#had to open the app store myself and search it to uninstall it
fractoluminescence · 11 months
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Um. I'm sorry, WHAT
Did Facebook just download itself in my phone on its own?? Like, I know I have WhatsApp already, but WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
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productsloading288 · 3 years
Installing Github For Mac
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Installing Github For Mac Catalina
Download Github For Mac
If you search Chocolatey packages yourself, you might see two packages that install Git – “Git (Install) 2.20.1” and “Git 2.20.1”, at the time of writing. I believe “Git (Install) 2.20.1” is technically the more correct, but I also think it doesn’t really matter which one you use. A rather confusing explanation is found here. Download and install Go quickly with the steps described here. For other content on installing, you might be interested in: Managing Go installations- How to install multiple versions and uninstall. Installing Go from source- How to check out the sources, build them on your own machine, and run them.
There is an updated version of this post for OS X 10.9. While the steps below should still work, I recommend checking out the new guide if you are running 10.9!
There are already plenty of guides that explain the particular steps of getting Git and Github going on your mac in detail. However, I had difficulty finding one that explained every step required in order with simple enough instructions for Terminal novices to follow along with autonomously.
So I decided to write one myself.
I enjoy helping people become more efficient and productive, particularly when it comes to their computers and mobile devices. At a recent job, the staff design team was beginning a period of close collaboration with the front-end development team in the interest of achieving the best possible product in the shortest period of time.
However, there was a slight “problem.” The project’s codebase was exclusively managed via Git repositories on Github. Most of the designers had never worked with Git, let alone ever configured it on their workstations.
Most of the designers had some knowledge of the technologies that went into the codebase, particularly presentation layer tech like HTML and CSS. Some even knew programming languages like Javascript, PHP, and Ruby.
In an effort to unleash this previously untapped resource for a round of intense polishing and bug-fixing, I took it upon myself to write a step-by-step guide that any member of our studio could follow and be up and running with developer tools, Git, connected to Github, and ready to work on the project codebase.
This then is a slightly abbreviated1 version of the guide I distributed out to the team. Ultimately just a few days after releasing it, nearly everyone in the office — including design, production, management, and even a few devs setting up new machines — was able to at least view the latest code on their workstations.
Aside from the fact that my guide helped others quickly get through the arduous process of installation and configuration, I was happy to have it as a quick reference for myself when setting up new machines of my own. Enjoy!
Getting started
This tutorial assumes you’re using a Mac running at least OS X 10.7. If you are unsure of what OS you have, go up to the top left of your screen, click the Apple menu, and select “About This Mac.”
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You’ll also need to ensure that your user account on your computer has admin privileges and that you know your account’s password.
Install the Command Line Tools for OS X
Xcode is a nearly 4GB developer suite Apple offers for free from the Mac App Store. However, for the purposes of getting Git and Github setup, you’ll only need a specific set of command line tools2 which fortunately take up much less space.
If you don’t mind the 4GB, by all means go for Xcode. Otherwise, you’ll have to go to connect.apple.com and register an Apple Developer account in order to download these tools.
Once you’ve registered, they can be found at developer.apple.com/xcode by clicking on “View downloads” and finding the appropriate command line tools for your version of OS X in the list.
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If you are on OS X 10.7.x, download The 10.7 Command Line Tools. If you are on OS X 10.8.x, download The 10.8 Command Line Tools.
When your download finishes, go ahead and open the DMG.
Run the Command Line Tools installer.
A note about the Terminal
The Terminal application comes pre-installed with OS X, and can be found in the Applications -> Utilities folder. You can also quickly access it using Spotlight.
The terminal has a variety of uses, but for the purposes of this tutorial we’ll be using a syntax/command set called Bash. Terminal is already configured to use this syntax.
When you enter a command and press return/enter, often times the terminal will execute it and complete the task immediately.
Sometimes it will log information in the window while it’s working, but other times you might feel like it isn’t doing anything at all.
Some of the commands later in this tutorial can take a few seconds (or minutes) to complete, so don’t type anything into the terminal window or close the terminal window until you see it present you with a fresh prompt ending in yourusername$.
For the purposes of this tutorial, commands that I intend for you to type will be preceded with $, but don’t include that symbol when you enter the commands. It’s purely meant as an indicator and reference to the $ that appears in your terminal prompt.
Lines that contain comments/notes from me to will be preceded with # and will be dimmed. Don’t type these either.
Make sure to press return after typing a command before you enter the next one.
Installing Git
“Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.”
We need to install Git onto your computer. It won’t have an icon in your dock, but it can be used by the Terminal (and other applications, more on that later).
OS X comes with a fairly old version of Git pre-installed, so we’ll want to make sure that your terminal is using a more updated version.
One specific reason you’ll want to have a newer version of Git than the one that ships with OS X is to take advantage of a nice authentication feature that allows you to seamlessly interact with Github.
Download the latest stable release of Git. It should start downloading a DMG which for some reason will include the words “Snow Leopard” in the file name…don’t worry, it works with Lion and Mountain Lion just fine.
When it’s done downloading, open the DMG and run the package installer.
Note: If you are using OS X 10.8 and haven’t already modified your security settings to allow the installation of third-party applications, you’ll need to make that adjustment3 before OS X lets you install these tools.
Once the installer has finished, open the Terminal app and type git --version followed by the return key. Note that there are two dashes, not one.
The terminal should report back with your currently installed Git version.
If it reports a Git version that matches the version number marked on the DMG you downloaded (as of writing, this would be proceed to Configuring Git identification, otherwise you’ll need to execute the following:
Configuring Git identification
Now let’s configure your Git installation so other folks who might be working on projects with you know who’s doing all of the great work coming from your computer.
Setup Github
“GitHub is a web-based hosting service for software development projects that use the Git revision control system.”
Go to Github.com and create a free account if you haven’t already.
Github Keychain Helper
To save time in the future, we’ll install a utility that will allow your computer to authenticate with Github automatically instead of having to enter your username/password during each session.
First, check if the helper is installed by typing git credential-osxkeychain into the terminal.
If the helper is installed, the terminal will give you instructions on how to use it:
If see the above message, you are now able to access Git repositories using the HTTPS method. There’s a very good chance that this is the only method you will need to access repositories and you can move on to my final notes.
Installing Github For Mac Catalina
If you don’t have the keychain helper already installed, you’ll see this instead:
To install the keychain helper, execute the following commands:
Once again, if the helper has been installed successfully, the terminal will give you instructions on how to use it:
If see the above message, you are now able to access Git repositories using the HTTPS method. There’s a very good chance that this is the only method you will need to access repositories and you can move on to my final notes.
If you don’t see the above message, you hit a snag along the way. Try going through the keychain helper install steps again.
Otherwise, if you have a specific reason that you need to access Git repositories using SSH, proceed to SSH Keys.
SSH Keys (optional step)
“SSH uses public-key cryptography to authenticate the remote computer and allow it to authenticate the user, if necessary. There are several ways to use SSH; one is to use automatically generated public-private key pairs to simply encrypt a network connection, and then use password authentication to log on.”
An SSH key basically lets your computer uniquely identify itself when it connects to servers. If Github is aware of the key your computer is using, you won’t have to enter your Github username/password every time you connect.
Check for pre-existing SSH keys on your computer
Let’s see if your computer has one or more keys already installed:
If you get the response “No such file or directory”, skip to Generate a new SSH Key.
Otherwise, you’ll need to backup and remove your existing SSH keys.
Backup and remove your existing SSH keys.
Generate a new SSH key
Now we’ll create a new SSH key to use with Github.
When it asks you to enter a file name in which to save the key, just press return/enter (leave the prompt blank).
You will then be asked to enter a passphrase and confirm it. Don’t make this blank, and don’t make it an easily guessable. This prevents someone from easily acquiring and using your SSH key to impersonate you. Don’t worry, you won’t have to enter this key much (if at all) after initial setup.
Press return after each time you’ve entered your selected passphrase. You won’t see the characters or bullets, the cursor will stay in the same spot as if you aren’t typing.
If you make an error entering your password one of the times, just press return and it will prompt you to try again.
Once you’ve successfully set your passphrase, the terminal will report that your key has been saved and will present you with some sweet ASCII art.
Add your SSH key to Github
In order for your computer to access Github without you having to enter your username/password all the time, Github needs to know the contents of the SSH key you just generated.
Now we’ll add your key to Github:
Visit your account settings.
Click Add SSH key.
Enter a descriptive title for the computer you’re currently on, e.g. “Work iMac” into the Title field.
Paste your key into the Key field (it has already been copied to your clipboard).
Click Add Key.
Enter your Github password.
Now let’s test that it all worked.
Your Mac is now up and running with both Git and Github. I intend to write another post about some of the commonly used commands I always find myself looking up syntax for, as well as those that members on the team had to learn in order to effectively take part in the production process.
Recommended tools
Text Editors
If you’re just getting your feet wet with writing code, you’ll want to look into a text editor that is purpose built for that task.
My hardcore colleagues wouldn’t leave me alone if I didn’t also mention command-line editors like Vim and Emacs, but I’d recommend one of the previously listed apps for getting started.
I don’t recommend using TextEdit as it doesn’t offer syntax highlighting, and I’m personally not fond of Dreamweaver for writing code as I feel it allows its WYSIWYG mode to be used as a crutch. That said, Dreamweaver’s predecessor4 in Adobe’s product lineup was what I learned to write HTML on, so there’s that.
However with the explosion of online code teaching platforms out there (and Firebug/DOM inspector tools), I don’t see the need to use a WYSIWYG editor anymore.
Git GUI Tools
When I first started dabbling with Git, I used the popular Tower app to manage my repositories. It has a fantastic interface and offers most of the features of the command line app.
However when we began this endeavor at my past job, the development team and I wanted to ensure that all persons with access to the codebase thought about what the actions they were going to take, and deliberately execute commands.
GUI tools are great, but they can sometimes allow disastrous things to happen with the push of a button. Additionally they can abstract away the syntax of the language/protocol they are built upon, and as a result leave users dependent on the GUI rather than knowledgeable about the underlying technology.
If you must use a GUI tool, by all means do. However in the circumstances I mentioned, it wasn’t an option we wanted to offer.
Terminal Configuration
I’ve been enjoying iTerm2 for a few small perks it offers, mainly the ability to have perfect representation of the Solarized Dark theme.
If there are any steps/instructions I’ve written that have been outdated by newer information/technology, are simply wrong, or could be explained better please feel free to contact me on Twitter where I’m @burnedpixel.
The stack for this project was very complicated and resulted in us using Vagrant and VirtualBox to literally get virtual instances of the dev environment going on each workstation.↩
I had hosted the appropriate DMGs for the 10.7 and 10.8 tools on a local fileserver to speed up this step. Unfortunately the general public will have to go to Apple’s developer site, sign up for a free account, and download the tools from there.↩
Security settings adjustment to install Git:
Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences
Click Security & Privacy
Click the lock icon in the bottom left and enter your account password
Select “Anywhere” for the “Allow applications downloaded from” setting
Close System Preferences
While I may have been exposed to making web pages by software like Claris Home Page and Microsoft FrontPage, I really learned to write HTML by hand from a software suite called GoLive Cyberstudio. In what has now become a familiar process, Adobe bought GoLive out so they could integrate Cyberstudio into their product lineup. In what has now also become familiar, Cyberstudio (simply rebranded as GoLive) rarely got any updates and lived a deprecated existence until it’s death nearly 10 years later.↩
GitHub is a great resource for developers although it can seem a little complicated to use at first. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to download from GitHub on the following operating systems: MS Windows, Mac OS X and Linux (CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu). So without further ado, let’s start.
How to Download From GitHub on Windows & Mac OS X
Mac and Windows users will be happy to find out that files and projects can be download from GitHub by using a GUI. There are many Git clients available, some free and some commercials, but for this tutorial, we’ll stick to the official Git clients from GitHub.
Head over to https://desktop.github.com/ and download the Native Git Desktop for your operating system.
Once the download has completed, proceed with the installation. When asked to sign in, you can either create a free account or skip this step.
Once you’ve completed the installation, you will see the GitHub Desktop window. Click on Clone a repository:
Now you’ll need to get the URL of the project you wish to download from GitHub. For this tutorial, we’ll download phpMyAdmin. The URL for the project is https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin. It’s the same URL you would use to access the phpMyAdmin project from your web browser. Select the URL tab and copy the project URL in the text box:
If you wish to modify the local path, choose another folder. When you’re done, click the Clone button. The phpMyAdmin project will be downloaded to your hard drive.
Once the cloning process has completed, just click on “open this repository in Explorer” to access the phpMyAdmin files:
So that’s all there is to it. Next, you can copy the downloaded files to your project.
How to Download From GitHub on Linux
On Linux, you’ll to install “Git.” Here’s how to do this depending on the Linux distribution you are using:
Installing Git on CentOS
Installing Git on Debian
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Installing Git on Ubuntu
Once you’ve installed Git, you can check its version:
Configuring Git for Linux
To use Git, you’ll need to specify your name and email address:
Cloning a GitHub Repository
Start by creating a directory in which you will keep all the GitHub repositories you’ll clone:
Before you can clone a repository, you need to find the URL to its “.git” file. For this example, we’re going to clone the phpMyAdmin repository. Open this URL in your browser: https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
Click on the green “Clone or download” button and then on the “Copy to clipboard” icon next to the URL.
Now use this URL with the “git” command to clone the repository:
Once the download is completed, the phpMyAdmin files will be found in ~/git/phpmyadmin
So, downloading files from GitHub is as simple as that. Of course, there is much more you can do with Git, such as managing your repositories or contributing to other projects. If you’re interested in learning more about Git, you can read the official documentation here.
Download Github For Mac
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0 notes
mysticcamiluss · 7 years
Another Ending - Chapter I
Summary:  What would have happened if you became the secretary of Ray (following Another Story's Prologue bad ending)? Would he search for another girl to fill your place to accomplish his original plan? Everlasting paradise requires some sacrifices... For you to love him and never leave him he'd have to recruit someone you cherish so you won't feel lonely with only him by your side forever; but if this plan fails again, you might hate him...
~ ~ ~
Hello! Oh, well… Maybe I should introduce myself first: my name is Isabella Caggiano and I was a 20 years old student which aimed to be a fashion designer when my life turned a sudden flip, but let’s start from the very beginning: both me and my twin brother Isaiah were born in a religious middle class family. We have an older sister by 2 years, Madison, and our parents, Maria and Mariano Caggiano (yes, they were meant to be), were psychologists that worked in a small study downtown where they interviewed selected people for bigger emprises that want them to start working in there.
Everything related to my childhood sounds nice till now, right? Well, everything WAS right until a car accident that happened to occur while we all returned home after a Christmas party at our Uncle’s household (which lived in a town nearby) took away our parents lives when when were only 10 and 12 years old respectively. After that, we started living along Uncle Robert and his new wife, Dorothy, until they kick us out when Madison turned 18 since “she was capable of taking care of herself and her siblings by that age” according to them.
Putting aside the past that impacted us negatively, we were always really united; fact that made the separation even more difficult when I decided to move alone to the Capital in order to complete my grade, leaving behind my beloved siblings under the promise of returning in a couple of years.
That brings us to the very beginning: the “sudden flip”. I was sparing some time after class at a local café I used to visit almost every day while searching for some app to download when a particular one caught my attention: Mystic Messenger. The Play Store showed no description and there weren’t any comments or ratings yet, the icon of the app was all black with a golden appearance mail envelope in it.
Download initiated. 1%... 20%... 80%... Installing…
Then, the screen of my phone turned into black with green numbers and weird phrases… Coding? I did remember seeing things like that from when Madison was practicing back at home, her being an informatics student.
Unknown has entered the chatroom. You’ve got a new unread message.
“Hi! Finally, someone to talk to, thank god…” In that moment, when I first got contacted by ‘Unknown’ I even thought that maybe I downloaded some kind of malware but my antivirus would have noticed me about that so I quickly erased that option from my mind.
“Hi. Nice to meet you ^^
I’ve been waiting for you.
Hope I didn’t surprise you.
Don’t be nervous, I’m just an ‘ordinary’ person~”
“Why r u emphasizing the word ordinary…? It’s making me even more nervous.”
“Have you ever heard of modesty? lol
In fact, I’m really excited. You’re the very first person to come!
I was so worried that no one will come in as I was making this app.”
“What’s this app for?”
“Oh, I was about to explain it to you. But, can I ask you a favor? There is something I really want you to help me with.”
“What is it?”
“Well… This app isn’t just a messenger app, it’s a messenger game app and I wanted to ask you if you could test it out for me.
You’d be able to chat with me but also with good-looking/handsome AIs.
There are also amusing hidden stories…
You just have to tell me your honest opinion ^^”
“OK! I’ll try it.”
“t h a n k  y o u. I’ll call later…”
Just a half hour later or so I received a call from a private number and the mysterious person in the other side of the line introduced himself as the guy in the chatroom from before. I could only wonder: how the hell did he manage to obtain my number?!
“It’s automatically collected when you log into the chatroom. I called to explain to you about the app because I also thought that talking to you directly would be more credible.” He kept on explaining about this game where the plot is set to open a fundraising party along five characters that are part of an association called R.F.A. I thought that it sounded… kinda fun actually, maybe it could have been a good distraction anytime I felt stressed or tired from college so I happily agreed.
At that time, things started to get awkward: this person that called himself ‘Unknown’ told me  that he’d need me to get over where he was in order for me to play the game by the excuse that it was protected with special data leak prevention security system and even if I downloaded the file, it’s uninstallable; so he needed to directly install it in my smartphone. Did I seemed that dumb? Heading over to a strangers hidden place? It’s not even real and I can’t bother to go there, anyway.
“For real? Then how about this? If you come here and test the game real hard, someone might be interested in you by seeing that. For example… me.”
“I don’t need it. No thanks.” I tried to be polite but this situation creeped me enough already.
“You don’t need me? Sad. I’m so sad… I really believed you were going to make my dream come true… Believed you were the one I would go to paradise with.” The guy was crying? He was acting so devastated I really wanted to help him… contacting a psychiatrist. And he started mumbling things about a so called ‘Paradise’ where he was trying to take me to, apparently.
“I don’t plan to let you go just yet.”
After that I took a deep breath, thinking it would be the last time I hear about him.
That wasn’t the end.
He kept on calling me the following days and I ignored all of those calls until I got tired after a week passed and decided to answer in order to tell him to stop harassing me. Maybe I should have called the cops, but maybe I actually was that dumb enough…
In this phone call he begged forgiveness for not calling that much, I’m not kidding.
“I’ve been thinking of you the whole day, even when I was busy. Miss you, I want to see you.” I thought this was slightly going to the wrong direction but since that moment I couldn’t stop answering anytime his number displayed in my phone screen. Why? I wonder the same thing, maybe I pitied him or maybe… I am as mad as he is.
“Were you waiting for me? I have a secret for you: I actually went to see you yesterday after hanging up. I couldn’t help myself. You’re really talented, actually… Your sketches… They’re awesome… Haha, I like the look you’re making right now. How cute. Ah… damn. Actually, I’m still watching you right now.  I feel like I’m with you as I’m listen to your breath through the phone. You… want to feel me closer like I do, right?” His voice was low, almost in a seductive way… And was he… moaning? I must definitely have been crazy to have a little crush on you, stalker boy, but I don’t regret it at all. Even now, I don’t.
Two days passed and, as always, I decided to wait for his call at the café. He said he liked to keep an eye on me from some meters apart so I thought that maybe, if I pay enough attention, I could finally discover who ‘Unknown’ was.
That would have happened in a fantasy world.
Being as tired as I was after class and because of an important exam I had today, I couldn’t afford to close an eye the whole night, I fell asleep while waiting.
“I’m so glad you’ve wait for me, princess. Poor thing, why don’t we go together? Live happily in paradise… Come with me. You and I, let’s start over. Just the two of us. And play a somewhat… interesting game too. Heh, I don’t think I can let you go after meeting you in person so I’m going to use you as my assistant, he has one too, right? Anyway, I’m still taking you even if you say no… Come, now…”
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kokania00 · 5 years
6 Steps to Spyware Removal - Speed Up Your Computer Today
In my my city Port Saint Lucie and all over the great state of Florida, say the words Spyware, Adware, or malware and Business owners, along with any technically average Windows PC user will shudder in horror. That's because these programs not only are incredibly stubborn when you're trying to remove them, but they often change administrator or security settings on your computer, Workstation, or Server, such as what sites you allow trust or the settings in your HOST files. Spyware or adware, a malicious program that can add, change or remove values in the Windows registry allowing the program to fully install on the opening of Internet Explorer or Firefox, or on the next reboot of your computer repair, even after deleted if not removed completely.
Today's spyware is more common than a virus for the average Windows user surfing the internet. Spyware has hundreds of successful ways to disable or infect your computer via all the common exploits or software bugs, like errors within the Windows operating system allowing spyware the use of your CPU cycles, to spam others, and to solicit your desktop to show you pop ups for everything from pornography to other spyware programs that will claim to be able to remove the currently installed spyware or clean a virus from your computer, when in fact it can make it worse by installing more spyware. Spyware can copy secure data from your desktop computer or PC and send it off to another country, or even some where else in our own country where a malicious hacker waits to sell or use your stolen data for anything from ID theft, to pirating your Audio and or Video collection and posting it online. It is very important to remove spy ware as soon as its detected as you can see by all the harm it can cause besides just slowing down your computer and making its use a miserable experience.
The best path to take is to try stopping the spyware before it is able to fully take hold or control of your computer, server or workstation if you already have some installed. If you have a clean spyware computer follow the tips below to keep it that way. It is just as important to verify complete removal once you feel the spyware has been uninstalled to make sure, it cannot reinstall on the next reboot and that your data is once again secure from theft of prying eyes. Simply put Spyware is part of a big online business of data theft and forced marketing along with the fake software to remove the spyware for another $50 dollars then they can go for your credit card info next. If you are seeing a major slowdown in the functions of your windows desktop computer you need to have the computer cleaned and probably a little spyware removal depending on your internet surfing habits and what you like to Google for. Worst case you have to reinstall your Windows operating system and all programs then copy your data over from a back up if you have one.
If you are not backing up please allow me to introduce you to a great little program called Carbonite. Carbonite provides a great solution to the problem of backing up your home or office compueter. Carbonite includes unlimited size online or off site storage for for your files at a very reasonable price of $59.99 or so per year. Not only do I recommend the program I use it my self for years I was a beta tester and have it installed on three of my home servers protecting my data with off site storage day and night. I have personally witnessed this program save 4 companies from complete data loss due to the person in charge at that office not testing there backup tapes, a raid went bad in another and they never complained about the error on reboot of the server until it was to late, and one company who claimed they backed up to a USB hard drive and said don't worry about us, well they forgot for a year and had no back at all when there server got hit by lightening. Each of the companies listed were saved by the great little program for off site backups called Carbonite. After the problem was repaired in all cases the software they lost was immediately downloaded to the new location and re shared to the office allowing them to get back to work.
Follow my free tips below to attempt to remove installed spyware from your PC server or workstation.
(Please remember this is done at your own risk I take no responsibility for the outcome of your work.)
Step 1.) To remove spyware, first you should download the programs listed below then disconnect your computer from the Internet. After you complete the downloads unplug your computer from the modem or router to ensure that you are offline. You'll need the right programs to remove spyware from your computer. If you are unable to surf the internet with your browser correctly you will need to download the free software for removal from another computer that is connected to the internet, like a friend or family member PC. Once you have downloaded the files from Google, Yahoo or Bing You'll need to burn the spyware removal programs to a cd or copy them to a USB memory stick and then install them on your PC and use them from there. There are hundreds of programs to remove or repair a PC or computer infected with spyware.
The programs I would like you to download are: a.) Cleanup.exe to remove temp files b.) Spybot Search And Destroy to search through its definitions after you update it like anti virus software and remove the spyware from both the folders and registry and also cleanup the Host files c.) Sysinternals process explorer to view the running process or services to see what is hogging your resources d.)Unhackme for rootkit removal
You can use all programs listed or one or two if your problem is easily removed. For the do it yourselfer these will work unless you have a very deep infestation and would then need to call in a pro like myself. The easy way to get each of these files except unhackme is to open your favorite search engine like Google, Yahoo or Bing then type download programname MG. The program name will be the name of the software listed above. The download will bring up this type of page or link for downloading, the MG stands for and will take you to "Major Geeks" a great place to download free or paid applications to help with anything you can think of on the PC or MAC. To download the unhack me software you need to type in download unhackme the first result gratis inc will be the one you want to download from.
Now that you have the correct software to cleanup your PC it's time to get dirty.
Step 2.) Once you're offline, click start button the look for the control panel icon. Once in the control panel go to your add/remove programs screen by clicking the add/remove programs icon. Many times spyware will have uninstallers that will allow you to completely remove them without too much effort. Remove as many as you can this way some will give you errors or take you online for feedback and force you to answer to close. just put unhappy and click remove. If you are unsure of an item in the add remove programs section do not just delete it.
All your real programs along with your Windows updates are also within this list. To learn what something is click or highlight the item and it will have more information under it like programmed by and company name. Now armed with a little more info than a program name open your favorite search Engine once again Google, Yahoo, Bing and type in the program name and find out what it is. If it shows up as marketing or pop ups or ads or there are how to remove this or that yep of spyware you are on the right path to get rid of that spyware. If you see many warning and info on spyware when you look it up 9 times out of 10 it would be safe to remove unless you have a program with the same name running in your office or home that you really need. Please ask your boss or double check, then delete.
Step 3.) Now we install and run the cleanup.exe program selecting the first button top right cleanup. The program will ask you if you want to run in demo mode which does not do anything you will select no and really run for the first time. Your pc stores many temp files in multiple locations to save settings for faster loading and use in those apps. By deleting these backups or cached settings you computer will run better allowing faster removal and will also remove the spyware saved in the temp folders. Once you have ran first the cleanup program to remove trash your pc will run slightly faster. This does not delete you files only the temp and saved settings in the browser which you need to run to clean up spyware. No book marks or favorites are deleted.
Step 4.) Now we need to install then allow the full update process during install of the Spybot program. Once installed the first thing you need to do is click the immunize button in the upper left and it will run once and will need to be run twice for all items to turn green. the good in green should now be the large number and the bad or unprotected in red should go down to zero. Once your computer has been immunized, now it's time to run a full search of the computer files and registry for spyware. This is completed by clicking the Search and destroy button on the upper left, then click search for problems button with the magnifying lens image to start the search for spyware.
Once the program searches the whole computer you will be shown a list on the right side of the screen and they will have open check boxes or squares to the left of each. You will notice the search for problems button has now changed to fix problems in the upper left. To remove all spyware you need to click this button again and the spybot program will attempt to remove and delete and files it has found associated with spyware. For ones it is unable to remove it will ask if you can run one more time when completed after a full restart of your computer. You need to say yes to this and let the program work its magic once again. If at this point the computer shows clean, all green checks to the left of each removed spyware file or registry entry. You are most likely clean and can continue happy surfing. If not please follow the additional steps below to remove a more aggressive type of problem called a root kit or hijacked browser.
Step 5.) If you are unable to remove all spyware with Spybot or have many pop ups on the start up of your computer without even going on line, you will need to next download the program unhackme then install it to stop the rouge service from starting when your computer boots up. This is risky because you need to be careful what you stop to keep your windows programs, and your good software from becoming damaged. Next step open your internet browser and then pay another visit to your favorite search engine Google, yahoo, Bing and type your search request download unhackme, the first result or the one from gratis inc is the place you need to be. Open the link and click the download free trail in the center of the page. Next we run the installer when downloaded then remove what it can with the spy ware removal tool button.
Once that is done you will be given a few more choices the only one you want to hit is remove rootkit. The software will run then tell you to restart so it can run and stop processes from starting as they try to start. This is the be careful moment while it runs you will be asked after each find to remove or if it is a false positive. There will be a help button under each which will tell you most times if the file is good or bad and the answer given is usually safe to follow. Once you have clicked through all removal screens the software will not start on the next log in and you will need to run spybot one more time to clean what ever programs where running before that could not be removed. Now that windows did not load them to memory they will be easily deleted. If your problems are now removed you are good to go if not you can try step siix.
Step 6.) If you are still here unfortunately you have a bad infestation of spyware or possibly a virus. Lets try to remove the virus first, unless you feel comfortable diving in the repair posts available on Google, yahoo, Bing and trying registry fixes this would be a good time to call in a professional computer repair person or an online computer repair expert to help with your problem. You can download a free year worth of anti virus protection offered by Grisoft inc by going to your favorite search engine once again and typing in download avgfree mg. Download then install the AVG anti virus software, during the install it will have you run a full update for the virus definitions. Your computer will need to be online for this to take place so please plug back to modem or network. Once the update is completed open the software by clicking the avg icon and select run full computer scan. After your scan has completed you will be given a list of files found select to delete all or clean if one is a document you need or want.
You may need more programs to fully remove the spyware infection on your computer depending on the severity of the infection. Programs are easy to find and use depending on your computer experience, be careful not all that is free is good it may be more spyware. Look up any software before you try it. Google, Yahoo, and Bing are your friend. It's a good idea to scan your computer in safe mode just to ensure that you can complete any PC repair that needs to be done within Windows you are locked out of certain changes for security reasons and safe mode will allow you to complete the same task.
When the PC starts up after you press power tap the F8 key until you get the menu to enter safe mode then you can select the first choice safe mode and try your new cleanup software. The programs must be installed outside of safe mode in a regular boot for the most part. The best way to remove spyware is to not get it in the first place. Keep your system and anti-virus updated, be very selective about what programs you download. There are many websites that offer computer help and or repair you should be able to find anything that you need online. Nothing is truly free remember that the next time you see a pop up and you will be one step closer to staying spyware free.
Looking for a computer repair expert to remove spyware or repair your computer/network in Port saint Lucie, West Palm Beach, Stuart, Boca Raton, or the greater south Florida area? Give Eric Jaffe from Jejtek.com a call (754) 245-1477. Not only will you end up with a repaired computer for a reasonable price. I will teach you how to keep the computer clean and spyware free while I complete your repair. The next time you run into computer trouble You can follow the notes you took during our session and do basic removal your self saving your budgeted cash for more important things.
0 notes
ipadsadvise · 7 years
Managing Your iOS Cellular Data Usage
Even as 'unlimited' data plans are currently making a roaring resurgence, most of iOS individuals are still on either tiered data plans, or have information thresholds past which they obtain their speeds strangled. However, with the use a couple of attributes constructed into iphone, and also numerous totally free information keeping track of apps, it is possible to remain on top of your month-to-month usage, and also to understand precisely where your hard-earned data is being used.
Knowing the Score
It's a little concealed, yet iphone does track your Cellular Information use. Go to Settings-Cellular to see the usage for the current period as well as your roaming information for the existing period. A lot more on this is simply a second.
Below that, you have all apps that can utilizing Mobile Information provided. The existing duration data use for each application is shown here, in addition to a toggle switch that allows users to shut off the faucet for any application that they do not desire utilizing information. There is even a listing near the bottom for any kind of apps that may have been uninstalled during the period. Very nice.
These are unbelievably valuable devices ... if ... IF you keep an eye on your month-to-month data strategy and also act as necessary. I was advised of an important lesson after going over my data top a year or two back. Iphone presently doesn't have any approach for instantly resetting the Cellular Information Usage duration. If you don't do this on your own, the numbers you see right here actually will not inform you anything for the existing month you are in.
It is additionally worth noting right here that, after an extensive search, I learnt that brief of Jailbreaking your iOS tool, there is no built-in means for third-party apps to identify information usage for individual applications. Well, at the very least not without leaping via some very major hoops. There is an application called My Data Supervisor from Mobidia Innovation on the Application Store that creatively utilizes a VPN to track and videotape the website traffic from each of your applications. This not only puts a much heavier tons on your gadget in the background, however it can also result in slower than typical data rates, and also a rise in your Cellular Information use. My recommendation is to stick to the present service until Apple either includes far better monitoring, or opens up the app-specific information approximately developers.
Taking Control
I and several others would value the addition of attributes in iOS that would aid in monitoring data make use of each app. Nonetheless, up until that time, it is possible to manage this yourself. If you scroll to the bottom of the listing of apps under Settings-Cellular, you will certainly see a button to Reset Statistics.
Just faucet this button to reset all Cellular Data use counters. This will certainly additionally reset your telephone call time counter for the period. It likewise gives you a day as well as time stamp for the last time this was performed.
All you need to do now is consult your cordless expense, service provider application, or your service provider's online account administration interface, as well as learn completion day for your cordless plan's month-to-month payment. As long as you reset your use on or near this date each month, then the numbers you see on this page will aid you in figuring out where your data is PRESENTLY going.
This is just too very easy to neglect, even for the most interested as well as arranged of individuals. I advise establishing up a regular monthly suggestion late the night before your data rolls over, or early the morning of, depending on your preference. I utilized Pointers for this due to the fact that it is built-in as well as very trusted for these kinds of simple alerts. Nonetheless, any kind of application qualified of producing a reminder or visit notification will do. This isn't sure-fire, yet it will certainly go a long means toward assisting you remain on top of this function of iphone, and making the data right here function much better for you. I set a suggestion for myself several months back, and I have not missed resetting my data stats since. If I can do it, anyone can.
Trouble with the Assist
While we are below, it deserves noting that the Wi-Fi Assist function simply over the Reset Stats button can be a reason for high Mobile Information use. When Apple unveiled this feature in iOS 9, it right away caused a tempest in a teapot. You know. Among those Apple-centered '- entrances' that the tech press simply LOVE to cover every single time a new variation of iphone is launched or a new Apple gadget strikes the shelves. However, I guess their gleeful coverage of Samsung's Note 7 fiasco shows that it isn't that they enjoy slamming Apple as long as they love bad tech news that owns clicks.
Back to the topic available. Apple left the criteria of this attribute a little to loose at release, to ensure that every single time a customer's Wi-Fi signal went down below a certain threshold for an extremely brief time, the apps or services in operation would certainly begin making use of Cellular Data instead of Wi-Fi, Because the beginnings of the apple iphone, as soon as an Apple mobile phone was connected to Wi-Fi, it had actually ceased to use Cell Data. This feature changed this foundational concept of iOS as well as confused many customers while doing so. Unexpectedly, numerous very early upgraders were burning with huge sections of their monthly data allocations in days, even while attached to just what they thought were stable Wi-Fi routers.
While Apple's intentions to assist users obtain an extra stable and also seamless on-line experience were noble, the execution was doing not have. Wi-Fi Assist just had not been checked completely enough, which was exposed when it was launched to numerous early iOS upgraders. While I am sure this feature has been tested completely since its bumpy turn out, as well as has actually been upgraded to function much better over time, you understand just what they claim. Once bitten, two times reluctant. I do not need Wi-Fi Assist, so I don't think I will certainly ever transform it back on.
That claimed, if you do have problems with weak Wi-Fi, this feature could assist you. Just watch on your data usage, and also if you run right into problems, turn Wi-Fi Help off as well as see if that assists stem the trend. It is also worth keeping in mind that, if you have Wi-Fi Aid activated, iOS keeps a data usage tab on it, just like every one of the various other apps and also services. That makes it easy to recognize if Wi-Fi Assist is utilizing more of your data compared to you think it should.
Service with a Smile
At the base of the checklist of apps in Settings-Cellular, there is additionally a button to show the Cellular Data use for iOS' System Services.
This gives you an introduction of just what does it cost? information iphone itself is making use of. Touching on this field takes you to a detailed menu that damages down iOS data usage right into a minimum of 24 categories.
This is extremely helpful from a reference point of view, but unlike in some previous iOS versions, you cannot disable any kind of information usage from this menu. Anything that could be shut off has been relocated up right into the checklist of applications, or when it comes to iCloud Drive, simply listed below it.
All in all, Apple has given users a rather robust collection of tools to track information use. What we are missing out on is the ability to reset the usage total at a fixed interval. As long as you are eager to take a little campaign, the monitoring that's offered must be all your requirement to stay on top of things.
Going Your Own Way
If Apple's built-in tools aren't for you, or if you would certainly just such as a much easier means to get to this information, there is no shortage of applications in the Application Shop that will certainly handle your data monitoring for you: DataMan, DataMan Next, Information Use, Data Use Pro, Data Count, Information Supervisor, the aforementioned My Data Manager, simply to name a couple of. The checklist goes on and on.
I do not commonly use an application for tracking any longer, but I do have Data Usage Pro mounted on my iPhone.
I actually utilized it to track my Wi-Fi use when Comcast put its preliminary cord data cap at only 300 GB monthly. With a family members of 5, including 3 children that like technology and were home for the Summer season at the time, that 300 GB reoccured quickly. I selected Information Use Pro since I might establish restrictions and also invoicing rollover dates for both Wi-Fi as well as Cellular, and it maintains a running history of your information use for each and every month which can be exported for lasting storage and analysis. Like a lot of apps in this classification, it additionally has a widget, so you could maintain tabs on data use without opening the app. Tolerable for a totally free app.
If you have an interest in utilizing an app for data monitoring, I would certainly suggest beginning by attempting all the totally free ones. Other compared to interface and a few features occasionally, there won't be a whole lot of distinction between them all. If one of them doesn't do it for you, there are numerous in the $.99 array that could function a little far better. As for my use information tracking apps, Comcast raised the cap to 1 TB each month, which I SIGNIFICANTLY valued. We have not had any type of issues given that, so I have not had any need for an application since then.
Go To the Source
While a lot of the data monitoring applications have some kind of notice to allow you know you are approaching your data cap, absolutely nothing beats getting this info from the company that is actually doing the counting and billing. The majority of the mobile service providers have some device to alert you that your information cap restriction is approaching. I am an AT&T client, and also they give customers a number of notice alternatives right from their iOS app.
As you can see here, users could make a decision at what point they get alerts, and also that they go to. The signals reveal up as message messages for the customers they are transformed on for, and show up as a notice in the AT&T app.
If I get a 75% notification from AT&T, after that I recognize it's time to go check my data usage per app in iOS, which normally keeps me covered. 99% of the moment that I go over my cap it is work associated, and also they are kind sufficient to repay me for the $15 overage charges, so this has rarely been an issue for me.
One of nowadays I will likely change my family members over to an unlimited plan. AT&T's even more inexpensive endless household strategy doesn't enable tethering, which I absolutely count on for my task. The tier that does permit it is unbelievably pricey, yet it is tough to walk away from AT&T since my firm likewise gets a good company discount rate via them. So, for the time being, I am composing this short article based upon existing personal experience. I may be counting bytes for some time yet in addition to a lot of you. A minimum of we have the devices to stay on top of it with extremely little extra effort.
Are you still using a tiered information strategy, or have you taken the dive as well as gone unlimited? If so, let me know exactly what you assume. Do you have any kind of techniques or applications for information tracking that just weren't stated here? Do not hesitate to allow me understand in the Remarks area below, on Flipboard, our Facebook page, or on Twitter @iPadInsightBlog or @jhrogersii.
0 notes
Spyware Removal - Speed Up Your Computer
New Post has been published on https://myupdatesystems.com/2017/04/09/spyware-removal-speed-up-your-computer/
Spyware Removal - Speed Up Your Computer
Spyware Removal to Speed up
In my city, Port Saint Lucie and all over the great state of Florida, say the words Spyware, Adware, or malware and Business owners, along with any technically average Windows PC user will shudder in horror. That’s because these programs not only are incredibly stubborn when you’re trying to remove them, but they often change administrator or security settings on your computer, Workstation, or Servers, such as what sites you allow trust or the settings in your HOST files. Spyware or adware, a malicious program that can add, change or remove values in the Windows registry allowing the program to fully install on the opening of Internet Explorer or Firefox, or on the next reboot of your computer repair, even after deleted if not removed completely.
Today’s spyware is more common than a virus for the average Windows user surfing the internet. Spyware has hundreds of successful ways to disable or infect your computer via all the common exploits or software bugs, like errors within the Windows operating system allowing spyware the use of your CPU cycles, to spam others, and to solicit your desktop to show you pop ups for everything from pornography to other spyware programs that will claim to be able to remove the currently installed spyware or clean a virus from your computer, when in fact it can make it worse by installing more spyware. Spyware can copy secure data from your desktop computer or PC and send it off to another country, or even some where else in our own country where a malicious hacker waits to sell or use your stolen data for anything from ID theft, to pirating your Audio and or Video collection and posting it online. It is very important to remove spy ware as soon as its detected as you can see by all the harm it can cause besides just slowing down your computer and making its use a miserable experience.
The best path to take is to try stopping the spyware before it is able to fully take hold or control of your computer, server or workstation if you already have some installed. If you have a clean spyware computer follow the tips below to keep it that way. It is just as important to verify complete removal once you feel the spyware has been uninstalled to make sure, it cannot reinstall on the next reboot and that your data is once again secure from theft of prying eyes. Simply put Spyware is part of a big online business of data theft and forced marketing along with the fake software to remove the spyware for another $50 dollars then they can go for your credit card info next. If you are seeing a major slowdown in the functions of your windows desktop computer you need to have the computer cleaned and probably a little spyware removal depending on your internet surfing habits and what you like to Google for. Worst case you have to reinstall your Windows operating system and all programs then copy your data over from a back up if you have one.
If you are not backing up please allow me to introduce you to a great little program called Carbonite. Carbonite provides a great solution to the problem of backing up your home or office compueter. Carbonite includes unlimited size online or off site storage for for your files at a very reasonable price of $59.99 or so per year. Not only do I recommend the program I use it my self for years I was a beta tester and have it installed on three of my home servers protecting my data with off site storage day and night. I have personally witnessed this program save 4 companies from complete data loss due to the person in charge at that office not testing there backup tapes, a raid went bad in another and they never complained about the error on reboot of the server until it was to late, and one company who claimed they backed up to a USB hard drive and said don’t worry about us, well they forgot for a year and had no back at all when there server got hit by lightening. Each of the companies listed were saved by the great little program for off site backups called Carbonite. After the problem was repaired in all cases the software they lost was immediately downloaded to the new location and re shared to the office allowing them to get back to work.
Follow my free tips below to attempt to remove installed spyware from your PC server or workstation.
(Please remember this is done at your own risk I take no responsibility for the outcome of your work.)
Step 1.) To remove spyware, first you should download the programs listed below then disconnect your computer from the Internet. After you complete the downloads unplug your computer from the modem or router to ensure that you are offline. You’ll need the right programs to remove spyware from your computer. If you are unable to surf the internet with your browser correctly you will need to download the free software for removal from another computer that is connected to the internet, like a friend or family member PC. Once you have downloaded the files from Google, Yahoo or Bing You’ll need to burn the spyware removal programs to a cd or copy them to a USB memory stick and then install them on your PC and use them from there. There are hundreds of programs to remove or repair a PC or computer infected with spyware.
The programs I would like you to download are: a.) Cleanup.exe to remove temp files b.) Spybot Search And Destroy to search through its definitions after you update it like anti virus software and remove the spyware from both the folders and registry and also cleanup the Host files c.) Sysinternals process explorer to view the running process or services to see what is hogging your resources d.)Unhackme for rootkit removal
You can use all programs listed or one or two if your problem is easily removed. For the do it yourselfer these will work unless you have a very deep infestation and would then need to call in a pro like myself. The easy way to get each of these files except unhackme is to open your favorite search engine like Google, Yahoo or Bing then type download programname MG. The program name will be the name of the software listed above. The download will bring up this type of page or link for downloading, the MG stands for and will take you to “Major Geeks” a great place to download free or paid applications to help with anything you can think of on the PC or MAC. To download the unhack me software you need to type in download unhackme the first result gratis inc will be the one you want to download from.
Now that you have the correct software to cleanup your PC it’s time to get dirty.
Step 2.) Once you’re offline, click start button the look for the control panel icon. Once in the control panel go to your add/remove programs screen by clicking the add/remove programs icon. Many times spyware will have uninstallers that will allow you to completely remove them without too much effort. Remove as many as you can this way some will give you errors or take you online for feedback and force you to answer to close. just put unhappy and click remove. If you are unsure of an item in the add remove programs section do not just delete it.
All your real programs along with your Windows updates are also within this list. To learn what something is click or highlight the item and it will have more information under it like programmed by and company name. Now armed with a little more info than a program name open your favorite search Engine once again Google, Yahoo, Bing and type in the program name and find out what it is. If it shows up as marketing or pop ups or ads or there are how to remove this or that yep of spyware you are on the right path to get rid of that spyware. If you see many warning and info on spyware when you look it up 9 times out of 10 it would be safe to remove unless you have a program with the same name running in your office or home that you really need. Please ask your boss or double check, then delete.
Step 3.) Now we install and run the cleanup.exe program selecting the first button top right cleanup. The program will ask you if you want to run in demo mode which does not do anything you will select no and really run for the first time. Your pc stores many temp files in multiple locations to save settings for faster loading and use in those apps. By deleting these backups or cached settings you computer will run better allowing faster removal and will also remove the spyware saved in the temp folders. Once you have ran first the cleanup program to remove trash your pc will run slightly faster. This does not delete you files only the temp and saved settings in the browser which you need to run to clean up spyware. No book marks or favorites are deleted.
Step 4.) Now we need to install then allow the full update process during install of the Spybot program. Once installed the first thing you need to do is click the immunize button in the upper left and it will run once and will need to be run twice for all items to turn green. the good in green should now be the large number and the bad or unprotected in red should go down to zero. Once your computer has been immunized, now it’s time to run a full search of the computer files and registry for spyware. This is completed by clicking the Search and destroy button on the upper left, then click search for problems button with the magnifying lens image to start the search for spyware.
Once the program searches the whole computer you will be shown a list on the right side of the screen and they will have open check boxes or squares to the left of each. You will notice the search for problems button has now changed to fix problems in the upper left. To remove all spyware you need to click this button again and the spybot program will attempt to remove and delete and files it has found associated with spyware. For ones it is unable to remove it will ask if you can run one more time when completed after a full restart of your computer. You need to say yes to this and let the program work its magic once again. If at this point the computer shows clean, all green checks to the left of each removed spyware file or registry entry. You are most likely clean and can continue happy surfing. If not please follow the additional steps below to remove a more aggressive type of problem called a root kit or hijacked browser.
Step 5.) If you are unable to remove all spyware with Spybot or have many pop ups on the start up of your computer without even going on line, you will need to next download the program unhackme then install it to stop the rouge service from starting when your computer boots up. This is risky because you need to be careful what you stop to keep your windows programs, and your good software from becoming damaged. Next step open your internet browser and then pay another visit to your favorite search engine Google, yahoo, Bing and type your search request download unhackme, the first result or the one from gratis inc is the place you need to be. Open the link and click the download free trail in the center of the page. Next we run the installer when downloaded then remove what it can with the spy ware removal tool button.
Once that is done you will be given a few more choices the only one you want to hit is remove rootkit. The software will run then tell you to restart so it can run and stop processes from starting as they try to start. This is the be careful moment while it runs you will be asked after each find to remove or if it is a false positive. There will be a help button under each which will tell you most times if the file is good or bad and the answer given is usually safe to follow. Once you have clicked through all removal screens the software will not start on the next log in and you will need to run spybot one more time to clean what ever programs where running before that could not be removed. Now that windows did not load them to memory they will be easily deleted. If your problems are now removed you are good to go if not you can try step siix.
Step 6.) If you are still here unfortunately you have a bad infestation of spyware or possibly a virus. Lets try to remove the virus first, unless you feel comfortable diving in the repair posts available on Google, yahoo, Bing and trying registry fixes this would be a good time to call in a professional computer repair person or an online computer repair expert to help with your problem. You can download a free year worth of anti virus protection offered by Grisoft inc by going to your favorite search engine once again and typing in download avgfree mg. Download then install the AVG anti virus software, during the install it will have you run a full update for the virus definitions. Your computer will need to be online for this to take place so please plug back to modem or network. Once the update is completed open the software by clicking the avg icon and select run full computer scan. After your scan has completed you will be given a list of files found select to delete all or clean if one is a document you need or want.
You may need more programs to fully remove the spyware infection on your computer depending on the severity of the infection. Programs are easy to find and use depending on your computer experience, be careful not all that is free is good it may be more spyware. Look up any software before you try it. Google, Yahoo, and Bing are your friend. It’s a good idea to scan your computer in safe mode just to ensure that you can complete any PC repair that needs to be done within Windows you are locked out of certain changes for security reasons and safe mode will allow you to complete the same task.
When the PC starts up after you press power tap the F8 key until you get the menu to enter safe mode then you can select the first choice safe mode and try your new cleanup software. The programs must be installed outside of safe mode in a regular boot for the most part. The best way to remove spyware is to not get it in the first place. Keep your system and anti-virus updated, be very selective about what programs you download. There are many websites that offer computer help and or repair you should be able to find anything that you need online. Nothing is truly free remember that the next time you see a pop up and you will be one step closer to staying spyware free.
Looking for a computer repair expert to remove spyware or repair your computer/network in Port saint Lucie, West Palm Beach, Stuart, Boca Raton, or the greater south Florida area? Give Eric Jaffe from Jejtek.com a call (754) 245-1477. Not only will you end up with a repaired PC for a reasonable price. I will teach you how to keep the computer clean and spyware free while I complete your repair. The next time you run into computer trouble You can follow the notes you took during our session and do basic removal your self saving your budgeted cash for more important things.
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beingmad2017-blog · 7 years
6 Steps to Spyware Removal - Speed Up Your Computer Today
New Post has been published on https://beingmad.org/6-steps-to-spyware-removal-speed-up-your-computer-today/
6 Steps to Spyware Removal - Speed Up Your Computer Today
Port Saint Lucie and all over the great state of Florida, say the words Spyware, Adware, or malware and Business owners, along with any technically average Windows PC user will shudder in horror. That’s because these programs not only are incredibly stubborn when you’re trying to remove them, but they often change administrator or security settings on your computer, Workstation, or Servers, such as what sites you allow trust or the settings in your HOST files. Spyware or adware, a malicious program that can add, change or remove values in the Windows registry allowing the program to fully install on the opening of Internet Explorer or Firefox, or on the next reboot of your computer repair, even after deleted if not removed completely.
Today’s spyware is more common than a virus for the average Windows user surfing the internet. Spyware has hundreds of successful ways to disable or infect your computer via all the common exploits or software bugs, like errors within the Windows operating system allowing spyware the use of your CPU cycles, to spam others, and to solicit your desktop to show you pop-ups for everything from pornography to other spyware programs that will claim to be able to remove the currently installed spyware or clean a virus from your computer, when in fact it can make it worse by installing more spyware. Spyware can copy secure data from your desktop computer or PC and send it off to another country, or even somewhere else in our own country where a malicious hacker wants to sell or use your stolen data for anything from ID theft, to pirating your Audio and or Video collection and posting it online. It is very important to remove spyware as soon as it’s detected as you can see by all the harm it can cause besides just slowing down your computer and making its use a miserable experience.
The best path to take is to try stopping the spyware before it is able to fully take hold or control of your computer, server or workstation if you already have some installed. If you have a clean spyware computer follow the tips below to keep it that way. It is just as important to verify complete removal once you feel the spyware has been uninstalled to make sure, it cannot reinstall on the next reboot and that your data is once again secure from a theft of prying eyes. Simply put Spyware is part of a big online business of data theft and forced marketing along with the fake software to remove the spyware for another $50 dollars then they can go for your credit card info next. If you are seeing a major slowdown in the functions of your windows desktop computer you need to have the computer cleaned and probably a little spyware removal depending on your internet surfing habits and what you like to Google for. Worst case you have to reinstall your Windows operating system and all programs then copy your data over from a backup if you have one.
If you are not backing up please allow me to introduce you to a great little program called Carbonite. Carbonite provides a great solution to the problem of backing up your home or office computer. Carbonite includes unlimited size online or off-site storage for your files at a very reasonable price of $59.99 or so per year. Not only do I recommend the program I use it myself for years I was a beta tester and have it installed on three of my home servers protecting my data with off-site storage day and night. I have personally witnessed this program save 4 companies from complete data loss due to the person in charge at that office not testing their backup tapes, a raid went bad in another and they never complained about the error on reboot of the server until it was too late, and one company who claimed they backed up to a USB hard drive and said don’t worry about us, well they forgot for a year and had no back at all when their server got hit by lightening. Each of the companies listed was saved by the great little program for off-site backups called Carbonite. After the problem was repaired in all cases the software they lost was immediately downloaded to the new location and re-shared to the office allowing them to get back to work.
Follow my free tips below to attempt to remove installed spyware from your PC server or workstation.
Step 1.) To remove spyware, first, you should download the programs listed below then disconnect your computer from the Internet. After you complete the downloads unplug your computer from the modem or router to ensure that you are offline. You’ll need the right programs to remove spyware from your computer. If you are unable to surf the internet with your browser correctly you will need to download the free software for removal from another computer that is connected to the internet, like a friend or family member PC. Once you have downloaded the files from Google, Yahoo or Bing You’ll need to burn the spyware removal programs to a cd or copy them to a USB memory stick and then install them on your PC and use them from there. There are hundreds of programs to remove or repair a PC or computer infected with spyware.
The programs I would like you to download are:
a.) Cleanup.exe to remove temp files b.) Spybot Search And Destroy to search through its definitions after you update it like antivirus software and remove the spyware from both the folders and registry and also clean up the Host files c .) Sysinternals process explorer to view the running process or services to see what is hogging your resources d.)Unhackme for rootkit removal
You can use all programs listed or one or two if your problem is easily removed. For the do it yourselfer these will work unless you have a very deep infestation and would then need to call in a pro like myself. The easy way to get each of these files except unhackme is to open your favorite search engine like Google, Yahoo or Bing then type download programname MG. The program name will be the name of the software listed above. The download will bring up this type of page or link for downloading, the MG stands for and will take you to “Major Geeks” a great place to download free or paid applications to help with anything you can think of on the PC or MAC. To download the unhack me software you need to type in download unhackme the first result gratis inc will be the one you want to download from.
Now that you have the correct software to cleanup your PC it’s time to get dirty.
Step 2.) Once you’re offline, click start button the look for the control panel icon. Once in the control panel go to your add/remove programs screen by clicking the add/remove programs icon. Many times spyware will have uninstallers that will allow you to completely remove them without too much effort. Remove as many as you can this way some will give you errors or take you online for feedback and force you to answer to close. just put unhappy and click remove. If you are unsure of an item in the add remove programs section do not just delete it.
All your real programs along with your Windows updates are also within this list. To learn what something is click or highlight the item and it will have more information under it like programmed by and company name. Now armed with a little more info than a program name open your favorite search Engine once again Google, Yahoo, Bing and type in the program name and find out what it is. If it shows up as marketing or pop ups or ads or there are how to remove this or that yep of spyware you are on the right path to get rid of that spyware. If you see many warning and info on spyware when you look it up 9 times out of 10 it would be safe to remove unless you have a program with the same name running in your office or home that you really need. Please ask your boss or double check, then delete.
Step 3.) Now we install and run the cleanup.exe program selecting the first button top right cleanup. The program will ask you if you want to run in demo mode which does not do anything you will select no and really run for the first time. Your pc stores many temp files in multiple locations to save settings for faster loading and use in those apps. By deleting these backups or cached settings you computer will run better allowing faster removal and will also remove the spyware saved in the temp folders. Once you have ran first the cleanup program to remove trash your pc will run slightly faster. This does not delete you files only the temp and saved settings in the browser which you need to run to clean up spyware. No book marks or favorites are deleted.
Step 4.) Now we need to install then allow the full update process during install of the Spybot program. Once installed the first thing you need to do is click the immunize button in the upper left and it will run once and will need to be run twice for all items to turn green. the good in green should now be the large number and the bad or unprotected in red should go down to zero. Once your computer has been immunized, now it’s time to run a full search of the computer files and registry for spyware. This is completed by clicking the Search and destroy button on the upper left, then click search for problems button with the magnifying lens image to start the search for spyware.
Once the program searches the whole computer you will be shown a list on the right side of the screen and they will have open check boxes or squares to the left of each. You will notice the search for problems button has now changed to fix problems in the upper left. To remove all spyware you need to click this button again and the Spybot program will attempt to remove and delete and files it has found associated with spyware. For ones it is unable to remove it will ask if you can run one more time when completed after a full restart of your computer. You need to say yes to this and let the program work its magic once again. If at this point the computer shows clean, all green checks to the left of each removed spyware file or registry entry. You are most likely clean and can continue happy surfing. If not please follow the additional steps below to remove a more aggressive type of problem called a root kit or hijacked browser.
Step 5.) If you are unable to remove all spyware with Spybot or have many pop ups on the start up of your computer without even going on line, you will need to next download the program unhackme then install it to stop the rouge service from starting when your computer boots up. This is risky because you need to be careful what you stop to keep your windows programs, and your good software from becoming damaged. Next step open your internet browser and then pay another visit to your favorite search engine Google, yahoo, Bing and type your search request download unhackme, the first result or the one from gratis inc is the place you need to be. Open the link and click the download free trail in the center of the page. Next we run the installer when downloaded then remove what it can with the spy ware removal tool button.
Once that is done you will be given a few more choices the only one you want to hit is remove rootkit. The software will run then tell you to restart so it can run and stop processes from starting as they try to start. This is the be careful moment while it runs you will be asked after each find to remove or if it is a false positive. There will be a help button under each which will tell you most times if the file is good or bad and the answer given is usually safe to follow. Once you have clicked through all removal screens the software will not start on the next log in and you will need to run spybot one more time to clean what ever programs where running before that could not be removed. Now that windows did not load them to memory they will be easily deleted. If your problems are now removed you are good to go if not you can try step siix.
Step 6.) If you are still here unfortunately you have a bad infestation of spyware or possibly a virus. Lets try to remove the virus first, unless you feel comfortable diving in the repair posts available on Google, yahoo, Bing and trying registry fixes this would be a good time to call in a professional computer repair person or an online computer repair expert to help with your problem. You can download a free year worth of anti virus protection offered by Grisoft inc by going to your favorite search engine once again and typing in download avgfree mg. Download then install the AVG anti virus software, during the install it will have you run a full update for the virus definitions. Your computer will need to be online for this to take place so please plug back to modem or network. Once the update is completed open the software by clicking the avg icon and select run full computer scan. After your scan has completed you will be given a list of files found select to delete all or clean if one is a document you need or want.
You may need more programs to fully remove the spyware infection on your computer depending on the severity of the infection. Programs are easy to find and use depending on your computer experience, be careful not all that is free is good it may be more spyware. Look up any software before you try it. Google, Yahoo, and Bing are your friend. It’s a good idea to scan your computer in safe mode just to ensure that you can complete any PC repair that needs to be done within Windows you are locked out of certain changes for security reasons and safe mode will allow you to complete the same task.
When the PC starts up after you press power tap the F8 key until you get the menu to enter safe mode then you can select the first choice safe mode and try your new cleanup software. The programs must be installed outside of safe mode in a regular boot for the most part. The best way to remove spyware is to not get it in the first place. Keep your system and anti-virus updated, be very selective about what programs you download. There are many websites that offer computer help and or repair you should be able to find anything that you need online. Nothing is truly free remember that the next time you see a pop up and you will be one step closer to staying spyware free.
Looking for a computer repair expert to remove spyware or repair your computer/network in Port saint Lucie, West Palm Beach, Stuart, Boca Raton, or the greater south Florida area? Give Eric Jaffe from Jejtek.com a call (754) 245-1477. Not only will you end up with a repaired PC for a reasonable price. I will teach you how to keep the computer clean and spyware free while I complete your repair. The next time you run into computer trouble You can follow the notes you took during our session and do basic removal your self saving your budgeted cash for more important things.
0 notes
baburaja97-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on Vin Zite
New Post has been published on https://vinzite.com/spyware-removal-speed-up-your-computer/
Spyware Removal - Speed Up Your Computer
In a my-my city, Port Saint Lucie and all over the great state of Florida, say the words Spyware, Adware, or malware and Business owners, along with any technically average Windows PC user will shudder in horror. That’s because these programs not only are incredibly stubborn when you’re trying to remove them, but they often change administrator or security settings on your computer, Workstation, or Servers, such as what sites you allow trust or the settings in your HOST files. Spyware or adware, a malicious program that can add, change or remove values in the Windows registry allowing the program to fully install on the opening of Internet Explorer or Firefox, or on the next reboot of your computer repair, even after deleted if not removed completely.
Spyware Removal for Cleaning up your Computer
Today’s spyware is more common than a virus for the average Windows user surfing the internet. Spyware has hundreds of successful ways to disable or infect your computer via all the common exploits or software bugs, like errors within the Windows operating system allowing spyware the use of your CPU cycles, to spam others, and to solicit your desktop to show you pop-ups for everything from pornography to other spyware programs that will claim to be able to remove the currently installed spyware or clean a virus from your computer, when in fact it can make it worse by installing more spyware. Spyware can copy secure data from your desktop computer or PC and send it off to another country, or even somewhere else in our own country where a malicious hacker wants to sell or use your stolen data for anything from ID theft, to pirating your Audio and or Video collection and posting it online. It is very important to remove spyware as soon as it is detected as you can see by all the harm it can cause besides just slowing down your computer and making its use a miserable experience.
The best path to take is to try stopping the spyware before it is able to fully take hold or control of your computer, server or workstation if you already have some installed. If you have a clean spyware computer follow the tips below to keep it that way. It is just as important to verify complete removal once you feel the spyware has been uninstalled to make sure, it cannot reinstall on the next reboot and that your data is once again secure from the theft of prying eyes. Simply put Spyware is part of a big online business of data theft and forced marketing along with the fake software to remove the spyware for another $50 dollars then they can go for your credit card info next. If you are seeing a major slowdown in the functions of your windows desktop computer you need to have the computer cleaned and probably a little spyware removal depending on your internet surfing habits and what you like to Google for. Worst case you have to reinstall your Windows operating system and all programs then copy your data over from a backup if you have one.
If you are not backing up please allow me to introduce you to a great little program called Carbonite. Carbonite provides a great solution to the problem of backing up your home or office computer. Carbonite includes unlimited size online or off-site storage for your files at a very reasonable price of $59.99 or so per year. Not only do I recommend the program I use it myself for years I was a beta tester and have it installed on three of my home servers protecting my data with off-site storage day and night. I have personally witnessed this program save 4 companies from complete data loss due to the person in charge at that office not testing their backup tapes, a raid went bad in another and they never complained about the error on reboot of the server until it was too late, and one company who claimed they backed up to a USB hard drive and said don’t worry about us, well they forgot for a year and had no back at all when their server got hit by lightening. Each of the companies listed was saved by the great little program for off-site backups called Carbonite. After the problem was repaired in all cases the software they lost was immediately downloaded to the new location and re-shared to the office allowing them to get back to work.
Follow my free tips below to attempt to remove installed spyware from your PC server or workstation.
(Please remember this is done at your own risk I take no responsibility for the outcome of your work.)
Step 1.) To remove spyware, first, you should download the programs listed below then disconnect your computer from the Internet. After you complete the downloads unplug your computer from the modem or router to ensure that you are offline. You’ll need the right programs to remove spyware from your computer. If you are unable to surf the internet with your browser correctly you will need to download the free software for removal from another computer that is connected to the internet, like a friend or family member PC. Once you have downloaded the files from Google, Yahoo or Bing You’ll need to burn the spyware removal programs to a cd or copy them to a USB memory stick and then install them on your PC and use them from there. There are hundreds of programs to remove or repair a PC or computer infected with spyware.
The programs I would like you to download are: a.) Cleanup.exe to remove temp files b.) Spybot Search And Destroy to search through its definitions after you update it like antivirus software and remove the spyware from both the folders and registry and also clean up the Host files c .) Sysinternals process explorer to view the running process or services to see what is hogging your resources d.)Unhackme for rootkit removal
You can use all programs listed or one or two if your problem is easily removed. For the do it yourselfer these will work unless you have a very deep infestation and would then need to call in a pro like myself. The easy way to get each of these files except unhackme is to open your favorite search engine like Google, Yahoo or Bing then type download programname MG. The program name will be the name of the software listed above. The download will bring up this type of page or link for downloading, the MG stands for and will take you to “Major Geeks” a great place to download free or paid applications to help with anything you can think of on the PC or MAC. To download the unhack me software you need to type in download unhackme the first result gratis inc will be the one you want to download from.
Now that you have the correct software to cleanup your PC it’s time to get dirty.
Step 2.) Once you’re offline, click start button the look for the control panel icon. Once in the control panel go to your add/remove programs screen by clicking the add/remove programs icon. Many times spyware will have uninstallers that will allow you to completely remove them without too much effort. Remove as many as you can this way some will give you errors or take you online for feedback and force you to answer to close. just put unhappy and click remove. If you are unsure of an item in the add remove programs section do not just delete it.
All your real programs along with your Windows updates are also within this list. To learn what something is click or highlight the item and it will have more information under it like programmed by and company name. Now armed with a little more info than a program name open your favorite search Engine once again Google, Yahoo, Bing and type in the program name and find out what it is. If it shows up as marketing or pop ups or ads or there are how to remove this or that yep of spyware you are on the right path to get rid of that spyware. If you see many warning and info on spyware when you look it up 9 times out of 10 it would be safe to remove unless you have a program with the same name running in your office or home that you really need. Please ask your boss or double check, then delete.
Step 3.) Now we install and run the cleanup.exe program selecting the first button top right cleanup. The program will ask you if you want to run in demo mode which does not do anything you will select no and really run for the first time. Your pc stores many temp files in multiple locations to save settings for faster loading and use in those apps. By deleting these backups or cached settings you computer will run better allowing faster removal and will also remove the spyware saved in the temp folders. Once you have ran first the cleanup program to remove trash your pc will run slightly faster. This does not delete you files only the temp and saved settings in the browser which you need to run to clean up spyware. No book marks or favorites are deleted.
Step 4.) Now we need to install then allow the full update process during install of the Spybot program. Once installed the first thing you need to do is click the immunize button in the upper left and it will run once and will need to be run twice for all items to turn green. the good in green should now be the large number and the bad or unprotected in red should go down to zero. Once your computer has been immunized, now it’s time to run a full search of the computer files and registry for spyware. This is completed by clicking the Search and destroy button on the upper left, then click search for problems button with the magnifying lens image to start the search for spyware.
Once the program searches the whole computer you will be shown a list on the right side of the screen and they will have open check boxes or squares to the left of each. You will notice the search for problems button has now changed to fix problems in the upper left. To remove all spyware you need to click this button again and the spybot program will attempt to remove and delete and files it has found associated with spyware. For ones it is unable to remove it will ask if you can run one more time when completed after a full restart of your computer. You need to say yes to this and let the program work its magic once again. If at this point the computer shows clean, all green checks to the left of each removed spyware file or registry entry. You are most likely clean and can continue happy surfing. If not please follow the additional steps below to remove a more aggressive type of problem called a root kit or hijacked browser.
Step 5.) If you are unable to remove all spyware with Spybot or have many pop ups on the start up of your computer without even going on line, you will need to next download the program unhackme then install it to stop the rouge service from starting when your computer boots up. This is risky because you need to be careful what you stop to keep your windows programs, and your good software from becoming damaged. Next step open your internet browser and then pay another visit to your favorite search engine Google, yahoo, Bing and type your search request download unhackme, the first result or the one from gratis inc is the place you need to be. Open the link and click the download free trail in the center of the page. Next we run the installer when downloaded then remove what it can with the spy ware removal tool button.
Once that is done you will be given a few more choices the only one you want to hit is remove rootkit. The software will run then tell you to restart so it can run and stop processes from starting as they try to start. This is the be careful moment while it runs you will be asked after each find to remove or if it is a false positive. There will be a help button under each which will tell you most times if the file is good or bad and the answer given is usually safe to follow. Once you have clicked through all removal screens the software will not start on the next log in and you will need to run spybot one more time to clean what ever programs where running before that could not be removed. Now that windows did not load them to memory they will be easily deleted. If your problems are now removed you are good to go if not you can try step siix.
Step 6.) If you are still here unfortunately you have a bad infestation of spyware or possibly a virus. Lets try to remove the virus first, unless you feel comfortable diving in the repair posts available on Google, yahoo, Bing and trying registry fixes this would be a good time to call in a professional computer repair person or an online computer repair expert to help with your problem. You can download a free year worth of anti virus protection offered by Grisoft inc by going to your favorite search engine once again and typing in download avgfree mg. Download then install the AVG anti virus software, during the install it will have you run a full update for the virus definitions. Your computer will need to be online for this to take place so please plug back to modem or network. Once the update is completed open the software by clicking the avg icon and select run full computer scan. After your scan has completed you will be given a list of files found select to delete all or clean if one is a document you need or want.
You may need more programs to fully remove the spyware infection on your computer depending on the severity of the infection. Programs are easy to find and use depending on your computer experience, be careful not all that is free is good it may be more spyware. Look up any software before you try it. Google, Yahoo, and Bing are your friend. It’s a good idea to scan your computer in safe mode just to ensure that you can complete any PC repair that needs to be done within Windows you are locked out of certain changes for security reasons and safe mode will allow you to complete the same task.
When the PC starts up after you press power tap the F8 key until you get the menu to enter safe mode then you can select the first choice safe mode and try your new cleanup software. The programs must be installed outside of safe mode in a regular boot for the most part. The best way to remove spyware is to not get it in the first place. Keep your system and anti-virus updated, be very selective about what programs you download. There are many websites that offer computer help and or repair you should be able to find anything that you need online. Nothing is truly free remember that the next time you see a pop up and you will be one step closer to staying spyware free.
Looking for a computer repair expert to remove spyware or repair your computer/network in Port saint Lucie, West Palm Beach, Stuart, Boca Raton, or the greater south Florida area? Give Eric Jaffe from Jejtek.com a call (754) 245-1477. Not only will you end up with a repaired PC for a reasonable price. I will teach you how to keep the computer clean and spyware free while I complete your repair. The next time you run into computer trouble You can follow the notes you took during our session and do basic removal your self saving your budgeted cash for more important things.
0 notes
netmaddy-blog · 8 years
Steps to Spyware Removal & Speed Up Your Computer
New Post has been published on https://netmaddy.com/steps-to-spyware-removal-speed-up-your-computer/
Steps to Spyware Removal & Speed Up Your Computer
In my my city Port Saint Lucie and all over the great state of Florida, say the words Spyware, Adware, or malware and Business owners, along with any technically average Windows PC user will shudder in horror. That’s because these programs not only are incredibly stubborn when you’re trying to remove them, but they often change administrator or security settings on your computer, Workstation, or Server, such as what sites you allow trust or the settings in your HOST files. Spyware or adware, a malicious program that can add, change or remove values in the Windows registry allowing the program to fully install on the opening of Internet Explorer or Firefox, or on the next reboot of your computer repair, even after deleted if not removed completely.
Today’s spyware is more common than a virus for the average Windows user surfing the internet. Spyware has hundreds of successful ways to disable or infect your computer via all the common exploits or software bugs, like errors within the Windows operating system allowing spyware the use of your CPU cycles, to spam others, and to solicit your desktop to show you pop ups for everything from pornography to other spyware programs that will claim to be able to remove the currently installed spyware or clean a virus from your computer, when in fact it can make it worse by installing more spyware. Spyware can copy secure data from your desktop computer or PC and send it off to another country, or even some where else in our own country where a malicious hacker waits to sell or use your stolen data for anything from ID theft, to pirating your Audio and or Video collection and posting it online. It is very important to remove spy ware as soon as its detected as you can see by all the harm it can cause besides just slowing down your computer and making its use a miserable experience.
The best path to take is to try stopping the spyware before it is able to fully take hold or control of your computer, server or workstation if you already have some installed. If you have a clean spyware computer follow the tips below to keep it that way. It is just as important to verify complete removal once you feel the spyware has been uninstalled to make sure, it cannot reinstall on the next reboot and that your data is once again secure from theft of prying eyes. Simply put Spyware is part of a big online business of data theft and forced marketing along with the fake software to remove the spyware for another $50 dollars then they can go for your credit card info next. If you are seeing a major slowdown in the functions of your windows desktop computer you need to have the computer cleaned and probably a little spyware removal depending on your internet surfing habits and what you like to Google for. Worst case you have to reinstall your Windows operating system and all programs then copy your data over from a back up if you have one.
If you are not backing up please allow me to introduce you to a great little program called Carbonite. Carbonite provides a great solution to the problem of backing up your home or office compueter. Carbonite includes unlimited size online or off site storage for for your files at a very reasonable price of $59.99 or so per year. Not only do I recommend the program I use it my self for years I was a beta tester and have it installed on three of my home servers protecting my data with off site storage day and night. I have personally witnessed this program save 4 companies from complete data loss due to the person in charge at that office not testing there backup tapes, a raid went bad in another and they never complained about the error on reboot of the server until it was to late, and one company who claimed they backed up to a USB hard drive and said don’t worry about us, well they forgot for a year and had no back at all when there server got hit by lightening. Each of the companies listed were saved by the great little program for off site backups called Carbonite. After the problem was repaired in all cases the software they lost was immediately downloaded to the new location and re shared to the office allowing them to get back to work.
Follow my free tips below to attempt to remove installed spyware from your PC server or workstation.
(Please remember this is done at your own risk I take no responsibility for the outcome of your work.)
Step 1.) To remove spyware, first you should download the programs listed below then disconnect your computer from the Internet. After you complete the downloads unplug your computer from the modem or router to ensure that you are offline. You’ll need the right programs to remove spyware from your computer. If you are unable to surf the internet with your browser correctly you will need to download the free software for removal from another computer that is connected to the internet, like a friend or family member PC. Once you have downloaded the files from Google, Yahoo or Bing You’ll need to burn the spyware removal programs to a cd or copy them to a USB memory stick and then install them on your PC and use them from there. There are hundreds of programs to remove or repair a PC or computer infected with spyware.
The programs I would like you to download are: a.) Cleanup.exe to remove temp files b.) Spybot Search And Destroy to search through its definitions after you update it like anti virus software and remove the spyware from both the folders and registry and also cleanup the Host files c.) Sysinternals process explorer to view the running process or services to see what is hogging your resources d.)Unhackme for rootkit removal
You can use all programs listed or one or two if your problem is easily removed. For the do it yourselfer these will work unless you have a very deep infestation and would then need to call in a pro like myself. The easy way to get each of these files except unhackme is to open your favorite search engine like Google, Yahoo or Bing then type download programname MG. The program name will be the name of the software listed above. The download will bring up this type of page or link for downloading, the MG stands for and will take you to “Major Geeks” a great place to download free or paid applications to help with anything you can think of on the PC or MAC. To download the unhack me software you need to type in download unhackme the first result gratis inc will be the one you want to download from.
Now that you have the correct software to cleanup your PC it’s time to get dirty.
Step 2.) Once you’re offline, click start button the look for the control panel icon. Once in the control panel go to your add/remove programs screen by clicking the add/remove programs icon. Many times spyware will have uninstallers that will allow you to completely remove them without too much effort. Remove as many as you can this way some will give you errors or take you online for feedback and force you to answer to close. just put unhappy and click remove. If you are unsure of an item in the add remove programs section do not just delete it.
All your real programs along with your Windows updates are also within this list. To learn what something is click or highlight the item and it will have more information under it like programmed by and company name. Now armed with a little more info than a program name open your favorite search Engine once again Google, Yahoo, Bing and type in the program name and find out what it is. If it shows up as marketing or pop ups or ads or there are how to remove this or that yep of spyware you are on the right path to get rid of that spyware. If you see many warning and info on spyware when you look it up 9 times out of 10 it would be safe to remove unless you have a program with the same name running in your office or home that you really need. Please ask your boss or double check, then delete.
Step 3.) Now we install and run the cleanup.exe program selecting the first button top right cleanup. The program will ask you if you want to run in demo mode which does not do anything you will select no and really run for the first time. Your pc stores many temp files in multiple locations to save settings for faster loading and use in those apps. By deleting these backups or cached settings you computer will run better allowing faster removal and will also remove the spyware saved in the temp folders. Once you have ran first the cleanup program to remove trash your pc will run slightly faster. This does not delete you files only the temp and saved settings in the browser which you need to run to clean up spyware. No book marks or favorites are deleted.
Step 4.) Now we need to install then allow the full update process during install of the Spybot program. Once installed the first thing you need to do is click the immunize button in the upper left and it will run once and will need to be run twice for all items to turn green. the good in green should now be the large number and the bad or unprotected in red should go down to zero. Once your computer has been immunized, now it’s time to run a full search of the computer files and registry for spyware. This is completed by clicking the Search and destroy button on the upper left, then click search for problems button with the magnifying lens image to start the search for spyware.
Once the program searches the whole computer you will be shown a list on the right side of the screen and they will have open check boxes or squares to the left of each. You will notice the search for problems button has now changed to fix problems in the upper left. To remove all spyware you need to click this button again and the spybot program will attempt to remove and delete and files it has found associated with spyware. For ones it is unable to remove it will ask if you can run one more time when completed after a full restart of your computer. You need to say yes to this and let the program work its magic once again. If at this point the computer shows clean, all green checks to the left of each removed spyware file or registry entry. You are most likely clean and can continue happy surfing. If not please follow the additional steps below to remove a more aggressive type of problem called a root kit or hijacked browser.
Step 5.) If you are unable to remove all spyware with Spybot or have many pop ups on the start up of your computer without even going on line, you will need to next download the program unhackme then install it to stop the rouge service from starting when your computer boots up. This is risky because you need to be careful what you stop to keep your windows programs, and your good software from becoming damaged. Next step open your internet browser and then pay another visit to your favorite search engine Google, yahoo, Bing and type your search request download unhackme, the first result or the one from gratis inc is the place you need to be. Open the link and click the download free trail in the center of the page. Next we run the installer when downloaded then remove what it can with the spy ware removal tool button.
Once that is done you will be given a few more choices the only one you want to hit is remove rootkit. The software will run then tell you to restart so it can run and stop processes from starting as they try to start. This is the be careful moment while it runs you will be asked after each find to remove or if it is a false positive. There will be a help button under each which will tell you most times if the file is good or bad and the answer given is usually safe to follow. Once you have clicked through all removal screens the software will not start on the next log in and you will need to run spybot one more time to clean what ever programs where running before that could not be removed. Now that windows did not load them to memory they will be easily deleted. If your problems are now removed you are good to go if not you can try step siix.
Step 6.) If you are still here unfortunately you have a bad infestation of spyware or possibly a virus. Lets try to remove the virus first, unless you feel comfortable diving in the repair posts available on Google, yahoo, Bing and trying registry fixes this would be a good time to call in a professional computer repair person or an online computer repair expert to help with your problem. You can download a free year worth of anti virus protection offered by Grisoft inc by going to your favorite search engine once again and typing in download avgfree mg. Download then install the AVG anti virus software, during the install it will have you run a full update for the virus definitions. Your computer will need to be online for this to take place so please plug back to modem or network. Once the update is completed open the software by clicking the avg icon and select run full computer scan. After your scan has completed you will be given a list of files found select to delete all or clean if one is a document you need or want.
You may need more programs to fully remove the spyware infection on your computer depending on the severity of the infection. Programs are easy to find and use depending on your computer experience, be careful not all that is free is good it may be more spyware. Look up any software before you try it. Google, Yahoo, and Bing are your friend. It’s a good idea to scan your computer in safe mode just to ensure that you can complete any PC repair that needs to be done within Windows you are locked out of certain changes for security reasons and safe mode will allow you to complete the same task.
When the PC starts up after you press power tap the F8 key until you get the menu to enter safe mode then you can select the first choice safe mode and try your new cleanup software. The programs must be installed outside of safe mode in a regular boot for the most part. The best way to remove spyware is to not get it in the first place. Keep your system and anti-virus updated, be very selective about what programs you download. There are many websites that offer computer help and or repair you should be able to find anything that you need online. Nothing is truly free remember that the next time you see a pop up and you will be one step closer to staying spyware free.
Looking for a computer repair expert to remove spyware or repair your computer/network in Port saint Lucie, West Palm Beach, Stuart, Boca Raton, or the greater south Florida area? Give Eric Jaffe from Jejtek.com a call (754) 245-1477. Not only will you end up with a repaired PC for a reasonable price. I will teach you how to keep the computer clean and spyware free while I complete your repair. The next time you run into computer trouble You can follow the notes you took during our session and do basic removal your self saving your budgeted cash for more important things.
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beingmad2017-blog · 8 years
6 Steps to Spyware Removal - Speed Up Your Computer
New Post has been published on https://beingmad.org/6-steps-to-spyware-removal-speed-up-your-computer/
6 Steps to Spyware Removal - Speed Up Your Computer
In my city, Port Saint Lucie and all over the great state of Florida, say the words Spyware, Adware, or malware and Business owners, along with any technically average Windows Computer user will shudder in horror. That’s because these programs not only are incredibly stubborn when you’re trying to removal them, but they often change administrator or security settings on your computer, Workstation, or Servers, such as what sites you allow trust or the settings in your HOST files. Spyware or adware, a malicious program that can add, change or remove values in the Windows registry allowing the program to fully install on the opening of Internet Explorer or Firefox, or on the next reboot of your computer repair, even after deleted if not removed completely.
Today’s spyware is more common than a virus for the average Windows user surfing the internet. Spyware has hundreds of successful ways to disable or infect your computer via all the common exploits or software bugs, like errors within the Windows operating system allowing spyware the use of your CPU cycles, to spam others, and to solicit your desktop to show you pop-ups for everything from pornography to other spyware programs that will claim to be able to remove the currently installed spyware or clean a virus from your computer, when in fact it can make it worse by installing more spyware. Spyware can copy secure data from your desktop computer or PC and send it off to another country, or even somewhere else in our own country where a malicious hacker wants to sell or use your stolen data for anything from ID theft, to pirating your Audio and or Video collection and posting it online. It is very important to remove spyware as soon as it’s detected as you can see by all the harm it can cause besides just slowing down your computer and making its use a miserable experience.
The best path to take is to try stopping the spyware before it is able to fully take hold or control of your computer, server or workstation if you already have some installed. If you have a clean spyware computer follow the tips below to keep it that way. It is just as important to verify complete removal once you feel the spyware has been uninstalled to make sure, it cannot reinstall on the next reboot and that your data is once again secure from a theft of prying eyes. Simply put Spyware is part of a big online business of data theft and forced marketing along with the fake software to remove the spyware for another $50 dollars then they can go for your credit card info next. If you are seeing a major slowdown in the functions of your windows desktop computer you need to have the computer cleaned and probably a little spyware removal depending on your internet surfing habits and what you like to Google for. Worst case you have to reinstall your Windows operating system and all programs then copy your data over from a backup if you have one.
If you are not backing up please allow me to introduce you to a great little program called Carbonite. Carbonite provides a great solution to the problem of backing up your home or office computer. Carbonite includes unlimited size online or off-site storage for your files at a very reasonable price of $59.99 or so per year. Not only do I recommend the program I use it myself for years I was a beta tester and have it installed on three of my home servers protecting my data with off-site storage day and night. I have personally witnessed this program save 4 companies from complete data loss due to the person in charge at that office not testing their backup tapes, a raid went bad in another and they never complained about the error on reboot of the server until it was too late, and one company who claimed they backed up to a USB hard drive and said don’t worry about us, well they forgot for a year and had no back at all when their server got hit by lightening. Each of the companies listed was saved by the great little program for off-site backups called Carbonite. After the problem was repaired in all cases the software they lost was immediately downloaded to the new location and re-shared to the office allowing them to get back to work.
Step 1.) To remove spyware, first, you should download the programs listed below then disconnect your computer from the Internet. After you complete the downloads unplug your computer from the modem or router to ensure that you are offline. You’ll need the right programs to remove spyware from your computer. If you are unable to surf the internet with your browser correctly you will need to download the free software for removal from another computer that is connected to the internet, like a friend or family member PC. Once you have downloaded the files from Google, Yahoo or Bing You’ll need to burn the spyware removal programs to a cd or copy them to a USB memory stick and then install them on your PC and use them from there. There are hundreds of programs to remove or repair a PC or computer infected with spyware.
The programs I would like you to download are: a.) Cleanup.exe to remove temp files b.) Spybot Search And Destroy to search through its definitions after you update it like antivirus software and remove the spyware from both the folders and registry and also clean up the Host files c .) Sysinternals process explorer to view the running process or services to see what is hogging your resources d.)Unhackme for rootkit removal
You can use all programs listed or one or two if your problem is easily removed. For the do it yourself these will work unless you have a very deep infestation and would then need to call in a pro like myself. The easy way to get each of these files except unpack is to open your favorite search engine like Google, Yahoo or Bing then type download program MG. The program name will be the name of the software listed above. The download will bring up this type of page or link for downloading, the MG stands for and will take you to “Major Geeks” a great place to download free or paid applications to help with anything you can think of on the PC or MAC. To download the hack me software you need to type in download unpack the first result gratis inc will be the one you want to download from.
Now that you have the correct software to clean up your PC it’s time to get dirty.
Step 2.) Once you’re offline, click start button the look for the control panel icon. Once in the control panel go to your add/remove programs screen by clicking the add/remove programs icon. Many times spyware will have uninstallers that will allow you to completely remove them without too much effort. Remove as many as you can this way some will give you errors or take you online for feedback and force you to answer to close. just put unhappy and click remove. If you are unsure of an item in the add remove programs section do not just delete it.
All your real programs along with your Windows updates are also on this list. To learn what something clicks or highlight the item and it will have more information on it like programmed by and company name. Now armed with a little more info than a program name open your favorite search Engine once again Google, Yahoo, Bing and type in the program name and find out what it is. If it shows up as marketing or pop-ups or ads or there are how to remove this or that yep of spyware you are on the right path to get rid of that spyware. If you see many warning and info on spyware when you look it up 9 times out of 10 it would be safe to remove unless you have a program with the same name running in your office or home that you really need. Please ask your boss or double check, then delete.
Step 3.) Now we install and run the cleanup.exe program selecting the first button top right cleanup. The program will ask you if you want to run in demo mode which does not do anything you will select no and really run for the first time. Your PC stores many temp files in multiple locations to save settings for faster loading and use in those apps. By deleting these backups or cached settings your computer will run better allowing faster removal and will also remove the spyware saved in the temp folders. Once you have run first the cleanup program to remove trash your PC will run slightly faster. This does not delete your files only the temp and saved settings in the browser which you need to run to clean up spyware. No bookmarks or favorites are deleted.
Step 4.) Now we need to install then allow the full update process during install of the Spybot program. Once installed the first thing you need to do is click the immunize button in the upper left and it will run once and will need to be run twice for all items to turn green. the good in green should now be the large number and the bad or unprotected in red should go down to zero. Once your computer has been immunized, now it’s time to run a full search of the computer files and registry for spyware. This is completed by clicking the Search and destroy button on the upper left, then click search for problems button with the magnifying lens image to start the search for spyware.
Once the program searches the whole computer you will be shown a list on the right side of the screen and they will have open check boxes or squares to the left of each. You will notice the search for problems button has now changed to fix problems in the upper left. To remove all spyware you need to click this button again and the Spybot program will attempt to remove and delete and files it has found associated with spyware. For ones, it is unable to remove it will ask if you can run one more time when completed after a full restart of your computer. You need to say yes to this and let the program work its magic once again. If at this point the computer shows clean, all green checks to the left of each removed spyware file or registry entry. You are most likely clean and can continue happy surfing. If not please follow the additional steps below to remove a more aggressive type of problem called a rootkit or hijacked browser.
Step 5.) If you are unable to remove all spyware with Spybot or have many pop-ups on the start up of your computer without even going online, you will need to next download the program unshackle then install it to stop the rouge service from starting when your computer boots up. This is risky because you need to be careful what you stop to keep your windows programs and your good software from becoming damaged. Next step open your internet browser and then pay another visit to your favorite search engine Google, yahoo, Bing and type your search request download unpack, the first result or the one from gratis inc is the place you need to be. Open the link and click the download free trail in the center of the page. Next, we run the installer when downloaded then remove what it can with the spyware removal tool button.
Once that is done you will be given a few more choices the only one you want to hit is removed the rootkit. The software will run then tell you to restart so it can run and stop processes from starting as they try to start. This is the be a careful moment while it runs you will be asked after each find to remove or if it is a false positive. There will be a help button under each which will tell you most times if the file is good or bad and the answer given is usually safe to follow. Once you have clicked through all removal screens the software will not start on the next login and you will need to run Spybot one more time to clean whatever programs were running before that could not be removed. Now that windows did not load them to memory they will be easily deleted. If your problems are now removed you are good to go if not you can try step six.
Step 6.) If you are still here, unfortunately, you have a bad infestation of spyware or possibly a virus. Let’s try to remove the virus first, unless you feel comfortable diving in the repair posts available on Google, yahoo, Bing and trying registry fixes this would be a good time to call in a professional computer repair person or an online computer repair expert to help with your problem. You can download a free year worth of anti-virus protection offered by Grisoft inc by going to your favorite search engine once again and typing in download agree on mg. Download then install the AVG antivirus software, during the install it will have you run a full update for the virus definitions. Your computer will need to be online for this to take place so please plug back to modem or network. Once the update is completed open the software by clicking the Avg icon and select run full computer scan. After your scan has completed you will be given a list of files found select to delete all or clean if one is a document you need or want.
You may need more programs to fully remove the spyware infection on your computer depending on the severity of the infection. Programs are easy to find and use depending on your computer experience, be careful not all that is free is good it may be more spyware. Look up any software before you try it. Google, Yahoo, and Bing are your friend. It’s a good idea to scan your computer in safe mode just to ensure that you can complete any PC repair that needs to be done within Windows you are locked out of certain changes for security reasons and safe mode will allow you to complete the same task.
When the PC starts up after you press power to tap the F8 key until you get the menu to enter safe mode then you can select the first choice safe mode and try your new cleanup software. The programs must be installed outside of safe mode in a regular boot for the most part. The best way to remove spyware is to not get it in the first place. Keep your system and anti-virus updated, be very selective about what programs you download. There are many websites that offer computer help and or repair you should be able to find anything that you need online. Nothing is truly free to remember that the next time you see a pop-up and you will be one step closer to staying spyware free.
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