hqot3week-blog · 6 years
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haikyuu!! ot3+ week: autumn edition is coming!
we are here to give you a head start!  join us in celebrating your favourite haikyuu!! poly ships with fan art, fan fiction, edits, headcanons, and more!  
ot3+ week will take place from october 28th - november 3rd!
anyone is allowed to participate!  you don’t need to ask, just join in.
all media is accepted!  fan art, fan fiction, graphics/gifs, videos, cosplay – anything!  mature content is allowed but please remember to tag all nsfw entries!!
•• that being said, we will not tolerate stolen works under any circumstances.
you can find more general information here!!
here are the prompts for the season!
october 28th - first meeting | “wanna play?” | old days
october 29th - getting together | “i’m your number one fan” | popcorn
october 30th - domestic | “what an excellent day for an exorcism” | night out
october 31st - family | “it’s halloween.  everyone’s entitled to one good scare” | halloween
november 1st - forgiveness | “keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” | fresh start
november 2nd - future | “i’m doing this for you, and thats the only reason” | the parents
november 3rd - writer’s choice | “how do you see all of this when it’s done?” | au/crossover
you may take the prompts however you like, it is completely up to you!  there are no rules on how you want to interpret them.
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oloreandil · 5 years
hq!! ot3+ week day 3 - captain squad
this is written for the haikyuu ot3+ week day 3:  “what an excellent day for an exorcism”
daichi, ushijima and oikawa are having a night out at the haunted house and neither will admit that they’re scared out of their minds but daichi’s old aunt (with which they’re staying) sent them out for the evening before they had the guts to say no
you know those group pictures at the haunted house ? it’s them. ushijima looks stoned but he’s actually enjoying himself, oikawa is jumping into daichi’s arms and they’re both shrieking
daichi’s aunt is actually a witch and sent them out because tonight there’s a spirit council in the attic and they’re not invited. but they have such a bad time at the festival that they come back early to the house full of weird noises and they’re like... “damn what happened, auntie kiyoko you here ?”
kuroo the nekomata, daishou the uwabami and bokuto the tengu are having a grand time in the attic and decide to stay in the house for the night because they’re tired after holding the council. however (and it’s unusual) the guest room is taken !! what shall they do !! kuroo who is honestly a bad person decides that they can make the intruders scamper away with enough brute force malice
first the shaking. then the noises. then the fire at the window. ushijima is a heavy sleeper but even he wakes up after that and the boys are like... “wtf is happening should we call. a priest or something”
daichi is The Man in this situation and he’s like “ok let’s fuck off far away from here”. oikawa follows and ushijima is the last to get out which means he’s the only one to see the yokai at the window and because he’s a pragmatic he doesn’t say anything. it’s probably just a weird cat (and a snake and an owl) right ???
next morning the boyos investigate outside the window and surprisingly don’t find scorch marks or anything that could indicate there was fire there. weird right ?
they still decide to spend the rest of the summer here without knowing what happened... little did they know... they shouldn’t have. or maybe it’s alright i leave that up to you
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melliejellie · 6 years
The last day of OT3+ week… was yesterday, but here’s this!
Day 7 prompts: writer’s choice | “how do you see all of this when it’s done?” | au/crossover
A little different – No one’s POV - just a little walk through their home.
Their neighborhood is halfway up a steep hill, the kind of hill that reminds everyone that this land used to be impossibly mountainous but time has worn everything smoother, kinder. There are trees along the road and in early march, and before everyone loses their minds over the cherry blossoms closer to the train station and the nearby park, the plum blossoms along their road remind them that winter is ending, new beginnings are on the horizon.
The entrance to their neighborhood is about twenty minute walk from the nearest train station (thirty minutes if you’re taking your time, or drunk, and five to ten minutes if you’re on your bike and hauling ass so you don’t miss your train). There are plans to buy a car once they save enough money so they can pick each other up from the station in bad weather and make grocery shopping simpler, but for now they walk or bike up the tree-lined hilly road to their little house.
The house is old and it sat empty for several years before they moved in. They were all so thankful for Tetsurou’s carpentry skills and general handiness. Without him, the necessary repairs would have taken so much longer and been so much more expensive. They all, of course, helped. Koutarou could lift basically anything. Kei used his civil engineering knowledge as often as it applied. And Keiji did a great job helping with the organizing and getting all the permits and other legal stuff taken care of.
But it was Tetsurou’s project. And that was perfectly okay because it meant they got to watch the way Tetsurou focused on his craft while he worked. He looked good, really good, tearing down drywall, leaning over a table saw, pulling his shirt over his head to cool down outside. Sometimes he’d catch them staring and really play up how smug he felt about that. No one complained.
Continue reading on Ao3.
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thatishogwash · 6 years
No Regrets
Super, super late with this!
Haikyuu!! OT3+ Week 2018
Day 6, November 2 : future / the parents
Sawamura hauls a body onto his bed and barely resists rubbing the back of his neck to try and alleviate some of the tension he’s holding there.  His hands are caked in mud and blood and he doesn’t want to wipe that all over himself despite it already covering his front.  He takes a couple deep breath before setting himself into motion.  He runs a tavern and while it’s mostly visited by the folks from the town down the mountain a few wandering souls, sometimes it’s remoteness attracts a certain rougher crowd.  He’s had to take care of a few wounds in his time as the owner of it.
Sawamura’s parents probably wouldn’t even be surprised by him bringing home the bleeding and unconscious stranger.  He was always prone to bringing home strays, though they always tended to be more on the animal variety.  He tries to imagine what faces they would make if they had still been alive and their adult son had dragged a wounded stranger through their tavern.  They would yell but ultimately they would end up helping, it was the sort of people they were.  The sort of person they raised their son to be.
Setting his items down by the bed Sawamura’s fingers trembled slightly before he reached out to remove the heavy cloak covering the majority of the stranger, all except his bare and dirty feet.  Sawamura was only partially surprised by the double wings held down by some sort of leather harness.  The stranger was dirty but he looked rather young, not that it mattered much.  Sawamura had met creatures who were thousands of years old and looked like children the same way hunched over, wrinkly elderly looking people were actually children.  The universe was a large place.
“You’re alright now, you’re safe.”  Sawamura said as soothingly as he could when the strangers brows bunched together and he let out a soft noise of distress.  There was a long cut across his abdomen that was the source of all the blood.  It looked worse than it was, long but only skin deep and hadn’t cut into any muscle of tissue.  Sawamura continued to speak softly, he wasn’t sure if the stranger spoke the same language as him but the tone seemed to be soothing him.  It was easy to patch him up but took longer to pull off the dirty and torn rags.  Usually Sawamura wouldn’t take such liberties with anyone who wasn’t awake to consent, but he was wet and shivering and the clothes barely covered much of anything to begin with.
Something shiny caught Sawamura’s eye and he turned from grabbing some of his own, clean clothes.  He had been so worried by the wound and getting the stranger out of the wet clothes and dry that he hadn’t noticed the golden band around his neck.  Sawamura hadn’t travelled very far from home, he had gone into the city for schooling before his parents died and left the mountainside space tavern for him to take care of.  But even he knew what a service band looked like.  Such an inconspicuous name for something so vile.
Sawamura quickly put the clean clothes onto the stranger before pulling blankets on top of him.  The dirtied blanket the stranger had rested on went to the floor but Sawamura had plenty.  He carefully used a cloth to clean the strangers dirty face, his eyes catching on the service band once more.
The small planet Sawamura had spent his entire life on was considered a backwoods planet, but they were mostly civilized here.  There was a bigger port on the other side of the planet but some travellers stopped by the tavern for some peace and quiet, plus the food wasn’t so bad either.  It wasn’t very busy at the tavern but Sawamura still had never seen a service band in the 25 years he had been alive.  He knew they were a thing of the past, had learned about them in school for a brief period before they jumped to the next thing.
Service bands were mostly outlawed, though considering some of his regulars belonged to the crew of the Bakeneko and while they never discussed their business outright, Sawamura could guess they weren’t exactly on the up and up.  Even they would cringe away from something as cruel as a service band.
Sawamura cleaned himself off in the small bathroom attached to his room, changing out of his dirtied clothes before walking back into his room.  He stared down at the stranger, at the white and black hair that was curling against a strong face now that it was drying.
Sawamura didn’t know what to do but he did know one person he could go to.  He pulled out his personal comm unit from the wall, glancing over to make sure the stranger is still sleeping before he types in a familiar number.  He doesn’t let himself think twice as he relays a simple message to Iwaizumi, apologizing and asking if he could stop by the tavern when he had a moment.  Iwaizumi is the local peace officer and they had known each other since they were teenagers.  Sawamura feels as if he should add more to the message but he ends it quickly when he feels the back of his neck start to warm and turns back to the stranger in his bed.
The stranger is still unconscious and Sawamura chews nervously on his bottom lip as he stares down at him.  His face has smoothed out and he looks more like he’s just resting, some color has even returned to his pale cheeks.  The service band is now hidden by the sweater Sawamura put him in and the two blankets he piled on top of him.
An alarm beeps, warning Sawamura that he has ten minutes to open the tavern.  He thinks about hanging an apology on the door, saying a pipe burst or something along those lines but he has bills to pay and the stranger doesn’t look like he’s going anywhere.  Still, Sawamura leans over.
“You’re safe to rest here.”  Sawamura tells the stranger, feeling a little silly for doing so.  He walks out of his room and closes the door quietly behind him before heading downstairs.
Everything about the old tavern reminds Sawamura of his parents from the hand carved table and chairs to the trim with pretty colored flowers along the ceiling.  They had made this place themselves, built it from the ground up and made it into the thriving business it was today.  Sawamura sometimes missed them so much he found it difficult to breath but going about opening the tavern helped, the actions that he did every day drove away the loneliness.
Sawamura was warming up the ovens in the back, his father had insisted on ones that actually used fire instead of warming electrically like most modern ones, when he heard the door open and close.  Voices floated in and Sawamura easily picked out the tones of his normal regulars from town.
It was easy and comforting to fall into his usual routine.  Going to the bar to grab drinks before checking on the cooking food in the kitchen.  Some of the regulars who had known him since he was little always told him to hire some help and he did have a cook come in during the weekends when it was busier but during the slow weekdays he could handle everything fine on his own.
Until the door opened, letting in the howling wind and the constant rain.  The regulars tensed automatically at the newcomers before Sawamura called out a greeting and told the familiar crew of the Bakeneko to sit where they’d like.  It was like he had summoned them by thinking of them earlier.
It wasn’t half a minute before the captain of the motley crew found himself near Sawamura, leaning over the bar as Sawamura prepared a drink for the old bookkeeper who always came in for a couple beverages after his shifts.  Sawamura allowed himself a quick glance into amber colored eyes before looking away.
“I’ll be with you in a mo’ to take your orders.”  Sawamura said, a bit more gruff than he usually was with other patrons.  The Bakeneko captain only smirked at Sawamura’s attitude.
“Take your time love, I’m in no rush.”  Kuroo propped his head up in his hand, elbow placed on the bar and smirk firmly in place.  Sawamura resisted the urge to do something childish like pour a drink over his ridiculously messy black hair.
Kuroo and his crew had been coming to the tavern pretty much since Sawamura inherited it.  Mostly Sawamura didn’t mind.  Despite the crews less than savory reputation they were respectful with only a few members being louder than the rest and they had never tried to skip out on a bill before.  They didn’t make a mess and they kept mostly to themselves, which was more than Sawamura could say for their captain.
Sawamura would probably treat Kuroo to a friendly but unfriendly attitude if they hadn’t met when they were younger.  Back when Kuroo was all knobby knees with ears and hands too big for the rest of his skinny frame.  He worked as a deckboy on a ship come to port, Sawamura had been in the city with his father when the skinny boy had come running past.  Sawamura, without really thinking of the consequences, had grabbed him and hidden him in the cart that held the supplies  his dad was buying.
Sawamura didn’t really agree with thieving but he knew there were situations where he’d do it if he wasn’t so loved and cared for by his parents.  He knew others weren’t as lucky, knew from Kuroo’s dirty face and hands rubbed raw from hard labor that even if he had a job it didn’t pay well enough to help him put on any weight.  His father had only raised an eyebrow at Sawamura before pushing some warm bread and cheese into his hands, then he had walked off into another store.  Sawamura peaked into the cart, handing over the food to a boy with sunken cheeks and large amber colored eyes, and told him to lay low.
Impulsivity wasn’t exactly an admirable trait but it was something that Sawamura was prone to bouts to.  Hiding thieving little boys and carting off wounded strangers to his room.  He didn’t know if his parents would be proud or worried, perhaps both.
For years after that initial interaction where Kuroo didn’t say a single word, they didn't see each other.  Not until Sawamura was left a seemingly too large and too quiet tavern, where every corner and window reminded him of what he had lost.  Kuroo and the crew of the Bakeneko had come barrelling in, asking for drinks and something warm to fill their stomachs.
They didn’t show up often, but Kuroo never missed the anniversary of Sawamura’s parents death.  Always staying to share drinks even after the tavern had closed.  Sawamura always woke up the next morning, head hurting but his spirit feeling lighter, curled up in bed with the other man.  Sawamura would probably have kicked him off the side off the mountain but they were always dressed.
Sawamura would never admit to liking waking up beside what was essentially a pirate captain.
Sawamura took orders, the Bakeneko could always be counted on to clear out his kitchen.  Yaku would beg Sawamura to join the crew as their cook, that he couldn’t another burnt piece of meat or hard as rock bread.  Fukunaga would use his hands and fingers to talk to Yamamoto, who would throw his head back and laugh.  Inuoka would offer to bring food back to Kozume, who always stayed on the ship, and inevitably Shibayama and Lev would run after him, Kai reminding them to bring back the plates.  Kuroo would watch on with too clever amber eyes, those same eyes lingering on Sawamura where ever he was.
It was nearing the end of the night and Sawamura was wiping down the bar, smiling as the last of his regulars called out a farewell.  He had momentarily run upstairs throughout the night, checking on his guest to make sure he was still there and breathing regularly.  He had received a message back from Iwaizumi, that he would be coming over after his shift ended, when the tavern was closed down.
The majority of the Bakeneko had wandered back to their ship.  Sawamura idly wondered when the next time he’d see them would be as he gathered used dishes and walked back to the kitchen.  He gave out a sigh when he realized Kuroo had snuck back, leaning against the counter and stealing a bowl of soup.
“You’re going to pay for that.”  Sawamura stated firmly, putting the dishes into the washer.
“Oh?”  Kuroo asked, eyebrow raised.
“With money.”  Sawamura said, ignoring Kuroo’s exaggerated pout.
“So, what has got you all tense and stressed out tonight?”  Kuroo asked casually and Sawamura couldn’t really hide his reaction at the sudden question.  Kuroo was watching him far too closely to try and deny it, but it wasn’t like Sawamura was going to admit to having someone in his bed upstairs.
“The usual.”  Sawamura said with a shrug but from the look on Kuroo’s face he clearly wasn’t buying it.
Sawamura thanked the stars above when he heard someone else enter the tavern and walked out to greet them.  Sawamura wasn’t usually one to judge looks, the nearby town was full of a rough looking crowd though mostly they were harmless.  But something about the three figures that walked into the tavern made Sawamura tense all over.
“Hello,” Sawamura greeted, trying to shake off the foreboding feeling.  “I’m afraid the kitchen is closed for the night but we do still have some hot soup.”  Sawamura went to go get the soup they offered, nearly running right into Kuroo as he stepped into the kitchen.
“That’s not your usual lot, is it?”  Kuroo asked, voice low.
“All sorts come through here, some more unsavory than others.”  Sawamura said just as low, using his finger to push Kuroo back so he could get soup for his new patrons.
“That hurts.”  Kuroo’s bottom lip juts out and Sawamura finds himself briefly wondering how this man was considered a feared pirate captain.  “I’m only trying to help.”  Sawamura snickers as he balances the three bowls in his hands.
“I don’t need any of the kind of help you’re offering.”  Sawamura breezes past him and his heart gives a quick drop when he realizes there are only two at the table now.  He places the bowls down carefully before a sound distracts him and he walks over to the swinging door that lead to the stairs and upstairs.  “Excuse me, guests aren’t allowed upstairs.”  Sawamura says, catching the third patron half way up the stairs.  He turns and grimaces, or smiles, Sawamura isn’t quite sure because his body is insectoid-like, the mandible twitching on his face in a way Sawamura wasn’t familiar enough to read.
“Pardon, just looking for the bathroom.”  Sawamura motioned behind him, where the bathroom was clearly marked.  Plus he kept the door to the stairs locked at all times.
When Sawamura walked out of the swinging doors he saw Kuroo gathering the few members of his crew that were still in the tavern.  His heart gave a twist as Kuroo gave him a short nod before walking out the door with Yaku and Nobuyuki following him.  Sawamura told himself it didn’t matter, that there was no reason for him to want Kuroo’s presence in the tavern.  That he was a distraction and Sawamura could easily handle any problem that arose.
None of it helped.  He felt betrayed that Kuroo would note the trouble the new comers presented then would just leave Sawamura to it.  He knew it wasn’t logical and he berated himself silently for it but it was still there, sitting cold and hard inside his chest.
Despite his initial hesitation about the new patrons, they ate their soup in relatively silence, paid, and left as quietly as they had come.  Sawamura locked the door behind them with a relieved sigh, feeling like an idiot for making such a big deal out of nothing.  He began closing down, the routine of it welcome.
A noise startled Sawamura out stacking the chairs and he looked up.  He ran up the stairs, his heart beating loudly in his ears once again before pausing outside the door.  He took a deep, calming breath and reminded himself that whatever it was, he could handle it.  He slowly opened the door and wasn’t surprised to see his new guest sitting up in bed.
Gold colored eyes, so bright and foreign that Sawamura could even make out in the dim lighting of the room the brilliant coloring, looked at Sawamura.  It was the first time that Sawamura recognized that this stranger was quite a bit bigger than him no matter how wounded they were.
“Hello,” Sawamura said, glad his voice didn’t come out as shaky as he felt.  Gold eyes blinked at him before the tension in the room noticeably dropped.  “Did you reopen your wound?”  Sawamura asked because the stranger was holding his stomach and there was a growing dark spot on the borrowed sweater.
“I know your voice.”  The stranger said, tone surprisingly light for such a large man.  “I heard it in the darkness.  You said I was safe.”  His eyes darted around the room while Sawamura remained in the doorway.
“You are safe here.”  Sawamura said before taking a hesitant step into his own bedroom.  “Can I see the wound on your stomach?”  He asked, making sure to keep it a question and not an order.  Gold eyes, heavily lidded in almost a lazy way, looked at him before lifting up the borrowed sweater obidenantly.
Sawamura moved forward slowly, watching for any sign that the stranger might lash out but he just sat still, holding the sweater up and watching Sawamura as he carefully applied more medi-cream to the wound.  It sealed the wound once more and he wrapped it in a new bandage.
“My name is Sawamura Daichi and you’re in my tavern.”  Sawamura said, sitting back on his heels as he looked up at the stranger.  He smoothed the sweater back over his stomach, playing with the hem for a moment before giving Sawamura a shy look.
“You can call me Bokuto.”  The band must be activated by his full name.
“I have a friend coming, he’s going to help you.”  Sawamura put his hands up when he realized Bokuto was panicking.  “I trust him, you can trust him too.  I’ve known him for a long time.”  Iwaizumi was rough around the edges but he was soft inside, prone to helping anyone who needed it.  He had been quickly rising up in the ranks of the military before he resigned and took a position in the sleepy little town he had grown up in.  Sawamura never asked what brought him back, he was only glad he decided to come back.
“Okay.”  Bokuto breathes out, trusting Sawamura’s call, just like that.  It makes Sawamura feel suddenly weak against him and he fights against himself, scrambling for a way to distract him from that.
“Are you hungry?  Or thirsty?  I can go-” Sawamura is cut off when Bokuto reaches out, suddenly grabbing his arm and Sawamura inhales sharply at how quick Bokuto is.
“Please don’t.”  Bokuto pleads, face so close that Sawamura can catch the different flecks of yellow and browns in his eyes.
“You can come with me.”  Sawamura offers, gently removing Bokuto’s hand from his arm.  He hadn’t hurt him, but it was a strong, firm grip.  Sawamura was momentarily surprised by how cold Bokuto’s hand was and he wrapped his warmer one around his longer fingers.
Bokuto followed Sawamura willingly, his head whipping around to catch sight of everything.  Sawamura found it absurdly adorable if a bit dramatic.  There wasn’t much to see, but then again he didn’t know what sort of life Bokuto had led before Sawamura dragged him here.  Sawamura wanted to know what happened to Bokuto, how he came to be here and he knew Iwaizumi would need to know the answer to those questions but he was hesitant to bring up something that could distress Bokuto.
There was no more soup left but Sawamura could make cold sandwiches.  He let go of Bokuto once they reached the kitchen and started to pull out some meat and bread before turning to Bokuto.
“Do you eat meat?”  Sawamura asked.  It was part of his job to be aware of dietary restrictions, he should have asked before.  By the way Bokuto was eyeing the food in Sawamura’s hands he could make a guess at the answer, and assumed it had been a while since Bokuto had eaten.
“Yes, meats good.”  Bokuto nodded enthusiastically, pressing against Sawamura’s back as he turned to the counter to prepare a sandwich.  Given Bokuto’s size he would probably eat a couple.  “Thank you Sawamura, you’re very kind.”  Bokuto smiled hesitantly but Sawamura could tell even by the slight smile that when Bokuto really smiled, it would be a blinding thing.
“That must be my friend.”  Sawamura said after he had heard a brisk knock on the front door.  He handed the sandwich over to Bokuto before walking through the main dining room to the entrance.
Sawamura frowned into the darkness that greeted him when he opened the door, no sign of Iwaizumi anywhere.  Perhaps he had gone around to the back door?  But Iwaizumi wasn’t so impatient he wouldn’t wait a moment for Sawamura to answer the door.  Something shifted in the distance and Sawamura heard his name being yelled but it was too late.
The tavern came with rudimentary protective shields.  Mostly it was to discourage any fighting from inside or near the outside of the tavern.  Most public buildings had it, even modern houses came standard with them.  It was this shield that probably saved Sawamura’s life, though it wasn’t built to withstand a full attack.
Sawamura flew backwards, slamming into the bar on the opposite side of the room made his breath rush out of him.  Tables were upturned, chairs were broken, and the front door was left hanging from one hinge.  Sawamura couldn’t seem to take in a proper breath, his ears felt clogged with cotton, and he was having trouble focusing his sight.
Strong but cold hands grabbed at him, forced him up and to the kitchen right before another blast hit the front of the tavern.  The lights flickered before going out completely, the shields dying along with them.  Sawamura knew there was something wrong with his hearing but even he could hear the old wood creaking and groaning.  The tavern was purposefully built on the side of the mountain, the docks reaching out into nothingness so ships could easily pull up without having to actually land.  The tavern had been made to withstand category one storms, the wooden facade was only meant to look worn and rustic, underneath was hardened steel and metal.
With a hard pop Sawamura’s hearing returned to him just in time to hear something break from the upstairs, the sound of heavy booted feet.  Sawamura turned to see Bokuto’s pale and frightened face, his hands were still holding Sawamura up.
“Back door, we have to go out the back.”  Sawamura said, his voice raspy.  Something was making it difficult for him to get a good breath in and it hurt to exhale and he couldn’t quite move his left shoulder but it was all things he could deal with later.  He pulled Bokuto towards the back door after grabbing a frying pan, ignored the lace of pain from his knee.
The back door cracked down the middle, the lacy little curtain his mother had sown to cover the small window turned black, as if burnt.  A figure burst through the door and Sawamura released Bokuto and with a yell pulled from the pit of his stomach, swung the frying pan into the person standing there.  The hit vibrated down Sawamura’s arm and with a grunt he kicked the figure away, grabbing backwards for Bokuto before running out the door.
Sawamura had never even raised a hand in violence towards another and now he had walked over a crumbled body of a person he had savagely hit and kicked.  He left that body in the same spot he had played with little toy figures when he was younger, it had been the perfect spot that was out of the way but he could tilt his body one way to see his father in the kitchen and then another to see his mother go from table to table, talking with each guest as if they were lifelong friends.
Bokuto grabbed Sawamura, yanking him to the side right before something streaked past them.  Wood and metal exploded behind them and Sawamura’s heart picked up its pace inside his chest, realizing that could have been him.  That could have been his body breaking to pieces from a long distance hit.
Sawamura looked up and watched as a familiar motorcycle slammed into the figure that had been aiming their gun at Sawamura once more.  Bokuto hovered over Sawamura’s body as someone ran over to them, the rain covering up their heavy steps.
“No, Bokuto, stop.”  Sawamura patted at the larger man, finally gaining his attention.  “That’s my friend, that’s Iwaizumi, he’s safe.”  Bokuto finally seemed to understand and allowed Sawamura to finally get up from the mud.  All three of them were soaked, Iwaizumi’s eyes were wide as he finally caught up to them, looking Sawamura up and down but it was too dark to see anything.
“What the fuck is going on Daichi?”  Iwaizumi asked, hand coming up to cup Sawamura’s face.  Sawamura winced, not remembering how his face had bounced off the floor until right then.  Before Sawamura could respond a ship appeared above them, nearly dropping on top of them.  Iwaizumi pulled his gun up, Sawamura hadn’t even seen it in his other hand.
“That’s the Bakeneko!”  Sawamura shouted above the rain, shocked.  Were they being attacked by Kuroo and his crew?  Why?
“Hurry, get on board!”  A rope was tossed down.  The ship started to take on fire but their shields reflected most of them.  The noise was deafening and Sawamura’s heart was in his throat but he pushed Iwaizumi and Bokuto forward.  Both made Sawamura go first and he climbed while trying to ignore the pain his body was in and how slippery the rungs were with the constant rain.  Hands grabbed him, pulling him over the side of the ship.
“They are bringing ‘round their ship!”  Someone called as Bokuto was dropped next to Sawamura then a second later Iwaizumi hopped over.
“Everyone onboard captain!”  Yaku shouted from next to Sawamura.
“Get them below deck.”  Kuroo’s voice cut through the rain before shouting more orders at his crew.  Sawamura was pulled up, not roughly but not exactly gently either.  But Sawamura caught something over the side of the ship.
Sawamura broke from the hold on him, leaning against the railing of the ship to see his tavern ablaze and crumbling in on itself.  The home and business his parents had worked so hard to build was burning down before his eyes.  They had been so proud of it, every childhood memory Sawamura had was attached to that place.
A light flashed, bright and blinding in the night.  Sawamura watched in horror as his home was cut  in half, the top sliding away before falling off the side of the mountain.  He shouted, he wasn’t sure what but nothing would stop the second hit that sent the rest of him crumbling down.
The ship swung away before shooting up into the sky.  Sawamura could no longer see his home but he knew that didn’t matter since there was his home was no longer there to see.
Sawamura was taken below deck.  Everything passed by in a blur.  One moment he was standing on the deck of the Bakeneko, watching the planet he had never left grow smaller in the distance and the next his eyes were too heavy to hold open and he was falling down.
It felt as if Sawamura had blinked and everything was different.  He could hear people speaking but it sounded like it was coming through a long tunnel.  He felt stiff and sore all over but there was something warm surrounding him, his face was buried in it.
“-bounty hunters don’t really care about things like that.”  Kuroo’s voice was the first clear thing Sawamura could make out.  It took him another minute before realizing the reason he was so warm was because he was curled up in bed with something pressed against his front.  A faint trilling noise was coming from the person holding him, it was oddly comforting even though Sawamura was still fighting his confusion.
“It doesn’t matter if they care about it or not, it’s still illegal and-”  Iwaizumi’s voice was tight with barely concealed anger.
“And what?  You don’t work for the military anymore lieutenant, they won’t come to some backwoods planet because some bounty hunters destroyed a pub.”  Kuroo stated simply, cutting Iwaizumi off.  Sawamura sucked in a deep breath, his tavern crumbling before his eyes once more.
“Sawamura.”  A face with big golden eyes was pushed into his.  “They drugged you.”  Bokuto said, sounding angry.
“He was hurt and in shock Bo, I keep telling you this.”  Kuroo’s voice said, coming out much softer.  “Let him breath.”  Bokuto held Sawamura tighter for a moment before letting out a soft breath and releasing him.  Sawamura sat up slowly and looked around the room.  Three pairs of eyes looked back at him with varying levels of concern.
“So,” Sawamura looked at each of them.  “Weird day, huh?”  He tried for light but fell short.  Iwaizumi sat on the bed, his hand was a warm comfort down the length of Sawamura’s back.
“I’m sorry Sawamura, they destroyed your home because of me.”  Bokuto ducked his head, ashamed but it was surprisingly Kuroo who spoke up.
“It’s not your fault, it’s mine.”  Kuroo rubbed Bokuto’s head and Sawamura was surprised by the familiarity of the action.  “I was supposed to pick up Bokuto from someone I thought I could trust, but he went turncoat and tried to sell Bokuto back.  I knew who those bounty hunters were when they came into your tavern and I decided to wait to see what they did.”  Kuroo met Sawamura’s eyes, accepting full blame and not trying to make excuses for himself.
“It’s fine.”  Sawamura said, shocking all three of them.  He tried a smile to ease their worries.  “Helping someone, helping Bokuto is way more important than a building.  My parents would never have sacrificed someone for their home.  It’s neither of yours fault.”  Sawamura  reached out to squeeze both Bokuto and Kuroo’s noses, earning a grin from the former and a fake snap of teeth from the latter.  “I am sorry I pulled you into this.”  Sawamura turned to Iwaizumi, who was watching everything with clear interest.
“I’m not.”  Iwaizumi said with a shrug before nudging his shoulder against Sawamura’s.  “I told you before to call me, for anything and I meant it.”
“Me too.”  Kuroo said suddenly, practically sitting in Iwaizumi’s lap so he could push into Sawamura’s space.  Iwaizumi gave an annoyed grunt but didn’t dump the lanky man onto the ground.  “I meant it when I said I’d help you.”
“I’ll protect you.”  Bokuto promised, fingers curling against Sawamura’s.  “Because you saved me and made me feel safe.”  He smiled and Sawamura was right, it was blinding.
Sawamura knew it wasn’t going to be that easy and the three before him were going to cause him more trouble before the day was done but he couldn’t find himself minding much.  There was a hollow spot in his chest that had been there since his parents had died, it ached and reminded him constantly of how he was missing something, something crucial.  This was the first time that the ache had receded, if just a bit.
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kurojiri · 6 years
you got my heart
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Pairing: Sawamura Daichi/ Kuroo Tetsurou/ Bokuto Koutarou Summary: Sawamura had once questioned how he got to his present but not anymore. Prompt Used: getting together A/N: @hqot3week Word Count: 1,320
Or read on Ao3 or ffnt
There had been many of times when Sawamura had thought that being captain of his school’s volleyball team would have been the best thing to come from his high school years. Turned out meeting and getting to know Kuroo Tetsurou and Bokuto Koutarou attracted another level of disbelief and happiness. Both of those crazy and loveable captains had somehow anchored themselves into his heart.
All they had to do was smile, tease, and level with his awkwardness of not knowing how to properly flirt.
Those first few months of him not knowing how to reply had been a test to his abilities on know how to be a perfectly awkward teen. Sawamura had always in the past long contact with that kind of touch; being free of responsibilities and actually taking some time to be a teen in love. That first hurdle had been a little too high and scary to approach when he first met Kuroo. Before Nekoma captain, Sawamura had never contemplated about who he’d ever date, let alone day dream about. But there had been a spark.
Something stranger and stronger than the spicy food Sugawara made him eat when they first shared some snacks and lunches.
It had been like a gravity force had spelled for him to watch Kuroo and gravitate towards him. They had laughed and joked the first few times, it had all seemed nice. However, that had been the trouble. He wanted more.
The kind that scared him when he worked out what he specifically wanted from Kuroo.
Bokuto’s entrance had been loud and out there. A smack to his ears and heart when he took in the booming cheerful face that lit up the court room. He had been an odd complication as Sawamura wanted to talk to all the present captains. Opportunities to talk with other volleyball captains had been sacred. And even as his heart was ready to explode he had kept it all in. His eyes were locked to his hands and the corners of the gym walls when he spoke. He had done his best to not get lost in Kuroo’s eyes and the way Bokuto’s warm hands always playful nudged his shoulders and back.
Somewhere between the hours of practice, homework and matches Sawamura’s cell phone had started to need more charging. He somehow began to live in a life where he had new texts to check, clips to watch and photos to go over. He made sure to bury his flushed cheeks when he was in the same room as Sugawara because somehow that guy always knew when his mind was flooded from them.
(He wanted to chuck a book at his best friend when that smirk and one eyebrow rose when Sawamura made the mistake to smile goofily near his presence.)
Eventually he would cave. There would an instance when he wouldn’t be able to cover his tracks and his heart would definitely crack open and spill out. His brain would start working and his mouth would open wide and confess all his embarrassing secrets.
But for now, Sawamura would enjoy these silly and infuriating feelings. He would keep on being the captain he could be while he pinned for not one, but two captains that he considered good friends. Being infatuated hadn’t been what he expected in his last year of high school, but it had been a pleasant change of pace in some ways. Either way, Sawamura wouldn’t let his feelings for those two to get in the way on court.
And yet, strangely enough Sawamura had found himself almost losing his grip of reality when Bokuto and Kuroo both gave him near identical smirks that melted any sense of stiffness and rationality from his shoulders. It got replaced with wariness and dare when he tried to form the right words—curiosity, had allowed them to take him away from home and into the city lights. That itself had been a strange element to latch into his agreement to walk with them. The city life had always eluded him, the crazy chaotic rhythms had always made dizzy him too. With the added company Sawamura had almost felt like he was in some weird dream.
Having them so close, too aware of his awkwardness and strange clumsiness that had sparked when Bokuto’s friendliness bordered around his space bubble and when Kuroo’s eyes were able to read him (from the unspoken and shreds of boldness he had managed to bring out). It always had been a deadly combo be equated with. (Both in and outside the court.) The benefits itself had made him a stronger player, but it had also reinforced his predicament of liking them.
Their layers of techniques on court had always impressed him and made him scared. Because somehow his first real taste of high school first loves had to incorporate two troublesome volleyball captains. Not only that, but the two captains that had a closeness that was pretty sure marked as already being a couple.
When he had gotten over his dues of liking them, he of course was given a little chat by the second-year setter, Akaashi and third year libero Yaku. They had recognized his dazed looks and flushed cheeks when either one or both boys made his legs weak. In some way, he had been thankful it hadn’t included Sugawara in the mix but that hadn’t stopped him from knowing what they were trying to prevent: his heart breaking more than it could handle. Which was why Sawamura had once again had resorted berating himself for being too open.
He had always been aware of that Bokuto and Kuroo were always close, having inside jokes mingling in their endeavors. But what he had at the time not understood as to why they both opened up themselves for Sawamura to catch up and fold into their conversations. Why even now, as he knew at the time that he was essentially a third wheel he didn’t feel like one.
Almost as if he—they were up to something.
He didn’t get his answer until they were walking him to his train while they waited for theirs. They had huddled him as the middle guy with their shoulders always touching both sides of his arms and shoulders. The weather had been cooling down making each pair having their own scarves wrapped around their necks and Bokuto lending his hat to Sawamura when he noticed him shivering. It also had Kuroo a satisfied grin when he mumbled some stuttered thanks when he bought him a warm chocolate drink when Bokuto personally placed his hat on Sawamura’s head.
The day had progressed to that moment when Sawamura was fighting a battle to keep his face clean from blushing too much. But that had been a lost cause the way he noticed the two of them sharing a small silent conversation with their eyes before Bokuto’s infamous eyes and smile broke out and Kuroo’s eyes gleamed when Sawamura’s trained got called out.
The train came to stop, and the doors opened. Before he could say goodbye when he got to the entrance they both leaned down and kissed a cheek that was close to them. Sawamura fumbled a step back before stuttering as he spoke.
“Was that a date?”
Their smirks and booming laugh from mostly Bokuto was all the confirmation that he needed when the doors closed, and their figures turned into smaller blobs. At the comfort of his empty train cart he cursed softly without any real heat as he laughed when he recalled both of their reactions and gestures from all day.
When he got back home he wasn’t surprised to see them texting him in their group chat with photos during from earlier. The warmth of their lips on his cheeks hadn’t slipped from his mind when he texted them back.
Next time, he promised himself. He would get them back.
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plisstsky · 6 years
hq!! ot3+ week ♔ day one
let’s make it together ♔ wanna play?
“I’m going to work hard, and continue to make you proud; to make all the hard work you two put into making this happen worth it.”
“Seeing your face this bright is already worth it.”
read on ao3
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finnthebunneh · 7 years
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Another ot3 I secretly enjoy... I shipped Kurodai before I even knew haikyuu. Everyone loves Daichi (how can you not?!). Hqot3week day 3: at camp (it’s the only day I can do lol... gotta study after this).
Click on pic for better quality. Available as stickers and other stuff on Redbubble  ( ゚ヮ゚)ノ
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bringmemyqueen · 7 years
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haikyuu ot3+ week: day 5 - road trip
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thehauntedboy · 7 years
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I adore hanahaki and stumbled upon this ushigoshiten fic this morning- and I’ve never read something so unknowingly tailored to my interests before, bless <3
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hannycho12 · 7 years
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For @hqot3week
Day 1 : Red “The red that connect you to your soulmate.”
I did it super fast, it didn’t look like what i want it to be. One of my OT3
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Day 6: Envy / Crossover/AU / Indigo 
Pairing: MatsuHanaIwaOi
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hqot3week-blog · 6 years
a couple reminders!
now that we are coming into the final hours before the event, please remember the following:
creators, please tag all posts with “haikyuuot3″ and/or tag this blog directly so i can find it and reblog!  i don’t want to miss anyone!
remember that all prompts are up to your own interpretation!  there are no rules when it comes to that!
all posts will be reblogged from mobile, the tags will come later.  please be patient if you want to search something specific.
discord [click]
[general info & rules]
let’s make this fourth event another success! 
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oloreandil · 5 years
hq!! ot3+ week day 2 - asadaisuga
written for the haikyuu ot3+ week day 2: popcorn
@hqot3week and everyone, i hope you’ll enjoy !
daichi is a cashier at a movie theater and suga is a journalist who comes in often because he does movie reviews. he always bring in fancy popcorn (article about it here) that daichi mocks him for and that’s how the conversation gets going
after seeing him almost every day for like three months daichi decides that cheeky banter over the action movies and chick flicks and weird artsy movies that suga has to see isn’t enough so he says “hey what about next time i come see the movie with you” and suga automatically answers “that’s a date !” which flusters them both
next time turns out to be saturday night and they end the evening at a bar where they meet one of suga’s colleagues, asahi. he’s tall and shy but very passionate about movies which makes for interesting discussions. they all end up drunk out of their asses and pass out in daichi’s flat
there’s three ways to wake up from a night like this: gay awakening in front of the dozed off friends (suga), fucking hangover from hell (daichi) and confused mumbling about how he needed to be gone half an hour ago oh my god he’s going to get fired (asahi)
saturday night officially becomes date night in the sawamura household and it very soon becomes apparent that they all have a bit of a crush. they’re all casual about it until they end up kissing and then asahi has a crisis which leads to Communication (remember kids that’s what makes a healthy relationship)
they decide to keep things casual and don’t see each other more than saturday and at the cash register for the movies, but it’s ok for the three of them because they still have a life and daichi works like two jobs and suga is actually married to journalism.
it’s the one year anniversary of their first movie date and daichi who is secretly a romantic decides to have a date at the fancy popcorn shop suga likes so much which is both kinda too serious for all of them usually but also completely ridiculous
they have a fun time and they hold hands and they don’t say i love you because they’re not in love in the traditional sense of the term but they do love each other very much and they all know it
extra: daichi fake proposes with a candy ring one day and asahi bursts into tears because he’s not ready to have a baby. they’re all cis men
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melliejellie · 6 years
Haikyuu OT3+ week continues!
There Goes the Neighborhood - Day 2
Day 2 prompts: getting together | “i’m your number one fan” | popcorn
Everything began with Bokuto.
Of course now, Tetsurou hasn’t called him Bokuto regularly in years (though “Bo” is still a term of endearment and Keiji sure likes the reaction he gets when he purrs “Bokuto-san”), but back at the beginning he was just Bokuto, that loud, spikey-haired kid at Fukurodani.
With Kenma still at his old junior high school, Tetsurou had been slow to make new friends. Most of the people in his classes thought he was shy and reserved. Kenma would spit-laugh at that if he heard it. If only they knew what was just below the surface.
He’d been slightly more himself during volleyball practice. The two other first years, Kai and Yaku, were friendly with him most of the time. Kai got along with the older players and helped serve as a bridge, introducing Tetsurou and helping to break the ice. Yaku, on the other hand, was impossible to figure out. He was great on the court and they had fun when they played together, but he seemed to get a kick out of choosing or doing the opposite of whatever Tetsurou was doing any other time.
By the summer training camp, Tetsurou was a bit more comfortable. Being able to prove himself on the court had helped with that. His team had even heard his now infamous cackle. But there were still pieces of himself that were carefully locked away.
And then there was Koutarou.
The boy made no sense. Mostly he was like having a conversation with the sun, so bright it hurts but it pulls you in. But Tetsurou also saw the way he’d completely shut down after making a mistake.
“I just don’t like letting anyone down.” Koutarou readily admitted that evening during some forced inter-team bonding outside. Tetsurou had just asked about how his day had been, singling out the only other first year he saw that wasn’t already talking to someone. Koutarou had shared all the little details, every high and every low.
“You’re still a first year. I don’t think they expect that much from you.”
“But I do!” Koutarou replied emphatically. “I’m going to be the ace! You watch me.”
And Tetsurou did. 
Continue reading on Ao3.
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thatishogwash · 6 years
Act Your Age
Haikyuu!! OT3+ Week 2018
Day 4, October 31 : Family / "It's halloween. Everyone's entitled to one good scare" / halloween
Yachi coughed as smoke completely filled the room.  She could make out Kuribayashi’s squeaks of apologies, a running stream that made Yachi want to laugh despite the magic clogging up her senses.  Her young apprentice reminded Yachi so much of herself at that age, easily flustered and always wanting to please others.  Yachi put her hands up, flicking her wrists with ease and using her own magic to dissipate the potion gone wrong.
“No harm done Runa.”  Yachi said before the smoke had completely cleared.  Her voice sounded odd even to her own ears and she knew the exploding potion had probably done something but nothing hurt and a quick look around the room showed everything still in its place.  “Accidents-” Yachi caught sight of her own hands as the smoke complete cleared.
Kuribayashi let out a strangled noise as she looked over at her teacher, eyes almost comically wide.  Yachi was too busy staring at her hands to really take note, she turned them this way and that before carefully curling her fingers into a loose fist.
Yachi didn’t consider herself old but she was nearing her fifties and her hands were definitely not the ones she had come to know.  The skin was smooth, not marred by small scars she had gathered over the years and they seemed to have gained more muscle to them, no longer the long fingered hands with knobby knuckles she had come to know.  Yachi reached up and touched her face, expecting one thing and feeling something completely different.
Yachi twisted those unfamiliar hands, glad that her magic still felt familiar.  It wasn’t as if her body did not feel like her own but it felt slightly off.  A mirror appeared in front of her and she let out a surprised noise despite herself.
“Oh dear.”  Yachi said, her voice coming out slightly higher than it normally did.  Or at least she hadn’t sounded or looked like that in over two decades.
“I’m so sorry!”  Kuribayashi was on the verge of tears and Yachi pulled her eyes, her young eyes that did not require the glasses she took off.
“No harm done my dear.”  Yachi soothed the girl, feeling a bit odd now that they looked the same age.  “I’m just glad the potion only affected me, being sixteen stuck in a toddlers body would not have been fun for you.”  Kuribayashi gave a watery smile but her shoulders were still tense.
“But it was only supposed to a basic potion to help clear the mind, what if you’re stuck like this?”  Kuribayashi asked but Yachi just shook her head.
“No no, there are many witches who have dedicated their lives to finding a spell or potion to keep them eternally young, it wouldn’t be that easy.”  Yachi said but she found it suddenly difficult to remember who those people were.  It was as if her memories past being a teenager were cloudy, just out of her reach though she knew they were there.  She could feel panic bubbling up but she pushed that down with practiced ease.  The potion had clearly affected her memories along with her appearance but she would be fine.  “These tend to wear off in a couple hours, a day or two at the most.  Will you go get Michimiya and Shimizu for me?”
“Of course!”  Kuribayashi nodded before dashing out.
Yachi put her hands on her hips, humming at the fact that they were narrower than she remembered.  She hadn’t grown much in height since she was sixteen but she filled out in the way most adults do after adolescent leaves them.  Her clothes hung on her petite frame and even her shoes felt a bit big.
“Concentrate.”  Yachi scolded herself, looking around the room.  The place where they completed potions and the ingredients were kept in different rooms so that accidents like the one they had didn’t turn even more disastrous.  She knew a potion that would reverse the effects, she knew it but it was just beyond her reach.
“Hitoka?”  A familiar voice asked and Yachi turned, smiling in relief at the sight of her coven mates but also her wives.  The thought of them being her wives had her face feeling quite warm even though she knew they had been married going on 15 years now.  How odd to be a teenager and yet have the hazy memories of a 48 year old woman.
“I’m so glad you’re here.”  Yachi released her hands when she realized she had been twisting her fingers nervously together.  Something clattered to the ground and she looked down to see the silver wedding band on the floor.  Yachi picked it up quickly and placed it on her thumb.  “The potion de-aged me but it’s made my mind all hazy.  I can’t remember anything past the age of 18 but I still have the same power that I did when I was 48.  What if I accidentally do something terrible?  I won’t know how to reverse it.”  Michimiya and Shimizu stepped forward as one.
“It’s going to be fine Hitoka, we’ll help you.”  Michimiya assured her with a smile.  Yachi felt her face heat up once more when Michimiya took her hand.  She had been hopelessly in love with these two women since she was 15 years old and now she was feeling all those hormonal shifts once again.
“Or we could take the potion too.”  Both Michimiya and Yachi turned to Shimizu in surprise.  She gave a small smile and a shrug of her shoulders, leaving the decision up to both of them.  “I’ll write down instructions for the reversal incase it goes on longer than tonight but it might be fun to have a date as teenagers again.”
“It is all hallows night.”  Michimiya said and they both looked at Yachi.  It was how they ran their coven, which was one of the most powerful in all of Asia.  They were the elders and people came to them for advice and wisdom, they never made a decision unless all three were in agreeance.
“Okay.”  Yachi agreed, feeling flustered with their eyes on her but there was a bubbling sense of happiness inside her.
Hours later the three now teenagers walked out of a haunted house, laughing and still holding onto each other.
“You froze time Yui!”  Yachi said through her giggles.
“I got scared!”  Michimiya whined, making them laugh more.
“It’s a haunted house, that’s the point.”  Shimizu pointed out, head tilting to lay on Michimiya’s shoulder for a moment.
“I forgot how messy feeling being a teenager was.”  Michimiya’s cheeks were pink, either do to Shimizu’s affection or the cold night air.  “Though I do miss not aching all over.”  Michimiya stretched her arms up, reaching towards the night sky.
“We should go shove our faces with as many sweet things before our metabolisms turn back.”  Yachi offered, already excited about how many sweets she could eat in one sitting.
“That cafe looks promising.”  Shimizu pointed one out down the road.  The front of the cafe was made up of floor to ceiling glass, meaning they could see the cozy atmosphere inside.  They had borrowed more aged appropriate modern clothes from their younger apprentices and while Yachi thought the cat tights she was wearing were adorable, they did nothing to protect her skinny little legs from the sweeping cold wind.
They made their way to the cafe, bundled together and laughing in a way that most teenagers girls do when the world feels as if it was opening up for them.  Running a powerful coven sought out for nefarious and benign purposes took up a lot of their time.  They each were training several younger witches and they travelled a lot too.  It had been some time since they all could shed the adult responsibilities they had gladly taken on and they were all for taking advantage of their little bout of freedom.
“Order me some jasmine tea and something sweet, perhaps pumpkin flavored?”  Michimiya requested before stepping outside to make a phone call back to their other coven members.  None of them thought the potion could go wrong but they were still in their right minds enough to check in and keep the elder members updated on any progress and where they were.
Yachi and Shimizu took their drinks and treats over to a recently abandoned corner, away from the wide glass windows.  It was near the large fireplace and the L-shaped couch was deep and wonderfully comfortable.  Yachi leaned against Shimizu’s warm side, trying a bit of the pie the other woman had gotten.
Everything paused except Yachi and Shimizu, who looked around the frozen coffee shop.  Both stood up quickly, knowing the one person who had the ability to freeze time.  They made their way outside to see Michimiya backing away from a group of three guys who had clearly been crowding around her, cornering her.
Yachi felt her stomach drop as they ran to Michimiya.  They had forgotten.  It had been so long since any of them had been harrassed, made to feel small and insignificant.  It had been years since they had to worry about being alone at night.  Michimiya had just been in front of the coffee shop, the street was still busy and brightly lit, it should have been fine.
“Yui are you okay?”  Yachi asked, heart in her throat as she gently took one of Michimiya’s hands in her own.  Shimizu stood on her other side, she was the tallest of the tree of them but the frozen men still towered over her.
“Yes, I panicked and forgot-” Michimiya took a deep, shuddering breath.  “I’m fine now.”  She repeated herself, as if trying to convince herself of that fact.
“Should we go home?”  Yachi asked but Shimizu’s dark eyes were on the three men.
“Not yet, Yui unfreeze them please.”  Shimizu requested, red magic already twisting between her fingers as she gathered power and started softly humming a spell.  Rhythm wasn’t required to make spells work but they were often times easier to remember that way.
Michimiya looked confused but she did as Shimizu asked, unfreezing the men who blinked in confusion at the sudden appearance of two new girls to torment.  Yachi felt her teenage self flinch from them but through the haze in her mind came the knowledge and memories of a 48 year old woman who was much, much more terrifying than these pathetic men.
“You are to know what it is to feel small and insignificant, at the mercy of those bigger than you.  Hunted and treated like-” Shimizu’s hands came up and the red magic wrapped around them, covering them in smoke as they wheezed and then no sound came from them.  “Insects.”  The men made insects fluttered and whirled around.
“Kiyoko.”  Michimiya said in surprise.  Her face was a bit more plump than it had been before, laugh lines appearing around her mouth and eyes.  Yachi felt the slight ache in her left shoulder that had been a constant companion for the past couple years.
“It’s Halloween.”  Shimizu said, her hair longer and run through with beautiful silver strands.  “Everyone’s entitled to one good scare.”  She hooked her arms with her wives and they walked down the street together, looking their age once more but still feeling like teenagers.
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kurojiri · 6 years
Oddly satisfying
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Pairing: Sugawara Koushi/Tsukishima Kei / Kageyama Tobio Summary: Sugawara had allowed it to happen, Kageyama had been ushered into it and sometimes still had been confused about how it happened. Whereas Tsukishima, he sighed but he would never out loud admit that he wouldn’t change their triad dynamic at all. Prompts Used: getting together, domestic, future A/N: @hqot3week Word Count: 1091
Or read on ao3 or ffnt
Tsukishima had been on his way out when he felt another two pair of bodies coming around and getting to the front of the apartment. The week had been slow, quiet, and oddly peaceful. It had put him into a trace of false pretenses for only a few short hours.
But like clock work, something would snap. He would feel it, have a second sense mingling from inside his head and Tsukishima would start to catch every little detail that ran down his peripheral vision. His glasses would slide down from his nose when he would dip his head down a little when he heard them coming closer. Sugawara had been dressed properly and had his backpack in mid process of being organized. His hair had been somewhat combed and presentable unlike the second person with tangled locks and a somewhat wrinkled shirt donned with a pair of worn jeans. His own coat that had been passed to him had at least made it less sloppy outfit; but it couldn’t hide the fact that he preferred comfort over presentation.
Luckily, that day Tsukishima hadn’t to worry more since their outing wouldn’t require a certain attire to leave the apartment.
It only just confirmed to Tsukishima that his life had become more surreal than he would have liked. It was only just a morning commute, with the university closely starting for them. The autumn breeze had been kind for them for some short weeks. But, eventually he knew that Sugawara would be the one to start addressing the need to layer up soon. (Tsukishima blamed the instincts Sugawara gained from having cared for them previously and other underclassmen during their volleyball years.) Only Kageyama would be the one to make it more embarrassing with his shy glances and fumbling. He was the only one that had not fully connected everything, but had the one to express his happiness of having both (though mostly Sugawara, who was more at ease with his affection) at his side.
Tsukishima and Kageyama had three years in high school of getting to know each other. They had their arguments and heart-to-hearts. They had also time to grow up from their first meeting. Sugawara as well, as he was able to glue each of them together, he had been the reason why Tsukishima had been there mocking (with no real heat) at Kageyama who’s sleepy eyes barely made a glare at his direction. He still accepted Sugawara’s milk yogurt drink and had routinely expected a sly grin from Tsukishima as they left.
They all each had their routines, and each had recognized each other’s too. Tsukishima would have his headphones on low, Kageyama would have a small snack and Sugawara would check his mail, and schedule. It had been smoothing out as more time had been placed between them, and it had made Tsukishima almost feel things he hardly wanted to express.
(It stank of domestic bliss.)
He didn’t miss how peaceful and welcoming it felt. Or how much he adored them when they each smiled at him as they kept walking. It had seemed that somewhere Tsukishima had finally found his heart beating more than usual. None of them had actively stated what they were; but they were a triad. Different from Sugawara’s squad and his and Kageyama’s own personal friends. It was more intimate. Far more than what he shared with his best friend Yamaguchi.
Tsukishima had never felt like he was an idiot, and he was sure that it had been implied before many times when Sugawara and Kageyama held his hands on multiple of occasions. He after all, never pulled away from  them or chickened out when they pecked his cheeks. His snark had lightened up but, he couldn’t deny that it had possessed more layers woven into now. With inside jokes and hidden metaphors to frost his enjoyment. It had added up that he had found himself afraid of the unspoken. Though he had been sure that they all could’ve of agreed to one thing:
That they wouldn’t walk away from what they had now.
No. They couldn’t. Tsukishima for sure wouldn’t himself. Not when he had wondered and wondered when precisely it had happened. But regardless of how it did, Tsukishima couldn’t find it in himself to really care. Because, right then and there he had believed in the future looking bright, wholesome, and more uplifting since he’d joined Karasuno and its volleyball team back when he had been in high school. A choice had finally given him a second chance.
He would be thankful for Kageyama's stubbornness into getting inside Tsukishima’s skin and how Sugawara had always been rooting for him and helping him reattach himself to the world. Yamaguchi had always been a good friend, and Karasuno had done him wonders. Yet, it had been strangely Kageyama and Sugawara that had somehow merged their efforts and managed to reach him. They pulled out, had given him space, and company. Now years later he found peace within him. He loved it.
An epiphany phased into his bones.
He took off his headphones, and without really looking at their direction, he relished the air and company he had. For a minute he stayed like that, hearing the papers shuffle from Sugawara’s backpack and Kageyama looking out for the train. They were just simple tasks and actions, but somehow they felt more internal. Far more personal because he grew accustomed to this type of thing now. He could kiss them if he wanted; they wouldn’t mind much. (More so since, Sugawara who loved any type of affection beamed right at him. Meanwhile, Kageyama would become a blushing mess.) He could also hold their hands too especially, since he always had the warmest hands compared to them. Kageyama and Sugawara wouldn’t bat any eyes if he started anything familiar with them.
They had all that kind of drive of wanting to have chances to express themselves in their own ways. In his own wake of seeing everything really fit together; he did it. He stood up and glued himself closer by bumping shoulders with Kageyama until they laced pinkies as Kageyama shoved their connected hands inside his coat. As for Sugawara he gave a shy smile and melted when Sugawara gave him a soft quick peck and gave an air kiss aimed at Kageyama who, predicatively, violently blushed even further.
And as Tsukishima chuckled with Sugawara he couldn’t help but fall in love even more at the scene that was in front of him.
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