepidIllusion [II] they jab a thumb at themself --
[07:44] SP: {it w*uldn't be fair t* them. and they will keep beating y*u up.}
[07:45] -- intrepidIllusion [II] they laugh again --
[07:45] II: ˚h siṉce wheṉ is the w˚rld fair?*
[07:45] II: y˚u're s˚ cute. d˚ṉ't w˚rry ab˚ut me, i caṉ take care ˚f the little ˚ṉe, just them aṉd me*
[07:46] SP: {n*.}
[07:46] II: thats it? ṉ˚ hesitati˚ṉs?*
[07:46] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] huffs a bit, a tint of annoyance finally showing in your face as your eyes grow colder --
[07:47] II: y˚u d˚ṉ't waṉt this eṉdless tr˚ve ˚f kṉ˚wledge restiṉg here iṉ this head?*
[07:48] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] reaches out to grapple them, and, more or less just picks them up honestly unless they do something quick to avoid --
[07:51] -- intrepidIllusion [II] they throw themself backwards, whipping out a knife and holding it between them. --
[07:51] -- intrepidIllusion [II] then they whistle. --
[07:51] II: hey, quick reflexes.*
[07:54] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] studies the knife, and watches them carefully. --
[07:54] SP: {.. fight back in there..}
[07:55] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] starts to circle them, not once letting them out of their sight --
[07:56] -- intrepidIllusion [II] they don't let them out of their sight, not bothering to stand, but also not putting away the knife. --
[07:56] II: ˚h d˚ṉ't w˚rry, this little ˚ṉe is just itchiṉg f˚r a fight*
[07:56] II: with me, ṉ˚t y˚u.*
[08:02] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] that's good... You glance around the surroundings briefly, maybe all the things you'd need for a simple spell was in here? or did you have to pull them both hive...? --
[08:03] -- intrepidIllusion [II] they take the knife up and twiddle with it --
[08:04] II: are y˚u sure y˚u waṉt t˚ d˚ this? i meaṉ this little ˚ṉe has d˚ṉe quite s˚me terrible thiṉgs*
[08:04] II: f˚r-*
[08:04] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] squints a bit... --
[08:04] -- intrepidIllusion [II] the knife flips into their hand and lays next to their neck. --
[08:06] SP: {......}
[08:06] II: well it l˚˚ks like they d˚ṉ't waṉt me talkiṉg ab˚ut it!*
[08:07] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] takes a step forward now that the knife is, well, pointing to /their/ throat and not in your direction --
[08:11] II: mmm. well see ṉ˚w*
[08:12] -- intrepidIllusion [II] they take the knife and drag it slowly across their throat. It's a shallow cut, not more than a seepage of orange blood. --
[08:12] SP: {st*p that!}
[08:15] -- intrepidIllusion [II] they stop halfway, looking at Hester, eyebrow raised, a thin smile on their lips. they keep the knife at their throat and stand up and give Hester a smile. --
[08:15] II: ˚h y˚u are a pure s˚ul. *
[08:17] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you need.. some sort of distraction so you can take that knife away and catch them and.. what else.. but your mind is all blank. shit. or wait. --
[08:18] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] reaching into one of your pockets.. you pull out a fistful of powdery glitter. why you have it? well.. you stole it. and it's pretty. but that's not the point. You simply throw it in their face because a cloud full of glitter if anything is quite distracting, if not annoying as it gets /everywhere/. --
[08:19] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] might even blind them heck --
[08:20] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] pure soul?? not sure. maybe glittery soul though --
[08:23] -- intrepidIllusion [II] LMAO. Daginy's body, whatever possessed it, flinches at the cloud, several specks getting in their eyes. --
[08:23] II: ˚w!*
[08:23] II: what the fuck?*
[08:25] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] SCORE, you take the chance to unarm them, you want to get that knife out of reach for them asap --
[08:28] II: uuaghg*
[08:29] -- intrepidIllusion [II] distracted by the glitter, you knock the knife easily out of their hands --
[08:29] II: hey!1*
[08:33] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] next up, they pull of their huge coat and just kinda, drops it over the smaller troll, pulling it around them like a blanket.. or well.. sack. kinda. and picking them up. that should make them a bit easier to handle, yOU HOPE.. I'm so sorry Daginy --
[08:39] -- intrepidIllusion [II] the sudden darkness and the constriction of hesters arms around them, plus the disorientation of the glitter and the twinge of their ribs makes them inhale into the cloth, sending a spike of panic through them. Another knife appears in their hand and they stab it blindly into whatever's closest and fleshy --
[08:42] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] oh shit oh shit, you stare as a knife starts to appear through the fabric of your poor coat, wincing as one of the stabs cut into your arm, well shit. You try to grab a hold of their arms through the fabric, to hold them still, this wasn't working very well.. how many knives did they even have? --
[08:44] -- intrepidIllusion [II] the answer is a lot. They stab again with the knife and another one appears in their other hand, and as they struggle, they start stabbing with that one too --
[08:46] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you pull back, instead pulling in the fabric of the coat and trying to pull it tightly kinda, burritouing them up, one last try, or you'd have to figure out another way to keep them from hurting themselves under that.. spirit's influence --
[08:52] -- intrepidIllusion [II] they manage to keep a grasp on their weapons but as the coat burrito tightens, they don't have the leverage for any good stabs anymore. They still their struggles, but they shake violently as the gasping sound of someone trying to take deep breaths comes from the coat --
[08:56] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] pokes open a hole for them to breathe through once it seem safe enough, and picks them up --
[08:57] SP: {i'll get them *ut *f y*u daginy...}
[08:58] -- intrepidIllusion [II] Fresh air floods them as they gasp for breath, pinpricks of tears at the corner of their eyes. --
[08:59] SP: {..... s*rry..}
[08:59] II: d-dear l˚rd there are s˚ maṉy _issues_ with this b˚dy!*
[09:00] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] puts the tight troll burrito over their shoulder and starts walking away --
[09:00] SP: {maybe y*u sh*uld let it g* then}
[09:00] II: ˚˚f!*
[09:01] II: watch the ribs pleased, i thiṉk y˚ur little frieṉd g˚t the wr˚ṉg eṉd ˚f a b˚˚t there*
[09:01] II: aṉd haha ṉ˚, y˚u d˚ṉ't kṉ˚w what its like t˚ be with˚ut a b˚dy uṉtil y˚u l˚se it aṉd i d˚ ṉ˚t iṉteṉd ˚ṉ simply _leaviṉg_*
[09:05] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] ceased pestering intrepidIllusion [II] at 21:05 --
[09:05] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] changed their mood to OFFLINE --
[04:16] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you huff a bit, teal drops of blood sipping down your arm and dripping to the floor while you walk through the rooms... Like one could expect, most things you could possibly need are around here just... In a big mess. But you're not new to big messes, being a bit of a hoarder your hive is never not one. --
[04:17] SP: {that d*esnt give y*u the right t* take the b*dy *f s*me*ne else...}
-- scintillansPicafelis [SP] changed their mood to OFFLINE --
-- scintillansPicafelis [SP] changed their mood to ECSTATIC --
-- scintillansPicafelis [SP] began pestering intrepidIllusion [II] at 16:17 --
[04:18] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] pesterchum was being dumb welp --
[04:21] -- intrepidIllusion [II] lol its ok --
[04:30] -- intrepidIllusion [II] they wriggle around in the coat burrito, grunting as they strain to get out --
[04:30] II: rights, schmights, i'm ṉ˚t g˚iṉg with˚ut a b˚dy agaiṉ*
[04:30] II: it's a special kiṉd ˚f hell darliṉg*
[04:40] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] fixes the coat again when they notice them wriggling around, then puts them down on the floor, securing them a bit extra with the coat's belt --
[04:40] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you know, just to be safe --
[04:42] -- intrepidIllusion [II] they bite their lip hard, heart pounding as the belt tightens. They swallow, and crack a nervous grin --
[04:43] II: s˚ maṉy pe˚ple fightiṉg ˚ver ˚ṉe b˚dy hm? are _y˚u_ plaṉṉiṉg s˚methiṉg iṉterestiṉg f˚r it?*
[04:44] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] pulls out a crayon and draws a wide circle around Daginy's body on the floor --
[04:44] SP: {i *nly g*t plans f*r y*u, d*n't w*rry :>}
[04:46] -- intrepidIllusion [II] they flop around in the circle, wiggling against the floor. --
[04:46] II: ˚h i see y˚u areṉ't uṉskilled huh? i h˚pe y˚u d˚ kṉ˚w what y˚u're d˚iṉg*
[04:47] SP: {m*re *r less...}
[04:48] -- intrepidIllusion [II] they shift so they can see what's going on, turning onto their stomach and getting on their knees --
[04:48] II: ˚˚f*
[04:49] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] doodles a few symbols and things as well, then walks around the room and collects whatever candles they can find.. --
[04:57] -- intrepidIllusion [II] glances over to see if Hester's looking, then inches over to the edge of the circle, one of their hands taking one of the knives and slices through the coat and up through the belt, then lies back down ontop of it to keep an eye on hester --
[05:00] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] glances over at Daginy every now and again, but doesn't seem to notice.. Just maybe once as they stop and frown at the sound of fabric ripping but they are on their stomach as they turn back to them. Hm.. --
[05:00] -- intrepidIllusion [II] they raise an eyebrow --
[05:00] II: eṉj˚yiṉg the view?*
[05:02] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] walks back and puts the candles down --
[05:09] II: y˚u kṉ˚w i w˚ṉder why y˚u're puttiṉg s˚ much eff˚rt iṉt˚ saviṉg a virtual straṉger*
[05:09] II: d˚ṉ't y˚u kṉ˚w they're _daṉger˚us?_*
[05:11] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] hums to themselves as they light the candles, holding one of them up and heating the pendant of the necklace over it, then leans in over the circle and blows the candle out so the smoke of it trail over them, the other candles around them seem to brighten up a bit as they do... --
[05:11] II: y˚ur part time v˚luṉteer gig, the aṉimal shelter? might be iṉ daṉger y˚u kṉ˚w*
[05:14] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] pulls the necklace off and stands up, "drawing" in the air with it over the circle, several lines crossing one another like a net --
[05:15] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] this would be invisible for Hester but the spirit or whatever it is might actually see something take shape --
[05:19] -- intrepidIllusion [II] pouts. They're not paying any attention at all. Taking the knife, they draw it up their leg, drawing blood. They have to do something before this is done. --
[05:20] -- intrepidIllusion [II] they smear the blood from their thigh and lunge for the edge of the circle, taking the blood and smearing the sigils --
[05:20] II: y˚u g˚t ˚ṉe ˚f them wr˚ṉg darliṉg!*
[05:21] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] makes a sudden tug with their arm, pulling backwards when they suddenly move, swearing under their breathe. The "net" still do fall over and tighten around them though.. Or well.. Not physically. But in spirit, so to speak. --
[05:22] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you're not completely sure what smearing those sigils would do, they were mainly for.. protection of sort. shit. --
[05:26] -- intrepidIllusion [II] the spell takes, the barely visible net yanking them back in the air, nearly pulling the spirit out of Daginy's body. There's a hole in the net however, with the removal of some of the sigils and the spirit oozes back in. --
[05:26] II: ṉ˚!*
[05:34] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] it seemed you had to do this the more... Risky way after all. Hurrying around the circle, which with your long legs didn't take much more than a step, you shove them back into the circle and draw ano --
[05:34] SP: ther sigil with your finger, which you repeat in the palm of your hand. In worst case, now you'd be the one posessed, in best case, they would merely go through your body and end up in the necklace... And.. Well, then there was of course the option of nothing happening. In the weirdest case... But blood in a spell was powerful, and it helped probably that your own was mixed in with all of it (whic
[05:34] SP: h also could have strange linking side effect between you and Daginy but ehh.. if that happened you'd take that issue then)... Either way, all of this goes quickly, and you step into the circle, trying to grab a hold of them so you can press your palm to their forehead.
[05:34] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] this would be such an awkward situation if literally nothing happens --
[05:38] -- intrepidIllusion [II] they don't move fluidly- it's jerky, limited, and Hester grabs them without much trouble at all. They stare back at Hester, more than a little wild-eyed as Hester presses their hand to their forehead. They gasp as something seems to leave them, flowing into the hand on their forehead and back into the necklace --
[05:41] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] shivers at the senseation, eyes wide open.. A window forces its way open, causing old papers and dust to fly around them and the candles to be put out... And then everything is.. Calm. You sit down on the floor, your hand falling back, a slightly burning sensation in your palm... --
[05:42] SP: {...... did it w*rk...?}
[05:45] -- intrepidIllusion [II] Daginy swallows hard, still shaking, scooting backwards away from Hester, one hand over the cut in their thigh and another on their neck. They manage a nod before they scoot all the way back to the wall and bury their face in their knees. --
[05:45] SP: {...}
[05:45] SP: {im s*rry..}
[05:46] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you look relieved, but also very very guilty --
[05:46] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you pull the necklace off, shoving it into your pocket, this was supposed to be for fun not.. this --
[05:47] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] so much for cheering them up --
[05:47] -- intrepidIllusion [II] You don't look up. You give Hester a thumbs up because you don't think you can speak right now. Well that sure was another traumatic experience under your belt --
[05:49] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you crawl over to them, well, keeping your distance still enough to not make them uncomfortable, and sit with the back to the wall next to them.. and stay there in silence really, wrapping the stab wounds on your arm up a bit, letting them be. You're there at least, if they start talking or want anything. --
[05:53] -- intrepidIllusion [II] It takes a good long while, but eventually you take enough deep breaths to get your shaking at least under control. A lot just happened right now, and you have to figure out what Hester's thinking. You peek up at them. From the look on their face, what they're thinking is probably "holy shit i brought them here to feel better and look what happened :((((" --
[05:53] II: i take it that wasṉ't y˚ur defiṉiti˚ṉ ˚f fuṉ*
[05:53] -- intrepidIllusion [II] the words come out as kind of a croak, but you manage them at least --
[05:54] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] it's a good thing Hester isn't exactly hard to read because that is exactly what --
[05:55] SP: {n*..}
[05:59] II: its ˚kay, i appreciate y˚u tryiṉg*
[06:00] -- intrepidIllusion [II] not your most thrilling speech but hey. Youve just been possessed --
[06:00] II: y˚u didṉ't take aṉythiṉg ˚f what that witch lady was sayiṉg seri˚usly did y˚u?*
[06:02] SP: {i figured she said whatever she c*uld think *f that'd make me m*re likely t* let her stay...}
[06:04] II: yeah she was*
[06:04] -- intrepidIllusion [II] lies. but you put your head back down and hold it down. --
[06:04] II: that was.. s˚me kiṉd ˚f crazy*
[06:05] SP: {yeah.. *h.. d* y*u need s*me bandage?}
[06:06] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you almost say sorry in reference to seeing their blood color, but decide instead to.. act as if you never did, even if you both know you did. most anons you met weren't exactly fond of talking about it, so it might be better that way. --
[06:08] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you nod-- they're not bleeding freely, but you still want it covered. Being hemoanon could be such a pain to be honest. --
[06:10] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you move over to your.. holy and cut through coat.. wow, it's a good thing you got like five of these.. this isn't even the first one that got fucked up --
[06:11] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] either way, in some of the many pockets, you find a few rolls of bandage which you soon give to Daginy --
[06:12] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you can manage your leg yourself, awkward as it might be, but getting the one around your neck is gonna be tricky --
[06:13] II: i uh, might ṉeed help with this ṉeck ˚ṉe*
[06:19] SP: {sure!}
[06:19] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] grabs the bandage --
[06:19] SP: {uuhhh, tell me if it's t** tight, *k?}
[06:20] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] carefully wraps it around their neck --
[06:25] -- intrepidIllusion [II] You shudder when they touch you. You have to think of your next move. You don't currently have much of a safe place to stay and you just ran into someone who let themself get stabbed to keep you from being possessed. --
[06:25] II: thats uh, that's fiṉe*
[06:25] SP: {:> *k, there}
[06:27] II: i kiṉd ˚f just waṉṉa rest f˚r a bit, uh, d˚ y˚u miṉd if i just, crash at y˚ur place f˚r a bit?*
[06:28] SP: {naw, i d*n't mind. especially after all *f this i kinda *we y*u that}
[06:28] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] also yay company.. wow you're so lonely lmao --
[06:32] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you let out a sigh of relief. Honestly Hester seems so transparent, and well, easily manipulated. You'll probably be safe with them, but another person could pretty easily wreck Hester's life. --
[06:32] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you'll do your best to not do that. --
[06:39] -- scintillansPicafelis, [SP,] you empty your ripped jacket's many many pockets, putting what you can in the pockets of your pants and what not.. Once you're done with that, you get up on your feet though and look over to them --
[06:39] SP: {y*u ready t* g*..?}
[06:40] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you hope they can actually walk, because with your fucked over arm carrying them will be a bit harder --
[06:41] II: as ready as i'll ever be i thiṉk..*
[06:43] -- intrepidIllusion [II] you stand up, and you're pretty sure you look like hell, but your feet stay under you, and you think if you keep moving you can keep it that way --
[06:45] -- scintillansPicafelis [SP] you nod, and starts walking out of there... So, you'd probably not return to this haunted hive in particular anytime soon... Although that of course didn't mean you'd stop looking into haunted places alltogether. Nah. --
[06:49] -- intrepidIllusion [II] why would you ever expect that of hester??? You follow Hester a little unsteadily, keeping your eyes fixed down on their feet as you follow them out. You know you probably look like choice prey, as s --
[06:49] II: haky as you are, and you're a little wary. Hester looks mostly okay, and you're obviously with them. And they're relatively high on the spectrum so that would ward off some of the vultures you've seen around. You'll be much more relaxed when you get to Hester's hive.
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hcrmcny-blog · 6 years
( god damn.... . . splatoon makes me so angr y.. . )
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