#had to look at it for 45 minutes like is this a scam ?? hello ??
judesstfrancis · 2 years
no fucking way I just found the diamond select crow statue my mom and I have been looking at for YEARS for 46 dollars down from 160 on walmart dot com
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whatevermywpis · 1 year
: ̗̀➛𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐈 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭. : ̗̀➛𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪
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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Fluff
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: Unnämed.
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff.
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞: On.
𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞: Oneshot.
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬: They/Them.
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: First date?
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐎𝐂 𝐔𝐧𝐧ä𝐦𝐞𝐝
Dirty plates on the sink, messy bedroom, this was definitely your apartment alright. It was definitely different from how you remembered it… what happened last night? Suddenly a phone rang on the counter, you hesitated after seeing the number but something tells you to pick up the phone.
“Hello..?” It was… quiet on the other side. “Look it’s early in the morning and I don’t think a scam call would save me the headache”
“Who said anything about a scam call, wait, don’t tell me you didn’t save my number?” Realization hits you like a train as you recognized who’s voice it was. “It make me kinda sad..”
“…It’s 5:30 in the morning…” an awkward silence prologue. “So what the special occasion?”
“Nothing much, I was just wondering if you’re free for the day.” Looking back at your schedule… you didn’t have much to do.
“Nah I’m pretty free, why’d you ask?” Opening your window, the sun was rising slowly in the horizon, still cold but, you liked this view from your window.
“Well, was thinking on asking you to go out with me?”
“What?!” You just froze then right there on the window, you can’t feel your face from the shock someone in next door shouted a ‘it’s 5:45’.
“You don’t have to it’s just that there was a discount for couples at this place and I didn’t really know how to ask and-“ you didn’t completely follow but a date was still a date. “You know?”
“Sure I’ll go, but don’t get cold feet and leaving me alone.” You kind of stuttered but all you received was their light hearted giggling, it’s only 5 in the morning… why are you already catching butterflies?
“I won’t… I’ll pick you up at six thirty?” You had at most… 40 minutes to prepare, good enough.
“See you then.” You breathed in relief but then your face quickly flushes once more as you hugged your knees to your chest, you’re going on a date.
So you quickly jumped to your feet, and looked through your closet like a madman for the ‘decent outfit’ you almost never use unless it was a special occasion, but what you didn’t notice was the time passing by like water. And then the door knocked…
Spooked out, you looked at the clock and saw the time, it was 6:35… you were nowhere prepared… and so began your ‘panick like bocchi from bocchi the rock’ era. You didn’t even have time to clean the place up due to how busy you were frantically running towards the door before another knocked was heard.
“Good morning- a-are you okay (Y/n)?” Here lies you on the ground, ready for another battle to the death with your lungs.
“S-sorry just outta breath… pheeeeew..” you definitely felt the urge to crawl back into your closet again.
“You didn’t prepare for anything?” You feel like the kid who forgot to make the rice when your mom asked you to do it, shame, guilt…
“I didn’t know what to wear..” so you stood up and welcomed Unnämed inside, you definitely need to pull your life together…
You scratched your head in embarrassment as Unnämed looked around your messy apartment, surprisingly they didn’t look like your disappointed mom (sorry mom.). Instead they dead to your kitchen and looked through your fridge, ‘no need for the make yourself at home’ then.
“What are you doing..?” You looked curiously at them rummaging through your fridge.
“Making breakfast, there’s no rush for now so I thought I’d help out.” U-san said looking guilty. “And I didn’t have breakfast too…”
“Ah, of course but you don’t have to do anything I’ll-“ “No, I can handle a cooking, you look like you have others things to clean too right?” So you begrudgingly left the kitchen, praying that it wouldn’t burn down-
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After awhile you finished cleaning up your small apartment as the smell of pancakes caught your attention, looks like they found the pancake mix. You walked into your small kitchen and found two plates of pancakes and a sink still full of plates plusing a dirty bowl of pancake mix and pan.
“Just in time! I made some pancakes, you didn’t have syrup or honey so I took your vanilla ice cream.” You sat down and stared at the stack of pancake on your table, it looked… really good.
“..No way..” you were a little stunned, not by the pancakes but by the look of U-San in a ‘kiss the cook’ apron. (Don’t mind if I do-)
“Is it… that bad?” You quickly snapped out of your trance and frequently shook your head, U-San looked happy again. “I’m glad… maybe we can go help you get ready next?”
Pancakes were a little burnt but still good, you kinda liked it a lot but what came as a challenge next was your attempt to to keep U-San away from your bedroom, why? Well do you have to let them get to your mess of a closet there? Of course not so that’s why you’ve been stuck in an awkward position where every time U-San tries to open your bedroom door you drag them away.
“Come on! Just a quick look through your closet?” Unnämed said with puppy eyes, but you can’t allow it.
“Yes, WAIT-“ you’ve been fooled by the oldest trick in the book.
You begrudgingly opened your bedroom door and ignoring the fact you had Chinese leftovers on your study table and a board filled with plans, U-San immediately started opening the drawers, this was a bad idea.
“So many… pjs…” you weren’t the type to go out too often so you were big on comfy.
“Ehe… sorry?” U-san seemed to be in deep thought before they grab some clothes, except for a shirt-
“Let’s go to my place, I think I have something that might just help you~” so are you two still going to that arcade or not-
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7 am… you reached their place after a small walk. It was a pretty decent place too, Ah but then again they’re probably living better than you are with their friend group and popularity, who were you in someone else’s eyes.
It was oddly peaceful their place, not exactly clean but still it had a calming vibe to it. Quickly being pushed to the couch you sat there awkwardly as U-San rummaged through their closet for a shirt or something, but wait a minute why do you need to borrow their shirt-
“Here! You can try it out in my bathroom, it’s just right over there~” U-San handed you your clothes and pointed at a room a little further down their bedroom.
“Are you sure I don’t think I can just accept this-“ “(Y/n), it’s fine, besides it’s been a while since we hung out so why not?” You shook your head and took the clothes either way.
Stuck in the cramp bedroom you twist and turned around hanging your clothes, they picked out a pretty decent outfit to say the least. You smiled fondly at the printed borzoi doodle on the shirt.
“I knew I had some taste in fashion~” you shook your head but still gave them a silent agreement.
“I admit it alright? Now when’s our little date starting.” Wasting no time U-San grabbed your hand and took their keys, you left your clothes in the bathroom-
“Starting…now~!” You can’t help but stare at those gleeful blue eyes.
You wonder how you became so lucky to have known them in the first place, because truly you feel like they deserve better than someone like you. You’re even going on a date with them, if you shut down that call earlier… you might have really regret it.
You both walked towards a crossing before they stopped and looked back at you, they looked a bit hesitant.
“(Y/n)-san, I need to ask you something.” You paused for a moment wondering if you did anything wrong before trembling asked them if anything was wrong. “Ah no it’s just that I wanted to hold your hand.”
“Huh-“ you just stood there like a statue as all five of your senses went into fight or flight mode.
“You get lost too easily, the place is pretty big as well so I don’t wanna loose track of you while we’re there.” They spared no time and grabbed your hand, you both quickly rushed through the crowd as their excited laughs were heard.
What was that smell? Oh wait it was the smell of your burning face and the butterflies threatening to eat their way out from your stomach.
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You weren’t sure why they asked you instead of everyone else but now you’re pretty sure you know why, the said place they were taking you out on a date was the newly opened arcade, it was only a few blocks away from your place. The other reason was because it was somewhere deep in the alleyway, not a good place to start a business but really rent is too expensive.
“…This is crazy.” What you didn’t mention though was the fact that this alleyway was a mini China town, so yeah it super crowded.
“I forgot how crowded these places get…” this still was busier than the usual, looks like the opening got to people’s ears and tripled.
“Let’s go?” Still you look back, they nodded as you smiled.
Navigating through the alleyway was no problem for you except for when you’re being squished through the crowd like pancakes, maybe you should have eaten a dumpling for breakfast instead… Eventually you stepped on something, it was a cat, and don’t worry as soon as you felt something wrong you let go, so the cat was okay, but not you fell.
“Careful now.” You braced yourself for the impact yet instead you felt someone’s hand behind your head, as you opened your eyes you realized… you were facing U-san’s chest, yep you’ve been unintentionally kabedonned. “ I didn’t think things would get this messy.”
“So… I’m pretty sure we’re close to the arcade so it’s… fine.” Unnämed slowly moved along with the crowd still holding your hand. “Just a little more.”
Unnämed felt happy, maybe a bit better due to them pulling you out of your comfort zone and you seemed to be enjoying it. Normally they couldn’t even talked to you that much due to your more… reserved nature, but it was such an improvement for them to see you like this.
You were very timid, at least that’s what they think, it could be different for others though… Unnämed liked it whenever you smiled but it was always so hard to grab a hold of it, should they have captured your moments on camera? Their emotions are in a mess, do they like you? Do they see you as a friend? Do they think of you as a sibling? Do you look like them?
“We’re here.” They have a habit, it was something they picked up from your words. “Phew… I hate crowds.”
“Yeah, let’s go have some fun.” You once told them that whenever you get caught up in a problem, you’d close your eyes and stop thinking about it. “Betting that I’m gonna win more prizes than you~”
“Is that a challenge~?” God must have really hated them, because they don’t even know what they could do to help you feel better with all the stress and problems bothering you. “ Well then let’s turn this into our little bet, then, whoever wins more tickets has to do what the other says then.”
“A bit cliche but, I’m willing to take my chances.” In the end, it’ll work out, they’re sure of it…
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So you ended up getting separated… it’s alright you’re in a challenge! No time to waste you started to use the more ‘cheating method’, it was a dinosaur game that makes you throws balls at targets to earn points, the higher the score, the more tickets! Sometimes it’s good to cheat with what you have.
Another game you tried was more of a classic type, whack a mole, you might have accidentally hit the machine too hard but you got your tickets! Feeling like a gambler you tried out the lucky spin, you actually won 500 tickets from it, nice.
You also managed to get a stuffed fireball with a cute face on it, very warm. You haven’t seen Unnämed anywhere, seems like they’re on the upper floors… but then again you two did split out… there’s an hour left before you two meet again for the bet.
Let’s count your finances first, so far you got 652 tickets, 2 fireball plushies, and 1 free lollipop from a kid. Not bad but you still had some coins left for another game, however coincidentally you also met U-San there as well.
“ ah, how many tickets did you get?” You saw them holding a few plushies in their arms as well, you wonder what it would be like to be the plushies-
“Somewhere around 650-ish, how about you?” They nodded, seems like you and them either have a close amount or just behind each other a bit.
“Cool, want a plushie? I accidentally got too much.” Aren’t most of the machines rigged though?? “Here.”
“Oh uh thanks?” You’re still questioning the amount their holding right now after taking three from them.
Apparently you lost… you were short on five tickets, however they don’t know that yet since there’s still an hour left. You have to win another game before losing, you were a competitive person to say the least.
“I wonder how much I’d get from this game…” your eyes caught onto a punching game, how hard you punch it will determine the amount of ticket you get. “Let’s see..”
“Looks like you found an interesting game.” U-San peered over your shoulder, looks like you’ve found yourself in a pickle. “Looks fun!”
“…I’m almost out of coins so this would be my final game.” You had like four coins left, curse the rigged claw machine.
“Oh I also have four coins left too, how about this being our last game before we settle the bet?” Well let’s hope you’re strong enough.
You weren’t, you had a good punch but nope you were still weaker than U-San, you scored 145 psi… but U-San scored 180 psi. Gawd damn it, you didn’t know being weak was a mistake!
“I lost…” you felt your soul leaving your body, Unnämed pat your head with a sympathetic smile as they lead you to the gift exchanging booth.
“There there, don’t worry I’m not gonna make you do something uncomfortable.” That’s what they all say at first! “Okay you might be a bit uncomfortable but you might also be happy?”
Unnämed didn’t know how to console you, it looked like you wanted to win. You were kinda cute pouting so it was kind of a win for them either way. They had around 657 tickets, not including the amount they won from the punching game.
“I don’t know what to exchange… what do you think?” Snapping out of your sulking episode you looked around the counter, nothing caught your eyes yet.
“I’m not sure..” you caught sight of a cute dog plush, it looked like Mephistos. “How about that one?”
“Looks like, Mephistos.” Not like you wanted the plushie but it looked the most decent out of them all.
You both exchanged your tickets and got a few toys, surprisingly U-San gave you the Mephistos plushie, but then again who needs a knock off when you got the real thing.
For the rest of the day you both walked around all of the arcade, looks like you’re trying your best to make them forget the bet you made in a spur of moment. Unnämed knew that but they decided to play along, they’ll just remind you after you both had fun for now.
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The stars flicker under the night sky… it was a new moon that night, it was dark but you didn’t feel so afraid nor lonely. U-San held your hand as you both walked home holding bags of today’s memories, too many stuff to keep but you decided to keep it either way.
“You know… you still haven’t heard of what I want you to do..” you froze in your steps looking nervously at Unnämed.
“Right… so what do you want me to do for you..” you nervously squeeze a fireball plushies with a tag that says ‘squish’.
They haven’t really thought about it either… what do they want them to do? They aren’t so sure but maybe they’ll just test the waters first…
“Go out with me.” The awkward air starts to rise, U-San looks to the ground their face a bit flushed not daring to face them. “It’s a bit sudden but that’s what I want you to do.”
“I’m not sure what you’re implying by that.” They could hear the hesitation in your voice, should they go further? Would this ruin what you both have?
“I…” their voice gets stuck in their throat.
Everything they do… sudden they find it embarrassing, the times where they would spend checking up on you, the times where they would hug you and give you head pats, the times they enjoy seeing your true personality shine through… they suddenly realized maybe they really do like you, but the question still stands… do you like them?
“(Y/n), I really have to ask you this..” they’re afraid, what happens if you only see them as friends? “And please be honest with me.”
“Do you like me? And more than a friend would.. I need to know.” You don’t know what to do or at least how to answer… did they know the answer before hand?
“I do, I’ve always liked you from the moment we meet.” You closed your eyes preparing to be rejected like how you always saw it, who would like someone like you?
“Thank you..” instead you felt them hugging you… you let go of your held breath and pat their back, you felt a single tear running down your face. “I like you a lot, so I hope this means you’ll hear my request?”
“Yeah, let’s go out again soon.”
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𝙾𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛: Fey
𝚁𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚒𝚙𝚝: 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚠𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚎𝚊��� 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎!                                                                                                                                          -𝙰.𝙽𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚋𝚎𝚕~🖤
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raven-frost-21 · 4 years
Can you marry me? Chapter 5 pt 2
She smiled at him as she leaned against the door. “Yeah, I am actually 22. They’re 19. I adopted them a year ago when their parents wouldn’t support them as trans for J and for the use of different pronouns. I got to go, my shift starts in five minutes.”
She waved and shut the door. He quickly checked the number to the list and held in sigh. 15 more to go.
He was done! He smiled and jogged up the stairs to the apartment and burst in. Marinette sat at the counter (the front door is in the kitchen) with a frown as she looked over the records.
“What’s up Nettie?”
She didn’t glance up as she answered. “The tenants of apartment 45. They haven’t paid the rent at all in the two years that they have lived here. And they told me to be careful of you, that you’re a cheater. And the funny thing is, that doesn’t sound like you at all, so the Harpers might just be evicted.”
He paled. ‘It couldn’t be?’ “Roy and Kori Harper?” She nodded.
He groaned and sat down, head hitting the counter with a thunk.
“Former teammates from the Titans. And Kory’s my ex.”
Marinette started to laugh and he looked at her incredulously.
“Get this, They just called the cops on me for extortion and slander!”
She held her phone up and he snorted when he saw the text from one of the tenants on the first floor.
Right as they calmed a sharp knock came to the door. Marinette opened it and two detectives stood there.
“Hello, I’m Detective Sarah Richards. Are you Richard and Marinette Grayson?”
They nodded and she smiled, brown eyes twinkling behind her glasses like Marinette's reading ones.
“Okay so one Kori Anders Harper called saying that you are extorting them claiming to be the owner of the building and that Marinette here is lying by claiming to be married to Richard Grayson former ward of Bruce Wayne.”
The two rolled their eyes in annoyance. “But of course, as they are trying to evade paying what they owe they have been arrested. Both are required to find a new place of residence and all but their personal belongings have been seized to pay you two back.”
Marinette blinked. “How did you do that so fast?”
The woman finally looked up and smiled. “Hi, I’m Sarah, I live on the 4th floor! I just met your lovely husband five minutes before work.”
They burst into laughter and all three ended up on the floor holding their sides while her partner looked down at them with the tired dad look on his face.
“Richards! We have to go!”
Sarah stood up and mock-saluted her partner. “Let’s go then Rogers!”
The two left and the last thing they heard was, “Sarah! For the last time just because my name is Steve and I’m blonde it doesn’t make me Steve Rogers.”
The two snickered at that before Dick got a guilty look on his face. “Crap. Kori and Roy are homeless now, and it’s my fault.”
She snorted and whacked his shoulder. “It’s their fault for acting like they own the building, plus Roy knows Oliver Queen. He’ll be fine.”
Jason hung up with a sigh. He slowly marched from his apartment to his brothers and knocked. The door cracked open immediately and Marinette’s tired eyes peered out. “Hey, can I come in? I know it’s late.” She nodded and the door swung open. Smiling he walked through the kitchen and sat on the couch. Looking around he noticed his brother’s absence. “Where’s Dick?” She smiled softly. “He’s resting. He had a major panic attack a few hours ago and is asleep, he hasn’t slept well in weeks.” He smiled sadly and glanced at the dark bags under her own eyes. “It seems you haven’t either.” She smiled sadly. “The alerts went off. My parents are searching Europe for me.” She set her mug down with a clink and turned to him. “What’s the favor?” (she’s on her chaise, it’s opposite the couch.) “My friends got kicked out of their apartment. Someone scammed the police into thinking they were the owners and the two hadn’t paid the rent.” Her brows furrowed. “Roy and Kori Harper?” He nodded, shocked. “Roy and Kori Harper lived in apartment 45. They hadn’t paid their rent in 2 years, when I went to collect they slammed the door in my face after telling me that they were friends with the owner so it was free and some unsavory lies about Dick.” He blinked shocked. “Oh, so how much did they owe?” “$6,000. I charge $250 a month. Well except for you guys.” He scoffed, “Yeah $150 is cheap.” She smiled and took a sip from her mug. “So, you want to ask if they could stay here as my apartment is the only one with room for two extra people?” He nodded. “Yeah, the answer is no. I don’t appreciate being called a kid, or them lying about my husband. If it was just the kid thing, sure. But I despise liars. How easily they can destroy a life and rip everyone you loved away from you.” Her eyes were distant as she spoke and he had a sinking feeling in his chest. “Princess, why did you run away again?” He didn’t know exactly what he thought she was going to do, but throwing a mug of steaming hot chocolate in his face wasn’t it. (The drink not mug.) He yelled and pressed a hand to his eyes and she squeaked. He heard her moving around and ice was suddenly being pressed against his face. “Sorry! I tripped! I didn’t mean to!” After a few minutes he was able to open his eyes and the pain had diminished. “It’s okay Princess.” She tensed slightly but did nothing so he shrugged it off. “I got to go, patrol.” She nodded and shooed him from the apartment. `` She shut the door behind Jason with a gasp. ‘Princess!’ ‘You BELONG TO ME!’ ‘Lila isn’t hurting anyone!’ ‘We’re getting married, princess!’ She shuddered and forced the memories back, Dick needed her. Something with today had set him off. As she got closer to their room she could hear him thrashing and sobbing. “NO! I DIDN’T MEAN TO! DON’T HATE ME!’ She rushed in and knelt by the bed. Softly she began to sing, “Ay, gene roma,” (They were Gypsies) “roma te rodes,” (As I gypsy I am looking for,) “ay, baxt bari, baxt byari,” (Big Happiness, Big Happiness) “Kay tut te rodes?” (Where are you and I looking for?) “Baxt te amori?” (Is there our happiness?) “Cykav o drom baro,” (Show me the big road) “Drom amenge.” (Our way.) (loose translation, I think it’s romani, it’s what it said it was but it could be romanian) As she neared the end he quieted and stilled. As she finished his arms shot out and wrapped around her, pulling her into bed with him and trapping her partially under him. She wriggled and managed to take her reading glasses off, grateful that she was already dressed for bed when his grip tightened when she shifted away. Smiling she curled up against his chest and breathed deeply enjoying his scent. She fell asleep with a small smile on her face.
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jeonggukingdom · 4 years
splinters of love •  day XVII [myg]
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pairing  ⟶ min yoongi x fem!Reader
summary  ⟶ a collection of drabbles (one for each day of April) based on prompts by an online prompts’ generator site. Specifically  ⟶  • day XVII ↳ in which Yoongi feels lonely and decides to text a random number in search of a friend and you are the one at the other end of the line.
genre  ⟶ fluff, a little tiny bit of crack, a drop of angst
rating  ⟶ G
word count ⟶ 1.832 words
warnings  ⟶ there are mentions of depression the first part of this drabble so if it triggers you, avoid it please! The rest might give you cavities instead so be ware lol
series masterlist  ⟶ here  (links on mobile may not work, if you’re looking for all the works in this series, you can click on the “!splintersoflove” tag and you’ll find them all there!)
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His eyes fix on the world outside his window, the silence of his apartment enveloping him whole.
It’s one of those nights when he feels heavy inside and so desperately alone it is almost hard to breathe.
The sky is black and littered with little shining stars and usually, the sight would soothe his aching heart, put him at peace enough for him to fall asleep like this.
Tonight, though, it feels different.
He yearns for the human touch, the words of affection or even more simply, some company.
But he has none of those because he chose this for himself. He cut ties with everyone in his life, he moved to a city far away from his own and then, he avoided making friends or falling in love, too afraid of his heart being shattered again if he did, just like it happened in the past.
Most of the times, Yoongi is pretty fine with this but there are nights much like this very own that he simply cannot rest, cannot function knowing how flat, lonely and simply sad his life is.
On nights like these, he wonders if he really made the right choice, if it really worked to keep his heart to himself and save it from other people. After all, isn’t his heart aching still?
His fingers quiver as he picks up his phone to seek refuge in the distraction of social media in whatever form available but even that feels suffocating tonight.
Everyone looks happy or in love or surrounded by friends or maybe it just does because he yearns for these things, so much so he cannot see through the cracks, through the lies reflected into pictures online that reflect only a fraction of the reality surrounding someone else’s life.
He heaves out a sigh, closes his eyes and then opens them again to fix them on his screen. He doesn’t know why he does it but, in an instant, he’s putting in a random string of numbers onto his phone and sending it the most basic and stupid text he has ever sent in his entire life.
[3:05 AM] Unknown: Hello
Your phone chimes and you grunt, twist under your covers and reluctantly open your eyes to see who would text you at this ungodly hour.
Your brows furrow at the unknown number displayed on the screen and you would normally toss your phone away and never think about the text ever again but, quite frankly, you are pissed.
This person, whoever that is, woke you up from your deep slumber for absolutely no reason. Oh, you are feral.
[3:05 AM] You: Do you have any idea what time it is???
Yoongi’s mouth opens as he stares at the screen. Not only he actually managed to input an existent number but the person behind the screen actually responded.
His heart is beating frantically in his chest, his breath turning laboured as he sits up on his bed, wets his lips and with trembling fingers, types down his response.
[3:06 AM] Unknown: Yes, fuck, sorry. I… I didn’t think someone would actually respond.
You look at your phone with your mouth agape. Is this person high or something?
You shake your head, close your eyes and try to get back to sleep but after a few minutes, you have to accept the fact that now, you are fully awake and this nuthead is to blame for it.
[3:15 AM] You: Who the hell are you? Do I know you?
Yoongi thought his luck had already run out when you didn’t respond in the next two minutes or so. He had let himself fall back on his bed, trained his eyes on the world outside and just sighed in defeat.
His heart almost jumps out of his chest as his phone chimes and even without looking, he knows it must be you because, pitifully enough, nobody else would text him and especially not at this ungodly hour.
He bites his bottom lip, scratches the uncombed top of his head almost as if you were in front of him, scrutinizing him, judging him and his mop of mint hair.
[3:16 AM] Unknown: No, we don’t know each other… Honestly, I was feeling lonely and I tried to text a random number and I really didn’t think anyone would receive it let alone answer it…
You look at your phone, blinking a few times as if by doing that the words written there will change but, obviously, they don’t and before you know it you are laughing at the absurdity of it all.
Should you believe this stranger? Or is this some type of scam of some sort that you are simply too-sleep-deprived to see through? What if this is a stalker or something?
Against your better judgment, you text them back.
[3:19 AM] You: You are crazy.
Yoongi laughs at the text, nods his head a couple of times in agreement because honestly, who in their right mind texts a random stranger in the night seeking for company? Nobody.
Well, apparently, him.
[3:19 AM] You: Well, I don’t think I’m going to fall asleep anytime soon thanks to you so…What’s your name?
He blinks a few times, baffled by the fact that you are still playing along, giving him the attention he was yearning for so easily… he wonders if you are a teenager or something, naive and unaware of the dangerous world outside.
[3:20 AM] Unknown: Yoongi… yours?
[3:20 AM] You: ________.
[3:20 AM] You: Crap, should have used a fake name… are you a creep or something?
[3:21 AM] Yoongi: Would I tell you if I were, though? Lol
[3:21 AM] You: You may have a point, lonely stranger. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to trust you… but just so you know I own a taser and I’m not afraid to use it.
Yoongi laughs at your words and he fails to notice how his heart grows bigger in his chest, how the smile is permanent on his lips as he is talking to you. He fails to notice how his body relaxes naturally the longer he text you like this, gets to know you a tad bit more.
This random stranger… You feel impossible to him, like a dream and that’s why he wants to keep this moment closer, cherish it while it lasts so that it can soothe his loneliness, placate his rattled mind even if it’s just for one night.
You talk and talk and it’s weird but natural at the same time and he barely notices how the sky switches from black to bright orange and later, into cerulean blue because the entire time, his eyes are fixed on the screen, on you.
[6:55 AM] You: Lonely boy, you have officially kept me awake the entire night… I’m gonna be a zombie at work thanks to you ç.ç
[6:55 AM] Yoongi: Oh, I didn’t notice it was so late already
[6:56 AM] Yoongi: I’m sorry? XD
[6:57 AM] You: What a sincere apology -.-”
[6:57 AM] Yoongi: I don’t have much else to offer, you know? Ahah
[6:58 AM] You: Well, shouldn’t you at least try to make it up to me???
[6:58 AM] Yoongi: Ok, how do you suggest I do that, exactly?
[6:59 AM] You: I don’t know, just figure it out, lol
Yoongi bites his bottom lip, his heart beating really fast in his chest while he feels absolutely euphoric, delirious even but also incredibly stupid because what is all of this?
What the hell is he even doing? Throwing outside the window all of his precautions as if they meant nothing before last night?
With the sun up in the sky rationality seeps back in, shakes him from the bubble he had been living in the entire night and just like that, he wavers.
[7:30 AM] You: Woah, you thinking that hard about it? I was half-kidding anyways, you know?
His silence feels weird. Which is odd because you’ve spoken for what, three hours and you already miss him? It feels absolutely nuts, just as much as last night does now as you get out of your pajamas and slip on your work clothes for another day at the office.
[7:45 AM] You: You passed out or something? Well, I gotta go to work… it was fun talking to you.
The hours pass and he doesn’t text you back. Not in two hours, not in four, not in six and you don’t even know why you care so damn much but a little tiny part of you wonders what might have scared him away when he was the one seeking the company in the first place.
You exhale loudly as you close the door behind your back, get yourself out of those damn heels and simply relax on your couch while sipping on a glass of red wine, your favourite.
Just then, your phone chimes.
[9:10 PM] Yoongi: Hey…
[9:10 PM] You: Ring the bells, he lives!
[9:10 PM] Yoongi: Sorry for disappearing… I… had a lot on my mind.
[9:11 PM] You: You don’t have to justify yourself with me, Yoongi-ssi. We don’t even know each other.
He grimaces at your words because stupidly enough, it feels like you do know each other. Hell, he is certain you know him more than anyone else in his life as of now does which is of course extremely sad but nonetheless the utter truth.
Your words sting but he knows they are somewhat true to you and that he deserves them.
He crashed into your life uninvited and then disappeared just as fast.
He had made up his mind that he was going to let all of this go early this morning but now, he wavers again and before he can stop himself, he does something he would have never imagined.
[9:13 PM] Yoongi: I’d love to change that, though. I know this might sound crazy and you’re free to say no of course but… I’d like to meet you. Like, in person.
A small smile stretches on your lips as you open the picture he sent you last night. He looked adorable under his white covers with his tangled hair, sleepy eyes and pouty lips and you had immediately tried to ignore the way your heart rate increased just a little bit while looking at his selfie.
You also tried to ignore how it started beating even faster when he called you cute when you sent one in return but now, as you look back at his photo, you can’t ignore any of those signs and before you can stop and think about what you’re doing, your fingers tap on the screen your response.
[9:15 PM] You: Thought you’d never ask, lonely boy.
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Copyright © 2020 by jeonggukingdom. All rights reserved. Do not repost, do not steal, do not translate without consent.
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k-pop-imagines · 5 years
Aurora || Chapter 1
> Aurora Masterlist <
Pairing: Park Seonghwa x OC
Story summary:  Following her parents’ divorce, Yeseul moves to Seoul with her mother. Leaving behind half of your family at the other end of the world isn’t pleasant but now she is finally able to follow her dreams of becoming a singer. It’s a difficult road and falling in love on the way doesn’t necessarily make it easier…
Word Count: 1.2k Warnings: none 
A/N: So, I just said ‘fuck it’ and decided to post the first chapter. Seonghwa doesn’t show up until the next chapter, by the way. I hope you enjoy what I’ve come up with so far! 
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-> surprise, astonishment
“Thank you, sir! Have a nice evening!” Hwang Yeseul said with a bright smile on her face. As soon as the customer left through the door and she was once again alone in the tiny convenience store, she plopped down on a chair behind the counter. She sent a quick glance around the room to make sure everything was still in order and place before reaching for her phone. 9:45 pm, 15 minutes left on her shift. 
The young woman swiftly checked a few messages from her friends, opting to answer them after she got off. She’d gotten a few invitations to go out to a party which she’d have to decline. It was a Friday night and it wasn’t that Yeseul hated partying. Sure, she wasn’t what you’d call a party animal either but she did enjoy a night out once in a while, especially with the right company. Tonight, however, she was just too tired. The owner of the store she worked at was sick with the flu and due to the lack of employees the small business had, she had spent most of the day running the store all on her own. She couldn’t wait for her co-worker to come in and relieve her from her shift. 
Exactly at 10 pm, said person came shuffling through the door. Jinwoo, a university student who had been working at the store for only a few weeks longer than Yeseul, looked like he wasn’t exactly thrilled about getting the night shift. Throughout the whole week, at least once a day, he had excitedly mentioned his plans to go clubbing with his best friends. It would have been the first time in ages for him as he had finally finished all of his exams for the semester but now he was stuck at work. She would have gladly taken the night shift but the owner didn’t let her, saying someone so young and fragile like her shouldn’t be working alone at such hours.  
Despite his frustration, Jinwoo gave her a tired smile and a small bow as he laid his eyes on her. He immediately went towards a fridge in the back and grabbed an energy drink while she gathered her belongings and got ready to leave. “Noona, thank you for taking care of the store for so long, make sure to get some rest.”
“I will, Jinwoo. Take care, okay? And call me if something’s wrong!”
With a wave, she exited the store and stepped into the cold night air. The streets were completely empty, except for a delivery man on a moped who almost ran her over. She secured the scarf around her neck as the wind picked up when suddenly her phone buzzed in the pocket of her coat. Yeseul took it out and checked the display only to see a number she didn’t recognize. She contemplated for a second whether she should pick up a call from an unknown number, it might just be a scam call and she usually had a hard time turning down these people because she hated being mean to people just doing their job. But then she remembered that she was actually expecting an important call so there was no way she could ignore it. 
“Hello?” “Hello, am I talking to Hwang Yeseul?” a male voice spoke. “Yes, that’s me, how can I help you?” “My name is Kang Haejun. I am a manager at KQ Entertainment.” 
She stopped dead in her tracks. This was the call she had been desperately waiting for. The man continued: “First of all, I’m very sorry for the late call. We had to fit in an important meeting. Anyway, we have reviewed your original audition tape and the recordings of your second audition at our agency last week. I’ll just be blunt: We want you to become one of our trainees, when can you begin?”
Yeseul took a few seconds to collect her thoughts, forgetting to breathe in the process. She couldn’t believe her ears. This was really happening. She stammered for a second as soon as she found her voice before she remembered that the person on the other end was expecting a coherent response soon. 
“Whenever you want me and allow me to, sir. I’m fairly flexible.” “Wonderful! We’d like you to come to the agency at 8 am tomorrow to discuss the contract, your training will start in the afternoon. Is that alright with you?” “More than alright, thank you very much!”
The call ended. Yeseul stared at her phone’s display for a good minute, processing the conversation that had just taken place. Then, she squealed and allowed herself to jump from excitement, knowing no one would be watching at this time of the day in an empty alleyway. 
She made it! She actually got accepted! The hard part was only starting now but she’d already gotten one step closer to fulfilling her dream. 
She didn’t live too far from the store she worked at part-time, so she started walking again, even picking up her speed until she was almost sprinting, desperate get home and share the news.
As soon as she entered the small apartment, she was hit with the smell of dinner. Her mother was in the kitchen, apparently making Kimchi stew, as she guessed from the scent. Yeseul went over to her, leaning against the door frame and trying to play things cool. She soon failed, however, as she couldn’t keep a proud smile off her face.
“Now, what’s up with you? I haven’t seen you this happy in a while,” her mother mentioned, an eyebrow raised questioningly. “Did something happen?” “Oh, nothing special happened.” Yeseul went over to the cupboard, getting out dishes to set the table. “I just may or may not have gotten accepted into KQ Entertainment.” She heard the chopsticks clink as her mother set them down to look at her with widened eyes. There was a smile on her face but also a hint of worry in her eyes.
A sigh left the young girl’s mouth at the reaction. “I know you’re worried, mom...It’s a small agency and I might not even get to debut. But I want to make this work, I have to. This is my dream.” 
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for you, I really am. It’s my duty as your mother to be worried but I will support you nevertheless. I trust you. So, when are you starting?”
“Training starts in the afternoon but they want me to come in the morning to talk about the contract.” “Then let’s eat and after that, you should go to sleep immediately! You don’t want to show up with circles under your eyes, do you?” Yeseul playfully rolled her eyes at the teasing words. 
After dinner, her mother gave her a tight hug and a kiss on the forehead before sending her to bed, just like a child. 
Sleep didn’t find her easily, that night. Yeseul’s thoughts kept racing as she kept wondering and worrying about the next day. She was finally beginning her journey and her feelings were a mix of excitement and anxiety. ‘You’ll be fine’, she kept telling herself in an effort to calm her nerves but in the end, it took her a few hours to fall into a dreamless sleep. 
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blastberrydragon · 4 years
MagiTech Institute of Art -Chapter 1
Tyler walked up the concrete steps and pushed open the double doors to the plain-looking admission's building for MagiTech Institute of Art. A rush of cold air and the smell of commercial cleaners filled his lungs as he braced himself to approach the stern-looking Asian lady seated at the front desk.
"Oh! You must be Tyler Risky! You look just like your father! Is your mom here with you?" She said warmly as she walked around her desk to greet him.
Tyler stopped mid-step, 'You knew my father?"
"Oh yes, he went to school here at the same time I did. He was a sophomore when I was a junior"
She leads Tyler to a small sitting area in the corner, keeping up the small talk, "Would you like something to drink? Where's your mother?"
"Some water would be nice; she's dropping off my little sister at a friend's house," Tyler responded while accepting the glass of water, "I'm sorry, but I never got your name?"
"Oh, sorry, I'm Ai; I run admissions for the university," she responded as she ambled over to the reception desk.
"Let's get you started on some paperwork while we wait for your mother," She called as she rifled through one desk drawer before moving on to the next one.
"This might take a while, our receptionist just stepped out for lunch. Jame's is the one who knows where everything is"
"New student files are in the top drawer in order of expected arrival for the day. An electronic copy is made, and papers get filed alphabetically with the rest of student records after the paperwork is filled out." A large dark man called as he strolled back out.
"Hello, I'm James! I would love to stay and chat, but I just cam back for my wallet", the man introduced himself.
"I can handle filing the paperwork after lunch if you leave it on top of my desk!" he called over his shoulder as he walked back out.
"Here we go!" Ai handed Tyler the paperwork, "Fill this out, and I can take you and your mother through orientation after you finish. Sometimes I wish that we could admit students all at the same time. Still, the rolling start dates allow us to welcome more unconventional students."
Tyler filled out paperwork for about 15 minutes before his mom walked into the office.
"Ai! It's been so long since I've seen you! I'm here to go through orientation with my son Tyler Riksy."
"Suzzy! I haven't seen you in forever, your son is right behind you. Such a nice young man, you did a good job raising him."
"If your paperwork is done, Tyler, you and your mother can follow me into my office."
"The paperwork is done, ma'am. Hi, mama," Tyler said, walking over to hug his mother.
"Let's get this started, shall we? The orientation room is right this way." Ai lead way through a door in the back of the reception area.
Tyler walked into a grey conference room, except for the floor-to-ceiling windows on the far side overlooking the rows of servers that seemed to stretch so impossibly far.
"Welcome to the MagiTech Institute of Art, but more importantly, welcome to your birthright," Ai proclaimed as she guided Tyler to a seat facing the windows.  A sense of vertigo overwhelmed Tyler as he tried to focus on the servers.
"What?" Forces itself out of Tyler's mouth. He's sure he's misheard, birthright? Who uses the word birthright anymore? Did Ai mean he's a legacy because of Dad?
Tyler looks over to his mother, trying to figure out what going on. His mother beams at him with barely contained excitement.
"Oh, I had hoped you would take after your father. Keeping it a secret after you got admitted was so difficult," Suzzy rambled. "I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I?"
"Just a little, but most parents do. Tyler, your mother, is excited because by finding and completing the application to the school, you proved to have the innate ability to perform magic." Ai explained. Tyler stared incredulously at Ai and his mama, wondering what type of cult he'd gotten himself into and how to get out without causing a scene.
"And this is the part where you think we are delusional, and we have to prove it to you so you'll listen to the explanation," Ai says teasingly with a smirk on her face.
"So what do you think this is? Cult, drugs, hallucination, dream, multilevel marketing scam?" Tyler's mama asked him.
"Um, a cult?" Tyler responded. Questions raced through his head. Did cults acknowledge their cult status during orientation? What was happening to his mama? What do the servers have to do with magic?
"I can assure you that the school endorses no particular religion, but how about we start with a video explanation and a demonstration? I can answer any questions you'll have afterward," Ai said. She walked over to the screen at the end of the conference room and pressing play on the laptop connected to it.
"Welcome to the MagiTech Institute of Art and the world of magic" came blaring out of the speakers as scenes of students in classrooms played on the screen.
"Before we begin with the history of the school, let us go further back and discuss the history of magic. Magic was discovered by many cultures across the world at different times. We'll generalize the method in which magic was found by most peoples, although exceptions do exist.
Usually, the first people discover the use of magic within a culture could only do minor things with the ability. Light a fire a little faster, prevent food spoilage for an extra day or move a little quieter during a hunt.
Eventually, most cultures discovered that physical objects can enhance a person's magical ability. These objects were usually a form of artwork, sculpture, painting, and pottery were frequently used. Now they can walk through a crowd unnoticed, increase harvest yields by 10%, or better the odds of someone surviving an illness.
So it remained for hundreds of years until science came along and with it better, more reliable methods of ensuring a more abundant harvest or preventing disease. Magic use started to die out kept alive only by individuals looking to preserve their cultural heritage.
In 1972 a research study into the cross-cultural similarities in magic use was conducted. The paper never made it past peer-review, but the individuals who participated in the study, 200 of them, organized a convention of sorts. During the conference, it was discovered that many magic systems use physical objects to enhance their practice. After a bit of tinkering by a few programmers present, it was found that computers could strengthen the connection between objects and magic. An informal group was formed, and work began to design a supercomputer to enhance magic use.
This eventually gave rise to the MagiTechs, a group of people who have created, updated, and maintained the mainframe for the last 48 years. The mainframe is a supercomputer that came from those early efforts. Any magic-user can access  the mainframe to enhance their magical practice."
Ai hits pause on the video "Do you have any questions before we get to the school's history?"
"Am I just supposed to believe in magic just because you said so?" Tyler says as he fidgets with keys. He glanced at the doors, wondering if he could convince his mother to leave with him.
"Not yet, we haven't really provided any proof. We do expect that our students be intelligent enough to ask for proof and examine it themselves," AI responded.
"We can do the demonstration now or after we cover the school's history, which would you prefer?"
"The demonstration now, please," Tyler responds, hoping to get this over quickly.
Anxious thought swirled around his head. I wish I had been more suspicious of the application. Rolling admission & start dates so I could finish working with Mrs. May on adding an art section to the bookstore? Need-based scholarships? Only 45 minutes away from mama and my little sister Jane? It was too good to be true.
"Ok, I'm going to give you a piece of clay and a laptop. The laptop is connected to the mainframe and will enhance your magic as you work it through the clay. Think of the one thing that would convince you that magic is real as you work the clay. Keep in mind that magic isn't limitless and try to keep it to something that can happen inside this room," Ai instructed.
Tyler turned on the laptop and started messing with the clay. His mind wandered to the many instances of magic users flying in popular culture. Superheroes flying through the sky loomed in his mind's eye as he worked the pattern of an updraft into the clay. Witches on a broomstick as he stretched the earth upwards. Levitating genies as a broad platform formed at the top of the sculpture.
"Tyler, honey, look down," his mother asked him.
Tyler opened his eyes and looked around the room. Everything, including Ai and his mother where floating 2-3 inches above the surface under them. Tyler looked down and found that he was hovering over the seat of his chair, and the chair itself was floating a few inches above the floor.
"I thought magic was supposed to be grander," Tyler mumbled.
"That's a common misconception, a tall tale if you will. Magic has always been limited to small things, and you are untrained. With training, you might be able to levitate everything in this room up to a foot or a single object 7-8 feet." Ai explained.
"Ok, so why all the secrecy? Why not just tell people? Why did Dad hide it?" Tyler asked.
"Well, most parents hide it from their children since there's no guarantee that children will inherit the ability. There were several cases of non-wielding children growing resentful and jealous of parents or siblings that did have the ability. Coupled with children's' habit of telling everyone everything, it's become customary to let children find their ability by themselves. There's no official rule that requires discretion, you can tell anyone you want. Most of us don't tell anyone except our partners because outside society is a bit judgemental about magic," Ai explained.
"I almost stopped speaking to your father when he told me, I thought he had either joined a cult or was planning on becoming a stage magician.  I didn't know which would've been worse. I came around eventually," Tyler's mom said, grinning.
"Ok, I'm not fully convinced, but I'm willing to listen" Tyler replied
"Good, that's all we ask for, I'm going to keep going with the video, and we can cover any other questions after" So said as she pressed play.
"While the use of objects to channel magic is mostly something that could be passed down from generation to generation or from master to apprentice, the involvement of technology marked a need for a specialized school. The MagiTech Institute of Art was founded in 1974 with 3 areas of focus, technology, art, or magic history. More areas of focus have been added as the school has grown. However, students still spend the first 2 years at the school, focusing on these 3 areas.
The main campus began to be built shortly after the formation of the school. It was designed to be accessible to as many magic wielders as possible.
The school has been designed to be accessed through 73 different properties scattered around the world to better serve students. All of these properties will lead students, guests, or staff onto the main campus. All others see only the admissions building disguised as an unremarkable office building. 3 more entrances to the school are planned to come online by 2023.
The main campus of the school exists partially between all these locations and the mainframe.
We hope you will join us as a student and start your journey to becoming a MagiTech." The screen went black as the video ended.
"Ok, what does staying here, entail? Do I get to go home to see my family? What are the rules about visitors?" Tyler asked.
"We ask that all first-year students live in the dormitories, but there's no curfew. You are free to leave campus just like you would be at another University. Visitors need to be approved to come on campus. Staying here entails that you attend classes, obtain passing grades, and follow the rules set out in the student handbook," Ai said.
"Ok, if I agree to this, can I drop out if it's not a good fit?"
"While we hope students don't drop out, it does occasionally happen. We have a more generic description of classes for those who wish to transfer to a more traditional university."
"Ok. I'll stay. What happens next?" Tyler asks.
" We'll get you an access card, and assign you to another student who will show you around for the first few days. Your mom can drop off your stuff at the lobby of your dorm room on her way out," Ai said.
Ai led Tyler into a new glass-clad building. Once inside, they traveled through a few well-lit hallways cluttered with art before coming to a stop in front of an art studio with several students inside.
"Hello, everyone! Where's Alby? He's going to be Tyler's orientation person," Ai calls out.
"Alby's in the bathroom, he should be right back. Hi Tyler! Long time no see!" A guy in the back corner called Diego answers. Diego was small-framed with bright pink hair blending into purple roots. Warm brown skin crinkled around his eyes as he smiled at Tyler.
"Do you two know each other?" Ai asks.
*We went to high school together," they both respond.
"Tyler, would you mind if Diego introduces you to Alby? I'm running a bit late."
"Not at all, it would be nice to talk to him for a bit."
"Wonderful! Drop by my office if you need anything or want to chat" AI called over her shoulder.
"So, what's this place like Diego?"
"It's amazing! The classes are fantastic, the people super friendly, and you won't need to worry about people being assholes because they think you're gay," Diego answered.
"I'm not gay," Tyler responded, a well-worn joke between them. "I'm.."
"One of those no homo dude bros, I'm assuming." Interrupted a handsome person with beautifully painted eyes and a delicate mouth. Bleached white hair fell into their eyes, and a tank top reveling buff arms completed the look.
"I'm Alby, I go by they/them and I don't tolerate bullies."
"Umm, hi? I'm Tyler, I think you are the person assigned to show me around?"
"Yep. Get your stuff. I'll take you to your dorm room and pick you up for dinner after you unpack." Alby called over their shoulder as they stalked out of the room.
Tyler chased after them, catching up as they stepped out of the building into a tree-shaded courtyard dotted with chairs and tables. The wide-open grassy space was surrounded but other buildings. Tyler spotted students studying at the tables and hanging out with friends.
"Here's a map of the school and do try to keep up," Alby snarled, pushing a crumpled piece of paper into Tyler's hands.
Tyler trailed after them, bewildered as to what he had done to get off on such a wrong note. Maybe it was the polo shirt? Did it make him look like frat bro? He was just trying to look put together for orientation. Tyler resolved to ask Alby what his issue was when he managed to catch up to him and raced after him into a large brick building.
Alby stopped abruptly in front of a door in a corridor plain wood doors that left Tyler with an impression of the vague uneasiness of gazing upon the mainframe. " This is your dorm. I'll be back in an hour." Alby spat out as they turned on their heel and started to march away.
"Wait, Alb,y! What did I do to make you this angry this fast?" Tyler shouted at Alby's back.
"Clearly, you're one of those straight people that feel so fucking threatened by any queer person they have to let everyone know that their straight and not one of those people" Alby ground out.
"I'm pansexual?" Tyler responded, disconcerted.
"I don't care... Wait, what? But you told Diego you weren't gay?" Alby faltered.
"Oh, that's a joke we had in our high school LGBT club about people erasing the identity of anyone who isn't strictly gay. I mean, the name itself was pretty exclusionary, you know? Gay Coalition? But the school would barely let us have that," Tyler rambled.
"Oh, I fucked up," Alby muttered as they leaned heavily against the wall, "I fucked up bad. I thought you were homophobic, one of those guys that need to protest even the hint that they're not masculine enough. So you know Diego?"
"Yeah, we went to high school together, he graduated a year before I did."
"Well, if Diego thinks your cool, I guess I should give you a chance. Sorry for being an asshole." Alby mumbled to the ground.
"Don't worry about it. So this is my dorm?" Tyler asked hesitantly.
"Sure is, walk-in, and you should meet your new roommate. I'm going to turn in a paper, and  I'll be back in a bit to take you to dinner." Alby replied, grinning.
"Um, Alby? How do I get in?" Tyler asked.
"It recognizes your student ID; press it on the door, it should let you in."
"Ok awesome! I'll see you in a bit for dinner!" Tyler called scrambled to get his ID out of his backpack.
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bgn846 · 6 years
Wrong Number - A FFXV Fic
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17446100  In case you don’t want to read via Tumblr.
Hearing a strange noise Noct sat up straighter on the sofa and paused the video game he was playing.  Then he heard it again, a shrill ringing sound coming from the kitchen.  Debating about whether to ignore it or not he finally put down the game controller and got up to investigate.
At first thinking that Ignis had left a timer going Noct was surprised to discover the horrid ringing was coming from a phone secured to the wall.
A real phone.
One with a curly cord coming out of it and everything, the prince had assumed this piece of molded plastic was merely part of the decoration.  It had never been used to his knowledge, no one had the number.  It was for emergencies or something of that nature.
He would later regret his decision but on a whim he picked up the handle and said ‘hello’.
A brisk male voice answered him back. “Sir, this is the Insomnian Internal Revenue Service calling to alert you that there is a warrant out for your arrest due to unpaid taxes.  If you wish to avoid immediate jail time we will need you to provide payment right now.  The authorities have already been alerted and are on their way.”
Noct was at a loss for words.  What the hell was happening?  “How did you get this number?” He quickly asked trying to buy time.
“Sir your arrest warrant had all of the contact details.  Are you able to find a form of payment right now?”
“You don’t have an arrest warrant.” Noct chided quickly.
“Sir this is serious, if you are unable to provide payment right now over the phone I won’t be able to cancel the warrant.”
There had to be a mistake.  Did he even pay taxes, he was the government!   Surely Ignis would have gotten wind of something this egregious way before he got a phone call about it.  
“Sir are you still there?” The man questioned.
“Uh – hold on.” Noct stammered.  He needed to distract the man so he could call Ignis on his cell phone.
“The best way to settle the balance is to give us your bank account routing number.”
“Let me grab my wallet can you hold on?” he tried again hoping the guy would give him a minute.
“Certainly, we suggest you hurry sir, the authorities have been called.”
“Yeah you mentioned that already.”  Noct retorted as he started frantically searching for his phone.  Shit. Where the hell was it?  Gods it was still on the sofa!  Without thinking he ran back into the living room and yelled when the kitchen phone violently yanked out of his hand.  Stupid cord, who ever thought that was a good design decision should be shot!
Stricken with indecision Noct straddled the entrance to the kitchen trying to figure out if he should pick up the phone or grab his cell first.  Hearing a faint voice on the telephone receiver as it rocked on the tile floor of the kitchen kicked his brain into gear and he ran into the living room for his cellphone.
Scrambling back a moment later he scooped the phone up off the floor and hoped the guy would still be there. “Hello, you there? Sorry I dropped the phone.”
“Of course sir, do you have the bank routing information?”  He questioned.
Ok this was complicated what hell was that? He asked the guy to hold on again and he quickly tried calling Ignis on his cell.  It rang five times and went to voice mail.  Damn it!  He immediately called again but the same thing happened.  
Shooting off a text instead requesting Ignis call him right away he tried Gladio next.  He would know if they were coming to arrest him.  He was part of the crownsguard!
Gladio’s cell phone didn’t even ring, it went straight to voicemail. What the hell what were his advisor and shield doing?  He needed them!
“Sir?” The man on the phone asked again with a hint of irritation.
“Yeah I’m here.  What?”
“The routing number sir did you find it?”
“Can you tell me where it is?”
“It will be on the bottom left of a check, sir.”
A check – did Noct even have access to a check.  Did he pay bills?   Maybe that was way the IIRS was after him.  “Ahhh what does a check look like?”
The man on the other end of the line sighed heavily and Noct was sure if he was there in person it would have included an eye roll.  “It would be a slip of paper from your checkbook sir.”
“Ok. Let me check.” Noct went to try Ignis again and noticed he had a text from the advisor.  It was useless.  ‘I’m working late like we discussed, I have no indication of an emergency at your apartment.  Please confirm you are alright.’  
Sighing he wrote back. ‘I’m safe for now but the IIRS is after me the cops are coming right now!’  Then he tried calling Gladio again.  Nothing.  
He got a text back almost immediately.  ‘As I have stated there are no alerts associated with your apartment.  Please let me get back to work.’
Six! Ignis wasn’t going to help him, Gladio was busy.  He had no choice left but to turn to Prompto.  The man from the phone suddenly distracted him again by asking if he was still there.
“Sir did you have any luck finding a check?”
“Um still looking, give me a minute.”
Texting Prompto quickly he told his best friend he was being arrested soon unless he could find a check.  Trying to sound busy he started banging things around in the kitchen so the guy on the phone would think he was looking for this check.
“Sir if you are unable to find a check we can also take credit card.” The man offered after a minute.
Oh.  Noct knew he had that!  “What kind of credit card?”
“Any of them sir, go ahead and give me the number.”
Patting his pockets Noct realized his wallet was in the other room.   Not again! He put the phone down on the counter this time as he ran into the living room.  Coming back he sighed relieved that this would hopefully solve the problem.
“Uh I have my wallet right here let me see which card to use.”  He responded as he began rifling through the personal item.  Where was his card?  Suddenly a memory came flooding back to him. Ignis telling him the card was expiring and that the need to get him a new one.   So that meant no card either.  He was so screwed.
Desperation was taking over at this point and his cellphone ringing made him pause.  It was Prompto!  He answered while trying to balance the kitchen phone in-between his neck and ear.    
“Buddy, I need help!” He whispered into his cell.
“Noct, are you on the phone with someone?”
“Yeah the IIRS, I need help --.”
Prompto cut him off and practically yelled.  “Just hang up the phone Noct it’s a scam!”
“But they said they have an arrest warrant out for me!”
“Noct!  Hang up the godsdamned phone!” His friend shouted again.
The man from the IIRS spoke up once more. “Sir if you are unable to pay the taxes owed on this account associated with phone number 45-59752 I will have no choice but to request the authorities arrest you on site.”
Noct almost dropped the phone when the man finished. Right there in front of him taped to the phone and written in Ignis’ perfect script was the number for the kitchen phone.  It didn’t match.  They had called the wrong number!
He slammed the phone down on the receiver so hard it sounded like it cracked.
“NOCT!” Prompto yelled. “Are you still there? Did you hang up?”
“Huh --  Yeah I’m here.  That was a close call, they had the wrong number.”
“Dude, it’s a scam!  Wrong number or not!  You didn’t give them any information did you?” He asked worriedly.
“No, I couldn’t find any checks and I didn’t have my credit card on me.”  He answered with a sigh.
“Oh Emm Gee Noct, please promise me you will never give out information like that over the phone.  The IIRS doesn’t call they only send letters.”  
“Ok.  Are you sure it was a scam, they said --.”
Prompto interjected again. “That they were coming to arrest you and the only way to make it stop was to give them money.”
“Yeah!  How did you know?”
“Because it’s a scam I get those calls all the time. No one ever shows up to arrest me.  Trust me buddy.  Just relax and enjoy your evening.”
“Fine.” The prince huffed. “But it was scary.”
“It’s meant to be, just get some rest and forget about it.”
The call ended and Noct took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves.  He was never going to touch that phone again let alone answer it.
Ignis’ phone rang a few hours after his text messages from Noct.  It was Gladio and since he had just finished with work he picked up.
“Hey I missed a call from Noct, everything okay?  I was relaxing at home with a good book and didn’t realize my phone had died.”
“As far as I know, he called and texted me earlier about the IIRS being after him.  I don’t know what kind of video games he was playing tonight but I think they are doing more harm than good.”
“But you talked to him and he was ok?”
“I texted and he told me he was alright.  He thought he was getting arrested but I knew that was untrue.” Ignis paused for a moment. “Do you think his lack of vegetables is negatively affecting his brain?”
Gladio laughed. “Nah, he’s just Noct.  Drop me a text after you check on him tonight.  It’ll make me feel better to know he’s really alright.”
“Certainly, I’m on my way over there right now.” 
The apartment was dark when Ignis used his key in the front door.   The place was absolutely devoid of any sound.  He was starting to get worried and called out to Noct once he shuffled into the living room.
Suddenly there was movement in the dark space, a lump on the sofa had moved.  “Iggy?”  The voice was muffled but it was Noct.
Flicking on the light switch Ignis could see a flash of midnight black hair sticking out from a pile of blankets on the sofa.  “Noct are you alright?”
“The IIRS weren’t waiting outside were they?”
Sighing and rolling his eyes Ignis answered. “Highness, the IIRS sends letters they do not make house calls.”  
The prince responded by groaning loudly and retreating further into the blanket cocoon.  “So I’m safe?”
“Noct, of course you are.  I told you I checked when we texted earlier.  I won’t let the IIRS get you.”
“Thanks Specs.” He mumbled.  “Um do you think you could stay the night just in case?”
Ignis knew he would lose this battle if he tried to leave.  Why not have a movie marathon and try to get Noct’s mind off the IIRS.  Maybe he could get him to eat a carrot while he was recovering!
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lunaxstudies-blog · 6 years
Spontaneous Q&A
Hello Darlings! It is currently 9:31Pm where I am right now and I apologize for not posting. I have just been working my ass off with school and work. 
I figured today I can do a spontaneous Q&A. I found these random questions in my notes on my phone so I don't remember where I got these questions from, but if anyone finds the original post, tag them please! Feel free to answer these questions in the notes below!
(1) Do You 💤 With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed?  
I sleep with the doors closed to keep in all the cold air in and for some reason I also feel safer. (I also cover my vanity because I get scared of it at night).
(2) Do You Have Freckles?
I have only one freckle on my left check 
(3) Can You Whistle?
I can actually whistle the Spongebob whistle that’s at the end of the theme song...so yes.
(4) Last Song You Listened To. 
Can I be Him by James Arthur
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour?
Blue and Yellow 
(6) Relationship Status.
Um is mayonaise a relationship status?
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now?
Currently 54 degrees
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky?
Nope I woke up pretty happy 
(9) How Many Followers?
7 lol. I’m new
(10) Zodiac Sign.
Aries baby
(11) What Is Your Eye Colour?
Dude my eyes are legit so dark they look black.
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily?
who is she?
(13) Do You Sing In The 🚿?
when no one is home for sure
(14) What 📚 Are You Reading?
The Martian
(15) Grab The 📓 Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14.
“ ‘Dad,’ I said with a hint of warning in my voice. ” (source: Artemis by Andy Weir)
(16) Favourite Anime?
The Seven Deadly Sins
(17) Last Person You 😢 In Front Of?
My best friend’s brother
(18) Do You Collect Anything?
movie tickets
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch?
(20) Do You Dance In The 🚗?
baby...I perform
(21) Favourite Animal?
(22) Do You Watch The Olympics? 
Sometimes. My favorite part would be watching gymnastics
(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To 🛏️?
currently it is 9:44 pm when I’m typing this and I usually fall asleep at 2 so sleep who?
(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now?
yes and I'm going to do a mask in a few minutes.
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean?
I love swimming in the pool. I love swimming in the ocean too, but I get freaked out by the seaweed. 
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog?
(27) Bottled 🚰 Or Tap 🚰?
tap baby. Bottled water is a scam.
(28) What Makes You Happy?
music, the ocean, laughing.
(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now.
Tumblr media
(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without 🎶?
with music, specifically instrumental.
(31) Dogs Or Cats?
(32) If You Were A 🖍️ What Colour Would You Be?
Crayola Sunshine Sprite
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox.
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean?
The Ocean
(35) Do You Believe In Magic?
(36) What Colour 👕 Are You Wearing?
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue?
hell yea baby.
(38) Do You Save 💰 Or Spend It?
both. I spend it when I have enough to buy two of things.
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You?
my pink chapstick.
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now?
I’m obsessed with Enamel Pins.
(41) Have You Ever Caught A 🦋?
I have contained a caterpillar and watching it grow into a butterfly for a project. I released it once I was done. 
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People?
No, not really because I like to do things myself. 
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams?
Yes, I do and sometimes it scares me and I think about it all day. 
(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes?
I don't like going on planes over water.
(45) Name One Movie That Made You 😭.
Me Before You
(46) 🥜 Or 🌻 Seeds?
Sunflower seeds.
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be? 
(48) Are You A Picky Eater?
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper?
I can sleep for days baby.
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning?
no I freaking love them baby.
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write?
(52) Do You Like Your 🎶 Loud?
hell yea.
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents?
wrap presents.
(54) Put Your 🎶 On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up?
Breathin’ by Ariana Grande.
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather)
(56)What Are You Craving Right Now?
I want cheese fries. 
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed.
Tumblr media
(58) What Is Your Gender?
(59) Coffee Or Tea?
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About?
I have to read a couple chapters and write an assignment on it.
(61) What Is Your Sexuality?
(62) Do You Make Your 🛏️ In The Morning?
sometimes, but mostly no because it downs really get messed up.
(63) Favorite Pokemon?
(64) Favorite Social Media?
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories?
its literally the same as snapchat.
(66) Do You Get Homesick?
(67) Are You A Virgin?
(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now?
(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To 💤 For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or 💤 In Your 🚗 For Free?
In the car baby.
(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life?
yes they are physically, but mentally not there all the time.
(71)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To 👀 In Theaters?
I want to watch A Star is Born with Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper
(72) Do You Miss Your Ex?
(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?
“I’m not lazy, I just like to do the least.” by Bretman Rock
(74)  What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest?
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A 👶? Do You Still Get 🙌 When You 👀 A Swing Set?
hell yes. I turn into an instant kid as soon as I see a swing.
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate?
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your 📱?
Minecraft, Marvel Contest of Champions, Tetris, High School Story
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not?
Yes because they are human too. Just because they are homeless does not mean they do not deserve to live.
(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight?
Yes, but not today.
(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network?
tbh: everyone has 
(81) Do You Like Meeting New People?
yes and no because I like meeting new people, but the whole socializing thing is nerve wracking. I’m a straight-up omnivert.
(82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them.
(83) Do You 💤 With Your Bedroom 🚪 Open Or Closed?
(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today?
(85) What Do You Wear To 🛏️?
literally anything I'm comfy in
(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now.
thats a lot of products man. I have a lot of makeup, but I don’t wear that much makeup in my mind.
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person? 
night person.
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your 📱, Console Etc.
Black ops III, fortnite, Minecraft, tomb raider, madden 18, GTAV etc.
(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened.
Um... I can't remember?
(90) Favourite Soda Drink?
its between ginger ale and Mountain Dew Baja blast.
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite?
instruments especially the piano, guitar, ukulele, saxophone. I also like the sounds of the waves crashing, thunder and lightning, and the clicking of keyboards. 
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More?
Neither. I wear leggings all day everyday.
(93) How Do You Look Right Now?
a hot mess. 
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You.
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want?
I want one of a crescent moon
(96) Favourite YouTuber?
Zane Hijazi BABY
That’t it for today by darlings... talk to you mañana
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allenmendezsr · 5 years
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I'm looking for a job in the insurance industry and curious what company offers the best potential for a good income? over six figures the first year is my target and looking to pursue sales.
Repayment of my health insurance premiums?
I received a letter in the mail a week ago, and can't locate it now. It was explaining as to how there is a government program in place to reinburse for health insurance premiums paid if someone in your household gets NC Medicaid? Anyone know about this as for the life of me I can't put my hands on the letter. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks.""
Which are the cheapest car to insurance in Canada?
Hello: Planing to buy a car, but I will considered a car that is cheaper to insure, any suggestion? Thank you in advanced""
Are local insurance companies better than global ones?
I moved to salt lake city not long ago and I m looking to insure my motorcycle for the summer but so far every websites I tried online have prices and monthly rates that are very expansive !! Does anyone know if it is best to get insured with a local insurance company or a big one like progressive ???
""I am 21, and have been driving since I was 16. How much will my insurance be?
My parents always paid for my insurance (dont hate) and now I want to use the car for a courier service. How much do you think my insurance will cost me?
""Toyota celica, my first car?""
so im getting a 2004 toyota celica gts as my first car and im wondering how much my insurance will go up just by having this kind of car and being a teenage male? also what color is best, i cant decide between silver or black. i love black cars but i think the celica looks great in silver too. are black cars really a pain to have to clean all the time and which would look best? and does anyone know if they are well built cars""
Why have my health insurance premiums increase 72% over the last few months?
I received a letter a few months ago that my premiums would be increasing due to the ACA. I never thought they would increase by 72%. I thought President Obama said our premiums would decrease dramatically. Full coverage + Vision and dental 31/m non smoker (very healthy and active) Haven't been to the doctor in years Golden Rule United Healthcare Premiums a few months ago $193 per month $35 co pay $1500 deductible Premium starting next month $267 w/ same co pay and deductible WTF? I make roughly $2200 a month before taxes and fail to see how this is affordable.
Cheap car insurance in north london?!?
Hi. any advice on cheap car insurance living in north London for a 18 year old female. I am getting ridiculous quotes. Any advise appreciated Thank you.
I want to take a used car home from the dealer but I have no car insurance or insurance card...?
What do I have to do to make this possible? I'm trying to take this used car home for the night and drive it around but I have no insurance card.... I have a license..but no car insurance and all the salesman is asking is for my insurance card. What do I need to do to get around this?
Cover for drivers not named on the car's insurance?
Hi there I'm selling my car to a colleague's daughter, and because they live about 50 miles away I told him he could drive it home, and see whether his daughter would be interested in it. I once heard that if a person drove a car that didn't have their name on the insurance, they could still be insured up to 3rd party if they personally had insurance for other vehicles. Is that true? Ta v much""
Does Bupa insurance cover child birth in USA?
Does Bupa insurance cover child birth in USA? and what is the steps for that?
Where can I get affordable health insurance?
I am a full time college student, and my school offers insurance, but it is expensive. I need basic health care to cover doctors visits, specialist visits, and x rays. The main reason I need coverage is that my back is messed up from a car accident about a year and a half ago and I can't take the pain anymore. I went to my states website and the insurance they offer is currently not accepting applications. I have looked at tons of sites online, but so far am having no luck. Any advice would be appreciated.""
Dental Insurance question?
On my dental insurance card, I have a primary care dentist listed on it. Does this mean that I must go to this dentist in order to have the insurance pay for my appointments or can I go to any dentist that accepts my insurance without having to switch my primary care dentist and still receive the insurance benefits? Will the insurance cover less if I don't go to the primary care dentist? Thanks!""
Where can I find affordable comprehensive dental insurance?
I don't just the preventative ones but ones that also cover root canals etc to an extent and don't over charge for nitrous oxide - one company had fee of 45 per 15 minutes ? I ruled them out Any ideas or tips greatly appreciated
Why is my home insurance quote so high?
I am buying a home next month and have been shopping for home insurance. The cheapest premium I've been quoted is 1,800/year. I have done research and it seems most people pay 600-1000/year. I have never owned a home (so no claims) and I have never used my renters insurance to file a claim. I'm 26 with a 710 credit score. The home is 2300sqft and I am asking for 250,000 in coverage. I even raised the deductibles to see if that would lower it, which it didn't really make a huge difference. Any ideas?""
How does car insurance work? (also whats better buying a car vs leasing)?
well im 16 right now. planning to save up till 18 and buy a car. my first question is, how does car insurance work? i know you have to pay monthly and depending on each car its different but would car insurance be cheaper when the car is leased? or when its bought? also i know each car depreciates alot every year. at first i was thinking of leasing it but now im not sure. can someone tell me what would be a better choice on the long run?""
How much would insurance for 2009 Ford Focus be? Estimate?
I'm wondering how much insurance would cost for the 2009 Ford Focus for a 17 year old girl be? I want to buy a 2009 Ford Focus when I turn 17 not this coming up January but next. Oh and prices of how much the car costs would be nice too. Thanks!
Will my parent's car insurance go up if I get my drivers license?
Ok I am 17 years old and will turn 18 soon. I have a lerners permit at the moment. My parents have Geico auto insurance and they will not let me get my drivers license because they said their rates would go up as long as I live at home and they can't afford to pay for my insurance. I called geico and they said it would go up,and they asked me what vehicle I would be driving. I told them that I don't have a car, and they said you have to be assigned to a car as a 'part time driver'. But the problem is, I don't need a car right now, I can drive a motorcycle. In the state of florida, motorcycle insurance is not required, but a class e drivers license is required to operate the motorcycle. So if I get my drivers license, why should my parents car insurance go up if I were to drive a motorcycle that does not require insurance at all?""
Help solve my High Car Insurance problem...?
Thanks everyone for your valuable opinions. I just purchased an '07 black Toyota Yaris with about 24 k miles. I am a 20 yr old male living in Texas. Well my insurance went sky high from my last vehichle, an old '90 clunker Geo. It went from like 100 and something to like 350! I have Farmers Insurance. What are my options on things to do??? The title of the car is in my name. I pretty much do not have any credit. My mom happened to mention something about changing the title over into her or my grandma's name...and then she could add me as a driver to her insurance. I really don't know, the situation is very confusing. Please help me know my options, I can't afford this! P.S. All insurance companies will charge me about the same givin my age, etc.""
Who is the cheapest car insurance in USA ?
Ihave finicial problem right now ipay for six month liability $ 300 it us too much for me is there any body knows less than that price iget please let me know?
apia travel insurance quote
apia travel insurance quote
How to reduce my insurance price?
I have been trying to find insurance as I will be 17 next year and have decided on a car I would like which is a Peugeot 206 2001 y reg and every time I use a comparison site I get quoted 4 grand or it says their insurers cannot provide insurance. Please help :(
What can I do for health insurance for my child and myself?
I am contemplating quitting my job, which offers health insurance, to open a home business. I have been slowly building up my business and it's getting to the point where I have to either decide to quit my full-time job or stop developing my business. I have the potential to make much more with my own business than I do at my current job. Before I make the decision to quit my job, I am researching my options about health insurance, which is very important to me because my daughter has special needs and I do not want to jeopardize her health in any way. I also don't want to get myself into a tricky situation where I end up bankrupt because I get sick and don't have health insurance. I have contemplated taking COBRA after quitting my job, however that is very costly. My boyfriend and I toyed with the idea of him putting me on his health insurance as a domestic partner, but my daughter would not be included in that. We live in Minnesota and I'm wondering if MinnesotaCare would be an option for us, at least to tide us over until I can afford to purchase health insurance or my boyfriend and I get married and my daughter and I can go on his plan. However, I did read that to qualify for MinnesotaCare you must not have had insurance for the last 4 months and that's not a gamble I want to take. My daughter is already on TEFRA (MN disability health insurance) so I am wondering if she was dropped from my plan if TEFRA would cover her 100 percent. My worry about that is if another group health plan wouldn't accept her pre-existing conditions going forward because she would be off a group plan for more than 62 days. Does anyone have any ideas about affordable health insurance options that I should look into? Or know more about the HIPAA laws? And before someone suggests calling the state for information...I have and I'm waiting for a call back. Thanks!""
""I'm just wondering, is there anyone here who can't get health insurance?""
If you do have it, how do you get it? and if you don't have it, why not? Spiritually speaking, of course""
Insurance or Laywers Office??
Insurance or laywer payout? Not sure what to do at this stage. Insurers are willing to compensate me for a fall. Am getting conflicting advice. Some say go to laywer for sure, insurance will rip me off. Others say don't go to laywer as they will take a chunk of your compensation and you may be left with far less than the insurance offer. In general which one do you think accept, laywer or insurer""
""I am buying a used innova car, will the car insurance be in my name?
The car is having a loan of Rs 350000/- & i am planing to take over the loan. But if any thing happens to the car in the loan period will the insurance company pay to me or the owner who has made the insurance.
Auto insurance limits of liability ?
How high should I reasonably set my liability limits. From what I can tell my current Auto policy limits are $25k and $50k. That seems a bit low to me. My friend said he has $100k and $300k. What do you suggest. We are an average income family, and currently drive and Escalade ESV, and a G35 coupe(Nothing like living beyond your means, you only get one shot at this thing right?).""
What happens when your employment insurance ends?
i am receiving regular benefits at the moment because i got laid-off but i want to know what happens when it ends..can i still apply for another one since i submitted only one record of employment to service Ontario but i have records of employment from my previous work can i use that one to claim another?
Can you buy/insure a car without a drivers license?
My bf and I are buying another car in November, which will be for my use when I get my full license (I currently only have my G1.) I would like to have it registered and insured in my name. Am I able to do this when I get the car or do I have to put it in his name and change it over when I get my full license? I live in Ontario. Thanks in advance.""
Can you buy multiple life insurance policies?
If one had a whole life insurance policy valued at $1M, and through a life settlement company sold it for $455K; could you essentially use those same funds to purchase another life insurance such as a universal life insurance policy for $1M?""
Do i Need Car Insurance?
If i drive my moms car and the car has insurance and my parents both do and i don't have my own and i get in a accident or get pulled over. what will happen to me and my parents? and also i am 16 and just got my license. my parents have AAA insurance and we live in Michigan. My parents do not want to add me on the policy, so can i still drive the car or can i get in big trouble?""
How much is the average car insurance if I'm 18?
How much is the average car insurance if I'm 18?
How much control does the government have over malpractice insurance policies?
Does our government determine the guidelines for malpractice insurance or is this strictly up to the Insurance companies and the states?
How much rental car insurance do I actually need?
I don't have stateside auto insurance. We are military living overseas. Renting a car in Hawaii and don't want to spend a fortune in rental car insurance but want to be covered.
Cheapest Auto Insurance Humanly Possible?
I am a college student living on campus and want to have a car but will not be driving it much at all. I am just looking for the most basic and least expensive auto insurance I can find. I am 19 with no tickets or accidents yada yada yada. Where can I find some cheap coverage?
Cheap on insurance motorcycles?
im looking for a sporty bike that wont kill me on insurance (only 22 yrs old). something that looks like a kawasaki ninja, or honda cbr. thanks""
Insurance: Possible to change title by deed poll to make insurance prices cheaper?
Insurance: Possible to change title by deed poll to make insurance prices cheaper? Im currently Mr X but if i changed my title by deed poll (UK) i would be Miss X and this makes my insurance more than 50% cheeper for my car? Think its possible and/or worth it?
""Modified Car, Insurance?""
I am a new driver and interested in buying a renault clio, however it has two things that might class it as being modified, lexus lights and a renault clio sport exaust. Would this affect insurance much, and is it worth not telling the insurance company about it?""
""How long, on average, does it take to learn to drive an automatic in the UK?""
I'm a US citizen, with a US driving licence. I've relocated to the UK recently, and need to learn to drive fast! I don't want to drive on my US licence cos the insurance costs too much. I've never driven a stick shift and think learning in an automatic will be easier. As I'm already used to driving an automatic and just need to learn the UK roads, how long do you think this will take? Anyone got any experience of this? Thanks for replies in advance !""
UK QUESTION classic bike insurance online?
What would you say is the best,in other words cheapest bike insurance places online for me in the uk. ebike just quoted me 74 quid was hoping for insurance for about 50 to be honest""
What is the average cost of health insurance for an infant/family plan?
What is the average cost of health insurance for an infant/family plan?
Insurance or Laywers Office??
Insurance or laywer payout? Not sure what to do at this stage. Insurers are willing to compensate me for a fall. Am getting conflicting advice. Some say go to laywer for sure, insurance will rip me off. Others say don't go to laywer as they will take a chunk of your compensation and you may be left with far less than the insurance offer. In general which one do you think accept, laywer or insurer""
Best car insurance for my children while they're at university?
My two children (aged 20 and 18) have gone to university this year. They've left their car (VW Polo) at home. What is the best way to insure this car now? It's only getting used when they pop home, and a bit more over Christmas and Easter, probably summer too. However I can't find any insurance that will take this into account. I've got my own car, so theirs is just sitting there for 8 or 9 months out of the year. Does anybody know of any insurance providers that will insure a car while taking this into account?""
Raise car insurance price?
I recently got a speeding ticket for $198. I've only been pulled over twice, once in 2006 and then this current occasion. I'm a college student and I'm very short on money and I'm unsure as to what to do. I've already saved $100 and when I get paid again, I'll save the remaining amount. However, I hadn't thought about traffic school just because it's about $30 for the class and then an additional $10 to get the certification sent to me and by that point, it'll be close to 30 days and I have to mail the ticket and payment out since I was pulled over in a different county. And, it would end up costing me more money in the end. I'd receive 4 points on my license without taking traffic school. How bad is 4 points? Will the points make my car insurance go up? What's the best thing to do in this situation?""
Insurance Cost Estimate For 16 Year Old With Sports Car?
How much would it cost to insure a 16 year old on Geico with a sports car compared to a sedan or something of that nature? To be more specific, what would be the average change in ...show more""
Can you have two different insurance policies on one car?
I am buying a car from my friend and I will have it paid off in August and the insurance will be in his name til August but I want to know if I can go ahead and get insurance in my name on the car in July while insurance is still goin to be on the car in his name as well. Is this possible?
apia travel insurance quote
apia travel insurance quote
Does your insurance go up?
If you park in a bus stop zone, in NYC, and get a ticket. Does your car insurance go up? What happens? I paid it off right away in like 2 hours, will there be something else?""
Where can i get cheap insurance?
I Would like to get a new auto insurance, where can i find cheap insurance? Thanks in advance""
Honda city - 4 wheeler insurance -?
for a new honda city 2012 model, what will be the yearly insurance for it. for 31 yr old with 2 yrs of 4 wheeler driving record how to shop for cheap 4 wheeler insurance...and what to look for while buying it this is in chennai -""
Car insurance for new driver?
I recently bought a car, its brand new but I don't own it yet I financied it so I don't have the title of the car yet. I was wondering if it would be easier and cheaper for me to go on my mom's insurance or should I get my own? I am 19 and girl I've only been driving for about 2 years and i got in an accident which was my fault in which I received a ticket but I am going to traffic school at the end of the month to get it off my record. Please help me! Any info on the sugject would be great!""
How would a company issue a W-2 to an employee for short term disability?
Is there a 1099 form that we can fill out for taxed disability? The insurance company will not issue the employee a W-2 because we are a small business. Thank you for any help!
Motorcycle insurance rate estimation?
I want basic liability insurance for a lower cc Honda Phantom, 700 cc tops. I am a 21 year old male who committed a DUI 2.5 years ago and is now alcohol-free. For that reason, I feel ...show more""
How much for Health Insurance?
I am turning 18 in 4 months. I am most likely going to be moving back with my father. I am currently under my mother's health insurance but it's only for certain doctors and I will be living in a different state as her, so I will need to get my own health insurance. How much would it be for Health Insurance for me. I have diabetes so I need to get it. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.""
Are we still to be free enough to decide we don't want health insurance?
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=4235304 Scary, no? And it was, believe it or not, worse to watch the absolute calmness in which she declared willingness to decide this type of thing for us. If I don't want health insurance, or if I have enough $$$ to pay cash up front for all my bills, I don't want someone telling me I have to spend my money on their program. It's bad enough they spend my tax money stupidly, now this? What say you all?""
To HOLD a California Drivers License is it required to have insurance?
Argument with a coworker
Car insurance?
Ok, cheap me has been trying to find a second hand car (Opel corsa). Found one I might like at about 29k with a mileage of 167k on Carfind. Tried to get an eQuote from First for women - (I'm still waiting). Anyone could suggest any other reasonable insurance companies I could try? Or do any of you know how much I would be paying for insurance, just an estimate. Would also love some help with any other cars (preferably Opel corsa) at reasonable rates. Looking between 20-35k and no more than R800p/m. If anyone has info please contact me by email. Thank you PS: I'm in Johannesburg (Northen Suburbs)""
How much is insurance for a motorbike?
I am 18 years old, own a 125cc 2011 brand new honda cbr, currently m1 license holder. Live in the suburbs, so not a lot of traffic. That's all the info I can think of that's relvent. So can anyone with information tell me how much insurance might cost a month?""
Is there a way to decrease my Car insurance coverage?
i recently just bought a 2004 jaguar x-type for 12,800 with warranty included.payments is 250 a month.but car insurance is 480 a month! is there something is there a way of avoiding paying that much pay that much in car insurance..im 21 and i would like to no if i really need my car to be fully covered or can i just put the car in under there coverage. Plus i don't have the best driving record.""
What does insurance loss mean?
I am doing a project on insurance loss ratings, but I do not know what they mean. If I said a Grand Vitara SUV had an insurance loss rating of 119, what would that mean from the point of view of the insurance company?""
Which is the best childrens' insurance plans?
Please detail about both unit linked & regular insurance plans.
Please help first time traffic ticket In California?
So i got a ticket for no. Insurance on november and in the mail a citation of 859.00 due by dec. 10 dont have the money but i got insurance now..whats going to happen in court im very scared :/
How much does driving test cost in the uk and insurance for a 17 year old?
how much does driving test cost in the uk and insurance for a 17 year old and how many driving lessons should i take ?
Retiring at 62 need health insurance?
I live in Florida, work at Walmart. How can I get health insurance if I retire at age 62?""
What is an average cost of IUI without insurance?
What is an average cost of IUI without insurance and what is the success rate?
What car would be more expensive on insurance a impala or a charger?
What car would be more expensive on insurance a impala or a charger?
How much will insurance be for me per month for a used nissan 350z yr 2003-2004?(full coverage)?
I am 19yrs old and this will be my first car. My credit score is 662 and I work full time earning 9$ an hr for 2 yrs now. Will insurance be a lot for me? How much averagly? 200? 300? 400$? I need to know before I buy it from the dealer... thanks!
Is classic car insurance cheaper?
thinking about buying 1967 Camaro and was wondering if it was my primary vehicle would the car ins. be cheaper? Anyone know?
Can a car insurance company make up points on your license?
So in early march my apartment was raided for pot, and a 1/2 gram was found. I was convicted of possession of marijuana and as part of Michigan's driving laws even if the incident did not occur in a car your license is restricted for 6 months. Yesterday my mother (the insurance for the whole family is in her name) received a notice that i had 8 points on my license and my insurance rates would be raised. Confused about this i went to Sec of State and in fact found out that i have no points. I called Memic and explained this to them, they informed me that they do not use actual points, they use their system of points. For example OUID is a 6 point offense but they count it as 8 points. Passing a stopped school bus (which as far as i can tell is no points) they view as 8 points. My question is, can they do this? We are switching insurances next month due to cheaper rates but this seems like a shady business practice to me. Thanks for ur time!!! -Pat""
Question about Car Insurance Rates?
I'm 17 years old, and had my drivers license for about 2 months. Insurance rates are crazy high for me right now. I want to know how long will it take for the rates to lower? I have Allstate right now, but it might change, and I live in Florida if it affects anything. Thanks""
How much will my insurance go down if i am on my dads policy ?
Hi i have just passed my test and obviously looking to get a car, i will be most probably having a friends car as he is getting a new one, its a 1.6 W reg Citroen saxo, if i have my own insurance (third party only) its around 3500.00 which is well out of my price range, if i did go on to my dads or moms policy, how much less would it be roughly, my dad lives in a nice area but did lose his licence for 3 months a few years back, my mom lives in a mediocre area but has no points and no history of any problems, i am 19 and i work as a clerical officer if that helps at all :S""
Insurance Company sent me 2 checks?
So I recently got rear ended and the other party was at fault. I went to the appraiser that the all state agent had directed me to and had my car appraised. When I got my car appraised the appraiser wrote me a check then and there for the damages . Today I got a phone call from the insurance agent asking if my mailing address was correct and that they were going to mail me out a check for the damages that their appraiser had estimated. She never asked me once if I had already received a check for the damages.The appraiser made some kind of contact with allstate but I guess he never stated that he already had written me a check. Is it a crime if I cash both checks?
apia travel insurance quote
apia travel insurance quote
Do I need to switch car insurance for being out of state temperaily? Am I still covered?
I have car insurance in Florida, but I'm going to be going to school in New Jersey for probably for 2 years. Do I need to switch my car insurance or will I still be covered under FL rates? My DL has my Florida address and my car is registered in Florida. I plan on going back, so what should I do? Thanks (I'm with State Farm BTW)""
Which older cars are group 1 0r 2 insurance?
i need to buy a new car as i now have 1 0r 2 points im only looking at paying about 500 pound but i need something really low insurance as its costing me a small fortune
What happens if u get caught driving alone on a permit in California?
So last night, I was stupid enough to go out and get food on my permit around 8pm alone. I also forgot to turn on my headlights, I thought I turned them on but apparently I only turned on my parking lights. And I got pulled over, he gave me a ticket for 12500(a) cvc for unlicensed driver, and 24250 cvc for driving with no headlights at night. I wasn't driving bad, I just didn't have my headlights on. I have to show up to court next month, what is going to happen?... I live in California. Thanks. AND JUST WONDERING, WILL IT SHOW UP AS A POINT ON MY RECORD? AND HOW MUCH WILL THE INSURANCE RISE?""
Is health care in the US affordable to everyone?
If not, then why is so many people opposed to free universal health care like in France, UK, etc? How many of you can pay $100 doctor visits or (god forbid) $500,000 surgeries, not counting expensive prescriptions?""
How much is the insurance for a business property (15000 sq ft)?
what is the average quote? it doesnt need to be exact
How much would the nissan altima coupe's insurance cost per year?
Prescott Valley, AZ""
Need Health Insurance Advice: Colorado?
Question I had a shoulder injury while weight lifting last November. I recently graduated and my school's health insurance is going to end soon, and I need health insurance to help pay for a possible MRI/surgery down the road. Or even more PT. I don't have much experience with health insurance because I never get sick or had injuries before so I need advice on what to look for in the policy. Do health insurance generally allow pre-existing shoulder injuries to be covered?""
""If i get a speeding ticket, will i receive a notice from insurance?
So i got a speeding ticket in CA. I got the ticket in the mail and payed it and am now going to traffic school so that my insurance wont go up. Will the insurance company send me a notice regarding the ticket even if my rates don't go up?
Cost to insure 2013 honda civic si?
Cost to insure 2013 honda civic si?
Car insurance for 15 year old?
I'm 15 and I am getting my permit in 1 month. Since I am female the rate will go up to about 50%. My mom makes good money but I don't think it's fair for here to have to pay that for me. I live in California and I want to try to get a job to pay for the car insurance. I haven't really looked I only looked for stuff online. I don't really want to baby sit or mow lawns, I want to work at a place that provides a paycheck (even though I would probably make more money doing those things). Any suggestions?""
Anyone know the best insurance companies for young drivers?
I know obviously insurance for the young is gonna get rocket high anyway compared to older people for the same old 'statistical' reasons as always although I don't intentionally drive like an idiot or least intend never to and I do take safety as a big priority and everything, I've passed my test just over 2 years ago with a clean license but still find insurance even for my micra (1 litre 1994 M Reg) costing me a minimum average of 1000 annually, and just below a grand like 900-950ish is roughly the best I've got for my micra from directline but wondering if anyone would know anyone better cost wise? Also why is there so much discrimination against young/new drivers when its actually only the small minority who take the worse of risks and drive like w*****s making it sky high expensive for the rest of us, I can understand it may be statistic but unless u actualy do drive like a so and so I don't see why 'everyone' should be punished with rip off premiums for the sake of the minority number of idiots""
Best way to file claim for Allstate home owner's insurance?
My husband and I have minor storm damage to the roof over our master bedroom. And now water has managed to get into the wall and is making the sheet rock bubble up, as well as causing cracks in the ceiling in that one particular spot. Allstate sent an insurance agent out and they said that after our $1,000 deductible they are only willing to pay about $400 over the cost to fix it. So...should I get a contractor to assess and give me a quote, and then re-file a claim with the insurance adjuster? If so, how should I go about doing that?""
Kit Car Insurance?
How does insurance for a kit car work? I realize you have to specially register it and so forth, but are you charged for a 1986 Ferarri, 1966 Cobra, etc, or is it based on what the engine/chasis/etc came out of?""
About how much will my car insurance be?
1. have had my license for 3 years now 2. never had insurance before, because I never needed to drive (until now)...so I guess that I can be considered a new driver ??? 3. BRAND NEW Honda Civic//4 doors 4. I am in college right now. 5. in California ABOUT how much will my insurance be, (FULL insurance), for 6 months, or a year?""
Can someone ballpark what car insurance would cost for a 16 year old male with a jeep cheroke?
Can someone ballpark what car insurance would cost for a 16 year old male with a jeep cheroke?
OMG my insurance is over 3 grand and that was the cheapest?
has anyone got a dd or driving with no license or insurance and then got a license ??? who did you insure with? i cant pay them prices!!!!hellllp.........
I'm 19 years old and I need insurance. How do I go about getting it?
I need cheap or free insurance
""Friend hit my car, will my insurance go up?
Alright well tonight I was doing some work on my friends car so I had his car up on some ramps and my car was parked behind. Well for some reason he felt it nessessary to back up as far as he could from the ramps and ended up backing right up into my car. It damaged the bumper pretty well so i'd like to have it repaired. My questions are one will my insurance rise if I get it repaired under his insurance? And will his insurance go up because of it? If so how much? I live in Arizona if that is of any help
Car insurance cost in UK... seems too expensive?
I was planning to buy a car in UK. Initially I was planning to buy a high end car but a friend of mine suggested to get a small engine car to get cheap insurance. I am new to UK - have been driving cars in India for over 10 years but the insurance was in dad's name so dun have any no claim bonus. When I compare insurance cost online I don't find much difference between a small car and a big one. Even the cheapest car costs about 2000/= to insure for the first year (for a new driver with no NCB). I don't quite understand it - are theses quote real? Any suggestion for me? New or used? Big or Small? My top concern is cost of insurance.
I need a home insurance company that will insure me with a criminal conviction for theft in 2008?
apparently if i received a fine makes a difference which i did....i have tried call connections and direct choice....please help P.S what do i do if no-one will insure me....i thought it was against the law not to have home insurance
I aged out of Medicaid 21 yr old male no insurance?
I no longer have health insurance because I'm 21 years old. My mom gets medicaid because of a disability and my sister gets medicaid because she is 19 yrs old. My family is labeled as low-income, and I can't afford private health insurance. What can I do to receive free health insurance. I live with my mother and sister. I'm a full time college student with a little part time job. Am I out of luck?""
Should I buy car insurance or not?
I am a teenage driver of 16. Insurance is very high for a teenager. My parents have Allstate Car Insurance for four of their cars including a Toyota Corolla which im going to be driving. The Corolla is covered by AllState insurance. I have a California Driver's License and live in California. About 6 months ago, my mom asked the insurance company whether the insurance would cover the car if she lent the car to someone and the insurance company said that they would cover the car as soon as the person who borrowed the car has a VALID DRIVERS LICENSE. I have a valid drivers license but I am under 18 (I am 16). The insurance person did not say anything about age. My question is whether it is necessary or not to buy insurance for myself. It will be very expensive and I do not want to pay for it but I will If i have to. Do I have to get my own insurance for the car or not? If I dont buy insurance and I drive the corolla and get pulled over, am I okay or will I have problems?""
Will insurance company pay for damages on my car if i have a suspended license and it was other drivers fault?
I got into a car accident it was the other drivers fault but I had no insurance and a suspended license. I want to know if the other drivers insurance company will cover it the damages to my car? No ugly answers please. I already know I shouldn't have been driving.
Motorcycle Insurance Companies Question?
My father has his bike insured with a certain company. Another company has cheaper insurance for me on that bike than his does. Is it possible for me to buy my own policy from a separate company without affecting his coverage?
What kind of insurance will cover rhinoplasty pertaining to broken nose?
My nose broke and now I have what the doctor told is called Saddle Nose. He said there is no rush, but I have some difficulty breathing and it is somewhat deformed. I have University of California health insurance, will this help? How should I get this procedure done for the most inexpensive cost? Any insurance experts?""
apia travel insurance quote
apia travel insurance quote
0 notes
Pennock Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56279
"Pennock Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56279
Pennock Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56279
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Pregnant with no insurance?
medical/medicare did not approve me. what other healthplans are there?
Can you get car insurance scams? 80 insurance?
im 20 years old and looking for car insurance for the first time on my first car. I have a friend who knows someone working at diamond who has quoted me a really cheap amount for both me and my brother. it comes to 994 a year for me and my brother both and a monthly payment of 80, however he is asking for a personal fee of 650 for doing it so cheap. is this trust worthy? im so baffled please help!""
What is the average cost of insurance for new drivers in Massachusetts?
During late November, I will be receiving my license and will have the responsibility of paying for my own car as well as insurance. At that time, I will be roughly 16 and a half years old. I am looking to purchase a late 1990's Honda car but can not narrow it down further as I do not know specifically what car I will have. I heard during my drivers education class that grades effect your cost of insurance. I am a straight A students that takes challenging classes as well as having a part time job. I live in a city environment in Massachusetts with a population of less than 50,000 residents if that matters. What do you think will be roughly the cost of insurance for my situation?""
What kind of car insurance can i obtain?
I am 20 years old and i live in California. I have a driver's license but no car. I have heard that there is a type of insurance policy that can cover any car that I drive that is not of my own. Does anyone know which policy that is and from which agency is it from. Also if its an expensive one.
I need affordable health insurance I do not fit into any categories such as low income Help!?
I need affordable health insurance I do not fit into any categories such as low income Help!?
Tips for cheaper car insurance?
I'm 19 next month and just passed my test in October and now also got a pass plus certificate but insurance is still sky high like 4000 a year Just for a 1.2 Vauxhall Corsa sxi.
What is the best life insurance to get and where?
I'm young but not in the best health, I'm looking for life insurance, something affordable and legitimate""
Canceling Car Insurance?
Have a RAC car insurance,just sold my car which was insured by rac and bought another.called them saying that car is sold and have another and want to insure it with them to save time looking for a best quote again,they said they cant find it on the system therefore they cant insure it,but to cancel insurance i have to pay them.why should i pay them if its their fault they cant insure it.What can i do to get rid of them not paying a penny for nothing?thanks,your help guys will really appreciated""
Auto Insurance/License Question!?
I am a 19 year old Californian and I need to purchase auto insurance for my car before I take the drivers test for my license, at least that is what I am led to believe, maybe I don't? But the auto insurance companies require me to give my license number before I can buy the insurance. So I can't get insurance without a license and can't get a license without insurance? No, I cannot be put onto my parents auto insurance or anything. I do not live with them, I am not a dependent of them, etc, etc.""
I can't get affordable health insurance until I lose 20 pounds?
I need to lose 20 pounds so I'm no longer obese. Then I can get into an affordable health payment program. Until then I can't afford insurance so I hope nothing major happens. I've started eating healthy by cutting sweets, fried, processed, junk, and fast foods. Eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies with moderate amounts of whole grains and lean protein. I drink mostly water but will have tea sometimes with a spoonful of honey. For breakfast we have plain oatmeal with fruit but no sugar. My calories are 1300-1600. I'm not very consistent with exercise. I aim for 45-60 minutes of cardio 3-5 times/week and 2-3 strength training sessions each week, but don't always manage all that. So considering that, how soon can I reasonably expect to lose those 20 pounds?""
Where can i get some good liability car insurance? ?
I wanto insure my vehicle i recently got so any ideas. Although iv had an at fault accident before help...
Insurance company not willing to pay full value for car?
A couple of weeks ago a lady ran a red light and hit my car. Her insurance company took a week to get me a rental and two weeks later finally go look at my car and determined a total loss. The adjustor was pretty rude about the whole situation (yes I know that's their job) and started in on how my car has extensive hail damage which is not true. There were some dents from hail on the hood and trunk lid but every used car in Oklahoma has hail damage since we have had several storms over the past few years. He said that they would have paid $5900 for the car but because of the hail damage they will only pay $1250 which is ridiculous. I've done my research and the average cost of my car within 200 miles is $6000 and I have received one estimate on repairing all of the damage was $2000 yet he claims it will cost $7000. The dealership I bought the car from just sold a vehicle just like mine with hail damage for $5000. The engine and everything else on the car was perfect. When I told him all of my info he laughed at me and said oh by the way we are only paying for your rental till the 9th so you need to settle quickly, take it or leave it so I said I was calling a lawyer. I'm waiting on the lawyer to call me back but I just want to know, what should I look for to help me. I've already looked at the market in my area and have record of the prices for the same make and model. I can't take it to a body shop because the car is crushed. Any info appreciated.""
What is the best insurance company?
Looking for home and auto insurance.
Car insurance...?
I am thinking about buying a 1999 ford fiesta sometime. I have opted for a 5 door car rather than a 3 door car. I have heard of some people paying up to 3k per year for insurance. How much difference roughly in terms of  would having 5 doors make in stead of 3? And what would be the difference rouughly between insuring a car with a 1.8 diesel engine than something like a 1.4 diesel engine? I want to get a car when I have passed my driving test.
Car provisional insurance?
Well i was wondering i bought a renault clio im on my provisional licence and quoted 900 pounds for a provisional insurance and 2000 for full licence if i payed 900 for a provisional would i then have to pay 1100 to get it to full insurance or the whole 2000 to get it to full insurance?
Insurance on Rx-8 for a 29yr old male?
I'm almost 29 and I'm thinking of buying a Mazda Rx-8, the 230bhp version. I've got 2 yrs no claims and was wondering if anyone of similar age has one and if they could give me an idea of what the insurance would cost in Ireland??""
What is the best car insurance for a first car and someone in the early 20s?
Hey guys.. So, i'm only 22 years old and i'm looking to to buy my first car really soon but first i want to find a good and affordable insurance agency. So far i'm looking to compare the following insurance companies: Geico, State Farm, Progressive, State Farm, etc. Any other suggestions would also come in handy.. Thank You!.""
Car Insurance Question?
Hello- I was involved in a really bad car accident, where I was the stationary vehicle in my lane and the other driver was completely at fault, texting, speeding at 60+ over, lost control of his car and ended up horizontal in the road- needless to say my car is totaled and the other driver lost his life. He was really close to have taken mine as well. Anyways, my question is how long does it take for the insurance to cut a check so that I can go out and buy a car?""
""I am looking out for a healthcare provider which is also an insurance company located in California, U.S.?""
I am looking out for a healthcare provider which is also an insurance company located in California, U.S.?""
Will car insurance offer a jump start to my car ?
my car doesn't ignite and i... out. will my car insurance company be able to...
""If I ride my friends motorcycle, do I need insurance?""
I have my license, and will be getting my own bike at some point, but for now, if I drive my friends motorcycle around, do I need insurance for it? Or does his cover me?""
Will I have to pay sports insurance ?
I'm a 16 year old female and I will be getting a 2007 tiburon 2 door , 4 cyl car , would I have to pay sports insurance on it even though it's not 6 or 8 cyl. ?""
About how much car insurance does a first time 26 year old driver have to pay?
I need to know I lived in the city for many years and got by with public transportation so I never needed a car no that I have moved I need to buy a car, I hear folks says new drivers pay more..is this true of so how much more I plan to buy a used car for around 5-8 k directly no car loans""
Will Car Insurance Fees Go Up?
So recently i was pulled over for speeding. 50 in a 45. Will my fines go up for just being 5+ the limit? If so how much do you think? Also I'm 16 -Thanks
Car Insurance Problems. Pain in The neck?
Im 22 and I have a terrible credit score. I am looking to insure my car by myself which has always been insured by other people like my parents/boyfriends mom etc. I know my credit score is my own fault but I have been running into difficulties trying to find a decent car insurer for my vehicle. Does anyone know a place that will offer car insurance even though I have poor credit? I know I will pay a lot more than if I had a good credit score but I am in dire need of insurance and am willing to pay a bit more than usual. Alot of places have even denied me car insurance because of the my credit score so If anyone knows a place (not geico, progessive, unitrin or allstate) that will be helpful and will possibly insure me, can u please let me know:-) Oh yeah Im residing in NJ, if thats helpful!""
Pennock Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56279
Pennock Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56279
What should I buy for my first car? Preferably something with cheap insurance!?
Okay, so I'm a 17 year old male in the UK. I'm looking to buy my first car fairly soon, but I realise I'm absolutely clueless about cars. I have quite a bit of money saved, but I would love to spend as little as possible on the car and insurance. I'm looking on auto trader and other second hand websites, but I really have no idea. Any suggestions of where to look, what make to buy, where to get insurance would be great. Thanks""
Insurance on a car that is my moms?
Hey, I'll be getting my license tomorrow but I don't have a car yet. I asked my mom if I would be able to drive her car around but she said that if I get into a wreck the insurance wouldn't cover the repairs since she wasn't driving. She said I had to be on the insurance for it to be covered. Is this true? And is there anyway around that?""
I am selling my car and I have a suspended driver's license. What kind of insurance policy can I buy?
My driver's license will be under suspension until January 2014 and so I have decided to sell my car. What do I do about insurance? I dropped mine when I realized I would not be driving as a way to save money, but now that I want to sell the car I believe I need the insurance even just for someone to take a test drive. Are there short-term or reduced costs policies available in this situation? I would of course immediately not need the insurance once the car is sold, which could be very soon.""
How much is auto insurance for a simple car?PLEASE HELP?
a 2000 honda prelude,basic need to school,work,home,and full cover?if you know please givr me a estimate amount,thanks ps im 16
How do the payment work if a bunch of people are being sued by a auto insurance company?
1 insurance company is suing another insurance company, and 6 people. If the 1 insurance company wins how do they split of the amount sued for? If they do at all... I need answers please""
Can I pay my car insurance monthly through parents?
I am 17 just learnt to drive and I have my own car and will be able to afford my car insurance IF i pay it monthly, I know they do not let under 18's pay it monthly, so can I say ...show more""
Oregon car insurance?
Can I give my daughter my car registered in my name and she get car insurance for it?
""Young drivers, cheap cars and insurance please!!?""
Hi. Just waiting to pass my test and am looking around for cars and insurance, and have only come across stupidly expensive insurance,if the cars cheap the insurance isn't!!!! HELP. If anyone can help me with either a cheaper car (gotta be british,but any type of british car) But please can u make it low insurance.... any past experience off yours will be super duper..... Thanks for any help!!!""
Who's best for impreza insurance? i'm 28 with a clean licence?
full comp keeps coming back around 1000, on a 98-2000 wrx""
Health insurance?
who knows of good health insurances that would be affordable and good and who cover pap smears practically im in search of one but cant find the right one i really need it asap someone help thank you!
""Just bought a used car, can he temporarily get away with liability insurance?""
My friend just bought a used car (2004) with a loan, of course they want full coverage insurance but the quote from progressive was outrageous. He can't pay it this month, but says he can budget it in for next month since he took on a 2nd, part time job. He wants to call another company and get liability insurance on it, at least for a month, is that possible? I know they run the car information pretty quickly, but what could they do?""
Auto Insurance Is Prohibitively Expensive. What To Do?
I'm 23 years old. I rent a flat and have held a steady management job for 4 years. I don't drink or smoke. I am looking to purchase a 1993 Nissan Altima and I was looking for insurance. I was blown away when I got the quotes. Mind you, I live in Detroit and I understand that insurance is expensive, but this is ridiculous. Every quote I got was for at least $400 a month, liability only. Esurance was the most expensive at $582 a month. Allstate was the lowest at $396 a month. Any advice? I really need this car, but there is no way I can afford those insane rates.""
What's the best car insurance here in California?
in terms of price what's the cheapest car insurance nationwide or here in California? I am 26 years old and have two cars registered under my name with liability insurance only. I pay $400 every 6 months is that high or low? I also have only one speeding ticket on my driving record fyi. Can you guys tell me how much you pay for your car insurance? and what you think is the cheapest car insurance? I m trying to save money with this bad economy last I check California is in the most debt.
Fog lights Car insurance?
Hi I have got a mazda 2 I was just wondering how much extra on my insurance it would cost to put some fog lights on my car
What does insurance cover for a car accident?
one of my friends recently had an accident in his Honda city. The body was damaged. But the insurance company pointed to a line which says only 50% of cost of damage to 'rubber, nylon, plastic, tyres, tubes, batteries, airbags' and 30% of fibre glass..what else can get damaged in an accident? If the car is made of plastic and the glass with fibre glass, its basically saying we will pay only a max 50%? Does this exist everywhere or only in India? Can we take the insurance company to court?""
Insurance on 2002 subaru wrx?
Hello, I am 16 and am looking into getting a 2002 wrx. My dad only wants plpd on it. I would just like to get an estimate of insurance rate. I live in michigan btw.""
Insurance on a ford fiesta 1.25 GHIA?
im 17 and will be having my full license at the very latest January the 1st just wondering the average price for cheapest cover, 5 door 1.25""
Self employed insurance?
bf is self employed and never been covered under insurance before. I am looking into policies but can not find out anything about preexsisting conditions. He hurt his shoulder several years ago and will probably need surgery. he did see a doctor at that time, but nothing was done, and nothing has been done since. What would be the waiting period if he did see a shoulder specialist and there recomendation was surgery""
Insurance company drug test for a lower rate?
I am clean right now, I just took a drug test today at home and passed. I was just wondering what Farm Bureau Insurance or any car insurance company may test for in a teenager whose parents are looking to get a lower rate? How extensive would the test be? Would they test for LSD or LSA? I AM NOT POSING AS A MINOR! IT'S JUST A QUESTION! WILL PICK BEST ANSWER! thank you for your help! :)""
Average price for public libility insurance?
Average price for public libility insurance?
Insurance (probability)?
An auto insurance company has 10,000 policy holders. Each policy holder is classified as.. - young or old - male or female - married or single Of these policyholders, 30000 are young, 4600 are male, and 7000 are married. the policyholders can also be classified as 1320 young males, 3010 married males, and 1400 young married persons. Finally, 600 of the policyholders are young married males. How many of the company's policyholders are young, female, and single?""
Can anybody tell me what impairment rating have to do with an auto settlement?
my lawyer tells me she cant make a demand to the insurance company till i get an impairment rating from my doctor. what does that mean and what is a good rating?
Is this insurance Fraud?
My Fiance and I have very expensive car insurance right now and when we went to change companies the company we were at (its a certified insurance company) wanted to keep our business so they made our insurance allot cheaper by saying we are married, but we are only engaged. Can we get in trouble for this? Is it insurance fraud.""
Car insurance for young drivers UK?
im 17 atm and passed my test last week ive been looking at car insurance for a cars but the insurance is really expensive for a 17 year old what are cheap car insurances for young drivers in the uk?
""After a car is stolen, how long does it take for the insurance company to make a payment to me?""
I had full covrage, they didn't even off me a rental car, due to the police report.So now I'm just playing the waiting game for my settlement.But for future reference,who do you all recomend for good insurance coverage,without alot of bull up their sleeve?""
Pennock Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56279
Pennock Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56279
Someone help me with car insurance?
I am 17 years old and haven't yet got a lisence or a car or even a provisional. But when I turn 18 I am going to get a car I have been looking at insurance prices and they're ridiculous. Like 2,000 pounds a month? Or these really realistic. I searched for insurance entering a vauxhall corsa? Can someone help? Help me think of a good car that's cheap that will have cheap insurance.""
Getting car insurance on a new car?
I'm planning on buying a new car in the next month or so because my old one is falling apart. My car insurance that I have now is actually my mom 's and I wanted to get my own policy for the new car. Do I have to buy insurance before I buy the new car.
""Where is the cheapest place to get auto insurance in st. petersburg, FL 33701?""
Haven't had insurance in awhile, just bought a new/used truck. Just need the basics. Live in st. pete area code 33701.""
Cheap car to insure mpg above 25?
Looking for a car that you may have had experience with that is cheap to insure, with decent mpg. I was looking at '95 and '97 civics because they are older and I thought might be cheaper to insure and get pretty good mileage from what Ive heard. Mainly looking 4 doors not too shabby low insurance and decent mileage. Thanks in advance for responses everyone""
I broke my phone will my insurance cover it?
i threw my phone t-mobile sidekick lx and the screen broke will my insurance cover it?
How much would the Insurance go up for a sports exhaust. 10 POINTS?
Hi at the moment my boss pays my insurance on his business fleet as I work in his office in the week, therefore I have a business car (ford feista) I asked him as he's my uncle can I get sports exhaust for it if I pay for it and the additional cost Of the insurance every year IF it goes up. I'm 18 he pays 1200 for the year and I think that goes to about 600 this year.. As he's got 5 business cars on the same fleet. How much extra will it cost me?""
Will my son be turned down for insurance?
I have an autistic son, and I have decided he needs better hospital insurance than what he has (I have regular health insurance, but his hospital coverage is not great). So I applied for extra hospital insurance. Aside from being pretty severely autistic, he's physically a pretty healthy kid, no major problems, no ongoing treatment. However, recently he needed to have a dental procedure, and they decided it was best that it be done in the hospital, and that he be fully knocked out. A few years back, he also needed to be knocked out for an MRI (he had a seizure, but none since). Anesthesia is expensive, and when he had the dental procedure, it maxed out the hospital coverage on my current plan and I got stuck with a $9000 bill. Hence, the decision for better hospital insurance. When applying for health insurance, they do 5 year medical records check, and those two things are going to come up. What's going to happen... Will I have higher premiums? will they refuse to cover anything they deem is caused by his autism? Or will they flat out reject him? Or will it not be a problem?""
Mazda Miatia Insurance Costs!!!?
I am 18 years old and am in the process of buying a mazda miata. I am looking to buy one between 2002-2005. how BAD will the insurance be on it for someone my age? LIke minimum coverage, just Liability and Uninsured Motorist.""
""If my mom adds me onto her car insurance, about how much would it go up?""
I'm 17 Shes with GEICO Its a Buick Rendezvous SUV (2004) Our zip is 33312 (South florida, if this helps for those answering that may be in my area) I have a clean record B Average in school""
Can I buy a car and drive it home same day without insurance? First time car buyer?
Same as above really, I recently passed my test and I know nothing about cars, I was just wondering if I see a nice car and I wanted to buy it, could I buy it and drive it away same day without having insurance. Or can I insure to drive a car for a few days with those temporary insurance covers and then insure it properly when i brought the car? A little confused here..""
Insurance Question/Quote?
My name is Jake and my grandpa wants to sell me is 2004 V6 nissan 350z for like next to nothing but i am curious as to how much my insurance payment would be?
Does anybody know of a cheap insurance company for eighteen year olds?
I just turned eighteen and I'm looking for car insurance since what I'm paying right now is really high ( 290 for minimum) Everywhere else I look wants like 1000 dollars a month for minimum coverage thats crazy how can anyone afford that? Are there any good companies in specific for someone in my position?
Where can I get Really Cheap Auto insurance?
I am a student, on a really tight budget. I have to get insurance, have not so good credit and a couple of speeding tickets. Other than that have a clean record. I just need something cheap, very cheap. I am a safe driver and only use my car to drive to school. thanks fr your help""
""Just passed driving test, 22 yr oldwhere should i go for cheapest insurance quote.?""
Just passed driving test, 22 yr oldwhere should i go for cheapest insurance quote.?""
How much would car insurance cost?
im 18 going to be 19 the car i was looking at cost 29,155$ so since im young how much do you think the insurance would cost?""
Does the colour of a car affect the price of Car Insurance ?
Thanks for all answers in advance :-)
Am I covered under my father's car insurance policy?
I live in center city Chicago and I don't need a car, so I don't have my own car insurance policy. When I visit home and drive my father's car, am I covered under his policy even though I am not a minor?""
How can I find a good car insurance comp. if I don't have a driver licence? I can't get a drivers lic. help!
I can't get a driver lic. because I don't have a social #, and I can't get a social # because I don't have a visa, BUT I know in Houston Tx, I can get car insurance like I'm now, but which one with a affordable price? please help!!!!""
Do I need a license/registration for Motorized bicycle or 50cc gas moped scooter in CA?
Do i need to register or obtain a license for the above 2 vehicles in California. I tried to call DMV but it really takes forever. I can't seem to find that info on the website either. Thanks
How much is the insurance on a 2010 Mazda?
Im turning 16 soon and im looking for a car. im thinking about a 2010 Mazda 3, 4 door. just looking for how much the insurance will be monthly...rough estimate is good""
Anyone know a good Home Insurance company in California?
We recently purchased a new home to use as a renter. Our real estate agent told us to purchase and insurance policy from Old Republic to cover anything that could be wrong with the house since it was built in the 80's. An inspector looked at the house prior to our purchase and didn't notice anything with the property. Once the house was occupied by our renter, he noticed that the lights would shut off and stay off for a few hours. Old republic sent an electrician over and he told us that the prior owner had replaced a new breaker on top of a broken buster. He reported back to old republic and they stated that the insurance didn't cover anything that was not installed correctly. We were precise to inform our agent of the policy we needed for the house. We were not sure what work the house had done prior to our purchase so that is why we purchased the insurance. The policy we had was Old Republic Home Warranty Plan. That is what our agent advised us to get. Now, what can we legally do to help cover our out of the pocket expense of over a grand. Is there a policy that anyone would recommend for a rental house. Let me add that we do have home owners insurance but it only covers fires, floods, etc. (Please no unnecessary comments, this is an important question and need real honest advise.) Thank you in advance to all who respond and hopefully this could help others who read it as well.""
Classic car insurance for 18 year olds?
I was wondering whether it is possible to be put on a classic car insurance policy at 18. I've looked around and nearly all say you have to be over 25. I would like to somehow be insured on an Escort XR3i or RS turbo. I understand that because of may age this isn't going to be very easy. would it be cheaper to be a named driver if my dad owned the car ?
Can I take out car insurance in my fathers name to save money?
My father is buying me a car and he is going to take out a loan for the car. Therefore he is paying the car loan. I am going to pay the insurance but a 19 year old with insurance on a 2009 car is going to be expensive! How can I get the insurance under his name yet when I drive this car (out of the city because I will be living in Columbus at school and my dad lives in Cincinnati) and get in an accident, still be covered? Or is there no such animal?""
What would be more affordable?
a 2003-2004 mustang v6? or a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? insurance wise. serious answers only please. thanks.
Insurance through my work...?
Well im 19, and I just got a full time job through the city. Theyre wanting me to fill out their insurance papers and get on theirs, but im still on my dads insurance which is better coverage. Im covered on my dads until im 26. Im just not sure if I go on the cities what will happen to my coverage with my dad if it will just cancel me or if I will be on both or what. Idk. The cities insurance is free to me too so that isnt a factor. Thanks!""
Pennock Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56279
Pennock Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56279
Insurance Cost for a 1966 mustang convertible in mint condition?
I'm curious how much, on average, would insurance cost for an 18 year old male driving a 1966 mustang convertible in mint condition be? And if you could explain why too that'd be awesome thanks! :)""
How much would my monthly insurance bill be (18yr old male)(i just want a ball park figure)??
When I turn 18 I am going to buy my first car (im 17 now). I can't decide which car I want to get. Please tell me about how much insurance will cost me for each one. I will be on my own policy. I will get my license just before Im 18. I live in California. My car choices are: 1. 2009 Nissan Versa Hatchback 1.8S 2. 2009 Honda Civic Sedan LX 3. 2009 Toyota Matrix S 4. 2009 Chevrolet Aveo Sedan LT
What is the best individual insurance for a pregnant woman?
I just found out i am 5 weeks pregnant and dont currently have insurance. My husbands works and his employer offers insurance for the family for $850.00/mo, which is completely ridiculous and not affordable for us right now. I stay at home with my daughter in Missouri, but we are having a hard time getting medicaid. Any advice. Thanks...""
I dont have car insurance and someone hit my car and im not at fault does it matter if i hav insurane or not?
I dont have car insurance and someone hit my car and im not at fault does it matter if i hav insurane or not?
Car insurance Expired?
My car insurance will expire 12:01 am Friday. I owe a past due balance and also....for me to renew the total would be 353.00..I don't have the money so im thinking about just letting it expire and going with someone else. Will that balance go into collections?
Can you have 2 insurance policies on one car?
I have recently passed my test and wanted to be added to my partners insurance. They don't except people who haven't held a license for less than 2 years? Is it possible for me too take out my own insurance on her car?
Car insurance quote?
does anyone know a website that can give me an aprox car quote without having to go through all of the sign up etc process?
Diminished Value - Dealing with Car Insurance?
I was in an accident where someone side swiped me ($5.5k worth of damage). Their insurance company paid and I just got my car back (2007 Lexus IS 250 - 29k miles). I had just purchased the car 4 weeks prior to the accident from CarMax for $27k. Out of curiosity I went back to see what CarMax would give me and they offered $18k. The car is now only 7 weeks old in my name and 3 weeks of it was in the repair shop! Does anyone have experience with dealing with car insurance companies and diminished value? I live in NC and know that it is one of the states that has diminished value. I want to recoup as much of the difference as possible and since the car is so new (to me), I am willing to get rid of it to show the loss so I don't deal with this years from now. Any advice is appreciated.""
How to cancel a car insurance?
I am about to switch to Progressive and I was wondering if I have to pay my current Car insurance just to cancel it. I pay about 257 every month and I want to know if I have to pay them just to cancel as soon as i switch with Progressive.
Would my car insurance company give me any problems if I get a 2nd car?
I am the only driver in my household but I plan to get my son a car and register it under my name and put it on my insurance. He has a license and lives at a different address. Would the insurance company get suspicious about anything?
How can I find affordable health insurance in Florida?
How can I find affordable health insurance in Florida?
How much is it to insure a lancer evo IX MR?
Im 18 your old young man trying to figure out how much it is for insurance generally for the car for a guy my age. Also is the fq400 an import?
How can I find affordable auto insurance quote online?
How can I find auto car cheap insurance quote?
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? How old are you? What kind of deductable do you have? Feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance and also do you support Obamacare?""
Car insurance groups?
Hi, im planning on buying a car, however one of them is insurance group 4 (Peugeot 306 D Turbo 1.9) and the other 14 (Alfa 147 . 1.9JTD) both 1.9 turbo diesels. why is the alfa 10 insurance groups more? :S and how much of a difference will this make to the price? i got the Peugeot down to 1107""
18 and on my parents insurance?
My mum is on my dads insurance and she is going to take out her own insurance and put me as a named driver while staying on my dads insurance. The quotes were all over 2,000 for me to go as a named driver. It was 2,100 for me to go on my own insurance anyway. You know any way I can get it down to around 1500? A different car or something. We tried a vauxhall corsa and a ford fiesta 1L all over 2,000 Thanks""
I want to get an insurance quote and i have a DUI?
I need to get an insurance quote but i have a DUI (reduced to a reckless driving) i have a terrible driving record I was born Nov.12 1989 do you think that would make my insurance quotes higher?
Do I need insurance ?
I'm 16 I'm starting my own lawn care Business Do I need Insurance In case I hit something and does my car Insurance cover snow plowing
Need car insurance help!?
Weird/awful situation. Co-signed on car loan with a longtime friend when he broke off and started his own business. His business tanked, as did his personal life. Lost his job, his business, everything. He's now about a year behind in payments, and the bank is coming after me. Since it's destroying my credit (and life), I'm paying off the loan. The bad news continues. Apparently he loaned the car to his brother, that has disappered and isn't returning it, and the car is nowhere to be found. So now I own nothing. Worse, I'm terrified that whoever has the car could wreck it, and I'm liable. So now I have to get insurance, for a car I don't have possession of, and report it stolen. Who in the world would ever insure me???? Help! What do I do???????""
Car insurance help?
Ok so im about to turn 16. my parents said they would get me a car, but only if i paid my own insurance. can u please tell me how much it would be a month. and what company would be the lowest price. i dont know if u need this info but. im 16. white ( someone told me it matters?), i live in florida (palm beach county), and the car will probably be an audi a4. thanks for help""
How much is motorcycle insurance?
Everyone always says it depends on where you're located, and blah blah blah. But seriously, can i please have a straight answer? How much would insurance cost (on average) for a 16-17 year old male driving a small sport bike or cruiser, or any bike at all for that matter....""
I'm 17years old how much would it be to insure a Volkswagen Golf?
I'm 17years old how much would it be to insure a Volkswagen Golf?
I desperately need auto insurance. i got my license like 6 months ago and i need cheap insurance?
as u guys probably kno, insurance for teens is ridiculously high!!.. the cheapest i got it was liek 215 a month.. but thats like.. no coverage. do any of u kno a good company or a good alternative way to legally have insurance which is not necessarily a monthly payment? (my friend told me about insuring mye license but im not too clear on how that works)""
16 Year old Illinois Insurance Rates?
Im 16 now, and i may be buying a truck soon. Its a 1994 Ford f-150. Im trying to find where the cheapest rates are. I only want liability insurance because im short on $$$$$. Im not doing so hot in school so that will raise my rates a bit, but what would be my best bet and finding insurance?""
What things can a teen do to help lower the cost of car insurance?
I'm sixteen and seventh months, and plan on getting my license in about two months. But money is a little tight now at my house, and when my brother got his license on his sixteenth birthday (two years ago) the car insurance my parents pay for jumped an extra 1200 dollars a year. So what can a teen do to lower the cost? IE; what type of car should I be driving, the best time to get my license, etc. I'm willing to hear any ideas. :) Oh and if it means anything, my parents are with State Farm. Thanks in advance for the help.""
Pennock Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56279
Pennock Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56279
0 notes
How to find cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
"How to find cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
How to find cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I can't afford my car insurance...?
I need transportation so I can work. But why should I have to choose between car insurance or food and medicine? Shouldn't the Government come up with a single payer plan for automotive insurance too! Its not fair that I have to pay for this out of my own pocket.
Is there anything I can do in to lower my insurance (17 Year old)?
Okay right now I'm 16; I've passed my theory test and when I turn 17 in April I'll be able to start lessons and take a test. My mum is giving me her Peugeot 206, X reg, 1.4L engine. It has never had an issue. I've looked at insurance quotes (for a full license under the assumption that I am 17) and on compare sites and the lowest quote I've found is around 2800 a year, the car will be stored in a garage but I wondered if there is a way to lower this? I hear the average price for a 17 year-old is 1400 a year? If anyone can give me some tips it really would be appreciated; I'm looking to pay monthly if that helps. Also, I'm a guy so obviously that will raise my prices right?""
Liability insurance rates?
I am trying to figure out what it will cost me to have liability insurance on my company. I am the only employee. I only need it to setup a stand on occasion at different locations. I don't know what a general rate would be, so if anyone could give me an idea, that would be great.""
Car Insurance help please?
Hello, I am a 22 year old female who lives in California, I was wonderinf what would be the best/cheap car insurance please... Thank you""
""What is a good Car Insurance Company. Im in my early 20s, not the greatest driving record.?""
I have had a few speeding tickets, no insurance tickets, ect. 1 accident 6 years ago. I just need good, cheap, liability insurance for my fiance and I""
How much will my car insurance go up?
I got a ticket for speeding (66 mph in a 45 mph work zone). My ticket total is $438. I am trying to decide whether to get a laywer and fight it or just pay it off. Approximately how much with my auto insurance go up? Cost of lawyer? How many points will I get on my license? I am 22 years old living in North Carolina and have never had a ticket. Advice?
Insurance Rates tied to credit score?
I just read the front page of our local newspaper regarding homeowners and auto insurance rates will be tied to ones credit score, making those with lower incomes, or problematic credit to pay even more for the home or auto insurances. The main question I have is...do you think that if ones credit improves, that the insurance companies have an adjustable rate that will decrease when ones credit score increases? I know this isn't the way it's going to happen, but what are your feelings on this plan?""
What do i do about health insurance?
I need health insurance. Most assitance i dont qualify for but work doesnt offer and i cant afford just any insurance. Any ideas?
Car and home insurance together...?
I recently purchased a new car and will close on a home in 2 weeks. I am looking for auto and home insurance in NJ. I called Geico today - got a decent quote. But they dont have home insurance in the area. All State gave me a quote for their platinum one and told me they'll give me the other packages in a minute - put me on hold for 25 mins and I hung up (again they dont have home insurance in my area). Anyone has any experience with TWG insurance? My car dealer gave me their info. I searched for reviews in NJ - nothing, They're TX based and have both home and auto...not sure if it is good for NJ. This is my first car and home. Any advise on what to look for esp for my car. What are the grey areas that they can con you? What are the most important points to look for? Any suggestions on good plans in NJ?""
In case of an accident where someone in a motorcycle is badly hurt will liability insurance cover?
Say there is an accident involving a motorcycle and a car. The person in the motorcycle is badly injured how much will liability insurance cover? The insurance would be from the person responsalbe for the accident this case the person in the car. Would there be a big difference if you have full cover isurance?
What is the best low cost car insurance in california?
we have a 2004 honda odessey and a 96 acura, and our 17 yr old will also drive""
How much do you pay for Tiburon insurance?
I have a 2002 Honda Civic coupe but am trying to convince my parents to look at a 2003 Tiburon. I am 18 years old, have done the safe student driver program, I have a discount from my gpa, and have not had any accidents. Also, my dad thinks that Tiburons are bad cars; I've heard a lot of mixed opinions. Are they reliable cars in comparison with a Honda?""
Which one is the best health insurance company in USA?
hello All; i am from California; I want a cheap and affordable health insurance for my family. please help me which is the best and low cost health insurance company in USA? Thanks
Pulled over by the police today without no insurance and no driving licence in the uk?
today i got pulled over by the police without a driving licence and no insurance the car had insurance but it was in my moms name and i only had a provisional license how much points will i get for that and will i get a band?
How much would it cost for insurance on this car??
Ok so i'm about to go for my license in december and my awesome brother is generously giving up his 96 Toyota Supra. As of now I have 1 job that gets me 300 every other week. And I'm poor and I have a cheap prepaid phone and cheap clothes. My question is will I be able to pay for my insurance on this salary. And I have like 3000 saved up. could I just pay for insurance for a whole year?
How can low-income people *afford* lower cost health insurance?
Huckleberry suggested that low-income people will be able to afford low-cost private health insurance--but he doesn't say *how* that will be possible. Guliani says that with tax credits, people will be able to afford low-cost insurance. (How is that possible?) I haven't figured what the other GOP candidates want, but how can low-income people--and those on disability--be able to afford expensively HUGE health-insurance plans on what little money that is already afforded to them per month?""
if someone doesnt have insurance, which is better? primary or excess? why?""
Can I use medicaid as a secondary insurance?
Hello. I live in the state of florida. I just found out im still covered under my mother's health insurance because Im under 24 and I am a full time student. I also qualify for and have pregnancy medicaid, but I want to go to a doctor with my moms insurance because I used this specific doctor for my last pregnancy. My question is, could I still use my medicaid to cover my co-pays with this ob/gyn?I called the office and they said they could send the bills to medicaid for what my mom's insurance doesnt cover. I dont have a job and can't afford to pay the co-pays/lab fees/hopsital fees. thanks""
Connecticut best car insurance?
What is the best CAR insurance in Connecticut? If you are in Connecticut do you recommend your car insurance? Thanks!
How come different auto insurance agencies charge different prices for the same insurance company?is it a scam?
yes i went to three different insurance agencys to see what quotes theyll give me. one say said ill pay 50 a month and 140 down payment for access auto insurance . the other agency said ill pay 60 a month and 90 down payment for the same company. and the third agency said i would probably not qualify for access auto insuranc. im 20 year old male riverside ca 94 accord. why would three different agencys quote diferently for the same auto company ? whyyy is it a scam
Explain why auto insurance costs are so high for young drivers?
please EXPLAIN in the longest way possible
Car insurance problems.?
I've been in a car accident a week ago and I haven't received any phone calls about anything. I sent my police report and my insurance still has not send someone to look at the damage. I want to get this fixed asap. How long does it take before they send someone to look at it. And who looks at it my insurer or the insurer of the other guy?
Life Insurance?
If someone has life insurance and also has a home mortgage, does the life insurance goes to the mortgage?""
Do i have to be on my dads insurance to take the road test?please answer im desperate:(?
Hi, i live in Florida,im 18 no matter what im trying to do my dad finds a way to not make it happen,and im starting college Monday and i have to drive myself and i made an apponitment for this Friday to take the written exam and the road test,my dad went to go put me on the insurance today, and he told me that they told him i cant be on his insurance because quote from my dad that he was told by the insurance ladie im a girl,im under 21, and i live with them. or they have to pay $3,000 he said its florida direct or florida no-fault for his insurance. does this sound like hes lying to me or is this all true? Thank you.""
Is financial indemnity a good insurance carrier?
Is financial indemnity a good insurance carrier?
How to find cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
How to find cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
What would be the cheapest insurance company for a 125cc motorbike?
i am a 17 male living in the uk.
Why is my Auto Insurance so high?!?
I am 20 years old paying full coverage insurance on a 2011 Nissan Versa that I am making payments on. My Credit is middle of the pack and I've never had a wreck or a ticket. So, can anyone tell me why my insurance is twice as high as anyone I talk to with the same set up?!? My insurance company said that it was strange, but can't find out why it's that high and this is my 2nd insurance company. The previous one charged a little more. I've gotten quotes and they're either close to my monthly currently or are more. I am paying nearly 500 dollars a month... I hope someone out there can help me lower this insurance. Thanks ahead.""
""Auto Insurance in Ontario, Canada.?
I am 17years old with a g2 license. I'm wondering if there is any place that will insure me on a 1995 golf gti 4cyl. All the quotes I did range from 455-900 a month which is INSANE! I can't go under second driver period. I need insurance! Where should I go... any good brokers...
Generally how much is car insurance for a teenager with a learners permit in california?
I will be driving my parents car and they currently have Esurance.
Cost of insurance for minor with acura rsx-s?
oh fyi I am not trying to get my own insurance plan I am adding on to my family's
Where can I find cheap car insurance for someone who has a dui?
I live in AZ and I am trying to find car insurance for someone who has had a dui. The only company so far is Bristol west but they are too expensive. Where else can I go?
What's the car insurance requirements in GA?
I need to know what is required and is not required and what falls under full coverage and liability in the state of GA.
Is Progressive really cheaper then the other insurances? i have allstate right now.?
Is Progressive really cheaper then the other insurances? i have allstate right now.?
""Insurance estimate way to low, help?""
Ok, So about 2 weeks ago I was at a friends house. When I walked out and was getting ready to get into my truck, I noticed all four windows from the passenger side and drivers side smashed out, along with my truck being keyed all around on every panel. I called my insurance company the next day and a few days later they sent someone to give an estimate. I wasn't there though. So I then received a check in the mail, along with the breakdown of the estimate. They gave me $2,600, minus my deductable left me stuck with a check for $1,600. I felt that was way to cheap for a brand new paint job and to replace my windows, so I went around and got quite a few estimates of my own. They ranged between $5,800 - $7,000. I faxed them over the estimates, and what they told me was that the way they worked was I'm supposed to show them their estimate and they are supposed to work with the shop owner from there. So today I went, and as the shop owner was reading through the estimate, he was laughing and pointing things out, saying they can't be serious. He said there is basically no shop that would do all that work for cheap. He says I might need a lawyer. Any advice guys? Because all I want is my truck fixed, and its turning into a big ordeal. I drive a 2003 Chevy Silverado just in case that matters. I also still have they check they gave me sitting my my drawer, haven't cashed it.""
I am 55 yrs old.Have lost my husband.Can I be covered under my daughter's health insurance thru her job?
I am 55 yrs old.Have lost my husband.Can I be covered under my daughter's health insurance thru her job?
""How much, on average, is contents insurance?""
I'm attending university soon and I will be flatting. I want to get contents insurance for my belongings. I will be taking $10,000 worth of things with me (Clothing, Shoes, Accessories, Laptop, iPod, Bedding, Books, small shelves, clothing rack etc) What is the average cost for insurance per week? Any answer will help. I'm working out my budget! Thanks in advance.""
Why is the insurance on my 1982-83 2.5L landie cheeper than my 0.9L corsa W reg?
i just dont see how the insurance on any landie could be cheaper than a corsa, especially as it is my first year driving, does anyone know why this could be?????""
Which of these cars in cheapest in insurance?
Out of these 6 cars, can you list in number order from most to least expensive in car insurance? 1. Ford Mustang 2. Infiniti G35 3. Dodge Charger 4. Nissan 350Z 5. Cadillac CTS 6. BMW 3 series""
I'm trying to get Heath care insurance?
I'm a type 1 diabetic I'm trying to get a job but if I do my current insurance will not pay for my diabetic supplies.My medical supplies are really expensive what are my options ?
Buying car insurance for the first time. HELP!!!?
Next week I can get my licens, and I already have a car so the only thing left would be car insurance. I asked my mom, who is making me pay for it, how much it would be to be put on her insurance. She said $108 a month!!! I know that I will not be able to afford that. I have enough money right now for about 14 months and that is it. I already have a job, but all the money I make goes toward tuition for private school(long story). Can I have my own isurance plan? Do I have to be under a parent? what are my options? Please help. I have until newt Friday to figure it out.""
150cc scooter. Insurance? and License?
I am planning on purchasing a 150cc trike scooter(2 in front, 1 in back) and i was wondering if this scooter would be covered under my parents insurance seeing as i am currently under theirs? and if not how much would i need to pay a year(on average) to become insured for this scooter? I am pretty sure that a 150cc is classified as a motorcycle in Wisconsin, which is where i am currently residing. So i believe that i am required to take motorcycle safety classes and receive a motorcycle license. Correct me if i am wrong. If i were to go with a 50cc trike would i have to deal with any of the above insurance issues and licensing issues?""
What is Yearly renewable term insurance ?
My agent said that that the insurance that they offer has a feature of Yearly renewable term insurance? What is it exactly?
""In India, which company offers cheap insurance price for car ins. and bike ins.? Thank u in advance.?""
In India, which company offers cheap insurance price for car ins. and bike ins.? Thank u in advance.""
""First car, What are good and cheap cars?""
I know everyone says to go for a KA but I can't stand them. I like the idea of a renault clio but not sure how cheap that works out for insurance&petrol etc. So a list of good cars would be appreciated! Also, I want to travel roughly 24 miles two days a week for college, so I need something not to juicy!""
Where to get cheap insurance for at risk drivers?
Well I had an 08 chevy cobalt (dad was paying for it) & me & my friends were always stupid & I was always doing stupid things. Totaled it. & I got 5 points on my license. I got a Job & my mom agreed shed pay for half the payments on a car. I liked the 2013 dodge darts bc they were really good on gas, looked cool, & had a lot of room. Well the insurance for that was gonna be 900 a month through Allstate. Which is crazy. I can afford 1-150 a month for insurance. Anywhere I could go to get a cheap car insurance? Within my price range for an at risk driver? & I probably won't buy the dart, I was thinking like an 07 civic or eclipse or something on the lines of that""
Where can i find cheap/affordable auto insurance?
I need to find cheap auto insurance but I have agoraphobia. Anyone know of any cheap auto insurances that i could get online?
Is motorcycle insurance expensive?
is it more expensive than car insurance?
Auto Insurance Question?
I am a new driver and I just received my G2 a couple of moths ago. I am trying to get auto insurance at a cheep rate. I tried to add my name to my dads insurance (Johnson insurance) and their quote was 120 per month which seems a but excessive as I am only a casual driver. I was just looking for some advice and wondering if I should pay 120 per month or try elsewhere or try to barging with them Thanks a lot for any help
Do I really need travelers insurance?
We are taking a trip from Oregon to Cancun Mexico soon and am wondering if I should purchase travelers insurance. We are going to purchase airline tickets directly from Delta Airlines and also from our chosen hotel. I'm thinking that if there are any problems, the airline and hotel would take care of it. What are your thoughts?""
""Americans only, How can we get health care affordable to all.?""
weather, it a one large insurance company big, as a Government or a socialism type system, or even a military type system, we need something instead of this Republican/Dem do nothing talk show. were going into the 21 Century. to have a mess like we got , people cant even afford to die. And all the one talking in Govt. have their family covered, so it no big thing to them. We haft to get a handel on it to even think of controlling DEBT at all. It and oil what cause the national DEBT to get out of control.""
How to find cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
How to find cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
What papers do you need for car insurance?
Alright I don't know too much all I know is I'm determined, I want a car with car insurance on it. My dad has a car in which he is going to let me have and I am going with him next week to get car insurance. What papers do I need to present in order to get the car insurance because I want to be ready. I'm not sure what insurance I want yet but I believe he might be putting the insurance in his name and mine being that I am a young driver.""
How much does baby life insurance cost on average?
I am doing an anatomy project and we are supposed to research the cost of a baby for the first six months. If you could just give an estimate that is fine too.
Affordable medical insurance?
I'm looking for an affordable medical insurance that will primarily be used for prescriptions. I don't need a huge hospital deductible. Any ideas?
About how much is insurance gonna cost for a 15 year old who just got his license?
how much will insurance be if im a 15 yeaar old guy who just got his license and im driving a 1995 acura integra, can anyone give me an estimate on how much it will be a month""
How much is a Geico car insurance for a minor ?
I am 17 years old and I am just wondering how much I will have to pay for my car insurance. My mom has Geico, and I am sure that will be the one I will have, too. Help!""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old boy in Iowa?
I am turning 16 soon, and I am planing to get a car. Before I do I want to know how much insurance is... Boy, 16, Unmarried.""
How are my insurance rates gonna look if i....?
i'm currently 17 (18 april 8th) and i've been driving legally since last july (got permit oct. 2007). on my record it says i'm driving my mom's 98 chevy venture (minivan). my dad and i are getting a 5.0l v8 mustang from around '86 to '93 and are fixing it up for me to drive. my dad's worried that the engine is pretty powerful so insurance rates will skyrocket (which he obviously doesn't want to pay along with the awful mpg this car has). will my insurance rates lower, stay the same, go up a little, or skyrocket?""
How does my car insurance work ?
Am i insured to drive my car if after traveling to work i then leave early but am still being paid for the hours contracted , this being that my car insurance allows me to commute to and from a single place of work ?""
""Affordable travel insurance, Tesco or Asda?
Thank you
How will i know which insurance group my car belongs to in UK?
is there a website to find car insurance group?
Motorcycle insurance in italy?
i will be moving to rome next month and i need to know how i should go about getting my vespa insured. im getting my bike trucked to me and i want to ride the bike. does anyone know about insurance etc. there. i only hold a UK provisional licence. have completed my CBT but not sure if this will be valid to ride in Italy or not. please help!!! :) thanks
Hello, I was in a car accident 3 weeks ago today in Massachusetts but live in NH. The other guy swerved in my lane on the highway, although their were no witnesses and we still have no word on who was at fault. I was driving my boyfriends car which was no insured, although I have comprehensive coverage on mine. My insurance (gieco) will pay a $1000 pf my medical and have put a claim in for my boyfriends car. I was wondering if anyone knew if they would cover his car? As it looks like the guy who swerved in my lane doesnt have insurance either, as NH doesn't require car insurance. If anyone knows if it possible please let me know. An adjuster has already considered it a total loss. Thanks!""
""Where can I find affordable insurance for sickle cell, full time student?""
If possible, in the Washington DC metro area. School is really expensive and it's very difficult to afford all these costly insurance while at the same time paying for school and living expenses.""
Should my car insurance go up this high after an accident?
I got into an accident where I hit someone s bumper in a parking lot. I reported to my insurance company and they took care of it with $750. I was 100% at fault, and expected my renewal to go up, but when it came out, it was $800, which is 100% more than my usual insurance of $400 Does it suppose to go up 100%??!!! And this price will stay on for 6 years!!! That means by the end, I would end up paying $1800 more just to the company!! $1000 more than what I would've paid the guy!! This does not make sense to me whatsoever, first I thought the renewal was just for one year, it will go down bit by bit, but second year is still the same price! I am only a G2 driver who been driving for 3-4 years on PEI in Canada, can that be the reason? Still, $1800 extra?? Plz help me and thank you!""
""Why is Mercedes insurance, especially the C class, so cheap?""
It's funny how I was qouted a cheaper insurance rate for a 2003 Mercedes, than a 1994 Toyota Corolla.""
Not sure how much condo insurance to get?
I'm in the process of buying a condo, and I need to have condo insurance set up. However, I'm not really sure how much insurance I need on a condo. The homeowners association covers everything on the outside, so I would only need to cover walls-in. This is what I've come up with after doing a quote: Contents Amount: $50,000 Building Property Coverage: $15,000 Condominium Loss Assessments: $1,000 Deductible: $500 Earthquake Deductible: 2% Personal Liability: $300,000 Medical Payments to Others: $1,000 The condo is selling for $125,900. I really don't have a lot of furniture, and what I do have is all hand-me-downs. I have a four year old, so all the furniture and stuff that comes along with having a kid. I don't have really nice jewelry. I have a 32inch hd tv, computer (i paid 150 for it, so nothing fancy lol), and a kindle fire, wii....that's about it for electronics. I want to make sure I have enough coverage if something happens with counters/floor/walls/etc, but I don't want to be unnecessarily paying a high insurance bill. Any suggestions? Also, is earthquake or identity theft something that would be good to add in? I live in Iowa so earthquakes aren't really an issue...but is that one of those you never know, so at least you're covered things?""
What are some tips to get cheaper car insurance?
I have a very poor driving record. Right now, I'm paying about $4,000 a year to insure my car. It will probably go up when the policy renews in Sept. What can I do in the meantime? Should I take the defensive driving course? What else? I've tried to shop around but GEICO gives me the best deal at $4000. Some other companies would not insure me at all. Others wanted thousands more. What should I do? I really like the convenience of having a car and I would probably cry if I had to sell it. I've had a car since I was 19 and I'm 26 now.""
Ticket for no insurance while riding my motorcycle in california?
I got pulled over for speeding. i have no insurance but i have my motorcycle permit and my driving license. when he pulled me over he asked for my license and of course, i didnt have it. it was in my jacket and i didnt wear it. i had my permit for my bike though. gave him that and my registration. he asked for my insurance, and i knew i didnt have it. but i looked through my backpack and under the rear seat. so when he gave me the ticket he said that the no insurance and license was just a fix it ticket and to take it into the court and show them and they will sign it of and the other is speeding. when i looked at the ticket when i got home, in the part where they rite down if it can be corrected or not the license says yes and the insurance says no. my question is, if i buy insurance now and go in and show them that with the license will they sign it off. or what will they do if i dont have insurance? also the reason i dont have insurance is i dont have the funds to buy it. i just want an answer to my question please not a lecture. thank you""
""What car has low insurance fees, cheap parts, and is some what fast stock?""
I get a car in a little bit and I don't know what to get. I have some ideas such as a Nissan 350z, Mustang Cobra, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo or a Subaru Impreza but I don't know how much the insurance would be to cover those for a 16 year old male.""
Can a financial advisor from AXA sell you New York life insurance?
I'd like to know if a financial advisor that works for AXA Advisors offer clients New York Life insurance products. Thanks in advance! I'm in CA by the way.
How to calculate insurance quotations?
i want to know how insurance quotations are prepared?is there any software to prepare such quotations?what are the factors to be taken into account to prepare such quotations?
How much should I expect to pay for umbrella insurance?
I'm a landscaping contractor in Southern California. I think I need about $2,000,000 in umbrella insurance. How much should I expect to pay (yearly) for that?""
How much do you pay for full coverage car insurance?
i'm 19 and going to buy a car soon but i'm trying to get a ball park figure on how much i can expect to pay
""Can some body tell much i have to for my car insurance, if i live in brooklyn and 18 with new license?""
hey, i am planning to bye a car by next month, but before i go buy it, i need know how i have pay for my insurance, i am 18 just got my license and live in brooklyn, can somebody what is the most could i have pay...""
Where can I buy health insurance?
I'm an self-employed worker. Need some health insurance because you never know when I'll get injured.
How to find cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
How to find cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
Which is best and cheapest car insurance?
I have a 18 yr old son and are planning on buying a car for him, also shopping for car insurance, I wanted a combined for me (mother) and my son, and possibily a cheap offer, the car is a used older car. Thanks for your imputs for helping me save. Thank you""
Why is my car insurance so high?
Just finished paying a year of car insurance at like 125 a month. Just got my new bill for the year. They want 195 atleast first month. Are there cheaper car insurance companies out there?
Will my Insurance go any higher if paid off by Collision ?
I bought my Acura in 2006 and have been in mint condition since then. Recently, the snow plougher scratched my car and didnt leave a note. I called the manger of the snow plougher and filed the police report. He took the responsibility but during the report he said that he will give the name of the driver and vehicle later. After few weeks when I didnt hear I called the manager and he said his company will not cover anything and I can do whatever I can.... I called my insurance company and they are willingly to cover through my insurance - Collision, instead of comprehensive. The repair is $2000 + rental car for 9 days ~$2500. My deductible is $100 for collision and $50 for comprehensive. Do you think if they use Collision my insurance rate will go higher ? [Ofcourse I dont have any choice at this time. my insurance company said they cannot file a lawsuit or anything against the snow plougher company]""
""If i trade in my car, which doesn't have gap insurance, and get a new car with gap insurance will the total lo?""
I owe $13k on my current vehicle and am looking for an upgrade. we've had horrible weather the past few months and am afraid of wrecking the (potential) new vehicle and still being stuck with a bill. would gap cover the entire cost of the loan, i.e $38k= 13k owed on my car plus the 25k for the new car.""
how much does insurance cost for a novice driver in nova scotia? i just got my license today and i need to know how much its gonna cost me...im 16 yrs old and im gonna have my own car and im gonna be the only driver.
Car insurance in Massachusetts?
What happens in the state of Massachusetts if you get pulled over and have no insurance but there is insurance on the car and I'm 17 years of age.
Insurance question?
Is there any possible way to lower my insurance. I'm 19 years old and insurance is 8000$ per year ( NYC ) . So now i have a problem not with a car but how to lower my damn Insurance. Thank you and Take care.
What is the cheapest car for a 17 year old to have?
So I'm 17 and just got my drivers lisence! Woo! I'm trying to find what the cheapest car to have is? Like to buy, insurance and maintaining all together of you get me?""
Can you start work as soon as you receive your national insurance number at 15?
Ive just left school and i want a job for the summer but my birthday is not till august. Ive already received my national insurance
Are home insurance rates more expensive on a townhouse than a single family home?
Are home insurance rates more expensive on a townhouse than a single family home?
How much would it cost to insure a used Aston Martin Vantage?
I have decided to get the Aston Martin Vantage (Used). it is around 34000. My salary is around 30,000 a year. I was wondering if insurance is expensive?""
Car insurance question?
okay my boyfriend just got his drivers license today..he doesnt have a car yet and he wants to be able to drive my grandmas car to work whenever he can but she says he cant because hes not on her insurance. Does it matter whether or not hes on her insurance? what could happen?
""Should the cost of car insurance be the same for everybody irrespective of age, ect?""
Should the cost of car insurance be the same for everybody irrespective of age, ect?""
Do I really have to disclose everything for a life insurance quote?
My wife has a family history of cancer which is causing my life insurance quote to change from $100 a month to $300. Do I really need to disclose this info to the companies, or should I not tell them as they would need permission anyway to check history and doctors records???""
When buying auto insurance is it better to have your dad own the car and put you as the additional driver to s
When you purchase car insurance is it better to have the car under your parent's name for ownership and add your self as an additional driver for your own policy to save money even when you will be driving most of the time?
Best car & car insurance for a 20 year old?
I'm 20 years old and just started having driving lessons. I'm thinking of buying a car but have no idea about car insurance. I know it would be higher for 17-19 year olds but do I qualify as a young driver if I'm 20 even though it's a first car and just starting as a driver? I love Volkswagen Beetles but want a car on which the insurance won't be high. Apparently the insurance is cheaper on classic cars...? I'm a girl and live in Greater (West) London. I don't know what it depends on and what car I should go for without having to pay a fortune. If you could help me out that would be great Thanks!!! :)
Florida car insurance hike?
I used to have Florida auto insurance about 6 months ago. Since then I moved but wanted to return to FL. Recent inquiry for an auto quote I notice the premium has increased doubled in FL. When did this happen? And what actually happened? Just curious. Thanks.
Cheap Car Insurance?
Whats the cheapest car insurance
Help on insurance?
does anybody know were i can find an affordable full coverage insurance in Los Angeles? its for an Escalade.
Is there such a thing as life insurance class?
Like a class you have to take when first getting life insurance
Can I be insured on my mums car insurance if I don't live with her?
Hi I moved out 3 months ago and I have been put on my mums insurance while I have my provisional licence I will be getting my own car soon and i was wondering if I can still be on her insurance if I still won't be living there ? Thanks Billie x
My driver's license was suspended for driving without insurance/license and not showing up for court dates.?
My driver's license was suspended for driving without insurance/license and not showing up for court dates. I did have my license and insurance at the time but did not have my wallet with me. I was wondering how much it will cost me to reinstate my driver's license and if I might have to take the driver's test over again or not. If I have documentation that I had a license and insurance at the time would it help me? I'm in Alabama if that helps. Any answers are greatly appreciated.
150cc Scooter Insurance in California...?
I bought a 150cc scooter for $950 brand new in California. Do I need to get it insured. I am only going to use it for 6 months till I got to school. I live abroad. I am not worried about the scooter getting damaged, I need only 3rd party insurance in case I knock someone and they decide to sue me or whatever... What are your suggestion, and the cost to register one and the cost for insurance. Im 20 years old btw. Thanks alot if you can help me out!! Thanks...""
Mandated Health Insurance is different from Mandated Auto Insurance how?
The Supreme Court will be deciding if the government can force us to buy health insurance from a private corporation. The government forces us to buy auto liability insurance from a private corporation. I am at a loss to see the difference.
If the supreme court finds health care law unconstitutional would i have to buy car insurance?
most of the health care debate is about weather the government can make a person buy a specific product such as health insurance. If the court finds that the individual mandate is unconstitutional would this mean that the government would not be allowed to require people to buy car insurance. and if so would I be able to take this to my state supreme court to question the constitutionality of having to buy car insurance?
How to find cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
How to find cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
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