#hae won maek
ruanbaijie · 1 year
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JU JI HOON as HAE WON MAEK aka everyone's favourite dumbass rooster-haired ass-kicking grim reaper - now with a sad backstory! ALONG WITH THE GODS: THE LAST 49 DAYS 신과함께: 인과 연 (2018) dir. Kim Yong Hwa
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toastinthegrass · 7 months
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Buddy, let her go, that`s child abuse!
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glenlorence · 10 months
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korelist · 1 year
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 8 Benim puanım: 9
Drama: Hwarang / Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth
Hangul: 화랑(花郞)
Director: Yun Seong-Sik
Writer: Park Eun-Young
Date: 2017
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Park Seo-Joon, Go Ara, Park Hyung-Sik, Do Ji-Han, Seo Yea-Ji, Kim Tae-Hyung, Kim Won-Hae, Yoo Jae-Myung, Minho, Jo Yoon-Woo, Sung Dong-Il
Hayal takımı!!! Şahane ekip! Benim fanatikliğimin çıkış noktası olan dizi. Park Seo-Joon var, yanına Parkk Hyung-Sik koymuşlar, bir de BTS’in göz bebeği Kim Tae-Hyung(V)’yi ikna etmişler. Daha ne olsun. Wooga Squad’ın temelleri atılmış. Çekimler sırasında Seo-Joon ve Hyung-sik o kadar iyi anlaşınca set sonrasında Seo-Joon’un arkadaş ortamına girmek istemiş. Tae-Hyung ise bilmediği bir alanda iyi bir iş çıkartmak için Seo-Joon’dan yardım isteyince ekibe dahil olmuş. Zaten Wooga Squad’ın en küçüğü olarak her biri V’yi el üstünde tutuyor. Hatta bir sohbet sırasında Seo-Joon “onu konserde izlediğimizde ne kadar popüler olduğunu fark ettik, sahnede adeta devleşiyor” şeklinde konuşmuştu. Çünkü onlar için V küçük kardeş gibi.
Konudan çok uzaklaştım. Kırmızı çizgime denk geldi. Dizi, MÖ 1. yüzyılda Koguryo, Baekje ve Silla’dan oluşan 3 krallık döneminde; Silla’da geçiyor. Kraliçe askeri bir yapılanma kurmaya karar veriyor. Soylu ailelerin yüzü güzel olan oğullarına savaş sanatı eğitimi vererek “Hwarang” adını verdiği birliği kuruyor. Bu dizi için bir tarih dizisinden çok tarihi anekdotlar içeren tarihi bir dizi diyebilirim.
Queen Jiso (Kim Ji-Soo), tahtı elinde tutabilmek için genç yaşta tahtın varisi olan oğlu Ji Dwi Rang(Park Hyung-Sik)’ i herkesten saklayarak yönetimi elinde tutmaktadır. Kendini korumak için Hwarang’ı kurmaya karar verir. Prens ise halktan biri gibi yaşayarak tahta geçme sırasının gelmesini beklemektedir. Halk prensin kayıplara karıştığını düşünüyordur. Hiç kimse prensin yüzünü görmemiş, neye benzediğini bilmiyordur. Kraliçenin tek düşmanı diğer krallıklar değil, her dönem dizisinde olduğu gibi Silla içinde de tahta göz diken vekiller vardır. Hwarang aslında vekillerin oğlunu kraliçeye hizmet ettirerek ayaklanmalarını önlemek içinde gizli bir amaç barındırıyor.
Moo Myung (Park Seo-Joon) yakın arkadaşı Mak-Moon(Lee Kwang-Soo) ile onun ailesini bulmaya Silla’ya gelirler. Yolda prens ile karşılaşırlar ve Mak-Moon yanlışlıkla karanlıkta prensi görür. Prensin korumaları bunu fark edince, peşine düşüp “prensin yüzünü gördü” diyerek onu öldürürler. Moo Myung arkadaşını kurtarmak için geç kalır. Bunu ona yapanlardan intikam almak için yemin eder. Bunu yapabilmek içinde Mak-Moon’un kimliğine bürünüp oymuş gibi ailesi ile yaşamaya başlar. Ve tabi ki kendisi başrolümüz olduğundan Hwarang’a katılıp saraya girmenin yollarını arayacaktır.
Dizilerdeki en sevdiğim romantizm, beni en çok etkileyen arkadaşlıklar hep ‘bromans’lar oluyor. Bayılıyorum erkeklerin birbirileri ile olan o güçlü bağlarına, hayranım. Sevdiğim bütün oyuncuları çıkartsak dizinin izleyecek bir yanı kalmayacağını kabul ediyorum. Hwarang’ı izleten şeyin Hwarang cast’ı olması ikonik olmuş. Bir araya gelmek zorunda kalan, başta birbirlerinden çok da hoşlanmasalar da mecbur kalan 6 erkeğin dostluğunu izliyoruz. Park Hyung-Sik’i nasıl da özlemişim. “Strong girl Do Bong Soon” dizisinin Min-Min’iydi benim için. Beğendiğim oyuncuların dizilerini izlerim ama onu hep Min-Min olarak bellemişim ki hiç elim gitmemiş başka bir şey izlemeye. Bu diziyle onu da yıkmış oldum. Şahaneydiler. Seo-Joon ile özellikle parıl parıl parlıyorlardı. BTS’den Kim Tae-Hyung‘un yanı sıra , Shinee grubunun üyesi olan Minho da Hwarang ekibindeydi. Onunla ve sesiyle de burada tanışmış olduk.
Moo Myung (Park Seo-Joon); fakir bir hayat yaşamış arkadaşları için kendini feda edebilecek lider ruhlu bir gençtir. Köpek-Kuş lakabı ile bilinir. Sessiz sakin ama net bir duruşu vardır.
Sam Maek Jong / Ji Dwi Rang (Park Hyung-Sik); kendisi sürgün bir prenstir. Annesinin taht sevdası yüzünden saklanarak yaşamak zorunda kalmıştır. Bir şekilde Hwarang’a katılarak kaleyi içten fethetmeyi amaçlar. Burada biraz yorum katmam gerekirse, çok pasifti. Öyle böyle değil. Ben en azından bir kral duruşuna tavrına sahip olmasını beklerdim. Önünde sonunda annesi çekilmek zorunda kalacak ve tahta çıkacak kişi olacaktı. Ama hiç o ışığı taşımıyordu. Bunun suçlusu senaryoydu muhtemelen. Daha net ve kararlı bir karakter yazmış olmalarını isterdim.
Soo Ho Rang (Minho); Kraliçenin destekçisi olan soylu bir ailenin oğludur. Bütün kızlara mavi boncuk dağıtırken, aslında gönlü kraliçededir. Onun gözünde hiçbir kadın kraliçeye denk değildir.
Ban Ryu Rang (Do Ji-Han); Kraliçenin düşman ailelerinden birinin oğludur. Ho-Rang’ın en büyük rakibidir. Sessiz, sinirli ve en soğuk üyedir. Babalarının düşmanlıklarını devam ettirmeye çalışıyorlardır.
Yeo Wool Rang (Jo Yoon-Woo); grubun en femineni ve en güzel görünenidir. Hikayeye çok bir katkısı olmayan etkisiz eleman olduğunu söyleyebilirim.
Ve Han Sung Rang (Kim Tae-Hyung); sevimli, şımarık ve en çocuksu Hwarang’dı. Aile ismi nedeni ile istemeden Hwarang’a katılmak zorunda kalmıştır. Gerçek hayatta Seo-Joon’a olduğu gibi dizideki karakteri de Moo Myung’a kendini yakın hissettiği için onun etrafında dolaşırken bol bol görüyoruz. Çekimlerde kendi sahnelerinden önce Seo-Joon’a gidip “bu işi ilk kez yapıyorum ve iyi bir şekilde yapmak istiyorum, yardımcı olur musun?” diye sormuş. Seo-Joon ise adeta bir oyuncu koçu gibi her sahnesinden önce onunla ezber yaparak onu sahneye hazırlamış. O zamandan beride çok yakın arkadaş olmuşlar. Hatta bir sohbetlerinde şakayla karışık bütün oyuncuların öyle olmadığını herkese aynı şekilde yaklaşmaması gerektiğini tembihliyordu.
Ve dizideki tek kadın karakter olmasa da ön plandaki tek kadın olan A-Ro(Go Ara) vardı. Dizinin başında ölen Mak-Moon’ın gerçek kız kardeşiydi. Hem sahte abisi Moo Myung hem de gizli prens Maek Jong ile yakınlaşmalar yaşayan bu hanım kızımız, düşük sınıf bir anneden doğmuştur. Babasının soylu olması önemsizdir. Babası o dönemin doktoru olduğu için onun çıraklığını yapar. Ek gelir için ise kadınlara müstehcen hikayeler anlatır.
Özetleyecek olursam, tatlı sert bir arkadaşlık hikayesi izledik diyebiliriz. Dizinin akışındaki aşk hikayesinden çok bromansin ön planda olduğu sıcak bir diziydi. Havasında asla ağırlık yoktu. Çok da ciddi olmayan bir atmosferde çok keyfi bir hikaye anlatılıyordu. Dizi müzikleri içinde ise BTS’den Jin ile V’nin eseri olan bir şarkı yer alıyor.
BTS (V, Jin) - It's Definitely You
Raven Melus
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kdramalifee · 6 years
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Please someone save him
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Reignited Thirst™️ Thread
Okay, honestly, Ju Ji Hoon has popped up in my mind from time to time over the years because what can I say, I've always been a sucker for the pretties and if you come @ me about how Goong isn't one of the best kdramas, we're gonna have words.
@colourr-ing my babe, my darling, the Groff to my Manuel-Miranda, knows this thirst because she was one of the first persons I texted the moment I left the theatre.
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Babu. Honestly. Straight up babu.
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I honestly forgot how much I thirsted for him.
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Like, Antique was a gift coz it gave us all these babes and it still remains one of my favourite movies of all time. The food porn alone is just... I haven't watched it in a while but it was where I learnt about Croquembouche(???) sorry I know I am butchering it.
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Hottie. Legit Hottie. Sweaty baby. In a car. 😘
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Can he kiss me instead please? I know 13 year old me would be dying if he did. Me? I'd kiss back without hesitation and won't let him go.
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Please always stay smiling ❤️
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*sending all the kisses into the evening air*
For my Prince x
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timotey · 3 years
Kmovie: Along With the Gods: The Two Worlds
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I laughed and I cried buckets. What a fantastic, fantastic movie. The action was great, the CGI top notch and the story... wow, so touching and with so many twists and turns. Loved it.
Also, Hae Won Maek must be Joo Ji Hoon's funniest part yet, hands down. His endless complains and acerbic mutterings were a hoot!
Who really stole the show, despite having "only" a supporting part, was Kim Dong Wook as Kim Soo Hong. The scene where Soo Hong talked to his mom and explained to her all that happened, Kim Dong Wook was absolutely marvelous in it. It was his performance that moved me to tears.
I truly, honestly loved this movie. It's available on Netflix.
Rating: 9/10
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kpoppingbambi · 4 years
Top Five Male Characters
Got tagged by @dearsophieee​ for this one. Welcome to the mess that is my brain...(in no particular order)
1. Kahmunrah - Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
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2. Hae Won Maek - Along With the Gods
Cannot wait for the third movie to reignite my love for this man
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3. Korg - Thor: Ragnarok
If you don’t know Korg, you should. Just want to protect this loveable pile of perishable rocks 
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4. Sweet Pea - Riverdale
Gotta love an angsty lad in a gang. I want a Sweet Pea.
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5. Eric Effiong - Sex Education
Eric deserves the world and nothing less! 
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cococassey · 6 years
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Kmovie: Along with the Gods 2 (The Last 49 Days)
Rating: 8.5/10
Sequels sure have a tough job ahead of them, following the success of a blockbuster hit. In this case, AWTG2 may have come up short in a few aspects, but it sure captured the spirit and the heart of the first movie.
Guiding another paragon, Kim Su Hong into the afterlife is just a side story here. This is about the much awaited back story of our 3 grim reapers, and it didn't disappoint. I knew White Cat's boss has to be 'past' Gang Rim, but the reveal that they were THE starcrossed stepbrothers was heartbreaking.
The warning bell first rang when how Gang Rim seemed to remember his past life while the other 2 cannot. From the first movie, Gang Rim was an antihero of sorts, a protagonist from whom we saw this world through. Wasn't he supposedly one of the good guys moving hell and earth to get these tragic souls reincarnated, and get the justice they deserve?
He started to tell his life story, and you were wondering was this a tale about a jealous stepbrother who betrayed him? But on the last stretch of the movie, everything twisted on its head and it was revealed that in fact he was the bad guy of this story after all.
Not only of his tale, but the tragic fates of Hae Won Maek and Duk Choon as well, who has been so loyal to him all this time. Moreover, he let his own father die because of his ambition and jealousy, quite in parallel to what caused Kim Su Hong's murder.
Honestly before that last third of the movie, I thought ok this is still a good fun fantasy movie, but it doesn't quite capture the wonder of that first movie, the magic of going into this world as a newbie, meeting all these grim reapers, unforgiving gods, and lost souls. To be frank, Kim Su Hong is quite annoying, and probably one of the last people you want to be rooting for. While the other part of the movie, was about 3 powerful beings figuring out how to get a mortal kid adopted, and Jurassic Park dinosaurs?
Before I realize it, the movie got my number, and the tears just keep pouring out. Tears of heartbreak for innocent Duk Choon caught up in a cruel war, the stepbrother Hae Won Maek who served his brother even against his own beliefs, until he cannot do it anymore, Gang Rim tormented for a millennium by his own regrets, and the ever forgiving father Gang Moon Jik, (who was actually King Yeomra omg!) who understood his children the most.
One pet peeve I do have is how anticlimactic the ending was, maybe I can accept ever good hearted Duk Choon forgiving Gang Rim, but for the movie to withhold from us a confrontation or even a reunion scene between the two brothers?! It was like it was just swept under the rug, with Hae Won Maek just letting it go. Lost opportunity I must say with amazing actors Joo Ji Hoon and Ha Jung Woo (who was the star of this movie, his eyes alone convey everything he needed to say).
I love how the tale of our reapers tackles war, compassion, race, acceptance, repentance, and forgiveness. All in all, I adore this series (great cameos!, seeing Su Hong's mom again!) , and I can't wait for the next installment, is it about DO and is Su Hong becoming a grim reaper as well?
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ruanbaijie · 1 year
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JU JI HOON as HAE WON MAEK aka everyone's favourite dumbass rooster-haired ass-kicking grim reaper ALONG WITH THE GODS: THE TWO WORLDS 신과함께: 죄와 벌 (2017) dir. Kim Yong Hwa
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toastinthegrass · 8 months
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Your legal representative asked you if you`re insane.
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kdramacollections · 6 years
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With a spin on reincarnation, Along With The Gods: The Two Worlds, gives us a different take on what occurs in the After-world following one’s death. This movie is based on the web comic Singwa Hamgge, more specifically the Afterlife episode of this series. 
Stacked with a stellar cast, this film brings exceptional performances, as well as an interesting story-line, that you’ll find yourself getting into the movie as the plot moves along. 
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The opening scenes introduces us to Kim Ja Hong in his element, a dedicated firefighter whose bravery can be seen in his actions as he goes back and forth from a burning building. From the very first minutes, there is much action which will attract your attention, however things get even more interesting when Kim Ja Hong dies. 
The interesting thing about this movie is that it answers the question of what happens when one dies? While I’ve never died before (this sounds so weird), I think that Kim Ja Hong’s reaction to his death is spot on; the disbelief, fear, and confusion can be seen throughout the opening scenes. 
Somehow this all feels a bit relatable. 
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Kim Ja Hong is considered as an honorable paragon, as he had lived what is considered as a good life. In order for him to be reincarnated, he has to endure seven trials over a period of forty-nine days. This is where these three pictured above comes into play. Being such a precious soul, Kim Ja Hong is assigned three Angels of Death who are responsible for escorting and pleading his case during the trials. 
Pictured right is Gang Rim, the leader of this trio; smack in the middle is Duk Choon, an Angel of Death who possesses numerous powers; and lastly Hae Won Maek, the man who has the fighting skills of a seasoned ninja. One rule that all Angels of Death must follow is that they must refrain from interfering in human affairs. 
However this is easier said than done. 
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Meet Won II-Byung, a new army recruit who seems to be a bit fragile, both physically and mentally. Just one mistake in the human world, greatly affects the atmosphere of the After-world. Won II-Byung’s inability to handle as well as make amends for his mistake, results in Kim Ja Hong’s trial being in jeopardy.  
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This leaves Gang Rim with the duty of trying to calm a vengeful spirit, this is important to Kim Ja Hong’s trial, as such spirit turns out to be his brother. Like any trial, there are judges, prosecutors, and admissible evidence. Kim Ja Hong’s brother as a vengeful spirit does not help his reincarnation case at all. 
The Angels of Death all have a lot riding on this case as well, as such Gang Rim doesn’t think twice when he decides to enter the human world in a effort to capture Kim Ja Hong’s brother. Everything is not as easy as it seems, and so Gang Rim, along with the others left in the After-world will have a lot of obstacles to face. 
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Cha Tae Hyun plays the character of Kim Ja Hong, a hardworking firefighter, who later goes through a seven-day trial in an effort to be reincarnated. Cha Tae Hyun is no stranger to the screen, whether as an actor, or a comedian. You can find him in the drama The Best Hit, and the movie Because I Love You. 
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Ha Jung Woo plays the character of Gang Rim, an Angel of Death who has a soft spot for humans. Ha Jung Woo is an award-winning actor, and as such he has a lot of on-screen experience. You can find him in the movies; 1987: When The Day Comes, and Along With The Gods: The Last 49 Days, which is the second installment of this movie. 
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KIm Dong Wook plays the character of Soo Hong, Kim Ja Hong’s younger brother, who later becomes a venegeful spirit. Kim Dong Wook has a lot of projects under his belt, so there’s no doubting his talent. You can find him in the upcoming drama, The Guest, as well as the second installment to this movie, Along With The Gods: The Last 49 Days. 
This movie was written and directed by Kim Yong Hwa who also worked on Take Off and Mr Go. 
At the 2018 (54th) Baek Sang Arts Award, Kim Yong Hwa won an award for Best Director, while Jin Jong Hyun won the Art Award. 
Plot: 5/5
Acting: 5/5
Cinematography: 5/5
Total: 15/15
(You can watch Along With The Gods: The Two Worlds on Netflix.)
(Credits to the owners of the pictures, I took them from koreanupdates, thejakartapost, youtube, and asianwiki.)
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latikaskingdom · 6 years
Along With The Gods 2 (2018) The Last 49 Days Part 2 of 2017 #alongwiththegods Angels of death Gang Rim (Ha Jung-Woo), Hae Won Maek (Ju Ji-Hoon) and Duk Choon (Kim Hyang-Gi) are about to take part in Soo-Hong’s (Kim Dong-Wook) trial. The 3 angels of death meet God of House (Ma Dong-Seok). He remembers their past which stretches over 1,000 years ago. Traveling between this world and the next world and the past, the angels of death try to find their secret relationship. #leejungjae #kimdongwook #hajungwoo #jujihoon #kimhyanggi #madongseok #신과함께죄와 #하정우 #주지훈 김향기 #마동석 #김동욱 #이정재 #koreanmovie #fantasy #scifi #kmovies2018 #liveaction #webtoon https://www.instagram.com/p/BoNPurNAKRB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1h70v45cxloeh
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ry-ra · 7 years
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Along With The Gods: The Two Worlds (2017)
I loved this movie and I love the cast.This movie exceeded my expectations.
The movie stars Chae Tae Hyun who plays a firefighter. He dies ten seconds into this movie by saving a girl from a fiery building. He is then escorted by his two (three) guards to the afterlife to be judged. Apparently he’s a Paragon.
A person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality.
I loved how it jumped right into it. No explanation. They wasted zero time and just jumped into it and you learn everything as he moves from each trial.
The 3 guards; Gang Rim, Hae Won Maek (The subtitle has his name as Hewonmak, which I dig more than his original name) and Deok Choon. They lead souls through the 7 trials and each paragon, brings them closer to their own reincarnation. Kim Ja Hung is their 48th Paragon and they need a total of 49 to reincarnate. If Kim Ja Hung completes all 7 trials, he can reincarnate as well, but they must do all of this within 49 days.
There’s an action sequence in this movie that had me wishing this was a Bleach Movie. It was so well done. The guards have swords and the one Hewonmak has resembles Zangetsu <3 so much Bleach vibe from this movie and now my expectations are high for the Bleach Movie.
Each God in this movie is unique, but the God of Hell Murder is the funniest looking. Hewonmak is funny. He’s the most cynical of them and in one scene he just looses it and starts laughing and smashing minions and then at the end he’s wiping tears away <3 Hewonmak <3
The vengeful spirit twist I was OK with it, but not how long it was dragged for. There are loose ends that aren’t tied up, but it doesn’t disturb the main plot. It has to do with the guardians. Only Gang Rim has a flashback sequence. Not that it’s necessary, but when you tease the audience with a connection with Gang Rim and Deok Choon, it makes me want to know why. I just want to know. I also want to know why King Yeomra meddled. There are laws and Gang Rim broke many back on earth.
It’s a good movie and e real tearjerker at the end there. Recommended.
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oh-my-asian-boy · 6 years
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Along with the Gods: The Last 49 Days 신과함께-인과 연 Release Date: August 1, 2018 Angels of death Gang Rim (Ha Jung-Woo), Hae Won Maek (Ju Ji-Hoon) and Duk Choon (Kim Hyang-Gi) are about to take part in Soo-Hong’s (Kim Dong-Wook) trial. The 3 angels of death meet God of House (Ma Dong-Seok). He remembers their past which stretches over 1,000 years ago. Traveling between this world and the next world and the past, the angels of death try to find their secret relationship. Based on the webcomic series "Singwa Hamgge" by Joo Ho-Min (first published January 8, 2010) via comic.naver.com/webtoon. Related titles: Along With the Gods: The Two Worlds | Singwa Hamgge- Joewa Beol (2017) Along With the Gods: The Last 49 Days | Singwa Hamgge: Ingwa Yeon (2018)
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tazzmanien · 7 years
It’s been a little more than a year since I’ve started enjoying this hell called kdramas. You know what they say, once you go kdrama you never go back, or something like that.
Here a little summary of my top 10s (or less) so far (in no specific order):
My top 10 dramas:
Healer W Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo Go Back Couple The King in Love Love in the Moonlight The Master’s Sun Goblin Queen In Hyun’s Man Bring It On, Ghost
My top 10 characters:
Wang So [4th Prince] (Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo) Choi Yoo Jin (The K2) Seo Jung Hoo / Park Bong Soo / “Healer” (Healer) Jo Min Ja [Hacker] (Healer) Kang Chul (W) Kim Hyun Ji (Bring It On, Ghost) Kim Shin / Goblin (Goblin) [Grim Reaper] (Goblin) Yoo Hyun Jae (Hit the Top) Sam Maek Jong / Ji Dwi Rang (Hwarang)
My top 10 couples:
Park Min Young - Healer (Healer) Kim Bok Joo - Jung Joon Hyeong (Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo) Oh Yeon Joo - Kang Chul (W) Go Ha Jin / Hae Soo - Wang So [4th Prince] (Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo) Eun San - Wang Rin (The King in Love) Ma Jin Joo - Choi Ban Do (Go Back Couple) Hong Ra On / Hong Sam Nom - Lee Yeong / Crown Prince Hyo Myeong (Love in the Moonlight) Tae Gong Shil “Tae Yang” - Joo Joong Won “Joo Goon” (The Master’s Sun) Choi Hee Jin - Kim Boong Do (Queen In Hyun’s Man) Sunny - [Grim Reaper] (Goblin)
My top 10 female leads:
Choi Yoo Jin (The K2) Park Min Young (Healer) Kim Bok Joo (Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo) Oh Yeon Joo (W) Eun San (The King in Love) Ma Jin Joo (Go Back Couple) Hong Ra On / Hong Sam Nom (Love in the Moonlight) Tae Gong Shil “Tae Yang” (The Master’s Sun) Kim Mi Yeong (Fated to Love You) Kim Hyun Ji (Bring It On, Ghost)
My top 10 male leads:
Wang So [4th Prince] (Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo) Seo Jung Hoo / Park Bong Soo / “Healer” (Healer) Jung Joon Hyeong (Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo) Kang Chul (W) Wang Won (The King in Love) Choi Ban Do (Go Back Couple) Lee Yeong / Crown Prince Hyo Myeong (Love in the Moonlight) Joo Joong Won “Joo Goon” (The Master’s Sun) Ahn Min Hyuk (Strong Woman Do Bong Soon) Yoo Hyun Jae (Hit the Top)
My top 8 second leads - with or without second lead syndrome:
Wang Rin (The King in Love) Kim Yoon Sung (Love in the Moonlight) - BIG second lead syndrom Sam Maek Jong / Ji Dwi Rang (Hwarang) - BIG second lead syndrom Kang On Yu / Jeremy (You’re Beautiful) Kim Hwa Gun (The Emperor: Owner of the Mask) Baek In Ho (Cheese in the Trap) Shin Se-gi (Kill Me, Heal Me) Lee Ji Hoon (Hit the Top)
My top 9 side characters:
Kang Ki Young (all his side characters!) Jo Min Ja [Hacker] (Healer) Seo Do Yoon [Kang Chul’s bodyguard] (W) Moo Suk (The King in Love) Kim Byung Yeon (Love in the Moonlight) [Grim Reaper] (Goblin) Yoo Deok Hwa (Goblin) Park Soo Kyeong [Do Kyeong’s sister] (Another Miss Oh) MJ (Hit the Top)
My top 6 villains:
Choi Yoo Jin (The K2) Song In (The King in Love) Park Hyun Seok (Go Back Couple) Go Ilyong (My Only Love Song) Park Yeong Jae (Hit the Top) Gwi (Scholar Who Walks the Night) Dae Mok (Ruler: Master of the Mask)
My top 10 actors (tried really hard to rate by acting skills and not my inner fangirl feels):
Ji Chang Wook Lee Joon Gi Yoo Seung Ho Lee Jong Suk Kang Ki Young Song Joong Ki (A Werewolf Boy) Son Ho Jun (Go Back Couple) Im Shi Wan (The King in Love) Yoon Shi Yoon (Hit the Top) Ji Sung (Kill Me, Heal Me)
My top 10 actresses:
Kim Mi Kyung Jang Na Ra Song Yoon Ah (The K2) Park Bo Young (A Werewolf Boy) Gong Hyo Jin (The Master’s Sun) Kim So Hyun (Bring It On, Ghost) Seo Hyun Jin (Another Miss Oh) Lee Sung Kyung Kim Seul Gi Lee Han Seo
My top 10 worst dramas (mostly dropped):
Cheese in the Trap Sweet Stranger and Me (completed) The Legend of the Blue Sea (completed) The Bride of Habaek Tomorrow With You Suspicious Partner Hwarang (completed) Man to Man Shopping King Louie Temperature of Love
My top 9 Korean movies:
A Werewolf Boy The Man Who Sells the River Mood of the Day My P.S. Partner The Magician You’re My Pet Train to Busan Fly, Daddy, Fly Twenty
Worth mentioning:
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo - was my first kdrama and will forever hold a special place in my heart. But looking at it from an objective point of view it has many flaws (none of which is my beloved 4th prince) and therefore cannot be in my favorite kdrama list.
I know this is a list of all kdramas I’ve liked, but I think it’s worth mentioning an awesome jdrama => Boku, Unmei no Hito desu
What are your favorites?
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