#halazia the queen
maximura · 1 year
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applejongho · 3 months
I'm in this music mood where I am craving "songs that make you float in the air (and have good guitar)" and guerrilla just came on and I fucking skipped it and I think a knife stabbed into my back in the process
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leatherbookmark · 3 months
it's interesting how both work remixes highlight how bare and short the original song is. in the don diablo remix, jongho's high note gets extended, and in the edenary remix, the first chorus gets re-edited as a prechorus leading into an instrumental chorus, and then they add a ~3 seconds long transition into hongjoong's verse. all those changes sound better than the original, because you need breathing space and pacing for a song to sound good.
i'm still wondering whether they'll return to Good Musicmaking with the next comeback, or keep on doing those atz-flavoured chill vibes over and over because it's what's currently popular :']
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yeonjunsleftboob · 1 year
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It hasn't even been three weeks yet someone take it away from me
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starillusion13 · 1 year
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Pairing: Prince!Seonghwa x f!reader x Prince!Hongjoong
Genre: Royal, Fantasy, Angst, Yandere
Warnings: crying, controlling nature, possessiveness, suggestive themes, using a sleeping potion needle.
W.C: 3.5k
Note: Thanks to the people loving my works and supporting them. I love to read your reviews in my dms so feel free to dm me. Thanks for joining the event.
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Request from: @warpedspirit
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @vvshere @yeoobin @tainsan ( I didn’t know which account to tag 🥹)
*under the cut*
The kingdom Halazia was ruled by the king, Zeeth. His first wife who died at a young age has a son named Park Seonghwa and the second wife has a son named Kim Hongjoong. The Title for the sons were after their mother because they didn’t want their fathers title to be given to them as they passionately hated that man.
Two months ago, the king suddenly died of a mysterious fever. Not even the best medic in the kingdom found the cause for the untimely end so this leaves only the younger queen to take over the family proceedings. The situation was very difficult for her to handle and let alone the princes who are not even bothered by their father death.
The elder Prince, Park Seonghwa who has a great physique with light toned skin and always keeping a sword attached to the waist band, the handle is designed with blue and silver crystals which highlights the shining silvery blade more. The prince attires always look the best on him and make it seems like the position pf prince is designated for him. He has the piercing eyes like an eagle as if he can read your soul with a single glance at you which can make you feel exposed even though you are fully covered with materials. His sharpness of eyes is slightly hidden with the black strokes of the bangs falling over his eyes similarly the way the sharpness of the blade is separating through the handle from his hand. Even though having such a strong aura with the sharp facial features his personality is a bit contrasting in usual. He has a sweet voice which can easily lure you into his well-planned trap and his calm and peaceful nature can convince you to speak all your hidden truths to him. Well, that’s the trap where he will attract you with his caring nature and gets to know everything about you which may not be always good.
The younger Prince, Kim Hongjoong whose name can alone scream the dominance over every possible thing. He is born to be a king. He is slightly shorter than the eldest prince but his pointy noise and thick eyebrows and the evil glint in his eyes with the dirty smirk as if he whatever he does or say is the last option for everyone makes everyone else surrounding him feel smaller to him. Don’t ever dare to say him short if you don’t want to die early. He is totally ruthless unlike his brother’s calm personality. But both of them having same interests on something or hating the same thing similarly which make them most powerful. Hongjoong has a folding knife whose heavy metal portion is designed with black crystals totally matching with his dark personality. His only emotions are for his mother and his brother. He does not have to make you believe him because no matter what he will do it with force whenever its possible.
 Likely, the commoners are well aware of their hatred towards the king because they don’t like the rules of the kingdom set by the king. They both can be the most powerful duo among all the neighbouring kingdoms if they get pissed off with something. Most commonly known as The Django Brothers because of this consistent and ruthless personality when together. The king’s death announces Seonghwa as the next ruler of Halazia but his love for his brother made him to come up with a final decision for the kingdom’s future attention.
“I will not be ruling this kingdom alone, I want my brother to be the part of this as well.” Seonghwa sitting elegantly on the throne in a dark blue prince attire looking flawless on the antic throne of the king seems like a perfect protector of Halazia. He is looking around the court hall to scan the faces for any disapproval. Hongjoong standing behind him in a black furry fit which more seems like the enemy or the destroyer of the kingdom and also with the visible smirk on his. He is observing everyone present there while playing with his pocket knife making everyone startled with every opening striking sound.
The head of the general gulped when taking in the look of the younger prince and spoke up, “We all agree with your plans Prince Seonghwa even we are measuring the land to divide the north sector and the south sector equally. The commoners are also happy for the decision on finding two future kings which can lead to betterment of the kingdom as you both can give proper attention to the respective parts rather focusing on vast areas alone.”
“Equal sectors? Do you think we will get jealous of each other huh?” The younger prince spoke and the head of the general is trying to avoid being under his heavy gaze. 
“It is King Seonghwa and King Hongjoong for you all and I want this news to be announced all over the kingdom within evening.” Everyone nodded their head in return not wanting to displease any of the kings.
“Also tell everyone that my little sons are big enough to get married and am searching for beautiful and talented girls who can take care of my sons and teach them right way to behave maybe then these two can become a real human.” The youngest queen chuckled when coming to the middle of the hall.
Everyone feels relaxed with the joke and her playful presence and they all bowed to the queen and smiled towards her.
The two princes groaned on hearing the statement, “Mother, you know the kingdom is enough for having two rulers so there is no need of a woman. We can take care of everything alone.” Hongjoong interjects.
“But you can’t take care of your feelings for love, the loneliness will break you down my son.” She looks at both of them sympathetically.
“We can and we will show you how.” Seonghwa spoke up but with a respectful gesture towards the queen.
The ministers and generals started to leave the hall one by one when the queen made a quick gesture to the business minister to spread her wanting news for marriage.
“Father?….” A sweet honey like voice chirped in from a corner. All the attention turns towards that direction. The two princes are having the confuse look where the queen is grinning towards the new comer. The head general was last to leave when on hearing the voice halted in his step.
“Oh! Look I forgot to tell you who I brought here, General she was waiting at the gate for you and I heard that you don’t talk to your daughter.” The general glared to the girl standing behind the queen but instantly changed his expression to face the royals.
“Your honour, Queen Aeris I would like to apologize in behalf of her but I would like to take my leave here.” General plainly stated.
“This is your daughter?” The youngest prince scanning the girl as if like an animal getting ready to jump on his prey that instance. The girl hesitated in her place under his gaze.
“Y/N?” Seonghwa softly called the girl. The girl and queen both looked at him with big round eyes.
“Ah, finally my son recognized her. So, you should know now why she is here.” The queen clapped her hands happily and went away when a maid whispered something in her ears.
Seonghwa still looking at her when she is just looking around for what to say to him. Hongjoong suddenly spoke up, “Y/N? you mean our Y/N, our precious? My precious?”
Seonghwa nodded in reply which made his brother to show his dirty smirk again. Hongjoong turned towards the general, “So you kept her hidden from us all these days? Why?”
“Joong and Hwa, he is not to blame here. I kept myself away from this place because I need to take care of myself because father- “
“Don’t call me father, You witch, good for nothing. I don’t want your presence in front of my eyes.”
“That’s so ridiculous. Raising your voice in front of us and also on her?” Hongjoong asked the general with a dangerous expressionless look. The general apologized again and the elder prince signalled him to leave the place without wanting to hear anything further from him.
“You both remembered me still?” You are a bit happy and tensed at the same time with their presence.
“How can we forget the one who made our childhood the most bearable and memorable one. The one who respected and also befriended us before knowing us being royals. You are so different Y/N.” Seonghwa smiled for the first time in the whole day. Hongjoong took a quick glance at his brother and added, “You are the precious gem to us. See we decorated our sword and knife according to the colors you stated suite us.” He holds his knife towards you and Seonghwa also retreat his sword from the waist band to show it to you.
“That’s so nice that you still care for our friendship but we should not treat each other like before now because things are different since then. We have grown up and …….I’m engaged to Haechan.”
The two prince ears perked up on hearing the name of a male coming out of your mouth and also the fact that you are engaged. Seonghwa’s smile disappeared for a second but he quickly regained it while facing you but Hongjoong is totally losing his composure.
“Who? Haechan? Who is this person? When did this all happened?” Seonghwa quickly stated acting all normal but is few inches away to just rip this said person’s head off. He took a few steps to stand closer and in front of you. You are slightly shorter than them so you glanced upward with fear in your eyes because you are suddenly feeling uncomfortable with the fact that the person before you is not happy with your statement. Hongjoong’s heavy footsteps echoed inside the empty big hall which stopped just right behind you. You can feel the gaze behind you is burning hole in the back of your head.
Seonghwa putting the loose hair strands behind your ears with a smile which is totally mocking your fear, “We can’t just accept that you are engaged Y/N.”
“Huh? What do you mean you can’t?” You know the three of you can’t be close friends when you are just a commoner with two royals. People would not like this relation among you three.
“Oh precious! We can't lose you again when we just got you after so many years. We did not just wait for you to come back and say that you are going away from us forever.” You are not sure if Seonghwa is hurt with your engagement as he won’t be seeing his friend again or is he referring to something else which you can’t even think can be possible.
You retreat your steps back from his close proximity but to your dismay your back bumped into a hard yet fury chest. You got startled, thin back of your floral old town villager gown is not helping but feeling the furs stinging in your back. You turned your head to at least glance at the person behind you and found he is smirking at you with a lust filled eyes. Your attention was brought back to the front when Seonghwa holds your chin to make eye contact with you and suddenly you felt two palms resting on both of your shoulders. The sudden contact with two males making a chill shiver run down your body. Your eyes searching in the opposite eyes for the emotions to feel because everything is so confusing for you in the moment.
Seonghwa looked down at you smiling and then looked behind you, you can feel they are communicating with each other through eyes which makes you feel outcast between them. The hold on your chin is moved to brushing your cheeks with his long soft fingers when the thumb slowly touched your lower lips and keeping the movement in a slow trans. Your right hand moved up in reflex to take a hold of his wrist.
“What are you doing?” You softly asked him with a fearful expression.
“My Precious…..” Joong whispered breathily in your left ear and his hands falling from your shoulders and sneaking to hug you from behind. His head then resting on your left shoulder. You exhaled a heavy shaky breath and closed your eyes.
“Look at me!” the command from the eldest prince really dominated over the movement of your body for which you immediately looked up at him expecting him to have any dark look but he was looking at you softly.
“Tell me love, do you want to go back to him?”
“Huh? …..To my father? ” your eyebrows creased with the question. Hwa nodded to which you strongly showed your denial by shaking your head.
The prince behind you now asked, “and to him?”
“Who again?”
“Your fiancé?” your fearful expression returned to confused as to why is he asking you this obvious question and the uneasiness making you to wiggle under the two holds which made them to hold you tighter.
“Oh him! Yes of course I would go there …...that’s my home after my father kicked me out.” The answer didn’t help the situation either for your uneasiness. Seonghwa is no more smiling at you but glaring dangerously.
“No you won’t.” Hongjoong stated blankly.
“He is not good. He is no one in your life. The only men you are allowed to have in your life is me and Hwa.” He hugged you tightly and felt his lips kissed your exposed neck lightly. You left out a soft moan for the contact and looking down but quickly looked up.
“What are you saying?” You are now asking to both of them.
“He has said you already love, that only men that is yours is us. You belong to us.”
“I don’t belong to you. Please leave me, I need to go.”
“You think we will let you go now?” Seonghwa smirked at your miserable state under his brother’s hold. His hand on your cheek moved upward to pat your head before going back a few steps to take in your whole look while you were struggling to get away from the back hug. Hongjoong is snuggling in your neck which made your eyes a bit watery. Again, he came closer to you and smashed his lips on you. You tried to move your head to retreat from the kiss but nothing is helping when he holds your face tightly to glare at you for a second and again returned back to kiss you.
In the same time, Hongjoong is giving you butterfly kisses all over neck and over the bit of your shoulders visible. Your hands are restricted by him preventing their movement. Seonghwa’s kiss is rough as if he is a hungry beast who haven’t got his meal for last few weeks. Both of the male stopped their movement. You are weeping quietly while looking down. The lose of their hold didn’t help your weak legs to let you stand still any longer when you suddenly fall on your knees and hid your face in your palms and continued weeping.
Seonghwa felt a wave of guilt within him but quickly brushed it off. Hongjoong came in front of you and knelt down to move your hands blocking your face. Your teary eyes looked at him with hatred and fear. The man didn’t even bother to acknowledge your anger but he assures your fear with a soft kiss on top of your head. His one hand takes a hold of back of your head to push it softly against his chest to stroke you softly in a comforting way. Your hands takes a hold of his furry coat. Fur should be a place of comfort but this fur is like a needle to you.
“Why…… why a-are you d-doing this?” You questioned between your crying.
“Its okay precious, nothing is wrong. We are doing what we should have done way before.”
Seonghwa also mimicked his brother’s expression beside him to stroke your back. You moved back from Joong’s chest to look at them. Both of them are dearly smiling at you.
“We are your kings, love.”
Joong added to his brother, “and You are our Precious.”
“Love, there is no other option for you except accepting this.” Hwa is grinning while speaking.
You shake your head side by side while thinking for what to say, “Please…...”
“Please what love?”
“I want to go.”
Hongjoong glared at you before standing up. “Hwa, take her to our room and let me have a talk with them about her and I will ask for you if I need help.”    
 “Sure Joong, we need to tell everyone that they have got their kings and the precious queen.”
Seonghwa tightly holds your wrist to make you stand and starts pulling you to the grand door of the hall to exit, you looked towards the younger prince to see him staring at you dangerously with a smirk “What will you talk to them about?”
Then you tried to wiggle your hand out of the tight grip which is hurting you a bit, “Where are you taking me to? Where is Joong going? What is going on?”
“Oh, don’t worry about him, he will be back soon till then we can enjoy ourselves. He needs to finish a meeting with your father and …..Haechan.”
“No, you don’t have to talk to them. I need to go back to him. Leave me.”
“Shut up. We own you and no one can dare to change it.” Hwa laughed in the end of his reply which is followed by Joong’s laugh.
“You don’t own me, I’m not a property please……” You are about to cry again. Hwa glanced at Joong when he stepped closer to you and suddenly hugged you. You are confused but before contemplating the situation you felt a needle like something pierced the skin near your backside of the neck. Your eyes felt heavy and your weight is leaning towards his body which he gladly took a good hold of it. He caressed your head before lifting you up in a bridal style. Footsteps came near you both and the last thing you heard,
“I need to go now to say goodbye to your father and your fiancé but we can continue everything later Precious.”
“Our Precious.”
(Do you readers need part 2? Spicy or soft?)
Here is the part 2! Out now!
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moonlight-yuyu · 1 month
About me:
✧my name is Gigi which is a nickname of my real name
✧I'm a cancer sun, sagittarius moon, libra rising, Leo mercury and venus and a libra mars (before I got into astrology I thought I am a textbook water sign... well it turned out that cancer is my only water placement in my chart)
✧I graduated uni this summer and I'm a psychologist now
✧I love the moon and the stars although I love the sun rising time the most
✧favourite movies: All Spiderman movies (my fav Peter Parker is by far Andrew Garfield!) my favourite character from the miles movies is Gwen Stacy <3; VENOM (he is one of my favourite Spiderman villains besides Kraven the Hunter and Green goblin); I am also so sad that a lot of people didn't enjoy the Madam Web movie because I think it's such a cool idea making a movie about spider-women; I also love old German movies, Toy Story and Twilight :D
✧favourite series/ K-Drama: GOT, HOD, Euphoria, Imitation (obviously lol), Queen of Tears, Criminal Mind
✧favourite game: Animal crossing, Spiderman 2, Luigi's Mansion
✧my favourite quote currently: "I hear when you cry it rains in heaven" - NCT Dream
✧my interests/ hobbies: painting, astrology, reading, rewatching movies/ series, learning new languages
✧Artist I listen to besides Kpop: 5SOS, Nickelback, Chase Atlantic and some German artists like Shirin David or Paula Hartmann
✧Kpop Groups I stan + my biases
Ateez (ult group): Bias Yunho, bias wrecker San
Monsta X: Bias Joohoney, bias wrecker IM
NCT Dream: Bias Chenle, bias wrecker Jeno
Xikers: Bias Sumin, bias wrecker Hunter
Enhypen: Bias Jay, bias wrecker currently Jungwon
AESPA: Bias Karina, bias wrecker Giselle
Riize: Bias Anton, bias wrecker Wonbin
Oneus: Bias Keonhee, bias wrecker: Seoho
&Team: Bias Fuma, bias wrecker K
BTS: Bias Jin, bias wrecker RM
ZB1: Bias: Matthew, bias wrecker: Gyuvin
TXT: Bias Yeonjun, bias wrecker Kai
Solo Artist: Hwasa, Paul Kim, Taemin, I'MIN, MIYEON
✧ my favourite songs from those groups:
Halazia -Ateez
Every day every moment - Paul Kim
Chilli - Hwasa
Intro (Ambition) - Joohoney
Just love - (Monsta X)
Taemin - Heaven
I'MIN - That kind of love
TXT - Puma
BTS - Fake Love
&Team - War Cry
OneUs - Erase me
Riize - Siren
AESPA - Drama
Enhypen - Chamber 5 (I hope that counts lol)
Xikers - Red Sun
NCT Dream - Hello Future
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sparklyeyedhimbo · 3 months
To celebrate the nice number day of that gorgeous man, can you share you favourite Ateez songs? Maybe I'll find some I've missed.
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they mean the 69 picture post of my side blog @thisonesanpicture-daily. He is not YET 69 years old.
ANYGAY..ways lemme grace you with my favorite songs of these pirates that stole my heart.
i'll give you my top 10 ateez songs at the moment
We got Don't stop (no pianos where harmed in this production, the piano is doing good)
then we have blind..honestly i just sing this throughout the day (but also the rest of this new album is on repeat in my brain but blind really comes on way more often)
MY ALL TIME FAVORITE SONG THE QUEEN DEJA VU like play this at my funeral (and no there is no color theme in most of these songs shhh)
like if you didn't ascended when you hear this banger we can't be friends
Django my beloved (throws card at you)
i love me some MASHUPS of different music genres..so THIS is like crack to me
i will get some of these lyrics tattooed on me one day
vocals? they all got them
can't believe this again is the song of the summer
no one is immune to jonghos vocals in this one
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rems-writing · 6 months
Ateez as other r&b songs
Listed below are the r&b songs released by other artists. It's gonna be a mess since I listen to other artists besides Bryson Tiller lol I thought long and hard about which songs I associated with Ateez
Hongjoong - Say You Love Me by Kai
We all know how possessive the captain is of Atiny. Literally the lyrics in this song say "Just say you love me tonight. Don't make me jealous tonight." Plus, the instrumental is something that Hongjoong would produce if given the chance. Idk. Maybe I'm just being delulu and manifesting an interaction between him and Blaq Tuxedo. Blaq Tuxedo are an r&b producer/singer duo who have worked with big name artists such as Chris Brown, Doja Cat, and Tank. To name a few. Anyways, I'm getting off track here. So. Manifestation. Hongjoong did say that Ateez will be in the States for a while so yeah. Hoping this happens.
Seonghwa - When The Rain Stops by Hoody
I'm not going to lie. I was going to originally have a Miguel song but I forgot which one so this was my backup plan. If ya'll don't who Hoody is, she's the Korean r&b QUEEN! And that's on PERIOD! Fight me hoe. Anyways. I took a listen to this song and bruh. Tell me why I imagined Seonghwa's soft voice covering this song. If he decides to do another cover yet it isn't another DPR Ian song, I highly recommend this one. It'll be a musical asmr type of thing.
Yunho - Ice Queen by Baekhyun
Let's face it. This big bitch is the human embodiment of sunshine. If he ever sang this song to me or another hotteok, they'd fucking melt on the spot. Yunho's vocals are heavily under fucking rated and they need to be showcased more.
Yeosang - Open Passionate by Kehlani
Ever since I heard this doberman's deep ass voice in Halazia and Dune, I always wanted him to sort of test his range a bit. This Kehlani track is two songs in one and I feel that he can handle the transition. Plus I can't hear the lyrics "What if you slip up? What if tequila grabs your neck and says, 'Don't bitch up?" without hearing his soft voice entering my ear and hitting my brainwaves.
San - With A Little Help From My Friends [Soul Mix] by Omarion
So for a bit of context, the original artists of this song is a band called The Beatles. I'm sure everyone knows about them so I'll spare you the explanation. When Omarion covered this track and then put an r&b twist on in, I immediately thought of San. This man has such a huge heart and he loves his bandmates more than anything. The airiness of his vocals would fit perfectly with this track.
Mingi - We Need A Resolution by Aaliyah
There's really no context or connection to this. Mingi is my ult. This track is my all time favorite r&b song that isn't made by Bryson Tiller. If Hoody is the Korean r&b queen, then Aaliyah is the American r&b queen. I guess the only thing I have to say is I can picture Mingi's raspy voice singing the lyrics and doing the adlibs and stuff.
Wooyoung - Die 4 You by DEAN
Like San, Wooyoung loves his bandmates more than anything. However, the way these two boyfriends go about it is different. While San would prefer to stay professional and handle a scandal or conflict in a calm manner, Wooyoung will not hesitate to call you out on your bullshit. I feel like another reason why he and Yeosang are best friends is because they will stick up for each other no matter what. But that's a different story. Anyways, musical aspect. Like San, Wooyoung has an airiness to his vocals yet I feel as though he won't put as much power into it like San will with his cover. Not that there's anything wrong with that of course! I just feel like he'd have fun with this song a lot. I'm unsure if he listens to Dean but if he does, I want him to cover this single.
Jongho - Bad News by Kehlani
Contrary to Next To You by Bryson Tiller, Jongho can showcase his powerful vocals in this Kehlani track and even do some insane harmonies. However, due to the soft nature of this otherwise slow jam/ballad, he would definitely have to focus on balance. That way, his high notes can be heard yet still put the listener at ease.
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lavandulacosmos · 9 months
K-Pop Recap Of 2023!
Thanks for the tag @wifehwa 💜
Groups You Started Stanning?
Due to my tumblr/kpop hiatus, I only got to properly stan Stray Kids this year so I'm very much playing catchup with a lot of their content but they really didn't catch my attention back in 2018 so. Other notable mentions are Xdinary Heroes and IVE.
New Ult Biases?
There is nothing new about my ults, I'm set in my ways, mostly just a shift of focus onto the most active of them. But that one dude at the end has fought his way onto the list~
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Idol(s) Who Got The Most Of Your Simping?
I can't even imagine who could that be- (gets dragged under by the crushing weight of reblogs)
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Most Streamed Group(s)?
Ateez (based on spotify, which is a valid accusation)
Most Streamed Soloist(s)?
Too many but Sunmi, Yunho, DPR Ian and Taemin took the top that's for sure.
Top K-Pop Song(s) Of This Year (Opinion Or Streaming, You Choose)
Well my good old friend, Wrapped listed This World as No.1 followed by Halazia, Dune and Wake Up. I wouldn't dare fight this decision. Queen and the crown jewels at their rightful place.
Top Debut This Year
Monsta XXL Kiss of Life!
Choreographies You Learned
The chorus of Bouncy and Crazy Form in a very sedated manner, plus a few cute moves that came up in challenges.
Albums/Merchandise You Bought
I'm a serial album buyer, so one too many of those - especially since I'm still catching up on a few of my faves. But the most memorable was buying WILL in Thailand and getting this adorable pc for free from the kind girl at the store~ (Thanks again Nittaya, you are a saint of a shinestar)
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New Kpop Mutuals You Made?
Hi there, Atinys~ ✨️💕
Tagging: @hongjoongpresent @hwangelbaby @irlkpop @rashfcrd @xuseokgyu @userwoosan @lgbtuan @lecknow @choienthusiast @yeofi if you want to, and anyone who wants to do this! 💖
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jinxstrology · 2 years
Halazia, or How to Find Your Voice Again (Pop Culture Witchcraft)
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pop culture craft no1 - ateez, "halazia"
This post will include various correspondences and associations, which you can use in spellwork or simply in everyday life to help center your energy around being heard, asserting your opinion, fighting against restrictions on your creativity, and finding your voice among the masses.
Animals: birds, specifically bluebirds or any avian with blue coloring
Colors: all shades of blue, muted yellows and greens, grey, black, white
Crystals: turquoise, clear quartz, garnet
Best days for spellwork: Thursday, Saturday
Deities: Al Menat (Arabian goddess of fate, fortune, time & destiny), Kuebiko (Shinto scarecrow kami who rules over folk wisdom, knowledge & agriculture)
Drink: A Rose is a Rose is a Rosé Punch (for one)
2 oz rosé wine
1 oz elderflower liqueur
1/4 tsp rose water
Add ice and top it off with club soda
Flower: buttercup
Futhark Runes: Ansuz, Laguz
Keywords: expression, misunderstandings
Magickal ingredients: pumpkin, rose
Meditation: I drink deeply from the cup of my life, both the bitter waters and the sweet.
Numbers: 3, 4, 8, 12, 22, 30
Oil blend:
10 drops sandalwood
7 drops juniper
5 drops bergamot
3 drops chamomile
Planets: Jupiter, Saturn
Halazia // Ateez
Heaven // Taemin
Lunatic // Xdinary Heroes
Sour // The Rose
Virus // Victon
Recipe: Pumpkin Corn Bread
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup medium grind yellow cornmeal
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 large eggs
1 cup buttermilk
1 cup canned unsweetened pumpkin puree
3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and cooled, plus 1 tablespoon butter for the skillet
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (approx. 205 C). Place a 9-inch cast-iron skillet in the oven to warm. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, cornmeal, baking powder, salt, and baking soda. Add eggs, buttermilk, pumpkin puree, and 3 tablespoons melted butter. Gently combine ingredients. Carefully remove skillet from oven and add remaining butter to coat. Pour batter into skillet and return it to the oven. Bake 25-35 minutes. Let cool before serving.
Symbols: anchor, any communication device, blue feathers, book, horn instruments, lock, mask
Tarot cards: The Moon (reversed), Queen of Cups, The Empress, 8 of Swords
Tarot spread: Break the Wall Spread
When you want to shake off what no longer makes you happy, but are scared to do so. The best time to do this spread is the beginning of a new month or year.
Starting from the bottom, draw nine cards and place them in a straight vertical line going up, one after the other until you reach the ninth card. It will look like a tall tower.
Card 1 (bottom): What freedom/independence do you seek, and in what way?
Card 2: What/who restricts you from having this?
Card 3: Is now the right time, or should you wait?
Card 4: What is the first step to freedom/independence?
Card 5: What will be the immediate effects of attaining freedom/independence on yourself/others?
Card 6: What objections/obstacles to be overcome will be put in your path in the early days?
Card 7: What must be sacrificed to attain freedom/independence?
Card 8: What will be the longer-term positive effects of the new freedom/independence?
Card 9 (top): Where will you be in the future if you follow this path?
I hope that you found this information useful! Requests are now open for these kinds of posts -- you can request a song, a band, a movie, a character, a show -- anything you can think of!
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hongtiddiez · 4 months
Thank you so much for the link! (If there was more than the first 4 entries in the main post I couldn't read them because twitter is a hellscape I refuse to make an account to use for the sake of my sanity). But!!!!!!!! But that was more than enough HOLY SHIT. Like I know you mentioned Empty Box, but that was like the one song I don't have any misgivings about after hearing it on its own because it is the one that fits absolutely perfectly, (heart-breakingly,) with how I suspected the lore might go after they returned home to their own universe having been dragged through one side of the wringer and out the other. And! It! Does! That song plays my poor heart like a fiddle.
But for me I actually have the most misgivings about Blind and Shaboom. Because you can't just shout "open your eyes" and "wake up" on album after album and have that be one of your rallying cries and then put out a song called "Blind" and not have it light up a hundred giant neon warning signs in my brain. And then I read the lyrics while listening to it at work today and I was even more unsure about it because the cognitive dissonance between it and every other song they have that you could vaguely put in the 'love song' category, (where the reason they care about the subject of the song is because of who the subject is as a person, or who they are together or as a team,) just being dazzled and blindly following "someone" could not possibly seem more off to me. But hooooooooooly their context does not fail me. Because if the Queen of the Night they're chasing in the song is THEIR DREAMS that changes EVERYTHING.
If 'love is blind' WHEN YOU'RE FOLLOWING YOUR SOUL'S PASSION ajsfkajhga. My opinion: heel turn, 180.
(as someone who went through hell to get a degree in fine art drawing because art used to be the one thing I loved above all else, graduated, then needed to pay those adult bills, got a job in software tech, and then a case of burnout, and haven't drawn shit in the last 10+ years since because I spend every day exhausted from crunching numbers and variables uhhhh)
Shaboom, at face value as a 'party, get drunk, get laid' song? Me sending Extremely Skeptical Face in its direction because it just seems so vapid. You know, like settling for a life that pays your bills and puts a roof over your head while your dreams fall farther and farther away for the sake of practicality and you make some pretty dubious choices in trying to avoid having to address the soullessness of reality. ha ha ha
Oh. Oh. This one is coming for my throat, isn't it? I might need that three weeks until my copy of the album shows up to just prepare for the reading rest of it.
Like I expected them to come for me, but not PERSONALLY. fuck
this link might work for the other 4 entries?
shaboom has BIG mingi's story vibes and GOD. GOD. THEY KILL IT EVERY FUCKING TIME MAN. they way that they're realizing that while some of them achieved their dreams they aren't any more happy than they were before because they don't have each other!
it had me absolutely sobbing when i realized what happened because my god, that really is what happens as you get older and it hurts so much to see it spelled out so blatantly. the commentary on all the different stages of life and growth and maturing, i can't fucking do this man
really, really excited to see where this goes, excited to see what yunho and mingi are up to. part of me is like 👀 halazia time??? go to halazia world with an artifact yunho finds??? for me??? but i know i'll be thrilled with almost anything they deliver
(and at least the z boys can continue to live in my heart via my fanfic)
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jaeyunluvr · 7 months
Ngl this theme looks like the visual version of Halazia by Ateez to me for some reason
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Real life footage of me admiring your theme
hee edits will be the death of me, like i cry every time i see that man i can't do thissssssssssss UGH I HATE HIM
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Wattpad fanfic
I think you'd like this story: "♡ OUR PIRATE QUEEN ♡ | ATEEZ 9TH MEMBER" by Wooyoungislove on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/331972111?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=Wooyoungislove&wp_originator=SRJw6PkFVG8eJI4GTzjVlLhwNNSam%2BeuHCgBRdyk51eA6eDrkHo0BC4fsmId41NXWnEadOG8rEat%2BBl%2F6uJfx9w6ChBk1khIzef%2Fs8Yvvgk8Wc84sKsaNbzGTKqEhtO3
Guys if you are interested or are on Wattpad, check out my new fanfic 'ATEEZ 9th member'.
It will be updated almost everyday.... 👉👈
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the-strange-world · 1 year
Rating June Kpop Releases
Masterpiece (10) / Amazing (9) / Good (7-8) / Ok (6) / Meh (5) / Didn’t like (0-4)
Die For Love - B.I feat Jessi - 5/10 (2 title tracks for this album) ➕
Dare To Love - B.I feat. BIG Naughty - 8/10 ~ fav bside - Beautiful Life and Cloud Thought
Mañana (Our Drama) - ZHOUMI feat. EUNHYUK - 9/10
S-Class - Stray Kids - 8/10 ~ fav bsides - DLC, FNF, and ITEM. I liked Youtiful too (the “iiiii made it mine” and the other parts after that in ITEM really reminds me of another song so if anyone else knows what I’m song in thinking about please tell me)
Crush on you - Kassy - 5/10
SHALALA - TAEYONG (NCT) - ♾/10 - obsessed with this silly song ~ fav bside - Virtual Insanity
#menow - fromis_9 - ♾/10 - they are incapable of having a bad song! This song has been on REPEAT the most!!! The “yeah that’s me yeah that’s me” part and all the parts are EVERYTHING! The choreography is amazing. They never miss. I’m obsessed with this song ~ fav bsides - Attitude. I liked Don’t Care too
Wasteland - KANG DANIEL [Prerelease] - 10/10
Kick It 4 Now - THE NEW SIX (TNX) - ♾/10 - LOVE THIS SONG! The choreography is amazing. I’m obsessed with the “nostalgia deja vu” part so much!!! I’ve noticed a lot of the title tracks recently have felt very 90s or 2000s to me ~ fav bsides - 1000 Miles
Diaryy - YongYong - 5/10 ~ fav bside - Cheetos feat. ZENE THE ZILLA
Jump - P1Harmony - ♾/10 - INCREDIBLE ALBUM! WOW THEY NEVER MISS!!! The choreography is amazing too. Idk how they can do all that without passing out ~ fav bsides - More Than Words, Heartbeat Drum, and Love Me For Me. I liked New Classic too. The only one I wouldn’t listen to again is I Am You
Juliet - AleXa - 6/10
Can’t Go Yet - Amber Liu feat. Scott Hoying - 10/10 - if Scott’s involved, it’ll be good
Blooming Today - CHEEZE - 6/10
Let Me In - EXO - 3/10 - I really didn’t like this
C.C - Q6IX - 7/10
Designer - VAV - 4/10 ~ fav bside - Call U Mine
Ready to Move - REN - 6/10
Blank - OYEON - 7/10 - it’s pretty and of course nas are always good
Delicious - THE BOYZ [JP] - 10/10 - this song was already released last month ~ fav bsides - Lip Sync. I liked EYES ON ME and Take Me Back too
I Need Love - DKB - 8/10 - it was the best song off the album to me
FIREWORK - &Team - 9/10
Contrail - Baek yebin - 7/10
To Me - Jung Seung Hwan - 7/10 - not something I’d listen to often but it’s pretty ~ fav bside - Epilogue
Marshmallow - MISAMO - 3/10 - didn’t like it
BOUNCY (K-HOT CHILI PEPPERS) - ATEEZ - 8/10 - I liked it but it’s no halazia. It grew on me because I didn’t like it that much at first. I think DJANGO should’ve been the title ~ fav bsides - DJANGO and Outlaw. I liked This World too. Wake Up is guerrilas twin
Walk & Shine - QI.X - 6/10
Can’t Leave - Park Jeup - 5/10
LUV LUV LUV - GreatGuys - 8/10 - it’s fun
Broken Melodies - NCT DREAM [Prerelease] - ♾/10 - they popped off with this pop song of the summer. One direction vibes. Peak boy band energy. I love this song!
WE GO HIGH - ROY KIM - 9/10 - it’s a chill summery song
SOS - KANG DANIEL - 8/10 ~ fav bside - Liar
Queen - We;Na - 10/10 - they are soooo underrated! They only have 2 songs but both are so fun!!!
Orange, You’re Not a Joke to Me - Stella Jang - 10/10 - the lyrics are so silly
Lucky! - KIM JAE HWAN feat. BOBBY - 7/10
Pony - JANNABI - 8/10 - I love his voice
Unlock it - BABYS - 5/10
Voyager - LUN8 - ♾/10 - I think they have the same comeback as weki meki. GIVE WEKI MEKI A COMEBACK RN COWARDS!!! Anyway this song and album are really AMAZING! It shocked me how much I liked this album ~ fav bsides - Wild Heart, We Like It, Live In The Moment
BODY SHAKE - Bunny.T - 9/10
OVERDRIVE - I.M - 6/10 - not something I’d listen to a lot ~ fav bside - Not Sorry
The Feeling - SHINee [Prerelease] - 10/10
HARD - SHINee - 8.5/10 - of course shinee never disappoints me! The lyrics are so dumb which is fun. I wish the chorus was catchier tho. I love the choreography. Not really something I’d listen to too too much but a great song!!! ~ fav bsides - Like It (this really reminds me of another song but I can’t think of what it is. I think it’s a kpop song but I’m not sure) and Sweet Misery. I liked most of the bsides
Over the Rainbow - Hi-Fi Un!corn - 10/10
WICKED LOVE - YENA [Prerelease] - 5/10
Hate Rodrigo - YENA feat. YUQI - 10/10 - a yena and yuqi collab? That’s everything
Dive Into - Han Seungwoo - 6/10 - I would’ve picked runnin high as the title track ~ fav bsides - Burn and Runnin’ High
4:ever - 24 o’clock - 9/10
Summer Love - Kim Areum - 5/10
odd eye - YU YEON WOO - 9/10
EXCEL - 8TURN - 6/10 ~ fav bside - ING
2017 - Park So Eun - 10/10 - idk this artist but these songs were so good! I like the vibe of her songs ~ fav bside - 2:13 and I liked all of the songs
Party Tonight - U-KISS - 9/10 ➕
The Wonderful Escape - U-KISS - 8/10
House on a Hill - Eric Nam - 10/10
Small Talk - Kim Sung Kyu - 6/10 ~ fav bside - It Will Be. I liked Sometimes too
Signal - Rocking doll Roa - 5/10
OVERDRIVE - WEi - 9/10
GRL GVNG - XG - 4/10
Hear Me Out - EXO [Prerelease] - 5/10
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atinyjules · 2 years
🌹Female OCs🌹
So these are the female ocs for not only the royal au but the other imagines as well. Their role differs from au to au.
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Cha Seolhee
First daughter of the Royal family of Halazia.
Crown Princess and next heir to the throne.
Elegance and Serenity drips with every stride she takes.
The calmest of the five sisters.
Has the voice of an angel.
"If being Queen means treating everyone as low lifes, then I want no part in this Empire."
Cha Seori
Second daughter of the Royal family.
Calm and collected but cracks at an instant if anyone crosses the line.
She adores books, and is always found at the palace library.
She can talk to animals.
"If only people were like those who were depicted in books."
Cha Soojung
Third daughter of the Royal family.
Her aura radiates as bright as the Sun.
She looks at the positive side of things and deals with the negative side with a bright smile.
No one can keep a frown for long around her for long.
"A smile makes me believe that everything will be alright ."
Cha Soo-ah
Third daughter of the Royal family.
Absolutely loves baked goods, especially bread.
She tries to visit the town as regularly as she can and interact with her townsmen.
Loves dancing and dancing in the rain is an added bonus.
"You're just like this bread, hard on the outside and soft in the inside."
Cha Suran
Last born daughter of the Royal family.
If you thought she would be calm and collected like the rest, you're completely wrong.
Escaping the palace, causing mischief and disturbing her sisters is her daily routine.
She has a rebellious and stubborn demeanor which sometimes is a headache.
"I'm not only the youngest but the most amazing one of the Royals."
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Kwon Yeeun
Only child and daughter of a Duke.
She loves everything about Peonies.
She has a fun and lively spirit which boosts others around her.
If she were to reincarnate again in her next life, she'd come back as a pink peony.
"I want to bloom into my best self one day."
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Lim Hyori
An orphan who serves the Crown Princess Seolhee.
She lives life with a content heart and a calm mindset.
She always has a soft smile gracing her face.
Loves stargazing and talking to the stars.
"Prince, peasant, poor...it doesn't matter, as long as we have a mutual connection, I don't mind."
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Jung Hyein
Second daughter of the General.
Is very clumsy and often gets herself in trouble.
Has a very foul mouth which is completely different from her innocent and soft looks.
Has an elder brother who she mostly hangs around due to not having any friends.
"Fuck the Royals, focus on me."
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Rip Baek, they wanna make you an American football stan 🤡 I never understood Super Bowl tbh, some performances aren't even good anyway
Lol you're saying the Mbappe x RM saga will finally end? If he plays and behaves well be my guest, but it's on sight Kylian!!!
It's always sad seeing top players struggle in the NTs, because they're doing all the work. The disproportion is really big. I can't blame other players since a lot of them don't play in CL clubs, but it's so embarrassing sometimes 😭
So brother Baek could've been a cricket star?! Omg damn that injury sounds nasty though. I don't know shit about cricket actually. Tbf my wrist was already twisted because of another evil team ball sport called HANDBALL. My spaghetti arms couldn't take it lolol, I'm decent at basketball though! I did break two of my fingers while playing, but 😅
Pique thinks he's a spy or a detective trying to "expose" RM every 4 months, let it go... I can't believe Shakira got with him, girl??? I had to show some of the best football moments to my ignorant USA friend and I ofc sent her the Zidane headbutt and Suarez biting, culture <3
It happens every year so I don't think Salah cares? Good for him, but on the other hand I'd just stop posting at this point, cause the comments are getting worse and worse
Harry Kane being a disappointment isn't anything new lmao. Believe it or not, but I unfortunately have some Spurs fans among my friends and they're often mad at him
Omg, yeah see suddenly everyone knows everyone. Bestie I don't go to weddings, but I probably heard the songs you've mentioned, got me all curious 👀 Riverdale was filmed near you?! I'm so sorry, that's so bad 😩
Is the Yunho fic hot & cold too then? How's it going?
Hwa is a mystery, because no way he wouldn't be able to take Hongjoong down. Sometimes he does this though, soooo 🤔 runner Hwa AU... I'm manifesting
I hope Hwa will be able to attend EXO's concert 🤞🏻 I wouldn't mind a free ticket either, heh. Uhmmm wow, Neymar Jeongin stan... I better not see him at EXO World though
That radio clip of Seonghwa, I'm starting at nose ☺
Seonghwa stans Taemin and Taemin is Jesus, Taemin has passed his role to Seonghwa! But why did Woo say the choreography is tough, but Hwa said otherwise lmao. Maybe Seonghwa isn't doing anything 😭
Btw this person spoke the truth a fear, but they're booing them ausyshshjsjsjsbababsb. If they saw our opinions ☠ can't say shit on that app, because everything is anti behaviour
Halazia on the other hand seems nice, at least in contrast to Paradgim, idk if I'll be obsessed cause I'm used to them spoiling half the song so I'm not sure how I feel yet ajuduwuwsjjsjssjs, but everyone's already calling it SOTY ofc 😭 the performance spoilers what's going oooooon, feathers?! My issue is the cb is at 6am my time AGAIN???!!!! What happened to later comebacks, fuck America I know it's all for Billboard!!! 😭
LMAO gitl, so someone asked if the person on my lockscreen was my girlfriend??? And it's Christmas kitty Hwa I almost died
Oh he... yeah so anyway 🧍🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️
Wait what's the god save the queen option about 😭 anyways I'm a communist, honestly I got called one more times that I can count so 🤷🏼‍♀️
hi helloo!!
Rip Baek, they wanna make you an American football stan 🤡 I never understood Super Bowl tbh, some performances aren't even good anyway //// Lol you're saying the Mbappe x RM saga will finally end? If he plays and behaves well be my guest, but it's on sight Kylian!!!
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭 u will never catch me being one <3 id probably get whooped if i ever put on the american football in this ethnic household fbwndbej,,,, i AM SAYING PERHAPS partially bc at psg he gets the recognition and if he were to move it,,, he’d have to share it the spotlight but since he gets his fair share of it psg iM HYPOTHESIZING that he will not leave unless ronaldo pulls up that is dbd  
and also pelé??? 😭😭🤚🏻 vivienne westwood???
It's always sad seeing top players struggle in the NTs, because they're doing all the work. The disproportion is really big. I can't blame other players since a lot of them don't play in CL clubs, but it's so embarrassing sometimes 😭
yEAAAH! it’s cringe to even watch, i skipped so many of porto’s matches bc of it inconsistency in the plays and the ups and downs,,, if i compare them to argentina u could tell they all worked in a TEAM even if they got messi in, for porto it was like ronaldo was the only one being the definition of TEAM but when he’s benched it just crumbled,,, but i guess a lot of them have an experience now and hopefully put up a great fight next wc!
So brother Baek could've been a cricket star?! Omg damn that injury sounds nasty though. I don't know shit about cricket actually. Tbf my wrist was already twisted because of another evil team ball sport called HANDBALL. My spaghetti arms couldn't take it lolol, I'm decent at basketball though! I did break two of my fingers while playing, but 😅
fhandhwk nO bc we were REALLY onto him being one but then everyone kept pressuring him saying you’d be on tv and then the ball hit his nose and made a bump on it and it was determined he would never <3 dbwnbdsn no its ok cricket’s like football, if u watch it u can tell exactly what’s going on! LMFAOOOO GTFO HANDBALLS SO MUCH FUN HOW THE FUCK DO U FUCK UR WRIST UP PLAYING THAT ANON U MUST BE TWISTING IT AND HITTING ALL THE SCORES 😭😭😭 ronaldo + lewa possessed u i tell u, STOPPP??? ANON??? I WISH U SAW MY FACE WHEN I READ THAT 😭😭😭 anon hOW stop did the ball jam really hard and ur body just gave up 😭😭
Pique thinks he's a spy or a detective trying to "expose" RM every 4 months, let it go… I can't believe Shakira got with him, girl??? I had to show some of the best football moments to my ignorant USA friend and I ofc sent her the Zidane headbutt and Suarez biting, culture <3
NO SRS I WONT BE SURPRISED IF HES SOME TABLOID SOLELY MADE TO EXPOSE RM 😭😭😭 no bc theres like compilations of shakira destroying pique’s emotions and its so funny to watch after the shit he’s done, deserved 🤩 RBQMDBWMCKCK STOP U SHOWED THE BEST THINGS STOP IT FNFNJCKC CULTURE !!!!! CORRECT !!!! literally no one remembers the winners it’s just the headbutt, he def cursed italy ever since dbdb did u show the pep ramos duo 🔫
It happens every year so I don't think Salah cares? Good for him, but on the other hand I'd just stop posting at this point, cause the comments are getting worse and worse
yeah!! like i get religion but ppl also celebrate christmas,,, AND halloween?? it’s not like he’s disrespecting his own religion?? bro just wants to have a good time 😭😭😭 he's having a great season so far too now!
Harry Kane being a disappointment isn't anything new lmao. Believe it or not, but I unfortunately have some Spurs fans among my friends and they're often mad at him Omg, yeah see suddenly everyone knows everyone. Bestie I don't go to weddings, but I probably heard the songs you've mentioned, got me all curious 👀 Riverdale was filmed near you?! I'm so sorry, that's so bad 😩
LMFAOOOO i believe it 100% bc my english cousins were like “disappointed but not surprised actually” 😭😭 omg u must’ve heard his songs! if u didnt go to a hindu wedding bdbd if u watched the movie happy new year? with srk, there’s a track called lovely i think he produced it, he’s worked w/ mr snoop before! tho is songs are primarily from early 20’s! YEAH TRAGIC !!!! ABSOLUTELY TRAGIC I TELL U, constant memories of im a weirdo 🔫🔫
Is the Yunho fic hot & cold too then? How's it going? /// Hwa is a mystery, because no way he wouldn't be able to take Hongjoong down. Sometimes he does this though, soooo 🤔 runner Hwa AU… I'm manifesting
it is hot & cold! banter and silly arguments and a reincarnation of betty white as yunho’s grandmother like the proposal <3 yEAH LIKE NO WAY??? is he just masking his strongness under the humble, nice, oldest persona,,, need him to throw hands,,, runner hwa au,, where he asks the ostracized, once track prodigy for help who shuns him away <3 readers older too!
I hope Hwa will be able to attend EXO's concert 🤞🏻 I wouldn't mind a free ticket either, heh. Uhmmm wow, Neymar Jeongin stan… I better not see him at EXO World though
I HOPE HE DO BC IM EXPECTING HIM TO BE THERE 🔫🔫🔫 BFMWBDKSBDKCKC free ticket is what im hoping for atm bc ik im not getting the tickets 😭😭 they do a raffle thing too all my hope is for that,,, FBWMBDWKKCKC  neymar a kai stan?? 😵‍💫😵‍💫
That radio clip of Seonghwa, I'm starting at nose ☺ //// Seonghwa stans Taemin and Taemin is Jesus, Taemin has passed his role to Seonghwa! But why did Woo say the choreography is tough, but Hwa said otherwise lmao. Maybe Seonghwa isn't doing anything 😭
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taemin is the son of jesus, need to witness him live so bad ill make him my religion on spot fbfb SEONGHWA BECAME JESUS
i am gonna stop
i logged into twt and i
what THE fUCK
Btw this person spoke the truth a fear, but they're booing them ausyshshjsjsjsbababsb. If they saw our opinions ☠ can't say shit on that app, because everything is anti behaviour
they so brave for this bc its no one would wanna admit,, UTOPIA SUPREMACY!!!! LMFAOOOO the comment just under the post 😭😭😭😭
Halazia on the other hand seems nice, at least in contrast to Paradgim, idk if I'll be obsessed cause I'm used to them spoiling half the song so I'm not sure how I feel yet ajuduwuwsjjsjssjs, but everyone's already calling it SOTY ofc 😭 the performance spoilers what's going oooooon, feathers?! My issue is the cb is at 6am my time AGAIN???!!!! What happened to later comebacks, fuck America I know it's all for Billboard!!! 😭
sEEE NOW its def better than paradigm, i do dislike the “hala hala hala halzia” i prefer just the “halaziA” they do with their voices and it’s oomph 🤌🏻 the beat at hongjoong’s rap was sICK,, for a moment the beat drop was like the same type of music as dazzling light bUTTT it was good!! jongho’s vocals great i do think mayhaps there couldve been a chorus where they all sing together and it would be chills w the drop,, it was an almost anti drop in the first half,, ur opinions on it??
LMAO gitl, so someone asked if the person on my lockscreen was my girlfriend??? And it's Christmas kitty Hwa I almost died //// Oh he…  yeah so anyway 🧍🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️ALSO MINGI'S HAIR IS YELLOW AND RED AGAIN AAAAAAAA
Wait what's the god save the queen option about 😭 anyways I'm a communist, honestly I got called one more times that I can count so 🤷🏼‍♀️
A COMMUNIST 😭😭😭😭 i am a christmas enthusiast <3 heres another!
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NO CAUSE???? WHAT THE HELL???? 😭😭😭😭😭  
bro’s acting
is this not ceo hwa
and im afraid that arrange marriage fic is topping the tier atm…
ikon freedom era and bp going black label?? what IS GOING ON BFFB
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