#haladriel cult fic
bad-surprise · 11 months
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sweet as honey, ever on his tongue
haladriel x midsommar | E | graphic violence, major character death | 1/?
“We have a festival for the summer solstice,” Hal explains. “It’s the climax of our year. And death plays a significant role in it— not in a macabre, somber way, but more of— our community utilize… unique methods to process grief. We believe it’s wrong to force an individual to shoulder that weight alone.”
For the first time in months, Galadriel gains the acute awareness— and accompanying rush of soft affection— that she’s been seen. Invisible as her staggering loss has made her feel— and despite all the endless nights in which she wished she might disappear completely— there’s comfort in this.
It almost tastes like hope.
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“We’re not going to Numenor to get laid,” Elrond explains, ignoring Thranduil’s death glare, “we’re going because— well, I’m going for my thesis. You two just invited yourselves along.”
or: the Midsommar AU.
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rebelrebelwrites · 2 years
I’ve decided to resurrect…
Fic Friday! ❤️ Weekly Fic Recs
Years ago, I did this back in the Reylo fandom, but I’m bringing it back for the Saurondriel/Haladriel fandom because: A) I’m still obscenely obsessed B) I’m all about supporting creators and C) Since I’m not currently writing for this fandom, I want to contribute how I can. 😊
Let’s do it!
This week’s recs are…
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As always, please mind the tags on any recommended story for your own personal reading preferences.
The Classic You’ve Heard Of But Somehow Haven’t Read Yet: Across That Fine Line by @myrsinemezzo
What you need to know going in:
A post-S1 that’s got hype for great reason. After stealing the mithril and Fëanor’s hammer, Sauron spirits away to Mordor with Gal hot on his heels. Once they reunite, things get spicy — we’re talking banter, manipulation (on both sides), a devious and devoted Sauron who’s also terrified of falling too far in love (too late, bro), and a Gal who’s rightfully wary but wants to believe that there’s a way to thread the needle with him. As their journey progresses, so does the depth of their dynamic. Plus! Some awesome inclusions/characters from Tolkien lore. All in all, an absolute must-read.
WIP, Rated Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr and on AO3.
The AU You Need to Immerse Yourself In Because, Well, Wow: our souls were made from the stars by SilverWing12
What you need to know going in:
Oh gosh, where to even begin??? This lush, brilliant, meticulously measured slow burn of an AU is something I bask in every update. This story sees Mairon delayed in joining Melkor, and instead, he meets Galadriel in Valinor while she's still a child. Hundreds of years pass in which their friendship grows and grows, building to a point of mutual attraction and affection that is stifling in how well-realized and precarious it feels. The world-building, intentionality, pacing, characterization, and mounting pressure in this fic as Mairon falls deeper into darkness and Galadriel grows more suspicious (though both are clearly in love with each other) is simply luxurious.
WIP, Mature
Read the story.
Follow the author on AO3.
The Complete But Never Forgotten Masterpiece: Queen of the Southlands by @formerlyir
What you need to know going in:
Gal doesn’t find out about Sauron’s deception for years, and as a result, she becomes his Queen. The post-S1 ensuing romance, angst, delicious tension and SCORCHING smut is sublime. Get ready for a delightfully unhinged, very devoted Sauron and a Gal who’s rightfully sharp, incredibly brave, and demands what she’s owed. This fic more than sticks the landing at the conclusion — it shreds it. In the absolute best way. I cheered, folks. Cheered.
Complete, Rated Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Twitter, Instagram, on AO3.
The WIP That Will Wreck You (In the Best Way): Litost by @demonscantgothere
What you need to know going in:
It’s no secret that this story, as with every other story I’ve read by Helholden, is wonderful — expect to see their work on this list a few times at least. That being said, I think Litost might be my favorite. It’s post-S1, but by many years, starting with Galadriel being captured and brought back to Numenor as a prisoner of Ar-Pharazôn and his new High Priest of the Cult of Melkor… wonder who that could be? 👀🙃 You guessed it, everyone’s favorite Dark Lord! The resulting twists and turns in this fic continue to surprise, and the angst and longing (on both sides) simmers. The dialogue between these two, when they really communicate, is stellar at getting at the heart of their every conflict. It will pierce you — and you’ll love it.
WIP, Rated Mature
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr or AO3.
The Can't Stop Consuming No Matter What Time It Is Fic: Instruments of Salvation by @scriberated
What you need to know going in:
It's Gal who gets hurt when Orodruin erupts, and as a result, Sauron must save her the only way he can — by forging a bond, all while she still believes he's Halbrand, rightful king of the Southlands. As with all of Scriberated's works, the writing is impeccable, the smut is steamy as all hell, and the characterization is 🤌🤌🤌. As Gal and Hal/Sauron's bond grows in strength, so does the pace at which you'll consume this tantalizing treat of a fic. Stop reading because it's bedtime? Doubtful.
WIP, Rated Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr or AO3.
Me at all these fics:
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Don't see your story on this list yet? Keyword: yet. Please don't fret! I can only recommend so many each week, but I am always looking for more stuff to read, share, and generally shower with love, so please feel free to reply with your own fics or your personal faves. I have plenty more to recommend... ❤️
Until next week!
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wyrd-syster · 9 months
lend me some sugar (I am your neighbor) | Haladriel neighbors AU | E | 2/2
tell me something true (or tell me nothing at all) | Haladriel "This is How You Lose the Time War" AU | E | one-shot
it's a dangerous game | Haladriel Venetian-style "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" AU | E | one-shot | dead dove
dig up the bones (but leave the soul alone) | Haladriel canon divergence | E | 9/? (wip)
living la dolce vita (I’ve been saving all my summers for you) | Haladriel "Stepford Wives" cult AU | E | one-shot
take a chance and roll the dice (say it once, say it twice) | Haladriel Halloween-themed drabble collection | M | 8/8
there is a light (and it never goes out) | Haladriel Hanukkah-themed canon divergence | T | 1/2 (wip)
sugar and spice (and everything...) | Haladriel neighbors AU | E | sequel to lend me some sugar | one-shot
Total words: 127,458, almost triple my output from last year. I am flabbergasted.
oh boy. Not including wips noted above:
we were angels, once (don't you remember?) | Haladriel immortal soulmates au | M (probably?) | one-shot
break the lock if it don't fit (love sticks, sweat drips) | Haladriel "Ocean's Eleven" AU | E | one-shot (title subject to change)
and on the creature scratches (it doesn't know how to get out) | Haladriel mob AU | E| multi-chapter sequel to oh, can’t you hear that scratching? (there’s something at the door) 
Untitled third installment of the Haladriel like a good neighbor series
Untitled Haladriel Rumpelstiltskin AU
Six completed works written for the Sauron (Halbrand)/Galadriel (Haladriel) fandom, The Rings of Power
it's like I can't consume media anymore without being like "*leonardo dicaprio meme* this could be a Haladriel AU!"
I'm going to say living la dolce vita (I’ve been saving all my summers for you), mostly because of the amount of work I put into it. Honestly, I never thought I'd finish it! I restarted this story six or seven times — I just could not find the voice. But I am so pleased with the outcome. I think of everything I've written this year, this story really underscored to me that, beyond "flashes of inspiration," writing is a lot of hard work that needs consistent attention and practice!
I definitely think this one is it's a dangerous game, my Dr. Jekyll and Hyde AU. I initially started writing this for a Gothic-themed challenge, abandoned for a bit, then finished in a flurry for Haladriel Week. This fic is also a close second for my favorite of the year. I love a Gothic aesthetic and I made sure this story was chock full of it. I was also so purposeful with my writing voice for this story and, to me, it doesn't sound like anything else I've written.
Oh without a doubt, lend me some sugar (I am your neighbor)! 
I mean, this is so subjective, but I think the somnophilia scene from it's a dangerous game takes the cake for me! I wrote it in one sitting during my lunch break and my god was it hard to go back to work after this...
An excerpt from the end of the scene: Instead, he adjusts her skirts and melts into the darkness, leaving her as he found her; boneless and wet, flushed with heat and ripe for the taking. 
Fun is a strong word, but I was the story I felt was most fulfilling to write was tell me something true (or tell me nothing at all). I already had some of the template letter concepts in my notes from a twitter conversation much earlier in the year, and expanding on them, while building the scenes around them, was a really fun exercise.
I'm not going to lie, most of them! I used to be the type of writer who would have one flash of inspiration, write it up at a mad sprint, then quit writing until I was struck with another mad idea. I wrote for so many prompt and themed challenges this year that I was required to be more intentional about story building and more consistent with my writing — even when it was hard, even when I hated everything I wrote down. Felt a lot like muscle training at the gym!
My output really surprised me!! I complain to my therapist all the time that I'm shit at finishing things, but it's hard to deny the truth when it's staring me in the face: six complete stories, two wips that I will complete! And not just the quantity of my output, but the quality too. I am proud of, and really like, everything I published!
I mean, don't ask me how my social life is going lol, but at least my writing life is going well!
Dipping my toe into Dark Fics for sure, which is new for me. But beyond that, just engaging with the fandom as a whole! I firmly believe that writing/story-telling is a communal activity and I am beyond grateful to have found that community. It's the first real fan-space I've been a real part of, and it's definitely improved my writing.
My life is too boring to translate to fic lol. But I did not have to dig very deep to write the depression beats in living la dolce vita (I’ve been saving all my summers for you). A lot of what Galadriel goes through — the listlessness, the anger, the selfishness — is stuff I also struggle with during depressive episodes.
I like them all lol but these are a few that I know others, including my fiancé, have really liked:
dig up the bones (but leave the soul alone): “My lady, if I had a dragon’s tooth for every time you told me not to worry while you went careening off into peril, I’d have a smiling crown for my troubles.”
lend me some sugar (I am your neighbor): And she shatters, then, like glass; a thousand glittering pieces sailing off into the light. Irreparably damaged, ground to dust — edges sharpening as they fall into a mosaic of destruction. There is no end and no beginning. A lifetime of little deaths folding in on themselves, one on top of the other.
tell me something true (or tell me nothing at all): I am drowning in this ocean of blood. And you — you are not here to pull me to the surface as you once did. How could you, when you are wave and anchor both?
there is a light (and it never goes out): She can offer him no words of comfort, no platitudes to ease his sorrows. But she can offer this. The soft touch of her lips to his, the gentle stroke of her fingers across his cheek. She cannot mend a broken heart, but she can hold it for a while, cup it in her palms and keep it safe. She can pour her light into his darkened soul, weave together a dream where they are bound and they are whole. If only just this once.
Literally just having this fandom. Having this community of wonderful, kind, incredibly talented people I can talk to, get advice from, brainstorm with!! I have made so many wonderful friends and I will be forever grateful.
I want to continue developing a consistent writing habit, preferably once a day. Ideally, I'll become to type of girlie who wakes up at 5am and writes for two hours before work, but let's be real, I'm way to sleepy for that!
I also want to focus on two specific things: writing faster and writing less. First, I am, in my eyes, a slow writer — without that "flash of inspiration," it can take me a few days to write a single scene. Mostly because I do not follow my own advice and have to get everything perfect in the first draft. Second — as you can see from this post!!! — I have always been the type of writer who goes "why use one word when you can use ten?" I want to be able to write shorter stories without feeling like I'm compromising on my vision.
chapter two of there is a light (and it never goes out) 
the immortal soulmates AU
dig up the bones (but leave the soul alone)*  (which I think will be on hiatus until I can get a few chapters ahead before posting).
Thanks to @liminal-zone for the format, @conundrumoftime and @thecoziestbean inspiration!
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stardustspell · 2 years
UPDATED: A shadow in the south
A haladriel fic genres: Modern AU (circa 2008), supernatural elements, horror, thriller rating: Explicit (Mind the AO3 content warnings, please)
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Chapter 3: Brimstone and Pie CW// cult-like church, anti-pagan, drug mentions
Gail was the first person to laugh at the concepts of instalove or fireworks or a spark , but chemistry was something she did believe in, and whatever it was between them felt electric. 
But that was stupid. He’s just some random guy in a bookshop. 
“Abigail Inverness,” Hal said her name like a question, slowly as if he were putting something together. The Dumont rumor mill was just as functional as ever, it seemed. 
“That’s me.”
“The prodigal daughter returns,” he mused. “What’s it been? Fifteen years?” 
Gail raised a brow at this. Maybe she’d been wrong about him being new. “Something like that.” 
“How long are you in town?”
Gail shrugged non-committally, ears flaring. She knew where this question always lead, but for some reason, she didn’t mind the follow-up. “Hopefully not long. Why?” 
Her reply didn’t seem to phase him. In fact, he leaned imperceptibly forward. “Well, if you’re not doing anything now, I’d love to take you for dinner.” 
Very forward. 
“Oh,” She hadn’t expected that that’s for sure. “I don’t know—I’m still trying to figure things out.”
Hal nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets, a smile still tugging on the edge of his mouth. “Well, if you decide to hang around until the weekend, why don’t you stop by the body shop and regale me with tales of the outside world?” 
Body shop? 
Gail frowned. The only body shop in town was owned by Arty Sauvaignne, and the only people she knew who worked there with him were his son, Mark, and his nephew, Henry.
“Hang on,” Gail gasped, realization dawning, unable to stop herself from stepping into Hal’s personal space. His smile widened as if he were proud of her for catching up. The years had put laugh lines around his stormy hazel eyes and his young beard hid his pretty face, but she recognized him. 
Henry Sauvaignne.
Start reading chapter 3, or start from the beginning here.
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buffyfan145 · 11 months
Here's my entry for HellGhoul Week and it fits for the Day 2 theme of "hunger" and the Haladriel Halloween bingo for "vampire" and "full moon"!!! :D This week has been off to a great start so far with so many great fics and I was already planning a Halloween Haladriel fic when I saw this was happening so this fits. I loved writing this and excited for you all to read!!! :D It's mostly based off "Dracula" with him and Mina (which Morfydd actually played in the Netflix/BBC series), but also somewhat off of my favorite "Dark Shadows" couple Barnabus and Maggie, and I used the siring ritual from "Buffy" and sped it up for this story. Also it's inspired by Blue Oyster Cult's song "Don't Fear the Reaper", which when I was little thought was about vampires and weirdly still fits to me, and also since the way Halbrand spoke to Galadriel during the proposal weirdly reminded me of how the band's singer sang parts of this song as the male character convincing the female one to join him. The lyrics are posted in the note after the story and the cover below was made by me. Happy Halloween!!! :D
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bad-surprise · 2 years
Fic writer questions - 23, 24, 35, 49, 50 if you like!
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
Oo, hmm. I want to do a more grounded suburban fantasy along the lines of stranger things. I’ve had one of those rolling around in my head for a little while now.
24. Are there any easter eggs in [insert fic], and if so, what are they?
You didn’t name a fic so let’s go with “burn, brand my memory.” [haladriel modern au | M | 6.7k | 1/1]
“This way,” she says at last, leading him to the Ks.
The book Halbrand buys is The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera, which is where my AO3 name comes from.
“You feel more like a scar.”
This is a reference to the song It’s Okay by Land of Talk.
“I keep having this dream,” she says, releasing a long drag, “where I’m drowning. And I can’t close my mouth, I can’t move my body— all I can do is scream and let the water fill my throat.”
This is a reference to the song Funeral by Phoebe Bridgers.
“This is me.” She nods toward a small terraced house with a cobalt door.
I imagined Lindon as the titular neighborhood from Richard Curtis’ film Notting Hill.
“Because, honey, ” he sighs, automatically brushing them away with his thumb, “you deserve to be happy.”
This is a reference to the song You Could Be Happy by Snow Patrol.
It is so much better than a memory.
This is a reference to the Kerrigan-Lowdermilk song Freedom from the musical The Mad Ones.
“It never went away, not even for a second.”
This is inspired by a monologue from the play Crave by Sarah Kane.
35. What aspects of your writing are completely unlike your real life?
Mostly the mean men and overall toxicity. I’ve been married to a really wonderful guy for almost four years, and we’ve been together for a decade. Shout out to our therapist, our relationship feels so fucking healthy.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
I’m currently working on museum chapter 13, bitym chapter 14, and with hands chapter 7, along with a few haladriel one shots and a darklina cult themed fic set in the 70s. I won’t say which one this is from.
The rhythmic shuffle begins again, the cards falling from one palm to the next with a gentle patter, not unlike a light rain on a sloped roof. She is an insignificant part of the process, merely serving as a conduit through which energy and spirit may freely move. Her primary function is interpretation.
50. Answer any question of your choice.
I’ll do this one:
43. If you take/write prompts: what’s your favorite prompt fic that you’ve written?
Without a doubt, it’s at the museum, with you across the way.
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