#handedness is very interesting to me tbh
uncanny-tranny · 4 months
The fun thing about being left-handed but a right-handed crocheter is learning how to better be ambidextrous... like I feel like I'm learning forbidden knowledge
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dragonseeds · 5 days
what are you looking forward to the most in season 2? any hopes, expectations, etc.
i’m most excited for BLOOD & CHEESE and whatever psychological torture alys is putting daemon through at harrenhal <3 <3 also very curious about how they will handle rhaenyra’s reaction to b&c—i think that’s a key moment that will give insight into how exactly they plan to develop her character throughout the rest of the show.
also inexpressibly excited for the dragonseeds! i don’t think nettles will be in this season, but i can’t wait for her and sheepstealer. i know people theorize she’ll be cut from the show, but i can’t even fathom it????she’s too important. there’s no way to do it without gutting the themes of the story? if they do you’ll see me on the news though.
aside from that i’m really interested to see how they handle the classism inherent in the concept of dragonseeds. (though tbh i’ll cry laughing if it leads to people who are obsessed with presenting the hightowers as persecuted servants instead of an ancient house of powerful nobles saying shit like, “the hightowers and the dragonseeds have so much in common actually, both striving for upward mobility. it really adds context to the defection of ulf the white and hugh hammer!!” 😭😭)
with that, i’m sooo curious to see if we get a scene with corlys and rhaenys discussing addam and alyn. like i can’t imagine they would skip that—it’s too crucial and too messy. like is that man seriously going to try to tell her they are her dead gay son’s bastards. can’t wait. weirdly nervous to see how they’re going to handle addam claiming seasmoke when laenor is still alive? i’m a fantasy girlie at heart so dragon/rider bond is very interesting to me.
my main hope for the season though is that the tb kids get more development, particularly baela and rhaena. they were so underused last season and it’s inexplicable to me why so many small moments with them were cut when just a little bit more could’ve added so much. like with all the heavy handedness re: aemond and lucerys/aemond and daemon, they couldn’t have done more with baela and aegon? in theory i understand that it was the actions of the greens driving the plot at the end of s1, so it makes sense to spend more time learning their characters and motivations, but if the baela, rhaena, and jace don’t get that same level of investment in s2 then what’s the point.
the other thing i’m really hoping for is of course that we see daemon and rhaenyra being unhinged together in a fun sexy way this season before things start to really crack. i have no idea how their relationship will be handled, but my main hope is that they continue to show the complexity of it and of rhaenyra’s feelings in particular without infantilizing her. literally my only requirement and i can work with anything else.
other things i’m looking forward to: sunfyre the prettiest baby and whatever is going on with alicent and aegon—like we love a perpetuated cycle you know? also i guess i’ll admit to being excited to see the starks again. fine, i am. and jace with no wig! baela on moondancer! just seeing these characters again, i love them all so much. what are you excited about??
*i’ve never cared for criston
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chaoticreivingu · 2 years
tell me your pip headcanons and/or clyde :3333
Why not both?
For Pip:
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay, no doubt about it. Idk where else to put this but an interesting tidbit is that in the 19th century left-handedness was a sign of homosexuality, and Pip uses his left hand as his dominant hand a lot in the show, so make of it what you will.
Gender Headcanon: Cis, never really thought about it tbh.
A ship I have with said character: Bip, my soon-to-be 9 year old OTP, aka Butters x Pip. I have a lot to say about this ship but I'll make it brief. This ship,while seemingly saccharine on the outside, is extremely bittersweet not only in a meta context(Butters indirectly killed him not only in a meta sense, but also in being the first one to draw attention to Tom Cruise in 200), but in-universe as well, in the sense that even if they get beat up,insulted or abused, they still have each other, but how long until Butters realizes he wouldn't be getting so much mistreatment if he wasn't dating Pip in the first place?How long until Pip lets Butters take his repressed anger out on him because "there's no other way", or maybe he'd let him do anything because he's that desperate for attention, any kind of it?There's just a lot of things you can do with it and you could nurture it into a good ending against all odds or a gritty grimdark ending. Also it'd be funny to see Butters' parents react to seeing him date a more passive version of him.
Besides Bip though,Cartip aka Cartman x Pip is just a very entertaining ship for me, purely because their scenes together have a lot of dom/sub tension to them and also for its comedic value.
A BROTP I have with said character: Pip and Dougie are a good pair and it'd be fun to see what interests they could have in common, but it's super weird that they didn't interact once in Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub, though that's probably because Dougie's kind of a third wheel in that episode. Pip and Stan might be very unlikely and Stan wouldn't want it for the life of him but I can see it as a one-sided thing.
A NOTP I have with said character: I really don't have one I think?
A random headcanon: His parents were killed in a home invasion by a frenchman, which is why anything french related is a trigger and why he hates french people so much, to him they took away his one chance at having a decent life, though he doesn't remember that his own parents hated him too.Also it'd be super funny if he was a Barbra Streisand fan so yeah.
General Opinion over said character: Pip's tied with Butters(my opinion on him is pretty complicated though) and Dogpoo as my favorite characters, so there's a lot to unpack here. He's a repressed Victiorian orphan child put into an uninhibited 90s setting, someone whose purpose is to be really cringe and annoying,but on the other hand the cringiness is what makes the gimmick with him funny, how deep can the cringe go and how much will his abuse escalate, and what does he truly think about it?(tbh this entire gimmick with him would most likely culminate in death so that was pretty obvious in hindsight)At the same time there's a sense of pity or worriedness about him as well,and it's really nice when he actually has friends who like him back in Butters and Dougie. In terms of his death it's so inconsequential and blink and you'll miss it that I normally don't think about it much when analyzing him, but ig it's interesting to think about where he'd go after dying?(the obvious fanon answer would be Hell, but Heaven was recruiting more people in season 9, but also his death was unnatural so maybe Limbo?)
Now onto Clyde:
Sexuality Headcanon: I'd say Bi but knowing Clyde he'd label himself as Questioning or Heteroflexible for a very long time.
Gender Headcanon: I view him as cis though maybe he'd question his gender identity too?I could see that but can't pinpoint exactly what he'd question himself as, maybe agender idk.
A ship I have with said character: Cryde, I'm really a sucker for "doppleganger" ships so this one fits the bill, but also if you look deeper into it you'd see that amidst the superficial similarities they have a lot of differences too. Also I really just love the bro vibe they'd give even after they'd start dating, they seem like they'd just be super chill together and wouldn't have many worries about big arguments. I think both of them could also benefit from one another?Clyde would let his insecurities go after he sees that Craig has no problem with how he actually is, and Craig'd probably like being with someone who doesn't mind being mundane.
A BROTP I have with said character: Cryde again, for the bro energy that I mentioned above, but also Twyde, they can be conspiracy bros together and talk about how the government wants to control everyone, though Tweek would be on the more supernatural side(like the Underpants Gnomes) while Clyde would go for the more sci-fi side(he didn't believe in supernatural zombies existing but had no problems believing Covid and QAnon conspiracies).
A NOTP I have with said character: Nobody really, at this point idk if I have NOTPs anymore lol, but Tyde when used just for the "Pair the Spades" trope maybe?But that's just how I feel about people doing Pair the Spades in fics in general.
A random headcanon: Even though Clyde is a naturally emotional person, his mom's strictness over rules made him supress said emotions and indirectly made him ashamed of being emotional and not the Cool Popular Guy he wanted to be(that and probably toxic masculinity in general). Because of this, he idolizes Craig, especially his attitude and coolness, and he's his ideal on what the Cool Popular Guy should be, so even though he had his own brand of deadpan and snark before, he started to imitate Craig's mannerisms more in an effort to seem cooler.
General Opinion over said character: Even though he's kinda inconsistent in the show, Clyde's a pretty interesting character to talk about and analyse on, I like him a lot though my interpretation of him is probably more of an Outsider Artist's view on things. For me, he's someone who is more middle of the road academically and socially, not that smart but not that dumb either, and even though he can be easily misled into a fall from grace and said downfalls might cloud his judgement until someone knocks him out of it, he's normally not ill-intentioned. However, he often lets his insecurities and self consciousness get the best of him, so he's at his best when dealing with said issues(Lice Capades is definitely my favorite Clyde episode).
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otterskin · 3 years
Inverted Mobius, Mr. Tesseract and The Avatar of Truth
The mystery of the weird collar has deepened, thanks to @nebulousfishgills​ - by which I mean they totally solved it.
To those just joining me, I noticed this in my previous breakdown of the Loki trailer here.
Mr. Mobius, played by Owen Wilson, has an ‘inverted suit’. His collar is an indentation in his suit, rather than going on top of it.
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So, first, a scene from Endgame that I seriously did think of when we learned there was a character called ‘Mobius M. Mobius’ in Loki (played by Owen Wilson). And yet I didn’t put this together. Thanks again to nebulousfish for making me realize that these things might not be coincidences.
When Mr. Stark is inventing time travel, he asks his AI to create a depiction of a Mobius Strip, inverted.
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Which gets him this:
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Anyway, what is a Mobius Strip, and who is Mobius M. Mobius? (Not to be confused with Morbius the Living Vampire, though wouldn’t it be funny if he was mistaken for Mobius M. if this show gets big first?)
I am not a quantum theorist or comic book aficionado by trade, so let’s do a Wikipedia-Fu on it.
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In mathematics, a Möbius strip, band, or loop (US: /ˈmoʊbiəs, ˈmeɪ-/ MOH-bee-əs, MAY-, UK: /ˈmɜːbiəs/;[1]German: [ˈmøːbi̯ʊs]), also spelled Mobius or Moebius, is a surface with only one side (when embedded in three-dimensional Euclidean space) and only one boundary curve. The Möbius strip is the simplest non-orientable surface.
An example of a Möbius strip can be created by taking a strip of paper and giving one end a half-twist, then joining the ends to form a loop; its boundary is a simple closed curve which can be traced by a single unknotted string. Any topological space homeomorphic to this example is also called a Möbius strip, allowing for a very wide variety of geometric realizations as surfaces with a definite size and shape. For example, any rectangle can be glued left-edge to right-edge with a reversal of orientation. Some, but not all, of these can be smoothly modeled as surfaces in Euclidean space. A closely related, but not homeomorphic, surface is the complete open Möbius band, a boundaryless surface in which the width of the strip is extended infinitely to become a Euclidean line.A half-twist clockwise gives an embedding of the Möbius strip which cannot be moved or stretched to give the half-twist counterclockwise; thus, a Möbius strip embedded in Euclidean space is a chiral object with right- or left-handedness. The Möbius strip can also be embedded by twisting the strip any odd number of times, or by knotting and twisting the strip before joining its ends.
A Möbius strip does not self-intersect but its projection in 2 dimensions does.
Uh....right. Well, that clears everything up, doesn’t it?
Let’s crib off someone else’s work. Thanks to Thomas Wong on Medium, I was able to understand this a little better.
A Möbius strip is just a strip of paper, turned and taped together. It it only has one side, so an ant walking along the strip eventually returns to where he started. If we metaphorically interpret the ant, not as returning to a point in space, but a point in time, then it alludes to time travel.
As previously discussed, after a measurement, the quantum mixture (half born and half never born) becomes a definite state (born or never born). Finding the “spectral decomposition” is to find all the possible energies (eigenvalues) and states. Using these, one can determine how a quantum object evolves with time.
Combining this with the metaphoric interpretation of the Möbius strip, it could be that Stark found how to make quantum objects evolve such that they revisit a point in time, hence time travel.
Okay, that’s a little easier to understand. So how does this relate to the character Mobius M. Mobius, aside from him being named after the strip and the (apparently antiquated) ideas about time travel?
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Well, he was based on Marvel Comics Legend Mark Gruenwald, a guy known for his passion for the lore of the comics, which he knew in innate detail. He even wrote the Official Handbooks and whatnot. Likewise, Mr. Mobius is a stickler for detail and one of the few members of the TVA even allowed a face - although it is off the rack, as he’s one an infinite number of clones (god I love the TVA so much already, it’s heaven for a Douglas Addams fan like me).
Despite being a clone, he rose through the ranks and is nearly the top guy, serving only underneath Mr. Alternity (and I am not familiar with these comics so feel free to correct me). Mr. Alternity has almost no comics history, but is based on editor Tom Brevoort.
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There are several other misters, all of them near-identical to ‘Moby’. Mr. Orobourous, Mr. Paradox, Mr. Tesseract (!) and Mr. Oburos. They are also minor characters, but let’s look at all these names.
Clearly they are named after quantum theories of some-sort or another.
Mr. Mobius: Mobius Strip Theory - the idea that, essentially, is about the shape of time itself and the theory of traveling along that shape.
Mr. Alternity : Alternative universes
Mr. Ouroboros: A divine figure representing the beginning and the end of time in an endless cycle of death and rebirth.
Mr. Oburos - I’m not sure, but I think this is a variant of Ouroboros. 
Mr. Paradox - Temporal paradox, causal loops - ex. The Grandfather Paradox
Mr. Tesseract - An object that exists in 4 dimensions. Time is often called the fourth dimension.
Obviously that last one is interesting, considering how the Tesseract will be the start of our adventure. The Cosmic Cube was renamed for the MCU, and in the comics has no relation to this minor character.
But what if it now does?
What if Tony has caused a change in the very appearance of Mr. Mobius when he inverted the Mobius Strip - literally inverting his clothing because he changed the shape of the Mobius - does that mean that these seemingly human-looking misters are in fact some sort of avatars for aspects of time itself? And if Mr. Tesseract is representative of how space and time intersect in the fourth dimension, wouldn’t a rogue god twisting space and time with the device that shares his name cause him some affect? Perhaps why the TVA noticed something was amiss to begin with.
This would be a departure from the comics, but the characters have almost no history there. They are ripe for new ideas.
Or, then again, since Loki will be working for the TVA - perhaps he’s the one who becomes ‘Mr. Tesseract’?
But continuing with that ‘Avatar of Aspects’ idea, let’s get away from this sausagefest for a second and visit my next newest favourite character -
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I’m guessing she’s one of the Justices of the TVA. What gives it away? The imperious look, the giant oaken table, or the fact that I’m suddenly self-conscious when she looks at me? It’s the last one, of course. She’s a natural judge.
Of the named TVA judges, there’s :
Justice Goodwill, Justice Hope, Justice Liberty, Justice Love, Justice Might, Justice Mills, Justice Peace and Justice Truth.
Could they also possibly be avatars of their respective aspects?
If I had to guess, I’d say this is Justice Truth, as pairing up Loki with an avatar of Truth seems like it’d be a smashing good time, similar to how he was paired with Verity Willis in the comics. She might even be a composite character with Verity.
Verity’s power is detecting and seeing through all lies and illusions. I think this powerset will be given to Justice Truth, except instead of deriving it from a magic ring that she swallowed, she’d simply be the actual ‘Embodiment of Truth’ - and let’s get real here, when I said ‘Avatars of Aspects’, I was using that clunky phrase because the more obvious one - God of - is already ‘taken’. So Justice Truth may well be the ‘God of Truth’, as it were.
I think she’ll end up in something of a buddy-comedy with Loki, giving him someone to bounce off against who literally cuts through his carefully crafted veneer.
I’m reminded of a great quote from Taika Waititi when he was talking about what he wanted to do with Loki in Ragnarok:
“(He’s) someone who tries so hard to embody this idea of the tortured artist, this tortured, gothy orphan...It’s too tiring trying to be like that,” he says. “And, most humans, we get over ourselves, we get to that point where we’re like, ‘man, being a tortured artist is actually, like, a lot of work. Maybe I should just be real and present, and just be me, and I don’t have to be a tortured artist to be interesting, I can just be a f*cking weird New Zealander and that’s enough.”
...I think Taika is a living Loki, tbh, ha ha. No wonder he gets it.
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Waititi, Yost, Pearson and Kyle did great work to cut through Loki’s illusions, both with dialogue and the visual allegory of his projections being dispelled by handy thrown objects, culminating in the very sweet ‘I’m here,’ scene at the end of the film. Loki seems to be much more open and expressive at the end of that film, and it seems like a weight has lifted off his shoulders.
But while this new Loki (Loki 2.0? Loki’s Show’s Loki? Loki II? Lokii? Lokii.) is shown a clip show of Ragnarok (one I previously theorized will be deliberately incomplete), that’s quite different from actually experiencing it, and he’ll be as performative as he was in Avengers and Thor 2. Instead of processing that ‘lack of presence’ as he did in Ragnarok, which came about as a result of Thor finally seeing through Loki’s illusions (guess he doesn’t fall for it anymore) as a result of their long history together, I suspect the band-aid will be torn off much more harshly by a total stranger who nonetheless simply sees through him.
Loki in general has a bad relationship with the truth (see the famous Vault Confrontation scene), and literally putting him on trial before the Truth Herself would certainly be enough to get him to switch from this phony expression:
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To this one:
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That’s not much of a facade there.
It’s not the same character arc as Ragnarok, but it does get us to a similar place, albeit in a darker and less healing way for Loki. I mean Lokii.
Anyhow. That’s what I got out of this thing.
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aqyrenato20666-blog · 7 years
" 13 Reasons" Netflix Collection.
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