#han ok hee
thevampcave · 2 years
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무제 77-A (1977) dir. Han Ok-hee
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hanafarook · 9 months
My guy smacked her in the face with a bamboo stick and the next you know he's gone. Head over heels in love.
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shewholovestoread · 9 months
Part 1 review and character breakdown are here and here respectively.
Wow, this was such a roller-coaster. It was everything I expected it to be and then some. Let’s get into it. As always, beware of spoilers.
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To start, let me congratulate myself on guessing correctly that it was indeed Nawol-daek who gave up Tae-sang’s mother’s name. The way it was shot and edited actually made it pretty clear.
I also guessed that the threat would widen but I didn’t anticipate that there would be a massive time-jump between seasons 1 and 2. That actually raises so many questions which we’ll get to later. For now, I am very happy with the way the season ended. The show actually made it very clear just how things would go and in that respect, the foreshadowing was done well.
The pacing of the show is absolutely amazing. Having seen Part 1 when it first came out and then Part 2 just a few minutes ago, I am still not complaining that they decided to split the season. I think it may actually have been a good idea because that division was like the calm before the actual storm and I think that brief respite was necessary. When your characters are in a constant state of peril, it can sometimes make the audience disconnect because it almost becomes monotonous, the stakes no longer matter. Here, they definitely did.
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The writing was also super tight with no fluff and this surprised me, once it got dark, it didn’t really try to lighten the mood with levity which a lot of other shows might have done. I think that also ties in with the subject matter and the gravity of just what they were showing. The brutality is ever present and for the perpetrators it was matter of routine which made it all the more horrifying. But when you view the other person as sub-human, it becomes easy to justify your actions irrespective of how heinous they may be.
Part 1’s focus was wider in terms of the number of characters we were introduced to and once Part 2 got going, that focus shrank so it only paid attention to Tae-sang, Chae-ok, her father, General Kato and Yukiko Maeda. The others were still there but they were no longer central to the plot and that was okay.
I admire Tae-sang’s drive to protect the people he cares about. His character went through perhaps most growth, starting from indifference to putting his life on the line multiple times to save Chae-ok. He didn’t have to do that considering he met her not too long ago but he does it anyway. He also doesn’t try to hold her back (as he tried in Part 1) and I liked that he keeps telling her that they both have to live, he gives her hope when there really didn’t seem to be any.
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Chae-ok was still an absolute badass. There is a problem that a lot of dramas have where they start off with a kick-ass female character but as you get closer to the climax, she gets de-powered to prop up the male lead. I was so happy that they didn’t do that here. Chae-ok is nothing if not persistent, no matter how many times she gets knocked down, she still gets back up. There is a fire within her that nothing could put out, you could try to intimidate her but it wouldn’t get you very far.
Chae-ok and her father were always going to go back to the hospital, there was no way they would leave Seishin there at the mercy of those psychopaths. It was also always clear that her father would be the one who wouldn’t make it out. I think that when he realised just what they had done to her, he lost something within him. Death would have been better than what she had been subjected to.
The primary focus in the show was always Chae-ok and her mother and the bond between them and it wasn’t random, it all paid off in the end. It was the memories of Chae-ok that reawakened Seishin’s humanity, made her more than a mindless killer. Her final gift to her daughter was the Najin so she could live. In the end, Seishin was finally free from her tormentors, in giving up the Najin, she died but she died knowing that her baby was alive.
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I had a feeling that Chae-ok would become like a hybrid form of the monster. We saw that with her mother, she was different from the other people who were infected with the Najin. She still had control of herself and if not for the anthrax, I think she would have managed to retain her humanity. Considering how Seishin reacted, it would make sense that Chae-ok would also be more in control than say Myeong-ja for instance. It’s also why Kato was so curious about her and tried to infect her.
Kato took Myeong-ja’s baby and that child is definitely a hybrid. If they have any hope of defeating it, they would a hybrid of their own. But with the time-jump, I don’t know how Maeda and Kato will figure in Season 2 since it seems to take place with a considerable time jump (in the 80s perhaps?). Unless they’ve been experimenting and have figured out a way to live longer. Especially Maeda, considering her burn injuries, I’m curious to see what form she will take in Season 2.
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There are still a lot of unanswered questions like - How does the time-jump make sense? - What is the history between Maeda and Seishin? They hinted at it in Part 2 but didn’t give any definitive answers. Did Seishin cause the death of someone close to Maeda, who was it, how did they know each other? - How is Ho-jae related to the Tae-sang? - What is the meaning of the scar on Ho-jae’s back? - What did Chae-ok do all these years? - How do her powers differ from Seishin or even Myeong-ja?
I may get into some of these questions because there are answers we can glean from the show. But I’ll make a separate post about that so that this one doesn’t become obnoxiously long.
This show was an epic ride from start to finish and while it didn’t give us the conventional happy ending some expected, the ending it did give us is excellent. It sets up the next season perfectly while still giving a good closure to season 1. I can’t wait to what season 2 brings us.
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pandawandagalaxy · 1 year
The ending of 'Behind your touch', agghhhh I think it was so prefect for them ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
ALSO, who would've thought that "that guy" would've been the killer??????? I was actually shocked 😳😳😳
It was such a good series, I honestly give it a 9/10, made me cry a few times, I loved the humor, and the plot twists were soooo good 🐂
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yemme · 9 months
The Underrated Asian Show of 2023
QueenMaker (2023) ~ Actress Kim Hee-ae portrayal of being a Fixer (Hwang Do-hee) for one of Korea's prominent families is a thriller. It is 'Scandal' wrapped up in a stellar cast of proficient actors. When I say proficient I mean Proficient... Seasoned Actors... Marinated. This cast is your favorites Idol in the industry. This series is an acting class, pull up a seat. Who controls the narrative the world sees is Do-hee skill set. She's the only sleeping dog you should let lie before she takes your entire existence. The most underrated series of 2023. When you see actors in their 50's getting a check with a story line like this make some noise and praise them. Western World get to watching. I pray they will have a Season 2. The acting is everything. Netflix. (Korea) (x)
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dramafantiny · 9 months
Tae-Sang & Chae-Ok| Lost Without You (1x07)
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crishel2 · 9 months
Park Seo-joon Kyungsung Creature 22/12/23
Kyungsung Creature 2023 Jang Tae Sang e Yoon Chae Ok
"O destino floresceu numa batalha desesperada. Dois adolescentes enfrentando uma tragédia decorre da ganância."
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Instagram @bn_sj2013 @netflixkr Kyungsung Creature Eu senti como se o tempo estivesse passando devagar por um momento. Sou só eu? O poderoso primeiro encontro de Tae sang e Chae-ok, hoje em <Gyeongseong Creature>. #GyeongseongCreature #GyeongseongCreature
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Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha. 8
Story: 8
Acting: 10
Chemistry: 9
Comparable to: When the Weather is Fine (kdrama) ; When the Camille Blooms (kdama) Thank You (kdrama)
This is a huge fan favorite among kdrama fans. I can see where it does deserve it’s title being on top in some points. The whole storyline really isn’t anything new to the romance genre, big uptown girl falls for hometown boy with a twist. It is executed flawlessly and what makes it more entertaining and worthy of its title is the whole ensemble of the cast. They turn the whole series into something special. Don’t get me wrong Im a big fan of both Shin Min Ah and Kim Seon Ho works too, it’s just that they were sort of meh for me sometimes, not so much in the beginning where they were perfect, but definitely in the middle and the later half. If it wasn’t for the rest of the cast i would’ve probably abandoned the drama unfortunately, which goes to show you it’s not always just about the main leads.
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drivingsideways · 2 years
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thevampcave · 2 years
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UNTITLED 77-A (1977) dir. Han Ok-hee
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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KIM MIN-KYUNG ('Heapilly')
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shewholovestoread · 9 months
Part 1 is here
The Characters:
The cast is uniformly awesome. Park Seo-joon's character, Jang Tae-sang starts off as someone who is only concerned about saving his own hide but he infuses his character with so much heart that even in the initial episodes, you end up rooting for him. The show is, very much, his hero's journey, going from someone who only cared about his own survival to one who's willing to risk his own life to protect others.
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Han So-hee's character, Yoon Chae-ok was an absolute badass. She was more than capable of handling the shit that came her way. I loved that she was so confident of her abilities, she was excellent at her job. So-hee imbues her character with such deep emotion that you can tell that it's always on the simmer, her desperation warring with the bone-deep dread that her mother is dead. And then the final straw is the soul crushing horror they're confronted with when they infiltrate the hospital and find out what's been going on.
I also liked how the relationship between Tae-sang and Chae-ok developed. They start off at loggerheads with Tae-sang mocking the loss of her mother and Chae-ok seeing him as a profiteer, an opportunist. In a desperate fight for their survival against both the monster and the Japanese forces, they're forced to put aside their differences and work together and this is where they truly shine.
Their conflicting approach, where one is willing to die instead of surrendering and the other is willing to surrender to fight another day is what saves them. Chae-ok's drive to fight and keep fighting even in the face or insurmountable odds is what keeps them going when lesser people would have turned back. Tae-sang's drive to survive, to live is what keeps them alive when faced with near certain death. They fight for each other, taking the lead when the other falters.
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I love that for people who seem so fundamentally different, they work so well together, perfectly complementing each other. I also love that when Tae-sang tries to save Chae-ok by asking her to leave, she refuses, she makes it clear that she doesn't need a knight in shining armour but a partner who treats her as their equal.
The other cast members are equally good, especially Kim Hae-sook as Nawol-deak, Tae-sang's 2nd in command. She's his pillar, the only person he can trust to take over the reins in his absence and she more than rises to the occasion. Unlike the others, she's unflappable, capable of thinking on her feet, weighing alternatives and wheeling and dealing the way Tae-sang does. She, like Tae-sang doesn't trust anyone (except Tae-sang.) She knows, only too well, how little it takes to break people, having gone through it herself.
Did anyone else wonder if it was Nawol-deak who gave up information that led to Tae-sang's mother getting arrested? Nawol implies that faced with relentless pain, people are willing to do anything to make it stop. That entire conversation and the flashback that followed, made me think if it was Nawol who finally broke and gave up information about her comrades.
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Then there was Choi Young-joon playing Lieutenant General Gato, the most hateful character on the show, followed very closely by Hyun Bong-sik's Ichiro. The absolute lack of humanity they exhibit is far more monstrous than any other monster they could create. I'm pretty sure Gato is a psychopath. His quest to make a monster has nothing to do with patriotism. His military rank is a means to an end, it gives him the power and authority he needs to conduct his experiments with little to no oversight. He doesn't see other people as human beings, they are all, both the soldiers and locals alike, test subjects. The locals are used as lab-rats and monster bait while the soldiers serve to test just how much damage the monster can withstand, it's killing power and finally whether it can think and solve problems. The only thing Gato sees as worthwhile is the monster itself.
I would not be surprised if, in part 2, there was increased tension between Gato and Ichiro. Ichiro sees the monster as a mindless killing machine while to Gato, it's a like piece of art, it's an extension of his own genius and he would not take kindly to another scientist taking over. We saw it in Part 1 when Ichiro tried to train the monster, taking a page out of Ivan Pavlov's experiment, Gato's displeasure at Ichiro inserting himself into his work. This is not a man who shares or tolerates interference of any kind. I see conflict brewing between them that will perhaps be the source of their own downfall.
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The other person who was absolutely spellbinding was Kim Soo-hyun as Lady Yukiko Maeda. Her portrayal is just... so intimidating. She's the perfect blend of gentility and menace. She has an ice cold demeanor that unsettles you even as her beauty disarms you and draws you in. By the time the show ends, there is no doubt who has the actual power in the Ishikawa home. This is a woman who will slit your throat and calmly drink tea and watch as you slowly drown in your own blood. it's a chilling portrayal and I can't wait to see more of her in Part 2.
I am excited for Part 2 to see how they close season 1 since season 2 is already in production. We do know that Chae-ok, her father and the rest from The House of Golden Treasure will launch a rescue mission for Tae-sang. I don't think Chae-ok will be content to leave Tae-sang behind, not to mention her mother's monster form is still inside.
Add to that, Myeong-ja is now infected and she will wreak havoc once she transforms (assuming she survives,) she is outside and she's pregnant. With Chae-ok's mother, we can see just how much the Najin caused her to mutate. I have a feeling that Myeong-ja's baby will be a hybrid, even more dangerous than the monster inside the hospital. It's also safe to assume that almost all of the antagonists will survive.
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If you're hoping for a clean resolution in the season finale, you're in for disappointment. I have a feeling that the season will end with a broadening of the threat and our heroes will have to contend with not just those despicable scientists, Gato and Ichiro, they will also have the Japanese army after them after Kwon Joon-taek ratted them out.
I'll be happy as long as the season doesn't end with a cliffhanger. Season 2 is scheduled to stream in 2024, so on the plus side, at the very least, it's not a long wait. For now, I shall patiently wait for Part 2 and hope for the best...
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rkvriki · 2 years
— things they only share with you !
hey everyone, new post here !
make sure to leave feedback . my asks are open and so is my inbox so let's talk!!
WARNINGS ! mentions of taking a shower together, but that it; might contain grammar error.
word count: 1.9k
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— his gaming pc
you were over at enha’s dorm since you were spending a few day’s there.
you and heeseung were currently in the living room, while he played with niki and jake on the tv and you were sitting besides him scrolling through your phone.
you have been like that for a while and you started getting bored and since you didn’t wanna disturb the game you tried to think of something to do.
something came to your mind and you asked something that seemed to shock the other guys.
“hee, can i play for a little bit on your pc?” 
“yeah of course angel!”
jake and niki turned their heads to you, their eyes widening.
“...what?” you asked, looking at them.
“i literally asked heeseung to play league on his pc yesterday and he almost ripped my head off.” niki told you making you smile.
“yeah, because you’re not her.” heeseung said, rolling his eyes.
“girlfriend privilege is real after all.” jake 
— his clothes
all the guys planned a dinner where they all took their partners.
so you and jay were now walking down the street towards the restaurant they had booked a table.
“i think this is it.” jay said, opening the door for you.
“ladies first!” he said acting like a gentleman making you laugh and playfully rolling your eyes at his silliness.
as you entered you spotted the boys and started walking towards them, sitting on the two seats that were left.
“you’re late. again.” jungwon told you guys, making you wince.
“yep, sorry bout that, won.” you told the younger boy smiling at him apologetically. 
“wait a minute…” heeseung started. all people at the table looked at him.
“is that… jay’s prada jacket?”
“um… yeah?” you said confused at his puzzled expression. heeseung playfully scoffed.
“oh my god, heeseung. don't even start.” jay said and you looked at him not understanding.
“so you let your girlfriend borrow it but not your dear bandmate? unbelievable!" you started laughing at heeseung.
“yeah but she’s my girl and you, thankfully, are not.”
— layla
ok obviously you can’t borrow an animal but you’ll see what i mean.
you woke up this morning and saw the weather was sunny and warm so an idea popped in your mind.
you texted jake and asked if you could take layla on a walk, to which he agreed right away.
he trusted you with layla alone and that meant a lot to you.
you went to pick her up at his house while he was at practice and started walking without a destination in mind.
you decided to go to han river and stay there for a while with her and watch as she played with other dogs.
you picked up her toy ball and started playing with her.
“layla, catch!” you threw the ball watching and she ran following it and jumping to catch it. you smiled at the view, enjoying the sunny weather and flowery scenery, picking up your phone to take a picture of the wholesome moment.
when the sun started to set, you decided to take her back to jake’s house, knowing he was there along with jungwon.
arriving at his house you rang the bell wrong for him to answer.
“hey, baby.” jake said, greeting you with a long peck, making layla bark.
you unleashed layla and got in, going to the kitchen where the boys were.
jungwon looked at you with layla by your side, you smiled and greeted him.
“were you with layla today?” he asked, raising a brow.
“yeah, why? went on a walk with her.” you said petting her head.
“i can’t believe you jake. i feel so betrayed.” jungwon said dramatically.
“what? i’m not catching.” jake said, confused.
“i literally asked you two days ago if i could take layla on a play date with maeum and you refused and almost blocked my number.” jungwon said, making jake shrug.
“it’s not fair! we are bros!” jungwon said.
“and she’s my girlfriend.” jake said and went to do something else in his room.
jungwon looked at you and you just shrugged apologetically.
— his jewelry
sunghoon and you were just hanging out in his room at the dorm talking about random things.
jay came into the room and you both looked at him.
“hey sunghoon, you know that dior ring you bought back in LA?”
“yeah, what about it?” sunghoon said, sitting up in the bed, already annoyed at him for ruining your precious time.
“ i was wondering if you could maybe let me borrow it for today’s dinner?” jay said, giving him a toothy smile and attempting to give him puppy eyes.
“yeah, no.”
“why not?”
“because… um no.”
“oh come on, just this once, hoon.” jay said, begging him, making you hold back your laugh.
“i said no, jay.”
“give me a valid reason then.”
“y/n’s already gonna wear it for the dinner.” sunghoon said and you stopped smiling, turning your head to him with a confused expression, making him kick you under the blankets. 
“sorry jay, i already claimed it.” you told him, smiling at him with a pitiful look.
jay rolled his eyes and turned to go away.
“sunghoon, why did you do that?” you said, hitting his arm, scolding him.
“i have my priorities straight, princess.” sunghoon told you, smirking at you while you rolled your eyes, but still smiled.
— his skin care products
you and sunoo were having your weekly sleepover and you just finished taking a shower together. 
you put on your matching pajama sets and sunoo went into the kitchen to grab some snacks while you started doing your skin care routine using sunoo’s products.
before starting, you grabbed sunoo’s small speaker and connected it to your phone playing a random playlist.
you put on a headband sunoo had gifted you with bunny ears, using it to keep all the hairs away from your face.
you started your routine doing all the steps carefully, making sure to not use too much product since they were your boyfriend’s.
as you were moisturizing your face, sunghoon came into the room.
“ hey have you seen sun- what are you doing?” sunghoon said, looking at you with wide eyes as if you were gonna die.
“im… doing my skin care?” you told him with a puzzled expression, starting to get worried you did something wrong.
“you know what happens when you touch sunoo’s skin care right?” 
“i mean i’ve always used it since I come over often.” as you said that sunoo came into the room.
“sunghoon stop being jealous that i let my girlfriend use my forbidden possessions.” sunoo said, patting the older boy on the back.
“you almost punch us when we come close to touching your products, but she can do it?” sunghoon said, putting his hand on his chest, faking betrayal.
“go away before i break your pretty nose, please.” 
sunghoon sighed and went away.
“what was that?” you asked sunoo laughing at what just happened.
“you would never understand.”
— his phone
you were at the boys dorm and you were all hanging out in the living room, just talking and playing around with each other.
the boys were just talking about random things that happened while they were away for tour, telling all the funny stories, making everyone laugh.
“i need to go to the bathroom.” jungwon said, getting up to leave.
“then there was this time where niki was doing a really funny impression of jay. it was so accurate.” jake said, making everyone laugh as they remembered the moment.
“i think jungwon recorded it on his phone, not sure tho.” heeseung said, making you get up and grabbing jungwon’s phone that was sitting in the table.
“i can check it here quickly.” as you said that, everyone suddenly went quiet and started looking at you shocked.
you unlocked jungwon’s phone and went through his gallery.
“wha. how did you even-” jay said, not believing what he saw.
“what?” you said looking at them and seeing their faces.
“you know his password. no, wait, you can pick up his phone?”
“yeah? why couldn't i?" you asked them, confusion covering your face.
“because won never let’s anyone touch his phone, let alone go through his gallery.” heeseung explained but you still didn’t understand.
“does he? i mean he even put my face recognition on his phone and asks me to send anyone texts, so i don’t think there’s a problem?” you told them trying to take away their confusion.
“oh god, i can’t- i mean it was kinda predictable.” jake said, not as surprised as before.
jungwon came back and saw everyone silent and looking at you.
“did i miss anything?” he asked, getting as confused as everyone.
“no, not really.” heeseung said. “just thought no one could touch your phone.”
jungwon looked at you and saw you with his phone.
“yeah, you can’t, she can, not a big deal.” he said sitting back next to you, as everyone scoffed and rolled their eyes.
“anyways jungwon.”
— his choreographies
niki called you today, telling you he had something he had to show you at the dance studio, so you were heading to hybe’s building.
you got in and greeted the receptionist that was already familiar to you, so she let you up.
“he’s at the studio on the 5th floor.” she informed you, smiling tightly at you as you silently thanked her while bowing.
you went on the elevator and clicked the button to the 5th floor.
the ride was familiar, since niki always showed you and only you the choreographies he was working on, trusting your feedback the most, even if you didn’t understand anything about dancing.
you walked the corridor, greeting staff you were already familiar with.
you reached the dance studio and opened the door, hearing music loudly blasting from the speakers, which just meant he was dancing and working on the choreography.
you quietly entered the room, trying not to bother him.
you put your things down and sat on the floor, watching niki, as he performed the moves smoothly.
you loved watching dance niki, you thought nobody did it like he did. it was visible how passionate he was while dancing, specially if he was dancing something he created himself.
the song ended and you started clapping and he finally noticed you, running to you with open arms. you got up and embraced him, pecking his lips, letting yours linger for a while.
“you were doing so well, baby.” you told him with a proud smile, making his cheeks get a soft pink tint. he hides his face in your neck, mumbling a small thank you.
he pulled away and looked at you in the eyes.
“you know i only show you my choreographies. not even the boys know about them until they are finished. i trust you that much.” you smiled at him pecking his cheeks, feeling butterflies in your tummy and your heart doing flips.
“i know, riki. thank you for trusting me. i love you.”
“ i love you too, angel.”
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a/n: how did you like this one? hope you enjoued it as much as i did !! give me your feedback, my inbox is open !!
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kateknowsdramas · 9 months
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Han So Hee as Yun Chae Ok
~Gyeongseong Creature~
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yoon chae-ok not taking any of jang tae-sang's shit, saving everyone's day, leading the way, taking the initiative to save the children, being the brain of the operation... a strong woman in a drama that's very masculine, about a period in time when men were violent and dehumanizing towards women.
that's an aspect of the show that i really liked. it was meaningful, it was important, it's nice to see, and it's inspiring to be able to relate or to see an ideal in han so hee's character.
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wolha · 9 months
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HAN SO-HEE as YOON CHAE-OK GYEONGSEONG CREATURE 경성크리처 (2023—2024) dir. Jung Dong-Yoon
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