#hambone hamilton headcanons
luminouslywriting · 4 months
this doesn’t need to be a full headcanon because I don’t think you can put much substance into this but who do you think tries to dirty talk in his letters? I just know if Bucky were the pale pal type he’d write the 40s equivalent of 50 shades whereas buck would never even think about asking his girl to send a booby pic in her next letter.
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Nonny, you’re so right is the thing 😂 And I do have a few thoughts below. Cut for length, more under the cut, light spice sprinkled in.
Bucky Egan:
My entire evidence for this is @precious-little-scoundrel and her Julie Jean and Bucky letters….so if you haven’t read those, you’re missing OUT and you need to go read it immediately. The archetype for everything tbh. But I have a few thoughts as well. Bucky is the type of person who writes out all of his intrusive thoughts in a letter—even the dirty ones, albeit very sweetly. He doesn’t mean to be crude, it just kinda happens. Would send saucy pictures for you as well 🤭
Hamilton Hambone:
This man, on the other hand, is the 1940s equivalent of a tumblr girlie writing x reader smut, okay?? Like those letters have to be BURNED afterwards because they make you blush and burn for one another. Absolutely treasures the letters you send him and hopes you’ll write things just as spicy.
Benny DeMarco:
Listen, I think it’s an accident but he just starts writing, doesn’t intend to send it to you AT ALL, and then tiredly sends the spicy letter before realizing his mistake. So there’s light amounts of wet dreams included in his letters along with missing certain parts of you, but it’s all balanced out and still pretty nice.
Rosie Rosenthal:
The definition of class and how to imply things between the lines. You can say quite a lot by not saying anything at all and he absolutely takes advantage of that. It’s on par with tactful smutty poetry tbh, but all still very respectful and loving.
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bejeweledblondie · 4 months
Peggy, The Pin Up
A/N: I apologize for being MIA I’ve had a lot of very great but time consuming things take over my life! I’ve started a 1940s vintage clothing blog & I’m shocked at how successful it has become. On top of that I’ve got promotions at work & it’s opened so many doors for me. I’m hoping to write a bit more!
Warnings: classic 1940’s sexism, mentions of nudity, female pronouns
Summary: Y/N never expected for her pin up prints to be put out… it causes some disruption on Abbott-Thorpe & one dark curly haired aviator comes to her rescue
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It all happened on a Thursday morning at breakfast. Y/N sat there in her crisp white uniform shoveling the chalky yellow substance the army called eggs in her mouth. A dark shadow appeared above her plate & a magazine was plopped down in front of her.
“Don’t even try to deny it, this is you isn’t it?” He asked with a hint of amusement in his voice. Speechless she looked away & noticed that the Army’s shipment of Esquire hit the shelves. “God who knew? We knew you were a tease, but this is just another level.” He started. “Do you know what everyone says about you?” She shook her head shamefully, lying to herself. She had heard rumblings in the sick bay from time to time. Sometimes while fixing a patients IV bag or a even helping move a patient a hemline might rise causing a stir.
Before the pilot could continue his chauvinistic teasing session she immediately grabbed her belongings & swiftly exited. Little did she know a dark curly haired pilot was watching the torment happen. Due to rank he couldn’t intervene but oh he so badly wanted to bury the man six feet under. He had grown fond of the nurse, she was always so kind with his men. Incredibly soft spoken & nurturing when it came to the care she provided. He had walked in on her reading a copy of John Steinbeck’s, “Of Mice & Men” to the wounded pilots one evening. She didn’t have to do that, she could’ve been out dancing at the Officer’s Club. But she voluntarily chose to stay after her shift to read to them. He could tell the men greatly appreciated it too, it gave them a small window of comfort during an incredibly traumatic moment in their lives.
Douglass, also watching the debacle rolled his eyes & sipped his coffee.
“These men act like they’ve never seen tits before it’s insane.” He scoffed. Rosie almost choked on the toast he was eating.
“I mean some are freshly turned eighteen.” Blakely reminded him.
“Still, this is going to cause a huge fucking problem.” He swore. “Rosenthal, you okay?” Rosie had been staring off into the space during the duration of the conversation.
“Go to her,” Douglass sighed. “She may be oblivious but I’m not. You’ll also want to scoop her before someone like Egan does.” With that Rosie excused himself & started to head towards the medical ward. The sterile white environment contrasted heavily from the drab olive green darkness of the mess hall. Injured pilots laid in beds reading the paper, being fed their morning breakfast, or having their vitals taken. Valerie, a nurse he knew was friendly with Y/N was checking the vitals on a young sergeant.
“Val!” He said getting her attention & started over to her. “Have you seen Y/N?” He asked.
“Yeah, she seemed a bit off,” She started. “She begged Major to allow her to just work in supply today. You might wanna try there.”
“Thank you.” Rosie replied & made his way to the supply room. There she stood sniffling & rolling gauze. Her eyes were clouded with a melancholy look as she completed the mundane task. He knocked on the door frame causing her to look up slightly startled.
“Oh Major Rosenthal it’s you,” She said with a slight tremble in her voice. “What can I do for you?” He cringed at her using his rank, usually it would make his blood pressure rise & heart race. But this circumstance was entirely different.
“I saw what happened in the chow hall,” He started. She’s started to wipe away tears. “I just wanted to see how you were doing.” He said wringing anxiously. She sighed deeply & looked away.
“I’ll be alright,” She stated. “I’m just going to lay low for a few weeks.” It broke his heart to see her this way. She was always a little jumpy & anxious to begin with. This situation just poured gasoline on a oil fire.
“No,” Rosie stated. “You shouldn’t let some asshole make you feel uncomfortable.” She stared him with big wide eyes. “If it makes you feel any better I’ll escort you places.” Her eyes softened as she listened to him. A small crimson warmth crept onto her cheeks at the mere mention of him escorting her.
After a few weeks, the heat died out about the pin up nurse. Rosie & Y/N had become closer over the weeks. His protection meant no one would even try to touch a hair on her head. From lingering touches, longing gazes, & of course Rosie sitting on her nightly readings to the wounded pilots. He (like every man on post who took a liking to her) did keep a copy of the pin up photo.
On missions he’d keep the folded piece of paper tucked into the pocket of his sheepskin. A reminder of what he was protecting & fighting for. His calloused thumb would graze over her innocent smile as he admired the image. Even in his bunk, he’d spend some alone time with it after everyone had fallen asleep. During one night after the pin up photo was brought up by a rookie pilot, & in turn making Y/N uncomfortable. Rosie knew he had to make her see what he saw in the photo. After some discussions with Ken Lemmons, he decided to really make sure he was reminded everyday was he was fighting for.
With hands covering her eyes he directed her to the airstrip.
“Rosie I can’t see!” Y/N giggled, tripping over her own feet. He chuckled at her natural clumsiness. “Where are we going?”
“You’ll see, you’re so impatient.” He said. He lead her right up the nose to his beloved bomber. “Okay now you can see.” With the removal of his hands & a adjustment to the sunlight she was staring at herself painted on the side of his bomber. The same pin up that graced Esquire months ago that brought them together. She gasped in pure shock at the artwork.
“Oh, Rosie.” She gasped unable to speak. “Did you paint this?”
“With a little help from Lemmons.” He replied. “I want you to see what I see. A beautiful woman. Do you like it?”
“I-wow,” She smiled. “I love it.” She turned around to face him. He was staring down her, admiring the way the sun light reflected off her hair. He brushed stray strands of hair behind her ear. His hand lightly danced across her cheek bone as he stared adoringly into her eyes. He leaned down & placed a tender kiss onto her lips. She reciprocated & kissed back. Her arms wrapped around his neck & his slowly gravitated to her waist pulling her in closer. After pulling a part they rested foreheads against one another.
“God you have no idea how long I’ve always wanted to do that,” He admitted.
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darkimpala1897 · 6 months
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The Cleven twins Masters Of Air Au headcanons.
1. Gale's twin is name Ruth Thomas Cleven, he's the youngest by ten minutes, everyone calls him Ruthy, Bucky calls him Bucket, because he's Bucky, Buck is Buck, and Ruth is Bucket.
2. His dark hair comes from his mother, well Bucks blonde hair comes from his father.
3. Ruth teases Buck anytime he brings Marge up, he goes "Marge this, Marge that, we get it."
4. Is there for Bucky when he realizes he's in love with Buck.
5. He awkwardly kissed Bucky to test a theory that maybe he's attracted to him and not Buck, but Bucky immediately reacted by going "That was like kissing my sister, no definitely in love with Buck not you" and Ruth was like "Jeez thanks."
6. Does drunk karaoke with Bucky, you would think he was Buckys twin not Bucks.
7. When Buck goes missing, he insisted his brother was still alive actually he yelled at anyone who said he was dead, "it's a twin thing" Bucky would say.
8. When they are reunited with Buck in the prison camp he straight up went "I told you so." And Bucky just glared at him.
9. Ruth is the polar opposite of Buck, he keeps Buck on his toes that's for sure.
10. Anytime anyone picks on Buck for his name being Gale, Ruth makes sure to let them know that only he can pick on Buck for being called Gale.
11. Will straight up punch someone when they ask why he's named Ruth.
12. His accent is thicker than Bucks, Bubbles one time joked he needed subtitles.
13. One of the biggest pranks Bucky pulled on the newest airmen was when they asked where Major Gale Clevens was, he'd point him in the direction of Ruth who always plays along.
14. Ham somtimes somehow gets them confused with the other, Ruth finds it hilarious and doesn't correct him, Buck does because he feels bad.
15. Major flirt and playboy Ruth is, he always says "I'll write you." With a smile and a smirk, and then Buck is like "You're aren't going to write her will you?" And then Ruth is like "Do I look like you and Marge?" And then Buck is like "Sometimes I'm ashamed that you have my face."
16. Ruth will eat anything, Buck is a peaky eater.
17. Ruth can pretty much mimic any accent, he isn't great at mimicking people but accents he's amazing at, he enjoyed scaring everyone in the prison camp by randomly yelling in a German accent, worked everytime.
18. Ruth can't ride a bike, I mean he can but not amazingly. He runs into everything.
19. Ruth does his brothers hair, he cuts it and styles it, but he refuses to let Buck touch his hair because it's already "perfect."
20. Terrible dancer, he enjoys embarrassing his twin at any chance he gets. That's why everyone jokes he's Buckys twin and not Bucks.
21. Biggest Bucky and Buck shipper ever.
Add onto this AU if you wanted! Write a fic if you wanted, do whatever!
Thanks for reading!
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trashbag-baby666 · 6 months
A series of hs au random HC’s because I don’t know where else to put them! I hope y’all enjoy!!! MOTA Masterlist!
•Hammys favorite snack is Spam
•Gale drives a tan Chevy equinox, it’s a lesbian car he has I drive a lesbian car energy.
•John carys around his ‘murse’ as he calls it. It’s literally just a Nicki Minaj tote bag Gale got him for his birthday.
•what’s in John’s murse? I’m glad you asked!
•He’s got a variety of fidgets, period products, those hard strawberry candy’s, gum, he has like a handful of gel pens in there for some reason, and whatever else the guys ask him to carry lmao.
•When Gale adopted Meatball from the shelter he refused to part with this duck toy. (John named it Gary) but now it’s ratty and has holes and barely any stuffing left but Meatball won’t let them get rid of Gary.
•Gales little sisters, Addy and Zoe are in the same fourth grade class as Curt’s little brother sawyer and Brady’s sister Joss. (The friend group pt. 2)
•John has an excessively large stuffed animal collection.
•Bubbles is a claw machine GOD.
•Bubbles is in Boy Scouts and throughly enjoys outdoor activities.
•Croz…not so much but he comes along because he wants to spend time with his boyfriend.
•Dougie works at a pizza place and says he’s going to play papas pizzeria everytime he goes to work.
•John works at Walmart. I don’t know I can close my eyes and see him in that blue vest.
•He’s seen a thing or five working there.
•Brady and Gale work at a grocery store together.
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Y’all, what about an AU where Brady is Hambone’s parol officer…
…one where Brady needs Egan to post bail for him by the end of it
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luminouslywriting · 4 months
hi love, wishing you a speedy and uncomplicated recovery <3
do you have any hambone headcanons? spicy or not both are more than appreciated! I just feel like he doesn’t get enough love
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Hi love! The recovery has been a little bit rough and I'm still bleeding quite a bit. I feel worse today than I felt yesterday, which is not it. But I welcome any and all requests to help me distract myself from the pain!
Cut for length, more under the cut, some light spice sprinkled in:
-Unashamed wife guy who proclaims adoration in somewhat filthy, yet flattering ways
-Very into dirty talk during sex
-Is the type of man who is into acts of service; will go and fill up the gas tank for the car, buys you the flower seeds you've been eying for the past little while, and makes sure that you have enough lotion when it's getting low
-Likes to tag along when you have errands to do because he likes spending time with you
-Likes reading, but some of the more American classics like Huckleberry Finn, Moby Dick, that sorta thing
-Enjoys late morning cuddles and doesn't like getting up early if he doesn't have to
-Has a daddy kink
-And is really into a breeding kink, wants dozens of little Hamilton children running around
-Simply adores physical affection and loves giving it back in whatever ways he can; he particularly enjoys tickling and the way that you laugh when he tickles you
-Super into teasing, especially in public and will not/cannot be discouraged otherwise
-Car sex and bathroom sex in public places
-Is kind of good in the kitchen, given time and ingredients? Don't get me wrong through, he's got a bone for mischief and needs supervision, lest a food fight be started
-Water fights that turn into sex in the garden in the backyard
-Affectionately a menace and has a particularly high sex drive which leaves you unable to walk for minimum of a day
-Not great at caretaking, though he tries his best; the best he can offer is some words of support and his presence
-Definitely got several pets the minute he got home
-Will take you dancing and then the two of you will duck out early for the night and not a single person would bat an eye
-Really into praise and compliments, especially during pillow talk. Speaking of pillow talk, he'll need to be trained on that front, because he just does NOT know what he's supposed to do after sex haha.
-Car rides to see sunsets
-He strikes me as the type of guy who likes to go camping in the summer
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luminouslywriting · 4 months
I hope you’re doing well after your surgery and I wish u the best, hope you feel better soon <3,
You’ve opened a can of worms here and I NEED to hear about Hambone and his dirty talk, I’m sorry, he just gives off such feral vibes (in the best way)
<3 u
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This gif is actual footage of me attempting to get my brain and thoughts under control while coming up with a suitable answer for you haha. Sorry if it's not the best....I split my stitches tonight and started bleeding again—so that means I'm back to taking it easy!
That being said, my requests for MOTA and BoB are open and I love spam, so keep sending your asks/requests in!
More under the cut, cut for length, mature content below:
-Hambone Hamilton III? This man right up here? Filthy mouth, filthy thoughts, constantly swearing during sex and the foreplay haha
-It's not JUST the swearing though....it's the way that this man so explicitly can just whisper what he's going to do to you and what reaction you're going to have while you're in the middle of a group dinner date, dancing, or at his parents' house okay??
-He's very very very descriptive in an almost crude (though it's certainly lovable) way. And yes, this in and of itself is a turn on because when those vivid images start to flood your mind, there's just no stopping it
-Is almost more rough with sex because of it?? Like he's just getting warmed up and promising you that you'll be screaming his name within the next few minutes.
-He wants the neighbors to hear and understand just how loved and cherished you are—in the dirtiest way haha
-It's not degrading though—he'd never dream of calling you any of those rough names or things that aren't very kind....
-However, he's into the whole "you can take it" sort of encouragement and telling you exactly what you're going to look like by the time he's done with you
-And heaven forbid you're eating any sort of food in his presence—because he's going to take that and run with that. He'll slide up to your side and start whispering about how you can fit so much in your mouth and he'd love to see—THAT'S ENOUGH HAMMY, WE ARE AT A POTLUCK!
-Also just starts telling you quietly about how hard you make him and how he wants to take you into the nearest car or room and discipline you for making him feel this way (I'm sorry, the brat taming has made a reappearance, but this man is a dom okay??)
-Perfectly verbose in the best and the worst of times—timing is not this man's forte
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luminouslywriting · 4 months
I know several of the guys irl got married super young like Kenny Lemmons and Hambone (who is actually younger than Ken?) and I just want to imagine what married life was like with them because they were so young even when they came back home and just being domestic with them…
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Nonny, this is super cute and I wanted to expand on it for both Hammy and Lemmons, so here you are!
Cut for length, light spice sprinkled in, let me know if you want expansions on them??:
Married life with Ken Lemmons:
-It's honestly a dream come true—he's the sweetest and most attentive husband in the world. He's the type of man who calls you sweetheart and all of the cute pet names and is an actual definition of a wife guy.
-He's out here planning out the future with you and preemptively painting a nursery because he wants a family with you.
-The type of husband who is really big on communication and figuring things out together. You rarely argue with this man and he hates to be in arguments—never raises his voice or gets angry about really anything.
-Loves dancing with you on the porch.
-Very gifted with his hands and likes making you homemade gifts....and making you come apart in very calculated efficient strokes
-Baths together where water fights, bubbles, and makeout sessions are plentiful
-Getting turned on when he's doing mechanical work of any sort or yard work haha
-Probably wants a big family and wants to start ASAP, so yes there's a breeding kink
-Also the best for dealing with any sort of sickness or chronic illness; he's super patient and likes to dote on you
-Likes going on vacations to the East Coast with you
-Probably prefers the suburbs or to be far away from the city so that life is a little more peaceful
-Car sex
-The best cuddles and pillow talk is the softest most wholesome thing in the world
-Married life with him is probably super sweet and almost picket white fence, but in the best way
Married life with Hamilton Hambone:
-This man is really just full of adoration for everything that you do and the way that he expresses that is through physical affection and sex haha
-Dirty talk is plentiful in this marriage—and so is the flirting and body praise for the both of you
-Dirty photograph sessions and he keeps a few of them in his wallet at all times
-Public teasing and a thing for hair pulling
-Likes doing the dishes with you
-Hammy likes sneaking up behind you and giving you a hug from behind
-He likes to spoil you as much as he can; it's little trinkets like bracelets or new gloves or ribbons for your hair
-This man is kinky af and into things with lots of laces or corsets haha
-Loves going out to dance parties or jazz clubs to date you; and always brags about you to his friends
-Likes to sweep you off of your feet, quite literally—and that always leads to some precarious and creative positions in many places around your home
-Likes reading with you at nighttime—or rather, he likes listening to you read at nighttime and it helps calm him down
-Loves summer pool parties and when you show off the goods (limited viewership of course haha)
-Married life with him is probably super spontaneous and fun, full of surprises and excitement at every turn
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darkimpala1897 · 6 months
Buck and Bucky wedding would be pure chaos I'm just saying.
Bucky would walk down the aisle to 20th Century Fox Fanfare, because he's Bucky.
Hambone, and Douglass would do drunk karaoke.
Brady would be the one crying the entire time and I mean the entire time.
Blakely would be trying to sleep with the groomsmen.
DeMarco snuck Meatball in, who ate everything.
Rosie would have the best speech ever.
Crosby would have a drunk speech.
Bubbles would embarrassingly dance around, making everyone question who invited him.
Curt would be spilling all the embarrassing stories, he definitely knocked down either the wedding cake or ice sculpture or both well screaming "I'm Irish" at the top of his lungs.
Dickie is trying to clean up Curts mess.
Quinn lost BabyFace, and Bailey within five seconds somehow.
Winks and Ken are just filming the entire thing.
Kidd and Harding are just old man dancing together.
Helen is wondering why she came.
Sandra and Marge are also questioning why the fuck they came.
Murphy and Fredkin are literally the most chill ones, but Murphy eventually gets so drunk that he starts taking off his clothes.
Smokey is making sure nobody gives themselves alcohol poisoning, he ends up herding everyone home like drunk cattle.
Stormy is just embarrassed to know these people.
Daniels, Jefferson, and Macon were dragged to this shingdig by DeMarco who said "It'd be fun." And fun was one way to describe it.
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darkimpala1897 · 5 months
Buck: "I think I'm getting sick, I don't feel good around Buck."
Curt: "I know what you got, the L word."
Ham butting in: "Yea leprosy."
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darkimpala1897 · 6 months
Crosby looked like someone to Bucky, he just couldn't put his finger on it, Buck thought he was going insane which is possible he's Bucky.
But he finally figured it out thanks to Rosie and his books, he stormed into the mess.
Buck watched him afraid of where this was going to go. Bucky sat down at Bubbles and Crosbys table.
Bucky: "I finally figured out who the fuck you look like thanks to Rosie."
Crosby crossed his arms, this should be interesting.
Crosby: "And who would that be John?"
Bucky: "The guy who assassinated Abraham Lincoln, what's his name?"
Bubbles choked on his breakfast coughing, he turned towards Crosby, he to started to see it. Buck leaned over wanting to help Bucky.
Buck: "John Wilkes Booth, that's his name John."
Bucky: "Right him."
Bubbles just stared at Crosby.
Crosby: "I do not look like John Wilkes Booth, Joey why are you staring at me?"
Bubbles: "He's right, you just need to grow a ridiculous mustache and your him."
Crosby found this ridiculous, because he doesn't look like John Wilkes Booth, he turned around poking Douglass and Hambone.
Crosby: "Dougie, Ham do I look like John Wilkes Booth to you people?"
Douglass: "You're telling me you aren't related to him?"
Hambone: "I thought you were maybe his grandson."
Crosby couldn't believe this, he turned towards Bubbles who was now laughing.
Bubbles: "I'm sorry it's just too funny."
Crosby groans knowing he probably just got his nickname.
Crosby: "Great people are going to call me Booth now, thanks Egan."
Bucky just smiles.
Bucky: "You're welcome can I have breakfast with you guys?"
And scene.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if Manhunt was in the same universe as Masters Of Air so poor Crosby gets told he looks like the guy who murdered Abraham Lincoln Lmfao.
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darkimpala1897 · 6 months
Happy Easter! So here's....
Masters Of Air crew and Easter egg hunting.
Bucky: Stole all the "special eggs"
Croz: Got only like ten eggs, said he was fine. He wasn't.
Buck: he watched like a parent, hands on the hips and everything.
Murphy: opened the eggs well still hunting them.
Blakely: opened the eggs, stole the candy and proceeded to put it back.
Brady: only found Blakelys unfill eggs.
Hambone: thought he could eat the plastic eggs, someone had to explain to him that he couldn't.
DeMarco: Brought Meatball, saying he wanted to hunt eggs.
Douglass: stealing eggs from everyone elses baskets.
Kidd: hid them the night before, made sure that they'd be finding eggs until the next year.
Lemmons: Helped everyone find eggs, mostly because he could squeeze into pretty much anything.
Rosie: Spent all night filling the eggs.
Winks: Saves eggs for Lemmons.
Quinn: Checks in every spot that nobody thought of.
Bailey: Found no eggs mostly because he was making sure Quinn didn't get himself lost.
BabyFace: Got extremely hyper on the candy, and he ran around for about two hours afterwards.
Smokey: Complained because he kept finding eggs in his office till New Years.
Harding: Giving everyone hints, terrible hints but hints.
Bubbles: Helped Crosby find eggs, but somehow he himself ended up with the most.
Stormy: Planned the whole thing with Kidd and Rosie because he's the weather guy.
Curt: Complained about Bucky stealing the special eggs, because he wanted one.
Dickie: Stole a special egg from Bucky, for Curt.
Fredkin: Said he wasn't going to join, because it's for kids. That lasted ten minutes.
Macon: Got invited by DeMarco, had a absolute blast.
Daniels: He brought dinner for afterwards, but he ended up joining helping DeMarco and Macon.
Jefferson: Watched from the sidelines, drew visual hints to help Harding.
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darkimpala1897 · 6 months
Random Marz thoughts.
Hambone addition.
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Side note: I love this picture, it's just hilarious Ham eating Spam that rhymes.
Hambone can draw, and I don't mean like scribbles. He can really draw, like he is scary talented.
When he's not on a mission, he just draws anything or anyone.
After someone he knows is killed in action, he draws them from memory. Because he's got like photographic memory.
He also drew people he didn't know for other people who missed their friends, like for Helen he drew Nash for her, she didn't even ask. He just handed her the picture when she gave him a coffee, it nearly made her cry.
Bucky stole his drawing of Curt, and Buck which Ham didn't mind.
After Ham was in the Muenster mission, and they were going to send his stuff back home. Crosby stole all his drawings and framed them putting them in his office to lighten the place up.
In the camp, Ham continues his drawings mostly Buck and Bucky.
But he draws Brady, and he draws Meatball for DeMarco who misses the dog terribly.
When Ham gets back to the base, Crosby asks him to draw Bubbles for him, and he does.
Crosby uses that drawing to show Jean what Bubbles looked like.
Ham in my head yes he can draw amazingly, but his hand writing is absolute shit like it's like he asked a toddler to write for him, because you need a decipher just to understand it.
That's it, thanks for coming to me ted talk!
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trashbag-baby666 · 6 months
what are some hambone/brady post-war headcanons you have?
This really got me thinking!!! So here’s some I’ve been thinking about!! Edit: this ended up being all through Hams POV…Hope you enjoyed!!! Likes and reblogs highly appreciated
MOTA Masterlist!
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•When they get back they go their separate ways. Brady went back to New York and Hambone went back to Kansas.
•they promised each other to write and call but now they were silent.
•Ham waited by the phone, checked the mail everyday but there was never a letter. So why didn’t he reach out first?
•He just assumed Brady had met a pretty girl and soon forgot about his little military gay panic. He was handsome and had a strong jawline. Ham wasn’t sure what he had to offer to some eligible bachelorette.
•Ham goes to work, maybe goes and gets a drink, but then he just comes back to his apartment to wait.
•A month goes by before there’s a letter in the mail.
•Dear, Howard.
Sorry I didn’t write sooner, I could’ve called but I just needed some time to process. Process what we went through, processing my emotions, everything really.
I miss you so much, Hammy. I can’t believe I’m saying that…it better not inflate that ego of yours. If you ever find yourself in New York, you know where to find me.
-Wishing you the best, John Brady.
•Ham stared at the letter for hours picking apart the sentences, I miss you so much, Hammy. Were they still ignoring the quiet, secret kisses they shared behind the barracks or hiding in the bombers.
•Then he’d think about the months in the POW camp…those cold, tender nights where the only thing he needed was Brady tucked into him. He needed to be able to nuzzle at the back of his neck and take in Brady’s smell. The need to kiss behind his ear and warm up both of their bodies.
•Maybe he just needed to let go of it.
•What was he even going to do after professing his love to Brady? Just let him go back to New York until they visited each other again? Wait till he finds a wife and mope around that it’s not him.
•Just when Ham had finally sat down to put a pen to paper a knock rattled his door. When he opened it he most certainly wasn’t expecting the site on the other side.
•Brady. He was here.
•instead of his uniform he had been so accustomed to only seeing Brady in, he had on that same brown leather jacket he seemed to not be able to give up on with some slacks. He looked nice.
• “Can I come in?”
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darkimpala1897 · 3 months
In some modern Au.
DeMarco: "Hey guys, I have an alien hog tied in the back of my Toyota who wants to see!"
Hambone: "Me!"
Buck and Bucky look at each other.
Bucky: "Should we be concerned?"
Buck: "Yea it's Benny."
Curt: "He's really taking the "Let's Go Places" way to seriously."
Both Buck and Bucky just start laughing.
@trashbag-baby666 in one of your au's for sure, this happened and you can't tell me otherwise.
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darkimpala1897 · 6 months
I can't stop laughing, mostly because I immediately imagined Bucky, Hambone, Brady, and Douglass doing this well drunk, and everyone is just watching so disappointed Lmfao.
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