#hamish imlach
official-lauchzwiebel · 8 months
I love love LOVE folk songs because of their WIDE thematic range. There's literally a song for every situation - your boss won't pay you what you've earned? Sure bud here's approximately a 100 songs about that alone. The mine collapsed? Got you covered. You're a sailor but can't come back home? Here are the 20 top jam hits for that. You solve a love problem by crossdressing? Ah yes, take your pick. You're serenading a lovely cow? There you go, old chap!!!! It's so DIVERSE and you can always discover new songs and topics. DON'T even get me started on protest songs. I LOVE FOLK MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!
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thequietabsolute · 8 months
Four favourites daily 🎨 # 5
link to this spotify mixtape
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positieveonrust · 2 years
Saw the Mary Wallopers last week on a boat in Rotterdam. Oot o the East / There cam a hard man Wo-oho, aw the way frae Brigton / Aha-ha, glory hallelujah Cod liver oil and the orange juice Went intae a pub / And he cam oot paralytic Wo-oho, VP and cider / Aha-ha, what a hell of a mixture Cod liver oil and the orange juice ‘Does this bus go / Tae the Dennistoun Palais?’ Wo-oho, I'm lookin for a lumber / Aha-ha, glory hallelujah Cod liver oil and the orange juice In the dancin / Ye met Hairy Mary Wo-oho, flouer o the Gorbals / Aha-ha, glory hallelujah Cod liver oil and the orange juice
"Aw, nou Mary / Are ye dancin?" "Oh no, it's just the way I'm staunin" / Aha-ha, glory hallelujah Cod liver oil and the orange juice "Well then, Mary / Ye're one in a million," "Wo-oho, so's yer chances!" / Aha-ha, glory hallelujah Cod liver oil and the orange juice
"Well then, Mary / Can I run ye hame?" "Oh no, I've got a pair of sandshoes," / "Aha-ha, ye're hell of a funny!" Cod liver oil and the orange juice
Well, doun throu the back close / And intae the dunny Wo-oho, it wisnae for the first time / Aha-ha, glory hallelujah Cod liver oil and the orange juice
Then oot cam her mammy / She was goin tae the cludgie Wo-oho, I buggered off sharpish / Aha-ha, glory hallelujah Cod liver oil and the orange juice
Nou Hairy Mary's / Lookin for her hard man Wo-oho, he's jyned the Foreign Legion / Aha-ha, Sahara unner ra camels Cod liver oil and the orange juice
Then Hairy Mary's / Had a little baby Wo-oho, his faither's in the army / Aha-ha, glory hallelujah Cod liver oil and the orange juice (At the time, young mothers received cod liver oil and orange juice aff the government to try'n make sure the wean and mother had a chance at being healthy before all the booze and fags kicked in.Sandshoes are running shoes or trainers. Hence "can I run ye hame, I've got a pair o sandshoes". according tot Reddit)
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unwashedace · 4 months
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amp-mod · 1 year
Cod Liver Oil and Orange Juice by Hamish Imlach
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specialmouse · 8 months
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Hamish imlach hi
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scotianostra · 1 year
The Scottish Folk singer Alex Campbell was born on 27th April 1931 in Glasgow.
When both of his parents and his two sisters died from tuberculosis, he spent some time in an orphanage before being taken in by his grandmother. During World War II he met American, Polish and Australian servicemen who were based in Glasgow and he developed an interest in the songs they sang.
Alex was known for his hard living and heavy drinking, which contributed to his early death in 1987. He was a true busker, learning his trade on the streets of London and Paris.
Alex sang songs of all kinds, from Woody Guthrie to Bob Dylan to Tom Paxton to Donovan; traditional Scottish ballads and his own compositions — including the classic, Been On The Road Too Long. During his career he recorded over 100 albums, many of these for ready cash, and received very little in royalties in his lifetime. It was said that no record did him justice; he had to be seen live.
Alex had a great passion for life and lived it to the fullest. According to Ewan McVicar, He never ever walked into a room; he always made an entrance. But he could always tell a story against himself. Once he and Hamish Imlach were heading for a gig, and stopped for a drink. In the lounge bar, the barmaid said Yes, gentlemen. Alex said Gentlemen? Before you is the cream of Scottish folk music — Alex Campbell and Hamish Imlach. Well have two pints of your best and twenty Benson & Hedges. The barmaid went through to the saloon bar for the cigarettes, came back and said What was the name again? Alex said Alex Campbell. The barmaid said No, no, what cigarettes?
Alex Campbell developed throat cancer and died in Denmark on 3rd January 1987.
There’s plenty of his music on Youtube, but I’ve decided to post one of his wee stories, it’s said that Alex was a big inspiration to Billy Connolly, and remember it was on the Scottish folk scene that the Big Yin started his career.
The song I have chosen is an English Ballad, but it's about a Scotsman, who has featured many times in my posts........
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a-luran · 2 years
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people.
Tagged by @darklittlestory who couldnae find my ulr ksks
Beyond the Stage, a composition by Dario Marianelli (for Anna Karenina)
Torero, Chayanne (HAHAHA I'm not in the mood for it so I skipped it. I'll add an extra one in exchange)
Life Eternal, Ghost
Better in the Morning, Birdtalker
.... Mayonesa Radio Edit, Chocolate (banger)
La Cátedra, Residente (banger)
A Burning Hill, Mitski
Chelsea Hotel No. 2, Rufus Wainwright
The Bargain Store, Dolly Parton
Cod Liver Oil and Orange Juice, Hamish Imlach
Ugly, Broke and Chubby, by Young Spirit
Story I hope you listen to each and every one of these songs, they are all great. At the same time please do not judge my playlists by this un-curated sample I am a man of diverse and varied taste. I'm tagging @astrobravo with no pressure and @rainbowfruitpastilles and anyone else who would like to do this.
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thesquireinvictus · 4 months
Cod Liver Oil and the Orange Juice | Hamish Imlach
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zhanteimi · 11 months
Hamish Imlach - Hamish Imlach
UK, 1966, Scottish folk / contemporary folk / Scots song
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cursmudgeon · 1 year
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For the song recs: Castlereagh by Hamish Imlach, A7v Mephisto by 1914 (very different songs lol)
Castlereagh —
I love this!! Love that the guy who wrote this also wrote Waltzing Matilda, I love that song. Heard a few other songs from Hamish Imlach and I really like his music. This one’s great! I went and read the poem and the music just Makes it. There’s a very specific mood to his music and this song in particular that I really love but can’t name (if that makes sense?)
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
A7v Mephisto —
Oh yeah, very different lol I’ve never heard anything from this band before, I’ll check out more of them! I loved this one, it reminded me a lot of the music I used to listen to a ton when I was 12-13. There’s a particular riff in the middle that sent the hairs on my neck raising! Solid, I love it
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
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“I’m a great lad for the topical songs. I’d like to do a song that was topical about twelve years ago.”
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37 Bus
I was staunin on re upper deck o a 27 bus When I saw Big Jimmy swillin wine An kickin up a fuss Ra driver stoapped the bus right sharp and belted up ra stair Ye can get the hell right aff a bus If ye gie us ony mair Aw pal no offence Big Jimmy said If ye knew whit ah've been through Ye widnae say such things tae me or blame a man that's fu Ah loast a pile oan the dugs the night Ah'll have ye for to know Aw ma wages doon the stank Fir a dug that widnae go Ra driver said he couldnae gie a monkeys Or gie a tinker's curse Yer swearin and yer bawlin Is distressin aw ra bus Ah’ve had jist aboot enough o ye A lot mair than ah need If ye don't haud that tongue o yours Ah’ll stuff it doon yer heid Big Jimmy smiled and picked his nose And he finished aff his wine He said wit you've jist said tae me His went right oot o line Ah’ve finished aff 15 like ye Jist tae get intae a fight So get doon oan yer knees and pray fir help Ya durty little mite
You thought I was gonna say shite didn’t ye?
Ra bus was in an uproar As people got aff fast, Wi good old Glasgow chivalry Ra women and children last They gathered roond and shouted oot Cause they didnae like Big Jim Come on driver, sink the boot Get stuck right intae him The driver smiled and waded in Swingin brogues and karate blows Till finally he got Jim's big square heid A-planted on his nose Jim's fist came doon, his knee come up The driver moved no mair. So he jumped a couple of times on his heid As he lay on ra flair. At this a hundred polis men came up to capture Jim In threes, fours, dozions He laid them out roond him. Till finally the polis sorted him oot when the army brought a tank. But I coonted forty polis hats A-floatin doon the stank. So if yir ever on re upper deck o a 37 bus. An’ you see Big Jimmy swillin wine, kickin up a fuss Don't try tae act the hero an fling Big Jimmy aff. Our poor old Glasgow polis force still cannae afford ra staff.
Sung by Hamish Imlach. Written by Michael Toner.
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seaglassandeelgrass · 2 years
Taking @benjhawkins' invitation for a playlist tag-game:
Rule : Shuffle your playlist. List the first 10 songs then tag 10 people.
Harvest Home- Cordelia’s Dad
When I’m Gone- Phil Ochs
If It Wasn’t For the Unions- Hamish Imlach
Gulls of Invergordon- Alex Sturbaum
No Mistakes- Sarah Shook & The Disarmers
Carry You- The Teskey Brothers
Willy O’Winsbury- Sweeney’s Men
This World Oft Can Be- Della Mae
The Old Figurehead Carver- Gordon Bok
Peter Emberley- The Wakami Wailers 
Tagging anyone currently listening to music as they see this :)
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thatnerdgirl7 · 3 years
Let's play 20 questions! 🥳🤗Tagged by @funkycrabhands Thank you Carrie, love you girl!
1. Nickname: It was AJ at school but in college people called me "Shark Girl."
2. Zodiac Sign: Aires (with some Piscean traits)
3. Height: 5ft, 4in
4. Last movie I watched: Bill, directed by Richard Bracewell and written by Ben Willbound and Laurence Rickard, starring the cast of Horrible Histories. It's basically a story of the life of Shakespeare if it were a family-friendly Monty Python film. 😂
5. Last thing I googled: Who directed Bill? 🤣
6: Favourite muscian: Too many. I love anything that sounds jazzy or folky. Some of my favourite musicians are Celtic Woman, Capercailie, Karliene Reynolds, Postmodern Jukebox, Cecile Corbel, Kate Bush, Caro Emerald, Bobby Darin, Aoi Teshima, The High Kings, Loreena McKennit, Peggy Lee, Doris Day and Dinah Shore. However I love pop music too, so anything with a nice beat to it from the 1960s-80s maybe? Idk my music taste is a mess if it's a good song it's a good song.
7. Song stuck in my head: Well since I mentiond the High Kings, "Step it out Mary" has come back to me.
8. Other blogs: I have a blog dedicated to Pixar movies called @pixar-lated When I first joined tumblr I didn't realise your first blog was going to be your main blog so if this blog follows you it's me. I also have @movie-maiden my film blog, @just-kit-ink my cartoon roleplay blog and @thatnerdgirl7art my art blog.
9. Blogs following: I think...over 90 maybe?
10. Ammount of sleep: Better than it has been. I used to pull all nighters not long ago. Now the latest I'm fallinb asleep is 2:00AM and I'm waking up before 12 at least. 😅
11. Lucky number: 4, 7, 8, 12, 15 and 27.
12. What am I wearing: An orange shirt with a floral palm pattern on it, black leggings and purple hogwarts slippers.
13. Dream job: A storyteller! So, director, writer especially and a performer sometimes too. I'd also like to work alongside animals but I don't have any animl science qualifications. 😔 In the short term it would be nice to have a museum or theatre job.
14. Dream trip: I'd like to go back to a lot of places 😅 But I haven't been to Canada, Australia or New Zealand yet and there's still so many places in Europe and the US I want to visit. A trip I've wanted to take since I was a teenager was somwhere in India or Japan because I love the culture so much. I'd really like to visit Greece and The Netherlands and see my friends! 😚🥰😊🤗
15. Favourite food: Spaghetti Bolognese without a doubt! 😃🍝 Italian cusine is my favourite. I also like steak and ale pie, cheesecake, chocolate cake, shellfish, ice cream and pizza. None of these are healthy but they taste so good! I am a fruit fiend though!
16. Play an instrument?: I used to learn recorder and piano at school but haven't tried them in a while. I mostly stick to singing. I'm going to start learning how to play the fiddle.
17. Languages: I've made it my goal to at least be bilingual before my 30s. My first language is English with a smattering of Scots. I used to learn German and Japanese at school. At the moment I'm learning Gaelic and Greek, then I want to do French and Spanish.
18. Favourite songs: Beyond the Sea by Bobby Darin, Dulaman by Celtic Woman, Oró s'e do Bheatha Bhaile by Celtic Woman, Ailein Duinn by Capercailie, Mr Blue Sky by ELO, Country Roads by John Denver/Olivia Newton-John, Cod Liver Oil and the Orange Juice by Hamish Imlach, Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush, Why Don't You Do Right? by Peggy Lee, Born to be Wild by Steppenwolf, any Disney song, Ghibli song or sea shanty.
19. Random fact: I have a clay human skull that a friend made me just chilling on my chest of drawers. 😆
20. Describe yourself in aesthetics: Old books, classic cinema, writing pens, art supplies, film study guides, old maps, art museums, zoology museums, aquariums, animals, sealife, the ocean, marine aesthetics, gothic aesthtics, cottagecore, lighthousecore, cartoons, animation history, travel guides, Celtic knots, green flowery gardens, fantasy aesthetics, light blues, terquoise, greens, black and white, greys, purples,
I tag @like-tears-in-rain-storms @thevideonasty @alternativeforensicscientist @emilynightshade89 @fryferbfringefan44 @showmethesneer @queer-crusader Have fun you guys! 😄
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