#half of my issues are a personality disorder issue and the other is untreated ADHD symptoms if I'm being generous
anarkhebringer · 1 year
I had a nap earlier and have been thinking about how the end of my therapy session ended earlier, and man. I AM gonna give this guy a run for his money.
I even gave a psychiatrist who thought he was all-knowing a run for his money and he said to my face that if he were to train new arrivals to the mental health scene, he'd use ME as their "test run" of having a patient. He said I made him "want chicken soup for his soul".
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So I see a lot of people saying things like “omg this person has so many mental illnesses they must be faking how could the function blah blah blah” so I’m gonna make a weird numbered rant post about why thats wrong lol. (also I know I talk about ADHD specifically in this rant but thats the one I know most about)
1. Many mental disorders/neurodivergent disorders often come in groups:
People seem to forget this for some reason, but in some cases having x disorder makes you more likely to have y disorder. ADHD, autism, tic disorders, and OCD are a few disorders that are commonly comorbid, meaning they commonly appear together. According to CHADD “More than half of all individuals who have been diagnosed with ASD also have signs of ADHD. ... On the flip side, up to a quarter of children with ADHD have low-level signs of ASD...” This isn’t just the case with ADHD and autism, anxiety and depression are two of the most commonly comorbid disorders, with an estimated 60% of people with one of them showing symptoms of the other (link). Comorbid disorders are really common, so the chances that one person has more that two or three disorders isn’t that low. 
2. Complications from these mental disorders can cause other mental disorders:
Disorders you’re born with generally cause issues, thats the point of them being disorders. Kids with already existing disabilities or disorders are often bullied, have trouble at school, have trouble at home, or deal with other forms of stressful or traumatic experiences throughout childhood. These kinds of stressors can cause things like anxiety, depression, maladaptive daydreaming, dissociative disorders, etc. To use ADHD as an example (again), The Chesapeake Center says that the the likelihood of someone with ADHD having coexisting conditions is extremely high, especially for teens and adults that don’t have treatment. “Tom Brown, Ph.D., psychology professor at Yale and internationally recognized authority on ADHD, has proposed that ADHD is a “foundational disorder” — a disorder that creates a vulnerability toward a host of other psychiatric conditions in adolescence and adulthood, especially when ADHD goes unrecognized and untreated.” They go on to say that over 70% of adults with ADHD have some other disorder that should be taken into account while working on treatment. This can apply to disorders like autism, tic disorders, and intellectual disabilities as well. Autism Connection of Pennsylvania says “Sometime there is a biological predisposition to [other mental health issues]; others may develop these conditions out of their constant struggle to cope with the world around them.” So being born with one or two mental disorders can end up developing into more issues down the line.
3. Treatment, lack of treatment, or incorrect treatment can cause other stuff to develop:
Technically like the last point, but slightly more specific. I’m going to draw from my own experiences for this point. I was born with ADHD and autism, as well as mild tics. When I was young, I was yelled at for doing certain ND things, like not speaking, stimming, not looking people in the eyes, and making certain sounds. This caused anxiety for me, as well as a need to mask at a young age to avoid being hurt. When the pandemic happened all my masking fell apart, and now I’m being treated for ADHD. My first round of ADHD meds caused my tics to worsen, and now I have them much more severe than I used too. I also have bad anxiety, depression, and some trauma stuff because of the masking, bullying, and yelling that I had endured due to my ND traits. So I went from ADHD, autism, and mild tics, to ADHD, autism, moderate-to-severe tics, depression, anxiety, and more. 
In Conclusion
Don’t be a dick, having lots of disorders isn’t insane. I’ll admit some people claim to have so many they would need a lot of help to function, and probably couldn’t be on social media, but just having more than like, two disorders isn’t a reason to fakeclaim someone. 
Okay I’m done goodbye.
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jchall110 · 6 years
I'm gonna tell y'all a story. It's a story about social stigmas, the American public education system, capitalism, mental health, income inequality, and parents who think they know best but actually cause more harm than good. It's the story of how I ended up where I am right now: in the break room of a major retail location wanting desperately to cry but unable to.
When I was very young, my parents knew I was different. I won't bog this down with the details, but essentially I was noticably different than my peers enough that my mom took me to get tested for various learning disabilities or mental disorders. Initially, the diagnosis I was given was ADHD, but that didn't satisfy my mother. She took me back a year later and I was diagnosed with Asperger's. Satisfied, my mother began talking with various specialists to see what kind of future I would have, and what we could start doing to help me become more well-adjusted to society. Once I had made it to grade school, after 2 years of kindergarten, I worked with an occupational therapist weekly, for 5 years. When I reached high school, I was declared well-adjusted enough by the school district that I no longer needed a 504 plan. I was officially no longer a special needs student. *Yay!*
I struggled my way through high school, having a lot of trouble with homework, especially long-term assignments like projects and essays. I didn't fail any classes (except my creative writing class, but that's a different story), but I nearly failed several important classes my junior year and only barely was able to graduate on time. But graduate I did, and I got accepted into the college in my town, which was really the only school I wanted to go to. So I started college. First semester freshman year was tough, as it often is for new freshmen. Of the 4 classes I was taking at the beginning of the semester, I dropped out of one and almost failed the other 3. I was told that it happens to everyone and that I would be fine after adjusting to college life.
Second semester of freshman year was worse. Of the 4 classes I started with, I dropped out of one and failed 2, and the third I only passed because my professor fudged the grades a little bit. First semester of sophomore year I failed all 4 classes I was taking. Near the end of that semester, when I knew that I wasn't going to pass anything, I began looking into some of the reasons why I was struggling and how I could possibly help myself. In looking, I mentioned to my mom some of the issues I'd been having. She told me about the initial diagnosis of ADHD, which I had no idea about up until this point, at 20 years old. I had been diagnosed with a learning disability for about 18 years and it had been untreated, and I didn't know about it until then. I began looking up stories of people with ADHD, and talking with my friends who have ADHD, and everything clicked into place. Unfortunately, it was too little, too late and I was placed on academic suspension, unable to return for the second semester of my sophomore year. Because I'm from a family that doesn't have a whole lot of money, but has just enough money that the government won't help me pay for college, I had to take out several private loans to pay for the 3 semesters of school I had. And because the grace period of these loans wasn't very long, I needed to find a job quickly to prevent missing payments and tanking both my own and my father's credit scores.
In February of this year, I began working at a major retail location. I will refrain from using its name because I want to. Those of you who care enough to know probably already know. Anyway, I work in the back room, about 3 shifts a week, for a total of about 24 hours per week, at $12/hour, paid bi-weekly. That's enough for me to cover my student loan payments, with some extra spending money, and still have a little left over. I'm thankful that I don't have to pay for rent, food, utilities, etc. because my dad knows that young people these days are, as he says, "financially fucked" and is allowing me to stay at his place, at least until I figure out my next step. Working retail, if you don't know, sucks hardcore. If you can avoid doing it, do so. If not, I'm so so sorry. A lot of people say that the worst part of retail is dealing with customers, but I personally think that the worst part of retail is corporate expectations. I believe this because retail would still suck if customers were better. If corporate expectations were more reasonable, it wouldn't suck nearly as much as it does now. I am one person, but they expect me to do the work of 5 people, which brings us to today.
It's back-to-school time, which is our second-busiest time of year. (I'll give you three guesses as to what's the busiest. I'll give you a hint: it's the really really obvious one.) Being in the back room, especially being the person in the back room when the store closes, means that I have to do little things everywhere in the store. Little bit of helping get product on the shelf, little bit of fulfilling online orders, little bit of helping people find stuff... Today, I've spent all of my shift so far, a bit over half, packing boxes that will be shipped to people's houses. I've had to do this because there were a very large amount of orders today and the people who work that part of the store during the day didn't have enough help getting it done. I will likely continue doing this until I have about a quarter of my shift left, at which point I will not have time to do anything else except get the back room set up for the truckload of product we're getting tomorrow morning. It is likely that I will get reprimanded, or at least will get a bad performance review, because of this. This is not the first time I've had to spend most of a shift doing things that should have been finished long before I even got here, but this is certainly the worst example up until now.
I've also had trouble sleeping the last few days, which may or may not be related to the fact that I feel miserable because I'm 21 years old and working part-time in retail while living with my dad after failing out of college. All in all, this day has sucked tremendously. It's understandable that I want to cry. And yet, because of the years of occupational therapy that I went to to learn how to "control" my emotions (among other things), I'm unable to. I cannot express my emotions in real life because "emotions are bad, mmkay?" according to the conditioning that I received as a child in school. Basically, I'm emotionally crippled and find it almost impossible to express myself truly in front of people unless my inhibitions are blocked, whether through comfort with a situation or being in an altered state of mind.
Were I able to express my emotions the way I'd like to express them in this moment, I believe that management here would finally understand that the amount of pressure that's been put on at least me is too much. That could go one of two ways. Either they realize that the pressure is on more than just me and that they need to get more people to help out back here, or they think that I'm unable to work this job and they give me less hours, or fire me outright. Chances are likely that it would end up being the second one, and I'm financially dependent on this job. If they do fire me, or make me quit, or whatever, it's unlikely I'll be able to find any other job anywhere except possibly at my dad's machine shop, and I a) wouldn't be making nearly as much money there as I make here and b) really really really don't want my dad to be my boss. Basically, I'm in an absolutely terrible position, and most of it can be boiled down to my mother refusing to accept that I have ADHD. So thanks Mom.
Anyway, I need to get back to work, and also find my manager so I can ask her what the fuck I should do.
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surviving-guilt · 8 years
Checks and Balances
Many are keen on accepting the notion that the abused carry the abusers. This is what we call a revolving door.
They would also argue that the indifference of man is just as evil as evil men are by their actions.
If your friend texts you they’re going to kill someone and 10 minutes later does it, are you evil for not stopping them? Most people would say no.
If you and your friend are in a room with someone else, and they tell you they’re about to shoot the other person and 10 seconds later they do, are you evil for not stopping them? A little more wishy washy, but most people would tell you there was nothing you could do.
What if you were in the car with them, they parked in front of an ex’s house, and told you they were going to run them over the moment they walk out of the house? The ex opens the door, your friend whips around the block to gain speed and momentum, it takes about a minute and a half to make it around the block, you see the ex walk into the street, you see the impact coming and it happens. Are you evil for not grabbing the wheel at any point? For not texting someone or calling the authorities when it was still being premeditated? For not getting out of the car when you had the chance? The courts would decide if you were an accomplice or not, but would you be evil for your inaction? Whether you tried to talk them out of it or not?  -- If you say yes, why aren’t you equally as evil for the first example with the text? Why not for the second. People act as though “evil” and “immoral” are synonymous, they like to pretend all things are circumstantial, but that is truly a conclusion that people make up within their own minds. I will start my point here by saying on the conversation of “good” vs. “evil” there is no gray, it truly is black and white; it is light vs. darkness, or light vs. the lack there of. 
I say this because “morals” are man-made and vary culturally, therefore, in the grand scheme of mammal existence, morals do not exist. I know this because my dog does not know I’m an asshole for calling women bitches, but it does know if someone or something malicious or evil is present. Quick word of advice -- if your dog is usually nice to most humans and literally hates someone that walks in one day and you don’t know why, take the hint. Your dog will know to run away because of an earth quake or tsunami before you will, and it will know evil and toxic people before you realize it. Trust your dog. Anyhow, no one would argue that walking passed someone drowning a child in a pool or lake and not doing or saying anything makes you a fucked up person, but everyone has this confused fucked up conversation about what if that child was Hitler? Would a strict Catholic, against homosexuality and abortion, still believe in the purity of that fetus if it was born gay? Where are these invisible lines we draw in our heads and when is something gray and not black and white? I ask all these conflicting questions as someone who believes very little in circumstantial exclusions and gray areas. For example, many people recognize “high functioning” people on the Autism spectrum and that have asperger’s as having extraordinary talents despite their “disorder” but would look at someone who is schizophrenic as having a simply negative disorder. I do not. I feel all mental disorder, both naturally occuring and developed through physical or mental trauma, is both an affliction and a potentially powerful adaptation and expansion of mental ability and/or capacity. This is not to say that this is true at face value. I am sociopathic, have bipolar disorder including BPD, seasonal depression on top of Bipolar, PTSD, severe ADHD, and go through bouts of anxiety at different points in my life depending on where I am, it’s a living hell, i know. But surviving it and battling it head-on when it’s easier to run away long enough to learn ways to manage it and cultivate the “positive” symptoms along with the bad ones has left me more capable than I was before these disorders overtook my entire life. I am in no way saying that ALL people with mental disorders are better for having them, not at all actually. At their worst, these disorders are so debilitating that they kill who they afflict, or rob them of the ability to lead a successful functional life, or even form basic human relationships, and these examples are what most of society uses as their basis for their impression of mental illness in general. When you hear the term “sociopath” the images that come to mind may be serial killers, child abusers, animal abusers, or generally evil people, but I’m sure your first thought isn’t “Owner of a Fortune 500 company.” As i’m sure when you hear “Autistic child” you don’t immediately imagine tech geniuses that are the best in data analysts, developing algorithms to make for better technology, or catching hackers and predators by sorting metadata for big companies and the government.  I’m also sure you hear schizophrenia and think that someone should be in a jacket or heavily medicated and a danger to society, but have never thought that you may have met a very high fuctioning schizophrenic who goes untreated and you just think of them as nice and quirky. Someone you may know with dissociation may come off as selfish and forgetful and insensitive or overly sensitive, but I’m sure you wouldn’t think that in the time of complete crisis, they may be the sanest, most calm and rational person in the room capable of leading everyone to safety rather than being in complete panic, now would you? Someone with OCD may come off as an anal, controlling, selfish, narcissistic, and sometimes condescending prick, but they’ll know where the exits in the room are, when someone may trip in front of you due to an untied shoe, exactly how much time until the next bus, etc. Someone suffering from severe anxiety that has learned to manage it may actually know better than you when something is worth freaking out about, because they focus so hard on reasoning and not letting irrational fears and feelings overtake, that when they finally do let themselves freak out, just like my dog hating someone, it IS time to listen and freak out. People often mistake ADHD as the inability to concentrate, but often time the issue is that they are focused on TOO MANY things at once and don’t have the energy to fix any one thing because they’re experiencing more of the world at once than you can fathom without drugs. Most people don’t believe that in any given moment, I can be listening to you speak, have music on, have a completely different song playing in my head, while thinking about the past and wondering about the future on two different trains of thought going in different directions, and texting someone all at the same time while still actively listening and responding to whomever I’m speaking to with no issue. My ADHD is an issue when I have to sit in a quiet room and accomplish one task, too little stimulus is my downfall, not too much. My last example is those with emotional disconnection issues, be it from PTSD, sociopathy, autism, anxiety, or a variety of other potential factors. They may find it hard to care, like, and especially love, and may come off as “cold” and incapable of sympathy, empathy, or tenderness beyond simple introductory kindness, but believe me when I tell you that when they DO care, when they DO love, when they do form a bond, no one you ever meet will care more, love harder, and try with everything inside them than they will. Saying “I love you” less DOES make it more valuable when it is said. 
So with all this said, when is the last time you had an argument with yourself? Who won? Did that seem like a stupid question? You see, people think that symptoms of disorders are exclusive to those WITH disorders, but you see people every day who exhibit the same behaviors as people like me. How many times have you caught yourself purposely not stepping on cracks in the sidewalk? Do you think your have OCD for that? Do you get sad and not want to go outside or leave your bed when there’s bad weather? Do you think you suffer from major depression for that? Does a similar sound, smell, or image that reminds you of an old bad memory make you cringe or feel bad? Do you think you have PTSD for that? More than often, the case is no with all these questions, but you exhibit symptoms without having the rest. So if someone with bipolar disorder learns how to manage their bad symptoms, but allows themselves to exhibit the more practical or useful symptoms, such as high energy and drive during a manic phase, are they not using their disorder as a beneficial tool or way to get ahead without suffering fully from the full negative symptoms of the disorder? Is this wrong? Or an unnatural leg up? Is it wrong to exploit a disorder for a benefit? You may think it’s circumstantial, but I simply do not. One can take advantage of manic symptoms to simply gain, such as being able to go to school, go to work, hang out, party, have the confidence to get with someone and do school work all in one day with little sleep, yes. But what if someone was just coming out of their major depressive episode, finals are coming up, work is at it’s busiest, their friends need them for help through a tough time, and they’re having personal issues at home? Is tapping into the manic energy, drive, and full-on go mode to not collapse under the pressure they’re undergoing considered taking advantage? I would think not. Now let’s revisit our more extreme examples from the beginning. Someone has a dissociative personality disorder, or “split personalities”, they are both you and your friend in the example about killing someone. Part of them fears the other part doing something they consider evil such as murder, does the part that doesn’t reach out or do something about it get the same judgement the part that carries out the act does? Is not stopping a death  you can evil? Yes. But what if your reason is because there is so much stigma against the mentally ill that the absolute fear of being attacked, detained, misunderstood, or not listened to is what causes your silence? If you tell someone you get institutionalized and labeled a danger, if you don’t you commit the act and are looked at as evil over ill, and you can’t just walk faster past it because both people are inside you. This is the torment that leads us to kill ourselves out of fear for not stopping ourselves from the pain we can cause because we’re afraid to reach out for help. But now, what if one personality is a sociopath and the other is human as can be, and just anxious? What if that sociopath is smart and instinctual enough to catch on to the fact that someone is evil, maybe about to go runover their girlfriend and kill her? It wants to do the right thing because the other personality cares about morals and it sees evil. The sociopath recognizes evil, and realizes he can’t reach out for help because he’s labeled as mentally ill, therefore not credible and “damaged” so he decided to drown the person who is going to kill his ex. You, a neurotypical person, walk past him drowning the would be murderer, and choose to keep walking. Putting all morals to the side, who was evil?  The stigmas we have towards the mentally ill not only cause them to suffer directly, but it blinds us to the great potential those who have mental illness have and how they can do such greater things in society BECAUSE of their disorder, and we shut them out instead of letting them in out of fear for what they may do, instead of letting them in out of excitement for what they may do. That same person struggling with an inner sociopathic personality may be a huge asset to law enforcement, but won’t be allowed to be because they would fail a psych eval.  The point of this post is that if we were more supportive of those with mental disorders CULTIVATING and managing their symptoms to their benefit, rather than suppressing ALL symptoms with stigmas, shame, and medication, we could be a lot further along on our progress as a society instead of muting the great minds that could better us all. We create the serial killers and “psychopaths” of the world by forcing them to have to run away from themselves based on the potential of the damage they can do rather than the potential of the great they can do with self discipline, self awareness, and joined management with professionals that can give them the tools to use their disorders for good rather than suppress what makes them who they are. For some, we are not defined by our disorders, but in some cases we ARE our disorders, and suppressing that makes us less human than you think we are with them. Abusing us makes us the abusers when we give up on trying to get help, and for many the ones we abuse are ourselves to dangerous and even fatal extents.
The biggest thing I want to stress is not looking at someone with connection issues or sociopathic tendencies as a serial killer or societal reject, because when we learn to put our resentment for not feeling things the same as others aside, we rely on our instinct and we’re much closer to recognizing evil the way your dog does than you are, and our trouble grasping “moral” vs “immoral” doesn’t mean we can’t teach ourselves right and wrong if you let us try to learn more about ourselves other than “YOU’RE BAD.” All of this is food for thought, and me realizing what I wish I did years ago, I’m not as bad as I think I am, and I’m not as bad as I can be, and most importantly, not letting myself be as bad as I can be makes me good. It is okay that the only opinion of me I care about it my own, because it is me that has to learn how to live as me, manage me, and control myself for better or worse. Not accepting help is okay, taking a step back and saying “i need this time to figure me out” is okay, and warning people that you’re afraid of not responding well in certain situations or doing something others would find wrong is okay if you recognize something and say or do something about it.
It is okay to be ill and not suppress yourself if you learn to cultivate the good. I am not handicapped, in fact, I’m one of the most capable people I know. Self improvement is not selfish. I may never love myself, but I can appreciate the good parts in all the bad, and that’s huge. FUCK YOUR STIGMA, BE YOUR OWN BIGGEST FAN AND CRITIC, AND BE WHAT YOU GOTTA BE EVEN IF ITS IMMORAL AS LONG AS ITS GOOD.
Congrats if you read this.  
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martin9395 · 5 years
Best Dual Diagnosis Treatment California
Addiction has usually been the incorrect aspect of a coin. It has been observed most of the ladies ingesting high percent of alcohol and drug leads to other co-occurring problems also including PTSD, ADHD, anxiety or melancholy. Consequently, this weakens her self belief, self recognize and determination. This is the purpose why it turns into so tough to recover from the addiction.
 Women's twin prognosis remedy middle in Orange County has 23 years of enjoy in treating dependancy and alcoholism. They are nicely privy to those results and feature designed a Dual Diagnosis Program for girls requiring help with emotional and psychiatric problems. They offer specialised character and group therapy for the concerning troubles along with remedy for chemical dependency.
 The remedy program consists of effective and personalized counseling from notably skilled counselors, constantly tracking the progress as well as making coordination with our clients and their families. It is understood that such customers wishes proper care and complete remark. The specialised team of workers allows consumer in this areas of trauma resolution, submit-worrying pressure ailment (PTSD), tension or depression. Every girl is regularly reviewed by using an entire crew of medical body of workers. As it's far discovered that a lady's progress is first-rate decided while a multidisciplinary group technique is used. In any case if she desires any help, she is noted the best man or woman or institution counselors for therapy sessions.
 Do You Need Dual Diagnosis Treatment?
 Have you been struggling to acquire a life this is freed from the want to use and abuse alcohol or different substances however discover that it is simply too difficult to do by myself? Do emotional problems or temper problems lead you to use which will assist alleviate emotional pain or to assist cope with recollections, urges, or different issues? If so, then you may find that dual analysis remedy from a fine addiction remedy center is the ideal answer for you. With those packages, the focal point is placed now not just on your dependancy, however on the underlying emotional and psychiatric issues that contribute to or exacerbate it.
 Dual analysis applications can be especially effective for lots human beings. Research indicates that a high percentage of individuals who are addicted to alcohol, pills, and other substances first began using as a reaction to emotional pain or trauma. By receiving treatment for the psychiatric and emotional causes of dependence as well as detox and treatment to help prevent chemical dependence, a patient has a much better threat of creating a a hit recovery and of being capable of live a life with out the need to apply substances to help manage mind and emotions Los Angeles.
 Whenever you input right into a fine twin diagnosis drug rehab program, you may find that you may receive a vast spectrum of assistance with all of your troubles so you can honestly work on getting your existence back below your very own manage. The help crew members at an authorized drug rehab treatment center are highly experienced and a great majority of their crew participants have advanced levels as well as years of enjoy. They typically offer 24 hour support and assist so that you can are searching for the assistance you want to get commenced on a better path. They will let you paintings on physical and psychiatric problems and help you cope with social troubles that can have arisen out of your conditions.
 A Guide to Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center
 A dual prognosis treatment middle even though offers remedy for numerous varieties of intellectual issues, focuses in particular on treating individuals who are recognized as having it.
 What Is Dual Diagnosis?
 When a person is tormented by a substance abuse hassle simultaneously with some other mental sickness, he's said to have dual diagnosis treatment Los Angeles.
 Substance abuse, as most of the people are aware of, is the dependancy to pills, which include cocaine, heroin, and marijuana. It isn't always uncommon that mental fitness problems, together with melancholy, tension, or bipolar disease, increase in human beings who've emerge as addicted to pills and different stimulating chemicals. It can happen the other manner round as well. The human beings affected by mental issues lodge to pills as a manner to find peace. Either way, it's far a deadly combination - substance abuse and mental issues.
 Methods Of Medical Intervention
 It has been now familiar that it calls for a specialised remedy regime. Treatment for intellectual ailment or rehabilitation from drug abuse on my own does not assist in such cases. A dual prognosis treatment center provides specialised care and medicinal drug for such cases.
 Such centers have evolved a comprehensive remedy regime that makes a speciality of both sides of the trouble. The first and most important step inside the remedy is to benefit the self belief of the patients. Most sufferers laid low with this trouble are in a country of bewilderment and denial. They do not apprehend the need to undergo treatment. The mission in the front of health care professionals in a dual prognosis remedy center is to make the patients aware about the want for treatment. Once that is completed, the relaxation comes clearly.
 Other Features
 A dual diagnostic center gives remedy for other mental disorders as properly. For example, such centers offer detox and rehabilitation for substance abuse sufferers. Similarly, a dual diagnosis treatment Los Angeles gives medical intervention for intellectual problems, including melancholy, eating issues, sexual dependancy, and bipolar ailment.
 Things to Know About Dual Diagnosis Treatment
 Dual diagnosis is a situation whilst one suffers from a intellectual infection as well as a substance abuse trouble. It is likewise referred to as co-taking place problems (COD). It is a double whammy for intellectual patients who are also drug abuse victims. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), half of the mental illness sufferers also suffer from substance abuse sickness. That approach a incredible eight.9 million American adults suffer from the COD. Ironically, simplest 7.4 percent people acquire treatment for each the situations.
 The records additionally advocate that substance abuse and intellectual condition pass hand in hand. So, twin prognosis remedy is important. However, the path main to twin analysis is also strewn with a whole lot of demanding situations because drug abuse itself induces several psychiatric issues in a person. So, it becomes tough to distinguish between a pre-existing intellectual infection and the only brought on by means of substance abuse.
 If somebody is treated for a drug abuse problem however the underlying mental situation that would have precipitated the abuse of medication is left untreated, then a relapse is inevitable. No surprise we see such a lot of relapses in rehab facilities that depart human beings pissed off or even greater dissatisfied. The failure to diagnose the hidden intellectual infection resulting in in addition delay of treatment would most effective become worse the circumstance.
 However, with this one may be unfastened from the shackles of any mental situation and progress unexpectedly towards sobriety. The respite would best come from an true treatment middle similar to the dual analysis treatment Los Angeles, that are doing a splendid work in diagnosing and treating dual prognosis sufferers.
 In dual diagnosis it is merely the case of "which came first, the chook or the egg?" It is frequently tough to ascertain what came first, the substance abuse or the mental disorder. People lodge to alcohol and capsules to beat back depression and intellectual anxiety. But on the opposite they only exacerbate the circumstance and trigger the onset of a vicious cycle for the victim. In one of these scenario it's miles often determined that:
 Alcohol and drug abuse may boom an underlying risk of intellectual problems in a person
Alcohol and drug abuse can get worse symptoms of a intellectual fitness problem in a patient
Hence, self-medicating with the help of alcohol and tablets for any mental condition can by no means be the solution for the affected character Los Angeles.
 The intellectual health issues that maximum normally co-occur with substance abuse are melancholy, tension issues, and bipolar ailment.
 The treatment of this problem is regularly hard due to the fact there is denial on a part of the affected person. For each - drug abuse hassle and mental illness - the affected human beings do not receive that they have got an trouble and try and avoid as a ways as possible. But these problems do not heal or get better on its personal. You ought to be proactive and pick treatment over indolence to absolutely overcome a drug abuse and intellectual disorder Los Angeles.
 The twin prognosis remedy is pretty superior and considered a number of the great within the U.S. Initiate discussions immediately and take a look at in to a treatment middle of your preference. The Florida Dual Diagnosis Helpline is right here to make certain that the ones in search of remedy for co-taking place disorders get the assist they need.
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Brave words: a photographic project is helping people with mental health issues express how they truly feel
New Post has been published on https://cialiscom.org/brave-words-a-photographic-project-is-helping-people-with-mental-health-issues-express-how-they-truly-feel.html
Brave words: a photographic project is helping people with mental health issues express how they truly feel
The thing about mental illness,” says journalist Bryony Gordon, “is that it doesn’t want to be on the outside. It wants to be in your self and it wants you alone, isolated, thinking you’re a freak. That’s how it thrives. It does not want you to talk about it being there.”
Charlie Clift, the co-creator of Let’s Talk, a photography campaign designed to shake up preconceptions about mental illness, knows the feeling. “I had to take a year out at university because of depression,” he says. He was one of the lucky ones. “I could talk to my parents and to my tutors and friends.” Clift took up photography during that lost year. He’d go up to strangers on the street, chat, take their portraits. Fast forward a decade and he’s now putting his photographs on the street, except this time his 17 sitters, who include Alastair Campbell, Sue Perkins, Anna Richardson, Jordan Stephens and Bryony Gordon, have their experiences of mental illness written on their faces. The effect is powerful, poetic, startling.
“I wanted to find a way within visual images of not hiding people’s thoughts,” says Clift, who collaborated with illustrator Kate Forrester in a dynamic creative practice that saw interviewees divulging their inner demons. Forrester transferred their most salient words on to her human canvases and then Clift took their portrait. “Painting on someone’s face is a very intimate act,” says Forrester, “made more so by the sensitive content. But the creation of these images was a surprisingly joyful experience.
“It was humbling that these people had agreed to be so open with us,” she says, “about such difficult and personal aspects of their daily struggles, putting themselves out there to reassure others that they are not alone.”
Not by any stretch of the imagination. Every week, one in six adults experiences symptoms of mental illness, such as anxiety and depression, according to the 2014 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey. One in five adults has considered suicide and nearly half of adults believe that they have experienced mental illness in their lifetime, with only a third of them receiving a diagnosis.
This is unsurprising, given the stigma attached to mental illness in our achievement-driven, externally focused culture. Vulnerability dares not show its face; it is safer to project sanitised versions of ourselves. Clift hopes his 2m-high portraits emblazoned with “oblivion,” “innately sad” and “you have to put on a face” may assure others that our whole – but fractured – selves are acceptable.
“If you suffer with anxiety or a panic disorder it doesn’t mean you can’t also be strong, fun or capable,” says comedian and writer Sue Perkins. For her, having “everything raging” drawn on her face was “very liberating. This is just another part of me – a very human part. There is a fear in us not to disclose problems because we will be perceived as weak. I know I am not weak. We are all a work in progress.” Imagine what it would be like if we wrote our darkest thoughts on our faces, Perkins adds, and bumped into our neighbours. “It would be like: I can’t believe you get anxious, too. I had no idea.”
When Alastair Campbell left Clift’s studio, he kept his make-up on. “My cab driver asked me about it. I then did my whole boxing session with it still on.” Steve Wallington went for a break during the shoot. “A man walked past,” says Clift, “and said: ‘What’s on your face?’ ‘My most difficult thoughts,’ Steve said, and this guy just opened up, about how he’d lost his wife, about being a father, and how hard it was, as a man, to find people to talk to.”
Bryony Gordon
Author and journalist
I have OCD and am in recovery from addiction, but untreated, mental illness snowballs into a million other mental illnesses. I feel like my brain is wired wrong; it doesn’t want the best for me. Left to my own devices, my brain would like me dead. When I am feeling “wrong”, it’s like I am the wrong person, doing the wrong things, feeling the wrong things. I don’t fit. I’m not wired right. So I have to be vigilant. I felt very naked having my words on my face. It felt very uncomfortable. But it’s a wonderful way of taking the shame and fear out of mental illness.
Nathaniel Cole
Freelance researcher
‘I like to write down what I’m feeling when I’m struggling’: Nathaniel Cole. Photograph: Charlie Clift. Lettering artist: Kate Forrester
With depression, it’s knowing that you should be going out to work, or even doing something simple like taking a walk, but you can’t face any of that. It’s like a monster that holds you back. If I’m having a difficult moment, I let my friends and partner know. I like to write down what I’m feeling when I’m struggling.
Oli Regan
‘Volunteering for a year with Mind made life worth living’: Oli Regan. Photograph: Charlie Clift. Lettering artist: Kate Forrester
I grew up as an only child – or “lonely child” as an eight-year-old me would say – and often felt left out. When I hit 17, I knew things weren’t right. I began taking drugs and drinking excessively. Sometimes the people with the most pain hide behind the biggest smile. I got diagnosed with bipolar, anxiety and severe ADHD at the ripe old age of 25, after years of no help. Volunteering for a year with Mind made life worth living. I’m helping people I don’t personally know every day, which is really humbling.
Sue Perkins
Comedian and broadcaster
‘I read those words as if they were a stranger’s’: Sue Perkins. Photograph: Charlie Clift. Lettering artist: Kate Forrester
I have a panic disorder kick-started by a benign brain tumour called a prolactinoma. Before medication, I’d feel like my eyes were being pushed out of my head. The pressure was intense, as if everything was about to explode. I felt as if someone had pointed a gun at my head and was about to kill me; that’s how extreme the fear was. I got used to the feeling. I just kept on going. I still get panic attacks, but they are less frequent. Having my face painted was profound. I read those words as if they were a stranger’s, and found myself thinking, “I must help you.” How awful that we don’t make time for self-care. East of Croydon by Sue Perkins (Michael Joseph) is published on 18 October at £20
Steve Harris
Disabled activist
‘Part of my mind assumes terrible things are imminent’: Steve Harris. Photograph: Charlie Clift. Lettering artist: Kate Forrester
I suffer with anxiety and depression. The anxiety can feel like I am constantly howling at myself in my mind – part of my mind assumes terrible things are imminent. The depression can be a relief as it’s the opposite of caring so much, it’s total numbness. When I first realised the extent to which I struggle with mental health , I went through denial and anger. With a lot of education, therapy and support, I’m learning that this stuff is part of being me and that while I can be ashamed of feeling weak, nobody else judges me as harshly as I judge myself.
Jordan Stephens
Rapper in Rizzle Kicks
‘I want to be part of a movement that creates a language to describe how someone is feeling from day to day’: Jordan Stephens. Photograph: Charlie Clift. Lettering artist: Kate Forrester
Running through custard, that’s how a bad day feels. I’ve got ADHD, but my main issue is self-sabotage and taking anger out on myself. I find harmony terrifying, though I am at a point in my life where I am very calm. A bad day is like having dirt on your glasses and you haven’t got the energy to clean them. It’s like I am another person, who doesn’t want to do anything, to write, eat, exercise. Wearing my heart on my face wasn’t unusual for me. I am quite open. I want to be part of a mental health movement that creates a language to describe how someone is feeling from day to day.
Lucy Allen
‘My advice is talk talk talk’: Lucy Allen. Photograph: Charlie Clift. Lettering artist: Kate Forrester
When I’m in a bad episode of depression or a bad life event, I feel the deepest sadness that I just can’t place. It runs right through my body. I feel a lot of shame and embarrassment when I’m low, like it’s not valid. I also see everything through a tinge of darkness. My advice is talk talk talk. Find a therapist, keep trying different ones until you find the right one for you. Don’t be put off. Celebrate the small successes – getting up or leaving the house are major victories sometimes. Be with nature.
Emily Hartridge
YouTube presenter
‘For me, exercise has been a game changer’: Emily Hartridge. Photograph: Charlie Clift. Lettering artist: Kate Forrester
My anxiety was severe and although I don’t like labels, if I was to label myself I’d say I had GAD [generalised anxiety disorder]. So that means you have a general feeling of anxiety all the time. You feel hot, you can’t sit still, your mind is racing. Well, imagine all those feelings every second of every minute of every day… and there you have anxiety. For me, exercise has been a game changer. I do boxing and yoga and have found them to be so helpful because for that one hour you are disconnected from the outside world.
Alastair Campbell
Political aide and author
‘I have bouts of creativity when I come out of my depression’: Alastair Campbell. Photograph: Charlie Clift. Lettering artist: Kate Forrester
On a really bad day – and it’s far from every day – I think, “I don’t really want to be here.” I feel sad, but with an intensity that goes beyond feeling sad. I feel both dead and alive. I am conscious of being alive, awake, breathing, needing to eat – but inside I am numb. The pain is almost physical. It’s not all bad – my resilience comes from my depression. It’s helped me withstand a lot of pressure, from social media or wherever, and now I care about what matters and care little about what doesn’t. I have bouts of creativity when I come out of my depression.
A free outdoor exhibition of Let’s Talk will be on display from 8-22 October in Regent’s Place, London, thanks to the support of British Land and Mental Health UK. If you are affected by any these issues or need help, call the Samaritans on 116 123
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martin9395 · 5 years
Best Dual Diagnosis Treatment California
Addiction has usually been the incorrect aspect of a coin. It has been observed most of the ladies ingesting high percent of alcohol and drug leads to other co-occurring problems also including PTSD, ADHD, anxiety or melancholy. Consequently, this weakens her self belief, self recognize and determination. This is the purpose why it turns into so tough to recover from the addiction.
 Women's twin prognosis remedy middle in Orange County has 23 years of enjoy in treating dependancy and alcoholism. They are nicely privy to those results and feature designed a Dual Diagnosis Program for girls requiring help with emotional and psychiatric problems. They offer specialised character and group therapy for the concerning troubles along with remedy for chemical dependency.
 The remedy program consists of effective and personalized counseling from notably skilled counselors, constantly tracking the progress as well as making coordination with our clients and their families. It is understood that such customers wishes proper care and complete remark. The specialised team of workers allows consumer in this areas of trauma resolution, submit-worrying pressure ailment (PTSD), tension or depression. Every girl is regularly reviewed by using an entire crew of medical body of workers. As it's far discovered that a lady's progress is first-rate decided while a multidisciplinary group technique is used. In any case if she desires any help, she is noted the best man or woman or institution counselors for therapy sessions.
 Do You Need Dual Diagnosis Treatment?
 Have you been struggling to acquire a life this is freed from the want to use and abuse alcohol or different substances however discover that it is simply too difficult to do by myself? Do emotional problems or temper problems lead you to use which will assist alleviate emotional pain or to assist cope with recollections, urges, or different issues? If so, then you may find that dual analysis remedy from a fine addiction remedy center is the ideal answer for you. With those packages, the focal point is placed now not just on your dependancy, however on the underlying emotional and psychiatric issues that contribute to or exacerbate it.
 Dual analysis applications can be especially effective for lots human beings. Research indicates that a high percentage of individuals who are addicted to alcohol, pills, and other substances first began using as a reaction to emotional pain or trauma. By receiving treatment for the psychiatric and emotional causes of dependence as well as detox and treatment to help prevent chemical dependence, a patient has a much better threat of creating a a hit recovery and of being capable of live a life with out the need to apply substances to help manage mind and emotions Los Angeles.
 Whenever you input right into a fine twin diagnosis drug rehab program, you may find that you may receive a vast spectrum of assistance with all of your troubles so you can honestly work on getting your existence back below your very own manage. The help crew members at an authorized drug rehab treatment center are highly experienced and a great majority of their crew participants have advanced levels as well as years of enjoy. They typically offer 24 hour support and assist so that you can are searching for the assistance you want to get commenced on a better path. They will let you paintings on physical and psychiatric problems and help you cope with social troubles that can have arisen out of your conditions.
 A Guide to Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center
 A dual prognosis treatment middle even though offers remedy for numerous varieties of intellectual issues, focuses in particular on treating individuals who are recognized as having it.
 What Is Dual Diagnosis?
 When a person is tormented by a substance abuse hassle simultaneously with some other mental sickness, he's said to have dual diagnosis treatment Los Angeles.
 Substance abuse, as most of the people are aware of, is the dependancy to pills, which include cocaine, heroin, and marijuana. It isn't always uncommon that mental fitness problems, together with melancholy, tension, or bipolar disease, increase in human beings who've emerge as addicted to pills and different stimulating chemicals. It can happen the other manner round as well. The human beings affected by mental issues lodge to pills as a manner to find peace. Either way, it's far a deadly combination - substance abuse and mental issues.
 Methods Of Medical Intervention
 It has been now familiar that it calls for a specialised remedy regime. Treatment for intellectual ailment or rehabilitation from drug abuse on my own does not assist in such cases. A dual prognosis treatment center provides specialised care and medicinal drug for such cases.
 Such centers have evolved a comprehensive remedy regime that makes a speciality of both sides of the trouble. The first and most important step inside the remedy is to benefit the self belief of the patients. Most sufferers laid low with this trouble are in a country of bewilderment and denial. They do not apprehend the need to undergo treatment. The mission in the front of health care professionals in a dual prognosis remedy center is to make the patients aware about the want for treatment. Once that is completed, the relaxation comes clearly.
 Other Features
 A dual diagnostic center gives remedy for other mental disorders as properly. For example, such centers offer detox and rehabilitation for substance abuse sufferers. Similarly, a dual diagnosis treatment Los Angeles gives medical intervention for intellectual problems, including melancholy, eating issues, sexual dependancy, and bipolar ailment.
 Things to Know About Dual Diagnosis Treatment
 Dual diagnosis is a situation whilst one suffers from a intellectual infection as well as a substance abuse trouble. It is likewise referred to as co-taking place problems (COD). It is a double whammy for intellectual patients who are also drug abuse victims. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), half of the mental illness sufferers also suffer from substance abuse sickness. That approach a incredible eight.9 million American adults suffer from the COD. Ironically, simplest 7.4 percent people acquire treatment for each the situations.
 The records additionally advocate that substance abuse and intellectual condition pass hand in hand. So, twin prognosis remedy is important. However, the path main to twin analysis is also strewn with a whole lot of demanding situations because drug abuse itself induces several psychiatric issues in a person. So, it becomes tough to distinguish between a pre-existing intellectual infection and the only brought on by means of substance abuse.
 If somebody is treated for a drug abuse problem however the underlying mental situation that would have precipitated the abuse of medication is left untreated, then a relapse is inevitable. No surprise we see such a lot of relapses in rehab facilities that depart human beings pissed off or even greater dissatisfied. The failure to diagnose the hidden intellectual infection resulting in in addition delay of treatment would most effective become worse the circumstance.
 However, with this one may be unfastened from the shackles of any mental situation and progress unexpectedly towards sobriety. The respite would best come from an true treatment middle similar to the dual analysis treatment Los Angeles, that are doing a splendid work in diagnosing and treating dual prognosis sufferers.
 In dual diagnosis it is merely the case of "which came first, the chook or the egg?" It is frequently tough to ascertain what came first, the substance abuse or the mental disorder. People lodge to alcohol and capsules to beat back depression and intellectual anxiety. But on the opposite they only exacerbate the circumstance and trigger the onset of a vicious cycle for the victim. In one of these scenario it's miles often determined that:
 Alcohol and drug abuse may boom an underlying risk of intellectual problems in a person
Alcohol and drug abuse can get worse symptoms of a intellectual fitness problem in a patient
Hence, self-medicating with the help of alcohol and tablets for any mental condition can by no means be the solution for the affected character Los Angeles.
 The intellectual health issues that maximum normally co-occur with substance abuse are melancholy, tension issues, and bipolar ailment.
 The treatment of this problem is regularly hard due to the fact there is denial on a part of the affected person. For each - drug abuse hassle and mental illness - the affected human beings do not receive that they have got an trouble and try and avoid as a ways as possible. But these problems do not heal or get better on its personal. You ought to be proactive and pick treatment over indolence to absolutely overcome a drug abuse and intellectual disorder Los Angeles.
 The twin prognosis remedy is pretty superior and considered a number of the great within the U.S. Initiate discussions immediately and take a look at in to a treatment middle of your preference. The Florida Dual Diagnosis Helpline is right here to make certain that the ones in search of remedy for co-taking place disorders get the assist they need.
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