yo-yo-yoshiko · 10 months
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I cant believe they’re making the little artist guy run again…
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kriosv · 1 year
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Okay, Kiramager has done some atrocities in the name of “fashion”, but who thought that a GREEN BAY PACKERS JERSEY was fashionable?!?!?!?!?>!?!
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the-tubort · 11 months
I'm gonna go through other seasons eventually but for now FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!
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asknarashikari · 8 months
Context: As I understood decade, Kadoya Tsukasa is master of all trades,,, except for photography.... meaning he's also able to tinker with a sentai team's henshin devices...
so here's the scenario
Tsukasa: and done.
Tsukasa: I just need to somewhere else... to take a snap shot of everyone's faces...
Tametomo: Oi! what the hell!
Mio: Oh dear...
Hakataminami-san *over the intercom*: That's not right. Nii, nii
Sena: And you guys don't have your helmets
Mio: That does pose problems for your identities.
Tametomo: Our identities are the least of our problems *points at Juuru staring intently at Shiguru*
Takamichi: Do the Reiwa people just look at someone's abs and be attracted to them?
Sena: Nevermind that.
Mio: Right, Takamichi-san, can you fight even without your armor?
Takamichi: You can count on me.
Mio: Tametomo-kun, Shiguru, Juuru-kun, please go seek some shelter.
Decade: I've had my fun.... *snaps finger and goes into the veil*
Takamichi: Looks like we're back to normal.
Tametomo: Oh! We can fight now!
Tametomo: Juuru, state at Shiguru later!
Juuru: Right!
Shiguru: Tametomo! You didn't have to call us out that loud!
----- after beating the shit of the grunts-----
Tametomo: Let me confirm something with a fellow gamer.
Spoiler alert one destroyer of worlds was laughing via his Natsumikan
More members for the Why Everyone Hates Decade chatgroup I guess
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aquilaaqua · 1 year
Celebration (Kiramager)
The Kiramagers present in the room hummed to the music Hakataminami was playing as they decorated their HQ for Christmas. The stones were floating around in their shrunken forms and helping with the decorating wherever they could.
  “Deck the halls with boughs of holly~” Takamichi sang as he burst into the room.
  Shiguru followed him in with a roll of his eyes. “He’s been singing the whole way up.”
  “Well, we can’t blame him since it’s been a long time since he celebrated Christmas on Earth.” Sayo patted his shoulder as she handed him some tinsel to hang over the viewing window of the Stones’ platform.
  “It’ll be a wonder-Christmas.” Takamichi sang as he flicked Mabusheena’s braids. His sister giggled at the gesture.
  “You know, I like this.” Fire commented as he rested on Juuru’s shoulder.
  “Yeah. I like this atmosphere too.” Juuru smiled. He pressed his cheek against Fire as a sign of affection. “I’m glad I get to celebrate with everyone here.”
  “Aw, that’s sweet.” Sena broke in upon hearing what he said.
  Tametomo nudged him with his shoulder in agreement. “Us too.”
  “Let’s have a wonder-Christmas!” Hakataminami then fiddled with the stereo until it played upbeat Christmas music.
  “Yes!” Takamichi cheered as he joined his brother in the middle to dance.
  “Now that’s a mood.”
  “Sayo-san! Let’s dance too!” Helico shook excitedly.
  “Why not?” Sayo cupped Helico in her hands and danced with her. It didn’t take long for the others to follow her suit and dance with their stone partners, save for Juuru and Fire.
  “You’re not joining them?” Mabusheena asked as she joined them.
  “No…I can’t dance.” Juuru admitted.
  “Guess we can’t be good at everything.” Fire chuckled. “But staying here to watch them is nice too.”
  Mabusheena nodded in agreement as she sat down beside Juuru. “Thank you for letting us celebrate Christmas with you.”
  “No,” Juuru shook his head. “Thank you, for celebrating with us.”
  They sat back and relaxed while watching their friends have fun.
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t-u-i-t-c · 2 years
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Mashin Sentai Kiramager
“ When people shine, a miracle is born. That shine is the symbol of the warriors who can change the future!”
March 8, 2020 - February 28, 2021
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pulaasul · 2 years
Artistic Manifestation
Juru has been experiencing some artist's block lately, and when he drew something, it manifested in the real world.
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A/N: It’s another fic inspired by the prompt that @asknarashikari​  @narashikari​​ got.
These past few days, Juru can't help but feel displeased with whatever he drew on his sketchbook. Everything was still in its place, he colored within the lines, straight lines look like straight lines, curve lines look like curve lines.
For all intents and purposes, nothing was wrong with his art.
Somehow, he still couldn't help but feel unsatisfied with his work.
Even drawing the Mashins, ones that he had already drawn before, still left him discontented.
Long story, short, Juru Atsuta was experiencing an art block.
It was lunchtime at school, he took a break from drawing on his sketchbook and opted to read a manga that Tametomo had recommended him. Apparently, it was a story adaptation of one of the video games he played competitively.
Then he came upon a scene where a character jumped into a pond and that was when inspiration struck.
Juru stood up and raised his dominant hand before retrieving his pen and sketchbook to draw what was in his mind.
Juru did a few furious strokes on his sketchbook before raising it up and announced, "Finished!"
Suddenly, the ground Juru was standing on turned into water as the ground around him turned into a pond, submerging over half of his body underwater. He had a few eyewitnesses who simply laughed at his misfortune.
Luckily, he wasn't completely submerged in water that his sketchbook would have been damaged, as he had raised his sketchbook above his head, while the water level was just by his neck.
"Atsuta!" One of Juru's schoolmates called out. "Who did you piss off for the Yodom army to turn the ground you were standing on to a pond?"
It did not come as a surprise to Juru that the general public knew of the current sentai team's enemy, considering they were attacking in broad daylight and kept announcing their affiliation at least that was what Garuza, Yodonna, and Carantula were doing."
"Don't you just laugh there?! Hurry and get him a towel!" Kakihara's familiar voice growled.
The novelty of someone from their school was a victim of a misfire from someone in the Yodom army came right off as students began filing back inside the school building as a teacher went into the water and assisted him to get out of the water.
Kakihara and another classmate converged with Juru and the teacher and gave them each a towel.
Juru was left in the boys' locker room to change out of his wet uniform. He winced as soon as he saw his bare torso. There was no way he could explain the faint scars and bruises on him without people taking it the wrong way.
Hopefully, no one saw his exposed torso, by way of his wet white button-up shirt as he walked from the pond back inside the school building.
Juru was back in CARAT, facing his somewhat irate teammates. Tametomo and Sena were irritated while Sayo and Shiguru were simply waiting for his explanation.
"We had to rush out from our practices because Hakataminami-san told us there was a suspected Yodom activity that was somehow undetected by our sensors, and that you haven't reported it." Sena glared.
"We had to rush to your school outside of our CARAT uniforms." Tametomo supplied. "And we were just about to start practicing too."
"We were simply worried that you were unable to deal with the situation yourself due to a lot of negative circumstances." Shiguru added.
"If it had not been for Kakihara, we would not have known about what happened."
"That's what I'm trying to figure out myself," Juru admitted. "I was just drawing, alone under the shade of a tree, when suddenly; I'm neck-deep into a pond."
"Juru-san, by any chance, did you draw a pond?" Mabushina asked.
"I was," Juru nodded.
"Father would sometimes be in a creative slump and when inspiration strikes, his kiramental would increase exponentially and his drawing would come to life as soon as it was complete," Mabushina explained. "We have already established your connection and similarities with father; I believe that was what happened."
"So that's why you've been pouty lately!" Tametomo exclaimed. "You were in a slump."
"I take it that this can only be classified as an accident?" Sayo questioned.
"That or Juru-san may have some of my diamond tears with him when he manifested the pond." Mabushina added.
"Oi Juru, did you take some of Mabushina's tears?" Tametomo asked.
"N-no! I did not take them."
"Our supply of the Princess's tears are still there, its weight hasn't changed since I deposited them somewhere safe." Muryou entered the room.
"Then, how?" Sena asked.
"There's only one way he could have unknowingly obtained Mabushina's tears, it's when he leaves CARAT in his school uniform and some had fallen into his jacket's pockets or bag," Sayo offered. "Or his connection with the king is just that strong."
"I didn't have Mabushina's tears," Juru denied the claim. "I always clean my bag and jacket when I get home, I would have known if I had somehow acquired some of them and promptly returned then."
"That is indeed a possibility…"
"I guess Juru-san is just that special." Mabushina declared.
"Next time, Juru, tell any one of us if you're experiencing some sort of Artist's block," Sayo suggested. "That way we can ascertain whether you're in danger or not."
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hazardlevei · 3 years
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also this little redraw i did as a cooldown 🥺
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ssunvulcan1981 · 3 years
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This is Movie called: “Mashin Sentai Kiramager Returns: Who is it? It’s Kiramai Killer!”
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cruger2984 · 4 years
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Hakataminami Muryou's NFL/NHL sleeves so far...
#01 - Cincinnati Bengals (#9 Carson Palmer) #02 - Pittsburgh Steelers #03 - Los Angeles Chargers #04 - Denver Broncos (#88 Demaryius Thomas) #05 - Green Bay Packers (#12 Aaron Rodgers) #06 - Tennessee Titans (#10 Vince Young) #08 - Colorado Avalanche (note the team's secondary logo)
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shylax · 4 years
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In episode 1 Muryou is wearing a Cincinnati Bengals jersey. In episode 3 he is wearing a Pittsburgh Steelers jersey. These two teams are rivals.
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naraozu · 4 years
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choueiyuusubs · 3 years
Hakase janai yo, Hakata da yo! Shikamo Minami da yo! - Hakataminami Muryou (Kosaka Daimaou) Mashin Sentai Kiramager Final Live Tour
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asknarashikari · 8 months
Having learned from his previous stint... Tsukasa left two DVDs at CARAT... both of these DVDs featured "Juuru"... and in one of them, Juuru was in drag... while the other was him... shirtless... with Sena equally shirtless. (Grand Guignol and Akai Ringo)
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the only ones who first saw these are Sayo, Tametomo, Takamichi, and Hakataminami...
How do they react?
(sidenote: Masaki Nakao - Yamato - is also in Grand Guignol)
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(Lmao talking about Juuru and Sena being in Akai Ringo while ignoring that the other girl on the poster is Mei from Saber)
That said, the abovementioned people are rightly suspicious of these "gifts" and, with some discreet questions to their senpai, put two and two together and realize this is a prank by the Pink Menace.
So they resolve to destroy the evidence and never speak a word to the ones who didn't see them (Juuru, Shiguru and Sena).
Also, Tametomo calls up his gaming buddy- one Hojo Emu- for assistance to deal with aforementioned Pink Menace.
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aquilaaqua · 2 years
Milk (Kiramager)
 “Drink up.” Sena placed a glass of milk before Juuru.
  The teen artist blinked at it and turned to Sena with an uncomprehending look. “Sena-san, thanks. But what is this for?”
  “Milk is essential to make your bones grow stronger, more so as a Kiramager.” The racer planted her hands on her hips. “So drink it all up!”
  Juuru shifted in his seat uncomfortably. Sayo and Hakataminami were the only ones who knew about his condition where he can’t drink milk. Luckily for him, his savior came in the form of the sharpshooter of the team.
  “Sena, don’t make Juuru drink milk. He’s lactose intolerant.” Tametomo scolded her, pulling the glass over to him.
  Sena clapped her hands over her mouth in horror. “Really!? I’m so sorry, Juuru! I didn’t know or I wouldn’t try to make you drink it!”
  “Ah, it’s fine, Sena-san. You didn’t know.” Juuru quickly reassured her. He then turned to his friend with a curious look. “How did you know I was lactose intolerant? I only told Sayo-san and Hakataminami-san.”
  Tametomo smirked and leaned forward on his hand. “The last time we took takeout, you ate a bit of bread and ran out because of a stomach ache. I figured that something was up and asked H-san about it.”
  Juuru turned red, remembering that time when he accidentally ate bread that had milk in it. But who could exactly blame him for not paying attention when Galzar literally tried to beat him to a pulp in the earlier battle that day and was dead on his feet by the time they returned to Coconut Tower?
  Sayo, apparently.
  The doctor had not been pleased with his mistake and scolded him for being careless with his health.
  Sena then snapped her fingers, bringing Juuru out of his musings to her. “Well, now that we know, it’s time to find other ways to make Juuru’s bones stronger!”
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jade-lop · 3 years
Had a vivid dream where MBJR received 10 years after movie.
It started with the world in peace, so they kept their drivers in the hideout instead with them at all the time.
However, when they got to retrieve their drivers and transformed, Jin and Horobi did not say ‘henshin’ but they said Raiders’ transformation phrase instead.
Also, they teamed up with a new Rider called Epsilon. For some reason, his form looked more like a Metal Heroes than a Kamen Rider, and he shared the same gun-metal colour as Gun Gibson.
Not sure if he was Pikotaro or Hakataminami, but he appeared as hologram in MBJR hideout... dancing and singing the famous PPAP... and Jin was dancing along with him while Horobi was watching.
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