#hah wanted to draw something purely self indulgent
teashopwritingzz · 3 years
Happy Birthday to my favorite Gamer Hades
This was purely made for self indulgent reasons and I wanted to make something for Idia’s birthday. And now that I’m on break, I can finally work on my other drafts after this!
Anyway, a birthday drabble for my favorite character/twst kin, Idia! Featuring my Ramshackle gals, Clementine and Yū!
Oh, what’s this? Looks like you got an order on the house! Three drinks; One Coconut Butterfly Pea Flower Tea, one Strawberry Matcha Bubble Tea and one Blueberry Lemonade! Enjoy~!
Idia Shroud Birthday Special
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“Nii-San, it’s time to open your presents now!!”
A cheery voice made the blue haired male look over, and upon seeing Ortho, he smiled. It was nervous and rare, but still a smile. “C-Coming, Ortho. Ah, I didn’t expect to get t-this much... B-But it won’t compare to the birthday celebrations I’ll get from my 2D characters when I go back to my room, hihihi!”
There he went again, rambling to himself about his fascinations. It as odd seeing him like this, but in a way it also felt nice to see him get more excited instead of glum.
Ortho shook his head with a sigh. “We’re not here for video games, Nii-San. Now come on, I wanna see what you got!” Idia chuckled quietly from all of the enthusiasm. His younger brother could be so adorable sometimes. 
He lifted the first present that caught his eye. A small box that was light and wrapped in a dark blue, almost black, wrapping paper decorated with a small bow. It was light, maybe something like a keychain? Or maybe socks, who knows. 
“Wait wait, wait!!” Another cheery and higher pitched voice stopped him from opening the first gift. Instead, it made him jump back with a shriek and drop the gift. It landed on the floor with a plop.
Whirling around to see who interrupted him, he spotted a small raven-haired girl skip into the room. He recognized that bow on her head as well. It was the bubbly, happy-go-lucky child character, Yū. Everyone’s favorite bundle of energy in this damned school. 
While Idia pursed his lips, Ortho’s eyes lit up at the sight of his friend. “Yū-Ku!! You came, I was a little worried you wouldn’t show!” He floated over to greet his dear friend, who smiled wide before showing how out of breath she was. With a huff, she slumped her shoulders. “I wanted to give Idee his present and I wanted to hurry so he could see it first!” 
As she said this, the both of them noticed the dark blue construction paper that was rolled up in her hands. A drawing, maybe? She was known for trying to draw stuff for her friends. But Idia rose a brow from what she said. “F-First? What do you mean?”
This made Yū giggle to herself. “Weeell, I didn’t get here alone. I actually started a race with Miss Clementine on the way here! She didn’t like that though, heehee!” She was too busy looking back to see Idia widen his eyes and freeze up. Clementine?! She was going to show up, here?! No no, he wasn’t ready, this event was starting to get too intense now!
“Ah, she’s here! Miss Clementine, over here!” The little girl waving her hand about snapped Idia out of his thoughts and looking over, he could feel his face heating up already just from the sight of her. And she looked way more out of breath than when Yū did, pausing to put her hand on her knee to catch her breath, her other hand holding a bag with two boxes inside.
But he didn’t care, how could he when his favorite timid, soft-spoken, cute SSR character was right there for his birthday!! Was he going to get birthday voice lines from her in real life?? Maybe even a present, too?! He could die happy right there!
Clementine panted as Yū went up to her with a cheeky smile. “Looks like I beat you again, Miss Clementine... You owe me sweets again!” This made Clementine sigh with a shake of her head while the little girl only giggled. 
“It feels like at this p-point, hah... You’re racing me on purpose. You know I’m awful at physical activities!” She finally stood up straight and noticed the Shroud brothers watching them awkwardly. It made her jump and widen her eyes as she quickly moved her hands behind her back. 
But Yū only smiled before going back to the two. “Well, whatever, we’re here with your presents! Miss Clementine took a while with yooouurss~!” Saying it in a sing-song voice made Clementine furrow her brows and look away, gulping. It was like she wanted to hide herself. 
“Um, w-why don’t you show him yours first, I-I mean, you won the race after all, ehehe...” Yū noticed her nervous laugh and couldn’t help but give her a knowing grin, but she didn’t seem to argue. “You’re right, but you’re gonna show your present next, ‘kay? No buts!” Turning to Idia, she proudly held out the rolled up paper. 
Idia gently took it from the little girl and un-rolled it, holding it up so both he and Ortho could get a look at the drawing. It was messy and all crayon of course, colors mixing not too well with each other. There was a lot of bright blue crayon as well and it made it a bit hard to look at. 
It looked like there were two figures in the drawing, though. One comically taller than the other, wearing a big jacket, or maybe it was a hoodie. It also had longer blue hair than the other as well as big blue lips. It was clearly Idia, but he didn’t remember having lips that big...
And it looked like Ortho was next to him. With shorter hair, smaller stature, and a mask over his mouth, they both looked happy and were surrounded by poorly drawn stars and blue fire. 
Looking up from the paper, Idia was met with a hopeful smile from the little girl. And with those puppy eyes, he knew he didn’t stand a chance as they shattered his defenses. “Well?? Do you like it??” He couldn’t help but soften up at the sound of her voice. She was clearly proud of this messy drawing of hers.
Looking over at Ortho and then back at Yū, he gave the little girl a small smile. “It’s... G-Good, and cute. I like it, I bet Ortho d-does, too.” Right after he spoke, the robot boy nodded in agreement. This made Yū’s own smile grow wide and she cheered happily, making Idia jump back a bit from the volume.
“Yay!! I knew you’d like it, you were right Miss Clementine!” She bounded to the other girl, who smiled from Yū’s enthusiasm. Idia fought back the urge to shrink back as Yū happily tugged at Clementine’s sleeve while jumping up and down. Sometimes she could be a little too enthusiastic for the poor introvert, both Idia and Clementine.
But Clementine only gave Yū a smile. “It’s a good drawing, I figured he’d like it!” But her smile fell and she glanced at her own present for him. “G-Guess it’s my turn to give the present now.” She started to feel nervous, not noticing the little girl moving behind her.
Yū pushed Clementine forward and made the poor girl nearly stumble, earning a little yelp as well. “Go go, give it to him! He’ll loooove it~!” There was that teasing voice again, making Clementine look back at Idia with an embarrassed look. 
Standing up straight, she cleared her throat and smiled, though it was nervous. “U-Um, well... I-I thought I would get you something to help with gaming in a way and it, uh...” Pulling out the wrapped up box, she held it out to Idia, looking down as he stared at it for a second with his own blushing face. 
A real present, from Clementine! He could barely hold back his excited smile as he took the present with shaky hands. Sure the wrapping was a little messy, but he still couldn’t help but feel giddy. He almost didn’t want to open it, he wanted to cherish this moment and-
“Uh, I-Idia? Something wrong...?” Her voice was soft, yet it still made him jump and snap out of his rambling thoughts. Looking down at her confused expression, he gulped before “S-Sorry, uh... Lost in t-thought, I guess?” That totally sounded believable and she totally doesn’t find you weird now.
Trying to brush it off, he held the present and started to pluck the bow off before tearing off the blue paper. He was surprised to find a pair of headphones, black and blue colored ones. And from the looks of the box, they seemed to light up just by pushing a button on them. But, didn’t he already have headphones?
Looking up at her, he rose a brow. “I... I mean, I already h-have headphones, so... Why a new pair?” He didn’t want to sound rude or rejcting, he was merely confused. Oh gods, did he come off as rude??
But Clementine perked up at this and quickly dug for the other box in her bag. “Oh, I mean you don’t have to use them, b-but…” As she spoke, she pulled out the second wrapped box. After unwrapping it herself, another pair of headphones were revealed.
But these were pink and white, and they even had cat ears at the top of it! Just like his, they lit up and had a mic built in. They were perfect for playing video games. Wait, if hers looked like his, that could only mean-
“I figured since we play together often, I could… Y-Y’know…” She gave him a small, almost hopeful, smile. “Get us a matching pair.” There it was, the final blow.
Idia didn’t know what to say or do. His face felt hot, he was almost speechless(if you didn’t include his quiet splutters), and to top it off, she just had to get him something so… Cute! He knew people always had matching things together, like bracelets, phone cases, phone wallpapers, whatever. He never really understood the point of it.
But these headphones, he had something to match with Clementine! Why was it making him feel so excited?? Did this mean that her affection meter was high enough for her to gift him something so meaningful and cute??
He opened his mouth to speak. Say something cool! “M-Matching headphones?? T-This kind of gift, it’s so-! A g-gift like this, e-especially from my-!”
He had to stop himself from calling her something so gross. Would she cringe from being called ‘SSR’? Probably. Of course, he wasn’t that cool and relaxed character that fans adore, he just had to be a weirdo nerd.
Clementine though didn’t pick up on the nickname slip up. Instead, she gave a confused and concerned look. “Idia, y-you okay? Do… You like the present?” She asked, tilting her head.
Letting out splutters and stutters, he didn’t even notice the tips of his tied hair slowly fading into a dark pink, his face feeling hotter than ever. Ortho quickly noticed this and grew concerned, opening up a spot on his shoulder where a small fan was. 
As the cool breeze was going on Idia, the poor shut-in panting and whimpering, the little robot did a quick scan on his brother. But when the results showed, he was pleasantly surprised and it made the younger Shroud smile behind the mask. Looking over at the two girls(who were concerned and confused by this point), he couldn’t help but giggle.
“I think Nii-san loved your gift, Miss Clementine!”
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aqua-murphys-law · 4 years
when it rains
Rating: K+ Warnings: panic attacks, breakdowns, self-depreciating thoughts Summary:
i’m only honest when it rains if i time it right, the thunder breaks when i open my mouth i wanna tell you but i don’t know how
With a life like Milo’s, it’s only a matter of time before he can’t just grin and bear it anymore. Some times are less convenient than others.
A/N: This started out as a purely self-indulgent “let Milo get angry and upset” whump fic, but hooooo boy there’s a lot to unpack now. My headcanons just will not give me a break. But hey, y’all get a +6k word fic out of the deal, so enjoy!
Check replies for a link to read on A03 for full tags, cause Tumblr hates links apparently! - Aqua
Of all the ways Milo Murphy has traveled to school, clinging to the top of a runaway ice cream stand that’s surfing a massive wave of pistachios is certainly one of the more palatable ones.
Hah, palatable- he almost makes the joke out loud, but between Zack’s screaming and Melissa’s shrieking laughter and the roar of wind and veering traffic in their ears, they probably won’t hear him. He files that pun away for later and turns his focus to their inevitable stopping; there’s a fountain up ahead that’s about the right height.
Adjusting his grip, Milo climbs over to the side of the stand, throwing its weight to the left. That changes its trajectory just enough to crash right into the fountain, tipping them and all the stand’s contents over into the small ocean of pistachios below. It’s like falling into a ball pit- if the balls in ball pits were tiny green nuts with miscellaneous ice cream sundae ingredients scattered about. Either way, it’s a soft enough landing, and the momentum carries them further down the road before the ground flattens out and they finally roll to a stop.
As fate would have it, the tidal wave of debris has carried them right to the school crosswalk, minutes before first bell. There’s a small group of their classmates waiting to cross, gaping at the wreckage. Milo picks himself out of the mess and dusts his knees off before helping Zack to his feet.
“Watch out for the banana peels,” Milo cautions. “They’re just as slippery in real life as they are in cartoons.”
Zack catches his breath. “Dude, that was kinda awesome.”
Milo’s heart swells happily, and he grins. “I’d say that’s one of our most palatable adventures yet.”
Zack’s eyes light up as he catches on, nudging Milo with his elbow. “It sherbet was!”
“No puns this early in the morning,” Melissa groans, picking pistachios out of her hair.
Milo digs a brush out of his backpack and hands it to her. “Sorry, Melissa,” he says good-naturedly.
“Yeah, sorry,” Zack says, “we know you don’t… cone-done that behavior.”
Milo hides a laugh behind his hand while Melissa lightly punches Zack’s arm before continuing to brush out the pistachios. Then he takes a second to look over the damage again, double-checking no one got caught in the crossfire. It’s a good thing the stand hadn’t been open yet when that freighter full of pistachios exploded-
“Stop! Milo.”
Milo looks over at the familiar voice, smiling. “Hi, Elliot.”
As always, the crossing guard is brandishing his stop sign at them. His attention seems to be split between staring at Milo and staring at the heap of food in the street.
Melissa rolls her eyes. “We’re already stopped,” she points out, passing the brush back to Milo. “You know, just a group of middle school kids, waiting for the crossing guard to help them cross the street?”
“Yeah,” Zack adds, “your job?”
Elliot makes a disbelieving sound. “What, the giant mountain of walnuts hasn’t stopped traffic enough as it is?”
“Actually, they’re pistachios,” Milo says helpfully, tucking the brush away. “And sure, but it’s really best to wait for authorized personnel to formally halt the flow of traffic using proper signage instead of taking your chances.”
“I know that!” Elliot protests, sounding irritable. He holds the stop sign out, gesturing with his other hand for them all to cross. “Alright, move it along, people…”
Milo is happy to do so, leaving Elliot’s grumbling behind. It’s always a good morning when he actually makes it to school, and on time. Walking beside him, Melissa’s already whipped her phone out to share the pictures she took during all the excitement, snickering at the way Zack’s eyes widen. Milo chuckles to himself; how she manages to get such incredible shots, he’ll never know.
They reach the sidewalk on the other side without incident. He can hear the echoes of sirens from responding emergency vehicles starting up across town and knows they’ll be at the scene in a couple minutes. That makes him feel better about heading inside before they arrive, though he laments the fact that he won’t get to thank them personally-
“You know, Murphy, these catastrophes would be a lot more bearable if you took them seriously.”
Milo pauses, tilting his head. Melissa and Zack are already frowning at Elliot, but he wants to make sure he’s accurately identified the disdain in Elliot’s voice and isn’t just missing sarcasm again.
“What do you mean?” he asks.
Elliot folds his arms with a huff, his stop sign sticking out at an angle. “I mean, you walk around with that grin on your face, brushing everything off like it’s no big deal.” He scowls at Milo over his glasses. “Do you even care about all the chaos you leave in your wake?”
Milo blinks, his smile faltering. Is that the impression people get from him?
Zack steps forward. “Hey man, back off,” he snaps at Elliot.
“Yeah,” Melissa chimes in, folding her arms, “you’re just bitter because people keep assuming you’re in your thirties.” She jerks her chin over at the doors. “Come on, Milo.”
Milo manages to smile again, but it feels strained. “Elliot, I can assure you that I understand the severity of Murphy’s Law,” he says carefully, moving to follow Melissa up the rest of the stairs.
“Well, you certainly don’t act like it,” Elliot gripes after them, a parting jab.
Milo should let it go, he knows he should. This is just how Elliot is; there’s no way somebody so pathologically obsessed with safety would ever see Milo as anything more than a hazard. But this is more than simply placing blame on him for Murphy’s Law. That, he’s used to. He can handle that.
What he can’t stand for is the implication that he doesn’t care when people get hurt. Not when he works so hard to avoid it- often at the expense of his own wellbeing. If he only worried about himself, Murphy’s Law would be exponentially easier to deal with. Most people don’t realize that.
He stops walking, turning to look Elliot dead in the eye. “What’s the alternative?” he asks, his face blank and voice held carefully neutral.
Elliot’s clearly surprised at the question. He hesitates, shooting a wary look at Melissa and Zack, before he manages a shrug. “I don’t know, just some indication that you’re actually sorry for everything going wrong all the time?”
Milo’s grip on his backpack goes white-knuckled. “You think I should feel sorry?” he asks quietly.
Elliot flounders for a second. “I, uh… well, yes?”
It’s one thing for Milo to impulsively feel responsible for any destruction caused by Murphy’s Law, before he can remind himself that it’s not his fault. But it’s another thing entirely for someone to tell him that he should feel that way, all the time.
“What would you like me to do?” he presses. “Walk around with my head hung low, overcome with guilt every time Murphy’s Law happens? Apologize constantly when the majority of the people in my life have been dealing with it for years? Or- or beat myself up over something I can’t change or control?”
Elliot’s eyes widen, his brows shooting up to his hairline. “Now listen, that’s not exactly what I said-”
“But it’s what you meant, right?” Milo asks in a voice he doesn’t recognize. It’s white-hot with anger, and he can feel the glare that’s drawing his eyebrows down into a point, the way it’s narrowing his eyes. It’s an unfamiliar expression.
Oh, this is dangerous territory. Anger isn’t safe; it clouds the mind and fosters rash decisions, preventing one from thinking clearly. He can’t afford to have his judgement skewed, his reaction time hampered by the distraction of wrestling emotions under control. Not here, when there’s so many people around who could get hurt by his inability to act if something were to happen.
Melissa tugs Milo by the arm, trying to pull him away. “Milo, come on, he’s not worth it,” she says, her voice low and urgent.
The concern in her voice pricks at him. He’s aware, to some degree, that they’ve attracted an audience; the other kids that crossed with them are lingering, whispering to each other. He’s aware that his heart is starting to race and his skin feels flushed, the unpleasant physical effects of anger. And he’s especially aware of Zack’s gaze on him, what he must be thinking of the whole situation.
But Milo abruptly finds that he doesn’t care. Maybe that should concern him, too.
Elliot holds up his hands, something akin to panic flashing across his face. “Hey, look, I didn’t-”
“If I let myself feel bad every time Murphy’s Law happened, I’d never stop,” Milo says sharply. “Do you realize that? You’re only exposed to Murphy’s Law in the brief moments I’m around you. But for me, it never ends. It doesn’t have a weekly schedule, it doesn’t take days off. It doesn’t even stop when I’m asleep. And I will be dealing with it for the rest of my life.”
A horrible silence follows, even Elliot seeming lost for words.
Chills erupt across Milo’s skin. The fiery anger inside him suddenly extinguishes, leaving him cold and hollow. He’s struck with the realization that in his lashing out, he’s only just upset himself more. Because he doesn’t like to think about the future, about how everything he’s experienced so far in his short life is just the tip of the iceberg, and there he goes, now he’s thinking about it-
Something wet runs down his cheek.
Instinctively, Milo looks up to find the source. But there aren’t any clouds in the sky threatening a sudden downpour, no leaky pipes or anything else to drip water on him. Brows knitting in confusion, he absently reaches a hand up to his face.
Then his eyes start to sting as his vision blurs, and it hits him.
He’s crying.
… he’s crying?
A sound gets choked in his throat, something that sounds suspiciously like a whimper. Horror sweeps through him but it’s rapidly being outdone by the overwhelming hysteria.
Oh no. No, no, no, he can’t be crying, not here. He stumbles away from Elliot, his backpack hitting the stair railing with a soft thud, and presses the heels of his palms against his burning eyes. Stop, stop, stop! Colors bloom behind his closed lids, intensifying as he increases the pressure until it’s almost painful, desperately willing the tears to go away.
He’s not supposed to be crying at school. If there’s anything more distracting than anger, it’s crying. There are too many people around him, something could go wrong at any second and he won’t be able to protect them like this- something could be going wrong right now and he won’t notice because he’s too busy falling to pieces.
Panic kicks in, and the harsh echo in his ears tells him he’s hyperventilating. That’s definitely not helping, but the part of him that realizes this is remarkably absent, like he’s become disconnected from his own body.
The rest of him is pretty sure he’s about to die. And not in the way he’s familiar with.
Two hands circle his wrists, pulling them down from his eyes in a grip that’s gentle yet firm. Melissa’s face swims into focus.
Melissa searches Milo’s face, her heart sinking.
“Milo?” she tries. “You okay?”
Milo doesn’t respond, but he squeezes his eyes shut, sending a few more tears streaking down his face. She can feel his pulse jumping under the scarred skin of his wrists. His heartbeat, normally so steady, is running fast and erratic.
Something is very wrong.
“Woah, uh, is he okay?” Elliot asks, alarmed.
“You don’t get to talk,” Melissa hisses at him before turning back to Milo. It’s incredibly hard to push her anger down, but she has to, for his sake. “Milo,” she says, softer, “it’s me. You’re alright. We’re gonna go somewhere else, okay?”
Milo still doesn’t respond, but he curls a little closer to her. Melissa takes a second to shoot a warning look at the other kids gathered around. “Give us some space,” she orders them. And then, “Zack, you’re with me.”
They must hear the barely restrained fury in her voice, because the doors are cleared in record time. Zack unfreezes and swiftly places himself on the other side of Milo, his hands fidgeting like he isn’t sure what to do with them.
Gently, Melissa starts leading Milo up the stairs, into the school. Thankfully, he follows. He seems to be in a daze, too focused on his internal panic to take notice of what’s going on around him. Melissa is suddenly very grateful that she and Zack are here, because if Milo were alone in such a state, he wouldn’t be able to protect himself from any Murphy’s Law incidents.
Speaking of Zack, the other boy has moved slightly in front of them, paving a way through the various students still lingering in the halls before class.
“Where to?” he asks over his shoulder, voice tight with worry.
“Somewhere quiet and out of the way.”
“Under the stairwell?”
Melissa follows Zack’s gaze to the stairwell before nodding swiftly. They make a beeline for it, swerving only to avoid a ceiling tile that drops out of its frame above them. She catches the edge of it with her shoe and sends it skidding along the floor, out of the way. Serves it right.
She ducks under the stairwell, careful to pull Milo down after her so he doesn’t hit his head. The little alcove is a bit dusty, but it’s quiet and away from prying eyes, so it’ll do. She shrugs her backpack off and sits against the wall, taking Milo’s weight.
He leans on her heavily, like he doesn’t have the energy to hold himself upright. She’s tempted to slip off his backpack as well, since that’s probably accounting for a third of his weight right now, but she knows that would only make him panic further.
He’s still breathing way too fast for her liking, blinking rapidly to try and fight back tears. The glassy look in his eyes is so unlike him, it makes her heart clench painfully.
Zack’s voice hovers anxiously somewhere above her. “Has this happened before?”
“Not in public,” Melissa answers shortly. Then she swallows hard and forces her voice to come out calm and gentle. “Hey Milo, you with me?”
It takes a second for Milo to find her eyes, trembling all the while.
Melissa holds his gaze, pouring as much reassurance into it as she can. “Good, that’s good. Zack’s here with us. Is that alright?”
Milo doesn’t look over at Zack, but he manages a nod.
“Okay,” Melissa murmurs. She takes a quick look to make sure no one’s wandering by the stairwell before turning back to Milo. “We’re alone now, just us three. We’re safe.” She takes a deep breath. “Go ahead.”
Milo’s face crumples. “Melissa-”
He finally breaks, burying his face in her shoulder. His sobs are partially muffled by her jacket- which is quickly becoming damp- but she can feel the force of each one, the way his chest heaves for breath. He holds her arms like his life depends on it, pressing close to her as if he’s trying to hide away from the world.
Even though she’s preparing herself for it, hearing him cry brings a fresh wave of tears to her own eyes. Stubbornly, she stares up at the ceiling until they recede. She can’t break down right now. Milo needs her.
Think about something else, something funny. Like how great it’s going to feel to get Elliot back for this. There’s a petting zoo service nearby that rents out ducks. If she places an order soon, she could probably get them before Monday. How many ducks is too many, she wonders?
“So hey, uh, what’s going on?” Zack’s low murmur brings her out of the daydream. He’s looking at Milo with a stricken expression. “Is he going to be okay?”
Melissa exhales, blowing a loose strand of hair out of her face. “He will be,” she says softly. “He’s just overwhelmed.”
Zack runs a hand through his hair. “Is- is there anything I can do?” he asks helplessly.
There isn’t much, but she can tell just from looking at him that his anxiety is skyrocketing right now, on the verge of his own panic attack. Giving him something, anything else to focus on might help.
“Keep people off us, and watch for any trouble,” Melissa decides.
It’s strange to think that she’s only known this boy for a few months, yet she’d trust him with hers and Milo’s wellbeing. But Zack’s proven he can handle Murphy’s Law, and she knows he’ll protect them with everything he’s got.
She’s proven right when Zack’s expression hardens, and he nods. Turning around, he goes to stand at the mouth of the alcove, blocking her and Milo from view of the hallway. His hands twitch at his sides, ready to act. Just like that.
Not for the first time, Melissa is thankful that Zack became their friend. Milo chose well.
And speaking of Milo, the panic seems to have finally ebbed. Now it’s just regular crying, without the hyperventilating and shaking. The knot in her stomach loosens, but only slightly- they aren’t out of the woods yet.
Gently, she drums her fingers along his spine, beating a soothing rhythm against the body armor he wears under his clothes. The muffled thuds are too light for him to feel; it’s really just so he has a sound to focus on. She’s found that helps, in the past.
But she doesn’t try to shush him. Now that he’s actually crying, he needs to get it all out. She tries to imagine that her arms around Milo are a safety net, allowing him to be vulnerable without fear. She hopes he can pick up on it.
The next several minutes pass in relative calm- if holding your friend while he has a breakdown can be considered calm. A couple times, Melissa catches wind of something going on in the hallway, some likely improbable object coming their way. But thanks to Zack’s vigilance, nothing comes close, letting her focus all her attention on Milo.
It’s not long after second bell when Milo starts to come back to himself. His grip on her arms tightens and then immediately slackens, and the next breath he takes is a deep one, though it shudders on the exhale.
There are a couple moments where Milo is still and quiet, just the occasional sniffle as his breathing evens out. Then he pulls back enough to look at Melissa, his eyes red and teary but no longer vacant.
“Melissa?” he breathes, his voice small.
Melissa lets out a sigh of relief, managing a tired smile. “There you are.”
“Hey, buddy.” As relieved as Melissa feels, Zack sounds about a hundred times more so. He kneels down next to them, his hand once again awkwardly hovering over Milo’s shoulder before retreating. “How you feeling?”
Milo glances around, taking in their surroundings. Melissa can almost see the moment realization hits; his mouth presses into a tight line before he looks away, wiping at his eyes. “Guys, I- I am so sorry-”
“Don’t you dare,” Melissa cuts him off sternly.
Milo swallows hard, tucking his knees to his chest. “But it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have lost my cool back there,” he mumbles guiltily. “It was just Elliot being, y- you know, Elliot, and I got-”
“Rightfully upset,” Melissa finishes for him, putting a hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah, dude, you’ve got nothing to apologize for,” Zack agrees.
Milo’s smile is thin, but his eyes are thoughtful. Melissa hopes they’ve gotten through to him. She isn’t going to push it any more, though, not right now.
“Now, c’mon, let’s get off the floor,” she says, straightening up. “My legs are falling asleep.”
Milo accepts the hand she offers him, letting her pull him up and out from under the stairwell. He looks a little shaky on his feet, his face still paler than normal, but he jolts when he notices the clock.
“Oh no, we’re late for first period. We’d better-”
“Nuh uh.” Melissa holds fast to his arm. “After a bout like that, you need to go home and rest.”
Milo hesitates. “I miss so much school already…”
Melissa shakes her head. “Doesn’t matter. Mental health days are included under excused absences, you know. We’ll let the teachers know and grab your homework for you.”
“Seriously, it’s alright,” Zack says softly.
Milo studies them both before nodding. “Okay,” he relents. “Thanks.”
Melissa whips out her phone to text his mom. As she does so, she notices Milo is starting to lean against Zack for support. The other boy doesn’t seem to mind, his arm automatically shifting around Milo’s shoulders. It seems his earlier reservations are gone, now that Milo’s sought out the contact. It’s a cute sight.
“Alright,” Melissa tucks her phone away, “your mom’s on her way over. I asked her to meet us in the back lot, just in case the jerk-who-shall-not-be-named is still skulking around.”
Milo nods slightly, giving her a grateful smile before his gaze lowers again.
Now that he’s given up on toughing out the day, he’s starting to withdraw. He doesn’t always go nonverbal after a crying spell, but the panic attack has to have done a number on him.
They aren’t common for Milo, panic attacks. Melissa knows his stress response is… highly abnormal. Even before she met him, he’d been living in a constant state of stress for years. She’s not sure if he’s learned to tune it out, or if his body has just stopped responding to common stressors by this point. But she knows he rarely gets a physical reaction to danger, that ‘fight or flight’ response that spikes you up with adrenaline.
This is clearly a different ball game. The only time she can recall anything remotely similar to this happening was the first time she got seriously hurt by Murphy’s Law. And it didn’t even happen on the spot; he hadn’t broken down until visiting her in the hospital after the fact.
That was a long time ago, but it left quite the impression. The hyperventilating and shaking, she remembers. And that distant, glassy expression. It was something she hoped she’d never have to witness again, but of course, life has other plans.
Not that she blames Milo for it. After all, however difficult this is for her, it’s much, much worse for him. Losing control of his emotions hits him hard, because his life is already so out of control as it is. The one thing he should always have control over is himself, but he doesn’t.
And even though she’s long since made peace with the idea that life isn’t fair, this feels particularly, especially unfair. With all the danger Murphy’s Law brings, Milo shouldn’t have to deal with guilt, judgmental crossing guards, or a misplaced sense of responsibility so severe that he feels like he isn’t even allowed to cry.
Her expression must be troubled, because Milo lightly bumps against her arm. By the time she looks over, he’s already averted his gaze again- eye contact is probably a bit much for him right now- but she appreciates the gesture anyways.
‘Don’t worry,’ he seems to be saying.
Well… she can try not to, for his sake.
Zack can’t help stealing glances at Milo as they make their way down the hall.
He knows he shouldn’t be staring, because Milo doesn’t seem too keen on eye contact at the moment. It’s just hard to resist the urge to check up on him. Most of Zack’s focus was on keeping Murphy’s Law at bay, so he couldn’t really keep tabs on how the situation was going.
He can’t shake how jarring it was to see Milo like that. It’s a very good thing Melissa was there to snap him into action, because if she hadn’t, he probably would’ve just stood there frozen like a complete idiot, not helping the situation at all.
And how sad is that? Milo saves Zack over and over again, every time disaster strikes, but the one time Milo really needs him, Zack’s totally useless.
He should’ve seen that the conversation was going south and shut it down. He should’ve stood up for Milo more, or tried to get him out of the situation. He should’ve-
There’s a slight tug at the hem of his shirt. When he turns his head, he finds Milo’s hand gripping there. Not pulling, or trying to get his attention- Milo’s facing straight ahead, eyes downcast. Just, holding. Whether it’s an attempt to give comfort or receive it, Zack’s not sure.
But it does give him something else to focus on, aside from the spiraling thoughts in his head, and he smiles softly. Just in case Milo can see it out of the corner of his eye.
It’s a good reminder; there’s no point in dwelling on the past. He needs to keep moving forward, like Milo does.
They reach the back doors without issue, and are greeted by an empty parking lot. Fortunately, there aren’t any late stragglers- aside from them, of course. It’s a nice day, not too cold, so Zack doesn’t mind waiting a few minutes. Maybe the fresh air will help Milo. It’s certainly helping Zack.
He lets out a deep breath, feeling a little better for it. Milo settles further against his side while they wait, his cheek pressed against Zack’s shoulder. That steals the breath Zack just got back, but that’s the least of his concerns right now.
He’s not sure if he’s relieved or disappointed when Mrs. Murphy’s car pulls into the lot. Milo perks up a bit, though still remains silent as his mother exits the car. She takes in Milo’s current state with no comment, just a sad, knowing look in her eyes, and Zack wonders if this is more common than he realized.
“You ready to go, honey?” she asks kindly.
Milo hesitates for a second, then turns and abruptly gives a hug to the both of them. It’s a quick thing, but Zack feels his face heat up immediately; Milo’s never hugged him before. And that thought is followed by his heart swelling almost painfully, because Milo’s never hugged him before. With that context, it’s a deeply touching gesture.
After stepping away, Milo darts over to his mom, hiding his face in her side. She smooths a hand over his hair, murmuring something too low for Zack to hear, before smiling at them gratefully. “Thanks, you two.”
“No problem, Mrs. Murphy,” Melissa replies. “Feel better soon, Milo.”
“Yeah, take it easy,” Zack calls after them.
The car pulls away, and Zack can see Diogee clambering into Milo’s lap before they’re out of view. That makes him feel a little better. Still, he sends a quick prayer to the universe that the car ride goes smoothly, without any Murphy’s Law incidents. Milo really deserves a break.
Next to him, Melissa stands motionless, watching the car leave. Zack clears his throat. “Well, we should probably head back…”
Melissa shakes her head, sitting down on the steps. “First period’s already half-over by now, no point in going.” She shrugs. “Plus, we need to talk this out, or it’ll turn into one of those weird unspoken things.”
“Oh.” Hesitantly, Zack sits down next to her. If Melissa is willing to play hooky, it must be important. “Alright, then.”
They sit in silence for a few moments, listening to the sounds of distant traffic. He’d been expecting Melissa to start the conversation, but she seems to be waiting for him, instead. Waiting to see what his reaction is.
It hadn’t taken long for Melissa to go from ‘Milo’s only other friend’ to ‘Milo and Zack’s friend.’ Once she warmed up to him, she’d moved right along to acting like they’d known each other for years. But they certainly haven’t had any deep, serious discussions before. He’s not quite sure how to proceed.
Zack rubs the back of his neck, feeling awkward. “So, uh… that happened.”
“Yep.” Melissa exhales heavily, but her expression is sympathetic. “I’m sorry you weren’t more prepared, it’s just that he tries to handle these things privately.”
Zack frowns. “These things? What do you mean?”
Melissa stares out over the parking lot, her brows knit together. “Milo breaks bones on a monthly basis. He comes away with some kind of injury on a near-daily basis. And the constant threat of danger plus the massive amount of effort required to deal with it would be enough to drive anyone to tears.”
“And…?” Zack prompts, confused.
Melissa glances at him out of the side of her eye. “Before now, have you ever seen him cry?”
Zack opens his mouth to reply, ‘Of course I have!’ because surely it would’ve happened at some point. He knows Milo gets hurt frequently, he’s watched it happen. But as he thinks about it, he can’t actually recall a time when tears were involved. Not even for broken bones.
“I… woah, you’re right,” Zack realizes, his stomach dropping.
Melissa nods grimly. “He doesn’t like crying. Says it messes with his ability to react to Murphy’s Law. So he just… doesn’t let himself cry, most of the time, no matter how hurt he gets. It’s been like that for as long as I’ve known him.”
It takes a second for the full implications to hit Zack. “Wait, didn’t you guys meet when you were six?”
“Oh.” Zack swallows. They might be old enough now that crying isn’t as common, but Milo’s been like this since he was six, possibly younger. Zack himself was a bit of a crybaby at that age, even a skinned knee sending him into hysterics.
And sure, maybe it’s embarrassing to look back on, but that’s normal for little kids.
Milo didn’t get to have that.
“That’s… kinda sad,” Zack murmurs.
“I know,” Melissa sighs. “Of course, he can’t bottle it up forever. And crying is an important chemical release, it’s healthy. So he just puts it off until he’s safe at home, usually on a weekend. That way, he’s got his family there to look out for him, and he doesn’t have to worry about anyone else getting caught up in Murphy’s Law. I’ve only been there for a handful of them, but he probably goes for months in between. It’s… a lot of buildup.”
The pieces are starting to fall into place. Zack inhales sharply. “So, when he does finally let himself cry…”
Melissa gives him a thin smile. “Well, you know what they say. When it rains, it pours.” She wraps her arms around herself. “But this time was worse than normal, because he was having a panic attack on top of it. He really didn’t want to break down at school.”
Zack nods slowly, brows furrowing. “Wow. I had no idea.”
Melissa makes a noncommittal noise. “It’s not your fault, he doesn’t like people to know.”
Alarm shoots through Zack. This is a deeply personal aspect of Milo’s life. What if he wasn’t ready for Zack to see it? What if Zack’s intruding?
Melissa must have noticed the panic on his face, because she waves him off. “Don’t worry, him letting you stay was giving permission for me to tell you this. Just, people, in general. He puts a lot of work into staying upbeat all the time, and he doesn’t want that ruined by something like this.”
Zack chews on his lip, only slightly relieved. Quite a few people saw the beginning of the whole thing. “Is he gonna be okay? I know it was just some kids from class, but…”
“I think he will be,” Melissa says thoughtfully. “He’s been branching out a lot more this year, in terms of making friends.” She smiles faintly at him. “We’ve got you to thank for that.”
The sudden diverge throws Zack for a loop. “What do you mean?”
Melissa leans back on her elbows, contemplative. “I mean, if Milo and I started a band last year, Mort wouldn’t have dreamed of joining. If we’d been crazy enough to have a birthday party, no one would’ve come. For as long as all of us here can remember, Milo’s just had me. But seeing you give him a chance… I don’t know, I think it’s helped them realize they don’t have to stay so far away.”
Zack’s stunned. “I… guess I hadn’t thought about it.”
That’s an understatement. Zack found his place so readily within this new school that he hadn’t stopped to consider what things had been like before. He knows Milo didn’t have any close friends aside from Melissa, but had the other kids in class always been nothing more than scant acquaintances? Was it new for them to engage Milo in conversation or willingly be around him?
Then Zack thinks back to the day they met, at the bus stop. The way the other kids there had immediately scrambled away from Milo, expressions full of fear. And he’s pretty sure he knows the answer.
Melissa hums. “Yep. You’re a trendsetter.”
Zack rubs his arm, embarrassed. He really doesn’t deserve accolades just for giving Milo a chance. “So… do you cry often?” he ventures, changing the subject.
Melissa rolls her eyes at him. “I’d say a normal amount, for someone in my circumstances. Whenever I’m seriously hurt, you can bet I’m crying about it. Not everyone can just block out that kind of pain.” Her expression sobers. “But even on the emotional side of things, if there’s ever a particularly rough day, then yeah, I’ll go home and cry it out. It’s a good release.”
“Huh.” Zack scratches his head. “Gotta say, I’m a little surprised. You seem to handle Murphy’s Law so well, you know?”
Melissa snorts. “Yeah, only because I let myself cry every now and them. No one can deal with all that disaster and destruction without it getting to them. Not even Milo.”
“Fair point,” Zack amends.
“So, what about you?” Melissa elbows him. “C’mon, don’t be a hypocrite.”
Zack flushes. “I mean, yeah, sometimes,” he admits. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad to be friends with Milo, but Murphy’s Law can be… stressful.” Particularly on top of his normal anxiety, but she doesn’t need to know that.
Melissa nods approvingly. “Good. Own it. Being part of a Murphy’s life has its ups and down. It also has its own set of rules.”
“Like what?” Zack asks, tilting his head.
“You need to make sure you relieve stress on a regular basis, whether that’s through crying or something else. And you need to relax on a regular basis, too. Not necessarily in that order,” she adds, as an afterthought.
Zack raises his eyebrows. “Oh, okay. Anything else I should be aware of?”
Melissa counts them off on her fingers. “Stay hydrated, get regular sleep, have a good amount of protein in the diet…”
“That just sounds like normal self-care stuff,” Zack points out flatly.
Melissa squints at him. “Touché.” Then she snaps her fingers. “Gargling salt water can help your throat recover from over-screaming. Oh, and Murphys are legally protected from being discriminated against by an accord written in the early 1900’s, so don’t be afraid to cite it. Also, Milo craves physical affection from those he’s close to, but he doesn’t feel he has the right to ask for it.”
Zack blinks. “Figure all this out yourself?”
“Nah, Mrs. Murphy had some tips.” Melissa’s humor fades. “Seriously though, I noticed your hesitation back there. That’s a good instinct, since plenty of people don’t like to be touched during panic attacks. But you don’t need to worry about it with Milo, that’s one of the few times he actually seeks out comfort.”
Zack jolts with surprise. He hadn’t though Melissa would pick up on that- at the time, he was hardly aware of what he was doing, himself. “Oh, alright then.”
“And just for the record,” Melissa’s expression turns mischievous, “if you were a little more forthcoming with physical affection on a day-to-day basis, I don’t think Milo would mind.”
Zack jumps to his feet like he’s been electrocuted, choking on air. “O- oh, sure, of course. Being close to Milo, I don’t have a problem with that, why would I have a problem with that?” he babbles, feeling his face heat up. “I mean, I don’t not have a problem with it, I mean, not more than the normal amount for two friends-” Okay, Zack, time to shut up now.
Melissa just snickers at him, standing up and dusting off her skirt. “C’mon, it’s about time to head in. Ready for a completely average, boring, uneventful day?”
Zack sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets with a rueful grin. “If we must.”
Maybe it’s not so bad to have a little time to process things, considering how much he has to process.
Milo’s only been curled up on the couch for a couple hours when his phone buzzes.
It’s a selfie from Melissa, in science class. She’s angled the phone to get Zack in the background of the shot; he’s clearly dozing, eyelids drooping as he rests his chin in his hand. Melissa’s giving the camera a knowing look, and the caption reads, ‘Someone’s missing you!’
Milo’s heart skips a beat. He quickly attributes it to surprise that Melissa is actually texting in class- though he knows she’s just checking in with him. It’s a thoughtful gesture, and he sends a couple emojis back. Words, even in text form, are still hard right now. But he knows she’ll understand, because she and Zack are the best friends a Murphy could ask for.
He’s lucky like that, to not have to weather this storm alone.
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muwi-translates · 5 years
Otomate Party 2017 - Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk
Self-indulgent? Self-indulgent. Translated skit script done with Lawrence, Elric, Lugus and Lavan at 2017′s Otopa. Has some Black Butterfly content as well. This fandom needs more food.
**Please don’t move this translation or claim it as your own.**
Lawrence: It looks like it’s stopped snowing for the time being. Now, let’s see... Oh? This is...
Elric: Lawrence, do you know where Rabbit’s gone off to? That said, what’s with the package?
Lawrence: I just received it, let’s see... it has this little bottle of liquid and a letter.
Elric: Oh? Read it, then.
Lawrence: “A God-given gift to everyone in the church to bring modest smiles. - Ash.” Let’s see here, the instructions say ‘medicine that makes people honest’.
Elric: Ugh, sounds fake.
Lawrence: But if it’s real, wouldn’t you want to try it, Elric?
Elric: ... Don’t tell me, you want me to drink that...
Lawrence: Hehe... the effects last for-
Elric: This is stupid! Just come and help me find Rabbit-
Lavan: Am I interrupting anything?
Lawrence: Ah, Lavan-kun. Nothing of the sort, please come in. Oh, for the two of you to come together, that’s a rare sight.
Lavan: Two?
Lugus: We did not come together. It was simply that while I was on my way to the church, this beast was already a few steps ahead of me.
Lavan: Lugus. I never thought I would see the Hawk’s heir in a place like this. When did you make this place your roost?
Elric: They start arguing as soon as they see each other. It happens all the time, but it’s super annoying. If they decide to draw their swords...
Lawrence: Hm... oh, I know. If they drank this medicine, then we’ll be able to know their true feelings. If they become more honest, perhaps they could come to understand one another?
Elric: Hah? Won’t they just draw their swords with honesty?
Lawrence: It’s decided, I’ll go brew some tea.
Elric: Lawrence! Ugh... you need to limit those fantasies in your head...
Lugus: Who do you think you are? If you’re walking on snow, and you see any slippery roads, why would you walk across them?!
Lavan: What’s wrong with that? Let me guess, you’re telling me this because you’ve slipped before?
Lugus: Wrong! I was simply cursing you to slip yourself stupid behind you.
Lavan: Swooping to such a low level. You as well, maybe you should use the snow on your eaves to cool your head.
Elric: You two aren’t so different when it comes to being rude.
Lawrence: So they argue like this when there’s no one to mediate between them. I see, I see. Here, some tea.
Elric: Ah, don’t just serve it like usual...
Lavan: Ah, thank you. (To Lugus) That said, that drinking incident earlier-
Lugus: Thank you for the tea. (To Lavan) Why are you using that the know-it-all tone? Is it about me taking care of your drunk-crazy brother?
Lavan: ...What did you say? (drinks)
Lugus: Hmph! (drinks)
Elric: They drank it! I’m nervous...
Lavan / Lugus: (gags)
Lavan: What is this taste? It’s like... mother’s... tea...
Lugus: ... If I had to describe it... it taste like... leather gloves that have never been washed...
Lavan: (laughs) As expected of a Hawk. So they know what leather gloves taste like.
Lugus: I was merely making a comparison. Or do Wolves not know what metaphors are?
Elric: Hey... they haven’t changed at all. Are you sure you weren't given a fake?
Lawrence: How strange, it shouldn’t... Ah, I know. It's simply because the question is wrong. Let's talk about the women you like.
Elric: Hah?! That’s such a big leap in subjects!
Lawrence: You two, is there a woman you admire? Could you tell me what kind of person they are?
Lugus: What kind of question are you-- A strong-willed woman.
Lavan: Really, why are you asking a question like that here out of all places-- I don't really mind her outward valiance, but I love her inner pureness.
Elric: Woah, how scary, it really worked...
Lawrence: Hmhm~ And, what else is there?
Lavan: Let me think... She doesn’t neglect to smile, but she doesn’t fake it. It’s the expression of her gratitude and her kindness. It’s the way she whole-heartedly treats me that moves my heart. Her openness melted away my complex, frozen heart. Perhaps she can make it so that the beast that hides inside my chest will never reveal itself. But sometimes I think, if it’s her... I want her to understand this side of me. I want her to know.
Lugus: ... To never reveal itself... No, the woman I know is not like that. Though she looks like she is a principled, pure and earnest woman, she has weaknesses as well. She could guide me only because she knew her own weaknesses and strengths. She could easily tame a beast, even if her hand is injured, or even if she was bitten. I’ll always pray that I can be by her side at that moment to tend to her wounds.
Lavan: I see, so the woman you love is not just a virtuous lady.
Lugus: Exactly. The one you love has some similarities to mine.
Elric: They’re understanding each other... Wow, I’m getting goosebumps...
Lugus: However, even though I have such strong feelings, I can list our encounters with my fingers.
Lavan: Why? You can just go and see her.
Lugus: I’ve asked her what kind of person she is and what she does, but she doesn’t tell me. There is no way to write her a letter, nor get in contact with her.
Lavan: That... must be hard. I understand the feeling of only being able to rely on fate to meet my loved one.
Lugus: So you’ve had the same experience?
Lavan: Yes, it leaves much to be desired.
Lawrence: Mm, it looks like their quarrel has been perfectly stopped.
Elric: And my goosebumps have disappeared.
Lawrence: At least they’re talking amiably. Right, Lugus-kun, Lavan-kun?
Lavan: What about you, Lawrence?
Lawrence: Eh?
Lugus: That’s right, do you not have something as well?
Lawrence: Hm... if I had to say, I love a woman who is gentle and soft, an optimist, and someone who suits smiling under the sun.
Lugus: You must be talking about the personality you like in a woman.
Lavan: Then, do you have someone in mind?
Lawrence: I’ll leave that up to you to decide.
Elric: Aa~h, all this girl talk is so boring.
Lawrence: Apologises, Elric. Here, I prepared some snacks.
Elric: Woah! Cookies! I guess I have no choice. I won’t hold back, then.
Lawrence: Here, some tea as well.
Elric: Ah, mm. (drinks)
Lawrence: Hehe...
Elric: Oh no! Gah... hhgh.... this rotten... medicine taste...
Hikage, appearing behind Elric: What do you think you’re doing?!
Lawrence: Eh?
Hikage: For goodness sake, you’ve gone too far with this prank. Wanting to know my true feelings? What are you playing at?
Lavan: Hm? What’s this?
Lugus: Seems like he changed into some other personality rather than become honest.
Hikage: ‘Personality’? I am me. No matter what happens, my essence will never change.
Lawrence: A medicine that can make people more honest... I see, it has this kind of effect too. Well, we’re celebrating today so it should be alright.
Hikage: There’s something I don’t really understand. From the start, you’ve been asking us about women.
Lavan: Is there a problem?
Hikage: Of course there is. I can’t believe you’re this trifling, asking these kind of questions after we drank the medicine.
Lugus: So you don’t have a woman you admire?
Hikage: As if-- Of course there’s someone like that... What- my mouth moved by itself!
Lawrence: I see~ I wonder what kind of woman she is~
Hikage: ... A person who likes sticking their nose in other people’s business. Her face is like an open book, but it’s also quite kind. No matter how hard I try to get rid of her, she always takes my hand, it moves me. I know I should find her annoying, but I can’t. She doesn’t do as I want her to, it’s irritating. But now she has a special place in my heart.
Lugus: I understand now, so this is what a ‘tsundere’ is.
Lavan: No, this is ‘tsuntsunderedere’.
Hikage: Hah! Say what you want, I’m not like you lot. I can contact her any time I want. You guys don’t even have smartphones? Heh.
Lugus: ... Hah?
Lavan: ‘Su-ma-ho’?
Lawrence: Hika- no, Elric, this city doesn’t have smartphones.
Hikage: What? Then... how do you guys communicate?
Lawrence: Hahaha, it seems like you three don’t many differences after all. Now then, I’ve always wanted to have this conversation, but it seems the medicine will wear off soon.
Lugus: What are you talking about- hgh!
Lavan: Hgh- again... the taste of mother’s tea...
Hikage/Elric: Gah-... huh...?
Lawrence: Well then, Elric, what’s the name of the girl you like?
Elric: Hah? What are you talking about? Love talk again? You really like this stuff, huh?
Lavan: ... Why is Lugus of all people drinking tea next to me?
Lugus: Those are my words. Don’t come close to me.
Lawrence: Hm... it looks like they’ve completely forgotten what they just said earlier.
Lavan: I’ll be excusing myself. It’s impossible to relax with this ill-mannered person beside me.
Lugus: I placed down my cup first, therefore I should be the first to leave.
Lavan: Screw you, I’m leaving.
Elric: Hah... still arguing. They just won’t give up, huh? Well, I’m gonna go look for Rabbit.
Lawrence: They’ve all left, hm? I saw something rather nostalgic, didn’t I? But what happened today will be a secret between you and I, alright? It would be wonderful if one day, everyone would be able to laugh about what happened today. Of course, whilst bathing under the sunlight, yes?
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