#hahahah i love the relationship he has with his sons
pinyeti · 4 months
Is it just me or have they just not explained the Death Star properly?
I cant take Darthy seriously anymore, he’s just a bag of organs 
Whats quirrel doing here
Isnt this that old caterpillar from Alice n wonfderlad
WOW LUKE REALLY SUITED UP FOR HIS MESSAGE- DID HE JUST SELL???? GOLDENFACE AN R2-oh right Hans in the carbon - way to go to the dark side Luke, triangular droid trade YOU ARE YOUR FATHERS SON LUKE 
So much of Star Wars is just running into the problem with a glowstick and hoping it dies
Wow hansolo has been imprisoned, thrown into garbage, tortured, thrown into carbon, imprisoned AGAIN all cuz he has can’t shut my mouth disease
What even is their relationship with Luke btw, are they his adopted fWOAH WOAH WOAH WHEN DID LUKE TURN INTO A MAN??? Last I saw he was a child who couldn’t get a plane out of a lake AND THEY LEFT THE LAST MOVIE WITH ALL OF THTEM BEING TOGETHER wow the text in the beginning is more important than I thought 
No seriously why is Luke dressed like a pastor whats going on
Ok yoda we get it you’re 900 no ones talking about your wrinkles anyway with pastor Luke in the room, projecting much?
Is yoda suidicdal???
 Whos the other Skywalker?? lukes not even a Skywalker isnt his name Luke vader where’s skywalkers real son OH darthy’s deadname is skywalker
Nice the gang is back together, waiting for chewbakka to be revealed as darthy’s next offspring
I cant believe these are the idiots the emperors trying to kill
"yes I could sense you were my brother when my tongue was down your throat"
Oh yes Luke hands himself over- haha darthy sensitive over dead name 
Luke youre so stupid- but since jedis cant die is he gonna go to wherever yoda and obi wan is 
Lando is growing on me, also squid guy
This movie is gonna end with emperor and Luke dead isnt it
Is the emperor a jedi too how else does he have power or something something Sith
Id make a horrible jedi- im made of hatred
Hansolo my pathetic little idiot
You’re telling me this big of an empire cant take down 6 idiots lead by a happy go lucky guy, never heard of this before
Hahahah a hand for a HAND- wait what…. Why does he have a robo hand too whats going on 
Luke stop acting like you didnt hear about jedis 5 secs ago
Aw does darthy have a heart among his organs
Oh damn hes not as ugly as I thought he’d be
Kinda cute even - bro how did he even get this weak why’s he dying rn 
He has such kind eyes
Is the empire this easy to penetrate? No but they did it with the power of lOVE and FRIENDSHIP 
Love lando 
Yes Luke its so sad your daddy that blew up an entire planet in ONE second without a single thought died IM NOT FORGIVING HIM THIS EASY
No way thats it??? They took down the empire just like that???? What??
Damn no one in this world can dance
ok fine anakin is cute
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celestemona · 2 months
HEY GIRLIE!! How's are you?? Anyways I have a very important question for you.❗
Which characters of genshin impact would probably be close to mothers and children om your universe?(other than fathers, of course xd)
(And also your theme is really cool, it has the sexy Motorcycle driver vibe, vroom vroom❗❗❗)
-your LOCAL creative anon 🎉
Hey babe! I’m doing great, thanks. How about ya?
Ooh, easy.
When we’re talking about mother-and-son bonds, the strongest ones are: Éveline, Cameron, Haruki, Aryan & Isaar and Hakim—but this last one has a great relationship with both parents on the same level. It’s just because he’s more talkative with mama reader.
Btw Kimi is very attached to her mom too.
Now, not surprisingly, Zahra , Kiyomi and Marie are daddies’ little girls <3 Kazumi loves to spend time with his father and for Corinne & Quentin it doesn’t matter actually. They have a great bond with their parents equally!
Aww, thank you so much ♥️💙 I felt inspired by Natlan’s teaser hahahah
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noemitenshi · 1 year
Do you have an ultimate all time fave Troy scene that you could gush about forever?
Oh god that's such a difficult question. Honest answer would be 'no' because I just cannot choose. I have *so many* favorite Troy scenes that I love to go on and on about. Like, really, I think every ep he is in, I've got at least(!!) one scene I could gush about. I mean, I can't even tell you which ep I love him most in.
Though I do have at least two eps my mind goes to first when asked for favorite Troy scenes - ep 9 and ep12. And again, there's a lot of scenes to love in there but I think most about ep 9 is the confrontation with Madison (and, of course, stabbing his hand on Klah's knife. gotta love that enthusiasm). He's so vulnerable during it, like we get another little puzzle piece of his rich inner life that he keeps so closely guarded (ok or maybe it's also that he wasn't really a hm POV character or someone we should sympathize with that's why his... reasoning or motivation for a lot of things stayed hidden from us 🤷‍♀️). Anyway, the way he says "is that guilt" and "you let *your son* shoot him" (im obsessed) jesus there's a lot going on there. It seems like betrayal a bit (see also "i thought you were cold-blooded"). Also note how he's more fixated/upset over that part, Nick (and not Madison!) shooting Jeremiah instead of, you know, Jeremiah having been shot/murdered.
Also the infamous "I don't surrender" line, I mean, that's Troy in a nutshell, isn't it? No matter what is thrown his way, no matter how people treat him, he tries and tries again. He does so with Madison (I mean, right before she kills him he tries to move past all that shit right, tries again to connect with her), he also did so with his father, staying loyal to him, obedient, through all that abuse and humiliation and belittlement. I think the same is also true for his relationship with Jake, even though the cracks there can be seen, and also for his relationship with the people on the ranch at large. They talk about him, too, but he still protects them - I mean until he led the horde there, of course. But by that point he was dealing with a lot - his father's death, his own exile, Madison's 'betrayal'.... Anyway, I don't surrender, that is so very Troy. And maybe sometimes he'd like to surrender, give up and be done with everything but that's just not in his nature. Probably why he can't kill himself. Why he also keeps going, when Nick tells him "you can sleep when you're dead". Try, try again, even when people keep beating him down. Downright endearing if it weren't so heartbreaking.
Anyway, ep 9. The scene with Madison. I got distracted. The way he goes "hi" after he's done hitting Klah. The way he kept jabbing at her over Jeremiah's death "You hit your quota?" when she tells him "no more killing" (hahahah makes me laugh every time). The way the gun does not impress him at all. Just casually walking up to her. Mostly sure she won't kill him but I think he wouldn't have minded if she had, either. The voice break when he tells her "i know what you did". The expression he makes when he asks "and why wasn't it" after she goes "It should've been me". There's that betrayal. Sadness. Ok maybe also because his dad died. Maybe because they kept it from him. Maybe because she didn't ask *him* to do it.
And then, the very incomprehensible (he is the one that isn't comprehending. but then also he is. this is how it always goes, why would it be different with madison) "i thought you wanted me with you". As he asks he knows already she doesn't. But again, he's trying as much as he can, to get through to her. Until the heartbreaking "I'm tired. I'm so tired." That's probably as close as he gets in asking for help. He did it with Nick too later, in ep 12 ("I need sleep" he told him but he meant rest). He thought he'd die and these people just refuse to get the job done and so he has to live, live with all this loss and he just, he needs a break. So desperately that he says one of the most vulnerable things (so far). "Im so tired." Unfortunately Madison either doesn't hear it, or, more likely, doesn't think she can give in to that (no wonder, he did just attack her after all). And when that fails, this cry for help (in like Troy-speak), he goes. What else is there to do? He'll go and survive because that's what he does.
Now, ep 12, I love the confrontation between Jake and Troy (the little convo in between, between Nick and Troy - "murder, you really wanna go there, nick?" "still ricocheting in your skull, nick?" "you tell it best, nick. I don't want to steal your thunder" "don't say sorry to me, say sorry to him". It's lovely, all of it). And then of course the sibling confrontation. Also very lovely. We see Jake finally giving in to what he's wanted to do for a long time, I wager. He has been fed up with Troy since ep 1 (and before that too, I'm sure. Their interactions do tease a history between them).
"I love that sound" - also very much a contender for favorite line. Also gotta admit I thought he'd say something different (and more uh x-rated) when he went "I love that sound some love when a ball hits the fat of a bat, you know" Anyway, just another reminder that Troy loves all things to do with danger and control. (And I don't even think this has to be in the obvious way, where he loves to be in control, though I'm sure he does. But that he also loves the loss of it when in danger. When at the recieving end of a gun (you best believe I've got a story for this, too, 'fool me twice'... I'm sorry, I cannot stop the shameless self promotion....))
Also I just noticed, how he says "It's eviction or extinction" and you know who else got famously uhm evicted. Adam and Eve. So yeah, when he says "this is biblical" to Nick, the night before, to warn him, he really means it like that.
And then the bit between the two brothers. How Jake tries to impress upon Troy he'll really kill him "I'll shoot you brother, I will" and how Troy *doesn't even hesitate* to pull the trigger himself, almost like saying "fucking do it then". Or he is mocking him. Probably both, considering it's Troy. And he was right, wasn't he, to be mocking. Because Jake doesn't kill him (yet). But Troy tries to rile him up further. He almost sounds panicked in a way, but not in fear of his life. Maybe in fear of Jake *not* going through with it after all.
And then their whole rabbit bit, how Troy looks at Jake while he goes "rabbits they, they scream like human beings", that calculating look. How he interrupts Jake with this mocking laugh and a "oh, tell me about the rabbits" Jake is totally ignoring Troy's interruption, going "I still protected him" and Troy telling him "You left me, brother." And then Jake again, insistently "I always protected you!" and Troy isn't saying anything to that but he doesn't look amused anymore. God I wish Nick would've shut up so we'd really get into their grievances between the brothers. But sadly (or maybe not so sadly haha) he wanted to save Troy because he was feeling guilty about killing his dad. And it gave Troy the perfect opportunity to torture Nick about this, also very enjoyable. All in all, a great interaction all around.
Oh and of course the "you thinking of checking out? we could do it together" has me chanting death-wish, death-wish, death-wish hahahaha. I do think he'd have liked it to go together with his brother. It's sweet somehow. In a way it feels like he wants to help his brother on this journey. Like, then his death means something. And then how he licks his lips when Jake gets ready to shoot him. Is it anticipation, fear? Who knows. Would love to ask Daniel about it...
AND ALSO THE TITLE 'Brother's Keeper', that's a biblical phrase “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Cain said to God when God asked him where Abel was (and Cain had killed him). So I wonder, is Jake Cain then? I mean Jake *does* die and Cain, well, famously does not. But then, it's not Troy that kills Jake. It's Nick hitting Jake before Jake can kill Troy. Would Jake have even killed Troy? I'm not sure. I'm just sure that Troy would rather have died himself than seeing Jake die... anyway, "Am I my brother's keeper" I think this question taken at face value is actually Jake's gripe with Troy. That he feels he is made responsible (probably from a young age, given the little glimpse into the past we got via those video tapes) for keeping Troy in check. While, I imagine, Troy doesn't really listen to Jake (and Jake has no real power over Troy so he can reinforce his will), so a thoroughly frustrating experience for Jake, all in all. And yes, maybe this, assembling a horde and leading it to the ranch, would've given him enough motivation to be able to uhm enforce his will. But maybe not. I guess that's me saying, love the title, love also how we get a bit more insight into the brotherly relationship. Though I *so* wish we got into it even more. Like what did Troy mean when he said "Oh, tell me about the rabbits". Sounds like there's a story there (and yes I did try to imagine it in my story 'childhood memories').
This was a lovely ask, I enjoyed answering it. Thank you so much and have a great day 🧡
Also, I hope it's ok to invite people to jump in, if they feel like it, and share their favorite Troy scene. I'm so very curious 👀 gimme, gimme (also don't feel the need to ramble on like I did hahaha, though if you want to, have at it!)
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cornus27florida · 10 months
Leland, the Chessmaster (CPC wiki)
I make this post to make sense over Leland, the main antagonist of the CPC story that cleverly written by LambCat to not make us not aware how horrendous bad he is until the end of season 4 part 1 (the gala fiasco 'not so nice' plan) and cuz... Ughhh I am not that good at chess game so...
basically calling out @cpcwiki for maybe intake 'bout him
I want to expand his personality section on his page, we're lacking informations but I feel a simple sentence from wiki could be expanded more (feel free to reblog, gives reply etc about this post! That'll immensely helpful to anyone espc to me as wiki editor - the one that bad at chess as always lose on simple early rounds to my friend hahahah)
Leland is a mercurial figure. With his sons, especially his youngest, he is generally harsh and overbearing, although he seems to genuinely consider this as "training for the harsh realities of life". This behavior extends from the relatively innocuous habit of forcing his sons to perform push-ups at the merest hint of failure to implied murder[2]. Much of Leland’s actions and behavior, especially towards his wife and sons, are abusive. -> S4 part 2 makes us learns how abusive it's actually is, it's very subtle yet frighteningly so scary - it could happened to anyone IRL and the worse thing is the victims not notice until too late. In nutshell, the mother (Isolde) ripped from her own sons since baby so the Plaid Princes trained as "the royal way" (implied to groomed them up so each prince matching personality of each princess) - this makes the princes to never realizes what's actually a motherly love is in their childhood that makes each of the son believes that their lives solely depends on what's their father (the Plaid King) wants [Lance mentioned that at, ep 156 iirc?] and that's make them suffers in their own respective way: Blaine soughts to perfection as the eldest golden child that constantly on the edge and believes to should climbing to the 'top of the mountain'. Lance as the middle child believes that the only way he could do is supporting his team which is do what Leland wants. Frederick the youngest as the effect of his accumulation of 'misfortunes' (born small, can't do like what Leland wants designing him to be, etc) deemed as the black sheep/scapegoat of the family. That's totally messed up and I could gladly to explain more but we're in summary
Lance canonical quote, uhh ep 156 likely! This the nail of the coffin that Leland truly abusing his own family and Lance know about it - but until invasion arc kinda brushed it off
"He controls everything about us. And everything always goes his way" -> if that quote isn't scary, idk what else
Despite this attitude, he seems affectionate of them, and wishes to see them happy. He is noticeably more lenient in terms of restrictions than his best friend, King Jack of the Pastel Kingdom, with whom Leland has an apparently close bond. -> this make entire of very confusing and ambiguous relationships between Leland - and literally everyone espc Jack (his BFF, but messed up in the fandom as becomes a ship 'JaLand' hahaha). I won't talk about it more as it should go on the relationship descriptions, something that me as someone that not as emphatetic will have hard time to relate
+ my biggest question on this paragraph, what's and who "them" refer? The previous paragraph where just writes the very concerning sentence about 'he abuses his family'? WTF. Who kind of abuser that wants the victim to be 'happy' where they are literally the reason of the victims to be unhappy?
That paragraph need to change but for now I am not sure, maybe starts with clear reference of which 'them' refers to. I blame whoever that writes that first sentence but if one thing that I hate is to checking this page to search someone to blame, because at the end it doesn't matter. The current wiki only has 3 active editors and whoever originally writes it prob gone inactive (?) - and I am waiting for a certain episode to be free so I could tell certain plot point to flesh out his personality as that particular episode is the main crusher and enforcer about a popular fandom question "Does Leland thinks Leelathae | Lilyth and by extension Gwen, beautiful?"
Once that ep free maybe the personality part of him could be added in following suit. Also maybe adding characters to be relate to him, priority is the Pastel Queen cuz they're meet
and uh the current relationship description need to changes espc from his own quotes throughout his interactions
-> Laverne (help me, in words what it means?)
"Nothing's too decadent for my queens. After all, we're going to be the most prosperous kingdom in the world soon."
-> Maria and Lorena (help me, in words what it means?)
"So I'll offer you once more, princesses.... Leave your treacherous and insufferable father. Join me and my sons peacefully, and you have all the freedom, privileges, and power you could ever imagine. ...What do you say?" 
"Fine, then you can rot in dungeons forever with your father after the wedding is done. "
-> the CPC, espc Whitney (the embodiment of abused victim)
"I think it's a compassionate solution. Any strong leader knows that a kingdom needs healthy, productive, citizens who can contribute safely to society. I mean, the people with curses hide themselves away because they know it too. They're of no value until they can be fixed." / the CPC
"Hm... I dunno, Blaine... I think he has a point. During dinner, I was keeping an eye on you boys. And while you were fumbling through your important gala speech and losing drinking games to school girls, Frederick stopped a rogue pet bird from crashing into a champagne glass tower by catching it one-handed. He saved the dinner. I was impressed. I think you might need to watch out for our little Frederick. He's on his way up." -> Whitney's that quickly follow up with the tiger/catboi realization that the whole ordeal is very similar with his family, the Monochrome
"This sort of reminds me of my own family before I left..."
/idk how to summarizes his personality in a words, but the hints there... Whoever in CPC BLR please help us at wiki
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Leland has a fondness for chess, a passion he shares with King Jack. -> this the original main reason I make this post
So uhh I am not remember the exact episodes, but he clearly loves chess as: at the amusement park arc he played with Jack while pastel-plaid kids go to the town, when Fred didn't come back in time and his brothers wondering about his whereabouts - in his hand he has chess-related book, and at the gala basically he has round of chess game which he wins with the move of - the serpent's gambit
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^ Leland explains his "Serpent's Gambit". The biggest foreshadowing imho that the Giant Serpent of Frederick's recurring dream is 99.99% likely to be Leland as his own father. The Plaid King that canonically at the episode 133 depict real people of his world as chess pieces by creepily crafting characteristics of them - the hair, the color motif, even the thread between Jack and the late Leelathae
Here more about the referenced move, Great Snake Variation as the one that likely refers to 'Serpent's Gambit' actually is
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^ this an image that I upload long ago but not sure to put where at wiki, and I just FORGOR although I keep analyzing and referencing it intensely on various cpc posts that I made
In nutshell, this panel shown that Leland consider the people of his plan (Blaine, Maria, Lance, Lorena, Frederick, Gwen, Jack, Leelathae | Lilyth) as his chess pieces. For his years grand plan [explanation after this] - and in that chess game, he forgot/not aware to consider important variables that wrecks his plan somehow: Isolde (his 'wife' and the Plaid queen), Jamie (Gwen's twin brother as the first genuine shipper of gwenderick), and the CPC as the entirety. The first two, Jamie and Isolde + Leopold unexpectedly became important reason for the major 'chess piece' Frederick to breaks free from his plan which to make Fred stucks at the hole 'until the Plaid troops come back to bringing the kidnapped Pastel Princesses'. The 'chess piece' that warns the role of supporter in the CPC story, the CPC itself as entirety to hurry saves the princesses of the Pastel Kingdom
more about interpretation of messed up chess pieces
All of the 'pawns' involved not aware that they are merely pawn pieces in his plan. The quote on that panel in my own retake honestly tragic. Leland with his fickleness of his heart's sky not truly understand what love, what true love is actually... He thoughts that love is simply meeting someone on the opposite gender (if his HC being repressed gay is the truth, so he try to make heterosexual pairings as WARNING FOR MINOR FP EP 162 SPOILER When Jack happy for the incoming playdates of their future 'daughters', Leland instantly tells that he will get lots of sons) of three princes as his sons bethroted to marry Jack's daughters of the rule of three (somehow - that likely making the plaid-pastel pairings has bonding interest, the oldest is music-the middle is army and sports- the youngest books) fall in love and 'live happily ever after' but like Prez said, no one can't define what's own happiness is except oneself... Prez is happy to be aroace, Gwen is happy to could be with Frederick romantically - and that's totally valid source of happiness.. no one can't say otherwise, not even themself
"It's easy to forget once we step outside this forest, but we each define our own standards. And for me, I don't want to be a good princess and settle down with anyone. I never have...!!" -> that's my own interpretation of Prez quote, she's canonically aroace but know that the standard - of happiness.. it's defined by oneself
A character to me depicted by themself (espc from their actions and inner thoughts) and by others (as relationships to anyone they're interact, their family - friends - collagues etc). And Leland is truly a very complex character to cipher, to put his description on the wiki. I am afraid as I might be too subjective if writing about him... and I think I desperately need another's opinion + this an OPEN CHALLENGE to delegate the impossible wiki works, with writing about Leland from the canon hints that I spread on. Just rereading the CPC guys, you become horrified when knowing the context of Leland's abuse that actually clear since ep 16!
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/ adios while leaving the scare bomb.. of the truths
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skzhocomments · 1 year
Broken hearts can heal - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic - Chapter IX - Losing your temper
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Story masterlist - please consult it for the summary of the story, trigger warnings etc.
Wattpad link
AO3 link
Chapter VIII / Chapter X
Chapter IX - Losing your temper
word count: 1.9k words
~5 months later~
You were now completely settled into the motherhood life, and you felt like you were losing your mind.
You denied Minho's request to hire a nanny during the day when he was away, and it went alright at first, but now you regretted it badly and didn't know how to really reapproach the subject without feeling like a failure.
Other mothers are able to take care of their child on their own, so why couldn't you?
You started feeling very overwhelmed, and as usual, your bad coping mechanisms were drowning all your sorrows and pretending the problem is not there, acting completely composed on the outside while breaking on the inside.
Getting Haru to eat became harder, as you had to start introducing him to solids, but you were at least glad he was starting to sleep better during the night, so you managed to get at least 5-6 hours in.
Except for the past 3 nights, because Haru started teething, and was crying non-stop from the pain.
It just so happened that Minho had to be away to film a promotion a few cities over during this horrible period of your life, and you've been alone with the baby getting no rest at all.
You were sick of his crying, and you felt like your head was about to explode, so when Haru started up again, you just felt the need to leave the nursery and just go in the kitchen, away from his sobs, to clear your head.
You cried for a good while, cursing every God in existence, and you felt you were getting bad, all the emotions getting under your skin. You dreaded looking in the mirror and seeing the prominent dark circles under your eyes, you didn't manage to eat anything for the past 2 days, and Minho not coming home meant you've been deprived of all human contact.
It was bad.
You opened your phone and noticed he's been texting, but you quite literally didn't have a moment to yourself to freaking shower.
Whatever, he's going to come back today anyway. You thought, so you instead opened Twitter and started scrolling mindlessly, until something caught your eye.
SHINee's Minho spotted cozying next to co-star on film set.
Fans are having mixed feelings after pictures of Choi Minho holding his co-star, Hye-ri, by the waist started circulating the web.
A fan secretly took a picture and shared it on her page on Twitter, with the caption 'And he said he was married!'. The picture started being shared like wild fire around SHINee communities, with many...
You rolled your eyes as you stopped reading. The picture was a bit compromising, but you knew the Media had a way to twist everything and make anyone look bad. They surely were just friends, so what were they on about?
Still, curiosity got the better of you and you went down to the comment section, reading what others had to say.
"I mean, can we even blame him? Who wouldn't fall for Hye-ri?"
"lol and they said he has a wife and a kid sksksksks"
"come on we don't know what his relationship with his wife OR this actress is, stop assuming"
"he's THE minho, why would want to be with a nameless bitch lol"
"i ship him and Hye-ri!"
"lmfao imagine being his 'wife' at home seeing this what a loser"
"lol stop hating skskks"
"is this the end of shinee hahahah so many scandals nowadays"
"imagine being his kid and reading that everyone hates your mother lololol"
"what kid he's literally another man's son!?"
"hes just dropping bomb after bomb on us. we cant keep up minho!!"
"what, was the woman at home too ugly? skksksks"
Enough hate for today. You sighed. You knew fans were saying nasty things about you, calling you all sorts of names ranging from whore, slut, gold-digger, witch and so on. How dare you fall in love with Kibum and have a kid with him, then marry Minho?
They didn't care to understand that you only did it for Haru.
You felt yourself tear up again, but instead, you dissociated and simply watched the front door from the kitchen table with a blank stare.
After 3 long days away from home, Minho finally finished his busy schedule and could come back. He missed Haru a lot, he missed you, but more than anything, he missed resting. These days were so hectic he didn't even know what you were up to. He didn't have time to call, and you stopped replying to his texts a day prior.
He felt overwhelmed from all the stress at work, which was unusual. He's been in the industry for many years and only rarely felt the need to really take a break.
The day went on horribly; everything that could go wrong went wrong. First, he had an emergency meeting with the PR team because dating rumours started circulating between him and his co-star. His reputation already took a hit when he revealed he got married and was caring for Kibum's son, but he didn't care about it. He knew it was going to happen, but Haru's happiness was way more important to him. However, this was different, as it was completely blown out of proportion due to a friendly gesture he did towards a friend.
Whatever, he didn't want to dwell on it. Filming was done, even if it took longer than expected and he didn't get to rest or sleep too much these past days, so he could finally go home.
But then, he started driving home, and someone who didn't see the glaring red light ahead bumped into his car, completely destroying its back. He lost 2 hours waiting for insurance to come and assess the damage, and then had to take an Uber home.
He was supposed to originally get back at 6PM, but it was now well over 9PM and he was cranky, tired, and hungry.
He opened the apartment door only to hear Haru screaming his lungs out, while you leisurely drank a coffee and ate a sandwich at the kitchen table. The house looked like a mess, there were a few things thrown around the place, some half-drunk cups of coffee on the living room table, and a few of Haru's clothes on the sofa.
"Hey." He replied coldly. He didn't want to take it out on you, but what the fuck were you doing?
"Hey. You're back." You replied with a sigh.
"Haru is crying."
"Yea." You nodded. "I can hear him."
"And aren't you going to do anything about it?" He asked, but his tone was almost accusatory, which pissed you off tremendously.
"I will. I just need a break."
"A break? You need a break?" He continued, annoyed.
"Yea. I'm really tired..." You replied, confused by his demeanour. He was normally understanding, so you didn't get where the hostility was coming from.
"You need a break? I'll tell you what, Da-Eun. I fucking need a break. I've worked the whole day, the past few days, actually, and I wanted to come home and rest, not hear the baby cry his heart out while you ignore him, for what, for a nightly snack?! Fucking do something for once."
"Excuse me?" You stared at him in disbelief. "What did you just say to me?"
"What, the crying made you deaf?" He continued. He knew it was wrong, and really didn't want to take it out on you. He was so pissed off, though, and it was hard to contain his anger instead of redirecting it to you, who were there.
"Wow. Okay, sorry I don't do shit while you work sooo hard all day long. Had fun with Hye-ri?" You asked mockingly.
You didn't know why you said that.
It was a low blow, and you knew the scandal didn't hold any truth to it. You said it impulsively.
Minho scoffed. "Don't tell me you believe that bullshit too!"
"I don't. I'm just mad and wanted to get back at you." You affirmed, not wanting to keep fighting him for nothing. It was clear both of you had a couple stressful days, so it was not productive to talk right now.
"Get back at me?! Sooo mature, Da-Eun!"
But why did he keep pushing?
"Can you stop?" You asked him, feeling a couple tears making their way to your bottom eyelids.
"I just can't understand how you can leave him crying like that and simply eat like it's nothing!" He shouted annoyed. "And the house is a freaking mess. I am gone for just 3 days and..." He gestured around him. "Can't you fucking do anything right?"
That was the last drop that overflowed the glass. You felt all the raw emotion pour out of you as you started unloading on Minho everything you felt the past days.
"You know what, Minho? Fuck you! Fuck you for coming back angry and taking it out on me! You think you were the only one with a shitty day?! Haru started teething just as you left and has been crying NON-FUCKING-STOP FOR 3 DAYS STRAIGHT AND NO MATTER WHAT I DID IT DIDN'T WORK. So I finally take a break- after 3 days of no sleep, not showering and not eating- I take a FUCKING break, which all experts advise when you are overwhelmed, by the way, and I come here to get away from his screaming and eat the first thing I could ever since you left – this fucking sandwich!"
You stood up and grabbed the plate and went directly to the trashcan, throwing the sandwich away angrily. You no longer had an appetite. Then, you continued your ranting.
"And THEN, you come back, FINALLY, and instead of being a supportive partner, what do you do? You start fucking screaming at me, basically calling me good-for-nothing, complaining about Haru, about the house. Just 3 days?! Fuck off! I'm fucking sorry I'm such a failure and such a bad mother in your eyes!"
With that, you brushed over Minho and headed to the nursery, tears streaming down your cheeks uncontrollably.
"Da-Eun, wait-" Minho tried to stop you, realising how royally he fucked up, and that he really hurt you.
"If you need a break so fucking bad, then we'll just leave!" You screamed at him again, and as much as you wanted to at least look composed, you were unable to stop the tears.
"No! I don't want you to leave anywhere! This is your home, and-"
"Look, I know I'm failing tremendously, and that Haru isn't happy with me because babies who are happy don't cry all the time, you don't have to remind me!"
"No, I never-"
"I can't do this right now, Minho. I'm fucking overwhelmed, and I don't want to talk to you or see you right now, so let go of me, and leave me alone!" You screamed at him, then went into the room and locked the door behind you.
Haru was still crying, so you picked him up and rocked him, putting a pacifier in his mouth. You were still crying at this point, so you stood down with him and begged him to shut up for once. Of course, he was a baby and had no idea what you were talking about, so he only stopped after about 30 minutes, when you finally put him down in the crib and he fell asleep without much struggle. 
(A/N) Oop, the first argument between Da-Eun and Minho is here!
How do you think they'll handle it?
Chapter VIII / Chapter X
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