#hahah so persecuted
maddiviner · 1 year
Hey everyone. I’m posting this to raise a question.
As witches and willworkers, we (should) try to show conspiracy theorists the door, particularly those who’re bigots. But what do we do about people who’re obviously experiencing delusions? Someone who’s mentally ill? Struggling and hurting?
As my username suggests, I’ve got a lot to say about this topic, but there’s not really an easy answer, and I think it needs some discussion. I’d be happy to hear other people’s perspectives. I do think people like me (who’ve experienced psychosis) might have strong feelings about this, but so might those hurt by conspiracy theories. It’s complex.
People online like to laugh when someone posts that the earth is flat, that the moon is a demonic lair, that mountains are trees, etc. When someone starts claiming they’re being “gangstalked” by aliens or the Illuminati, etc, people laugh.
My question is, where do we draw the line? Truth is, a lot of these weird delusions of persecution people write about online are symptoms of actual mental illnesses. So why do people treat it as funny?
Nobody’s going to post a video of me having a seizure and laugh when I bite my tongue. We don’t chuckle when someone with multiple sclerosis experiences spasms. People don’t post screenshots of people talking about deleting with “hahah look at that depressed loser,” so why the “hahah look at that stupid schizo” vibe?
I get that it’s hard not to laugh, at times. Some of it can be quite ridiculous from the outside. If someone on Facebook tells you they think you’re working with the Illuminati to spy on them for purposes unknown, it can be hard not to respond with anything but a confused giggle.
Still, though. Imagine being that person, believing that. From the inside, it can be a terrifying experience. Those things feel unbelievably real in the moment. Three months later, you might find that low dose Abilify (or something) returns your life to normal, but believe me - delusions feel real when you’re in them. I’d wager that’s true for all delusions. When we’re in it, we believe it, we feel it - the fear’s real.
I don’t want to discuss my personal experiences with delusions when I was much younger. I’d rather have written this entire post without mentioning it, but I don’t think my perspective would be taken seriously otherwise. While frightening, my own delusions didn’t involve these kinds of conspiracy theories. They aren’t really relevant here, except to say that it feels incredibly real and terrifying.
In other words, you can be sure that the boomer dude accusing you on Twitter of being a “perp” working with the gangstalkers and beaming “nausea waves” at him really does believe it, and really is frightened on an existential level.
With that in mind, can we really feel okay laughing at people like that?
I guess we might be unable to suppress a private giggle when we read someone’s comment about the hollow earth, or those moon demons supposedly drinking our blood. But it’d be downright unconscionable to directly bully them, even under the guise of “trying to talk them out of it.”
It’d of course, be worse, to pretend I *am* the moon aliens that terrify them, and start messaging them. And yes, that happens sometimes. I have an old friend who developed schizophrenia in 2007 and is STILL convinced we were all working against him/stalking him (at the time) because another person tried to turn his delusions into a joke, thinking it would “make him realize how silly he was being.”
Of course, by “turn them into a joke,” I mean “pretend they were real” and act out the scenario via Skype while the rest of us frantically tried to stop him.
If we’re going to talk about why humor might make such situations worse, we need to discuss humor itself. There’s some evidence that humanity’s capacity for laughter evolved as a way of signaling to our comrades that a situation isn’t actually dangerous. In other words, ancient humans might have laughed as a way of saying, “Yes, this looks scary, but it’s not!”
When we laugh at these things, we’re affirming (to ourselves, if not necessarily anyone else) that we’re not afraid, either of the moon demons or the person frantically telling us about them. Thus, the “laugh at conspiracy theories” thing can be a way of inoculating ourselves and others against them.
We shouldn’t do this at the expense of people who’re scared and suffering, though. We should always take care to avoid making things worse for other people who might have been unfortunate enough to fall into this kind of thing. The issue, of course, is how to do that while also not allowing a place for such conspiracy theories.
I hang out sometimes in transhumanist spaces online. It’s not frequent, but I do keep tabs on the movement and new papers, etc. Naturally, the topic of human enhancement, cyborgs, all that, attracts some conspiracy types, some of which are clearly hurting. In those cases, the moderators of those places tend to show them the door, because reading more transhumanist material and interacting with a volatile online space like that could be harmful for them in that state. That, and of course, not everyone’s kind, and people were trying to “mess” with these “crazies” too.
What it comes down to is this. If it’s a friend of yours or a family member, you likely have the means to help, even if in a small way. When it’s an internet person, you really don’t. Trying to talk them out of it likely won’t work, and might make things worse. Play-acting to make them “realize they’re being silly” is disingenuous trolling, and you’re a grade-A piece of shit if you even consider it. Often, removing yourself from the situation is the best you can do, if the person seems to be in no immediate danger.
I actually wish I’d been banned from certain spaces online when I was dealing with this kind of thing. It sounds ridiculous, but many of the places I visited during my episodes delayed recovery. When you’re experiencing psychosis, material and interactions that would otherwise be innocuous can have straight-up toxic effects. There’s no sense to it - that’s why it’s psychosis, I suppose.
At one point I commented on here that I didn’t do Tarot readings for people currently experiencing mental health crisis or psychosis. I was called ableist for that, and told that I should simply “ask them their triggers and remove those cards.”
Yeah, no. Psychosis doesn’t play by that sort of rules. Or any rules, really. Even if, from the outset, I can’t cite “violent impalement” as a trigger, I might be terrified by the Ten of Swords, especially if I were experiencing delusions again. This is not a black and white issue, and I’m still figuring things out - I just think the matter of mental illness is an important thing to consider. And a lot of these conspiracy theories were intentionally designed by bigots for bigoted purposes. Popular conspiracy theory influencers nowadays exploit the vulnerable for fame and profit.
Many of these conspiracy theories are just updates of centuries-old antisemitic blood libel, though. And these ideas cause a lot of real harm. You only need to skim the news over the past few years to see how far-reaching and dangerous things like Qanon quickly became. How can we best combat this kind of thing, knowing that they specifically target people who are struggling?
We shouldn’t give conspiracy theories so much as an inch. We should be working to both debunk them and warn others from falling into those belief systems. But what do we do in situations where someone is clearly unwell?
As I said, delusions don’t play by normal rules. Mine didn’t. Presenting evidence isn’t going to work, and that’s not because the person is obstinate, either. I usually just walk away, disconnect - but this is something worth talking about. How do you handle these situations? Why?
Before I go, I want to also note that sometimes a response you post to a person online isn’t actually for them. It’s extremely hard to change someone’s mind by arguing with them online. Other people read those exchanges, though, and are influenced by your words.
In a way, when I argued with Qanoners on Facebook during the lockdowns, I wasn’t typing words for them, but for the lurkers who might come across it. I knew the person I was arguing with wasn’t going to listen, but I also knew we had an audience. So, that, too, is important to keep in mind when dealing with conspiracy theorists (of all sorts) online.
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radio-charlie · 2 years
out of curiosity, what's your stance on gun ownership?
hey there. this is admittedly not a subject i've thought about a lot because there's like, almost no gun culture in malaysia hahah. i would feel much more comfortable in a nation where they weren't a ubiquitous presence for sure. but what it usually means when govts "abolish" is only the military and law enforcement get to own them right (sincere question coz i'm not sure). imo when these fellas get to have guns and we don't, and they are the arms of an unjust and oppressive state, it just makes us all sitting ducks. especially the more marginalised communities who get the brunt of their violence anyway. it took me a bit too long to understand, but this might be why some of my black american friends hate it when ppl say nobody should be allowed to have guns.
even if a govt were to say on paper that only the cops and military can have guns, in reality the groups more favored by them will end up with guns anyway la... humans being human and all. i bet some army dudes over in amrika would help their white nationalist friends get guns hah...
so succinctly - i'm pro gun ownership insofar as it grants marginalised and persecuted communities a way to defend themselves against a state that doesn't give a crap abt their lives
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elriell · 3 years
hi! i'm a long time elriel, (i mean like acowar/acofas era) but i can't seem to find my people 😅🥲I'm so nervous about joining anything elriel because people have been VICIOUS toward me. I sometimes write some elucien, but I don't really think they'll be canon. Not a big gwynriel person either -- i tried to read/write their stuff but i'm kind of at the end of my rope with all the elain hating. I love elain, and I'm currently reading PRETTY LITTLE ANGEL- by dottielovegood (elriel bdsm!!!). sorry this is so random! i just wanted to say hi.
Also I wanted to add that I've seen you around the dash for a really long time (6+ months) but wasn't sure how to approach you. I would love some elriel friends but I don't want to persecuted for thinking lucien is spicy (i mean HE IS, but not with elain--maybe with vassa <3) I'm just super nervous!!
Hey! Welcomeeeee, me too well ACOTAR era for me haha but yeah it has been a while xD I am so sorry you haven't fouund you clan yet, perhaps this is the beginning of it <3
And I am also sorry anyone has been that way with you :(
I just wan't you to know you are always welcome with me, no matter what you do or don't ship. Heck even if you thought they were endgame, it doesn't diminish my love or even your own love for Elriel... If you have been here that long then you know I am Pro-Lucien, don't get me wrong I have had issues with him but same applies to every character in the ACOTAR universe.
The Elain hate is so sad, and so shocking that such a kind and compassionate character would inspire such wild hatred. *sigh*
I have never read that FF is it good?? Sounds spicyyyyy
Do not apologise, I am so glad you stopped by to say hi, for whatever reason that inspired you too after months I am happy!! Come back and if and/or when you ever feel comfortable to give me you URL I can give you a follow <3
Listen I am the easiest creature EVER, you could literally just start up a convo like we've spoken before and I'd roll with it hahah I think there are a few of us that like Lucien/ship Vassien so don't feel like you are alone! We are out here chilling xD
As I said Welcome!!!!!!!
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abundantchewtoys · 4 years
Homestuck^2 re: Chapter 1 “Clown Logistics” (p57-95)
So, I would like to see the persecuting crew, but I wonder what the Clown Logistics'd apply to in that context.
It might also apply to getting rid of Gamzee's dead body - if Vriska ML fears Jane might come after her and (Vriska).
Though I would like it to apply to something more innocent, like John talking to Harry Anderson and harlequins somehow making their way into the subject matter.
Page 57
Oooooh, so THAT is what Vriska ML looks like! The text hadn't described her that much in detail, so this is a pleasant surprise!
She's a goth, hahah. It's ironic - in a way, dressing this way isn't rebellious at all, if that's what she was aiming for, since both her moms are themselves quite gothic too. Didn't expect the short hair, but it stands to reason a child raised by Kanaya and Rose wouldn't have long hair where her mothers don't!
Cool outfit all around.
So, it's also a nice juxtaposition to (Vriska) from the Game Over timeline. She went more the punk route under influence of Meenah.
And post-retcon (Vriska) is still looking quite burned and bloodied from her escapades on the battlefield in the Furthest Ring. Though it's notable that her chest isn't pierced, I thought a piece of broken spacetime hit her there
Hahah, she's claiming John's phone. Stickyfingers Serket.
So this means that when Jake says he didn't know where John went to... He was here just now, talking to Rose! So this takes place before John went to talk to Roxy and Harry Anderson. Oh boy, so we might be in for seeing that heartwrenching father-son conversation after all.
Say, the way Vriska ML holds her arms, with her sleeves like that... It kind of reminds me of Kanaya. I wonder if there are other mannerisms we'll see her having taken over from her mothers.
Page 58
Oooooh, hah. That's actually so true to her nature. (Vriska) staying obsure, not as relevant as the real deal? Nope.
This actually feels like something where the suggestion box could have opened up again.
Then again, we might just be shown a list of fake options on the next page.
Though I wonder if this is where people chose Vriska ML, the term used in the recap page. Vriskers is a fan favorite for the original flavour.
Hmm, Rosemary? It's just accurate but left-field enough it might work. :P And it's 8 letters, come to think of it!
Page 59
... Where did that eyepatch come from?! Was she really that hurt in the fight? Hah, she drew an 8/infinity symbol on it.
Ooooooh. Vrissy, huh? Okay, it's kind of a cute nickname. Sounds kind of like Vriska+sissy, though. Although, she IS kind of a sister to Vriska.
She seems to enjoy it though! But, uh, to me, it's still a bit confusing to read, since the first four letters of their name is still the same, and their text colour is all the same. :P We need Vrissy to change to red text colour, stat! :P
Anyway, they want to dispose of the body - not turn their back on it - and Vrissy wants to call some people.; So that's bound to be Tavros and Harry Anderson, right?
Though it's a bit strange she'd call her kismesis and matesprit at the same time, especially as said people are currently under close scrutiny by Jane, you'd think.
What's Vriska's reaction going to be to Vrissy calling a Tavros, though? :P
Page 60
Huh, that's less of an antagonistic interaction between them. Maybe "kismesis" is a loose term.
"Roll with it", pffffff.
So, Tavros is very much going to highjack one of Jane's smaller ships, right? Maybe this is what Jake referred to, his son and his kismesis being out.
Hah, namedrop! Now to see Vriska's response. Jawdrop?
Blaperile thinks Tavros might come in a car. That could work too, stuffing Gamzee's body in the trunk. And going on a roadtrip.
Page 61
XD, yeah, actually, a cringe reaction fits too. Then again, it was only a few hours ago she saw Tavros' ghost, so it wouldn't be THAT big a blast from the past... Wait, was she expecting GCATavrosprite or something??
Hah, so Vrissy thinks Tavros will get a kick out of seeing Gamzee dead. I don't think he'll be estatic, but he'll certainly won't mind. I'm dying to see how he looks though, Jade and John's biological brother!
Page 62
... That looks like a flying Smart from this angle.
Lol. Yeah, seems like a Vris thing, oggling Tavros car and being miffed it isn't hers.
Page 63
oooooooh. Yup, this looks what a Jane/Jake child with a bit of Gamzee peppering would end up looking like! Cool sidebangs.
The purple text and suit does beg explanation though, since Gamzee's such a shitty rolemodel. Maybe he doesn't really have a say in his clothing. :/
He does remind me of one of the kids on the Sburb fan album this way, though.
I love him.
Page 64
... Pfffff, and there's him keeping up the Tavros name in the unwilling clumsiness. Heheehh.
Vrissy did do a good job explaining the situation.
And it seems like this boy might have inherited some of John and Jake's panache at dramatic entrances!
Page 65
D: Poor, poor dude.
Ding dong, the clown is dead.
Page 66
(Still not seeing the kismesitude, though I LOVE Vrissy's attempt at being supportive.)
Vriska's also being rather uncharacteristically hospitable. Also, isn't she weirded out by the idea of attracting OTHER people, after having known the same 20-odd faces for so long?
Page 68
He's on the brink of adventure. He's heard the note desolation plays.
Tavros' life is on the brink of changing, is what I'm saying.
I wonder, is he bare underneath the sweater? Oh righ, he had that shirt with the bowtie.
Page 69
Hey, suspenders! ... They're just as orange as Vrissy's phone! Huh, I thought it might have been a compression issue, that Vrissy's phone was Crockertech (since it's presumably the foremost prelavent tech), but now I wonder.
... Wait, does Dirk have tech company? Orange and such. But suspenders don't strike me as his thing. :P
Page 71
Wait what?
... Is THIS Harry Anderson??????????
I thought the kid had glasses too, and black hair like John!
Dang, okay, those are some STRONG Lalonde genes. Coooooool.
John's son is a coolkid. My mind is blown.
Page 72
So his personality is a delightful cross between Roxy and John's. He's only working off the assumption Vrissy's pranking him. Thinking he's the pranking MASTER.
Well, that coolkid facade is gonna be cracked real soon. Though I take his word for it he'll still know where to stash the thing. Even though he's all slick, I think the kid has inherited Roxy's IQ.
Page 75
Hahah, Harry Anderson didn't play truant for his last hour of school.
And Vriska's references to Alternia are going to keep weirding the other teens out.
This clown business does INDEED bring a lot of logistics with it.
Heehee, yeah, Vriska notes as well that Vrissy's rather chummy with her kismesis. I wonder if she, Tavros and Harry Anderson are in a state of flux in their quadrants. When she's chummy with one, she antagonizes the other.
Oooh, time for the first real point of disagreement between the two Vris'!
Blaperile has a good point - Tavros is going to end up with the rebels somehow. Well, I suppose him being seen with Vrissy is going to be enough to start a rumour, but he might indeed end up in the rebel camp proper, in the Troll Kingdom.
Page 76
Awww. Okay, so it's just a very low-energy kismesitude. His dorkiness vs her bossiness. And it just works, a better adjusted version of Nitram and Vriska's relation. It's even tamer than John and Terezi's bickering, is what I'm saying. At least for now.
Page 77
Pfff, so he actually went 'Right-o' and still followed Vriska out the door. Cool move for a kismesis, for sure.
N'aww, she hates-likes him.
Why did no-one captchalogue the corpse, though?
Page 79
So, are they gonna get caught? I'm not that worried about the honk. I mean, at this point, Gamzee reviving? I'm not really seeing it. But his body, even at rest, is full of the honkiest squeaks, that I believe.
If they let him drop now, which might happen since the aquabloods aren't stopping... It'll cause a ruckus.
Page 81
Pfffff. Vriska's efficiency level is at such a low level. It's hilarious.
Tavros has a good intuition, it seems, he felt she would be counting to 8.
Page 83
Ahhh, this is such a wacky hijinx adventure, I never expected...
Hold the fuck up.
We're now in the Weekend at Bernie’s zone. Holy shit.
Page 85
Pffff, they actually managed to set the sprinklers off with so much as smoke? My god.
Yeah, they have to run for cover now, leaving the dead clown behind.
Page 86
Welp. WELP. They're caught. Hilarious BLUH panel though.
Okay, now, I can see how this story will get blown up, and Jane assumes the rebels kidnapped Tavros. ... Wait.
Chances are high that all the teens are just going to end up somewhere else entirely, not even at the rebel camp at all. Ah, yes, a misunderstanding pile-up causing the war to escalate is just something I can see happening here. Bonus points for it being a bunch of dumb teens covering up a dumb clown murder.
Page 87
Ooooooh. Five-letter names! Well, it fits Harry Anderson. And emoji's! :O We're in a new decennium now, that's for sure.
Yeah this is going viral.
I wonder if these people's names are, like, coming from Patreon backers. Or old Kickstarter backers from higher tiers.
(Yeah yeah, it's probably the writers themselves having named these folks, I'm making a federal issue from it.)
Page 88
Cool perspective
Page 89
Pfffff, Vriska's having the time of her life. She's just having fun, since she doesn't really concern herself with consequences.
Vrissy has a better handle of the impact of what just happened.
Page 90
... Yup, that's about the jumping to conclusions I was expecting.
Yeesh, Jane is actually as dense as Jake in a lot of critical ways. She's very good at convincing herself of the truth of something. Like here, how she still loved Gamzee, and how Tavros loved him too.
It seems like the conflict on Earth C pivots around Jane's policies. But I don't see how she can be made aware of all her shortsightedness and prejudice, at this point.
Page 91
But it's an actual freaking callback to the beginnings of the story, and Act 6 Act 1, hahah.
Page 92
... Harry is sitting on the bleachers.
Hah, he thinks this is the prank the other teens were pulling on him, just setting off the fire alarm. Thinks he has it all figured out.
Page 94
Best reaction image. Ever. Hahahahah.
He was like:
8) |8) :o
Page 95
Hah! And even a carapacian expression! (Alternatively, Pickle Inspector.) He's inherited that one from his mother's side, no doubt.
Shenanigans. Best shenanigans.
So, where does this take place in regard with John's make-up conversation with Roxy, anyway? My gut says before, but my brain is thinking: how would that even work. Harry'd have to be a karma Houdini. Which would actually be fitting, since magic / sleight of hand runs on both sides of his family.
I'm in love with all of these walking teenage disasters already.
0 notes
fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #246
“BUFF, Flux in Control, Quest for Cp and Lie”
- / player BuffNOTCH has joined the server / -
[Bn] Appears with a heavy thump. He's a basic NOTCH but as big as an iron golem, his smile is huge and his greeting is incredibly loud and friendly- HELLO Wow... Did I spawn into a party? You guys have a really diverse server! Nice to meet you all! Where's my Herobrine?
[Doc] Jaw drop and the statick dribbles on the grass, messing up its color at hir feet.
[Stevie] - Wha...  What?
[aven] -has also shown up leaving ben with hyrule but he gave her his ocarina-
[Zly Wilk] shares an uncertain look with Lazur. They both lower their weapons to appear less threatening, but stay back and stay at the ready.
-Mix head tilt-
[Yaunfen] - Mada?  Who that?
[Bn] I'm BuffNOTCH! But you can call me Buff! So seriously! I see lots of brines, which ones mine?
[Doc] I guess that would be me...
[Buff] Strolls up- Wooow a dragon. Neat! We should arm wrestle sometime! I'll go easy on you- arm flex and playful wink-
[Stevie] - What the Nether is going on?
[Mix] -Softly, to Sky- ...What?
[gem] -is confused but is maintaining the lasers-
[Lazur] - looks at Zly with a surprised look and a shrug before putting her sword away. [Zly Wilk] - is still apprehensive, holds his staff like a walking stick. He looks closely at Doc, trying to read hir and judge how best to proceed.
[Buff] So what's going on? You guys look pretty tense. You should do more stretching exercises to loosen up. [TLOT] Shakes his head and addresses Stevie - from what I can glean someone deleted Dn and this is the result. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to take my husband to the bar and get utterly drunk.
[Crim] - relaxes and scuttles a little closer, curious.
[Doc] scuffs the statick that's pooled on the grass to despawn it.
[Stevie] - I...  I don't...  What?
[Yaunfen] - Mada?
[Zly Wilk] - aside to Stevie - I take it this isn't a normal occurrence, even by this seed's standards?
[Flowey] Can I go now?
[Mix] I.. yeah, I guess.
-Flowey does the abscond-
[Stevie] - No, not at all...  And I'm still confused as to where my brother is, he'd never miss out on fighting a NOTCH...
[Buff] Is just looking around- bit of a grim spawn but the headstone signs are pretty funny-
[Doc] I take it... you're not here to start anything?
[Buff] Not unless you're not taking care of yourself! HAHAH
[Buff] Looks at Crim - hey little fella! You're cute. - pats Crim on the head-
[Crim] - blinks in confusion. - Big no steps?
[Doc] Loafs - good grief- Xe turns to check in Deerheart. - Love? It's safe. Are you okay?
[Deer] Gives no response, her colors are still very dull and her breathing is shallow-
[Buff] Huh? - pats his pockets. - maybe I have a cookie?
[gem] -realizes he is friendly retracts her mist puts on her bracelets and lands with her guardians-
[Doc] Nudges her- Deerheart? -
[Yaunfen] - Mama...
[Doc] pulls out a bowl of the healing slime and smears a small line over her chest like icy hot- wake up sweetheart...
[Deer] Gives no response-
[Zly Wilk] - stows his staff with a mixure of relief and regret and turns to Lazur - Ok... We should get back to fixing your speech program.
[Buff] At Gem - lots a hands to shake here! - Goes for a shake with one hand and a fist bump with the other.
[Doc] Calls out for Flux, hir panic growing
[Mix] Well, atleast he's friendly? -pets the now perching Firebird and steps back a bit-
[gem] -shakes his hand with one of hers and the guardians fist bump-
[Flux] - I hear you, but I cannot come to you
[Buff] does a quick movement and suddenly Gem has cookies in two of her hands- haha!
[Doc] I have to go... Flux, I'm coming.
[gem] -puts her sugar cookies in her other two hand- would you like one?
[Stevie] - I'll go with you Doc
[Flux] Is still kneeling where she was earlier-
[Buff] Nah I just carry em for kids and such, not a big sugar  person.
[Buff] Offers Crim a cookie as well-
[gem] I like sugar but I don't need it or other foods.
[Crim] - sniffs then shakes head no. - Smell wrong, make stomach hurt. No thank.
[Doc] walks gingerly back to where Flux is, hir legs still shaking from all the leftover adrenaline. - Flux... She passed out....
[Buff] Oh! Okay.
[Flux] - I know, I managed to stop it in time
[Doc] Stop what?
[Flux] - She used so much energy, the seed tried to reclaim her, to protect her.  We servers are not meant to do what she just did.  We are meant to protect not destroy.  For the time being I am in control of the server
[Doc] Curls around her, crying softly - Thank you Flux... I owe you so much. I would be lost without her.
[Flux] - It shouldn't take her too long to recover since DN has been replaced by another
[Buff] So who's who? How come there are so many brines here?
[Stevie] Goes into Lie's house and then comes back out, scratching his head in confusion as Hope and the Vulpix's run outside-
[Zly Wilk] - cranes his neck to look at Buff - I'm Zly, this is my partner Lazur. We are former.... Well.... "Fixers"... That ended up seeking sanctuary here after our last mission went bad.
[Buff] Capital! Always good to have people to patch things up on big servers! I understand multiplayer can be rowdy! Thankfully I can bounce and ban hammer with the best!
[Mix] I'm Mix, this is Firebird!
[Sky] I'm Sky.
[Firebird] -chorp-
[Buff] You look very fit and hearty miss! And your pet looks in good health too. Good job! What an unusual Enderman!
[Firebird] -Sound similar to laughter-
[Stevie] Approaches Doc- Doc...  I can't find my brother anywhere around here, or Lie
[Zly Wilk] we specialized in viruses, malicious programs, even.... harmful glitches from time to time..... but it was always fun ChatBot hunting when we would get the chance. -chuckles-
[gem] my name is gem and these are my guardians
[aven] i'm aven
[hg] -is behind a tree because he is a little scared- my name is HG
[Buff] Annoyingly loud- Nice to meet all of you! So fill me in, what do I need to know? My brine skittered off, but I'm sure I'll catch up to them soon enough.
[Notch] Was helping Stevie look-  I hate to say it, but I think he ran and hid. It would make sense with everything that's happened lately.
[Stevie] - Who knows how far he went...
[aven] I am heading back to ben and hyrule -heads off-
[Doc] Well he didn't leave the server. And I should be able to use the admin functions to find him. I think it's just a matter of talking him down.
[Buff] Waves to Aven-
[Flux] - At least his mate is with him
[Doc] True. - Xe's unconsiously grooming Deerheart's hair with hir claws. - He probably just wanted to protect her.
[Yaunfen] - Why Mada doing that?
[Doc] Doing what? Oh! Just... I want her to know I'm here. Keeping her warm, watching over her. She takes such good care of me...
[Yaunfen] - Oh, can I help?
[Notch] Flux... are you okay? You look uncomfortable...
[Doc] If you want, sweetheart. Curl up with us.
[Flux] - I will be fine, although I will be unable to move from this spot until Deer is ready to take control again
[Yaunfen] Curls up between them-
[Notch] Oh dear! Can you at least sit down?
[Flux] - If I am careful, it is just that my fingers cannot leave the ground, that is where the connection is
[Notch] Shit... Um, I'll help! - He opens the creative and then carefully maneuvers a stairblock under her butt so she's sitting, albeit a little awkwardly.
[Flux] - Thank you Notch
[Notch] Give me a few ticks, I'll build a little shelter around you so you don't get rained on. - starts pulling out materials-
[Hope] Starts playing with the end of Doc's tail-
[Zly Wilk] We are rather new here ourselves, Buff, so we don't know many of the locals, but i can tell you that your Brine has made something wonderful here.... A sanctuary where all those who have been persecuted, those looking for a second chance at a new life, can find a safe space to call home.
In all my Cycles I've never seen anything like it, and the inhabitants here would protect their home and their friends to the death, if it came to that.
[Doc] Flicks it a little bit with a soft smile so the cat can play.
[Buff] Hot damn. Looks like I hit the jackpot assignment-wise! I guess I won't be needed for bodyguard duty much, huh?
[Hope] Tackles it while the Alolan Vulpix tries to get the other one to play-
[HG] -tries to get closer to buff-
[Buff] Turns a huge radiant smile on HG - You're grubby! Been playing football or something?
[HG] -in a shy voice- no I garden I have a lot of plants I take care of so I am in the dirt a lot.
[Zly Wilk] it's a pretty peaceful seed, yeah. Not to say there aren't 'family squabbles' now and then. You may see some dust ups amongst the Brines, but we all pretty much take care of our own when the chips are down.
[Deer] Starts stirring-
[Buff] I love it, on both counts! - Gives Hg a friendly swat on the shoulder. - It's always good to get outside! Breathe some fresh air and get dirty!
[Doc] Gives her the tiniest sad lick on the cheek-
[Deer] - Doc?
[HG] -falls over because he wasn't expecting the swat-
[Doc] I'm here...
[Buff] Whoops! Sorry little guy! - He picks up Hg like he doesn't weigh anything and sets him on his feet again.
[Deer] - What...  What happened?
[HG] thank you
[Doc] Some kind of secondary protocal. It must have been part of the last update and I didn't notice it. You deleted Dn, and the system generated a new NOTCH to take his place...
[Buff] No problem!
[Deer] - A new one?
[Doc] Yeah... he's a bit odd.... but he seems friendly enough.
[Deer] - If you say so...  I feel weird...
[Flux] - That's most likely because you're not fully connected to the seed at the moment
[Notch] Has already put up some walls and is now building a cute little roof over her head.
[Deer] - I'm not fully connected?  What's wrong?  What's happening?
[Doc] She's in control for the moment. She was waiting for you to recover fully.
[Deer] - Flux, you didn't have to...
[Flux] - Yes I did, the seed would have taken you back to save you
[Doc] You saved me and she saved you.
[Deer] - Then thank you Flux
[Flux] - You are very welcome
[Lazur] - makes a series of noises like out of the old Q*Bert game -
[Zly Wilk] It's not my business to ask. We are NOT the Guardians of this seed.
-gets a pleading look from his partner- oh.... Alright.  Buff, pardon my asking. We've had some run ins with some bad characters that have dropped in... What exactly IS your assignment here?
[Buff] Shrugs- NOTCHs are assigned to Herobrines. We're just supposed to keep an eye on them and make sure they don't cause a ton of chaos and drive the human players away.
[Zly Wilk] -grins broadly- Then yeah, I think you got yourself a pretty easy assignment.
[Buff] Then just let me know if you need any heavy things moved around. - Laughs-
[Mix] What kind of heavy stuff counts?
[Buff] Anything!
[Zly Wilk] - laughs- well, we need to head over to check in on our friends. care to follow?  - in chat - Doc, where you guys at?
[Doc] Chat- At Lie's house
[Mix]! Can you carry me???
[Zly Wilk] Chat - ok... Bringing our new friend.
[Buff] Sure! Shall I take the bird too?- He picks her up one handed and puts her on his shoulder.
[Mix] Nice! *giddy Laugh
[firebird] *chirp
[Buff] Puts the big bird on his other shoulder and faces Zly - Lead the way!
[Sky] - amused snort -
[Zly Wilk] - heads off towards Lie's house at a brisk pace and soon they arrive -
[Stevie] Waves in greeting-
[Buff] Looks at Deerheart laying down, and Flux in her tiny house. - Uhh? Everything okay over here?
[Deer] - I'm not sure
[Doc] It's just been a stressful day...
[Zly Wilk] -waves back and approches Stevie, whispers - Do me a favor? When things settle down, have Doc contract me? - makes sure Lazur is out of earshot - I have a coding issue that i could use some help on.
-Mix blep -
[Stevie] - Huh?  Uh, sure...
[Buff] Hey another NOTCH! I think?
[Notch] I'm the original... Markus.
[Buff] Neat.
[Hope] Mews at Buff, sniffing him-
[Buff] Can't reach down for the cat without dislodging Mix and Firebird - Good kitty.
[Deer] Sits up a bit more- It feels weird, not being fully connected to the server that is...
[Zly Wilk] Thanks. With all that is going on, figured it could wait. - gestures to Deer, Flux, and Buff before walking over and joining Lazur.
[Lazur] - teleports them both back to their camp in the woods -
[Doc] Well you're registered as a player, so it's not like you're in total limbo with the system.
[Stevie] Eyes Buff a little nervously-
-mix, contently blepping on Buffs shoulder while Firebird preens on the other -
[Buff] Hey, a Steve! What's shaking big guy? - Offered fist bump.
[Stevie] - Ummm...- He isn't sure what to do
[Doc] Makes a little motion and bumps hir knuckles together-
[Stevie] Tentatively bumps fists-
[Buff] All right!
[Stevie] Steps away and trips over the Vulpix's which then scatter-
[snake] -comes from the direction of gem's house because he stayed behind because they though there was going to be a fight he make a kazoo noise so no one steps on him-
[CN] Is sniffling in the dog house, Lie's wolves nudging him and trying to make him happier-
[Yaunfen] Happily nuzzles Deer- Mama...
[Deer] Gives Yaunfen a gentle pet-
[Notch] Finishes the tiny house and looks around. - Hey, where's Cn? Do you think Cp and Lie actually took him too?
[Doc] I doubt it...
[Buff] Hears the kazoo and looks around- Did someone fart?
[Flux] - Dog pen
[snake] I am no fart I am a snake
[Notch] I'll go look.
[CN] Is sitting in a corner, knees drawn up to his chest-
[Mix] Hey Snake! *wave from Buff;s shoulder
[Buff] Oh! You're tiny! Sorry!
[Notch] Cn? - ventures inside- Cn...
[CN] Wipes his eyes- Go away
[snake] I am very tiny compared to the other guardians but I still have a great impact
[Notch] Are you sure you wouldn't prefer someone to tell your troubles too?
[CN] - NO!
[Notch] Well then you can be quiet, but you're still coming with me. - He scoops up the small child and hugs him before making his way back to the group-
[CN] Still crying-
[Doc] Sees Markus approaching and Cn crying. - Oh...
[Buff] Walks to meet them- Hey little NOTCH, why so many tears?
[CN] Turns away from Buff-
[Deer] - CN...  I'm sorry...
[Doc] You'll understand when you're older I think...
[Deer] - But you weren't his CN
[Notch] He wasn't a nice person at all. I know you cared about him, but he didn't care about anyone but himself. Honestly.
[CN] - But he helped me get feathers!
[Doc] So did I. You have other friends Cn...
[CN] - NO!  First you take DN away and then the big meanie took my brine somewhere and I don't know where!
[Buff] Dn?
[Doc] Your predessor was... fired from his post.
[Buff] Hm. Well, lucky for me, I guess?
[Notch] Cp just bolted because he was afraid Cn. We'll find him and Lie.
[CN] Huffs and hides his face away-
[Buff] I'll be your friend kiddo. Us NOTCH's gotta stick together.
[CN] - No!  I don't want you
[Buff] Well, not now. But you might change your mind later.
[CN] - No
[Buff] Okay...
[Notch] He's just upset.
[Buff] I can see that.
[Doc] Checking on Deerheart -
[Deer] - I think I'll be alright...
[Buff] What if I help you find your Herobrine, kid?
[CN] Glances at Buff-
[Buff] Best winning smile-
-Mix blep-
[CN] Isn't sure but wants to find Lie-
[Notch] I think I should stay here. Someone has to watch Lie's animals and Flux can't move.
[Buff] I'm ready for anything!
[Doc] I'm in. I can use my pinpoint to find them. But I don't think tping to them directly would be a good thing. Cp might freak even more and leave the seed.
[Deer] - That would be bad
[Doc] So we're just going for a walk. Who's in?
[Deer] - I don't know if I should go...  I'm probably what scared CP...
[snake] take me
[Mix] I'm comfy, so I'm coming.
[Firebird] -Chirp-
[Buff] If someone hands me Snake I can carry him too.
[Doc] Deerheart... I still feel like you should come. Especially in this diminished state. I want you close to me in case theres a problem. I'll just carry you.
[Deer] - Alright
[Yaunfen] - Mada!  I come?
[Doc] Of course! I don't want to leave you alone either.
[Notch] Will you stay here and help me tend to Lie's animals Cn? Or go with them?
[CN] Muffled- I don't know...
[Stevie] - I can help you Father, I know Lie has a lot of animals
[Firebird] -Easily scales down Buff to pluck Snake up before returning to his spot, threading the tiny being into his feathers-
[Notch] I think you should stay here. They'll be back with Lie soon enough.
[CN] Quietly- Okay...
[snake] I ride once again -is making sure to stay on firebirds back-
[Doc] Yaunfen? Climb up on me and help your mom stay on my shoulders okay? I'm trusting you.
[Yaunfen] - Okay Mada!- Xe clambers up
[Deer] Pulls herself up as well-
[Flux] - Don't worry Deer, I will tend to the server for now, you just rest
[Doc] I'm gonna walk, just go to sleep if you need too.
[Deer] - Thank you love
[Buff] Do we need to take anything? [Doc] No, I have access to creative. Though we might be gone a few days, he's pretty far out. It's probably for the best, give him time to cool down. - heads for the woods
-The Vulpix's watch them leave curiously-
[Stevie] - Good luck!
[Doc] Thanks Stevie!
[Buff] So... Why did he run off? Is he just super timid?
[Yaunfen] - Big fire strong! Mada, we go on adventure?
[Doc] Yes we are sweetie, especially for you, you've hardly ever left sight of the spawn so far. And Yaunfen is correct Buff. Cp is really strong, he's just had some really horrific experiences with his own NOTCH, and he's super protective of his wife.
[Deer] - His NOTCH isn't nearly as friendly as you Buff
[Mix] *kick legs a bit, listening
[Buff] Huh, must be an older model. Upon spawning I was shown a small warning that if I killed my Herobrine I would not be assigned to another.  I'd prefer to do a good job. Just watching players grief each other all day long sounds far more dull then hanging out with a Herobrine.
[Deer] - CP's NOTCH has killed other NOTCH'S
[Buff] I'm not entirely sure, but I think you're not supposed to do that...
[Doc] I would hope not, but then I'm kind of an optimist -  Xe trots across the air blocks to ford a little stream.
[Buff] Kicks over a tree and uses it to cross behind them -
-it's a lovely sunny day and the air is full of the little sounds of peaceful mobs -
[Yaunfen] - But Big Fire Notch here...
[Doc] Oh? You mean Markus? That's his dad, not his AI NOTCH. It's different
[Yaunfen] - How?
[Deer] Feels as if she's viewing the world anew again without her connection to it-
[Buff] If this Markus guy is his dad it means he had a hand in making Cp what he is, literally or figuratively? Right? NOTCHs are assigned to Brines in all kind of different roles. We might pose as relations if we can get there right when a brine is spawning, but we really aren't.
[Doc] Sounds about right to me...
- they crest a hill and the trees open out into a plains biome dotted with grazing sheep and wandering horses. The bit of breeze carries just a hint of the sea.
[Deer] - CP's original NOTCH took the role of his and Stevie's, the Steve you meet earlier, father
[Yaunfen] - Horsies!
[Buff] Is he around somewhere too?
[Doc] Sadly no, he was injured by another NOTCH and his code fell apart.
[Buff] Oh. I'm sorry.
[Deer] - At least CP was there in his final moments
[Yaunfen] Slips off Doc to run after some of the horses-
[Doc] Hey where you going without Mada? - Xe picks up the pace a bit to run with the horses as well
[Buff] Are you trying to catch one?
[Doc] Just having some fun, get the wind in my mane!
[Yaunfen] - Run! Run!
[Buff] Breaks into a run despite his passengers and catches up with them easily
-A couple horses kick out at them-
[Deer] - Be careful Yaunfen
[Doc] They spook easy, stay to the side where they can see you easy
[Yaunfen] Slows a little- But miss Lie gets behind them
[Doc] Maybe she knows something I don't... Just be careful.
[Buff] Woo!
- there's a bit of change in the terrain as it loads in, revealing a thin strip of jungle butting against some mountains.
[Doc] Hey Yaunfen, look at this! -Points to a few parrots flirting about
[Buff] pokes firebird playfully- relatives of yours?
-The horses scatter rather then flee into the jungle-
[Deer] - We should get some more feathers for CN
[Firebird] -Roll eyes a bit and sticks talons out to flick Buff-
[Buff] Chuckles- no need to get pinchy. Just playing.
[Doc] They're so small though. I don't want to kill them. Maybe we should just give him one for a pet when we get back.
[Deer] - We'll see how well he can take care of it...
[Buff] A pet is a good way to teach kids responsibility!
[Doc] Notices a bit of ruined masonry and sticks hir head under the canopy of trees- Aww, it didn't spawn fully.
-There's just a small part of a jungle temple hidden in the underbrush.
[Yaunfen] - Pet?
[Buff] Looks up at Mix- so what's your story? I understand female Herobrines are decently unusual.
[Doc] Pets are small animals adopted into families Yaunfen. Like LH, he's my pet cat. Technically Grinny is mine too since I had to register an owner to get him in respawn.
[Mix] -Shrugs a bit and wiggles legs back and forth- I Travel and help out where I can. This lug ended up stuck with me. -reach over to pat the firebird-
[Yaunfen] - Are there big pets for big families?
[Doc] Yep, Gir is pretty big, isn't Xe?
[Yaunfen] - Uh huh!
[Buff] Nice! - he really gets a good look at Firebird- Been hiding long [string of numbers] ?
[Firebird] -Softer chirp and slight squish down into a feather ball-
[Firebird] -Slight nod-
[Yaunfen] Sniffs the air- Chocolate! Chocolate!
[Buff] That's understandable, it's hard out there. And you feel like a older model NOTCH.
[Doc] Yep! Jungles are where cocoa beans grow. Just stay where we can see you.
[Firebird] -nods a bit more and ceases being a feather ball-
[Mix] I've known him a long time. Saved my life like... Twice. Ish.
[Yaunfen] Is sniffing around, weaving between tree's trying to find the cocoa beans-
-An ocelot is startled and bounds away from Yaunfen with an annoyed meow-
[Yaunfen] - Kitty!
[Doc] Yep. LH looked like that  before I tamed him.
[Buff] Scratches Firebirds ruff gently- is he actually your NOTCH Mix?
[Deer] Is starting to doze off-
[Yaunfen] Spots some cocoa beans and tries to reach them- Mada...  I can't reach!
[Doc] gently plucks the pods and puts them at Yaunfen's feet- you and me will have to practice tree-climbing soon. Since you don't have any wings.
[Doc] Hears Deerheart's soft noises and smiles- mama is so tired...
[Yaunfen] gnaws on a pod, having a bit of difficulty opening it-
[Mix] Nah. He's someone else's.
[Yaunfen] - Mada, I can't get open!
[snake] -climbs on the firebirds head and make a kazoo noise-
[Doc] I'll fix it. - Xe draws a claw across it like a zipper, melting the edges open. - Just scoop em out.
[Yaunfen] Lets tongue out to lick the inners out-
[Doc] Takes a moment to pick around the partial temple. - sorry, I know I'm getting distracted. But I really love mossy cobbles.
[Buff] Is there a dragon horde somewhere?
[Doc] Blushes - it's mostly oddball items and junk food...
-The sun is heading for the horizon now, coloring the sky in a riot of pinks and reds-
[Doc] Should we bed down for the night, fight through, or fly?
[Yaunfen] Now has chocolate all over their face-
-A few zombies groan in audible range-
[Yaunfen] Curls up a little- Mada...
[Doc] Stay close to me. I'll keep you safe.
[Buff] I'm up for whatever. What about you three? - asking Snake, Firebird and Mix-
[Yaunfen] Scurries over and tries getting under Doc-
[snake] I can't really fight
[Mix] Doesn't matter to me.
[Firebird] -Vaguely uninterested bird noise-
-A zombie becomes visible and turns towards them-
[Doc] Takes a breath and roasts it with lightning- small burp
[snake] -is patting firebirds head-
[Doc] Bed down then. I'll just finish this temple - Xe makes some gestures with a paw and the dirt rises up in a wave and fills in the missing part of the building to make a whole structure.
-Another zombie comes into view but it is suddenly frozen over-
[Buff] Niiiice. - He saunters inside without looking back.
[Doc] Squints at the zombie and nudges Yaunfen inside as well. - Shut the door. I'll just be a moment. - Xe scampers over the foliage and looks at the frozen zombie with deep suspicion.
[AVulpix] Pops out of a nearby bush- Vul!
[RVulpix] Nervously follows-
[Buff] Is looking around the space. - Pretty dank but it'll do. Anyone got torches?
[Doc] You! You followed us all the way out here?
[AVulpix] - Vul!
[Mix] Nah, but I have a few fire shards? They're not as bright as torches but...
[Buff] Fire shards?
[Doc] Come on you two. Let's take shelter. - Xe leads them into the little temple and then transforms to follow. While carrying Deerheart in hir arms.
[Buff] Jumps visibly - How..?
[RVulpix] Quickly hurries into a corner-
[Mix] -Pops a fireshard out, but drops it due to the Buff jump-
-It clatters and lets off a small flame out -
[RVulpix] Looks at the shard curiously-
[Doc] It's a knack. I can build people secondary forms as long as they're bigger then the person who's going to fit inside of it. Man, it's dark in here- Xe rummages through the creative and puts up some torches.
[AVulpix] Goes over to lick and calm it's fellow vulpix-
[Buff] Points at Yaunfen- So does that mean that's a kid?
[Yaunfen] - I have small form!
[Doc] It's the other way around actually. Yaunfen is a natural dragon with a humanoid form for small spaces. - Xe pulls out some beds and lays Deerheart gently on one.
[Buff] Turns to the dragon who is obviously excited- Can I see?
[Deer] Reaches out and grabs Doc's coat in her sleep-
[Yaunfen] Nods and sticks tongue out in concentration before going into hir humanoid form- Tada!
[Doc] Let's Deerheart pull hir onto the bed - I'm here darling, it's okay.
[Buff] You're adorable!
[Yaunfen] Giggles- You're much better than cold meanie
[Firebird] -Hops off Buff to retrieve lost fireshard-
[Doc] Considering what an ass he was, that's not much of a compliment sweetie.
[Buff] Cold meanie?
[Mix] Oooh! That's cool! I wonder if Liz would like that too.... *thoughtful look
[Doc] Your late predessor who violently alienated 99% of the people he talked to here.
[AVulpix] Trots around sniffing everything-
[Buff] Ah. What a waste.
[Yaunfen] - Big fire kept making him go away
-Half the building is dirtblocks and the other half is moss cobbles with a narrow passage leading downward.
[AVulpix] Cocks head as it looks at the passage- Vul?
[Buff] So Big Fire has a soft spot for my Herobrine huh? Always good to have friends.
[Doc] Well....
[snake] -gets off of firebird and goes down the passage way--
[Firebird] -100% just full on eats the shard whole because fire, meet fire. Then proceeds to follow Snake, looking around curiously.-
-Along the stairs there's a trip wire-
[snake] -since it's at eye level for him he ducks under it and keeps going-
[Firebird] -Pauses at trip wire, squinting at it because he's not quite sure what it is, but can feel it against an outstretched talon- ...???
-The wire snaps and a couple arrows come flying at them from the bottom of the stairs-
[Firebird] -Panicked Squawk and taking to the air-
[snake] be careful firebird of the tripwires are you ok?
-There' a short dead end to the right of the stairs at the bottom and a hallway wrapping around to the left-
[Firebird] -Softly as he lands- ..I.. can't see the tripwires. My eye isn't that good anymore. -lower head so it's closer to the ground-
[snake] can you see me?
[Firebird] ...Barely.
[snake] -come back and ducks under the trip wire and stays there- this is where the trip wire is I am under it I will help show you
[Firebird] Much thanks. -Does the hop over-
[snake] -goes back down the stairs and slowly goes down the hall way looking for trip wire-
-There is another trip wire down the longer hallway-
[snake] -ducks under it and stays there- firebird this is another trip wire
[Firebird] -Hop hop binch-
[snake] -continues down the hall way-
-The hallway turns to the left again and there are three levers on the wall-
[snake] is to short for the levers
[Firebird] Is that what those are? -Squint-
[snake] which ones are we going to flip?
[Firebird] ... -flips them all because.-
-There is a grinding sound back from where they came from-
[snake] -heads back staying under the trip wire so firebird can wonder again hop over it-
-The short dead end has revealed that a few blocks have moved on the wall that the stairs come from-
[snake] -makes his way over looking for more trip wire-
[Firebird] -Follows-
[snake] -is now in fount of what use to be the dead end-
-A soft groans come from the end of the other hall-
[snake] -softly- are those mobs?
[Firebird] ... Maybe? -Scoops the Snake up into his feathers and trots ahead carefully-
-Without Snake to signal where the trip wires are, they set it off and two arrows go whizzing past-
[snake] -make a loud kazoo noise in shock-
-The groan becomes louder and a zombie comes around the corner, having just been discovered-
[snake] -curls in a ball in firebirds feather in fear-
[Firebird] -Bird screech as lunge at Zombie, talons first-
-The zombie is quite dull and doesn't react immediately-
-Firebird stabs and scrapes the zombie. There is some fire, too.-
-The zombie catches fire and takes damage from the flames and scratches-
[Firebird] -Some more scratching-
[snake] -is shaking in firebirds feathers-
-The zombie stumbles around, setting the vines on the wall on fire as well-
-Bird keening as toasty warm is nice feeling for him-
[RVulpix] Sniffs the air and smells the smoke- Pix?
-The smoke is getting thicker and is trapped in the lower floor-
[snake] -smells the smoke- what is happening I am to scared to look?
[Firebird] ... Crispy Zombie. Burning everything.
[snake] should be worried about the burning of everything? or will it be ok?
[Doc] Perks- Yeah... I smell that too....
[AVulpix] - Vul!  Vulpix!
[Buff] I think something is on fire...
[Mix] ... I'd say it's Firebird..
[Doc] Sighs -
[Firebird] You'll be safe with me... Everything else.. Uh,....
[Buff] Can I have an ice block? I'll go look.
[Doc] How? You can't possibly fit! -groans- Here. - throws a block of packed ice to him-
[snake] what about everyone else?
[Firebird] ... F uck.
[Buff] Takes a running start and bashes into the small doorway. Punching out the blocks to make it wider and slowly fighting his way down the hallway-
[snake] -looks around realizing he can't see though the smoke-
[AVulpix] Backs away from the smoke now coming out-
-Lots of banging coming closer to Firebird and snake-
[Firebird] -This is normal. Completely normal, just surrounded by fire and smoke with a small noodle wrapped up in his feathers- Eee!
[snake] I am lucky I don't need to breath
[Doc] lifts a hand and a bolt of lighting strikes a hole in the ceiling so the smoke can get out. Rain instantly cascades down on hir from the one-block hole- Fuck.
[Buff] Bursts into the burning room and looks around- What a mess!
[RVulpix] Presses farther into the corner-
[Firebird] -Look over, flap wings a bit, fanning smoke and fire-
[snake] there was a zombie so firebird attacked it and then mass fire while I hide in the feathers.
[Buff] This was not well planned out guys. - He coughs a bit on the smoke but seems mostly unaffected by the fire. - He walks around the room in a clockwise circle and rubs the packed ice on the burning vines until they're all put out.
[AVulpix] Once the smoke is gone curiously goes down the stairs-
[Buff] You guys done exploring?
[Yaunfen] - Mada getting wet!
[snake] I think I am that was very intense
[Doc] Yeah... it's raining outside. Thank goodness water doesn't bug you Yaunfen.
[Yaunfen] Swim!  Swim!
[Doc] smiles- Yes, you're an excellent swimmer. I love going to the beach with you and Deerheart.
[Buff] Did you at least find some loot?
[snake] no but we where avoiding traps
[Buff] Aww. Better luck next time then. We should go back up. It smells like burnt zombie in here.
[Firebird] -Slowly nods a bit and scuttles to Buff-
[AVulpix] Sits on the bottom most step of the stairs-
[Buff] Walks back up the much enlarged passageway.
[Doc] What happened?!
[Buff] cheerfully- There was a small fire. Nothing to be concerned about.
[RVulpix] Lets out a whine and AVulpix comes running-
[Doc] Starts pulling basic food out of the creative. - Anyone else hungry?
[Buff] Happily accepts a roast chicken and chomps on it contentedly-
[snake] -tries to get off of firebird-
-The two vulpix's curl up together with AVulpix licking RVulpix-
[Doc] Pulls out a bit of mushroom stew and offers a spoonfull to Deerheart-
[Deer] Turns onto her side to curl around Doc-
[Doc] Are you not hungry love?
[Deer] - Stay...
[Yaunfen] Yawns- Mada, when we go home?
[Doc] We have to find Cp and Lie first Yaunfen. That was the whole point in coming out. Here, have some donuts. Plop down on one of the beds, rest up. We'll head out further in the morning.
[Yaunfen] - Okay Mada...  Are Big fire and miss Lie playing hide and seek with us?
[Doc] Kinda.
[Yaunfen] Takes the donuts and snacks on them-
[snake] -flops off of firebird then rolls into a donut shape- don't eat me
[Doc] Snake, Mix, Firebird, do you guys want some food?
[snake] no I don't eat I don't have a stomach thank you for thinking of me though
[Doc] Takes out a few food items and sets them on a block for anyone who's hungry and nibbles on a bit of steak. Xe's petting Deerheart's hair softly with hir free hand.
[Yaunfen] Is half asleep with a donut in their mouth-
[Doc] Curls up with Deerheart and starts to drift off as well. The sounds of the rain outside drown out the mob noises and cast a soothing aura over the moldering temple.
-time passes-
[Doc] Wakes to the sound of fighting outside- What the! - Xe looks around wildly and only Buff is missing.
-The two vulpix's are in the corner, RVulpix is awake as well and making worried noises-
[Doc] Gets loose from Deerheart and runs to the door to peek out.
-There's a meaty 'thwack' as a zombie impacts the outside of the dirt wall and crumples downward to despawn-
-It's just barely dawn and the mobs haven't begun to burn-
[Buff] Is dancing like a boxer and punching the undead away from him with a huge smile. - Hey! Come join me, it's great exercise!
[Deer] Stirs awake- Love?
[Doc] I.. I'll pass. - Turns around and shuts the door again. - Sheesh...
[Yaunfen] Is sprawled out in the middle of the floor-
[Doc] Steps gingerly over them and crawls back into bed with Deerheart.
[Deer] - What's happened?
[Doc] Buff is out there having a joyful punch-up with the undead. As far as I can tell he went out intentionally.
[snake] -is a tiny white sleeping noodle on the floor-
[Deer] - Are those...  Lie's Vulpix's?
[Doc] Yeah, they followed us. Sweet little critters.
[Deer] - Poor things...  They must be really concerned about her
[Doc] I'm just relieved that Cp didn't leave the server with her. I'd be much more stressed out otherwise.
[Deer] - Where would he go?
[Doc] Back to the real world? That has its own set of difficulties.
[Deer] - True....  I hope the two of them are okay...
[Doc] She's probably giving him an earful for running off.
[Deer] - Or trying to keep him calm...
[Doc] I think she'd likely turn him into a cat. It seems to be the best shape for when he's super emotional.
[Deer] - Good point
[Yaunfen] Mumbles in sleep-
[Doc] Our little one's first adventure away from spawn...
[Deer] - True, let's hope it's a good one
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alazzawiv · 6 years
Sahar Abbas beautiful ...
Laughing at the minds of the Shiites ..... !!
Saif al-Sharhan
Who was three months ago a fighter, a persecutor and a martyr under the pretext of defending the cause of the popular crowd and Shiites of Iraq when she invented the story of her separation from the channel of change in which she was working on the grounds that the channel owner Sheikh Akram Zangane was pressured to separate it , Those pressures were of figures and elders and symbols of Iraqi political Sunni Arabs and specifically from the provinces of Anbar and Salah al-Din as a punishment for colliding with and collided with Sheikh Raad Sulaiman al-Dulaimi and Abdul Razzaq al-Shammari in some episodes of the program, which was provided by the screen change and intent on insulting So it's up To bring suits in the courts .....!
The Iraqi people and the Shiite political leaders were very sympathetic to their position, which later turned out to be a false position and laughed at everyone and abused them. The word for everyone here means all Shiites in Iraq, because they are good and their hearts are pure white. And sympathize with any issue where injustice and because they (Zlm Zainh) do not accept to regulate the Iraqi woman and their fears smell the air ....!
And a media outlet or page on Facebook, but filled with positions of full support from all segments of the Shiites with the charm of the poor victim of the matter, which lost its job and its source of livelihood in front of the power and the power of those !!!!! And kept in its public and private publications that Khamis Dagger is aimed at and fights with its money and electronic army because it is always criticized in the episodes of its program and expose the political games as claimed by a number of men of government and politics (ministers, parliamentarians and officials of security services ) Their position in favor of the magician poor respect and appreciation for its defense supervisor of the popular crowd and its leaders as well as the Shiite political symbols !!!!!!
And some of them offered employment in any governmental or non-governmental media organization of the channels affiliated to their parties, but they refrained and refuse to claim abuse ((you know the honor and honor play Juppe and her)) to preserve in front of them the image of the broken woman wing that was persecuted by the Western group (Group Ajl Yabeh Hahah) !!!!
Also, whenever someone offered the idea of ​​talking or mediating when Sheikh Akram Zangane, the owner of the channel of change, to return it to work, she would strongly refuse to say, "I will not go back to the place where I came from." Now, three months after the silly play I wrote, To the Iraqis in general and the Shiite rulers and the leaders of the popular crowd in particular, and after collecting profits from the positions and wards and squatting and blowing and gifts and money that flowed because of its alleged national position and after the storm subsided and the lights subsided and People began to forget the play of struggling fighter with sound The game is repeated in all its chapters suddenly through confirmed news about the imminent appearance of magic in the Al - Fallujah satellite channel owned by Sheikh Khamis Khanjar himself or the channel of change space, which returned the dagger to support it again to expect a contract Mujahid Sahar Abbas beautiful reward 15 thousand dollars per month and the first made by a token of love Upload videos and leaflets on the Facebook page where the signals on Sheikh Khamis Khanjar words not good ... ((Being a staff member at the dagger)) ...... !!
 And revealed some private sources that the whole story from the beginning tricky cheap and creeping of a special kind called ((crawl towards the dagger in an amazing way)) .... That method practiced by the daughter of Abbas Jameel to enter and infiltrate between politicians and statesmen Shiites (cheating). ... and perhaps it has long been playing this dirty game, it is Shiite with Shiites and Sunni and text with the Sunnis, and mastered the good jump in secret between the two parties, once between the embrace of Sunni Arab politicians and once between the embrace of Shiite politicians as long as the parties pay well, He knows so far what his sorcery will say when he shows up in the Falluja channel or reappears in the Al - Jazeera channel Geyer ,, !! Will you return to the attackers of the holy crowd and call it the criminal militias and will suddenly become a sudden rebel clan ... ????? !!!!
Or will remain on the pro-Shiite speech, especially after Sheikh Khamis Al-Khanjar sat in Baghdad and became his followers and every employee working with him to compliment the politicians in Baghdad to prove the good intentions of Shaykh Al-Khanjar.
 Questions waiting for tomorrow to answer,
Disappointment All the disappointments of the politicians and politicians who have been killed to defend Soso are enchanted by embracing them while they always choose
Hugs warmer .... hugging dollars of course .... !!
Copy it to
1_ Mr. Qasim al-Araji, Minister of the Interior, as the biggest supporter of magic as is common and claims everywhere.
2 - Haj Hadi Amiri
3_ Sheikh Qais Al-Khazali
4_ Abo Mahdi Engineer
5_ Mr. Karim Nouri
6 - Team corner Abdul Ghani Asadi
7_ General Saad al-Alaq Director of Military Intelligence Kun brother magician you made him an officer and is a graduate of the Institute of Fine Arts .... And born Khayebah Hedaiq ...... !!
8_ All Shiite leaders and officials, ministers and deputies for information and knowledge
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subudu · 4 years
It started when you beat me up when u were drunk. I started giving up on school soon after. Having no hope no foundation no family means I see no future there’s no determination for my future. You suck. I had to make u say sorry. U didn’t even see what you did wrong until I told you. You thought I was at fault for not opening the door to let you and your male companion in. You are fucked. I lost respect for you that night. I was in pain that night. It was the scariest night of my life. Chased down the street I wasn’t even wearing shoes. Getting beaten up. In public. Strangers laughing as they saw you punch me. 2nd year started off awful. I didn’t even make it to my 3rd year. I was homeless and you wanted to keep it a secret. You were mad when we couldn’t be at your campaign. You were blind for months after. We asked for help, and you couldn’t. I understand that. But I asked to reach out to your contacts. To Maggie’s parents. To Maryam Nurs. You didn’t. You didn’t want them to know how bad it was. Or maybe you didn’t acknowledge how bad it was. You didn’t think I was going through hell at all. You thought I was putting myself through this. I was abused in all horrid tragic ways; so much so that it gave me a stroke. The stroke was just one of awful sicknesses it left me with. I can’t sleep. I have night tremors horrible nightmares of the worst situations any human could positively imagine. I can’t sleep. I need stay up until exhaustion overtakes my mind and I sleep dreamless. I’ve been doing that every night for over 10 years. Although, My coping mechanism wouldn’t help when I was sleeping in that room. The memories in that room made me sick. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t be in that room. I needed to leave but I had no money so I moved to the next room only to be persecuted daily and told I was being selfish daily. I wanted to die every second of it. Those dark nights when we came back after homelessness were especially tormented. I couldn’t go down to eat. I couldn’t get up. I couldn’t sleep. I was dying. I didn’t even feel suicidal because i didn’t have any hope to make any changes. I couldn’t even feel life to want death. In a glimour of surprise, I called the police. I previously had to convince you and faezah (and amie still wasn’t convinced) that we are being abused. I thought this could change everything. But it didn’t. It was that time soon after Faezah came into my now switched room and told me news that caused hundreds of hours of crying and sleepless nights. She told me as it were gossip. She treated it like it was as frivolous as Dadi blocking me on whatsapp. (Although that wasnt even that frivolous and was kind of traumatic but on the scale of trauma- it didn’t even make the list) Faezah told me my two sisters had a conversation without me even being there about the abuse I faced. Faezah said you didn’t believe me that I was sexually assaulted by Jawaid Faruqui. She told me you thought I was exaggerating. I spent so long getting those words to stop ringing in my head. As I write this now the ringing started again. There’s tears in my eyes. Again. To speak back onto our relationship. It ruined it. We still never speak about it. The only time it was ever brought up was on our trip to turkey. The only time you would ever comment on it. And you denied what you said. Something I’ve cried so long. You won’t even own up to. You haven’t to this day. Theres so many times you say things like “nothing I do will ever help”. It’s so clear to me and it’s almost baffling that you can’t see it. You can’t fix problems you caused by buying me an apartment or taking me to a park. That’s not how life works. That never worked when jawaid abused us and then gave us a laptop. You know that’s not how it works. So why are you kidding yourself.
Anyway, I was blamed for ruining the turkey trip. I’ll take credit. I should have spoke to you about it months before. But it was killing me. I couldn’t bring out the words without vomiting. I posted about it hoping you’d see it. Your friends did. My friends did. Faezah did. But nothing was said. No apology or even owning up to saying it has ever been said to date. I still can’t think about it without getting nauseous. This is really hard for me to type. Life is not much better. I will be homeless again in 2 nights. I have no hope or determination for my future. I have even less family than last year. I no longer have a license or car or ability to drive. It is much worse. And I have more responsibility managing my own health, paying for my own expenses, and attending 12 hour classes a day with homework and studying. I want to die. Why wouldn’t I? I was abused. I asked for help. So many disappointments. So many officers and doctors and teachers that didn’t help. So many adults like Nunu and uncle Ehsan that have known the entirety of my situation but choose not to help. PTSD, pulmonary embolism, crohn’s, that weakens me everyday. No one to speak to. No one that validates me. Why wouldn’t I want to die? And why would you tell the police officers you’re worried about me? You never ask me how I am. How I feel. What horrible things are happening to me. You invalidate everything I say. It goes to as so small as saying you think I am exaggerating and coming to conclusions when I say my teacher is racist. I know by now I can’t confide in you. I can’t look to you for validation. For love. For hope. I can’t. Just more disappointment. I can’t even ask for your resources. I asked for Maggie’s parents. I asked for maryam nurs. Nothing. And you have the audacity to call the cops because you’re worried? You couldn’t fucking care less. You didn’t call after I said I wanted to fucking die. You called after amie was yelling like a crazy person. She had an episode because I accidentally dropped a smoothie. And I wouldn’t clean it up. So you punished me. Don’t lie to yourself and say you’re worried. Come to terms with what you’ve done. For once. Come to terms with what you told Faezah that night. Come to terms with the fact that you were so tired of dealing with me and amie going crazy from dropping a smoothie, you called the cops to punish me. To put me back in line. Something jawaid would do. To instil fear in me. To make sure I never drop another smoothie again. You’re sick of me. And you acted like you were just a simple concerned sister? Where was that concern when you knew you hurt me, beat me up on the street, and knew I needed an apology and resources to heal? Where was that fucking concern when I was homeless but you couldn’t ask people for help because you were using your contacts to help you with your campaign? You wanted to hide the fact that we were homeless. Not for any other reason but for how it looked to the public. Why is she spending her days to further her career instead of helping us find a place to sleep. We never even questioned that. I thought I was in the wrong for not being able to attend your meetings. You even said during that time I can’t rely on my family. What kind of fucked up thing is that to say. You say that quite often now too. I can’t rely on my sick kid sibling who has PTSD from her abuse she suffered through for 20 years. Who has no money or resources or love. I can’t rely on her. No fucking shit. I can’t even respect you after all that you’ve done. All that you won’t ever own up to. I am dying. And I don’t care to be angry anymore. Messages that come from you saying hahah in the group chat make me sick. Seeing you like my picture make me sick. Because I don’t think you even know what you’ve done. Create all this new trauma when all the other trauma is already killing me. I can’t think about being treated like a criminal last week. Being in handcuffs and being manhandled and being in the back of a cop car crying my eyes out while the two cops laugh about traffic. I can’t even think about that trauma
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