wigglepiggle · 9 months
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afannis · 2 years
france is like: wait, what the fuck? and i love it sksnskskansn
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tatakaeeren · 1 year
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✨✨ "Yeah! I love papa Rei!" ✨✨
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spoofy-drawings · 6 months
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Don’t you try to catch me, Don’t you try to catch me, No no no no!
Americano by Lady Gaga is my 67th top song! I won’t lie, I pulled this song from Puss In Boots, and that’s exactly what I drew Roman and Janus as. Puss, and Kitty! (I was gonna draw Roman with a sword but that took too much effort- sorry-)
Oh can you imagine how the second movie would turn out with these two? OH OH OH LITTLE PATTON AT PERRITO- oh I’m getting SO many ideas I swear…
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feldspar-thethief · 9 months
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@troublcmakcrs asked: Tweek: ❛   listen  asshole ,  you’ve  had  your  fun  and  you  better  stop  or  else !  ❜
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truth be told; he's just as over this, too. sooo fucking over it. his pale eyes rolled backwards into their socketed, black caves so hard he nearly saw stars. craig thought for sure if he had to be berated -one- -more- --time, he would kill the blonde. and then himself. ❝–or else, what, ––tweek?❞
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chaoticartistan · 8 months
this update was good.... if any of you are bein pessimists about some Dumb Shit you theorized will Happen in your skull... Grow Up. Optimism Forever
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spreadwardiard · 11 months
Orange, green and brown 🌟
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linafoxoficial · 3 months
Sun is very TALL, probably because of his long legs. That's why he has some problems.
I made these images why?... simply because I can
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Haahhaa I loved so much
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angel-rem · 3 months
it would be so crazy if i was in a gay polyamorous relationship and got passed around by my boyfriends regularly because i’m their good boy and love being a hole for them to fill. haahhaa wouldn’t that be so crazy.
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katscupidarchive · 3 months
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Natsuki Graphic!
f2u + credit
likes and reblogs appreciated
Day 3 — Edit a character that's associated with ribbons OR Edit a character that's associated with spring
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well its official, i’m reusing my psd’s aaaa, i mean to be fair it works in this case cause natsuki and my first psd look so great together so it’s finneeeeeeeee
also the reason i did natsuki as ribbons cause she was the first character i thought of when i read "ribbons" cause of the ribbons in her hair haahhaa
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redeyerhaenyra · 10 months
Can I pretty please request a Kane x reader smutty lil something where she KNOWS something is off but missed her husband so much she doesn't care.
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Something's wrong with Kane
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Summary: Your husband returns after 14 months MIA, but he's not entirely himself..
Warnings: Mentions of smut, spanking, slapping, sensory deprivation, blindfolds, one mention of PTSD, mention of both reader and Kane wanting children, kinda angst if you squint? if I missed any let me know!
Notes: Oooooooo this one was alot of fun to write, I need to do more stuff for Kane, he's so interesting and the prospects for him are so cool
Wc: 629
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Something's wrong with Kane.
Not physically. Physically he's fine. Healthy, even. Just as strong as you remember him being.
But he wasn't the man you married.
When he'd returned after 14 months MIA, stumbling into your shared home in the middle of the night, you'd never been so happy to see him, only just having come to terms with the prospect of him never coming home. And yet here he stood.
Sure, he held you as you had cried into his chest, wrapping your arms around him in the worry he might disappear again if you let go, but his touch felt.. off. Like he wasn't sure what he was meant to do, as if taking in his surroundings for the first time. He didn't seem happy to see you, more perplexed by your attitude towards him. His eyes were foggy, like he remembered you, but couldn't quite place who you were to him. But you didn't care. Your husband was back, and that was all that mattered.
Rarely did you see him smile, now. And when he did, it was only with the slight upturn of his lips. He still expressed his affection, though in softer, smaller ways. A hand brushing the hair out of your eyes, or caressing your cheek in the ghost of a loving gesture. You'd take what you could get, though.
He was quieter. You hadn't realised how talkative he used to be, until he wasn't. It was just one of the many signs that he wasn't quite... himself, anymore. But you put all this down to PTSD, and didn't push him on the topic.
This, stoicism, this lack of feeling, had emigrated its way into your sex life as well. Before his disappearance, when he'd fuck you, all sorts would spill out of his mouth. Profanities, confessions of his love, details of how exactly you made him feel, as he was deep inside of you.
But now...
It was no less amazing, of course. In fact.. and you felt guilty for admitting this, but it was almost, better. He spoke only now in one-word commands; "Open, suck, quiet, faster, slow" and when he was finally done with you, "rest."
He was meaner, too. Bondage and sensory deprivation were never truly things you'd tried with him until he came back different. Now, it seemed, he had inherited a love for tying you up and blindfolding you. Spanking you and slapping you across the face, with a completely blank expression on his part. He'd only ever cum inside of you, and you'd missed him too much to complain.
Previously, you'd discussed that while you both wanted children, it just wasn't a good time to have them. Kane seemed to disagree now, as after he was done fucking you until you couldn't breathe, (the only sound you'd hear from him to indicate his pleasure was his heavy breathing in your ear), he would push his cum back into you, sometimes plugging you up to make sure his seed took root. Sometimes it'd be with his fingers, his cock, or sometimes he plunge your old bullet vibrator deep within you, saying no words to comfort you as you whimpered and writhed from the overwhelming stimulation.
As he held you now, post-coital, you had come to terms with the situation at hand. This wasn't Kane. This thing, this creature that wore his face wasn't your husband. But, it seemed to love you, in its own strange way. And so you were content to live with it. Even if it was only a slither of the real Kane, you take it, and hold it close.
Yes, there was something wrong with Kane. But you didn't care, because he was home now. And you were never letting him go again.
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divinitysmuse · 19 days
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somescenecatholic · 10 months
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btw i do NOT support ai art!!! AT ALL!! DNI IF U DO!! Artists deserve more respect. Typing a few words into an ai isn't hard. Yes every creation is different but it isn't really your crestion, the robot did the work.
btw actual cool rawr xd posts coming soon!!! 11th grade starts in like five days so be ready for crazy stuff! THIS YEARS GONNA BE SO COOL!!
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kasey-writes-stuff · 2 years
Shout to soft for all the help editing!!!
Tickle fight
So remember the other day after Red Rover ended in a tie, Foolish suggested what the teams were at the end to battle in a tickle fight? Well, ya see that didn’t quite work… Don’t get me wrong, tickle fights are happening, it’s just… well okay some people really wanted revenge on others, so some players may have been swapped around a bit. Rest assured though it will still be an intense set of tickle fights!
The first pair to go at it are Velvet and Ant! The others sat gathered around on the couch and chairs to watch the two. “You guys ready?” Foolish looks to both of them curiously and they nod.
“Yea, sure.”
“Oh yea! Can’t wait to get Ant’s bad rib.”
Foolish laughed softly. “Alright then! In 3…2...1… GO!”
Ant and Velvet lunged towards each other. It started as simply a battle of who could pin who and everyone thought for sure Velvet was gonna win, but suddenly Velvet squealed. He fell backwards as Ant’s free hand plunged towards his collar bone, poking and prodding but then quickly turning to light dragging scribbles. Velvet let out a very uncharacteristic squeal falling into laughter.
Ant flushed brightly, faltering for just a moment as he felt butterflies explode at the mere threat. With that, Velvet managed to free his hands from beneath Ant’s arm and began rapidly squeezing up and down Ant’s sides making him squeak as he fell backwards, soft laughter pouring out.
“EEK nahahahahaha- Vehehllvehehttt!”
Velvet smiles brightly at Ant's laughter. “What? You didn’t think I was gonna go for the kill right away did you? I need to build up the anticipation first, duh!” Velvet scribbled around on Ant’s sides and then up to his ribs but specifically skipped his bad rib.
Ant’s laughter fluctuated up and down between giggles and loud laughter with some squeaks anytime Velvet got close to his bad rib.
“VEHEHELLLVVEHEHETT plehehhahahssshehehee ahahhaha EEK nahahhahah HAAHHAA JUHUHSSTTT dohoho IHIHITTT plehehhahassehehe!”
Velvet laughed softly, taking slight pity as he slowed to a stop, but his next move held no pity at all. He lifted up Ant’s shirt just enough to expose his bad rib and immediately went to work nibbling and raspberrying it! Ant shrieked, falling into near screams of laughter as he desperately wiggled beneath Velvet, attempting to dispel at least a little bit of the overwhelming tickling sensation.
“AEEH NHAHAHHAHAA VEHEHELLLVEHEHETTT AHAHAHHAHAA!” Velvet paused to let Ant catch his breath.
“Awweee too ticklish here honey? Hmm?” Ant nods giggling residually.
“Yehehsss ahahannddd yooouuu knohohowww ihihit!”
Velvet nods smugly. “You’re right I do, so do you give up?”
Ant takes a second and thinks, shaking his head
Suddenly, he’s able to overpower Velvet amidst the man’s shock of him not giving up! He quickly wrestles him to his stomach sitting on his thighs.
“Nibbles and raspberries hmm? Two can play that game baby!”
He leans down and begins raspberrying and nibbling Velvet's calves mercilessly.
Velvet's eyes widen as he jerks, and now he begins desperately wiggling trying to dislodge Ant from his thighs
Ant giggles softly. “Yes baby? Can’t take your own medicine hmm? Welp, too bad cause I’m not stopping until you give up!”
Ant manages to reach back and squeeze at Velvet's hips! His hips definitely aren’t a death spot, but they are a giggle spot, and the combination of a death spot and giggle spot being targeted makes him give in rather quickly.
Ant immediately stops, climbs off his thighs and starts rubbing at Velvet's calves to get rid of the ghost tickles.
“Wooo! I won! You did so good though baby, you really did almost have me.”
Velvet smiles softly, “You did really good as well, I’m proud.”
They share a quick kiss and go back to their respective teams.
Dream nods softly, “Raspberries and nibbles on the calves, hmm, I’ll have to remember that.”
Velvet's cheeks tinge pink as he says, “Well if I remember right, those work wonders on your stomach though, don’t they, Deam?”
Dream now blushes pink as he grumbles flusteredly and shuts up.
Karl quickly marks down the score.
“Okay one point for team one, who wants to go next?”
Sapnap stands up smirking widely. “I wanna go, and I wanna go against you Karl.”
Karl’s eyes widen slightly but then narrow as he smirks, “Alright, let’s go then! I’m not worried, I’m so gonna win!”
Sapnap rolls his eyes fondly, “Whatever you say to make yourself feel better Karl.”
They head to the middle of the floor where Ant and Velvet were previously, and once again Foolish counts them down, “3…2...1…GO!”
They quickly lock hands in a battle of strength which Sapnap is winning, until Karl decides to be sneaky and lean down and blow a raspberry on Sapnap’s neck!
Sapnap squeals in surprise and his head tries to slam to his shoulder to block Karl out. “EEP Karl NAHHAHA NOHOHO FAHAHIHIRRR!“
Karl giggles into his neck, raspberring the skin again as he pushes him backwards, settling onto his hips. “It's a tickle fight, literally nothing is off limits besides the spots the other person isn’t comfortable with, soooo, my raspberry was totally fair!”
Sapnap groans softly, giggling throughout. “Whahatehehevvehehrrrr ihihimmn sohoho geehehttihihinnggg yoouuu bahhahaccckk fohohorrr thhahatt!”
Sapnap begins to try to buck Karl off, but before he can, Karl starts doing a wiggling motion on his sides, making him fall back down squirming around as he fights to hold back his laughter.
“Oohhh Sappyyyy~” Karl sing-songs teasingly, “You know how ticklish your sides are, you know you can’t hold back forever! And what if I start moving up then what, hmm? How are you gonna hold back then?”
Sapnap is blushing brightly as the dam finally bursts, “AHAHHA NAHHAHA SHUHUHUTTT UHUHUPPP!”
Karl smirks. “Make me!”
Sapnap's eyes light with fire through his laughter as he once again starts bucking and squirming, then his hands fly to Karl’s own sides! Sure, Sapnap's are bad, but Karl’s are worse! Karl squeals, falling backwards off of Sapnap. Sapnap quickly tackles Karl, sitting on his thighs in a fast motion.
Sapnap's hands squeeze up and down Karl’s sides rapidly, Karl lets out peels of laughter squirming beneath Sapnap. The man snickered. “You were saying?”
Sapnap scoffed. “You’re the one that started with my sides first, so I’m just repaying the favor. Though of course I could move more downwards if you’d prefer I change spots…”
He taps at Karl’s hips for emphasis. Karl's eyes widen and he shakes his head. “Nononohoho- dohohon’t!”
Sapnap smirks. “Okay, so do you give up?”
Karl shakes his head, a wide smile on his face. “Nohohoooo!”
Sapnap shrugs, “Your funeral then!”
He begins squeezing and prodding at Karl’s hips!
Karl squeals, bursting into laughter once more. “EEK AHAHHAHA NAHAHHA SHAHAHPPPNAHHAHAPPP!”
Sapnap giggles softly, “Look bro, this is your last chance before I pull out drastic measures. So, do you give up?”
Karl isn’t sure what he means but assumes it will probably be raspberries or nibbles so while he knows he sucks at handling them he decides to test his luck and try anyways! “NOHOHO IHIHI DOHOHONNTTT GIHIHIVVVEHEHE!”
Sapnap tsks softly. “Alright then, you did this to yourself you know…”
Sapnap quickly flips Karl onto his stomach sitting on his thighs and suddenly Karl realizes what’s about to happen and begins flailing like a fish trying to escape his face already turning very red, nearly the same shade as Foolish’s shirt, and Sapnap hasn’t even started the tickling again!
“Sapnap! No! You don’t have to do this!”
Sapnap smriks. “You’re right, I don’t if you just give up.”
Karl begins debating, but squeaks, feeling a poke to his right shoulder blade. “EEK! Um ihihi um… I don’t give up!”
Sapnap is surprised and shrugs. “Alright then good luck…”
He decides to not be totally evil and just tickles over Karl’s shirt, his hands scrabbling away at Karl’s shoulder blades!
Karl jolts his head and upper half of his body up at the feeling as a shriek tears from his throat. “AAEEH NAHAHHAA SHAHHAPPPNAHAHHAPP NAHAHHAA AHAHAH!”
Sapnap smiles brightly at the shriek and loud laughter, “Yes that’s my name Karl, awww, too flustering of a spot ?”
Karl can’t answer, just laughing more but a screech flies out as Sapnap hits in between his shoulder blades and so the combination of it being so ticklish and flustering he gives up in seconds!
Sapnap quickly rubs at his shoulder blades to get rid of the ghost tickles and then climbs off him.
Ant coos softly across the room. “Aww that’s such a cute spot Karl! And a pretty uncommon one!”
Karl blushes, hiding his head in his hands. “Annntttt shush!”
Ant giggles and backs off.
Foolish quickly writes down the result. “Okay that’s two points for team one, who’s next?”
Karl and Sapnap rejoin their respective teams as everyone looks to one another.
Quackity stands up. “Fine, since the rest of you are too chicken I’ll go next! And I wanna go against George!”
George’s eyes widened quickly. “What?! Why me?!”
Quackity shrugs, smirking. “I don’t know, I think it’d be pretty even, and it would just be so much fun to see how much I remember your spots since last time I tickled you to pieces.”
George flushes a soft pink, rolling his eyes, “You say that as if I didn’t get revenge… maybe it’ll be fun for me to see how many of your spots I remember.”
Quackity now blushes, walking to the middle of the floor and kneeling down. “Whatever, shut up and get over here so we can get this thing started and I can do my victory dance.”
George laughs, “you really think it’s gonna be that easy to take me down? Okay, whatever helps you idiot whatever helps you.”
George kneels down in front of Quackity, and Foolish looks at the two of them. “In 3…2...1…GO!”
The two immediately are shoving at the others arms, trying to push them anyway they can to try and gain the upper hand! After a minute or so, Quackity takes one of his hands from George’s arms and instead flings it to George’s ribs, scribbling and squeezing!
George squeals in surprise, his arms flying down and he loses his balance falling backwards in a heap. “EEP NAHAH YOU IDIOT!”
Quackity grins in satisfaction, quickly pinning George down by sitting on his hips. “Didn’t expect that, did you, George? Didn’t expect me to stop the battle, let alone go after one of your worst spots, hmm?”
George flushed brightly as he shook his head rapidly. “YOOURRHEHE SOHOHO DUHUMMBB SHUHUTT UHUHUPPP!”
Quackity scoffs shaking his head, “Oh George, you really shouldn’t have done that~”
He begins to readjust himself to sit on George’s shins, but just before he can sit down, George pulls his legs up making Quackity fall flat on his back.
George quickly takes advantage of Quackity’s shock to tackle him! He’s quick to sit on Quackity’s waist, putting a finger to his chin,
“Hmm, now if I remember right, one of your worst spots is your… stomach. Right~?“
Quackity shakes his head, “Lihikkehe ihidd thehell yoouuu duhuhmmmyy!”
George snickers, “It’s okay, your giggles already give you away idiot, so I don’t even need an actual yes or no!”
His hands dive towards Quackity’s stomach, scribbling all around. Quackity squeaks, falling into loud laughter as he jerks back and forth, attempting to roll over beneath George.
George scoffs. “Oh really now? You really think that?”
George huffs, “Alright then, it’s your funeral.”
He lifts up Quackity’s shirt to rest above his belly button, his hands move to his armpits and he leans his head down blowing the biggest raspberry he can over his navel.
Quackity shrieks, falling into even louder laughter and as much as he doesn’t want to, he feels his resolve weakening and there’s no way he can fight to turn the tables. “AEEEH NANHAHAHA AHHAHA OHOHOKKAHAHYY OHOHOKKAHAHYY IHIHI GIHIHIVVEHHE STOHOHPPP STOHOHPPP!”
George smirks in satisfied glee, but he’s not an absolute sadist, so he helps rub Quackity’s stomach to dispel the ghost tickles. After that he finally lets Quackity up and they go join their respective teams.
Karl giggles mirthfully. “Wow Quackmeister, the self proclaimed ‘Master of tickle fights” lost! Who would’ve thought!”
Quackity’s cheeks flush with more blush as he huffs softly, “You say that as if I haven’t won over half of our tickle fights."
Karl now blushes as he quickly backs off shyly.
Foolish smiles. “Okay! That was a doozy, that’s one point for team two. Who wants to go next?”
Everyone looks around and no one stands, so Foolish says, “Alright fine, I’ll go and I wanna go against Bad!”
Bad’s eyes widened largely. “What?! You’re like twice my size, this is totally unfair!”
Foolish laughs, “Bad, everyone who’s left is twice your size, so no matter what it’s not very fair for you.”
Bad sighs heavily, “Okay, I guess you’re right. Let’s get this over with, muffin head.”
Foolish passes the board off to Karl and he joins Bad in the middle of the floor, Karl looks to both of them and nods. “In 3…2...1...GO!”
It’s no surprise when Foolish gains the upper hand first, quickly setting himself on Bad’s waist. “So, where should I start first?”
Bad shakes his head frantically, “Nowhere! Start nowhere you muffin head!”
Foolish laughs softly. “Bad, this is a tickle fight, and if I don’t wanna lose I have to pick a spot to start, and really that was a rhetorical question so I’m just gonna go ahead and start here!”
He begins at Bad’s hips, wasting no time going for a death spot much like everyone else has done with their partners.
Bad squeals as he tries to wiggle out from underneath Foolish. “EEP NAHAHHA AHAHHA FOOHOHOLLLIIHIHSSHH!”
Foolish smiles happily at the reaction. “Yes, Bad? Ready to give in already, are you?”
Bad shakes his head even more. “NAHAH NOHOHO IVIHIMM NAHAHTTT!“
Foolish is slightly surprised, not expecting Bad to have a lot of resilience. “Alright, guess I’ll have to find somewhere else that’s more ticklish, or just tickle here and somewhere else at the same time… Oooo~ Maybe I could take a page from Velvet's book and do some raspberries and nibbles!”
As Foolish spoke, his hand had been wandering upwards, and once he fully focuses on Bad again he notices how much his squirming has increased and how his laughter has raised in pitch. “AHAHHEHEHAHHA NAHHAHAEHHEHEHAHHAHAHA DOHOHONNTTT!”
Foolish smirks teasingly, “Oh what’s this? Am I getting too close to another really, really bad spot?”
Bad shook his head in denial though it was obvious to see Foolish was indeed nearing another bad spot. “NHAHA NOHOHO DEHEHFFFIHIHINNIHIHTTLEHHEYYY NOHOHOTTT!”
Foolish snickered. “Okay so if I did this…” He pretended to shoot his hands into Bad’s armpits as if he was gonna start scribbling around like wild!
“...It really wouldn’t matter, right?” He absolutely had the most sadistic smirk on his face as he did it but then began giggling upon the shriek Bad let out, and he quickly had to fight back the giggles to put Bad’s arms back up
Foolish giggles more as he says. “As Karl said earlier, literally nothing is off limits besides spots the other person isn’t comfortable with, so really this is totally fair.”
Bad shakes his head rapidly. “Ihihi dohohnnttt cahahrrrhehe whahahttt Kahharrrll shahhaihihddd! Thihihsss ihissnntt fahahihirr!”
Foolish tsks softly. “So what exactly isn’t fair? The fact I’m targeting your armpits or the fact I haven’t actually tickled them until… NOW!”
He faked Bad out once again, causing him to shriek and let out whiny giggles as his arms came crashing down again. “AAEEH Fohohohollllihihissshh plhehehahassshehehe!”
Foolish smiled, pushing his arms back up and this time holding them there as he began wiggling his fingertips inches above Bad’s armpits interchangeably, making him wiggle and whine even more,
“What's up, Bad, hmm? Want me to get it over with or something?”
Bad suddenly thinks up an idea and swallows his pride hoping the idea will work. “Yehehsss- Yehehsss plehehasseee!”
Foolish nods with a snicker, “Alright, since you said please.”
He finally touches down, first just scribbling in his right armpit, but then he lets his arms go and quickly plunges into his left one as well!
Bad squeals and lets out a tiny scream, half from surprise, half from ticklishness as the other hand is introduced and his arms come down within literal seconds! “EEP AHAHAAAHH NAHAHHAHA AHHAHA FUHUHDDGGEHEHE YOOURRHEHHE SUHUHUCCHH AHAHA MUHUHUFFIHINNHEHEHAHDD!”
Foolish laughs mischievously, “Yea yea sure, whatever you say, you know this can be over if you just give up…”
So Bad decides now to try his plan. “IHIHI HIHI AHHAHAHAHA!”
Foolish decides to be nice and he stops, pulling his hands away to allow Bad to talk. “Yes Bad? What was that?”
Bad has to hold back a smirk as his plan seems to be working. “Ihihi ihihi… DON’T GIVE UP!”
Bad uses all his strength and Foolish’s shock to his advantage, and manages to push Foolish off him and tackle him sitting on his waist. “W-What h-how h-how did you?!”
Bad giggles softly. “Element of surprise works incredibly well! So now… hmm, where do I go? You targeted two spots on me but you didn’t target them at the same time… but I think I feel a little extra evil so I think I’m gonna tickle two spots at once!”
Foolish blushes very softly, “W-What no! That’s so mean! I- I’m gonna turn it back to you before you can do anything!”
But just as Foolish was about to attempt to fight back Bad began scribbling a hand on his chest and took a gamble lightly drawing circles on his bicep! Foolish is immediately shocked by the conflicting feelings, his chest being very much near a death spot if not actually a death spot and his biceps he didn’t even know were ticklish until Karl had one day offered to give him a massage there.
He jolted beneath Bad, a gasp slipping through before he began laughing and giggling! It was a mix of hysterical laughter and high pitched giggles! “AHAHAHA HEhehehhee BAHHADDD whahahHAHHATTT THEhehehhehe HEHEHEHcckkkk HAHAHAH!”
Bad giggled softly. “Whahat? Didn’t expect me to be so evil, hmm? Nice to see my random guess was correct with your biceps! So, are you ready to give up yet?”
Bad shook his head, tsking softly. “Oh you’ll lose, I'm sure of it, muffin head!”
He sped up the scribbles on his chest as the hand on his bicep also began scribbling and he began nearing the part of his arm just before Foolish’s pits!
Foolish lost it once again jolting and jerking beneath bad as he squeaked his laughter giggles turning closer to just laughter! “EEK AHAHHAHA NEHEHEhehehehhe HAHAHHA WHAHAIHITT WAHHAIHIHITTT nohohottt thehehrfhehehe! AHAHA!”
Bad smiles fondly, “Awww is this spot too ticklish~? Maybe you should just give up!” Foolish really didn’t want to, but he’s not used to these two spots being tickled at all let alone at the same time so after a few more seconds he finally gave in “FIHIHINEHEHE FIHIHINEHEHE yoouuu WIHIHINNN IHIHI GIHIvvehehehe!”
Bad cheered quickly helping rub the ghost tickles away and then climbing off Foolish.
George shakes his head in bemusement, “Wow, who would’ve known muffin-boy-halo could take down the big bad shark!”
Foolish glares at George with no real malice. “You better watch yourself Gogy before I go after your thighs… and maybe get Bad to help me team up on you.”
George flushed softly immediately sinking back to the couch in retreat.
They go back to their spots and Karl smiles excitedly. “Okay, that’s now two points for team two! Now I guess it’s time for the final face off, you two ready?”
Dream and Punz stand, looking at each other a few moments before kneeling down in the middle of the floor.
“More than ever.”
“Oh yeah, can’t wait for some payback…”
Karl nods, “Okay then, in 3…2…1…GO!”
And they’re quickly at it! Hands interlocked fighting for the upper hand neither willing to budge even an inch…
Just as it seems Dream is about to overpower Punz, he fights back even harder. Finally after ages of battling Punz manages to overpower Dream! He pushes him back and quickly settles onto his shins,
“Now Dream, since you decided to target my thighs and knees earlier, I think it’s only fair for me to target yours, isn’t that right?”
Dream’s eyes widen and he shakes his head as he begins trying to slip out from under Punz, but a quick squeeze to his knee stops him in his tracks making him squawk!
“GAH! NOHO! Punz! You you rehehhahally don’t have to do this!”
Punz smirks mischief in his eyes in full swing at the squawk. “Well, I mean sure, I don’t have to do this, I could just always for your stomach instead. Isn’t that your most ticklish spot after all? It sure seemed it when George was tickling you the other day…”
Dream's cheeks immediately grew hot as he turned his head away from Punz. “S-shut- shuhut up! I- I’m so getting you I will find more than just your thighs and knees and I will wreck you!”
Punz tries to play confident but heat rises to his cheeks as well a very faint pink to them. “Whatever. Like you can do any of that with me tickling away at your thighs and knees!”
So with that he properly begins! He begins squeezing above both of Dream's knees.
Dream sqwuaks again falling into loud laughter, “GAH NAHAHAHA PUHUHUNNZZZ HAHAHA!”
Punz smiles with satisfaction, “Oh? What’s this? Your knees are bad too? Oh how interesting… hmm, I wonder if your thighs are bad as well~” Punz briefly pauses to let Dream speak.
“Puhunnzz ihihiffff yoouuu lahhahayyy ahaha single finger on my thighs you are so dead!”
Punz snickers, “Well that’s a risk I’m willing to take!”
He raises up slightly about to scoot himself upwards slightly so he can reach Dream’s thighs better but just before he can, Dream uses that split second to pull his legs out from under Punz, making him fall flat on his butt! Okay, so maybe Punz letting up to allow Dream to speak wasn’t a good idea…
Dream quickly tackles Punz sitting on his thighs, a victorious grin on his face. “Now Punz, if I remember right, Sapnap mentioned your hips the other day didn’t he, hmm?”
Punz’s cheeks turn a much more noticeable pink as he shakes his head immediately denying, “No, no, no, he didn't all! He just said how my upper body isn’t that bad except a couple spots!”
Dream snickers, “Yea yea sure.” Suddenly an light bulb goes off in Dream’s head, but he decides to save it for later, continuing with his current spot choice. He gives an experimental squeeze to Punz’s hips
Punz’s entire body jerks as he squeaks loudly. “EEK NOHO! DOHONT!“
Dream sticks his tongue to the side of his mouth as he smiles in satisfaction. “So you lied and Sapnap was right. My, my, my, isn’t that just something… Maybe it’s even deserving of a punishment!”
Punz’s eyes widen and he feels giggles bubbling inside his chest. “N-noho nonono- no punishment except for when I punish you!”
Dream laughs softly. “Welp, guess I’m just gonna have to make you laugh so hard you can’t fight back then won’t I?”
He wastes no more time as he drills his thumbs into the divots of Punz’s hips, Punz squeals falling into uncharacteristically loud laughter thrashing beneath Dream! “EEP AHAHA NAHAHA NOHOHO DRHEHHAHHAAMMM AHAHHAA FRIHIHICKK!”
Dream smiles delight in his eyes. “What’s the matter Punzo can’t take a couple little hip tickles, hmm? Too ticklish here? Need to give up?”
Dream nods slowly, slightly surprised and decides maybe it’s time to go with his idea he had earlier and just hope his guess is right. He stops and climbs off Punz’s thighs and prepares to go down towards his ankles, but just as he gets there Punz pulls his legs up and despite still giggling residually from ghost tickles, he tackles Dream. He sits on his waist, his back to Dream's legs beside his arms.
“Dihhiddnntt ehehxxppehehcctt thihisss did you Dreamie?”
Dream is suspended in slight surprise as he tries to feign confidence. “W-whatever- I’m not gonna give in”
Punz snickers gleefully. “Oh, you say that now Dreamie, but just wait!”
Dream expects to just feel squeezes, or maybe even scratches and pinches on his thighs, but is thrown for a loop when his left thigh gets squeezes and his stomach receives scratches!
He lets out a screech from surprise and ticklishness agony, immediately jerking around beneath Punz for freedom. “AAHH AHHAHAHA NOHOHO NOHOHONONONO THIHISSS IHIHISSS SOHOHO NAHAHTTT FHAHHAIHIHRRR!”
Punz laughs evilly. “Is anything ever fair about a tickle fight? All you gotta do is say two little words, Dreamie, and this can all be over..”
Dream shakes his head through his hysterics. “NOHOHO IHIHI RHEHHEFFUHUSSEHEHE!”
Punz shrugs, “Okay then time to up the ante.”
He moves his hand in Dream's thigh to focus on the inner part of it, managing to dip a finger into Dream's belly button at the same time! Dream shrieks and at first all he can think is how it tickles so much. His arms flailing at the sensations, but then his brain starts working trying to figure a way to turn the tables on him, when he realizes Punz’s feet are right next to him. If he can just get his arms under control and take him by surprise…
He manages to wrench his arms from waving around with a heap of self control. Punz doesn’t think much of it, figuring he’s grabbing onto his hair or his shirt to try and focus on anything but the tickling feeling, but he jumps letting out a shriek when suddenly he feels a scribbling feeling on his feet! “AAEEH DRHEHEHHHAHAHAMMM NOHOHO!”
Dream's eyes glint with satisfaction as he laughs meanly through his hysterics. “AHAH IHIHI KNNEHEHWW IHIT IHIHI KNOHOHIW HOHOWW TOHOHO WIHIHINN!”
Dream begins focusing towards Punz’s toes, and despite the socks, it’s still super super tickly. Punz loses it, having to get off Dream and pull his legs away to escape the feeling. But before he can wrench his feet away fully, Dream - still giggling wildly - grabs his ankles trapping them in a head lock his back facing Punz. “Any last words Punzie? Maybe you wanna go ahead and give up, hmm?”
Punz is giggling residually still, his face is flushed from laughter and flusteredness, but he shakes his head ever so stubborn. “Dohoho yoourrr wohohrrsstt!”
Dream whistles softly. “Oh you shouldn’t have said that…”
He gives Punz’s feet a good quick scirbble to keep him guessing, and then quickly changes so he’s sitting on his ankles, thus making both his hands free to tickle both feet!
Punz shrieked at the scribble and his eyes widened when he tried to move his legs and found they barely budged. “AAEEH NONONONO DREAM PLEASE!”
Dream smirks, something wicked-like. “You said to do my worst, so I’m gonna do it! Tckle, tickle, Punz~”
He wastes no time slipping his socks off, one hand scribbling on his right sole and the other scribbling under his toes! A sharp gasp is heard before Punz lets out a scream. “AAAHHH NONONONOHOHO NOHO TEHAHAASSIHIHNGG FRIHICKK NAHAHATT THEHERRHEHEHE NOHOHTT AHHATT THEHEH SAHHAMNEHEHE TIHIHIMEHEH AHAHHAAHA”
Dream smiles. “You know what you have to do for this to end, buddy~”
Punz debates sassing back, and even attempting to sit up and scribble at Dream's ribs, maybe even get a raspberry on his neck. But as Dream targets under his pinky toe and his arch, as well as teasing verbally again, he lets out another shriek and finally cracks. “AAEEEH OHOHOKKAHAHYY OHOHOKKAHHAYY IHIHI GIHIVVEHEHE IHIHI GIHIVVEHEHE YOOUU WIHIHINN!”
Dream tickles just a second longer before getting up. Punz quickly pulls his feet and legs in to rub them on the carpet, attempting to dispel the ghost tickles but it doesn’t work as the fuzzy carpet tickles him instead. He’s forced to just sit there for a minute until the feelings leave…
Bad giggles softly. “Wow Punz, never would’ve expected you to have such ticklish feet!”
Dream looks at him all mischief gone, instead replaced with gentle care. “You good, Punz?”
Punz nods softly as he slips his socks back on, lightly glaring at Bad. "Yea, I’m good, just…um, they’re really bad and I didn’t expect you to go after my bare feet and… shut it Bad, or I’ll go after your hips and armpits!”
Dream laughs, throwing his head back and Bad quickly shuts up bashfully. “Well, you did tell me to do my worst…”
Punz rolls his eyes, “Yeaa I did I guess…”
Dream helps Punz up and they go to their respective teams. Karl smiles brightly cheering ecstatically, “WOO THREE POINTS FOR TEAM TWO WE WIN!”
The rest of Team Two cheer! Hugging and high fiving one another in glee. Team One roll their eyes with smiles on their faces, not truly upset with the loss. Quackity says, “That.. uh- that was surprisingly fun."
Everyone nods and murmurs in agreement and Dream is next to speak. “Yeah. This has been really fun, maybe… maybe we should do it again in the future sometime? We could invite a few more friends over for it.”
Again everyone voices their agreement, and Sapnap pipes up. “Alright, I'm sure everyone's just as wiped out as I am, who’s hungry?”
A chorus of 'me's' rings out and he nods. “Wanna order some pizzas?”
At their collective nods of agreement, Sapnap grins. “Okay then… Dream's paying!”
He runs off to order before Dream can argue, and boy does he have something to say about it. “WHAT!?! NO WAY GET BACK HERE I AM NOT PAYING- SAPNAP!”
He chases after Sapnap, and there’s a burst of laughter from the remaining people in the room. And so that’s the end of an interesting but very fun day!
The end
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sunb0rn · 1 year
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haahhaa. de. ang ganda ehh :(( if may pagkakataon ako mag impulse buy, bilhin ko agad to pagka kita palang. buti nalang wala akong pera kaya wala ako karapatan. HAHAA.
napapa isip na din ako na ito ang bilhin instead of Chucks kasoo nasa plan na kasi yon na nga lang muna bago mag dunks or js. iniisip ko itry ko nalang to pag ipunan?? >pero parang mas madali na yung pera pang Chucks ay dito nalang tas yun ang pag ipunan ko ahhhk, mas mura Chucks at it limited stock sa reseller. baka nga ubos na to ngayon<
hays. id have the money naman sana kaso nasa pautangan pa yung spare ko. sadlife.
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dappersautismcreature · 9 months
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