#haha i was looking at this a few days ago and wasnt going to post it
rui-drawsbox · 1 year
Hi um I really like the Arashi magical girl au so I hope it's alright if I talk a bit about what's in my head. I wrote down a few scenarios and did a quick storyboard for one (will draw everything out later). er here one of the scenarios I wrote (don't wanna make this post too long)
Scenario based on how Nazuna left Shu and how Mika does the same later
Mika: I still remember that day when Nazuna left…
Dark, dreary bg colors, Nazuna’s back is facing camera.
Mika: Nazuna-nii? Where are you going?
Nazuna pauses. He turns his head a bit. Close-up of his mouth.
Mika (Voice over): His words were a whisper… but I heard him clearly.
Nazuna: Sorry. I hope you'll understand one day...
Back in present. Mika holds a burned photo of him and Arashi. The side with Arashi is burned but bits of her hair and clothes can still be seen. (Shu was the one who burned the photo after seeing Mika look at it. Me thinks he threw it in a fire and after he left, Mika managed to salvage it but the side with Arashi is completely burnt)
Mika: I understand now. And I know what I have to do now.
Um there is a scene where Mika screams at Shu. Mika grabs Shu by the front of his clothes and flings him to the ground. Mika then walks away, now his back is facing camera.
Shu: Don’t you dare take another step or I’ll-
Mika (turns around): Or you’ll what? 
Close-up of Mika’s face.
Mika: I won't let you control me anymore.
Mika walks away.
Flashback to another scene in the past when Nazuna was still working for Shu.
They have come to Earth for the first time. They somehow come across a photo booth. Mika is very excited about what it is and Shu is about to scold him, telling him that their mission is more important. Shu then looks at Nazuna, who is quiet but is clearly interested in photo booth too. Shu relents and they take photos. At first they don’t know how it works so the photos turn out goofy. Then after getting the hang of it, Shu makes them pose a certain way. When he sees the photo strip, he does admit that the humans are interesting to have this sort of method to store memories. He cuts and throws the goofy trial photos away but Nazuna secretly takes them out. Perhaps when he betrays Shu, Nazuna’s final way to move on is to burn those photos, although Mika and Shu do not know. (yes photos being burned for dramatic flair)
In present, when Nazuna meets Mika after he leaves Shu, they hang out. They see a photo booth again. Nazuna makes a small remark about the previous photo with Shu. He asks Mika if he wants to take another photo. Mika asks if the Knights could take a pic with them too. In this pic, Mika is far happier. 
was thinking of parallels for Nazuna and Mika
Nazuna left quietly (was afraid of confronting Shu so he just wrote a note) Mika left with a bang! screams at Shu and grabs him by front of his clothes and throws him on the ground :D The photo that Nazuna kept of him, Shu, and Mika made him stay longer than he would have. Looking at it made him guilty for wanting to leave. Mika's photo of him and Arashi makes him realize that he has to leave Shu.
ok I will run away now. have a nice day :]
hihi! hello ask from 4 months ago haha /sobs/ im glad you enjoyed the au! sorry for not answer before haha,,
actually i loved this idea sm that i made a drawing about this at the time! i didn't liked the result and burned out lol, tried to make like a fake screenshot but it looked wonky tbh
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i edited it a bit today (mabye i went overboard with those two, it looks kinda too dark even for a night and it looks unsettling lol) so it wasnt too gray (and mabye cuz i wanted to use these new cool effect in clip i learned the other day)
and my friend let me say that i loVE when photos have a heavy sentimental value for characters, im a sucker for the burned photo trope
+ Shu, Mika and Nazuna not being from earth makes me laugh for some reason, like, does this count as scifi if arashi is fighting vs technically aliens?/j
but if i think about it it would be like Madoka Magica(?), like, Arashi's cat should be an alien so why not the villians? i makes sense for me at least
also the parallels between Nazuna and Mika?!??!!"?!? im in love!??!?!??! the way they leaved Shu in such different ways?!??! the way their actions get affected by a simple piece of paper that means a lot for them?!?!??! thats my favorite part fr
and yeah go mika go! tell him his truths! he deserves it! *cheer moves*
byee! i loved this sm!! sorry for not answer this before!!!
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real-oddity · 1 year
Happy New Year!
hello, welcome to my little new year post!!
i have never done one of these before but i thought its about time :D all my art below the cut :]
January 2022
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this is some art of one of my dreamcore ocs! this was one of my first "serious" drawing, with all the detail on the shading and also my first piece messing with lineweight (it.. didnt go too well lol)
February 2022
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Heres my baby boy baby, January (who i drew in February, yes haha :])
my teacher wanted me to try drawing everyday for a month, and this was day 2, i think it was casual clothes?
i got to like day 5 before i stopped lol
March 2022
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March-June was a dry spell for me art wise, all i could salvage for March was these drawings of a species me and my bestfriend have for our personal use :0
April 2022
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this was a redesign of an old oc, namely this guy
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it was maybe a 1.5 year difference, how the times change :']
May 2022
nothin D:
June 2022
still nothin T-T
July 2022
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artfight was in July, and i actually got a ton done, including this piece for my bestfriend! his ocs are amazing, dont tell him i said this but i really look up to his skill :]
August 2022
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i tried a different style, got more experimental! angular colored lines that actually wasnt lineart, just one big silhouette that i colored over! first time using a color palette in this manner, too!
September 2022
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this is when i started looking at a ton of my old ocs, lol
this is like a 6 year old oc that was an undertale au character, but is now just kind of a dude who sorta sometimes exists. this was actually an art project!
October 2022
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haha, you could tell i was getting back into my furry roots lol
i was mostly trying to animate this month, so not much to show other than stuff like this
November 2022
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oh hey look my first tumblr post!!
The Owl House Season 2 finale hit me HARD, it gave me enough steam to get this made when S3E1 came out
December 2022
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and hey look at that! a piece i finished a few days ago! honestly my art from the past few weeks have been so shockingly beautiful, and im so proud <:']
hoping to keep up this kind of work through the new year. thank you all for the love :]
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ultrastellara · 3 years
happy birthday to xiao! i love him so much oml :(
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xiao × gender neutral reader modern au
author's note: i plan on doing a non modern au tomorrow for his actual birthday for those who live in america and such! hope you dont mind!
edit: fun fact i actually am making an edit for xiaos birthday. 😭this wasnt planned for me to write in this scenario but please enjoy a reader fanfic where yall can edit thanks to me. haha! ENJOY EVERYONE!
"it's getting late for you," stated your boyfriend. you two were long distance since xiao had gone aboard for his studies. your eyes flickered wide open as you saw your amber eyed boyfriend giving you a very disappointed look. he had expected you to gone asleep hours ago but you were staying up to talk to him. comfortable in your bed, you moved your phone a bit further away not to see your boyfriend's look right now
"come on xiao, cant i spend some time with my pretty birthday boy" you teased him. seeing his expression change as birthday boy kept ringing in his head.
"yeah....yeah, but hey listen i thought you were going to sleep because you told me you had a surprise" he glared at you with flushed cheeks, deeply wishing you were going to stay up more. however he knew you had classes in a few more hours. he didn't want you to be late nor did he want them to forget your surprise for him. even he didnt know what their surprise was but he knew they had worked so hard on it.
"oh xiao, you're so cute!" you said, creating the cheesy atmosphere. "come on check my Instagram page" you heard him clicking on his screen until he got to your Instagram page. your profile picture is you with his hand squishing your cheeks but as he scrolled to look at your posts. he saw the recent thing you posted which was a small thirty second edit. you had edited him with pictures of you, the song good days by sza playing. the pictures went along the beat and seeing all the cute effects you done for this small video. his heart had lighten up with butterflies stirring up in his stomach. he couldn't stop smiling and you were able to see all of his reactions from the call you two were doing.
"i... wow darling, im..really glad you did for me." he finished the edit seeing the words "happy birthday<3" and "i love you". he slowly started to get emotional. this was the first time you knew about his birthday and with the few months you two been dating. he only mentioned his birthday once not knowing if you would remember. but what spoke up the most was that you did remember and that you had put the effort to create him this edit of him but with you, his special someone.
"xiao? are you crying?" you asked, your face had turned more concerned.
"no im...." he quickly started to wipe the happy tears you gave him with his sleeve. "you did so well, baby."
this was the first time you heard him call you that. bam an arrow came into your heart after hearing him say baby to you. you clutched your shirt in a playful way catching his eyes.
"what? did i say something funny baby?" he stopped shedding those happy tears and once again was teasing you.
"ow it's just you shot me with a love arrow, xiao" you laid down onto your bed, clutching more of your shirt turning to the side where your phone was.
"is it because i said baby?"
"and what about it?" you saw him raising an eyebrow knowing damn well, he got you flustered.
"um..well you see i-"
from there you two kept teasing each other until he heard you snore cutely on the facetime call you both had from many hours ago.
quietly before he was going to say goodnight to you, he heard you whisper to him " i love you " in your sleep.
you know damn well he was more flustered than you just a few mins ago. however seeing the way you talked to him tonight, made him wished he could be home with you.
"i love you too, baby" he stated happily, ending the call.
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mizunetzu · 4 years
bonjour! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ i was wondering if you could write some headcanons of iwaizumi, oikawa or bokuto reacting to their s/o (he/him pronouns) who dyed his hair like a pastel pink :)) if you don’t have the time or energy to write about this, pls don’t force urself :( also i’m convinced bokuto would start calling his s/o strawberry the moment his s/o dyed his hair pink ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
have a nice rest of your day/night :)))
Salut, mon ami! Comment ça và? Idk if I said that right, ‘s been a while since I took French HAHA BUT THATS ACTUALLY SO CUTE -
(Since I’m in a trip and and don’t have my computer, it’ll take me a while to cut the post and add it to my masterlist) (sorry LMAO) (at least u get content right hehe)
Headcannons - Iwaizumi, Oikawa, and Bokuto with an s/o who dyed his hair pink
⚠️Warnings - none !!
Pronouns - male, he/him
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As big dick tough as this guy might try to seem
you walked into the club room with pink hair, and immediately Oikawa was tryna touch it and shit
“Wow! It’s as soft as it looks, (Y/n)-chan!”
He was petting ur head
He wanted to be the first one to compliment u 💔🥺🥺
He pretty much threw Oikawa off and was doing the thing where he leaned on the wall and tried to look cool n casual n whatnot HAHAHAHA
“Y-you look nicE.”
He wanted to FUCJFING DIE
“Thank you, Hajime-kun! I did it myself!”
U fluffed out ur light pink hair
It looked like pink clouds sitting on ur head ugh
Iwaizumi wanted to just sit down and nuzzle ur hair for ages
But they had practice, huh
“*grumbles* Stupid practice...cockblocking me from my boyfriend... *grumbles*”
But nothing was stopping him from cuddling you later, at his or your house and just letting your hair for ages while y’all did homework, right?
You bet your pink ass there isn’t
It’s not like you had a choice anyways he was going to drag you to his house for his cuddles no matter what
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Ok unlike iwa-chan’s one you didn’t dye yours willingly
It was the result of you losing a bet to Matsukawa and Hanamaki those bitches
Smth where the loser had to dye their hair pink for like, a week at most (and then they can dye it back if they wanted to)
Yah no you were definitely gonna dye it back like u were so embarrassed
You pulled up to practice, and you could practically already hear Makki and Mattsun fucking dying
Everyone there either just ogled at you for a sec then went back to what they were doing, or saying sum like “don’t mind” or “nice hair, man”
Ok but like then Oikawa pulls up
“Hey, everyone, sorry I’m laaa...”
Oikawa fuckin stops dead in his tracks
He sees his boyfriend, with the most embarrassed, flushed look on his face, gripping his shirt tightly and to top it all off, with BABY PINK FUCKING HAIR
Little bit of background Oikawa literally begged you for weeks on end 2 months ago to dye your hair pink because “you’d look so cuuute!”, but you never entertained the idea
“Dear heavenly mother...thank you...”
“D-don’t start praying! I...I didn’t do this for you or anything it-it-I lost a bet, that’s all!”
He would not stop praising and giving you affection all practice
You kind of liked all the attention ngl
“You’re soooooo cute, (y/n)-chan! My cherry! My cherry slushee (y/n)-chan!”
“S-s-stop it...!”
Would not stop fluffing out your hair when he was around you
Actually he wouldn’t take his hands off your fuckin head everytime he was next to you HAHA
You were eating up all this attention don’t try and hide it you tsundere-
Ok, maybe keeping the pink hair for a while wasnt such a bad idea...
You later found out that the bet Hanamaki and Matsukawa proposed to you was rigged in order for you to dye your hair, and Oikawa paid them each 3 pork buns for their services
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This bitch
Like Oikawa, he begged you to let him dye ur hair
Except this man didn’t Stop like Oikawa did
“But (L/nnnnnnn)! You’d look so good with pink hair!”
“But I don’t wanna dye my hair.”
Mans would be all emo n shit everytime u rejected him
dw that wouldn't last longer than like 1-2 hours at most
ok but like one day you just got fed up with it
“Fine! Ok! If I dye my hair pink, will you stop asking?!”
Bokuto nodded as fast as humanly possible
he wanted to dye it with you
by that i mean watch as you dyed it yourself bc this man would Ruin It if he tried to help
“Im gonna wash off the dye now.”
“Dude can you like get out real quick i’m gonna step in the shower-”
when u rinsed it off and blow dryed ur hair doe
Bokuto went Speechless 
“D-don’t give me weird nicknames-!”
Despite how much you protest and say you don’t like it, you practically melt each time he calls you Strawberry
its such a cute nickname hhdjhkdfs
the others at Fukorudani teased the hell out of you though
“finally got tired of Bokuto’s whining?”
“shut up, Konoha.”
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legendaryoikawa · 3 years
while we’re young / suna rintarou
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a valentines day collab hosted by @prettysetterbaby​
synopsis: your self proclaimed unromantic boyfriend is eating you hard on his bed full of roses and jhene aiko blasting on his busted speakers.
this was made the last minute and i forgot to post this yesterday because i was asleep the whole valentines day lmao. also thank u to @godjo for helping me with my trashy writing skills HAHA ur the mvp bitch
minors dni (i dont want to go to jail istg 🦧)
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"where are you bringing me this valentines?" you asked while struggling to carry out the huge heart plastic containers he gave filled with melted chocolates that looked ransacked.
"to my room," he replied shortly.
his back hunched as he glided down the school's marble hallway as if it's his own walkway.
"i'm sorry, what?” you exasperated.
you somewhat expected a fine dinner cuisine with him in a bow but his lack of preparedness as evidenced by the melted chocolates he managed to steal from the school's stalls and withered flowers that you immediately threw away)
you shouldn't be expecting so much. what you should so, is mediocrity.
he dragged his words as if he was talking to a toddler who's throwing a tantrum,
"i said... in my room.. do you not understand baby girl?" (
“excuse me suna? but in your bedroom... valentines?” you scoffed. disbelief painted on your face
“do you want me to spell it out for you, doll?”
suna gave you a benovelent smile imbued with smoldering intensity that makes your guts churn with both lust and chaos.
you rolled your eyes. sarcasm evident on your tongue as you said, "you are so romantic."
his lips drawled out stinging satire, “oh love, trust me. i am romantic even without trying.”
you roll your eyes, “aight, bet.”
he glanced behind his shoulder. his slitted eyes staring down on your orbs, deep and feline.
"but my dick is,” his words were dangling in the air leaving you there with an open mouth.
the students around you gave the same astonished look as yours but he gave no fuck at all.
smirking he turns around once again as he made sure his tone is higher than his usual.
“cum on brat.”
and that brat that is you chased him all the way down to his honda covic.
suna rintarou is not romantic. but he definitely made you cum in all possible position in his room. that valentines day.
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you couldn’t contain yourself, especially when all he does was to tease you all the way down the corridor.
albeit harmless was his banters, but it definitely left you with oozing discharge and a sticky thigh— and sexual frustration if you could draw it out clearly.
“you know what?” you gritted in frustration when his fingers played with your clothed sex.
you found that gesture hot especially when his other arm was busy with yours and his other maneuvering the wheel with such suaveness
he looked at you smugly, “what?”
you moaned and laid your head on the headrest, eyes rolling back, “fuck you.”
“i will,” he said lackadaisically. his fingers elegantly made its way onto your damp clothed clit.
you widened up your legs in response and lifting up your hips to maximize the friction— you were growing too impatient and it send delight to suna rintarou.
“look at the brat who’s whimpering for my fingers?” he teased, playfully lifting his fingers only to jab it down to your clit again
“screw you and your dick suna,” you glared while trying to catch your breath from the supposed climax but he decides to pull his hands away to drive with two hands on the stirring wheel
“edging makes the dream work, brat.”
he parked his car haphazardly on his driveway. like a fucked parking and he didn’t even tried to fix it up
“you’re trying to get ticketed aren’t you?” you exhaled and looked at him with in hazy
he makes a contemplating face—one brow up, eyes boring into yours, lips pinned together then switched up into something like a snicker
“you’ll be paying for it.”
“excuse me?”
“happy valentines brat.”
you gasped in disbelief as he climbed out of his car and leaving you there alone, not even bothering to open up the door for you
he really is taking up feminism to a while new level and chivalry isn’t part of his vocabulary
you dragged yourself and closed his door with a bang.
only if you weren’t so needy and you would definitely leave suna’s ass without second doubt.
but priorities first and your pussy is throbbing at the moment and it makes you downright annoyed
glaring, you entered his apartment.
nothing usual— his psp laid there untouched with unorganized wires all around the console, an ashtray with few marlboro butts about one a nd a half inches, his sofa was not made, the pearl bracelet you gave him sat on the center table along with his other trinkets
you squinted when you felt the thin walls vibrate, he played a song with heavy bass and calm beat and soothing vocals
ah, you remembered how you mentioned jhene aiko to him one time.
you didn’t felt his looming presence from behind and his voice startled the soul out of you
“im not good at talking so go in the room,” he marches away and you weren’t able to see it through but he was completely shirtless.
you had to squint (due to his poor overhead lights) to see his trapezius bulging out whenever he flex his shoulders.
“fuck it come here, I don’t have all day,” he dragged you away and you were shocked to see the scene unfolding fast
it wasnt the ideal setting but the fact that he attempted to present you a bed of roses with candlelights standing in line on the headboard (you suppose were from his cupboard) instantly sent intense feeling bubbling in your chest cavity
he hates all of these but he pulled it off just as you liked
you turned to him, wrapping your arms on his neck
“i never thought you’d be this romance maniac?”
he raised a brow, “ive had enough of your bullshit,” he pushed your body on his bed, roses flying over your frame as he climbed over you, “let get down to the serious business.”
he started sloppily,
his hands were gropping you in all directions lazily, not that you mind much especially when a hotheaded cocky bastard is leading you on and keeps calling you a brat
his tongue teased your lower lip while his hand groped the curvature of your breasts
you let out a quiet whimper while trying to grind onto him as he was taking too much of his sweet time into tormeting you
he sighs after being content with your lips
he crawls down and lifted your skirt
“consider this as a consolation from the wrecked chocolates a while ago, atsumu was dumb for sitting on ‘em”
you couldn’t form any coherent words especially when he’s down there breathing onto your pulsing sex
he grins upon the sight of your face—mixture of frustration and needy
he burried his face onto yours, licking the same damp spot he was playing with in the car a while back
you threw your head back, burrying your face into his pillows upon the sensation you felt from his tongue
you tugged on the underware and it just made you nothing but slicker with desire
“why the rush brat?”
you replied with a shaky voice, “I thought you don’t have all day?”
“when did i start being so serious with my words?” he pulled the fabric down. “you should’ve known now that when it comes to your cunt, im always free.”
his mouth returned to your pussy but this time with raging intensity it made you moan out loud
his tongue swirled onto your clit, his nose brushing against your slick folds
he lifted one leg onto his shoulders and continued on with his business
his tongue licked circles, pushed into yours while his hands worked their way from behind, massaging your ass and thighs tenderly
he ate you out slowly with intensity it made you crazy
your vision became blurry as the growing sensation deep down your pit started to plummet
the shock from his tongue made you dizzy but nevertheless he continued on, smirking occasionally upon the sight of you gripping his sheets and squirming
“that was crazy,” you began as you recollected yourself from your high
suna pulled a gold foil from his back pockets
“yeah, and we were just getting started.”
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happy late valentines yall!!
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angelicmichael · 3 years
living after midnight
Brooke Thompson x Montana Duke
Summary: Brooke and Montana get a bit intoxicated and get a bit carried away while going night swimming. Based off this post I made a week ago hehe
Words: 3.1k+
Warnings: mentions of alcohol and also vague mentions of weed, stripping (no nudity tho LOL), lotssss of sexual tension, lots of fluff, slowburn, friends to lovers, weird yearning angst for like .02 seconds lmao
A/N: Hey guys, sorry if this is random but I got random inspo for brotana so.. here this is lmao. Believe it or not I did try to make this under 1k words but.. I got carried away so I’m sorry that’s it’s long 😭. But the fic happens sometime after Brooke and Montana meet but before any camp redwood fuckery happens lmao. Anyway I hope y’all like this!! This is also probably the fastest I’ve ever written a fic so I hope it’s atleast decent haha. Anyway enjoy <3
A gentle breeze danced against Brookes exposed skin. The midnight air cold on its own regard but it seemed to blend perfectly with the extensive heat that radiated from the bonfire she sat in front of.
The night was entirely pitch black. The moon was vacant from the sky, leaving the only source of light to come from the giant fire that sat at Brookes shoes.
It was admittedly a bit unsettling being in almost the total darkness, especially with how many girls had recently gone missing in L.A as of late but the beer in her system had mostly put those thoughts to rest. Plus, being with three men and Montana was also reassuring. Even if she didn’t exactly know Xavier, Chet or Ray that well but.. she knew Montana.
It was nearly impossible to forget about how they met.. in the girls locker room in the showers and well; it’s not as if things were any less weird now. Showers or not.
It’s not as if Brooke and Montana were best friends or super close, because that definitely wasnt the case; but they weren’t acquaintances either by any means. The weird tension and ‘playfulness’ that lied between them ruled out being friends.. or that’s Brooke liked to think anyway when she had one too many things to drink. Like now.
Her legs twitched a bit restlessly; content at the ambience that surrounded her but not content with her current state of being. Like how she knew she should be enjoying herself, drunk, not caring about particularly anything at all but instead all she could do was fucking care. Her thoughts were purely infiltrated with Montana and it was embarrassing, to say the least but now that she was intoxicated there was really no harm in fighting it. No matter how annoying and taunting those thoughts truly were.
After all, Why should she not think about how nice it would be to feel Montana’s hands (which she knew had to be soft and delicate) on her waist and down her back? Why should she not think about Montana’s soft lips moving against her own, a few strands of her bleached hair (which definitely had lost it softness due to excessive over bleaching) brushing up against her face accidentally?
That was a rhetorical question; because she knew exactly why she avoided those type of thoughts on a normal day to day basis. Not because it would make things awkward between them but because it was beyond fucking painful to imagine scenarios that would never happen.. Never.
The smell of the fire and the sounds of the wood crackling, which was far too dry and poorly stacked (neither Xavier, Chet or Ray could build a proper fire to save their life), helped bring Brooke out of her thoughts and bit more into reality. So did the gentle sway of the tree branches which she could see in her peripheral vision, since they were right on the cusp of a forest that cut off to a beach. Ocean waves which slowly dragged across the sand were also soothing to listen too, albeit distant over the sound of Brookes friends screaming and laughing and being heavily intoxicated over what was more than just alcohol and weed.
Brooke reached down and swiftly grabbed the beer can which was previously lodged upright in the sand. Lifting the can up to her lips and cringing and unconsciously tensing up as she swallowed until the can was nearly weightless - wiping her mouth with the back of her hand just to see-
“Montana?!” Brooke nearly yelled. Both alcohol and temporary shock making her speak way louder than what was realistically needed.
Montana, who was previously standing several feet away with the boys was suddenly seated right next to Brooke on the log with no warning. Probably having moved over while Brooke was poorly chugging the alcohol she hated.. but she couldn’t help but to notice that their thighs (as well as basically their entire sides) were touching as she tried to wipe the alcohol that had embarrassingly dripped down her front in a frenzy.
Chet and Xavier looked back at them from a few feet away as they smoked what Brooke knew had to be a joint. Briefly laughing and giving the pair of women an amused glance before turning around and immersing themselves in whatever conversation they were previously having.
Brooke sheepishly met Montana’s gaze, feeling her cheeks grow nearly unbearably hot at the awareness that she was now being watched.. studied almost.
“Sorry,” Brooke added with a giggle.
Montana responded with a slight upturn of her lips; amused with Brookes actions not because she found it necessarily funny or pitiful, but for the sole reason that.. it was cute and endearing that Brooke couldn’t really hold her alcohol for shit.
It made her unique and different from everyone else Montana acquainted herself with. People that Montana had to basically learn to keep up with.. but Brooke on the other hand was different.. She was a breath of fresh air, and that’s why Montana assumed she was so attracted to her (besides her looks, of course).
Montana tried her best to ignore and not be bothered by the fact that Brooke was wasting perfectly good alcohol by wiping it off herself (alcohol that Montana wouldn’t necessarily mind licking off Brookes lips.. or her neck, or really anywhere else off of her). Instead focusing on how suffocated she felt here.
It wasn’t necessarily anyone’s fault. After all; she loved Chet, Xavier and Ray dearly but.. they were also undoubtedly preventing anything from happening between her and Brooke.. and that needed to change.
Montana huffed. Her deep brown eyes quickly flickering at the flame and then Brooke before speaking.
“Im bored,” she announced. Suddenly standing up and not letting her eyes break the gaze she suddenly held with Brooke.
Brooke responded with a simple hum. Her jaw quickly dropping once she noticed that Montana’s bright red nails quickly darted down under her own shirt. Hooking the material under her fingertips before quickly raising the shirt up and over her head. Throwing it back somewhere behind the log Brooke still sat on.. somewhere where Brooke was almost certain Montana wouldn’t be able to locate later.. which was probably done on purpose.
Brookes jaw still stayed ajar when she saw Montana’s hands automatically fly down to the small jean shorts she was wearing. She could do nothing but watch as she saw the button unhook- wait.. what exactly was happening?
“Montana, what are you doing?” Brooke asked with a laugh.
Brooke tried her best to fight the urge to look at her friend who was now well.. in her bra and underwear, out of what she was trying to convince herself was respect, but it wasn’t working. She knew for a fact her cheeks had to burnt bright fucking red; she tried to laugh off the feeling but Montana still stared.. her smile slowly growing wider until sudden laughter momentarily broke the tension again.
Brooke and Montana both looked behind them just to find the boys laughing and whooping as well at Montana’s sudden lack of clothes.
Brooke smiled back at them but it only lasted a second before she found herself overtaken with a emotion she never really felt around Montana before.. was it jealousy?
Just the sight of them staring at Montana (who obviously didn’t give a fuck, or was thriving off the attention more than anything) was enough to make Brooke stand up.
“Go swimming with me?” Brooke suddenly proposed. More than certain that her sudden impulsivity was coming from the alcohol more than anything.. it had to be, right?
Brooke looked Montana in the eyes again as she watched the other woman’s expression suddenly change at her words; looking utterly shocked and.. maybe a bit thrilled.
“You want to go swimming?” Montana nearly sneered, her tone reeked off utter disbelief, “and what are you gonna wear?”
Brooke laughed at what the other woman was implying. Her dark brown eyes slipped down to admire the rest of Montana’s body that she dared not to look at previously. Only looking for a second at the matching cherry red set that Montana wore. A bra which was most definitely too tight and cut a bit small, along with a thong with sat a bit high on her hips which only accentuated her figure even further.
She didn’t have time to think; her eyes darting back up to meet Montana’s which she knew were watching her.
“I’m not going naked-“
“You don’t have too. It’s not like their gonna see us anyway once we get away from the fire. Here.”
They both spoke in hushed whispers. Weirdly paranoid that maybe the boys would overhear and wanna join which- was something they both clearly didn’t want, although unspoken.
The distance between them was minimal enough due to alcohol (and other substances in Montana’s case) running high in their systems. Making personal space something that was now nonexistent.
Montana extended her hand out to Brooke to take. She quickly grabbed her hand, hoping desperately it wasn’t sweaty from how close they were to the fire and also.. just from the situation she was bound to find herself in. But due to Montana’s reaction (or lack thereof) she knew she had nothing to worry about.. sweaty palms or not, she knew Montana wouldn’t judge her. No matter how insane the circumstance; Brooke always felt safe around Montana. That’s why she supposed she was currently following her into the pitch black - her vision getting more and more sparse as they walked away from the fire and into some nearby trees that framed the beach..
“Are you sure they can’t see me?” Brooke asked, trying her best to look through the trees and see if any of her friends happened to be looking but - she couldn’t really make out anything besides the subtle outline of her surroundings which included Montana.
“They can’t see you. Relax,” Montana said with a giggle. “Now do I need to help you undress? Your taking forever and I’m hot- and it’s not like I haven’t seen you wearing less-“
Brooke tried her best to look offended and shocked by her reference to how they met. She knew that normally with nothing in her system she would’ve easily sidestepped Montana’s ruthless flirting but.. something felt different about tonight. After all; why should she keep trying so hard to resist something they both felt? And it wasn’t like anyone could see them anyway..
Brooke quickly turned her head to where she knew Montana was and stepped closer until they were barely a foot apart. Her feet nearly stumbled on Montana’s from the proximity; biting her lip to prevent herself from stupidly giggling once she felt hot breath on her cheek.
She grabbed Montana’s hands which first held hers back limply but briefly held hers tighter before Brooke directed her hands on her shirt.
“Take it off,” Brooke uttered. Her voice barely audible but not quite loud enough to be discerned as a whisper.
Montana didn’t hesitate as she quickly took Brookes shirt off, barely feeling the soft fabric against her fingertips before she quickly threw it behind them into the forest. Montana didn’t wait for Brooke to say anything before her fingers were quickly undoing the button and the zipper of her jean shorts which were only thrown somewhere in the forest as well (hopefully near her shirt.. Brooke could only hope).
Brooke tried her best to not look bothered by her sudden lack of clothes but she also knew that was purely idiotic since they were in the pitch black.
Nevertheless she looked down at herself, trying to discern whether her figure was actually visible or not but Montana grabbed her hand again. Making her gaze snap upward as she led her out. She knew they were going out to the water now; the sand under her feet and the fire now visible from a distance as they continued to go out. The sand becoming more grainy and nearly painful to step on as they got closer to the water.
Brooke quickly looked over her shoulder before she took the first step in - still holding onto Montana’s hand. She quickly glanced to see if any of the men they had came with were watching but surely enough they were still talking and laughing as if they didn’t even notice they had gone missing.. and they probably hadn’t given how fucked up they were.
She continued to hold onto Montana’s hand as she went further and further into the water; not phased by the sudden coolness she felt as the water wrapped around her legs.. submerging her further and further until they both finally stopped. The water lapping around Brookes waist, and well, nearly Montana’s chest since she was a few inches shorter than Brooke.
The water seemed to be a perfect temperature despite them being at the ocean; and the rocks had since disappeared under their feet and changed back into soft sand which also made the current situation a bit more enjoyable.
Brooke tilted her head back a bit, worried momentarily that her hair might get wet but it was worth it. It was absolutely breathtaking.
The night sky which previously looked completely black and void of any light whatsoever was now painted with what looked to be a million stars.
“Do you see this?” Brooke asked.
“What, the stars?” Montana answered, her voice holding a bit of amusement to it and almost as if she was trying to hold back a laugh.
“Yeah,” Brooke affirmed with a nod. Still keeping her gaze fixated to the night sky.
“What about them?” Montana asked.
The water rippled a bit as Montana started to a take a few steps closer towards Brooke, dissatisfied at the distance between them.
“Nothing. I just- it’s beautiful. I never do things like this,” Brooke responded, tilting her head down to make eye contact with Montana as she finished her sentence.
Montana smirked.
“Never?” She asked with a laugh. “C'mon. I’m not wet enough, let’s go deeper.”
Before Brooke could protest, Montana grabbed both of her hands and pulled her deeper in the water.
“But I didn’t bring a towel!”
“Your not gonna need one. We can warm up by the fire, remember?”
They continued to keep wading until the water almost spilled over Montana’s shoulders. The water barely touching Brookes collarbones but getting some of her hair wet regardless.
She hesitantly let go of the other woman’s hand in the water, intent on using her hand to help her gain balance since a few rocks were still on the ocean ground but - the exact opposite happened.
Brooke didn’t even have time to gasp or scream before her left foot quickly slid on a random rock that just.. of course.. had to fucking be there. Her hands quickly landed on Montana’s shoulders; the rest of her body accidentally falling into the other woman’s but she only felt Montana’s hands suddenly grab gently at her back. Holding her in place against her body.
Brookes eyes instinctively closed shut but when she slowly opened them and reluctantly lifted her head higher up (silently cursing herself for accidentally getting her hair almost entirely wet now) she noticed.. how close they were to each other.
Her nose was only centimeters away from Montana's shoulder.. which meant-
“Are you okay?” Montana asked softly, speaking unintentionally right next to her ear which made a shiver run up Brookes spine.
“Mhm,” Brooke responded.
She rose her head up further - her vision fully black now due to closing her eyes so tightly and being disoriented from slipping, but she knew from hearing Montana’s voice that she had to be close. Very close.
Moving her head a bit to the left.. almost microscopically, not wanting whatever ‘this’ was to necessarily be clumsy but she knew she didn’t necessarily have a choice in the dark.
“What are you doing?” Montana continued to whisper.
Brooke couldn’t help but to smile and let out a giggle that made her sound far more drunk than she actually was. She knew exactly where Montana’s lips were now due to her speaking. Thank god.
“You’ll see.”
Brooke leaned in slowly. Briefly bumping noses before catching Montana’s lips with her own. The feeling so heavenly and overdue - not enough but simultaneously far too much to take in all at once.
The taste of dull, gut wrenching beer started to flood her mouth. It was all that Montana basically tasted like.. that and a bit like smoke but Brooke didn’t mind. If anything it made the feelings of infatuation temporarily stronger. Brookes nails started to pierce the other woman’s back; wanting nothing more than to just have.. more. More of Montana; her taste, her hands, her touch.. the feeling was both pathetic but impossible to fight any longer.
The mere thought that this was something she was previously holding herself back from having was almost laughable but- that would be something to think about for another time.
Montana’s lips softly broke from hers.
“Eager.. aren’t you?” She teased.
Brookes eyes still refused to adjust but she knew Montana had to be grinning.
“Sorry.. I just-“
“Don’t be sorry. You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that,” Montana said lowly.
Montana suddenly leaned in with no warning. Her hands softly grabbed Brookes shoulders; leaning in to pull her bottom lip with her teeth.
After she let go, the feeling to kiss her again was strong but.. she thought of something better. The thrill of the chase was something Brooke always enjoyed, after all.
Brooke took a few steps back suddenly before quickly heading for the shore. Not really going that fast at all due to the resistance of the water pushing up against her legs but she laughed regardless.
She could hear Montana laughing and calling her a jerk in the distance but it was all just noise at this point. Her voice, the water rushing, the fire and their friends (which grew gradually louder as she approached) all started to sound the same.
Maybe the alcohol was finally kicking in.
Even though Brooke definitely felt tipsy, she still felt nervous the closer she got from being fully submerged out of the water. Maybe it was due to the fact she wasn’t certain what was going to happen at the fire, or if their friends had even heard anything but she knew atleast now she would have Montana. Exactly how she had Montana was something to be determined later, but as she finally stepped out and away from the nearly black ocean waves and ran up to the fire to go wait for Montana - she was comforted by the thought that things would now never be the same and forever would be different between the two of them.
Which had to be a good thing; right?
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illusionlockarchive · 4 years
romeos huge rant on comedy, horror, and how they interlap
ok, so. full disclosure, what got me to make this post was this joke post right here.
so the initial premise is funny, haha okay. yeah. oh youre a kid and your punishment at school is that you have to stay at a room full of wasps. its funny because its absurd. it couldnt happen irl. youd think it wouldnt happen irl. youd hope so.
the thing about comedy and horror though? is that they actually operate on very similar concepts.
and that is, the absurd. the uncanny valley. what youre expecting the least. what youre not seeing and not registering. jumpscares are effective if at least to get you to jump, even if they are cheap. meanwhile, jokes where they completely twist your expectations to get you to laugh do the same thing.
it may be hard for you to believe me, but in the end, the bad ending of tattletail is the other side of the same coin as a joke that goes “i swallowed a tablet with some water. everyone on the apple store was terrified of me.”
i have not read the wasp story, but i can guaranteee you, i CAN imagine it being scary, if the right tones are used and suspense is built up nicely. with the right twists and turns, knowing when to keep things quiet and when to blow things out of proportion.
OR it can end up being unintentionally hilarious, if the characters in it are way too cliche to be real and feel more like caricatures of teachers and students, if things are rushed and details lose their meaning and value, if we are just to focus on being an audience watching a kid get chased around by a swarm of wasps, instead of putting ourselves in their place.
im neglecting to mention something though. horror is not the TRUE other side of the coin to comedy. no, thats tragedy. and im sure many more people have heard of that. the two masks used in theater, one happy, the other sad.
and now we come to two very interesting modifiers. im sure youve heard of the term ‘horror comedy’ to refer to a subgenre of horror that does have jokes and silly things still happening, and may not take itself all that seriously. but why is it a specified subgenre? because MOST horror is tragedy.
this is why, despite liking many horror games or even stories, in the end i still dont consider myself someone who actually likes horror as a general genre. most horror focuses on the seriousness of the faults of humans, on our fragility, on all we can lose or are even bound to lose, on the fear that what we feel so confident about having close to us can be snatched away in a second, that our sense of reality can crumble. most horror? doesnt end well.
comedies in general tend to focus on the absurdity of life, on how many silly, strange, or even uncanny situations can happen that can challenge us, but not in a harsh way, but in a way that, despite so many bad things happening, we still get to point and laugh it off and be okay at the end of the day.
literally, all it takes for a tragedy to become a comedy, and vice versa, is a tonal shift. when i told of my idea to create this post to my boyfriend, he backed me up, and told me “the difference between horror and comedy is in the soundtrack and silly sound effects”. hes right.
of course, there are things that you should have the decency to not laugh at, still. to keep your mouth shut and know when to reject. but good comedy knows how to stray away from that, and good tragedy knows how to handle it respectfully without making it torture porn.
so, as horror hinges on tragedy, on the fear that we all know we must face in our lives, because a scream is as natural as laughter, so horror comedies are born as an interesting paradox.
a year or so ago, i got the opportunity to watch the banana splits syfy movie. i was a huge fan of the banana splits as a kid, and would often watch their reruns. those silly furries meant a lot to me. but im not stupid, i know thats a horror movie, i went in kinda knowing what to expect.
it was a gore fest, and for about two or three nights i had trouble getting to sleep. i wasnt actually scared of my childhood friends in animal costumes, as i knew how absurd and irrational my fear was, but just the images of the massacre being fresh in my mind were enough to send me into a panic if i lingered for too long, which can happen, you know, when youre about to sleep.
i think a scene that perfectly blurs the lines between comedy and tragedy, as well as just plain horror in it, is the scene where a man gets killed by being put in a magicians box and sliced in half as a ‘magic trick’ by fleegle, the dog. as he pleads for his life, and his soon to be wife watches in horror and pleads for the robot dog to stop (yeah theyre robots in this, weird), fleegle continues to slice him in half and blood spurts out, until he is dead, and fleegle just happily and proudly showcases what he has done, as if he just did a real magic trick.
watching that was horrifying, of course it was. but at the same time, it was what i wanted and expected when i thought about “banana splits horror movie”. fleegle just did something completely absurd and entirely uncalled for. and what doubles the uncaniness of it is that it was supposed to be something harmless, a magic trick. think about this if it was in an adult swim cartoon. the same thing could still happen, but be treated as just a weird, gross joke. fleegle could even swear, say ‘heres your fucking magic trick damnit! oh you dont like it, well i quit!’ n then throw his hat on the ground and step on it.
they are essentially the same scene, but the cartoon version of it is presented in a way that shows full on just how absurd and unexpected it is, without any seriousness to it, probably without any moody music to accompany it. meanwhile the movie one focuses on the fear, grief, and horror of putting us in the shoes of a woman who just watched the man she loved be killed, with the shots being extra impactful.
in the end, the banana splits syfy movie is a horror comedy though, because most of the movie is spent finding the most creative, absurd, borderline funny ways for people to be killed off. as you watch it along, you dont know whether to laugh at the weirdness and absurdity of the events or to genuinely feel grief and fear over the bodies piling up.
i could also just go over a million other examples available to me right now. in fact, as of the time im writing this, i have the latest vinesauce corruption stream pulled on youtube. during corruptions, the most bizarre and absurd things happen, and often times, things get scary. we see the video game characters we love be deformed and twisted in ways that you can only imagine hurt, but they still act as if thats normal! so you cant help but laugh.
earlier today, i watched a gameplay video of bonbon. its a short horror game, with a very... different antagonist. i wont spoil much, because, i dont want to deter people from buying it. but i will say, there is a reveal at the end, which slaps you in the face with the realization that you have been played for a fool all along, and the developers would probably laughing at you if they saw you after youve beat the game. its a joke, and the fear that they cultivated so lovingly, is the punchline. your fear becomes a punchline. to me thats one of the highest forms of blurring horror and comedy, and one i prefer to some more gory and harsh attempts.
and i mean, i have to mention fnaf here, dont i? its a great example too, particularly because, if you look at the games by themselves, they generally take themselves pretty seriously as horror stories, minus a few odd cases or references. but they just have enough wiggle room that, if you look at them from afar, as an audience, you can take these characters youre supposed to be afraid of, and have fun with them, because it is pretty damn absurd, and even funny at the end of the day, that youre expected to be afraid of essentially big, robotic childrens toys. and thats when many fun, fan renditions that focus on lighthearted situations pop up. vanny herself is pretty funny even! the idea of a person who dresses up in a full fursuit to do crimes is pretty hilarious.
all in all, i think i just really appreciate how horror and comedy can converse with each other and how that says something about how we, as humans, are easily made impressed, made to be surprised and shocked, to jump or to laugh. and we are always looking for that thrill, it just depends on if youre looking for laughs or screams.
so yeah, maybe ‘wasp room’ can be a pretty good story. is it a horror story or a comedy? we wont know until we read it. (also if you made it to the end reading this holy shit i love you , i fully recognize i talked way too much)
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choayoanbaek6104 · 4 years
steal my jacket (and my heart while your at it)
“Sharing is caring, now give me the hoodie!”
“Have you seen my jacket?” “Nooo.” “You’re wearing it, aren’t you?”
music producer!chanyeol and idol!baekhyun
[TRENDING] CBX’s baekhyun spotted for the 4th time this month in VETEMENTS’ red parka jacket
fans once again caught the brunette donning the oversized outerwear at haneda airport. CBX will be performing at tokyo dome later this week in as part of their MAGICAL CIRCUS world tour. baekhyun has been seen wearing oversized hoodies and jackets frequently during the tour.
(+156,-12) oH mY GOd, i swear bbh looks so small in that jacket,,,,, is it even his??? why didn’t he buy it in his size 
(+1992,-456) ive literally seen producer loey wear this jacket multiple times when he did his DJ gigs at cherryblossom club a few months ago. 
(+145,-1006) ugH, literally cant style himself for shit…. 
“baek! why are you wearing that again,” xiumin sighed as he eyed the shorter’s outfit in the van towards the concert venue. in all honesty, the members could not grasp the new fashion concept baekhyun was venturing into. all the clothes the brunette wore recently were oversized, and definitely not his style. 
“it’s chanyeol’s…” baekhyun mumbled. 
“i get that you miss your man but you do know he’s like huge? and your like…” jongdae paused to think of the nicest possible way to finish is sentece, “barely at his chin.”
“you’re way too small and short for his things, baek.” junmyeon chimed in. their manager had been doing his best to convince baekhyun to dress in more fitting outfits that didn’t make him look like a child. but baekhyun, being miles away from chanyeol for such an extended period of time, refused to wear anything that wasnt own by the taller. 
baekhyun was in a rush to leave for tokyo 2 days prior and in his haste, couldn’t find a more fitting jacket that chanyeol owned. the taller obviously knew of baekhyun’s mischievous acts but pretended not to pay attention to it. in fact, he found it endearing that baekhyun always insisted on taking a piece of clothing from chanyeol’s wardrobe as a way for the smaller to cope with how much he missed his man. 
putting on his earphones, baekhyun sighed as he tried to drown out their complains. just as he was drifting off to sleep, his phone vibrated in his hands. 
“hey yeol, what’s up?” he answered.
“baek, have you seen my jacket? its the red vetements one you wore a few days ago. did you leave it in your dorm?” chanyeol enquired. he was looking frantically around for said item and baekhyun could tell from the soft rumbling in the background. 
“erm…” baekhyun felt bad, “noooo, not really?” he tried his best to sound convincing but the taller new the brunette too well. 
“you’re wearing it, aren’t you?” chanyeol deadpanned. “you could have just told me. i was worried i lost it or something.”
“i’m sorry are you mad?” baekhyun said softly, feeling slightly guitly for stealing chanyeol’s favourite winter jacket once again. “i promise to return it the moment i come back. i won’t borrow it again!” he continued. 
chanyeol knew the brunette missed him a lot and quite frankly, he didn’t mind baekhyun wearing his clothes more often these days. seeing how big his clothes looked on baekhyun through the photos posted on tabloids and fansites made chanyeol’s heart swell. and being lowkey possessive, chanyeol always saw it as a way to show the world that this man was his. (but only he and a few others knew that, of course)
“baby, i’m not mad” replied softly, not wanting the smaller to feel guilty, “you can wear at as much as you’d like.”
“thanks yeol, your the best!” baekhyun chirped. “i got to go, talk to you soon, giant.”
after two successful concerts in tokyo, baekhyun finally returned to seoul. junmyeon, out of kindness, gave the cbx members a day off to relax. it was indeed a luxury for the idol to be able to sit around all day and do nothing. more importantly, it was a luxury to be able to spend that entire day with chanyeol. 
after spending the whole day watching music shows and reality tv on the new television set baekhyun gifted chanyeol, the two decided to forgo dinner and laze around on the taller’s bed while admiring the sunset. “if only everyday could be like this…” baekhyun thought. chanyeol’s movements shook baekhyun out of his daydream. he turned around to see that his boyfriend was holding a paperbag towards him. (cuz plastic is bad for the environment, kids)
“here,” chanyeol smiled sheepishly, “i picked out a few jackets that i cant wear anymore. these will definitely fit you better plus, they smell like me. it’s a win-win for both of us!” he explained excitedly.
baekhyun’s heart swelled at the thoughtfulness of his man. he lift himself off the bed to give the taller a peck on the lips. “i love you, baby” baekhyun said, as he accepted the paperbag filled with jackets and a few tshirts.
“you also dont have to worry about xiumin and jongdae complaining about your fashion sense anymore,” chanyeol chuckled as they snuggled into the comforters. 
“this won’t stop me from stealing your other jackets though,” baekhyun said. 
“it’s alright, what’s mine is your’s.” chanyeol said, eyes closed and ready to sleep. he kissed baekhyun on his forehead, “goodnight, shorty.”
“night, giant.” 
2 weeks later
chanyeol just got back from LA spotting the new supreme x lv hoodie. he was a hundred percent sure baekhyun was going to steal it so he purposely hid it from the smaller. knowing how much baekhyun loved supreme, there was a slim chance of chanyeol ever seeing the hoodie again if he lent it to him. 
“sharing is caring,” baekhyun whined, “now lend me that hoodie!!!” 
although chanyeol did not want to give in to his boyfriend’s request, he could not resist the smaller’s pleas, which was (un)fortunately followed by a lot of kissing and teasing. to be honest, even chanyeol thought the smaller looked better in the oversized red hoodie than him. 
“goodbye red one, it was fun while it lasted,” chanyeol said pitifully to the jacket donning the shorter as he dropped baekhyun off at cbx’s dorm. 
“ugh, don’t be dramatic, babe,” baekhyun rolled his eyes before leaning in for a kiss, “i’ll return it to you, i promise.” 
chanyeol knew better. “it’s never coming back…” 
[TRENDING] supreme x lv red hoodie sold out hours after fans spotted CBX’s baekhyun wearing it to STUDIO NNG
the luxurious red jacket looked slightly oversized for the baekhyun but the brunette still managed to pull of the look. fans all over the world are rushed to buy the limited edition piece causing louis vuitton’s online store to crash in 6 countries. 
(+1556, -200) ahhhh, i guess baekhyun is embracing this oversized clothes fashion with open arms.
(+61, -4) he’s going to wear this at least 20 times
(+7002, -300) that’s it, i swear loey wore this a week ago coming back from LA music festival.......................
haha, i chose this prompt today because i was looking for clothes for my chanyeol doll......... its so difficult to find stuff that resembles chanyeol’s outfits:(( anyway enjoy another edition to my MPchan and IDOLbaek AU.
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teacherimagines · 4 years
My Tc Diary
Hey y’all. This is my tc diary from 2018 and I decided to post this now in 2020 since I don’t think my identity will be revealed from anyone I know possibly reading this. It was sooooo weird rereading this, seeing what my thought process used to be, and the silly things I thought were important. So much has changed in my life since this phase of my life, but I hope you enjoy!
M/N stands for my name. I am not gender specific in the anecdotes. I am bisexual, and I talk about having three different tcs in here. I just use they/them to talk about them. And when I refer to ‘my tc’ I am talking about my first tc (the one I am crushing on the most). The other two I only talk about in one divided section for each.
*ONE FINAL VERY IMPORTANT NOTE* My teacher crushes were always professional when I was around them, they did absolutely nothing to suggest that they liked me as anything more than just a student. I started writing this because I was crushing on them badly, and I needed a way that I could share the times I was around them that made me happy. I hold a very high respect for my teachers, and I am so grateful that I got to have them in class. I never did/would never try to do anything that would harm/intrude on their careers, relationships, happiness, and personal lives. My relationships with teachers are the way they should be, the fact that I was crushing on them did not get in the way of that.
My Masterlist
I was walking out of school today, and my tc was walking behind me. I heard footsteps but I didn’t know it was them! Anyway I walked out the door, and held the door for them, and they thanked me. Their ‘thank you’ sounded so genuine and nice, I nearly had a heart attack.
I had my first class with my tc at the beginning of the semester. During the first week of class my tc had to shout out names for attendance because they didn’t know everyone yet. But they knew me. They never said my name during attendance. It just felt good, to have them remember me after meeting them only a couple of times before. Especially because I’m crushing on them super hard.
My tc got really excited today in class omg. We are doing a project and we get to pick our topics. So my tc comes up to me like “What is your topic?” And then I told them, my tc got so excited. Their eyes widened a little, and they went into this little rant about how fascinating my topic was. I like to see them being so passionate about something.
Someone in my class has a pet snail, and they keep it in a jar and bring it to school. So they go and ask my tc if they want to hold the snail. My tc (seriously) asks ‘does it bite?’ I WAS LIKE ARE YOU FOR REAL RN? I think it was cute because it was such a little snail.
My tc helped me write an essay today. They were super helpful, like, I was stuggling so bad, and they just helped me without making me feel like a complete idiot :)
OKAY IM SORRY OKAY TEMPTATIONS. I watched my tc put on chapstick today. Trust me, I wouldn’t watch it if they were looking directly at me. They were just staring off into space. *Note from future, I watch them do this quite often lol.
My tc said “good morning, M/N.” today! I said good morning back and was really happy. My tc also made a lot of eye contact with me today :o
I walk into my classroom today, and there were only two other students sitting at the desks. The class has about twenty students in it, and the bell was about to ring. One of the people in the room says “ooh, there’s a third one.” as I walk in. And my tc laughed and smiled and looked at me.
My tc was passing back papers and their arm accidentally bumped mine. Lol I’m dying inside.
When my tc lectures, they are very active with and linger their eye contact with every student. And I mean like that’s a good thing, but it makes me nervous when they look at me lol. OKAY BUT LIKE EYE CONTACT IS NOT OKAY. It is okay. But it makes me not okay. Especially when I’m trying to concentrate on the lesson, I just keep thinking back to five minutes ago when their eyes met mine and I felt all gooey in my tummy.
Got a paper back and on the top it said ‘good work M/N!’ in my tc’s handwriting. Felt good lol. I literally stared at my name written in their handwriting for like ten minutes. I need to stop. *not from future- I kept ALL of the papers from their class.
My tc will always ask the class something opinionated, and they will always make sure that everyone answers the question. And if it is regarding something that has to do with us being comfortable (ex: someone making a joke that is slightly controversial), they just make sure that everyone is really okay, no bs. OMG I FOUND A TEACHER WHO ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT THEIR STUDENTS WELL BEINGS. And I may or may not have a massively obvious crush on them.
I saw someone (a student) flirting with my tc today. This person is a MAJOR flirt. I know that they would never actually date my tc so I am not really worried about it. But they interrupt class a lot and flirt with them. IT IS SO OBVIOUS OMG.
I was walking in the hall today, and I saw my tc. They looked at me really quickly but as they walked closer they just stared at the floor lol. They do that a lot. Also, on another day, I was standing in the hall talking with my friend and my tc walked passed us. I know they looked at me- even if it was only for a second- I could feel it.
How can someone be so alert, friendly, and attractive at the beginning of the school day?
Today I was sitting doing my work and my tc comes over to my desk. They ask me how I am doing on the assignment and I said I’m doing okay. They stand by my desk, looking at my paper for what felt like a minute. I felt so awkward so I looked up at them with a face that said ‘need something’? Then they nodded and walked away. Like okayyyyyyy I’m not okay.
Every damn time I say ‘thank you’ to my tc they say ‘of course ‘my name.’ AND I AM LITERALLY MELTING RN MELTING
My tc learned a few fun facts about me today! Also, almost no one in my class believes in sasquatches (even me), but my tc does. And they got so frustrated because they said that sasquatches are ���tangible’. Plus, they asked me where I see myself in ten years and I said I have no clue, and they were like ‘okay so you have like what, two years left to figure the rest of your life out?’ THANKS TC THANKS A LOT
My tc asked me if I had anything to share with the class today, and I said no lol. They asked another student and they said no too. Lol. Then my tc said ‘I shouldn’t let you all say no to me.’ Haha I’m dead.
I saw my tc with their significant other today. I feel really sad, and I really do care about my tc’s happiness, it just makes me sad that I can’t be that kind of special to them.
I saw my tc run today. I feel so blessed.
My tc said I did really good on writing my essays, and thanked me for handing them in. also—MY TC SMILED AT ME TODAY AND THEY ARE SO CUTE AND THEIR SMILE IS SO CUTE IMMMM DEADDDDD. Their smile was literally like this :)) They don’t usually smile at me, Idk why, but like I am also wondering what put them in such a good mood.
My tc gave me a letter today. At first I was like- woah?. Then they told me it was an invitation (from another teacher) for taking a AP course in their subject next school year. I was like ‘ah thank you’ but inside I was screeching (THE LETTER WASNT EVEN PERSONALLY FROM THEM WHY AM I FREAKING OUT??). Even though they won’t be teaching the course (they are moving schools), I want to make them remember me as someone who wants to excel in their subject (so I will take the course, plus I was planning on it already with my guidance counselor). Also, this means that they had a conversation with another teacher about me. So they probably thought of me recommended for me to take AP? This makes me happyyyy :)
So today my tc asked me if I read the letter they gave me. I said yes. They asked if I signed up for AP and I said yes. They got so happy omg- I was like trying to be chill (so were they). They said “that is so good ‘M/N’, you would make a really good fit in that class.” Then they kept smiling at me- I couldn’t concentrate! IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY THAT MY HARD WORK IS STARTING TO PAY OFF, AND MY TC IS RECOGNIZING THAT.
My tc gave my class a free work period and I was caught up on my work. Usually every night I try to read at least one news article before I go to bed, so I stay up to date on things (ya know, like nerds do). I didn’t get to read last night so I read some news in class. My tc comes over to see what I am doing and asks me “M/N, are you reading the news?” I nodded. Then they said “that is a very good use of your time.” Lol I wasn’t even doing the work they assigned. Then they come over later in class and ask me if I read from The Atlantic. I told them no, and they were like “I think you’d like them, they have very in depth articles. There’s this one a teacher showed me this morning about Donald Trump, and how he won the election, it was really good. You can let me know later if you’re interested in reading it.” I was like OKAY with a big splash of happiness. I want to read the article they suggested, but I was like hesitant to ask them for it, so I am just going to try and find it on my own lol. *NOTE from future, I read this website a lot now because it makes me think of them and it’s like, what if they read this article too?
I saw my tc in the hallway this morning and they said “good morning M/N.” They were carrying a cup of coffee, and that’s when I got to see how they drink their coffee-with a lot of creamer.
OKAY WHAT IS GOING ON? There’s this other teacher I have. My friend says she likes them. I thought I didn’t like them that much, and I expressed that to her. BUT THEN they start giving me this eye contact, and joking during class. And one day they try helping me on an assignment and LITERALLY THEIR ARM WAS TOUCHING MINE. I didn’t want to be rude and move it, and THEY JUST LEFT IT THERE. I have little physical contact with humans- I’m weird like that- I don’t usually like it when people touch me, there’s really no reason for it besides it is what it is. But I was fine in this situation. They also make a lot of conversation with me. Then I saw them in the library and they looked at me and smiled- they are gorgeous. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO THINK ABOUT LIFE ANYMORE. I thought I was only crushing on my original tc, but that’s changing now?¿ I think I take simple situations and go crazy with them, but STILL. So much more has happened between me and this teacher than me and my tc, but I still like my first tc more. ALSO, they bite their lip when they are concentrating on something difficult- I am swooning. *NOTE- I had a dream (rated R) about this teacher. WHATWHATWHAT? Today, I walked passed this tc and it LITERALLY felt like slow motion- and they kept eye contact with me as they walked by.
I’m hormonal. There’s this other tc I might have now. They are a different gender than my other two tcs. I like them a lot and I had them in a class before but I never thought of them like this. I realized that I have a lil crush on them today when I passed them in the hall and had some small talk. I thought wow, they’re a good person, they teach really good, they just talked to me like a normal person, and they’re attractive. MY BRAIN IS EXPLODING I HAVE LIKE THREE TCS NOW AND NO ONE IN MY LIFE KNOWS?
Today was my last day with my tc :(( it was kind of bittersweet though. They never really gave anyone a formal goodbye, but we did have a good conversation (which is the longest one I have ever had with them). I was on the computer doing a research project for a vacation to Italy. I was exploring around on google maps and they come over and ask me ‘where are you looking at?’ And I say Venice. So I zoom out and show them Italy from a map view, they talked about Italy, and just Europe in general. I then told them that I have been to Paris and London before, and they thought it was cool. Then they told me about their significant other who has traveled to London for a semester at college. Then they told me about their dream vacation to southern France, to see the lilac fields. They said ‘That would be my picturesque vacation.’ I WAS LIKE AWWWW (internally lol). I like flowers a lot, and I am pretty sure my tc knows that bc I wear clothes that have flower print, my backpack and pencil case is flower print too. And now that they told me that they like flowers too- I am just so happy! I have a lot in common with this tc, and it saddens me that this was our last interaction :((
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sadwsocc · 5 years
Lost & found [Akaashi x reader]
Word count: 2,351 words
Warning(S): angst but not really with a kinda fluff ending and bad writing (midnight me should really stop doing this)
A/n: i’m sad again haha (this was me two days ago) ok so I wrote like half and then continued only for it to BE DELETED. So I rewrote the lower half. All of these were written at like three different 2 ams. I was planning on posting it on Akaashis bday by i missed it ಥ_ಥ.
Ngl i forgot like half of what I wrote here
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Somewhere between having to study for your mid year exams and your club activities that you found yourself being rather depressed. Everything was going well from an outsiders view but to you, it felt so off. Even the slightest things that seemed off would make you feel so terribly annoyed. The fear of not being on par with your parents expectations of you and your grades and the creeping doubts and negativity in the back of your head was enough to make a stable person break. You were able to handle it of course,even if it was holding on to the very last fibre of the string that held your sanity.
You pushed it so far back that at some point you thought it might all be well, the pessimism in you somehow got flushed down and was out of your system. You were wrong. In fact you were quite very far off, the worries that you pushed back was in actuality slowly growing larger and larger as time progressed.
By the time you realised, it was already too late. Even though after everything went by smoothly, you have never felt so utterly lost before. You even forgot why you had chosen the club you were in— the girls volleyball club. Perhaps it was because you once had interest in it?
You started skipping practice, telling your teammates that you weren’t feeling well or that you had things to do back at home or errands to run but the truth was you lost the will to do anything. Every time you went home, all you would do was lie on your bed and stare blankly at your ceiling wondering about things for hours yet you could never recall what you were thinking about. You were so overrun by emptiness, you even started eating less, your appetite was slowly gone and your parents didn’t realise until your father asked if everyone wanted to go to dinner together at a new diner that had opened not too long ago.
Class wasnt any better, your grades wasn’t slipping but you sure as hell weren’t satisfied with it. You kept on comparing yourself to others in your class, belittling yourself. It didn’t make you feel any better but you couldn’t help it. Your mind was only filled with pessimism. You wanted to be alone.
It was any other school day, it was lunch and the class before that made you lose your apetite due to the fact that your teacher had to lecture everyone about how no one in your class —besides a few top students— was able to pass this terms history test. You, fortunately had passed but just barely. Just as the lunch bell rang, everyone went out. You waited until you were the very last one in class to take your leave but before you left the teacher gave you a glare that you had instantly understood, “that applies to you too, (y/n)-San.”
You gulped, nodding as you quickly left. God you hated your history teacher, as if you weren’t already feeling like you were a failure and that you weren’t smart enough, he made sure you knew that.
You decided to go up the rooftop for the first time since school started and sat alone on an empty bench as you pondered about how much days has it been since you had skipped practice. And in that dazed state, two males came walking by rather loudly (one was, the other was rather annoyed by the former male). Your train of thought was cut short when a guy with spiky black hair that was faded to white pointed at you with his eyes large and full with bewilderment.
“What aRE YOU DOING HERE?” his other hand that wasn’t pointing at you was hugging three sandwiches with his forearm and one half eaten sandwich that he was holding.
“Uh-...” and then you stared at the other guy that was standing next to him, “Akaashi-san?” You asked.
Akaashi, your classmate, simply replied with a hello and gave you a sorry look, probably because you had to interact with the guy he was standing next to.
“AKAASHI, yOU KNOW HER?” The still unknown male turned his head to Akaashi with a confused look.
“Yes, Bokuto-san. Shes my classmate, (l/n) (y/n)-San”
You stared at Bokuto and gave him a weak smile as you lifted your hands to wave at him. Realisation hit you that you were probably sitting at their seat so you promptly stood up and excused yourself. Only to be stopped by Bokuto telling you it was fine and that you could sit with the two of them. And so you did, awkwardly, in between the two of them.
“Are you not going to eat anything, (l/n)-San?” Akaashi finally spoke up. You had been staring at your knees for so long, when you finally looked up at Akaashi, you were delighted with half a sandwich he was offering to you. You took it with a confused look dawning on your face but you still thanked him. Akaashi took notice of your demeanour and simply said, “you kinda seemed hungry.”
“I do?” You asked, still holding up the half sandwich he gave you as you stared into his beautiful green eyes.
His what?
“Yes.” He replied. You averted your eyes as you finally took a bite out of the sandwich.
Suddenly, you felt terrible for eating half of your classmates’ lunch so you asked, “Won’t you be hungry too?” You felt awful. But the awfulness was soon washed away by Akaashi’s calm and reassuring smile.
“Hey, hey, hey. (Y/n)-chan, you’re really lucky, you know? Akaaaashi doesn’t even let me have a bite of his lunch. EVER.” Bokuto pouted, giving Akaashi quite a nasty look as he sulked.
Akaashi simply sighed, “how many times do I have to tell you this, Bokuto-San. You already have a lot of food, you don’t need mine too.”
You looked back and forth whenever one of them spoke as you quietly ate you sandwich. After their conversation, —which ended with Bokuto giving Akaashi a mini silent treatment and Akaashi giving Bokuto an annoyed face— your neck hurt. You honestly enjoyed talking to them (more or less). And when lunch ended, Bokuto sulked his way back to his class, leaving you with Akaashi to walk back to your own.
Since the two of you would be walking back to the same destination you had to endure what you thought might be another one of those awkward silence that always filled the air whenever you were forced to walk with someone you barely know. Much to your surprise, it was oddly comfortable. You didn’t hate it, it was somewhat a relieve for you. The only time the silence was broken was when you remembered that you had to thank him for half his sandwich and that you would be buying him another sandwich someday. Akaashi refused the sandwich but you still insisted on it.
In the end, it was resolved by you promising him that you’d repay him one way or another someday, to which he hesitantly accepted the offer. The way his eyes widen when you mentioned that you had to repay him made your world stop for a second, his eyes. Those were the only thing you were seeing in that split second, it was honestly mesmerising. You wanted to have that little moment encased forever for yourself. It was honestly such a weird thought for yourself but it felt right.
After that day, nothing much had changed. Your relationship with Akaashi barely progressed and you hadn’t gone up to the rooftop for lunch since the incident because you were picked out by your homeroom teacher to help her out with the upcoming school festival that would be held. Apparently you were chosen because as Ms Nakamura said, and you quote “thought you seem like you probably don’t have anything to do during lunch”. What she said honestly took a jab in your heart because of how accurate it was. You really did nothing most of the time.
The underlying pessimistic thoughts in you were still creeping at the back of your mind. Sometimes you would stop what you were doing and just stare blankly for a split second. One split second was enough to make you suddenly feel like everything was wrong and that it was going down in a spiral either ways.
What were you doing?
Those words seemed to keep repeating itself in your head even if you didn’t want it to. Whenever you stopped for a second on what you were doing or when you smiled kindly towards your classmates whenever you made eye contact. You were so lost. You didn’t get it. Everything familiar to you felt so foreign sometimes. It left you so confused, you somehow felt like you lost your way.
A week after the incident, you were still helping out with the festival. Ms Nakamura was absent that day, leaving a substitute in charge. You weren’t really good with others and the substitute seemed to pick at every little mistake you did and even the way you button up the collar of your shirt.
All you did was place one of the boxes on the wrong table and he started fuming, spitting things out like “Why cant you just do it correctly? What are you a toddler? Has your mother ever taught you how to listen to orders? You’re quite useless aren’t you?”
You’ve had it. That was quite your last straw. The very last fibre of the string that was holding you back from losing your composure. The bad days that piled up had finally started spilling. You couldn’t hold it in anymore.
With a shaky voice, you excused yourself from your duty and left. Tears pricked your eyes as you walked up the stairs towards the rooftop. When you finally reached, you went over to the very edge and put your hands on the rails. It was awful. You hated this feeling. You felt so alone and lost you needed a break.
You turned around and slid down against the floor. With your back against the rails and your arms hugging your knees, you let the long overdue tears escape from the faucets in your eyes. The tears that you had held back for so long had finally burst out and rolled down your cheeks, down to your chin, even the rails that you gripped tightly on and your shirt was stained with your tears. Every negative thoughts in your head were screaming at you all at once, you just wanted it to stop. You were so lost. Why was everything going south for you. What was the point in everything?
Your thoughts came to an abrupt pause when a familiar voice called out to you.
“(L/n), I finally found you.” It was the same calm and soothing voice you’d hear sometimes, it was your classmate, Akaashi.
You looked up from your knees, promptly making eye contact with him. You used your sleeve to wipe away the tears, trying to hide the fact that you were crying even though it was pretty obvious to anyone that you were.
Mustering up all your will, you finally spoke out. “Why were you looking for me, did- did the sub ask you to... A-and why aren’t you with your friend?”
Akaashi Inched closer to you and bent down so that he was at eye level with you. With a warm smile he said, “to answer your second question, Bokuto-San caught a cold...” there was a long pause and you were left wondering why he answered the second question first, your worst fears were starting to rise but before any of those thoughts could appear, he continued, “and as for the first... it was because you seemed so lost these days. And- you know I’m here for you, right?”
You stared at him as he stood up again, holding out his hand when he arose as to let you hold onto it and lift you up. You hesitantly accepted his offer and stood up.
“Its- it’s just that, I”ve been having such terrible days lately... a-and then our substitute kept on mumbling stuff about how useless and pathetic I was... and- and then I thought about how much I lost myself and... how I’m so lonely and pathetic I- I couldn’t do a-“ Before you could even finish your sentence, Akaashi pulled you into an embrace, promptly shutting you up. It was in a way a sign to tell you that you didn’t need to explain yourself and to let you know that it was fine if you just wanted to cry.
Your tears started to pour out again. Only this time it was on Akaashis chest, resulting in him having an odd tear stain on the middle of his chest. After what felt like forever, you decided to pull away from his hug, you suddenly felt a lot better yet you missed the warmth of his body against you.
You looked up from his chest and saw the same warm and kind smile he gave, it felt reassuring and you were glad he was there for you. He was kind enough to be your shoulder (it’s actually chest but shhh) to cry on and he always gave you the kindest, softest smiles that could always make you feel somewhat better.
The bell rang, signifying that lunch had ended. It was then realisation dawned on you that you had cried on Akaashi”s chest. You suddenly felt embarrassed, and felt that if you weren’t already red from crying, you would be red now. You took a step back and started to ramble on, “I- Akaashi, I- I’m so sorry I ruined your shirt, people might think that I suddenly hugged you or something andthatyourfangirlsthatyoudontknowaboutmightalsokillme and I still have to repay you for that time and now this-“ but you were never able to finish your sentence because of what came next.
“You can repay me by being my girlfriend”
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justmikerrss · 4 years
to all the boys that will *never* love me:
Dear christian, stephen, mikio, oscar, royce, pat, manny, derrick, mars, gill, rex, max, kevin, and nick -- whether y’all were a crush or someone i saw myself being in a relationship with get ready bc i’m going IN. I’m gonna use this time to rank these catastrophes from level 1 to level 5. level 1 being a crush yenno not so bad or scarring, and level 5 being sad machine playing while the world is burning to pieces like bish you left a MARK on my heart. if you know me i think you know who that person is hahaha
*alexa, please play truth hurts by lizzo*
christian - level 1. lol let’s take a trip down memory lane to my first crush ever!! my gosh i remember being so kilig over this boy in elementary school at st. leander lol it was so obvious. hahaha. your spikey hair and like goofy ass smile i don’t know i was such a sucker for that. the first filipino boy i ever crushed on waow <3 but then I left st. leander and never spoke to you again. you went to o’dowd, i went to sjnd and that was it really. you went to sfsu i went to usf. idk how we ever found each other on insta, but it is so cute to see posts of you and jasmine haha a USF don as well!! the last “convo” (i wouldn’t even call it that) was when i commented on your graduation post and you commented back thanking me and saying congrats too. so happy that your trillest brand is killing it and you know nothing about me anymore but what a great time it was to know you were my first crush ever lol. thanks for this <3
stephen - level 1. lol i left st. leander and moved to sjes and was like ok, who am i gonna crush on now?? hello stephen, my first white boi lol. i knew fosho that you thought i was weird in elementary school like there is a particular time where in church i sat next to you and during the our father you did not want to hold my hand LMAO and that’s when i knew. i stood from afar. touched your thumb for heads up 7 up HAHAHA gosh you were so out of my league and such an asshole tbh. you and nick, forever making fun of me for liking mikio lmfao hate y’all forever. you went to lmu and that was history. lmao you were so mean to me. but all well. you were like not a good person i think i just liked you because of your looks? lol hahaha
mikio - level 2.5. oh my god the epitome of my boy problems in high school lmfao fuck you. jk. but high school mika wouldn’t take that back. oh myyyyy what a FLIRT were you. i had so many fantasies thinking we’d be together, we’d be m&m HAHAH BARF wow, and then you dated mel and it was just like??? then you were my escort but then i was like nope and switched you with ryann LOL suuuuper crazy like I don’t really remember the details of everything but i knew in high school being so kawawa over not being noticed by you. but then you went to davis, slo, and now in sl?? idk where you are now but you had my heart back then (barf) but that was such a long time ago that honestly it doesn’t phase me anymore!! a feeling high school mika wouldn’t have thought was possible. so thank you. i liked you because you gave me little glimmers of hope of like maybe we could be together -- you were nice, flirtatious, close to your family... not afraid to make a fool of yourself for the one you’re interested in. which wasn’t me but again that’s okay! I wrote a letter to you didn’t i? idk what i was doing why was i so dramatic tbh. you did things that honestly weren’t in my control so i can’t hate you really. again realizing that you fit my type so it just, idk
oscar -- level 1. when mikio was being a butt i knew i could crush on you. LOL the hugs, the convos, being able to laugh at anything when you were in the room what a time SJND was when you were there. now you’re in boston with your boo and i’m still really regretful over not being able to see you when i was in boston last year but it’s okay. happy that you’re happy out there :-)
royce and pat -- level 1.5. ah. USF college times man. these two were literally a duo. RA’s of the 4th floor (share yall are silly for assigning that haha) and damn, what a trip it was to crush on you. royce you were a dj so thats how i knew my thing for dj’s came. you both did your jobs at ra’s, pat you were on eboard so i saw your hustle there which i super appreciated. and this is also how i knew filipinos were my type? lol. EVEN THO YALL WERE LIKE WITH BOOS lol i am cursed but yall had hustle, swagger, passion for what you love, and still made time for partying it up and studying. and now i see royce at parties sometimes n i would awk hug him (rip at the phoenix hotel party) and i havent seen pat since he graduated but hes so happy with becca!! so cute. and its cute (and weird) how kierst is happy with royce.
****DJ SPARKY/AGANA/YURI -- level 1. yall are dj’s who i will always cringe at bc of how naive i was at shooting my shot... BUT IM GLAD YOU ALL ARE THRIVING OK LETS DISMISS THOSE BOIZ NOW 
manny -- level 2.5. ahhhhh manny manny manny. my first trip towards using dating apps and matching with someone on TINDER!!! LOL!!!! ok anywho i met up with you for a few times and it was just like... a lot of question marks bc i didn’t really know where my standards were when it came to online dating. we went on dates? but the first time i paid, and the second time you “forgot your card” so i paid again?? and then you walked me to my dorm and kissed me on the forehead?? red alert!! then you kept wanting like a second chance, to prove me wrong and i kept ignoring you bc wtf lmao... then i was foolish to let you into my life again and realized that was a mistake and blocked you again. and now you’re like a bonafide dj living your edm dreams. i saw you at audio TWICE omg rip. i liked you because lol ur filipino, a dj, buttered me up a whole ton which again problematic bc i didn’t see any of it within myself... but its okay mika is better now. better to not be talking to you. but thank you for being my stepping stone into dating apps.
derrick -- level 1. omg at times i forget about you! which i don’t know is a good or bad thing but i don’t think i ever told anyone about you lol. we met on okc, this filipino boi (lol a trend) andddd i went on like two dates with him? one, i met up with him at that one coffee spot near golden gate park. then we walked over to ggp and we just talked and thinking about it now it was very ideal for me to be myself fully, in public if that makes sense. you were so nice and genuine omg. we went to sweet maple the second time around and you paid for the food which was like wow!! diff than manny!! and i remember talking to you about kh and you loving it as much as me. but i got scared because you were like 26 or somn? i was still 20 i think and i was like this dude might be asking a lot out of me...so i told him the “this is on me i don’t feel ready and not sure how i feel” spiel. and that was history. i honestly don’t know what he is doing now but he was really nice. i felt no malicious intentions from me, i just wasn’t ready to move forward w him. the first nice guy i ever let down bruh. ugh.i hope you’re doing well now though.  
mars -- LEVEL 5. fuck me i hate this chapter SO MUCH lmao. so many drunk cries and just cries in general post this whole... like chapter. but lets start off with why i liked you: handsome as hell, close to your family, athletic, hustled, SO MF KIND EVEN WHEN I WAS BEING CRAZY, a great homie and bf quality, gave me the false hope of like “yeah ill see if i can come through” “ill let you know when i listen to this” the forever ILL LET YOU KNOWS but still views my stories and still doesn’t let me know mentality.... you never initiated any of our convos. i was STRAIGHT pursuing you even though i didn’t believe that you’d change your mind about just seeing me as a friend. you made that clear to me from the start but i didn’t take that as an answer LOL which is why i was so crazy to keep hanging out with you... even tho you were super busy and i felt like a burden you STILL made time with me, whether that was peruvian food, or thursday nightlife followed by dancing at a bar together (which i ruined when you took me home and asked you about your love language lmao), souvla, and then our final time of seeing each other: san tung and tpumps. what a fucking few months that was...only to come out of it with another girlfriend with the same name as me. LIKE WHAT. ARE. THE. ODDS. i still can’t believe it till this day. my gosh you were so nice to me mars. such a great homie. and i wasnt empathetic or smart enough to make diff decisions to retain what we had...but im happy that you’re happy with mika. other mika. yeah. man i never felt so in the dark when going through this time, this was so rough. i wasn’t eating, i’d cry in bed for days, it was so bad. i’d like to say that I’m healed from that though. lol to burning the shirt which honestly i should have kept bc it was a cute shirt.. but yeah. thank you.
gill -- level 1. lol you were dumb to think i was attractive enough to dance with at the soulection event. we exchange numbers and i think because i told you i was 21, you backed off. lol guess i was a fetus then. still am. lmao. we text for a bit but then i find out you tried to get into arcilla’s pants?? lMAO. oh and then i see you at that pool party, saw you talking to other girls and i broke DOWN bc i was crossed as hell LOL sorry ate kayla that you had to take me home that day LOL ugh i hate myself for that night. and then i see you right in front of me at OSL. in 2019?? for childish?? that was such weird weird fate. thank god you didn’t recognize me (i had long black hair there, you remembered me with short brown hair plus it was dark). i just thought it was crazy. uhm you had the fuckboy vibe and look on point.. knew everything about soulection. family oriented. but it just fizzled bc i blocked you and then just stopped talking to you lol.
*****chris l/frankie -- level 1. again i cringe at how dramatic i pursued yall sorta as crushes but for sure bc yall were soulcycle and about fitness YES bodies 10/10 and you understood soul. but omg chris pls get ur life together (which is what it seems like ur doing??) and frankie well you’ve been having your life together being married and all so0o0o0 im trash for crushing lmao BUT IM GLAD THATS ALL IN THE PAST AND THAT WE’VE FORGOTTEN i think lmao
rex -- level 0.5. lmfao you were dumb you’re gonna keep looking at me and emily only for me to make the move in letting you know i was interested, follow you on ig, and then you block me?? weirdo. bye.
Max -- level 3. oh maximus lmao. we talked for a whole month and what a pleasure it was to text you every day, receive and send memes, curate playlists, be w/ each other at different events... only for it to end after we netflix party/facetime where i don’t feel the kilig i’d feel when texting you. so i told you i wanted to be friends. and then i try to still reach out and be friends, but i got delayed responses to no responses. and now you just, look at my stories? lmao i know it don’t mean shit to look and you recently liked my post, but i feel like i invested a lot into our quarantine reality. you had GREAT music taste (even tho ur playlist was a lil questionable), for all i know you were just telling me things to like get you on my good side, motivated, privileged......... yeah. i hope you find your 5′0 qt rave queen that can go to events with u
KEVIN -- level 1. lmfao honestly you SUCK hahaha even with the benefit of the doubt, it does not take 10 hours to reply...even if you are busy at work NICK AND MAX WERE ABLE TO!!! you were spotty to begin with but then we netflix party and then you dont talk to me anymore after i ask if we could exchange music playlists? i didnt even ask u to be my boyfriend its a fucking playlist.... we talked about music so much. ugh BOYS ARE SO DUMB LIKE SERIOUSLY. hope amazon treats ya right
NICK -- level 4. ugh. ughguhgughgh. i liked you because your profile/resume was all my criteria: music taste A1 bc of bryson, i hated mint chip, i loved spongebob (even tho you NEVER sent me spongebob memes fuck u), you were hapa (he he but fuck u) (i laugh while typing this i am so dum), uhm. yeah. we talked everyday consistently for two weeks. you were such a joy to text bc you were funny (i was funny too), even tho it was hard to keep the convo going w you at times in the beginning because you never inquired about me at times. max did. its like you were better than mars, but not like A+ in replying like max was. you never really flirted with me? lmao i mean even those attempts of me tryna bait you, i always got... friend vibes. benefit of the doubt maybe you just didn’t know how to flirt but you had posts of your past relationship up on your feed so you cant tell me that that exp did not have you pursue a girl and flirt her up. to me, there was no initiative from you. i was chasing you for sure. this dating life is a two way street -- life doesn’t work where one pursues you only otherwise like no. bet if i went the fuckboi approach, gave you lame responds would you have kept the convo going? prolly not bc ur a cancer and want to feel needed. the only thing ill commend you on is when you’d apologize for delays in text messages but then you kinda stopped that. like understand i should also feel like i should be pursued and never did i feel that i felt like you just responded just to respond... like you’re a cancer its in your nature to dive deep and ask deep questions but you never did, you were the type to play video games with your pals LMAO and like/????/? me understanding gamer life i was like YES this boy gets me but like CMON. lol so many things. ok maybe i am reading too into this but this is the freshest heartache :/ you never like told me i was cute or anything like... max made remarks about my looks and you never did. i mean cool maybe you were just vibing off my energy but i just now question if you were actually interested in me? bc i was trying so hard to make you like me. every meme, was a move. you didnt play your cards right!! its like i kept hitting you with plus fours, and then all you’d put down is the same color number card. where was the fun in that? it was super effortless but anxiety filling for me at the same time bc i was convinced that you were the one. :’/ super good news to hear that you wanted to meet virtually literally NO EXPECTATIONS but then monday rolls around, you dont text me the whole day, i check in at 530, you tell me you go to costco instead and want to reschedule bc you thought i was ghosting you????? wtf did u just like expect me to just call u right at 7 and expect u to be ready?? max texted me after work and was like “we still on right?” so i was high key expecting that from you bc 1. show interest and 2. take initiative but you DIDN’T!! so i was honest in telling you how i felt but kept it light and asked to reschedule. you take forever to reply, but when you do you tell me it was silly OF ME to think you were supposed to confirm it which i get i initiated it i shoulda texted you earlier (but what if i had the worst day ever and couldn’t text you??? would you have just let it be and not text me anymore bc you assumed i ghosted you???) you also said that you thought maybe it was too quick to assume that i ghosted you which is YES tru. however i was not going to apologize for not texting you earlier and waiting for you to reply bc boy, that was on you to make a move to double check. if i was in your shoes i woulda texted. that would indicate to me that oh wow this boy is making sure we are meeting and confirming! even drop a hey hows your day you excited for tonight? i made it obvious to hype you up on your photos and everything, you just were like wow your photos are so good! wow i hope you posted that picture! like idk. i kept it light bc i still really wanted to meet you, and just wanted to attribute this small ass thing as a misunderstanding between the two of us but after long hours of making me wait, you decide you don’t want to reschedule because you were unsure of how you were feeling and that you couldn't put your all in and said sorry. no sentiment towards wanting to be friends just a straight goodbye which basically meant, in harsher terms im prolly not as down as you are for me and maybe i am nervous to meet u (idk ill never know if you were) anddd im not interested anymore bc you’re crazy and ME being the womyn that i am ended up being the mature one and said the goodbye hope you have a good life without me text and then our lovestory ended lololol what a great two weeks am i right? honestly maybe you still need to do some growing buddy but relationships are not easy going they are a two way street but also ill never know maybe you were just texting me just to text me and you still wanted to be the nice guy bc you were scared of how invested things would be post call so you call it off and it was just in the moment for you to be down but then have it change on another day.... i woke up in a better headpsace today about how this turned out but like god fucking dammit i had high hopes for you you infj CANCER. *squidward voice* so thanks. thanks for NOTHING (this is when you start your spongebob dialogue of all how to get everyone on board for practicing for the bubble bowl and sing sweet victory)
so, the end LOL basically. to all the boys who will never love me, ultimately thank you for being a part of my life. thank you srsly. thank you for making me exp the pain, the kilig, the uh everything. growing pains these are, but at the end of the day, i hope you have a good life. whether or not we cross paths again this gives me clarity as to what i’m looking for and what i deserve. this goalgetting, resilient, funny, hardworking, awkward but in the best way pinay is a force to be reckoned with!!! she has the best support system out there!!! she has so much to live for because she is determined to not let down anyone counting on her!!!! so fuck u for missing out on that!!!
k. my ideal man list is coming soon. until then... see ya later.
Mika (allison to some)
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archivedatl · 18 years
AP web exclusive: All Time Low tour diary
Posted by Scott Heisel on 08-Dec-06 @ 04:43 PM
Last month, Baltimore pop-punkers All Time Low took to the road with Sugarcult for a series of shows on the West Coast. Here's some of what they saw, in words and pictures. Learn more at www.alltimelow.com.
#1------------------------------------------------------------ Ooohooo So last night we celebrated two awesome occasions...well 3 since matt's molars finally grew in...anyways yesterday was Haloween and our first night of our tour with Sugarcult. I must say, it is pretty strange touring with a band who I spent the better years of my middle school life watching on MTV. Regardless of where this band has been, it definetly didn't eff with their personalities. They were all super nice to us and each came up and introduced themselves. The show went pretty well but it wasn't a good judgement of our the whole tour is going to be because Sugarcult didn't even headline, the Eagles Of Death Metal did, and the tickets for $25 on Haloween night :) I'm sorry but I would never go to a show if those were the circumstances...I'd be out expanding my collection of holiday treats. Tonight the 'real' tour begins so we will see how it goes. We are playing Washington State University in Pullman Washington. We haven't done too many college shows, so this should be interesting...anyways before we got on the road a couple days ago we were couped up in Ben Harper's (formely of yellowcard, now in amber pacific) house/studio in long beach, CA working on our new CD :). We demoed some hot licks that were going to send over to our producer matt squire so that he can put in some input. I heard my blogs are going to be posted on the Alternative Press website for this tour, so if that's the case then...helll yeah! Well I just woke up from sleeping in the van so I am gonna walk out into the freezing streets of Pullman, WA crack my back and grab some Qudoba. Much Love, Jack --jbstar #2------------------------------------------------------------ Yoo dooodds, So I'm gonna update you guys on the passed couple shows...on Wednsday we played Washington State University. Those kids are freaking crazy! Everyone seemed to be having a good time and we made some awesome new friends. I cannot stress enough, how cool the Sugarcult guys are. Which is really cool because I have been listening to those guys since 6th grade! Anyways before we played, matt thought it would be a good idea to have a fork and knife fight backstage...yeah it turned pretty ugly and we should have some footage online soon enough. That night we partied at 'The Christmas House'. Lets just say that I'm pretty sure alex made out with a dog...I really miss Hit The Lights :( Anways...we played Seattle after the college show and it was offf the hoooook. Everyone in the room was dancing and it got pretty redic. As soon as we told them the alex/dog story they went nuts. We met up with the Pink Spiders that night. We were nervous about that because we've heard some stuff...but for real those guys are the shit. There all super nice and we have no complaints about them. We have yet to tour with a band who we don't get along with (fingers crossed). We also heard that we may be doing a few shows with Cobra Starship in Dec, if that happends that would be sick. I'll keep you guys updated. Someone made us a bucket of the craziest donuts ive ever seen at the portland show last night!! They were reallly good. Sorry for the lack of pics, I'll make sure my next post has more, its just hard to take good pics on a sidekick :). Talk to you guys soon!!Jacko #3------------------------------------------------------------ Yo Babaayyss, Last nights show was off the hook! I love playing at The Boardwalk in orangevale calii. The crowd was as wild as usual and a bunch of kids were singing along. A lot of the same kids who saw us there on the Amber Pacific tour came back. Its always cool to see so many familiar faces,,,cough cough hint hint nudge...you get the idea folks! The next couple shows should be interesting...reno and vegas. I wont be able to gamble but at least ill be able to look at a lot of lights. We all have family comming out, so that should be exciting. I havent seen my brother and sister in ages and i know their gonna be wasted so that means they will be even more friendly :) Also Meg n Dia join up in vegas which is sick, SO SIKED FOR THAT!!! We met them on warped and their super nice. anyways i think its time, i go to In and Out because after this tour im not going to be able to go back for a while :( im going to eat there everyday twice a day until we leave Arizona. Ive attached pics from our set on the Epitaph stage at this years Bamboozle Left and also some pics of our acoustic set the 2nd day! Thanks to everyone who watched us either/both days :) love you peace peace n a bottle o' hair grease, jack #4------------------------------------------------------------ Wow...vegas has to be one of the strangest places on this earth. First of all we showed up in Reno (shity city) only to find that only sugarcults crew was there and the show probably wasnt going on. We were welcomed by a hooker in a pink tanktop and no teeth asking if we had any shirts we could give her...Thankfully we have power windows and middle fingers. Thankfully zack was asleep or he might have took her up on some of her offers...he's getting desperate you know..just kidding! Anyways we decided to hang out with sugarcults crew for a little then start the drive to vegas early since it was 8 house. We got to go over the Hoover Damn which was sweet. It's seriously Vegas Vacation all over again! Anyways, we got to vegas around midnight and it was a fantastic site! My bro and sis were staying at the MGM so thats where i headed. Rian to the Excalibur, Alex and Matt to the Venecian and Zack to the Luxor. We all split up and hung out with our fam for the evening. My brother took me around vegas and boyyy was it interesting. I was approached by numerous drunk people. It was basically like an Ocean City, Maryland for older people. It's just a place for adults to drink, walk around drunk, act like teenagers and maybe gamble a bit here n' there. it was Akward to say the least. Anyways the next day was the show at the House Of Blues at Mandalay Bay...probably one of the nicest venues we have ever played. We introduced ourselves to the Meg n Dia folks and got to know our new tour mates as we shared a dressing room. We soon found they are awesome people and they share a love for getting wild! The show was pretty cool, and the crowd was big. It was weird though because the merch was not in the venue, it was in the cassino haha. Anyways Vegas was an experience we wont forget, and I cant wait till we go there again. I hope the next time we go, were 21...actually nevermind because that would be three years :)stay rad, Jack #5------------------------------------------------------------ Lame! Tonight was our last show on the Sugarcult Tour featuring The Pink Spiders and Meg n Dia :( Damone will be taking our place on this great lineup. I am jelous that they get to join up! Anyways we made some lifetime friends on this tour and it was a great experience for everyone. Every single show was amazing and the fans never let us down. Traveling to bumfuck arizona and hearing a couple hundred kids sing your song is the coolest feeling ever. Sugarcult was very warming towards us and their personalities suprised the shit out of me. they were such cool guys and even when zack was sick they made him soup and gave him Emergen-C. WHO DOES THAT !?!? Thats like something my mom does...so in a way Sugarcult are our parents. They actually reffered to us as their younger brothers on stage. At the last show of the tour in Little Rock, Arkansas us and Meg n Dia ran on stage during "Bouncing Off the Walls" and started bouncing around and took over Tim's Guitar n Mic, Marko's (my twin) guitar and Airens Bass. It was so fun to bro down with a band that ive been listening to since middle school haha. Alex also got to soundcheck with sugarcult at Texas AM College because tim was at the hospital taking care of his sickness (i think he had a nasty cold). It was so crazy to see alex soundcheck with a band who for the past few years have held a special spot on my ipod and in my cd player :) I attached a pic of him sound-checking for fun. At the end of the show we said our goodbyes and gave our hugs. This is'nt the end of these friendships though, only the beggining...now we head home to write a new cd. Catch us on the road in the northeast in december when we head out with Cobra Starship! Stay safe, Jack
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angelicmichael · 3 years
Michael Langdon x reader
Summary: Reader, who is a witch (not tied to the og coven) is best friends with Michael. They decide to spend Valentines day together in outpost three. Based on this post, and the 'willow' music video by Taylor Swift.
Words: 3.0k+
Warnings: mentions of rituals/covens (its vague tho), slow burn, light angst, mutual pining, gross fluff, plot heavy and VERY descriptive I'm sorry dhdhd, valentines day fic, mentions of food, friends to lovers
A/N: yall rlly liked my last Michael blurb so I made this kinda similar!! Also the idea of witch! Reader not being tied to the og coven is NOT my idea, others have done it before - I just did it cause it made sense w the music video this fic is based off of ✌🏻. This is mostly me self indulging ngl so if the fic doesnt make sense that's why haha. The v beginning is like Sojourn! Era and then the rest of the fic is somewhere between fire & reign and outpost era. this fic is rlly just me trying to say happy early mf valentines day !! 💖💖 okay bye
February 14th was always a day you dreaded; The idea and concept of a whole fucking holiday being dedicated to just love.. really put a bitter taste in your mouth. In your opinion, it was just a reason for couples to show a disgusting amount of PDA and get away with it.
However; due to a incredibly corny and cliché situation you found yourself in; you now were seeing the incoming holiday in a different light. When you thought of the holiday.. You first thought of Michael. Michael Langdon.
Meeting Michael at all was a complete accident - You met months ago in fall; on a dark cloudy night. Every detail from that evening was etched and woven into your mind as if it had just happened yesterday; and you could only hope that it would remain that way forever. After all; that was the night when you had met your favorite person. You even remembered the weather.. The bitterness of the cold wind making it seem as if it was seconds from storming.
You were part of a small coven which was meeting due to a full moon, it was a rather mundane and basic ritual you were preforming. One of which you had preformed more times you could even count on your fingers.. However; what made that ritual special is that your coven happened to be recruiting.
Full black outfits, including thin, long cloaks is what everyone wore to the occasion.. After everything was over and done with; you went to leave - the bitter coldness of the night urging you to leave rather quickly.
However; something.. almost a invisible force made you stop walking away from the crowd and made you physically stop. You slowly stopped walking; and turned around. You sharply gasped when you saw a figure directly in front of you - wearing a dark ensemble that matched yours nearly identically.
Immediately you grew weary. A sharp, nauseated feeling started to manifest inside of you.
"Were you following me"? You spoke with your voice raised, your hands which previously fell loosely at your side were starting to curl into fists.
You could feel yourself getting defensive. You quickly flicked your eyes over at the other coven members - making sure you weren't causing a scene; not wanting to draw attention to the situation until it grew necessary.
"Yes, but.. look. I just wanted to talk to you.. away from the others". The boy stated.
You bit your lip to suppress a groan. You rolled your eyes, not really caring that he could see how bothered you were.
"Fine. But c'mon, make it quick". You said, not trying to hide the irritation in your voice.
You turned around and walked a few feet away from the crowd, not looking back but merely expecting him to follow you. You were expecting he was just another newbie with dumb questions, or needed clarification on something.
You turned to talk to him, and that's when you noticed something you about him you seemed to overlook earlier - his beauty. You were completely taken aback and breath taken. Light blue eyes met your gaze as you stared blankly at him; momentarily stunned. He looked beyond ethereal; his pale cheeks flushed a light pink from the cold and his blonde hair looked as if it could be spun from gold. It was almost like he could sense how you were suddenly taken aback.. A smug smirk played on his lips; if you didn't know any better you would say he almost seemed cocky.
"There's something about you that's different from the others. I could sense it". He stated.
"How"? You stuttered.
You watched as he took a couple steps toward you and in one quick swoop, pushed the hood of his cloak fully back. He got even closer but you didn't dare move. You watched him curiously as he turned to the side, pushing his blonde locks of hair out of the way to show you something behind his ear.. Your blood instantly went cold once you saw three sixes; however you weren't scared. In fact you were really the first person that Michael met that didn't practically faint when they saw his mark. Looking back; you supposed that's why you and Michael bonded so quickly and became so close.
It didn't take long for him after that to confine in you that people either avoided him or became obsessed once they knew; both reactions ultimately stemming from fear. You were the first person to look past that and to just see him as a actual human being - not just a vessel for some fucked up prophecy to play out.
Even though Michael's beauty was undeniable to you; the relationship you two had was strictly platonic.. and in the past that was never something that bothered you. You supposed that he was tired of people throwing themselves at his feet and what he really needed more than anything was a friend - so you chose to be that for him, not daring to try and test the boundaries your relationship had.
However; the boundaries were seemingly starting to come down naturally - because your relationship wasnt entirely platonic anymore. Things between you two weren't exactly black and white as they used to be; a great example of this, was how you two were planning on spending Valentines Day together.
You and Michael agreed to spend it as friends. Neither of you had a date and spending Valentines alone when you had Michael seemed redundant.. and honestly just boring. Instead of making Valentines day an all day event; it started for you two as a 'date' at 6 pm.
In order to avoid having to confront putting a label on your.. situationship, the venue for your lavish Valentines date was at a more.. private venue. He only gave you a address and instructions, you didn't really know what exactly to expect but you knew you weren't going to his house. It was somewhere new.
It was nearly six pm, the sun had just set - leaving the sky a shade somewhere between navy blue and pure black. The air was cold on your skin as you stepped out of the car, wondering where the hell you even were.
The area you found yourself in was completely bare and void of any trees, the only object or building you saw was a giant, black, metal structure. The instructions Michael gave you had told you about this but.. seeing it in person was merely jarring, oddly unsettling. You approached it, trying to ignore the nerves and anxiety you could feel creeping in.
You couldn't help but wonder what the hell this place was and why out of all the places you two could have a 'date', it would have to be here?
As you stood in front of an elevator - stepping in, you felt very reluctant to do so. It definitely felt a bit weird that Michael wanted to meet you in such a secluded place but.. he was your best friend. He would never hurt you.. especially on valentines day.. Right?
The doors opened and you slowly stepped out, immediately taken back. You were now in a oval room, with a long hallway stretching out. You first quickly scanned your surroundings for Michael but, he wasnt here. Not in your line of vision anyway. You nearly forgot you were here for Michael at all for a second. The interior was breathtaking; resembling a old, Victorian style mansion. Even though you were still utterly confused; Michaels reasoning for choosing this venue was starting to become more clear to you.
It was the cozy, romantic vibe the 'house' seemed to radiate. The dim lighting also amplified this affect; seemingly giving everything in sight a subtle golden glow, otherwise everything remained relatively dark. You walked through the building; down hallways, looking for any sounds of life at all. Your witchy senses didn't always work on Michael, so you didn't even bother to try to use those. He was right about how you were powerful but, his powers still outshone yours unfortunately.
You finally heard something, something faint; soft music playing distantly in the background. You followed it swiftly, the music getting louder and louder until you found him - in what appeared to be the library.
The room was immense; books were lined on shelves that bordered the room. Couches, along with a decent sized fireplace and chandelier - and of course a record player, also resided in the library. Playing a tune that sounded similar but you couldn't quite remember what it was.. whatever it was, it sounded old and romantic - maybe from the 50s.
"Your not very good at hiding, you know. The music was a dead giveaway". You commented playfully.
Michael greeted you with a smirk, obviously holding back laughter. He stood up from one of the couches; approaching you. He looked incredibly handsome in the normal black ensemble he was wore but tonight he sported a long black coat. Making you fondly nostalgic of the night you two met.
He got dangerously close to you, almost in your face but you weren't intimidated. Plus, you knew he wasnt trying to actually intimidate you. Michael being the way he was; you knew he wouldn't have asked you to spend Valentines with him if he didn't tolerate you in some way.
"Its a good thing I wasnt trying to hide then, is it"? He spoke; his eyes pierced into yours.
The direct eye contact was starting to get unnerving and so was the.. apparent tension. You took a step back, looking away and laughing awkwardly - trying to remind yourself you two were strictly friends. Best friends, in fact. Nothing more.. and nothing less.
"So.. what even is this place? You don't own this or something.. do you"? You asked, slyly changing the topic.
"Actually I do. It's being saved for something I have in the works; but nothing's official yet. I wanted to get your opinion though.. what do you think"? Michael asked.
Even though you absolutely loved, whatever the hell this place even was, something.. felt off. Perhaps it was the fact it was completely secluded and private. Too private. You knew Michael was into some weird shit with the Satanists but; you figured he would atleast tell you by now if he was planning on something big with them.. Something that would require a huge fucking mansion underground.
"This place is beautiful, Michael. But what is it for"?
"Your too eager for your own good, (y/n). You will know in due time, I promise; but for now.. come sit with me".
He gently grabbed your wrist and guided you over to one of the bare, black couches; you followed - sitting next to him.
The hours continuing were filled with incredibly cheesy gestures that you only rolled your eyes at, and teased him for. The first being a few small, pink flowers he had conjured up and then tucked into your hair. At first you really thought nothing of it, they were just pretty flowers. However; you knew due to Michael's nature that he didn't just so happen to come across those flowers, he summoned them purposefully - specifically for you.. You didn't bother to try and hide how flustered this made you.
"Those are beautiful; what are they"? You asked, gesturing to the flowers.
"Thought you'd never ask. Wild roses. They hold many meanings; most agree they represent both love, suffering, beauty.. life. They're even said to protect the living from the dead".
You couldn't help but to laugh at his explanation.
"Will they protect me from you? You know your not exactly human yourself". You teased.
The corner of Michael's lips slid into a slow smile, one that you couldn't quite decipher whether it was an ironic or genuine gesture.
You nearly jumped at how quickly one of Michael's hands suddenly slid up into your hair; seemingly picking out one of the petals that had fallen from one of the flowers - he retracted his hand, holding onto the petal.
"No. Your going to need something stronger than that to keep me away". He said playfully, before crushing the already wilted petal in his hand - letting it fall carelessly to ground.
You could only roll your eyes.
Next came the food and well.. you were beyond impressed. Your not certain exactly how he managed to get your favorite food down who knows how many feet underground, but.. he did. And it was perfect.
You were both pretty quiet during that time; Michael didn't really have a reason to be but you couldn't help but to get lost within your thoughts. Sure; you two were best friends but.. that didn't necessarily warrant him to do all of this for you. Was it possible that he felt.. something else, like you did?
You couldn't help but to shut that thought down as quick as it came; that had to just be you projecting. There was no way in hell he could love you back..
Wait.. love?
It was like a involuntary reflex the way you suddenly jolted up and backed away from the table. Even though it was just a thought, the fact you just admitted to yourself that you loved him.. What the fuck did that even mean?
Michael looked startled at well, you could tell by the color of his knuckles that he now had a death grip on his silverware. His icy, blue eyes matched yours with a startled gaze.. As if he was trying to contemplate your next move or to get a good read on you. You were more than well acquainted with Michael's powers by now; you knew how he had the ability to read minds and that's partially why you found yourself, slowly at first, starting to take steps away from him. Wanting desperately to get the fuck away from him. You knew that if Michael even suspected what you were thinking or how you felt, that your friendship could possibly be over. That would be it, he would want absolutely nothing to do with you. You would be no better than the dozens of women and even men that threw themselves at Michael; Maybe even worse.
You made it down a random hallway until you found yourself physically colliding into him - fucking transmutation.
You felt a sudden urge to just turn around to try and escape again but you knew he wouldn't let you. Instead you let yourself be captive, you let him hold you. Gently encasing you into a hug. It was painful how hard you were trying to hold back your tears - blindly running away was already embarrassing enough, letting him see you cry would be too much.. Too much for one night, anyways. You felt him let go of you - stepping back a little bit in order to make eye contact with you.
"What has gotten into you-" He started.
"Michael- I'm so sorry but I just need to go. We can talk about this tomorrow but for now I just really need to be alone-"
You tried to turn around in order to make another (more calm) attempt at leaving but you felt something grab at your wrist, yet again. His grasp, along with his hand were achingly soft. You hated how much you enjoyed him making physical contact with you - even if it was something just as docile as this. You also couldn't help but to hate the spark of electricity you felt when his skin touched yours - and you couldn't help but to wonder whether he felt it too.
"No. I need to know what I did wrong. I'm not letting us end today like this". Michael said, his voice was strained with emotion.
His words were spoken urgently, his voice unsteady and even threatening to break.. That's when you knew you completely fucked up. He totally misinterpreted your actions.. the sudden realization hit you, piercing your heart like a knife.
"No, your right. Can we sit"? You asked.
He let go of your wrist coldly, sauntering out of the hallway you two were in. You would be lying if you were to admit that his sudden cold actions didn't hurt you; it definitely stung but you couldn't help to feel in this moment that you kind of deserved it.
The walk over was quiet and even a bit awkward. When you two sat; he looked at you expectedly.. waiting for you to talk first and explain your sudden, impulsive actions.
"It wasnt you.. that's not why I tried to leave at all, Michael. You did everything right. I mean that's really the 'problem', even though calling it a problem still isn't the right word but.." You paused before carrying on.
"What you did tonight for me was perfect, and I'm so thankful for that, truly. But I just feel like I'm starting to interpret your actions in a different way than in which you mean them and that's not fair to you. I know you just want a friend-" Your words continuously came out faster the longer you spoke, you were completely rambling at this point but Michael stopped you.
"Hey, stop". He said softly.
You felt as if you were dreaming when you saw him start to move closer to you.. it happened so quickly it almost felt fake. Michael gently pushed you back onto the couch, so that you were basically laying down flat on your back. You pulled him back with you so that he was on top, your hands automatically going to his shoulders.. feeling the sudden urge to yank his black top off and to feel his skin under your palms. The feeling was tempting; you could feel how hot his skin was even with his shirt on. You assumed your hands were cold by the way Michael shivered and even groaned when you touched him, that had to be the only logical explanation for him acting like that..
The manner in which he bent down, his lips getting closer and closer to yours was nothing but diabolic. He stopped until the point where his lips were just ghosting above yours - maybe only really a mere centimeter away from touching. It felt entirely far too tempting to just - barely tilt your head forward and stop whatever game your friend Langdon was trying to play, but.. you didnt. In reality; the teasing was far too delicious for you to want it to end so soon.
"Who said I just wanted to be friends"? He whispered.
You could taste his breath as he spoke, you felt trapped.. But if you were to be honest with yourself, you wouldn't rather spend Valentines Day any other way than in this manner.. Trapped with your absolute favorite person, with nothing else in the world to do but to get lost in each other.
His lips roughly collided with yours with such passion that you really haven't ever felt before. It threw you off guard for a moment, but you figured there was no sense in shying from it. You had been craving to be loved by him for so long; craving for him to touch you like this and now that it was finally happening.. you only relaxed and embraced the feeling.
Time slipped away from you far too quickly but after all; time didn't really feel real at all when you were underground in a bunker. No windows or clocks to help ground you back into reality..
You knew it was atleast passed midnight now; hours had passed and you two were now residing in one of the random rooms that you had come to learn was of 'Outpost Three'. It was apparent how careful he was with his words when he told you about the place; almost like he didn't want to tell you too much. He told you most of everything, like the cooperative and how this building was for some type of event that would be taking place in the summer but you didn't probe farther. You knew he would tell you in all due time.
You two were lying on a random, spare bed. It was luxurious and dangerously soft, but if you were honest - the sheets almost seemed scratchy in comparison to Michaels bare skin. Your head wasnt on a pillow but instead on Michael's bare chest, his rhythmic heart beat nearly lulling you to sleep. Almost putting you in some type of odd trance.
You both watched the movie that was playing on his laptop; propped up on a few sparse pillows at the end of the bed. Although you really weren't trying to keep up with what was happening or what the actors were even saying. Instead, you chose to be fully present with Michael, almost entranced in his presence. You two weren't talking but, just being surrounded by him - feeling his fingers lazily playing with your hair was heaven to you.
You still felt as if you were in a dream. After all in what timeline would you ever be so lucky to call someone like Michael, yours?? Even though you two weren't exactly official, you really didn't mind at this moment. Labels only seemed to really complicate things and in your opinion; you felt more than privileged to just sit here entangled with Michael, and to escape the rest of reality for a while.
Taglist: @mina672 @michaellangdonstanaccount @langdonsexual @jimmason @blakewaterxx @dark-mei-rose @9layerdevilfoodcake @prophecy-is-inevitable @matildaofoz @beautyiswithinchaos @frenchlangdon
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otomebois-bb · 5 years
Bunny - Day 4 of Gavin Month
Title: Petting Zoo Fun
Pairing: Gavin & MC
(Tagging: @that-wasnt-so-bad )
Notes: Writing this gave me an idea for a Gavin one-shot that has nothing to do with Gavin Month, buuuuut I'll write it once the month is over so I'm focused on Gavin Month, haha. (Also it's like 2am rn and I'm too tired to edit this completely so if there's anything misspelled/incorrect use of grammar or something just doesn't make sense, feel free to tell me.)
Scrolling on social media, I sighed, bored. At Gavin's suggestion, I was finally taking a day off... but what was I supposed to do with it? I was hoping social media posts would give me some sort of idea, but no such luck.
I stopped scrolling when I came across something Gavin had posted not even ten minutes ago. Short and simple, it gave me a window of opportunity to escape boredom.
BirdCop Got the day off, but don't know how to spend it.
I giggled. He still hadn't changed his username from when I did as an April Fool's prank. I was beginning to think there was something he actually liked about it. I tapped to reply and started typing my comment.
StarryEyed I have today off too! Let's do something together!
I got up to grab something to eat while waiting for Gavin's response, but before I could even walk away from my bed, my phone chimed. I picked it up and grinned.
BirdCop @ StarryEyed Call me, and we'll figure something out.
I dialed Gavin's number and was only half surprised when he answered immediately. "Hey."
I scoffed, laughing. "You tell me to call you, and all you have to say is 'hey'? You're funny, Gavin~."
He was silent for a moment before finally saying, "Well, I wasn't trying to be funny, but I suppose it's worth it to hear you laugh."
"Oh, so now you're a smooth talker, too?" I continued giggling.
"I'm whatever you want me to be, MC."
At that, I finally blushed, and quickly changed the topic. "Umm, anyway, what did you want to do?"
"I thought you already had something in mind when you suggested we hang out."
Gavin sighed. "Seems this is going anywhere..." He paused. "Do you like animals?"
"Yeah, why?" I asked, suddenly suspicious.
"There's a travelling petting zoo that's in town for the week. I passed by yesterday, and they've got goats, some sheep, a tortoise, a few bunnies, and—"
I gasped, interrupting him. "Bunnies?!"
He chuckled. "Petting zoo it is, then."
Gavin met me outside my apartment complex, and we rode his motorcycle to the petting zoo. Upon our arrival, I immediately rushed towards the bunnies, Gavin following behind slowly with a smile.
"Gavin! Aren't they the cutest?!"
He gazed at them for a moment, then reached out to touch a fluffy white one. "They're not the cutest, but they are cute."
"Whaaaaat?!" I moved slowly and picked one up, a spotted white and brown bunny. Holding it in front of Gavin's face, I demanded, "What could possibly be cuter than this?"
"You," he replied, bluntly, without hesitation.
I frowned. "That's funny, Gavin, but there's no way I'm cuter than bunnies."
"I'm not joking; you are." He lightly ruffled my hair, then held a portion of it as far as it could go, seeming to be in some sort of trance.
His action distracted me, too. I blinked. "Do you... are you... seriously?"
"Of course I'm serious. I wouldn't lie to you."
I blushed, avoiding eye contact. "True, but..."
"Don't be so hard on yourself," Gavin said, and kissed my forehead. "You're beautiful."
My cheeks still burned, but his compliment made me smile like a giddy schoolgirl. "Thank you."
"You don't have to thank me for pointing out the obvious."
I continued beaming, and it must've been contagious, because soon, Gavin cracked a smile, too. The moment tugged at my emotions, and compelled me to rest my head on Gavin's shoulder. Instead of pulling away in surprise, his head fell on top of mine, and his hand gently tangled into my hair. Content, we stayed that way for some time, simply observing the bunnies, until Gavin decided to take me home after I started getting sleepy.
But, while I was looking at the bunnies, Gavin was more focused on staring at my smiling face, feeling warm and happy inside.
As we approached Gavin's motorcycle, it suddenly occured to me to ask, "Hey, Gavin, how come you never changed the username I gave you on April Fool's day?"
He turned to face me, holding out a helmet for me as he seriously contemplated his answer. "Because only you and I understand why you did it and what it means. Plus, it's your doing. I probably would've been offended if someone else had done it."
I smirked as I put my helmet on. "Yeah, probably. I guess I'm special, then."
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detectivehole · 5 years
Go comic feral, i followed this blog for a rEASOn and it's bc i like to hear your random vents and rants and also you reblog cool stuff. But i digress, go comic feral i am hERE for it
PETER PARKER BEING RICH IS STUPID  he didnt even ern what he has himself it was nt even himn he wasnt in his body maybe if i had got to see him start fron nothing to being a cool ceo or whatever id be able to stand it but nooooooo he just GOT is for nothing so it feels stupid like “ha ha what if like tony stark haha” its DUMB and i haven’t read a spider man comic for a long time
deadpool/spiderman crossover comic bad. feels out of character a lot. funny concept and full of funny jokes but as far as characterization its bad in my opinion- was made to capitalize off the hype of the ship and we all know it
don cates should be banned from writing comics bc he fucking sucks and ill never forgive him for what he did/tried to do to venom
deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good deadpool good dea
the venom movie was a lot of fun but it was very ooc a lot HOWEVER seeing some of the cut scenes and scripts you can see that it used to be actually fairly in character for the comics but a lot of scenes with eddie establishing himself as not actually the most nicest of guys (not that eddie isnt a nice guy deep down but he is a good amount fucked up with a big ol hero complex and a problem with ‘i can do no wrong” mentality sometimes) were cut and considering how the fandom for the movie treats him i can see why the cut those bits out bc i dont think movie goers would have liked him as much wich is a shame bc he is a good guy at the end of the day just fucked up
straight white male comic fans are the worst people in the world and breaking their fingers is a daydream i indulge in 
matt murdock is a himbo
foggy nelson is a good man who deserves better friends
i can tell what deadpool comics someone has read based on how they characterize wade in their fan works and i have a 80% success rate with it. the most common was the daniel way run but now its the spider-man/deadpool crossover series
soulda used miles for the mcu spidey instead of cannibalizing his story for parts like they did. dick move, Disney
mcu bad
i think just the idea of dc’s Red Tool is fucking hilarious but i dont like his character at all
batman and superman should fuck but they wont :/
matt and foggy should to but the comic industry is afraid of making long running characters lgbt bc theyre WEAK
deadpool need a canon bf they cant keep telling us hes pan and not showing us for reals- hell he could just go on one date or be shown having a one night stand or something- something beyond a damn joke
cable gay. no i will not listen to any other opinions.
im excited to read moon knight i have a book waiting i just have to finish my current one
SCUD the disposable assassin is the most underrated comic EVER and i LOVE IT however i think it ended stupid and bad however it went on fucking hiatus for like a decade and then was rapped up really fast so any ending is a godsend
i desperately want a long-form stand alone series abt wanda wilson bc shes the perfect foil for a good Feral Dumbass Woman comic. think abt it; shell sell immediately bc of recognizable brand, and then she can just go on violent stupid adventures without any of the other dp corps. it doenst have to line up with any canon i just want insane lady dp adventure comic. this is an unreasonable dream but mine none the less
i though that agent venom was stupid
tank girl is fucking amazing and i love it i never understand whats going on and i enjoy the confusion
reading early hulk comics feels like watching a weird, poorly produced old black and white sci-fi soap
there needs to be better, more easily accessed, official reading-order guides published and posted on the walls of comic shops everywhere
the 80s and 90s were the best time for marvel comics and no one can tell me otherwise. that was peak comic time
the worst time for comics was the 2000s and early 2010s
sometimes i am shocked by the art that gets the editors pass in comics. some of it is so bad and im not even talking about the disproportionate ladies
the lego marvel and dc movies are way better than the live action movies and im not even being sarcastic
seriously the 2000s made some horrible comics
i feel like committing acts of mass violence every time someone says comics arnt real reading/stories/implies theyre worth less of any value than a novel
i read the first deadpool comic i got so much that the art itself is so ingrained in my mind that people have shown my just the corners of panels and ive identified them correctly
i distinctly remember the first time the woman at the book store stopped asking me for parental permission to buy the comics i was getting (12yos) because i went there so often that she just remembered who i was and that the adult would say its fine
i refuse to talk about comics with people at cons because i am gatekept or flirted with every single time no matter what and there is no in between. and yea its because i have tits. youd think that eventually theyd learn but gross comic men never do and all the others have adopted the same policy as me so the closest i come to positive comic interaction at cons is standing in the same vicinity as another chick, looking at the same section, and the kinda smiling at each other
i think the avengers are boring. really really boring. the x-men are way better
i related to gwenpool too much when she first started and it scared/offended me so i stopped reading for a while until her character developed more and we stooped being so similar
i have spider-man bedding. i picked it out only a few months ago. its good it makes me feel cool in a very uncool way
watching spider-man as a kid made me wanna be a scientist. watching batman as a kid made me want to do martial arts. i ended up failing chemistry and falling on my face a lot instead.
i had a huge venom toy and a huge spiderman toy as a kid and while i did make them fight a lot i also made them hug just as much. i wanted them to be friends
on that note PETER IS MEAN TO THE SYMBIOTE NOW AND HE DONT EVEN HAVE A REASON NO MORE hes just such a dick about criminal reform eddie and the symbiote aint special with this- he says he believes people can be better but he really doesnt show it. he tends to think people are set in their ways and while this makes sense forthe most part considering how much hewas bullied as a kid/adult (that also contributes to his mild “i protect my own” mentality  tho at least he consciously fights that one) it stil pisses me off
i can think way more but i need to sleep i think
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weirdlizard26 · 5 years
For the ask meme? All of them.
give me a sec to edit this post ok
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
wine glasses are like reading glasses except you wear them while drinking wine
i’d say water bottles but only the ones that can handle heat and stuff and not poison your drink with plastic or whatever
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
i havent had a lollipop in a good while so thats my choice
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
havent tried either but boy i’d love to try just a little bit of cotton candy at leastonce
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
bro,,,,,, that was like 10 years ago, how am i supposed to remember that,,,,,,,
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
i usually drink soda from plastic cups but honestly? nothing beats the experience of sipping that sweet sweet ambrosia from the bottle,,, but also i’d love to try soda in a can some day!
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
idk what half of these would look like but sportswear always wins in my book
7. earbuds or headphones?
ok i actually googled whats the difference and im more of an earbuds person! theyrejust safer i think and it makes me kinda anxious when im home listening tomusic and cant hear anything going on around me
8. movies or tv shows?
tv shows! well, unless the episodes are like 40 minutes or a full hour because its hard to focus for that long kfjsndkfs
9. favorite smell in the summer?
pavement after rain and also. grass.
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
haha thats a funny joke you made there *starts crying*
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
just a couple of meat+cheese+mayo sandwiches! if its summer mom cuts tomatoes or cucumbers for us and as they start getting more and more expensive we replace them with pickles!
12. name of your favorite playlist?
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
sorry i couldnt choose!
13. lanyard or key ring?
key ring!
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
aaaa i love fruit flavored ones!
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
aaaaaaaa i dont remember if it was elementary or middle school but we were assigned this really cool ukrainian book that ive actually read before they assigned it. well, nobody here will recognize it but it was Тореадори з Васюківки by Всеволод Нестайко and it was about 2 boys who were best friends growing up in the countryside and they went on adventures and had fun and their friendship made me so happy,,, i guess i was all for cool friendship portrayal even back then! it was mostly laughs and jokes but some moments were actually serious and hit me really hard and i remember them to this day actually
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
its a myth, sitting was created as a personal attack on me
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
my trusty old sneakers!! theyre all black and the sole is very soft and nice
18. ideal weather?
when the sun is out and its just warm enough to show off your new graphic tee and also very soft and nice
19. sleeping position?
i just lie on my left side like a fool
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
21. obsession from childhood?
TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES!!! AND DANNY PHANTOM!!!! i even made a ghost fighting costume once,,,, tho it wasnt much of a costume, it was just fingerless gloves i cut out of paper. they were extremely uncomfortable. but very effective in fighting ghosts!
22. role model?
kfjsdnfk i have a bunch! might sound weird but one of them is bdg i think??? and the other 2 are some online acquaintances whom im too afraid to interact with more often than i do
23. strange habits?
repeating silly lines i hear on tv / in anime/cartoons? and also i never touch food with my right hand unless its plums?? and there are more but. you know. bad memory.
24. favorite crystal?
all of them!!!!!
25. first song you remember hearing?
my grandma used to sing this to me over the phone
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
go for a walk!
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
28. five songs to describe you?
we are the people by empire of the sun
home by cavetown
strawberry blonde by mitski
smile like you mean it by the killers
afterlife by arcade fire
29. best way to bond with you?
wash your hands very thoroughly and make jokes
30. places that you find sacred?
i see nature i go crazy from how much respect i have for it
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass andtake names?
*wearing hinata cosplay* im here to play volleyball and kick your ass and as you can see ive already played today’s match
32. top five favorite vines?
road work ahead
a avocado!! thanks!!!!!
i fell can you help me :(
that vine where ukulele sounds like human voices and people sounds like ukuleles
33. most used phrase in your phone?
idk how to check that??? sowwy
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
the stomach meds ad they keep showing on tv
35. average time you fall asleep?
3am? 4am? idk for sure
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
havent used either (cause ive never traveled anywhere too far away) but the latter looks pretty and i feel like it would fit more stuff
38. lemonade or tea?
depends on my mood!
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
dont kick me but im not sure if ive ever tried either ;w;
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
the school’s cat who hates most people actually kinda warmed up to me even tho im terrible with animals
41. last person you texted?
jay uwu
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
afabs cant have both huh
but i want both. please give me both.
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
all of these sound nice but my lazy ass will always go for hoodies
44. favorite scent for soap?
aaaaaaaa im allergic to a lot of soaps but i like flower scented ones
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
i love all of them dearly but lately ive been more into superheroes i think. im not sure really sure what exactly i feel
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
something really really long
47. favorite type of cheese?
there are different types????
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
i hope im a pear
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
become a good person. thats all.
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
i dont remember what it was but i remember i was with my friends and we couldnt stop laughing for several minutes and ive never felt happier
51. current stresses?
52. favorite font?
i like comic sans
53. what is the current state of your hands?
they arent doing so hot tbh, my dermatitis is back again
54. what did you learn from your first job?
i dont have one!
55. favorite fairy tale?
gonna be honest chief, i dont remember too many of them ;w;
56. favorite tradition?
on new year’s we turn the lights off, light up a candle in the kitchen, laugh at president’s speech and only then starts eating
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
getting over a lost friendship, passing high school finals and uni entrance exams and coming out to my best friend
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
singing!! being able to learn how to do most things pretty quickly!!! and i cant think of anything else but honestly these two are quite enough for me
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
uh oh! guess what! i dont have a catchphrase and im very self-conscious about it!
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
im torn between sports anime and slice of life
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
because humans dont have wings we look for other ways to fly
from haikyuu
62. seven characters you relate to?
tsukishima kei from haikyuu
mae borowski from nitw
apollo justice from ace attorney
flame princess from adventure time
donatello from tmnt
sokka from atla
kageyama shigeo from mob psycho 100
63. five songs that would play in your club?
mr brightside, bohemian rhapsody, smile like you mean it by the killers and allof haikyuu ops and eds
64. favorite website from your childhood?
if social media counts, vkontakte i guess?? i didnt really go anywhere else and it still exists and i thriving so im not sure if it should count fkjsndkjf
65. any permanent scars?
yeah, the one from my very first vaccination from when i was a few months old i think and also some traces of when i had chickenpox
66. favorite flower(s)?
idk a lot of flower names but i really like tulips
67. good luck charms?
dont have any at the moment but i’d love to get one!
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
whatever fish mom used to buy when we were kids >:(
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
bro my memory isnt good enough to remember those,,
70. left or right handed?
im a righty but i had to become a lefty for like a month when i broke my pinkie
71. least favorite pattern?
i like traditional ukrainian ornaments
72. worst subject?
history :P
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
ice cream + fries
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
idk how pain levels work but i try not to take meds unless the pain is interfering with studying
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
idk but i had a box full of my teeth for so long they turned to dust and i had to throw it away
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
RHNGRHGNRHGRNH EVERYTHING except for freshly made mashed potatoes
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
if its green it can stay
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
have never had either of those and i hope i never will cause they sound gross!
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
i dont have a license, so.
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
kfjsndfks depends on the mood tbh!
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
82. pc or console?
i WISH i had a console but this is too broke for that,, i played a couple of times tho and it feels more fun than pc!
83. writing or drawing?
please dont make me choose, ive abandoned both and its making me feel bad
84. podcasts or talk radio?
podcasts :O
84. barbie or polly pocket?
idk what polly pocket is but barbie rules!!!
85. fairy tales or mythology?
i feel like sometimes fairy tales are kinda like watered down myths so i have a right to say i like both
86. cookies or cupcakes?
my heart goes to cookies
87. your greatest fear?
finding out im faking any part of my identity
88. your greatest wish?
get through whatever’s going on right now
89. who would you put before everyone else?
90. luckiest mistake?
when i recorded an undertale medley and got a few notes wrong but it actually ended up sounding better than originally
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
fairy lights……
93. nicknames?
never really had many? my bff calls me mr smith sometimes but thats all i can think of fkjsdnfs but also! steve used to be my nickname before i decided my life my own and i get to choose my name
94. favorite season?
spring ;w;
95. favorite app on your phone?
 96. desktop background?
Tumblr media
 97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
my own and my mom’s
 98. favorite historical era?
eh im not very fond of the past because not every time period had soap
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