#and we butt heads about coping mechanisms when I told him I HAVE coping mechanisms that WORK
anarkhebringer · 9 months
I had a nap earlier and have been thinking about how the end of my therapy session ended earlier, and man. I AM gonna give this guy a run for his money.
I even gave a psychiatrist who thought he was all-knowing a run for his money and he said to my face that if he were to train new arrivals to the mental health scene, he'd use ME as their "test run" of having a patient. He said I made him "want chicken soup for his soul".
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tartigglez · 1 year
Childe 💛 :)
・❥・childe x gn!reader
・❥・childe is, kinda a bitch? idk? i don't like the way i wrote him? uhhh, reader bopped into the fatui, zhongli gets a lil cameo bc why tf not (NO ZHONGCHI, NO.), banter? kinda crack, literally just d a n g e r ??? this is very hard to summarise, mention of injury, also for no apparent reason this feels very similar to this.
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childe x 💛
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the chasm had a horrid air. it was humid, but cold somehow, and you were -for lack of a better term- petrified. 
curse this risk-taking boyfriend of yours, first he’s convincing you, a liyuean, to join the fatui, and now he’s taking you somewhere every person in liyue is told not to go practically from the moment they are born!
“i hate you, seriously” you whispered at him, holding on to his arm for dear life, clinging like a barnacle to one of the boats in the harbour. 
“no you don’t” he giggled, “listen, now that you’re in training, you gotta learn to cope with scary things. besides, i’m right here, y’know nothing that bad can happen with mighty harbinger number eleven by your side!” 
you reach up to his head, as if about to pull him in for a kiss, before your hand travels further than expected to his forehead, landing a flick fair in the middle of it. 
“HEY!” he exclaimed, rubbing over the afflicted area with his fingertips “i need that forehead for my backup modelling career!” 
“modelling career my butt, you can’t sit still for more than three seconds!” you glare at him, and he simply gazed back, an exaggerated pout presenting itself on his lips, looking like a lost puppy.
“don’t make that face at me chil-” he placed his fingertips over your lips, an interruption. his face was suddenly serious, eyebrows furrowed. “did you hear that?” he asked, removing his hand from your face, and you froze in place. he had keen senses, meaning that if he heard something, there was almost definitely something there. 
then you heard it too. a loud, mechanical noise, you thought it might’ve been a ruin guard at first, which would have been easy enough for you to take out, but no. it was something bigger, because the ground began to shake beneath the pair of you. 
“run! go!” he shouted to you, pointing to a passageway the two of you had previously travelled. 
“GO!" he announced, “i’ll find you when i know it’s safe” 
left with no choice, you darted for the passage, hoping he would be following behind. you were scared, so much more scared than when you came in.
after a couple of minutes of running, you found a small concave in the side of the tunnel. you collapsed down to the ground, attempting to catch your breath, damp air filling your lungs, almost more than the fear did. shortly after you heard footsteps, praying to rex lapis it was ajax. 
heavy breathing danced its way into your ears, puffs that could not be mistaken for anyone other than him. he was walking with a moderate pace, eyes searching for you. you gripped onto a rock nearby, pulling yourself to walk back out to the passage, meeting his stumbling figure, now hunched over. he wasn’t visibly injured, just looked tired.
“chi! are you okay?” you asked, placing your hands on his shoulders. he looked up, removing tousled auburn hair out of his eyes. 
“yeah, of course i'm okay!” he smiled brightly, a complete change of expression feigning his exhaustion.
“are you hurt? you crazy idiot! you have no sense of danger!” you searched him up and down for any sign of a scrape or cut as you berated him. “aren’t you afraid?”
“no, of course i’m not scared, but if you are, you can hold my hand” he wiggled his eyebrows at you, giggling.
you grip him by the shoulders once again, “be serious for a minute. did you fight?” you asked, the concern in your voice reaching a peak point. 
“no, i didn’t, but we should get out of here, if you’re really worried” he said, gripping your hand before continuing his route up the tunnel, but you stopped him, stepping in his way you wrap your arms around his waist, and bury your head in his chest.
“don’t do that again, idiot”
“i won’t, m’sorry” 
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taglist: @lioria @celestetalkstoomuch
sfw masterlist
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© tartigglez, 2023. do not copy, translate or repost
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Baby's tum-tum hurts
BTS Sope Sick fic/ Little space
Warning: Sick fic, Hoseok in little space and out of it. Yoongi his boyfriend and caretaker. Past trauma, abuse, and safe little space.
Mention of emeto, abdominal pain, cramping, scat, burping, explicit diarrhea description. Non sexual, non kinky. Abdominal medical and doctor play examination. Medical mentioned. Doctors medical devices, sad baby, bloated belly, gassy, noisy tummy, Hurt-comfort.
Hoseok wakes up early to go to work, Yoongi is having a bath, but Hoseok discovers he doesn't feel good. His stomach hurts a lot, and whenever he feels sick, his coping mechanism is to go into little space.
Yoongi is his boyfriend, and when his boyfriend is in little space, he makes the role as an older brother, who takes care of baby Hobi.
Yoongi knows his boyfriend would slip into his little space mindset when he is tired, overwhelmed, sad, or most common sick.
Hoseok had woken up, as soon as he try to sit in bed, he felt sick all over, his stomach hurt a lot, he felt nauseated, and his abdomen was cramping badly.
He returned to bed, and knowing he had an awesome partner, boyfriend and caretaker, he left himself slip into his little space. Little Hobi felt so sick, he curled in a ball, and began to sob quietly.
Yoongi had went out the shower, and he couldn't find his boyfriend in the kitchen, usually je would be making breakfast for both, or trying to shower as well. He walk to the bed, fearing his boyfriend was sick.
"Baby?" He asked noticing the younger one still in bed.
"Yoonie?" The little one asked, it was a name for Yoongi, when Hobi was in little space head. "Yoon...." The little baby sob.
Yoongi understood his little one was sick, but he didn't knew how severe it was. He needed to call in sick for both, but he couldn't call their work, until he knew what was ailing his baby boy.
"Baby Hobi, what's wrong my little baby?" He asked even softer, he say beside Hobi in bed. The little boy had his arms surrounding his torso. "Tell Hyungie what's wrong...."
"Hyungie....Yoonie... Hobi's tum-tum hults...." The little one said, his voice sad.
"Oh no, again? Baby, come here, Yoonie will take care of it for you, probably you just had something bad for dinner, with a tummy rub and medicine we can solve it. " Yoongi told him patiently, soft and caring. "Come here, sit on Hyungie's legs, here I can rub your small baby tum-tum."
Hobi moved outside the bed, the little one sat on his Hyungie's legs where he felt safe, but when Yoongi was about to touch his abdomen to see the damage, the little poor baby, who was so sick, couldn't even tell his older brother, his tummy was hurting to much.
Baby Hobi felt his belly churning,he could feel a lot of movement, bubbling and pain before it happened. He heard his tummy going Wilde with awful noises.
Yoongi heard the bubbling coming loud and strong from his little one's tummy, and the next thing he knew was his poor baby, was having explosive diarrhea on top of both.
The brown hot gush of liquid came from little Hobi's butt, in seconds both were covered with the little one's diarrhea fluids.
Hobi began to cry hard, the little one kept on sobbing and screaming his lungs, his tummy felt so bad, he couldn't stop from whaling.
Yoongi had to carry him to the bath tube, they shower and bathed, then he cleaned their clothes and bed sheets, he replaced them for other ones, and when they were clean and done, he brought his little one to the bed, Hobi had a diaper, and a pajama with bears,the t-shirt was a children shirt he loved wearing in little space. But his tummy was so bloated the shirt was all stretched out. He had stopped crying at least.
"Yoon Hyungie....Hobi is sorry... tummy ouchie...poo poo came ...sorry..." He said shyly.
"Don't worry baby, is not my little baby's fault. Baby Hobi's poor and sick tum-tum needs medicine. How are you feeling baby? Is it too painful?" Yoongi asked, he smile warmly but he was worrying like crazy. He hate watching his little one in pain, and he was tired from cleaning the diarrhea.
Hobi nod so sad. "Yoonie, Hobi's tum-tum hurts. .." the little one said his little hands on top of his distended tummy. Even though he was sad, even in little space Hobi was always positive and happy, so he had try to smile for his Hyungie who he loved so much. "Tum-tum...roars....gurg....gurg... tummy is angy..."
When Yoongi had bathed his little one, he had noticed how distended was his poor stomach, the baby boy had a canon ball for stomach, a bowling ball on the stomach, or even a pregnant looking abdomen. This concerned him a lot. His baby Hobi was bloated and so swollen. And the poor abdominal surface kept on producing awful sounds.
"Baby Hobi's tum-tum needs to be seen by a doctor. Baby I'll make a tummy doctor appointment again, so you can have that poor sick painful tummy examine again, I'll call your special doctor, he has to listen to this angry tummy. Yes baby?" Yoongi told his little one, he was sitting beside the poor distended boy.
"No Yoonie, pwease no....Hobi don wan to.... Doctors hult... tum-tum.....nooo pwease no..." The small child complain miserable. The poor baby hated his "tummy doctor" his gastroenterologist knew about his little space and treated him like a baby boy. But he hated having his tummy all examine everywhere around and on the inside.
In all that time his poor sick belly haven't stop from doing all those awful sick sounds. Everything was moving inside of his small but distended poor tummy.
"Oh, don't cry baby, Yoonie needs to take his baby to the tummy doctor. Can you hear that baby?" He asked concerned he placed his ear delicate over his baby's poor ballooned stomach.
Hobi nod. "Is Hobi's tum-tum...my tum-tum is noisy....Yoonie.... tum-tum doesn't feels good...." He said, his baby hands pressed against the noisy big abdomen. "Yoonie....is Hobi pwegnant ...? Hobi's tum-tum is so big...." Hobi said excited, he was so curious he was drumming his baby bloated massively distended abdomen like a little drum, using little hands.
Yoongi giggled at his little one curiosity and imagination, Hoseok was always so full or energy, curiosity and excitement even been sick. "No sweetheart, Hobi is just full of air, your tum-tum is so sick, it bloated, so that's why you are so big, little Hobi's tum-tum looks like a balloon." Yoongi kiss the boy in his tiny head and then on the big tummy. "You know why Hobi's tum-tum is so loud baby? Why it has inflated so much? And why it keeps moving so much and hurting?" Yoongi asked to convinced him.
The big tummy gurgling madly, the baby's cheeks turned red. He hated his tum-tum growling.
"tum-tum is sick?" He asked. The baby boy understood Yoongi's point of view.
"Yes my poor baby, little Hobi's tum-tum is so sick, that's why you are having diarrhea too." Yoongi said. Hobi nodded.
"Yoon, Hobi don wanna have tum-tum so sick... tummy ouchie.." .the little one said drumming still his distended abdominal cavity. "Yoonie ... Hobi is afraid....doctor hurts Hobi or tum-tum?"
Yoongi relaxed his baby wasn't crying any longer. He was curious asking. "Want us to play tummy doctor, so you know what your tummy doctor is going to do?" Yoongi Asked having an idea.
Hoseok was excited, he clapped his little handsies. "Yes Yoon Hyun ...Hobi wanna play doctor....."
Yoongi had a medical equipment it was from his cousin who was a doctor, so he placed on the white rob, and using the real stethoscope, he took baby Hobi to other room, where there was an individual bed for guests, and that was just cover with a white sheet to simulate a doctor's examining table.
Yoongi carried his baby, and placed him in the middle of pf the bed. He took a chair next to it. His baby was laughing through the pain, he loved playing doctor.
"Now once we are inside the tummy doctor office, in a bed like this one, the doctor will ask questions. Like this. Little baby Hobi, how is your tummy? Do you have pain? Tummy troubles? Do you have nausea, diarrhea or vomit?"
"I see Yoonie....Yes Doctol Yoons... Hobi tum-tum is so sick....Tum is big... Hults...is noisy....moves a lot....and Hobi did poo poo before...." Hobi the cute boy said playing doctor with his Yoonie Huingie.
"Perfect, that was easy..."
"Is that all?" Hobi asked unsure and excited thinking it was over.
"No my cute baby, my baby boy, next is examining Hobi's poor tummy...."
Hobi was sad again. "Does it hults?"
"No baby, look, as Hobi's poor tummy makes a lot of bad tummy noises, your tummy doctor needs to hear your tummy, he will placed a little device, that is cold but it doesn't hurts, over baby's tum-tum, he will listen all those tummy sounds...." Yoongi explained patiently.
"How Yoonie? Are you also going to listen inside .... Hobi's noisy tum-tum?" The little one asked confused.
"Yes, let's begin, your Doctor will ask you to uncover your pretty stomach. Baby Hobi, can I uncover your tummy to listen inside?" Yoongi asked he placed the stethoscope on, and lifted showing it to Hobi.
"it hurts?"
"No baby, is just cold...." Yoongi said.
His little one nod. And placed his little hands at the sides of his body, so his Yoonie could move his clothes.
He uncovered his little one's horribly distended abdominal surface, his poor baby Hobi's abdomen was so big, it inflated worst, with each breath, the rounded big swollen and protruding stomach, was bursting from how big it had inflated all inside.
Yoongi even had to open his baby's diaper, so he could also hear the most lower belly. The little ones stomach kept on producing horrible abdominal sick noises everywhere and each time he breath.
Hobi was nervous looking how his Hyungie's hands rolled his t-shirt up, he noticed his tummy looked so bad. "Yoonie... tum-tum is so big...is it ugly?" He asked poking his tummy that trembled like jelly.
"No sweetheart, Hobi's tum-tum is the cutest thing, I promise, it's just that, Hobi has a balloon tummy right now, but doctor would also like Hobi's tummy." Yoongi said lying, he felt distress noticing how big his little one's tummy was, all sick and hugely expanded. "Hobi's tummy sounds like a drum or a balloon." he said drumming carefully and soft his baby's poor ballooned stomach it bounced and jumped everywhere. "Doctor will have fun curing your tummy sweetheart."
The child again laugh watching his tummy being drummed in and producing drumming echoes. "Now baby, I'll hear inside, please don't move, and don't talk, Doctor Yoons need silence to listen inside his Hobi." Yoongi took the cold stethoscope that was already warm, and placed it on top of the big abdominal cavity, there he could hear. The turmoil inside his baby boy. He listened everywhere. On his navel, the lower belly, his huge sides, his top belly, and mostly over his bowels.
The little one was curious watching his aching tummy being listen inside with the weird machine. He was quiet and not moving, he felt how the small cold metallic object slides through his balloon stomach. He felt a little shy, he knew his Yoonie Hyungie was listening attentively all those awful noises his tummy did. He felt a little embarrassed.
"Want to hear inside yourself?" Yoongi moved the apparatus to his baby's ears, the small child was excited, big open eyes, gasping in excitement. "Yoonie,.... tum-tum.....noises.....bubbles..... Hobi tum-tum is so mad, is grumpy...."
Baby Hobi have never heard something so awesome he heard bubbling, rumbling, water and bubbles everywhere.
Ones Yoongi finished listening inside his little baby tummy, he continue. "Baby, ones your tummy doctor has finished hearing inside, he needs to touch Hobi's sick and big tum-tum. He will press, touch, poke, prode, and sink his fingers on baby Hobi's tum-tum jelly big surface, like this." Yoongi said explaining everything to his baby sick boy.
"Ow Yoonie, tum-tum hurts.....Does Hobi tummy doc has to listen to my tum-tum? Does he need to touch Hobi in his tum-tum?" The little one said drumming still his stomach.
"Yes, but why baby?" Yoongi said he had stopped palpitations over his poor baby boy's sick and swollen abdominal cavity.
"Tum-tum is big so Hobi is shy ..." The little one admitted feeling shy. "Tum-tum is so noisy..... Tum-tum is so sick....Hobi is embarrassed..... tum-tum so sick, having Tum like this ... Makes Hob nervous..."
"I know baby is uncomfortable but no one expects Hobi to have a healthy Tum baby, Hobi goes to his tummy doctor when he is sick. So doctor would be there expecting us, with you, with the sickest tummy ever. He understands Hobi tummy does noises and is big because baby is sick. In fact Hobi is sensitive in the tummy, so that's why we already have a specialized doctor for your tum sweetheart. He already has listen that cute tummy."
"Okay....Yoonie can we still play doctor before going to real tum-tum doc?" The little one asked.
"Yes my baby.... Then the next step is palpation, doctor would need to feel those organs inside Hobi's tummy so he will press like this everywhere...." Yoongi began to press his baby tummy lightly and feeling each organ inside, moving in circles his hands, all the way from the top, to the lower tummy.
"Ar we done?" Baby asked believing it to be all it was left....
"No my baby, Doctor then needs to drum Hobi's balloony tummy, he needs to drum your cute little drum belly.... It helps doctor asses Hobi's poor tummy condition...."
Hobi was laughing again. "I like...Hyungie ...you drumming my tum-tum..... do it! Pwease play with Hobi's Tum....pwease!" The little one was clapping his hands excitedly.
"Then Hobi, can you breath in, and hold the air inside tum-tum, I want to see that tum-tum-tum getting bigger baby, inflate more that cute balloonie abdomen, all round and cute.....yes like that, hold in like that, come on baby, I know Hobi can do this... Baby boy push the tummy out.....Good boy!"
Hobi was so happy he loved playing with his Hyung, and he loved having the tummy so big, he had began to enjoy having a little balloon shape in his tum-tum. "Hobi is a good boy...." He said pushing even more his noisy and sick huge abdomen......"
Yoongi got even more concerned with the shape it got. It grew so much, and he got even more concerned he had never seen that size on his baby's abdominal distentions over the years.
"Baby close your eyes for me..." Hobi obey, and when he closed his eyes, he took a photograph,he needed his baby's abdomen in display so sick like that to show his baby's tummy special doctor. "Now don't move, Yoonie is going to measure that cute little stomach baby."
Baby Hobi opened his eyes and nod. He was happy watching how his Hyungie measured his belly, placing a tape measure device, under his back and surrounding all his protuberant abdomen.
"New record baby, Hobi's tummy is so big....you can stop pushing now, it must hurt, let me go for something quickly wait here."
Baby nod. Hobi lay there, with his diapers a little open at the waist, and all abdominal in display, he filled the room with his awful abdominal sick noises. He was farting like crazy, but at least he wasn't pooping his diapers yet.
Yoongi had went and called his doctor assistant. Jimin, was Doctor Seokjin's assistant. He ask all the information. Yoongi send the picture,the recording he had take, and the measurements of his little one's abdomen. The doctor said he was so sick, he make a little space to see one of his favorite patient. He said to bring him in after meal time, to see the baby's tummy reactions to his meal, he needed to have a full belly to see if he continue pooping or vomiting.
Yoongi returned to see the room smelled like rotten eggs, and little Hobi was sad. "What's wrong baby? Baby farted? Tummy is so sick right baby?"
Hobi nodded with his cheeks flushed. "Hobi is stinky...." He said and a tear rolled.
"No baby, is just that Hobi tummy is so sick. Tell the doctor your tummy is gassy, he needs to know how bad little Baby's farts smell...." He said rubbing his little one's belly, the big ballooned stomach sagging like jelly.
"Doctor need to know Hobi farts stink?" He asked confused.
"Yes baby, he needs to know, so he can understand why baby's stomach is sick and hurts. Now let's continue, I'll drum your little belly, as the doctor will."
Hobi got happy he clapped his hands. "Yes Hobi loves when Yoonie drums tum-tum..."
Yoongi began to drum more lightly than the doctor would do it. He playful drum his little baby in his cute but sick big tummy. Each time the poor abdominal distended cavity jumped, his belly sagged, trembled and bounced like a real ball. Baby Hobi at first was enjoying the drumming noises, but soon he felt pressure inside.
Yoongi heard how when he drum on the little stomach, the noises came worst, and the tummy bounced to much. He had never seen his baby this sick before.
Each time his hand collided with the naked abdominal sick shape, little Baby Hobi would burp, or fart even more.
"yoonie.... tum-tum jumps! Tum-tum....jumps....* The baby said noticing how his poor belly moved all over the place. "Doctor will make Hobi's tum-tum jump?"
Yoongi smiled warmly to this little one who was curious. "Yes, probably because Hobi's tummy is so big, it bounces, my poor baby has currently a little ball for stomach, you are so gassy baby, do you want to go to the bathroom?"
The little boy denied. "Yoonie ... That's all tum-tum needs?" Hobi asked watching his stomach inflate and deflate still naked, and still rumbling so angry.
"Yes baby, once that is done, Doctor will know hot to cure your little stomach.
The child laughed again at ease even though he had a lot of pain, and he couldn't stop farting rotten eggs.
Yoongi had to open a window without his little one noticing it, the stench spoke of how sick was baby Hobi's poor tummy.
Yoongi had also message Seokjin their doctor, about the gassy belly, the stench, the horrible flatulence episodes his baby was having.
The doctor asked to listen to it, and to the baby's stomach, so Yoongi asked his baby.
"Baby, tummy doctor wants to hear your tummy, how about we call him, so he can see and hear little Hobi's sick tum-tum. He loves having sick bellies to examine, he will love yours ..."
"Really? He loves my tum-tum-tum like this?" The innocent kid asked excited, not knowing it was to hear his farts, and his noisy abdominal noises.
"Yes, baby. Shall we?"
The baby nodded. Yoongi used his computer to video call his Gastroenterologist Seokjin, he placed de laptop on baby's Hobi legs, from there Seokjin could see the child with the most protuberant abdomen he had ever seen the little one with, and also he could hear the most awful noises a stomach ever made, the farting was constantly, and he could listen clearly how the little one's farts wounded wet horrendous, and long. He understood the little one was suffering with an awful pain.
Once th video call ended, Seokjin instructed Yoongi to skip the meal, and to bring inmidiatly the little one to his personal office.
"Baby, doctor was so excited with your cute stomach, he said he wants to examine you now. Lest get ready to go to your Tummy Doctor appointment." Yoongi said sadly.
The baby nodded still bothered with the cramping the abdominal pains, and farting. Yoongi dressed him again closing the diapers, placing on some pants, and a hoodie, then he took extra clothes, diapers, and cleaning supplies. He carry his baby and took him to the hospital.
They already knew the little one, they had been attending him, ever since he first was sick I'm little space, so Hobi felt safe there, no one judge the little baby.
Yoongi went in with his sick baby boy. He placed the kid on the examination table. Seokjin asked Yoongi to undressed him and he did. Hobi was at ease because he already knew that would happen.
Seokjin began to listen to the bays stomach, but when the palpation began, Hobi began to sob so hard. Yoonie had lie to him, his tummy was so sore and big it hurted so much, and Seokjin was trying to press more lightly but still he needed to assess the bloated abdomen.
"Don't cry baby...."
"Yoonie say it won't hurt tum-tum..." The little one whined.
The doctor spend a lot of time palpating the baby's poor stomach. Hobi felt so sad, he wanted to stop, but for some reason the doctor kept pushing inside his tummy.
"Baby, your belly is so sick, it is big, I can't asses you that well. What did Hobi ate to have his stomach this big and sick?" Seokjin asked.
"He ate normally what he would, but yesterday Hoseok went to a party and probably he ate something he should have not." Yoongi explained. His baby was farting so bad the doctor understood finally the stench Yoongi had mentioned, he didn't say anything.
"Had Hobi's stomach being sounding like this?" The doctor asked again.
"Yes, all morning....he had diarrhea." Yoongi said.
When the doctor was trying to drum his belly, the baby sob harder, it hurts his tummy so bad, and he had diarrhea without noticing all the diaper ended up full in his diarrhea fluids.
Yoongi cleaned his baby, and put him a new diaper. The doctor continue examining him.
"That's it?" Yoongi asked ..
Hobi felt so sad, nothing was the way he had expected it to be. Everything was wrong with his tummy doctor appointment. All Yoongi played with him and explained to him was different.
"No, I have never seen him this sick before. I think he has a gastrointestinal strong virus or infection. He needs to stay so we can keep him under strict vigilance. First, I need you to feed Hobi his meal, a light, digestible meal, liquid diet, I'll give you a private room, and there they would take his meal. I need to do other abdominal examination once he is digesting the meal, to see how his tummy reacts to it."
Yoongi nodded, he already knew Hobi needed to be hospitalized. He had appreciated the private hospital room, as not all people understood Hobi when he was in little space, and he didn't want anything to alter, cause more distress or embarrassed his little one.
Hobo felt sad, he understood he needed to stay at hospital so he began to cry.
Once they had been moved to the room, Hobi was placed in the bed, some devices minoring his signs, and an IV connected to his little hand.
He was sobbing quietly, he didn't want to upset Yoonie, his poor Hyungie. His little but bloated stomach hurt so much, and they have him just in his diapers, because of the fever he had.
"Yoon....Hobi....wan to go home....." He said sadly.
"I know baby, but your tummy doctor wants you to eat, so he can examine you again on a full tummy, to see if you are digesting correctly." He explained to his baby, he sat beside the bed and he kept rubbing his tummy. The stomach kept on gurgling angry.
"No Yoonie....No. Hobi need more examinations? Why? Why with tum-tum full?" The little one asked.
"Yes baby. Because he needs to listen again your tummy but working, digesting food, to see if you still have diarrhea or grassy bowels ..." He explained to his baby boy.
"If Hobi has tum-tum examine..... Hobi can go home?" The little one ask again.
"Yes baby."
When the food arrived, Yoongi fees his baby the liquid diet, soups, liquids and more liquids. The baby ate and drank everything, his poor little tummy bloated more, his tummy was worst, the noises it did were unstoppable and unhealthy. His little stomach had became a gurgling burbling pot. He was so swollen, and full of liquids that each time the baby breath, or move, his tummy sloshed all around and inside.
Seokjin returned back to the room, he closed the door, and was shocked to find his little patient more sick than before, the little one's abdomen had grow and double the size. It was even more noisy, and seemingly for the child's tears, also painful.
Seokjin struggled to examine again, each time he placed the stethoscope, the noises would distorted. Then pressing his stomach and palpating it proves to be imposible, ad the little one had a lot of pain and whine each time his massive abdomen was touch. Finally he try to drum his abdomen, it was the most painful, embarrassing and uncomfortable experience for baby Hobi's tum-tum. He felt the pressure, and also saw how his stomach sound worst, all sick, and sloshed each time the doctor hit his tummy making it bounce up and down.
Hobo finally relaxed believing it was over, but for his bad luck and frustration his hospital trip was barely beginning. "His stomach is so big, noisy and sick, I couldn't examine him properly, we will need to do, lab examination, imagery examinations, scans, an ultrasound and probably he will need to spend the night, the virus he has is really strong one .
Hobo cried so hard when Yoongi explained his little one, what was needed. He was so sad and afraid, they drew out his blood, his pee and poop were taken in samples to be examined, and the worst part was, he needed to have his stomach naked under some strange machine that was the x-rays, then his stomach was scanned with a noisy machine, and finally Seokjin ultrasound his tummy, the baby boy had his tummy so big, the ultrasound looks if he was expecting a child, from how huge his poor stomach was.
He spend all the rest pf the afternoon and night, with bad diarrhea, vomits, horrible noisy, bassy, smelly and rotten farts. His gassy belly was producing a lot of air and gas inside so he looked like a balloon the next day.
He cry so much, and Yoongi remained by his side, rubbing his baby boy's tum-tum softly, giving it kisses. Cleaning him from diarrhea or vomit episodes, and trying to make him eat or drink water.
Like that the baby spend other morning and in the afternoon he was finally left to go home. Still with a lot of medicine, with the strongest intestinal viral infection he had ever had. But with sweet Yoongi taking care of him.
The end.
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yup-thats-me · 2 years
No scars to your beautiful || Timothée Chalamet x chubby/plus size!fem!reader
pairing: Timothée Chalamet X chubby/plus size!fem!reader
warnings: there are a lot. Dark themes (?) Body shaming. sorta anorexic. toxic mother/daughter relation. the term 'evil mother'. Low self esteem. Childhood trauma (?) Strict parents. Controlling parents. Mention of cops. Lmk if I missed something
summary: after a dinner with your family made you eat lesser and lesser. Timothée being the protective and supportive boyfriend he is, he has to take the matter in his own hands.
note: okay this maybe called a dark fic. Idk. This is something that happened to me irl. My mom keeps on getting in my nerves. The only coping mechanism I have is to write. it feels much better to just share your story with a stranger in the internet than to tell someone who you physically know. And a fair warning, this is long.
Also, I haven't written for him in a while. Hope you enjoy!
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"How do I look babe?" You asked coming to stand closer to Timothée in front of the full length mirror. He turned to you, a smirk laid across his pink lips. "Mon amour, you look like you're mine," he leaned in to press a kiss against the exposed skin of your neck. You let him have his fun, although you pushed him away when he began to bite down a bit harder.
"What about me?" He smoothed out the front of his red shirt fumbling with the ironed cuff of the silk shirt, a sign he was anxious. You shook your head from side to side, smiling at him. "You're fine. Quit being nervous. You've met them before!" You pulled him for a tight embrace. Timothée melt in your hold instantly.
You both had been invited by your parents for a family dinner. Being the only child, you had to heed their request, much to your dismay. Not that you didn't loved your parents. You did dearly, but there's not a single woman who don't have mixed feeling for their mothers. It was the same for you.
Gathering your belongings, you two stepped out your house to the car parked outside. Timothée smiled as he held open the door for you. Giggling at him, you took your seat. He too his and ignited the engine. In minutes, you were passing all the familiar houses in your neighborhood. Timothée was saying something to you, but you completely drowned out his voice, your mind beginning to replay the childhood memories.
How you'd get in trouble everytime you'd sneak out with your friends, how you'd help your father in the garden and watched as your mother made you food. You had a good childhood expect some real cruel memories where you'd fight with your mom because apparently, you ate too much. She was so conscious about your figure. She would set diet charts do all the things necessary for you to have the 'perfect hourglass figure'. But it wasn't your fault that your body didn't cared how much your mom wanted you to have the perfect figure and grew its way out.
It also wasn't the fact that you hated your body. In fact you were pretty comfortable in your own skin. A great portion of your self esteem was because of Timothée. Everyday, he tells you how beautiful you were. That he loved the strech marks on your waist, how soft and plumpy your cheeks and butt was. He loved every inch of you. You knew he did, but that didn't stopped your mind from playing games with you.
After about thirty minutes you reached your house. The same one you grew up in. You were afraid your mom would say some snarky remarks as she always did. You weren't worried though. You had Timothée to support you.
"Here we are!" He said switching off the engine. He placed a kiss on the back of your hand. "I'm here, y/n." He whispered. He partly knew of your relationship with your mother. Even though you haven't told him all the details, he knew it was hard for you. You smiled at him softly, opening the door of the car.
You laced your hand with his and waited for the door to open. Your mom opened the door, a smile of some sort on her face.
The moment she saw you, her brows furrowed. "Wow y/n, you look fuller." That was the first thing that came to her mind despite the fact of seeing her daughter after about nine months. Your hands instantly squeezed Timothée's. Timmy squeezed your hand in return, the code for, ''Its okay, mon chérie."
You smiled at her awkwardly as he pulled you in for an uncomfortable hug. She stepped aside to let you both in.
Soon, you all were sitting on the dining table. You chatted, catching up on each other's life. Your father had grown the habit of going to the dog shelter down the street to play with the stray dogs. He always loved dogs. Your mom on the other hand was the same. Her scornful nature ever present.
Timothée had always got along with your parents from the very beginning. So, it wasn't an awkward dinner conversation, silence setting in every once in a while when all you focused on the food in your plate. Your mom had made pasta, knowing it was Timmy's favourite.
"Babe, can you pass the bowl please?" You told Timothée refering to the bowl of pasta. He smiled at you, reaching for the said bowl. Before he handed it to you, your mom cleared her throat to get your attention. Looking at her, she slightly shook her head from side to side telling silently you not get anything more than what's on your plate.
You became pale. If it was another person, you wouldn't have given a shit but this was your mother. The very woman who brought you in this world. This was her technique to get you to do anything she wanted you to. She would force a sense of responsibility on you to get the work done.
When Timothée did hand you the bowl, you set it aside. It made Timmy confused, although he kept from saying anything, making a mental note to ask you about it later.
When the dinner was over your mom spoke. "Y/n, you'll help me with the dishes," even if her voice may seem the same to anyone else, you knew better. That was the tone she spoke in when she wanted to talk with you in private. You nodded your head.
"I can help too," Timmy offered cheerfully. Your mom smiled at him. "It won't be necessary dear. You spend time with (y/f/n), me and y/n can handle this."
With that, the four of you dispersed To your respective places. You with your mom in the kitchen, your dad and Tim in the living room couch. It was quite as you wiped the dishes dry. You refrained from starting a conversation with her, knowing all too well it would go downhill in seconds. "You've become fat, Y/n," she began making you scoff
"I mean look at you. You don't even have a thigh gap."
Her words were hurtful. She intentionally said them to pierce the skin. You could have talked back but that wasn't the way you were brought up. Growing up, if was a rule in the household that you can't talk back to your parent let that be your mom or dad. If you did, you were sure to have a hard time.
You kept quite once again. "Girl you better listen when I tell you Timothée will leave you if you get any bigger. Eat less." Ahm. She striked your weakness. She knew how much you loved Timothée and the thought of him leaving you for anyone else, made you sick to the core.
Her words did what they were intended to do.
Timothée came in view twenty minutes after. By then, all the dishes were done. "Ready to leave, y/n?" He questioned. "Yeah..." You drifted.
Your abstract answer made Timmy aware that something was wrong. He'd aske you when you'll be in the car.
You bid your parents goodbye and left the house. In the car, Timothée checked on you multiple time, asking what was wrong. You gave the lame excuse of having a headache. Clearly, Timothée wasn't having any of the bullshit. He knew you like the back of his hand, regardless he shut up once he got the sign that you didn't wanted to tell him what was wrong.it was alright with him if that meant you'd be happy.
It had been a week since the dinner took place. From then on, you'd skip dinner and lunch everyday. Your mom's words replaying in your head that there was a possibility that Timothée may leave you for someone better looking than you, granting he's a movie star and you're just...you.
Timothée noticed your change. How you'd wake up late to avoid breakfast and you'd also engage yourself in something to keep you from eating lunch. You'd only eat dinner and even that was just a bowl of cereal.
If your routine went on this way, you'd be sick. You knew that too but couldn't risk loosing Timmy. You Timmy.
Timothée decided to confront you. "Mon amour. I know something's wrong. Tell me what it is so I can help you!" You kept avoiding eye contact with him, trying to find a good enough reason to make him belive. "I'm on my period," you blurt out.
Lie. That was a straight up lie. You knew it was lie. Timothée knew it was a lie as well.
He loved you so much that Tim had a period tracking app in his phone to keep him informed about your cycles. And it wasn't till the end of the month.
He went silent. "I have some errands to run. I'll be back in an hour," he announced grabbing the car keys form the table.
"Be safe."
He began to drive down the familiar road to your house. In half an hour, he reached his destination. Pressing the doorbell, he waited for someone to answer. Your mom answered the door. "Oh Timothée! What a pleasant surprise!" She pulled him for a hug.
"Thank you Mrs. L/n. May I have a word with you?" Your mom nodded, stepping asid to let him in.
"Want something dear?" Your mom offered him.
"No thank you. Can you please spare a minute. I need to talk to you. It's urgent." He said in a hurry. It seemed that your father was in the dog shelter he talked about. That didn't bothered Tim. You and your thought was all on his mind.
"What is it dear?" Your mom took a seat in the couch opposite of his.
Timothée breathed in deeply. "What did you tell Y/n that night?"
Your mom leaned back, an eye-roll following her action. "Huh. I told her what she needed to hear." Her tone was nonchalant, almost as if she didn't wanted to think of you even.
Timothée was getting frustrated with her but was forced to keep his composure entirely because the woman in front of him was his lovely girlfriend's mother. "No. I need to know what you told her. Tell me exactly what you said to her." His voice was commanding.
Your mom sighed. "I told her she gotten fat. And that you'll leave her because of her figure. Surely there are more beautiful women than her."
Timothée couldn't belive what he was hearing. The woman was shaming her won daughter. How can she be that way? It was beyond his comprehension.
"With respect, Mrs. L/n. How can you's say that I'd leave her? I'd rather die than be with someone else who isn't y/n!" He was on his feet now, his anger seeping through his usually calm features.
Your mom got up from her seat. "Don't you lie Timothée. I know you. You stars always want your partners to have the perfect shape. I only told y/n the truth."
Timothée greeted his teeth, his words harsh and sharp. "You don't know me then Mrs. L/n. You don't even know your daughter."
They fell quite. The air thick between them. Usually when a boyfriend would talk to his girlfriend's mother, it would be for him to have her daughter. And the girl would have to defend her boyfriend. This was the total opposite. He had to be his chérie's knight in shining armour and defend her from her supposedly evil mother.
After sometime, Timothée spoke again. This time calmly. "Mrs. L/n. Ma'am, you have the upmost respect from me but if anything, anything at all happens to y/n, the love of my life, I'd be forced to report you to the cops."
Your mom froze in her spot. Timothée shook his head at her and left the house leaving Mrs. L/n speechless.
On his way back he mad a stoppage at the grocery store and brought all things necessary to prepare your favourite meal.
When he got home, he found you asleep on the couch. He smiled picking you bridal style and tucked you to bed while he went downstairs to make dinner.
You woke up to delicious smell of (y/f/f). Opening your eyes, you saw Timothée standing beside your bed with a bowl/plate of (y/f/f).
Before you had the chance to say anything, Tim spoke first. "If you turn this delicious, mouth watering (y/f/f) down, the tickle monster would have to come for you," he smirked as your eyes widened.
He sat down on the bad and began to feed you. "Y/n remember. I love you and only you. No matter your caste, creed, colour, shape of any of those societal bullshit. You're perfect the way you are," he finished talking, tucking a stray strand of hair out of the way.
He would do anything to prove that each word he said, was and forever will be true.
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anyoneseenadam · 3 years
Hi! Could you do an azriel x reader where they have a huge argument but it ends with fluff? Thank you!
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pairing: azriel x reader (acotar)
warnings: mentions of self harm and suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, shouting, swearing and a butt ton of angst but with some fluff at end
a/n: this is kinda self indulgent because i’m vvv depressed rn and for some reason angst rlly makes me feel better so i hope u enjoy!! pls comment it rlly means the world <3
You knew Azriel was stressed. His hands clenched, lips red from excessive chewing, his gaze stormy and sharp words hurting anyone that pried to deep. You knew you should leave him alone and let him finish whatever he needed to do, but it had been a week and while you had noticed he was stressed, he seemed oblivious to your pain.
You had woken up a week ago with a heavy head, your entire body weighing you down, making everything seem too loud and too bright. The first day you had laid in bed all day, barely eating and when Azriel found you hours later he simply presumed you had just taken an early night.
But you couldn’t sleep.
A few days later you were practically withering away. You had barely eaten in days; you couldn’t sleep, and you missed your mate horribly. Every part of you ached as you dragged yourself into the shower, desperate to scrub away the layer of dirt you could feel on your skin. You stood under the scalding water, hands moving on their own accord to wash your skin, your head moving a million miles an hour as your eyes itched from the hot tears that were mixing with the even hotter water.
You leaned a hand against the counter when you got out, your legs shaky and weak from the lack of food you had consumed, you considered just getting back into bed, but you knew you needed help. You had gotten like this before and it always ended in some form of unhealthy coping mechanism, but you had promised Azriel you wouldn’t do that again so you instead you pulled your clothes on again, not bothering to dry your hair and dragged your feet to the kitchen.
When you didn’t find him there you frowned but went about making yourself some toast to quell the nausea brewing in your stomach. With your food you padded through your house but couldn’t find him anywhere, feeling more hot tears spill as you realised he was out.
You knew his job was hard, but your heart ached as you realised he truly hadn’t noticed the change. You sent a pulse down the bond as you sank to the floor in tears, your head heavy and heart numb. You didn’t get any reply, so you tried sending another one, to no avail, almost as if he were waving away your cries for help.
You cried for about fifteen minutes, before standing and going back through to your room, sitting on your bed, and staring at a blemish in the floor as you fiddled with the toy you had kept since you were young. You felt guilty for the thoughts running through your head, never wanting to make Azriel alone but feeling so lost in your own head that all you wanted to do was die, to feel the lightness you vaguely remembered enjoying as a child. You were standing to move to your bathroom, itching for your razor when you heard the front door open, relief flooding through you that he was finally home.
You walked out the room, fiddling with the sleeves of your oversized hoodie as you went to meet him. He was standing in the kitchen, shoulders tight and your heart panged at the sight of him, stressed and tired. You considered turning and leaving him but remembered that he told you to always come to him when your head was being cruel, so you shuffled forward, wrapping your arms around his back, and pressing your face between his shoulder blades, breathing easier as you inhaled him, your heart feeling some form of peace at last.
But he shrugged you off, moving away from you and you felt white hot dread fill you.
“Not right now (y/n), I’m busy.” His voice was cold as he made himself a cup of coffee, not offering you one as he usually would.
“I- I know I just haven’t seen you in a while.” You fought to keep your voice steady, but he didn’t seem to notice or care about the breaks. You felt your breathing getting deeper and your hands were tingling as the panic rose in you.
“That’s because my jobs fucking important!” he shouted and you flinched, tears swarming in your eyes as you wiped your sweating hands on your hoodie, stepping to him.
“But you said I should come to you if-“ he cut you off by slamming his hands down, shoulder hunched and glare furious as he shouted at you.
“Will you just fuck off! I have important shit going on.” You stopped where you were standing as he picked up his mug, storming out the room and slamming the door to his office behind him.
Tears spilled out of your eyes and you stumbled as you sat down, legs and hands going numb as you hyperventilated, the panic attack hitting you full force as you sobbed into your hands, trying to muffle the sounds so you wouldn’t bother Azriel anymore than you already had. You counted your breaths as you dug your nails into your palm, trying to calm yourself down and thankfully, slowly your breathing began to return to normal as you wiped at your eyes.
Of course he didn’t care. No one else does, you don’t deserve him, and you should be thankful that you have someone so good to you. Half your brain was arguing in his favour as the other half protested, but he hurt you, you can’t let him in again, this is what happens when people get to close.
Your head kept arguing with itself as you pulled yourself upright, walking through to your room and climbing under the covers of your bed, crying yourself to sleep, head pounding and somehow heavier than before.
You woke up to an empty bed and pounding headache. You dragged yourself out from under the covers and went to receive a glass of water and some painkillers, finding Azriel in the kitchen.
He smiled softly at you when you came in, but you averted your gaze, going to the sink and filling a large glass.
“Would you like a coffee?” he asked, his hand coming to your hip, but you shook your head, pulling out of his grip and clearing your throat as a weighted silence filled the room. “I’m sorry I shouted at you,” he muttered, desperate to get you to look at him again, but you just turned away, muttering a small “it’s okay,” under your breath and leaving.
You walked back to your room and sat down on the bed as you sipped your water and taking two painkillers. Azriel followed you in soon after, guilt gnawing at his insides and he stood quietly and watched as you pulled the jumper you were wearing over your head, pulling on a clean one.
He inhaled sharply as he saw the change in your body, moving closer to you.
“Have you been eating?” he asked, and you closed your eyes, facing away from him and staying silent as you no longer trusted your voice or temper. “Baby, you have to eat.” While he said it in a pleading manner, your brain heard it as angry, thousands of comments pertaining to how worthless you were springing to the forefront of your mind.
“It’s kinda hard to eat when you want to die.” You snapped and Azriel felt a pang go through his heart.
“(y/n). You promised me you would come to me if you felt that way,” he was frustrated, hating himself for getting annoyed at you but angry that you were ignoring him.
You laughed bitterly and you went to the bathroom, scrubbing the old makeup of your face, “I did. Or at least tried to,”
You stormed past him, pulling on a pair of joggers before moving to leave the house, but Azriel caught your arm.
“You haven’t done anything stupid have you?” he asked, worry and guilt filling him as your eyes filled with tears, finally looking at him enough that he could see the dark circles surrounding your hollow eyes, your skin dull and lacking its usual dewy finish.
“Why do you care.” You pulled your arm from his grip, stepping back and creating space between the two of you.
“Because you’re my mate and I need to know that you’re okay.” He tried to move closer again, but you stepped back so he stopped.
“Your mate huh? Then why haven’t I seen you in a fucking week, even though we fucking live together! Why are you only just noticing that I’m struggling!?” each word hit him like a blow and only his decades of training stopped him from bursting into tears, falling to his knees and begging your forgiveness.
“I was struggling so much, I couldn’t leave my bed, I wasn’t eating, I wanted to kill myself and as soon as I tried to reach out for help you shut me down.” You head was bowed, tears flowing freely as you sobbed into your hand.
He stepped closer his arms wrapping around you as you sobbed into his chest, “I’m sorry baby, I’m so, so sorry,” he kissed your head, his heart cracking at your next muffled words.
“You only care now because you feel bad. I don’t need your sympathy.”
“No baby, I’m sorry. I care so much I was just tired and stressed last night and I know that’s not an excuse, but you have to know how much I care about you. I love you so much and I need you to be okay.” He tightened his arms around you, bringing the two of you to kneel on the floor.
“I’m not okay Az,” you muttered, and his chest tightened as he stroked your back, allowing you to cry for as long as you needed.
“I know baby, but it’s okay. We’ll get through this, together.” He kissed your forehead lightly and you tilted your head to look at him, eyes wide and glassy with tears. He kissed one of the tears that was slowly trailing down your face away and you sniffed, before he kissed you lightly. He picked you up and carried you over to the bed, the two of you lying down together, tucked safely into his arms as he whispered sweet nothings and apologies to you as you fell asleep. Tears drying on their own.
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nctsjiho · 3 years
King of Hearts
warnings: none
era: July 2021
❀ Lucas decides it’s time to take JiHo out for her first date
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Leaned over the kitchen counter, rolling an orange from hand to hand, JiHo was deeply invested in the conversation she was having with her manager. Not Yebin, but her Esteem manager she was currently living with. The poor piece of fruit had suffered bruises from the few times the young girl had dropped it or tossed it too hard, but JiHo paid no mind as she listened to Sihyun – the manager – talk about the latest gossip in the model and acting industry. Yes, JiHo had the ‘privilege’, or whatever you wanted to call it, to get the insider-scoop about that industry before stuff got public, if it ever went public anyway.
Mid-conversation the two women heard the keypad of their front door beep, indicating that someone was trying to get inside. Usually this would concern the residents, definitely because they were the only ones living in the apartment, but Sihyun knew. She knew JiHo had practically given the password to their house to all her groupmates.
And even though Sihyun wasn’t initially comfortable with 23 men being able to walk inside her house at any given moment, she quickly came to terms with it when all the boys had been nothing but respectful of her privacy and 99% of the time would announce their arrival. The only times they did not announce it was during the early afternoon hours when they knew JiHo would be home alone, or on the occasional moment they would just forget. This time seemed like one of those moments.
“Hello princess!” A loud voice boomed through the apartment from the small corridor. Sihyun who stood on the other side of the counter had a clear visual of the surprise visitor and smiled watching his goofy stance. JiHo however didn’t need to take a look at him to know who the visitor was. “Took you long enough, how many days have you been in Korea already? And you hadn’t visited.” JiHo continued to play with the abused piece of fruit earning a scowl from Sihyun – she knew the girl wasn’t going to eat that orange afterwards and it would be headed straight for the bin.
Soon enough two long, strong arms slithered around the girl’s waist. “I’m sorry, but I’m here now.” JiHo felt her bar stool turn – it wasn’t even a swivel chair – until she was met with a bright smile. She couldn’t help herself but smile back, yet her smile quickly turned into a confused frown when she saw the bag in Lucas’ outstretched hand. “What’s this? A house warming gift? You know it’s a little late for that now.” Lucas just smiled as he shook his head. “We’re going on a date! Now go change.” He pushed the bag into JiHo’s lap.
The girl’s confused expression quickly turned into one of shock, while Sihyun just tried to contain her excited shrieks behind her hands. The 26 year old woman felt like she was watching some sort of K-drama and no one would blame her, since Lucas looked like a handsome main-lead with his hair styled back and wearing a nice pair of jeans along with a crisp looking white button up. Oh how Sihyun wished she could get him to agree to work under Esteem, but he was already successful enough getting modelling jobs without having to look for any. Every clothing brand and fashion magazine in Korea and China had their eyes on him already. Esteem had nothing more to offer to him.
“A date?” The boy – man might be a more appropriate title for him – nodded his head wildly, messing his hair up a bit in the meantime. “Why?” “Because I heard you’ve had a stressful time these past months and so I want you to relax. Plus! I missed you and I want to hang out.” JiHo’s face softened at the confession, but she couldn’t help but feel the nerves flutter in her stomach. “But we can hang out inside and just order some food or something-“ The feigned disappointed shake of Lucas’ head cut JiHo off mid-sentence. “Chenle told me you’ve been playing Valorant every day after your schedules, practise and recordings. It’s time for you to get your butt outside.” Before JiHo could protest a sigh from behind the kitchen counter caught their attention.
Sihyun’s eyes widened as she saw the two young idols look at her, but she quickly regained her composure. “I agree with Lucas. You seriously need to leave this house more.” “I have been! I literally went skateboarding all the time with Yangyang this month.” JiHo defended, yet Lucas faked a cough to grab her attention. “What?” “I’ve heard you haven’t went since that last time when you invited He-“ “Okay! I’ll get dressed, I’ll be back in a few minutes.” JiHo pushed herself of the chair and ran towards her room. Lucas and Sihyun both just smiled knowingly before engaging in a conversation together.
Dresses weren’t completely foreign territory for JiHo, she had worn a handful now for work and she was well aware that her taste in fashion had changed over the past few months. She now wasn’t completely opposed to wearing a dress casually, even though this had not yet happened so far. However, as she looked at the dress she felt her hands get a bit sweaty.
It wasn’t that the dress was ugly, or too revealing. Not at all. It was just that JiHo actually really liked it, she didn’t know how to react. Slipping the yellow fabric over her head, she noticed how the dress fit like a glove, as if it was made for her. It was a silly thought, but somehow JiHo felt like she was having her princess moment right now – which was fitting because this was all thanks to Lucas who liked to call her princess. For once JiHo felt super feminine in a comfortable way and she wouldn’t like to admit it, but she really loved the feeling.
JiHo quickly put on one of the necklaces Lucas had bought her months, maybe even years ago, did her makeup in record time – well the makeup really only consisted of mascara and a lip tint – and made sure her hair looked acceptable to go out. Once finished she walked back to Lucas who was still talking to Sihyun.
“Oh you look so cute!” Sihyun almost squealed causing JiHo to roll her eyes. “I’m ready to go.” The young girl said to catch Lucas attention. He turned his body so he could see JiHo standing beside him. It took a few seconds before Lucas could form the right words to say, taken aback by how different JiHo looked right then. “Wow~ You look even prettier right now.”
The bright smile and breathy words coming from Lucas didn’t fail to make JiHo flustered. She’d already gotten used to Lucas calling her ‘pretty’ and ‘beautiful’ a lot of times and she knew that he meant it every time, but right now the words just seemed to register differently and catch her off guard.
An open hand “harshly” made contact with Lucas’ arm to which he winced. “Let’s just go.” JiHo mumbled going to the corridor where her shoes and bags were located.
Lucas couldn’t stop himself from helping to choose a bag and a pair of shoes for JiHo which he thought would fit best with her outfit. “Where are we even going?” She asked curiously after slipping on a pair of low, cream, sandal-like heels. “It’s a surprise, but we’re definitely getting some food as well and we won’t have to walk too much. So don’t worry.” He teased, but JiHo couldn’t help but smile. “You know me too well.”
To say that JiHo needed this “date” was an understatement; with how she was beaming and laughing nonstop, Lucas could’ve sworn that if JiHo was locked up in her apartment one more day she would’ve completely lost it. He could visibly see how the tension in JiHo’s muscles melted away. The twinkle her eyes held looked so innocent and childlike, as if she was experiencing things for the first time. And as the duo now sat across each other at a table in one of the nicest rooftop restaurants in the area, Lucas couldn’t move his gaze from the everlasting smile on JiHo’s face boosting his pride.
“I didn’t know there was a butterfly garden in Seoul.” JiHo deeply exhaled, thinking back at how beautiful all the butterflies looked up close. “Did you like it?” Lucas asked, awaiting a positive answer. When JiHo’s eyes widened, Lucas started to get slightly worried, but the girl’s passionate answer quickly eased his nerves. “What do you think? I loved it! Every part. The butterfly garden, the café, and now this restaurant.” She then shoved the piece of steak that was on her fork into her mouth, not waiting until she had swallowed it she continued, “I think this is the best food I’ve ever eaten.”
A low chuckle left Lucas’ lips as he watched JiHo chew and swallow the rest of her food. “I should take you out more often then.” He smiled, mostly to himself, but JiHo perked up at his words. “Hm? Why?” Lucas looked up to meet JiHo’s eyes. “I mean, today was great, so yeah I’d definitely wouldn’t mind doing this again. But why would you want to?” “Because I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile this beautifully before.”
At his words JiHo couldn’t help but blush, the comment completely catching her of guard. She wondered how after those years of compliments Lucas managed to make her blush like that, but somehow, today, Lucas had found a way so that any- and everything he said or did would make her feel like a young teenage girl going on a date with her crush.
“You always try to be so professional and even if you have fun and play around sometimes, it’s like you’re always on your toes. Seeing you let go and genuinely be happy, being able to forget about your worries, it looks absolutely stunning on you JiHo.” JiHo looked down at her now empty plate before mumbling, “Did China turn you into a cheesy heartthrob or what’s up with you?” It was barely a question and definitely a coping mechanism – JiHo didn’t know how to react to Lucas sincerity – but Lucas was all for it, laughing at how adorable JiHo looked.
“What? Are you falling in love with me princess?” JiHo looked up with a gasp. “Don’t call me that in public! If someone hears you and recognises us, dating rumours are definitely going to spread and SM won’t be happy.” JiHo scolded, but Lucas could only laugh. She was clearly just trying to avoid the question because she was already very aware that Lucas rented out the whole rooftop for the two of them, no one would be able to hear them. And even if she did forget, with just one glance it would’ve been obvious it was only the two of them there, besides the 2 waiters who were enjoying their own conversation at the bar.
Once the duo had finished their dinner and after they continued talking for about 2 hours afterwards, they headed back to JiHo’s apartment. Luckily all the boys’ dorms weren’t too far away from the apartment, so Lucas wasn’t rushing to get her home or to leave after she arrived safely.
“You really didn’t have to walk all the way up here. You’re acting like we’re in some teenage chick flick.” JiHo smiled as she pushed in the code into her door’s keylock. With that Lucas leaned against the wall next to her – in the most cliché way – while sending her a smile of his own. “Do you not like it?” The keylock dinged at the correct input and JiHo began to push open the door with one hand, the other hand pushing at Lucas’ chest. “Careful or I’ll tell Yuta oppa about this and I don’t think he’d be too happy.” For a second Lucas smile faded as he felt the tiniest bit of fear arise at the though of his hyung’s possible reaction, but his smile returned just as quickly. “I’m sure he won’t after he sees all the pretty pictures I took of you today.”
Again JiHo felt her cheeks flare up just the slightest, but this time purely out of embarrassment. “Don’t show those pictures to anyone.” “But you looked pretty today. And it’s not as if the boys haven’t see you wearing a dress before.” JiHo just shook her head and sent him a warning glare. “But I don’t mind being the only one who’s allowed to see you look this pretty- Ouch! What was that for?” The boy held his arm where he just got pinched.  “For being annoying.”
A pout formed on Lucas’ lips but it quickly got wiped away once JiHo pulled him into a quick hug, making sure the front door didn’t fall back into the lock with her foot keeping it open. “Thanks for today. Thanks for being my prince and taking me out on my first date.” Normally JiHo would cringe at her own words, but somehow every ounce of shame was thrown out of the window now that she was around Lucas. “It really was your first date huh?” He smirked, cocking one brow. “Yeah yeah, now don’t go ‘bragging’ about it to the others, okay?” However Lucas just smirked again as he began making his way to the elevator. “No promises princess!” JiHo hushed him, but he was already inside the elevator, doors closing behind him. “Oh God, Doyoung, Yuta and Kun are all going to kill him.” She mumbled to herself walking into her apartment.
Just as the door closed behind her she heard her phone vibrate. And then vibrate again. Until it just became one constant buzz. Looking at her phone she saw the notifications of the NCT group chat along with the words ‘Lucas and JiHo’ as well as ‘date’ and ‘princess’. Shaking her head in disbelief and deciding to ignore the messages until tomorrow, JiHo mumbled to herself again. “At least if I don’t get to him and kill him first.”
Side Note: The only reason that this writing is called ‘King of Hearts’ is for me to tell you that you should listen to that song. Winwin’s vocals 👌 Yangyang’s last verse 👌 Hendery during that live performance of this song in Bangkok (he’s so hot and talented, please stan him)👌 How this song was literally made for Lucas 👌 Yes I’ve listened to it 10+ times on repeat one day and I’d gladly do it again!
Also someone tell me to stop posting every other day, why am I doing this to myself also me feeling writing/creative withdrawal when I don’t post😅 
Have a nice day/evening/night loves 🤍💚🤍
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buckysboobs · 3 years
Damaged Finds Damaged
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chapter 1
warnings: none
There was tension building up in the room, with alarmed eyes and nervous smiles being exchanged. Damon was stood towards the back, arms crossed, the flames lighting up in the fireplace casting yellowish hues over the side of his face.
"No." he stated, hinting at it being the end of the conversation.
"What do you mean 'no'? Bonnie's still stuck there with some guy who tried to kill you guys and apparently sucks the magic out of people, we can't just leave her there!" Jeremy stood up to make a move towards the older Salvatore.
Stefan held him back, "That won't be necessary. We'll find a way."
"This doesn't feel right guys," Elena cried, shaking her head. "We need to get her out of there, who knows what kind of a person Kai is, what if he kills her before we can—"
"Quick to judge people, are we?" Sarah, (who had always been on the receiving side of the gang's poor judgement) decided to butt in, raising an eyebrow at her. She glanced at Damon. "From the sounds of it, he had many opportunities to kill you and Bonnie when you two were stuck in that prison but he didn't, so I think she'll be fine. She's smart. And if he's been all alone, he wouldn't want to lose the only company he has."
"Stubborn ol' Sarah coming to the rescue with her condescending remarks." Damon commented, gulping down a glass of Bourbon. "We don't need advice from a hybrid."
"Oh really?" Sarah snapped, getting up from the couch and turning to the door. "Well in that case i'll just take myself and my advice somewhere else-"
Stefan blinked tiredly and looked at Elena for help. They'd be luckier if they had Sarah as an ally rather than an enemy.
"Sarah please!" Elena called out.
The hybrid stopped, chuckled and went back to her seat on the couch, but not before throwing Damon a dirty look, receiving an eye roll in return.
"So what is this Gemini Coven thing? It can help us, right?" Jeremy asked hopefully, awaiting answers. Before Damon could open his mouth, Stefan spoke up, exasperated.
"It's nothing, guys. It does not exist. I searched all over Portland for it but all I came across was empty land."
"Let's try again, then." said Sarah.
"It's not that simple." Stefan replied.
"Guys—" Elena tried to interfere. Jeremy looked back at forth along with the conversation when Damon decided to speak up.
"Yes it is." He said. "Now that Elena mentioned it, I don't want to leave Bon-Bon with that maniac." Damon was the kind of person who would do anything against what Sarah had to say because he's petty, and he doesn't like her that much. If Sarah thought Bonnie will be fine, he believed she'll be the opposite. He pointed at Sarah, "You, me, Stefan and Alaric. We're going to Portland."
"Where we'll find nothing." Stefan sighed.
"Don't be so negative, Stefan." Elena said, tucking her hair behind her ear.
They found nothing.
They walked into the empty, green land, Damon's hopeful eyes turning slightly hopeless again as Sarah walked past him and gazed across the ground.
"Like I said 3000 miles ago, it's not here." Stefan said, walking right up to her. "Can we go home now, please."
Damon dropped the bag he was carrying and Alaric spoke up, "You know what, check the GPS again. Just because we don't see anything doesn't mean it does not exist."
Damon's coping mechanism was sarcasm, which is why he tried to tease Stefan to ease the tension.
"Not unlike Caroline's feelings for Stefan." he said.
Sarah, who had been quiet for the majority of the time they spent together, snorted at his comment.
Stefan sighed, done with those remarks. "Hilarious, keep 'em coming."
Damon pulled out Miss Cuddles and did a passable imitation of a high pitched voice, wringing the teddy's stuffed arms. "Oh no, is Stefan feeling sensitive for ruining his friendship with Caroline?"
Stefan glared at him as he continued, "She really liked him and he broke her heart."
Sarah was thinking when she heard Alaric add "See, Stefan? Even the bear knew."
She held back a chuckle when Damon went on in his squeaky voice, "I saw that coming from a mile away and my brain is made of cotton—"
A thought crossed her mind "Guys I think something's—"
"Gimme that." Stefan snapped at the same time, grabbing the Miss Cuddles from him and kicking it hard. It flew across the sky and before they knew it, there was a house right before them.
"—cloaked." Sarah finished, shrugging as she looked back at them. "Well atleast we're not going back empty handed."
Damon happily skipped past her and stood on the porch as he picked up the teddy bear. "Miss Cuddles, one. Invisible creepy mansion, zero."
Alaric, Stefan and Sarah exchanged shocked glances and made their way towards the door.
"Did Miss Cuddles just help us reveal something that I missed?" Stefan asked, looking down at the teddy bear in Damon's possession.
Sarah clicks her tongue, "I should have known." When they responded with a puzzled expression, she gestured towards the teddy again, "She sent this back with her magic in it."
"Wait, Jo did tell me something about how she stored away her magic in some object." Alaric mused, snatching Miss Cuddles from Damon.
"But why would she send it back?" Stefan wondered.
Damon looked at them with a grim expression, "To prevent Kai from getting out."
"Damn. He must be really brutal, huh." Sarah commented, trying to get past the door when she was blocked by an invisible barrier.
"We gotta be invited in." Damon said, banging his hand against the barrier. "Which means the owner of this house is still alive."
Sarah looked at Alaric, "Looks like it's your time to shine."
With a sigh, Alaric walked in.
"Jo lived here." He stated, passing them a couple of photographs and newspaper articles. "We have baby pictures, pictures of Jo as a kid, as a teenager.." Alaric shuffled through them one by one with trembling hands.
"Hold on a second." Damon jumped in all of a sudden, "Rewind." He grabbed a photograph from the pile and held it in front of them, "This is Kai from planet 1994."
It was a picture of the said boy and Jo together wearing red christmas sweaters, their faces beaming at the camera.
"He's cute." Sarah commented, earning an eye roll from Damon.
"Does this mean Jo is Kai's sister?" Stefan asked, and Alaric examined the rest of the photographs, looking for more evidence.
"Either that or they both have a thing for Cosby sweaters." Damon replied.
They heard a voice call out "Didn't realize I had guests."
They all turned back to see a skinny man with grey hair and stubble walking towards them. "You've met Kai?"
Damon's mouth twisted, "Met him? Watched him die. Watched him come back to life. Why, you know him?"
The man looked at them one by one, his gaze on Sarah lingering longer. He chuckled, "He's my son."
He extended his hand out, "I'm Joshua Parker."
Damon shook his hand without a moment of hesitation. "Damon Salvatore."
Joshua nodded, "Invisique."
"What the hell just happened?" Damon heard Stefan cry, and he turned around to see his companions shuffling around.
"What's up with you guys?"
"They can't see you anymore, Damon." Joshua said and Damon gave him a questioning look, "Which means they also can't see this."
Next thing Damon knew, he had earned himself an aneurysm and was crying out in pain before things went black.
Around half an hour passed by and they still couldn't see another sign of the house. Stefan was on the call with Elena and Alaric was questioning Jo about Kai. Sarah was listening to both their conversations with vamp hearing.
From what she had gathered, Elena was trying to tell some random guy that she was a vampire, and Alaric was asking Jo about the ascendant which she actually had with her all along. Her dad was a coven leader who couldn't let Kai out no matter what, and was willing to 'retaliate' if things went south. Her evil twin is a murderer who killed almost his whole family, and was stuck in the prison world 1994 as punishment. They really had travelled 3000 miles for nothing, and Damon's life was probably in danger. Which she didn't worry about much, if she was honest.
She jumped slightly when she heard Jo let out a yelp, followed by a few thumps and bangs. Alaric asked what was going on, worry striking his voice. Stefan and Sarah both walked up to him.
"Jo? Jo what's going on?!"
Next thing they heard was Elena's voice on the other side of the phone, "It's her dad, he—he's trying to kill her!"
"What do we do?!" Alaric said, "How do we stop him?"
"We can't see the house and i'm not invited in," Stefan added, "Jo invite us in—"
"Come in! Come in!" She cried in pain, followed by more coughs. She sounded like she was choking.
"We still can't see the house!" Sarah said. Elena carried the message and she heard Jo's throaty voice respond, "Ask them if they see an old tree stump in the yard!"
It was right there and they ran towards it, shuffling through the pile of dried leaves before Alaric pulled out a knife.
"What's this?" Sarah wondered.
"This is probably Jo's version of Miss Cuddles." Alaric replied.
Stefan grabbed it and shot it right across the empty land, where it stabbed into the wooden porch pillar.
Next thing they know, Stefan was saving Damon from the grasp of Mr. Joshua Parker who thought it was incredibly normal to vanish into thin air.
"I did not sign up for this."
"So Papa Kai just tried scrambling my brain like an egg and you three are looking like someone shoved a stick up your ass?" Damon said, walking towards the car. "I did not get undressed at the airport for this."
"Jo had the ascendant all along." Stefan told him.
"It was 5 minutes away from home. And we travelled 3000 miles. How fun." Sarah wailed, walking up behind them. "This was so useless."
"Stop complaining." Damon said, rolling his eyes at her again.
Jesus Christ, she thought. "You were literally complaining 30 seconds ago."
"Stop fighting, you two." Alaric jumped in, "Now there is obviously no way we're getting the ascendant or letting her brother out—"
"We could just kill him if he escapes!" Damon argued.
"No, Damon." Alaric snapped, "I'm not letting another maniac kill my girlfriend."
"Girlfriend? You've been on like, 3 dates—"
"Shut up, Damon." Sarah and Stefan said in unison.
Damon however, didn't listen and decided to compel Alaric into stealing the ascendant.
"It's gonna come bite you in the ass." Sarah had told him, and he had flipped her off. Stefan had let him go with a disappointed shake of his head and that thing he did where his lips squeezed into a thin line to portray his disapproval.
Little did they know Kai was already out.
some of you really liked the prologue so here's the first chapter! please let me know if you like it heheheh.
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dat-carovieh · 3 years
Got some interpretation on Hank’s character that got prompted by some discussion on Discord about the stickers on Hank’s work desk. They all seem to somehow send a message about some boomer guy who is racist about androids, hates his ex-wife, is in general a grumpy asshole who is a prick to everyone. But is he really and if not, how do you explain the stickers?
So, let’s first have a look at who Hank interacts with throughout the game to see if he really is a grumpy prick like the stickers suggest. We will get to the stickers later. I will not include Connor for now, because I think that has been talked about a lot also this post is already a novel. But let’s talk about side characters.
We have of course his co-workers. Most memorable is probably Gavin. He clearly doesn’t like Gavin and Gavin clearly doesn’t like him. Gavin is pretty shitty to Hank, despite Hank being his superior. So I think Hank calling Gavin an asshole and not being friendly with him makes sense. How about other co-workers, we don’t see a lot. I can only think of Ben and Chris. They seem to be respecting each other. In Partners Hank arrives, gets greeted by Ben, has a polite conversation about what happened, Ben teases him a little, Hank does not get rude about it, maybe a bit grumpy, but well he’s annoyed about his new partner. He than walks around the crime scene and asks questions. When he talks, he is polite to the person he talks to. He talks to Chris in public enemy (Please excuse if I forget instances, I have played the game a couple of times, but my brain isn’t perfect) He enters, he makes a joke, in my opinion it’s funny and in no way rude, he’s annoyed with the FBI, yeah but I think that’s normal. He asks Chris questions, listens to him, polite conversation, they seem to clearly respect each other and have a good and professional relationship. Later Hank is clearly really affected by what happened to Chris, no matter if he got killed or not.
Jeffrey is a little harder. They do yell at each other, it’s not really pretty, there are clearly issues between them. They go way back and I can imagine they butt heads a lot because Jeffrey is disappointed in Hank for letting himself go and giving in to his depression and alcoholism. I can imagine he had tried to help Hank and he resisted a lot, Hank seems like the type. So there is a lot of tension that comes out between them.
I mentioned the FBI earlier, so clearly, we have to talk about Perkins, THAT MOTHER FUCKER. Yeah, I hate him, he’s an asshole, Hank thinks the same. But honestly Perkins was super rude from the beginning. Chris introduced them and instead of a “Hello” or whatever his first words were “What is that” about Connor. Yeah, fuck off Perkins. Hank has actually been really polite with him there, if you take in the circumstances.
Let’s move to the Eden Club. Who does he interact here? Ben, briefly, polite professional, he calls Gavin an asshole, when he’s not there, he doesn’t really say anything to Gavin when they’re in the same room, despite Gavin being a little shit again. Eden Club owner? He’s polite as he questions him, he does mention that he likes his dog more and more the more he learns about humans, which honestly, if you look at why he says that, understandable. Then the Traci, this is easily missed, I only saw it on my fourth playthrough, he is trying to gently let her down and it’s incredibly adorable. The guy who supposedly absolutely hates Androids and thinks they’re just machines tries to not hurt this android sexworker’s feelings even though he believes she doesn’t even have feelings.
We see a little bit of his private life at Chicken Feed where he meets Pedro, a guy who apparently gives him questionable betting advice and last time Hank apparently lost quite a bit of money with Pedro’s advice. But he’s not mad. He mentions it but he is quickly convinced to bet again and he’s in general super friendly to Pedro. Gary, the guy who owns Chicken Feed, him and Hank also seem to have a good relationship. Someone who wouldn’t want to interact with humans and who is annoyed by them (like me sometimes) wouldn’t actually built a connection to the guy you buy your food from. I’m talking from personal experience here. Yes, I’m always friendly to service workers I interact with but I don’t really say more than greeting, thanking, wishing a good day and anything important for whatever I’m buying. Hank clearly knows him better and talks to him. Jimmy is less clear but the way he says to him “Wonders of technology, make it double” it seems like they know each other, they chat on occasion. And I think that extends to other Service workers. He would be friendly at the grocery store when something doesn’t work out r at the restaurant when getting the wrong dish. You know like millennials are, because he is a millennial.
That we go to Kamski. I’m not sure why he seems nervous while talking to Chloe because I’m pretty sure with all his experience he doesn’t get nervous in front of a pretty woman, that seems like it would be really bad for the job. I don’t know what’s with this, maybe cause she’s an android and he’s not sure how to interact with her? But he is very polite to her, greets her and asks for Kamski. Despite her being an android, he supposedly hates. He is less polite to Kamski, but he’s a little shit, who honestly is wilfully withholding information from the police, which is a crime, but he’s rich so I guess he gets away with it.
 So, what about the Stickers than? Let’s have a look at the Stickers and see what we have.
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I’m just gonna list what we see there, so you don’t have to get through my grainy screenshots and also, it’s accessible for screenreaders.
We have three categories, let’s start with anti Android: -“We don’t bleed the same color” -a blue triangle, crossed out, underneath it says: “No more androids”
That’s it, only two, we know he doesn’t like androids but like mentioned before he is still really polite to them, well his relationship with Connor is starting bumpy and based on player choices might get bumpier. But what is it, he hates? He doesn't like androids in their non-deviated state because of what humans want them to be, he hates that humans basically built human shaped slaves. And honestly, I kinda get it. Connor shoots the Tracis? Hank likes Connor less. Hank shoots Chloe, Hank is mad. Connor spares them? Hank tells him he did the right thing. Connor asked him why he didn’t want him to chase Kara across the highway and the first thing he says is “You could have died” before he remembers he’s supposed to hate androids. Yes, he gives positive feedback when Connor shoots the kitchen android but he was actively threatening all of their lifes.
Next, we have a sticker mentioning an ex-wife, only one. It says: “If I wanted to be ignored I’d talk to my ex-wife” There is something else there but it’s blocked by another sticker.
Seems like classical boomer humour “Haha I hate my ex-wife” or it’s ironic. There is no other instance of an ex-wife being mentioned. For all we know, he might have never been married. Hell he might be gay. Cole might have been adopted. The sticker might be ironic. Or he got it from somewhere and just sticked it on or he did it very shortly after the breakup when he was pretty mad.
Third are the grumpy ones. We have more from them. -“If you’re not a bartender, go away!” twice -“How is my driving? Call: 1-555-IDONTCARE” twice -I’m not grumpy. I just don’t like you.” -“Warning, to avoid injury, don’t tell me how to do my job” -“If you have a complaint, please do to hell.” -“Happy people make me sick”
This screams edgy millennial to me. Also the fact he has stickers twice seems like he just got them somewhere and slapped them on because he found them funny. He didn’t buy them specifically.
The bartender ones? Don’t we all like to make fun of our mental illnesses? He knows he’s an alcoholic, might as well make fun about it. The ones about driving? Wouldn’t you stick them on your car? Why is this in the office? Because they’re stupid but somehow funny, just slap them on there. I’m not grumpy? I would totally say that as well. And I believe people told them he’s grumpy so he probably saw this as fitting. I have to admit I don’t have a specific interpretation to telling him hoe to do his job and the complaint one. The one about happy people? This man is heavily depressed, that’s a coping mechanism, it’s again making fun of your own mental illness. But yes, all in all they boil down to edgy millennial.
 I’m well aware that this is probably not what David Cage intended but to be honest I don’t care what David Cage intended. He tried to push boomer Hank on us with these stickers but the Hank we got was different. I don’t know if that’s Clancy’s doing or if this is just another plothole. But that is my interpretation of Hank, nobody asked for.
Anyway, I love Hank and I’m making it everyone’s problem.
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litsetaure · 3 years
Last night:
Me, watching John and Johannes on Strictly: Okay, I can do this. Breathe. Breathe. You are not going to cry. Do not cry. Do not cry.
*about five or so minutes later*
Me: Damn…damn it. 😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😭
Okay, I know that probably seems a bit flippant. But flippancy is kind of my coping mechanism. And I’m completely 100% serious.
I was holding it together - but only just!!! - at first, but then John said about how that support was never there when he and Johannes were kids, and then Johannes started crying…
And that was when I completely lost it. Because, that? That hit incredibly hard.
I’m only a couple of years (give or take) older than them and, I can tell you, if that support had been there back when I was growing up, I might have realised sooner that not being straight was an option. I might have also realised much sooner that I wasn’t straight.
If it had been there, I might not have panicked when, at about 21, I did realise it, or about year later when my former coworker outed me. If it had been there, I might not still be half in the closet.
I’m sort of out to some of my friends but not to my family, other than my dad, but that was not by choice. See above comment about former coworker who basically outed me.
(To give him his due credit, for all we butt heads a lot, my dad was genuinely really good about it. He told me, with no judgement, what that girl had said and actually asked me about it. I saw no point in lying and said yes it’s true. He nodded, said ‘okay, fair enough’, patted me on the shoulder and puttered off. He’s also asked if I ever want a boyfriend or girlfriend. And, again, backed off when I basically said ‘I’m not searching. If it happens, it happens.’ I’m forever grateful to him for that, though I’m not entirely sure if he remembers it. But I’m under no illusion that it could have gone SO badly.)
Honestly, I have no plans yet to come out to my family. I don’t know that I ever will. And sometimes I feel guilty for it, even though I know I shouldn’t. I just know that, right now, I can’t think about it without freezing in fear. And the thought that, with that bit of support, things could have been different…it breaks my heart a little. (Margaret Thatcher and Section 28 have a lot to answer for!)
Honestly, whatever happens, that dance meant so much to me. It reminded me that there’s hope, that I’m not alone, even if I feel it. That things can be better. I’ll carry that with me, always.
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Thanks // Jay Halstead x Reader // Pt 8
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Description: Jay and Y/N continue to find their footing in this new relationship while beginning to navigate helping Mouse.
Warnings: None
Pairing: Jay x Reader, Reader x Mouse!Platonic, Jay x Mouse!Platonic
Words: 2271
A/N: This part has been a pain in my butt, and I still feel like it isn’t flowing right. But, I’ve done all I can do to try and fix it. Hopefully the next part will be a bit better. 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
“How does dinner tonight sound?” Jay asked you over the phone as you walked through the halls of Chicago Med, heading down to the ED for a psych consult. He’d called you on the rare lunch break he had. 
Things had been going great since the two of you had kissed that night. In fact, it was better than great. Nearly every night during the next week, the two of you were at one of the apartments. Not to mention, going and seeing Mouse, though you hadn’t told him yet of the new relationship development. 
“Sounds like you should pick me up at seven,” you agreed. “Anything in particular I should wear?” 
“Something border-line fancy.” That peaked your interest, but you weren’t going to be able to get further clarification as the elevator opened up on the first floor.
“Got it. I’m in the ED for a consult. I’ll text you when I can, but I will definitely see you at seven sharp,” you told him, the two of you saying quick goodbyes before hanging up the phone. You couldn’t help but strut into the ED with a smile on your face and an air of increased confidence about you.
“Y/N,” Maggie called out, quickly making your way over to her. “What’s got you in such a good mood today?” Talking to Maggie was like talking to an older sister, she always knew the right things to say. Plus, she always knew when something was up. And something was definitely up with you.
“I have a hot date tonight,” you answered with a giggle, not telling her who it was. But with the raise of her eyebrow and the smirk on her face, you were sure she already knew. 
“Would he happen to be the better looking Halstead brother?”
“I heard that!” Will called out from his computer, though he didn’t look offended, flashing you a smile. Seemed like he might know about the new arrangement as well.
“I’m not one to kiss and tell, Maggie. Where am I going?” 
The rest of the day flew by, Daniel giving you the contact information for his social worker friend. You’d bring that up to Jay later, knowing he was going to do what he could for Mouse. In fact, he was excited, sending you links to facilities in Chicago that he wanted to look at.
When you got home, you went ahead and hopped in the shower, not wasting any time in getting ready for your date tonight. A date with Jay Halstead. It was something else, that was for sure. When you first met him, you would have never guessed that this would be where you’d end up. Not in a million years, yet…
The black dress hugged you just right, letting your y/h/c hair down for once, a slight curl to it. A natural make-up look to piece it all together, and a pair of heels. You were ready to go, finishing up just a few minutes before a familiar knock on the door. When you opened it, Jay stood there with a smile. 
“You look...wow,” he complimented with a smile, bringing you in for a kiss. When you pulled away, you let your hands rest on his chest. 
“You look pretty spiffy yourself,” you retired before another quick kiss. “You ready to go?” 
He led you down to his truck, opening the door for you and helping you in. As he drove through the still busy Chicago streets, one hand held onto yours, occasionally glancing over at you with a smile. The radio played low in the background as you told him about the day you’d had at work, leaving the information Daniel had given you out for the time being. 
He pulled up in front of an Italian restaurant you’d only ever passed, never thinking you’d go. It always seemed too expensive. Once the car was in park, he met you on the other side, helping you out as well. 
“This is too much, Jay,” you told him as he took your hand, walking inside. 
“You deserve this. Plus, I want our first date to be memorable,” he corrected, the waiter leading you to a table. First date...it had a nice ring to it as the two of you sat down, beginning to peruse over the menu. 
The dinner went amazing, enjoying both your food and your company. Jay talked a bit about his childhood, why he’d joined the military, what he’d been up to since he got back. Finally, substantial conversation and not just something to fill the silence. The night continued after dinner, moving a cocktail lounge less than a block away for a couple of drinks. This time, you were the one to talk about your tumultuous childhood, moving from army base to army base before leaving for college. You’d each had a couple of mixed drinks, not enough to be drunk, but enough to feel it.
“You good driving or should we get an Uber?” you asked him when the two of you walked out of the bar. 
“Yeah, I’ll be good. I’m not that drunk,” he assured you, walking back to the valet to get the car. His arm was around your shoulders, yours around his waist. “Plus, your place isn’t that far luckily.”
“True. Thank god for a doc’s salary, right?” You could feel the vibration in his chest when he laughed.
The ride back home wasn’t quiet either. Now, he was telling you funny stories and the drama from work over the years in Intelligence. You’d only heard about the team, not actually having met anybody yet. Though, you were pretty sure you’d meet them soon if you were seeing Jay. He parked the truck out front, not turning it off.
“You should come upstairs,” you suggested, really not wanting the night to end. The glimmer in his eye and the smile on his face said he wanted the same thing, but the words out of his mouth were a different story. 
“I shouldn’t,” he corrected, smile fading just a bit, so you reached out to grasp his hand as you tried to understand his hesitations. 
“What’s going through your head?” That got an eyebrow raise from him. “As your...more than friends epic experience.” 
“If I go upstairs, then things change,” he answered. 
“Jay, things are changing already. They have changed. So much over the past few months, and even more in the past week. There’s nothing I want more than to be with you. But if you’re having second thoughts…” You hoped he wasn’t, considering he’d just dished out quite a bit of money on dinner and drinks. 
“No! No. No second thoughts here. We haven’t had the ex talk, and I have a lot more baggage than I let on.” 
“Then come upstairs, and we can talk. Nothing else, just...talk,” you shrugged, hoping he would agree. It took a minute to get a nod in agreement, both of you getting out of the truck and going upstairs. “Now, as much as I love this outfit, I’m going to go change. Make yourself at home.”
You changed into a tank-top and shorts, pulling your hair up into a messy bun before rejoining him in the living room. He’d ditched his suit jacket, the fabric laying on one of the dining room chairs. His shoes were next to the door, sleeves rolled up and the top few buttons undone on his shirt. You couldn’t help but smile before sitting down next to him. It felt so natural as his arm came around you, letting you lean into him. 
“It was tough for me when I got back state-side. I’ve told you that before. But it doesn’t feel like it got easier at times. The first person I was with after I got back, her name was Abbey. We knew each other when I served, and we met again in Vegas at a funeral for one of the guys,” he explained. “We hooked up a couple of times, a coping mechanism. And then we got married. I didn’t remember half of it. We got divorced a few years later. It was supposed to be sooner, but apparently she never signed the papers. Then there was Erin. I mean, I really wasn’t into the hookup culture when I got back. We were together for almost three years. I thought I was going to marry her, but things didn’t end up that way.”
“Why are you telling me this now?” you asked him, since it seemed like he was done. 
“Since I’ve been back, I haven’t been with a lot of people. I just...It’s stupid,” he brushed off, shaking his head. 
“No, it’s not, Jay. Whatever it is, it’s something that’s on your mind.” You wanted to hear it, wanted to know how his mind worked, what made him happy and sad and mad, what made him get out of the bed in the mornings. 
“It’s because of the leg,” he finally said with a sigh, which made you understand a little better. “Just, being in that situation with somebody is stressful almost. And it shouldn’t be. You know, after thirteen years I should be over it. With Erin, she got used to it, but the first few times were awkward. And with Abbey, we were too drunk most of the time for me to even care.”
“I won’t think any different of you Jay. I’ve already seen it, so on my end, you’re still the same Jay I’ve always known with no surprises thrown in. There’s no rush, though. I want to know you, every part of you, inside and out.” You let your head rest on his chest, 
“You really know how to make a guy swoon, babe.” He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, your eyes closing with a content sigh. “Maybe I could stay the night though? Get used to everything?”
“I’d like that. You work tomorrow?” you asked him, getting a head shake and a smile from you. “Neither do I, which makes tonight an even better night for you to stay. I might have an old pair of shorts that would fit you.”
“I have a bag in my car for those long nights at work. I’ll be right back,” he promised, getting up to go downstairs.
Again, you didn’t personally understand his worries and insecurities, but you understood the concept behind them. Intimacy after amputation was a difficult thing at times. You weren’t going to push it, though, deciding to just let things take their course. Just like promised, he was right back, disappearing into the bathroom to change. When he reemerged, he set the rest of his suit with his jacket, dressed in a grey t-shirt and a pair of shorts. It was the first time you’d seen his prosthetic. 
“Want to head to bed, or sit out here for a bit?” you asked as he stood behind the couch, hands resting on the fabric on either side of your head. He smiled down at you.
“Bed sounds like a plan,” he answered, getting you to stand up and lead him back into your room. When you looked at him, you just saw Jay. 
You sat down on the left side of the bed -- your side -- while Jay sat on the right. You went ahead and got yourself situated as Jay just sat there, watching him take deep breaths. So, you got up on your knees behind him, arms wrapping around his stomach and pressing a kiss to his shoulder not saying anything. He relaxed back into you before leaning down to slide his prosthetic off as well as the sleeve. As he did so, you let your fingers run along his back, watching the process. 
“You’re not freaked out by this?” he asked you as the two of you finally laid down. 
“Not one bit. The benefit of med school.” It took a minute to find a good situation where you both were comfortable, your head on his chest. At first, it was odd to only feel one full leg with yours, but didn’t take long to get used to. “Alexa. House lights off,” you called out, the lights dimming before turning completely off.
“Okay, I need to get me one of those. No more having to get up to turn the lights off,” Jay told you, his fingertips tracing invisible patterns on your back. “Would make life just a bit easier.” 
“You want to carpool tomorrow?” you asked him, pulling the blanket up over the two of you. 
“Sure. Save some gas money,” he agreed. “Maybe we can tell Mouse about this -- us,” he quickly corrected. It seemed like you were both on the same page of wanting it to be more, which was a benefit. Though, you knew you still had to work towards it. “Any progress on applying to be Mouse’s guardian?”
“Yeah. Daniel gave me the information for the social worker. She could probably answer your questions better than I can. Have you found a lawyer yet?” you countered, sighing as he continued to draw patterns. 
“I’ve been looking into it. Voight is giving me a couple suggestions, some people that owe him favors I guess. I won’t be the one to ask why they owe favors, though, that’s for sure. Some secrets are better left secrets.” You wondered what he meant by that, but didn’t ask, not sure how. Plus, you weren’t going to be awake long enough to ask, eyes drifting shut before falling into a restful sleep.
Tag List: @yzas-stuff​ @gemmafountainloves @ceiliesla​ @corebore123​ @annaallicce​ @fullwattpadmusictree​ @bethii1​ @thevelvetseries​ @mich-lynne3 @itmejado​ @music-is-my-escape71 @not-onlyedmlyrics​ @supergirl000983​ @mandybug39 @okiegirl24​ @haileymatthewss​ @httphiddlestan​ @capmanranger​ @ahhh0ahhh @bookgiver​ @daenerys-targaryes​ @galacticsmoon​ @beachfan412 @wearesodrica @danielacastellon @genericcaner @halsteadsway​ @theskytraveler​ @miranda0102​ @amyarondottir​ @onechicago18​ @lovecatystuff​ @doramstr​ @itsdesiree86​ @raveenasblog​ @smalltowngirly05​ @formulahockey @lookatallthefeels @carlimel @talicat713​ @paulafdez99​ @hehurst23​
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hockeytrashgoblin · 4 years
Hello here is an Auston one. Idk if you can tell but writing smut has been my coping mechanism of choice for quarantine. Also thought I should give some Auston love before my new Mitch series goes up. I promise I love Auston hes just so easy to make the bad guy.
What are your thoughts on tapes?" Auston asked out of the blue one day.
We were hanging out at his condo watching movies. Auston and I had been best friends for almost a year now so it was nothing to bring up weird or personal topics. We shared everything but this was a weird thing for me to talk about.
"I dunno. I've never really given them much thought."
"You know I mean sex tapes right?"
"Gee thank you captain obvious, couldn't get that on my own." I said sarcastically throwing a chip at his head.
"Alright I was just checking. Seems weird that you've never thought about it. You think about so much all the time."
"Yeah I don't know I guess I was never comfortable enough with anyone to even entertain the idea. What are your thoughts?"
"I think they're hot."
"How come?"
"Just the idea of having something so personal. Like something so private and intense to watch back whenever I want to. And I could remember exactly what was happening and exactly how it felt while I watch. Just catching a fleeting moment as a memory forever."
"How many of these things do you have casanova?" I teased bumping my thigh against him.
"I don't have any actually. Just want one I guess."
"Well I'm sure there are tons of girls who would love to be in a sex tape with the Auston Matthews."
"Yeah probably."
"Can't really blame em."
"Oh really? You one of them?" He asked winking making me blush and roll my eyes.
"Oh yes Aus, please let me be in your tape, I'm begging you." I said dramatically rolling to lay across his thighs with my hand over my forehead.
"You're an ass." He said laughing letting his hand fall on my hip so I was trapped on him.
"I get what you mean though. I horde memories in any way I can. I just never though of doing that on camera. Like what if it's not as hot as you think? What if you have a dumb sex face or something?"
"I'm deeply offended that you think I'd have an ugly sex face. Besides I wouldn't be watching me in the video. It would be more watching the girl take it. Like her reactions and faces are what I would want to watch. Who cares if I did even though I don't."
"Auston, you know you're gorgeous. Of course I don't seriously think you'd have an ugly sex face. Not that I thought about that before now. I'd be worried about it."
"I bet you look perfectly fine."
"Nah you'd look so hot trying to catch your breath while taking dick, I'm sure of it."
"Oh yeah?" I asked feeling the whole energy of his room change.
"For sure babe. Squirming around, trying to find something to ground you while you get completely taken apart, stretched around a big dick. Fucking picture perfect (y/n)."
"Aus." I said quietly as he started rubbing his hand across my stomach applying a nice pressure when he just skirted the underside of my boob with his thumb. I closed my eyes as he continued.
"You're flexible I bet. Would look so good with your legs up on someone's shoulders while they pound into you."
"Mhm." I mumbled when he put his hand under my shirt. This might be going too far but I was too far gone to stop it.
"You like being full too so I bet you'd love being on top. You'd look so fucking gorgeous bouncing on cock baby. All tense legs, concentrated face, and bouncing tits right at eye level. I'd kill to see that." He had started running his hands over top of my bra adding and taking away pressure as he went. I let out a soft moan hoping he wouldn't catch it but I was not that lucky. "All your sounds too. Bet someone could get off just listening to your pretty moans like that."
"You that someone?" I asked teasing him once I'd found my voice again.
"I could be." He said quietly, as if he was afraid I'd spook if he talked any louder. I got up from where I was laying on him and crawled onto his lap being careful not to touch his crotch at all. I wrapped my arms around him and he grabbed my hips.
"Wanna find out?" I asked before taking his earlobe in my mouth to nibble on making him groan.
"Please." He said trying to bring my lips to his. They just barely brushed when I pulled back making him groan in annoyance. "I didn't take you for being patient enough in bed to tease."
"I'm really not. Just thought it'd be fun to make you squirm a little."
"Ass." He said with a smirk as he pulled me closer to him so I was sitting on his hard member. I moaned louder than before at the friction.
"So hard Aus."
"All because of you babe. All the thought of watching you fuck." He was guiding my movements on him groaning every once and a while. "Make a tape with me.."
"What? That's why I brought it up. I want to make one with you." He gave me a deep kiss while I was still grinding myself on him. I got so lost in it that when we broke apart I didn't think at all.
"If you want to make one I guess we can."
"Baby really? You want to? Because I'll still fuck you, I won't just leave you wet and needy like this if you don't want to."
"Wow a gentleman."
"(Y/n) I'm serious. I want you so bad but I don't want to pressure you."
"Hey, I trust you. Let me give you this." I said giving him a kiss.
"Okay hang on a second." He flipped us over, gave me another kiss before getting off the bed and setting up a couple cameras in different angles.
"Aus, baby come here." I said when he was finished. I was kneeling on the bed and he came over to stand in front of me. I started with his shirt, slowly lifting it up and leaving kisses as I went. I left a hickey on his chest as I undid his pants and started pushing them and his boxers down together making me lick my lips.
"Like what you see baby?"
"I didn't expect you to be that big. You're so fucking gorgeous Aus." I brought him to my level to basically just shove my tongue in his mouth. Eventually he broke away and ripped the clothes off of me. His eyes and hands were everywhere.
"You look so much better than I imagined. God I'm gonna give it to you so good babygirl."
"Please give it to me Aus, please I need it." I begged as he come to lay on top of me. He kissed me again but it wasn't enough. I lifted my hips and tried to get friction against him.
"You want this dick don't you baby? Practically desperate for it already."
"I want it so bad. I don't need fingers I'm wet enough just get in me please."
"I dont want it to hurt."
"I want to feel you Auston. Even after this is done I want to feel it when I walk."
"Holy fuck. Okay, if you're sure?"
"I'm sure, love. Come on give it to me. Want your dick in me so bad. Destroy me Auston, please."
"You don't have to ask me twice." He said leaning down to kiss me. It was a wet, gross kiss but I loved it. He ran his fingers down my chest and I gasped breaking the kiss.
"Fucking pleeease. Stop making me wait."
"Love how you beg for it babygirl." He said sitting up between my legs while stroking himself. I tried to touch but he pinned my hands down with one of his while he still pumped himself over me. I whined and started squirming making him chuckle. "Be patient (y/n)."
"I caaaan't."
"You can and you will. You'll take what I give you when I give it to you."
"Then give it to me, what are you waiting for?"
"Just enjoying this." He said kissing up my neck.
"Wouldn't you rather enjoy the feeling of my tight, hot, wet pussy Aus?" I asked bringing his face to look me in my eyes.
"God don't look so innocent when you say that."
"I'm your good girl Auston. Fucking reward me."
"Good girls don't use language like that. Seems to me you're a bad girl. You know what bad girls get?"
"They get fucking punished before they get rewarded."
I let out a shiver at his words and moaned a little. He smirked and ran his hands down my body gently before roughly turning me on my stomach. He ran his hands down from my shoulders to my ass where he squeezed and jiggled it a bit before letting a slap fall making me gasp.
"How many do you think you need to learn a lesson? 15? 20?"
"I asked two questions baby."
"You pick. You choose. Something please. Pretty please."
"Look at you. Begging to be punished too. Since you're begging you'll get 15. Count em for me darling."
I did as I was told and counted as Auston spanked me harder and harder as he went. I was dripping at the thought of Auston touching me like this, wanting me like this for so long. I had always wanted him and it was dizzying to know that he wanted me so bad that he wanted to film it so he can watch it back whenever he wants.
"Babe are you still with me?"
"Yeah, yeah sorry. I don't know what happened there." He turned me over and caressed my body kissing anywhere he could reach.
"Took your punishment so well (y/n)."
"Thank you Aus."
"Do you want to continue?"
"Auston Matthews if you don't put your dick inside me I'm actually going to lose my mind." That made him laugh as he leaned in to kiss me.
"Don't worry baby. You're gonna get it." He nipped at my bottom lip as he knelt between my legs. He grabbed his dick and started rubbing it along by folds making me whine.
"Please Aus, please, please, please."
"Shh you're okay, I've got you." He said soothingly as he started to push into me. "You're so wet babes. Who did that?"
"You did Auston. All you. The thought of you wanting me like I want you's got me all soaking wet for you baby."
"I've always wanted you. That's why I wanted to do this with you. Just so fucking hot." He put both my legs up on his shoulders effectively turning me into a pretzel. He gave a sharp thrust and I moaned loudly. He kept doing that at a quick pace keeping me moaning and whining as I got closer to finishing.
"Fuck Aus, I'm gonna cum."
"Yeah? Already? Shit baby that's so quick."
"God don't stop please." I pulled his body closer to mine before digging my fingers into his muscular butt. It worked as encouragement and he started pistoning into me.
"Fuck Auston Fuck!" I screamed letting myself cum all over his dick. I scratched his back making him hiss.
"I bet everyone in the building can hear you babygirl. You like everyone knowing who's making you feel this good?"
"Yeeesss." I hissed out calming down a bit.
"Think you can cum again baby? Be a good girl for me?"
"Yes. I can. Let me show you, I can do it."
"Okay baby show me."
"How do you want me, love?" I purred biting at his neck.
"Oh God. On your knees babe. Hands and knees." He pulled out of me making me whine and making him laugh.
"One second my needy baby, I'll be back in you in a minute."
I flipped over and leaned on my elbows spreading my legs and keeping ass up for Auston. I didn't know what I was expecting but it wasn't Auston slamming into me with no warning and giving me no time to catch my breath. I was a screaming, writhing mess of pleasure while he relentlessly fucked me. He kept smacking my ass. He stopped thrusting at one point and I whined.
"Look at me baby."
I turned to look over my shoulder and barely registered that he was holding his phone. I started fucking myself on his cock while I looked at him.
"Please fuck me like that again Aus, please."
"You're so desperate for my cock huh baby?"
"Aus I need you to move, I'm close."
"I will if you keep your eyes on me. My good girl, close to coming for a second time for me."
"Please move Auston. I'm literally begging yo-oh holy fuck yes yes yes!" I screamed as he started pounding again.
"Can feel you tightening around me babes, you getting close?" I just let out a broken moan as a response making Auston grin. "C'mon (y/n) cum for me again."
He reached his hand between my legs and started rubbing hard. I came almost immediately clenching and yelling incoherently. I collapsed making Auston pull out while I caught my breath. While I did Auston was kissing my back and shoulders.
"You're so hot baby. So good for me."
"Wanna go again." I mumbled into the sheets.
"What baby?" He grunted as I pushed him over and climbed on top. I grabbed him by the base and lowered myself slowly onto him.
"You're not done so I'm not done." I said as our hips met and he was fully sheathed in me. He groaned loudly and dug his fingers so hard into my hips I was definitely going to have bruises in the morning. I convulsed a little and moaned at how much of a stretch it was.
"Fuck you feel so good."
"Gimme a minute please?"
"You okay?" He asked resting his forehead against mine to keep my focus and not move around.
"It's just a lot."
"Is it too much?"
"No I just thought I was stretched out enough that it wouldn't be this intense. I'm sorry just give me a second to adjust?"
"Of course baby." He kissed my forehead and just held me against him. "I'm surprised you're even trying to take it all like this. If it's too much tell me."
"I'm okay it's just a lot." I said raising a little and dropping back down. "Oh fuck that's good. You're gonna rearrange my guts Auston Matthews."
He helped me raise up and fall down at a good speed. I was quickly a mess again. Eventually I didn't need his help to keep rhythm and I was bouncing on his dick. He was roughly palming at my body anywhere and everywhere while he grunted, groaned, and growled in my ear.
"You gonna cum again babygirl? Three times for me?" I couldn't answer him. I had started to cry a little at how good it felt. I nodded at him and bounced slower, squeezing him when I went up. "Fuck I'm gonna cum soon baby. Especially if you keep doing that."
"Want your cum Aus. Fuck it into me."
Auston held me still and fucked up into me hard. I squealed and his pace faltered for a second.
"I'm so close baby." He started to fuck up again and I came with a choked out weak moan laying my head on his shoulder. As I was shaking through the rest of my orgasm Auston came in me. He rode out his high while holding me tight and kissing around my face. He lifted me a little to get his dick out of me. I whimpered a little at the loss. I didn't notice I was crying until he wiped a tear from my cheek. He laid me down and went to his bathroom to clean up. He brought me a wash cloth and cleaned me up too when he was done he slid my underwear back on and put one ogmf his sweaters on me. I was completely malleable and blissed out.
"You okay baby?" He asked coming back to the bed from somewhere in the room. He got back in and pulled me to sit on him. I completely melted into him and he wrapped both arms around me.
"You sure sweetheart? You're still crying."
"It just felt so good Aus. That was incredible."
"Definitely the best sex I've ever had."
"Don't lie."
"Not lying babygirl. That was so far beyond anything I've done before this. I dont even know if we can classify those other times as sex."
"Shut up." I said blushing.
"And I've got it all captured. My first time with you will be with me forever."
"You'll get sick of it eventually."
"Never baby. I'm gonna watch that tape every night I'm away on the road."
"What about at home?"
"I'm hoping I was good enough for a repeat performance." He said with a smirk.
"Next time your gonna cum 3 times though. I want to see you cry from too much."
"We'll see baby."
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rpf-bat · 4 years
For What You’ve Done (They’re Gonna Find A Place For You)
Pairing: Mikey Way x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Summary: Written for Gothtober 2020, Day 9. Prompt: “My Demons.”
You’re in a rehab clinic in Bergen County, New Jersey, trying your best to fight your inner demons, and get sober. One day, a new patient enters the twelve-step program. You’re shocked to discover, that it’s none other than your first celebrity crush. 
Trigger warning for several mentions of substance abuse. 
You’d been a resident at the inpatient clinic for about two months now. It was the longest stretch of time, that you’d been sober, in years. You weren’t sure yet, if you liked it or not. But, at least the facility, gave you a decent amount of freedom. You were allowed to roam the grounds during the day, as much as you liked - as long as you showed up to all your therapy meetings, when you were supposed to. 
You still felt bored. It sucked, not being able to leave the premises, and go anywhere. You decided to relieve your restlessness, by heading out into the garden, for a cigarette. 
A lot of the patients smoked. One you got rid of one addiction, sometimes, you just had to replace it with another.  You knew, of course, that nicotine was bad for you. But, railing cocaine was significantly worse. You figured the medical staff on site had decided to pick their battles.
“Hey, Y/N,” called a voice from the bench by the roses. “You got a light?”
You turned, and saw it was one of the girls from your therapy group, Lacey. 
“Hey,” you greeted her, and handed your lighter to her. 
“Thanks,” she grinned, and lit the cig she was holding. “Did you hear the news?” 
“What news?” you asked, taking a drag on your own cancer stick. 
“A new guy is gonna be joining us in group today,” Lacey explained. “Heard he just got here, last night.” 
“Oh, yeah?” you raised an eyebrow, exhaling smoke. The first day, you were more than aware, was often the hardest. 
“I think his name’s Michael, or something,” Lacey shrugged. “I got a look at him, when they were escorting him to his room. He’s cute.” 
“I didn’t come here, to get a date,” you scoffed. 
“Way I heard it, you didn’t come here willingly at all,” Lacey snickered. “Wasn’t your mom gonna kick you out of her house, if you didn’t agree to get treatment?” 
“....You know what, I think that’s enough smoking for today,” you snapped, snatching your lighter, back out of her hands. 
“Hey!” Lacey protested. 
“Whatever.” You stomped out your cigarette butt into the dirt, with perhaps more force than necessary. “I’m going back inside…..” 
Your watch told you it was 3:45. Group therapy wasn't supposed to start until four o’clock. You wandered into the meeting room anyway. You didn’t feel like going back to your room, and you had nothing better to do.
To your surprise, you found a man sitting in one of the chairs, a Dodgers cap pulled down over his eyes. 
“Hey,” you called, “what are you doing in here? Taking a nap?”
The guy sat up suddenly, as if dazed. 
Oh, shit, you realized. He really was sleeping. 
“You must be the new guy,” you laughed. “Hey - it’s okay. I didn’t get much sleep during my first night here, either. The beds here are hard as rocks.” 
“They…..they really are,” the man confessed. “Sorry - I didn’t mean to pass out in here.  The room was just so quiet and empty, y’know?”
He straightened and took off his hat, revealing his face. You gasped, when you realized you recognized him. 
“You’re....you’re Mikey Way,” you bleated. Holy shit. 
“....Do I know you?” Mikey asked, rubbing his eyes. 
“No,” you shook your head, reddening. “I, uh, I was just a big My Chemical Romance fan, when I was younger. I think your music is amazing.”
“....Oh,” Mikey mumbled. “Sorry….I’m not exactly giving out autographs right now.” 
“I wasn’t going to ask for one,” you assured him. “I mean, I always wanted to meet you, but…..not in a place like this.” 
Mikey stared at his shoes, looking ashamed of himself. 
“What’s wrong?” you asked. 
“....You probably thought of me as like, some cool rock hero,” Mikey mumbled. “Now, as you can see, I’m just some piece of shit junkie.” 
“I mean…..so am I?” you pointed out. “That’s why we’re both here.” 
“Yeah, I guess,” Mikey frowned. He tugged his sleeves down, clearly trying to hide the tire tracks on his arms. You couldn’t pretend that it didn’t hurt a little, to see him in this state. You’d had a crush on him, since you were fifteen. 
“But, you’re trying to get clean,” you said softly. “You’re here, trying to fight your demons, and become a better person. That definitely counts for something, in my book.”
Mikey raised his head, looking at you in surprise. He had such pretty eyes. 
“.....Thank you,” he said sincerely. “That means a lot.” 
“I’m Y/N, by the way,” you smiled, extending your hand. 
“Nice to meet you, Y/N,” Mikey smiled back, accepting the handshake. 
“Do you mind if I sit here with you, until everyone else gets here?” you asked. You knew Lacey would probably show up soon, but the former emo kid in you, was delighted at the chance to talk to a Way brother one-on-one. 
“Sure, pull up a chair,” Mikey shrugged. “I wasn’t doing much, anyway, aside from catching a few Zs.” 
“Sorry again, for waking you,” you winced. You didn’t want to make his first day more difficult. 
“It’s okay,” Mikey replied. “I was wondering….what do you guys normally talk about, in these therapy groups, anyway?” 
“Well, yesterday,” you recalled, “Dr. Armstrong asked us to name a positive coping mechanism, that we could use to deal with our problems, instead of turning to...y’know, substances.” 
“What coping mechanism did you come up with?” Mikey asked. 
You hesitated, your face going red. 
“Sorry,” Mikey frowned. “You don’t have to tell me, if you don’t want to. I mean, you just met me today.” 
“No, it’s okay,” you shrugged. “I already told the whole group, after all.” 
“Oh, right,” Mikey chuckled. 
“The coping mechanism that I wrote down on my therapy worksheet, was music,” you explained. “When I first got here, I got permission for my mom to bring me some of my old CDs. Dr. Armstrong lets me keep a stereo in my room, as long as I promise not to use it after lights-out. I started listening to albums that I hadn’t heard, since I was a teenager.” 
“Since before you started doing….substances?” Mikey guessed. 
“Yeah,” you confessed. “Listening to some of these heavy songs, was actually really cathartic. Singing along to the lyrics, helps me get my feelings out, instead of just…..burying them.” 
“I’ll be honest,” Mikey sighed. “I use substances to bury my feelings a lot, too. That’s exactly how I got in this mess.” 
“I get it,” you nodded. You never thought that your idol would be struggling with all the same stuff that you did. When you’d seen him on the World Contamination Tour, three years ago, he had looked invincible. You realized, darkly, that even then, he could have been shooting up backstage. 
“What album have you been listening to the most, since you started getting sober?” Mikey asked curiously. “Like, what’s really therapeutic for you?” 
You looked away from him, feeling embarrassed. 
“......Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge,” you mumbled. 
“Whoa, seriously?” Mikey gaped. “My band’s album?” 
“Yeah,” you admitted shyly. “Is that weird? I’m sorry.” 
“No, it’s not weird,” Mikey assured you. “That actually makes me really happy, that something I had a hand in creating, was able to help you so much.”
“Thank you,” you said, somewhat emotionally, “for putting that record into the world.” 
“You’re welcome, Y/N,” Mikey smiled. “It sounds strange, but….I’m kinda glad that I met you here.” 
“I’m glad, too,” you agreed. “But….I’m sorry that you’re in this situation.” 
“My friend David, kind of tricked me into coming here,” Mikey confessed, scratching his head. “He said he wanted to work on writing music with me, so I flew here, from California. But, when I got here, he was just like, yeah, we’re not making an album, you’re going to rehab.” 
“Did that make you mad?” you wondered. “Were you really angry at your friend, for dragging you to New Jersey, under false pretenses?” 
“No, I wasn’t mad at all,” Mikey said, surprising you. “Deep down, I knew that what I was doing to myself was wrong. I knew it was gonna get me killed, eventually, if somebody didn’t intervene. So….I just checked myself in, without arguing. I’m actually really grateful to him.” 
“Grateful…,” you repeated. “When my mom first checked me into this place, I wasn’t grateful at all. I felt like I was being thrown in jail. I didn’t think I had a problem.” 
“But, now you do?” Mikey realized. 
“Yeah, therapy helped me realize how much I was using the coke as a crutch,” you admitted. “I just wanted to party all the time, to distract myself. I didn’t want to be sober, ever, because that meant focusing on all the problems I had in life.” 
“I’m worried I’m gonna come off like a jackass, in the therapy group,” Mikey frowned. “Like, oh, you’re a millionaire celebrity. You don’t have any real problems in life.”
“Everybody has problems, in one way or another,” you disagreed. “Didn’t your band break up, last year? That must have been hard for you.”
“It was,” Mikey said honestly. “Being My Chem’s bassist, was like my whole identity. I had been doing it for over a decade. So, when my brother decided that the band was over with, it was like, I don’t know. I didn’t know who I was anymore.” 
“Of course that would be hard to cope with,” you said sympathetically. “Look, your problems might be very different from mine, but, if anyone in group tries to tell you they’re not valid, I’ll set ‘em straight.” 
“Thank you,” Mikey smiled softly. “I’m glad that I have at least one friend here.”
Mikey Way called me his friend, you thought, giddily. This was so surreal. If you weren’t nine weeks sober, you would have thought that you were tripping.
“What’s your positive coping mechanism gonna be, though?” you wondered, imagining what Dr. Armstrong would say to him, once the meeting started. “I mean, you can’t use the record you wrote.”
“Mine might be music, too,” Mikey said thoughtfully. “But, not listening to it - I want to get my feelings out, by writing songs.” 
“That’s a great idea!” you grinned. 
“David and I actually composed a couple really cool demos, before I started to take a turn for the worse,” Mikey explained. “When I get out of here, I want to finish an album with him, for real.” 
“What are you going to call the project?” you asked. 
“We were thinking of calling the new band, Electric Century,” Mikey smiled. 
“That’s a really cool name,” you complimented him. “If you get clean, and are able to go back out into the real world, and make the album a reality….then, I promise, when I get released, the first thing I’ll do,  is go buy a copy.” 
“You mean it?” Mikey asked, flattered. 
“Pinky swear!” you insisted. You held out your hand. 
“Ok, it’s a pinky promise,” Mikey laughed. “I’ll stay sober long enough to make the music, if you stay sober, long enough to hear it.” 
He reached out, and linked his pinky finger, with yours. You felt a spark, when your fingers touched. You thought that perhaps, you were exactly where you were supposed to be after all.
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Blessing in Disguise
Peter Parker x bisexual!reader
Peter Parker x fem!reader
Peter Parker x black!reader
Peter Parker x villain!reader
Warnings: Hospitals, Explosions, depictions of pain, allusions to mania and depression, self harm/unhealthy coping mechanisms, mentions of death and the dead, gambling, potential underage drinking, theft, guns, gun violence, depictions of bullet wounds, and drunk people. 
Word Count: 3.4k
Songs: All the kids are depressed- Jeremy Zucker, Everywhere- Chloe x Halle, Middle Child- J. Cole, She Knows- J. Cole, Breezeblocks- alt-J, Pussycat Doll-Flo Milli, It’s Been So Long- The Living Tombstone, Take me to Church- Hozier, Good Kid- Kendrick Lamar, Death of a Bachelor- Panic! At the Disco, Them Changes- Thundercat, Detention- Melanie Martinez, Recess- Melanie Martinez, Something for your M.I.N.D- Superorganism 
A/N: I actually hate this chapter because I feel like the writing doesn’t flow. I feel like it’s to jampacked with things that don’t do anything to push the story forward. Anyway I hope you still read it anyways. 
Series Masterlist   Previous Part   Next Part
I did the hand sign stating I’d stand. I knew I won for sure this time because I had a perfect hand of 21. The two other people playing against groaned as I was declared the winner yet again. 
Swiping the chips for the 3rd time since I’d been at the casino. I decided to take my wins and make my way to the bar that our “target” was residing. 
I had a hunch on where Carmen was but had no actual idea. I’d just text her. In the meantime I had this grown ass man to make a move on. 
I was like 97% sure I had the right guy anyway. I looked much older than usual tonight due to Carmen being a makeup goddess and I gotta say flirting can get you a long way. 
“Hey,” I spoke, sitting on the bar stool next to the man.
He looked up at me mumbling a quick hey.
“You expecting someone?” 
“Nope,” He popped the ‘p’ “What about you?”
“Same as you,”
“Now I don’t believe someone as beautiful as you is here alone,” He moved his arm that much closer to mine. I pushed out a smile and giggled. 
“I could say the same about you,” We made eye contact for a second “But no seriously, I’m just here with a girlfriend. It was my birthday yesterday but she wasn’t free so we came out today,” I lied. 
“How old did you turn?”
“Twenty Two,” He nodded seemingly content with the answer. 
“So you’re not around here are you?”
“Either you’re a genius or I’m just very bad at blending in, no I’m from New York,” 
“Ah, I have some friends in New York, which part?” 
“Harlem actually but I recently moved to Queens,” I lied again. 
“Oh I don’t many from those cities,”
“If we're being honest I don’t know many people from Queens either my life’s been more hectic ever since I moved,”
“I hear you,” He informed me, leaning on the small backing the stools had. 
We talked for about 15 more minutes, him explaining the switch between New York to Nevada. Then Carmen walked up to me and feigned drunkenness signaling she was done with her job. I made my way back. To the man who’s name I still hadn’t learned. 
“As much fun as I was having talking to you, my friend is way too drunk to be out in public so we should probably head back to the hotel.” I sat back on the barstool turning my legs towards the man batting my eyes 
“Could I possibly use your phone to call an Uber mine is dead?” 
“Yeah of course you can…” His sentence fizzed off at the end in place of where my name would be.
“Ciara,” I filled in “And you are?” 
“Jim” He started handing me the phone.
I used his phone for an entirely different reason than I’d claimed. The project Carmen had been working on was melting the wires together to fix the flash drive that works inside of phones. It hadn’t worked in years.
It took about a minute to duplicate the phone's data. I stuck the flash drive in my bra before going to give the phone back. 
Just as I started moving a loud argument broke out, by the drunk accents I could tell it would soon get violent. Seeing as I had many experiences with an aggressive drunk. I wasn’t going to take my chances and began turning towards the main exit.
 I heard the first shot echo followed by another. Soon everyone was shooting. Including Carmen who I think just wanted an excuse to shoot at people passing it off as “protecting her friends”. 
She was closer to the exit than I was so she slid me the gun and I was able to ward off anyone shooting in our general direction. Not for long though. A bullet lightly grazed my dominant arm’s shoulder; it still dug in enough to do some sweet damage. 
What’s up with me? I haven’t been on my A game lately. 
We were also out of bullets. Mostly because we weren’t actually expecting to have to fucking shoot at people. I ducked back down behind the bar trying not to get caught on the broken glassware. 
“I think it would be a good time to do that thing?” I asked. 
She rolled her eyes 
“You know I hate doing it,”
“Well I’m literally bleeding out,” I dramatized pointing to my shoulder. “So if you want to get out of here not in body bags, do the thing,” 
“Alright, just this one time,” She begrudgingly made her way out from behind the bar and away from me. 
I covered my ears and closed my eyes as the glass around me rained down and the bar shook. I could slightly hear the cries from beneath my hands. Once she moved back over to me 
“See that wasn’t so bad, birdy,” I scrambled up to my feet ignoring the pull in my shoulder. 
I made my rounds grabbing Jim’s phone, cash, wallets, watches, and anything else that looked expensive from pockets and the ground. 
I stood awkwardly staring at my feet as I slid from side to side with my butt planted on my skateboard. 
“Hi,” I heard squinting my eyes looking up revealing a equally nervous looking Peter
“Hey,” I nodded at him. 
The conversation wasn’t as awkward as I thought it’d be he’d apparently asked Liz to prom and he said yes. Which I was definitely super happy about because why wouldn’t I be? 
Anyway who cares about that anyway. Props to Peter for not bringing up the whole ghosting everyone thing for like a week thing. Because if he didn’t bring it up I was going to act like it never happened. 
We talked about everything and anything. From favorite candies or colors to our beliefs about life after death. I’d found out his favorite candy were skittles, favorite color: red and that he was Jewish but not necessarily religious and didn’t believe in heaven or hell but he believed in the eternity of a soul. 
I’d told him that my favorite candy was F/C, my favorite color being pink and that I didn’t know what I believed in. I believed in a higher power but not that they were inherently good because of all the suffering on earth. I’d told him if they weren’t good and had abandoned us while alive. Why would they care or have any plan for us into the afterlife? I think that part is up to us, and what we believe. I’m trying not to think about death.
Then like clockwork he had to leave before 9 which is funny because it’s like he wasn’t even trying to hide his secret identity. He’d told me he lost the internship and normally his excuse to leave was the internship. 
I just guess that means he no longer has Stark’s backup. He only had it for a while anyway he’d be fine without it again. Actually when I think about it,  from his behavior he’d exhibited as Spiderman in the short few months I’d had the displeasure of knowing him as ‘Thorn’ he’d be weak. He was unconfident, relied on his tools far too much. Couldn’t see himself without the suit. So maybe he was really just going home. So he’d be fine. 
I’d also be fine. No matter how much it didn’t look like it at the moment. I’d be fine. I was always fine. I was fine without my mom, without Rose, without my dad, without Olivia and any one else I’d ever been stupid enough to get attached to. I’d bounce back. I always did. 
It’d taken Carmen much convincing to not sit around and babysit me 24/7 because of my shoulder. She was sure that I’d do something dumb and it would get infected. 
 I was sitting on MJ’s bed getting ready for homecoming. My neck jerked again as Bri attempted to detangle and braid my hair. 
If I hadn’t spiraled into the Vulture, Kingpin and SHIELD, rabbit hole I probably would have taken better care of myself and my hair. 
“Stop moving,” She tsked.
“Stop trying to rip my head off my neck,” I hissed back. 
Bri did my nails back when we were still at her house waiting for MJ to pick us up. She actually did pretty good. I think she would do great at a cosmetology school. She's pretty much into everything: hair, nails, makeup the whole nine yards. She did all of that for me. 
The make up was very simple, but I was still able to get my signature winged eyeliner. Winged eyeliner is something very dear to me mostly because Rose was the first to put me on it and I wore it everyday since. It kinda felt disrespectful to stop at this point.
The only thing left was the dress MJ had gifted me. Her mom bought her a dress but she still refused to wear dresses so she returned it for this one, she opted for a very nice pantsuit she already had. Then Bri's outfit of course matched her boyfriend’s. 
I’ve never really liked school dances they’re always so overhyped, but I go to them all anyways, because then I get in on all the drama. It helped me build up my arsenal of knowledge about everyone. 
I was sitting at one of the round tables near the entrance with MJ, Bri, and Olivia. We had a bottle of “Gatorade” open and out for anybody who wanted to drink it. I was about to drink from it when I saw Liz enter alone. 
I made my way over to her.
“Where’s Peter? I thought he asked you?” 
“I don’t even know he just ditched me,” She let out a deep breath. 
“Aw I’m sorry,” I wrapped my good arm around her shoulder.
 “Well don’t think about that asshole, you’re way out of his league anyway,” I assured her to which she let out a weak laugh. 
“Come sit with me and my friends,” 
 A girl with knockers dancing all along her head came up to before speaking 
“Why are you crying?” 
I sniffed pulling my head from my arms. 
“I miss my mom,” 
“I miss my mom sometimes but I like my grandma too,”
“Where’s your mom?” I asked.
“I don’t know my grandma says she’s sick,” She shrugged. “Where’s your mom?”
“Well my grandma says she’s in a better place now but I know that just means dead,” 
“Yeah my dad is dead too so I know what you mean, I’m Rose. What’s your name?”
“Y/N, that's a pretty name,” She smiled. “You wanna come sit with me and my friends Y/N?”
I jumped a bit at the voice before matching it to MJ
“What?” I asked in a harsher tone then necessary.  
“Jeez sorry,” She reeled back “Someone is asking for you named Carmen. They said it’s important,” She waved her phone around. 
My face dropped and I hoped no one caught it. 
I grabbed the phone exiting the auditorium.
“Okay what’s up?” 
“You know Liz’s dad whatever her name is but yeah, He’s gonna rob that plane that’s moving everything from the Avengers tower,” She rushed
Holy shit 
That must be where Peter’s went. So he figured it out too. Kid’s smarter than I give him credit for.
“I’ll send you the location on your phone,”
“Why didn’t you just call me from there?”
“Because you never answer it,”
“Y/N?” She whispered.
“Be careful,” 
“Always,” I smiled. 
I rushed out of the building not thinking about how I could get caught. Near the buses there was the new Shocker lying unconscious. 
I took the webshooter I found next to him. Then made a run for it. Stopping to hot wire the nearest car, I sped to one of the locations that I knew Vulture’s team kept their weapons at. I was throwing everything in the same pile. Getting ready to destroy them. 
Then the door creaked open.
I felt the bed dip as my brother sat next to me. 
“Are you coming?”
I pulled the cover off my face 
“Why should I?”
“Because you’ll regret it if you don’t,” 
“No I won’t leave me alone,” I pulled the cover back over my head. 
“You gotta eat something,” 
“No I don’t leave me alone,” 
I knew what he was going to say and I didn’t wanna hear it. 
“She would want you to eat something,”
“Fuck you! How would you ever know what she would've wanted? No one here knew her and now one will ever get the chance to again so just leave me alone,” 
“Don’t Y/N me, get the fuck out of my room,” He sat there for a second, stunned “NOW!” 
As soon as the door closed and I flipped back over
I was shaken back into the present only to find that I was pinned under the man who’d entered the room before I zoned out. He reached for the nearest weapon. I wasn’t sure exactly what it was. Which is rare. I have a whole weapons catalog in my brain. Unfortunately for him he couldn’t grab it without giving me leeway to get from underneath them. 
Unfortunately for me I put too much pressure on my arm in the seconds I took to grip my shoulder recuperating myself. The man had fired the weapon he had at the pile of weapons that I stumbled back towards. 
The weapons then emitted purple light before exploding leaving me caught under some wood and concrete as the ringing in my ears only got louder and louder.
The fire around me crackled loudly and I bit my lip.
The smoke was only getting more plentiful.
I started coughing which only got more and more painful.
When I came to myself, I wasn’t choking anymore and the fire around me had died down. I was able to push myself from underneath the rubble holding me down. Not without lots of pain though.
The dress I was wearing was torn completely, holes big enough to see what I was wearing underneath it already. 
So I just took it off.
It wasn’t like I was completely naked I was wearing boxers. Not like I haven’t left the house in a bra and shorts before. Also who gives a fuck I just almost died. 
It was like 35° but I wasn’t cold in the slightest. I was actually kind of hot.
If my phone was accurate the plane had already made it near the edge of Queens and Staten Island. Rushing there I was seconds late as I saw the plane crash after I saw two figures fighting along it. 
There was fire everywhere but I wasn’t thinking. I was just running because I couldn’t make out Peter’s shape and if he was dead- 
I swear to fucking God if he was dead. Not again. I couldn’t handle another death.
Peter was saying something. No, pleading as the Vulture stood tall with his wings still intact. He was talking about how it was a nice try and he doesn’t know what he’s messing with.
Peter might not but I knew what this was. I also knew I wasn’t letting him get away with it. 
The wings started producing visible waves of heat. Then it hit me, what Peter was trying to say. The wings were gonna blow.  I got a head start and lunged towards the man. The element of surprise was on my side. That was until he used the wings to lift himself off the ground. 
Now I was fine with parkour and other activities, but being lifted off the ground by someone else, someone who’d never interacted with me ever, is where I draw the line. Then Peter was shooting a web at the wings. To which Vulture dropped me to go after him.
Oh hell no.
“Give it up Peter,” He continued to get closer and closer as the webs were continuously cut through. 
You know how people say they see in red when they get angry? Well the opposite of that happens to me I just see black. Remembering very little to nothing.
Last thing I remembered was fire just fire. From my fingertips, arms, head. It destroyed the wings in seconds, before they had a chance to blow up on their own. 
Peter webbed up the man before moving out of my sight. 
How the fuck do you get fire coming from your body. 
 Literally what the actual fuck. 
I couldn’t breathe. 
That’s what it was, I was dying, I was probably in some coma and this was a weird hallucination my brain pushed out in its final moments.
Okay this is it. I was dying suffocating in some coma.
Or even worse this wasn’t a coma and I was going to die with my body lit on fire literally.
“Oh my God,” I gasped trying to get air into my lungs. 
I closed my eyes and when I opened them Peter was in front of me in a torn up ripoff suit. 
“Y/N,” He moved trying to catch my eye.
“Y/N, Y/N breathe…”
I couldn’t really process his words. My mind was clouded with fear, fear and anger. 
Before I knew it I was hitting my head so I wouldn’t hit anyone or anything else. It’d been a coping mechanism I used ever since I was 3. 
Peter reached for my arms reeling back after his hands came into contact with my boiling skin. 
“Y/N you have to calm down,” He moved in front of me.
I stopped moving my hands but it was still difficult to breathe.
The monitors beeped all around me and if I closed my eyes  and concentrated hard enough. I could convince myself they were birds. 
I could tell from the patter of the knock on the door that it was Rose. 
“Come in!” I called out.
She picked up the clipboard examining it. As she did every time she visited. Luckily for everyone there was no nurse she could bombard with questions and criticism. 
“How are you feeling?” She asked. 
“Itchy, like my guts are on fire,” 
To which she replied by singing the chorus to Girl on Fire. 
“Anyway,” she brought us back after our laughter. “I got you pizza today since I’m sure you’re tired of McDonald’s,”
“I don’t mind McDonald’s actually, anything is better than hospital food. Well actually, their chicken strips aren’t that bad,” 
She placed the box down on my lap. I lifted up the lid and was hit with the smell of the many herbs. I pat by my legs signaling she could sit down. She wiggled into the spot that the bar of the bed allowed. 
“What are we watching today?” 
“Uh…” I clicked on the TV “Vampire Diaries?,”
“That show is still going?
“Yeah, I don’t think it’ll ever end,” 
Somehow the show turned into us dancing around the cramped hospital room.
We spun like the ballerinas in the broken jewelry box I got from my mom. Arms flailing around. The air conditioner made a rattling noise and a half eaten pizza on the bed. The situation was probably extremely weird or unpleasant from any other perspective, but because it was her it was perfect. 
It was like the moment in rom coms where the camera zooms into the main characters dancing as the rest of the characters are put out of focus and they stare into each other’s eyes. I closed my eyes. 
When I opened them I saw Peter’s eyes above mine. 
His hands were immediately on my face making my look straight at him. 
“Are you okay?” He breathed out. 
I sat up feeling a pounding in my head and a pull in my lungs. I was met with the fact that I was definitely not on the ground. I was actually very far from the ground on some ride on the pier. My mouth was dry so it took me a minute to get the words out and when I did it hurt my throat.
“Yeah ’m okay jus’ tired,”
“Okay, well don’t go back to sleep because I think you have a concussion,” 
“You’re acting like I died or something, how long was I out dang,” I joked I always hated when things got too serious. 
“Uh probably...30 minutes? I don’t know I don’t have a watch,” He sniffed and that's when I realized he’d be crying. 
“Were you crying? I knew you cared about me,” I smiled “It was only a matter of time before you fell in love with me, I’m irresistible” 
He laughed weakly wiping his eyes “This isn’t funny,” 
I looked up at him and started uncontrollably giggling. Soon Peter was laughing too.
The moment was interrupted by a squad of police cars pulling up. I absolutely did not want to get down but my tired muscles betrayed me. I was extremely exhausted.  I literally could not move. I just had to go wherever Peter decided to take me. I honestly think I might have a few broken ribs. Nothing I haven’t dealt with before though. We stood off to the side watching as Vulture was stuffed into the back of one of the cars. 
“So Spiderman?” I smirked.
“Uh.. no?” He said as if he’s questioning himself. 
“It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone I’ve known for a while now,” I twisted my body to face him hissing as a sharp sting shot through my body “You're not very good at hiding it,”
“Hey!” He cried out “But seriously you can’t tell anyone,”
“I already said I wouldn’t, but if it makes you feel better I’ll pinky promise you, and everyone knows you can’t break a pinky promise,”
“Alright,” He sighed.
I tried to move closer again and was stopped by the pain in my sides. 
“Okay well, the offer still stands, you’re just gonna have to come over here,”
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strawberrysoup · 4 years
Let’s Review || Chapter 19
Peter Parker knew that his big sister would do anything for him to be safe and happy. She’d given up everything for him twice over already and would do it again in a heartbeat. And that’s why, when the criminal mastermind Tony Stark started inextricably following him around, he didn’t say a word. Because he knew without a doubt Penny would do whatever she had to if it meant keeping Peter safe. He had to protect her, just like she always protected him. He never considered what would happen if Stark decided both Parker siblings were worth taking. Never considered who else in Stark’s inner circle would agree. He just wanted to protect her and yet somehow, they both ended up with needles in their necks.
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relationship: Steve Rogers/Original Female Character/Bucky Barnes, background Peter Parker/Tony Stark rating: Explicit warnings: Dark Steve Rogers, Dark Bucky Barnes, Dark Tony Stark, Dark Avengers, kidnapping, non-consensual&dark sexual situations, underage Peter Parker, emotional and psychological abuse, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat more warnings: i’m going to start including detailed warnings to the very ends of chapters in order to avoid ruining the shock factor in chapters while still being mindful of potential individual triggers. open the read more, CTRL + F and search “content warnings” to skip to the extra tags if you so choose.
Penny did not, in fact, stop earning extra swats at all and by day 3 had stopped sitting on her butt entirely, much to the quiet amusement of the soldiers. Steve had ordered more silk shorts and a pair of joggers that were soft enough she could wear them without too much pain. She was petulant and precious and far too tired to be as angry as they knew she wanted to be. He and Bucky had rotated taking days off since the incident, doing their best to try to engage with her. 
Some of the things they'd learned were as follows: 
1.    Penny's father had died when she was very young and she didn't remember him. He'd been Israeli, Jewish, and had lots of family Penny had never met. Peter's father was who she meant if she said 'my dad', a man from Queens who'd married her mother and loved Penny like she was his own (she missed her parents awfully, at all times and got tearful while talking about them). 
2.    Penny called herself stupid and dumb and an idiot on a regular basis and truly believed that Peter had gotten every IQ point her mother had to offer; it was a bad habit and bothered both of the soldiers—she was so smart and they regularly had difficulty keeping up with her intellect, her thought process was just very different from most people's. 
3.    Penny liked watching TV and movies and anything that had come out since her uncle Ben died was new and exciting. She would let them hold her for hours while they watched movies and talked through all of them with a witty and precious commentary. She didn't care for movies that made her cry. 
4.    Penny hated reading. Steve was pretty sure it was because it was difficult for her and wondered if she had the disability that flipped letters around but couldn't ask lest she got upset. If there was something that needed to be read in a movie or show, the soldiers had taken to reading it out loud immediately and unprompted.
5.    Penny desperately enjoyed and craved skin contact, to a point where Steve and Bucky were wearing less and less clothing because Penny would come to them when they weren't wearing shirts. She would ask to watch movies or TV because it was an excuse to lay on them with her cheek against their skin. Her tiny shorts were a constant but she'd shifted to wearing tank tops instead of long sleeves shirts and the soldiers liked it.
They'd thought from the beginning that skin contact could be their ticket in, Penny preened under careful touches even if she tried to hide it but it became more and more clear as the days went on. The daily spankings made her incredibly sensitive, mentally, and the extra contact seemed to be a coping mechanism. On the first day she'd tried to curb the desire with the kittens, carrying them around as much as possible but it quickly became clear it wasn't quite the same. While the little short-legged kitten had come to basically live in the spot between and directly above Penny's boobs, the orange one with impossibly chubby cheeks was more distant and preferred to simply be in the same room with people rather than held and touched (Bucky adored both kittens but the fucking tiny legs killed him, he loved it so goddamn much). But kittens were not a good replacement for a very warm super-soldier. 
Steve had gone for broke the night before, sleeping in a pair of briefs instead of joggers and a beater. Penny had stayed firmly on his chest the entire night while Bucky, wearing boxers and a t-shirt, had been left with just a single cuddly kitten tucked up under his chin. The brunet had gotten up early for work, scowling jealously at the way Penny cuddled against their lover so sweetly; he almost told JARVIS to call in for him, he could've shucked his shirt and joined the pile of warm sleepy bodies. Tony was still not entirely pleased with them though (especially once Steve had dropped their plan to head into the Rockies for a few months) so it was better to head into the office. He kissed Steve soundly and pressed his lips gently to the back of Penny's head before heading out, depositing the kitten in his hands onto the cat tree in the living room on his way. 
Steve laid awake in bed for another two hours, savoring the way Penny felt against him. Their babydoll was small and precious and fit so well against him. Her legs splayed wide over the smallest part of his waist, her head cushioned against his chest. She'd been sleeping or laying on them in similar positions since the first spanking (she'd even let Bucky carry her around after her spanking the day before, as long as his hands stayed far away from her ass). He could feel her slowly starting to wake up and ran his hands up and down her back under her tank top. 
He wasn't expecting the way she started to tremble, or the tears spilling down onto his chest. She didn't make any noise but her breaths came in little hiccups, her head tilting further down as she tried to curl into herself. 
"Baby? Penny doll, what's wrong?" He sat up, keeping her legs wrapped around his waist and enough of an angle to his torso that her weight wouldn't press her down to sit on her ass. 
She said something, but it was disrupted by hiccups and a small sob and Steve's heart broke just a little when he couldn't understand. When Penny spoke in Hebrew it was usually on accident, she was either too distressed or too scared to notice she wasn't speaking English. Steve's ears perked at the sound of bells, eyes going to the door of their bedroom where both kittens were trotting into the room. The short-legged kitten often appeared whenever Penny cried and the orange one followed but stayed near the door. It was far too small to jump onto the bed so Steve dangled an arm over the edge until he felt fur brush his fingertips, scooping the kitten up and depositing it between his and Penny's chests. The little thing purred like a motorboat, tucking into Penny's shirt and between her boobs where it generally spent most of its time. 
"Shhh, baby, it's okay," Steve brushed his lips against her temple and her cheek, continuing to run his hands under her shirt, "can you tell me why you're upset?" 
The sounds she made were borderline heartbreaking and he figured for a minute she wasn't actually capable of answering until she spoke haltingly between hiccups, "it hurts, it h-hurts, s-so much." 
Penny's ass was already shades of blue and purple, even if Steve was sure Bucky had gone easy on her the evening before. The little smacks she earned in between spankings only served to ignite the burn. 
"Oh, doll," Steve cooed, his expression pulled tight and his chest feeling even tighter; he hated the distress she was in, the pain, "hold on, I've got the arnica right here." 
She whined when he moved her legs and slipped off her shorts, leaving her naked from the waist down, and grabbed the tube from the bedside table. They had hidden several of them throughout the apartment so they'd be handy at all times. In general, Penny appreciated the relief it provided but the application made her cry even harder, even as Steve used the gentlest touches he could. Her ass was still hot to the touch and would be for days and days. 
"All done baby, I'm all done," he'd applied the cream as thickly as possible, a visible layer on her bruises, "let's leave your shorts off, okay? You don't need them." 
Personally, he'd like for her to walk around naked at all times, he liked seeing her little pussy peeking out, but it really would feel best for Penny not to have anything on her ass. She was still crying, not quite as hard but he could still feel the tears against his skin. 
"Okay baby, okay," he murmured, lips returning to her temple, "we're gonna skip your spanking today, alright? We can't tell Bucky or he'll make me, so you have to pretend I did understand?" 
Penny nodded tearfully against his chest, "thank you, thank you, thank—" 
"Shhh, it's okay baby, it's okay." 
Steve spent the entire day with Penny in his arms, carrying her carefully from room to room or laying on his chest on the couch or in the bed. The pillow on her chair in the dining room (her Princess Pillow, a term Penny did not like and had led to her refusing to use it for meal times—but only until dinner on the first night, after two spankings had left her very uncomfortable) went unused just because she never actually sat on her own, instead rested on Steve's hip while they both ate over the sink. 
He honestly hadn't intended for anything sexual when he forewent her shorts that morning and he knew Penny didn't have any salacious goals either. It happened purely on accident while they lounged on the couch watching an action movie, Penny enjoying the way Steve could pick apart the movie's shortcomings. She'd sat up for some reason and her pussy had ground against his abs causing her entire body to still, an aborted noise escaping her lips as her clit hit a ridge just perfectly. Steve's hands found her hips quickly and he kept her from lifting up, gently stroking her bare skin. 
"Hey, hey, you're alright," he murmured softly, hoping not to trigger an escape attempt, "that felt good, didn't it babydoll? Here, do it again, lemme help." 
He used his hold to manipulate her hips, rolling her cunt over the bumps of his abs again, twisting her slightly at the end to really grind her clit. She moaned, breaths coming just slightly faster as he continued to move her hips in the same pattern, carefully holding her to prevent her ass from brushing anything that would cause pain. 
"That's good doll, that's so good," he praised, feeling her thighs clench ever so slightly as she started to work herself against him, "good girl, Penny, chase it. Make yourself feel good baby." 
Her wetness spread over his abs, aiding the slide of her cunt against his skin. She even canted her hips the way he'd manipulated her, the twist at the end dragging her clit against the ridges of his abs in a way that made her pant. Her lower lip found its way between her teeth and Steve did his best not to moan at the sight; she was working herself over beautifully above him. Her pussy was so slick he imagined he could feel her arousal dripping down his abs and rolling over his skin onto the couch. She rocked hard, hands coming to rest on his chest for leverage and he could see how close she was and the exact second she started to get frustrated. A whiney moan escaped her, the twist of her hips more pronounced as she tried and failed to bring herself off. 
"I—I can't, " she whined, thighs clenching tighter, "I can't—"
"Shh precious, come here, let me help you," he lifted her easily by the waist, pulling her up until her pussy hovered just over his mouth, arms coming around her thighs to hold her tightly, "I'll fix it, baby, I'll make you cum." 
His mouth sealed over her clit in and she yelped just before a long moan escaped her lips. Steve was good at eating pussy and enjoyed it deeply, the taste of her filling his mouth and coating his tongue. She was musky and tangy and he decided he could eat her out for hours if she'd let him. Her pussy clenched as he swirled his tongue inside of her, her thighs twitching as his nose bumped her clit. He waited until he could hear her begging for release before refocusing on her clit, the sensitive little button all but throbbing under his tongue as he began a truly exquisite onslaught. 
"Oh.. Ohhhh, I—oh no, oh no," he smirked against her cunt as she seemed to realize she was about to cum all over his face, her cheeks lighting up red at the thought and her thighs attempting to gain enough strength to lift herself up. 
Steve tightened his arms around her thighs and held her firmly, pussy sealed against his mouth with no room for squirming. Her lower body began desperately twitching as her orgasm built. He focused his tongue on her clit, working happily as she got louder and louder, her hips desperately rocking in his hold. The noise she made when she came nearly made his pop off in his briefs, loud and pitched and desperate. It tapered into breathy pants and whines and he stopped just before she became too sensitive for comfort, tongue lapping up into her cunt. Her cum was the same earthy flavor as her arousal and he cleaned her until she started to squirm. 
Her face was so endearingly red when he resituated her on his abs, directly onto the wet spot her pussy had made on his skin. She couldn't meet his eyes and he smiled, stroking his hands over her thighs gently. 
"Lay down baby, the movies not finished yet," he told her softly, pulling her down to rest against his chest again with her head on his peck and she stayed that way for the next two hours, until Bucky for home.  
Bucky's eyebrow had gone up when he walked in after work, the first thing he saw being Penny's bare ass and pussy from between her splayed legs where she lay over Steve's chest on the couch once again. The blond had signed 'don't ask-don't ask-don't ask' quickly before Bucky could even open his mouth, instead choosing to walk over and kiss both of them before heading into the bedroom to change. Well, mostly he just undressed down to his briefs and called it a day, obviously clothing was optional if not frowned upon in their apartment at the moment. His day had been relatively easy, the interrogation he'd done had gone by fast and after that it was just paperwork. Tony's companies, both legal and illegal, had a whole slew of enemies. Steve was good at finding them and Bucky was good at retrieving information from them. 
"Remember what we talked about precious," Steve murmured to her as Bucky walked back into the room, the blond's eyes finding his with a careful expression on his face, "be a good girl, be sweet." 
A squeaky meow interrupted his thoughts and Bucky reached down to scoop his favourite kitten into his arms. The orange one brushed against his ankles with a quiet purr, a little welcome home, before she retreated into the cat tree once again. He was worried because Penny hadn't named either of them yet but didn't know how to bring it up without upsetting her, and she was already so upset all the time. In his head he called the short one Munchkin and the orange one Chubs (for her little chubby cheeks). 
"How was your day?" He asked casually, noting the way Penny's eyes met his from under dark lashes like she had a secret. 
Judging from the way Steve gave a short 'later' hand motion, she did, but it wasn't something the blond was worried about and that meant Bucky wasn't either. Besides, he liked seeing the life in her pretty eyes today (she was half-naked on Steve's chest, unconcerned that her legs were spread, and looked almost happy—she could've killed 6 people and bathed in their blood and he wouldn't have cared because she almost smiled at him). 
"I already called down for dinner, it should get here in just a few minutes," Steve sat up, cautious of how Penny was arranged to make sure no pressure was put on her ass, "Penny needs arnica and her shorts, can you do it while I run to the bathroom?”
Bucky nodded and swept her up into his arms, cradling her tightly in his arms before falling back onto the couch and grinning when she immediately glared up at him, “I missed you today baby.” 
“I didn’t like that.” 
“You don’t like anything I do precious,” he pressed a kiss teasingly against her forehead, “let’s get this arnica on your poor ass, huh? Steve must’a already given you your spanking for today.” 
“Yeah.” Bucky’s eyebrows jumped high on his forehead; it didn’t take a master interrogator to figure out she was lying.
The hesitation to answer was the most obvious give away but she wouldn’t look him in the eyes either, a finger coming up to his chest to trace shapes against his skin. Lying to him was ballsy but he remembered the hand signals he’d received from Steve upon entering the apartment, the blond’s cryptic words to their babydoll while she thought Buck couldn’t hear. So instead of calling her out for the deception her grabbed a bottle of arnica from the end table and started very gently rubbing a layer into the bruised skin on her ass. 
Her little whimpers hurt his heart, but the full tears were what made it crack. She was likely at her breaking point for pain, where the punishment didn’t fulfill its purpose anymore. He’d bet Steve had realized the same thing and had held off. 
“Almost done babydoll. Steve! Bring her shorts with you when you come!” 
There was more squeaky meowing and he dropped his hand over the side of the couch without looking, scooping up Munchkin and dropping her onto his chest right between himself and Penny. The kitten hated being away from Penny even after such a short time. 
“What movies did you watch today? Have I seen them?” 
Penny hesitated for just a few seconds before she gave a short commentary, not noticing the way Steve walked out of the bedroom and up behind her. A quick few hand signals ‘food-sleep-talk’ told him that the blond wanted Penny fed, in bed, and asleep before they got a chance to talk and flashed and ‘okay’ behind her back. It didn’t take long to fulfill the list, Penny was out like a light with a very small dosage of sleeping pills (not enough for her to notice, just enough that she’d sleep through the night). 
The soldiers kind of assumed it was like having a toddler; during the day they had to watch what they said, if they got much of a chance to talk at all, and the dynamic between them had changed while they focused on getting Penny settled. Nights were when they had the chance to talk, it helped that they didn’t need a lot of sleep, and they honestly kind of enjoyed lying in the dark with their babydoll laid out across their chests, talking quietly over the sound of her breathing. It was certainly a good way to decompress after a long day and the pair fell asleep in the early hours of the morning, Penny on Bucky’s chest and Steve wrapped around them both from the side, a kitten or two thrown into the mix somewhere. 
Bucky woke immediately when the blond shifted, slowly starting to wake up for work. It was Steve’s turn to go in and he had a meeting with Tony too—Steve was much better at dealing with the eccentric billionaire than Bucky was, especially when it came to the topic of Penny. Despite the fact Steve had been the one who wanted her originally, Bucky was the one who’d become more overtly possessive and he didn’t like Tony butting into their business. 
“Take care of her, I’ll see you in the evening,” Steve bent over to kiss him lightly, lips trailing to brush against his cheek lovingly before he stroked a hand through Penny’s hair and gave pressed his lips to the back of her head, “love you.” 
“Love you, punk, go to work,” the brunet ignored Steve’s wry smile, instead shifting Penny to lay next to him on her side, curling his body tightly around her and tucking her up against his torso while Steve left.
She’d be up in an hour or so, would probably want to go lay in the hammock in front of the windows. She sunned herself the same way the kittens did, taking little cat naps in the sunshine between attempts at knitting. He could feel the small changes in her breathing as she started to come to and smiled; her forehead burrowed against his chest, her nose brushing his skin lightly. But then she started to tremble and a small whimper escaped her and she was reaching for him and there were tears in her eyes—
Bucky swept her into his arms immediately, carefully arranging her the same way they’d been doing for days to keep the pressure off her ass, “Penny, talk to me baby, why’re you crying? Did you have a bad dream?” 
“The stuff—the lotion—” she hiccuped and he felt her hips jump in his hands when the side of her ass brushed his leg and she yelped, “it hurts, it—”
“JARVIS, remedies for bruises,” Bucky ordered, immediately lifting them both off of the bed and heading into the bathroom. 
“Because this is the second morning Ms. Parker has woken up in pain, I have taken it upon myself to order several items to be sent to the apartment, including hypericum perforatum. There is an aloe vera plant in the living room which can be used for pain relief after a bath, which I shall add witch hazel and lavender to, along with epsom salts for the swelling.” 
“Thanks buddy,” he responded absently, the steam from the hot water immediately settling over his skin when he stepped past the doorway; the bathtub was already filling, “can you hold your weight baby? Just for a minute.” 
Penny nodded tearfully against his chest and he carefully rested her on her feet, gently manipulating the waistband of her shorts over the curve of her ass. He could see in the mirror that her skin had retained its deep red tone, purple and blue splotches concentrated on the fullness of either cheek. It wasn’t anything permanently damaging, just very painful. He pulled her tank top off and dropped it to the side with her shorts, listening as the faucet kicked off. 
“Alright baby, let’s get you into the bath,” He quickly shucked his briefs and stepped into the water, helping Penny in after even when her breathing hitched at the movement, “you’ll lay against my chest, just like usual.” 
Once they were situated, Penny with her head tucked under his chin and his arms around her back, Bucky couldn’t help but smile. He could see why Steve hadn’t gone through with her spanking yesterday, there was simply no need. Penny might not have trusted or liked them but she reached for them. When she was in pain she reached for them to help, to fix it, and knew that they would, where in the past you couldn’t have gotten her to ask them for anything, let alone help. 
It was a significant step in the right direction, Penny succumbing to a piece of her new life. She didn’t chafe under his hold, wasn’t stone still or angry. She was in pain and seeking comfort and help and she knew he’d provide it. He knew she was a stubborn little thing, the concession of just a bit of her space wasn’t the end of her fighting, but it meant something and the soldiers could work with that. During interrogations, the systematic deconstruction of a person’s will and mind meant that when one wall fell the others were very close to follow. Penny could still fight if she wanted, but it was only a matter of time before she conceded the battle. 
Patience wasn’t Bucky’s strong suit but he would wait as patiently as he could for her to crumble in his arms, after all, it wouldn’t take long now. 
content warnings: grinding, dubcon cunnilingus, face sitting
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13-reasons-ideas · 4 years
Pls pls can u do a Monty x oc, you’re with your friends & they keep teasing u asking u who’s this guy you’re so in love with and when u tell them it’s Monty their faces fall and they start giving u crap about him so u defended him and told them that u didn’t care what they thought explaining that u won’t justify your relationship with him, you end up choosing Monty over your friends & later when u meet up with him you know you’ve made the right choice💕
I met my friends after school at Rosie’s for milkshakes as per our usual Friday afternoon tradition. I got there first, so I sat at our usual table near the door and pulled out my phone. As I grabbed it, it buzzed and I saw Monty send me a text, have a good time with your friends Liv. Maybe order something different this week. Could be fun for you. I’ll see you in a bit. I love you. Smiling to myself, I quickly responded.
You too. What would you suggest oh master of milkshakes? See you after. Don’t worry, I’ll update you on all goings on in the Clay hole. I love you too.
Maybe try a vanilla milkshake. Oh joy. I’m so looking forward to that….
I had to hold back a laugh at his suggestion. I’m sorry, did you just suggest vanilla? YOU suggested vanilla?
That’s about the only thing I suggest be vanilla, little miss. I felt my face heat and didn’t respond.
“Hey Olive.” Clay greeted as he sat down.
“Hey Clay. Where’s Tony?”
“He had to work. His dad needed him at the shop.”
“Okay, Justin is coming today, right?”
As soon as the words left my mouth, the bell above the door dinged and Justin walked in, his letterman once again around his shoulders. I missed that look on him. Jess was tucked under his arm and she smiled brightly.
“Hey guys. Make room.” He said as they sat down. Jess sat across from me as Justin sat beside me.
“Hey Jess.” I greeted her.
“Hey Olivia.” She responded, the smile on her face falling slightly. She still wasn’t fully comfortable with my friendship with Justin. Little does she know, he’s not even on my radar. We chatted a bit before Marie came to take our order. Since we wait for our whole group to arrive before we order our shakes, we settled on an order of fries while we waited.
A while after we got our fries and talked amongst ourselves, the last two of our little group showed up.
“Scooch over Justin, my turn to sit with Livy.” Zach joked, pushing Justin aside. Alex laughed behind him. After some rearranging, we were all seated comfortably in the small, yet somehow accommodating booth. I was sandwiched between Justin and Zach. Marie came over again and took our orders. As usual, Clay and Justin got chocolate, Jess got strawberry, Alex got peanut butter cup, Zach got chocolate strawberry. When it was my turn to order, I took Monty’s advice and ordered vanilla. My friends looked at me like I had sprung another head or something. Marie furrowed her brow at me but wrote it down when I nodded at her. We also ordered another fries to snack on.
“Vanilla? What about your usual chocolate orange?” Alex asked.
“Decided to try something different.” I shrugged.
“Okay Olivia. But if you don’t like it, you still have to drink it.” Justin told me.
“Sure thing Dad.” I teased with a roll of my eyes. The group laughed along with us and my phone buzzed. Deciding to be polite and not check my phone at the table, I ignored it. After we had gotten our milkshakes and fries, we chatted idly for a while until my phone buzzed again. And then again.
“Someone’s popular.” Clay said. I chuckled as I looked at my phone. If someone is texting me that fast in succession, it could be important. I blushed as I saw that it was a couple of random texts from Monty, about something he was watching on tv. Hiding my phone from my friend’s view I typed a quick reply, I’m with my friends. I’ll talk to you in a while. Love you.
When I looked up, my friends were smirking at me. “What?” I asked, “Is there something on my face?”
“Yeah. Red splotches.” Clay said plainly.
I threw a fry at him and he looked affronted. I threw another one and he caught it in his mouth. Changing the subject, I asked him, “so what’s going on in the Clay hole?”
“Ah, you know, Justin has years of annoying brother stuff to catch up on. So that basically.”
“Hey, I only do it because I love you. You know that.”
“Mhmm, I know. That’s why you leave lasagna from three days ago on the counter in our room.”
Justin merely shrugged and stuck his fry in his shake.
“Dude, that’s gross. Also, don’t leave food out. That’s also gross.” I chided.
“It’s delicious Liv. And yes Mom.”
“I’m sure Lainie feels the same way, yes.”
He threw a fry at me and I caught it in my mouth triumphantly. My phone buzzed a few more times and I ignored them. A few minutes later, it buzzed again, and I took a quick peek. Can’t wait till I get you alone and we can discuss exactly why vanilla is only good as an ice cream flavour. One text read. Another read, I’m only half sorry about that. Mostly because you know it’s true. I felt my face heat again before a smile spread across my face as I read another text, But really. I can’t wait to see you soon beautiful. I didn’t answer him and instead, locked my phone again. Looking up, my friends were once again staring at me. I took a long sip of my milkshake in lieu of responding. This isn’t actually all that bad…. “Vanilla shake, more smiling, running off as soon as school is done.” Alex mused.
“She gets more than one drink at Monet’s in the morning too.” Zach muttered.
“Changed our tutoring to lunch. A lot more texts when we are together.” Justin added.
“What’s his name?” Jess asked.
I took another sip before answering, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Right. And so if there’s nothing, explain why you don’t pull your hair up as often anymore.” Clay implored. Maybe he’s not as oblivious as we all thought.
“Guys, it’s nothing. My cousin is coming into town and my mom just wanted to make sure everything was in order.”
“Livy. Your mom has never texted you that much. And your cousin doesn’t make you smile. I believe there was a story of the time you cut the heads off of her barbies for pushing you in the mud.”
“She ruined my favourite shirt Zach. She had it coming.”
“I don’t deny she did. But you can’t expect us to believe that there is no one. You’re different. Who is he?”
I paused before pulling my hair back into a low ponytail. There was a small hickey just under my ear. “No… Olivia. No.” Justin muttered when he saw it.
“What?” Clay and Alex asked together.
I took a very long sip of my shake and took a deep breath before responding, “Yes Justin.”
“No. I refuse to believe it.”
“What? Who are you talking about?” Zach asked, not seeing the man’s mark on me.
“I-it’s Monty….” I stuttered quietly. There was a pregnant pause before Jess burst out laughing.
“That… that’s funny. There’s no way he would go for a girl like you.” She said. That’s only slightly rude. I made no sound of defence or any attempt to answer. “Wait. Seriously?” She continued, her eyes darting around the table. I simply gave a small nod. Again, it was quiet while my friends digested the information they were just given. Their faces had all fallen.
“Monty? Honestly Olivia?” Alex stated but I could tell he intended it to be a question.
“He’s a dick.” Clay said.
“He’s violent as shit.” Zach added.
“He’s not very smart.” Jess muttered.
“He’s mean Liv. I thought you were smarter than that.” Justin chided.
The group’s list of reasons why he is all wrong for me went on and on until I couldn’t stand to listen to their bullshit anymore. “Okay. I understand you are mad. That is fine. What is not fine, is you sitting here and talking shit about the man that I love.”
“You love him?” Clay asked, dumbfounded.
“Yes. I do. And he loves me.”
Jess huffed out a laugh, “please Olivia. Montgomery wouldn’t know love if it bit him in the ass. He is incapable of feeling it.” That’s it.
“Fuck you.” I said plainly to her. She stared at me her mouth open in shock.
“Olivia!” Justin gasped.
“No Justin. Listen to me. You are all being ridiculous. I know you have this idea of what Montgomery is like. He has a temper, yes. He has shitty coping mechanisms. He uses violence to feel something he can’t express verbally. It’s not healthy and he knows that. We are working on it. And before any of you ask, no. I do not think he would ever hurt me. Oh and since you all seem to think he’s an idiot, he isn’t. He is actually very smart. I don’t deny that he has issues. But don’t act like none of you have issues. Clay, you have this idea where any information that doesn’t fit what you think a person is like, must be wrong. You’re idealistic in a way that is not only reckless but makes you look like a dumbass. Justin, you’re an addict. I know you’re in recovery and it’s hard sometimes, but I also know that you understand the adage of ‘once an addict, always an addict’. Zach, you’re a pushover. You want to please everyone. Unless it doesn’t suit you. Then you are an ass to everyone because you want to keep your butt clean. Don’t act like me dating Monty and not telling you is any different than what you did to Hannah after that summer. Alex, I don’t think I need to explain your issues. And you Jessica, you were fucking Justin while you were dating Alex. And you’re jealous that Justin and I are friends. So, don’t fucking sit here and act like you are any less fucked up than he is. Just because he deals with it in a way you wouldn’t, doesn’t make him a bad person. I don’t need to sit here, and fucking justify my relationship to any of you.”
My friends sat in shock at my outburst. I could feel the blood rushing in my head as I took a breath. “You really feel that way?” Zach asked.
“Yes.” I said bluntly.
“Well in that case,” Alex started.
“Don’t make me choose.” I told them.
“Why not?” Clay demanded.
“Well for one thing, its fucking childish. And for another thing, you won’t like my choice.”
They were silent in response. That’s my answer then. As I grabbed my bag, Zach stood up to let me out of the booth. I took one last look at my friends before putting cash to cover my drink and portion of the fries on the table and turning to walk away. I texted Monty when I got in the car, can you come over please? I need you.
He replied almost immediately, give me ten minutes. I’ll be right there Liv.
I got to my house a few minutes later and got myself a cup of water before going upstairs to reapply my perfume. I caught sight of a few pictures of the group of us on my shelf, the seven of us including Tony at one formal or another, the six of us goofing off in the park, Justin and I after he got back from rehab. Fucking best friends my ass. Before I could stop myself, I gathered the photos in my arms and took them downstairs. Clearing a space in my living room and moving the area rug, I snapped. I threw the pictures one by one to the ground, the glass shattering or cracking and the frames breaking at the impact. When I went to throw another one, my front door opened. I heard Monty’s voice in the distance, “Olivia?” He walked over to me, being careful of the glass littering the hardwood. I felt his arms wrap around me, “hey hey. It’s okay. You’re okay.” I felt myself slump into his strong arms as tears filled my eyes. Taking the picture from my hand, he placed it on the couch. He held me tightly and walked me to the couch and pulled me into his lap, “shhhh. It’s okay. Everything is okay. Just breathe, I’m right here.” He soothed.
Once my crying subsided, I was able to find my voice again, “I t-told them about you.”
“A-and they… they.” I hiccupped. I felt his arms tense around me.
“What did they do Liv?”
“They were horrible. They hate me Monty. They made me choose.”  
“They what?” His anger was evident in his tone.
“They made me choose. It was them or you. And I couldn’t… I couldn’t choose them if that’s how they were going to act like that when I fall in love with someone.”
He kissed the top of my head and held me until I was calm enough to stand. “You go change. I’ll go get the broom and we can clean this up, what do you say?”
“Mkay.” I said, numbly. By the time I had come back down, the pictures were gone, and he was in the process of sweeping up the mess. I went to grab the hand vacuum and cleaned up the microscopic bits the broom missed. Once the living room was back in order, Monty queued up my favourite movie and we cuddled on the couch. Definitely made the right choice. I’ll worry about the fallout on Monday.  
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retrorealeyes · 4 years
sdfjsdkfhsk I don’t know what this is going to be. I quit twitter so I could stop being addicted and do better in school but nooooo I need attention/my words in the public eye
I have a fucking headache, fucking stomache overall I’m not doing well. (this maybe because I woke up 3 hours ago and I still haven’t eaten because i’m avoiding mother you will see below)
Because my mom saw my BEN SHAPIRO RAPE ART. (to clarify it was post rape or whatevr idk if it even implied rape, but there were naked people,no sex but it was implied to be about sex and not like “anotomy” or something so I cna’t play it off)
“What?” or maybe even “WHAAAAAAAT?????!!!”
Basically it was a joke with a twitter friend, I made of my own accord randomly. Lewd thing’s include
-ben shapiro has no pants
-ben shapiro has his GIANT DICK OUT (2 balls, probably not accurate, basically no references, but it’s obvious it’s a penis,no matter how crude)
-there’s a girl lying in front of him, basically naked, the outline of her showing (tits) touching his dripping dick
-there’s another girl, lying with her butt facing the outside of the drawing
None of it is “detailed or accurate” it was drawn as a joke. But it doesn’t matter. It’s NSFW and my mom had TIME to examine it and whatever other words are on the notepad. I hid it now so I can’t look at it but there’s that. And she wants to talk ABOUT IT.
Also to clarify we’re Indian which is relevant information because it tells you the following:
-we’ve literally never discussed sex,etc. she just lets the school teach me
-i “shouldn’t knwo this stuff” even though I should
-very conservative even if she votes democrat
-etc. etc.
-and ‘m not doing well in school so obviously she has full eprmission to be mad at me over anything EVEN IF IT WAS THE NOTEPAD I LITERALLY WROTE ALL MY HTOUGHTS IN AND LEFT OUT (not to the ben shapiro page) TRUSTING HTEM NOT TO SNOOP BECAUSE I’D SEVERAL TIMES RECENTLY TOLD EHR AND MY DAD NOT TO SNOOP BUT NO SHE DOESN’T CARE THAT I LITERALLY CAN’T TRUST HER WITH MY STUFF EVER AND THIS IS WHY (not this exactly but my parent’s oppressive take to parenting and my dad’s angry outburts have definetly contributed largely) I CAN’T OPEN UP TO THEM OR MY FRIENDS OR ANYBODY,,,, EVER
-i’ve primarily learnt that shit from the internet, though very accurately, I don’t want my internet access taken away because a.school b. I kinda NEED it
SO obviously I have to lay it off as a. just a joke b. not talk about it because she was snooping (which makes me seem suspicious) c. say I drew it LONG AGO and AS A JOKE d. ignore it until she forgets/realizes she cna’t question me on it (v. hard lot’s of avoiding, will probably take away my interent) or even e. I drew it intentionally to see if she’d noop, but tthat takes away my moral high ground because now it’s bait that I left out + she’ll catch my bluff
It’s possible i acted macho enough in the morning when she asked me about it, she’ll leave me and my burgeoning sexuality alone (I’M KIDDING IT WAS A JOKE NOT A HORNY THING I STG). Plus she’s nosy as fuck (as evidenced) so probably not. Plus she stole my computer after I did that, while I lay in bed, so she’s gonna be petty.
SO I guess I’ll avoid her and play up the macho (b.) and fall onto a variation combination of b& c if she presurizes me + if further pressurized uphold my moral high ground in draiwng hta t(it’s normal, a joke, it’s my stupid head pad, we learned shit in shcool) nad the fact she shouldn’t have snooped. If she asks what it is I’ll say somehting like “”naked people,, I’ve seen people draw >boy parts< in shcool as a joke”
(this story ft. the first line of CaliforM.I.A. from Black Friday)
PLUSPLUSPLUS I should be doing my hw but all my supplies except my lapttop are outside my rooma nd my mom HAD to go snoop on my NSFW ABSOLUTELY FUCKIGN SHITTY JOKE ART so I’m oretty stuck
plus I cna’t go on twitter so I have no outlet
plus i stayed in bed because mom woke we up wiht that real nice line, “I saw your art, we need to talk about it” (I forgot where this point was going but, yeah)
I need to change into normal clothes
I’m hungry
I skipped my first class just becuase I--- couldn’t after that WONDERFUL morning and last evening (which I don’t have the will to elaborate on, just assume I didn’t sleep well and that yesterday was similarly but not excessively shitty)
My crush (who I haven’t messaged back for two weeks, yes I have AVOIDANT TENDENCIES and there was no reason to avoid it i’m just a frigging bitch and YES I do hate myself I’m actually really fucking sorry and my parents [it’s implied he hasa crush back so that’s nice] would never let me date him but we can dream or whatever)  called me last night apparently (I didn’t see it) and left the messgae “>:(” (jokingly) so I’m tempted to apologize and send the art i drew of him (luckily I have pictures on my comp. before my mom took my ohone away) as a sort of “will this do as sacrifice lol” IDK I’M BIG DUMB DUMB, YEAH?
i’m doing shitty in school
i have no motivation
there were a few otehr things but honestly i forgot, mayeb they were like “i’ve been avoiding clubs, friends, etc. and i’m still not able to do well in school”
and i’m hella thirsty (source of the headache + my stress i believe) but i refuse to go down :disappointed face emoji:
sorry for the incessant spelling errors, this is literally a freaked out tired rant. I’m going on a walk now which involves going out of my bedroom and passing mother dearest so Imma be fuckign sick. SOrry if you read this mess this far. I hope YOU’RE having a good day, because i’m NOT.
hErE cOmE tHe fUcKiNg wOlVeS (I hear y dad go downstairs and i don’t think he’s seen IT because he claims, “I’ll never snoop if you tell  me not to” but guess what? he still keeps trying snoop. so it’ll be hella worse if he has. I thought my lil sister was down but she’s up so I guess I don’t have protection from confrontation any way)
also ft. freaking out by the wrecks (proabbly) though that was mainly wednesday (2 days ago, also when I did no hw despit eit being a free day and quit twitter though I still need a coping mechanism and look where THAT got me (addicted to journaling, scrolling tiwtter and saving tweets instead of liking htem so nobody knows I’m there adn TUMBLR))
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