#had to throw a little asriel in the mix as well ^^
tragicotps · 9 months
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Marisa coulter + ART 1. Jason and Medea - John William Waterhouse (1907) 2. Circe - E. Bertram Mackennal (1902) 3. La notte - Hendrik Christian Andersen 4. After the ball - Ramon Casas i Carbó  (1899) 5. The Fallen Angel - Alexandre Cabanel (1847)
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ask-thegoatbro · 3 years
☭ Any of the Risen Child trio!
[Since you treat me so well, I’ll do all three~.] [Warning: Goatbro will be assuming quite a bit like he usually does~. Long post~]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  BATTLE THEME: N/A BATTLE INTRO:  “Show me what kind of Asriel you are.” No command, all-out serious goatbro completely during the entire fight. VICTORY:  “You can do better, get up!” DEFEAT:  “Hm. Not bad. I got careless.” ASSIST: “I’ll show you how one really does fire magic! The pride of being a boss monster!” TAUNT:  “Come on! You can do better than this! SHOW ME!” REACTING TO TAUNT: “Hah, do you call that a taunt weakling?” FLEE:  “There’s no point in helping you right now. Pathetic.” REACTING TO FLEE: “You will never overcome any obstacles if you just run from your problems!” TIE: “You’re lucky, if I tried harder you would have burned.” PERFECT VICTORY:  “I understand, even I can be a crybaby. Life is hard and I personally understand some of the things you went through. We’re also different you and I. You still have your Frisk, you can still obtain a happy ending if you push back Chara. But. . . Even if you are so damn determined to let Frisk protect you, be by your side as you cower in the face of your Chara then I will simply ask you this question. Who will protect Frisk if she can’t protect herself? Who can rely on for support? You may simply be there for emotional support but you can't just let Frisk just fight Chara alone. Stand up to Chara, Asriel. Even if you must die 1 million more times. She can’t do this alone. . . You know this deep down. YOU’RE A BOSS MONSTER, YOU HAVE POWER DEEP WITHIN YOURSELF, ASRIEL! DON’T JUST BELIEVE IN FRISK, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!” FINISH MOVE:  cast a circle of flames around Asriel, mimicking the entrapment of flower petals. Right before they hit they all drop to the ground creating an encirclement of fire which being so close gave a burning sensation until they dissipate.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  BATTLE THEME: N/A BATTLE INTRO:   [FIGHT] [ACT] [ITEMS] [SPARE]
>*Frisk >*Make gesture     >*Flirt >*Talk                    >*Kiss? “Frisk, you may be FIGHT with your Chara. But, Let me show you how an Asriel truly can fight!” VICTORY:  “Heh, I’m sorry I’m not like my Mother and Father who hold back on you for their own reasons. You never had fought a Boss Monster who is willing to go all out. This is our power and pride Frisk! NEVER FORGET IT! DEFEAT: “Gah, even with a dumb stick. . . or your fists. Humans are so powerful with their DETERMINATION but even. . . Even I can be somewhat determined, but I guess. . . it wasn’t enough for now. . .” ASSIST: “I got your back, get down! Here comes the fire!” TAUNT:  “Isn’t it funny, you carry a stick and you Frisk are very well known to stick their nose into other people’s business~.” REACTING TO TAUNT: “W-what are you winking at! Don’t try to distract me! CHEAP TRICKS!! FLEE:  “Hm, I think I gotta stop and know not to underestimate your ability. . .”  REACTING TO FLEE: “Hey! Come back, come back here you!” TIE:  “Ah, this is acceptable too.” PERFECT VICTORY:  “We all make mistakes, Frisk. From the situation, you and Asriel face I can assume what may have happened and what you had done before. Of course, your LOVE is just 1. You learned a lesson right? Yet, you still FIGHT before. I wonder, was it after Asriel told you not to kill and not be killed? I suppose it was fair not to listen, we’re all hypocrites especially me. I miss my Frisk. . . I miss them so much. . . But they had to. . . they did. . . and now I’m here fighting my Chara. . . But even what they did, I forgive them but they don’t forgive themselves. . . Just like me, I can possibly forgive myself Frisk. . .I wonder, do you know if your Asriel feels the same way that I do. Help him find strength within himself, don’t just protect him. He needs that inner strength the most just like how I found mine. Even his way is different, I believe he has a strong SOUL. . . He’s a boss monster, after all, remember that.” FINISH MOVE: He makes fireballs appear above Frisk and make them rain down on her, dodging all but a cheap shot he throws at her when she was focused on dodging the ones falling upon her. - - - - - - - - - - - -  BATTLE THEME: N/A BATTLE INTRO:   [FIGHT] [ACT] [ITEMS] [SPARE] >*Chara >*Flip her off     >*Flirt?? >*Talk               >*Taunt her “Oh, look at this. Your THAT Chara I have the pleasure of meeting. Wasn’t that a fun first time? Your expression was wonderful~. Let me make it better with a little flame.” VICTORY:  “You’re slower and less powerful than my Chara. Perhaps you shouldn’t look down at me as if I was your Asriel. I know what and who I am, A boss monster known as Asriel Dreemurr!” DEFEAT: He brings his paw to his body as dust flows out of him and coughing out spit mixed with dust. “Damn it, I was getting a little too cocky or maybe. . .  Whatever, next time we dance. I’ll melt that smile off your face.” ASSIST: “How did it come to this?! Whatever! Fire!” TAUNT:  “Would you like me to burn half of your face~. It’s exactly what I did to mine and I’ll say. It will be a good look for you~” REACTING TO TAUNT: “T-tch, you don’t scare me.” FLEE:  “This isn’t looking good for me, I need to rethink and gather my strength!” REACTING TO FLEE: “Bored? How dare you leave this battle!” TIE:  “Bitch.” PERFECT VICTORY:  “How does it feel~? Does your pride hurts that you lost to an Asriel. Ahahaha! Do you feel your skin melting by my flames. . . You will come back alive but that doesn’t mean I cannot enjoy melting you down to the bone marrow~. I will die later, but right now. . . I can enjoy myself~. After all, I’m a terrible person and my body count will NEVER disappear. Chara~” FINISH MOVE: There was no holding back this one, with a sudden burst of speed that helped him fight his Chara, taking quite a bit out of him he was right in front of Chara and places his paw between him and her, having face towards Chara as a burst of flames consume the other completely not only attacking Chara but burning his paws from the intensity of the attack. Once it stopped he can feel the immense burning sensation at his paw and some flames on his sleeve.
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gemraldkid · 4 years
Analysis and speculation on Bête Noire
Spoilers for Undertale and Glitchtale. Undertale by Toby Fox and Glitchtale by @camilaart​
You thought I was joking? Nope. Here it is: a mix of canon, headcanon, and speculation.
Of all the characters that people are obsessing over right now (Ronan, Jessica, Gaster, Rave, the prequel wizards), I choose to put all of my energy into making some sense of the one character that continuously reminds us that we should hate them. I could be thinking about the struggles of anyone else. I could be worried for Chara or Asriel or Asgore (he’s not dead until he starts turning to dust), but nooooo. This is what occupies my thoughts about this series.
This is basically most of my headcanon relating to Betty. I wanted to put these thoughts out there before the new episode since... well, anything could happen. 
Betty’s probably gonna mostly die from hate and stuff.
Imagine if we were actually supposed to end up feeling bad for this character? Right...
You shouldn’t take everything I say here as facts.’m pretty sure I made it clear enough which parts are speculation with the amazing power of verb tenses.
I’m open to corrections about currently available facts that I got wrong.
Glitchtale is a series that I’ve greatly enjoyed watching. I believe that it is one of the finest things to come out of the Undertale fandom. It is a testament to how good a fanfiction can be.
One thing that I find particularly praiseworthy is the way OCs are handled. They manage expand on the world without hogging the spotlight for too long. There’s a good balance between introducing new elements without ever forgetting about the old ones.
Of course, among many of the new characters, one in particular stands out: the current antagonist of Season 2, Bête Noire or “Betty”.
Betty is the character I have been the most fascinated with so far. She’s been a mystery to many ever since the punch to the gut that was the ending of “Dust”.
What follows is a look into the way that I perceive Bête Noire. I am not necessarily dead-set on a single possibility. While my views are backed up by certain facts, I acknowledge that they are also based on and influenced by my personal wishes for this character. Therefore, my words should be taken with a healthy amount of salt.
Betty was first introduced to us as an innocent 13 year-old girl, barely a year older than Frisk, physically. She was a shy, happy-go-lucky kid who became friends with Frisk after the latter saved her life from a fast-moving car.
Unfortunately, things were not as they seemed. The girl never was in any real danger as the car was an illusion created by powers. The scenario was merely a set-up to get her closer to Frisk and their family of monsters.
Illusions are likely a power granted to her by her trait: fear. With it, she is able to see the memories of others simply by looking them in the eyes. This grants her knowledge of their personality and, most importantly, their emotional weaknesses. Using that knowledge, she can create illusions to throw off her enemies. These illusions can serve a variety purposes even if they don’t directly involve fear. Examples include the aforementioned car and the illusion that caused Undyne to kill Alphys.
Bête Noire originally woke up when the barrier was broken, a month before the events of “My Sunshine”. This means that she spent a month doing “something” before starting her plan. She likely spent days and nights observing the humans and monsters. Through her observations and memory-reading abilities, she judged whether the monsters were truly as dangerous for human kind as she believed. This wasn’t all she observed, however. Betty also learned the ways and customs of this new time period. After all, the only memories in her possession belonged to someone who lived over 800 years ago...
Agate Lightvale was best known as the wizard of bravery who helped seal the monsters underground. She lived in a medieval time. While she was born into a common family , she didn’t live a common life. Her twin brother, Copper, was lucky enough to be born with a soul of determination, a trait so rare that only one person can possess it at a time. It elevated the Lightvale family to a noble status.
Growing up, Agate acted like a big sister to Copper even though they were the same age. However, this changed  as they grew older and trained to become wizards. Copper became more independent while his sister started to develop a few insecurities. 
Agate spent most of her time training in combat. She was always looking to improve, to get stronger, to surpass her limits. Unfortunately for her, being the twin of the soul of determination meant she was often overshadowed. 
Her brother was essentially a “chosen one” of sorts. As a result, he got most of the attention. Agate would execute a spell flawlessly while Copper stumbled at the same task. Yet, he would be the only one to receive praise.
In addition to being the rarest trait, determination is also the strongest. Agate was confronted with the reality that, no matter how hard she trained, she could never surpass her brother.
Still, it didn’t stop Agate from being a kind and respected individual. True to her trait, she was know for her bravery in the face of danger and resistance to physical pain. In addition, she and Copper both stayed strong for their younger sister, Amber, who’s birth resulted in the death of their mother. Agate and her siblings were extremely close.
After the war between humans and monsters ended, she, her brother, and five other wizards created the barrier, trapping the monsters underground.
After a certain amount of time, Copper proposed the idea of releasing the monsters from captivity. He believed that humans and monsters could still live together. Agate opted against this. She believed it would be better for both races if they lived separately. The discussion got extremely agitated to the point where Agate spontaneously challenged Copper to a duel that would decide the future.
If I may break the flow of information a little, this part seems a tad off to me. I find it notable, at the very least. In the official depiction of this moment, Agate looks smug, as if she knows she is going to win. Isn’t that odd considering what we know? I believe there was more riding on this duel than the fate of two races.
Recall that Agate had a bit of an inferiority complex with her brother. Isn’t it possible that she also challenged him to prove she was stronger, to finally break out of his shadow by defeating him in front of the entire kingdom? If this is the case, I believe that the “confidence” she showed might not have been entirely sincere. Surely, a part of her knew that she couldn’t win. Yet, she still instigated a fight.
I think it’s possible that challenging Copper was not an act of hubris on Agate’s part; it was an act of desperation made in the heat of the moment.
Ultimately,  she lost. Her brother was victorious. Agate was overwhelmed by her loss. While she had an abundance of physical bravery, she lacked it emotionally. Due to these factors, she lost her trait then and there. Completely humiliated, she fled to parts unknown. Still under the intensity of the battle, Copper didn’t think to go after her.
During this period of her life, Agate made many poor life choices. She searched for a way to break her limits more than ever before. She came across at least two forbidden spells. She used one of them to reverse her souls trait from the orange of bravery to the dark orange of fear. The process completely eradicated the last shred of sanity she had. After being absent for an unknown amount of time, Agate rejoined her family, who welcomed her back in spite of the changes she had gone through. 
Driven by her obsession for victory, Agate furiously demanded a rematch from Copper. He refused, knowing it wouldn’t bring about anything good. Seeing that he wouldn’t move on the issue, Agate threatened the life of Amber, her own sister. Copper attempted to protect her, but was ultimately forced to watch as Agate stabbed her through the chest. This horrible sight caused him to lose his trait, allowing Agate to easily finish him in the same manner. She relished the victory as all life left his eyes.
Unfortunately, she would soon be forced to join her siblings. Inverting one’s trait is immensely stressful on the soul. With her time running out, Agate performed another forbidden spell to ensure that her will lived on: the Bête Noire spell.
The Bête Noire spell consists of creating a powerful, nearly lifelike golem called a “bête noire”. While the golem itself is powerful, a bête noire’s true strength lies in its longevity and ability to form complex thoughts. 
Most spells typically act in very basic ways. For example, a simple fire spell will simply follow a chosen path or pattern before disappearing regardless of whether it hit its target or not.
Bêtes noires, on the other hand, can not only accomplish much more complicated tasks, but also think about how they will go about doing so. They are even be able to improvise if things don’t go their way. In addition, they can exist for several weeks before fading. However, if they have a way to replenish their magic (such as harvesting it from souls), they become virtually immortal. A bête noire is essentially a living spell. 
Of course, to craft such a being, the cost is extremely high. It requires the caster to use their own soul for the conjuring. Then, they must also have a vessel other than their own body that can be merged with the soul to create the golem.
Agate was willing to sacrifice the life she wouldn’t have for much longer and she had two perfectly good vessels. Still spiteful towards her brother, the wizard chose Amber’s body over Copper’s. Her soul turned pink as it absorbed Amber’s body. With the deed done, Agate lifeless body fell to the floor.
The soul remained sealed and hidden for over 800 years until the barrier was broken. At that moment, it awoke, transformed into the being that would be know as Bête Noire.
Bête Noire knew her purpose from the very start as she possessed some of Agate’s memories as she possessed some of Agate’s memories. Unfortunately, the goal her “mother” left her with was no longer as good-natured as it once was. In Agate’s twisted mental state, it had gone from “Keep humans and monsters separate for both their safeties.” to something akin to “Kill all monsters so that they will never live in peace with humans. Do so by any means necessary, even if it means killing humans who oppose you or using the power of hate.”
Gathering hate is stated to be the universal purpose of a bête noire. It’s fitting when considering the name. “Bête noire” is a french term that literally translates to “black beast”. Black is the color (or lack there of) of hate. In addition, the term “bête noire” is used to indicate a person or object that someone particularly dislikes.
I originally found it ironic that Bête struggled to keep her hate under control, but the solution is simple. She likely only struggled to keep it under control because she wasn’t in her complete form at the time.
Nonetheless, I can’t help thinking that maybe bêtes noires are supposed to succumb to the hate they collect. Perhaps they are meant to serve as vessels for the stuff. After all, Betty still requires a large surplus of magic to keep it at bay. One would think a creature made to collect hate would do more than just resist it a little better than others. 
Yet, if bêtes noires are supposed to succumb to hate, why has this one been shown fear it? Perhaps because, as a creature made purely of magic, it would be akin to death, something that she fears because fear is built into her nature.
In order to accomplish her mission, Bête had to gather information on both her enemies and the era she was in. She separated herself into two beings in order to hide her monstrous appearance and blend in with the humans. She dubbed the part she separated from herself “Akumu”, the Japanese word for “Nightmare”. Under the nickname “Betty”, she spent a month observing and planning. 
It should be noted that she must have done so 24/7. Bêtes noires don’t need to sleep. It could also be for this reason that she is so unfamiliar with the concept. Agate’s knowledge about sleep was mostly omitted because it had little relevance to the mission.
As previously stated, Betty used her power of fear to look into the memories of the monsters. From the information she gathered, she judged that monsters were in fact deserving of death. This may seem strange to many since, as seen in Undertale, most monsters are innocent and kind-hearted people. How could she possibly think so poorly of them even after seeing their past? Is she blind?
I believe so. Betty may, in fact, be blind to certain degree.
Any normal person would most likely have seen that monsters didn’t deserve what was coming to them. Why didn’t Betty? Because she isn’t a normal person. Highly advanced or not, Bête Noire remains a spell, and spells exist to carry out the will of their caster. They are tools.
If magic bullets could miss because they took pity on the opponent, few people  would use them.
Keep in mind that Betty isn’t just a bullet that uses up 0.001% of the caster’s magic. She’s a bête noire. People had to die for her creation. If a person poured all of their life force into a spell that would carry on their will, they would be pretty upset to learn that they failed because the spell didn’t want to do the one thing it was created for. 
All this to say that I believe that Betty is unable to go rogue either physically or mentally. She has no choice but to believe she is in the right. After all, if she realized that her only purpose for existing was objectively wrong, it could make her a less effective weapon.
When she looked into the souls of the monsters, it is likely that she was never going to come to any other conclusion than “They are dangerous.” 
She did see some of the good in them, but most of what she retained were parts that would prove her right. These included Asgore killing the 6 humans (even though it was the only way to save his kingdom), the horrors Asriel committed as Flowey (even though he was soulless at the time), and Frisk’s many resets (even though they aren’t even a monster). These actions were obviously horrible, but there were nuances that made them more understandable. Context was important.
Betty, who I believe was unable to pick up on such nuances, may have simply taken the most basic message from this. “These monsters did bad things, therefore they are evil and the same must apply to all of monsterkind.” She is blind to anything that doesn’t fit into the way she is supposed to see the world.
(Of course, this doesn’t mean she is unaware of Papyrus or Undyne’s heroic and selfless acts. It just means that can’t see them as proof that monsters are good people.)
As such, Bête may not be wholly responsible for her actions. Some of her malicious acts can be blamed on her creator. After all, her contradictory objective of killing humans to protect humanity was given to her by Agate, who’s mind was far from clear at the time.
However, other aspects are harder to justify. The pleasure she seems to take in her victims’ emotional suffering could have come from Agate as the wizard displayed something similar shortly before casting the spell.
The fact that Bête wouldn’t care if the world ended as long as it was by her hand definitely makes her seem incredibly hypocritical (which she is) and entitled, not to mention evil. I suppose that by annihilating everything she would technically accomplish her goal of killing all monsters. With her one purpose in life fulfilled, she would have no more reason to live. The idea of ruling humanity afterward is likely more of a bonus. Assuming this is the case, it’s a testament to how much important the mission is to her.
Finally, I would like to bring up the debate of whether Betty and Agate are the same person or not because, if they are, most of what has been written here will be completely pointless. There are two ways to look at this.
This post tells us that Agate is technically Betty, but it may only refer to them in the physical sense. Betty’s body is physically Agate’s soul. The debate is about whether they are mentally the same.
This comic is likely the largest piece of evidence to support this. To my knowledge, it is still canon. In it, Bête finds the remains of Agate’s body. Her reaction is quite interesting because she acts and talks as if the body was once hers. She also has to reassure herself that she “can’t die now”, implying that she was once mortal. She also mentions ensuring “our race’s survival” in reference to humanity. For that sentence, she includes herself with the human race. This implies that she was at least human at one point.
This evidence certainly appears conclusive, and it very well might be. However, it directly contradicts this conversation which, to my knowledge, is also still canon. Here, she refers to Agate as “mom”, indicating that she thinks her as a separate being. Why is this? Is one of these sources outdated? Possibly, but I have another proposal.
Betty’s mind appears to be all over the place. One moment, she laments the fact that she is meant to be hated and, at another, she takes joy in torturing her victims. She doesn’t want to die, yet she wouldn’t mind if the world ended at her own hand. She is hypocrite.  Sometimes, she believes she is Agate’s creation; at other times, she acts like she is Agate herself.
Bête Noire’s first memories came from Agate. Surely, It isn’t too far-fetched to say that her mind was likely derived from her creator’s. If that is indeed the case, the solution is clear; Betty might be insane just like Agate was before casting the spell. Agate’s insanity could have rubbed off on her creation. Thus, it’s possible that Bête’s thoughts are meant to be hypocritical and contradictory.
In the end, is Betty Agate? She may not even know herself. I believe she is more of an imperfect copy or a “simulacrum”. The things that make her “Agate” are the incomplete memories of the wizard’s life and the similar way of thinking. In my opinion, these don’t make an entirely different person, but they also aren’t enough for her to be considered Agate. She is merely a being in possession of her creator’s memories.
Also, these hints might still be relevant today.
“Steven Universe logic”? You mean the show where almost every problem is solved by talking and all the villains end up becoming good? Sure, that could just be referencing Sans and Asriel getting talked out their states, but you never know. Maybe Betty’ll regret her actions too before dying. Eh? EH?!
“Never assume things”? No kidding. Words to watch by.
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chaospenelope · 6 years
Between Dreams and Nightmares
His mind seemed trapped in a permanent fog. There was a field of gold blooming all around him. They shined beautifully despite the lack of light. His body felt slightly heavier than normal and each movement was accompanied with a soft clanging of metal. Head stayed down as he walked. He avoided crushing the flowers, gently sprinkling water over them. He didn't remember how long he's been there but he knew they needed it. So many on the verge of wilting and dying. Something ran ahead of him, a swish of wind making the flowers sway. Another quickly followed. He looked up at the cause. Two small children faced away from him, standing in a patch of bare dirt. He recognized them immediately, but they didn't notice him. trying to call their names to get their attention. There was no sound as he opened his mouth. They started to get further away. Feeling desperate he tried to rush to them. A cloth cape warped around him. His body was sluggish, like running trough waist high mud. They were no longer in sight. He fought against his restraints. Struggling to catch up, a deep dread came over him. A stiff wind rustled everything around. He closed his eyes as it blew threw him. Opening them again to see a strange figure before him, showing hints of familiarity, before collapsing into nothing. He gasped as he fell to his knees. The sea of gold decayed into blackness. He began to sob as a strong sadness enveloped him. A presence lurked behind him, reaching out with long claws. He spun around but nothing was there, except for a plain white door that started to open...
Asgore woke up with a start. He sat up with a huff. He looked around the bedroom, realizing he was alone. Everything was still where it had been placed yesterday, photos on the wall, flowers on the nightstand, clothes neatly put away in a closet with the door slightly ajar. He crawled out of bed, stood up, and stretched his back in an arch. He noticed the light seeping through the bottom of the bathroom door. A comforting heat bellowed out as he opened the door. A black bear was stood in front of the large mirror, brushing his fangs. He walked up behind him, putting his hand on the man's back. He threaded his fingers through the long thick fur freshly dried by the hair dryer. He tried to hide his smirk as the bear shuddered. "You know for someone who can conjure fire your hands are really damn cold." Phineas huffed, with a mix of aggravation and amusement. Asgore laughed. He put his arms a him, putting his head on the bear's. "I can't help it, you're so nice and warm." "Mmhm." He padded his hand. "I suppose I can't blame you." He let go and gave a kiss on his head before moving to the tub. He adjusted the shower and took off his undershirt and boxers. The heat was immediate, still not fully recovered from the last use. He hopped in and quickly made use of whatever steam was left. The burden of sleeping in. He sighed as he got out, running a hand through his fur to make sure he rinsed all the soap out, dried off, combed through hair, brushed his teeth. Feeling refreshed and awake he moved back to bedroom to search the closet for some clothes. Pants were a simple choice, it's been warm so jeans or nice tan shorts. A lot of his shirts were button ups, easy for a guy with two tall horns, but the "Mr. Dad guy" shirt was a favorite despite how tricky it was getting it on. Unfortunately he wore that yesterday and got dirt all over it, so he'd have to go with his second choice. He buttoned up the pink, white flower printed shirt as he walked down the hall. Phineas had already started boiling the water. He had dressed in his light brown jeans, a pair of loafers, and a pale orange shirt with a flower pattern similar to his tucked in with a belt. Asgore went to the fridge, picked up some ingredients and started making bacon and eggs for breakfast. "Don't forget we have to pick up the kids a little early today since Toriel and Neda have a meeting with the superintendent." Phineas said as he sat at the table, glancing over the newspaper. "Maybe that's why..." He shook his head. He gave a small laugh. "I did forget." "Why, what? Was it that dream again?" He asked as he looked over at him. "Yea..." He couldn't take his eyes off the sizzling pan. "I'm not sure why it bugs me...It's not like yours." A hand gently rubbed his back. "It doesn't matter whose is worse, what matters is it bothers you." He stood next to him, a bit concerned. "Do you want to talk about it?" He looked at him with a smile. "No, I'm fine... I just don't understand why it's Asriel I see, and Kris...At least, I think it's Kris? Why isn't Penny there, or Nade?" "Well, they do tend to have a little more trouble making friends than Penny and Nade is such an easy going kid he hardly has any problems besides motivation. You're just worried about them more." "That, makes sense...I mean this is the first time since the move and they seem to get along nicely with the kids next door." He flipped the frying pan's contents. "Well, they're talking. It's a start." He admitted, taking the steaming teapot to pour in a couple of cups on the table. "Now that we've all settled I'm hoping they'll have some time to get used to the place." "I think they like it so far." He plated the food and put it on the table. "They are very excited about choosing which room was going to be theirs. They have to share at their mothers'." "It's nice to see you so optimistic again." He smiled. "Well, I," He stopped as their eyes met. He loved their pale orange color, like an old rosa or a leaf in fall. A wisened kindness hiding in them. He put his paw on his as he looked away. His partner chuckled, having to eat breakfast with his free hand. He loved how Asgore still acted like a lovey-dovey teenager. He felt like a passionate flame that kept him light when he needed it most. They finished their breakfast, cleaned up the table, and after a check of the time they went into the dirtier truck to fill out their daily duty. Phineas stepped out of the vehicle and admired the cleaned up shop. It stood on the outskirts of town against a wall of trees. "Nothing like a flower shop to hammer in the ever changing cycle of seasons." "Yeah, each season has it's own beauty..." Keys jingled as he took them out of his pocket to unlock the door. The inside looked clean and tidy. He switched the lights on illuminating hanging garden tools, different bags of soil, a small basket of season or holiday based flags, and various pots and other gardening fixtures. "Looks kinda sad without the dirt everywhere." Phineas laughed to himself. He went to the back door and opened it. "They look like they're ready to bloom." "They're starting to glow already? What colors are they?" He asked excitedly as he rushed over. "All different, two shades of blue, yellow, green-Should we turn the light on?" "Still very faint...keep the light off." He created a flame in his palm as they closed the door. "Get the spray bottle please." Phineas's eyes shifted as they adjusted to the darkness. "Does the water need to have that stuff added to it, or-?" "Just water will be fine." He knelt down next to the tables examining the thin roots that weaved through the soil held in the large container that held all the small buds. He felt the soil to judge how moist it was. "They're expanding but, they need to stay connected...We may have to let them bloom for the first time." "So just a spritz then." He carefully lifted the glass and pulsed a gentle spray on each plant. "Some thirsty bois we have." "Haha, Yes, our thirsty bois." Asgore checked the stems and the petals tightly wrapped up in a small ball. Meticulously going over each one until they were all watered. "Well, that should do it for today." He padded his hands together to extinguish the flame before entering the main room. They turned off the lights and locked the shop back up. "It's lovely out here." Their fur ruffled by a gentle breeze. "Nice day for a walk." He offered his hand. "Care to join me?" "Why not? We have time." He took his hand and they started down the empty street. There was a short trip to the start of a path leading into a wooded area. The trees shaded the wide path as leaves occasionally rustled in the distance. This road was often used by hikers, dog walkers and joggers since it was one of many leading into the local park. It didn't feel like it at the moment, there wasn't another monster or human for miles. Time seemed to stand still for them. It was beautiful. "You think the kids would like to go on a picnic today?" "A great idea. They've been inside putting their rooms together, they're dying to roll around in the grass I'm sure." Asgore laughed as he looked up at the sky. "Yeah, let's hope they don't start throwing dirt at each other again." "Pretty sure they've grown out of that, especially after that incident with the rock...Pretty sure." "It's hard to believe they're already so big..." Asgore stopped, gazing at a tree with white blooms fallen around it. "I know," He watched as the other man walked up to the trunk of the tree. "Could have sworn it was just yesterday Asriel was grabbing my finger with his tiny little paw. Or just a moment ago Kris was crawling under their bed so they can pretend they're sleeping in a cave...And scaring the other children." "-Nade was just a twinkle in your eye and Penny was teething on my hand." He scratched at the brittle bark. "Heh,..." He picked up an acorn, tossing it into the woods. Smirking, he said. "Our cute little trouble makers..." He had his own amused smile. "Mmhm..." He went over to the other side of the tree. "There's a lot of deer in this area." "Really? Wonder why they haven't been in the yard yet." "They probably don't know there's food there now, or, maybe they know you live there." "Ha, ha." The bear faced the path. "I figured, they'd be more scared of you." "Me?" Surprise colored his face. "Well, you are an intimidating figure to the untrained eye." He said as a matter of fact. "You could probably strangle them to death if you wanted to." "I sound so violent." He walked up to the path. "What do I look like to a trained eye?" "Soft husband." He said, holding his hand again. "Aw," He pecked him on the cold nose. "Thanks extra fluffy husband." Their footsteps padded down the soft grass. A twig snapped under their weight. A squirrel ran across their line of sight. It seemed like time was snapping back from standing still. "Is something burning?" He stopped in his tracks. "Burning? I don't smell..." "Never mind...I think someone is having a BBQ." Phineas said as he smelled the air. "A bit early, isn't it?" "Ah, Hm." He took his phone out with his free hand. "Actually, it's around eleven thirty...We've been walking for a while." "Eleven? We have to hurry to the car and pick the kids up." "But-Oh, that's right." He hurried behind in a bit of a half jog. They rushed up to the vehicle and jumped in like they were fleeing an armed assailant. Asgore slumped over the steering wheel, catching his breath before turning the key. The short drive went from the start of a thick wood up a small hill trough the main street of their little town. Small stores lined up each with a character of it's own, except the plain antique shop. There was a nice little cafe with elegant iron furniture set out on a patio, an odd sort of curiosity shop with a bright classic television shaped neon sign complete with rabbit ear antenna, and a refined dance studio to name a few. They turned away before reaching the end. Past the fire station and a collection of apartments there was a neighborhood of various houses. The one they stopped at was a one story with rose bushes surrounding the walls. A manicured path starting down from the stairs of the porch cut the front yard in half, dogwood planted on each side. Phineas and Asgore walked up to the door. The bench swing had a stack of tiles sitting on it, ready to be laid on the path. The doorbell was working again. It's chime muffled from where they stood. There was a silence followed shortly by a rhythm of footsteps on the other side before Neda opened the door. "Sounds pretty great, right?" She casually leaned against the doorframe as they answered. "Yea, it's pleasant, did Toriel pick it out?" Phineas asked as they stepped inside. "Wh-Yes, and I put it in." She said as she moved out the way. "It's got a motion camera too." As she pointed he noticed her phone in her paw. "So you saw us coming." "No, but the notification helped me find my phone so I didn't have to get Tori to call it." Asgore walked further into the house to the sitting room a few steps away. Toriel's chair in the same arrangement it's always been with another seat next to it. There was a rug placed on the wood floor and wardrobe with a tv hiding behind it's doors. Four children were sitting around in seemingly random places. "Dad's here!" Penny jumped up from her spot on the ground and ran up to Asgore, who happily picked her up and held her in his arms. "See mom I told you they weren't gonna be late." "Hey dad." Asriel smiled and greeted him before he picked up the handheld game device she had abandoned and turned it off. "You owe us cookies." Kris sat on her chair, one leg dangling off the side and red horned headband pushing up their bangs. "Yes, I suppose I must eat my words as you said." Toriel walked in from the kitchen with a container in her hands. "These are for your fathers but I'm sure they won't mind sharing...After lunch." The last two words was emphasized as she gave Asgore a side glare. She tucked The container into Penelope's backpack between her sketchbook and games. "After lunch." He repeated with a nod. He used his free hand to take the pack she was now offering. "Is everyone ready to go?" The black bear stepped in and surveyed the room. Kris put their bag on and slid to their feet, walking over to him. Asriel already had his strapped to his back, carefully stuffed full of everything he believed he and his siblings needed. Nade laid on his back with bag set on top of him. He threw a thumbs up to signify how ready he was. "Alright, let's go gang." He watched his youngest son as he lazily sat up. "You have a good time-" The goat woman softly kissed all her children on the forehead. "-And be good." "Yes, mam." "Okay mom." "Sure." They mostly reassured her. They walked out together, Toriel picked up her keys from a bowl next to the door on the way. Neda was the last one out so she locked it. "Wish you could stick around for a while but you know..." "We'll call and talk later." "Yea, talk to ya later." The car doors clicked after everyone was buckled in. Asgore pulled out onto the road again. "So how has your day been so far? Finish with putting your rooms together yet?" "We finished that yesterday. I got a bookshelf built into the wall for my action figures, wish you could have seen them." "We'll just have to do it next weekend when we have our family night." "Yea." "What did you do then?" "The usual, after we had waffles mom made us run around outside before we could watch an hour of tv then we waited for you." Kris looked out the window, watching the buildings go by. "Oh? You play any fun games or did you take that literally?" Phineas kept glancing at the rear view mirror as they conversed. "We ran around the tree until we got too dizzy to stand." They admitted, making the two men smirk in amusement. "How would you kids like to have a nice picnic lunch in the park?" "What are we having?" Asked Nade. "Can we have pizza?" "I knew we should have brought the ball." Asriel muttered. "I don't care as long as we get cookies after." "We're heading home to drop your stuff off and packing a lunch there." "So, tacos then?" "No Nade. We're most likely having sandwiches with potato or macaroni salad." "Oh." He resigned from further questions as a flock of birds out the window grabbed his attention. A few moments of silence as Asriel handed his sister her game. Penny opened it but stopped as she remembered something she wanted to ask. "Dad, did you check on the flowers yet?" "Yes, they're doing great. They even started to glow a little." "Can I see them?" She asked excitedly. "Tomorrow Penny" Asgore said sternly. "You can see them tomorrow, I promise."
The park was bathed in the hot afternoon sun. Phineas breathed in the fresh air. He held his hands on his hips as he looked around, in front of him stretched a long clearing of fresh cut grass. The laughter of the little kids carrying on the wind. They ran around in a thrilling game of tag. The oldest had caught up to Kris, their tag was perhaps too hard a shove. Unfortunately they did not notice their sibling take a hard tumble, hitting their head on the closest tree. "Kris!?" He ran over to check the child and comfort them. "Are you alright? Let me-?!" He stumbled back, seeing the face of a child he did not know. "You're not-" He looked around in a panic. The other children were gone now. "Asriel? Penny! Nade!?" He looked back at the stranger, but they were gone too. He only saw one person. The forest around them growing quiet. He took a few steps forward, a dog started to bark but he couldn't see that either. "Asgore?!" The trees felt like they were bending inward. "Honey, Where-" He felt pain shoot through his body. "I-I can't." Small cracks under his fur and skin as he forcefully shifted. Claws breaking through this fingers, and jaws snapped as fangs grew longer. Drool dripped from his mouth and covered his chest. He fell to the ground, he struggled through the the pain to hold himself up. The grass faded and shortened, becoming stiff and synthetic. His vision blurring as he struggled to get to his feet. "Penny...Asriel, where are you?" He uttered weakly, leaning against a wall as he pushed himself along the dark hall. "Kris!?" He heard a weeping nearby. He hurried to the closest door. "It's okay honey! I'm here!" He pushed the door open, he ran to the bed to his child laying on it. "Oh! Oh my god!" He started to sob, seeing the dark hair matted up with red liquid that trailed from their forehead. He gently picked them up and held them in his arms. "It's gonna be ok, daddy's here." He frantically tried to get to the door, to get help. He had a difficult time, but slowly managed to get down the hall. "I'll get you help, everything will be fine." He froze as he saw his reflection in the glass. His fangs and chest covered in blood... His fell to his knees as he held the child protectively. "I'm so sorry baby, I'm so sorry." He cried and wept. "Please forgive meee. I didn't know!" "Wake up." He turned as a bright light flashed.
Phineas gasped in sharply causing himself to cough. He tried to quiet himself as he regained full consciousness. Sat up and pulled himself to the side of the bed. He ran his fingers through his fur, failing to push back his bangs and looked around. His husband slept silently. He took a moment to admire his calm face, gently brushing aside some of his blonde hair to give him a kiss on the head. Then he stood up and left the room. He traveled through the hall, quietly checking every bedroom. He noticed Kris's was empty. He casually walked over to Asriel's room. He was still in his bed with his Plush of a green dinosaur, but no Kris. Still not too concerned he looked into Penelope's room. Her bed was also empty. He traversed the pitch black room to the closet doors. He opened the doors ever so carefully, revealing the two young children sleeping in a nest of blankets and sheets. He let out a sigh of relief and gently picked them up, taking them to the bed and tucking them in. Then he checked on the last child. Nade snoozing happily, covers kicked off the bed. They were picked back up and placed on him. The larger man was still resting peacefully, his arm had started to wrap around Phineas as he laid back down. He did not drift off to rest, but at least he felt comforted. He felt the children were safe...
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     Laughter and exchanging of words filled the bedroom as the younglings were chatting up a storm. It’s not often that they would have a pleasant conversation like this, even though they met every school day at the cafeteria. 
    It was a shame that Hope and Faith couldn’t come—Frisk would’ve loved to have them here. It didn’t quite feel complete without them as they were the only ones missing in their circle of close friends (and family). Oh well. At least Arcadia was here, and even Floreska looked happy being cradled in Frisk’s arms!
     “She’s so adorable,” Frisk whispered. They tickled her cheeks which obviously caused her to giggle.
     Arcadia, being seated down next to Frisk, was leaning closer to see just how cute the toddler was acting. She looked at Frisk and asked, “So who’s her mother? I know Flowey is the dad and I’ve seen him here, but I haven’t seen any other Boss Monster here. Is she like someplace else?”
     That question stumped Frisk. They never actually bothered to ask anyone that; they just accepted the addition of Floreska to the family without question. Who was her mother?
     “I don’t actually know.” Frisk looked away from the baby—as hard as it was to avoid her cuteness—and they glanced at each and every one of them, figuring out who was best to ask first. They eventually locked eyes with Asriel. He spent the most time with him; surely he must know, right?
     But before they could ask their question, the parent himself, Flowey, entered. Perfect! Now they could get a straight answer.
     “Flowey!” they called with a smile. “I have a quest–” They cut themselves off when the Boss Monster marched through the room toward Asriel. They gasped when he proceeded to forcefully grab him by the collar and lifted him up from his bed to his eye level.
     “What do you want, Flowey? Is it getting too late for you that you’re starting to get cranky?” asked Asriel with a snarl.
     “I know you gave me that. If you expected me to be happy, then you’re dead wrong.”
     Asrie tightened his grip on Flowey’s arms as he did the same to his sweater. “What the hell are talking about? I didn’t give you anything!”
     “Really now? You didn’t give me that SOUL?” Flowey pulled him closer. “I know how much you love the idea of me with a soul. So why wouldn’t you get that pathetic scientist to make an Artificial SOUL for me?”
     Asriel teleported behind Flowey, but the tail of the livid monster wrapped around and pulled his leg as if he knew his next move. This caused him to trip and fall forward, landing on his face. He couldn’t react on time, and that cost his nose on his small snout to start bleeding.
     Everyone else was shocked at this exchange—everyone but Chara was afraid. She was furious more than anything to see her brother get hurt like this, and for absolutely no reason.
     Seeing him conjure a blade, she called him with solemn voice: “Flowey. Stop this.” As he stopped to look at her, she took a deep breath and sighed. “I had the idea of giving you a SOUL, not Asriel.”
     Frisk, now standing up, stayed as she watched Arcadia carry Floreska with the twins cautiously leave the room alongside her. Flowey didn’t seem to intend on hurting them as they managed to slip by him unscathed.
     Flowey stared at Chara. His hand that was wielding the magic-based sword was shaking a little, and his breathing turned a little funny. “W… why?” He asked. “In what world do you think that that would be a wonderful idea?”
     “Look, I’m not well-versed with your needs and desires, but I am certain that you’d be happier with a SOUL. Think about it: would you rather be forever soulless and having to rely on chocolate shakes for the rest of your life?” Chara wiped the viscous black liquid from her rosy cheeks.
     Flowey continued to stare into Chara’s eyes. His grip on the swords handle tightened, and his face represented mixed feelings.
     Asriel had sat up a moment ago, and he was now leaning against the wall. He rubbed his snout and wiped the small bit of blood, getting more on the sleeve of his sweater. A small, weak fireball rested on his left hand while he glared up at the other Boss Monster. He didn’t throw it just yet, but his arm tensed up in preparation.
     “Y-you…” A crazed smile on Flowey’s face as he laughed for a moment. “You really are an idiot, aren’t you?” He then gritted his teeth, a few tears running down his furry cheeks. “And I thought I was stupid, Chara.” 
     Frisk’s eyes opened widely as they saw Flowey preparing a swing. The could their chest pounding even more as their SOUL began beating along with their heart. Time had slowed down for them, a mystical sensation that they hadn’t felt in a long time. But even then, they were also affected by this. They would appear to move normally for everyone else, and this only gave them more time to react.
     Taking a step, their physical body faded away as their bright red SOUL took their place. The floating heart zipped toward in front of Chara, and their body reappeared. They immediately pushed the taller human back with a single hand, causing her to stumble back but managing to keep her balance.
     Frisk took in a sharp gasp and their eyelids opened up to look at Flowey with their red eyes–as red as the blood that stained the blade and their clothing.
     Flowey, who looked intent on murdering Chara and Asriel, now looked confused and regretful. He let go of the sword’s handle, the blade staying with Frisk as it was lodged too deeply in their right shoulder. The magical weapon vanished seconds later, but that only caused more blood to pour out of their large wound.
     “Frisk!” yelled Chara and Asriel in unison as the severely injured human collapsed to the side and slid down the wall, spreading the crimson substance along the surface. The Boss Monster scrambled toward them, a green glow taking the place of the fire on his hand.
     Frisk’s vision was already blurry at this point, and they could only make out the silhouette of their siblings on either side. They coughed violently, blood beginning to pour out of the corners of their mouth. It stung so much, yet it felt numb at the same time. Their breathing was shallow, and they could barely take in enough air. The familiar voices around them became indistinguishable as they were clouded by the ringing in their ears. Darkness crept up around their vision, and it was only a matter of time before it consumed their entire vision.
     They could no longer feel a thing.
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void-writing · 8 years
The Skeleton Kids *2*
2nd chapter. The doctor is in :)
"Yes? Hello?"
"Asgore!? What's happened!?" the scientist demanded through the receiver, sounding panicked.
Asgore took a breath and composed himself. "You have to come here and see. You won't believe it if you don't see it with your own eyes...ockets."
"Alright…?" Gaster said, clearly more puzzled now than panicked, "I'll be there in a moment."
"And…" Asgore trailed, "Could you bring a medical examination kit with you?"
"Is someone hurt?"
Asgore glanced at the closed hallway door. "Not exactly." he sighed heavily, "Could you just bring it? I promise I'll explain more when you get here."
A moment of silence. "Alright. I'll be there soon. With a med kit."
The receiver went dead and Asgore put the phone down, another sigh escaping him. He was having trouble grasping the situation himself. How was it possible? He was positive he had put the bodies of two dead human children in those coffins, so how were there two clearly alive skeleton monster children? They had Souls and everything! Asgore had checked several times!
This whole situation was strange, but Asgore couldn't bring himself to leave the skelekids in the castle basement. So he brought them to his house. The two tiny skeletons took to Asgore immediately, that is, once Asgore finished freaking out. The smaller of the two, the skeleton with green pupils took to calling Asgore 'daddy', which though he was glad to be referred by that title by a child, he was unsure of how he felt knowing who...what this child used to be.
"Uh...Daddy? Can you come in here?" a voice from behind the door asked, pulling Asgore from his thoughts, "We...need help. Ow! Quit it Justine! You making it worse!"
With shaking hands, Asgore opened the door. Inside were the two tiny skeletons. The smaller one with glowing green eyes, whom Asgore discovered was named Ken, somehow managed to get his skull stuck the armhole of a blue and white striped sweater and the other skeleton, Justine, now in a brown and orange striped sweater, was trying to pry him out of it. As soon as Asgore entered the room, both children stopped mid action. The truly comical part is that Asgore could actually see Ken's emerald green pupils looking at him through the sweater's fabric.
An amused snort escaped the Monster King.
"Hey!" Ken moaned, his voice muffled somewhat by the sweater, "Don't laugh!"
"Alright Ken," Asgore said, bending down to the skeleton child's level, "Let's get this sweater on you the right way."
It took a little maneuvering, but Asgore managed to correct Ken's wardrobe malfunction. Asgore couldn't help but notice that the sweater was a bit big on Ken, but it would do for now. Neither skeleton had clothes when he found them and Asgore assumed that the charred things in the coffins with them were the remnants of their garments. How they were reduced to such a state, he didn't know. It was a good thing that Asgore never had the heart to throw out Asriel and Chara's old clothes though.
"There you are! Much better!" Asgore grinned.
Ken beamed widely. "Thank you daddy!"
Justine huffed, an annoyed yellow blush coloring her bony cheeks. "I could have helped too y'ah know!"
Ken silently shook his head. Justine huffed again.
"Alright children," Asgore chided, "Let's go to the living room. There's someone coming to meet you both."
"Who?' Justine asked as they walked out of the room.
"He's a friend of mine, a doctor. He'll be coming to...do a check up." Asgore explained.
They had reached the living room by the time Asgore said that his doctor friend was going to do a check up on them and Justine and Ken stopped walking. Both skeleton children stared up at Asgore with wide, fearful eyes.
"A-A doctor?" Ken stammered, "H-He's not gonna p-poke us with n-needles, is he?"
Asgore chuckled. "No no Ken. No needles. He's just going to make sure you both are healthy."
"Of course we're healthy!" Justine protested, "We don't need a doctor!"
"I don't know Justine. Maybe we might," Ken pointed out carefully, "He won't be using needles…"
Justine and Ken then started a small argument. There wasn't much in terms of shouting, so he wasn't sure if it could be called an argument. It was an impassioned discussion, but 'debate' fit the situation much better than 'argument'.
Regardless, Asgore blanched a little. Out of the two, Justine was the most difficult to deal with. She was stubborn, loud, and firm in her opinions. Almost a polar opposite to Ken, who was quieter and much more willing to listen to others. He'd even taken to Asgore exceptionally quickly since Asgore found them. The Monster King, once again, had mixed feelings about that. He wasn't sure if he could raise them after what had happened to his own children. And most of all what he'd done to them.
A knock on the door brought Asgore from his thoughts and halted Justine and Ken's debate on whether they'd need a doctor.
"It's open!" Asgore called.
The door creaked open. "Sorry I took so long. I got a little turned around on the way here."
Gaster poked his head into the living room and the moment he did, his eye sockets zeroed in on the two skeleton children standing in the living room. He muttered something that Asgore couldn't understand before motioning for him to come. Likely to talk in private.
Asgore looked at the kids. "I'll be right back children. Stay here and behave. We'll be right back."
Asgore stood to leave, but felt something grab onto his pant leg. Looking down, it was little Ken. Ken was staring up at Asgore with watery green eyes, far too much like the ones he looked at the monster king with when he had been killed.
"Promise daddy?"
Asgore nodded robotically. "I promise."
Reluctantly, Ken released Asgore's clothes and the monster king exited the room and followed Gaster outside. Once the door had closed, Gaster dropped his bag and grasped Asgore's shoulders firmly.
"Why are there skeleton children in your house!?" the skeleton scientist exclaimed, though still keeping his voice down, "It shouldn't be possible! To make a skeleton monster, you...you…"
"You need a sample of bone cut from both parents." Asgore finished.
A mournful look settled on Gaster's face and he let go of Asgore's shoulders. The skeleton's bony fingers started to lightly trace over the neat oval shaped holes in his hands.
"Yes. Otherwise it should be impossible!" Gaster said again, "Where did they come from?"
Asgore retold the story of him going to tend his flowers and hearing a noise in the basement that later turned out to be Ken and Justine in the coffins Asgore had placed the human children's bodies in. And neither of them seemed to remember anything besides their names.
Once Asgore finished his story, Gaster looked rather thoughtful.
"So you're saying that these skeleton children are the animated remains of the humans? Unbelievable! They look nothing like humans in their present state!"
"I'm not sure they even are human anymore Gaster." Asgore said.
"What do you mean?"
"I looked at their Souls. They have Monster Souls. Both of them!"
Gaster started to mutter again in a language that Asgore couldn't understand before picking up his bag.
"In that case, I need to examine these children right now."
The skeleton opened the door and stopped before he even entered. He chuckled "I suppose Asgore never told you two that eavesdropping is rude?"
Justine and Ken had been standing by the door. Asgore was a little nervous now. How much had they heard? Did they hear him say that they used to be human? Asgore searched their eyes for any trace of fear or hatred, but thankfully found none.
"Sorry," Justine moaned, "But we were curious! What were you and papa talkin' 'bout!?"
Gaster chuckled again and patted the crown of Justine's skull. "Adult things, young one. Now I believe I was called here to perform a medical examination on the two of you, is that correct?"
Justine shook her head 'no', and Ken nodded his head 'yes'. Then they froze and swapped looks before Justine finally sighed and nodded.
"Don't worry. This won't hurt. I'm just going to make sure you're healthy. Though, I can already tell you're both very healthy young children."
"Soooo. Do that mean you don't need to…?" Justine said, rocking back on her heels.
"It's better to be safe than sorry."
Justine's shoulders sagged.
"But," Gaster added, "I promise there won't be any needles and there's a treat in it for good little children who behave."
The promise of a reward for good behavior grabbed their attention and both Justine and Ken followed Gaster into the living room, leaving Asgore to follow in suit.
I never realized Gaster was so good with children. Asgore thought, It must be because he's raising two of his own…
Asgore stood watch in the doorway leading into the living room as Gaster started unpacking his bag on the kitchen table. The skeleton set out many medical instruments on the tabletop before selecting a single machine. It looked like some sort of scanner.
"Alright children, I'm going to take a look at your Souls to make sure they're healthy and stable." Gaster explained to them.
"Huh? Our Souls?" Ken asked, green pupils glowing in confusion, "Are those the floaty upsidey downey heart thingies that daddy looked at earlier?"
Gaster nodded. "Yes. That's your Soul, the very culmination of your being. Souls are very important and will affect your health if they aren't taken care of. Is it alright if I take a look at it?"
Ken hesitated and looked over at Asgore. There was a look of uncertainty on his face that Asgore knew all too well in children. Ken was looking for reassurance. Asgore smiled and nodded and Ken looked back at Gaster and repeated the action.
Gaster flipped a switch in the side of the machine and held it in front of Ken's ribcage.
"I'll need you to hold very still, okay?" Gaster requested, "This won't hurt, but I won't get a clear reading if you don't stay still."
"O-Okay… I stay still..."
The machine beeped for a few moments before Gaster finally pulled it closer to himself and began to fiddle with the many knobs and buttons on it. From where he was standing, Asgore could see the image on the large screen change, but was unable to make out what it displayed. Gaster lifted his hand and a blue glow wove around his fingers. Moments later, a pad of paper and a pen flew from his bag and hovered next to him, furiously scribbling down information that only Gaster knew.
The kids were amusingly mystified by the action.
"Whoa! What that!?" Justine asked excitedly.
Gaster looked up from his notepad and grinned. "It's called Blue Magic. With it, I can affect an object's gravity by either making it heavier or lighter. I can even control where it goes." Gaster explained, making the pad of paper buzz around their heads to demonstrate before it returned to his hand, "It's your turn now, young lady."
"The name's Justine!" she declared with childish pride.
Gaster chuckled. "Alright Justine. I need to look at your Soul now."
Justine looked at the machine in Gaster's hand just as cautiously as Ken had, but ultimately agreed and stood still as Gaster scanned her Soul. When the scan was finished, Gaster wrote down information on his note pad. He ran several other tests; checking temperatures, reflexes, an eye exam, all the regular health exams. Once he was done, Gaster scribbled some final notes on his notepad before plucking it out of the air and approaching Asgore while the rest of his equipment put itself away, all of it cloaked in the glow of Blue Magic. And out of his bag flew two individually wrapped lollipops, like the kind you get at the doctor's office when you've been good.
Gaster stopped and looked over at the children. "Here you are children." he smiled, "You've been excellent patients."
Ken grinned widely, showing off his small, pearly teeth. "Thank you Mr. Doctor!"
Justine, who already had the lolly in her mouth also gave her thanks, though it was more garbled with the sweet in her mouth.
Gaster smiled again and turned back to Asgore. "They're both in perfect health." he reported.
"That's good," Asgore sighed, "That is good, right?"
Gaster nodded, his expression more business-like now. "It is, though it's peculiar given their...circumstances."
"What about their Souls?"
Gaster flipped through his notepad. "They're Souls...appear to be a cocktail of residual traits held together by magic. It's like an imitation Monster Soul! All the same components, but made completely independently." Gaster said, "Though it appears that their Dominant Traits are still that, dominant, even in their new Souls which is most unusual for a monster."
"Are their Souls stable?" Asgore asked, concerned.
Gaster nodded. "Yes. Their Souls are steady as stone. Maybe even more so. As far as monsters go, they're quite unique." the skeleton rested the palm of his hand against his skull, "I still don't understand how it's possible for a human to become a monster. I will have to question you further on the matter, but not in the presence of the children."
Both monsters glanced back at the two skelekids, who thankfully seemed too absorbed by their sweet treats to pay any mind to the two adult's conversation.
"Do you think this will...happen again?" Asgore asked.
"I have no reason to believe otherwise." Gaster said.
Asgore groaned softly, resting his forehead in his palm. "What am I going to do Gaster? I can't take care of these children! Let alone...let alone children who were the humans I…I..." the last word, ironically, died in his throat.
Gaster rested a hand on his shoulder. "You're more than capable Asgore. And," he continued, "if you need guidance in raising a pair of rambunctious skeleton children, you have my number."
Asgore glanced back at the children, who were still completely entertained by their candy. He still wasn't sure. How could he be a good father when he let his own children die? Surely someone, anyone, in the Underground would be better suited to raising them than him!
"You are a good father Asgore." Gaster reassured, "Besides. They really like you."
Asgore was about to reply when Ken and Justine finally seemed to realize that the two adult monsters were looking at them. Ken was first to rush to Asgore's side, clutching the Monster King's robes in his tiny skeletal hands. He still had the lollipop stick clutched in his teeth. Justine followed after, though more reluctantly, most likely because she was a bit embarrassed, requested a hug from Asgore with the silent signal of open arms. Asgore flashed a look to Gaster, who nodded reassuringly.
Asgore picked up Justine and gave her a hug that she returned as soon as Asgore had given it. He couldn't deny it now. It was plainly clear that these kids had grown emotionally attached to him and if he were to be honest, he had grown attached to them as well. No matter how much he didn't want to. Maybe though...this might be a good thing for him. Maybe taking care of these children can help him recover emotionally.
A chuckle rose in his throat. "Alright children. Why don't you thank Doctor Gaster?" He asked, setting Justine down.
"Thank you Doctor Gaster!" the two children said in sink.
Gaster smiled at them. "You're quite welcome children."
"Are you leaving Mr. Gaster?" Ken asked innocently.
"Unfortunately, yes. I have work to do."
"Are more people sick?" Justine questioned.
Gaster shook his head. "No. No one else is sick."
"Then what work do you have to do? Can't you stay here with us and Daddy?" Ken asked.
"Don't worry Ken," Gaster reassured, "I won't be gone forever. Ask your daddy if you can drop by Snowdin sometime and you all can pay a visit. Besides, there might be some monsters you both would enjoy meeting."
Gaster summoned his bag with his Blue Magic and the beat-up leather bag floated into his waiting hand. He waved goodbye a final time to Asgore and the children before exiting out the door.
A moment of silence ticked by before Asgore realized he was alone again with these children. They had been silent so far, but he suspected it wouldn't be that way for long if he didn't do something.
"Ken, Justine," Asgore addressed, "How would you like to play a game?"
Their eye sockets lit up with interest and excitement.
"A game?" Ken asked.
"What kind of game?"
Asgore crouched to their level. "A game of hide-and-seek!" he whispered to them, "Would you like to play?"
They both nodded their heads.
"Alright then, go hide! I'll start looking at the count of 10."
Asgore closed his eyes and he heard Ken and Justine's little bare skeletal feet click against the hardwood and their stifled giggles as they ran but still tried to be quiet.
"1...2...3…" he counted out loud.
Asgore was surprised they took to this game so quickly, but at the same time he wasn't. Asriel and Chara loved hide-and-seek. All children Asgore met seemed to love that game, so why not Ken and Justine?
Ken and Justine actually remind him of them. But then again, all children remind him of his own. He guessed that it was a parent thing.
"7...8...9…10..." Asgore opened his eyes to an empty room, "Ready or not, here I come!"
He was a parent again. And this time, he would do everything in his power to be a great father.
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asktemmie-frisk · 6 years
Another Year Sadder (Lost and Found Arc)
As Chara and Frisk cried to themselves on their beds, they realized that they might have been loud enough for Toriel to hear. Chara panicked and tried to make her eyes look less reddened. She hastily grabbed teardrops to try and nurse her eyes, trying to hide her sadness from her mother. Toriel walked up the steps to Chara's room and knocked.
"Chara, sweetheart, are you okay?" Asked Toriel.
Chara felt a surge of terror as her mind was awash with all the possible outcomes. She couldn't think straight because she was so scared of how Toriel would react at that point. Perhaps she would smother Chara with kindness, not letting her have peace? Or maybe she would be made to say exactly what was wrong with her? Chara didn't want to be around anyone right now, but she quickly quenched her thirsty eyes with teardrops and hurried to her door, forcing a placcid smile onto her face. As she opened up, Toriel was standing right outside her door, ready to talk to her.
"Oh, hey, mom. What's up?" Chara asked nonchalantly.
"What is 'up', as you so put it, is that I am going to the grocery store to get some items for dinner tonight. I was wondering if you and Frisk would like to join me."
"Actually, mom, I was wondering, if it wasn't too much trouble, maybe Frisk and I could have a nice, romantic dinner on our own?"
"Oh, so you and Frisk do not want what I am planning to cook. Very well. Here is 75 dollars. I hope you two enjoy your evening."
"We will, mom. Thank you."
"You are welcome, my child. Now I am off to the store. Do not bother waiting up for me; I am certain that you two are responsible enough to return home before 1 am."
"It's okay, mom. You have nothing to worry about."
With that set of words being followed by Toriel walking down the steps and shutting the door behind her, Chara went to Frisk's room. She was not okay at all. She barged in, worried about Frisk.
"Frisk, you still with me?" She said, noticing his trembling and whimpering.
"Yeah, I'm still here. I'm just feeling really scared right now." Frisk mumbled in a traumatized tone.
"So am I. I swear mom almost heard us. We can't just let people know how we're feeling. They'll think we're fucking daffy!"
"No, they'll just throw themselves into our problems. I know they mean well, but they shouldn't be burdening themselves with our problems. We don't even deserve it."
"I know."
Frisk and Chara shared a hug as they cried on each others shoulders silently.
"I miss my mom and dad." Said Chara.
"I know. I bet they were great people." Replied Frisk.
"They were incredibly kind and totally innocent to everyone that met them. So yeah, they were great people. I just wish they were still with me."
"Yeah. I wish they were here too. You know, so I could meet them, and they could meet my parents."
As they spoke to each other, they both started to calm down.
"You know, I bet our parents would hit it off with each other. My mom and dad, they would've loved you, Frisk."
"Then I'm glad my parents love you, too."
Frisk and Chara shared a smile with each other, and they kissed with their tears drying from their eyes. They shared a small chuckle and held each other close.
"I love you, Chara."
"I love you too, Frisk."
They placcidly smiled at each other again, feeling a mix of sorrow and contentedness within each other, almost as if they were speaking a language only they knew to each other.
"Alright. Mom gave me some money so we could go out and get us something special. I was wondering if you'd...like to go out with me?"
"Really? Are you sure?"
"Yes. I'm sure. I wanted to be alone with you, so I think having a nice dinner alone would be better for us."
"Good point. I'll get dressed."
"Great. See you in a bit, hun."
Chara gave Frisk a little peck on the cheek before going back to her room and getting ready to go out on the town. Frisk smiled as he clasped his cheek and remembered the feeling of her lips. He focused on that good memory long enough to get dressed properly.
At about 6pm, Chara and Frisk went out to dinner. They were hoping to be discreet, so they used their powers to get there as quickly as possible. Unbeknownst to them, Asriel was watching the whole thing.
"Yeah, that's right, you two." He said, letting Flowey show himself.
"Go on your little date. I wonder what will happen that could make it go wrong? Perhaps the food will be overpriced, and you'll be forced to leave? Or maybe there'll be an overwhelming amount of humans for Chara, and she'll immediately want to be secluded?"
Due to Flowey's personality resurfacing, Asriel started using his magic to burrow to Chara and Frisk's destination.
"Don't worry, you little best friend stealer. My plan isn't homicide, for this is SO much more interesting."
Asriel cackled evily before he completely buried himself into the ground. Then as he went subterranean, he used his magic to guide him to their destination.
About 10 minutes later, both Frisk and Chara made it to where they were going, which allowed them to turn off their invisibility spells they casted. Asriel was close by, but, because of the way he followed them, was forced to hide in the bushes. He peered out to find Chara and Frisk dressed up. Chara was wearing a simple dress, and Frisk went a little further, having a vest on his dress shirt and slacks. He even had dress shoes on as well to accompany Chara wearing fancy slippers. Her heels weren't as high as most women would wear, due to her hating high heels. Asriel was stunned.
"What the fuck? Chara doesn't normally wear this fancy get up! She looks stacked right now! Her dress is hugging her ass too hard, and..."
Asriel stopped himself, noticing that Frisk and Chara were getting close to the door. He camoflaged himself into his surroundings just enough to keep Chara and Frisk from getting suspicious. After he was sure they didn't see him, he got out of the bushes, watching through the window.
 They entered the place, ordering a table. It seems the restaurant wasn't very full, as there weren't a lot of people. They ordered a table nearby the window so they could have a look outside while they ate. Asriel noticed they were walking to him, so he ducked down before he could be spotted.
"Whew! That was close!" He said with his eyes closed.
"Yes, it was." Agreed a voice.
Asriel instantly got startled and almost screamed, silencing himself before he could cause a scene. He looked up and saw his parents, alongside the skeletons and Gaster. Asriel immediately lost his fear, replacing it with irritation.
"Oh, it's just 'Smiley Trashbag' and his pasta-loving faggot o-"
Sans stomped on Asriel's chest and smacked the top of his head with a bone. Asriel let out a hushed grunt as he got lifted up by Papyrus.
"Now then..." He started with glowing eyesockets.
"Would you like to talk to my brother like that again?"
Papyrus started choking him. Asriel tried to make him let go, but Papyrus kept a creepy smile as his eyesockets started flooding enough energy to encase his body with an aura.
"Okay, okay. I give!" Asriel rasped in defeat.
Papyrus promptly let go of Asriel's neck, letting him drop to the ground. Asriel caught his breath, trying to recover from getting choked out by Papyrus. Then his parents bent down to his level.
"You do realize you deserved that, correct?" Asked a thoroughly disappointed Toriel.
"Yes, I realize it, mom! I just didn't expect Papyrus to choke me out!"
"I thought I told you NEVER to say that word to anyone, Asriel." Said Asgore.
"You mean 'faggot'?"
Everybody shushed Asgore as he picked up Asriel and held him to his face to yell at him.
"Sorry. Forgot. Yes, that one. It's derogatory to people who are homosexual, and I told you never to say it."
"I know. I know. Sorry. But why are you guys here anyway? I thought mom was making dinner."
"Let me be clear, Asriel." Said Toriel.
"I wanted to make an excuse to leave Chara and Frisk alone for a little while. We have all noticed that something is wrong with them. They seem to be holding on to their painful past, unable to let go for fear of them repeating it."
"Well, maybe they just wanted to keep us from seeing something wrong with them. Chara's been real secretive lately. I think since she remembered exactly what happened back then, she's just been sad that she'll never get to see her birth parents again."
"Frisk hasn't exactly been social, either." Said Gaster.
"Ever since I've started working at Ebott High this semester, Frisk has been keeping to himself. I can tell how smart he is. It's possible that with everything that happened to him, he's become...reluctant to become visible without seeking him out. He's become withdrawn."
"Yes. Our little brother is hurting right now, and he doesn't want to show it." Agreed Papyrus sadly.
"He seems to not want to do anything as much as he used to. Even my spaghetti doesn't seem to cheer him up."
"Yes, well I am certain that Frisk initially needed time to absorb all of the shock that he experienced from the previous year. He thought he was human all of his life, but it turned out he wasn't, and he hasn't gotten over it yet, so he's starting to react in ways he normally wouldn't."
"Well, that explains why he doesn't go outside as much as he used to." Said Asriel.
"You know what? I was planning to just watch from afar, but I think we'll need a closer look. Let's get inside."
"Not so fast!" Toriel said, grabbing his son by his arm before he could go inside.
"We cannot just go inside like this; it would be too suspicious!"
Toriel held out her arms, and used her magic to alter her wardrobe, spicing it up to look like she was ready for a date.
"There. Now this is more like it."
Asriel was immediately embarrassed and frustrated. His own mother was using her own magic to make herself look more attractive, and she didn't even teach him how to make his clothes go from rags to riches. He and Flowey were not amused in even the slightest, and Toriel saw it.
"Aww, what's the matter?" She said.
"Do you and Flowey want to learn how to use this spell? I never did teach you, did I? For shame. Then again, someone who kills innocent people should never need to know how to perform such a spell."
Asriel reached a boiling point, thanks to his mother trolling him.
"THEN HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO BLEND IN, YOU FUCKING BITCH?!" He shouted with his black scleras and facial markings showing.
Toriel refused to let that stand, so she smacked Asriel in the face with a firey stare, violently grabbed him and brought him to her face.
"You listen to me, you little piece of shit!" She started seething.
"We're trying to blend in, NOT stand out! We don't need to hear your fucking mouth turn into a megaphone, you hear me?!"
Asriel got extremely scared. He didn't want to see his mother like this. "Yes, mom" was all the young boss monster could say.
"Good. Second of all, someone who goes around killing innocent creatures just because they can DOESN'T deserve to learn such a spell! You better get that through your thick head! Killers like you don't deserve to be camoflaged, and if you EVER talk to me like that again, I will beat your sorry ass in front of everyone right here and now. Do I make myself clear?!"
Asriel cowered in front of his mother. He knew despite the extra soul power, he had no chance against her.
"Crystal, ma'am." He said, starting to cry.
"Good. Now hand me the bag, Sans."
Toriel's attitude and tone instantly made a quick turnaround as Sans threw a duffel bag to her. She caught it, and inside was a suit specifically for Asriel. The young boss monster was speechless as he dried his tears and put on the outfit. Everyone else, quickly and quietly, got ready to enter the establishment. They were going to learn what was so important to Frisk and Chara that they had to keep it a secret. Or at least that's what they hoped.
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asktemmie-frisk · 6 years
Hidden Strength in an Ominous Atmosphere (ゴッドモードアーク(Goddomodoaku) (God-mode Arc)
After the lockdown drill, the teacher berated a great many students on how they were talking through the lockdown drill. The only ones who didn't receive a verbal lashing were Frisk, Chara and Asriel. After school, all 3 of them were talking about the entire thing again while going home on the bus. They couldn't shake off the severity of the situation. Chara was fuming the entire time, and it only got worse after she and Frisk stepped back inside their house. Asriel went back to his father's house. He went to the couch immediately after stepping inside, and started crying. Asgore noticed this when he was just coming through the door about 2 minutes later. "Asriel, what's wrong?" He asked, worried about his son. "It's school, dad." His son replied. "Bullies, huh? Well, let me tell y-" "No, dad. It's about the drill. People were talking the entire time." "Yes, the drill. It is worse than we thought. Clearly, the humans are unaware of the looming threat to us all. But we cannot let that deter us. In addition, it seems that the school is trying to make everyone aware, but someone else is preventing widespread panic." "How would that even be possible? Unless...oh, no." "What?" "There's a mole in the building, and they're trying to keep us all in their line-of-sight. It's gotta be one of the staff members." Asgore was petrified at what his son was proposing. After a stunned silence, he picked up the phone, and he called his ex. The phone rang for a few seconds, and Toriel picked up the phone she had in the kitchen. "Hello?" She said. "Toriel. They know where our children are." Upon hearing this, she dropped the phone and fainted. Chara and Frisk heard the fall from the living room. They both ran to her, and Chara screamed. Frisk waved his hand in her face to give her some air. They kept by her side for a few minutes, until she came to. Asgore heard everything on the other side, and hung up the second he heard the thud. Upon receiving his son's ominous warning, he sat down before anything could happen to him. Asriel was nervous at his father, and Asgore was scared for his son and daughter. None of them got any peaceful slumber that night. The next day was even less forgiving, as the lessons that day were shortened in favor of safety drills. More students started believing the situation was actually worse than they initially thought, due to them thinking it was just a normal drill. More rumors spread around the school of Talrok, and none of them were good or serene. More students became cautious, withdrawn, even scared. It was likely that the entire school was starting to learn more about the school invasions, each day having more than the last, with every single one involving the same person: Talrok. The more intrusions that occurred to the schools in the region, the more fear and panic spread to the students. Even the teachers started thinking Talrok was dangerous, which was very accurate because later that day in the evening, the news came on and warned about Talrok again. Only this time, it was revealed that a police officer was injured in a scuffle with Talrok, who, although they didn't kill the cop, they did injure him. It wasn't life threatening, but it was noticable enough to raise an alarm. "That's it." Frisk said while listening to the report. "I need to get ready for a fight." "Oh, good. So you're finally willing to forsake your mercy?" Chara congratulated questioningly. "I never said I'm gonna kill him; I just said I gotta get ready to fight him. There's still a chance that he's willing to give up if he's too close to dying to recover." "Those chances are some slim pickins'. You see what he did, so him getting close to dying won't be easy, or likely for that matter." "I know. I know." The next day, when they were in their gym class, they had substitutes for the day. What Frisk, Chara, and Asriel saw was unexpected. They saw none other than Sans and Undyne. Frisk was delighted for Sans to be here; Chara threw a cocky smile; Asriel tried to hold back his frustration. "Well, well. If it isn't Undyne and the comedian." Chara said, proud and confident. Sans gave Chara a wink. "Alright, ya little punks!" Said Undyne. "Today, your normal gym teachers called off, so the school asked us to fill in. That being said, we're gonna give all of ya a workout! You guys ready to dominate?" All the students said "yeah", while Chara did her creepy face and a sinister chuckle, Frisk shot a determined look at Sans and Undyne, and Asriel started seeing red with black scleras. "Sweet. Name's Sans. I'll be coaching the boys today." The skeleton introduced. "And I'm Undyne. I'll be handling the ladies in this class." "Now that you know who we are, let's mix things up a bit. Today, the boys and girls will be spliting into teams with each other, one team on one end, and one team on the other." Chara got confused. "What? Why?" Sans emptied his eyesockets and held up a dodgeball. "You see this ball here in my right hand? This is why. We're playing dodgeball." Sans' left eyesocket flashed yellow and cyan. Chara got scared at what Sans was saying. Not again, she thought. I get at home, but why here? Everyone split into teams just like Sans instructed, and then came the onslaught of dodgeballs from both sides. There weren't very many students who reacted fast enough to dodge, and the ones that did couldn't throw to save their lives. Asriel especially got hit so hard, some of the wind got knocked out of him. Chara took a ball in the back of her head, dizzying her enough to make her lose balance, and land on the floor on her backside. "Wow. I can't believe that just happened." Said Undyne. "Sans, did you really think they could handle your skills?" "No, I knew they couldn't." Replied Sans. "To be honest, I'm ashamed because they're even lazier than me. At least I-" "Hey, fish bitch and skele-pun!" Said a voice from the "wreckage". Both of them looked out, and they saw Frisk, standing tall and proud without even a single scratch or bruise. He threw a smug look at both of them, feeling unusually determined. Sans and Undyne both got angry and confused. "Wha? How'd you..." They said in unison. "HOW DID YOU DODGE ALL OF THOSE?!" Undyne shouted at Frisk. "You can blame Sans for that!" Sans clenched his fists in anger, then his eyesocket poured enough energy to give himself a faint aura flashing yellow and cyan. He was ready to throw what he had at Frisk. "Do you wanna have a bad time, bro? If you do, pick up that dodgeball. You won't be able to get enough of what happens next." Frisk threw a sadistic smile at Sans, and picked up the dodgeball. "All right, then. But just to make it fair, Chara, get up." Chara obeyed with her creepy face, ready to catapult a dodgeball to Sans' face. "Now then, let's do this." "Not so fast!" Said Asriel while he was getting back up. "If you get to use your powers, then I get to play on Frisk's team!" "Fine. The more, the merrier. Just means I get to dunk you even harder now." Sans used his magic to launch more dodgeballs at the three, while they dodged as best as they could. Asriel got hit so hard with one, it knocked him back a few feet. Chara kept moving as one sped to her. She ducked, but it grazed her head barely, which was just enough to consider her out. Undyne and Sans showed no mercy to Frisk, who showed none in return. After dodging an onslaught of dodgeballs, Undyne threw one as hard as she could at Frisk, who was just fast enough to spot it and catch it. Frisk then threw it at Undyne, who was so focused on grabbing another dodgeball that by the time she looked at Frisk, the ball struck her. It hit in the face with enough force to throw her onto the floor. She sat up after a few seconds. Then everyone in the class, especially Asriel and Undyne, looked at Frisk, shocked at what he just accomplished. Frisk looked in amazement as well. Whoa. I did that, he thought to himself. "What? How'd you...when did you...why are..." Asriel stammered in complete shock and awe. Frisk looked at his hands in fear and surprise. "Bro. How did you do that?" Mumbled Sans. For the first time, Sans looked at Frisk in fear. Frisk had no response. The entire gym was silent for a few seconds until Undyne managed to utter something. "Uh, Frisk, go to our office. Or something." She said, still awestruck. "Everybody else except Chara and Asriel, take a breather." Frisk, Chara, and Asriel all went to the office, with Sans and Undyne following. When they shut the door, Undyne started yelling. "How the fuck were you able to hit me so hard?!" She shouted. "I don't know!" Frisk shouted back. "Well, why not?!" Asriel cut in loudly. "First, you beat the dignity out of me, then you embarrass me in front of mom and dad, and now, you hurl a dodgeball at Undyne so hard, you knock her on her ass! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU HIDING FROM US?! TELL US, NOW!!" "I don't know!" Frisk started to get angry. "Well maybe, you should be finding out! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST THINK OF A GODDAMN REASON, FRISK?!" "I DON'T KNOW, OKAY?! How the fuck was I supposed to know I could throw that hard, Asriel?! I don't even remember how I got that strong! You think I have any idea how I did that?! NO, I DON'T! SO STEP THE FUCK OFF! Unless you like getting hurt by me, which would actually be good, since I get to have fun and payback at the same time!" "ENOUGH!!" Sans and Chara had it. They wanted to defuse this problem NOW. "Everybody, shut the fuck up!" Chara asserted. "How Frisk did what he did doesn't matter right now. We can't just lose it on each other like this. How are we supposed to keep people from trying to lynch our asses if we ju-" "Lynch?! Really, Chara? That's the word you say?" Snapped Frisk. Chara slapped him. "Shut up! People just saw what you just did. They're gonna start thinking that you're something you're not!" "What could they possibly think I am?!" "I don't know, one of the magicians, probably?! Don't look to me for answers, Frisk! I don't know everything!" "That's strange; you and Asriel always act like you do. And you always act like I'm a fucking idiot!" "Please. I never said or thought that!" "Chara, come the fuck on, already. You think I never noticed you and Asriel 'eye-fucking'? I know, and, to be honest, I don't blame you. If I were you, I would probably give him a few glances too. If I didn't know what he did beforehand, of course." Chara was fuming, but the words she had in retaliation were lost to the wind. She opened her mouth, but there was nothing she could say other than a confirmation. "Okay, I admit it. I do think Asriel's attractive, but he and I have known each other for a long time as siblings, so at this point, if we did anything, it would feel weird to the both of us." Asriel blushed and scowled at the truth of what Chara said. I hate that she's right, he thought. She is pretty cute, except for her creepy face. "You about done roasting my ass now? Because if you are, that's fantastic. Long story short, Frisk is stronger than he let on, or knew, initially, and we don't know how he got that strength, but it doesn't matter right now. We gotta get back out there before everybody get suspicious, or people will start digging for answers that might not be there." They all went back outside to the gym. "Alright, you guys. Let's get some more sweat out of all of you!" Undyne commanded. "Give me 3 laps around the gym as fast as you guys can manage!" All the students started running, with Asriel and Chara keeping in the middle of the pack. Frisk, however, started putting more effort into his running, and started sprinting. He was quick, and people were getting curious. He finished the laps about 3 seconds before one of the other students. "How did you do that so fast? And what about Undyne?" One of them asked. "Well, I guess I had a lot of practice. Sorry." Lied Frisk nervously. The other students believed it 100%. Chara and Asriel started seeing red again at how fast Frisk finished the laps. They had a talk when Undyne gave the class a little free time near the tail end of gym to talk to him. "Frisk, what the fuck?" Said Chara. "Why did you run that fast?" "You heard Undyne!" Said Frisk. "She said 'as fast as you can manage'. That means you gotta go full throttle. Don't half-ass it like you two did!" "The weight of our sins is what keeps us from moving much faster than we showed." Chara said sarcastically. "So what's your fucking excuse? Practice?" Frisk just glared at Chara angrily. "That's what I thought, dipshit." Chara was having none of it from Frisk after what happened moments earlier, so all 3 of them just barely managed to get through gym without fighting even more. Afterwards, they went back to their normal outfits. When the bell rang, they all started going to their biology class. It was tense after what went on in gym. "Hey, Chara? Asriel?" Said Frisk. "Yeah?" They both said, turning their heads to Frisk. "Sorry about earlier." "Yeah, us too." "Let's just forget about earlier for now." Suggested Chara. "It's almost time for our biology class, anyway." Asriel and Frisk agreed to this as they stepped into the room and took their seats.
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